Newspaper Page Text
c. E. GIRAL RDEY'S Cealeatclaw of i£ueton Sates of Real Eltlate, $tock, Etc., TO TAER PLAUO AT THU STi ORIAlfllr AUIUTiION IXOflANIe13 -o1 -_ Ittwrday, Mait I0 -llTht ,hoiýe commerelal .,loprty'. tile pFiutllrd f.lur-eto.ty brirk etol-t No R4 Mg1z11f l llli 't ttlnllnllnr through q, Fltltul' ir stre'et, AR H1l In v.eit.ent tIi4 prI erly li without tlI vlqut u nthe nokF't The elhlbnllalIl billt n1 f''lientmrlly l airdll fourI Hloyr lil',k tole llt ,d dJti j'lillr N". 217 (1 evlOrl., btiwettl tllrronne anld Dry ine! a' rolte. That m.i, nllet' rd eunerhl! fi t ilntlu thrm' eto.rv trilk Ijolthn ll PI iiiault tili the No. 28n4 (t11l, betwntl Franklin anll Liberty sit c1"14. The hc1ee1rv brick store and dweltlna. oa. , intutnlation, eltwon n Delorn ant PVa. ylirn so (uts. That very v laile and 'entrully totaled T rha pity, N R 41 untl43 l unhrni Ilstret, HttwIon ut PDtrnhou" an Ille nvil l strelnte. Admirably ada tt d for any huss nbe r'unlt'ring troximnity to Ianal street. The dotlble tenement frme c ittlge. No. iwe Laur, I setreet, between Hlxth iand Seventh ll nlonl!t two-tory brink dwelling, o. 2n Rt. Thlomai, between Italilnnie adl Eratt streeix-a - mottlmlltlll hIrme in the ehip ping nd cottll n Ipes)l+ entr+P. The hantdsome dotiub frame nnoltige. N.. N ?75 it. lPeer, betwertn , alv n anti Jolhnson etrept. The comfortnile frame ottllr, on two lotl, forinu the nort heast corrier of Maga Aine art! fDlult hale treCet: and Tutitexcelfleet hul dingsite formlug the ear nr of Jtechebalen and otn-taRnc streets. Forterms end full partleulars, ee officeal and trl tive advertlsements and plans at the Mne ( the Anutio±eer, 81 Catmp treet. My?-. --· --- - DISAIWOOD AND CR3OOK Cilr?. Hew and Why a mounty peat W'ta I<hanged. There has been a county-seat contro Yrery between Deadwood and Crook Oity, Dakota. Mr. II. H. Voeburg, for mery proprietor of the Nicollet House, Minneapolis, was custodian of the county records at Deadwood, and while serving in that capacity accepted a propoeltiou to remove the county rec odie (as well as the county seat) to Orook City. He assumed the active re sponsibility of the change without con sultation with i is associate officials, and personally delivered the records to the Crookians in consideration of a valuable return in the shape of lands or b ts at Crook City. To say that the Deadwood folks were mad when they heard of the transaction is too faint a statement of the situation. A picked qutad of Deadwood men immediately laid in provisions for a slege and started for Crook City with shotguns, clubs, re Volvers bowle knives and other p lal persuaders. Mr. Vosburg was found, and Informed that he must either re turn the records at once or stand rid dled as a consequence of refusal. The records were returued, but Vosburg is no longer popular among the Dead wood boys. .. . . . @ Om.~-- ...... UNCt C rA IN TIME. Why the People of ehattham island are Conafuaed about the Day. Ohathatm Island, lying off the coast of New Ztalandi, in the South Pacilic Ocean, is peculiarly situated, as It is One of the few inhabitable points of the globe where the day of the week changes. It is just on the line of de marcation between dates. There high I on Sunday, or Sunday noon, ceases, and instantly Monday meridian begins,. tSunday comes into a man's house on the east side, and becomes Monday by the time it passes out the western door. A man sits down to his noonday dinner on Sunday and It les Monday noon before he finishes it. Tiere Saturday Is Sun day and Sunday is Monday, and Mon day becomes suddenly transferred into uesday. -. . .. -. * -- - ..... THINE ROAD TO .Icl.l.t. CUttea FartnrteI in the mouth. [Austin Ctatsrmau ] If a New England factory can make a profit of one cent on a pound of raw cot ton it has done well. A Southern fac tory has an advantage of one cent, some say more, on the taw material. Has it been consldered what this means? This is equal to twelve per cent on the capi tal stock. It well managed it must make twice as much as a Northern fac tory. This, in fact, has been done gen erally by the factories in Georgia and Bouth Carolina. A factory that cost $504000 in the ISouth will make as much clear profit as one that cost $100,000 in the North. A factory in the South will make twice the dividend of one in the North. Can our capitaliste find a better place to put their money than in such factories? -----~---- * - WANTED-NO NAME. [Cinoinnati Enquirer. An encyclopoleia of the name of that place is wanted : Sookgornm-Kaie, 8ouk goum-Kale, Sukhoum-Klce, bukumn Kaleh, Lookgoom-Kaleh, Sougkum Kle, Suglunu-Kaloh, Mutam-Kalach, Takum- alch, Sughum-Kaleh, Lukun Kleh, Tugkum-Kale. This is the true name, so far as ascertained from the books of ready reference and the news papers, and the roll is not half called through. ... ,, Orthberaphy of RtnInian and Turklih Nalnaem. [Toledo Bade ] The varied way of spelling the names of Bussiu and Turkish names arises from the fact that the Russians and Turks have alphabets that bear little resemblance to those of Western Europe, and consequently each writer who mentions a place cannot give it its native spelling, as he would if writing of a French, German. Span ish or Italian place, but must rep resent the sound of it by those of letters in his own tongue. So that, when a German, a French or an English traveler writes of a place, each spells it different from whet the other does. For instance, there is the important fortified city of Ruschuk. When an Englishman attempts to write the name as it sounds to him, he spells it "Rooechook," or "Roostchook," giv ing the "oo" the sound heard in "took." The Frenchman, in the same way, spells it "Roustcbouk," while the Germans, who always pronounce "u" like our "o00," but sound "ch" like a soft "k," spell it "Rusttiuk," and other travel ers spell it "Routchouk," "Rusczuck" and "Rustchui." This, however, is not so bad as some ,others, for any one can tell what place is meant no matter how variously it fi spelled. T.he sound we give to "j" is eit heard in any of the Western Euro pean tongues. The most of them pro noucce it like "y." except the French and Portuguese, who pronounce it like a hard "sh," or rather "zh"-the sound 'a" takes in "pleasure." In Spanish it is sou*eed like "h." But the Russians, Turks, Poles and the BSlaves generally have the sound, and when Western European writers try to represent it to their readers they resort to very queer mbinations of letters. _ The Germans wrlte it with "deoh," anid the French "dsh." Thus, Joolamerk is spelled by the first Dschoulemark, and by the second Dshoulemark. The vilayet of Dobrooja, which the Iussi-tns will enter if they force their way across the Danube near its mouth, is spelled also I)obruescha, Dobrodija, Dobrudije and Dobruza. A still worse high mix is observable in'regard to "b,' "f," "i," "v" and "w " all of which are interchangeable, anti seem to be used for eatil other without any restraint. Eispeclally is this true of "b," "f" and v," which seem to be used with perfet indliffer ence for each other. Thus we have "Pevastapol" or "8ehatapol," "Her hit" or "Hervia," "KiscIhenew" or "Kisoheneu," and "Jishineff," and so on. As the Germans have been most ac tive in contributing to our knowledge of Russia and Turkey, there Is a preva lence of the German way of spelling the names of places, and this appears on the maps prepared of the country. Most of our telegraphlo news now reaches us through German sources, and conse. quently the German way of spelling prevails there, too. -- 4 4 - . . [BY AU I'HORII'Y ] Appolntments by th Uenvernor. Parishot Morbhonue-James G. Sandidgre, J. Duncan Brown, Joseph Davenport, B. F. Ferues, B. onott Iladdiks, pille jurors. Parish of Avoyelles-W. W. John*on, Elvi Jef frion, 8. J. Norwood, M. O. Bordelon, Fellcien urndesn, poliee jurors. Parish of p1t. John the llaptist-Ohas. La seigne, police juror, vice J. W. Oodberry, Jr., re al ned. Partih of E'at F llcianas- I. M. Lea, police juror, loe A E. Osrtet, oeelgoed. Members of the Board of Administraturs fir the lusan" Aylnum at Jackson, Lunisianea-T. 8. Joes. W. B. TL to, John F. KNllar, F. V. D. llaggamanu, U. . Langhworthy, J. W. Fred erl k. Parish of Tangipahoa-I-enj. Butmann, in spector of weights and measries. Parish of Avoyelles-- Pierre A. Durant, notary tub'ie. Parish of East Feliciana-Alvi Smith, notary pubhllc. Parish of Orl.arns-O. F. lPerrv, notary public. Parish of Jffereon- Henry F. Payne, cou stable First Jnstine Court. Pariah of Plasqomines-Ia-ry Wilkinson, jos tice of the peace fifth ward, vice limnothy Col lotte, resigned. Parish of I eafonrche-- Hnry L. Iudreau, oan stable second ward vtis J. L. Wright, resigned. Parish of Bienville-J. J. Hlwilen. Parish of Ht. John the Baptist-Chas. La seigne jitstic of the pesce serenth ward, vtice John (. Godberry and Lotrs aylor. Yesterday we noticed the ofliMe of W. H. Bar nett, mnoey broker No. 88 dt. t(harl, as rest, opposite St. Oh.rles hotel, thronged with par ttes to settle their taxes and licenses , which was occa slot!ed by ha liberal sllowanuo of discount on warrants received for same. Mr. I, buys tih ae warrants from first hands over the c ,outer, anid of course, is prepared !o offer lar,ter indurcemen e than any ohe else. We would advise those .on cerned to see him. NEW ADVERTISEMENTP. Cow Peas-- osowv Peas. ll0CE" (CAIIOINA CLAY PIEA', CLAY MIXED an, other varietias. 600 TON C{OTTON NEED MEAL. For sale by A. A. OltEENWOI)) & (CO., my2n 1111n 47 .taignziurle str Cow Pest --'ow Peas. ftIOIO(T CAROLINA O)LAY PIEAE Clay mixed PEAR. For sale at the lowest market price by .1t)IIN 'CAt PER. Dealer In Western Pl'rotdne, ny2l e 1w 97 n_1.!11 l'i Pyetrs, yor. I_,afiyt'te. NML'IAL N1ll 1' To Exrurstontlslt to Granld Ille. T TIE T'I'AMER IuLII Y COLLINH. Capt. Mike io l4w. ,'oov. will le,av, hel he ,d of Ilarvy's C( nil nIit iA'T UItDAY Mat', a. at 6 p. in., for (1r,''ld 1I4~ and all way Lanin.llOs. returning on MH)ND.AY at 7 5. iil. P; Page fort't round trip * 02, MIeals 7" conlt each, or $5 for thl round trillp. For further informatlhn pptlv to, /IIi' & t'AIRLIN, No. 4 'l'ieh ii tlpl lll - st rol t. The Hotel will lhe opliefld lur the remption of guRsts ,u Inite 3, 1577. iny2m f 2t LI Il ENTHIA h' PIOTOORAPHI ART GALL}ERY. 11............ OANAL STRIET ............191 'rtuIo t BUILDINGH. This well known estbliishment i. the largest and most coinplete in the city of New Otleans. The style of pictures made by LAMBERT'S PERMANENT PROCESS surpasses anything that can Ihe made at othoer gallerlos. No one who Is fully aware of the superiority of this process, will go to the expense and trou ble to have a picture taken that in a very short timt will fad'. I guarantee the LAMBERT to be the only pic ture that WIll NOT FADE. .y20 :3111 NEW (IRLEAN, May 11. 18717. Om'le of the Consolidated Association of Plan ter: of Louisiana, No. 60 Taulose. street, between Royal and B.iurionl streets. ITAVTNG IlEEY APPOINTIED BY THE 1 HR n. E. C. Billinrs, Judge of the United States Cireuit Court for thn Distriot of Louis iana. IR UEIVFIRt unid L1QUII)ATOti8 of the SConahldated Association ot Plantetrs of Louis iana," for the purpose .of lIquiulhling the affairs of said Association, we her'eby give notice to parties h,,ling bonds, annexes or other ohllta t ions of said Association t forward their claims to our adIress, wiltO a des-rip ion of the same., with legal proof atta'hod. ill ordo that we may forthwilh Icomply with tlle ordtr ,f court and pla a the same upon schedule of li.abilities to be presont'ed to the court BENJ. F. PT A DERS. A LAIN EU'TIS, ill157 oTh 4w R,,,'eivers. RIED UGI' I0 IN P·R-t O" EE C0 ORa iME'Pgl.p3 Jrst received five case- French Corsets, di oret from Franco. Hand nmade do1uble blusk 'orset. formerly $2 10. nov at $1 o:; hanld marl, with ride Steis. form, rly .3 Ii, now at $21: hanl'd-Ua tlo asoon bus;i, extra I,rlg. f rnmerly it5 now a 5 .13 61: Worly's C rset-s, d. u. Ic b . ln extra luLg. cos! $5. 11,)W uit $2 60; Ab dtlolinal Cor,.s Ia' la d on the -1 te, <'ast $5. now tit $2 75,; ' tl rilt i ors t sot [,f )l'llery 02 e., nOWaIt $1 25: Thomsonn-a gUlovh--it ini. anid all other IaLes o f Fr n· h Cori'-ets 6o p)r cot loss than former price,'. L .d.s will lintd the.uc tI. be the ihoaL63, pt and tle t litting goods cv r broughll to, this city. Countiry orders f ithi;illy excuted. Ilt.memll r tihe umbulr. '0 Mtag.lltn. sit et. one door from the ?o+ nor of St. Mary. White Build n i. tmyh 2 Su4It MA. HEIMAN. SEALED VROtaOAL8. STATE or LoutIsNtA STATE PaI+rINo BOARD. New Ortoates. May 14, 18i7. Sealed proposals are invi'ed for th- printing of the decisions of the Supreme Court, in ao cordanoe with the provisions of saction 8 of act No. 100. approv d Apr1l 30.1877, and the same will be t eceived up to and including the 86th day of oisy, 187t. by order of the Board. I myIl td WII: STEVEN. Secretary. EITRAIIOINA1IIIV OF DRY GOODS -AT I. THIS WEEK. 203 CANAL STREET, Between Rampart and Burgunfy. BRANCH STORE AT 228 and 230 Royal Street, Corner St. Philip. myl2 um IPEGCIAL 1OTIOL. PFr the Lake - 4bIles of New Orlseant ity R ailroad tlomopany, No. 124 ananl street New Orleans, May 2 1877.--'nt further notie traine for the Lake will leave the clty every hour from 7 n'rlonk a. m. to i o'clock p in., rint1 every hnlf hrur from :3 m. to 4 p. in. The last traln will letve the Lake Eudt at 9 o'elcek p m. tmy2 tf , (l. 1. LEWTR, FRcrftnarv._ loullIRann IrYeve (lapaty, 2 Ear.ntlll - let trunet, New )rlf'Ha,.f, 1th11 Mlay, 1471-- N tLie' I. hrcrihy liven, Iil neo+ilrlr,.f with artitle No. iotf teh ('inter, ti thnt 41 tmfetinr fr thln Noi k h l lnts of till (1lump IIy will ,h heIld at this lffiln ,n Mo)NDAT, Inlth.lunhr, 1a17, htrlwef- tilhe lhours f 1 ± 'llIoct in. ao ld i o flk f. ill., to vol ti taln the ' 4eeltlt fff , r or ' ltioln by the1 IllttlInylrV l t If Itl ivi.oalon f of ti It It 111o the lfogIlilturt , kInown ILqs No. 1!n of tillr Extra Htr 'flion orf 17. .1( IN IIENDIPIHIIN. i'r'silrnt lfnihlttna L, Jven Compalllny. mn yi ,ld ilur'eepslon N.tire --All person havintg 'piltinM nali1st1 th 111f enl'rhe1 lAIt of ABNEI .hI. (1i\ I EH allr Inotinf Q I(aI tulf r lnt the smamt to the untlnlertsiland withofut dl11a. -tt'AN E. PUIllP, Tfy her hustarlnd, E. A. TVIUHltE, in yR :Ird ' 1414 (1ravinlr strnet. WANTS. SAN''ED--A I'ATY IIAVING M2oo CASHR woA N id like t4 4 111cr i1 f 1.o4l1ome lttf'lleflt. willh a respo1tsible pers ,n. Ahddress C. C+., DmCo a'_t ttei1,. . ... m_4 t ITATIO(NEHY AND MURIJ '- e;.t MAOAZINE street, 'itllans TIIuneted for $1 54 intuitf _. LEE, CIflI. W ANTED - HE ONDi-HAND OAiLifA. (tL and Ilugg les. Any one having uech. and wishing to 4dispome of them, can And ready alet for them by callint on L. T. MADDUX, aR Uarondllet street. Also, a full stock of Car riages and ilaggle andl coa n plets 5took of the Japanese Ohi t l'se arriage and Oradle, a mo-t wonderful c'jmbln tlon ; In short a full stlck In everythilng atpirtainin to the Carriage business-all of whilh will Ibe old at redtlune prlries to suit thle imes. The communlty is most cordially Invited to call and examine at ta Carondtlet street. mhltt am L. T. MADDUX. W ANTED- BY A HOIiER AND IN1,18 trioll young manrl a sltllnation rn Watt'h man, Porter, or Driving of a. kind; Is thoroughly ac talnnted in the city_ Would go In the country if dsireld. Address W. W0.. Dm norAt, .di,. (4n2lf FOR 8ALE, lOl J01A L.F. O(IN A(9'Ot1N'r (IF LEAV INt( l Jol flt lmr'-a ,n h pir of welll-rfk,. gentle CarriagMe liiis.'. Fir partiftlihrs, I lee, teo., c+all at 2l01 ''flliatance street, fP(rllet o1f O()r tLge. my24 2t* l4(R ,8AI,E--A HMATAL RIDE-WHEEL I H i EAMIIUA I, 4nf t, t Inn, 7 fo t blonm, 2 foot hohl, ,rawing toin Inclhes, in perfect ,ri0er, efita be for ogfa l llluhs orr tiflarvl,'If boat for the Lake, Will hie sold rell'ap. Apply to I1. II. IIAA'+. Ino (Ira-vler 5str4 , ly119*' For , tale. A Whnoler and Wilson REWING MACHINE. n11w 1nt1l| inll 1erfIeet order, will be sold very cheapl . Atltlress MA(tIIINE , DLmorat offine, m)yl if ' Olft HALE-'TiIHN IELIflTFUL iEtl1- tl ofn n Iatlli f l-ensive grtioutdl of Judale M. A. ),Doolev, at thile orner 4of Wishlngton and 'Pearl streets HNlvptlth Djistriet, I(arrol'lton,t about oif feet frofm St. Charlfe street, are for male. 'I he grountldls f('tlSIRI of nine lots. nuvered wih iaboult 1BI Ir rlng', trets, (sIome sixty bear ilg., fig lanid o1fthr h1'tlr-4 fruit troci. The l n tirov.lmllentl aIe Inearly nrow--a raelnl cfttage wilth iarble allt-els. hainll, antrl all co,1nvenientt ffitbnllinlltie ffoir io itry, etc., etc. Itqeilrre at 20 Ht C'harles street. or fon the prenilses, or 4ad dress P'rflntfimee IlIox 24.0. ap1tll7f FOR RENT. 11 'R IRE'T-A FUNI.II ED FIONI' RI'flIM SN. I inkli ,.stret, t.w steps ti om 'Ianal strte : with hoard.lAl a mronlth: with ut tcard, f1t Huitt'r.'- for f n'i or t+ o gntlirnllfl 1my120 SUMMER RESORTS. MOIN'T'tO-I IIOUliH,, 1101114x, Mi.Itaitpil. The Montrnose House is nlow o0pen for thei re'lep tlon of goests. 'r-in ,lndersligned re.pedtfllly infornms his friendtl and tlt traveling publil, geieranl y that Ith I.hllt hai IbOe tiio oIghlily rOnlovtte)'i, r.n li:t (I. tnu imn ortierma rnauilu to ilt tit ., most exl tLing NIo luniti or expense will hlm .ipiared to kep thll Miontros Ho uiiio up to Its usual1 tIlndard-tl-- rs elass In cv rv rAsp oit. Tymnol IIln dera 0. Hpeilal rates to famiiton and ielr manllent, RULi AR. 'lelegra.i or lelttors [or roolims promptly atl teIionto to. II, aim furnished to exlurslnn'lta att SI. jol an1 1'. 1 1.1 '1' lit14H,4. Pr.prletor. W A VEILItY IIOT El,. WAINUT STIREET. LIUISVIIL, KY., I n1w onpn to tIhe TILIAVEINO l'lilJl(., It hns ill litlmodern iiiuprovm, iiolts; Its irailres, lien tilon, llohling and I ining Rlnun a are on thle firt floor: is hanItlomoly fu. nlihid and a' ptAln ln rival. Apriltm nts for fairillli, adl ior iaht anvallnth a Ilg. to pel tlon vRisitlg the city. ,lther for luslllcew or plealsulr. W. H. ( 0 TIIILL. Manager. C. (I. JONPH. Proprietor. rnly20 iw POINT CLEAR. THE SEASON OPENED. The ctill7nsA of Now Orleans and vil.nogin will be gltd to l'urn Ihat ihe superb now I l,tol at P( IN r CIIIAll was opened for tihe season on tlhe 10th llnst.. ani Is 1,W pr#epared( for the re oeptl(on anlld en ortaintllment of iRu ts. POEI TI CLEAR combines more advntages, hotl for thlln snkers fllter healtBh anrd l.l lla-u r. tllin arny other wlater ilg ipliw In lth Mouth tlllalte in Mohtll lany. wit in a iOlifR throw of the (lilt! of Mexit.o, it hloistlls sui batling. pur health giving salt air, the Ilno.t tlsh in the world, fine boAlting and driving. hlllilrlI tr o0nr alndl II n pin al:n.s. '1 th Hotel wra I,tllt I1st year. and hao. with its surroundlJig, ten Ao inlprovild as to mlnk It, molt Itiligtllll ritlrnO,' for suimmer. The th.a aind furnturn a I1o n-ir3ly nOw, aind the enllidlnil i. t..alllly .xr'oll nt. There sa rnm nmlnieation with MWlbiln twien dally, and prtios Iaving Now Orleans in theI morning arrive at the Hotl,l to dlinner'. Th' 'anrue, s are modierate aInld at o.ial tlerili malit for familis. For llarticulr,. aldrisro HI. (!. BALDWIN, my17 2m PIoprrietor. Numnneer Arrangement. GRAND ISLAND HOTEL. M. IIEATY & i:O. naveo inaed this famous watering prla e for a term of yearsm. I he lnew manlllu.mtllttlt will open f r tilhe re'oeptlon of guests a lalt,1 thll 2011h of May. 'lite and attelitlav i-llrks will ht on hand to re"ilve ,tnd wel+om guest,. T'he risirne will th under the supervision of an old altil 1expe rinlcnclld enter. r. MmIBI,. Iihineheart will look .ftir the welifar of ladlies and chldutren. A slemo1-, r will liv in coinntoion with tho. hintel and lave thle ,itv wharf on li, 19th oif May in 'llarg, of "'lpt. M. M<e' wn,.linv. For froeigiht, passago and term', apnlyto S. l4eaty, or 1it . & Il' tin. rig.ltts. No. 4 T illi tnul u stroe I. orh to M. Ml'-Sweeney on i ard te steamerli. mfi if SWEET SPRINGS, Monroe Connty, West Virginia. T1[f 1 O.LD) F5TI'ABI.TIHIED HUMMER RE sort, f r h, alth anll 1) Ilullrum, ill t- ow.,n f or the nr, ,ir miodati Ill of vi itors i;n thlle FIF TEENTI'I AY I F JUNK. FBuery Ir -lpara ill is toling madrl for the -o{n vnlllen'e anlld 'onlfort of vilsi'or. Per dier m ........................ C Gn If r m th......lll ......... ...... 6 o Childron undrllr ten years. half the above rates. SH, vIants accorlihng to a e'mnrodatllns. J. W. YXtUNWt. . mv5Im* Mn r Prinltenltntn 6L~UIN- E tltlBLIC hOAt'. For sale ait J. H. KELLEB'8, my24 lot 11o Gravier street, ACADEMY OF MUSIO riday NtIIIt and Aaturdalr MatIler, .any 1 and 20, .MI . Two rannd Dramatist PI'irfrmaiieq by the fPd mr y l dyU1redy UCo any. Pridar. Mnv ILth -- hE ' ient ul N ornrly Of A LL FtlAT' LIT'rTEItS IS NOT GUOL, and thle Firot i of A ,31 i l VA, I l,Y. Haturdf vMtlline - Last ( llnliHtlnin|.nt this s |c fnII I)b tlle H)n atv UCmnilir. prnur-sent rin~ rE. fT ryrlt at (JItANfI FF'.TiVALt 'roFt given by (EIIMINIA ITUINEIIh' ANMnOCIAI'ION, AT - MANINOF IA I.ARIDPN. siunday, lMay 27, I!477. I'r lt Irr MM E. I (tnln rig i'rrnony at. ' fitelok p. in. !o,,nw rrt Muril, Ihy th" 'Ihlirte its lll . . Infan try litn:l. Dnningi in Ihte etiallls hall. PrlizO.-Itlrformiainii In gynnnetiPlllq -otnll for all to i.aitliiitntl . I'erorlralInnll in rymnast ie, nlL pyramild btildrl hll l t blvi "re of the a tor'liation. Ilium Ihall Match between Idlewsild and Frank lin (lubs; prize, two sillk fhigs. Gtamen of various kinds will altordi fun for ill. AdmlIIdon.....................lfty (tents. LADIES AND C!IIIIDRIEN FIIE. my2 i Rt FUN I FU1I 1. OREAT EXCITEMENT At the LoInllana Coek Pit, Every Sunday. norner Du maineo anid nti. Take the, l)umnlno street ears ait the Cln y eatine. All the ( bantllear (' uhn are Invited. Fun -pt alns at 10:30 a. m. ap0114 t* MUNICIPAL, ADVERTISlEMINT By HoeO. Maoo &A O'Connor. SALE OP THIE IIEVF NIUI OF THE PUIR II II AN.E re. I)EI'ARTM.NT OF COMNIMRReI. (lily hall, New Orleans, May 1i. 5l7. IV ILh BE ROLD AT PUBLI.I AUU'I loN. IN Sthe ('onell Chambln ,r. t Ity Hall, on HAT UItiAY Mlai 26 171. at 1 o'i'loek i. m.. the rev enPesR f tIhe filiovling m' ntlotned Markets, for the nionth ife Jlne, 1577. vi;: Fruit and VegetMble Markets. Frncleh Meat - Piydras and Pill Treme Washjntgton and Port St. BernIard IL Brirto n OCaltiorne JefferRan City Born urn. hinth mtr'(,t Alginrs The Markets will lhe sold oeunralely. Terri.i nrld conditions - Uash on the spot tln U. f l. Currenlcy. The etly rcrynrvpsi the right to reject any and Iall bls. O1IA1. UAVANA(, Administrator of (ommeri'e. _it y17 19 22 24 20 SR4 IEI)D PRIOPOPAOAl. I)EPARTMENT O(F FINNR(GE. City Hall, New Orleans, Mn v 2-, 1577. ~onalld tlropoapll will bhe repeived at. this Pie ilt MONDAY. May at, 1177, for the sale , hlie 'ity of teIn Wharf Irnmrovement BoHules. The 'ity reserves thi. i ight to rpej t any ir all bl i mr25 td J. U. DINIR. A'lminintrator, MEALID PRIOPOrAI If. MAYroRAiT OF 1N4EW OR AN!,I -ew Orleans, May 21, 1577. j IEALFD rTlOPO 14 W iI , BE RECEIVED Sul tI 'I'lH UlHIAY,the lset of May. at 12 m., Ifor furlslhing the Cri e-eut City Po,li+e with unlfot'ni atndl oq 'iipItrl ts, inl aeeordanee with otrin t nr o - 1914. r yn'lnien of dilfferent artilr'es requlired may Shbe see', at li e offie. PI'ymonti te bmi rolite tn three mtnthly Inetall rments. gD,. PIa hllYJ1Y, Mayor. I v21 tllrl POSUND 0 N4 7I4IC 7O. I3. I tItPARTMENr T OR PolIciT, Admini-t 'or's t()fie, New Orltrans, May 19, 1877. 1 TAH IIIROUGIIT TO THE THIRD N114 Irlot oumoii.l. , f Moreles and Ma rienvy tri.'ts n WEDI).tDI), Y, May lil, 177 O"E iDAlIK BAY sOUIlE, etoi,,t 17 hands higl Whilh i noit clalimd within five days, ant rxpeneisa tit-reinii paid, will be sid at lrubll, l auction, at eal' pIound, on HATUItDAY, 20ti 11t.. at 12 o,'otlok m. By order of ROBT. E. DIAMOND. Smy2o td Adrmninstrator. U'NION INUIIRANO1I COMPANY OP NIEW ORLEANS. TWEN'rlIETH ANNUAL STATEMENT -OF THo- UNION INSIRANCE COMPANY OF NEW ORLEANS. Puhilsh"d acording to law and their eharter, Amount of promiums reei.ev d during the year ouding April 3., 1877 Fire premiums ..................... $70,990 15 liver premium = ........................ 11,(as as Marine prer iumr ................. .... 5972 43 S$r O.5 9d L,es. return pr"iniuma.......... 791 . .9 5 87, 53 98 Paid los.. durnring th yFrar Fire Issrf............................. $73.23,09 2 tiver los,............................ 7 190 r4 Marine o18e4................... .. ... 8,675 49 $48,795 75 Iteinsuransr; ........................... 2,4r07 4 lnt .................................... 1.r5) 00 Taxes.................................. 910 00 ehate ................... ............... 8,.977 28 ESxpnses. I.s d:mount and Interest.. 10,796 63 (trserved for unurminated rlsks. 1Ir,0 o 0 $58.577 50 The arrts of the C)mpianny are Loans Ep',srerd by pledge ........ ...... 9.952 27 Loans secured by mortgage.... ...... 16,350 00 Bills roe,ivahle for premtms......... 5,929 as btokr. bonds and other seeuriti'r .... 14.071 74 ir4t l estatW ................................ 11 9G7 30 Premiums in r) olurr of eollertion..... 16 4ifl 0, Cash on hand ........................... 9 524 95 $214,2'tr 70 Tiue alrve statement is a correct transeript from he books of the nmpany. A. C. (CHIAPELLA, Presi lnt. J. M. CiXlWFOIrD. H,,eretary. STATE OP I OI iSJANA, Prrish of Orans., (Lity of Now u o., on.J Sworn to and subhscrihed f,rfor. me this 14th day of May. 1877. JA3ME I'AHEY. Notary Publi,. DIRECTOR t: V. MAIGNAN. H. 0 \LLY. A. BONNEJAZE, J. BAYLE,. B. HALOY. A. R. BP.OUSfEAU, H. LABASSE. L. D. ARIPY, A. CHIAPELLA. my15 4tTu IVA LL PAPER. XNEWEST STYLES JUST RECEIVED, Fraom the Rlebest io the Cheapest. Rosewood ,,nd Walnut parlor and bed-room Furniture, with nume ohs fanov articles. Murniture renew d In the beet an}ner, at 49 ayaIl street, syJ z 214 E K Ir R, sIEBRZCR1 CHARTER. H'PA'rl Or LOUISIANA, PA144II4 O4F (4RLEAN-CITY, OF Nfr O41 LEANSI TInst k , wi44, tat rnn 44h 4 4Iceentt 'i4ll of Aptril. In Ith y"nr of r'fir 14rdi m4," 4,hr4, igini4 4i4ght 144nndr i1 44441444v' 44'y-444v4'4, 4444! 41 4444 14 414'4lr4('4' 4110 (4f the 14 rn4' In 14u4 444 47, 44 444 444441ir4 444o 4,44444144'41 4.444! blefr4. 44444)4 , 4 41wa4It Ivy. 44 Nrotirv 1'444414, In 44444 1 fr 4he )t [rich =,f 4)r l''n tlr 444[l~y t of, w! fir (ill Nw I, fir f4, e 4f 54444 144144444, liiy 4ll 44144 144444) 444444 4414 4411(1, 4n 4411 14 4444.n444 op4 414 wll(4'.444' -c, -4,h ·itnf4 r 4444444.4!, 44444th e 1.14 4 )4 I4 rn'44144444. p4pr4 4 Ply wt'44.4n4 4444!t il Ion 4(44 4444 444 nd 44444444' 44lrl r 4144,4 4 hire Iteraurth, sutuei'rr tii it -f ,iirhtr s it ttotnt. "v ilr 444'.4,41n of thej p444 ' 444444441 lot t1' 4444 .44t4'44 ii7 lIon of 4ir tp4r1,44444 in 4444444444, lhey have 414 'I- s corttail tirl ",grnt!. "fllrf 1~ tff itse p, nu-t. ovenstnt aure suet h Ind ,h," lncnly, -t awl 11m ttrlt, e''hsnn they raptnc~. vt of, "rut it .i t 411 *rJ t, le may !ern?44r be44r4' 4444.144144 444.1 4 "t44m whither 4444 4444441I 44tl, rrr . 44444444444 ,r tran444r 444. rut", a rlorirorlttion for tho' ~hi,.i-t -,.fort purt~u'iec flout nndnrthe sl pulati hits ;iii rtic'il ttIniishit lowing,~r to W itllrnnr~ The4' 4 nn44 44 44 4nd 44, to hit ",'till .4(44! 444.4 r4' NE lT1OLA4, 1EGOFD h'-. Th~ o imnnrt 41444 rtilr'~c r Irl 4444141l 44p4'4,44)[4 444444 citfof N1 w (l11.1" '1 W14, 1i Ik rt tl r .141. 144)444t.h noR 4'!4? 4)u4 4444 444'4t,444y theturps, [tom the alt,, on the Haut-tary l It HI(J ~l' 'I he .'orporation4 44ha411 hav444 4i'4444 4444 444 thonrit1, firyý cr lII havn 441441444 have 44d4o'4'i'44ilr 4,r4. 4~ 1 4'4prpora14 n44444 or4 thr 44t44 444'444441 t4ent44 i4v '1141 4lr!- n '1 ) 41441144 44441 444444 444441.4441 14n 4 )44144, eryo nd,44i4r - lt.4 ('44444444414 1444444 4 o nst orlay 1d ,4 I'ltl Iai- 14), 444444 44444lr~c~ 44444444 4 H 4444414 m4444.44r14, 41444444)4~4 444444d 4411444 4444ct~~, 4444 44444444444441444444(44~r Third--To make anal "so f~·lyt rr, prtra',t viii."X 11o B tAC, '1'o hold, rertatv n, 11 r hlh nent- ncrtr'mll Inr he ,rr this or potato tnrue Irlt inHrI , tRI,·-R 444 ti-7 o n4(444n4il 44~4144444! ' en h mn ·o di ro414rJ4'q or 44mi1d 444444 cc Pt4 44414rr t44"4il 4wln vi - 14 1xth--'1'o "take mind t'atnh 'lpe ti cash by-Ir te 144r t4h44 phi,)444)) Roan 44f444444444441. 4444] 4114 M 1411 f )i4It of the affairs of the Ir-nrpnr etI' f il a H rusty fin n« Al4'rt tOI 41S FECONI). Thi4,s 4444'r 444l 4)444 4 fir wlitf 14.4 '444444 'I tr, L In rh (II h-ta rithi c Irty rI. H' 'ifiti ll)Pt 4444444 I. 4vc44t 44444444 44r~ 44 4444444414444 41 4. 44444 i/ oral wrint. wk ( nli h·) g hif siciromta irb. All the 44or4)44444a 444 4Wr' 4444 t4e rpm44 44 of /4414 he44 c (.44 447 44 544, 441, 444tii 44i4.4ill hlt44,4 44nd4 44 44444! 1;o4r4 of1 )i r44nr44 44c4 (4444414t 4? flyn" person)a, any 41444ee' of? wh44,4 ha(1444 foru tt 4444444414 fo r th444s tir4 44444)444 44f' 4int 4441,e4. A f44444144 I)1r4'4r4 44l14'. 444r*444 44 414 14 1,4 Monday of De 414'4r,r, 1417. 4444 I 444444441 t,144l 414 r from the 444k, told- c4, b44 4i,4 4t, s'44m1 444'r of the4 ('(.444 4444 bc 'l sntlt4al 44, as man~~liy vo ters as he friar limtsshir s 8 P111-ar hwl anti paid for, Iin cahwotdr ncr with the terms ti -re - euseekheirk r to rtne the righ to yoptl t a proxyt nsxsaer to º st had it, the 11to -rd of Is, rei~ nre In nrhel mtinKof no I alt nr~tinn ýnktog p c*,nvtr,nr slily lix d the res-id ti' chillt nn n an air~rti nt alaM1, and shall give rcnnttet tllndi if, by nrlv(rtite marlt -n tone or more of the to wi)YItp her e n reR 44444!I ho 414)414 of '44444444.4'44 W1 4, 'ii d14 at4 4 4 Ing it, every year, "twit a I rerty (tdsIRri' frnrn its 14u444444 r). It 44)4J also1 (441414444 444 4vl,~ n~4I, 44444t4 ItR hn~Fi1 PIIRII h Imhr l hold their llfwfd In +,rtcli their atwce-c'irs a Phre doily e Rertl I. 't'his first Iordof thlireA ('Omm shall , art-i-t ultl the fthb ownrt mo44),4 d 0 4, 14,4 44 4 44444 4114444444 4 4444 44 4h, unttil tih 8Ir ccaolmfo is arer tliu rini- o( Hod 14 4444 4 i 414 444444P 44i 44444 I' . h . 4444l (4444n area, M R,,mon( ariq and H. Mi'ad r r. ARTICI i-. FOUIITr~~'r. 44,r 4ii44 i h'4il he4444 44.4 s44t44 4444 4.44 4444444 4i tessg .n o14444,44444 4444444 1444. 444444b ,.444444444 A4444C4E FI0FT(4'H.)4444444 4'4444444444444 No. 44444444 4i4 e 44n4 44 ilt 4)4444, oa44 helvp '44414444 4iabl 1.r 14(44444444e 414or4 th4 an44 4ra4 o4444 falt of4 the nor'? p444 it4o. 4444 44r 4444.4444 an m4r 414#d 4444444.4444 to 44 any 14 (444444.441 4ffn th,4 41o444 ARTICLE SIXT0114rl. T1hin c'4a44t4r tr1ay1 b41 444.i4'4444444.4,( 44s~~ o~r~ 44414444444 44it 1 14oun) o44444441444 t 44444144,4444m led44 nit 1iuts aofir 14444 444) 444444444 1iti 4444~ s i4444 4444 474 station,414.4 Inde i 4)4ha.41(41ie 4 1t,4444'tl 4,144,4.ff4''r44 ARTTC44E HRv'I tII. AITIITL HEVENrHT. The namne of the str.'khorltlra. thoir recta rinness, and number of Filt r s Ift ii by F'arh aror, 1l aredl ) ho betruh sA ate tittiwi I isi ta, this Hrt of inttrcttrpo atin, tnn ai t Oil tijttij c tich tif thetisl aaelte rettpettiv Iy. Thum douie and pttARstl in myrl fri ,t, NF'W D)rltian af retilld in the t , it eo'r," 'f ThaI. J. (,'bark and Jas. D!.Tliden eorpr wtlt,.t WIc aorsa both o,1 this c Ii, who ho r.'rtrttn aIgi, their namesr. with the partiesO and me. notary. on Lbs Iay andi ridatt altretiaI'I. )rigiuai Fstnind: WALRifM M. CJLAWFOIWD fi. USA I)RR, Tr. a. tlEItitJL, J1. It. MAMIL'FhN, OKMi. (,. n4Wc, T, M.P. J'PARM .T, J e 1. W, .FLII, M.IHCIIWAR'rZ4 111t (1. ANukrRWa. '1 HA T), J, (LA ilK. .J D, TIDI)EN. _______Notary I'ujbii' t. I, thij onroeregnctl, i'-piity IRe,,riecr of Mort SttWos in and for Ihe otrie i of onr amlt', tity of Now ') bletra, tAte of .i ml ti'rtia, dio hIr'ttiv rcer ,ify than ttho within andI IIorego rig a't ,' inror. or altl aor Ohiliroit! the N'"wOrli-'tti tt ock ? or(tnrany waRS this day duuty rro,rilerl in troy flier, in b"ok 152, f',iiis III stiud 112, atccord,nC to ''1w. (bignei) ('. D4KAI NI FlI, Now Orleans, May 4t. 1577. I certify the above tind fr.rew,inag to he atrtoe anrl coirreot, copy of the otnriintit r tirtar. awt in oertllit ..r "1 rOO dal trt i hl'or.hof. a *w extant in my current regsgter. nri faitlh wiet-tf I grant thesa n cit ci to utdr nay is rni tint iitaltroa of my omriel i atttt, this it ghth tlay or May, A. I), in". my2 EDWARD IVY. Notary I'Pilic, TAXNOTICES $PJCIAI, t4ELJOICL Oyieitm TAX AoL'zcroxr. Tarari T~itThIr, I'arIuh of I) 1r"' na, %&ty 'r 1177. Property owners of tfit, T hInd ,iuut'iRt aire herehy notified that I am nt~w pt' tart~d to rno. caive ocrrert anti mrk T XE+ ON iZ ;tf. LEN TATK at No. 17 kspianado strirr. ny9 Im 8. L". PRO Tfll. ('ofotwtr. SPECIAL N#WTICF;. OrpYrre HTATh TAX ( rfrrE ro, Fifth Di.-trii, ilgira. 4t ifi 19 Ii. 1771 Al! rereona within the limits of thrho Fth DiF - tr~Ofttittlcc liri'tio~ tint! (ripit4D ttx aire nt"relt rtolfio'I thit the office. for 1ic 1"O. c itti, oif tsld tax'" iti nI'tw ,ven at tho tt',rnra of c'Enil aStl PaV srsgon ttret tis. Algiers. aplu tIf i'rtit' ax Ci,, "fr "D)OMESTIC." Having "om pietedi orrarngern cts with th Domesoic Howinc Mah in- Irompany for th9 ourthern agency of Letinr c lt)r:r:-d machineis I now tffer th. m in tho , pablic at thL LOWe&,L Ca h and Tine BIt0s. Thei.e maehines are warranted to be th,. iight e4t ruining moet dnrtbthile, ad impieet In eoa struorion of any iook-at tr~h ma blue made. A r.Aw stoek of Domestic anil 'U;ovoC and Biker" idaeblnes just reeeived, t"rover and rLrkr Sewing Machine Depot. H. U. T$tiF,1 Ne. s Iratan.. 53Wee,.Nw @mrkiau. a u as