OCR Interpretation

The Opelousas courier. [volume] (Opelousas, La.) 1852-1910, April 25, 1868, English, Image 2

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JOEL HR SANDOZ, Proprietor.
SATURDAY,: : : : APRIL 25th, 1868.
~i~ Services at the Episcopal Church in this
place on Saturday and Sunday next, the 2d and
3d days of May, at 11 o'clock A. M., the Rt. Rev.
Bishop Wilmer officiating.
Opelousas, April 21d, 1868.
uIszza for St. Landry !
Who has proved in the fight
That might is in right,
And that that might is White !
The returns for the various precincts in St.
Landry at which polls were held, twenty-nine in
nmIber, having all been received, we are ena
bled to herald the most unexpected and cheer
ing result.
In the first place, the odious Constitution, the
monstrous spawn of the Dryades street den of
mongrelism, is defeated here in one of the sup
posed strongholds of of ultra Radicalism, by
Three Hundred and Fifteen
votes, when one thousand in favor of it was con
fidently predicted by both the Radical papers of
New Orleans, the Republican and the Tribune.
If St. Landry is to be anything of a criterion to
.judge of the result in the other parishes of the
State, the Black Crook Constitution is defeated
by from five to ten thousand majority, and Lou
isiana is ready for another Congressional edict
relative to further proceedings to lick her into
an acceptable shape to the dictators of that
most honorable, conscientious and all-powerful
body. To speculate upon the character of those
proceedings is at this time as idle as useless;
and we can only judge and predict of what will
happen by what has already occurred in other
States in similar cases.
Whatever may happen, however, as to the
State, St. Landry has one inexpressible cause of
self-congratulation and thankful rejoicing. We
are spared for the present, and most probably
if not certainly-for ever, the shame and morti
fication of direct white or black negro domina
tion. The result of the Senatorial election is at
the time of writing, (Wednesday,) still doubt
ful; but we know certainly that in the event of
the accursed Constitution being fastened upon
us, we will have white representatives to the
lower House, a white Parish Judge, a white
Sheriff, a white Recorder, a white Clerk of the
District Court, a white Coroner, and, in fact,
white Parish officers throughout. The District
Judge and District Attorney, though elected
only by being placed, at their own instance or
without it, on the rwegular Radical ticket, are
also white men and gentlemen who have hereto
fore stood high-especially the latter-in the
estimation of our community, though what ef
fect the position they now occupy may have, in
the same relation, remains yet to be proved.
Our old Town Council, with its popular- head,
is alio re-elected; and regarding it one of the
most interesting and.exciting scenes attending
the election occurred. GOBat efforts were made
by the Radical party to carry their own ticket ;
and at the counting of the town box, a crowd
of anxious spectators stood around. Most of
the Democratic and Conservative tickets were
printed on yellow paper; the opposition all on
white. The presiding Commissioner of the Opel
ousas box, to whose strict impartiality and effi
ciency we are sure all will bear willing testi
mony, is somewhat of a wag withal, and observ
ing that at nearly the olose of counting thebox,
the outs wereconsiderably ahead, and of course
proportlonhlly exttltant, he picked up all the
white tickets first, leaving the yellow (whlah re
presented the white interestl at the bottom. The
former at last gave out, and then the latter be
gan to crawl gradually- up, until the race for a
moment was neck and neck-but only for one
moment-and yellow shot ahead, and came out
winner by fifteen votes, amidst the smiles if not
the cheers of many of the beholders, only one
man on the oppesition ticket being elected, and
he only because he rode two horses, that is his
name was placed upon both tickets.
The great event of the two days' races was,
however, the defeat of two of the meanest and
most despised white niggers in the Parish-Chs.
M. Moss, the renegade and apostate Southerner,
John A&reln, the earpet-bagger-ex.Agent
the Freedmen's Bureau, and the biggest toad
Sthe Radial puddle. Moss, who has proved
that if a rolling stone gathers no moss, a peram
bulating Mose does not gather ma reeks, is de
feated by our esteemed friendandfellow-towns
man, Joseph D. Richard, Esq., who, as is uni
versally known, is perfectly au/sait to the duties
of the offiee whish he and we hope he will never
have to fill under the Constitution whloh erestes
or rather continues it. As for the ex-Bureaunorat
and present llckspittle egrophilist, hbehasfond
out that all the law he learned "mit -Pisark,
py Cot," won't dahim muoh good as "Barish
Chadge f St., Lantry.*
in onclusion, wre mst not forget to mention
the quiet and perfectly pq hble manner in
which the eldtion was con as this place.
Not a broil occurred; and if even e angry word
was spoken, we did not hear it. To colored as
well as white voters much praise is duefor their
preclatibon of the duties and responsibilities
of the occasion, sad upaticularly to those lead.
ing colored men who shaped the eonduct and
deportlment of the freedmen generally, which
made Opeldeas Appear dau the days of elec
tion, except at theCourt Houie, as if in fe
two Sundays had em tg ather.
'We have no dispodt.tin to orew tauntingly
over the result; sad steept as to the question
of the superority of aces, and the principles
they advoste, theme were nameson the Radical
tieket which We wea) i hIve s vied to some
who were voted for and e by b Democrat
and Conservatives.' t iot the present a good
-ep s t Ity of iommenct sa ind eoanthanng a
better feelg among all clasme, whose most
atS t inteaP te ertianly dentieail We
for ap most deiedly think Sa .
The nTews o the electiaon In Lafayee
an;Cauleau ae ery aa grcta R owerw,
they si'ail faeve aorabi ate r asa In Ate
+ Iats. Ien
S+,ijaSe 1i t wolibeat least
laseeg sths d a cuhy s ,itias every
slax of sses t as a thes.lsai s in smilar
trth e a uh qb sigtd
wthe it c nie asagot
e t saeaoda s,
tirltiga ceest .matssetye,
THE ELECTION.-We have received very fee
returns of the late election. The Conservative
papers claim New Orleans against the Constitu
tios by 1000 votes, whilst the "Republican" is
equally sure that it has gone for it, by the same
amount. Parish and municipal officers are evi.
dently divided.
We have received the Alexandria Democrat of
the 22d inst., and as we do not see Biossat's
game cock at the head of its editorial column,
we fear things are not going to his liking in
that part of Louisiana.
MURDER AND SuICIDE.-On Tuesday last, a
shocking occurrence happened in the immediate
neighborhood of our village. Paul Chenier, a
well known f. m. c., shot and mortally wounded
a white woman, a Mrs. Smalley, a widow with
whom he had been living for some time back.
Immediately after firing upon the woman, he
blew out his own brains, and she died a few
hours afterwards. We don't know any thing
positively of the causes that led to the perpe
tration, of this double crime, but have heard it
imputed to jealousy.
the ever accommodating and debonnair Phillips,
has surpassed even himself this week, in the ac
complishment in which he excels-writing an
attractive advertisement. But in fact, as he
penned it surrounded with the objects which he
partially enumerates, he could not do otherwise ;
for in sober truth, there is scarcely an article of
which any one may stand in need, for personal
or family purposes, that he cannot supply on the
most reasonable terms. He asks a question in
tereating to all, and all may answerit, and profit
themselves perhaps. At any rate, it is worth
For Reading 1Matter See Ist Page.
ceived from Mr. Villanosa, who keeps the Intri
nidad cigar store of Joseph Santini, Esq., on
the corner of Gravier and Carondelet streets, a
box of the famous Red Crook Smoking Tobacco,
which is a mixture of pure prique and Turkish
tobacco, and is certainly one of the most supe
rior mixtures we ever used, being neither too
strong, like the p6rique, nor too dry, as the best
Maryland and Virginia soon becomes.
We expect soon to receive further samples of
Mr. Santini's tobacco, and shall be pleased to
show them to our connoisseur friends.
' See advertisement of Wood's celebrated
Mowing Machines, in another place.
READ TnIs.-People have come to the wise
conclusion that by buying their Dry Goods,
Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, &c., etc., from our
friend Sol. Loeb, at the "Bed Store," they save
money in prices. See his advertisement in an
other column.
Official vote of St. Landry.
For the Constitution:
White voters, 32
Colored voters, 2277
Total, 2309
Against the Constitution:
White votes, 2266
Colored votes, 358
Total; 2624
Majority against the Constitution, 315
For Governor.
H. C. Warmoth, 2514
J. G. Taliaferro, 649
Joshua Baker, 1187
For Lieut. Governor.
O. J. Dus., 2514
F Dumas, 378
Albert Voorhles, 2311
For Secretary of State:
J- Hamilton Hardy, 2351
George Boes, 2509
Charles Smith, 8
For Attorney General:
Andrew S. Heron, 2354
8. Belden, 2516
Craes, 5
For Auditor:
H. Peralta, 2355
G. M. Wicklife, 2510
B. Boasfoi. 5 1
For State Treasurer:
Adam Giffen, 2359 1
Ant. Dubadet, 2506 1
Wim. G. Bell, 10 1
Supeiint. Public Education:
Robert M. Lusher, 2357
T. M. Conway, 2468
McDesald, 7
For Congress,--.4th District:
John E. King, 2578
Micdel Viida 2356 1
8tils, 7 t
For the State Senate:
Thos. C. Anderson, 2506
William Offutt, 2484
Aug. Donato, Jr. 2352
FertCne Riard, 2230
For the House of Representatives:
Willis Prescott, 2489
Onesime Tate, 2478 t
M. D. Kavanagh, 2441 e
Aloee Duprh, 2430 i
T iams, ..-..-.. 2185
Jogs C. Brr, 1843 1
Douga.ss, 2184
Stainsille Prdjeau, 2184
George Jackson, 44
Theog.ne Ceatitle, 327
Chreieu MorwhiaQ, t
For District Judge: t
A. Bailey, 1664 t
James M. Porter 3160 a
For District Attorney: t
E. D. Eetlette, 1 824 I
George W. Hudapeth, 3010 a
For Parish Judge:
A Garrigues, 9454
Joke Ad reis, 2349
D. C. Sittig, 116 e
For Sherf. 4
James G Hayes, d
Guetase D at, e2329
J.. BeIac mp, 66 b
For Clerk District Court:
Joe. D. Richard, 2548
Charles M. Noss, 238
For Recorder.:
Yves Davy 2681
J. L Deds, 2213 E
For Assessaor p
J. J. Butler 491 A
Zeoors. ars, 9382 p
For Corser:
Charles H. Pot'er, 2445 a1
P"r0ms Burr, 2360
Radicals in italis
L~t~~Ft~~, ii
tperldng of this
of th Plater'
In the bighest
of the, t
ut e ur b it.
th b lar~gest city sb
til.. less a and its
$d aignd
cap pro P place. k ik º n centre an trad inge
point A l fortyc~gr~sv ~t
miles m;l r *I - sed intea
hemaat h Uwe bles teridoai&d It is
*uatitves - U
It shoald "e. the 'su heo
ms ct . es . LDO&
does, o ' siilboj on its busiesiY -hBbl
e a madeila PAtte
ý" 8es La _teit t. oft e
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Respectfully dedicated to the white candidates
elected and defeated of the Radical party
of St. Landry.
The author is perfectly aware that said "pome"
is rather or quite on the doggerel order; but the
fact is the sulject is so doggish that he be dogged
if he could help it.
White men of St. Landry in heart as in face,
I'll sing you a song about some of yoig race,
Who, like Esan of old, for a mess black and
Their birthrights have sold, and swallowed it
Not even awaiting untile it got cool,
Or taking the pains to pick out the wool.
I should say-would have sold, for the bargain
was made,
And it was not their fault if we broke off the
trade ;
And only a few of the many who tried,
Got into the wagon all ready to ride-
That is if it starts; which yet is in doubt- I
And if it does not, why, they'll have to get out. ]
There's Castille and Pr~jean, Mornhinveg and
John Barry,
Who rode the black horse as far as he'd carry,
But got distanced at last in sight of the stand,
And the day that they'll run again ain't close at
hand ;
For they're turned out to grass for the rest of
their life,
And thus are secured against any more strife.
And there's Charlie Moss, the Bashaw of Big 2
Whose renegade rascality has all been in vain, t
For despite of his speeches, his Clubs and his t
He didn't get ahead of our plucky little Joe, t
Who has shown us the truth of what old fogies a
That "slow and sure" goes far in a day. r
But though most of the scrubs broke down in 0
the race,
There was one old mustang who was up to the t
pace: t
Long-headed, long-winded, long-legged and
He came in ahead without breathing a pant. a
Constitution or not, to him it's all well,
As hell still be M. P. J. for the Parish of St. L.
There's one or two more whose names I'll not
Because I'm not sure of their real intention; d
But those who touch pitch e'en with the end of
their fingers,
Must not be surprised if some of it lingers, d
And will be so hard to get off that the coveted b
Will scarce repay them for what they have lost.
Last comes up de WideWer, "Gount Pismarck's" 1l
law student, o0
Who tried to be "Chuge," but found out that w
he couldn't; tc
Who wanted a warrant against "Mishter God- g]
drell," ol
"'Ca'se, py tam, in Mermento mit me dey blayed m
h-ll." re
Thank God, he's gone down to his own proper tip
level, Sc
And he may either stay there or go to the d-l. in
B. C. ha
Beu. Wade and the Kuklux.
Speaker Colfax not long since had a
big scare over the nitro-glycerine plot;
-but, if we are to credit the Cincinnati
Chronicle and its Washington correspon
dent, Colfax's trouble was as nothing
compared with that which has overtaken
the presiding officer of the other House
of Congress-that veteran politician who
has been so impatient for the termina
tion of the impeachment trial that he
might don the Presidential robes. Yes,
old Ben. Wade we doubt not, is in great
tribulation of spirit. His heart quakes
within him, andhis knees smite together.
In the hour of his triumph he is filled
with fear and tremblug. In the hour of
his anticipated enjoyment of gratified
ambition he has received a warning-a
warning suggestive to his agitated mind
of most bloody horrors. He knows not
but the delicious draught he was prepar
ing to raise to his lips with such infinite
gusto contains a poison more deadly than
ever a Borgia administered. He fears
that an asp more venemous than that
employed by Egypt's Queen lies hidden
in the folds of the laurel wreath for
which he was already baring his brow.
In short, the Chronicle conveys to the
world the startling intelligence that the
Kuklux Klan has established itself under
the very shadow of the Federal Capitol,
and has thence launched at Mr. Wade
the Arst of its terrible missives. This
time the mysterious communication dates
not from "The Cave of Sculls." This
time it bears not the impress of "Serpents
Den," "Fearful Galgatha of Dixie," or
any of the other places in which the Ku
klux of Tennessee most do congregate.
More alarming that even this, the pres
ent communication is issued from "Head
quarters," and is called a "General Or
der." But, to keep our readers no Icng
er in suspense, the document received
by Mr. Wade runs thusly:
WASHINGTON, D. C. April 3, 1868.
General Order.-The C. V. P., K K.
K., congratulates the President pro tem
pore upon the timely assassination of
Andrew Johnson's predecessor, and the
prospective removal of the present ob
By direction of V. P., K. K .K. Offi
cial, 8. C., K. K. K.
Whoafter thiscan wonder if Mr. Wade
is frightened The Colfax affair was, as
we have intimated, no more to it than
the penny whistle to a bass drum. And
who can feel surprised that the Chroni
cle devotes a solemn editorial to what it
considers "a very grave matter," or that
it sees in this "new ontr a," when ta
ken in connection with necok's ap
pointamet and the alleged attempt of 1
the Pre.ldent sometime ago to get Grant i
out of the city. evidence of warlike in
tentions oa the part of the President ?
Verily we live in seasational times. I
When Gen. Thomas dispatched to Gen. I
Grant the astounding story of the Ku- I
klux, and inontestily established that E
it was an "outgrowth of the rebellion"
by certificates that, in one case, a man t
in Tenese. had drawn a pistol on an
otner, and, in another, some heeen
rode sofast,and behaved soba ate ,
as to fgten.a woman who lived byt
~side the road, he Titt.t thet
"outgrrowth would so and *
ln the a
o te Bea. W W have c
'terase.re n , of won*e, who
.te ab* wade tadese was then the i as eno€.a
mome thia tie fnvenf. of some a
wag or sensation monger, just as there
were those who affected to believe that
the nitro-glycerine business was a sharp
advertising trick ; but all such will at
once be set down as disloyal in the esti
mation of the faithful.-Louiville (Ky.)
The War of Races.
The following article may appear to
d take too dark and gloomy a view of the
state of affairs farther South of us, but
the causes are in operation to [produce
the results predicted :
We are no alarmists, but we can't ig
nore the fact that nothing can be done
t now to prevent a war of races. And to
the Radicals must be ascribed this ter
rible prospect for the South. They and
their emissaries have inflamed the minds
of the negroes, which cannot be obliter
1 ated except by the stern and bloody ex
periences of the battle-field. They have
s goaded the Southern whites into desper
ation; forced them, as a means of pre
serving their race, to imitate the exam
ple of their black antagonists, by organ
izing a powerful secret society, and they
have planted the seeds of the most fear
ful conflict that this continent ever wit
nessed. Unfortunately, the races are
nearly balanced, numbering, as they do,
some six millions of whites to over four
millions of blacks. A war between them
will be much worse than any of the in
surrections in St. Domingo or Jamaica.
In the South the whites are numerous;
they possess superior intellectual pow
ers, and have won a world wide reputa
tion for valor. But they have to contend
against a horde of semi-savages, backed
up by the entire power of the Radical
party and half crazed by"the teachings
they have received. An army costing
three hundred millions per annum will
not suffice to keep the peace between the
tworaces. The inflexibility of the whites
and the dogged determination of the
blacks never to submit to each other's
rule appear to render in advance any at
tempt at a reconciliation or restoration
of kindly feeling utterly impotent.
The sitl'ation in the South is a sad one;
the future offers nothing better than in
ternecine war. In the "black belts," as
they are called, of the different Southern
States, those whites who can get away
are already leaving the homes of their
nativity and seeking safety elsewhere.
Teey are fortunate in being able to leave;
for those who are compelled to remain
will have to bear the brunt of the storm;
and for this impending conflict-for this
certain annihilation of one and possible
destruction of both races-the Radicals
are alone responsible. They attempted
to overturn the laws of nature, to strike
down the barriers which God has placed
between the white man and the negro
and to elevate the inferior race into the
position of ruler of its superior. That
this attempt must eventually fail we firm
ly believe; but before its impossibility
of success has been demonstrated the
wretched people of the South will have
to front another and more terrible strug
gle, and another and greater hectacomb
of graves must be reared from the Poto
mac to theRio Grande. Such will be the
results of a Radical policy of reconstruc
tion ; and we claim no remarkable pre
science in seeing it. The Radical party,
in the effort to perpetuate their power, 1
have "organized hell in the South."
When the fruits of their measures have
bloomed, they must prepare to receive
from the entire people that eternal infa
my their own acts will have brought up
on themselves, and sink into oblivion
amid the execrations of the thousands in S
the Soqth whose kindred will have been
murdered and whose homes will have
been desolated through an insane at
tempt to compass an impossibility.
New York Herald.
S, A. N. OGDEN.-One of the most flagrant
t and diabolical outrages on record occur
s ed last evening in the suburban village
of Greenville, on the Carollton Railroad.
It appears that as our aged and esteemed
f fellow-citizen, Judge A. N. Ogden' was
I returning to his home in Greenville from
a visit to the town of Carrollton, some
three quarters of a mile above, and as he
t approached the gate of his residence, he
heard a footstep behind him, and turning
8 saw a tall and athletic looking negro,
n who advanced with a very threatening
t Judge Ogden asked the negro, what
I he meant, when the latter replied: "I
r hear you have been running down the
carpet-baggers," and immediately there
upon struck the unarmed and helpless
old gentleman a severe blow upon the
head with a club, when the Judge shout
ed for assistance, and threw up his right
arm to ward off another terrible blow
which was aimed at his head, and which
s laid bare his arm to the bone from elbow
s to wrist, crushing his hand and felling
Shim to the earth. While lying senseless
upon the gronnd, the negro struck him
- several other violent blows upon the head,
producing severe contusions and laying
open the scalp to the bone.
A son of the Judge's, I. N. Ogden,
Esq., hearing his father's cry for help,
rushed out from the house, but not until
I after the villain had fled, and found his
father lying sensless and wounded on the
ground. Assistance being procured, the
Judge was carried into the house, and
medical assistance at once dispatched
for. We learn this morning that Dr.
Choppin, though esteeming Judge Og
den's condition critical, has great hopes
of his ultimate recovery. The Judge re
vived sufficiently this morning to relate
the circumstances of this villainous as
sault, as narrated above.
Judge Ogden is one of our first citizens,
esteemed, respected and beloved by a
large circle of acquaintances, who will
read this account of the serious injuries
which have befallen him with feelings of
deep sorrow. Since the war Judge Og
den has been entirely removed from the
political arena, having taken no active
part in any of the questions which have
been agitating the public mind, but lived
the life of a retired citizen at his home,
in the usually quiet village of Green
IWe lear that proper representations
of tE affair have been made to the Corn
amtding General, who is an old and in
timate friend of the Judge, and that in
stant steps will be taken to discover the
trator of this unprovoked and das
tad attempt at ssassinaton.
N. 0. .Ber, 17th inset.
Ir'As eccentric old gentleman, occa
sionally addicted to the habit of swear
ing, was still punctilious in regard to
sayin grace at eis table. On a certain
occasion the old gentlemaninvited a sea
captain, a jolly old weather-beaten tar of
s aequaintance, to dine with him. They
sat down to dinner, and the old gentle
man commenced saying grace; but the (
captain, whose attention had been di
verted for the moment, hearing the old
gentleman speak, thought he was ad
dressing him, and asked:
"What did you say, 'Squire?"
"Why, d-n it, man, I'm saying grace !"
DIED.-In Prairie Basse, in this Par
ish, on the 20th inst., MICHEL BORDELON
aged about 80 years.
Which is the Cheapest
In Opelousas!!!
That Is The Question I
T HE attention of the residents of Opelousas
and vicinity is respectfully called for the
decision of the above question;-the fair and im
partial are certainly capable of judging this
matter, and to them I appeal.
I ants constantly receiving fresh goods, and
have now on hand a
Splendid Selection
such as will give satisfaction to everyone. The
Stock consists in part of
KERSEYMERES. &c., &., &c.
In fact, every article that can be found in a
well regulated establishment. In Hosiery, I
can offer the finest kind for
& MEN.
of all kinds, ranging in price and quality. The
stock is being constantly replenished.
My stock of
is complete, consisting in part of
White Swiss, Jaconet, Ml ll Mull,
Swiss, (for waists,) &c.
Also, a fine assortment of
I have also received a few very handsome
- AND---
all of which will be sold at very low prices.
In addition to the Dry Goods Department, I
have on hand a choice selection of
- FOR -
Such as Flour, Bacon,
Shoulders, Hams,
Coffee, Sugar,
Crackers, Molasses,
Powder & Shot,
&c. &c.
Call and examine for yourselves and rest as
sured your purchases will be satisfactory.
iP N. B.-Fresh arrivals weekly. &
Main St., Opelousas, La.
Opelousas, April 25, 1868. 46-lm
To the Tax-Payers of the Parish
of St. Landry.
I AM now in possession of the State
Tax Roll of 1867, and of Licenses on
professions and trades for 1868, as also
the Roll of Convention Taxes. For the
convenience of the tax-payers, I or my
deputy will be at the following places on
the days below fixed, between 10 o'clock
in the morning and 4 in the afternoon,
for the purpose of receiving the above
Taxes and Licenses:
Commencing at Opelousas, on Monday,
April 27th;
At Gros Chevreuil, Michel Emonet, on
Tuesday, May 12th;
At Arnaudville, Coffee House, Wed
nesday, May 13th;
At Grand Coteau, A. F. Estilette's Cof
fee House, Thursday, May 14th;
At Queue Tortue, J. B. Bernard's store,
Friday, May 15th;
At Lower Plaquemine, Clark & Hayes'
store, Monday, May 18th;
At Upper Plaquemine, Joseph Daigle,
Tuesday, May 19th;
At Mermento River, Hilaire Deses
sarts, Wednesday, May 20th;
At Pointe-aux-Loups, Antoine Cart,
Thursday, May 21st;
At Mallet Woods, Charles Frangois'
store, Friday, May 22d;
At Faquetaique, Valentin Savoie's
store, Saturday, May 23d;
At Chataignier, Dorsin Lafleur, Mon
day, May 25th;
At Plaisance, Durio & Mouilld's Coffee
House, Tuesday, May 26th;
At Flat Town, Daire & Tate's store,
Wednesday, May 27th;
At Jos Landreneau's, Little Mamouth,
Thursday, May 28th;
At Bayou Chicot, Sam Haas' store,
Monday, June 1st;
At Old Grand Praire, Stagg's store,
Tuesday, June 2d;
At Washington, Post Office, Wednes
day, June 3d;
.At Bayou Baeuf, School House, near
Thomas MeCrory, Thursday, June 4th;
At Big Cane, Morris' store, Saturday,
June 6th;
At Atchafalaya. Foot's store, Monday, I
June 8th;
At Bayou Waxia, School House, Wed
nesday, June 10th.
Office at the Court House, Opelousas,
where I or my deputy may always be
found. JAS. G. HAYES,
8eri and Collector of State Tazes and
ases for the Parish of St. Landry. 1
Opelousas, April 25th, 1868.
ILL exercise his profesionin the Parishes
of Lafayette, St. Landry, Vermillion and
Calcasieu. [14th March 1868. 1
Hurrah for the Parish of St. Landry,-.
- Long may she wave,
The land of the free, and the home of the brave.
Against the Constitution I!
T HE great contest has long been decided, and
it is universally granted that Sol. Loeb's
"Red Store" is the place to purchase the chealp
est Dry Goods in Opelousas, and where the
cheapest Goods have been bought, and can yet
be purchased
I will still continue to sell my goods at the
same rates and prices as mentioned in my last
advertisement :
CALICOES, 121 ets. up.
DOMESTIC, 10 " "
The finest ORGANDIES, only 35 cts.
MUSLINS, fast colors, 25 cts.
GINGIIAMS, 30 ets.
LINENS & NAPKINS, very low.
I will offer them at a sacrifice in order to clear
out in that line; in
such as
I am selling at prices FAR BELOW COST.
of all kinds, such as lace mitts, ladies buck-skin
gauntlets, kid gauntlets, a good assortment al
ways on hand. Embroidered Valencienne setts,
colars and cuffs, also below cost. Guipure and
Blonde Laces, black and white, at a sacrifice. in I
order to clear out my large assortment on hand.
The fact is, all goods ItILL BE SOLD at the t
Lowest Possible Prices,
No cost upon goods shall be refused-times are
hard and money must be realized.
Purchasers cannot fail Saving Twenty-Fire per
Cent by giving Solomon Loeb a call, at the "Red
Store;" Main Street.
At the Old Stand of Edmond C. Dupr. -
Opelousas, April 25th, 1868. 46tf
Celebrated Mowing Machines.
I IAVE received the invoice of a consignmenw
of Mowing Machines, from the Walter A
Wood Machine Company, New York. These
Machines took the heavy gold premium at the
late Paris Exhibition, and are unrivalled ii
their construction and operation.
I refer to Chadncey Seymour and Eugene Ri
chard, Esqrs. I can supply them here at Ne.
York prices. T. G. COMPTON, Agent.
Opelousas, April 25th, 1868.
Public Sale.
Estate of Christoral Tate and Wife.
B Y virtue of an order of the Hon. the
Court of the Eighth Judicial Dis
trict of the State of Louisiana, in and for
the Parish of St. Landry, there will be
sold at public sale, to the last and high
est bidder, by the undersigned Adminis
trator, or through the ministry of a duly
commissioned Auctioneer, on the plan
tation, last residence of said deceased, in
Prairie Ville Plate, in this Parish, on
Monday, May 11th, 1868,
the following described property, belong
ing to the Estate of Christoval Tate and
Valentine Tate, his wife, both deceased,
late of the Parish of St. Landry, to wit :
The undivided half of the
of horned cattle and horses, held in com
munity between Adolphe Savant and the
deceased; also the yearling calves rang
ing in Prairie Mamouth, attached to the
said vacherie, branded as will be more
fully explained on the day of sale;
One stallion ;
One mule:
One yoke of work oxen;
One ox cart;
One old buggy;
Five ploughs;
A lot of farming utensils.
Terms and conditions.-One half of the
purchase price, payable on the 1st of
April 1869, and the other half payable on
the 1st of April 1870. Purchasers to
fusnish good and solvent security in sol
ido to the satisfaction of the Administra
tor, on the day of sale, and in case of fail
ure to furnish the required security, the
property adjudicated to be resold at the
risk of the purchaser and the notes giv
en by purchaser to draw eight per cent
interest per annum from maturity until
Opelousas, April 25, 1868.
State of Louisiana.
District Court, Parish of St. Landry -No. 10891
Estate of Minor Robinson.
G EORGE HILL, of the Parish of St. Landry,
Administrator of the Estate of Miner Rob
inson, deceased, having filed a Tableau of Clas
sifi.*ation of the creditors and of Distribution
among them of the assets of said Estate, accom
panied by a petition praying for the homologation
of the same ;-And whereas the prayer of said
petition has been granted by an order of Court
dated April 16th, 1868;
Therefore, notice is hereby given to all inter
ested to make opposition, if any they have, in
writing, at my office, in the town of Opelousas,
within thirty days from the date of the present
,iotice, why said Tableau should not be approved
and homologated.
Opelousas, April 18th. 1868.
A LL persons who may have claims
against the Estate of Jonathan Har
ris, deceased, late of the Parish of St.
Landry, are hereby notified to present
them at the office of Messrs. Moore &
Morgaun, Attorneys, at Opelousas, for
classification, if approved, and those who
are indebted to said Estate are requested
to pay without delay to the undersigned.
Opelousas, April 18, 1868. 45-2t
For Sale or Exchange,
Containing two huired and eighty-seven
arpents of land situated li Red River, 12 miles
below Alexandria, with god dwelling, outhouses
and fencing, will be sold ow, or exchanged for
an improved place near Opelousas. Apply to
Opelousas, March 28, 1t . C P 42tf
Attorney and Co~tsellor at Law,
W ILL practice in the Parishes of Lafayette,
St. Landry, Calcasieu, Vermillion and St.
Martin. Office at Vermi fionville.
UILL exereise theirgprofession in the Par
W ishes of St. Martin, St. Mary. Lafayette,
Vermillion and St. Land v.
HE undersigned is now ini pos
sion of the.,,tate Tax Roll and Li
cences for the year 167, and he invites
those interested to conie witlhuit delay
and pay the same at his ottice, at tht
Court HIouse, in Opelonsas.
The Convention Tax is also de and
tmust be collected by the Ist day of Mac
1 next, under penalty of law.
j word to the wise is so icient.
Sherif' and Collector
Opelousas April 4th, 1 . 43t'
Salt ! Salt ! Salt!
tULL SACKS, in good order at .3 25
for sale at .s)L. LOEEl S '
April 11] Mlain Stlre, t. upcloit1,
To the Creditors of the EItate Rf Dr. A.
V. E. Ien.r'y.
P ERSONS indebted to this Estate are
notified that unlellss their accounts
are settled between this date anl the 20th
inst., they will be proseentedl at the next
term of the District Court.
By order of the Attorneq,., irn the Estate.
Opelousas, April 4th. 1=6". 43 j t
Deputy Collector's Office,
Opelousas, April 1, 1868.
N OTICE is hereby given that the tax
assessed upon Income, Carriages,
Gold Watches, and Silver Plate, for the
annual year 1867, together with the Spe
cial Taxes (formerly termed Licenses) is
now due. Thirty (30) days from the date
hereof are given for the paynient of the
same. After the expiration of the time
above given, the penalty pirescribed by
act of Congress of March. 1867. will be
imposed upon all who tail to appar and
settle. JNO. C. COSTLEY,
Deputy Collector U. S. Int. Rev.
April 4th, 1868. 1 m
I Notice.
n TIIE public is notified to not Lunt. nor pass
1 in vehicles, on horseherk or or u ',ot
e through the plantations of the under~igned, oil
Bayou Tech:e, without the express leave of the
undersigned : otherwise judlicial Iproc(ediinis will
be instituted against the tr;angr ,m .
Bayou TCloe., March 21st. 1868. lIm
THE public are hereby informed that Mr. N
Quatrevaux has charge of my interests in
Opelousas. WIDOW E. CLAUDE.
Opelonsas February 15tl, 168. Irn
H AVING this day admitted Mr. Paul Stargg
my late clerk,'as a partner in my etoie. we
will hereafter do business ulder the name of
All persons indebted to me will pleas' call
and settle immediately. E. DBUI.Ssc N.
Washington. April ist. 19la . [6 !--im.
E. Dubuisson & Co.,
SALL the attention of their friends and the
public in general to their well seliectimd "*c:, k
of Goods, which they are offering at the very
We have constantly on hand a large lot of
Split and Sawed Lumber,
for sale at the lowest market price, for cash.
Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere.
Washington, April 4th, 1568. 43tf.
A Physiological View of MVIa-riage.
CONTAINING nearly three hunhlr'd pages,
and 130 tine plates and engravings of the
Anatomy of the lhunan Organs in a state of
health and disease, with a treatise on EI.ryv Er
rors, their deplorable consequences upon the
mind and body, with the author's plan of treat
ment-the only rational arid successful mode of
cure, as shown by the report of cases treated.
A truthful adviser to the married and those coen
templating marriage, who entertain doubts of
their physical condition. Sent free of postage to
any address. on receipt of 25 ceils in strmps or
postal currency, by addressing 1)R. LA CIOIX,
No. 31 Maiden Lane, Albany. N. Y. The author
may be consulted upon any of thie dliscases upon
which his book treats, either personally or bv
mail. Medicines sent to any part of the world.
November 23d, 1867. 6m
T HE Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, will send
(free of charge), to all who desire it, the
prescription with the directions for making and
using the simple remedy, by which he was cured
of a lung affection, and that dread disease Con
sumption. His only object is to benefit the afflic
tedl. and he holpes every suferer will try this pres
cription, as it will cost them nothing, and may
prove a blessing. Please address
No. 165 South Second St.. Williamsburgh, N. Y.
May l--ly Aug.10. sept28
INFORMATION guaranteed to produce a lux
uriant growth of hair upon a bald head or
beardless dice, also a recipe for the removal of
Pimples, Blotches, Eruptions, etc., on the skin,
leaving the same soft, clear, and beautiful, can
be obtained without charge by addressing
823 Broadway, New York.
May l--ly sept 28
Errors of Youth.
A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from
Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all
the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for thi
sake of sufflcring humanity., send free to all w!
need it, the recipe and directions for makin~'th
simple remedy ly which he was cured. Sutlerf
wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience
can do so by addressing, in perfect conlidence.
JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 Cedar St.. N. Y.
May 11-ly Aug. 10
S just finished, will be
sold very cheap.
Also, a Spring Wagon, an uncovered
Buggy, and another light Spring Wagon..
Apply to P. GOSSELIN.
Opelousas, April 4th, 1868.
House, Sign and Ornamental
Gilding. Bronzing, Graining, Marbling, Gla
zing and Paper-Hanging executed and satisfac
tion guaranteed.
*' Country Produce taken for work'
Salt! Salt!
FULL SACKS, in good order at $3 25,
for sale at SOL. LOEB'S,
April 11] Mlaint Street, Opelousas.
FTHE Office of the Assessor of U. S. Interna
Revenue has been removed from the Courtl I
House to the Plaisanece Building, corner of Maiu
and Bellevue Streets, Opelousas.
JOHN C. TUCKER, Assessor.
Opelousas, March 14th, 1868.
THE Office of the Collector of U. S. Internal
Revenue has been removed from the ('curt
House to the Plaisance Building, corner of Main
and Bellevue Streets, Opelousas.
JOHN C. COSTLEY, Collector.
Opelousas, March 14th, 1868. 40
Salt ! Salt! Salt!
F ULL SACKS, in good order, at $: .;,
for sale at SOL. LOEI'S.
April 111] MJlion Streif. lprIiv '..

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