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tf id ,.. 4 4 L`_4. 1 _ I0 4' ýt ill Y;Y ar, 4·r 'I I0 184 oru oo. a, Sr re f o n s6f the, 1oev tri tBet act mad to oo YQteB ýa. 447 Ase .410 ..,... o........ . .........202 SrAson of whioh we, the underlsl nd r of ranvauee a. n, pur.nnt to and by virtut Sth authoritv vested in a by theafore*ald c't nitnor one. approve.l uth of Jnnunryp ft7, do poreby cerlif and prnolaim that the forog'dna I a true and corrnet canveaI and com pgl tionl the votee pr olled i ti at an oetl tion fIt lerk of (lortl Iteoorder, arsh .udge, therti o oor, .Justle Irhe 'pare, (1,ionetale aren Po11a Jurore, held on the mlvert th day of No rmhr A. U. eighteen hIundred and even.ty P. iu, ler a writ of elnreltin uvrom gatlnd al x Ieenth 8plnmber, elahteen hundreld and e.ven tynlix, ordel'ing anmp aind ce'ordilg t.. the law.n f the tnto of Ilula ana. And wn thernfore deeplre, (ertify nnrd 1pr* Inatm that the following e' leoatl hit' .eln dlolly iaud negRlly lPetted. an will more fully s.upear by the ltl1ulinted 1 ltantement, l,.iand ioll t tie re turns mrade a.w.rding to lIaw, by Ith, I mlmintk. stoners Or .ilotion tirld by t he Mnlunrvtiscr of hbelvtratlln of the iprislre and wards of tIh, Stata, to-wit: ilerk of Plotlrt- W, It .mlart )noorder- Waller MnIll. 'rich Judge- (1, It. Hurr. l $ariff - tl. (l. Parker. Coroner V. 1itng. S P. al .hifr mL.rln i.O TIII''AI PC. Firat Witrd-W. II Ohnni n. aond Ward H., D n, ll. Third W rd Dt, N. l'v'in, yoirth Wnrd it. A. iI.tehnr. 3fth Ward-- .1 Inepn, Hixth Ward- W. It. Wales. Oin ('.CONTACI rP'. Irat Wt -J. (l, 11111is. nrond Ward - W. I i..hln. ird Ward . f A lg. olrth Ward O. (. (!ole. 1i1thi Ward-,. W. stialh. (0. F. Coneny, 3 ho r wford. 'W, l.herohlie. Inl wltines whereof, we herul' to almx o)lr re. peohnIvo ignatl ures, at the elts of New Orl anoc. tib lath lday f Jlanuary, A, I). nlghltnn hlntli drid and i.velnty-cnivn. end of the inldnpenid on.e of it.r Ulltled Na Il te onlle huuirnill andl first. I,(oJI A. WIIT,'. Lieutenant (lovernnr mitd I'eoallcnt of thIn / (tIIp"111l. tRilte.r of the lio tin of Ie.trneonfntativv. W. A. IlOlIil '()N. P . 1 A I., i 4. OFFICIAL. nPAIMil OFP IA I!NI3. (omollort nnl donnvnar4mlr rot rlln of nlin il.1 lion for rlrorkl of !Colrt o. lIrdo. r, I'nrl1ph . llIlgn. Hherliff, (lortanr .1 qsticuo if ithil Poion. (!c o1Ta ble" Iand 'aloll ,hnrorpI in Anild for thll i',nlslh of lIbbinn, HMtntlaf Ioutl Innt holhi oll trhl avitlthi hY of NnvnmPnir. A. it. 1i,M., ilndlr a writ. o elotihon dated SIh Hnptollllior. 471, 3r. orlrhlU plrmno, and parent Io filth' t'rovi.lo,~' oIf I'I No. I, tritled An Anot to re vp'nl .4o1th4f,.n t.o. three anil twetly-lix o a lli t nlttllnd 'An ant to reuulinn Iho frndmil1 l4tl llurliy of n1nw3 lionn: to Ilrf4nrl0ib thn made ol Iitkin re. turns theront: to rwovli. fMr the nls etion of(1 retturnlnlt ofml'orrn aidt dlhfilnng tinlr ilpwnr ntd dltl(tl : to pronortllr th.e enodn iof ennrring on the roll lof tian 1.nateo su1il loullo oIf l(3,r13o. Iefltat.ilv . i' nd to 11 f33r-P4 aurtlhIlo 10o p1! 1o14 31of 11o alt ltlton.' ailroved Ni3vn,' bnar 70 11721, to o111l atlltlte ta 1.llltrlI of lnlv.nwrp 1, to1,I a n thaortrn laid I4lt4ard llto l3 11·'i a id mlakl r4tllurn of Ltme v tlhn 011 141 a II 1tin rotIwHe n. Mes' I' II nl3t 1.. iii thloriro 'on nt.4l4 for (ll1ho li i 4)rrtll4in e i4 l." Lt wit: 43FO34 4143 I 4ºO41ti 3 .T, I. W . Hilhnv ............ ............... 172 l. .. ,lh . .... . . ............. 4 A. W. Valnt.. ............ .... 411A '. II. 13. l 4n l lo34 ............. .. ...... 431 1F3R lARIIInl JuiV. .1. (! Arrlml rong...................... 44l9 0. MV. nI l ~ ln . .. . -.... ............. ,41a . . ulai 'rl 'l ...... ................... 13si r- A ifred L tll. ......... . 487 T .4 Parr 4tt. .. .. . .. F'iR 4'4 )lltiNi .I a- T . . 41n ill ......... ........ .... . .. 4 71 SW. tlilli...W... ............. . 17: a- Mike rink ...................... 1 FO14 JUv..lll3 n1o3 Tau1 14 I.,. r-Sorindt WV t l- i M . K. H nlight. Jr .................... a7 W . rllrown ....... ..... ..... 7 W .V J. (+ lrl r. ......... Third Wnrd.. e K. U. 1) Ilon . ........... .. .. 2 J. T. Tiurnloy ........... ........ .. 24 if Fourth W rd le John Mlwnin .. .................. lu. 1.1 I I td IwiIl .......... . .... 4l.j. Voiii oll . ............ .... .1 Filt 1l'4rr'd.I J. D Iartll r ... N e vit h W a r d -. . I. hlarrin............. . 4 II, F'armner ... ................ W3. . ... 1). f land.for....... ..... .. 4 Ninth I Wart I. W. t C tll .................. .... . i 3. ). tIlrll fllr ......43...... il Tonth Wmnri- J.'. WoodI ..... ...... a7 1. II. Woelb .......... ;...'." 7 FVilt ('ONrpTA1ll Sefond Ward.-- H. 11. Ja k ion.......... ............ J.T1. Corloy ........... ....... . .. : A,. l, ook............. ......... Thlirn Ward ,V 1I, JIoy3 o .................... 1. t l. ,,rthl...... ... . : H. U..) n, l pl'o ...... ............ "...... . Fourth W4rd3- J. F.I )rouahn . ........... . .. Fifth Ward J. 11 'I'rol.lln...... ............ " Sixth Ward J1 lo . ................. .. 1. 1 SBeovnth Ward J H. (h ( lbh.. ................. .. i 11 S C(. J. D)avi ......................... 2 FOR 1 Ol3' ti1CE iJ U Ito Lt.. (1norgio Addisollln ....... ...... . .... .. r.,l It. M. A rllltrong........ ... ..... l Wade Andllerson........ ........ l)anlanl .rroll .......... ............. J. M . (Clhlb ............... .......... 7a: It. It. Callon...... ............ . a6I H. 0. Antony...................... 34 W . ll . Aldriid y ............. ... . .:1 l' Iijah C'ox................. ....... 1 W . Kirkh ............... 7 IJas M( li el y ... ............ 4 . K. poght ........... ..........8.'. 8 " By renuon of whh'h wo, rho undorign d.l tohard of 1! lnnvils 4 r'3i, 1I3ir1i4n1 t to and bv vid'he ' of the autllhority ve.t.htl Iln 14 by tit; itforl3isail tf t No: , alm rvil Nth J3 u34lary. 1137. do i horby eortify and'htlni that the forlgoingi ,its l trun and o 3rrot llnvaill a4d op3ilal tlon of the v ll.ot po 'd "nnlit 'it at 4an 1Ioo l,,in for Ollrk of Court. Ioonordhr, I'arirh Judge Sheriff. SCorloner, .1 Ust iors Iof the P.11 I'o.. (bntil.. 11nm alnd Pollen Jurorts. In and I1fo r the parl-h ofl I n.eil, hold on 1ho Inovlllnth d, y oIf hv3 , n.bor. Ai. I). iheltll. 111n 11hlldrel d nlv,1 Ivlinty-al x. under it writ S 0o Ofl,1ll romuol)lllgatld 18th of 'opthmbhr' 11 78, 1rd1ring o3l 440,. i44n4n1 l1t.eordin gto t1Iho iaw.of e t le 8tlto t lf I (llll nlnlla. o And w4 illtreoro d,,lar1,' if ('I lt nd pr3elim Stha t the following plron have tn duIlly Iiand leigally is 'tdl'et. I4s will iimorl fullly 43pl0al r hy Ihe annexeld iulattl Statllmlnt, 3b1aod upon the1 (1 Sretulrns modllle aieordillg to law bly Ih Commis-lnl M0ionersl of Lrtlclon aniti by thli lpll4ervisor, of bltelatralon., of the l1rirhell33s tud waii1ds of Ih4 hinle,, to wit: Clerk of Court--l. W. Siblcy. lan.ordor-A. W EsteCs. Parlirlh .udl4 -l. U. Arlmstron r. ilhorif- Allid I ,ou3It. Ooronor-T. T. tnmall. FOR JURTICER Of TlIE PIltAtty. Seeond Wnrd-M. K. peaigbt, Jr. Third Ward-Tis ve3to. Fourth Ward-J hin Mellwain. W'ifth Ward--. BB. unrnlil. 81xth Ward--W. It. HtIrrix. wnventh War '-I I. . Callen. Ninth Ward-H. Whatliy. Tenth Ward-J. T. Woodsi. . CONSTAlbi EH. Second Ward-8. b. Jaokson. Tlhird Ward-W. H Boyce. Four h H ard--J. A. llroughn. Filth Ward-J. I. Procelia, iixt Warl--Bally Lout. 5ovonth Ward-J. HI Cobb. 1OLICE JlJUOR1. George Addison. $I M.. Armstrng. Wade Anderson. a.nlal* arroll. 4. . (lbbs. aIn witreMss whereof wA hereunto affix our re- I l n Inalures atlbe e7ty4.f New (rlean. 9 thrteenth d.ay of January. A. D elh. a udred and sevnnty-sewen. and ot the In.- b ofep thr United btateestbe one hun. ~UU~"~r4~,, 0 p In: ther tle ,wt "M re t in e ot terIttt t rlo srthe lie late iolwie Qf'ltlftr41t P4ltIYlve6, and to eunorf ie trtli e 4Oi of thl oo .t uto n,; a proved orv m r Io, 11172, to nont Lute i Bordof (Jinv n ttnt re and to authorllre aiAt bolI d to Oanv'aM land make re tiurni of thu votes aiet at the reont lu wottlo and t, althorize o iullte. for ot1he in cetrth ln Ocaei." to wit: ifon c('?,,lK or ColRT. ,l'Mtiln l irotllt'rrd . .....................* 41 .Ionotlh . Nunes .......... ..... . YOU ltE4")RI'nC. Leo' Perrot . .......... .... . II. I)e eeyter.... .................... . '. POR PAIllRi JUtfOK. W n . ll ho ...................... .... .. . ..... r Jultl U. W hlite ............. ..... '23 P,,;R uuaII lFF. ioria llll " T. lhaw . ....... ........... i4l l Ir t? 'ult'hht al........ ........... . . :I. 7 Ilyillan (I. layoll M ............. .......... 41* paR cal4fINKRt. Colt . .tt''IT'Ic44 (P T i; 1'IAtiC. FirMl. WAr1- M. M, ITfhtIn.. ..-... . ....... '4 SRetoo.d Ward E,. e. e...... -. 'rhird Ward . JI, |, J'a ltn n.. ... ..................... .P 7 W A, Whit......... .. .......... InH IPorl li Wttrl Jo l n 'I'. Plr r llon 4 1 ..... ............ . 7'1 ifthll Ward Marlin Harv'er. ............... 47 fIxtlh Ward I'.( ( lilln .s .... ............. 31 M4vtnith Ward - II. 1'. titakee................. .......... H" YOUIL (' ONlA 'AII I1. . Firt. Ward Notol'lrt. Ilearll i . .. .............0 8Seond Ward Jssien Huff . ns........ .... .......... .r Third Witrd OneoE. Lyone...... 274u Itile Iro ard .. . ..........'14 i iolrt Wardl A len' IInllMrl..... .............. ...c Fill II W'ard iill ton Morg n ........... ....... ... '7 IHlontlh W ard Syl'un bltarke ........... .......... ... 0 c n Vll Pt ilJ ('iC Jt'lotll. VianooiN V. Lelon....................r41 1. ). Itroupuard.l ...................41.t Iln ward l Tolanil r .. ... ...........444 N t 1ln41 Pnirr.v ........................... 17i Holillnnll W IRo ...... .................... 418 Ily rrnitin of Will(h ., thl unrullgiinail tittlr, of Ieltnvll tasnr . liuriulnt to allR I vi rtI|lo oif t le nlhtirity voitod| In 110 by tihe ntorrpntid it num I niniii i pin r t, npri. o d lih .in , ry. 1177, do lirlrby rlll ify nr d ipri r t ini th t. lln torgconling Il it r llrt ndi ncrrnet ainvrla and condmplliltinll it t e voterl po, illli i a iqnd east atll nlintni on [fr (!ltrk of (nlult,. I( ror rlnr. P'iilin ,luithe Hliorli (!,rinnor. iIstll a ( i t hllo I'eoaio. (jonrllaable windi i'Pollte n iirors. In and foir Ithi aristih of Virnill lon, HlMtit iIof t.,lliillani. I 1hhl on thle ilOvnth dl. y of A. II. lthtnutrin hbundroil andl nov nt-vi-x. uindor it w it. of elittoni pro inlllltnl d lttl l MHt'mn bor. lii.l l, ori.rlni snilmen inI ia,'lording lll tn Iho liaw of the bl)tLata i Louis inna. And we thllrifrforn tntlanrn, nortify ltindl rn elatin lh thI folliwinig personshl o havoni n ditllliit atln InUallyt nlrte.+l. aq will more fully applear by tiltl annexed hithuliated ril nti.iot. tingd ulpon thel rot ulirs nllluo .n rdl g In law by t.hi (Ioiln mtlaltiinnrl ift Iilntiion and bi y tihn tiipurvioirn of II nlmia it tr l II1 ob h arl ,hs IIanId wards of t he Miilt , lto-wit: ('lrk oif (oiilrt - ,.ittlo Ihroitiinril. JI no rdi+r - eI , J'P ri et,. i'ritsh .lin .al Win. Klhbb. ttleriffT (Irvtnvillt II. Hhaw. (!,n-ieir W. 1t. W hill. J ti1R' gl(lt OFr 11( 1, I'VCAl ". Flirt. Wartid M. M. Ithrtman. hi m'11 11 WLirid- K. I,,uii. 'T'hird Wardl F. It. Patton. F.our h Ward--John T. Irosl.lrd. Fifth Wirll Martin Hitt vir. I lth W it +I- F. I ti' tllln. Htv'ti l Nerd IiVt ii. I' itaknu. Iirstll, W lltrdl- Nior. lu Itrui x. Heent Wa ill- , . H iff. Fllrlol i 1). T Illl. rlrnotn Wire. in witnessli wlr, f wl hoIrnunn ftihx our ri spetiUvi ht iYlltatlia t at thel ity o Nowr (Irani, thin. the u.xtoienth titay of Jaltnuary A. Ii. nlgh tnlw Ii'red nd novotrty ivun, and of the Iin lilliiipnirleuo of tih United r titte tiO onl hIn rtlldll titd I rst. ,LOUIM A. WIIlT/ Illnt. ii Governor imid i rie'Uilit of thil lniato. ! aker of llth lyouse of Jiiurem.nta.tlivn. w. A. .IAIAIITTbUN. F. 0. ZAC!IAIIItE. OFFICIAL. PARIMKEE OFP T. IELENA. (oImIpid land rleturln of ianI eln(' tion fror lork of (ourt,. itrwordor. P',rieh Judg.,. Hl'riff. ('orouor, .Juativnn of the Pane;.. Colstat bh,.4 nid P'olleo Jurors. In and for Iho agrisl of Mt. Il n.Iia. ltleo of Loultlana. hold en'ho iev onth tidy of Novorebur. A. ). 1n76. under a writ of oturrtlon ordeItrilng slneand , uIIrsuantto thIe pro vidions of act, No. 1. entitltd "AAn rut to rotleI rto (l.l twIo Ithr+ ennd tWontty-six of ol 'At to I nt lll l tre frledo( n Iant purity of elootions, to IprsIt tho 1111 h Ih t m io of I allking ret urns tlIreof, to pmrovlIn for the oloctlon of return lna ofntIorrs nIIato alld t 11111140 of ltopreslonttivlltlv , and to +oit' Ituion '(1 (pro((vdlt N IovembeIr Jlo. 1(12. to 17,4 and 1ho1 d1 to IIInnvlI and aistko rotri ms Iof the oll t (1,14 ltl ulit tho reColent elat.rlU . id1to IO ItI thori.r cont'lllt11 folr oflvo' in 1ortA.lnl (11r0.4," to wit : iolt (!lET1K OF ('OUPT. A. (1. 1 la . . .......... .. . .... .....41 W . II. Morrison .......... . ......v.. 2 FOIl IE(IOOIiLICR. l,l ly(lty tll WVatson ...... ...... . ......... rl t. 1'. tog( r ............................. 41111 FOR PARISH JUDrIC. Jamlon A. WIIilian ............ .... n(R Jolno. H. PIus ...................... a JOlt I. 111 a1. . .F. J n I. Woak ............ .......... ... . 1 oTlir(lso l'hll( I pn ...................... 61.2 o r ('(oIoNEIlt. W. R. ]'arkr ........................ 412 Tholu a (ilu ........................ 512 FOR J.IUTItrs OF THE I'ErAV"E. Fhirt Ward P. It. Molson...... - ............... 1214 S I'loonl Word - SA. W. (nirlluh.......................... 1:17 W. 1t. I'ltLkur ...... ............ 1HI1 r Third Ward - li il. l t tuarto -. ...... . ........ .. i It. . tnowart .... .... ... ......... 4 ', . 1. Btyd .... ........... . . Fourth Ward-- TI'. Di. IlrrtIh(s .......................... I:17 Fifth Ward S.1. Il. I)tIo ort ........................... 211 John t Il liatn ...... .................. 7 S ixth N ard (1. . I aylor ........................... 4 W. IL. Parkor .... . " . .............. 1 A. W. Car ruth................... FtIR ('ONSTAI(1,114. First Ward Siml r Dixon ................ ... ..- ...... n B+condt Ward N,. I. oBirch -..... ......... ..... o4 (.. W. I .oo1.... ...................... :2 Nlat. Bir: eh....... .. ...... W . A .(111 ...........ll .................... 1 Third Ward W ilburn Jonas ......................... 13 W . W. Joles............. --..... ...... 4 T. M. l,yd ..... ...... ...... ...... 2 A. W. Jones .................... . I Fourth Ward- atrnul Bosnnett..................... 134 Fi th Ward- ' . M. inalr ton........................ 26 lxth Wari- J. ,-. WCritiodon............. ....... 49 J. . Dy............................. 1 FO POLIOE JURORSB. J. W . Powell ............................l161 W. T. Wood*ard.................... 614 T. HI . Hi-so ons......................... 639 J. n. Hendry ............. ................. 6. 2 It. W. W illiams ....................... a6o W . W . W atson.......................... 531 R. B. Stewart .......................... 514 ). I. Gorman ...................... 514 Berry Itoberson........................ 513 S" Demsey liKemp ......................... 3 By reason of which we. the undersigned Board of Canvassers, purauant to and by virtue 9f the authority vested in us by the aforesaid ast No. 1. a proved el hth January 1877. do hereby certif and proclaim that the foreolinM is a true and corret canvass and oomtliation of the votes polled and ct at n eleetion for Clerk of ou, eorer. P h ude.8 erfr poronlelurmaee o! e on E'ollia jurors.Ap, 4 First w Wd-aP. 13 *Urou.B º ctdn W rd. -A. tl (rrathr, bhird W rd--flortL 1tiurt. P ourth Wl(1 - 'I. 11. iridgs'm. flfth Wnrrd --J, 14 flal, In. Blxth WardI -0. 1t, Tayluor. VlrntWrnr' Hilnn Dixon. H.rooVLr WLrrd -N, . IL. Iiirerih Third Wnrd Wilburn Joows. N..nrtfl Want-· Hnlrlltnl Ilonnefet. Ygib Wnard - H. M. Hititleton. .xtIi W'ard--J. hI. Urltlndoil. t'OLiEK l .itJtORa. J, W, Ponwwll. W. T. W.opdanrd. .1, H, lI nithly. It. WV, Wittlaign. Ii.1 wit ignPn wi-ninid we or Iarnt o uflhx (iui r glnntyg, Algigatg n atI timn rimty of Naw Onlimun. hh in txt'ontt daiy of Jun nary, A. 1). Ihict('an hiudr.d. ,uol uavln y-pnVnn. n4D of thin IrA1m jionid"'n"i' oIf Itie I ii Itod ittat 'A thin one hu gd i-ot LOUTH A. WILt"/. 1,hiuttilniujt, (hovonior vutd I'retildent of thin Son at (I. 1.017TH BlURRJ. Hpeak or' f tho h1limOnbfIlto roaiert-attynti. W.A. 14-Wgt'J"AIMM )N. F. (I. ZAHAIJIIAII. OFPFICIAL. PARIISI O WrI T DATON lOUISE. (lomlihodl rind ' rnturri ofl gan lPtri ll in f'r (tl rk of (tcitrt.. ItnarnrilEir. l'iarllsh Julhlln . Hllhrliff. (I!orInlar, .u tlllmt , ol #4 nag Pjifigno . V nnirtarthlou. InIt P'oIl itt J lrorn., irt atld for the tinralah of Wnst lnton ltruiga'. Itgg (f loia lIrini, IilliI on tihe gnvnlith iltt oIf Novom bnr. A. I|. 1u71. Uinlnor a writ of inlrtion, dlatod Horitorpnbir Ill. 1171. '..'ordluring Hmron. ain't pIgrio atl Iit to thl prlovilgoniraa oI If t No. I, entiltnd "An l)t. It, rng* nl ull l otll tw,W, tlran anrd tw nt.ritvni o1 fl n rot a.tinlllid'AnA trn 4o rIii ul ro n 1gmn tIhare - dolm nlt il urtlly t ainrtllian. ito areandrlan thn nIln lt f matklig 'ilrle llt tirnnorf. o rovITrldI for thn l.nllion if roturaginog ofttrn, attnd dnfllingr Ii I thntrp lIwnr nllil IIIint. mto lrOmarulibunt n lania Iioo nrgltr illg oai tlhr roliR of th HIn i HnRhi ntl ioun of Ito ria' vI vian, /no It nf fri aron itrIglr ti 117 of tthn rllntlI·tlato ,' i lal r'lvI d NoIvni t'r 21). 17'2*, to 'ranntit uto i Itart of (Ia.'lnl nniniranr. arnail toi gia thg rt/ i araill btiirrd i t 'R Iia .Rn iilaid rnmaka ruth rumns if ttlh i vtnin 'rn t. thn rta n m .' I. "ltu ritin . rugail Ii .ra)turin 7' miatontil for ofloen Ira nortlla easonuon." ti wit; roin 'r.inRiI OF .li'nIr. T'i'ai. t,Liiidr'Y.........•........-.. UIrY Ltoula llrkl ll.hdu............ ......- 42) l lL Ii llR I t I am. O. Ilrinrn rd ............ ......... .. 17 lits POIL I'AIII!t .lclcllE(l. ItI..I. Itrlvr ln .. ...... ........... Ii ()r'II1ve M. jUlntirl(n ......... . ....... sr,? Frii ak lilInn v.............. . - ... . .. . ka n A. V. tIhlil.' ..'t' ... .... . ...... .... li)r iFiil i 'tiull N ll. IlI, t lIIt rriino ............ . . ...... '.IIa I.r. '1'. I'. V iu ll g t ....i .... ...... 44.l * rIll ,iIaRTIUIF4 Oii T'llr, a'IAi'E. Pirrt, Wnrd- H inthntinIu o AjilIat..... ... ............ lo Vii' ,i nnlllt ...... ... .... ..... ... 131 Bei'ond WarrI W. J. Wildrltff......................... ll W Ili illtlrrrll......... .... ......... ti Third Wardt - .ihllt h In'1 toi1. ............... .......... . 1)1 n eln H. o ltt . ....................... O.I A ulg. Ln lilhlnc? ................ ...... .... 4i0 1"iftth Wi grdl W il. IirkIn l...n .........n.......... . ... ('ill i+on' ll ljarl y........................ 413 p ll( i INR'TAft1),rl t. Iirat Wi'rd Vli ,lvn nt Iort n l 1 ** . .............. 91t llliu t Ia'rr I)1o .-. · ···· ·· (' Illidry W uiul uly ........... ..... ...... ill t (',r l t II rll+ I·iar A fran il l.lti ra. .. ....... .... ....... 91 NAtdml I '.i,...u1 ................... . t °third Wati - Ih Irry W il'irr .... ....... . ....... 11 II W gliara ............................ HiI J'rllIh Warrd |Lwia rnit IaUltln.... . . ...... .. t. 1: lti,, . a llorlb . ................ ... ,411 i.tI'h WI ilarrl ...... Nia.r Ii ?a3r r •... ........... . ....... lra (:i lllilo Ibll, ~H(I 1· |'i ··+. + ...... . ·. .... .. Iki) l.. V.t r\lllrll-.Hr.....111.7 Ail ]it li r m ..................... I:l Fifrii Wiarti .lPto Inliril .... . ... otiI IWlel'lnid Wairdl . IGeto<rgo 1, linpto ... . ...... •.. ........ 900I' Irtl.lhj Iiiortlli ... ........ ........ 44 Thryd Wanrr(llf 'll w. hrlrlnt Iurd giIalrlIrrtly vintl·tl iii a"· by tL~ii atlrliisargiailtI(· Ni. ,I . it hirv arrwd Hl......l raar. r 114I77. a* r Ilrar. b I Chlir l l roil MIrri'lnr ll .l r t.............ia .. i L I I alal)lulth WIlllr't t (' il 1 al ( idtll a r ( .I V. u tllr'Ih'l .i.' r. .ig. ri ..... . .I . (rlo, A. Li. olw~tlt c lag nl ii i '~lr 'I I~c light pilluiirt.y.H x .a rin~larr , A 117l'. o|lm u in'r g -a. . rm l... I a lt Fig h \Ylird* A ln Dh av nl ....... ...... . ........ t l T hI 4 IphlIr l'hil il r. ...............1. 1 11 TIy~ r'unlJson o-l whilch wl,. th+ Unldersligned khm~d Allf 1tnv auIllr. afuru tulollr ai rlllant fy vrll of thro aulll iitrlly v le-td in i. bhe" a, f loll' id nl t ]No. rl. tiln roti ld tlr h .liii r!y. I t7. i ill Illnroby gnat1iru1.ily d lrolr'lnl n h t w ta l inoIr 'f illy g irr r l taiar I1 01 aI'll 1c)1 n11 s 1 igiiuia titi gan a lIto, lgunti frr i ati l4illi ii llrt arid lven t ln thai Mn t riiil ark oIf Icourt. gIn irdlorl if tllJi u .I 1 d1411 . 1hlIiHlf.T (ro- h niitrl. luotivit of it. Jow'0u,+, n t abll, , ll o Jurll'. lft. o hir mIv.ntl ily of Novelber. A. [ii. ligltgi' hIIn. Ilyirm Ia.ty-hx. under Iu writ -iobtf llln rllo.lUi ih tl hrit rt V, Ordl-Hoal. iiiini An i 11ht01. hIW ilIf tlhn i tainl ofi Loll.ll.ilni. Ant1i wIi uVl,'orel- dtlnrll tify nh ir-li ,ini f hl t thir fl lowin. 'lmiinii i. ve hin dily Fidl WlIllll-VncI w1il mlr flr lly tranir .y th r'Iet lrl mtdll¶ i nl) trn i tlill br th idI'. 'Iliii I W'rlii'lt- Ir iirry tIVg I ii iJ. 1ii l. toii. of ' leltm . in ani d bh i i Hierii.rt Io listirl.iri f lnt. irli d wrr o. lhe i'otltn, Dr wita. Cl'+ri' of I.<oirt--Trant. Unlndry. rerJ. V. I - ),r. Hrnrd. Pariiish Jiidlgl- I1..I. Illyams,. HAl riTo -.1 rn' k . )' liy. (lronlilr -Liobt. WI'rrlton. i•lTl vllty.Flli IL'I-I l Kt tan IS 'l riAt'l ' .1 ta Ilrtlnl Wa tit- ili n AlIi rl ru lrllnt. t. HInd WlrdH W A.. W'.ruff. 'L hilhirid W(lovero- r lhl ),r(ilahllt o . e Hn F.oiurth Wiird- llantdill Brilth. _lfth Wli'rk Wan. hll ,klikifll u. CONINTAUII, . Fhrs! WairdI-Vlinnoni F~rtin+.. Honotlitl Ward-- AIfredL (+oulrlindl,. Foirth Wardl+--Jloslph Ilrown. lFlfth Ward|-+NaL. |loyr. IVIJA' 10 J tlto ll ON. l1t't.or Dan7in.tAI. (|notrgol Mt !tilt||. (I..I. Jlirrolw. J. V. liurll do. M~r. A Irlon Dalvilsl in witneanF whlior+<f w<' hitrnuto alili x our re Ap rii.lvel sIla lilt lr!,i at ltih city €of iN!w tlrloican . ]111. thn 16tllh day of ,Janualry. c;ighttonn hulndlred( seid .iv,'ntiy-se!venl, ian| ,ir the. indepellndanceo f J. ithe UniitedI Stat,,n. thl onlil hundre.d an i|Irsit. LOICll A. WIITZ. LInu~ltemnltl (tovernor anid P'resi~denlt of the Bon TOU [H BUI+H. ,qteaIk++r o~f th<e Holu.+e of floo~rese+nltatives. OFFIC IAL. PAUI H OF tIT. RERNARD. (Coimpllnd an nI rnvasrsod returns of an nlie tion for Clerk of Court. tRecorder. 'arish Judge, Shoriff. Cronrr. . 1ntionM of tho I'eace, Constag biit ann1d 'Polle .luerors, in and for th e parish of St.ihornardl. holdl n thel venth dayof Novelnbor. 18711. unduir ia writ of .,letion dated sixtnenth Hutetrtnlm r, A187, ordering the name. and pursu. ant to the plrovisions of an ac't. No. 1, entitled "A in act to repeal a.cRtions two, thrue and twenty Ax of an act entitled 'An act to regulate the free dom and pnrity of filCMoions. to prescrlbo the mIodo of mnking returns thereof, to provlde for thne .loe ion of retulrning offiefrs and defining their ,,owlers and dutiea, to prescribe the mode of , ntering on the rolls oif he Henate and House of lteprceontatives and to enforco article 103: of tho eon.stitution.' approved November 20. 1872. to constitut. a Board of Canvmasse. and to au thorize7 said )board to canvasL and make returns of the votes cast at 'ho recentlt Oellotio,l and to aulhorlze contoths for office Il certain cases " to wit: FOR CLERK OF COULT. R1. A. Taron........... .................... V. rgol Lopr . ........... .. ....... ... l.8. loernard her.a ........................ 80 FOR RECORDER. Philip Proca .................. ........10.8 FOR PARIII JUDOSE. L. Morales, Jr ............ ............ 707 Ph. Jorda..... ........................ .... 23 FOR RE.EIFF. C. Marrero ............................ 71 F. Etoinal .........................-- . 83 II. C. Cager....................... 87 POs OOBONEB. Philip Barber.................*..... as Sanford Green................. . 64 Henry Edenburg ...... ............... . I6 -0o JrustCa. 0or . . . saMS. ··1·.4·······.)· d re··L··b·· ·····( ~ l.·I915 tml ".. "I ...rr11r Ili 1 t f JJlttU......... ............... ..... dl) Tnlor., "..... ..... .......... et J lute '" : ............... ........n ylor .....h.. M. All. trr ............... ... f1 1I, K'ielnlrv .... ................ ... 614 (Joey Ch lalr.......................... 1111 Jo'n Tnnfln.. .... ................. 4147 J. (I. Vhr il n . T44i J. P. a'nn(In.... .... .... ....... 414 JoRstvh W. t4401.... .......... ..... 693 '1 hopr. Frlrhur ................. ........ 64,6 J. V. Ii ulv.r ... 2u4 H., A. Arirrntrong. ..... ........ ........ .175 Aifrud ltnggllt.... ............... wi ,i J. V, cc. u .. ............ .... ........... 01111 W. J1. Irwin ...... ....... ..... orr Jopith ID r '' v l s 4W14 '1. I). Armstlring. ".................., 1048 1'. A. 114441-4145 ............. 41. IBy reo14nn of? Whleti 11, which wo rthe4 1r4flgnn51d Board 4f ljlhV4IH444.45 l~ 14rpuasI5t 144 and141 b)y vIrtn o51 of tho autlhority vested Ircn u« by thsn eformsaid nlet No. I sippirovedi JlnIualsry 44, 1971, do hnroby eertlfy nrsd tlro414lstsn thiit the Iore·oh 144 trsset simig 4144rrnwt 0411V415 I44(l ('trrspllntl(,n n41 0the ynt40, 311n41 tro esis st sirs olwtl!or fr (:tlerK of (ourirt, 134rd4r, Pa: ipishludrr., Hmissr,' EJiorosslr. ;rTtuliwea of -lb.' eovonih utuiy of Novernlxer A. I). sltghten 54)n dtreil still and v'tinty-s. nlIlr a writ of 11l11l,(141 Vromulganh tsll Hor~trlu or 14, 14741, orterlor~g orri. 4111d 414400rdiHig to tlhe laws of 1of tin Ittoe oif oils Iplann. Andi wn lthe nforo d(14114. snrlfy antd Iro e'I 45111 that. t.1s#, f'll'wl sg i'srraors have bo'on sdil n astiri Ingunl y ylneesrnd 411 will 11o054n fully nsitinesr by ths Rss rsxel tI.shrlfstoii aut.sitsrnsst. .41451 t1t4 nl tths set lu nln4 4144(l ' rling 1.' lW by 1 hs - (omnslsslonrpr of Mlsrwtlon arii 1 by the Mistier I " 4uorp of It'' rustr lon oft thoe psnrl151o75and wsrdls of t4e .41, wit: JYor Clerk of (Jourt-- It. A. Ttnrrou~n. t For Ite(srdnr --I'-ll-sltlipu Tmo's. I'r(tsIti, Judgn I,. MoralsrIlsr . Hhnrll? U. Jarrero4, r ("iozionr . - nry ELtsnthnrg. JiWTlsICrs 44 'rnIa sIrr4'i:. F trsst Wardl- Hipen4sr Wbtn. Ms''ond l ssIWr- H 4iflfl45p 144. 'rtlirul W rdl --Ju Irs To("n. .iFourth W'4srd H. Nelsous. 1a rth r1 Ward-Osa 51114,. ('01457A41,11. FIrrt Ward--H. flsnth. Merhoisui Ward N. (104rgo1. 'IiiIrd Wardl A. )t(ilors. Folsurths Wardl-. Wn. K Isiturlc:k. Fifth Walrdi-I1. MSarroro. 51'5It'i J4'fl4)1144. John Tanrrt. J. (O. en rlIn, J. 1'. MltnnndeA. Jimeyls Wsi4on. 114444. Flsher. In wlt.ts444 whornsau. we hrrnst.4, smx soor rsr. 44)14..tvn 4sg ,natu rn4 srt. the r chIty of No7w I 014444.15 I·ths tLwelfths ulsay of J.asissiasry. A. J4 ' lght..srr sIssinlreI still) 444444ty.444V4151 asnd of thel lfIso t44'444rlnn'4 ofr th4o isslted Htit,'s titse 44n)5 hill ulrs'i1 soil nF~Rs( Wc)UIH A. WTTLT.. Lloqstnnnlrlt. (lovorsir ir l 14141 Prlntet (t the l1.46n11.44. T.OUTM IIUMHJI. ltiaknr of thie I101154l Iof t1r41 1i4tnv45. W. A. lUIt(IItT'HOjN. 1. (1. ZAUII Alts H, OFFICIAl. PARIItE OP aT. NARY. (tropilAd Hnurl ' nvtarv.ndtl retulrns or nn nlni" ltion for ilr rk ,f ir '.cOrt.. It i.ord Ir. i'ariih Jnilgn , Hhti'lfT. (.,roninr. Jiiutle .f the ",aeen. (lonMIlt Hb .liand l 'ollle I iJurorl,llnl for iot, tlirihl l of lt. Miary. hitat ofL IotI tll h idtit. , hold ( . I 1he n veiI hllday of Nr.ernlllr A. 1), I11I, tIlndlrr it writ of eli'ltior n dIIt.Id Ho.tIteLr 14. 1957i. .or.t.rinig ine. anlI I 1 IRaan ti e pltro vltlolls ..f Ii. t No. I, cit tl*d tihn liotetr i of rt.ll rning o i, lil'rt. iln ido lln yi Itrir pI i f r l it. diut1it. It . Prohnrit. I u i nthl ,i or lotori, nll th, rotlln o the I n-rt +, 1 mad 1.o11 Tl of hlnto! tIPll r'and I fli ll r) r . tl so. a of T i li'l.rl ellh l l Nawmii............. ....'417 the (Jo. llon e ........' ..........l Nv..... r . 1877, tio I'.alllt .tl trtl ot el. vn.. nr... .and to nthlllhoriz,+ ibihl h.ulrst to ('mlvium and mrakn re. tir.nF ofi thr votte is kt nf lth rec'n.. i'1ction. stud to ithorlii ronteolt! i r ortlt' in t'.,ltainl tsses." .o-wit : YOUi f.l:ltt( of ('OF l O T. (1. It. i. Nwimll n ...................2...17 1, II. rlu ,k . ..... .. ..... ... .... .14 i t A.l . Alincul ........................ II onI)R Ittt(lOUIi,. liJohn iit aptt Vorduy..., ............2. 57 Johl I , lvniI f I ............. ..... ....... :13c J . ( '. alrker on.... .. ......... 112 F ttil li'AllI 1i .tt 1 l. Senry Traiw ......o ...... .............21.1 A. I. Allow............................. 17 Fott Watl.:Iti'. , Minni Ts. (iOli..y ....................24 A A. JoI ot ........................ 1.149 I'R (O'lItiN SL. A nid rtrIh lnokioln ....... ....... .... ..2101 Fotl ,JtUTICKt OI" TIlE V t'CRlE. First Ward JohW n W. lRichrdson ................... .2 WE n in. W' itd......................... 747 JW.l 1n5.Jai(r...r....................14 SJ. II, 1'. W ise .... ...... .......... 749 Third Wirdl .Abrahin. I avier.........................2117 Wmil, M. rer............. ........132 SW I). Wilson........................1. 50 W. 1. Me( Ire.gor. ...................... 12 W m. I. M ire. gor ........................ 5 W. Me(rla'gor. ...................... 4 Fourth War, - 'h.I.maun J.1. l.ogan........... ..... ..2. W. Wt. y ...... ................. ....... W. lI. Korn ............................. 7 A. t li n ....................... ............ 7942 Fift't Ward- Johl P. W altl r .........................219tl Johni V .i mlyk ...... .................22102 (J. W . W right................... ........ ,r, HA. I Antll x............................ bar H. ii. ilogwul........ ................... . A. D iavlri.................... ......... 2 F) o ()ONRTAilltiCH. First Ward .am ton l Ameliner .......................2210 F. Nat v rro........ . ..... ............. 747 I'oon d WaLrd Anatly Anderson ......................7... I amil .John lI .......................... 7321 Third Ward Ed. 1'. WashiiIngton ................... 21 Alfrnd Piilkott. ........ ........... 01 il. W. (trl n orll g .............. . 5t3 11. F. Ilorri ...... .... ............. I62 Fourthl. Ward John Fo tsll ..........................22 ' JCharlesi Ilrnlrd .................... 79221 L. I. Ino tlrr............................. 81 4 SFifth Wardl JJos. h Thont...........................1207 A. A. IBmuprgcol........................ 7511 Octavo FIlgnt . ........................ . 671 ' oma). I Joshtr ilt... . ................... 5 David W ohnson. .......................... 5 FOR POLICE .I7RORH. ]Hypolite ,Tansalin. ..................220: f rry. i Dlln ...l ..... ...................2:15 Edmund It'me.... ... ....... .........'2l' Jo ln Q . arttll ... ....... . ...... . .....2211 L. M. thrral.. ...........................2212 J. l,. P ;eot...... ........................ 77:1 W . P. K mpn r .......................... th r Tr . D. Fosver ............................ 4prr .( 1). o. , n rw l k ......................l..f . a 07 J. W . Pharr ............. ............... 5s:1 . 1 T. H.,nders ........................... 2 Isaac 1, 1 . ..... .. ........ .. . ....... 1s, By reason of which we. the undersignod Board of Canvatssors. pursuant to and by ,nrtle of the nuthority vest.vd in us by the aforenald net iUniuber one, atprroved eighth of January, 1877. d~, hercly certify and plo0 aim that the foregoing is a true and .torrect canvasu and compinjli lon of the votets polloI anrd east atan ilectlion lfoS lhrk ,of Loulrt. Recorder, Parish Judge, Sheriff Coroner, Justices of the Peatce. Oolmtables and Pollce Jurors, In the parish of Ht. Mary, State or Louisiana. held on the .ev enth day of Noveomber, A. D. olghtecn hundred and .nventy-six, under a writol election pro mulgated sixteenth of Sotoember. 170., ordering sam., and to the laws of the State of Louislana. And wet therefore declare. c rtify and pro claim tllhat the following tersons hale bien duly and legarlly ilectld as witll more fuly appear by the anniexed tabulated statemenlt, bas d upon the returnu made hierording to law by the Com mlrnonors of Election and by the Sut'ervisors of It gistration of the parishes and wards of the Bt .te. to wit Clerk of Court-G. R. M. Newman. Record-r-John Isantist Verdun. Jr. Parish Judge-Henry Train. 1oheriff-- lnus ''. GordP. Coroner-Andrew Jackson. JUSTICES OF THE PEACIE. First Ward-John W. Rlchardson. SBcond Ward-James Jasper. Third Ward-Abraham Davis. Thim Ward-W. M. Gregor. Fou Ward-Thomas J. Hogan. W. 8. Posey. Fifth ard-John P. Wa ter. John Van 8iyke. 3s .n4 glAl;F AWIL loutswsnt Govnror and A re~ld74t of the L0?t18 1lip H, Mpu'knr of tm Iuoulln of 'n rrnhnntrslivo W, A. Il) IIEIITII'ON. N. (U. ZAUIIAIIIGE. HTEAM IBOATH. OHIO RIVER. IIE(IUAlAI UIN(tINNA'Tl. LOUIMHVIlLE AND NEW OILIEAN 8 I'ACK 'I'. Lnavos on Fill IsA Y Fl4, e, it tp. in. FIOI (IINUII4NATI, IAJ(JIMVIT lP. Ervttnisssl n 11, s'l~rss'n,r MI'sws ((' I wnl I'suslssnsls.()silro MeRtsilo 44nd (.iOLKN CITY, .. I). irsglnr ran.4tor, H (), le'ntyro. m'lurlm, will l51inv5 n.4 5i'15vI. 1145r Ir· orfllr t (It" UlPalMtlc' Ip irly oni bsomrdl, or t WAYNE &4 WIIATAMH, limi l(rnvlnr istrmst. Ilt IfI'IAII CINCJNNATIl. l.OUl' VlJ,I,E1 AND NK'W 15111,KA Ni I'A' RUST s'nvnn un IA'I'U u rAY l ltl. 5its ri, n. FOLIiL1JNf1lNNA' ,IfI. I,,6It4VlILT? lawnsmlls, I Iu ls, l'lrislislmiiwsssa ss sll Inlorrns'tlsstn lms rsts. '1s1)1 pin'snnsmsrssz Ml t,51515 t, 1'. Htklnlr, (nsater5; W. Ii. Itl1r Irkls Will "rus sn urlr-rvrs. Irsr ft' Iuclt or Lwrllim4~4 aiprly oil loarrdl, oar Ir. WAYN ( r.. WILIIAMIH. MIiiil'iiiq AND RRN sR. I nav. n FMIL hAY. Fsslrlsinry 2, ill r t. ir,. SIs's IlL MEtI 'l114, II 11,,IA Moillh oi WiLIn ItIvnr, A rlkirallI (Issr nvlllo, Vskirrlkrm rl. Nrtr.".eIIri1 Ithe Ilisndlmi I lie new Fstor ns'r 1UNAND uIc't11nrc', W. II. Tlhrorwousun, bnsi4ti'r, ('o. nIllsmilnrrsrksr smlssrk. TJ'Iroulgl ls111.4 ladiln~ lg eMIl s1 t I'lin, JtMiff mrin ptnit.tlrriisp oni ,115 ILork N lMIslnnlLa l Ilver 1.4(I 'l'oAn.4 lslwn , vmia A rks Lr ltl A rk., r tIss I lItln ltrsrk rn' I ntsut I ';vsn the l hoflsnrnrhlis ,iurl ILItln !ltr'k Ilallrrors, vlmi lsrnlsllI(t, Ark. ItIU1CIIE Ei' A UA I'lTlt. Agosmlnt mrs MmsjgmuJl sin r'trr's. WAIN.kA Wlli IAMH, jtao n1514 (Orsvlsmr .t sslfst. OUACHITA RIVER. New Orleans and Ouaahllra Elver Trans portpa.lnn (osma I 'nl. lonnvsn op HA 'JIIIRDY, oh. a, at. 44 p. m. l44($flUAMI$1F'1 ,AlA llAMA JAND4 Ant(~ All 4144 Iui niga fill 11)4k Mill4 Ouovlullt a Iilvrai- 'r ho 11444, no44w. 1I4ht14t.44t4 p4f414$nMr 1st44amer Jl441 IISIWAIlI. P. (t. Monlgoronry, mna4llr. 1r. Il. l'nrry., lark. will Invu etn A 4b4a. For freOight or 4I44444( 4 Apply on board, or to F. A. 1J[,ANKH, Prhnadnnt No. 2 C(anaI orn4or 1)l~lr1 $41 An44t. 1T1'I'ECA.(A (f 1N,1tH 1''ýN A l Aytrr.l AIAMry A WORK, LORD)1 MI 1'EAKiC, II 1'. M.-4 'h1s hint,4 of i 14s 4l401441444t w Ii the Ooon) for Liltill Itiver. TJ'or 1',lrkar for 1l41'44 l1iv.r, O)ra. Annie# ~nul 'I'I sra oslo ok4r for Ilavtou J4rtrlhollroew Anl HanlIng liv.,r. ansd llrt 111 llrurlner :or Bayou J)'Arlonno. tel NE~W ORLMANM~N AND) OUACAIIJTA RIVERCI TIIANHI'oIITA'l1f' N (COMP1'ANY. Regular UlIU44hlln Hrver Weekly racket. LeavaR on JUEHIIAY, F,,',I. 6l, at. . rrl. FOR)l 4)UA(4llI IA (4ITlY. Mo)N s10, '1'rr41tol1, 14441 alrl A Ia4llrw4niu ''Io 1114144k 1144l (1$441a''I4t.4 rive-rs-- '1'14 no 11111 A £no. I g(rand4 p441$444414(14r s441'41114r JOHN H. HANNA. FrI44l. A. Jllanks, 114444144r, Jon Ilolrvl', c'irk, WIll Ianv, 44.4 441144(4. rankink rsc4'i4ii'4t.I4,ii withI llg l4-41ar4I 144'4a144'rn frll 1144t1 1444atry 4414'414141 1!4r Ir4ic144, f44 pIMU 4r Apl~ y o444 boarI, ojr II., Ca1pt. F4. A. if, ANM H rrl',l'lat. No, 9 4 $an44l 14441144. 444 44r 14llgi,. I1l'l'E; A. CA' lIN. I4Ll'I1"ls'N A EI;I.I:it, A ItA AIH A. WOltIx. IA)iDl, &t M4"JF.;AKI,. Ag4lt, 44.44) 47 1'. H.-'Thr.n h4orns 4 this II'r4444414.'tg will, la4n (14,441n foir 1,11110 rivs. I'r, 1 I'M41 k.r Ifr 144. II river, (irli. Avon4 $1414 T14444114 Illiknr fno t lve,,. Illir 544iQJ4 "w un414 $-44144 sly. r,. 41114 11.-ilm4 14r444444r fir 1154yo44' IA r1444 44. UUUF RIVER. tLEs(1UIAL JBLACK AND IJ'EUXF IIVERl PAC(K iN'f. Lnnvo W LUN'ISIDA Y Inn 31, a t. 5 p. m. FO IRi, 141 NTlti Iii. 4.44444 l'l,(t, 414141 All i114(Alt1 1 R 41 Mon4h, 4,14441 rrlll os.11t), an54- 'I 41444414ler STELL A BLOCK. (In pl414'4'of Eral No 4. 44o,) T1omi Tlaylor. 4r444.tar. WIII laIlve 44 nI,4v4. Tayna jilnr) 4441nr 4144441(on loIs I Al 14Ilgsk IIIyn v4u4 44,4)444414 Fo'r l44514(l4 or 141111'44i4 ripplfy 444 14oalrd o4r to4 ullUs & M(: 1;AItE. AMnnt1. n412 414 (Inal 4.4 4414t LOWER COAST. INDF[IEENDtI NI' R1I"M 1. WVlE1{Y L(OW1i1 COAN'I' 1'AOKI(l'. Ilouvelr EVEILY '1l'4I7E)AY mi144l J11I1)AY. 41t Iis ie, F, lt 11444 .1ni. 1444r 1'44 4it, 1o, I1tpp 14441k 4144 41 Lowe.,r Cuitet ll1UlIrln4. t14r4 A No4. I 14I$4144444r P'. N. Illbanv, MRnt#lr, E. 1'. liAa4444. (41.,rk. wIll 1444,41144 sty id)ot.. 4l,444 lr41 g very W~V4'4 al44'dyy 414441 Hat41 odlny. For fr4411ch1. 4444 14r1.441444 44 44orly o44 14a4rd. A 414'yk will 41lw444144 144',444141 dat 41.1,1144 v 447 t 1If4411, atrn444t1to r144-.4)v4 freis4Iht. 44212' If LOWEst COAST' 'I'I1I-WEEKIVY PACK NT. if '11444'ho now IIand 1414. friltgll fro ht ,4t$ 4r En A 0. C!ANTON, Jr.,Mnl . J 1. Loovn, ;Irk L141v$4,4 t1144 (414y for tIo Franklir kIl o, 4M ills. I'-) iilr and441 wa1y 44 4'g114wy 44 l4A 4ry M44d41ay. W444144," 41141444 and rida4y 14 1 44. 4I4.. 1(414444,4 I/I 11414s144 4v44ry ' ,'1)444 r444y a4141d H.r4141r~ll y (44444-. IInKH. Frltrght c::k root (of C ,latiatrnn. J4.2G U SHERIFF'S SALES. Emile IEouny vs. Williamn I. Brown. QIXTH DIHTILICT COU IT FOIRi TIIE PAIt SIsh of Orleans, No. 9lt,. -Bly virtlin of a writ of seizlure lanld salo to rm, dirt-ted by the lion orablo tht e ixh liltrilet Court. for ithe paritsh of Olrilans, in the above entitled 'a.nso, I will pro 'ld to soil at public auction, at ithe Meorchnts' andI Au ctiono,,rs' Ex'rhllanl~ , street. t,') tween Clrlnal and CustIomI!ouse str 'v, In the Hteonld Distrlt, of this cisty, on MATUDf)AY. Februl4ry twelny-fourth. 1877, att. twelvn o'olo'k m., the rollowingl de's-ribed property, to wit- TWO CE;1tiTAIN LTo OF G(OtUNID, to gether with the uhllingts and ltInprovornents thereon, nd the rights. ways, privlieasU , ervi tuldes ant ' advantages thronunto ,'pprtniirlin and belonging, situnated in the First Distrlet of t.lis elty, In the squnare bounded by Can al. 'l'onti. Jackson (now I a'uiulltt) alnd Miro str,'ts,. designatrld by tihe numllLbrs five, and .ix on at sketch annexed to an anot, prseted bef'lre T. O. Stark. laut notary IIn this city. on the ninth of April, 1856. Hair I ts lmeasure eac:h thirty feet front on Canal street,. betlwoeon Miro andi 'onti str.Rets. by a depth. cach. (if on', hlundre'd and thirty-five feet, betwoon vprallt lir es. Jiering the santeL Uproperty Ithe sid Williarn G. Brown Pcjq'iiredl by pu rln-ms from I'llliipo Bouraon andI Ch"arles Hagory, as per e, cof alot passed b.fore John lendierna il, notary public in this cifý y. on the thirt y-flrst of I)ocsibcr. 1875. H(ei.,d in the above suit. 'Termn ril ,nCnditions-1, In cash for a sullT clont amlount to pay plainttliT claim, say two thousand dollars, with interest at the rate of eight per cenllt Mr atlnnul thereon from the twenty-third of Drenomber. 1875, until the dtay of sale; live per cent on the aggregate therof for attorney's Iees, all costs of sPit and of the sale and all the taxes duo on the property 5old. 2. The1 purchraser to assume the, payment of the two promissory notes, secured by In r gage ar1nd vendor's lien on said prorerty, dated the twe.n ty-,hird of Doeeomber, 1875. for two thousand dollars each payable respectively two a1nd three years after dlate. at the Honthern Bann of hew Orleans, with interest at the rate or eight pr cent per aunum from their nate until Itild and also to assume the obllgations of the act of sale and mortgage not to all nate, and to pay five per cent attorney's I. es in case of suit, etc. 3. And the balance of tie price of adjudicaltion if any) cash on the soot; and in ease the p1 ice bid should, after deduction of the aforesaid fees, costs and taxes in cash, be less than the ag rrogate amount of plaintiff' claim, with in terest as aforesaid, and of the notes to be as suimed as above described, then the r urchaser to pay plaintiffs aforessid cash claim, and to assume the aforedescribed notes pro rata, to she extent of the balance of his bid. 'J HOMAH H. HANDY. Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. ja2S feb12 24 i- I DB. JOHN o. ANGELL, DENTAL SUEGEON, he rrnC ad rad sumd th pra~os of bla j FOl 8fl S VCPORT. Lotus No. 3 1. 1. Dansi. moaltor. LLIaIves Fitt)DAY, Jnt 2, at 8I p. m. Maria Louls I1-. 1, Ilrinknr, master, Loaven HATUIL)AY. Irnb. . at 0 to. m. 1',) wb arfhhot nhnargoL', d ruiyng of ('om IrIsalon wtill '"^ hnrU"'l 1It "n oi"' a havter or a rw (ºrlnrtr'a In for wnorling freight onsigng (I tILL IW*IILIILI) by3 DIIII InLIIIILL. JtLILrrl'itl1r )ILg l hLn I. nLv' l'lroivl'port Tuosdays, 'EI'hI na' Iiiy and' LHnt.u rvlays For frolghlt or pnrllgiu LIc L ly on board ,pf 1)01 LLr aLt tlhoi oft L ltlltr ("lITt Io. I' (Irv r nrot. JOH, A. AIKE 14'e rt M., W, it) .Mot nz'rjH A (ThLT1TN. TIIIIT'T'(LN AI111bfd irs I l,(l) .1 tMnVF, 1 t( 9L Avant. IIlA N'I'I; H' I3ih(IMIIL~I I,INr.. tomvl·n II l n ilAAY, IU . Ii. Ia al r, I. m Fe ,n, I'~httt. trti, (lcland hovrn, A JlI ittI III, rN Ill toan', 1JaiZ lII,' 1i'I.+1 all waR IIIIIIll r'I oll Unt JItvr"'"ThI II lIat-I'IIUL pltalMLLLII I1IPILI1L'I K1TK KINIICY. J1n II IIILIv. iiiadnr. ({or". n, nnny, (iloirk. will Iii vi w'4 LI lv". F(,r" freiight 0r1'rP LIp SnIM ap pl~y onI '''aid,. 'irt~i ,i1113/ Ji'iNJIY '"-tt4 £I+ rL tA N 1': irlaa :sH lcl~k wlill trmet, Aynnta.. FOR GRAND ECORE. PcruaI-Weekly (trurn4 hLcorw Parketa. Ji(Ilt (IILANI) YCOISl, MONT giI 1111v, A IxaILLIrIit, NorrnatL's, Ill tll 'in ii il wLIy iLLLL(IIugs--'IJ'lo LLILflII'rLLa C. H. Durfee. .l'hn Ifnlann, nna.tor. 'Iii VII it 'I U II ILHIAY, at. 8 tp. m. New Hart Ablo. IW HiLICtt. master, ILIvII oin HAT'I III AY, at r ,. m. Will lirnvi, ri'' bul II Il rtl nY,. for krnight or ptnhLLILigi Iltpliy ,m h'i I'LIIrt LI Iin AL),A AIN W011K, I/i'11 NO. 21 ' oriL IeavIs ovItr y'' U I,$,.Y Lat 8 p. m. ep- FOIL V [UJ{IJUIt, NAT M= "' t~i; nvln'Pf a lined and l ratl nt(;rrmel;Y L)LVI."a I IILI 10111 IfalIO U Win, (,7aL Lll, run tar, A. McVay antid JiI. I1. M1 iRIto ,'Irks. loavos re (l*ovo, oonno~tlla Lat. Vl lknrlurgyltb I'LrI 11)'s 14nw, for all point. o YazGoo,. UIuIDOW' or. Door Crook and TailalhrtL ttiLL, JNQ. JANNI6V. 112 IIl'J'I A (JA FIJAN. A ent. Throntrh Pll111 (if ,IIrlLIng {IVorII to frnton MLrLonro 11(11 lii tllhl.IorL LII Vikiburiw, 8hravo por't Ii.iJ tIiAhlat, ni;hI I, W. Ii. 1IIIL(JK FY11'. AmOI~t,, 'I1 MIWIIIlnO s 8ATUIWDAY VJJiKHIUltu UNITED 8TATED MAll I'ACKET L.avesl ovrr HATUIlI)A! al. I'S, M. Natchr,, and all intrrmnendIite loinrd Ings-e-Tih rmu.nngor p.akot Natches, T. P. Lnathers, nmtrstrr, J. F. Mns. oloerk onnitt tling t. Vluknsburg with the Parlsot, Li.e for YaRoo TaIllthlohi aInd Iun flowor riversn indwlith Anehor Lir for Momphis, Cultao r ad Ht Louis o orfro r tr ge apply ot; hoard, or to JOIIN JANN KY. 1ors omrnnron street, ITS & (JAILLIN, 4 T'ehoupltotlas st mna Through Bills of Ltuling jlven to Trenton Mourn aril ill Hlritlonrs nr Vicksburig, Shrova port alnd TsxArm Ilailrodul. W. I. BtOCOKIETT, Agent, O6a Magazine st ANLf O IL WA( AND, PIVX NTUIUOA I i WANDINGLA The lino and fast masesnger packot _PRANK PAG OUD. r J. M, whll. Isastor, O.l Hohm l, clerk L tvenm evorv T'I'UHDA Y at , f m. Will Iilnviym t boven, eolntirnll:g ' Vlik burg with tjh 'I'triarl, lBinr" for alll points on Yaroo andr TaIh'rllhlAtbhl rivrs. For freitr a age apply on boHard. or to JOHNJAN my ALAMH & I. Through B1111s of Mrufln gliven to 'rroutuo , iMonroe ai ilI ¶ltatrtluns oun Vlrcksburg, trOvue. port alnd 'T'eaX liallr',owl, W. It. IlOCK( I'STT'. Agent. t8 Mag.r.lnoe at. OPELOUSAS. I-EO(lIAlA t It i'EI,(I'HA PA'CKKT. Iuunv's u'v-ry WV tI)N IMIAY it i p. m. I'FIt WAHilIINOTON. O ESOU. ml. n, i'ort lurr, HNlnrmmport, Church villu ngnl gill iulndlirngron the(Coast, Atl elrirlt II river ann Ilinyiou Courtabilau--TIhe nOW iLdi lghi t dir m pnmAmorigr rItenior IIE11 4 II Ift. I. Ir ,, 1. nn'tor. Tleo, Jolin. clerk. For fr-sight or pn'es g" nly on ho.t's d, or to IlII i'iON & E'I'PlElt. jn/l3 11 (I ravlgr street. I.,';(iII,AIt OI',ilUIIUHAN PACKET. Leavn HAT'ill J' DAY, Fi'b. il, sitt, p. m. g(uItl WA.HltiNtr'OI'N. OSE'I,)U aK' ,ort liarrie, Mlirmirsport, Church. vlln,i iusl hn.l iarlndingtr on the Coast. Atchara~lrayr ilivr rand l, iyou Courtableau- The iuW rild llghl,-idritlt sin unor sANAEs No. 2, A. P. TrouRdaio. riinnt.r. A. Mrynfnr, Rr.. (eir k, will Invn itu a.iov,. Fir friIght or pmIsut ýap ply on boiid or to JiITTON & IP''I'Lat, jt22' tr RI Or vlnr street. INDEEl'ENDENTI' OI'ELOUJAH WEEKLY PA I IR El. Livr", TI; EHiIAY, Fub. h.i. at 5 ,. m. FOLt WAHIllIh('I'ON.PI'OTHJARRIIE, Churtrhvills,, At*lhaiiti ya, mms port,. li Iennld Iarding, Obd River riii all ints rdiato ionit--'i°Tho light-draft EISA NO. 10. (In plaee ,of this libt. Young.) Torn L. Taylor. rm..ovire. J. I. bh(iumrdt. clerk. C(onortitng at Hisnlrrnusrt with the sitarmer Hltli', giving tlroughl hill of Infling to llayo - dosH (Gliulzni. iFor f,'lreightl or pDIu &sI'J DDiply O board or to lJI'I'l & (CA CII,|N a Tiehrtoulpoula s'. P. H.--T'hrougnh bllls oIf i lrng given to Bayou INDkPI'ENDENT cl-,;l.OUSAH WEEKLY PAC " 'I. L,eavus on FItIIA Y, Feti 2. at pr. m, . . . FOlr WAHIIhNOTON. OPI'hL)U. snu. olrt ltarre, Cl:rrrhvill, Atchaf* rltaynr, hirrrnrsnrort. Ilig Bond Land. Ing, Oll Itiver ail ntll irntrmerndllato points-'The lightt draftp, Lianisunvrr rtia Ier I1011'. YOll.NB , W.. If. DIunle, l a , or. J. Mf. Daniel. clerk. C(. C.. Hlrnponr, mnate. ('cnerltling: Himulrrst, ort, with steamer, Kslv Ingr Irr ogh billls of indinu toB aryou D.s Olaizes, For frtiIgh or puHsing, apply on hoard or to LOUL)D &,G Mi- l',;K I", 4. Cr~rlnp street. A. IJtIT'l'ON. 82 (Orvlgir st. P. H - Will t.;tke frighl.t fur ll wrty landings iiitworin g'r.'sra, it-,n ura ln1 Mouth of Rod Rliver, Williiunsport anl ail Ir aiding onr Old lRiver. _i n -. ... UPPER E1OAr.T tiEMI-WEKiry BAYOU LAFOUIRCIIE AND 1'IPlUpl;bINIS P'AGKE''. PrLANT1hIU' AND 1JdJLIUIAN'rs' LINE. 'J'Tt~ Al side:i-witiJ Miamer W. J. F0I''VNI.%r, (fle sinefl of Mtiiltii Block). U. I). Ii!rri boiiho Masteor. Grai, Bilortk ant i'Y. Inlreane clorks. LreavureN Ncsw UrioaInn ev(.ry 'JU II8DAY I~1d HA'1 UILttAY it rF t,. in., rot'irribnn gvery Wan NI:HDAY antd Sr; IAY even irin. For freight - or Iiiia u... untl[, y ont) oard or to itITE kC).JtLNI fp 4(,c0hnurlpitoj stroet, or TIEltF1nONNE kHAJ.)3ON, Agents 7r, f;,cn.uj-r btwon CiUnti anrd Blenvylle sus. jnlre tf Loavos every MONDIA Y at r, p. m.., iun' FRIDAY fit 12t' it This :- inniinangur tetiamrnr h7' JOHN Frank Borgeron, master, J. U. Lerýceron eler$ Evjurnlnfu f.vo 8vrUNDAY and WEDN :fiDAY For freoyht or [n.s.e ago mnply on hoard or to F.. O. BIISIANcON,; as Blenvllle atrPwi BAYOU SARA. SFOIL BAYOU SARA, WATERLOO, Hermitage. Port Hudson baton Irs jool~,mine and Irostoffloe Iandings--The United 8tates mail semi-weekiy Liacket aOV. ALLEN. (In p1iace ot itiamr W. 8. Pike.) J. J. Brown. mster Leaves every MONDAY and FRIDAY. at mu in,. for Baynou dare. HITE Ot CARtN. Aa'ts.. TChoulntOnlaA at. JNO. JAGNNEY 108 Common ete drssni A. i: ctObfllN,. RSm ngefne* FOR BAYOU SARA WATERLOO Herr, ltagn, Port Hudaon, Baton Rouge, 1'Iaquemlne, Bayou Goal. Donaldeonville. and way Iandings-.The new bnd splendid emi-weekly neket (In l of the ouathE le.)