Newspaper Page Text
{fibt* Air LONIPON {,, ,ra'rm 7ANUABI4} 'A5T5 JAiin * andd bortadIe .age . 'Government Bonts.. us oume of coltedtonU.. o#M ................ ....·. * x I74 Os 01E119 44 ilf~ o .LIABI1LTIES. nne und. ........... iaal 3bWfl5$5t Isuralee Deposit...... 2,3M5 71 Aiod'etb Le ia li... ie...... ..... 1e1ue» $S $1A87.6 41 Surplus ower Liabiliti8....S.. s1*UA1.66 9 INCOMI. let premiums. Fire only...... *9- X.19,703 71 Tateroet, Rents, etc................. 17016.46 4 Total Inco e...... .......... 2.294,257 55 EXPENDITURES. basr aid .......................... 904.218 38 l iomnulon and Salares...... 02,5 43 Tnib. Priating and Statlonery and all other ecargs .................. 183,30 66 11.592,244 47 Surplus. Net Profits.......... X 702 013 08 IW ,rltens Ocee, Nro. 154 Gravier at. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. DAVID URQUHART, Chairman. NEWTON BUCKNER. J.?. SOHRODIB, GE9. WJGG. 11 11 wzr, Basideat See'v. mhao Psigs I. 0R?, Besideat See'v. mlro RAMIE--RAMIE. AN rPol INaTERESaTED IN PBEPARIG this for market can be furnished with -- a p lachin that will do e work. of I skIII and uslfl the same, 1. . TABLEB, arle its 2se Baronan street. o.0. PRIING OPIEING. RS F. R. HARDON, *9 t artre Btevw, - IEr.Nlla AAL and CUSTOMHOUSn E o 's.. W-mesday, March, 21,'77, FRENCH BONNETS AND HATS. atks SIPECIAL NOTICE. ..... O c SaTe TAX OoxILcrTO_ Mareh 19th, 117. Thereceipts given by MR. E. 0. PAYNE. for amoailts advanced for the support of the gov -ernment by the liberal and patriotic citizens of this .cifty will be received as CASB in the pay .ment of TAXES and LICENSES at this office. E. A. BURKE, mb" tf T x Collector. SPECIAL NOTICE. OrricE STATE TAX COLLECTonR, First District Parish of Orleans, march 13, 1877. AM lersons within the limits of the First Dis 'trit owing LcPENBs and CAPITAL Tax are here ry s tlMed that the office for the collection of a._anI es is now opened at 169 Gravler street. E. A. BUBKE, mhi. tt State Tax Collector. SPECIAL NOTICE. OFFICE STATE TAX COLLECTOR, ) Fourth Distridt, Parish of Orleans, March 19, 1877. All persons within the limits of the Fourth D~sttes owing LicsEs and CAPITAL Tax are a..rebty~ tifled that the office for the collection oif sa taxes is now opened at No. 241 Josephine gee. B. C. BOND, amhis rt* State Tax Collector. Denechaud' Restaurant, U Cr..deset sweet, sear aialm street. ;,TO . t PATRONS AND THE PUBLIC IN GENEBAL. it ied price Bestaurant having proved a I am able to give daily to my patrons a * a.d varied Bill of Fare, including the - es of the season. rincipal dishes of )my Bill of Fare will be daily on a Bulletin Board in front of t, comprising 5 dishes....-..5 cents. consisting of 9 dishes..... cents. , lat wi g.ivre satisfaction to all who se. ewjwh their kind patronage. We w to meir Klna paronage. reeived at modlerate prices. B. F. D NECHAUD. Prorietor. THE NEW ORLYEAIs Saitary Excavating Co., (lImebrrated by an sat of the Legislature. with esnasive privilege of E1PTYING VAULTS, SAre now in fnll operation, and are prepared to +perform the above work with promptness and -dispatch. The advantages derived from the use of the Odorless Exnc~,atlpng Apparatus. as used by the comrn pany, are that Ihe work can be performed at any hour of the day or night, the thorouch manner in which the deposits are removed, the absence of all offensive odors, the shortspace of time required (an ordinary sink jitag emptied in from ten to fifteen minutes) and. above all, ITS CHEAPNESS. All orders left at the Company's office, No. - Common street, or sent to Postoffice box No. 913, till receive prompt attention. mhlS Im .A Third of a Century. S. VIE1 with :. i. -BAZ i~~i ,t'V Z0J7 Ilslro.dl3 nm y, goo 12J Cknal s reeet The c y u 10 fopen in the city. - oer nes Comedian March S 1rd 77.-Unt l further no iNS, ý1 0 tfalla for the ke will leave t an · U et .aE Imo'elock. .... Lnf, ecretary. esee of New arl..a city daMrs.d Ce pear, No. 12 Osaal street, New Orleans. March 18, lS7.--At a mee.ting ot the Board of Directors, Ihld on the 1 th Lfstat, a didend of Three - Dollars per share wag declared, palyable to the stockholders on and after MONDaY, April 2, 1877. All transfers of stock for ten days previ ous to that dte must e ex-v.l enn Smh1il td .0. LEWI. Secretary. OI Mee df Crescent M.tual Insuranee Company, New Orleans. March 12, 187l7-In con formlty with the fourth article of the amended charter, an ele~tion of Trustees, to serve one year from the first Monday In June next, w:11 be held at the office of the company, on MONDAY. the 2d day of April, 1871. between the hours of 12 m. and a o'clock p. m. HENRY V. OGDEN, mhbl 1trd Secretary. New Orleans, March 1, 1857.-Notiee Is hereby given that the interest of Mr. F. B. MATTHaEW8 in our firm ceases from this date. we having purchased the s . CO. mhinn. YLAfSH. LEWI8& CO. mli Im. FL&An, Lnrwa 6 UV. WANTS. W ANTED - SBECOND-HAND CARRIAGES and Buggies. Any one having such, and wishing to dsspose of them, can find ready sale for them by calling on L. T. MADDUX, as Osrudeler street. Also, a full stock of Car riages and Buges and a complete stock of the Iuw Chn . " C m s and aradle, a mo.t Woaeul omblnat.o' i -n short, a full stock r=V 4,g aDll t to the Carriage - f s will be sold at reduced pries to suit te tme. The community is most cord vitdto call and examise at m Oa'sodeletstre.. sbbim LT. MADDUX. i with od ereeson a. sT-mn stlietr -- AT - 158 CANAL ST., COL B tRONNE. all r immenseand well asorted stock of Dry ý E neGoodsl room with and the following will bth e old at er cent les than cost of importation:p U Ste DRY OOh ourtra LINENS. UP TO Lace PO IL let. PEPIN & BROUSSARD triped8 CANL ST., COB. B lRO E. We will continue, for one week loner, to sell all or immense and well assorted stock of DryLinens. Goods AT COST AND BELOW COST! Great sacrseiles will be made In Fine oods. and the following will be sold at 50 Der cent Iess than cost ofup timort Aril 1on: Frene Cortr AS LINONENY.. oPErtraP Linen CABBOICS. French Linen Damask TABLE COVERBS, from ten up to thirty covers. French NMIISOOK and OBGANDIE. French Embroidered CURTAINS. French LACE and EMIBBOIDERIES. Real Thread Lace POINTS. etc. - Also - WHITE GOODS, - Such as Striped and Checked Nalaseek, Mall.. White Swing Piques. Bobblast and Ilaslta for Bara. White mad Colored JiLeh Linen.. Mareslles Quills. Naottaghain ad Vcestbules Laces. Anl a full assortment of HLOUSE-FUIYtI8UtMN GOODS, B P of1s y or tom 1t thbe r of Or. n, U , wisprocee add on t Aret b the office P . . C t notDary pbl in this ny. T-smldlsmelr m belapmeas Spin streSt . nd lpot no. 9 il uresW 31 feet 6 IThe es front on Spain street, and each lot meaiures 117 feet in depth, r he ed in the above sit as belonging to do fondant. Quilter. Terms--Cash on the st) t. ' HOi(A8 H. HANDY. Civil Phttriff of the parish of Orleans. mhlO apl 1221 A. F. Cochran vs. Ocean Dry oek Com. FOURTH DISTR C tCOURT FOR THE Parish of Orleans, No. 44,a98.-By virtue of a writ of fleri farias to me rirected by the Honorable the Fourth District Court for the Parish of Orleans, in the above entitled cause. I will proceed to sell at public auction, at the Merchants' and Auctioneers' Exchange. Royal street, between Canal and Cus'omhouse streets. in the iecond District of this ei-y, on SATUR DAY. April twenty-first, 1877, at 12 oclock m., the following described property. to-wit: TH OCEAN DRY DOCK AND ITSA'PURI TENANUE'r, now lying on the right bnk of the Mississ.ppi River, in Algiers, ov(,osito the city of New Orleans. Seized in the above su't. Terms--Csh on the spot. THOMAS H. HANDY. Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. mh2O 5ap 21 Martin Maye vs. M. A. Price ct als. SIXTH DISTRICT COURT FOR THE PAR T ish of Orleans, No, sa7.-By virtue of a writ of fleri facias against Mary Amelia Price and the minors Alice Nairne and Frank Nairne, jointly to me directed by the Honorable the Sitxth District Court for the parish of Orleans, in the above entitled cause, I will proceed to sell at public auction, at the Merchants' and Auc tioneers' kxchange, Royal street, between Canal and Customhouse streets, in the Second Dis trictof thi- city. on HATUBI'AY, April twenty first. 1877, at 12 o'clock n., the following described CERITAIN LOTS OF GROUND. to gether with all the buildings and improvements thereon, rights, ways, privileges and servitudes thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertain ing, situate in the First Distriot of this ity in the square bounded by Duplantler, Magadne, Constance and Bartholomew steets, desgnated as lots Nobs 1 to 1, ineisive, on a plan de.osited ia the office e0 . de Awr , notary puoli, in this tty.a plan No. 3 whleh lot meas.ra as f .ows, to-wtit: Lots No4. , 2 , &and eac . I2 feet 8 iaehwe and 5 lines iront on Duplantier street, by lOl1 feel in depth, between parallel ino, sad fronting the re.. oa an aMey feet leehea and 4lines wide. Said lot N..1 forns fe eby ab e w oea sad lot 31o.7 'm7easu.res 2i eet an snesoetore. by feeto1 Indies InIepra and Ithe in the rear of int b ecie d is commton to esi seven.lot. lt it to the said S !.ito.. & .and tpralk Nairne and to the said M!it, A P ries p ftaeritanlae from their c ate or, il a Sidle,widow of George Prie .d of Johan L Nairn. And the-said .Prie had acquired the-said roperty from the suocession of D. 8idle, per act pssed before said notary. O. de Arman, on the ato day of November, laos. Seized in the above suit. Terms-Cash on the H.ANDY Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. mho2 apt 12 21 IN BAWKIUPFCY. UNITED sTATEO Dle.RIO.T COURT. DISTRICT OF LOUISIANA. IN THE MATTER OF B. O. MESBITZ., Bankrupt. In Bankruptcy-Ne. 1556. W HEBREAS. B. O. ESRITZ, of New Orleans. ant district aforesaid. duly declared bank rapt under the act of Congress of March 2. 1e7, has this day filed in said court a petition pray ing for a discharge and certificate thereof, from all his debts and other claims provable under said act. Notice is therefore given to all credit ors who have proved their debts iandto all other persons in interest, thatthe fourth day of April. 1877, at 11 a. m., is assigned for the hearing of the same, and that they may then and there attend and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said petition should not be granted ; and further notice is given that the bankrupt will undergo an exam ination before Register C. 8, Kellogg, on the second day of April, A. D. 1877, at 11 a. m., at his office in the Custom-Rouse buldfhng. Clark's Offi0e, New Orleans, March 1711877. IB. sn VONSH IRE. mhao 25 ap1 Deputy Clerk. MUNICIPAL ADVERTISEMENTS SEALED PROPOSBALS. DEPARrMENT OF FPNAs1.CE tity Hall, New Orleans. March 19, 1877. Sealed Proposali will be received at this De partment until FRIDAY. MARCH, 23. 1877, at 12 o'clock m., for the sale to the city of Ten Wharf Improvement Bonds. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J. C. DENIS, mhlS td Administrator. DEPAXTMEINT OF POI.CRE. Admini-traror's Office, New Orleans. March 19,1877. W AS BROUGHT TO THE THIRD DIS trict Pound. corner of Mandeville and Mo, rales streets. on the 16th day of March. 1877 ONE HUTNDRED AND I4EVENTEEN IHEA SHEEP, which, if not claimed by THURSDAY next, the 22d inst., and the expenses thereon paid, will be sold on that day at public auction. at said pound, at 12 o'clock m.. in accordance with city ordinance No. 10o6. By order Admir Istrator. mhlf 3t THEO. BLANCHARD, Secretary. SEALED PROPOSALS. DEPARTMENT OF IMPBOVEMENTS, Rocm No. 16, City Hall, New Orleans, March 8, 1877. Sealed proposals will be received at this office untl Tuesday, March 20, 1877, at 12 o'clock m., for the construction of a shell road on bt. Charles Avenue. from De.a.haise to Berlin streets, and from Napoleon Avenue to Octavia street, in accordance with specifications on file in the office of the City Surveyor. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. JOHN McCAFFREY, mh9 t20 Administrator. FOR SALE. FoR SALE-ONE FIRST-CLASS TICKET F to Rihrhmond, Va.. and two fret-class Tick eta to St, Louis, Mo, Inquire at No. 19 St. Charles street. mhs* FOR SAI.E-ON THE JACKSON RAILROA D near Independence, about five miles from the Railroad, a tract of abut s 0 acres of good land: abou' 20 acres cleared: balance well tim bered; house and barn; about s head of stock, cattle, yoke of oxen. hrses and wagon. hogs, sheep, and farming utensils and tooLs. Wil sell the whole at a bargain. Address J. B., this offle. fels* THE LOAN OFFICE, 17 ..........BARONNE STRREET............ 1 Notice is hereby given to whom it may con oern, that all PLEDGES, WITHOUT EXCEP T N, oi which interest has pot be=ai ld up Nw. Ou tIeaaa, Xchl. T b~ d Pji), N be, S~aldosr following OdO CP~f e havingL is warebee~nse tit Tearsr, or ovesr one year rll be sorld a ubHabo ao ordanoe wfth }he r'galaJous of tie Denertmaent, at Warehoee hl 1 CO building, on MONDAY. April 9 ,167. at-e~ m. i. p ___ __ _ __ S: . . ..:.. G h1 o 22 ~ 24 22, i~no r ooo onolr Inth I o anrto D el Lop fo h Disria of Lo. 169 o P J. ot--L.D 'i r o.0 P. .II EB WIG, , ------- se S pecial Deputy Collector of Customs. mh 17 2022 24 27 Bap 358t By tPsa id J. Spen. BRICK STORE AND RESIDENCE, CORNER of Cona and Chartres streets, two lots ofh ground on Canal street. SIn the mater of Bankruptcy of Daniel Loperz District Court of the United States of America, r the Merchants and Auctioneers' Exchange on - Royal street, between Canal and ustomhouse hf streets by virtue and in pursuance of an order 5 from te Hon E. Co. Billings, Judge of the Di Strit Court of the United states of America, for Sthe Distrit of Louisiana, dated March 2, 1877, for account of said Bankrutc y. e1. A GaBTAIN LOT OF GROUND, together with a the buildings and improvements tuhereon situ S ated, in the lecnd District of this city, in the square bounded by Chartres, Contil, Exchange Alley and Bienv-lle streets. designated as No. 37, forming the crner of Chartres and Conti streets, known as the D. LopDz Confectionery. Said lot measures 17 feet 9 inenes 4 lin's on Chartres street, by a depth of 101 feet 3 inches fronting on Conti street, 20 feet 9 inches in width in the rear, 50 feet i inches on the line separatic it from lot No. 2, at which depth it opens at right angle towards lienvllte street 2 leert 11 inchesa or and fo lines, and then a second depth of 51 feet. . Two CgarTANe Lars oF eoUa D situated in tt r Second District of this city, in the suare No. 34 comprised within Broad, Customhouse Canal and Whit- streets, designated by the Nos. 22 L2 and 23 and measuring each 30 fee 3 lines front f on Canal street, by 156 feet 8 inches in depth. TERMS A.D CoNDITIo Ss--or the property firstly described one-third cash on adjudication. Sthe balance at one and two years credit, fornotes bearing special morgag and vendor's lien and privilege, with eight per cent interest from date till paid. The clause of five per cent for attor ney's fees in case of judicial proceedings for the recovery of payment of said notes or any por tion thereof property to be insured in a sum to be fixed by te assignee and policy of nsurance transferred to him, and all other usual claims. tFor the property secondly described, one-half cash on aljudicatin., and the balance one years credt, for note aseung special mortgage Srecovery of ayment of said note, or of any por tion thereo, and all other usual clauses. The out any other warrant of title than that reeived by him by virtue of the deed of asignment, exe Aetsof sale before Amedee Ducetel. h sq.. No tart Public. at the expense of the purChasers. -mh3 2tu o ao P DST C-To . Wd d -ee I TidhE MATTER OF CHaBLES L. BOU DOUSQUIEI vs. MR.. pANAI BOU t a DOUSQUIE and Others.olo e SSecond Ditrithe TrCourit for the Parish of Orean. d aNo. 39,2PE Y MaC.. GRtolu uaend Auoneer--tOffldes3i 1871, at 1 k 12 Oum. the er t. Charles Auction JExchange, in the rotunda os the yo . Ch1a es Hotel, in th, i wil be si olda public auction, fronoy streetd, by uau of fpartition from the r o. nA. L Tiset, JEdge of the Second District . eCourt fr the poa ish of Orl ean dated ando t ignec the 9th of uarch. 1e77. anId rendered in the above entitled matter. th followng e Tserib, Chl property, to-wit: STWO CEiiTAIs L oves therOFG eoND aituaedm Sin the Third District of this ei , and in thIe d qnare bounded by Kerltr-',, Iauc-en now M araisi Columbus asd Viilere tsvr eat d.a g Snatedbory the numbers prbladrown -~ by J. A. Dilemmeccurt. urveyor. dated 9tn of i .i d l oy, i..' Tes aid lots measure 'aeh in Amehtesan mea-uremet :, - feet l inheh 2 lne s front on Kerore street, by 1s feet inhes 2 lines in, togeher with all the impr-ove mens thereon. rights, ways. prmile-ngs a d ap turecan c's thereun o li:e,, anng or in any wise appertaining.. Terms-Cash on the spot; purlu-sr to a. sume the taxes for 1I57 desr the prie of adiudi Act of sale at the expense of the purchaser before Edgar Grimnia. Es.. Notary public. -* Ine mh2431snlIOIal DR IJi[UZ.ANOd aL, A WH=Y HALL, 87 CAMP MBE T. The Largest and rost CentraDy Located FPara.flt Establishment la the City. -o- aetandlr on hand. and at the LOWENST MARKET PRICES, the largest and best se·let eetlrOment of To be found in the South. oisulting of Salts Upholstered in. Breestel, Cotolne, leps, Terry and Hair Cloth, and Finished hf Gilt. MARBRL TDP INLAID CARD and FANCO T4 BLE; French PLATE MIRROB8 and Patent CHAlRS; ine BEDROOM BUITP, with French Drtser Dreeesin Cases and Armoir; reach f'ate ALL IT.NDS, with HALL to meitc; DINI-BOO and LIBR. AY A ooWlte assortment of MEDIUM and o00x FUB1TUZof every grade suitable for sca0ty pgistation ase. d arge stok of boxed dknock down Furdletm SPRING. HAIR and MOn MA1r'fIIBrEhB hL n and flTHEB PILLoWS and SO -- LOUNGRe, made to order. ALL OF OUR GOODS ABE FROM THE BEST FACTORIES, BOTH EAST AND WEST, AND OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST IN THE CITY. All Goods packed and shipped free of charge. Thanking our friends and the paeIS for their past patronage, we solicit a continuance of the same in the future. IR.L . & B. J. )I0N4TGOMERY, Armory Hall. No. 87 Camp Street, New Orlesrs. mh3 lm fdInrWTammvrw rwW Aww1 R AW I A TTr1ui A Tam COMMI5ION MZERCHAWTS. Am?. CAZRUm O. Cra m. L. L. CAssK. CraB. J. (hlaa. A. CARRUIXE & SONS, COMMISSION 7ERCHA3TS' ~RII R Boyal am a .seo. Liberal Adw neas ade on Conmdoamaam to our friends in f ;lm l AVRE and DOR9DEA LEON QUEmthOUZE. 060.41 8o8 VuuYu.Iyz* mICB - WUrr3Uhe Q1o,, DNALSILt 3 WIRES AND UQUO And allI kri od Oora r-Old Levee aandt ie d iaItA '7 PROCLAMATIOW - , - FRANCIS T. IICBOLLS, Governor of the State of Louisiana. UNITUB STTAI @OF ABERICAI. STA'IE OF LOUISIANA. Whereas, authentic Information has been by me received that JACKSON BL tZE. late of the parish of it. Bernard, in the Stateof Louisians. committed the crime of murder on the body of one BOBRB.T BROWN, in the said parish of St. Bernard, on the thirtieth day of the month of November, 1876, and is now a fugitive from justice. I, FRANCIS T, NICHOLLS, Governor of the State of Louisiana, have thought proper to issue this, my proclamation, calling upon the good people of this State to give their aid and asesist ance in arresting and bringing to justice the perpetrator of said crime, so that the law can be vindicated; and by virtae of the authority in me vested by the laws of the State of Louis lana, I hereby offer a reward of ONE THOU SAND DOLLARS for the arrest and safe eas tody of said JACESON BLAZE in any jail in this State. Given under my signature, authenticated with the seal of the State of Louisiana, at the city of New Orleans, this twelfth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven, and of the independence of the United States of America the one hundred and first year. FRANCIS T. NICHOLLS, Governor of the State of Louisiana. By the Governor: Osc-ia Aanr.oyo, mhl3 Assistant Secretary of State. PROCLAMATION. ExacUTrvx OrrIcz, Stategof Louisiana, New Orleans, March 1,1877. Whereas, information has reached me that D A. WEBER, a citizen of West Felictana parish, was this day murdered in the town of St. Fran cisville by a person or persons unknown; and Whereas. I am determined to punish erime and repress lawlessness throughout this State: Now therefore I, FRANCIS T, NICHOLLS, Governor of the State of Louisiana, do issue this my proclamation, commanding the ofdleers of the law and all good citizens to aid to their utmost in arresting the offender or offenders aforesaid, to the end that they may be punished. And I do hereby offer a reward of FIVE THOUBAND DOLLARS for the apprehension and conviction of the said offender or offenders. Given under my hand and the seal of the State at New Orleans on this seventh day of March, . D. 1877. FRANCIS T. NICHOLLS, Governor of the State of Louisiana. By the Governor: OscA. ARietoo, mhs Assistant Secretary of Rtate. Portrait Painting. (AND INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN.) Portraits from life or from pictures of the deceased, at the following rates: Life size, bust por traits, in oil, at il,0 $Sio and $150; Cabi net size. in oil, 2 $so and utc; Crayon Heads. not retouched / erishable phot o graphs, but pure crayon heads at $B5, sau and t75. Smaller work, both in oil or craonn. or water color, at provor.tioned ra:. . fat:fa i, n will be given in -v, ry r;a.e. Pcreons residina abroad can have any toe sb-v'n work .atisfacte rily exe cuted by .cn'ling the r est pictures they possess, accompanied with a faithful description of the per.on, and by :nating the style and size of portrait desired, wi:l have their orders prompt il attended to. C-,unrry patronage solieited. EVERETT B. D. JULIO, 3 Careadelet street, NEW ORLEANS. N. B--Instructions given in Drawilng.Crayon and Painting. Classes in Seminaries Instructed. My Art Gallery is a plac, of free resort, and the public is invited to visiitit at leasurefe2 . DR. F. FONJRNTO, 3AUBOADS. G T JA~k eN ROUTE. NZW ORLUIAJ. iBT. WUE AD M P GA O RAILsUOAD Urntli DOURIT DAILY THROUGH ThINS. Gt~ts absrhnfollowJ'm1'U 011 rdr3.5Nps. ni. Iz pRumuss C &am 4rra t~awr. NUT AJ WUI!aii~ I OANNXIR m. TEN U.s S NAICI to pl~s ras. *IaZua jKPUUU ..WS&t. .s:treen.imprnem E .som josee hiint r 1o?1I y THPUOGHH& THROUGHlE CAT TOS.= A ~ , Vb Loa eeflie, is Ausats &n tta Iý.It IB; OAMlgP e THYB U. B YAM " Trains rive and Devasr from Depo i rrC M Owd st~dreet, s folow Papress..... srtsas Re1m. 4 zrrer..~.... 9 A P. B.I ZLB JoIa Sh. At . JAll. Laba N ATJOENEYB-AT-LAW. NO. a DAMP WI'IZWP. Hew Orlemi. La lam~ ~ t_"~s~"~·-~ ·~ BENEFICIAL TO THE PUBLIC. We. the undersigned Photographers In the United States do state and will bear testimony that FICTUIiB made by LANBERI'S FATENX PROCESSE !ever Fade or Change Thur Cldlrs IN THE LEAST. Also are otherwise In every respect more tic than those made by the old processes, are bound to fade and become worthless. SAOWY ..................Nw.... T W. &IKUZ ..................lNew LEON VAN LOO ......... J. LANDY .................... (Neh F. GUT KUMAT............ ALLE & ROWEL.............I C. IWRTII a& CO............ O. W. NOTES ............. Adas, N KLa.UEE...... ..........l aULOd6ON, President of the graphie Aseodiaton of the United1 of America.........msm Vmslse , E.!, 3. n. AnoEnSE......nIs...., VW,. assea. of L..smaas , And others. too numerous to mention. THEO. LILIENIHAL, . . 121....... CANAL STREET........... Iem 3m Carpet and Oil Cloth Warehb ELKIN r'O., 168............Canal street...... ...... I CARPETS of every description at Bedue~a Prices. w14TTING&-N"w styles In fancy colors. WINDOW SHADEIF-NeW patterns. OITL CLO(THR--In all widths '6 m Varieties Billiard Rall, Corner Canal and Dauphine st ets. Entrance on Dauphine street. aEigh or a. W. cslleder's seval aJNe Tables. PRICES OF BILLIARDS: Daytime...............................SO de.m SI taD l W. W. PAyME1. ATTORWET AS1 YAW, Naona=