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CITY AFFAIRS. . I;NICIPAI, MATTIRi. rrallnafe Matters-Anlstln (Commanerrt- And Other Teopca. Mr. d'IIemeoourt, the (lily turveyor, Is urging the necesiuty of opening Claliborne Canal, at Ea planade street, to facilitate drainage. The drain. ago waters of the entire front of the city, between 8t. Peter street and the old canstal to Esplanade street, is received by the Olaiborne OCaal be tween those voints and by the oirouitous way of Orleans street and Broad street and lead to the London Avenue Draining aeobine. The plan of Mr. d'Hiemeooutt would do away with the necessity of the Orleans street canal, and would send the sewtrage across Esplansde street into St. Bernard canal to the London Ave nee machine. A look at the head of $tt. Bernard canal would allow the water to flow as far as Elysian Fields street, if needed for fire extin gulshing purposes In that locality. The Board of Underwriters propose to pay for the labor in cutting the canal oaross Esplanade street, provided the city will furnish the mate riale, which will orst from three to four hundred dollare. The Cromwell line of s!oamer having erected a hlandso~o warehouse on the levee at theor landing, are desirous of having the grade of the Mobile IRilroad in rear of the budiding lowered or planked up to the grade of the warehouse, in order to admit rf the passaxe of drays and floats inside. The AdminIstrator of Commerce has au thorised the demand to be made on the railroad companlpy. Nio MO IE iiA('cAIIa.INO. The Administrator of Finance wiahos shippers anl consign es to b informed that applications muoot be mado to him perec ually, or through hts wharfi gers, ehent ver it is do irable to moorin com!ug veSclui at piants specially allotted to cer tain trads., as he u lime that lie alone can diterr mini: wlhether the space It nut required for its p coial i urpres. A case i,; print has occurred recently. A coffee laden vowel flalding the coffee wharves occupied by error, Iy ,.nie o*5tton aeLpot, was moortd at the wharf of the Miselesippi Valley Transports. iton "'onlp ty. On mquirin( into the matter Alicninistrutor Cavanac ascertained that permis siom had boon proiously obtained by the coffee ship from the agent of the Trans pertation Oo,. pany. Mr. Cavanso says that although the wharf is intended exolusively for the use (e the barges of the onmpany they have, however, no right to grant permisseon to other vesses to be moored there, and that he alone is responsible for snoh pernmiseons, and can judge of the propriety of allowing ships to unload at the whar(. Mr. Ca .aUec asserte that heretofore this system .of promiecuuns p rmite has led TO TiH BLACK(KiIae( of sani owners and consgne-, who hove been mad, to pay sulme varying from one hun dred to one hundred and flifty ders for privi leges whibh would have been granted by him readily and with at, charge. He espresses his determonatiun to prevent the ecnrrenoe of eauch sesnodlonu proceedirge during his administration of the Department of Commerce THE IAILtOAD RAL. Members of the Property Holders' anion en'er. tida enonraging feelhnge regarding the defeat of the Pacilio Itaianoad tax, and say that at all eventsl, sLould the vote of the people be in favor of it, they will, upon the first attempt made to collect the tax, enujin the city from doing so. THE OAIN.E CASIL la referenco to the Gaines case. the Mayor sap prebeuds no annoyance to the ciy, but claims from legal advice, that many of the purchasers of the property it litigation cannot now call the olty in warranty, .hey having failed to defend themn selves against the suits of Mrs. Gaines, even after the Oily OCnU, it had given offiial notifica tion to those purchasers that the city would not be responsible to them in cse of sunch failure. As to Mrs. Gatnee protpoots of getiag into fll possession of the prop. rty, in some cases the masters in obhanory will hate to make heavy ox Ablts against bher. Much of the land has never 'been built upon nor have any revenues been d - *tved therefrom, hence Mrs. Gaines will have nothing to sot off against the taxes which the present owuers of the land have been paying on it for the past f, '' en yeare or more. n other aesoa the revenue may Lot amount to so muoh as the taxes paid on the proporty by preheat owners or their vendors. There are, also, many other coeLfnoenniel Which may not be favorable to the oelebrated claimant. Mayor Pilsbury thinks, however, that the entire litigation, as far as the property re ferred to Is concerned, could be compromised for two hundred thousand do)lare, cash, and that it woul, be to the advanage of all parties If the city had the money to effect each a compromiee --but the city hasn't. CAPITOL GOsIeI. The Funding Board-General iEhoes from the Stato-House. The principal theme of onvareration in State circles on Thursday morning was the proposed olection of A FISCAL AOBNM, which the Funding Board did at their meeting I soon after noon, and no sooner had that election become known than the f rdgn bendholders were notifid by oabl, and the banking frater- I nity of New Y ,rk wore simultanoeuely notiSded by their agents hero. The Auditor was served on Thursday morning I with a notione to appoer and answer to the John- 1 son case in the United States Circuit Court on Saturday, when the Attorney General or Asdlet ant Attorney General will be present, and will show authorities that will justify an immediate dismissal of the caeo. The Auditor was also served, on Thursday a morning, with a request to deliver a desk and some papers, claimed as personal property by the ex-Auditor, but not knowing just what they were, he replied intimating that a legal course I would be the easiest way to secure them. The Attorney General, and in fact all the State otfioero are DBSIESOI) WITH INQUIRIS from parish officials, and ,furnish the desired in formation as far as practicable. Parish BRegistrar Laudry was waited upon on Thursday mornnug by Administrator Oavanao who desired the regittration hate, which the reg istrar thinks is in the custody of the Secretary of State. Dr. Tebault, with a Property Holders' commi tee, also waited upo the registrar and protested against such delivery. The city oficials, it seems, desire the lists to enable them to expedite the Pacific Railroad election, which the Property Holders' Union op pose, and hence the difference of opinion, which will finally be s itled perhaps by an opinion I from the Attorney General. Later in the day the parish registrar called upon the Attorney General to ascertaint his opin ion is to the tight of the city to demaud the boots, and eunbsquently Mr. Landryinformed a DEMOO.AT reporter that he WOULD DELIVER THEM to the city authorities upJn their giving proper receipt for the same. '1 he Governor made one or two appointments during the day, as will be seen by reference to another column, and devote d a couple of hours to a visit to the Plymeuth and Oanonecus. DURELL TURNS UiP. aie now is After Burled Treasure of the late Capt. Kidd. There has always been something attractive to the average man in the idea that somewhere in the mis y fntune there would be unearthed at his feet a crock of buried treasure, laid away years agone, and be exposed to his gladesme eyes. Lafitte' caches of untoll wealth; Oapt Kldd's nstouad chests of doubloons have never as yet some to light, but human faith in their esistence iLs meshken, as will be seen. In the town of Newberg, New York, near e.~phml Otaoe woant!1 the catiUaes, having be come so Imbtne with the idea that they are on the right track toward a A aoanD or gltoilr that have lain under the sod for manya day, have united and formed an uasoitation known as the "Abe Van Biper's soolety for TUearttho Hiddten Tresurty." It seems that a somebady has in his possession the full description of the whereabouts of a bonanea of buried coin, and the citizens of Newburg, like the citisens of any other burg, want to get at it. Accordingly a joint stock com pany has been formed, or rather a sooieSy, and it is proposed to raise a capital of $~EC,000 TO UNEARTH IT. A oammittee was appointed to solicit contrlbu tions, and the first day $54,000 of the amount was subsoried. All this is of little interest here, of course, if onelooked no further; but upon an in spection of the list of those who are anxious to go in and secure this rich mine, one name is found that shows how "strong in death" the hankering of youth shows up. The fol'owlng, after a recitation of a number of names, appears: W. W. Trask. Alex Leslie, N. B. Hoyt, J. H. Waters, Jun3n DUREIL, or LOUISIANA, NOW BE BIDING HERE, $600 each. Dim visions of where that $600 came from arise in the mind, and the recollection of midnight or ders and daylight orgies come back. As a rule, the judge never went in much on buried treae utre. Heo had a keener appetite for those nearer at hand. His Newburg friends, however, ought to keep a clear weather eye open if they should succeed in recovering anything, for if Dnrell is true to his old character, he will come some in Junction dodge when the distribution takes place. WILl THERE BE A C(ONFLIC1'? The Old Metropolltane Enlisting for the War Aaalnst hise oIr Men. The log men's war at Lake Charles, Calcasieu parlsh, is areuming porportions that were not an tioip.itid. When it was first made known that the government had sequestered a large quantity of timber it was not thought that anythmg more would come from it, but it seems the log men have resolved to oppose what they o aim is an on. croachment upon their rights, and the ou'loik promises to be sensational. Bv staleno is is un I wful to cut ti r.bcr on unentered United States lands, and under the same law A BIGHT OF SKQUERTRATION ie given to the government by application of the U. 8. Dletrict Attorney. Harshal Piikin, it appears, is determined to earry out the orders of the Circuit Court, and yes terday the business of enrolling a posse of depu ties was commenced. The Marshal's office wac be*leged during the morning by a crowd of the Packard ex-Metropolitans, and 150 were commis stoned as deputies. According to programme, the party were to leave this afternoon on a tug chartered for the purpose, but when some of the roew deputies fund that a large proportion of the bedy were negroes, all of TsE wairrn Sax wrrs nsw their names. There was much confusion in the Marshal's office over this unexpected action, and at present writing affairs remain unchanged. The report is that Gen. Badger will be put in command as chief deputy, and Capt. Gray will be his lieutenant. The party is to be regularly equipped with bolts, cartridge boxes and Spring Leld REEnaiOLOADIN(G IT I.EI and will be placed on a war fooling. Lake Charles, the destination, is a small inland lake about thirty miles from the Gulf, and to be reached via Calcasien Like. I' in out of the way of ordinary travel and the surrounding country is sparsely settled. The pay to be given the men Is two dollars per Pay andt rations. From what could be learned around the Marebal'i office the whole number of 150 is not to go on the first trip, but from them a sleotiont of fifty of the beat will be made, and those will constitnte the advance guard. If the log men persevere in their stand a coa filet is not unlhkely. AUDITOGIAL INqUItt ITION. The Committee Heard One Witness Yesterday and Will Hear More Friday. The Auditor's and Trcasnrer's committees met in joint session yesterday, when the first witness called was EX-*UINATOR NI I. . I"RWIG, who testified that he was chai man of the Senate COn~tiag-t E:perae Co-miL*. e during the ses sion of 1815. During that session i joinf cotlsit tee was appointed to examine the sacoounts of the Auditor and Treasurer. They employed Messrs. Weymouth. Pickens and Bette as experts and aceountants. Mr. Weymouth had control of the examination in the Auditor's omoe. All the reports made were publihhed but one, which wit ness thought Mr. Helwig brought to the commit tee. To Mr. Aldige-There was a report made, but sever acted upon. NO NEw mDaovalnita were made. It was never presented by the com mittee. It was given tne in the latter part of the session of 1876. Mr. Weymouth has a espy. An appropriation was made for the Fxp3rt work. Know of no reason why this report was not presented. No induoements were held out to me to withhold it. If thero was any object to force Mr. Clmton to any certain work it was not modo known to me, and I know nothing of any snch intention. Don't know that Mr. Clinton attempted to prevent the produasion of the report before the General Ass-mbly. To Mr, Keeting-The flnal report was never acted upon. To COhlirman Steven-Will furnish the cným mittee with all the papere I have relative to this report. A communication was received from Mr. Wey mouth and placed on file. Several witnessoe wero named as being desir able to have, and subpan as were issued. The names of ex-tax coll:ctors Joubert and Fulton were mention -d as having been sum moned, and not having responded. Adjourned until Friday at I p. m. CIVILITIE1' EXCHANGED. The Governor and State Oflteers aisit the War whip Plymnouth. Gov. Nicholls, aooampanied by the Secretary of State, the State Auditor and Private Secretary Cage, left the State-House at about 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon and proceeded, in carriages, to the levee, from where they were conveyed in A STEAM LAUNCU to the United States ship-o'-war Plymouth, the visit being a return call for that paid the Gover nor a few days since by Capt. Barrett and his officers. Arriving at the ship, the Executive and State officere were met at the head of the gangway by Capt. Barrett, when the usual formal oivilities were exchanged, the Governor being WELCOMED ON BOARD, etc., etc., after which, much to the surprise of theoGovernor and party, the dogs of war were iet loose, so to speak, and another welcome was ex tended in the way of a Governor's salute from the ship's guns. After a social chat on board, the party again took passage in the launch and steamed over to the monitor Oanonious, where they were receiv, d by the Commander and, after being hospitably entertained. that boat was examined thoroughly, and th Governor and party then returned to terra firma and to the OapitoL. e Personal. [ Mr. H. M. Cummings and his friend, the hand i. soma Italian, Antoio Dal Mlin, have just arrived | from New York; they come on business connected 4 with their respective houses. Mr. Cummings a represents the wed-known manufacturers of gentlemen's neckwear, iM ses. W. 0. Pet A Co., of New KYk. These gentlemen have ma e ri Walshe's their headquirters, bat can also be t. i ionQ at John's restaurant Burbone street. THE PRE.BYTERIANl IN COUNCIL. The First Day's $eaelon of the Presby terian Assembly. The Seventeenth General Assembly of the Presbyterian Chnrch met yesterday in the First Presbyterian Church. The convention was opened by a voluntary by the choir, then the singing of the 6th Psalm, then the reading of portions of the 14th and 15th chapters of St. John. The as sembly was led in prayer by the Rev. Dr. John Howe. This was followed by the singing of the 204th hymn. The Rev. Dr. Moses D. Hodge, of Virginia, preached the opening sermon; the text chosen was from Luke XI, XIII chapters, an John VIII, XI, XVI chapters. The 139th hymn was sung, after which was a prayer. On the calling of the roll the following dele gates answered to their names: SYNOD OF ALABAMA. Presbvtorles. Ministers. Ruling Elders. EIRut AlabRana, . K llazn'. South Alabaura., L lEwing, A B (',oopr, 'usnealoosa. U A Stlllmana. 8 II 8prot.. I). D. SYNOD OF ARKANHAS. Arkansas, T It Wlehl.)D, J P (kIlrn. Indtlit. a. Ouchlita. FM Howell, T W lianners. SYNOD OF OEORGIA. Atlanta, It F Murray. H T) MoConn ,ll. Augu-tn. J W,.odsn,D)D, J A B Ilios. Chlrnknee, J E JTnos. W J Mnly. Florida, WH 1 Dodlge. H W Wilson. Macon, 1 T Mr'irydc. asvnuInhtll. ,1 W Monlgoln- J O Varnedoo. ory. SYNOD OF KENTUCKY. C-'ntrl Ohio. Eboncz or. E W Bnding,r. O W Blatterman Lounisvillo. W J Lowry. 1)D DJ W Aik,,s. SH ' Nood. a n lrs. Muinnherg. .1 0 'ato, 1 W MXr"1'i'rson. l'adulrth, W D Mot iol, J It llnghos. Tranrvlvv' it, Win (Crow, J Paxton. Wojt Lunxingtoun I, (i Guerrant, J U Vanmoter. SYNOD OF MIMPIIHM. (`lhcknsw, J II Qullhind. Mnmlphlis, Eus , i il) 'l. I' A (irr"i. North Alah.ama..1 8 Friorsun, it M i'att.,n. North Milslsippi )D ,t' Humnphreys. WVcsl'rn Diitri·t, B M Farris. SYNOD OF NASIIVTLLHT. ('olumhia. (' F Willis us, T Friorron. Hoiston, J it KhIgll , It Vtane . I(j oxvilh. 'I' 1I M 'Oalle. .1 A I aidwoil. Ntshvillo. A Uown, 1) N Yonnedy SYNOD OF NORTH CAROLINA. Uncord. J H Thor well. 1 L Ronle. Fayettovillo, W L Laey. .1 1' lvodges. MYoklnbur lB IH HMInks. WYI, T . hlAe. knbur W H D)avis. J P Alxandor. !D E Jord.n., L, Hponueor. Orange. (I,CVoes. (.eorge Allen. Wilmington. 8 H -leor B ( Worth. BYNOD OF MIRSISSIPPI. CAmtral Miss, .1 1I (lilland. W H Simpso.n, Louisiana. J.s Stration. S P (.reves. Mi-slysippl. C W G(rafton, . (Ca' on. New Orleans, B VWayne. EN Kop. RiEd itlivr. A It BuiLs. T H MorrIs. Tombeckbee. A H Blrtley. J A Meanices. SYNOD OF MIRHOURT. Lafayette. .1 Montgomery. (G C Henrd, DI) Missouri. )D H Uharles, J T Brown, 'Palmyra. 1. talir. Potosi. (1 W Harlan. .1 A (arson, St. LodIs. E IH r uter- I M Voith, ford. D 1)1). Upper Missouri.It S Campbell. Thos Tootle. D U, HYNOI) OF SOUTH CAROLINA. B.thtl, W T Erwin. W H Stuart. C(harlstoa, (l-oi Hwo,wl) D. A It Ntillnman. Harmony, C' E Chichoster. T B Fraser. J s Cosby. ', 1) Johnson. South Carolina, J B Adger, D D W Wright, JP Nicholson. A B 'Towers, IYNOT) OF TEXAS. Brazo, W II Vernor, .T Jorlny. Contral Texas. A J Ln triigo. E 1 GC,trtor. E:Iteorn To as, W N l)ickovy 1.O lt. rI. Weetern 'lexas, W E Cahlwell. A Turaor. SYNOD OFr VaIOINIA. Abington. E II lr,, not. Te'enn TTludson, t. o.SapDblko, It T llFIorry. 1 V lBrooke. .1 F C(nio.n, L C lnlis, Eatllanovr, D Hog, (I Artntrong. Gronbrior. I 8 lostoln, James Mann, Lexintln. i W Watkins. .1 W Rto.obro. Montgomory. IIt II tuston. (oo IP l'orrill. ioanoke. J S Watlkns. 'I' d lhlnry, it 1'Paulo. West Hanover. B M Smith. DD. I. 1' Ta:lley. Winchester. OW Finley. O Glass, Delegates from the General Svnl,! or the BR formed Church, Rov. Jacob Chamberlain. The Assembly being temporally org4nuieed, it was moved that the Assembly go into permanent organisation. For the posti in of Moderator the following delegates' namts were placed in nomination: Dr. C. A. Stillmaei, of Tuseiloosa, Dr. Jae. Woodeon, of Augusta and Dr. E. H. Iuth 'rford, of Ht. Louis, The nominations were then declared closed. The temporary Moderator sa, ed that aoo.rd- I ing to customs more honored in the braeach than in the observance, that candidates would please retire. A motion was then made that the candidates re main. Dr. Adger claimed the flor and said be hoped the forig ing mo ion would be withdrawn, as there were frequent occaious when it was best not to vote from motives of delicesy in the prose':oe of the candidates. It is an old custom, and I hope we will not do part from it. The motion to allow the candidates to he pres ent while they were being voted for was lost. The vote was then taken: Dr. 8tillman 42, Dr. Woodson 41, Dr. Rutherford 40. Accordiua to custo i in the Assembly the can didate receiving the lowest number of votes was dropped This rule was adhererd to, and on the s"c)nd ballot. Dr. Stillman received 68, and Dr. Wood son 18. Dr. t8tillmran was then declared Moderator and escorted to the chair, which he took with a few appropriate remarks. Mr. W. S. Lacey, of North Carolina, was elected clerk. A motion was put and carried providing that he assembly meet at 9 o'clock and adjourn at 3 t. m., daily. n It was mov d that the first thing in order fr Friday would be to receive .he ra porsa of the Committees on Publications, Sustentation, For eign Missions and Education. On motion it was agreed that a committee be appointed to whom senould be referred the re eponces of the Presbytery on books on church order. A resolution was offared and adoptell empow ering the Moderator to appoint a committee, whic shonuld consist one member from each Sy nod, to ill vacancies in the Presbyterian Alhance, to meet at Edinburgh. The Assembly then adjourned. FEDERAL SNATCHEI. Loose Items Concerning Changes Picked Up In tihe Custom-House. No less than two hundred persons were con gregated in the corridors of the Custom-Homue yesterday mornie g, and many of them REMAINED FOR HOURS awaiting an opportunity to present their "peti tions" to the powers that be, for various positions in the building. Just how many changes will be made is not yet known, nor will it be perhaps until the return of Messrs. Anderson and Wells, who are not now in the city. but who are expected daily. Mr. Champ lin, Collector King's Deputy, has a few dozen of those applications or "petition-" on file, and should they accumulate as raoidly today and to morrow as they have since his occupancy of the presen' office, by Manday nex: a suficient quan tity will have aooumulated to BUILD A CORDUROY ROAD from the Cnetom.House to the Mint. peenulations as to the probable ooupanucy of other high positions in the building are as vague as ever, and the slates that are arranged there, "aocording to rehable Washington information," are as numerous as ar ) the candidates for the posilione. In fact there are few prominent Be publicans, either white or black, who are not I hankering after eometing soft in the way of gov ernment patronage, and each T FRIrs HIta PROaPEo. FLATTERING. The contest f r the United States Marshalship, now that the President has delayed action, is opening again and several new candidates ap pear in the field. Gen. Jack Wharton is not, however, allmed, and takes the matter quite coolly, never doubt ing for a moment but that the President will keep his word. In conversation with a DEMOCRAT reporter yes terday, the expectant-stated that while nt Wash. Ington the President had stated to him that he (the President) would request the Attorney Gen eral to CALL FOR PrrrIT 's REInIONATION, further informing him that he might return to Louisiana assured that he would receive the ap pointment. The trifling (?) bitch in the appearance of lGen. Wharton's commission is attributed by some to the fact that ex-Gov. Ames and Ben Butler are fast friends of Pitkin, and are doing what they can to keep him in position. From grape vine re ports it is learned that they urge as a reason why he should be retained-first, his competency; second, his being a native Republican, and last, that he occupied a prominent position in the management of the Republican campaign in the State. Some of the gossippers are of the opinion that THE SAME INFLUENCE has been brought to bear in Postmaster Parker's ease, and they say, too, that his open telegram indorsing Hayes' Southern policy before P ýckard had to give up the ship was quite a feather in Parker's cap, that is, with the President. Rtiard, the present Naval Officer, is confident that neither Burch, Chester nor any of the "foreign" colored element can root him out of his present position, as the President has, accord mg to Riard's statement, PLEDOED THE POSITION TO HIM, and, besides, that he is also a native Republican Some rf the Republicans, It seems, had an eye on the office of the turveyor of the Port. and sent petitions to Washington, but in these efforts they counted without their host, asit is well known in inside circles at Washington and here that Wells has sueach a grip upon the affections of the White Houeo (in a Returning Board way) that the Pres ident could not be induced to remove kili. The Calcasleu Logs. There has been no startling change in the con dition of the Lake Charles log war of late. The op, osition on the part of the mill men there contiunos, and the chances are that a large num b,r of deputy marshals will be appointed to go up. Marshal Pltkins, when interviewed by a DEat - CnAT reporter, stated that it was his firm inteo tion to serve the processes if it did bring about a collision. He stated that the War Dep'rtmont would not send any troops, and he eould have to rely on his deputies. A Cruel Mother. Lizzie Williams was arrested and locked up in the third precinct station, charged with being drunk and resisting the officer and assault and battery on her two little children, one two and the other five years of age. The accused was sa raigned before Judge Miltenberger and sent to the Parish Prison for fifteen days. A Defunet Canine. About 10 o'clock Wednesday morning, Officer Rione shot and killed a rabbid dog at the corner of Elmira and St. Peter streets, the animal having bitten a child of Mr. Sutherland. Committees and Canvasserm. The committee to examine the affairs of the State Land Office met yesterday, or a part di:', and there being no quorum an adjournment was had until 1 o'clock this afternoon. THE STATE BOARD OF clANVASSUISl will meet to-day at 12 m., in the office of the Lieu. tenant Governor, in the rear of the Senate Cham ber, to canvass the returns of an election held re cently in the parish of St. Martin. The committee to examine the iloes of Super intendent of Public Education will hold another meeting as soon as Mr. Cole, the late Seoretsry. prepares an abstract of the amount of school funds drawn during the past four years by the various treasurers of the parish echo t boards. Un' il that is prodtuced the committee can do nothing, and with it they may be able to ALeIST THE OTHER COMMITrrEts as the amounts charged on the books of the State Superintendent ahould agree with the Treasurer's books. An examination of the books in the educational department shows that they have been kept in a systom ctio manner, and therefore in the course of a day or two the abstract will be forthcoming. The Army and Navy. Now that the war is over and the blue and the gray, which. by-the-by, agree well together in an artistic point of view, can blend and harmonize without any fear of conflict, the citizens of New Orleans have decided upon bringing the two to gether in one great social gathering, where by gones will be~proved to be by-gone, and liberty, equality and fraternity, will reign upper most. Our ladies, who have adored the gray, are now well inclined toward the blue, since the blue, aooording to the theories that govern art and nature must, in order to take its placoe in the landscape, be blended, and must harmonize with the universal gray. Ordit must be given to the Now Orleans Olub for the happy idea of bringing the two together in social gathering. On Thanksgiving Day the national blue volunteered to aid the people of Louisiana in the celebration of the State's deliverance fro'n carpet-bag usurpation and tyranny and the lion rule of bayonets. That wee a consecration of the holy right of brotherly love that ought to unite the North and South. Our people, who would have resisted to the deah any en croachments upon their rights, and who would have fought anything in the way of the estab lishment of their rightful government, now op, n their arms and extend the hand of fellowship to their brothers of the army, who, we must say, have never loved the role which has been forced upon them by the absurd policy of a now happily defunct administration. We welco ue the great projected reunion as the seal of posce, and only regret that discipline and orders will not permit our friends of the Plymouth to join in the lostivi ties. Brevitles. Our reporter should not have headed his re port, in relation to warrants, efc., in Thursday morning's paper "Back Salary Grabs," for in the enumeration of the parties who drew warrants for salaries therein made many are honorable gen tlemen who simply drew legitimate pay for ser vices rendered under the prop-r approp'iatiors The imputation, therefore, of back salary grabs in relation to these transactions is incorrect. The Sheriff le removing all the old records, books, etc., from the clerk's office of the Supe rior District Court, preparatory to refitting it for the Third. In a bill for "stationery" furnished the Packard House rendered by Mr. John W. Madden, and approved by "L. Moarty, clerk," several entries are made of numerous gallons of whisky, towel,. coal, washbowls and pitchers, foot tubs, medi cated paner, soap, gut a perchaand cocoa rugs, et., and all charge' as s'ationerv. Short Items. James Addison, for offering for sale a roll of iot ton supiosed to have b en stolen, was locked up in the Fourth Precinct Station. Ed. Harris, alias Tucker, was immured in the same station, charged with having a tolt of rot tonade in his posseasian supposed to have been stolen. Court oflfler Boyle yesterday arrested a man named T. J. Farrell on a chargeof breach of trnut and embezzlement, and lock'd him up in the Central 4tation. The officer also recovered a lot of the property Farrell is charged with embtz. zling. Some time Wednesday night burglars br, ke into 'he blacksmith shop at the curner ,f Fulton and Notre Dame street', an.d sucneeded in steal ing and getting away with a keg of nails and some horse shoes. Thos. Flor, a youth of nine years, residing at 94 Tchonpi onlas street, was thrown out of a wagon and dangerously injure d. The unfortunate lad was taken to hia home, where he received medical attention. Bunarr's FLAvoxcIe ErxTa~rns-Are used and endorsed by the best hotels, confectioners, grocers and the first families In the country, cadd ldBoa THE COURTI. Fifth Dlstrlt Court. This tribunal was engaged Thur day morning trying the ease of F. J. Herron vs. Gov. John oMEnery, Recorder of Mortgages. The suit is f ,r $500, that being the value of cer tain papers _aited "'eseromt ve", w-el~t Ierron claims are private property. '1 he defendant de nice this and says they are part of the records of the office. 'I hose researches are pieces of paper with the names of the property holders upon them, and the pages in the books of the office where the mort gages are recorded. second District Court. The successions of Bernard Womann and Gooe. Simon were opened Thursday. United states Circuit Court. The question of the id, ntiflestion of one Jam. Lyon, lias Datly, galias Jas. Murphy, came up before Jndee Woods, and there spoearing a de tective from Ohio, he was ordered to be remanded to Ohio. W. II. Hunt. Eem., then arose and addr-saed the court on behalf of A. P. Noblom and It. 8. Dennee, and asked that their cases be fixed for a bIearing. He said that they had now been in dicted for over a year, and the government had not as yet fixed the trial, and he claimed, under the law, that a speedy trial should be granted. Major New, Assisant United Srates District Attorney opposed the firing of these capes, for he said tie governmentt was not prep red to go to trial now, and the parties had not pleaded to the twlintment. Judge Woods yosterlay m)ruing decided the can. of RM, b. P'oreen et l., vs. the ship storling s,,d towboat Equ .tor. agirst the doefendnts for SRal2(. The suit was for daniagos sustainod by collision at the bar. Mupremne ICourt. In the ciOe of Jan. a Iteid v,. i'ho Lnuisiani Lottery Cimitnty. d cerld lst, Mondy. ti, defendant has notaine., a writ o' error to the Sn premne (curt of the tlite I Htatels, and on Thor. ,Iay liV. C. Miller, E q., on Iteehtlf of pliaintflr. filed an spelit'atont to h ve rivokrld hoeroer 'reanting thn writ. This application the court has taken under sdvi!ement. Third District. Court. T'HE OLD 1RitVATE. MARKET WAit tREOPENED. State of Lttlislanat ex rel. OMartin Larines vs. ('has. O valno, Admineltrttor lof (Itmitnor:m. t'here was filed uesterdav in the Third District Court a uppl menutal pe ititn in thioeca , of the same rlacor vs. Admilniatrator aitdry'in the old r6nperior Di-trict Court. The pet'ito r prasm tet that m id Oavanace i. now Adminis.trator, tand slsa that he be umad,, party as LawT~ir 'st term if otilo is expi 'cd. The prayer is ftr a manslalnl to coitil) 1 Ad m:,nistrator C vaneio to close all priva' e mcrkxjs witlhin twelve slquncr of any publict marlet. The rulle was fixed f,,r May 21. TIu BnOADIuI; CONCERT.- The complimentary concert given last evening at Orunewald Ilall to Mrs. T. E. Broaldtus, by a numter of lakies and gentlemen belonging to our most select society, was a d' served aoknow!edgment of a meritorious dilletante and a chauinig lady. The attracr.ions were commensurate with the testimonial in ev ry respeor, and provided for the large and bril liant attendance two .oars of dolightfnul entertain ment. The programme which had been gotten up with commendable care, comprised perform ances on the pieno, the violFn and the violoecello, and singing by amate urs of the best order, among whom fi4ured Messrs. Eckert, Kaiser, Muller and Meteye, and Misses Little, Lena E., Alice A. and Corinne Bouligny, Mrs. N. and Mrs. Broad dnu herself. We could scarcely be expected to do justice to P aul the ladiies and gentlemen who so ably assisted E Mrs. lBroaddus in making the concer., a brilliant one, but we could not, at the same time, without t boeng oblivioun iof our duty, fail to compliment tbe talentel beneficiary upon the corrcet manner in which ei se sng 8hnubort's Serenade. with cello a.iCnmpaLiment by Mr. MI'er, and the ditlicul. t grand ar of "Arionant," which was sung try this lady with impressive effec. It was certalnly one of her best ffortsi, and brought into play the till power and flexibility of tier splendid voice. It was also our pleasure to ap plaud the charming vorolists of Mine Alice A. in Ithi "Air dulRtoetignol" of Masse (with flute obligato by Mr. M ) The timidity of this young laiy oni.v added to the lightness of her trilling voice, as rupe aid sweeti)znrodulated as that of the nightingale, whose song she sang. I We venture into I;o exaggeration when we say that the exquisite purity of Miss A.i , vice compensateatfully f r that force and power wh -h is injudiciously exacted Among the charming Dartrucpnts in this regal fete we hbve menltiond the name of Miss lo rione Bouligny. It is but a day or two ago that. ie had the p e:asant tacsk to refer to tier talent at length. 1 aIt ewvruing our dis'inguirhed Creole had selected the rmanuza of "Paul and Vir ginia" to delight andl charm her audience, anid being ri called sang "La Valdo tIes Fleurs " a mere ditty relating the loves of fall'ag leaves, ,hicih was sung with a bril liancy of expresion and delicacy of touch that can be evinced onlyv by an artist. But the ro. manxa of Paul and Virginia is beyond gqu:stion the triumph of this young lady. and affords the critic an opportunfv to judge of all the qualities of her voi e and ability as a musician; in fact, is a perfect teat of her vocal faculties. In singing "None marchoins tons les deux," Miss 1touiigny seems inspired by something inexplicable-something which is felt and may no, be txpressed. It leads the listener to sua pect that the young artiste is inmbned with a soe, timent of selfi-hnoes which prompts her to wrap . herself entirely within herself and sing into her I soul, forgetful and crrelese, indeed, whether s there is anybody li -teniug to her love song. Is l that not how the birds sing ? Unt we are probably cwuliing too long on this subjeo' and must return to th , bonetiºary ,whio has good reasons to ie I.roud of ttH plaudits of her auditors and t.f the floral , which were so pr Ifsely lavished oipn Ii r, and on the I ladies who so ch verly sssistd in making the re union a topic of pleasing conversation fur a me time to come. The f.,urth and last week of the Commonwealth Cornhinatioe, under lh i managem nt of Messrs. W. H. Power and Itoland IRi d, will close with a par firmanco to-night and another on Batur day at the maine.. 'I he bill for to night will consist of "A Widow Hunt," a remodelilig of "Everybody's Fr end," b5 the author himself, bttirling Cove. Itolarnd Iged t.rkoe the part of Mltjor IYel!inpforr e Boots, a chabacter which he will doubtless sup port with ability, for it is one of the best in the !ine of business for whiol he is particolarly adapted. At the matinee on Saturday the splen did romantic and spectacular drami of the "dea of Life, or A Mother's Prayer" will be repeated, and will be a fitting farewell performance of the Academy troupe. The Young Men's Jessamine club will accept our thanks for invitations to their first grand coimplinmentary soiree, to be given to-mirrow ev.-ning at -t. Patrck s Hall. We are indebted to Capts. Wrigley and Clark, respectively, of the steam tugboats Wasp and Ida, for invitations to. attend a grand basket pic nic and excursion to Ship Island Oanalon bunday next. TuE FEAST OF FLowEns.-The feast of flowers of the Jeai-h Ueurcta begins in the synagogues to-day. This highly poetic festival is celebrated with unusal ceremonmes and by the adornment of synagogues and temple, with tasty 11 ral orna ments. I' some cases it is the occason of a ban quet given by the ladies of the church to otphana of their asylums. Last year this wae one o(f he features of the feast, which, by the way, lasts for several days. Bu rrT.'as uoLonE is filt d to elegant bottles of superior finish and beaut -in themselves an ornament. It has, in a bref time, attained a large and constan t i increasing sale, confirming ,he opinion of the best nudg a, that it is equal, if not superior. t the oelebrated farina. Take the MosILE LINE FIx UcsroN trains that leave the depo tin .day at 5:45 a. m., and return at 9:55 p. m. Fare to BI oxi and retu rn ONE DOL LAR. ' ickets for sale at c,rner Camp and Com mon streets. Yesterday we no iced the office of W. H. Bar nett, mney br, ker, No. 38 St. Charles a reet, opposite St. Ch rles Botel, thronged with pat tiee ti settle their taxes and I census, which was ocea iMo ed by h s lberal allowano- of discoant on, warrants race ived for s me. Mr. B. buys the se warrants from first hands over thb a tnter, and ,f conure. is pr. pared o off r Iarmer Iducemenat than aniy one else. We would advise those oon oerned to see him. OUR EXPORTK , America Feedln grlastnd, NK Youx, May 13.--Four steamships sailing to-day and to-morrow for Europe will take nearly 100,000 bushels of grain ; the quantity of fresh beef will not e far short of a million pounds; while of canned goods, pork, salt beef, bacon, cheese, butter, lard and other provisions the aggregate is very large. So anxious have British people become relative to these shipments of food, that the mere sighting of a vessel so loaded at any point along the coast is made the sub ject of a special telegram to the London newspapers. EADt. AND HIM JETTIES. lReady for $e*o,e00 in neptemhber. [Utiioago Times.J WASINwOTON, May 14.-Capt. James Eads arrived here to-day for the pur pose of making arrIrngements with. Secretary Mc~rary to issue an order di recting the inspectors of the War De partment to give Lads the results of their official inlqulrles upon the jetties at the same time that they are made to the War D.partnent. He left for Now York this evening to borrow money to carry out his wol k until the time that a second payment i+ due from the govern mont. This will be when he has 22 feet of water in the channel. He says he has now fully 20 feet of water in half the length or the channel. He hopes to have the channel ready for the second pjiyntent of hallf a million of dolL;ras y the close of next September .. . . -- 04roD,.--- ..... 4IIAN '# AGIlE. Thie E;x-I're-:den Mtll M.ubject to Its At [I'hiladelbhia Amtrican.i. Yesterday afternoon Gen. Grant went to the exhibition in charge of the Mayor and the commnittee of (Jity Councils. Alter the ceremonies were over the Gen eral in some way becTme separated from the, genItlermen under whose care heo hal plalced hi rnsclf, andt he passed through the exhibit in building alone. Passing out into Elm Avenue he put himself in tee hands of a iig, patrolman. who escorted him to the Trans-Conti nental HIotel. He wits followed into the hotel+y a large number of people, who had recognized and who desired to gets good look at the man who wielded the destinies of this great nation for eight years. After getting into the hotel the Gen eral very coolly drew a cigar from his pocket and lighted it, and then passed to a room in the rear, and for a half hour was gazed at.; but he smoked on unconcernedly standing in the mean while under a huge sign containing the Sords, "To the bar." It was evident he as lost. This fact became apparent to a North American reporter, who hap pened to stroll into the hotel for the purpose of sending a telegram. He at once began a search for the Mayor and the councilmanic committee, and after some time had elapsed discovered Messrs. Cochran, McCullough, Caven, Smith and others at Tischner's enjoy ing themselves. He communicated to them the ex-President's unpleasant sit uation, and they proceeded to the Trans continental and bore him away in triumph. CI MInt;lR. Sl IN. No eore PolitIc for Illlm. [Cihlmnati Commeroial.] WASHImNTON, May 14.--Ex-Gov. Chatm berlain, of South Carolina, arrived this evening, en route to New York city, where he proposes to engage in the practice of law. He refuses to be inter viewed or to talk politics, saying that he is now a private citizen and his views of politics are not of any particular im portance. ----,'-04- - - MONIY iFOR THl ARIMY. An aceptable "Volunteer" to the Army. [Ui:cinnaLti itmm..rcil.] WASIIINGTON, May 14.-Drexel, Mor gan & Co. have volunteered to pay the army on the ist of September, the pai day for which there is no appropriation. Of course the Secretary of War has no authority to accept the offr, but it is understood that facilities will be afford ed the firm to advance to the soldiers the amounts due them on that day. Died of Jay. [ Tr bnae.] MILWAUKEE, May 11.--The coroner's jury in the case of Frederick Poser has been adjournerd until the man's stomach can be analyzed. It is claimed that his death resulted from immense mental excitement resulting from happiness at securing a situation at work, he having been out of eml,loyment for a long time. As soon as he received news of his eri ployment he fainted away and died. Three Cent Pieces CirculatinRg Wtltlnnt Authority. (N. Y. Herald.] When, in 1853, the inland postage of the United States was reduced to three cents, Congress provided by law for the issue of the small three cent coins as an accompaniment to the new postage sys tem, but in subsequent legislation no provision was made for the coinage of the three cent pieces, and in the revision of the laws the statute providing for the three cent coins is wholly omitted, so there is found in circulation at this time this little coin without any apparent legal authority for its existence. Packard' 4 lcheme. [St. Lonirs tpubiloan.l Packard's scheme, disclosed in his letter to the New York Tribune, of prov ing from Republican figures that Tilden was elected President, attracts no little attention. Is it possible that it dis closes the real point of attack which the Republican im placables intend to make on the Administration? Are they pre paring to charge that Mr. Hayes is an usurper? It would be a singular phase in American politics if Republicans, after doing all they could to put a Re publican President in office, should then turn round and take up the Demo cratic quarrel against him, and attempt to depose him on the, ground that they had put him in office by fraud. ItEDUCTIIO. IN Jrst received fiv. ct.oe- Fronch Corsets di roet from France. Hald made double bunk corse.t. formerly 5as ( now at 51 50; hand made, with tide ste0L formerly $3 50, now at 2;: hnr,d-made svoon buos, extra long. formerly s$. now at 5o 50: Worly's Corsetsa dlou' le bone extra long. cosr 56. now at $2 50; Ab dominal Corsea s at-d on the cite, cost $5, now at .2 75; ' ursing Corset, formerly $2 50 nowat 12 2; Thomson s slov -fit Ing and all o her malkes of Fr neh Corsets 6a D~r cent less than former prices. L dies will find these to be the cheap' st and be t fitting goOde evar brought to. this City. Country orders fithf lly exeoeted. remembtr the number. 5S M sztine street, one door from the co ner of t,. Mary. White Build n my 2p Suit M. HItMI N.