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tb. A di ae .aasrS.bmrft `, IPý A4 of Thelr tenet aM wl ad ý ir. S gtt 8 M A4 M AM d M IM $ U9 aLglot1lQ . OATS Of A oiPOLM,. OATs 01 oSpO.IYA. * et milld a set te uat tedag tW, amrib.wo the 4 ON 3epreNeattivsad to estoe. at ale coe hundred and three of the eeeiten rn. .L November , 1872, to coneti. am d of a. aeears, ,sad to a wt.or Sere beard to eav as ae o make t retrn of thevtee oe as the recent eleetion, and to authorize contest for omoe tI ertain eas.. J!ausry 8. 1877....... IJanury 9,1877. SL. et to o tunorie the Precident of the th-mate ste and the rBlkat of the Houn of Rtepr sutves to Ue hese m l res tod for m.nU paid to them. not to exceed , 00 o a t o mak the atdv tol here receivable io payment of I .es es au d the general tfund t celleeti. hi e tl ar 177.. ................... ... Janua i, 1877....... January 12,1877. g t. to Mathtort the Board of Admthe ttor of tie Ine Asylam of the 8tate of Lolsi es to borrow money on their reState fowarrant or e to the same, and to 2Uthorize the re elpt of thed etste warraeit forte tes and license, anti to sthorise the Lieutenant Goveruor and the Speaker of the oiuse ol Itepres ettives to ientI y the me......... anuary 2011, 1877...... anuary 12, 1877. at mcnh thereof Oa mey be necemtary, f o the payment of the thilege and per daem o0 the bembers, to foeri the employee of tbe General Anoembly and the ontihngent ex. pee thereof ........ Ide the s........... January 17, 1877...... Janary 29, 1877. g, As set to mend and reent setion 182of the of th evised stlthes reof the of Lo iana ebruary 2,1877 .... ebary , 1877. SJint reesoltion asking aid of the National Gov. ernueeut to rebuild and repair the levees in the tte ....... ............... ... .... ebruay 8, 1877 . '.. February 8. 1877. 7.An acet sathorizing notarles public to admini'ter oaths and take acknowledgments of deeds.. February 8, 1877 .... February 8, 1877. a , n act to Inoerporate the town of Ouaebita City, in the perish of Union to provide for the eleetton of Mayor and bounoilmen, to desfn their douties sud to provide for the govern ment of the same........................ February 14, 1877..... February 16, 1877. g., An set to previate for the better management of the eharitable institutions of the Btate, ant for ertaln penalties ........................ February 19, 1877..... February 21, 1877. 16 AL sact making the warrant l.eund for the salary of all eonstitutional offilers receivable fot tazes and lloensei due and fayable it the same year to the general fond of the State.. February,19, 1877..... February 20, 1877. 1.. A act to amend section 8U1 of the levieed Bita utes of the Matte of L.uitlana, In relation It bondr of ofloerp. Approved March 14, 1870. February 19, 1877.... february 20 1877. ... Aset l~fAve to the princlpal and aureles on o.ol bamde............................ ebrutry 19,1877.. February 20, 1877. S., A sat to provide for eupplyla fbe loe of public reoords and ether paper. econmmed by the burninge of the Court-ious in theomarl.. of lvg the night f the 14th day irLo Oc wýt ý6.0.......... ............... . 28, 177....Februaryt, 187 1bto t M of l er fS as Bloeb. h.w .th .c..d..ur.......................... 2ebr41 S7, 7l...... , 1 . s., As set to amod S d naot the seot ottld An lacS to em thend a a ath i lone Moe 8p, i aeM t of thes a.br5ore S, tgno...t. eruar , 1fd1. tawa y w ith oussec eary in t aeSole apenby i n t dhsor clor*t l b r te appirs*o Marh.o i Io................. .. ebruary 54,1877..... Febrmary 27, 1877. tioNnames flag dedayf appeal.t frotha urteor4 othe pariah of Tangip Se the One rett. Cort t.... ........ . ...... February 2, 1877....February 27, 1877. 17.. Au set lt'or prffor the alaryý or eam. Posta"4 tobepaid to the otr k fthela. Criminal Courta for the arish of Or. Ith cad the deputy and aes hont clerks the.ret apd the e of payment thereof... February 2, 18y , 1877..... uty rerbeof said court and to provide fhor the payment of the aIdclarke and t dee t. February 28, 1877.... February 27, 1877. fmale or aeglected so bead . eb ru.. As, taot to prvide for the Proalgatlnof laws whe. tr e b Gov.ernor ao fa led, or o ll fail to retn the ame, required by article 6 of the C(ou utin, ae ti a whelu, alter recal the Governor, the erolled opy hs been lost or niala id r for ay reamro not bes returned ; and 1o provide for the selin. lug by the Preident of the Senate and Speak er of the Hoeae, of duplicate enrolled copeis of e1, elaw................................. F.ebrur l, 1877 .... Febrauary 27, 1877. 1.L. Au Ot relatsve to insurance oompnoiee not ioeor posrted by the law of thitr hte, and re qaring them to appoint ageten, on whom 1h ap poreess may bd sorved, and providing pen tlie for a violation of the provl.eon thereof ...................... .... Fbrary 21, 1877.... February 27, 1877. An'.. A t relative to the charter of the L outeisna Equitable Life Insurance Company, and to ontnue the ame in lorce......, ...........ebruary 2, 1877 ... February 28, 1877. 8.. An1 act to remit penalte on delinqueno t taxes ir ertain case. ................................ arch 1, 1877 .......- 9arch 2, 1877. . A st to authorize and reqire the city of New Orleans to receive oert.ofates leaned Qsine the Qt of January, 1877, and the to be s. rued by 'he Board of Metropolitan Police in pryment oa the ealarles and exgipnea of the etropoattan police, not to erdeed the rum of forty-five thousand dollars, In payment of the tat levied for police purposes for the cur rent year ............. ........ ... March 1, 1877 ....... SMarch 2, 1877. U a..e An t to amend and re-enact section 1419 of the BNevits. d statute of Lmisiana, and to author. Ise candidates for Seta eoffices to contest be fore the eourts the election of their oppo. neo ts .........r...c.. .............. March 1, 1877 ....... March 2, 1877. SA act to athorize the Governor to employ a Private Secretary and Measenger and Porter, to fi their eatrites, to provide for tad regu late the clerical force in the offices of th, Secretary of State, Attorney General, Auditot of Public Aounnt. late Trea, urer and eiatter of the Land Ofce; to fix their o sa. rel; to fix the calarles of the Librarian and and Jtoltant Librarian; to provide the time and manner of paying all of said salerlee; 14 repeal setion two thousand nine hundred d tw enty.'ounr of the Revied BSatrtes of eLkteen bundred:and seventy, ad tJ repeal alt lawei cnflict rwih thic a.t.......... Marrch , 187. ........ IMarch 7, 1877. SA at for the relief of Mr Juhs o Melredith, the widow of Hon. Thoaue ]. Meredith .... Maoh 5,1877......... March 7, 1877. .. at o reguate t time of holding the Parisr Cort In the pirah of Jefferson ......... March 8,1871....... a . rch 7, 1877. 3 Au t to anex otrtain territory of L5 coln pr . tk tthe perish of Jackson, with proviso; to Srovide art rediviaion of Jae eon pariseh suLetni. 5i the eocrie ofI~eoto puaih, and top rit ertain persons to msot the parih of Macit domicile ................... Iarh 5, 1877.....M....aLrch 7, 1877. . nat to me and re enaot eetlo.240 of the . 8.. . ltk.... . ........... ...... Mareh8,1877......... March 9, 1877. 51,, aot saie. a at t repeal an at p rov m ird " for the pa nt of the militia or polioe for alled ott tonppre. ote r tor poblit die. turaces, or to enforoe the law., by the palrahee in which ervicee are renderedl and the mode . d mannr of levyki g a d collet in Bg thet.. thirefor, ad for unti agalnrr the pari, apprved 18th Augst, 1874 ... Marh 8, 1877........ I h 9, 1877. ate to repeald seotioas 8rM1, 812 8458, 8454, 846, 1e48, 84*', 848. 8469 of the Beval* ttatttes of 1870, ad the art No. 40, approved .bseary n , 1869v .................. . ah 9, 187. Apiltheg . i7leage to be ptaid member o e the oG eral Aarmbly, whe an exdr. ppluc eir oaUed prior to the adjournment of th pU ceem.on.... c...... rh 8, 1877........ March 9, 18 7. jtn g nI natruct the loral anthotilec orf n eace of d1. Bernard to removte back to lb lel courthouse of Mid parish. on BaLou Terreux-Bc0uf, the parish aid court re oards, fl ca roand furniture; to roeat . an arc en iled 'An act to provede for tie romoval ( i the seat of Jeulor of the ptrish of rt. 11cr. nerd and redivile parich ino warde' oporved Aprfl 14, i1874, nd trr, aUrltonzo th ,a , jrry of raid pariah, f suetainrd iy tt I plopuler voto, to change the ecat of jutico o1 saed ... . ......................... March 8, 18;7........ M arch 9, 18 7. 85.. t et niol d, an aot in relation to recuatiom, (,i juJges axd i strict attorneys in criorin.i Osaee aid to anenjd and re-rnct section 181; of the ilevised Blatutee of the bltat of Lou hiana, approved Marcbl 14 1870........... laroh 8, 187?....V....aroc 160 187!. .An st otitled an act to chane the time of ho d tug the term of the Dietrict Court in thl pariahe. of tabine and Bed River, and to fiL r .r nm day for appeals from the parish .. , a4 ... oa cod stea*dblpOomlpmy; t. extdite the eta o., natuwica aw d .t..te. , Is tn tsq ottU hr ott *to ad; to l; toea en' , d to '....a. to enretea of oc! ir toe doeli Teftts d nd epth ' i sme dl yde fo th erairil b!y v en ls ctnr the samtby ionlte; nand to Iovest sich aorgsnised o lee, with dertain right, I and powers sad to pmb on them eta. o dutie ...s .. .. 8............... Mck 77........ 10, 7, 187 tog or tInte retlng r. ilroad ommpanies; to e.btUglh the foZrms under which the .am. may be effected; to authorie such neoli dated companietoissue bonds to ssue bonds and to secure the same by mortgage, and to enumerate and confer certain powers on such consoli. dated ompies............................ March 8, 1877........ March 10, 1877. 40. An sat a ding ad re-enacting section 8773 of the tevised tatutei ; defining the duties of the State Treasurer; definaing and providing for the punishmeet of the violations of this act, andrepealing all laws in conflicot there with ............................ ........ March 8,1877 ....... Marsh 9, 1871. 41.. An act to authorize the Police Jry of the parish of Linol to levy a special tax in said parish for an amount suffiolent to build a parish ail March 8,1877 ........ March 10,1877. 42. An act to incorporate Eiempt 8ooiety lMeohamnWs' Fire Company No. 0 ... ... March 8, 1877 ........ March 11, 1877. 43.. An t to create an additional Justice of thePeace and Constable in the fourth ward of the par ish of Natchitoches, to be located at -als. River in said parish, to define its jrrisdiction and to prorvin for the elecdon of the same and to prescribe the mano r of filling the same .................................... March 8, 1877 .. ... March 11, 1877. 44. An act relative to Juries in and .r the 8tate of LoiAnlnaa, the parish of Orleans excepted; to determine the qalifelotione of jurors; to each parish; to prescribe the manner of procurnng a general ventre and ofr drawing jurie; to give certain discretionary powers to the District Judge; to provide for the sum morning of jurorr; to oompel their stte ndance;; fir their compensation; taxing jury costs in certain cases......... ............. M.arch 8, 1877... M.. March 11, 1877. 45.. An act to amend aid re-enact article 3271 of the Revised Civil Cods of the State of Louisiana. March 9, 1877......... March 11, 1877. 46 An act to confer additional powers upon the Jus tice of the Peace of te parish of tt. I andry.. March 9, 1877 ......... March 11, 1877. 47.. An st relative to the transfer of stick, and t( amend and re-enact seotion 318 of the Resi vised St.sutes of the State of Loutistna...... March 10, 187 ........ March 11, 1877. 48.. An act to exclude certain lands from the drainage limits as heretofore established; to eaneel This bill became a liens and judgments for drsinage of said law without the lands, and to repeal certin laws relative to esigntuer of the drainage of the parishes of Orleans ad iovern,b al Jefferson ....... ..............Mar....h 14, 1877. 49.. AYset relaive to the itte Printer, to the o1,eial eurnal of the State and to the publi ont ing to regulate and dene the prices ub. 1I cprintng snd to preseithe nS meaner in Is a to m sat#me s al bef demu; to rel ate judetil posee# t or In sw etr ea nd opr asdt~ lJ altl t ,; regulat un IpeI t ehreor; mamMoner r an tro pr.'l as wlehi o a oM s Sll be made by polile -j and a to rporations for public t M ........... ................. 12,1877....... . ;h,1877. 118..m A t to. Mttuoriee th Auditor of ublUe A. eunie to acept and aporove tthe bonds of State Tax Ooleotors; andto repeal tall laws s bondsto be approved by a March 12,1877 ....... Marh 14, 1877. 61.. An act to Create two additional Juteies of the peac wards in Avoyslie parih, and renum ber'g the same, and giving Sitxth and 6Se enth Wards concurrent jrislotion In the parish of Avoyelle.........................March 12,1877....... March 14, 1877. 62.. An act amending section nineteen hundred and twenty-nine of the IteviMd Statutes, and changing the term of the Slgth Jdicial Die. trist Court, in and for the perish of it. Hele ........ MarehI 1 .............. Marh 1,1877. 58.. A sat to create an additional justlee of the for the Third Ward of the paris of to ............. ................ March 12,1877........ Marh 14,1877. 64.. An to repeal sedion one hundred and four teen of the BeoviLd Stsuates of the btet of .Lo.eisia ......... ... .. March 12,1877........ Moarch 14, 1877. 5.. An ase to authortze the receipt for bkat tMaxes due the general fund of the warrants issued in payment of the salaries of the constrtan tional ooers of the rtate for the years in which such salaries were due and payable... March 12,1877........ March 14, 1877. 58.. An act to amend and re-enact section five of an act entitled an set creating a Superior Criml nal Court for the parish of Orleans; defining the Jurisdiction thereof; providing for a judge and clerk of the same and defnins their duties and powers; restricting and re gulating the jurisdiction of the First Destrieot Court for the parish of Orleans; providing for jury commissioners, and the manner off drawing and seleeting grand ard petit jurome for the civil a·d criminal courts, and for the detaining of witnesses in crimmnal eases In said parisb; deflning the crime and punish. merit of grand and petit larceny ln this Staie, and providing for the place of holding the sessions of the court, and for the recesation, or absence, or Inability to act iof the judge, approved April 9, 1874, and to repeal st laws and parts of laws in confillt herewith........ March 12, 1877...... March It, 1877. 57.. An act to authorize the acity of New Orleans to fThis bill became a Issue premium bonds, on conditions specif d, i law without the in exchange for certain bonds heretofore signature of the isned amnd pledged to pay juadgment ren- I Olrenos, by hei dered against ad ity. ............... I tation of time..... March 14, 177. 88.. An act to enforce effectually the constitutiona I amendments proposed Januarytwenty.fourth, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, ratifiedl at the genral election held on the 24 of No vember, eighteen hundred and seventy-four,, relative to the State debt aud the funding thereof; to protect the itlereste of the Btate, and the hlders of the bonds, Isseed by virtue of said amendments; and for that pu-i pose to ameod and re-enact eM at entitled "An atto provide for fndmig oblglations of the State by exchange for bonds; to provide for prcicial and interest of said bonds, to as tablish a Board of Liqauidatiton; to atehorize certain Judio.ial proceeedings sagsast it: tol define t~d punlan violations of this act; to prevent certain officers divertlSog fends, ex cept as provided by law, and to puimahh vIolations therefor; to levy a continuing tax, and provide a continuing appropriation for said bonds; to make a mcontract tbetween the Stste and holders of sald bonds; to prohibit Iojnn Dtions in certain caes; to limit the io debtednass of the tate arid to limit 8tate taxes; to annal certain grants of BState aid; to prohbilt the medification, novation or exten sion of shy contract heretofore made for State aid; to provide for the receipt of cer tain warrants foreirlain txes, sad to r lpeml all conflicting lates, being 'Act No. 8,'p proved twenty-fodI of Jlanary, eighteen hundred and ~avs-t ur; to reste a FPio Agent and to define tLo duties of said agent; to prescribe and define the dUties and pow. era of the Board of liquldatton, of the rtate ireesurer and the Auditor of Public Ac-' counts; and making certain speesfic sppro-i prittions................................. . arob, 12, 187....... IarIeh 15,18'77 59..Conurrent resolution instructing our Bepresent atlvs in Congres to support the Texas anc Ptolfi Railroad bill, askin for the subsidies i of the United States government; provided, i the New Orleans PacirtieBadlway be made the; subsidized branch to connect New Orleans with Shreveport and Marhall, anrd that the North Louitslana Bailroad be made the subsi dized branch to ce.nnect Vickeborg, in Mis sissippi, with the Texas Pacteific at thbreveport 1.arch 14, 1877 ...... March 15, 1877, 60.. An act to fir the compensation of the COrtmma Bherff of the parish of Orleane; for the maintenance of- prisoners corfihed in the 'arish Prison of the parish of uilesns, and' and F boliling turekey's lee,; thil aet t, take effect from and after the first of Decom- i hbr, 1876 ............. ..........................arch 15, 1877. 61. An act to repeal t-e act creating the Superior DI istrict Court of the parish of Orleans, tIO abu ish the said Superior Diatriet Court, to transfer the records of said duperir Distric Court to the Third District Court fer the par-' isan of Orleans, and to regulate the jurtsdic tion of the Di tr ct Courts for the psmrish o: Orl ans in proeedings for the oollection oil tOe... ........................................ Warch , 177. COW EbAS-COOw PUAS. Gboic. Carolina Clay Peas, clay · Ixed, and other edgidea 86 gmrfn 0~rYI S l BUTI~E ...,......~....................BUT'PAI soelfrkije FimqGoabmn D~r J0e do. 7he Butter. Os the motta of M ,WuahbaJ ssbl .o , "As Iiat to amthord e a tve .t the aorney General to suit against the tLo Ltiana Levee Company, for the fetflare of their atfter, and the annull t of their eon with the State, to eadls sai company from urther action, and to asthoriae the said companyl o plead in reonalattea their claim,. if aoy they have, against the State." Was taken up on its second reading, Ms. Washbarn offered a joint reeeation as a substitute f>r the bill, and requelted that hi written argnment in support of said resolution be read by the clerk bef ore his resolution was reed. r av fw ggranted and the argument was d > not approve the substitute offered by the fad ory mmltte for the following reasons: id B e t l e m al.ordered t 1 be n`atf d ma iat a t en tion the Levee Company will resAor stronger thereby; 2. Because f the suit Is snecessful and the charter is overthrown, th elaim whteh will b adjudged to the company by the cpurt willbe for ths fuf asmeunt of the legal indetedness of the State to the company, after e itation the company will have les tl.d trand lea inellnation to make conceslons if they are s ared that expense and delay. a Iecause the institution of legal proceedings will eauseeontrtrs who are now at Work, as third partes actli In good faith, to cease on.r ations and therebty ncur heavy personal Toss and expose the plating nlaterests of the State to a ve ffgreat increase of danger from overflow. 4. an atte pt at an amicable adjuat ment will probabl lead to a voluntary surren der ,f contract, and to a liberal deduction of the amount due the company-and if no speedy amicable settlement is found practicabl., the course proposed under this bill still remains open. Let us examine each of these rropoiltions and try to arrive at a clear conception of the facts: 1, Can the forfeiture of charter be Obtained by a decree of court? It certainly cannot, unles It can be shown either that the chatter was in violation of fauda mental law or of the constitution, or that It has been forfeited by the failure of the company to perform thelr obligations thereunder. Let us look at the legal form of the instru meat and ascertain first whether any flaw can bhe found The Lou slan. ITLvee Company was incorpor ated by notarial act of February 11th, 1871, before Uharles Cuviltier, notary public. ubse Seontly by Act No. 4 of the Legislature of is#1, the existence of this Company as a body po itle and corporate was recogntred, and its powers and privileges, rights and franchises were con flrmed. iurely there is no doubt of their rights to do this, It is a privilege guaranteed to the oltizens of the state for the accomplishment of any legal uripose, to form themselves into a corporate ody, and their subsequent recognition by the Legislature as such only confirms the fact, but does not add to or detract from the legality of their act. By the same act Itlo. , of 9l7)thState agreed and contracted with the pLaen( ompany for the eonstre tion ard repair of t levees1 (S. 4 , p. U). The trstellse of sueton lproivislla ommio of o eineers to determine the loca tion >rditmntis of the levees to be on U ,repa1ie or sttengthened, and the atlt*d to maintained. , third and fourth elauset , provide othe construction, repair and maintenance bythe Levee o' n y of the levees o lcasted alit timm n ndbythe woommisholdgr be a the tm in wfhich te ldn. We ma here to note this importapt feature, vi'. That the Levee Company arod s htsldvo leh lerees as they were oyred to construct hb the tYmmsi of i6a cre Thero ,r, no obligation upon t am, and t never has been, to construct ail the levees of tie t~use , see. 2, of the act p sorides that after th completion of any levee tie shallt ml tIn the same up to the standad requmired by the nglneersk a I. n the eveal o salid eorpor ion falling or neglecting to doseo, tsll bie liabie--" 'o whast? To the atte? shalt this work a forfeiture of charter? Letus see--note the words, "it shall be liable In damages to any person or persona injured by reason of said naeglect or fallu. e" And even this clause, the only oneon which to hang the host of a hope for btaining rodre from tbhis Inluteuou Incubus, was rep.ed by an act of the L-gislature, aproved M>reh 9, iSt, and duly agreed to and ratified by the con pariy. Clarses six and seven provide for the ralsi of money by the assesement and collection o a t as nem at ion to the t eevee orDepan or the wor erformed, the rate of corn pensaton and the dnratl.on of the contract twi nty-r ears. The eit and ninth sectlons provide for the rai In of money for the puroee of the work by the issue of bonds secured by the State. By act so. 27 of the same yea certain modifi cations were introduced, limiting the amount of work to be done, the power of di. posing of the bonds, and providing for the acceptance of the work. ( Pp. ,4. Wl, These a were by act No. 43 of 1.73 consoli dated, and the compensation reduced from 60 to so cents per cubic yard. (Pp. is to e). And finally, be act No. so of Ile, for a con sideration, viz: the rereat of the fifth clause, see tion two, of the act no. 4, subjecting the conm pD y to damages, the company consented to the re tion of the tax from four mills to three =m i L .. . . . . . . . . . 7'Jt all these acts are in strict conformity with all the forms and requirements of law, and that they constitute a contract for twenty-one years, from February 20, 1s71, between the State of Louisiana and the Louisiana Levce Com Sy, there can be no doubt. If this position is correct, viz: that the 'on tractis legal, and therefore valtd it follows that the charter cannot be sucaseselty attaeked, ex cept for non-performance of the obligations Im posed upon the company. ow wat art the obligations which they have assuned ? Simply "to construct such levees only as they are directed to do by the order of the enineers." Only this, and nothing more. The obligation' to maintain up to the requited standard was indeed assumed at first, but even then a failure in this respect did not work any forfeiture of charter or waive any rights under their contract. The penalty was dstinctlynamed and it was thathey houid be liable for dam ages done to individuals and not to the State by such ftallare to matntain their levees~ u to the standard. Sineeeven this has been revaled by the c nsent and agreement of both Parties the contract. itfollows that no action can be had for that caeuse. r the other obligation to build such levees as they were ordered to build by the Commislion of ngineers, I ask If it is probable that they will be found to have failed in this particular, when it is a well known fact that the engineers have been, in a greater or les degree, at all times under the control of the Levee Comnpeny, and that no order for work was ever tssued by the engineers without the previous knowledge ax consent of the company ? For these reasons the deree of the court will probably be in favor of the C~mpany. And the incubus of payingtwo prices for work of hav ing the money of the State expended for te protection of Indvi uals Instead of for the stats at Iar e, and of having a con stnl ac e dmlatn t* tret rolled p against the State which will lead Inevitably to repud ttion, will become fixed and confirmed. Nor can this ntract b1 annulled by legsla tive action. The constitution of the United States, article I, section 10, and the cons' tution of this state. article -, forbid the passage of any lw impairing cotacts. In one of the leaejg cases on this point. given n the work of Judge Coolie on Contltu tional limitations, psges 273 and d74. the Su preme Court, in rendering its decision, gives the words of Chief Justice Marshall, as fol lows: "Is the elause (section 10, article 1 of the constitution.) to be considered as inhibiting the thate from impairing the obligation of contracts between two individuals, but as excluding from that inhibition contracts made with ,itelf. The words themselves rtoo tain no such istinction. ' hey are general and are ap licable to contracts of every descrip tio«.' I ther,'-ore hold thatth:' contract cannot be suw cessfully a t<v ked. either through legal pro ceSe or through legislati ve action. But for 'Ihe sake or argum.nt let us sup.ose that the ji.d:rrit of the court may be adverse I to the com ,any-or which will amount to the same thing,. that the company will submit to a forfeiture of charter, on account of the inherent ineluality of a entcat between an indiviadual and a soverei n State, which hoas always at its Sr,mrnand, as a J~ast resourPe. the final extin guishment of its debt by repudiation. In that case the amount of theindebtedness of the State will be fixed by a decree of court. And this amount will not d.ff**r materially frim the face of the claim as shown by the books of the :omr any. Then what remains? Will we Day the full amount of the claim? Or will we fall back upon our sovereignty and say, thus mtch of this just debt we will pay yeo, and has mch we will notpay you ? Are the members of this House ready for such a dilemma, and its conse quent disgrace. Unjita and onerous as 'this contract ts-hfdeous as the features of this mis shape ng ofthe unholy allioee between fe ana¶ are-whe it comes to eaa t*i90rkt Qd~ 0" w d r wtp ! w acl a tnfft 1. thjy V imesas , n 'd f ri the to slon or cootrol of any ofn her ievs.s. ms tof the tr s esrerly ge eompan th e a e and eolusi e e t a s sddl o of all the alt Ad. torie o twen tyne teas som A1f hal pf are w to leave the leeys of t b late heans of this eom.y during tae y jl~oie It rr ted lawsuit ad at f 1amee it off thrir revenue and H ouse rtiher operationse untl the emo7 io, sir what remains? Rarely it t ibter to setl this matter amrlnahly and cheaply at ane if we can do o then to ake all the doublt ful habafe7 and delays of a lawsuit. Slerefor Propose tie follo ltng otit resolun ton s.ebtifntend and ask th t I be pesed and itprovlsons rearried out as speed lys o sisi shall wfal we still have the remedy dPrf theisn the bill before as. Th odint reaolution was then read sa 10o1 1. Be it reaqleed t y the ('pa nd Hmdousof - a oi nt eCmmittee of three members of the H and two members of the senate, wO perso sl el jskllll In p.exnne and v I .law, hall he ar olntc. br the i er .ousesad the Presidnt of the laste.Wl duty It shall be to invesmtlate thea atirsa Ltonisan Levee (o, aorny: to asertain what amount, if any. is legallry t'ne to ,said eAnon under their eontrut with the State of Louisi ana, and to asertain what. terms of if any, can he agreed npon between that e1r pany and the StRte,. A. Bes it re.olned, etc.. That the sald mittee shall evmmene their investlntlon r ten des ater the a.ljurnm thet oft e i A. setsbly, and shall contles the w. fro0 day to day, for the spart thirty days, shil htav powDer to employ the nereseary ea for-, and to send for persona and parp tar . lesolved, etc. That in e'se the pal{ e - mlttee find an aminable settlement Q render of charter, on the basis of not ei all. mof the company not e Iha st oteenotify ttny of at act, and it shatten ra aadhj e duty to at oncei im arl slutt 0a esaid empetyor a forfeitu oft tleirig. - Under a suspension of the rules the Joist . olution was taken up, passed to its seseod reading, and laid upon the table., House bill t was ordered to be taken as er" Irossed, and under a suspensios of the rules was read a third time and pised. The le was adopted. Senate bill No. 1e7, "An aet to abolish the l. sh of arroll, and to create sad establish l.tlp '·cr the two parishes of Iast Cer*sl W's, (arrgll. providing forth olbA. - iiis ild 'o p ldhes, and Wiag their repal-se q e' r as of leprsesteatkes. Os uon Itsse rssdlnglgOwi he avor rt of the committee n o1aiu S n read a third time sad ead_, to e thre for,a sad firOIt Cores. Was taken up, and under a suspensln et -d rules was read a third time and paHssed. S title was adopted. Benate bill No. 1s. "An act to amend atlt , 12, entitled an set to earry into efeet lles * : o e of the donation by thevUetedratesot pu. lie lands for the benefit of ar euiltartr as.& b a~eehlioal arts, ete." T1e bill being the unflda~lsd bsiness of Masrh leth, was, on motilon of Mr. Berry', 09ed on the ealendar to be taken up and eoneldscu with House bill No. ts, "An sat to repeal as st entitled an act to unite the Lostiatlas /it (niversity," etc., being act No. lee of the aseled Senate bill No. ll, "An anot to Incorporatel , Anolent Order of ilbernians of the nats o .. Louisiana, and to exempt certain properly bqt longing to said society from taxation, ml. . clpal and State." Wastaken up on second reading aunder the favorable report, with amendments, of the Coal. mittete on Corporations. The amendments were adopted as followe: In lines I and 7, page 2, strike outthe wor. • "Ineorporation" and Insert in lite thereof the word "corporation." In line 19, page 2, and in line 9s, page 2, strti ' out and nlasert as above. Under a suspensilon of the rules, theibili . read a third time and passed. The tite as adopted. SINATE BIl,Ls R arreein Senate bill No.. e, "An set making Sander the Fourth of March. the Fourth of July. Gee. Fridayr, and, days of puble rute is dlies non, and repealieg all laws by which sra other days are made days of pubtic rest a .d di - non." And benate bill No. 115, "Au act to ameedt 1a re-enact article 139 of t~5 Revised 01Otle. 0dee lLouIslana, and to repeal Let No. 70, pa r -t March 9, 1.10." Were severally read and under a asnsellpe5 of the rules were pa~eed to theireer m si and referred to the Committee onti ~ House bill No. 1,. "An aet to srep.i entitled an act to Increase the reveatiai of .te, to autshoris the ineorporation ar . ... lishment of the Louisiana State Lomtter pmany,"ete. Was taken up and, pendlng the mot. o n Young, of Galborne, to postpone uni . ll dayr, March at, on motion of Mr. Hauthar House adjourned. PETER J. TE, -m.'Sl~ Oft DUCOlOXGNMO A. CA ct1U , `-R Produats of French Plharaessdie. r 41 by steamer Banaover. A esmpiste assortineat o FRENCH PATENT XIE3W1tIJ most is vogue, such a Eifxir Boni-an. DWE A Pepslne, Syiphium Cyrena1rum, DehaWs Oronssler's Antl-Neuiragiga. Blansard A Lmp's Ii Preparations. Dr. Churchill's. Lavdi~es. efts For sale by A A.~~J CAIOUt meh4 7 m so Ohar res tr6 . 11 EASTER. I (N hIAND. A LRGE Ali~ IIILECT~ ( f Rhki Wines. French. Hunmaar sjg California Wines%, Jar airaa and wIants tnaru, Etr'ch and Zwetabwaseer. Fruits ard Jelles. Far the Crnlz Ihi Holdays. Also on hand, a large stock of Whskib as Ales. Cognas s, us. thor es Prtr. £Orr I'ndV th, Frcnch and German te'ogdL ilsner s ] Beer andeGeran bEo. j. URo Also, mi ý p ooms jay0