Newspaper Page Text
JUDICIAL ADVERTIIEIrNTS. AUCTI4ON 1IAIE . By Nash & Hodgeon. CLAIM AGAINST THE OITY. MUCCES.ION OF DANIEL E. MANDELL. 'oeond DistrictCourt Parish of Orlcans-Dock ot No. 39.531. 71Y NASH & HODOHON-W. I. Hodgson, Auc - tioner, office No. 13 C(rondolet street-)n MONDAY. Juky in. 1I77, at 12 o.l.e~~iin.. fttho Mt.Charles Auction Exchante, in tIp basogient rotunllda of tlhe Ht. Ciharles Hotel by virtuo and In pursuance of an order of the IHen. A. L TLi sot. Judge of the Mecond Distrlct (ourt for the parlah of Orleans, dated July a, 117, dtocket No. It.. ,a for account of the succession of Daniel E. Maodoll, deceased, at public auction, will be mold- ALL THE RIGHT. TITLE AND INTEREST of the above deceased Daniel E. Mandell, in claim against the city of New Orleans for ser vloes rendered by lmi to said city as 4Dperln tendeht and hliel Insnectorof PI'ublic Works in the Surveyor's Department, from Orto.e',t. 171, to 1875, as evidenced by city approprialon cer tilicates and the pay roll of the city, amounting in the aggresgat to $1220 33. as morm' Darticu larly describled in the inventory on file in the succession records of the above court. Terms--Cash on the spot. jyn 11 In By Placide J. Spear. I'UlTNITURE. HINGER'I HMEWIN(G MA CIIIN., ETC. IN THE MATTEIR OF THE MINORSD BRECH TEL. Sleod District (iou rl fr the IiParth ofOrlealns NO. :t9.49!. LY 1'LA~II)E J. SPEAR Alutlonoer--Oflo.e No. 46 Royal street-T'UENDAY. July 17, 1877. at 10 o'clock a. m.. will be sold attpubhil auction, on Washington street, between An nunclation and Laurel streets, by virtue and In pursuance to an order from the honorable A. ,. Tissot, Judgn of the HMoond District Court for the parish of Orb ens, dated July 2. 1877, or' account of the above suRcesslon the contents of said premises, consisting in HOIT EH(OIl) FURNITURE. HINGER'S rIWING MACHINE. Et.. Terms-Cash. jyt 12 17 VALUABLE IMPROVED) PROPERTIES ON Ht. Peter street, between Villere and Rtobert son. and corner of CUliborne and Conti streets, S0eond District. MRS. CAROLINE WITTE VS. CHARLES DOERNING ET ALS., FOU A PARTITION. Second District Court for the Parish of Orleans No. 39,477. 'Y PA0CIDE J. SPEAR, AUOTIOWPER B Ofoe No. 5a Royal street--TUEYEDt .. August , 1877, at 12 o'clock m.. will be sold, at the Metrhants and Auotioneers' ,liueba o Royal s ett. between (.uoquse. streets, by vrtue and in purset ,to <. meat rndere June 2 an i 1077. by the lien. A tL.TlIassr otq h fkgao tie econd District Cour for te r rans, in the above entitled matter,the fotfowtag de scribed orooertle, to Wit 1A ETAIN OR ION OF'GROUND. ht uated in Faubourg Trne. S, ANo l otr It of this oityf beIng the l oa aceort.. 1.T du desiguaiu by toe o. 3 of square tu tled Orleans, St. Peter, Villlre and Rbetao streets, according to a elan drawn by H. Pille, deputy surveyor of the First MIdnicipality of tl.s ily dated 2l December. 194. and de posited in the offiee of Jues Miony, notary. which said lot of ground measures, American measure. 2 feet I inches front on St. Peter street by a dept os 57 eoot 2 inehee 9 lines be tween parallel lines. bounded In thereat to wards Orleans street by the other half of sfid lot No. a; to or wit all and singular the uildA I eTAI-OT OF iu . tethr with a e btil ings and lm rovemegtstihoe on and a purtenances thereof, endall tie rihts, ways, servitudes, privileges and adatege belongn. orinanywiseappertaining situated, ly and In the Seeond pistet o this 8 city In the square bounded y ailorje. DerbiRny Conti and St. Louis streets, ea. nat ed b the lo. 1 of square aS, and hasing Ena 1hh measuire 21 feet n inches a lines front on laiborn estreet. by 7:L feet 9 inches deep and front on Conti street, of which it forms the cor ner. Terms--ash on adjudication. Acts of sale beforeC. T. Honiat, Esq., at the expense of purchasers. jyf 13 20 27 al3 7 By A. H. Peas. SUCCESSION OF ELLEN FARREL. Sooond District Court for the parish of Orleans- No. 8s,887. BY A. H. PON8, Anctioneer-Otfi No. . Ca roadelet street-On SATURDAY. July 21 - 1877, at 12 o'clock m., at the Morohants and Auctioneers' Exchange, on Royal street. be tween Canal and Customhouse streets, will be sold at publlo auction, pursuant to two orders . of the Second District Court. rendered in the 'above entitled successlon, the following de scribed property, to wit THE ONE UNDIVIDED HALF, RIGHT a TITLE AND TNT C1VtEST IN AND TO TWd J 'CERTAIN LOTS OF GROUND, with the build ings and Improvements thereon, situated in the First District of this city, in square No. St, bounded by Gasquet, Prieur, Canal and John- e son streets' the one designated as lot No.1. on a a plan of J. I'llie, surveyor, dated Mav 1. 1840, a' deposited in the ottlce of D. L. cCay. late notary, and the copy thereof made by H. A. Hedin, architect, dated March 11. 151. and do posited in the office of Michael Gernon no ory public, and measuring 27 feet 7 lines froht on eald Gasquet street, by 109 feet 10 inches a lines in depth and front on said Priour street, and forming the corner of Gasquet 'and Pricur streets; and the other designated as lot No..o, on the plan of the said Hedis, architect, and p measuring 27 feoot lines front on Gasquet tl street by the same depth as and adjoining the Ct prceding lot. * Terms and conditions-Cash. Act of sale at the expense of the purchaser. a' before Andrew J. Armstrong., notary public. ' ie20 28 jy6 14 2t It _______________ LEWIS' PREPARATION of Fine dast Steel to the Sulphuretted Dust. Those having used and tested the value of this compound are respectfully informed that it can be had at the Drug Store of I. L. LYON and many other druggiste of this city. To the uninitiated and skeptical I will say that. in placing it before the public. I have de viated from the whole conclave of inventors "of the surest and best anti-bilious medicines." etc. I allude to their invariable-seoresy of ingre dients. The usual and only other mode in pro ducing Suluhuretted Iron is by the hydrogen process, where it is made by hundreds of pounds for the commerce of the world, and is not to be depended on, as it contains too great a proportion of carbon (oharcoal), which cannot be ~voided in the process of their manufac turing it. This Sulphuret of Refined Steel is the pure sulphuret of steel, having not a particle of for eign matter in its combination. It is made by hand. Those eminent professors of chemistry and physicians of France, together with the United States Dispensatory, state that the great object in administering iron is to get the greatest quantity into the gastrie juice of the stomach, as it is intendad tn renovate and purify the blood, and its known 'ue as a tonic. my4 tf W. T. L DR. FARRIS, A REGULARLY EDUCATED PHYSICIAN, Continues to give his ENTIRE ATTENTION to the treatment of venereal and private diseases. Recentcisescured inashorttime. Longstand. ing constitutional ailments are treated with un paralleled success. Spermatorrhcea. Seminal Weakness or Nervous Debility and Impotency. -as the result of evil habits in youth or excesses, which produce some of the following effec's: As -emissions, blotches, debility, despondenc, nervousness. dimnessof sight, coug -constipation. .,nfusion of ideas, and unfitting -the victim for business or marriage, arespeedlly cured. A physician who confines himself ex e clusively to the treatment of a certain class of diseases must posse ssgreat skill in that special ty. A medical pamphlet for two stamps. Medicines supplied. Consultation free. Cures suaranteed. Hours: 9 a. In ,to 7 . m.; Sundays rom 7 a. m. to i p. m. Ofil' No. 21 Exchange Place, between Canal and Customhouse. myl2 ' F. BUSCH, GUN AND LOCKSMITH. No. 13 Commercial Place. New Orleans. BELL HANGING, IRON RAILRINGS, AND General House Work attended to at short otices and reasonable pricer. Also, Vaults, ieks and Conying Presses repaired ; Duplicate K irs of all desoritious made. Safe repair J apeaatY m79 '77 ly sUMMER UZIORTs. SEA SIDE HOTEL, Bay St. Louisp Mies. Accommodations the best on the Lake Shor and at most reasonable terms. SUNDAY DINNEIRS A SPECIALTY. jelt Im cod A. D. FISHER, Proprietor. MONTUOMERY WHITE SULPHUR SPRINIUS. Great Reductions in Rates of Board -AT THE Montgomery White Sulphur Springs, VIRGINIA. REDUCED TO $40 PER MONTH. Accommodations equal to any in the Mountains of Virginia. Dining room under the management of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. JORDAN. Fine Livery Stables. Ton Pins, Billiards, Cro qelot. Fishing, Hunting, Boat Rides and Drives. In fact every convenience for the comfort and pleasure of guests. * MUSIC. The MARINE BAND of Annapolis, Md. No Staging-All Railway Travel The cars land guests In Reception room, on the lawn. AccoUneodations for 1000 Guests. Proprietors refer to E. A. Tyler, Dr. A. A. Gates. Capt. T. L. Airy, Walter Flowers. Jules Blanc. T. J. McMullin, W. B. Brockett, Col. B. N. Ogden. or SCOL. W. B. GREGG, Southern Passenger Agent for the Kenneesaw Route, office corner Camp and Common streets. je 2sm COLHOUN & CO.. Proprietors. MONTROSS HO1USE, Biloxl. Missidelppl. The Montress House is now open for the recep- 2 tion of guests. The undersigned respeotfully informs his friends and the traveling pnulic generalry that the house has been thoou hly renovated, re fitted and imDrovetneafs made to suit the most exacting. Noo pains or expense will be spared to kebp the Montrls House up to its usual standard-frst viqas in every res ect. Terms modrte, 'Special rates to families and per anaent guests. ms or letters for. rooms promptly at to trnished to ex0qutlonists at t. l1 em P. J. MONTROSS. Proprietor. GRAND ISLE HOTEL. On Grand Isle Gulf shore, Sixty Miles DI- r rectly South of New Orleans. Reached by stean boat byway of Little and Bia Barataria Bayous, Rgolets, Little Lake. Grand Bayou and Baratarla Bay. e The Only Surf Bathing In the South. n As fine a Beach as there I in the world. Per fectly ae. No under-tow. Mesr s BATTY & WISE have leased the GRAND ISLE HOTEL for a term of years, and n will gauadantee to eatisfy the public with oom- . bgrtatbl rooms. clean beds and good table, be- n sides furnishing easy and comfortable access to 1 the beach, andevery reasonable luxury and ai meaas of pastime and amusement that can be desired. T.ey have produced a revolution in e the management of the Hotel and in their ar- O rangement for the comfortand pleasure of their guests. d; Madame IRIEINHART, of New Orlea s. will I have charge of the HOUSEHOLD DEPART MENT of the Hotel, and will give her careful f( and skillful attention to the comfort of the lady le and children gues The steamer BILY COLLINS will ply regu larltybetWeen the city and Island. in connection E w the Hotl ea !ýng 4tlvey's Canal every TU 1,X anti SaTUflDAY at a. in., and real the Isle by sundown, landing at the Hotel wDrf--returning every MONDAY and TERMS: Per day ............................. $2 50 Per month ..... .............. 50 0 co Special arrangements wii be made with fami lies ad4 with excursion parties with regard to E ,a.age anttel raboe. .aoply for fuller ar- E as t. or to 8 my~o tC BEATTY & WISE, Proprietors. SHADY GROVE, c i SBILOXI, URBAIN RAIBAUT takes the pleasure to announce to his friends ane the puolic that he will reopen his hotel on JUNE 1. Gentlemen and families arrivingon excursion train can be aeiomnlodated with meals at all hours. Price very moderate. Meals funrnished excursionists. S1. Apply for terms for families at Rambaut's Exchange, 201 Decatur street, or at Biloxi, Miss. my29 2m POINT CLEAR. THE SEASON OPENED. The citizens of New Orleans and vicinage will be glad to learn that the superb new Hotel at tOINT CLEAR was opened for the season on the 15th inst.. and is now prepared for the re ception and entertainment of guests. POINT CLEAR combines more advantages, both for the seekers after health andpleasure, than any other water inplace in the South. Situateod in Mobile Bay. within a'stone's throw of the Gulf of Mexico it boasts surf bathing, pure, health.glving salt air, the finest fish in the world, fine besting and driving, biliard saloons and ten-pin alloys. The Hotel was built last year. and has. with its surroundings, been so improved as to make it a most delightful residence for summer. The beds aend furniture are entirely new, and the cuisine is especially excellent. There is com munication with Mobile twice daily, and parties leaving New Orleans in the morning arrive at the Hotel to dinner. The charges are moderate and special terms made for families. For particulars address H. C. BALDWIN, my17 2m Proprietor. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. LEON QUEYROUZE OS AR BOIS. QUEYROUZE & BOIS, Wholesale Grocers, DEALERS IN WINES AND LIQUOBS And all kinds of WESTERN PRODUCE, At the Blue Stores, Oorner Old Levee and Bienville streets, de14 '6 y1 New Orleans. GAS FIXTURES FOR SALE, Below New York Wholesale Prices, EITHER TO THE TRADE OR PUBLIC GEN. ER LLLY. Also a large supply of English Pipe Hooks Gas Fitters' Tools and Malleable Fittings can be bought, for cash, at less than factory quota tions, at 36 Camp street. ap27 ly JOHN G. FLEMING. Awent.E Southern Shoe Factory OF JOH1 HANSEN, 88 and 3I Canal street, New Orleans. TO ALL SOUTHERN CITIZENs. I am of the same opinion as yourselves and am determined to help build up the manufae turing interest of our native State in order to help the laboring classes and keep the money, which would otherwise go to the North, at home. Abeontaaragnita ar~. xy Faet.ry -.and by using the best material and payin my hands Dromptly. I have been enabled to extend my businems and support eoo women and children that would have otherwise left the State. In order still to increase my Factory. I would earnestl call unon the merchants, not only of the city but o the whole country, to give me their aid encourugemnt. One and aa mae. deItly JNO. HANSEN RESTAURANTS. BOUBOO'8S BEgSTAUBRNT, Lake Pontchartrain. The proprietors of Boudro's Restaurant in consideration of the present hard times and in order to retainu their past popularit. beg re spDtlfully to informl time publice that they hav, ItEATLY REDUCED THEIR P IIIEM. A visit to lioudro's Restaurant will convln.e the most incredulous. It is useless to say that the cuisine and service are first-class. jySe lt JARY & HAUSBBE, Proprietors. PHIENIX RESTAURANT. LAKE PONTCHARi TRAIN. Open for the seasnon. Visitors entertained at very reasonable prices. Bath hourses for fami lies and ladies are separate Irom the others, jy4lm TRI-INCONRIM. REASTA RANT -AND IC1 CREAM SALOON. OUT ON TIIE PIERI OF THE LAKE END -Of the PONTCHARTRAIN RAILROAD. The finest of fish, fresh from the lakes. Choice wines and liquors always on hand. All orders for meals can hbe lft, at TRISCONI'8, corner of Canal and Decatur streets where they will meet with proper attention. Prices mod erate. joel RAILROADS. THE ATLANTIC COAST LINE. PASSENGER ROUTES TO ALL POINTS NORTH AND EAST. Reorganized for tile Sunnmer of 1877. Working out of New Orleans via the N. O. and M. It. h., and presenting the following attractive lines to the attention of all North-bound Tour ists and Travelers: Route No. 1-All Rail. Via Montgomery Columbus, Macon. Augusta, Wilmington, arichmond. SRHours, New Orleans to New York. The same time always as by any other line. Pullman Bleeping Cars to Opelika. Solid Day Trains thence to Augusta, with Pullman Bleeping Cars attached at Macon for Wilmington. Through train Wilmington to Richmond and New York with leant Iarlor Cars attaohod to Richmond-thence Pullman Bleeping Cars to New York. ALL CHANGES AT SEASONABLE HOURS AND INTO CLEAN AND PROI'ERLY VENTILATED tARS. Route No. 2--ay Line. Over the same lines to Wilmington as by Route No. 1. Thence by Special Parlor Cars to Ports mouth, Va. Thence, at 5:ao p. m, daily (except Stunday), by the magnolficent steamers of the BAY LINE to Baltimore. Thence by New York Express. arriving in New York at 2:0o D. m. A sixty-nine hours' run-only seven hours in excess of all rail time, with the advantage of an undisturbed night's rest and superior accom modations upon the Chesapeake Bay. Route No. --The Old Domlnion Line. The same Lines to Wilmington and Portse mouth as ioutes 1 and 2. Thence. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays at 5:3o p. m. by the magniflcent sidewheel steamships of the OLD DOMtI.ION OOMPAN , which invariably arrive at their New York wharves t.t9 p. m. A through run of 76 hdurs, combining the essential elements of Cheapness. Speed and Comfort. Pas enrs should leave New Orleans Batur days, Monday and Thursdays to connect close lywith th is cine For Tket, eks Time Cards, an. all in formaltoi ' ply t$a ofiloes of the New Or leans an . le. atlroLad A, P oneotl sraeti Aer ment. J. HW ITN, 4utern I enger Agent. H. W FOVLj tNewr QtI agent, corner St. Chatles ah . oamon streets. my4 tf GQnAT JACKION ROTV . NEW ORL A LINES D CHICAGO DOUBLE DAILY THROUGH TRAINS, will depart and arrive as follows: from Calliope stree depot from 1877: DUPaW. aJrvm . Express No. 1.5:0sop. m. 1 Express No. 2.10:30 a.m E._press No. 6.:30a. m. Express No. 4. 6:29 a.m noe. 1 and 9 run daily, a a a 4daily except PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING OABS through to Cincinnati, Louisville, Chicago. Cai ro add Milan, Tenn., without change, and for St. Louis a sleeper is taken on at Milan, enabling passengers tq go through without leaving the Friday evening's train makes no connection at Duauoin for hi o. Accommodation trains between New Orleans and MeComb (ity: Leave New Orleans 8:30 p. m. Saturday: and 7:30 a. m. Sunday. Arrive 9:20 p, m. Sunday, and 9:15 a. m. Mon daTickets for sale and information given at ._ Camp street, corner Common. under City Hotel A. D. SHELDON. Agent. E. D. FaoaT. General Manager. mho T" lodOoLAN ND MOBILE RAIL THE EAD-OBILE LINR THE GREAT THROUGH ROUTE TO THu EAST. NORTH AND WEST. Via Louisville via Atlanta an via St. roule. CARRYING THE U. S MAIL. Trains arrive and pepart from Depot. I t 0o Canal street, as follows: DEPART. ABBIV. Express......6:45 a. m. Express......1: a. m. Express...... 5:p V. m. Express...... 9:6 p. m. Coast.........3:15 p. in. I Pullman Palace Oars daily to Cincinnati, Lou. isville. Nashville and St. Louis without change, and only one change to New Fork and Eastern cities. Ticket Office. corner of Camp and Commos streets, opposite City Hotel. • D. B. ROBINSON. Superintend't. mh2 tf J. W. COLEMAN. Ticket Agent. CONSUMPTION Positively Cured. All sufferers from this disease who are anx'ous to be cured should try DR. KIS4NEt'S CELE BRATED CONSUMPTIVE POWDERS. These powders are the only preparation known that will cure CONSUMPTION and all diseases of the THROAT AND LUOGS-indeed, so strong is our faith in them, and also to convince you that they are no humbug, we will forward to every sufferer, by mail, post paid, a FREE TRIAL BOX. We don't want your money until you are perfectly satisfied of their curative powers. If your life is worth saving, don't delay in giving these POWDERS a trial, as they will surely cure, you. Price, for large box $3. sent to any part of the United States or Canada by mail on receipt of price. Address ASH & ROBBINS, ap16 ly 360 Fulton street. Brooklyn. N. T Slate Ro110 C'omositiou. Fire-Proofd Preservative Coating FOR SHINGLE AND METAL ROOFS. One cnoat will make shilngle motfs fire.proof, preserve them from decay, stop ordinary leaks, a proee the quality of the water; and is equal to several coats of ordinary paint as a preservative coating for metals, while the cost in but little. This Composition meets with an increased demand wherever once used, and muac not ibe confounded owith RooEfl Painis so ecdenirep adeeertecd bh eNoriena Jiems, as this is manufIactured by the undecsigned. Send for circular. EDWARD THOMPSON, Manufacturer and Dealer in Reeoing Materials, 90 Barone St., New Orleans, La. je13 lm NEW ORLEANS LAGER BEER. CASPAR LUSSE, Nos. 471 and 478 Chartres Street, Announceeto the -proprietors of BEEbIt SALOONS, and to the public, that having com pleted his immense apparatus for manufac uring LAGER BEER, He is prepared to sell the same AT A LOWER PRICE than auy other HOME-MADE ARTI CLE, and of as good uality as any similar arti. le producedin the nted States. mh m INSURANOE. M ERCHANTS' MUTUAL INSURANCE COM PANY OF NEW ORLEANS, in in 104..............Canal Street.............104 vo TWENTY-THIRD ANNUAL STATEMENT. In oonformity with the requirements of their 't charter, the Company publish the following statement: Promiums received during the year ending May 31, 1877, including unearned premiums of the previous year On Fire Risks...................... 861.296 52 St On Marine Risks................. 24.473 93 1 On River Risks ......... ...... .. .. 256.,679 7 Tote Premiums................. $411.449 82 Less Unearned Premiums ..... 11,115 oo00 Net Earned Premiums May 31. 1877 .......... . . .. 8293.33 82 Losses paid On Fire Risks .............$117,567 98 On Marine Risks ......... 17,052 1 D On River Risks ......... 3,596 77 Taxes and expenses, less interest..... .... 28,693 3s Reinsuranees and Rio turned Premiums.... 16,104 03 - $183.314 66 'relt............ .......... $110,020 16 The Company have the following assets: I- Real Estate . .... ... ...... ..$29,7 4 Cily Bonds ............. .. .. . .... 110.419 50 Bank. Bailr at and other Sto-ks and Mortuage Bonds ...... 169.235 56 Notes secured by mortgage ..... 214,042 06 Notes secured by pledge .......... 42,307 97 Bills receivable........ ....... 75,164 19 Premium in (oluro[ colletion:tl, . 49,07 93 Cash on hand ............. ... 77,007 53 '.otal.............................. $1.026,344 23 Shie abovy statement is a just, true and cor rect transcript from the books of the Company PAUL FOURCHY. President. 0 G. W. NOTT, Secretary. HTATE OF LOUISIANA, Parish of Orleaus. Ulty of 9tw Orleans. Sworn to and Subscrlbed befoft me the sev enth day of June, 1877. JAMES FAHEY, Notary Public. At a meeting of the Board of Directors, held on the seventh day of June, 1877, it was resolved I to declare a cash dividend of twenty per cent on ! the net earned participating premiums for the i year ending May 31,1877, payable on the third Monday of July next. Also, to pay to the Stockholders, on demand interest at the rate of five per cent per annum on their stock. DIRECTOR : P. Maspero, Hy. Beebe. 1). A. Chadfraix. E. Toby, P. Fourehy, J M. Allen, 8. Z. Relf, M. W. Smith. Charles Lalltte, D. Fatjo. jeo if J. J. Fernandez. TWENTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL STATEMENT ,n --OF THIE CRESCENT MUTUALINSURANCE COMPANY N!w OLEIANS, May 19. 1877. The Trustees, in conformity with amended charter, submit the following statement of the r- affairs of the company on the 30th of April, 1877: Fire premiums......1......188,068 51 . Marine premiums.......... 29,815 96 r- River premiums............ 81.924 35 8299,108 81 Earned premiums, less ro $2308 8 Insurance and ioturn pre miums .......... ... ....... 228,235 15 Losses paid and estimated, including all known and unpaid. say: Fire losses........867.335 60 Marine losses..... 7,285 41 SRiver losses....... 5,510 20 --$100.131 21 Taxes, expenses, discount in lieu 3t of participation, etc ............... 51,892 58 Less rents, salv t. age savings, etc. 11.766 72 g - - $40,125 86 $140,257 07 Gross profits...................... $87.978 08 Of which 856.587 35 is appropriated to balance 8 of interest and liquidation of doubtful assets. The company have the following assets Bills receivable--..............$68,68 38 Loans on Bonds and Mort Sgage ........................ 55,943 33:1 a$ 124,591 70 f Loans on call .... ........$74.554 15 Cash.. .................. :3,846 71 - 8 138,400 86 City Bonds .................. 72,055 00 Bank and other Stocks...... 73,415 63 Real Estate................ . 139,544 66 Premiums in course of Col lection and Suspense Ac count.--.................. . 33.415 94 Total assets ..-......... $581,423 79 The above statemenu is a true and correct transcript from the books of the Company. THI)S. A. ADAMS, President. HENRY V. OGDEN, Secretary. Sworn to and subscribed before me this nine. teenth day of May. 1877. W. B. KLEINPETER, No:ary Public. The Board of Trustees this day resolved, that after paying the annual dividend of TEN PER CENT Canital tock of Comprn any. thatadividend of TWENTY PElt CENT in cash be paid on MONDAY, June 11, to those parties entitled to receive the same. Thos. A. Adams. Fred'k Camerden Sam'l B. Newman, J. L. Harris, Sam'1 H. Kennedy, Andrew itewart, John Phelps, Joseph Stone, Adam Thomson. George Martin, Henry Abraham, Alfred Moulton, Victor Meyer, L. C. Jurey. Edward J. Gay. Edward Lalle, Joseph Bowling, Geo. W. Sentell, E Binon Hernshelm, A. Levi, t-imon Forcheimer, Wm. H. Matthew,. Jos. B. Wolff, Paul E. Mortimer. -t. B. Post, John V. Moore, Ed. Pilsbury, W. B. Conger, Jno. E. King, Henry M. Preston. my82 ly SUN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Paid Up ICapital, $500,000. c -- b FROM THE TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAl 0 STATEMENT FOR 1876. Net annual earned pre miums and Discounts and Interest .............. 407.95 Losses, Expenses, Taxes, C etc..... . ............ $277,207 94 Reserved fund $10,000. and Dividend on capital 10 per CeLt... ............... 9.547 47-336.755.. Net Profit .............. $71,2c.'3 Assets of tt.E,. ..vs.pany es timated at their cash market value: D Stocks, Bonds, Loans and Bills Receivable.......... 398,599 7E - Cash on hand and premi ums in course of collec tion........................ 186.698 4 856.298 21 J Dividesd paid on stock ten per n lper an num. and on participating policies twenty pe r01 cent. payable in cash. This old and reliable comany is issuing Doli cies on Fire, Rivera nJ Marine risks on the most 0 favorable terms. All losses promptly adjusted and settled upon liberal terms at their offce. 52 Camp street JAMES I. DAY, 1 President. H. A irzss. BSeoretary. jat ly w i kRAND PIP .----+sAND( CENTENNIAL EXPO SITIONte. AS THE BEST FAMILY SEWING MACH; Its competitors receiving only an award for some special feature of tVchines. The Worlirolnownlle Wilson Shttle Sewing Ma' Has Unlimited Capacity to do all kinds or Family Sewing and Mantng' ITS PATENT AUTOMATIC "CUT OFF" on the hand wheel pri the ma chine from rmnning backwards, and obviates the necessity of Ithe work from the machine to wind thread on tile bobbins, which muat 1e with all otlhr Sewintg Machines, to the great annoyance of the operatPciay la tucking, hemming and ruining. It does one-third more work tVen length of time than any other Sewing machine. WITH EVERY MOTION of the FOOT the MACHINE MAKESSTITCIIHE Thres Wilson Kachins will do as much work in o day a foi Yeains It requires no special instructions to use it; an Illustrated'tion Book is furnished with each machine, IT CANNOT GET OUT OF ORDER, AND THE ADJUSTMENTS ARE ABSAY PERFlCr. A properly executed Certificate is furnished with each mae guaranteeing to keep it in repair, free of charge, for live years. Ma3 sold on easy terms of payment, and delivered, free of charge, at any EIs Depot i mth United States where we have no Agents. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. 4" AgeaMl. tl For full particulara call or address WILSON SEWING MKAE 00, 189 Oanal (IEW OhLEAUS R. M. & B. J. MONTGt[ERY S Furniture Emprium, ARMORY HALL, 87 CAMP BEET. The Largest and Most Centrally Pated Furniture Establishment in the ty. -o Constantly on hand, and at the LOWEST MARKET PBIC1pe largest and best mselects' assortment PARLOR aOODS To be found in the Bout consistof Suits Upholstered in Brocatel, Cotoline, RBeerry and Hair Cloth, and Finished in 0i MARBLE TINLAID CARD and rANOC TA. *BLES' FrenocT MIRRORS and Patent heOW oHAIS sheo BOOM SUITS, rwith UT eneb Plate rDr seer, Dre Clsar and Armoire; s.agnMesl French Pite J.L STAND8, with HA[.L OHADI to match; DIG-BOOM and LIBRARY sUIITB e every grade. A coomletortment of MEDIUM and COMMON dFUBNInRi every grade muitable for ounty' Anarge el f boxed and knock down FParnitMe and Obirm. SPRING, IR and MOltS MATTRBE DHAI and FEdSl PILLOWS and BOLSTE~s, ma LOUNGES, de to order. ALL OF OUR GOODS ARE FROM THE B1 FACTORIES, BOTH EAST AND TWEST, AND OUR PRICES ARE TI LOWEST IN THE CITY. All Goods packed and shipped free of charge. Inking our friends and the puble for their past patronage, we solicit a continuance of3 same in the future. R. M. & B. J. MOFGOMERY, Armory Hall, No. 87 Camp treet, New Orleans. mh3 tf LED' :PCT=NDRPY, ESTABLISHED " 1825. Corner Delord and Ctstance Street. -----~- WE ARE PREPARED T(ANUFACTURE Steam Engines, Boilers, Sugar Mills, Furnaces Ir Burning Bagasse, Vacuum Pans, Clarders and Filters,. SAW MILLS. COTTON PRESSES, NETELL SCREWS, JUDSON'S GOVER NORS, GIN GEARING, FURN.NE MOUTHS, GRATE BARS, ALL KIDS OF PLANTATION AND STEAMBOAT WORK, And every description f Machinery for the South. We beg to call special attention to ourarge stock of SUGAR KETTLES. Havitg pur chased the entire stock of the Stacker IrorWorks of Tennessee, for which Mr. E. F. Laville. beuvre was formerly agent (and the onlygenuine Tennessee Kettles in the maret), we offer the same for sale, as well as those I our own manufacture, price list of which w will be pleased to furnish upon applicatin. LEEDS & CO. fells LE UNDERTAKERS. CHAS. 0. JONES. JOHN G. B(QHE, Formerly with Frank Johnson. JONES & ROCHE, 250 and 252 Magazine st..near Deerd. Undertakers and Embalmers. All business entrusted to the firm wil receive prompt and careful attention at moderate rates. Carriages to hire. 1a28 1v A Third of a Century. J. B. VINET, with E. VINET. OBOKEBY. CHINA. T7A88WAE. AND HOUSEFUBNISHING GOODS. Over thirty years' experience in the business. New store and new goods. %07 Ounal sreet, between Baruamdy a" Rampanrs smreet. te l P. 0. FAZENDE, Stock, Note and Bond BROKER, OFFICE-No. 175 COMION STFIET. mh4 tf PREMIUM BONDS ALWAYS ON HAND AND FOB BALE IN SUMS TO SUIT. iICpgOI W LEGISLATIYE WARRANTS Purchased by A. LzMOB$ ar No. 5 Galiler Oo9ts.