Newspaper Page Text
+ e11mtJuI'nMI Of to l KIAt Of LouiiI~nR.6 OUtuI aJvrnanl of Ith. Ily tf Now oiWfrlmmnu Oloe, 109 Ocravler 5It..t, @ZORO113 W. DUPRP* &a CO.. it Il4) T 11 Jit 4 IN, A. J #RIAMICY~, jJtt ttl( tCpR't# , A1,019nm r., .ANIN, I. 1. ', HME .. NATO$ Or Nttftii(1luI'7'ION. The Daily Demarat. 1t 1t' .::::::.310. 1 fill, lln............ 1 ' The Week4ly Demenart4 WMnnkl I~glnol'ri In t s n tan itllQI In.I r, hPJA'tron,.. IN Ii u N )T IfY9 t Weiý. , .. ......... ..... pw 5..b' .44 Sstuvtay No Illy' . 10tHNV l'nrnl la Ilt'b~i 1nnn ýThe tpttll Wp Ithe (fontl twat 1$.' Nto - Ufi'l" A hrttl tP4r ln it titt' i~ tilt I Ot Mit y M (Atli tar nyºº atºI , wmtlº (Hwrtt~oH, The atire o hi flop Ne Otstehinhi 111;10 QuiAt hal been ta nnrotl Itr l"IuI'ns, l iCiarte Lo In ho holUthr irest e $% tor. w l IiotIs '1 i ' it . tie timle of ' cther ' lA'I ',11t lou . ot lt11 , ll K thcetr two eI~wre,~ Itc~lrwete~mor sst t~'le t lLlnt lnl, Alueir I1",1,.I I II $'I.1' tn1.tM,'ttii4V, a Fil111l~h lift tv11111 weCO, reeowlaled .itl islrniLtitH1 by thAir nrel~nliloti of their (oetun, tie oleotor., the 1ºtti or i4neIlItyUity, from this tiuse. Th1a they h"ld te V,,1derai, oAt ope at the timea of their eleetion Is ardmlitI.d ResIglarllK thotlr omoec #si eteators on Thi A(aooutt, thIny wrflt e1letedA to fnll their own d nu~ ruct fom by the oth or iot'i - h'gere o the boiro. Therotor who no .todsrtlon a) t the eoegg of thesen YlrA'Sl~ciA'5. NOW, b.Y wIIt, aUthmroty o ould r Ilios vii'ilcles ho flhied These twnowr ho (tleio li ryt orn be LrnAII rl Wignat on of their posts, as cra lr ore, Ijalon. the ilNot of Insigt' ti'ill.'t't, frmti tu nA'n Tat ofhiy hold the ludurt liA ti lt' the tim'otlI th'rt of Stloit'I htttloldi'. *etigiii gthetirt otlotI a ottttlM tor lon to h Isi.'t i 0101l 1116ut te' UttI[ 111)t llt theirowis ii oao i'tl'iot byi thit othor It tA1 ti~flotl III1116' l)t'l ofrs of8 C Iord.t l therl ra1 ie no Itt Oilc )iothe rxilt) auLtornity ( otiioil ltilrp IC I ho 111. ofl 16(18lH IPtt 1'Al)Alict ihol vi IIt lrluk Iie Ittlton beThor an1111 to. thin t' lit'y o'tstt ii 'iditi Aly giivenllng tttrn to iiif t 11t' tit'ltto t Ili Ithe I ilirn i (0 loo o it) it ltngt'r1t Aot' ald ofd nt eIIt t. I i~lull lhows or tiia Letiero nt'rcll o fot It hll tholrd otv I ~t 'A. IUA-o'i('ut. 'i'tit'l idt'ot I o nsu Ihor t illt I~t s Iebthoso vnonno14,14. \VII'ii, 'ir I'll11wor would I not oxtirct, t g11lo1 I14 i v ltcn 11v. pt 11t 1i 11\. 104 t it,!1's6 telly m it'll 141a r VLt'ftl, in 6 1111 , glanny rcI'o ro wi~a fit , 11I null ilr omto I to (.hholl, not of 147,2 ornl Ing 1114' lil ti (nitlg r gIng thgi voto nowt('h ttlt otirt ilt'itc oof (ellorg til thow hoyi gthwt o ' TIIE FI,OTHI A I)EtCISION. At a late hour last. night we recelved the Intelligence that the lletnoral' Tri bunal have declded thatl the vote of Florida shall be counted for Hlayes and : Wheeler. We are not. informe als to the grounds upon which this declision was reached, and cannot, therefore, ex press an opinion as to its merits. The a O aseemed a clear one to us in favor ft Tilden and Ilondricks, but tt is shown from our Washington dispatches, for a week past, that the opinion in Washington has been that. the vote of Florida would be either counted for Hayes or thrown out, and bets were made, of throe that it would be counted for Mayes, tolive that. It would be thrown out. It wolfid seent from this that, there was an in herent weakness in the case; and, for the honor and credit of t he Supreme Court of the United States, we trust that this was so, and that the decision is a fair one. Other members of that court, who were really the arbiters in this great cause, have descended to the level of pot house politicians, and dragged their robes through the filth of lRadical fratid and partisanism. The Louisiana case will probably be referred to the Commission to-day. We shall watch the act ion of the Commnhission in this Instance with intelligent eyes, and if it is in truth animated by the base and degrading spirit of partisan min, it will be the duty of the Demo. eratlo members to withdraw from the Idelberations of a Tribunal which has : gra~ed the Republic, and shown a disposition to try one of the greatest s-uss-~~s mw ed in history in the spirit bltesI and in the interest of a j3-infaaounsp ºlraOy agaa st .1< try, P Brnivii Waah~tlnttloh o1rtNIX ohc ht 'k trO n oulr WM htlllgtiulU 0rfrsl oBdentt "I, n able knit entg.oioum JournalIt, we print tills t orntng two important ldim pstrus~tse. The first or themn, whl'h a4p" pu( asnti in the menond ellition of yemtor tlllYy OVlli ng' 1)44 Ict'n1')', contal! n4 1,1144~ followIng 'Elss1111'11 i t 5555 0 l at)I wli t 'i'Ih l' ,i il s111O 4I44 ti ,1i"(n114si'411 ! 1'11114 i, s~ll Isiil, 14''n440# WI ii'1 11144 II)'li sa554i94w4ii1i5511VIl t, 1411114 tilp( 'n a f " it IllssrissslIisr It1 i '1's'Iiss i441(1111441 s 'o '4,44 (4l,11 I pis' s sr 'I lsss ii I .'i' r 151441 1411011 n 4 r4 Is4 11 o11I'lis I s I )I i ( lis 1'1. l p olhnt~5 41sor/140 as4 t ltst it 911s0''. .ipiit t Ill.,, 0 ,p fo i (I 01 r o lls", n p Isss . , .'gr s i ' h yili e I-lilt It, 0 ss 14l4' uISP g. Iii l y 1 1111114 ii "u! i 414" " lin a l4, IIt. 14i( li I sliga l 44t Of "I i lis a 14V 1111m ,)I a 1 iII 4114$1{44( 114 111141r~l~ll l 14tI~ 1114 11114 vii4l'IhlV "i Ilss' 4r'4'111,111 i' "1'i1111 4(1t $4"' $1 s's,11 I, ,itpii s 4sisi Iii r UIi I isil lii l's-l iisiiI a TIh Phiss rii ii14(4n1Oll, teiSilv~l sOis5ii hli4ho;r; soIlnter, 4 i3 ' l N 114' t 11 ,''I10()11t /9 r"Ih'I11ptl ()(" )rr-llllt1n) will 44 ','14tH If'Pa lin1"r 11' 1-411")111111 lilt. 1111l1n411tl 1 Ii 11"11 1- IrlsrsI og I11al, In t liii FIsri'ls (4n4, 1I'1y wrouisild i'Ow5lyl no IonS Igsslily (4i11 (n41 sir ilio rovliI4l petSt. il fily Lsh I 'rs'nislrs't of r. tile, H'tineii, II Ito]I 15e h5rc59t fon s~r .14 I1oisnlssi5, II in4 I'152 1111 I hoe r osissi ins 1.h4 h F'iill'iii 9i5145 rontl 5551i , 451Isa 11511lI, vairy nea5tly all the9 ts' illsos y wlsls'ls Mtr. I 11 olusir ssill ,tsiullg Illnisi do sslit'ii11 Ii. ii ls'liis'r' h iilt, It Wsitl i'5iiiliisrse 111s 1 51$ th sslissg 4ivI Is ert~ itii't'195 Ii'ilI~i-i f i ,'5%% 5Iu 1hp IS4ilil l l o I iio iiitilt, 1 1iiil I ital. Iit'tisn iliv vrlol I'l li' les4444 wsissi III, siriIli99iI I sr$'ritly. liii' (,Ls19'Ils'i rI 9944 '.5i5P~~95111 11rp~l~lrim 5 150 tIIil'l sIit. Ini 1 1514( I thy slljril I114114 his4itilil1iiliS1iii, IIIf955i5 iii .III' 1liest, 1"('44441 rll" i5451(tl CT h 'I'l 1511 (l t il 4x1 ho1 ,iistiplsIs't'i'iI and5 rusied uponsi III n IIs'II4s lsss4Iois'soissslly ssr 111 s 41s1441'o 4+44is'+444 siIisl 11114t.f/Me'1510111 t1/' js*'os's'iliii' wlijlt bs(1 1$s1u$4X! 11) is44ui º fr h ) t/is tr'1/s5 rai tlUnier tisll symIstlln tlherse n:sd bie 1o fear tlhast the mi~lt In Ithe Ie1111t51Ilan1 came will bs ouveredltup and hustled out, ofor might. 'Tihe legasl *xigs'ls'll of the L o1luiiana o4l~u, the eioglenles of truth I antdsl Justille, reqlulio that the rountltu liogatl it y of the ietu;'ntag Uowrd, and the egilaliy and honesty of its operalions, , shall be freely inquired into andI pro. nounswd upon. 'rThi Is about the ground we up stleri stand that. J sige ''I'111111)tll prolioou, ti s'OVs'r in1 the I 1Ulslgnns s'ssn, isnl ll It is wide enough for nit the eiulnd or 1h0 fullest. *isnt.slop. $4 are nat isilod that. 11 will hl olobsl y sholwn that nol nmrih osly 11 41a t. Ijouni 1 alpn lts1.Is'Inisg Ihoatrdi ('til hIavoe it Igil-i. usn(nr ixnimrtw1os undor Iie A sist-o'nn thbeossy oir govrr11 tsilrs , 5lloisr I-li sou-g mnI1111 Iitl 0r t lip sulti l'41its, sil nideir 11141sltlni it 551 ii of 1oi al t is ntor I lllpI I 4451)4. I 09r19's1. as hi ere it's'1 thst, Wheni I hsst.Ol rs tl rs'isiis ry flinst It sit~ioll 155si1I5Itt'y 4 iilisis'5,sl ous, it 4x111 heIs 1o I us jgiigslsts of 'I sAli s~rniusiifi (till tiglil I b11ioingj los' is 111111, Iu I 41 ss1 ' the s'isosst I11511 I 0li 1.4f Ais . r 11 slu'itl N$'l 11s 11141 Iii' or is u isi 1 l4l1111', nI sisliVsltllsi55hL 4%istsi~ isrnss I iso cr~il. Is, I sit l t (4$111 ilroItI 5sf Isis s igsisss lu ' ssf Owl i' Mtsslr' mS'. sssI 1144lssll 41 1t alllI i.Ilss Nurld'1psl'sit of Ijri51i54155i15 111414 sisistri5i 1i.'1151, ursdil sI.C t tlrs Ii i~rl to is. 1.t slot ,'nrt I to hots sii sit'sllt tig lis111 hust.s $1Si Who'll~ f~il iiilowrs lj'isiis 1'111141y Isils 11144111- i h4t"sO ', tS -ust. isss1srs, sstsi ns'i 155ly s'i'i55 ii rsi I t~Ii t Ii55Vls 254 Jl-4$s4's I 1ss tss thous (i'l sor ansy ;sssilsIt Iinliusissli tio nsty s'isuo'tItis- II 1.11(111 lies' jitis4es5'54 tii4Sssifl4sii I bsy tisss ('oil5. s i'usso 5595 iits 1.'sii, I iso siiso'inloss sss ijiiss t Is t Cllrsss r vs'usssii Itit hp 'tio Isis of l1., br0s~ hrnt sri h e hiugill of st.h board, In hs'ory, olshn 1" .vl h.h _i' 1~ .. s -1- i c1 - ho _.'ih - s wil Is' the Iloetion, as depolited with the See rotary of State, or even, if ocessary, the certfilcate o of tho Conmmlsnione'rs of leootion, will he introduced as tetti mlony to prove what the result of the electio in Louisiana really was; and those returns or certilloates will prove beyond doubt that the )enimoratlo electors were eleetod by an average ma. jority of BUOO votes. ]leyond this the Tribunal cannot go. It cannot try the charges of intimida tlon made against this people by the Reipublicans. Those charg:es constitute an indictment against half a million people. No ouch case can be tried by any earthly tribunal. The testi mnosy could not be taken in a genera tion, andt two generations could not digest and comparo it. The trial would stlretch out to the crack of doom: thrones would cfumnble, empires decay and republics pass away before a just and impartial verdict could be reached. The charges were a base and miserable appeal to the passions of the Northern people; designed to creato among theln, a public sentiment which would sustain any conspiracy, any fraud, any act of violence the Reopubli can loaders might find it. necessary to pe;rpetrate to inaugurate Hayes. It was the roguo's cry of stop thief shouted to give him an opportunity to com mit a murder or a burglary. The Re publicans never designed to try any such case; they understood from the first how impossible it would be to do so. The Electoral Tribunal is not called upon to try it. The duty of that Tribu nal is to inquire into the constitution ality of the Returning eBoard; into the powers exercised by that board; also, the manner in which those powers were exercised, and, finally, what the legal and authenticated returns show the result of the election in Louisiana to have been. T.o somewhat unrxpswl , taot that more m urdore, httr4laughtters, eth,~ lttve beetn outnrltted sln,)e the oleotioon ttan In the samne p'rlo4l of tine beflore It ant11(1 dintgr the 41atlvnv, has not 4ts= eaped publill nttlntlion. The 4)bltp Milo, thEi two rival ftov4rnolr'oe, hnav n41t ertlnPtd t his not ev4'n 114 jtrv,44bli/j can tins 1.llr .Itl th.)1, s1ll It w'ttiitl hen only too Iliad too 10 oh--for the sntoe (,41tI4Iloin f nf n.]irs poems to 41xlpI in thae ;el4lghhorlni MI4,'4 441' 'or Texas anti Mississippid.. Th'le Now iYork ih',,tii urns th t. frirs to discover that iio i ing a porr litl~loR I cnnl p41I4i1 II) iii 441t41.114, urline, part.iolnt rl y Iurdler, ,I t rlras41. It. wit eIsrpl4)r4s1 nt., this4, 141t,.. It.4144l of putt1.lingM the I rior ex iinunt14)lo 44n It.. 1114t44.l of1 n41.4101lt I t.h1411. diic 111 fign(1) 1 ca14va41 , 1 1. 4u444t fit half thrin populeation ear'n lly goinr I 4141 4''4t 41 1o theIr 1441.4444144t)44.4I I'4t~o tIt4oI4 144'!) an14'4 r, knuwliur well Iit shou41)ldI they I4'rV4)In aly I101111i. or IiJutry, 4's .Iliry wouaid 44'rtrtllly db ln ouidltinaryI 1oi41i, such'1 I 44441.1i r41evIgno r th1)irs4 Would1) ho eollnlo il ngalnp I·if toil wllPIl I ptJItltl, lion or~lf Ihl I mproved sh owing w e t e st s, 14II It, wits I.r141 f4,4n1 W 04141-')411 141 1414)1 eniI ofll Ih1 05% 1.11411. wo1re 41.1 4)1.144.041. Inly 141 l F I n 111)4 1111r 5414 4 W111.( Wlei 0s4114. 1lvii114 1 Itlows, W n l t.l444 14111. 4 '41441) 4ere 141 soul Hull I i 4ll tilt, i li eul IV I ll) fit i4') 11111 1141 I n 1 4 1, 411 1 111-44 11444.f. 41)444(1)4)4)44 ; '14441. 1141) (V44)4 l 41. r441)'4 l l ; fI)444 teen have i rtren ialletl frmnº their hfi PPR 's 41411I tl144 44o r 1Rg14) "fll shot Iy 44101444w 1 lv 1141 n l.ti 'i 4114141144v s'vel' pe n 4444)44144.4t on!o tit144)44) 14414 in 41t 4 444)44 I4444144 a Iiepvr' 1444') 4441441 414 In14I 1 4, 4444)4)u have nowr no elalin flor than ; they hav arna m nlsinn n urln( thatwaswunta ed or 4m41 a441 4 . 41,44 1,1)4)1 vomi tl fo l'llW4n P411"n 444441 34)4., OWe~ 114114 .444V4) 44411444 4411d! N14'ho lN. there was no earnlvtl of politlual nmur. dorm Ini 1Louiiana4 durinrIng thi, late an14.1) vacs; thlat ther were no4 nre of tlhe44e then than there always have 14446n lit this 8tutIu, o'ven1 s)11414 R44ld1414 rule has dlvy llrIgan11441 144olety a411d 1)11414 a m14oekery or the law; Cl44t.1 Ini f414t., thme canl1va44s ha41l the i~ 'T414' of1 m11)kin11 41.1 "or e~tI?4?ll ea4rl, 4nti4 gua4rd theIr t4)14p44ra 41.44 14444tJOIIn. ''I11o 'i'nxa t~ t l, 'r urn rtn l'ionalsy ta ll S~rntrstly dlleuiamemhig t.hatl MIxio~n n fill1 htntlioring ,xtplltioh . Ihn,.ian' frlhndl ,, IIr Itt htit, Ithey 0414 got 3 ',0(I)0 Inoi ror 11hitl in !, taull ina mittl'I'xan ; l andl',.%(4 ia tIa rw 0r111Il to Ihollov lhint. It. at) hIo t1l4) t'. Ift. l'i 11r1-i o il 1111 11h t Ihoin to of f'I'ex n s .hlll '1t 1 ver, Ill il ltl I'ontilftn dat ry 1I)'(n to t !.ob1) + at'Iny. \V1a 4in. i voultl hIo oily too' hilar y I)t lonl rtibIw' Iitv few If 'tot44 l I, ' eltany eal' ftIIIyri to I1i arf i t11 hy, utlld w rou .i o I i 1 t11 ,111 igh; lit 't i n It rot nl v ilnt o III ,1',1 ilt t: 1 i'f 'v .Ilo r hIfir l l no 1w I..ov rln t t'Vl o Ot ut riio doti i It'r ltilr'tm'iil It l Il all otatIut ItniiuflrtIgied by hiel l,,ortfIrn M ilv ,r I l lating ( ho n lp1 nny Iar',, fully rel'ro itnttd at thoi nutw 0oor 4 oif Allen I11111, I1117 llollrttr n fltroo't, Vtwo Ib:l n t l in t lrIt 'f thoe City tItall. Mr. lIill' 1: uttL IOf our ollt' . tro lta rt n ttfh t. Iioiltyd .art N. n I 'hasi).g sliver plated warn er-a (dllhpenl upon g ttl.iln 0 the: b, lt, trIi)) oe Idlod. wirk, i Mr. III ilI'i ithow rIitm)iL H are uoulI L ex elulortivly cit thi tl Mc ovoryn pallurd aw ttlfor tOllV tolhIr t teII o, inoi olhor goolds Hold. 'airti h. dodiring to l trhu l aln will Ib ata, lSl d witrh th t.claly d4enlr, ion goinlig it ftow blo uto oxni tl h pde irlid Llstok of llnlitw tny ol.i, p tornil fronm the lholtehlon IJrllitiannia (crn. pally. alnle who hlav ll nl their ohg int. ))tore' itl, 50 15rotnlwity. Now York, will oind its iountl.rninrt, inh Nwl. Orleans, I 'ndt ( iri rtl is rotalot t h ,it,. Our ruhhoriborth will confor a favor lpon tu by repor ting r t thrni dfico eveiry rom luro lir tho dolivory to their anrosm of the lInc iooATr, as wri are particularly desirous of achhoving tibsolute oxaotl tude and punctualllty. llsllt. i iBattalions in order, i right roiyal hotu FIronm r the door to thIe drnl pre Lrations 'oni The greon, goTlid and purple nlliven oah street, Whib. on lip too xpe'ctant ne truNll( suliecl . bo o ti ds nn rll. A ichlor in his heart, r oyal oiwort i hilli. hady.. TI ho give to the Kittn. Iong, long llt y hln rolgin. Ther dJ. W. spens. of pl.ansuro. Clsubdu of pain, cihot toill to our midst lmay r e. h M rdion tom(r llrinlL'. WATSOENDO -TLLIBS-At I t.. .JIE Oph.n T'uronsd aChurh. outl.. by thet±rv. Aro. Marks. Tatlhday. John. 6 ish77. Frailnko Watson to ltis Nellio iTl liboth of th sa ity arish. Vicksburg, Ne York alnd Louivillo, Ky. a pcrs phaso copy. , C18.:RK-G-RAVE.L- On ThurdTay. Feb.1s, s1, by the Rov. John Matthow.s. at, the r'eidonco of r. J. W. inrus. Ael xander 1. Clark, of this eity, to 11iss 8allto M. Graves. of Montgomery. Ala. No cards. Montgomery pat.,'rst pl'a'e ( WISHENDORFF--IUEALLE - On Thursday. February S. 1s77. at Carondelet t -troet M. E. Church. South. by the Rov. John Matthews, CarpOt and Oil Cloth Ware HOUSE. ELKIN & CO., 168............CANAL STREET............168 Are offering their stock of Axminster. Velvet, Brussels and Ingrain WIOS a extremely low priees. jai t n etc MERDE N ' BRITANNIA COMPANY. 111 Th nlaplttt (1001)H nmln by 41114 (Irln1nlnnl 4-9 41.4 fully 1'1, ('4114((4a d hI4 Off, ( ha I )w Itrrhlu' '4o ALLEN HILL, it 16'7 tAROMJ 4 STRlEET, ii1 ( link" l isit'nlwjp IaiiHO . hil4cl4, i ln I r 1pnji;liv Ii '~ ~C.ptIii.,' iu js U~ll iJJl I Mil~al~,''h' nl'ld Il~~~~~'u, 4('II'IV R.)I i lrSit I I AS , y nu 4'14,IInalI 144 I8 44. r14 i i, ('k 'intp k1 u 11''111 n i1t Inn 4141144 MI lvir ('l ,'l.l 4 I r'ii' 1'4 1 41111 l l ,l , p "1 '4"44nn (44 lk''1htiIn i n'Pil s'hi l nl l I' u~r 4i"'" vii u hul I h il Iun J iuk J 4lu iiiiI,'p, I Irkuu 'i 41444 4'14'411 I1' h ,Jl Niv .ui I U , IiN,1)48/4, 'I'ul. ,lh I ''''it," uvi'1n Ml' Inull nn i4i.'l l giu IIii h 4 ith111' llva' r still k- V4'uvrp.. I't 'n III) d . (! *d 1 ilP I r a l up l I;1" '. 1I i41i I Ii,. A N r1r4 4)441414,1Il Nil R'I.ili" ii t I" Ian, unalinn4N . It, ~ ~ i All.p O'lnn 11',4444.(11.4 ~ ns I y~ '4 'Y cuirne~tI-/'' 1iI' aI mil MtIf, 1'.4ee4 (InnIlt$IP " 1 I '(4 14*. L144, NOV I"" 11'l'I1I INn UOilO111.1 IIru I ici~ i' le(rn( IR l~lr-R J 4 hl tld'4ill l~tl-1ni An. I'y Iv. If. I1,iYNol,l .1, fQ ii'i ty I n (1111,r "fiiihi , Mivrkt l I nt 44l1tr i )1n 1'm. 1 ANt) I I'"l"lI(I 41''NI01N linIAT 'tIrl'hh Steinw( y, Kn1be 4ad Pi1yol K -IDA &l--- . l' I il'1 4 V l, 'I. A !'14 I~ ttdi na, I IIi l ll t ii IiU lIpI 1/4I4 "41 l' 1'II L 11 4 INg.rn I1,1 . 141011.4 1V11'I.111 1( It ANii l l i.I NIIT f ,I i At 4.1 4 ,'''4 r 1'14lA A r1.11. ii. i/ 4 1,III. 'Ii nI RI'J I ,,r~m, pl Mgy ppg 'It 4 (t la tat' (I ItI' Iai 111 ,1 I'Ij12II . IS 1 ( lisassIsM. A iuvpli v-11 111i Iru nI ILnu A I Iiip lr, nit Mi 'v0iil yl Iaan l (~ l it~~~~I IIr I ilil ;ui (rttiI hi iNt 11 1')1 Illl li 1 (4 lcL rlvyre 44',1 114, rll('54441114t '1141 A.~nri~ 'I'l~tlrlllt) ~I-( 11A llir ILAIlLOO I'I( IKEII , 11)1 414~ y u'ºI(1' ' 1. ,4 lrf l, lll l1NVI l(.(' IL, Sitheit Awyrd at tha Phil adelphiar Exhibition. LAMDERT'S rIlIvnhIrI:AI)I N 3 I'IO'rOOlIIAIIN I (KI IAO(Khr. IIIGIIES T AlT' EVEIL ATTAINIED IN I'IIOTO(ILAI'IIY. Permaneal Pieture.? No More Pading Ilavitng wqulrod theo 4xclulMve rluht fu tihe Htate of LouIA, unI l of Lambert'. Patent Preoomo,. I horewith ofTor a challt'ngo of s$coo to any one who, without iuling these tIlt4l.ntL or erHpial nma turIals, will tiroduIo tih diffornnt stylnH of Ipor traiturn. I'ICRMANENT iw well art I1I(0IIY AILIHTTT(O. obtained by mo. Old I'ltlt (trolhl roed and aniargndi, and ifinish ed In all the dlffloront etyllo, rrmiad by tntanr, of these pro.nHeaos Iioro DorfIl, t tluu origindl und tu.uanntv..d Never to Fade. Every Picturtn mado nlndor Tailnbilrt't Patent Proe'soeo bairsu the nltme of the I'utuntoo. Thu pnhlle aro cordially and roepruitfully in vited to eall at my Gallery and oxiunlno avux'I mons. THEODORE LILIENTHAL, -olo Licn!,uo for the State of Loul»lana. 121 Canal street, no21t m Turo Bunlllnas. FOUItTII OF AIARCII' Cl'STOM-MA DEI BLACK DOESKIN PANTS Fream $4 '0 Ito % 0O. FINEST ENGLISH DOESKIN MADE TO Olt1RDEI At $8, $9 and $10. A Splendid Fit Guaranteed In every inotance at COGAN'S, 19.- ....Canal Street........ 19 Between the Custom-House and River. Open uaW 1. m. Pa sundays. 1tr lml GROCERS AN D IMPORTERS, P11), 5,1, 43:, Atn NEW LEVKIt MTIIEET. (1111$ Urn ptups e. rpt hnkpt 111111, f K I)IKiI( ta In nt itltlC1 M MIB~ ~ ~ ~~n' niSEI~t I.'l~llgiini..f~ct C tnt tn.... (#4)01) (PIIIINA IlY rit,A II 1i'1', ra s 'eue IlN IC (IA L 1', t't (1IAtlI' ui litirdr lututla Wit I'1'U A'INKI. Atte 'Anon WMI'I'i , 1iNK , 'ar.' ,1. uhuI U ºflKIFN ed UY 14V1 WIIIP?. Al.' nmd foilr. ruse onpkp IN(I1,11414, H(HTtll 4141+1 1 11KCMKN ALJC, willi rrnnka Ills arssnass IIrIIN E1'6OUP, Nnn (1114)1414 I l i AII V11 iC 1.14 h llth unpui nnuur i, lul l' sk u ('uitg.ts, 1N IN( fL15411 M UN1A lt,. ('u1"1" and ( flgg (ý4pneIM. .unn', w'unlo 11suiliuutun Now itl it sou Ilrlalllt, Iuuinitiut&, A tut 1 u1ttI 'ut ,,lll'n otuinlrluuntal Nill,m a(' Ii1It1',l 114 1.P1 . g.1 tnIshcl)* r..i nil AlvIr. lil'All I AN II,,4. irau I to, itt}t.1 I" A *utrll-tn uu..trtltu ntt I II4tfjt4* toru ltt.a illi , Inn. I~loloi MIf i IsA N. In lint;, ()'l 0Ii i i ,v 1 1NfCN I JAVA, Il; ttIn.A NSIKISI' tAlirnn IIFl1r1 ~n( I Itito l '11,1 I'IIlA 4lti ii '0 Iroii A' tfO fl nn a~ugeIcu 4 111'r1l'0 h'lllJ Ii, ..,A rtrr~vrana, loth all,, NA 111,1 `d IN, Acu ' u . , rl ' Io n masle A.' tuuitP · 4It'(ito14 (1t Iv4+, ilr/.iRr 1;4IInI ', l'611'111 .lull('', V, Ill Int I( 1)1(1 17 QUADRUIPLE AWARD I THLE AMERICAN WATOHI CO. OF WALTHAM. Atutuutuuutu ti it liv hitiv Inn trr nwu lul, I it tititi Iilluln Iir u ,ut It iii.. fiA; IFORI WIVA'iUlENM, FOR()ii WA'Il'(I ?lA K I N(I1 MAtlIIINI;ItY. I')it A MYMTJjvI oir WAl' 'VA(J MAK IN(I, ANDI Ir't t'Dol) ANI)811,,VItIC WVI'l'('II (0AH8 . AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH AGENCY, A. M. HILL, Jewelor, N8 St. Chariots 8treot, Corner of Commerojad Place, NE W ORLEANS. LA. UIiCVI4lrCI A1t, NlDtlrflI(lp)rI 1'1110 LINT.: 'lb.a fcllrrwitast w'ulsIto, trn all patnt ot"f kIrv 515 iinlttI, Pntutn rtt i,.. lualrst~uu. and sol14 undt'r full Uutn'rutnuu Itllol4id 1 unr Wlcnll,. a'utt ltn pa lt....... . ... 11(. 1 * Tit. atitn, tlnt uu unl Itult,' nal lint. gi11wsieu.... I 14ellul Nluktl Wtuisl,. v ry nirsttg Uene,....., 3 lIl~tl lIly'sr 141..uu Wintiou, to. k.y r.smnulaqld.. i T hti 'ssn 'sl, t rl tn n f ut'o ... ...... . ....... 114 Ittll~l (itlti Wntnh, 71,', 14 karnat vIan.......,. M Hanon, ltnt l It katorati .n.................... ye H4 II1l (Itltl 754 tusi. 14 knrtit, 4tnm- Wp lndet. ,. 'Iint nu lttnt. I Itl atitriso, ....t.... ........, Si 'lttlimn, (l i i a W loaim- ,lt ,,,,,4,, .. 5W nu t tilil I lu Is lhion ptvii" 1 hta v. . d 1i6 lrttlul is out, 411,,,"inns WV ti t will Lutuf, till Lb ýl u In rtuimu, Al slt';it~i Al' A PIt P., Winft'ia Iftpp~driati iuy Nk j1lled11 lorkltnvua 111i,In ii #t. i'Itnuibitit I'tit('rt. bo.Ll) ft) KAR~AT GlOLD CflAIll'fts1 61 !flr I'K'i. PNNYWII1*fc'Ii".' mtilt p1" 1) t1 . ;. It I, A It I), O(!)l1414' ,\NID A /IIH'I'ST, II ! (, t(m l Hirertt, I-ot A'he i ll, INew Orlestus,l IIn. tfe)o ly `V, W. IAIth1. 1^.. W. Nt rllrltlI I'l n ia lllnt, Vi', I'rofhIdft. 1) I I I( I, .1) SA EI AND I,O1(: C(OMPANY Cel:lrated Fire lro d IlIrglnr Proof ' .A. I," :11' P . Thl orl UrAL l'rvIgnltlil. Allnt for thonne eoIbralblvd HIILfH, if trlpardl tA, IeAi, oIrdll 4 for VAUITH,. VAULT ID)OliH, I1lt*LAIll 'ILOO CIf I 'iTH. ET'o, of tany 417,A or dln.'riptllon wanted, Iat manultl tur#rn' lriol-I. The largeNt uwnortrlnlt of 1t' onl hand ,over exhibited in the HMouth. I'rhi' IlltI. CirIOlrbrM. i)Dlgramn of HMats. TcItltmonmLin, to.. furnishod fron on applolItlon. A large sul .y of nronl- hIld- l S.a4 al!way on halnd t1( low liglurao. A. 1RO Y, No. 27 Canal Itrelt, ijnls Ji Jm Now Orlortn.s. In. IPI CI(I<1S lt1:)U11 l1) IN AL, HEAVY WINTER CLOTHING. Muni, I, soldl to make room for SPRING GOODS! Cash Buyers Will do Well to Look. -C~u.rhnlnro liUHINtHe H UITi. tif, $Z2, $15 to 327. Winter OVERLC(ATH and 'IAIMAS, $h. $7. $10. $12 to $25. Elegant Dreum Mlts for HIall. and Weddings. hiri.. Winter Und"rwfar. Colla lrs, H orfs. and other novtlt{+e. Also Bifoys' and Youths' Hu 14 very low. iow pcrie.s,h tho Aft goods, anol onlito attesntion at WH,,IIErII t&c, IERMON'N, 1rt and I. CarpD stre.t. mHuIrOrmsorAI to l'ierson & flows. Wholoeale depiart irfift uI(-lltirs, wi th aL fm Lflnt, stook for lountry mreha.fnts a.tlrl orns ftfo1 Ordersn, fs MIlffIf.s f Daor, y & Whtseledor. 5. 1 f +. _ rr... . . . .. .. W. W. WAMIIIB ltN, ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER, 113 (;anal street. Opposite ('lay Statue, New Orleanq. Mr. WANIIIUBIN is himself an artist of twenty-live year { oxpfrlenee. and Is lsupported In nt;ch dltartment by a eorpl of asslstants who have no superiors in this or tho Old World. He is the master of his business., Resides employing the hbst artists he uses tho best materials and makes the best work on tho Con tinent. You may call this "BLOWING HIS OWN HORN." but for proof he refers you to his thirty thous satd ptrons, and to his work, which may be 1i etere al hs Art lalery, ZeG UsIgI4 OITIRBNAND STRhANGFRf IOMI OYSTER BAº, Noe. 1) ne II lfeHvnl atrat, I, P Ihd, lrirulii'i. Piillipntl, itrned l soi Ito**tnrl '7Nchrl, Anti Ii' ' lu it Jloi at siiu rl Ilytv'ier s k+104 £lTor, s~ilt I'i+l:'ew)Tio 'he, AU6I, I: tl It it i yrlItlst with ITprils' ('.¶l"thrsntgri A1151 E. (V i Itlt'II tal, r,. hot Luuok fvnrry dly frin I aI. Ii ito I p. in. " Arno, Ovst'tr fifty and 9ie1',ou. Sfri- 'Irr ii Nh't Ii urnI)l I IfoygJ sttrrst. LI IItEIA I (;A1MI1 ADlVA NCJ'~4 nroal)l(,a 0pfiipnntM of COTTON, GRAIN and PRODUCE Conslgmil to4 Miiuarr. JSAktIN0 I1.08. & (;o., Llverr1)ool. P;1021. .1. F~cllii'rAl,i'il I0Nk3. 12 fir) :'o (jierlr nlska SIAl)OI' OIff Cl('I'IIH, WALLPAPER, 1 Ph ~Itto~'l rflIY (MOON~, .tIndow MSIadeie, C Ornirem, Liace (urtrtloan. Bee. owl lin klinbe fno iluy. 11HATII, 5'lI'PMV 4 LARA, foI im 17 nnil til (biinp trs'or. ('AKI'1:'I' ti'A1I;IIOU(L. ý 17.......C...icarerers I 1reet,..... 7 Wei offer at ifi l(oe+l 1'rii'A's our ~nIrKg Ht'itik of CAItI'EI'IN(1 if all kindls; Floor Of1,f (illo1'l ot :tlt WlIltrii4 lout ituai~ltj,: I r' tting, Tnbhlo gn PIano ii fYl(1k Wiid,'lw t~hnhar's. (ornl(ee, JIHanI l(,.' UI irtiln aw I +u I'rnltiro Matoriala (if aill klns uiunild altrr I'tl". 4it. Alao. Burlaise, by thin halo or gliv:in. _4 '42caIW A. TJP(,IIMHEArY & 8?N. I . 1,VI it IG!N, C3A3C"LILD1XST i3Tjl IJ)JIIr A u14,: 'lorw'r an it G raus l+"rdl F1Iow'r P4)t,(J Oar tienu Iurlen tunri'' I. Irtltlinrt. '*,s., ONM C.IIAVIEIt NTJLBTll, 13'Oi"*'ni (~nul and iiizuu',ni, Mtrocts4, NIEW (Ol1'AN'tM. foI 1w I.A I)1i+.,7 iFJAIt (:(X)I)S. The Largeni nt ark. hrat Aneaertmems an4 1,owsvrt Price. In the Month. \C'o nantoll all "alai rH-Itll: InvrlHlbl F oam. FaratIogni W11V4', ((fll anla kiuurin of Ilairwork rnad. up to ord'!r. (omnbinius u nuiuli it,. Old hair rte workrl or ixnt'ig'l:"d for new. flair Jewelry of all Kind5, NIonritoed on 18 karat r."iii. and at vory low ratos ii suit the flruii. A larKg stsrirtment of loijot Sjets. Va H(Ii. I'erfumorv. 1lrnsuhui, Canbg and (oveltiel In I'in':y (enods. All kinds of Hair 'ins just roi"oived. W.+ haven a choice lot of tray snd gray mixed Bruids, and at veryo ; rwsries o rcallza money. Wigs and all' tidm dhalr gork for stago purppmuh, maie tO Order at short iotico. and at Now York vriroen. Great induoemnts during the Holidays, at 1e carnal ut Wlt Rim&