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STATZ 0r WUI5IsaWA. New Ork'a urdar. i~ ~7 Th. Senate met ant to ad ment, thq, URs. Zogis A. Wilts. JdentOeilnt ernor an4, Pt fte i j n h ht awedto their naest: 1i r uA. Ducros. Ellit, Gar Gode. erly Mitesýell. Perkins, n, " tirison. Nanditor4. iltoven I ,exada. Wl e'lur, White and Znekarie r¶Aent.-MCnrS. 1 t, Burch Cage, Th.& * ,Dtiniont. En rO motion of Mr. the reading of .journal in detail wilt lvt The follownwin ItfgjK rom the flouse of R*'cprnn1.nt4UIViYE o ouse of lIcpret4'nt4UilV #.%E " Now .tea, I Sthe Honornbl,, ti L0ihe a] instru ted to bod that the House 9 i fiol Senate billt wi t ne bill No. ss, of Orl'iins eaO t + n"dfew i criminal prnetdin ! ore Jus ties of the l·vo antd Iti and xarish htletll No. 72, substitute foritoms bill No. ', nc., l ant horiiz' the G(vet r to fppoinlt lsistant A!torney Ge0neral, defiining his Sles and fixilti hi-' {'0I tpoetlloftl. et,." Alto that ie. II 'lie Ia,- en','urrel in Sona o amenadmetts to jlise" bill No. 149. "An lnt to authorix' 11t Polle Julry to, rovlie for fund inpg the floating inpdlutaldnef of the pariah of Caltbornet to vorfy thiit legality of snlI indebt, ednessR ant nsf;H tilt b it ttlolu t, il'i i. '', Also, that thl on('1, li- has flnally pssel the following House bill]. ain.l ask the cncurrenxeU of the Benat" in the, mn. House billNo. x;o "iht ll it n st'lnate bill Neo. 97. Al Alct to arnerl and r".-tr.n'et rcitlon six hundred and six y-oightt o the lt visetd Statutos of 18170." lIfoui bill No. 217. "An nt for the rtelief ' nistJmon, of thelparislh of Orleans." so ouno bill No. '7t, "Joint resolution re gardinlgA rey'$ of Taingpattca river," otc. And Huse hill N. 29, "Joit resolution. re questing ll+presenta'ives In Ciongress to urge Government aid In clear ng B.yjou Lafourbhe," etlso. That the Ilon'e has concurred in Ran amtendmnlts to the following House bills. House hill No. S1, "An actto limit the time thin whblh the answers of garnishees may be dGiproved or traversed, and to repeal all laws and trts of laws in conlll't with the provisions of thi act " &l House bill Ito. 17t, "An act making the reylang or delivering of seed cotto in the a t me, sold. bartered or otherwise dº1osed a4 cemeanor, and prescrtllng the nlty I trtted to inform if rthur honore.5e ody I.fie& Ie now tr0d e to met te ie at almll to illot form, United P6 u .et S ,-Chief oler. Mr eý'..b~l ad unanimous conlent to sa bhof £ hanoe Committee on the rev e. -lmnitn iately after the return of the Uengte fron joint session. Oi;~it Od of Mr. Pteven the Senate proceeded iili. +y to the hall of the House of tepresenta tUiqfrer the purpe se of balloting in joint session for I Unfited States Mendtor. JOINT IE.aIION. Th, joint session was called to order by the Son. Louis A. Wiltz. Iieutenaut Governor and President of the Sunate. Ona eall of the roll the following Senators an WOlto their names: . Boatner, Breaux. Dueros, Ellis, Goar nd or, (oo, (ro ver, Kelly . Mitchell, 'er lns, Ithard , Elobertso,.,aldtiford feve, Stubbs, Texa.d.a Wheeler, Wlllte and anltarle-2o. tin itnail of the roll of the Hnnam the follow On a call of the roll of the House the follow ing members answered to their names: Hoe L Bush, p .kerk; and MesSrs. Aldige, yok, Buck. Bridgr, Breard, Bowden, BradJy rron. Berry, P.sll, Briggs. Barbin, Billieu, oa haM, Carlos, Cressy, Lelavigne, Duke, re, tzvtaatrick, Foersteor Ferguson, Gas ll.te, untington, Jonnas Kennedy. o . Kelly of Orleans, kernochan, Lyons, Leeds Lmare. Lea, Leonhard of n Martin, Means, McGehee, Newsom, Porter Peralta Plitts. Richardson. By iolle, hidgley, Robertson, Sartain, Shaks I e inglet.on Solf, Stagg itsole Sellers, m1{ Taylor. Tremoulet Toler, Voorhtes. Was burn, Wood, Wille, Young of Claiborne nid Young of East Baton Bouge--'7. The President of the joint assembly then do elated the object of this joint assembly was to ballot for a United States Senator for the term .emmeneing March 4.1877. Tze Secretary of the Sonato r*kd the names of bM ieandidates. to-wit: .Ro .B. F. Jonas otOriToan, Hi . .- aRndal L. .iibeon of Orleans. Hon. W. G. Wyly of (Jr Representative Ridgly nominated the lion. Wan. B. Spencer, of the parish of Concordia. bSenwor Boatner withdrew the nameof lion. F. G. Zacharle, of Orleans. the rolls of the respectlve branches of the GenCeal Assembly. were then called, with the : following result: . ator Garland and Re resentatives Ayeomk, Bow en. Brady Blerry. Bell. Canrloss, Rtobert eoan.F ua.' on. ri)upre, Foorstor, iaskins, Oil Iwpi.Lyons, Leeds. Leonhard ~I-wsom. Nu Porter, Pitts. Richardson, ityland Barbin. a eare, _lngleton, ttagg, Toler. Voorhles, Watburn Wood. Young of Claiborne, an'l of East Baton Rougo, voted for the Hion. SJoas--l votes UietoLrs Ducros, Klly and White and Repro atves Aldlgo, Buck, B]rlgs, Cressy. Dela Fitzpatri.., Kelly of Orleans. Lamare, l, Kernoehan. Peralta Riolle and Tremou voted for the Hon. It. L. . ibson-lcvotes. or Grover, Stubbs and Richardson and tatives, Sartain Barron and Kennedy the Hon. W. ., Wyly--- votes. - .mita.r Breaux voted for the Hon, F. C. Zach vote. nator. Boatner. Ellis, George, Goode, Mitch l. Perkins, Robertson, nandiford.Steven. Teo ala. eler and Zicharie, and Representa Bush. Bridger Breard Cockorham, le onas, Kelly of Winn, Kidd, Lea, Means, Billen, Steele. Sellers. Smart. Taylor, ley and Wilde voted for the Hion. Wm. B. Fkr-,O votes. presentative McGehee voted for the Hon. - Boboertson-1 voteo. Total number of votes cast, 86; necessary to Boise, 48. ThePresident declared that as neither candi date had received a matjority of the votes cast in S olnjtssembly, there was no election. On motion of Mr. Boatni r, the joint assembly S aiorned, and the tenate withdrew to its own ehamber. TheSenate was called to order by the lion. 1 L0ois A. Wiltz. Lieutenant G(overnor and Pros ident of the Senate. On a call of the roll the fitl,vwing ,% natcrs an swered to their names: . Messrs. Boatner, )t'ros. Ellis. nrlantl. George Goode, Grover. Kelly, Nuitshell. Per kins. lRichardson. .otb.rton. . ' i rt . it.v n,' bttabbs, Texada., WIhelor, Whi e and Zach;rie -19. MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE. The message from the tI)Hose of iepresn:ta ties concurring in Sd:nato bill No. 'it, entitled "An act to amend and re-enact sections 2702, 981a and 2708 of the Revised Statutes of 1870, mak g it a crime and misdemeanor for acting or at tempting to act as pilot to any vessel." etc.. with Si,. the f6llowing amendments, viz: , :':lt-Strtike out the whole of section 1. lSe.ond--Substitute for the title "An act to i:. qned and re-enant section 2708 of the Revised MI~ tess, and to prescribe a penalty for dis h i I itesIor attempting to discharge the utiies • ,:. withpst a license,, was read. S oiý of Mr. Texada the esa. . wbed ?r. il $ t l 131 sand refused to po eat 1r! . setajbr ettee . wimdStoeto notify Ste Horae of ibiwotitoa. the 8enat a. Mr. White in the ehair. from the House of Iepresenta - at t. e fit,4 eMge in Benate S tncorporate the t parish of Madi nto, viz: ta u 1e, after the word line thilr the word "fivo" the worthdjf to e fifty dollars." yne thirty-otl me e, after the word onment., isert th~words "not to ex ten days4." oad. On motion of Mr. 8tulbb the Senate concurred in the HoFtse amendmeents to enats bill N,,. 7I, Sand nitice of "oncurrence was ordered sent to the House. O uw gtFo : the Itles wero sus Ldnsider at this time the .eceived from the House e 4i t to Senate bill No. R8 n )d "" s~iw~t~) ate and limnit the litbil eg ip BImte, the parish of Or "e* ig.ý C OieBSt l( eese in criminal Sp .os ind tn ia'l be;fuýtistioe of the pea eandtn distri-bsand pa h courts." was ye..l ai: " tsotidfi' b r.trike out the S =e pr.'.4" tl. teath line, and insert thl d On i , the Senate noneu rr,'l in .this to Senate bill No. R'. IInd notie of W0OR~t- te .was ordered sent [i to the House. The following moessAWas then rr'eivod from the House of reldresentatives: A HOUS o . EI'It'r! ;tr:NTA'TrV;"', New Orleans, ..lrh 17. 1507. J n To the JIonornhile tihe of Lui;ilawi: I anm instlrutred to inform your honorahi, l)l od that til Hlouse aglrees to theI conferenla'- .Sk'lk by the Henitte on Senatne bill No , l A,t, "A wt ,to regulat.o thro termt of Iparish cour tl and fix till n salariot of idgesi." Anrd to inform your honorlcltoliedy that tle, has F.potintf"l as thre ton rittee on t+. D puri of l ithe rl a 3 .s. Iyl .l ,l. 1h i' l; r L' n'l x .(ong of C'ltih ,rnl l , ) ,t' ,"ot i r) oI r " I r " t? ý1+,+. 'hii'f Clerk. SThe Ihou~e amindmcnts to ernate bill No. 7?. entitled. "An net t' authorize the Governor to appoint an Assistant Attorney General, deh in ig his duties and fixing his compensation."' "t' Was read as follows, via: In first seclion strike out the wor 1s "on thl written requ"st of the Attorney General" in the twenty-third and twenty-fourth lines. In seventh section after the word eoutlsel in the fifteenth line insert the words "at the ex Spense of the State." On motion of Mr. White, the Seona tlaurred in House ailendmontA to tenate 12i 72, and Snototed of ooncitrrence was order .4 t to the r ,flouse bio 1 7. , entitled "An * for the re e Ief ofO . Tennison, of the parish of Or 'leas." w f sesd the fittftime. On motiln of Mr. White the COnStitutlonal rule was tlippended, the bill read a aeeond time andreferr to the CGoquattee on Olalms. 8x b sel)-o. 1 5., P. tied "Joint resolution i ,i a ' the 4rvery G the Tanglpahos river," was read thbsast time.., ',On motiet of Mr. Blehardson the constitu tional rule was suspended and the bill read a second time. On motion of Mr. BRichardson House bill No. 2I7 was ordered real a third time. On motion of Mr. Wh'te the constitutional rules were suspended, the bill read a third a time, finally passed, the title adopted, and notico of concurrence ordered sent to the House. Mr. White moved to reconsider the vote whereby House bill No. 257 finally passed, and moved tb lay that motion on the table. and the I. motion to table prevailed. House tIll No. 259. entitled "Joint lReouttion requesting Representatives in Congr'-e to urce government aid in clearing Baiyou Lnfourlch," was read a first time. On motion of Mr. White. the constitutional t rules were suspended and the bill read a se.rie 1r time. On motion of Mr. White. the bill was ordered r. read a third time. 1' On motion of Mr. White. the constitutional rules were suspendes,, the bill read a third time. r- finally Dpased, the title adopted, and notice of - concurrence ordered sent to the House. Mr. White movtd to roeconsider tht vote whtre u by the bill finally passed, and moved to lay that motion on the table. n And the motion to table prevailed. o House bill No. 200. entitled "An act to amend n and re-enact section t68 of the Rovised Statutes of 1870," was road a first time. On motion of Mr. White, the constitutional rules were suspended and the bill read a seRond Stime, and -referred th tthe Committee on Judi r- ciary. Under previous notice Mr. Breaux intro di. duced Sonate bill No. 1't. entitledl "An a"tto re peal art No. 9 of 1574. relativo to the unlicensed M. sale of lottery tickets in the city of Nw Orleans, and conferring on the police courts power to SsIuprerss the slmo. Also act. No. 10. of 1r71, re to lativeto crimes and offenses to declare the sarl of illegal lottery tickets, orthe drawing of any k, illegal lottery a misdeemn~nor, arld to provide for the punishment of the same, and to regulate the evi leneo to be received upon the trial of n, such offenses," which was roead a first time. L4 Mr hreaux moved tosruspond theonstiuntional ru'les and tlace the bill upon its second r cl Ing, and demanded the yeas and nays. The roll being called, resulted as follows: S Yeas--Messrs. iloatner, Breaux. DuIros. SGeorge. Goode. Pe kins, Bandiford, Stubbs and Wheellcr-9. d Nays-El is, Garland. Grover, Kelly. Mitchell. Richardson, Robertson, Steven. Texada, White and Zaeharto--1l. Absent-Mesrs. Allain, Bryant, Burch, Cage. Domas, Damont, Eustis, Ga. Harper Landry. SOgden, Sh.mos, Sutton, Twitchell. Wakefield . and Young-i6. a- And the rules were not suspended. n, REPORBT OF COMM.ITTEER. r, Mr. Goode, chairman of the Committee on I- Judiolary, submitted the following report: RooMS S.NATE JUDItCIAB OOMMITTPEE, n. March 17. 1877. " to To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: Your Committee on Judiciary having had t- under consideration House bill No. 250 report in the ilsame favorably, with thi following amend mI.nIIts: Aftertheword repealed at the enl of the flnrt, section insert 'and the said chief ly justice and associate justices shall receive the rn salaries fixed by article seventy-five of dtha 'c, stitution, to wit, the chief justice shall re., :iv anlannual salary of seven thousand fibe hun n. dred dollars, antd the associate, justics anl.ltl s- nual salary of seven thousand dollars, payable quarterly on thi r own warrants." Iiespectfullly, F. 8. GOOIE. Chairnial:. W\hi'h lies over under the rule:s. Mr. Grover. chairman of the Commi'tee on r Corporations and Parochial Affairs. submitted i the following report: l.ooMs COnMMIrTTrE o CnvORPnt-ITosri ) AND PAROIWHIAr. AFFAtIS. a- New Orleans, Marth 16, 1.77.) 3d To the Honorable President and Member-s of 1, the Senate: k Genrctlmen-Your committee to whoml was re ferred Hlouse bill No. 197, substftute for iHou c it- bill No. 123. heg l av, to report favorably with the th following amendments: Section 3, line 21, after the word "dollars" insert the words "aant the said amount of bonds shall have been actually surrendered to and cancelled by the Admini to trator of Finance." 4 Section 6, line 8. strike out the word "five" and insert in heu thereof the word "four; ' in tlne 11 Sinsert after the words" Mayor of the ithy" the es words "the Administrator o.f Waterworks and Publie Butidin;" in line I4 after the word -d , itre *5Pa On amotion of Mr'. Grover, the rules wore sue pended to conslder the report at this time. On motion of Mr. Grover, the report was adopted. iNTbl''DIUcON o0 Bfl.St. Mr. Goode obtained unanimous consent to in troduce, without previous notice, Senate bill No. 124. entitled, "An act authorising the ap pointment of anAssistant State Treaserer, de fining his duties, fixing his salary and the mans nor of paying the same." Wee read a first time. Lieutenant Governor Wilts in the chair, On motion of Mr. Goode, the constitutional rulns were suspended and the bill read a see Ond time. On motion of Mr. Goode. the billwas consid ered engrossed and ordered read athird time On motion of Mr. Goode,. the constitutional rules were suspended, the bill read a third time. finally passed, title adopted, and ordered sent to the House ior concurronce. Mr. Goode moved to reconsider the vote whereby Benate bill No, 12t was finally passed ; *hich motion was laid on the table. Mr. Grover, 6f the Committee on Corporn tions, submitted the following report.: Roo(MS COMMITTEE ON CaaonPRA7IONa } AND PAROoHIAI, AFFAIRS. Now Orleans, March 16. 1877. To the lilnrable Prsidlent and Members of the Senate of I,ouisiana: (I',nlIr'rre,n-Your committee, to whom wan. re fsrr.'d Senate bill No. 114. entit ed ' An alt I , an thoriaetheu fuling of th; debt of Ithe town of P'lnquemine, and to provide the means for the Dayrment thereof." h.~' leanve to report. without a"tion. a1.I1l r"',,ouimend that it be reonlrunitted' to the Comml:ttee on La,tnd and Lovee,'s. 1ospectfully s lumnitted. .14. II. .OIOVETI, Chairman. On motion of Mr. Grover the roport was ad'tpted and the, bill so referred. ACTITON O)N RPOIRT lYI'1'I OVERI. The favorablr r'port of the Cora;mittee on Car nal;. Drainage anl Inland 2Navigation, on Ser ate bill No. ;7, entitle.d An tnt to defline the o, ject, of lrnina1ng as.o.av,rnd'r~lt and to regulate thei colll, ,tit ,f rarnm , and to trlve. nt juig monte fur asseisrnl'Ilts being rendCered to per sonnl judgments. and to repeal so nnIch of .to No. 57, a.proved Mar''h 1. 11,l. al make t such r judgments personll. arwl to confine th17 exoeu tioat under ass.esmenf.ijdgments to the prop erty on which the assessment is levied." Was on motion of Mr. Texada adopted. On motion of Mr. Steven the rules wore :sus pendeld to consider the bill at this time. On motion of Mr. Steven, Renate bill No. 37. I was considered engrossed, and ordered read a third time. On motion of Mr. Steven, the constitutional I rules were suse~oded., the bill read a third time, Sfinally passed, the title adopted, and ordered 3 sent to the House for concurrence. sINATE BILLS ON sECOND READING. Senate bill No. 120, entitled "An act to author - Ie G. B, Finlay and Henry Frelsen, composing the commercial firm of G. I. Finlay & Co., to in 1 titute suit against the State of Louisiana." Was on motion of Mr. Robertson considered engrossed, and ordered read a thid time. SENATS HILL ON TSlBD IRADING. Penate joint resolution No. ., entitled " joint resolution ereating a commission of eleven persons to ftIame a Criminal Code for the State Of Louisiana." was, on motion of Mr. Steven, a read a third time, finally passed, the title adopt ed, and ordered sent to the House f9r concur ,, relce. HOUSE BILLT. ON FIRST READINe. 1l House bill No. 228, entitled "An act relative to d the talking of testimony o(f physicians." was o read a fir.t time. On motion of Mr. Robertson. the constita. tional rules were snspolndoe'l. the bill read i d second time and referred to the Committee o0 e J'unticiaary, House bill No. 252, entitled "An act to in dr n porate Jac'kson Fire Company No. is of the efty e of New Orleans," was road a first . On motion of Mr. Bohlrt, sfon the constitutional rules were sluspended.t and the bill read- a l second time. d On motion of Mr. Kelly tll, hill was ord.led real a third time. S ton motion of Mr: Kelly t111 c.rinstitutional rules were suspendled, the bill roeadu third time. 11 finally passed, the title adopte(d, rand notti'- of o. concurronce ordered sent to the ilouse. 3f Mr. Kelly moved to reconsider the vote wher" by the bill finally passed, and moved to lay that motion on the table, and the motion to table pre it vailed. HOUSE BILLS ON SECOND BEADINO, HIouse bill No. 75, entitled "An act to limit the d appropriations and expenditures of parishes , and municipal corporations; to prohibit the is-ue of warrants; to permit police juries to t1 make certain contracts, and prescribing certain d penalties." Mr. Breaux in the chair. The follethirg meoaag-e-wa rceQe'ltdfroi. the . House of Representatives: HousE OF TlREgyFRENTATIVEFry, i New Orleans. March 17. 1177. I STo thle Hlonorableo tie Senatl If the State rof Lou(lsinen: S I a.rm instru'tldi to informl your honorable I- body that In pursutlance to Act, No. 49, r,(latlv, to I" thl State I'rinter, approved March I:;. 1(77. the Hlouel trocrleedd t(, an eletion, which rerstlltot i in til selection of thile following mombers 1,n tlo the part of the H oluse: Messrs. Louts Leonhard PETER J. THEZEVANT, Chief Clerk. Mr. Goodlo offered the following amendment to section 4: Add to section 4 the words " provided the com pensation allowed shall not exceed fifty per centum of the fees allowed by the laws of the State." The amendment was adopted. On motion of Mr. White, the bill was ordered read a third time. On motion of Mr. White, the constitutional rules were suspended, the bill read a third time, finally passed, and notice of concurrence order ed sent to the House. Mr. White moved to reconsider the vote whereby the bill finally passed, and moved to lay that motion on the table, and the motion to table prevailed. House bill No. 18, entitled 'An act to repeal act No. 165 of the acts of laco, was, on motion of Mr. Robertson, postponed until Saturday. March 24, 1877, and made the special order of the lay for I o'clook. Hiouse bill No. !+5, entitled "An act to dioiln liens, Lrivileges and judgments for taxes and aasensmoe:,ts on real property, and to limit the same, and to define the duties of shoriffs and recarders of mortgages in relation thereto,' wa=. on motion of Mr. Robertson. postponDl until Monday, March 19, 1687, and made thl special order of the lday at 2 o'clock. House bill No. 143, erntitled "An ast t) amend and re-enact section a33 of the FPevised Statutes of the State of Louisiana in relation to corpora tions." was, on motion of Mr. White, postponed until Wednesday. March 21, 1877, anol made the special order of the dlay for 1 o'clock, and or dered to be printed. House bill No. 170, entitled " An act to provilre for gauging and inspecting coal oils and illu minating oils, or fluids derived wholly or in Dart from coal or petrol'um, to regulate or dis pose of the same, to prohibit in certaineases the sale or disposition of illuminating oils or fluids dangerous to life or property, and to prescribe tenalties for violations of this act," was read A third time, and was on motion of Mr. BoberteOn postponed until TusdJay, March 20, 1877, made the special order of the day for 1 o'clock and or 4adre printed. Bsautsb Ix s "!U4"Aa #p#%M 6e motion of a1c 5 arlW .udMiMeiad d h th d time. Lieutenant Governor Wilts in the chair. On motion of Mr. Bobertson the constitutiomnal rules were suspended, the bill read a third time, ftially passed the title adopted, and no tioe of coneurreneS ordered sentto the House. House bill No. 1i, entitlted. "An net to reor ganias and render more etldient the Board of Health of the State of Laouislhna to define its powers and prescribe its duties, and those of anuarantine and other offloerdunder Its controli: to provide for its expenses, and fbr the record ing of births, deaths and mnarriaes in the parish of Orleans; for the inqpection of cattle and meat in said parish; to provide penalties for the enforcement of this act, and for violation of the same, and for the ordinances and orders made in pursuance thereof." Was, on motion of Mr. Perkins, postponed until Wednesday, March 21. 1877, made the special order of the day for 2 o'clock, and order ed printed. On motion of Mr. White, the Senate proceeded to elect, under aot No, 49, approved March 12, 1817, "relative to State printer," two members of the Printing Board. Mr. Breaux nominated Senator W. A. Iobert Mr. Mitchell nominated Henater Will Steven. On motion of Mr. Breasr, the nominations were closed. On motion of Mr. Breaux, Senators Roberton and Fltevrn woro delitreid tho unanimous fchloice of the Slnate for m,,mbnrs of the Printing Boa rd. On motion of Mr. Whito the voc' whereby $An ators I.oberteon and ,Stv'+n wore declaro+l the SnlrJ i nairoi choir of ith" Sellto ns members of ;o Printing Board wa reoneiderld. Mlr. Boatn(r mov'ed to revonsid'r the vote whereby the e.irtirin waN order l. On motion of Mr. Breaux thi+ Scnat-, wrnt into 'eu live resiol. E;xculv viv ,-,s:. .on beinf raint{ ,l,on a,1 ,ll of the ro il th e f ,,il ,, in g S ,n o t',l'r a niv. , e. r t , 'h e ir NaIa;; .T, rs. liSitr:r, Duerns,. Ellis, (iar lnnt-. Gieor'r£,, (r,' ,i . ,iKfly, [Mithell, owtlon, P'rk in", l i,'h;ldo. Ioh rtton, Handiford, se vin. itubh: . Teiila, Wheler, V"hiite and Ziachnrio- 18. Ab-,nt---Me'rs. Allain, Praur, TtIrebh. Bry ant. inge, Dm"w. Dimroon. Eu',tis, Git. Harper. Landlry. Mitchll. S anirui, tSutton. 'witceiill, Weakeflold and Young---. On motion of Mr. liob'ertson, the Senate ai' journed until Monday, March 19, 1877. at 1f m. JOHN CLEOG. Seeretary of the Senat,. OFFICIAL JOURNAL --OPr P15- ii FIFTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY -01 T15 d STATE OF LOUISIANA. NOU 3ME OF 2BPRE3II5 TATIVES. EXTRA SES ION OF 1877. i Fourteenth Day's FProeeetmias. Housl or Rll BtRea rAtERas, New Orleans, La., laturday, March 17. 1877. it The House was called to order at 11:40 o'clock n a. m. Present: e on L. LBush, Speaker. and Messrs. Aldige. ' Acnck, lridger, Breard, Bowden. Barron, SBrady Billlien, Buck. Berry. Bell, Brig a, Bar bin Cockerham, Carloss. Cressy. DelRvigne, Duke. Dupree, Ferguson. Fitzatrick, Foer ster, Gaskins. Gillesrie, Jonan, Kennedy, Kelly to of Orleans, Kidd. Lyons. Leeds, Lamare. Lea, y Leonhard of Orleans, Martin, Mear s, McGeree. Newsom, Nunez. Porter. Peralin. Pitts. lRieh ardson, tob'rtson. Byland. Holle, Rldglcy, SShakspHare, tinleton, Self. Stagg hteele Sel eri s, h makrt. TayTor. 1'rewoulet, Troler. .oo hies. Washburn, Wood, Young of Clalborne, j) and Young of East Daton Rouge. Sixty-four members and a quorum. 1- The journal of Marsh 16 was approved. t' Mr. Bowden offered the following ( ( ir-'UIrIWT REROOLUTION: aI ecolrv.d ii the IHouseP of lepresentaives the a ,5,n co,iurrin,., nhat a joint committee of - members df the Senate and - members of the ad House of R)epresentatives be appointed for the purpose of examining the whole Indebtedness of the State: the amount of bonds issued by the al state and the object for which they were issued: i. the amount o ooutstanding warrants issued by the Auditor of Public Acteounts and the laws of under which they were issued ; the amount of school sections sold, the form under which they - were sold and the disposition of the sale there at of; said committee to sit during the recess of the General Assembly, to be allowed no pay for e- such services, but to employ such assistants as they may think necessary, and to report at the next regular session of the General Assembly. he The concurrent resolution lies over under the se rules. he Mr. Berry made the following motion: to That in pursuance of eact No. 49, approved in March 12, 1877, we do proceed to an election of two members to constitute the Board of State I'rint 'r immodiately after the joint session of fie this day. The motion was carried. S Mr. tonas, chairman, on behalf ofthe Com I mittoee on Judiciary. reported as follows. of IRooMs COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY, New Orleans, March 17. 1877. >le To the TIonorable the Speaker and Members of t(, tho House of Lepresuntahtives of the State of re Louisiana: G'1 rpntlerpe-Your Committee on Judiciary 'r have the honor to make the following report : rd Favorably with amondments on flouse bill No. 237. "An act to comnpel assessors to assess prop erties heretofore exempted from taxation be iongingto church. a shoo!, bonevolent and char Itablo institutions; to fix the licenses on grocer ies selling liquors try the glass, and on private banking houses, and to repeal section 2 of ant n- 12 approved March 5, 1872." er avorably. with amendment, on House bill hr No. 157, "An act to amend and re-enact article he 111 of the Code of Practice." Favorably on Senate bill 0o. 111, substitute for Senate bill 109, "An act to facilitate the collec tion of taxes throughout the State." ed Favorably on House bill No. 25,e "An ast to entitle all persons accused of crime to testify in their own behalf." Dal B. F. JONAS, Chairman. se, Mr. Bowden, chairman. on behalf of the Co a ir- mittee on Parochial Affairs, reported as 1 -. lows: te To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the to House of Representatives: to Your Commlttee on Parechial Affairs to whom was referred Senate bill 100, "An act N",. 38 au thorizing the Governor to appoint additional lpolice jarres in country parishes, direnting po of licejuriesto re-districttheir respective parisuhes ci into police jury war I'm, and these wardis linto one or more jusi' lews of the peace and election I wards, arid fixing the number of members, tre time and manner of thei r election, the mode of no filling vacaaciesin the poliun jury, and vaoan dces which herc.afttr m:ay ','o' ur fir ing the com Spensation of polic'e jlur)s: providing forfeit he ures for their neglect -f duty, and the mode of nd enforcing the same-: reet,';iinri act No. 17. a, proved . oril 27th, 1471. entitli, d An act re-ort:gIa mzing th- pt,lie j:lri,.s of th, rtt:t.,,' pr-r-crirb:n "l the nllin,'r tthrer,of, and the mrodo of electing h: an l fii ig their .l1 iis and comui:ens:atiou." l;ivng:r: . osin -red 8 sAid bill, report favorably iith :.rii ,: ; mrarne ts. SI L. Ht . I.)WDEN. Chairman. es Mr. Washburn. ha;irmran, on behalf r f the a- Committee on Lands and Levees. reported as ed follows: hr' To the Honorable" the Speaker and Members or of the House of Representative,: (;entle-men-- ouir Committee on Lands and , Lvens have had under consideration Senate bill No. 121. and r.port favorably, and recom 1u mend its passage. in W. M. WASHBURN, is- Chairman. he Mr. Kidd, chairm in, on behalf of the Com da mittee on Enrollment reported as follows: be To the Honorable the Speaker and Members of the Hoase of Representatives: SaJlemaen-The Committe on Enrollment re n s ftully report as properly enrolled House alde b8 Ne o. W ,.24 , 190, and 210 also ofcur ry'omee to and eonourmint resolution ,iges on 31a5 uld 4amsakgtMVtetd the ti tollowing report. o To he Hfoarebloe eker and Members of S the Hous f i eprieenttfives: Lsntfemeenw our Committee ,n Bankas and king have had nader consitdration Ben e SNo.4, rnd report b.yubatitute, ts re! to "A -t to. provldt or ibtsntal and blshin, reports of nks, b in and sV lalnstltitls, and trust companes organ ted under the laws of the State of Louisiana, ndprescribing the form thereof, fldg enal- t ties fornontcompllane therewith; itlnl the rlgbt and duties f the State Tretarer, A r" ae Oeneral'and state Auditor; also the r~lia f stockholders and creditors, and the du of a the Gengral Assembly, and in relation thereto." a and recommend the passage of theasubstitrte. SJ. ALDLGE, Ohairman. BILLS INTHODUCED. Thefollowing nared members asked and ob tained leave to introduce the following billb. which. under a suspension of the rules, were pansed to their second reading and referred as follows: By Mr. leeds House bill No. 2,1. An aut to fix and regelate the fees of clerks of ,ourts In the parish of Or leans in ci'y tax suits Referred to the (;ommittee on the Jndiclary, By Mr. Lyons House hill No. 2(;2. An aict to punish routs, riots and uqlawfnl neemnbl,ll. Referrod to the Co irntftee on tIh .1 uli.iary. By Mr. Lyons House b:ll No, 26., An act to punish the un lawful setting at liberty any person accused or convicted of an offense not capital. Referred to th'e Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. Hill, of Orleans House bill .No. 26;. An net. for the reletf of Thoe. I. Handy. Civil Sheriff for the parish of Orleans. i:eferred to th Ctnmirri ! on Clains. irTll IN' rs(oI2 :t, ANO i,.21. tBy Mr. Hfill.of Or!ct,, mon house bill No. 2.5, A .t t, auretlhorino the tax collector of the Fir' IDitrict or, the tatoe Ito receive as (tsi the r''ei ptis of i. C. JPayne, given for amo in!t hal'tn'ed nn .reuntof taxes a dl ]i"'rna ." Unde r s n 5'-0 :4nof the econs itetionni riule the hill wa: pr.s,'ie to it:: creondl rerling, and r0o a mcnded as to re. I as f, lows: SrxTroN 1. lDe it e,.a,'t-l w, he Se iate nodt li-:r, of tlween tiprsof tlv - /el, oef Lo i.s: 5nsa ir t1Peraipt . ,I~.s n' a1, ,"',nen rfl., 'Tht the reeoipts herotoforef given by E. C. Payno and other e'otllttots for amoluntl. aIvvannel on nce coulntof licenses and txas due the State he and are hereby made reestivo b by the several tax collectsors of the Stitte in payment , all State taxes and licenses due the ota e; prorided thata statement of the amounts so advanded and rella. be be approved by the President and Soeaker of the House of Representative*, and be filed with the Auditor: and further. that the first cad money received on account of the gaeoeral fusd shall replace the receipts therein made receive ble as cash. .a 2. Be t. further enacted, eta.. That this Set shall take effect from and after its passage, The bill as amended was taken as engrossed, and, under a farther sussension of the rtlest was read athirl time and passed. The title was amended so as to read as fol lows: "An act to authorize the tax collector of the State to recelve as cash the recelfts of E. O. Payne and other collectors, given for amounts advanced on account of taxes and licenses." ,Mr. Kidd, ehairman, on behalf of the Commit k tee on Enrollment, reported as correctly en relled House bill No. 141, relative to funding a. the floating debt of the parish of Claiborno, JOINT SEFSSION. A joint seslon of the General Assembly was r- held for the purpose of further balloting for a Y Senator to represent the State of Lousiana in a' the Senate of the United States for the term B- beginning March 4,1877. Bon. L. A. Wilt, Lieu V. tenant Governor and President of the Senate, p- residing. e, The roll of the Senate was called, when the following Senators answered to their names: Messrs. BPoatner, Breaux. D.eros, Elist, Gar land. Goode Grover. George, Kelly. Mitchell. P;:rkins, RIfhardson. Robertson. Sandiford Steven. stttbbs. Texala. Wheeler and Zecharsi -19. The roll of the House being called, the fol lowing members answered to their names: Hon. L. Bush, Speaker, and Messrs. Al. dige. Aycock,Bridger, B card. Bowden, Brady. Buck. Berry. Bell +Brigg, BarbinBlieu, Cock erham, Carloss, dressy. lelavigne, Duke. Dn Dree, 'itzpatrlck, Foerster. Ferguson, Gaskins, Gillespie. Huntington, Jonas Kennedy, Kgily of Winn Kelly of Orleans. kidd, KernouJln. Lyons, Leeds. Lamare. Lee, Leonhardof Or leans. AMartin Means feOehee, Newsom. Nunez, Porter. ?eralta, i'.tts, Richardson iny land. Robertson. RolleRidgley, Sartain. Shaks eareo, Singleton, Self. Stagg Steele Sellers. Hma., Taylorg Tremoul,-t. Toler. Voorhlies. Washburn. Wood.Wilde. Young of Claborne, and Young of East Baton Rouge. Sixty-seven members and a quorum. The presiding officer announced that the Gen eral Assembl y of the State of Louisialana had met in this joint session, as required by law, for the purpose of balloting for a Senator to represeat the State of Louisiana in the Senate of the Uni ted States, for the term beginning March 4. 1877. Nomlnations were road as follows: Ites N. juri Gibs-r ^. W yly and Znteharle. Mr. BoaNner of the Senate, withdrew the name of the lion, F. C. Zacharie of Orleans. Mr. hirlgley. of the House. nominated the lion. W. i:. Sptncrer of Carroll. There thein; no further nominations the roll of the Senate was called with the following re sult: Senators Boatner. Ellis, George, GCode, M4 chell, Perkin-4, itobertson, Bandlford, Steven, Texada, Wheeler and Zaecharie, voted for the Hon. William I. . Spencer-12 votes, Senator Breaux voted for the Hon. F, C. Zac harle-1 vote. Senators Dueros, Kelly and White, voted for Hon. R. L. Gibson--3 votes. Senator Garland voted for Hon. B. F. Jonas 1 vote. Benators Or ever. Stubbs and Richardson, voted for Hon. W. Q. Wyly-- votes. The roll of the House was called when the fol lowing members voted for the Honorable B. F. Jonas: Messrs. Ayoeok. Bt"wdlen, Brady. Berry, Bell, Carloss. Robertson, Ferguson, Dupre Foerster, Gaskins, Gillespieh, Lyons, Leeds, Leonhard, Newsom, Nunez, Porter. P'itts, Richardsn, By land, Berbin, t3hakspeare. Singleton, $tagg, Toler,. Voorhles, Washburn, Wood Young of Claiborne and Young of east Baton Rouge-31L The following members voted for th) Ion. Randall L. Gibson: Messrs. Aldlge, Buck, larigrs, Cressy. Dela vigne. Fitzpatrick. Kelly of Orleans, Lamare, Martin. Kernochan, i'eralta. P.olle and Tremou let-13. The following members voted for the HIonor able W. G. Wyly: Messrs. Sartain, Barron and Kennedv-3, 'lhe following members voted for the Heon. W. B. Spencer: Speaker Bush, and Messrs. Bridger, Br~ard ('ockerham. Duke, Jonas, Kelly of Winn, Kidd. Lea. Means. Self, Billiol, Stel,,. Sellers, Smart. Taylor, Bidgei. and Wilde-is. Mr. McGehee voted for the Hion, W. A. Robert 8-1 -1. Total vote c, necessary to a choice 44. No one candidate having received a majority of all the votes cast, the presiding officer de clared that there had beetn no election, On motion of Mr. Ryland, of the House, the joint assembly adjourned, and the Senate with drew to its ehamber. nOUSE BUsINS.S EEsUMED. After joint session tbe roll of the House was called as follows: lion. L.Bush, Sneaker, and Messrs Aldlge. Ay cock, Barbin. Bitlieu, Bridger. Breard. Bowden, Barron, Brady, Buck. Berry, Bell, Briggs, Cook erham. Carloss, Cressy, )elavlgne, Duke.Dupree, Fitzpatrick. Poerst -r, Ferguson'G$in. Gil lespie. Huntington, Joqa Kennedy, Kelly of Wian Kelly of Orleans: Kfdd. Kernobal, Lyr asee s nsLanaLre. Le.Leonhatd of Orleans, isaY).Meo a. ewns, heeunez. Por-a ea Per Ptte, Rlhardson, , Sta. Steele J e, Br; basee to tel amsndments mads by the RIoW to denate bill No 1to. entitled "An aetto regulate , the terms of parish courts, and to fix the Msale; iles of parish judges," and reetestlng that a commIttee of conference be appointed on the part of the House to confer with a like commit tee on the part of the Senate respecting said amendments. The re .est 'of the Senate was agreed to and the Speaker appointed on said committee of aonferenee on the part of the House, Messrs. Eyland, Bridger and Young of Glalborne, Sena tors Boberteo, Beoatner and Goode having been appointed on the part of the Senate. A further message was received from the Sin ate as follows: SaArTE CEA'.nBt n SrATU 0o LoUIstaiA, bew Orleans,. March 17 1877. To the Tonorable Speaker and Memb~rs of the House of Representatives : reni Tlqme--T am directed to Inform your onorM.body that the Senate has nally P si d t request your concurrence ila n bill NO, 6, "An wit entir.led an act to enlarget e territol and b',undarl . of the parish t Also, that the Senate has conurrod in IHouse amendments to enate, bill No. 72. substitute for House bill No. .72, Renate Judiciary Commitee,. entitled "A- aet to authorize, the Govetrnor to apvolnt an Assistant Attrney Ge,neral, deflmfng his dties and fixing his comrnpensation ate'" Also that the Senate has ,"oncurred In House amendients to eio ate bill No. 74. 'An act to in corporate the town of Millllkn'se ind in the parish of Madison." Also, that the Senate eonnrur in Heunco amend ments to Senate bill No. Am, "An act to regulate and limit the liability of thei parishes of this State, the parish of Orleans excepted. for costs and f'ce in criminal prr,a'eeldinge and trials be fore Justl',.'s of the POiCC, wni in Diatrict and Parish Cou r.t." And that the I'nr ' ha t u 'urr- 1 in the fol lowing J1,1c - hil a. House bill No. 2NC , "Jointe r"[h"Oiit r.,trqu.t ing Roteresentatives In t .ogre.s- to "trge gov. er'ment aid in <JearinCg ite youi LnfouirChle.'" Joint reClut.ihn. , I i;' biCl ",, r'gardilng 5Crveys o.f "I' i.rth , iver.. C' House bill N-,. 2%'2 'tn not to Ine'rporate JCwCk.oCnl F ire GiC ay , ,. 1 otf ChI ,ty Of NeW SOrlanns." HTe-e bil I N ,o !t ", %:; rC'C ., t',CvCl'd for the deled anlrrni:r ," ,t.. Also thlt lC nt I i t,'' iT' £ fus'y to ":ociCClur il lou e0 CaCnf rl -; C ', C" Ca bill o. ic, ( ' Aq CCC' tI CeCiI ; 'C n,l r"- eC o " 'C".tln',C9.&702, 1213 ant 27CitC CI t Ii " Vi: t ire IvCt' of C i. ,)u't ii.n.m, r kini. i it aC'in' <I.t rI r C anoCr for C' c, r attnCfiemi ingC tI,. Ct lCR DilC," Ctc., aid re q'C','t' .1 co'Cetfr'i..t '' ,m'mi ''tr'. arli ti t the SPresident of the tn ,,'t'' IhCesI accC:,inConi on the SorCCIt' ren"a CC CCi L"" , C'Cnotr'C Tr .d i. Du cros anid .t'iven. I.n .o thtt the Hente, hule finally r)vascid and r'(questIs ty r 0onourrTnceC in Seniatoijint res olultlon No,. 3, " 'To rasloe c'COllCmissi'n of eleven persons to frame a Criminal U,ode for Louisl Sana." f Also enate bill No. 37, "To defineC the objeit of a draWIage aeesame rt . and to regulate the col ltotl of the same etc. Senate bill No. 124. "Authorizing the ap oltat tot a ssistant State Treasurer. de eP ect ullj. J.HN CLEGG. Sceretary of the onaMte. i In punrasuane of the motion of Mr. Berry, the' House proceeded to an election of two qeembers of the House to become members of the Board of ftlte Printers, In accordance with act Ne, t41, e aptroved Mareh i3, 1871. Ms, Jonea nomlnated Mr. J. M. Lamare. Mr. Wilde nominated Mr. I. II. Byland. Mr. Young, of Claiborne, nominated Mr. L Leonhard. Mr. Ayooek nominated Mr. J. 8, Billiou. Mr. Voorlhes nominated Mr. J. M. Cressy, * .It was ordered that each member should, whep his name was called, vote for two eandi dates. a The first ballot was taken eG follows: S awr IS BALLOT. n 'he fo'lowi'g members voted for Mr. RIylaand: C Messrs. Breard. Bowden. Barron, Buck. Bel. ri Cockerham, Duke, ifill of Orleans '. Ie smare, Lem , Leonhard, Martin, ieens McGehee. Porter, Stee'.e. Sellers. Martain, Tay Co or and Wil1e-22. The following members voted for Mr. La mare: i. Berry, Deavigne, Dupree Boerter. SHntingon Jonas, Kelly of Orleans Leonhard, Self, Bl'llieU Steog. Smarts Tremoulot, Wrr".h (. burn, Wood, Wild. and Y1oung oi East Baton The following members voted for Mr. Billieu, rH n. L.Bu sh, 8peaker, and Messrs. Aye..,, Brldger. Carlos. uresy. Frguson, Oa-ltlat..: SGtleie.l e, KennKey, elly o Wn. Kidd, Lynage Lea, Newsom. Nunez, Barbin, Iobertson, lSint y gleton, Bidgl-y, Toler and Voorhles--2l. n, The following members voted for Mr. Leoait - hard: BreIard rt n, Bowden. Barron, Br ay, .ue, Berry Bell, Brggc, Coekerham, Carlos Cresy, Delavigne Bobertson, 1ergmoýn, Duke Duovt, Foerster, 6askins, Gilleepe, Huntington EHli of Or npas, Kennedy. Kelly o rle Kelly oWlan, Kidd, Lyons. Leeds, mare, rtun. ]Mdans, Mohes, Nedw . Nunez, Porter, Pralta, Pitts. icrd son Ryland, BolIe, Barbin, Akspeare. lfeiL Stag. Steele, Sellers. Smart, Taylor g ley Tromonlet. T'or. Washburn. Wood Young of (lalborne, and Young of East Baton Bouae s9. The following members voted for Mr. Cresem: Meesra. Aldige, Bridger Brady, Pits Single ton, Billion, Voorhies, and Young of allbores Mr. tLonhard was do lared elete d. RmOOND BALLOT. On the second ballot, It was ordered that member eheuld when his name was called, for one candidate only. The following members voted for Mr. Byla Messrs. Aldlg,;, Beard, Sartain, BowdenF ron. l:,nk, l.l, Cok.kerham. Duke.Gillab Leeds. Lar~nre, Martin, Means, Mc(ehee Billiea, Nteette, Sellers. Taylor, Toler, and Wild,:--s. Toa following members voted for Mr, Spoaker Bush., cad Messrs.. Acock, Borry, (arlss, C y, Ferguson Kennedy, Kelly of Winn, dd Lyo nn ' w:4r,m, Num.,, flarbiu, Sing eton, and Voorhies -1. The following members voted for . La mare: Messrs. Brady, Brlggs, Delavigne, it Dupree Fitzpatrics, Huntington, Hi leans, Jonas, Leonhard, Peralte. ardson, Ryland, Bole Shakae r Smart, Tremoulet, Waht , Youn borne, and Young of Baton Bo There being no election, a third ball or dered, with the following result: 7NIRD BALLOT. The following members voteg for 6: Messrs Aldie. Breard, atal Barrom Bnok, Bell, 0ockerhnm, Duk ie, Hill, Kene Leads Martn. Porter, Self, Billion Steele Sellers, r. Bldgley, Wood and Wllde-23. The following members voted for Mr. Speaker Bush, Messrs. Ayeoek, Brl loss, Gaskins, Kelly of Winn, Lyono. Iea, Means, Newsom, Nunez, Ryland an hies-I4. The following members voted for Mr. La Meeesrs. Brady. Berry, Briggs, Cressy. Delb vigne Robertson, Duoree, Fitzpatrick. Foerst'r HuntiLgton Jonas. Kelly of Orleans, Kidd Leonhard, Peralta, Pitts, Richardson, Bolls, Barbin, Shakgpeare, 81 ~aeton, Stagg, Smart. Tremoulet, Washburn. toung of Claiborne and Young of Baton Pnoge-27. There being no election a fourth ballot was ordered, with the following result: FOURTH BALIOT. The following members voted for Mr. BilIea:c Messrs. Aldlge, Ay(ock, Breard, Sartain,.Bow. d(en Barron, Buck. Bell, Cokerhaim, Orlosrb Duke, Gaskins, G-lles ia, Kennedy, Lyroas Leeds Lamare. Martin, Means, MeGehee, - som, Nuner., Porter, Self. Steele, Sellers, TyL - lo. R ldgley, Wood and Wilde-29. The follow:ng members voted for Mr. La mare: Hon. I, Bush, Speaker. and Messrs.'Ayeoek. Berry. Brggs, Cressy, Delaviglne, Duapree, Fitzpatrick, Foer-"ste', Jona Kelly Winn, Kelly of Orleans, Kidd, tlea. Pera Ia, Pitf, Bichardeon, Briand, " B.a bin, Shakspeare, Billlieu, StggS, arfls Tre .g- : let, Toler, Voorhies, Wa bur . TYoueng of Claiborne and Young of Ease Baton Bouge-. Mr. Lmate was dealared elected, Hoase bill No, t4 "A st A o s rt de mom ....... > *