Newspaper Page Text
33W OlIAWS NOUSU. - 9~ ........ ,1 jat9 ') Be 101, 59 ... ._ ..._ .6ý1. M £k 14499 R AO 2 Tha far this week ... 2,50,188 22 888,108 29 taim week.. 8,000,696 63 576,471 97 Liweek before.... 9.649,8 2 46 2, The demand for moa We far at b nstr two bank, but moderate at the rest and on the eweet. Ooinmercml paper g.unonhaaPg;d. U_ dt the deoltne at New York, Gold wase o lower, sol d tol only a moerate ete .a, The de. peroement in New York sight, Foreign Ztohsnge rU- . at previous ates. The io rmest wea m t4. Unde,' lght oailtiNgý afoarde as York sight ew Oeduai 01 loant k seks, and ocm erol a. quoted fully 1.16 I cent higer. titowke -o-tinued strong. Wtlh only a moderate dtmandl, State Qo0ge@s and Premium bondk ruled at about pr. stneo rate. Nicholls Police OertiS.atM said Per Diem Warrants were more in requet and sold at higher rates. We notice that the Noew Orlelans y Olt ilrosd Olfeany declared a quarterly dividend on the 1th..set. or 8 per conet,Dyprabe April 2. We coatinue to quote: Ei.ceptWaql omtmera 1 i at "8®- peor cent per annum disoa t Al nt .meo; d grade do. 2100000 oUlstrlo nsle Sst Olass .ortgages 8t4g., and secOnd , e do. 10o012. oil epsned at 104%3104%, agafuat 104"/, at eNew York, and after moderate business closed M the opening rates in both markets. The sales ummned Ap $52,C00 embaaeing $15,000 at 1044/ Wl4%, I 1t,000 at 104%, $10,0)9 at 14 415.16, lan Foreign zseharge was w.thout quotable var a. '~'e sales of 8terlfng amounted to £2o,0'0, er. bramling £1000 bill of lading at 003, £1000 and Sball of lading and £200 Al clear at 504, .£600 bill of ladiOg at 6)Bl0 @504Y., £12,000 do at 604@0305, and £2500 bank at 500. The salve of Francs comprised 00,000 comner i al o atO.O. avd 275,000 atB . . -" At the cDo0o toillng bilis wire quoted at ,t ,, @ for ebll t of lading and Al oear aend --0 . for bairnk (hbank ounter rate, - 50.))t anl f anols 4l.e. for commnroial and numinal for Under light offerings and a fair demand, the bank hetling rate on eow York advanced 1l.160 X .l cent, and commeroial was quoted fatly wi-o 1Oee. hilgher. The salees comprised 1)0,OU00, g OgO0 0000 prvatebankeit' at 7492 %l cent emium; S26,o00 itd k at %, M90e000 doa 190,, e aO-.2 and $250W p t rioa t beAker' at r e als o no~etd rastl o . 000. throe rmeleial ltt on New York at" 3 V Cent Tue banks checked on New York at'l 1640 i .$ ptretam, 8agatlit G on atnrday, as Euu u ,er-q~sIo . tet a t v.-- , ait 58. .. .~. .... ......... . 1 th Ma +k. ..... ..... ......, C , 1ýý, . ' o Qerti66ater at.. 77 do 77. 500 dO" do . do . 5 . C:; l.a and Premi were only 4am! desateuest, td t I continued ad tll t84 for the for-mer oooi48$ fti the . ý . , i e Cetiloats losed at 78 bid nd Nleholle per diem warrants eloued at 88 bidmand + aLsked'. O COMllE3CAL. oFEIoC NEW ORLEANB DEIOR.IA Monday Evening, Maorli-19,1 87 O TON-The sales to-day, sum med up o0 at prces, requiring naoh el l nt ' e 1.ns. w iVe aLso the l gl.- end port of the Ezoalnge,,a below: 'a Gen' Quotations. Ex. Q. Inferior ............... , o w Ordinary ........... 93, r OirdcaGo O .rdinar l °+f' o LawN I 1000 1o 2 !4llet Good Ordlny ....... 10J @1 0 /' La Midl dlinglair .........0.11t ' 121 air...................lhV . @1 a P g .... ................... L.,1. . 12,4 i" r........ .............*.. 474iW - The market appeared to be inanimate dteing mhemorning, but later in the day the movement Lemsomewhat lvely and resulted in sales to S fadi ro xtent noted above. Nothing transpired to indleate any quotable variation to prices. in eomse oaees buyers obtained no advantage, but is others It was slightly in their favor. Most factors adhered steadfastly to their previous proe tensions. "It will be observed that the mcrease in the remepts at all the ports compared fith last year been reduced to 11,296 ber, which "may _d ppe in the next two or three days. The dispatches reported Liverpoool steadier at previous rates, with sales of 12,000 bales, and ar rivals opening 832d eigher, 1-16c of which was absee.uently lost; Havre quoted 1 fran higher SiC tree ordinaire spot, but buyers refsnla to pay any more thaln quotations, and New Yor opening easier but later steady at Saturday's quotauons for spotm, and closing 15-100@23-1000 lower for tfturs. Strling unchanged. The Exchange makes the amount on shipboard c leared (Derore to-day's exports of 9282 bales) 968 bales, embracing 26,162 for Liverpool, 80fo HaEre, 6562 for the North Sea, 820 for en, and 2685 for ooastwise ports, leaving in a agreeably to its account at 12 m. 2213,77 only a small part of which is on sale. noon to-day Middling was 1noted at Galves . t 11 o, at Mobile at 10/0, at Savannah S Char leston at l , at Norfolk at l !. at 11%o, at ew York at 1%o, at it l2%e, at Augusta at ile, at Mem lie, at Philadelphia at 117;, and at Cin Ilt 11i%0. -iange reports: "Sales 4700 bales. Mar Skett ." COTTON STATEMENT. d Sept. 1, 1876-bales....... .. o,;377 Lisee last statemsenlt.... 288s Arri previotsly............1,251.207-1.251,095 1.283,472 A .................. .232 prevously:......... 991,537-1,006.769 n hand and on ship not cleared......... 276.7 * last year............. 278,431 pts proper since Saturday evening 2485 l i sl t 6152 on last Sunday and Monday, ltat year, making an aggregate since y evening of 2960 bales against 7468 last 5,202 bales, against 1,281,599 last yea- -de 156,897. The Exchange telegrsms make the receipts at all the ports from 12 mi. Saturday to 12 m. to. day 6648 bales, against 8C45 last week and 1,378 last year, and since Friday 10,499 bales, ag t 16,135 last week and 22,422 lat year. Tc ia es August 31, 3,659,364 bales, against 3,648, ap to tunday noon, March 19, last year-in aeae 11,295. rts (Friday and Saturday) to Great Britain bales, against 15,854 last week and 18,677 year, andto the Continent 3831 bales, against ms' t week and 14 444 last year. Skat all the delivery ports, made up to 12 026 bales, against 87,4M5 last week, and last year. 0OO-We did not hear of a transaction ay. The amount on sale is now estimated at bbds. We continue to quote as follows: Unsound and frosaed lugs 2t63%0, inferior l2e, bie ltJS >18,c, and seleo ,_ t lstee evening 10 hbds; ex. ps.Maw, noe iad by our running cA*p was axedfor earn, sad oee : hr0wio.5, We *1U5 fcir re A. Thompson Do. end us the follow. lug telegram : New York, Maroh 17,.1877 1 ed tht morning 974 bblh; t at firmer prices. The re oeipts were all aid. Common fermenting 38280o fair 80@82c; prime a8, and stro prime 42o. i gallon. Ouetern bostoms 4005m6, edng to uaity; common net lcumenhnlg 8 ;08c fair "48; prime 4042c; strictly prime teo asallon. l OU iaoeeiv*N iftl Satuiray 8880 bbls. Ti stosh on hand is li lll with glreat soareit, dmediau grad'sl; li g tes art*mall. Therels agood local demand at advancing prices, sad all lots desirable for bakers use are taken ap ts fast as landed. Western advices continue to note s erb ePPl of wheat apd scarelty of ea.r and csate tbal this market must fetch 25o Sbbl mots than present prices. The sales em brace 2680 bbls, of which 50 common at 15, 50 low treble extra at $7 12 /,0 do at $17 .Y.. 100 good treble extra at $7 15, I5Od10. S7 5j, 50 and 25 do at $7 6;, 25 and 1it40 O l*h8b ex tra at 17 75, 10 st $7 80, 100 dO8 at.,t 871, 56 at $7 95, 25,25 200, 100 ead 180 ehelO extra at 8, 50 at 8 100 st 18 87~ 52 and 0 at t8 50, 75, 200, 5601 0s fl Og bble onptlvate terms. bbls. Thei at dll, ruling a at 7rd5, insirde pis; 75 0 o e e t00, a 10 1fu0, 100 ,d 400 treble ext on thending at 60 bbl Th choice do. $'7 "7@7 t choice e a $ 8 75, bmarkers' mieus $Iu d Gt are qoted at 3 bn. Log a q 8 oe4d in i oted at $3 50 bid eah or this mo. 2, and . 812 lie are oriprl. UORKN EAL--Received since aturday 164883 bb bbl. markhe t arket ctive ndll, ry troing at Saturday' inside frable to h0 100. 150, 100 nd 100 and 400 mbss aedin ltl t $1. bbDl Dealer s are jobbing at i$2 oJa . 75 bt bbl. Glnd 18t AND . OaII NY-A reeivety r sold t1 b$1bls Qi., onte the landing at 60 t hblng. The market s better.ull Ohnd rio ar quoted at $14 0; ob bing at $M , 8 4. llon1inv i ued a8 t $3 00A d bbs and jobbing at $8 76 , bbl. DCORN IN BULK-A tow of 49,055 buieols thme in this morning. hupplies are offering at 48o ed bautsl, spot and to arrive. hcarity r export tonnage prevents transactions. i'ORK - Received since Saturday 883 bble. The market Is active and very strong on Satur day's improvement, and Western advices con tinue favqrable to holders. 25, 100 and 885 bbis mess 8, olear inoteat .e 8 bbl. Dealers are job. blA at $16 78@t1O JR bbl lhiesap opened gi amorning at s 18i65 April and $1are qu ay, and subsequently advaned to $18 95 .May, plrvate teleguame instmuciinn to bold; market better Oh'agt o c osed 5at $14 @14 05 May, and $18 85 cash and April, an ad vane sl.eis aeatrdi ofg 17! 020oa bbl. DRY SAlT MELT-...-i quiet but fltmer under the influence of Western advie. hoolder supply arnd qdull at b61 o loose and 5sj ebkd, e rib ides , le sides RODU. Peler's feet obre selling lderu at 81 , l ear rib spare r8be 4 7lear dextra ure qpork s rIb; rioe des 9, cleatr aides % fo pail Dealers obbing above bee thes e prices. A re.eer sold 10 tlear rib rIOt--There no change lQ pri6, e, and 2 the arket $ s quiet, L ina No. 2 ais noted 5cask OdeFa 6-The lb; tgeis limited, and pri lce igar-cursd, smal.t fresh. are fnobseod. Wes quote ominarsiy at 12Od arge, as verag do. 11017o. prime . oo Ora 1y 101 B7Ro, A'S .BA;t ON-Isr n1c; good supply and duWell art le ins. mll o. Aneiro, MarhOG P17 ODtOT -Pigas feet are selling forat 1 0 0keg; par ribs for 7United Sbbl; pig pork 8 50 exehalf bbl and $15 e bl;e extra prins pork $14 bbl; prime mess $14 25(01 14 75; rump pork *14 50 lOtbbl; pigs' tongues by, (de apiece LARD-Continues in light supply and dull at 9'/0 10o for tieroe packers' andrefined; 10j4c for keg and 11Y/,0 for pail. Dealers jobbing at /c above these prises. A receiver sold 10 ie hetts rendered at 11 ? lb. BIOl--There is no change. ix prisee, and the market is quiet. Lonisiana No. 2 is quoted at 2%0.@30, common 404800, ordinary 4'/@4%o, fair 5(@5 o, good 13;0.'@6 1 b. COFFEE;--The demand is limited, and prices are unchanged. We quote cargoes: Ordinary 168%16%c, gold; fsir 19@1/%o- good 20(20/"o prime 20',0'4 7 i lb. Job ot5s Ordinary Ai 1p/oo gold; fair l0l9 9%c ; good 203/020/,o: We are indebted to Messrs. Small A Go. and Marks A Co. for the fpllownig telegram, dated Rio Janeiro, March 17, .nd New York, March 19.1877: Receipts since the 10th inst. 55,000 bags; pur chases for Europe 16,000; pnrehasc for United States 6000; rlook 80,000; exehange24%4d; average gTALLo'--Fair supply and dull. Only city on Shand, no Trexas it is held at 7Y 7%o V lb. BUTEB--Liberal supply ad almost nothing I doing, but holders are unwilling to sell at lower o prices. Ohoice Western Il quoted at 20021e, t medium 15018o, inferior 12o, choice Goshen 82® i 83e, medium 25. inferior 200 b.. otHESE-Is in light supply. Prices are strong e and the demand good. Ohoioe Western factory t sells at 15yb% 18o, English dairy 180, pineaple S25@27c, hew York oream 170 lb. EBOULENTBS-oarrcelay arriving, but there is sufficient stock on hand and ltdel demand for it. Potatoes-Russets are quoted at $8@3 25; s early rose, damaged, sold on the landing at $165 r peach blows $8 50@3 75; Onions $1@2. Apples $1@t 50 W bbL Choice b8or rout $14@15 bbl. Louisiana Cabbages $18@27 100. CORN IN 8ACKS--The receipts per barges are not yet landed, hence nothing doing. Prices are unchanged. Mixed is quoted at 54c, yellow and white at 55e V bushel. OATS-Good supply and no sales reported. St. Louis Is quoted at 470, Galena 48@50 - r beabhel. 7 BRAN-Light supply and only 190 sacks re Sceived to-day. Prices are firm. 200 easek sold at $1 05 l 100 l. HAY- Low grades are freely offered and Sneglected. Choice is scarce. 70 bales choice t oid at $18 ton. BEOEIPI' OF PRODUCE-Arrived since our review of Saturday: 8880 bble flour, 888 bble pork, 819 bble whisky. 193 tieroes hams, 887 tierces lard, 108 kegs lard, 224 casks bacon, 198 boxes bsaon. 1648 bbls corn meal, 20,038 sacks corn, 48,055 bashels corn In bulk, 6861 sacks oats, 100 bushels bran, 877 bales hay, 518 hhds sugar and 1974 bbls molasses. EXPORTS OF PRODUCE-Exports since our review of Saturday: 430 bbls flour, 83 bble pork. 47 casks bacon, 29 tieroes lard, 177 bb e whisky, 85 bble corn meal, 1025 sacks corn, 51,073 bushels corn in bulk, 602 sacks oats, 86 sacks bran, 125 bales hay, 264 hhds sugar, 96 bole sugar, 324 bbls moasses, 169 bbls rice, 1008 sacks cofee, 15 bbl apples, 203 bbls onions, 22 kegs but ter, 266 sacks salt and 19 bbls potatoes. Meney, steeks, Etc. NEW Youx, March 19.-Gold opened at 104%. hEW Yoax, March 19.--Btock active but with an unsettled feeling. Money 2W. Gold 1041A Excbange-long 4.84 sh, short 4.864. State bonds firm. Governments teady. Demestic Mark@ts. NEW Your, March 19.- Ot0to dull and easier; Uplands 11%c, Orleans 110. Bales 107 bales. Futures easier; April 11 55t11 62 ; May 11 76@ 11 77; Junell 97.11 99; August 12 03812 05. Flour dull and unchanged. Wheat quiet and un changed. Corn quiet and steady. cort quiet mess $14 6C(014 75. Lard quiet-steam 19 60% @9 65. Sp:rits of turpentine steady, 41/%@42c Rosin firm, $2: $2 10 for strained. Freights steady. Foreign Markets. LIvaurooL, March 19. Noon.-Cotton-receipts 12,500 bales, including 6900 American. Futures opened 332d higher, but have since lost 1-161 of the advance; Uplands, Low Middling elause, April and May delivery, 6 1I-82d, 6 5-16d, 6 9-423; May and June delivery, 6 7-16d, 6 1382d, 73l ; June and July dehrvery, 61d. 6 15-82d ; July and August delivery, 6 91:. bhipped-February and March, by sail, 6 7.16 Cottoa easier-Middling Uplands 6 5-16; Mdag Orleans 6d; saes 11,000 bales--4r peolaeton and export, 8000 0-856; Mq s Joni xi~ ,bW,$ a. MWWN NEW o©wa3S D3MOr AT, I i.dly . , March 20, S1 .ia ne. Inch. Io.g ,Il l........ ..· 80 7 8 0 I obuleville .......... 14 4 0 4 Mesmphis .......... 2 0 11 Nashville .......... 14 6 0 9 S*Sew Orla bsv...... 11 8 2 0 1,Omaha ............ 11 6 0 7 * Belowhi rater mark of 187al NELSO OQBOM, Ser't. ig, SerU.U. A. A. A tarv.a--Eve, Blue Wing No. 8, Katie, St. a John, Go, Allen, Henry Tete, Atlantic, Ba0trop. e DEPATUasF--Ieabe, Emma, Eva, St. John, t Gov. Allen, Trenton, Henry Tete. To Anasvr.-Eva, Upper Coast ; Berths, Op eg lonuse; Nll Huhes, John H. Hanna, Shan Snon, Onuobits -;tell Block, B~aut River; St. John, Baton enge; Govd . Allen, Bayou bare; . H. Durle L . lie Red lver; A. O. Don nlly, John eans, Ohio; Isabel, Emma, Lower Gost; Frank Pargoud, Greenville. The weather yesterday was as pleasant as could be desired. In the way o shipments there was but little done yesterday. Having been withdrawn, the Seminole will not leave for Red River for the present. The St. Mary takes her place and will leave to-morrow at 5 p. m. for Shreveport and Jefferson. Freod Probst in command, Ed Groves in the office. The Trenton, making semi-weekly trips to Donaldsonville and Bayou Lafourohe, leaves eve r MoAndy and Thursday, and goes through to SThibodax each trip. The Trenton is a perma I nont institution in this trade. The Assumption, Capt. Joe Dalferee, leaven Sthis p. m., fLr Donaldsonville and the La o fourche. The Fannie Tatum lies at the hnad of Lofay o te street and leaves to-day for St. Louis, freight or no freight. e Theyaobt Myrtle arrived yesterday in tow (of t the Atlantic. f The John T. Moore was taken across the river yesterday. The Houston leaves to day for the Ohio. The new A. C. Donnally, from Cinctulati, will Se found at the landing this morning. Oneof the crack boats of the Ohio river fleet, the well known Mary Houston, leaves to-day at 5 S. in. for Lo rvisele and Oloainnati. Charlie killer conmands, Elliott Miller and Gordon o Wayne clerks. The fleet and asuperb Katie, Wm. Campbell, omaster, Mees. M oVay and Mossop, clerks, leaves to-day at S p. m. In place of the R. E. Lee for VleCbnrg and all mail landings. r he fine light-drati ht steamer Fannie Tatum, SJohn W. Elwell master, W. A. Mfatt, clerk, leaves to-day, mrs, for Memphis, antroand St ' Louis. r The punnetual ti-weekly daylight Upper Coast packet E.n leaves to-morrow, usorat at 10 a. m. The trl-weekly l ower Coast pincet Emma leaves tomorrow at 1 p. m. for he Franklin Rice r Mills; Oliver Canton, Jr.,master, J. J. Donovan a clerk. b The Bertha will leave to-morrow, as Usual, for the Atchafalaya through to Washington. H. H. i Broad master, Thee. Jobin clerk. The sple.did and very fst John H. Hanna, of the New Orleans and Ousoeits Transportation p Oompany. lear to-mosrow at 5 pin. (in place of the Oil ohite on elas), li a r Mgi.r wesley packet to Ouahita .t, Capt. J. Blanks commands, SOapt. Joe Holmes lerk, SThe famous Charles Morgan, with the bold All a Stein at the fore, and the clever Harry Stein as Sprsers leaves tomorrow at 5 p. m. for Memphis, Cairo, Lokisville and Oinoinnani. The Bonnie Lee, Noah WSovell master, leaves to-morrow at 5 p. m. for Minden and all inter mediate points on Bed River. M. L. itovell and STom Davidon have charge of the office. The steamer Bastrop, from O oahita River, ar rived last evening with a good trip of cotton and a cotton seed. EXCOANGE CLIPPINOS. ST. Lomus, March 17.-The St. Louis and New t Orleans pool line bad completed or nearly comt pleted, last evening, supplementary arrange ments for the benefit of the line and the publio. The intention of the owners is to run the larger and lay up the smaller boats during high water, and the contrary or vice versa during low water. A great desire also exists in the pool line to ee tablish the system of sending out two boats every week, on Wednesdays and Saturdays, with nva Srying regularity. A satisfactory pa was posti >tvely expected to be adopted yesterday. The Upper lssissippi is lower at Keokui k thn it has en for twenty-five years. there Is only 1 ten inches water on the BRpide in the out made a by the Government. Two steamers are running in the Keokuk trade but owing to the snorcity of I water they can do but little. The two are all ready for business as soon as the river rise. SCommodore Davidson saticipates a heavy travel r to the BlUok Hills country over his route this season, and is getting his line put in first-class I order. The Grand Republio leaves for New Or leans on Sunday at noon. The E. O. Stanard f and Continental follow next week. The Missouri r ver is frozen over betw oen Kansas City and SAtobhison. The Molliw Moore is due, and returns The MissieeT ppi river grows narrower instead of ider as itproceede toward the Gu l. From the mouth of the Ohio to the mouth of the Arkansas, the average width is 4470 feet; from the latter point to the mouth of the Red river, 4080 feet; from the Red river to the Bayou Larourchne, uuu reet; ana from snere to tne nea of the Passes 2470 feet. At the same time the average depth increases from 87 to 129 feet. Prrrnsuno, March 16.-A letter received here from Yankton, under date of the 12th, reports that the ice there has run out, and that the boats there are all safe. The following boate wintered at that port: Mead, Carroll, Western, Durfee, Nellie Peck, Benton, Yellowstone, Peninab, Key West, Far West and'Josephine. The last three named were on the ways. The hull of Commo dore Kountz's new mountain boat will soon be ready to launLch. Capt. James Rees has closed a contract with the Arkansas Packet Company for a new boat 180 feet long, 36 feet beam, 13-inch cylinder 6 feet stroke, cabin and outfit complete, to be delivered in June. MlrPHIe, March 16.-A private telegram from Pine Blufi, Arkansas, states that the sternwheel steamer Gov. Garland. from Pine Bluff for Mem phis, was burned yesterday at Bed Fork, forty miles from the mouth of the Arkansas R:ver. Three desk and one cabin passenger, and all the books and cargo, were lost. The Garland had 650 bales of cotton, mostly for New Orleans, and it is believed was insured there. The boat was only about one year old, built at Pittsburg, and cost $25,000. SBe was owned by Captain John N. Harbm and others, and insured in Cincinnati offices and was insured for $15,000. Including the Garland, burned yesterday at IRed Fork, forty miles above the mouth of the Arkaneas river, over $50,000 worth of steamboats have been destroyed in Arkansas river for the present company daring the past eighteen months. On this there was $42,000 of insurance, of which $34,000 has been paid. The value of the Garland and her cotton cargo of 650 bales was fulby $65,000. All her books, papers, safe and $3000 of cuwrency therein were totally de stroyed. No particulars are given as to the ori gin of the fire. The crew are expected to arrive here to-morrow, to take the Belle of Texas out in her place, and a new steamer will be built with out delay. '!he Garland was but eight months old. She was regarded as the best boat that was ever placed in the Arkansas river trade. She re cently carried cut 1051 bales of cotton on 34 inches of water. The latest reports from the Florence Meyer, reported sunk in the Arkansas, above Little Rock, Wednesday. are to the effect that the boat is hard aground fifty miles above Little Rock. badly careened and in a dangerous condition. The Carondelet, due from below, was sengged and lost a part of her guard, near Greenville, as she came up. UNDERTAKERS. OHAS. 0. JONES, JOHN G. BOOR(., Formerly with Frank Johnson. ssiU A £ aoo, SOCleared Y tertdy. BDit ship Minnie Swift, Liswll, fe Liv aer Brit ship Malta, Caseslngea for iJ I Minr o I Brit bark Pocahontas, Bo"s, for L oerp lol Bohr A Hiolkman, Shkw, for Paovideea- Dteca Zere Aoo 8ebt John M Flake, 8mith, for Port Antonio- Jos P MJahena Ital bark Itlsoluto, LlpUd, for Cadiz- Joseph Kelley Arrived. Brlt bark Liziae Wilight, Wright, 61 days from Havre, to DeWolf, Powell Aco-Point Schr Cetacean, Bears, 5 days from l uatam, to J P Ma cheos-Plc Tier BSchr A H Belden, Jones 3 days from Galveston, to meater-2d dig fTrIAMBOATS. Bastrop, Hodge, from Lind Grove Martha, Bassett from Lower Coast. Katie, Campbell, from Vicksburg 4ov Allen. Brown, from Bayou tiar Blue Wing, No 3 Comstock. from Honma Planta tion Eva Ransom. from Tureaud Plantation Bt John, Bergeron, from Baton Rouge Atlantic, Davis, from bt Lonis, wi h 4 barges Exports. r CADIZ-'er bark R)soluto--63 mhogany logs 118, 580 ppe staves SPROVI)DENCE-Par shr A H Hickman-100 tons cotton sted meal 2'V6 hbbi oil LIVERPOO)L- Per bark Pocahontas -4129 bales cotton 3000 pce staves LIVERP()OL-Per ship Malt----1412 bales cotton 500 bits oil 793.8 sacks ,ileake 3000 pee staves LIVERPOO I,--IPer ship Minnte Swit--3 61 bales cotton 1415 sacks oilcake 1200 pcs s'avot imports. MEXICAN POI'()IT---Per ateamship IthutlRel-1-6( sacks cofl-a, l'uig, Corral &co--- 201 do 100 mats do Smith Bros &co RIO IDE JANEIRO----Per barkentine Sparklin, Foam----1000 bags coftae order---184 do Ramsey & M Westflldt UA'l'AN--Per scbr CCntrcean-23 0 buO rhes bann - nas 12,01.0 plantants x bbls lime J P Macheea Receipts of Froduce. LINI) IGROVE-Per steamer l'tetrop----19 bales 1 cotton 'a3ne, Kennedy &eo..91 , W Rawlins---Rt Lebhman, Abraham &to--41 It Allison &0o-27 Meyer r Wit - kto-19 W A 'eale--9 Jno Phelps &c.-9 Jno i hatfe & Hons-6 J Levy &co-5 N D Wetmor.-4 W lb Clarke--4 Claiborne &-omo -- 4 Jurey & Gile--3 Allen, Nugent &oo--3 ]Irtech, Adler &co-2 Na1ld & Cammaok..2 Jno T Hardie &co-1 J W White--434 sacks outton seed N O Cotton Seed Association--1 bale hides and anndries to order- Total 436 bales cot ton 434 sacks ootton seed s LOWER COAST-Pe- steamer Marths--50 bble n Rlchard Mililken-selnries too der VIOKSBURG-Per steamer Katie-..164 bales ct tou Richardson & May--162 do Moeyer, Wele &oo..104 Craig & Hoga-81 Buckner &oo-- 70 S B Newman & co--5 Jno Cunaffie & Sa-s-45 Allen, Nugent &co-44 J J Harris &eo-43 Payne, Kennedy kt 0-30 J Bur, nett &Co-- McGehee, Snowden & Violett--9 W E Hal.-l Clpp Bro doo----18 11 & C Newpan--16 Moses Clark-- 5 S Friedlander- 15 Lehman, Abra am h oo--13 Norwood & Rihard---13 G W Seatell &Ao-.t Chatse, Hamilton & Powell-- Jao Phelps & co-7 Olaiborne &oo-$ Alone, Sbherok & Anut i.; Gwya & Dyer-b nardkr, Mood Soo-4 B Henderson -4 t art Bro s --3 arse--.l Graham, Blaok Aco -ea Bnsey koo- W A ?Pele--2 Valdeo, Hawains SLoo-I iso B Livandale- Jurea & Gillis..1 I Wil a son Jr-- Howcots &Leoo-1 John TNoble-1 WO Black keo-i Aiken & Wat-1 Alhen, West &o---I W r White-l6 sacks cotton seed N 0 Cotton Seed As soolation--40 eeks cotton seed meal An4eron & Slmps n-47 bble oil t L Airey &co-S bbls dm 5 hi f do Vairla & Mortimer-15 bxr chesee Schmidt & Zit. pler-3 bales mos* Odell A Wright-1 do Payne. Ken nedy koo--1 do Delta Moss Co-sundries to order Total 10@5 balas cotton 1003 ecks cotton seed BAYOU SARA- Per steamer Gov Allen- 45 4 hales cotton J L Harris &eo- 29 Meyer, Weis keo 17 T L Airey &co-10 Lehman, Abraham tco---- S SOGumbel-5 Match & Schblenker--5 Temple S Coons : s c-4 W B Hall--4 & Newman-a A Levi- 3 Bush & Levert-2 B Groebel-2 Clapp Bros Aoo-2 Alcne, Soheask & Ante- a Norwood & icbards-I Payne, Kennedy &co-- ack seed cotton A L Chop pin-8 bhad sugarlermann A Vignee-50 bbls mo. lasses E C Palmer &co-I do L Bloom-1 do Henry Groebel-sundries toorder-Total 133 bales cotton i sac. eed coaton 8 hhds sungar 62 bbls molasses HOUMA PLANTATION-Per steamer Blue Wing I No 3--13 hhda sugar 20 bles molasses B IF torkmyer -5 do order--20 sacks rough rice O A Lanaux- 27 do H Bassimir-suodrles to order-To al 13 hhds sugar 25 bbls molasses 235 sacks rough rice F TUREAUD PLANTATION--Per steamer Eva 12 hhds sugar E F S ockmeyer---40 sacks rough rice Hope itce Mill-sundries to rre or BATON ROUGE-Per steamer St John-5 bales cotton Renshaw. Cammack &co-300 bbls molasses 55 bhds esugar MeStea & Value-94 do H M Scott-l d,, Lafltte, Dfllha er&o--. do 54 bbls molasses Richard Milliken-4 do A Tertrou-35 do 4 hhde sugar Pelton & Dunbar..6 bales moss . enshaw. Cammack &co mundries to order-Total 5 bales cotton 116 hhds sugar 393 bble molasses ST LOUIS-Par steamer Atlantc-- 60 bbles flour 1699 sacks corn Gordon & Gomila-100 bbls flour Rogers & Mtachell..-300 do E 8 Keep & Sone--00 Perdreaunil e &co--203 do 200 bble meal Schwabacher & Hirsoh-100 hf bbls flour W H Matthews & Bro 77 do (2 bole do 13, bbls meal 986 bbls grits 250 sacks corn 23,055 busbels corn In in bulk Glover & Odendahl 95 sacks corn 250 bble meal 109 bf bble flour 184 bble I do Schwabaoher Froweafeld & Pfeifer- 700 do 226 saeks cats Prudhomme & Brlgge--88 sacks bran 100 1 bbls meal 192 bble flour J n K ent &co-190 do 25 bbls g uits 100 sacks bran MR RH--200 bbls meal 243 bales hay Chas Plessants-200 bbls meal Miller, Dolhonde &co-1486 sacks oats J H Hanna-550 bble flour 50 hf do 25 bbles grits lot mdse C A Whit ey &co--113 bales straw 663 sacks oats Jno T Gibbon--427 do O Hock &to--5,000 bushels corn in bulk C F Conrad-25 te's lard 35 hf bble vinegar John I Adams &oo--150 tes I lard C H Dolsen-127 do Jno A Norton- 75 boxes bacon 20 casks do E Vorster-36 bra do 8 bble tongue 2 bxhis hams 612 hf poe bhaging Vose Bros-617 sacks corn Blakemore &co--586 do Oscar Chopin- 129 do Fllf Wilson & Mills..g l do Howard & Preston--216l do C A Louis &co-779 do Dotze &co---163i Vairin & Mortimer-400 ke mstilt C Luse--866 steel rails J A Raynor, truetee--200 pkgs lead C Potthoff-85 do J (5 SClark-20 do Barrett & Weiman-2 pkgs made Mullen & Holloway--9 do Rice, Born &eo-I8 do E J Hart & co--100 Stauffer, Macready &co-45 bbls vinegar A T Bennett-25 do Flash. Lewi koo--1 pkg mdse Ope loans. Pkt Co-2 c;o N O C It R-30 pkgs beer R Fas nacht--sundries to order--i otal 3741 lbt flour 336 hf do 11,492 sacks coin 2802 sacks oats 100 stoks bran 400 soets malt 302 tes larm 111 boxes bacon 143 bales hay 48,055 bushels corn in bulk RECEIPTS AT THE NEW BASIN. Pearl River-Per steamer J P Flazer--70 cords wood master Tangipahoa-Per steamer 3 C Gault-20 cribs tim ber order Biloxi--Per schr Joe Edwards---5 cords wood master Jordan River-Per schr Concordia-30,000 feet lum ber J L Never. Bandaboro-Per schr Annette-70,000 feet lumber O tnuber , Stockton-Per scbr Amerloa--36.000 feet lumber O Stuber Pearl River--Per schr Gipsey--10 cords wood mater Pearl River-Per achr Gen Washington-40,000 feet lumber W W Carre &co Bliud River-Per sohr Lillie Armstrong-rO cords wood master Pascagoula-Per scbr Walter Denney-40.000 feet lumber H Buddig Wolf River-Per achr Galois--20,000 teet lumber J L Nevers Pascagoula-Per schr Camelia-l000 bbls charcoal master Pascagoula-Per schr E Bless.y-40,0CO feet lumber H Buddig Biloxi-Per schr Richard--25 cords wood master T;ckfaw-Per schr Martha Washington-30 cords wood master Shell Bank-Per schr Bonfounca--400 bbls shells o der Shell Bank-Per schr Ristori-400 bbls shells erder RECEIPTS AT TBRE OLD BASIN. Pass Manchac-Per schr Reporter-30 cords wood 10,000 shingles order 'chefuncta River-Per schr Lonis;ata State-20000 bricks order Pearl Ricer-Per schr Ann McGuinn----45,000 feet lumber order Pascagoula-Per achr J J Clark-1400 bbls charcoal master Bnfouca-Per schr Mew-22 cords wood mast r Pascagoula-Per schr Falster----35,000 feet lumber 0 Stuber Bay St Louis-Per schr Democrat-- 0 cords wood $00 bbls charcoal master Mande ille-Per ecbr Mandeville--40) bbls char coal master Mandeville-Per schr Susanna-1003 bbls charcoal ma' ter Pasagoula-Per achr Ci'y Belle--1000 bbl char coal master Bonfouca-Per sloop Buena Vista---sondries to order By Railroads. NEW ORLAN$ ST. LOUIS AND CHICAGO k = Aec~~sa ·q4rr ~ b or bt.-on ltop-- 300 bsr soepT T White---1 powder magazine W Wood-9 balts mde g4 reels reae UMeson k Wisdera -6 bags corks W KCIng tAo-i bbl Whisky J Yokanm -31 do A eearris-- bgs ed N FRothebr- 10 sacks collars 18 rolls etbertlW fSath----1 uase mdae Cookrea-10 roll . terl rtaink --o-Sle bacon J Nelson kco-47 b 'ls Cloat hles.mte----I bot drugs N Bienv-ena. k fuirito..e I Uthoff--l do F 1idroh--0 l44 elsge.-4 box ceds Sol pkga tte Ucksaad b is ertbla wate o.. i J 3Irby & Son--12 boa tea L Davidesoa-3.. ha. . R M & J Moatg01m ery-- bhi 11 .tB O~ ve-- iter uas 3 biie wr on .mt 1pr_ itrn1C uds pkg ]hardware B J Wes A -4 chest. tie . Shaw-SO- seWont mh tee Temple B Coons Aoo--I Pytce wei. B _tte --D p it . 1 bdl sho-el Rie, Born & - m i0tr 50 easts okeese OH Lawrence &co-i bZ r f s8 Anderson- bags cook H J Rivet-- pks whees 8ehwartz--- bas oards 45 pkts beer I; LMppatmn-5 pkge furniture F Remy --11 do L Bener--1 ar bones D Oohs--1 car lumber WW Walker-1 car wagons D M Hollingsworth-- 2 r are stock M Ford-i ear wagons 0 T Co-I car stock Woodflln oo--1 ear poltry 3 bbls egps Mlle Ie Mayer-84 besa beoan Wes o-50 c bli h'wines J B Ryan-107 bbls flour 1il sacks bran Prudhomme &'Briggs..20 bbls and 20 hf bbfs whisky 50 easts to. bacco I bbl brandy A T Bennett-lu0 bbs flour TA Hlamlton &0---30 boxes bacon Schwabacher FProw esfeld & Pfelfer--200 bales hay 109 seeks oats W H Matthews & Bro-4 cases tobacco F BIeling-l1 do J Meyer & Son--6 do Isaacson & Seirzs-- do Hartwell & Chambers-10 do Zuberbier & Behan-SO do Rlrseh Adlef &co-100 bbls flour 6 bhi sausage Schwabacher Frowenfeld &Pfelfer-5 pkgs tobacco J P Sarazin 927 bxs tobacco C B Blaok &co---6 do W VanBen thlryoen--10 pkgs tobacco Mayer & Son--8 do J B Dessangles-56 cases tobicco S Hernsheim & Br --2 bbis potatoes I Bloom &Co-2 boxes oil cloth 3 rolls leather-Horter I Fenner-1 bx bitters 1 J Wagner 1 pkge mdse A 1)rez-1 do Sense &cb--2 do M Lotn tlpin----- do Kelifer Bros--3 lkgs hh goods Payne, Kennedy &co-39 pkge hardware 2 bas -handles to Mblls paper Stauffer, Macready &<o--1 bbl iron A Baldwin &ck1- bx glans S M Todd &co-2 bbls twine J C Morris--- earo cigars It Fasnacht- 136 boxe, chcens E F DelBondio-1- ek earthenware M T, Navra - .1 do A Castel-20 patil tobacco II Spiro--1 c.e to. batco Wackerbarth & Joseph-- -50 bas pears S Oteri : lIre-25 bbles ighwines C Doyle----35 crates sew ing machines Weed S M Cor---- box cigars BUrn o & lhe -40 bxs lhardware A WYolf-- hbx casting Wilson S M Co--10 hbis eggs F I) lBondio-84 pkgs h'ware lleyer &co-- bll ides (I A Vincent- 2 Ioda founts 'IT Waterma.n-4 pkgs mdse E Dupre-1 do John U; Adams.--. 1 (R 1 inlay Aco-1 R J Harl-- 7 Mte eic roan--I II 'l'illman -5 MM McGraw-- 11 II IIfaciil-3 II G(ollaoritih--;o F Bclllen--I F To' aq s ---5 1 I, r.yone-' L IIt H ll---1 Stoatton & Meyer--17 'T 1 Evans--]2 S Bach-17 J K Levy &no--7 H Marmme 11t 11 IBowles-15 A Marks. Levy &co ---27 J Ileenry &co..P4 E Marqueze &co-6c M Lion--t-5 Albert, & RIlnerth--l2 I (iodchanx-2- 6 Ierwin & Nathan-- 3 W N Toler-42 .1 M 0 ould--16 Larose & Rosenberg 2i F P Martinez-i- Charles & BirgAu---i J, Bell - --70 II & K Samory--2 Katz & Barnett-1l M Loeb &co-i L Blnm--l FF Field- 1 A Chapskv---23 Simon & Kohn-2- J Janney---4 Fellman Bro.---1 Vincent &co-20 E Booth-3 W C Shepard-1 A Ten onu-3 C Lazard oco-9 E J Hart &co--15 Page & Moran-2 Pest, Yale & Bowling-8 Wallace, Cary & co--I J Scanlan---1 A Broussean & Sn-1 J Fliel ---2 J Darcy-i H Laroussini--94 II Stern &co---3 Meyer, Weis &co--4 J McElroy--3 cases organs I piano 3 bhs mdse P Werlein .1kW ORLEANS AND MOBILE RAILROAD. Mrbh 19-4e8 pkga tobacco J J Irby Soa-2 bb's Whiky H Sick-3I b is mlse Winegard &co-1s bbls *hisky C A Whita.y &Co-- tk win H Marqnet-95 oses mdse M McGraw-50 flrklns butter C H Law reed. &eo-4 bis glassware ML 1asra-3 his mdse .J rrank Ae-G0 tubs butter 5 bbll saanege Schwab. aeher & Xirscb-- ialtes corks S Pablo-- bales mlee 0 A Whitney &Ao-2 do eet, Yale & Bowling-- do W H Letohford &oe-- de Wallace, Cary aoo--30 pkge tobacco Tinslev &co-3 bxs mdso Toebelmao p A co--1 bbl pecans O( Solomon---40 pks beer L Lip.. man--0I bdls leper totemyer & Judson-347 ~r pes order-I dO John I Adams eo---ll0 do J Kent ceo-195 sacks cotton seed meal J Aldlge-.55 sacks cotton seed Louisiana Oil Co---1 car pic iron J F James--100 bbl "eornmeal T T White---.00 bbls lime A Vizard-1-05 do 8 Jamison-100 do W P Con verse jr A&--100 do J G Clark--ll bble rosin Wayne & Williams--I bx mdae E J aArt&co- 3 his drugs W B bx nadse J E Wermon h--1 bnil bides Temple S Coo-a Aco--16 bdl. saeks A A Ma Ighnie Sons-stndries to order-Total 555 wacks co t sn seed 195 sacks cotton seed meal MOR1GAN'S LOUISIANA AND TEXAS RAIL ROAD. March 19--41 bales mess 15 f do Odell & Wright 7 do F luffour-4 do 10 bales do . Per stoanslhp IAarla, from Clinton-a1 ba'es tot ton.Jo T Maroia &o--1.2 do.1r1 bales hles 11 bales wool C A Whitney &co--179 see ioned Stern's For Co --Total tli bales cotton Marine. Nr:w YanKg, March 19.--Arrived out: Ottern, Prmn-e Napoleon, BMrali Forrest, Princ eas Diama. STEAMBOATS. OHIO RIVER. REGULAR CINCINNATI. LOUISVILLE AND NEW OIRLE ANS PACKET. Leaves on TUESDAY. March 20. at 5 p. m.. * P. FOR CINCINNATI LOUIS ville, Evansville, Henderson. Shawnetown Paducah. Cairo, Memthis an(, all intermediate points, The passenger steamer AlARY HOitJTON Chas. Miller, master, Elliott Mller. clerk. Will leave as above. For freight or passage apply on board or to WAYNE & WILLIAMS, lo06 Gravier street. mh17 REGULAR CINCINNATI, LOUISVILE AND NEW RBLE ,It PACKET. Leaves on WED.ESO F .S rch 21, at 5 p. m. FOR CININI.rI, LOUISVILLE. Evansville. H, erson Shawnee town, Paducah. Cairo. Memphis and all Intermediate points-The passengersteamer CHARL ES MOBGAN. Albert Stein. master. Harry W. Stein. clerk. Will leave as above. For freight or passage av ply on board, or to WAYNE & WILLIAMS. mhl 1006 Gravier street. FOR ST. LOUIS. MERCHANTA' INDEPENDENT PACKET. Leaves TUESDAY, March 20, at a p. m. FOR ST. LOUIS. CAIRO, MEM phis, Vicksburg and all intermediate points. The light draught and fine passenger steamer FANNIE TATIUM. John Elwell, master, W. A. Moffat, clerk. Leaves as above, For freight or passage. apply on board or to DOUGLAS & WINI;URN, mrhl :as Natehez street. OUACHITA RIVER. NEW ORLEANS AND OUACBITA RIVER TRANSPORTATION COPANY. OUACHITA CITY, TRENTON AND MONROE. Semi- Weekly Ouachlta City Packet. Leaves every WEDNESDAY. at 5 m FOR OUACHITA CITY, TREN .-t.D ton. Monroe and all way landings The steamer JOHN H. HANNA, (In place of Ouachita Belle.) J. W. Blanks, master, Joe Holmes, elerk, Will leave regularly as above, For freight or passage apply on board or to Capt F. A. BLANKS, President, No. 2 Canal street, corner Delta. HITE & CARLIN BRITTON & EPPLER, ADAMS & WORK, L6RD & McPEAKE, Agents. P. 8.-The boats of this line connect with the Goose for Little river Tom Parker for Bceuff river, Ora, Acme and 'immie Baker for Bayou Bartholomew and Saline river, and Bertha Brunner for Bayou d'Arbonne. fell tf SHIPS. FOR HAVRE- The 3,3 A 1.1 Austrian bark Ezil, Zack. master. is now loading at Post 18, Second District for the above port, and will have quick di palah, For balance of frei ht a Oy o I KNOX & CO., fe7 to 49 (arondelet street. LEEDS' FOUNDRY. (EBTABLISITED IN 125J,] Corner Delord an Foroucher streeta. NEW ORLEANS. We are prepared to manufacture BTarM EaIGINe, BOILERs, SUGAR MILLS, SUGAR KErTLES, D=INING MAHI , SAW MILL, Orz xx.xo Fumaran, Saw Moars, OcTroN PAreBS, J NEWELL G OEWS, GINm GaRING, FURNACE MOUTHS, GRATE BARS, JUDoeo's Gorsaxozsa, and all kinds of Plantation and Steamboat work, eand r description of for the South. mho $i n &sw sad ~Iw BU/ B CR san s sa.saao N BOn SHREVEPORT AND J1lMWf St. Mary, Fred Probst, mse al Leaves WEDNESDAY, March ,atil. tl La Belle, M. N. Wood. mnastu -r Leaves SATUBDAY. March 24, a lt 1, FOR MINDEN. Bonnie Lee, Noah Scovell. master, Leaves oi WEDNESDAY. March 21, at $ ,. Sl Noowharfboat charges, drayae orqomml|1fo wlbe carged at mcmlt o~s gedtiver4 ,1 toe Orleans. In orw.rding freht oeaeae to t olnhe F Doman byill laling. ". eturning boats leave Shreveport Tuesdays, T]iursdays and Saturdays. For freight or sage, a ply on board. . boat. or at the oe o the c1o g.a. b - i raver street. JOM. A. AIK E Prpedea HITE & OARLJI BRITTON P Semi-Weekly Grend Ecere Pa, ltsgl SFOR GRAND ORE. M jomnmry, Alexandria, Nermas, steamers- arns an wa landns New Bart Able, R. tinnott, master, Leaves every BATURJDAY, at 5 p. m. Will leave regularly as alovy. For freight 0o Poasage apply on board or to A lA MT & WORK. IGnR No. 21 Corrner.ial Plai, VICKSBURG. SATURDAY VICKSB3I7IO U ITED E!TATE Natchez and ail uterwirii Ui land. ingsF-The Da 'er, DAi .V-toN Natcher, T. P. Leathres, master, - J. P. Muse, clerk. Sfennfecting at i.ytksurg with the Parisot Lhi: for Yazoo Tallahatehlo und $unflower rlvor. i St. Louie. For fre .ht or passage apply on board, oro a JOHN JANNEY, um Common ttrse. HITI & CAILIN. 4 Tchoupto1gl.,# maS Through BIlls of Lading given to Trenatd SMonroe apnd all Stations on Vicksburg, Shreve port and Texas airda e a. Wo . BBo . bT. Agent. as Maaln t ne at Leaves evory STUE.AY at a p. m. . FOB VICKSBURG, dand NATIO Win. Campbell, master. A. MoVay and Jno. H. Mossop, clerks. leaves aes ueltyrti at fleksbarg wlt-a Panisot's ine for elI poIn on at'o, 'un&W er, Deer Creek sad Tallahatl e rough Bills f i Lvn cn iven torenn Monroe and all Stations on Ytcksnbrg, ,hreve. ortl nd Texas Railroad.en FOU GREENVILLE VICKSBURG NAh lac AND ALL WAY AND PLANTIATION - LANDINGS. [" The flpe and fast passenger pe ata FRANK PARGOUD. J. M. White, master. C. holmes. clerk Leaves every THURSDAY at r.. nm. Will leave as above, conn.eting at Vickgj-kr with the "Parisot Line" for all points on Kieco and Tallahatchie rivers. For frei ght or on board, or to JOHN JANN . mTa ADAMS & WOR] Through Billls of Lading given to ITenn Monroe and 11l Stations on Viekstbug, Sxrve port and Texas RaJ lroad. W. B. BROCOKTT. Agent. 38 Magazine It.' W. Z . Dr.ouLAITT. Agent. St mJagazIUne s OPELOUBAS. REGULAR OPELOUSAB PACKET. Leaves every WEDNESDAY at 6 Lae FOR WASHINOTON. O - sas, Port Barre. Simmseort. Ui0r rville. and all landings on the Atchafala a river and Bayou Courtableau new and light draft passenger steamer BERTHA. H. H. Broad, master. Theo. Jobin. elerk. For freight or paIssaI ap ly on boardCr, BRITTUN & EPPVbB; , jas 81 Oravier steet P. 8.-Connects closely with steamer Xi for Bayou de Glaize. Also gives through i.i. lading to Bayou Budf. REGULAR OPELOUSAI PACKET. Leaves every BATUI;DAY at FOR Wr FOE WA8HINGf TON, F eas,Port Barrie, Simmsport 0b1 vylle, and au landings on the u Atchafalaya River and Bayou ourtableat new and light-draft steamer SANDY No. 2. A. P. Trousdale. master, J. B. Sohmit, 0ebrw, will leave as above. For freglht or pas b ply on board or to HITE &CARIN ja22 t . 4 Tchoupitoulask i j P. S.-Connects close'y with steamer Mid for Bayeu do Olaize. Also gives through il. lading to Bayou Bucut. BAYOU SARA. FOR BAYOU SARA. WA L Hermitage. Port Hudso Rouge, Plauomino and landing a nGaed 8tates mail sem.i- mr. acke ALLEN. (In place of steamr W. 8. Plke.) J. J. Brown. master, Leaves ev M AY M aON d a) T, . a m. or Ba ou axm. . at ITE OAL As, Thopt Air d21 am A. 0. GODIN. so1 UPPER COAST. EVA, Leaves us ~bove every Mon.. Th. udy and Bundays. SEIWULABK TLY BA LY DALOIGU - PACKET. LP"' T he ll gbt dra t h esiat e TO BEN TUNEAU'5 -LM. on D. Terrebonne parish-Th. , Louis Ead :master, Norbert lms Leaves New Orlean e verry TH MONDAY at 1 a. m.. returnmi evrya NESDAY and SUNDAY evenins g . o or HITE IN Thou tola st eer or TERRECt)NNE & HALOMODA jaý ýt fed J. Db WINTi and Blenv Leaves everW MONDAY Lt a p, m.. and BIDUAG Pat 12 m The pie. rse sbeer me U. anE D. Terrebonne.. atr. Leaves sNew Orleans every THU P MONDAY at 5 m. returning every or rpassae apoh I on board orn t oITEAC IN icohnptolsset. 75 Deatur between CON.i and Blienv lle ste. Leaves every MONDAY ats pm.. and FRIDY I AM,' ~The Tat 12AN m mine. Donalinnvilic and all coast . 3.J, r utnrrfjlirif r