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UMMRIPP MALm. Jean w. Phiahofer va. Marens Muller. fl DITIrUOT COURT FOR Tilt PAR of Orleans. No. 54im--y virtue of a writ - surelnI att me dlreced by the hoenr i tie Filth srlrt Court fr te paisn t above nUtitd qus. wl to Isll at puaic uintion, at th to and Aunotoneer' xorante,. o een strict of this a ty. on 8A T. .. . ýrst a 1 7, at 12 o' otr k m.. the fol with all the Jmn eiits thereon and all the rkibta, Wnyr. ea and advantlaes t lrouanto beln. or n appsertainig, nattn d li I Dtrs.t or n his itLy, dsinated by thl , sixla s en.e, n .. tee d a oyeven, t i t inate s uiRIr thirtya. -nine, bounded b ,I van.aMagistrate and Lw st.rcts - an drawn 'y UtPrles aC. rawryrord.d , notary pnlla tn Ltl city: sald ot t each other, tand measure na fbtllows: m.tmetr six. thlrty-thre feet four inch at u .gistraste street by one hundred gnn fty t two inchen in depth: lot number Sthirty-three feet five inhlle front on rate Street by *udred nd sixty t two iches In depth; lt numiler eglaht. i three feot forjlr' ihe front on Magistrate t by onehundred and sixty font two Inchea e and lots umlte nine. ten and lo !&oh htirtI4]vo feet front on Havana street b I no ne hund recd and ton fret In depth - said lot tU* r oio frmnsirly the ool nor of Matistrate rv in srtý. It O ti i GIOUND with all the Im S aitp mflmsr ta ereon and all the rights, ways :G..rl ollnes and advaintrUges Ibelonging aitullteo in stame albirvo desetrllamd dlsriot and unare. desgrlnaltd by ither numbre twerlve anr Sae. , on the slame above quotald plan; saidl lots aoining each ether and mnltaiurre onrh foer one linch front on Havana street e hundred and ten font in do th. tll" satle iroPirty arlulred try the te i snt herein by frm Utote. Nlrek - js per jft lefore J Isepli (aloln, notar publl ll In ,dated twe.ntiet Ju te, ise. ltdi the ln(vle suitu. rtl --. In cash for It ufflehLent amount to lt loltlatifs jalei, slt Iy (he psu n of two hlllt a' idf y dollars, with interest thereon at i per it per anntum fromn the twlntieth S uatlry, s187 until tUe dny of snid, Ilve : a!lt trne'tys fel Inid ralts of suit. lI. Ti • to arsn ln (to the extent of the amount of his bild) teo payment of three prom ey note. sta'urva bry mrortgage on said prop ry, drlwn by defendant t her own order anti . inh indorild, datet on the twtUtleth of ttne, i5se, each for the like sum of two hundred ad fifty dollar, tpayanle respectlvely at two, .raee.d four years after datr and bearlng in erest at thea rte f ei'ght per 'riat per annumt tramte until paid ii, And the bhalape of the i iprie of adjudloatlon, I any, ash ion tie .poi, PtiOiAs II. HANDY. Civil Shorlif of the Parish of Orleans. Life Asnelaatien of America va. Iorense SD-ISTRI T FOR THE PAR S of Ort. tit . -ly virtue of a writ Sl alre tomdlretd by the hon: t h iitriot lurt for the parish of S nu, tn to above enie o au e, wll pro k;. d .o eery' Exchange a. treh Sand Ousto moues strqet. I tba : n4 iltriot of this city on SATUID)AY, t. 1611, at 1I 'olot an.. the following L ý GRONIt) situated k the'. i tl tjtxn.ate thtis city. In the square -quno y wre, Laurel. Lyons and h ot atr aet , and comrlintwelve lots of and (n the late suburb We ot ollny, I patl by the letters A, B. C , E. l, H. IJ,,Ln aqua nuniber eight, aeordlng to ~,,janjlaode by Ii. Thiell, architect, andt dopos : iI tl e on of the tt rveyor of thle tat. citj : Of ' efferson. La A. B, c, . D.F.O. it, I, d, Smure each thirty eto front on Ljaurel street by one hundred feet in depth, be .Ween parallel lines, ald lots K and L. meatIre each tweuty-lve feet on Blordeaux -t by adeptlh of one hundred and litty feet. e rallel lines; lot letter A forming the eO.r of Laurel and Lyons ath .tsa, and lot let Sta J forms the oorner of Bordeaux and Lyons streets. Five lots of rounrt, desinated by the ; numbere twelve, thirteen, fourteen. fifteen and aiteen of said ecare number eight. in West q alny ald lots adjoin each other, and isure each thirty feet Irront on Jersey street Ly a depth of one hundred feet, between parallel ifees _wo lots of around in said square num ellnht, deignateod by the numbers fivo and la ,coording it plan made by O. A. Hedin. Ite surveyor, dated twenty-sixth hi ovemtrer, lets, and also to a p'an by G. T. Dunbar, late --rvyotr,. dated eighteenth of Febtruary. las. .hilians are deposited in the ofieo of L. It. nny, late notary; said lotsadjol each other -ýnd mealure each twenty-flve toot front on tIyonlstreet by adepth of a hundred and fifty 9. THREE LOTS OF GROUND. situated in Rickervlllo. iQ the Sixth llitatriot of this city, -i quare number sixteen of said Ftutbonrg o ervilll, which is bounded by Laurel, Val wmont. Leontine and Live Oal streets; said lots e designated by the numbers ten, eleven and yle on two plans, on therr' ft made by ]l. u ion nand Thompson, surveyors, on the twenty-third of March, 1849, nd thea other by Adolphe Knoll. architect, dated the nlo rteonth If January 1is2, deposlted in the ofteloo of te Gratam notary public in this city a Iletqi whereof It annexed toan act assnled b. tore arpest Commnaere. notary, on the twenty ith ofJuly, 170 s ald lots measure each twenty seven feet two inches front on Valmont street .y a depth of one hundred and thlrirty-lright feet even nches seven lines, all betweon ST O CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND situated theaubourg West Boulayig, i the Bixth trit of this city, in the nouare C. of said aubourg. bounded by Tehohupltoulas, or Levee. rdeaux and Front streets, andi a common ey; said lots being designated by the num five and six. on a plan made by Herny oelhauaen. date dtllh twentleth Decemtber. I144. poslted in the ofitce of the late L. R. Kenny, notary; said lots atjoin each other and meas re eh twentytt-eig lt feet front on Front street byadepth of one huniredt and sixty feet be twnel) Drallel lines. I1 FTVE LOTS OF1 GROUND slturiated In the -.tbourg West Boulltny. in tlh. Hlxth District f this city in talt arlotro Iuwlher etlean t iof hie original plan of said Ifauboiurg, which ia entd eby Valence, Laurel. Bordeaux aitnd e Oak (or O.snetrantr) streets, and teing delnatd bay the nuumbrs flfteen, seventenr. iheen nineteen and twenty. acsrording to a Smade by R. W. Ttdd surveyor. of the lat, y of Jefferson. datal November i. lseoo. d lots meanure, aordida to said plan. nit oll owa: Lot nnimber fifteen. thirty feet frontoon lrel street by one htindrcd aid fifty-six feet Sdepth betweenoo parallel tnes; and lots num seventeen, eightlen, nineteen and twenty oin each other and measure, each, twenty ix feet front on Valence street by a depth, eatch between parallel lines. of one hundred and twenty font-lot number seventeen formlng the c oer of Valence and Laurel streets. Together with, all and singular, the building sud Improvements on the bald several proper ties and the appurtenancns thereof, rights, a.. Drivilenas and advantagee thereunto be. ln or inJd any wise aPpertaining: which - operties were a quired by the defendant -aere1 n.l follows, to wti-: The first described twelvelots from Thee. Friend and others, as per act before T. Michrel. rcorder of the late mag o e Jentorson, dated January 29, iagi. .aeulr a ., beor, 2enoe r Hugh Maydden, notary, Sed.. eo anomprlod i thea nineteen lots t lnote ,ab~vi saalientutel, reacauied lottwelTiof oeaor. tpurt a per act before i. tam ibell notary parble, in the parish of Jef ferson, dated Jatnuary l1. 15s; and lot thirteen of the sam!e, as prr act before p. y. D)avis. no tary trub.. dared Antril 9. end aot. fie and six o! saM niineten tots fromed. Rl Chefvllea s irerdat before P. E. DIavis. datttl March 17, 17e July 85. la7n, from Ropt. Huygnh. the threo lots seoondly described. as per act before K. Corn maagere, notary t1ublia trom Frmnk HunnJan nary 28. 1171, the two lots thardly dHueribn Jn per aet before same notary: May 2'. 1d7ei I,- ni act before same notary. Irom I.T Buckner, lot number fifteen, and from Wan. M. and J. H. --ven lots seventeen, cighteren, rnineta.n and twenty, all f urthly desearibred heized In the abravw uit. Term-Careh on the spnt. THtaMAS H. HANDY, Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Oriluea. jiyl 27 au9 18 )y17 'I aus is DR. FARRIS, A REGU.zARLY EDUCATED PHYSICIAN, Continues to give his ENTIRE ATTENTION to the treatment of venereal and private S ecentcaseseured in ashorttime. Longstano ing constitutional ailments are treated with un paralleled success. SpermatorrhaBa. Seminal Weakness or Nervous I ebility and Impotency. as the result of evil habits in youth or excesses. which produce some of the following effee s: As emissions, blotches, debility. despopdeney. 4~ ianess, nervousness,diinneesof sight. Soastipation. a nfusion of ideas, and unfitting thse aim for business or marriage, are speedily fi d A pbysician who confines himself ex atsiveir to the treatment of a certain class of duleaaeaust pos. greatakill in that s.seial . ... dil nA for two samps JUDICIAL ADVITITUMEIlNTI. pNHRIPP MALaI. Lafayette FIre Insurance Company vs. Ilelko Elben Rlmnmers. t TAI" D ISTRIOT COURT FOR THE PAll. J1I of Orleans, No. 7an1-By virtue of a writ Iabl the FIfth District Court for the perish of Orl s. tI the above enttled cause. I will pro el atpu tion, thle lSercha Iand Auctioneers xt .nge, loyal str t.t bI tween Canal and oustom house stretta an the econd District of this city, ot TUJ AY Jul 24. It??, at I2 o'clock m., the following described A TL ITHE tf RHT, TITLE AND INTERlENT I- of said dnfendant in and to a certain claim or n demand ant forth in the petition i. the suit en Ih tilled "H. .. Ionmmners ve. the Lafra'yeý Fire 1, Insurance (klm nan y,' No 791eW of th e diocket otif I the Filth I)lrtrlrt Court for the parish of Or leans, for the sum of three thousand live hlim Sdred dollars, based on an alleged brear'h of con 'I tract. ;a Bloed in the above sult. t: Terms--This being the seco4nl and lasuc' lilon, tbh said property will bie deflinltely nUli Scatedl to the ll iglest and last bidder tr what r It will bring, at twelve months' credit. tha lpur n chaser furnishing bond, with good and solvent y security, boar ng eight per cent interest per an t, nuo from date. bald Vurchaser will have to e deduct and pay In Rash tih prlnting sherliff's 5 and clerk's tces, ctdc., which amount to aLbou nl twenty-live dollars. OMAH.HANDY y THOMAS H. HANDY. t Civil Shleriff of the Parish of tilcans. 0 iv11917 94 - IEmugene Trolagros vs. Imile Juvllle Manl d del and lth.e sue'esuion of Heilen I'wviIgles, E. 1'. larker ndlnlnlnstrator, I OU TII DIITR ICOTCOUR'P FOR THIEPAil i' sh of O)rleals, No. 44.lnlo--lly vlirtue of it writ h of seizure pnd sale, to me dlrireidl by the honlor ,t ait 0 the Forth l)ltrlhet , tll't for tho parish of Orleans, in the nl.ovc ntltHld cllate, I will pro e cerd to cell itt public naltion, at the Meiohanl,.s k and Anlltioneersl' Exchange, loyal strceet, ih k tween Clanal and 0Utltomhouse streote inI the nSecond Ilistrict of this city, on HAT(TII)AY. July 2a. 1577, at 12 o'clilock ll., the following Sdesertntd llronerty to wi' A PORT'ION OF (Ot.UN). with the build I s tnand Improvemtont thereon sItuated In the Snew FPuhourg Marigny, in the ''hird Distrlet.o ithlis city, in the escarO comprised witlhin Urll n hart, liagatelle, d(trod and Mt. Anthony troeets. whloh portion of uround having about seven teen four inches five lines front on sald lnagatelln street by one hundred and twentll I seven feet ten Inches five lines in depth f between parallel lines, and dostgnated by the number three on a plan made on the first of , Jl, 157,, by J. Strehlor, depoeit+d In the oeflto of, ap h (uvilllir. notary pwhile In this tlr.y. Which said portion of ground riling part of two lots of ground, designated by the numbers one end two. .cquireod by Joan O11lie from Al x nnder, Jr., per act of date July in 15h7. before Philippe Lacoste, late a notary public in this city. teing the same property ncquired by the de d fendants herein by purebcrh from sald Olioe, aw per act nDpaed before said notary. Jioseiph CuIl villier, dated sixth of August, 157a. It Mleind in' the above ult, Terms-Cash on the Rlot. i T HOMA H. HANDY. Clvil Sheriff of the Parish of.Orleans. a je20 jyl 17 29 e John L. tearry vs. A, . W. Ialdder. IFTH DISTRIOT COURT FOR THE PAR 1'Ih of Orleans. No. 4e41- 1 virtue of a writ of slure and sale, directed by the honorable tne Fifth Distrlct Court for the parish of Or. leans, in the above entitled cause, to W. P. Har per, Into Sherlff, by him transferred to Eugene Waggaman also late Sheriff, and by this latter to me transferred. I will proceed to aII at publio auction, at the Merchants and Auctioneers' Ex change, Royal street between Canal and Cue tomhousn streets. in tile H',ciond District of this 'ty , on TUESIDAY. July 17,1877. at 12 o'clock m., te follwing desrilbed provp yrt wit AItAIN LOT OF -( )IUND, tºgether with the buildings and improvements thereon and sopurtenane.t thereof. Fltuated in the Fall bourg Iafayette, In the Fourth Dslttrict of this city In tihe stuare bounded by Jackson, Jo se ephine. Nayades and 'lrytanta streets, desig nlted as lot number twelve, on a plan made by W. Thornton Thomlsol. late surveyor dated the twenty-fourth of June. 1541. according to which plan the said lot, forming the corner of Nayoy ee and Josepo inc t reets, measure thlirty= one fnet eleven inlhens lvi lines front on Nay I ades street, by one hllndred and seventeen feet one inch six lihes in depth and front on Joseph-' ne street. Being the same property which the defendant herein acquired by purchase from William Irvine, by act p.ased before Theodore O. Stark, a nollty public In thi city, dated the twenty-first of November, 15a. Selned In the above suit. Terms--Cash on the spot. THOMAH II. HANDY, Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. jch15 9 jy 17 New Orleans avinlgs Institution vs. Arthur Poinoy. FrHIRID DISTRICT COURT FOR THE PAR. Slh of Orleans. No. 9.,722-By virtue of a writ of seleure anld sale tome directed by the honora ble the Third District Court for the parish of Or leans in the above entitled cause I will proceed to sacil at public auotion, at the ierchrants and Auctioneers' Exchange, Royal street, between Canal and Oustomhouse streets. In the Second Districr of this city, on TUESDAY, July 11.1877, at 12 o'clock m., the following described prop erty, to wit A CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND. sltunted on the batture in front of the Second Munitpalty of this city. In the square bounded by Fulton. Lafayette. Front and lirod streets, and desig nated, on a plan known as plan of J. A. Beard i'ulycertllled by Hugh Grant, late eurvevor of sald municipality, under date of the twelfth of January. 15l9, deposited in the office of I. B. Oenas, late a notary public in thsl city. by the number one, and mea.uring, as per said plan, twenty four feet two inches sooln lines front on said Fulton street and twenty-four feat three inches three Imnes front on said Front street. py one hundred and seventeen feet six inches two lines in depth and front on saHi La'ayette street. andi o011ne hundred and seventteen feet eight inh11o three lines in depth on tie line dividing It from lot numlbr two. all Amnerican measllur. Being the same property alquilred by tue df(lifnda.nt by pllrhaseo from A. 1). (lrossman. actlng as Mayor of the city of Now ()rlealn. as per act beforo said H. B. (,Onas, notaury, on the thirty-first day of March. 1iat. trized in the above suit, Tcernls-Cas.h on the spot. THOMAS H. HANDY, Civil Sherlff of the parish of Orleans. eaoli)v7 17 .1 New Orleans navilngs Institution vs. Spencer FieJd. THIRD DISTRICT COURT FOR THE I arishinf Orleans, N'. 23.725-By virtue of a writ of seizu r and sale, to me directed by the honorable the Third District Court for the par ish of Orleans in the above entitled cause. I will proceed to sell at public auc:ion. at the Mer chants and Auctioneers' Exchange. Royal street, between Canal and Customhouse streets, in the Second District of this city, on THUIIS DAY, August 9, 1877, at 12 o'clock m., the lol lowing described property, to wit 1. A CERTAIN I.OT OF GROUND. situated in Fanbourg Livaudais. formerly part of the city of Lafayette. in the parish of Jefferson. now part of the Fourth Dist ict of this city of New Orleans. in the square number six of the said fauboarg, the saiu square being bounded by xth. Seven iht Levee and Fulton streets ; said lot of ground is de-ignate d by the number seven, on a plan made by Henry 3Moelhausen, late surveyo-, and deposited i , tue offie ,f the late L. R. Kenny. notary public. The said lot measures forty-eight feet front on Sixth street, between Levee and Fulton streets, by a d pth of one hundre I and twenty-seven feet two inche-, between parallel lines, per the said plan: whi,. said lot number seven is comtpose l of the origi nal lot number six, on thl' original pan of said Faubourg Livaudais, deposited in the office of G. I. btringer late a notary pub'ic in this city. 2. 4 CER L'AN PIECE Olt PlIRTION OF GROUND, situated in the sail Faubourg Livau d is. now part of the Fourth Districtof this city. in the said square bounded by Sixth. Seventh. Lee,. and Fulton streets, forming part of the original lots numbers thirteen and fourteen. and marked by the letters A, H. C, D, E. F, on a sketch annexed to an act of sale pas-ed before J. It. Borgstede. Darish recorder of the parish t of Jefferson in this State, d ted February 24. 1853. Said piece or orrionof grou',d measures as follows, to wit: From A to B. the lower limit. one hundred and one feet four inches, fr ,m B to C thirty feet front on Sixth street; from C to i., on the utper limit, titty-four feet flve inches; and from D to E. on a par dllel line to Sixth street, thirty feet; tromn E to F at right angles withbixth street forty-six feet (leven inches and on the rear line F to A. sixty fee. all American measure. Together with all the buildings and improvements on said lot. pie se or peor ion of ground, ri 'its, ways an alvan tages thereunto belonging or in anywise apper taming. • Being the same Property acquired by the de fendant herein by purehase friom James 1 Stafford. as per act passed b*.fore John French < , ffey. a notary public in this city, dated Octo- I ber 7. 18s3. 8_eted in the above sui. WTeaems sOag: th JUDICIAL ADV'RTIIm dIIZ3. lElIRIGPFP MALlM. A. Riohereaus & Co. as. Leon lMas, Jr., ot al, i O.ON)D .1)1(All D IIITIOr T (COUltT FOIR to thn Ixta ritnd 14venth Mmtlioild I)la triots of the parish of ()rlr'as No. 944 - I vfitun of na writ of mhsiurnani smno, ito In lrronrtdl by the honorabitl the Hetndl .Jidl clai DistriCt Court for the Sixth Uald Htnventh Muniipal Districya of the parish of Orleans itn the ahbov enttitld cau.n. I will pronrcenl to) Mil at a puhllo auction, t, the Mnrchants aInd Aut. inqlctnrs' 1xcthlango, ito yal street, ietween Canal and Cust mnhomuse sttret, in the Heonedl 1i1st rlit of this elty on TUIu DA ¥. July il. ll77. .at i r o'clchk m., the following dh.,ribd property. to A. A CERTAIN HQUAItE OF (IROUNID, . gather with the improvemena' thereon. antd all rights andl pr iviligns4therotoo blonging. sMituatid in the Mixth I)istrint of this city (formntrly in the olty of .JelTforma a;id p~rish of .leffers6n In thls ttite)l. in that portion thereof commonly ealied Faubourg Avart. and decsiglnated rus squlare nu rn Iher forty-elight. inld houndt d by l'rytania, P.'r rier DufiMsetd and Montat streis., is tpr it plan b ty W. lorshly. late survoyor, dnoasit.el for roferl'leloe in the oifl'e of (I. (i. Latlrycre., atoi ai t notar pullIlil in this city, ancording tir whic h plalt aid spaqlrl' Is dividoed into sixteelin lots nutnhereid frim one to sixteen Ilnlusive, andl Itots nmll era one and eight, mnleasllrle (tch thi rt y fe't ;lHe numnbhrs twunld Slsven atch thirty-onll feeat. andtl its umlllers three. four. livn land six orh thirtly-two feet front on Pelrrier itrio.t,, by olne humniRred anId one foit In dtleth , Iet.weon tarallel Iio's; lots nulitmber lllnn and si xteen mnclne rn ach thirty footit its ni mbers tanm and fifteen each thirty-one feot, and iotsl nnltmers Iwe, vn nm,inven thirthien elnd furlllll oineh thirty-twyo L'ot, front on I'ryl.antli Mtriwi;t biy i.In hullndtred fe.rt tin IIIchIca IIn deptl h, billtwliln - patrallei lin,, all Amnerican o11.iasuto 2. A CltT'AiN ttl.) IAtE OF Iteo UND) tanther with the imDrovernmnts thereon, ad atll ti(e rlihts and privilegKes thereto holongi nig, ait ateld SIn the Mixth Distretof thlii oily (lirnmerly In tin afllty and parish of JeTffrson. ill tllis ttiatol, bhounded by Aust.nIrllt. l'errior. ti-niral Taylor Sandl Pitqultnmine strmots. and deltgnath' by thIn numbrlrforty-night on it plln drawn by A. H. ' Pnllps, surveyor, under ntlo.e or Fetiruary In l4ti), and dowositedl for rolflnl., In the olfin i of ,nph It. IIear(lrd. then a notary putihl, in thit oilty' which salid square mnlallurn two hundllr fnft front on Austerlltz street, twenty-eight foot four lins ftront on P1'rlrir str*mt, two hundlllrlnd and one foot eight inchllet six Inll, front on SOnnorail Taylonr stret, and fifty- four foIt Mi'VHn I ilnhna front, on I'laminlmine strot. All of whicih property was wlztuiroed iby the defnilant herein., Leon Hans. Jr., from ,H I. & E. L. Lovy. nvy 'Lt bhlnre Andrew lfri ,.1r.. no f tary publio in thlsnity,on tltwravotltth of Aunust, Helned In the abov suilt. Terms-Cash on ti" ,uot. TIIOMAS H. HANDY. Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. j0l0 jy 717 tt Rurkel & Thompson vs. Mr. & Mre. Fern. - IFTU DISTRICT COURT FORl TIlE PAlR l' h of Orloans. No. 7728--By virtun of a writ of floi fanias, to me directed by the honorable the Fifth District Court for the parish of Orleans. In the above entitled cause. I will proceed to snll tit publie auntiotn, at the Mor chants and A.tioneers' Exchangn, Royal street. between Canal and Customhouse streets. In the Second Distriot o( this city, on 'I'UES DAY. August 7. lt77, at 12 o'cloek in.. the fol lowl .o des.orbed property. to wit- A LOT OF (GtOUND.with all the improve ments thereon, In square number hundred and three, bounded by Third. St. Patrick, t. David and Fourth stroets. and measuring forty-flve feet front on Third atreet by one hundred and twenty-seven Sfteet in depth between parallel lines. and form ing the corner of Third and Ht. 'Patrick streets, Sblong one-half of 'lot number nine and the whole of lot nullmber ten, standlng in the name of Thomas Farren, registered In Uonveyance Omee, Ibook l06, folio 18sl, and nlsn In book Ir,7. folio t387. Hel.ed In the above suit. Terms-Cash on the spot. TTHOMAH H. IIANI)Y. Civil SherilTof the Parish of Orleans. jyi 17 27 au7 John iinterimuer vs. illlas it l Mller et. al.: same vs. William Miller and Louis laIl loer. iOURTH DIBTRICT COURT FOR THEPAR is' bh of Orleans. 1Ns. 43,150 and 4:1 a:I--By virtue of Iwo writs of flerl faits, to nme directed by the honurable the Fourth District Court for the parish of Orleans. in the above entitlnd causes, I will' proceed to sell, at pub iIc auction at the Merchants and Auctionoeers' Exchange, Royal street, between Canal and Cus tomhouse streets. In the Seer ad District of this city, on BATURDAY, August 11 1877, at 12 o'clock m., the following described property. to wit FOUR CERTAIN LOTS OF IGROUNI). sit utated, lying and Ieing In the Fourth I)lstrict of this city, In the square designated by the num ber nineteen, on a plan drawn by L. 1t. Hurgi. oity surveyor, deposited in the offloe of E. iBou ny. notary publi, In this city; whic'h swuareo Is bounded by Holal, or Locnst. Philip. First andl Maunsel streets: said lots are designateid by the numbiliers one. two. tlhree and foulr on aI prlvate sketch nnexed to an eot piassm be-forn W. Jo seph CasItoll a notary Dublic in this city, on the twenth-se'ond of July. 1861. and measure, ac iording to said sket ich twenty-lgYt foeet four Inches four lines each front on Philip stroet by ia depth betwoeen parallel lines. of ninety-one foot eight inches; sald lot number one forming thie corner of Phllip and Molls strelts ; together with the butldings and Improvements there on. ways, priviliigos and advantages thern unto ihlonging or in anywise appiertainlng, Bi-ing the same property by defendant heroin, Wm. Miller. tit a jublthi se madno bIy the sh'riff of the p)arish of Orleans on March 13. 1871. undier and by virtue of ia writ of ftuiasI dilrretd by the honorahbi the Fifth District C(iurt for the parish of Orleans. at the stillt of Witliam Miller vs. Anldrew alila Andlroeu Mehmitt, No. 21,ot of the docket of said court. The said proiperty will be sold subject to thil sp,,'ial omonrtage in favor of the .Julldg of the M.eond )Ilstriet Coutrt fur thei parish of Orlians, Ilpassed by notarial noeft)eforo E. :uin!, l.te ia Ini-ttary publit, in Ihis city. datted MaIy 14. 18s6. by Andrens Hchmitt. to s.ic(·. th1(e surm of tWO thousand aind seven dollitrs and fifty centr. alld legal Inlt rcict from J.uly, is5. ttin g thic val uation of tlie rights if his minor child, Alnrians H|hmlitt. Jr.. In tl the llciee.eslin if lis mntlher, No. 25.,47 of tho dockt of said cioiurt,. eizIdl Il Ii i t abovi suits. Terms-Cash on the spot. THOMAS H. HANDY. Civil Rheriff of the Parish oi Orleans. jylo lawhi .. _ytu tawtu A. Rochereau & Co. vs. Leon Hiaas, Jr., et al. QECOND JUDICIAL IPIITJtInT COURT FOR k the Sixth and Seventh Municipal Districts of the parish of Orleans, No. 949-By virtue of a writ of seizurn and satle, to me directed by the honorable too Second Judieial District Court for the Sixth and Seventh Municipal Districts of the parish of, Orleans. in the above entitled cause, I will pro~eed to sell at public auc tion, at the Merchants and Auctioneers' Ex change. Rotal street. between Canal and Cus tomhouse streets in the Second District of this city, on TUESDAY, July a1, 1877, at 12 o'clock m:, the following described property, to wit 1. SIX CEtTAIN LOI'S OF GRl UND, to gether with the buildings and improvements thereorn, and all rights and privileges thereto belongiug, situated in the Fanbourg Avart. Sixth District of this city. tformerly in the city and parish of Jefferson in this State). and desiana ted as lots numbers three. four, five. si and eight, of square number forty-three, which is comprised wi'hin Perrier. Plaquemine. Du fossa and Soniat streets, as per plan drawn by William Forshey, surveyor. deposited for ret ence in the office of C. t. Ladreverc. late a no tary pubic in this city; said lots numbers three, four, five and six measure eac:t thirty-two fe t fronton Plaquemtine street, byone hundred and one feet in depth, between parallel lin's; and lots numbers seven and eight measure each thirty feet fropt on said Plaquemine street by one hundred and one feet in depth, between patalel lines. all American m,asure: said lot number eight forming the corner of-Plaque mine and b ,niat streets. 2. TEN CERTAIN LOTS OF GROUND, to gether wi'h all the-buildings and improvements tuereon, and ell rights and p-ivileges t:ler'-to bhlonging, situated in the Faubourg Avart, Sixth District of this city (formerly in the city and tarish of Jefferson, in this State). and designat. d a- lots numbers eleven to twenty, inclusive, of square number twenty-nine, which 's bounded by Magaz:ie, Camu. Soniat and lRbeit streets, as per the ab, ve mertioned plan of said surveyor. William Forshey. Said lot number eleven measures thirty feet nine inches fromnt on ltob.-rt t.tret by one hundred and twenty-live feet in depth, between parallel lines; lots numb'ers twe ve and nineteen melts ure each thirty feet front on Camp street; lots numbers eighteen and thirteen measure each thirty-one fet; lots numb rs fourteen, fifteen., sixteen and seventeen measure each - hirty-two feet front on Camp street by one hundrelI and live feet ifI depth to each ,f said lots, between parallel lines: an ; lot number tw -nt y measures thirty f- et iine in.hes f-.ot on Soniat street by one hundred and twenty-five feet in depth, be Iween tIarallel lines. And all of which property was acquired by the defendant herein. Lion Haas. Jr.. by pur these from S. L. & E. L Levy, by act pass-d be tore A. Hero. Jr.. notar y public in this city, on he seventh of August. 1869. & ad Mabove suit. T01111111--ue 0. JUDICIAL ADVERTISEMENTI. AUCTIION MAAIERI. By Plaoid. J. Spear. lIOUHEHIODI, FUItNITURE. 0CICOKENB, ETC. SUCCEHHION OF WM. OBTERMOLLEIL. Second District Court for the Parlnlh of Orleans- No. -. BY PLACIDE J. SPI'EAlt. Auenlnor OflleB No. i Royal strnet-- HATUIDY. N yJuly 28 7,7 ' at lr, o'.clok p. m.. will be oid at Spuhllo eauctilon.on Joanno stront. Ibetween Urqiu dart and Vllro streets, by virtun and itn pp ur sunnce to an order from th lion. A. L. TIs sot, Judge of the Hecond District Court for the parlsh of Orlnans, dated .June . 1877, for a-oi tnt of sail sui'mo .i.on O., I,OT OF IIOUHlIHIiOLD FUINITITHE. CHICOKENS. Iee. ''erms--l clh,. iv17 21 29 IMPROVED PiO l'PEit'1TY ON S )NIN HTI) STRI.ET, IN THE, HEVENTH DIlITitiC'I'. RU(CCEHHION ()OF Mt. AND MICH. ADAM LIJIUMANN. [igoe'ndl i)istrit'I (e'iri fr' the 'Parish of Orleans, No. :11,497. lIY PLACID, J. HPEAR, Alitliononr - Omffn P 4O Royal strct- ()n NAT'TILDAY, August 4, 1877, at 11 o'0'lo(k m., will be sold 11,t t hill an, thin at the Ht. Chirirles Aiu'tiin Exschalgl , on Ht. (hlarh' s troot,. ItwoiWn O(ravI r and ICIiern - mi n strll r t. by virtu Il lnd in pillrslllll'en ito aiI Jorder from the llon. A. I,. Tmisot Judge of til, Hoiondl Istri'cI ('lolrt for the i tarish o) Orli'ans Idateil Jlilne 25, 1977, the rllt owilng thdeserllicl proi orty, firlt, ' ir c'o lntiftat il Hl ' sidl' .iliill, to wit A A,O'Fr)F O(i OIIND. tiogiPthr with the tll uild ings and i1th, rov'lm lntl l ,thtrn , el.t.tuated in the Sove/nth DI l'riht f Ithi I'Il y, designated by t he No. 21. In No. 24 A. Ci.iriiliton phinn bounlldd hiv b ,''oodi. IlurIIthe Low.,trine ant. CIlnton stri'slm. ni por plain (drawn by II. MoIl lhnloen, surveyor. , i I1, lllolmon te,'. :10 r.ot front oni iiMortod t rt, by a deptlii of ir0 foil. Ie twoon paraill'l Ilnes. Ternlms-Clsh on Iadt+dintion.'ln A to, f t saleblHIfore re' l. I)het'l. Inotivy pIl(li'. jy3 I1 1724 :i atll EIGH'T I, LOTH OF ollOUND. FRONTINO (IN UpporltineJoh+son and WaI.hi ngtonl st ritn , Foul rlih Distrilt.. SUCCESSION OF MAI IlE A. ZOIIINGOEt. 8ii'iid Dist riot Court for Ilth parish of Orleanis No. 3i,43r. BY PLACIDE ,. HSPEAJl Auctlouner- Oficte No. 40 IRoyal street--HAI'UAD)A Y Alguiat 4. 1877, at 12 o'clock m . will be sold Iat publict a' tlon, at tihell H. Chirles Auliction Exchllnne, on Mt. Charles street, between (ravier andt Corn mon strleets. toy virtue and 11i pu rsalnllne to anl order from the, Ion. A. L. Tissot, Julian o f t1.he MeLo0nd DIistrict Court for the parish of Orleans,. dated J llun1 2, 1877, for alcmounlt of said slli'ee slon. the following dtlorlbod vropertr, to wit EI(ItIT CERTAIN LIOTl OF GROUND. sit Ulated in thel Fourth Dlstrict of this cLity, eslig n.ated bly the N)s. I. 2 3. 4. 1 I1. 12, 14. In square No . 70. bounded by Jl,hnson, Washington, Up perllne aiid (lalve.. rel't.l, nieasuring together s feet lines frlnt lins front ,Ioh n strit, 121 foot 10 ililnchei' front and delth on Upporilno stree't, 120 feentfront and depth on Washinton street, 2'1 feet 11 Inches 2 lln.w on the reallr lInn: Lot No. 1 florming tfill corner of Wiashington and ,Johnson tr.lrlts. unit Lot No. 14 forming thie earner of Uiptff'rline ind Johlinson strl'ts, the whole seclording tno skeltch of Edrgar ril'. ar ihlt toe., dated Iunllle 2a. 1917. Terms-tUlnh on ainditllilratinn. At of salo bfroe . M'. )iT. Dui'rit. iary Dub lie, at the iexponswof thel oi rihas.lrs. jyi 10i 17 24 31 illl4 VAILUABLE IMP'IiOVED I'PROPERTY (COIN E OF ST. ANTHONY AND CELESHTINEi HTREETH. THIRD DITRITCT. HSUOOEHION O1 MARIIGAETIIA KLEIN. Renolid Illitriet Ciiui rt for the parish of Orlleans - No. 39,20o. BY PLACIDE J. IPEAII. Auntionnor-Offion S46 Itoyal stront--ATUItDAY, August 4.1;77, at 12 o'clock m.. will bn sold at public auctlon, at the St. Charles Auction Exhtiangn. on Ht. Charlos striot, between (rravlir andt (ommon street4, by virtue and In pur1suance to an order from the IIon. A. I. Tissut, judge of thoe Second DIIstrlt Conrt for the parish of Orleans, dated June 20, 1877, tho following described property for ar~ount of thle above Misli.sslon, to wit HEVEN CERTAIN LOITH OF GROUND. to aether with the buIIIdings and Improvements teroon, sItuated In thie Third Dis)tritof this city, desIgnated by tho Nos. diamond 1, diamond 2, diamonlld 4, diamond a. :i. cire ' 11. circle 12, In tho sil nare boinlded by Ht. Anthony. Celestlne. Glenius and BaIatello streets, measuring together 191 feet 1o inches 6 lines front and depth o.i Ceolesine street. 160 fout 6 inches 2 IInes front and depth on St. Anthony street, and lito fIrnt oInch, 1 2 lines on the roar line. lot No. diamond I forming the corner of (Clesti n and Ht. Anthony streets. Terms and Conditions-One-half cash on the spot. thle balano- on a credilt of one, year, for noto bearing special moltglgoe and vendor's lien and privilege, with Intirest at tlhe rate of elght D.r cent per annum from day of salte till flnal payment. laluse of five per cent for attor nov's fees. and all other usual clansmw. Act of aein before M. T. Dueros, nolary pub Ie, at then xpelnso of purchaser. jy t10 17 24 :11 FURNITURE. HIN(GEILH HEWING MA CHI[NE. ETC. IN TlE MATTER OF TIIE MINORI BRI'ECH TEL. Serondl Dst rie't(,urt orI heri Patrlsh of OrlealIns No. 39.419 RY PLABID)E J. SPEAR. A letionoer-Omeffl No..i I Royval troot- TUEI)AY. July 17, 1877. at 10 o'clock a. m.. will bo sold at piublic aulcit.ion, on Waslhington street., i.ltwicn An uncniation and Laulrl strTeets. iiy virtue incl in tiursuani.c to an ordle!r from the honorabltn A. i. Tlissot. Jludgl of thie H.cnd Districit Coulrt Sr tihe parish of OrlPans. datPd July 2. 1877, lor a('c'coInt of the aibove 11lell'(issiIon the ctontents of said premis, '1,iniinting in HO' HEIOID FUR NI''TURE. SINGER'S RI WIN(G MACHIINE, Etg. Tirrms--C:n h. jyc 1217 J ULIO, PORTRAIT PAINTER. No. a Carondelet street, New Orleans. " Portraits from life or from pictures of the deceased (in oil or crayon, from $25 to $150. My ART GALLERY is a place of free re sort. and the public is invited to visit it at pleasure. JAMES D. EDWARDS, (Successor to Daniel and J. D. Edwards.) STEAMBOAT, RAILROAD AND ENGIN EERS' SUPPLIES, Manufacturer of the most improved STEAM TRAINS FOR MAKING SUGAR, And every description of Copper, Brass and Sheet-Iron Work. Dealer in Iron Pipe and Fittings for Steam, Water or Gas; Brass and Iron Valves; Ccks; Oil Globes; Steam and Water Gauges; Boiler Tubes; Bol:s and Nuts; Punched Nilts; Log Screw-: Washers; Rivets; Cistern, Well and Force Pumps; Brass and Iron Wire Cloth; Rub ber, Lubricatinz and Homo Pa'kig; Rub ber Hose; B'lting; Lubricating, Lard, Signal. Lins-e I and Headlight Oils;: White Lead; Cot ton Wa-te; Cotton Stem Packing; Gas Pipe Stocks and Dies: Pipe Cutters; Tongs; Wr-nches: Pipe Vises; Jack Screws; Flue Brushes; Flue Scrapers, etc. Agent for the CAMERON SPECIAL STEAM PUMP -For PUMPING JUICE AND SUPPLYING BOILERS. Send for Price List. I DI.DW R. M. & B. J.. MONTGOMERY'S Furniture Emporium, ARMORY HALL, 87 CAMP STREET. --0 The Largest and Most Centrally Located Furniture Establishment in the City. o Constantly on hand. and at the LOWEST MAIIKET PRICES, the largest and beet seleot ' aesortment To be found in the Bout consistlng of Suits Upholstered in Brocatel, Cotolilne, Reps, Terry and Hair Cloth; and Finished in Gilt. MARBLE TOP INLAID OARD and FANOC TA' BLE"; French PLATE MIRIBOR8 sed Patent Banas OCAIIRB; fine BEDROOM BUIT, with French Plate Drscssr irrarig (s.res and Armoire; magnifoens French Pls.e HALL STANDS with HALL 0HAIB to match; DININO-ROOM anz LIBBAtY SUITS of every grade. A complete asortment of MEDIUM and COMMON FUINITUItE, of every grade suitable for eountry and plantation use. A large stock of boxed and knock down FDrnitnlt and cabirs. SPRING, HAIR and MOSS MATTREBSSES HAI and FEATHER PILLOWS and BOLSTEIIS, ane LOUNGES, made to order. ALL OF OUR GOODS ARE FROM THE BEST FACTORIES, BOTH EA8ST AND WEST, AND OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST IN THE CITY. All Goods packed and shipped free of charge. Thanking our friends and the public for their past patronage. we solirlt a continuance of the same In the future. R. M. & B. J. MONTGOMERY, Armory Hall. No. 87 Camp Street, New Orlesas. mhs tf RESTAURANTS. BOUDRO'S RESTAURANT, Lake Pontchartraln. The proprltors .of Boudro's IEstauirant in consideration of the prrement hard times and in order to retain their past popularlty, beg re scttfurlly to inform th npublic that thney have GIlEIATI Y ItEDUCED THEIR PTO'ItEH. A visit to Boudro's Restaurant will convin'eo the most incredulous. It Is usnles to say that the eIlslne and servnce are first-'lass. jy6 Irn. JARY & HA USSE. Proprietors. PHIENIX RESTAURANT. LAKE PONTCHIARTRAIN. Open for the season. Visitors entertained at very reasonable prices. Iatlh houses for faiml lii.s andi ladies are separate from the others. jy4 im TRIMCONI'm IRENTAURBANT ICE CREAM SALOON. OUT ON TIlE PIER OF TIlE LAKE END -Of the PONTCHARTRAIN RAILROAD. The finest of fish, fresh from the lakes. Choice wines and liqunors always on hand. All orders for meals can be left at TRISCONI'S. corner of Canal and Decatur streets where they will moot with proper attention. Prloos mod erate. Jmis COMMISSION MERCHANTS. LEON QUEYBOUZE. OSCBOAR BOI. QUEYROUZE & BOIS, Wholesale Grocers, DEALERS IN WINES AND LIQUORS And all kinds of WESTERN PBODUCE, C At the Blue Stores, Corner Old Levee and Blenville streets. del4'76 1v New Orleanp. LILIENTHAL'S E PHOTOGRAPH ART GALLERY. 1J1............ CANAL STREET ............ Ii TOURO BUILDINGH. E E 8 This well known establishment Is the largest and most complete in the city of New Orleans. The style of pictures made by L LAMBERT'S PERMANENT PROCESS al surpasses- uythlng that can be made at other q; gallerles. No one who is fully aware of the superiority of this process, will go to the expense and trou ble to have a picture taken that in a very short tine will fade. guarantee the LAMBERT to be rnly ic ture that WILL NOT FADE. my26 3m UNDERTAKERS. CHAS. C. JONES. JOHN G. BOCHE, Formerly with Frank Johnson. JONES & BOCHE, E 250 and 252 Magazine st. near Delord. . Undertakers and Embalmers. All business entrusted to the firm will receive a, prompt and careful attention at moderate rates. ci Oarriaces to hire. a8i ly st A Third of a Century. J. B. VINET, with E. VINET. j BOOCKERY. CHINA. 3LASSWARE. AND HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS. Over thirty years' experience in the business. New store and new goods. OT0 Canal street, betwees Bargtady and Ramoart streets. fe2 I iTIRGINIA ROOFING SLATES-THE UN Sdersigned is the sole I gent for the sale of these well known and highly prized ROOFING .LATtS. K,-ep .als',on hand a full snpply if VER EdORT GREEN AND PURIPLE SLA I'FS " the best analities, and a full line of PENN ilYLVANI S A BuATES, of Bangor, Franklin and tlher wed known quarre.. We invite the momtBs mart m afmdm. mon RAILROADS. THE ATLANTIC COAST LINE. PASSENGER ROUTES TO ALL POINTS NORTH AND EAST. 4 Reorganlzed for the oummer of 1S77. Working out of New Orleans via the N. O. and M. I. bs.,nd presenting the following attractwiv lines to the attention of all North-bound Tour lets and Travelers: Route No. I-All Rail. Via Montgomery Columbus, Macon, Augusta, Wirnlngton, alohmond. 62 Hours, New Orleans to New Tork. The same time arways as by any other line. Pullman Sleeping Cars to Opelika. Solid Day Trains thenco to Augusta, with Pullman bleeping Cars attached at Macon for Wilmington. Through train Wilmington to Richmond and New York with Elgant Parlor Cars attached to Ri'hmond--thence Pullman bleeping Cars to New York. ALL CHANGEO AT REASONABLE HOURS AND INTO (LIAN AND PROPERLY VENTILATED CARS, Route No. 2-Bay Line. Over the same lines to Wilmington as by Route No. 1. Thence by 80ecial Parlor Cars to Ports mouth. Va. Thence, at 5:30o . m. daily (except tunday) by the magnificent steamers of the. BAY LINE to Baltimore. Thence by New York Express, arriving in New York at 2:06 p. m. A sixty-nine hours' run--only seven hours in excess of all rail time, with the advantage of an undisturbed night's rest and superior accom modations upon the Chesapeake Bay. Route No. 3-The Old Dominion Line. The same Lines to Wilmington and Ports mouth as ,ioutes 1 and 2. Thence. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays at 5:30 p. m. by the magnificent sidewheel steamships of the OLD DOMINION OOMPAN/. which invariably arrive at their Now York wharves at 9 p. m. A through run of 76 hours, combining the essential elements of Cheapness, Speed and Comfort. Passengers should leave New Orleans Batur. days, Mondays and Thursdays to connect close ly with this Line. For Tickets, Cheeks, Time Cards, an. all in formation apply at the offices of the New Or le,ans and Mobile Railroad. A. POPE, General 'assen er Agent. J. HI. WHITE. Southern Passenger Agent. I. W. FOWLER, New Orleans Agent, corner St. Charles and Common streets. my4 tf GREAT JACKSON ROUTE. NEW OBLEANS ST. LOUIS AND CHICAGO hsaILBOAD LINES. DOUBLE DAILY THROUGH TRAINS, will depart and arrive as follows: from Calliope street depot from July 15, 1877: DEPARB. MVRE. Express No. 1.5:o p. m. I Express No.2.10:30 a.m Express No. .6:15a. m. I Express No. 4. 8:15 pm Nos. 1 and 2 run daily, a and 4 dally excep'; Sunday. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CABS through to Cincinnati, Louisville, Chicago. Cai ro and Milan, Tenn., without change, and for St. Louis a sleeper is taken on at Milan, enabling passengers to go through without leaving the train. Friday evening's train makes no connection. at Duquoin for Chicago. Accommodation trains between New Orleans and McComb City: Leave New Orleans 3:so p. m. Saturday; and 7:30 a. m. Sunday. Arrive 9:5 p. m. Sunday, and 9:30 a. m. Mon dac ekets for sale and information given at n Camp street. corner Common. under Cityotel. A. D. SHELDON. Agent. J. C. CLAeKE, Vice President and General Manager. mhs, THE NEW OBLEANS AND MOBILE BAIL BOAD-MOBILE LINE THE GREAT THROUGH EOUTE TO TN3 EAST. NORTH AND WEST. Via Louisville via Atlanta an via St.Louts, OCARRYING THE U. 8 MAIL, Trains arrive and pepart from Depot. t ~ot of Canal street. as follows: DEPART. I ABIE. Express......:46 a. m. Expres.....11:9 a m. Expres...... 5:o . m. Express...... 9:ss D. m, Coast.........3:15 D. m. I Pullman Palace Cars daily to Cincinnati, Lou. Isville. Nashville and St. Louis without change., and only one change to Now York and Eastern cities. Ticket Office. corner of Camp and Common streets, opposite CiOtty HoteL D. B. ROBINSON. Bnperintend't mh2 tf J. W. COLEMAN. Ticket Agent. JAMES LINGAN. ATTORNEY AND t)oUNSELLOR AT LAW, mr· 122 Graver street. P. 0. FAZENDE, Stock, Note and Bond BROKER. OFFIC'E-No. 175 COMMON STEET. mh24 tf PREMIUM BONDS ALWAYS ON HAND AND FOB SALE IN SUMS TO SUIT. LEGISLATIVE WARBANTIS PurAau byA...'QI. .:.*'./.