Newspaper Page Text
RIVER NEWS. Ofim o. N1'IW ORLEANU DBMOOBAT.o Wednesday, August 15, 1877. .al1 report of the stage of water, with ohanges In the twenty-four hours ending yesterday 8 p. m.: Above low Change. wat+r. iEse. Fall. Foot. Inch. Inch. Iuoh. Cairo.. ..... 1i 9 n 1 Ooinuall......... 0 0 o 0 Leneilevi .......... 8 8 0 2 Memphis ......... 6 0 2 * ew OUrleanor...... 11 8 0 4 Pitteburg .... .... o 0 0 Bhreveport........ 6 10 0 . 2 St. Lolle ........ 3 2 0 ( Vlokeburg.......8. 18 l 0 7 *lBelow high watfr mark of 1874. NEL80N GOIROM. Berg't. Hig. 8er. U. 8. A. A&RIVALM Isabel, 1K IItugllhes, J. H. Hanna, erths. D.JpAonTimrv-Isabel, Marths, St. Mary, Mary Ida, it. E. Lea. To AnuvRv-Assumption, St. Mary, Robt. Young, LaRourohe; Blue Wing No. , Mary Idla, upper coast; Eva, Martha, Isabel, lower coast; W. J. Behan, Red river; Bt. John, Baton L.Rouge; Willie, Attakapas; Gov. Allen, Bayou Sara; Frank Pargond, Arkopohi; Golden City, Alvin, Ohio; H. 0. Yaeger, St. Louis; Trenton, Opeloosas. The weather yesterday was pleasant in the morning but hot during the afternoon. Business rather dull. Val Entriken went up on the Lee yesterday, the aselstant in the office of Oaps. John Moseop. The dials for the ferry building clck arrived 7soterday, and the clock will soon be a thing to be az id at. The H. C. Yaeger is bringing 200 wheel arms for the hbompson Dean. The fast and fine weekly Ouachita packet John 8. Hanna leaves to-day for Ouahobita City. The Blue WI 'g No. 3, leaving this 10 a. m., is the only departure to-day for the upper coast as far as Donaldsonville and the Ashland plantation. The Trenton will be here to leave atus day lor the Opelousas. The Robert Young, in place of the Eurekas, will be the only departure to-morrow for thei La fourehe. A cler k is on the lauding, hoead of Bien villo street, receiving freight. The Martha will arrive this evening, and leave to-morrow at 10 a. m. TIe Marsha has un surpassed passenger accommodations, and is very fast. The Painter No. 2, rapt. Nick Theodore, will Tun in connection witl the Martha and Eva when ever oca'Lon requires. See advertisement. Capt. Bassett, J. A. Ruiz and Nick Theodore have been enjoying a visit over the lake for the last two weeks. Capt. Bassett returned Mon day, and went out on the Martha yesterday. The Martha is doing a fine business iu the coast trade. The Times of yesterday, alluding to the re oelpt of 819 hogsheads of sugar nv the Assump tion, calls it second crop sugar. You've got that wrong, Capt. Jim. The Ella Hughes arrived last evening and will lay up for a week or more for repairs. Capt. Dalferes has the Ht. Mary to fill her place. The Ella Hughes, having mlit wi h a slight aocide.nt to her shaft, did not arrive until late in the alter noon, and to give the merchants an opportu dty to fill their orders, Capt. Dalferes has defered the departure of the t t. Mary until 5 p. m. to-day. Hereafter she will leave ,n her regular day for all coast landtoings to Donaldsnville, and on Bayou Latourche as far down as Lockport. The Dawn is the United States mail packet to day for Red river. hhe is a very light-draft boat, and will go through. That she Is sure to leave as advertised, w" need only mention that she belongs to the Red River Transportation Company. The river in front of the lower landing is falling to such ah extent that Isfore many diys th'j wood work of the wharf will bl beyond the reach of stages. We mentioned Sunday that the wharf lessees were preparing to build an extension of forty feet to ibis wharf. The getting out of the piling, which is now in the basin, should be hurried ' nmuch as possible. The 'lcaiune, of yesterday, clisne from the St. Louis Times of the 11th, an item that ap. peared originally in the Datou.tAer of the 8th, all or which is very enterprisnag on the part of the Pie. The Natchezt Democsat clipped the larger part of its "teramiuisceoces' from the New Orleans Democrat, but forgot to mention it. The punctual steamer Willie will arrive this evening from the Bayou Teehe and return Sat urday without fail. Capt. E. B. Trinidad com mands; Mr.. Frank Grelg clerk. Red river has fallen 16 inches in the last five days, or 51 inc :es in the last i hirteeu days, and there is trouble in consequence, att, ibutable l most entirely to the breas in Tones Bayou. In the words of Senator Dilwoitly, "Let's have an appropriation and stop this bayou up for all The Iced River Transportation Company have chartered the very light drauight steamer Tim mie Baker for the purpose of aiding their boati in getting over the worst places and will keep her there during the cont.nuance of low water The Baker leaves sto-morrow. Capt. H. J. Brinker in command; Capt. Will T. Gllham in charge of the office. Tom MePeake has gone to enjoy a three weeks' visit to the prairies of Vermilion. Oeo. Lord tends shop. You can raise your hat to him, as usual. There will be lively times in the Bayou Sara trade this season, and the Gov. A'len anid La Belle, and the Ouachlta Belle and the John H. Hanna and Capt. John W. Cannon's new boat will be the boats that will make it lively. Capt. Sullivan is having some very pretty let tering 3one on the Poitevent's wheel-houses. The Eva, Tom Taylor master, Capt. John O. Vallette and Ernest Rei..hardt clerks, leaves to day at 10 a. m. for the lower coast, through to Port Eads. The Eva, in con'.eotion with the Martha, carries the mail daily and runs on sched ule time. The Blue Wing No. 3, J. A. Comstock master, leaves this 10 a. m. for Ben Tureaud's. Donald sonville and the Ashland plantation, Ascension parish. Messrs. Wood and Dean clerks. The New Orleans and Red River Transiorta tion Company's steamer Dawn, Ohas. Truslow master, Chus. W. Drown clerk, leaves to-day, without fail, for Shreveport and Jefferson. The John H. Hanna leaves to-day at 5 p. m. for the Ounachita, through to Ouachita City, carrying the Uuited States mail. F. A. Blanks commands, Ben Cornwell clerk. The fine and regular steamer Bertha, H. H. Broad master, Theo. Jobin clerk, leaves to-day at 5 p. m. for the Atchatalaya through to Wash. ington. the fast and very staunch freight steamer U. P. Schenck, J. Lawrence Carter master, Dick Baurns clerk, leaves to-day, positively, for Cin cinnati. The splendid passenger and United States mail steamer Frack Pargoud, J. M. White mas ter, W. N. Calmeo clei k, is receiving to leave to morrow at 5 p. m. for Vicksburg, Greenville, Ark opolise, s& all mail landings. [By telegraph.] CornSH~ITrA, Aug. 14.--ro Joseph A. Aiken, New Orleans; Thirty inches at tqutrrel Point. Two feet here; am lightering to get ,over. GEO. E. WiLKEIRSON, Steamer W. J. Behan. EXCH.ANGE CLIPPINGS. WHAT A TWELVE HUNDRED TON PROPELLER WILL COST--INTEItESTING LEITTER FROM A BUILDER. PORTsMorUTH, 0., August 8. River Reporter St. Louis Repubitcan: Yours of the 3 1 inst. received. I have noticed several articles from the St. Lonis and Cincinnati papers in reference to the Alf. Stevense, and have also received letters from various places inquiring about her. I am confident that had it not been for the great dt pression in business all over the country this would have been a good time for propeller builders. I built, as far as I know, the first shoal water propeller that ran successfully on the Ohiu river, and have boen working here since thenl, sixteen years ago, to bring it to a success, and it is no longer an experiment. I can butid the ltlls and cabins of propellers here. Ihe engines are mos ly built at chilli cothe, in this tiat', and put on here. The dimensions of such a boat as you suggest will be as follows: Leung", 200 tee ; breadth of beam, 28 feet; depth of hold, S feet. These dimensions will not give anite 1200 tons capacity, but are as large as I would like to risk at present. Propel. ler wheels. 6 feet, or m ght be 6; feet, in diam eter. Will bu:ld her for $5000 in seventy days. or $5t2C in sixty days, or 15300 in fifty days. Will cell or line the inside underclamps with two inch white pine to add to strength. Whole boat, inc'udi:g esbin, painting, chains, stages, spare, etc., 19000, more or less. I wiil try and get estimates for machinery and cabin. The draft of the vessel relerred to can be made to suit the requirements of trade she is to be en gaged in. For the St. Louis and New Orleans trade, say three feet at the stern and one foot at the stem or bow. Probable cost of machinery $7000 or $8000. Yours, respectfully, S. H. BERBERP. Cincinati Znquirer, Aug. 2: There is no steam er on berth for New Orleans next week, and no probability of a passenger boat, but arrange mnents are In progress to load a towboat and barges. There were 300 tons of New Orleans freight hblpped on boats to reship at Cairo this past wtek. MARINE NEWS. OFFICE NEW ORLEANS DEMOCRAT, August 15, 1.T77. Cleared esterdar. Steamshtip Algitrs. llawthorn, for N.w notk- C A Whittt &trn R e h r M all ,. M o ll el, I' ,r M o b l 'e . . E it oo l Obirn Richard B Lo'h., Wrighe, for IHnt lt-- Ital rtlhr ultneppe. lhi ttfrman. for Tl'rnrillo, in ,al last - Mhitter Arrived. No attivnls fron sea yesterday. STIAM HtOATs. tlta IlngheR. lTtaiorei, f'rol Iockport holt Itho led, from 11' tling oi .1 II ianna. BllLk.s, from T'renton Isabel, O'Pry, frolll Lower Coast Exports. NEWI YIIith--Per st..nshipl Algiers-- -2.3 hal,'s cottlnl 49 bales hair 47 thalt' Skcin 17 hales wool 1lt tacks do 1447 saeks oats 275 msacks wheat 1050o ack olloeae 145 sac.s bol's t24 hales hides 05V . tall, do 2141 dr(hy hidea 10 hhds sugar i.t hdls tallow 40 bhbls do 474 { blt oil 1I1r0 boxes Inof 20 pk g mldse MOIIILE-'oer schr Mauld-26 hhtds sugar 21 bbles IOliasses 45 tonts oal mill ATAN-- Per stcr It It Locke---7000 fet Inlsl"sr 0 bills flor 40 hI do I bale tIblaicro 5 bils beef 4 Ioxtxe bacon :1 keg lard 17 pkg rumdse Recelpts of Predaoe. LOCKqPORTT---Per steamer Ella Ilurhes-OO hhds slugar Allen, NIgent &oo-- do It Bellramt ---- do II tbis mtolanrsi FaIntrololii 6 Folse--I-2 dt Conger & Kelly--40 sacks corn P Lanaux- sactks seed puotton 1. 'Terrebonne---I biI molawase Little Slsters of the I'oi ---srnndriie to order-Total 8 sacks e.ed cotton 40 sacks cornl 20 hhIsi Isugar 24 butlt IoIlasset W\ASi IIIN(I' lo N-PIr teatner Iort t i--- 4 hales cottwoll Mover, Weis &o0- 14 Lentman, too&c --t3 Payne. Kenuedy &it>--I J W Burbridge &co--I S Friedlandler-- -17:1 Aacks cotton seed iN 0 (JottIt coed Assocatlion-4 sacks woilt5 bales moss lot hldes eYgs andt poultry P' Case---lot hides I haIg winI It lieer-- hieols I, lacacsagne--5 do Temple n Co:ns & co-I bill9 do IE F (o:' as--o Ilkgs do E it' Dolavallade --4 do M Schwartz & Brat.... I hale wool .1 W utr brldge &ctl-- '1 head cattle Ayrook, Mitchell &co 54 do no.d sundries to order-Total 415 bales outton 17:1 sacks cotton seed T27 beal cattle TItENTON--Per steamer Johlt IH uanna-13 saeks nlots Inno T Hardie aco--10 hhtu' Id I' Marl.tiez--4 do :1 skins I Ihox wax II Hasg-2't - do I Iale bldes Meyer, Weis &co--'24 slnaves Vincentll Mar1i ----31 bead hogs O2 had cattle Noel & Wtotonu---I do Av ooek, Mttchell &co-3 l Ibte ar .H Uteri & It o--sun. dries to order--'Total 1:1 sacks IIIOats I ihead hbogs 21 head cattle 12t44 staves LOWER UOAtT-- Per steamer Isabel--.ndrles to order RECEIPTS AT THE NEW BASIN. Pascagouttla-s- r schr Walter 1)enny- -45t,000 foeot lulmber to II Buddig Springlleldt-Per schr lillie Sirnms--Si cords wood 6 (oops poultry 4 hales masn ito tnaster Pearl River-Per sehr Wade Illampton----30 cords wood to master Tangtltalthoa-Porsthr Ann Mct(ltminn---- 00 bhls shells to older RECEIPTS AT THE OLD BASIN. lilloxi-Per achr A atonie It--l1O0 bble charcoal to mast r Bayou Lacombe-Per acbr Two Hons -:1to.00 bricks to order Bayoui Lacombe--Pl'er sehlr Jtosephiitne No i --L92 cords wood to masten By Railroads. NEW ORLEANS, JACKSON AND NORTHERN RAILROAD. 19 hhds tobacco Todl Rose &c--2 carsn bricrk M Ne'wsitlli-1i car cattle Aycock. Mitchell A& 'o----20( bhits flour T A Ilamiltonl &co--O25 blis whisky F Jol)ville----t hix le.tblr J Irank&co---5 careu GR Finlllay &oo--1i bbls onions Chas Pleasantn--l case Joana good(s Owon Itro-I bhill a-low Lehman, Abra ham &co--50 bbls highwnlms Vatter & Blank--t100 bile flour C T Buddecko & ontl-- car Ibulk wheat, I. J Hligby-- car wotd C Yokum- 1t-I car tumbritl' Mar. key-1 do W II Reyunolls--l tot W W Walker-1 car cabbage J Itell-3-: Ib Isn inionm H I)'Anmco-6.i do IM Stichl & Son--0 tin J Ioertulloi &oO---54 hales twinei Suone & Tutt-1 lhihu painlt A A Maginnis Sons----'5 bbls whisky L Reodlr &t--t hf bisl, pork tI0 boxes chtiese C Ht Lawrenoo &co--u2 caseo shoe't Mrs H rum-4 his ctstings 11 II HaRueill..2 do i bundl'es shootr Iron Stalunbr, Macreadv &co--I case Illdse. Janney--1 cae shoon I' Dulpre--lo lit bhls whliskv John I Adams &oo..15 bbls wh sky F ltoder--170 hbls potatoes 7 crates cabbage lif bhil apples f bbls plicirn J Bertuolci &cj--ilS bles potatoes II itbls ap ples Chas Pleasant --100 bh I flour Randolph & Dlin nica 2t ' bixes .lb.-e Snmith lIros &co 110 hbbl phts tooa 2ll bbls onions . Kellet-:1 casks wine O Mace.s sor-56i bdls paper E C Palmer &cto-4 hit Ibbls butter .I It Solari & Son-o- lirkins butter E F D)tltolndlo S5 lbbse higihwties iV 1 Iliinham--l: shouitlders C I Dolseli--.t bbls flour 2 (cw, s wheat Glover & Odlei. dahli-lot hh goods .1 .t C'rawford-4 firon lars I iron sin Le.sin &io .L bbll ipeua'hen .1 P Machoca &-co--5 tales mdse Anchor Lit-'-Total 19 lhhtds toi coo 411)0 bbls flour 65 bbls whisky 10 hf do I i( bbils uaions 75 blls highwines 5 cars wheat 4lu bbls potatoes 05 bble apples 1963 shoulders NEW ORLEANS AND MOBILE RAILROAID August 14-5 boxes bacon Heidenheimer Itros-50 bbls turpentine L io.lcher--2 hbds tobacco Beadles. Wood &co----'294 pkgs hardware A imnon- 15 bldls paper L J Clark-64 p s castings (10 s oves 110 cases sifters H Haller--5 tloroes bshoulner Loobte & Cor des-28 stovens 0 peot J Ii Campman-1 bx glassware Wackerbarth & . oseph-2 hoxes mdse J Nelson & co -3 eases cigars J Dreyfusn-38 p gs mdse C A Whit ney &oo-100 bdls hides Fitzpatrick & Hall-42 hxs pears C H Schenok---- bales wool n bags do Hlay & Mehcle-ll4 bbls rosin 10 bils turpentline Simpson & Tricoou-12 bxes fruit Berry &t'o---li pkge mans I ItR Montgomery-1 car hogs C Mehle &oo-2 cars ice HI Frank-2-5 Go washboards Burke & Thompson--1376 pos bu k shoulder C H Dolmen-.0 stoves ana fixtures A Silnon-36i bidls a trees M WV Smithl- -1 box books MoStea &d Value--l box hardtl ware E Ofl'tir--1 car mules I S Phelp--l tank naptha W I' Converse ,jir &co--80 casks Icttled beer Schmidt & Zeiglor-aun dries to order-Total 2 hhds tobacco MORGAN4'S LOUISIANA AND TEXAS RAIL ROAD August 14---6 bales moss J A'ycock-- 4 do M J Chapaky--26 do J M Walsh--7 do Odell I iVright- do order--t do J A Bourg-3 do 19 bbls molasses F P 8evin-9 hides L Terrebonne----64 head calves C Mebhle &oo-l dosA Boutte----70 do P Servatut &co sundries toorder-Total 19 bbls molasses 53 bales mess Per steamship Hiarlan, from Indianola----24 bales hides5 sacks wool C A Whitney &co--L bale cotton E Pilsbury-t99 head calvos C Mobehle &co--Total 1 bale cotton From Galveston -21 bales cotton 2 sacks wool C A Whitney &oeo--106 sacks bones Stern's Fer & Manf'y Co--56 ibbls oil C A French--aundries to ordter-Total 21 bales cotton LIST OF VEISSELS Up, Cleared and Sailed for New Orleans. AUGUST 14, 1877. NBW YORK. Bark Halcyon, Hardie................aldJune 22 HAVRE. Ship Loulae et Rose, Duboscq.........eld July 11 Ship D W Chapman, Tukey...... .. eld July 9l Ship Geo Hurlbut, Mason.............sid July 31 Ship Melrose, Neill.............:......ald Aug 3 Ship Louise, Bull....................ald Aug 3 GENOA. Bark Constante...... ...............aid July 5 LIVERPOOL. Steamship Oberon, Campbell........sld Aug 4 Ship Ste Genevieve Strickland. Post..sld July 2S Bark Daniel Draper, Sedergly........ aeld June 24 LONDON. Ship L L Sturees. Lionekin..........sld Aug 1 Bark Oxford, Chrisman.........,...... sld Aug 7 PLYMOUTH. Ship Sandusky Lowden ..........aid....... July 19 (.REENOCK. Ship Annie M Law, HIilton.......... ldJuly27 BORDEAUX. Bartk Eclyptique, Cozrel..............aid July 21 Ba k Alphone et Marie, l'Pivat........ lg May 23 Bark L'opo,ll et Marie, L.scally.....lde May :S Schr Melville lBrant. BuIcke........ ald Aug S SHIELI)DS,. ENG, Bark Preusse.........................ld June 14 ROUEN Bark Gee W Sweeney, Hewett......ald June 2 MARSEILLES. Brig Aurora. Messina...............ldg June.26 Brig Maria Celeste, Fevola............sld Aug 2 RIO DE JANEIRO Ship Belgravia, .Tune29 Bark Johanna, Brodersen. ............d Jue 24 JAMES LINGAN. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, myd l Gravier street. RAILROADS. I )ONT(IAIIT'irAIN RAIWAY Iltel at the Ihr'a l of Elyslarn PFlatl q t root, near thi Lov,, '. Thirtd IlIstr tt. to I if flrom lithe lTke and Iret'rin allnel thlV, 'th '0''afts. (Ch ll'l-l udt(Ior twelyv yellt. 11t I, [' 14. YaTra'n will latvxi uN fllws: 'mth Ih,,'v. From th Lak,, a ',' 'lckI ...... , ml. 7 Hlo,, k ...... - t . n . 7 'i -,'li lck .... ...t- r. H' h)-lo k .. ..... )n. S t'ti, Ii - ....1. 111 ) in i. i'h k ...... L rl. S o'' i ,k i ....... i IIn t t ,' I ' .... I. n. 12 k' ,'1 k . ..... I l. I . i nek'lll ........ . ,n. S o','h,'k ... ..;- . n. .' ,', h .'k ......p In. S:i ,l,,,k .....I. I- n . :.', ',' lo, k ......p. in. I ' o i,.k ...... I . _'., ,' k ...... t-,y n. E, A'lo, k ..... m. Cn. o A'Sl ' K ...... p. In. I ,','!o,,'k ...... I. it. IT '. o ,.lI,,' k ......O. A I T.T 7 0 c,'l0'k ...... I'. fi. 7'. o,.al-.k ... ... ). rin. III O '''1, k ...... f I , a',l'in'k ........i.t1. I , On Huwiany ihe Irn will he run ovry hail hour from 2 't'l [ 'r,'k r, . iii. ()On Hl iny mn rn ingWorks ut of w Orth't via th; N. ' k fo adhe M. 1. 1i.,nlanl rits'tt flfttc lb fi uluiwI'tItrtvItIive Ilna to tii a ttliiiton of uiNor-h-ound Tou-n. iasi Migntgi for (h ntitll mut notifon th Auutn l(inor Iror, to I rlean p re ofr train . _T itu n77 l ty, I). .wY I _ y I ny e(t. lr Ielvner. THE ATLANTIC COAS LINE. I'AHRENGEIR ROUTEH TO ALL POINTS NORTH AND EAST. Reorll anized for the C ummer of 0k 7. Working out of Now Orleans via the N. O. and M. R. It.,and vresnting the following attra-"tive . lines to the attention of all North-bound Tour Isis and Travel rs : Route No. -All RaIll. Via Montgomery, Columlus. Macon, Augusta, Wilmington. ,iehmonl. 117 Iourn, New Orleans to New York. The same time alwayf45( by any other line. Pullman Sleoping Cars to Opelika. Holl I) ay Trains thnnco to Augusta, with Pullman Hletipijng Clarr atltaheid at Macn for Wilminigton. Through train Wilmington to Richmond and Now York, with EitgIantl Parlior (.lr attitached to lii'hmondi-thence Pulluan di.lping Oars to Now Ytork. ALL CIHANGER AT SEASONABLE HOURS AND INTO (LICAN AND PROPEIRLY VENTIL , ATD OARS. Route No. --Bay Line. Over the samn linos to Wilmi rngtotn as by Route No. 1. Thelmnc by ~iuclal Parlor Cars to Ports. mouth. Va. Therno. at .:to t,. m., daily (exoept HMundtay by the rnagniiluent steamers of the BAY LINE to Baltimore. Thenie by Now York Express. arriving In Nn.w York at 2:05 t. m. A sixty-nllnt hours' run--only seven hours in exc,'s.of all rail time,. with the tIlviantatge of an undlislurhod night's rest awl superior accom modations upon the Chesapeake Bay. Route No. --The Old Dominton Line. The Rnmn Lines to Wilmington and Ports mouthh ia Itoutos 1 and 2. ''hentce. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Haturdays at : 10t p. m. by the mnanlflcntt slciowhel steamships of tile OLD DOMINION COMPAN , whlbh invariably arrive at their New York wharves at i p. m. A through run of 7T hours, combiningthe essential olomenti, of Cheapness, poned and Comfort. PIasstlengers should Itiave New Orleans Satur daiys. Mondays and Thursdays to connoct close ly with this Lbne. For Tickets, Chacks, Time Catrds, an I all In. ft rmat ion, Iiply at, the otll'ces of the Now Or loans antd IMohile Raltroitl. A. POI'E, ( inttral Palsenger Agent. J. II. W ITE, Houthiern PaIssengr Agent. H. W. FOWLE.I, N'ow Orltians Agent. corner Ht. Chtarls nd c!)oi ill ,it i 'ttriott. mt ly4 tf (jRiAA'I JAECK tan MoUtTa. NEW OBLEANS. ST. LOUI AND CHICAGO IAtILRIOAD LINES. DOUBLE DAILY THROUoB TRAINS, will depart and arrtv,: as follows: from OallioD street depot from Jlly it,, 1877: DzPART. ABRITY. Express No.1.6:30o D. m. ' Expres No. 2.1no:3 a.l Express No. i-I:15t. mi. I Express No.4. 8:15 i) i Nos. 1 and 2 run daily, 3 tuna 4 daily excel Sunday. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARB through to Cincinnati, Louis' illo, Chlengo. Cal ro and Milan, Tenn., withtoui hhango, ant for Ht. Louis a slooper is taken on at MIi.n, enabil ig passengers to go through without leaving the train. Friday evening''s t.aln makes no connection at D)uuoin for Chicfgo. Accommodation tradns btweon New Orleann and McComb City: Leave Now Orleans 3:30 p. in. atulrday; and 7:30 a. in. Htlnduay. Arrivo 9:50 p. m. Hundlay, and 9:30 a. m. Mon. lTi ckets for sale and Information given at 2 Camp street, corner Common. under City Hotel A. D. BHELDON. Agent. J C. CrO anr, VIce President and General Manager. mrb4 f ll NlEW ORLEAN8 AND MOBILE BAIL. ROAD-MOBILE LINFr THE OBEAT THROUGB BOUTE TO TRE EAST, NORTH AND WEST. Via Louisville via Atlata an via St.ILouis, OARRYING THE U. S MAIL. Trains arrive and pepart from DevPe. t oh Canal street. as follows: DEPABT. ABIV. Express..... .:46 a. m. ExDreses..... 11:2 a. m Express..... .5:oo p. m. Express...... 9:56 p. m Coast.........3:16 p. m. I Pullman Palace Oars dally to OInoinnati. Lou. Isville. Nashville and St. Louis without change and only one change to New York and Eastern cities. Ticket Office. corner of Camp and Commor streets, opposite 1Cit Hotel. D. B. ROBINSON. Buperintend't, mhl tf J. W. COLEMAN. Ticket Agent. HOTELS. TREMONT IOUSE, Corner Tremont and Church Streets, Galveston, Texas. SBINA & ORFILA, Lessees. (Formerly of the Grand Southern Hotel.) The Palace Holel of Galveston. This elegant Hotel, lately completed, irS NOIWT OP3BL.' -FOR THE ACCOMMODATION OF THE PUBLIC Being built at a cost of $40o,0o0, it will be first class in every respect, with all the latest im provements. ELEVATORS, ELECTRC ANNUN CIATORS, ckc. -WITH BATH ROOMS ON EVERY FLOOR. We therefore take pleasure in soliciting A CONTINUANCE OF THE PATRONAGE extended by the commercial men to the late Grand Southern Hotel. SBISA & ORFILA, Lessees. Formerly of Grand Southern Hotel. ANTHONY SBISA. JR.. Chief Clerk. y27 6m S'T. JAMES HOTEL, ON MAGAZINE STREET, Between Gravier and Natchez, New Orleans, La. GEN. CHAS. E. SMEDES. Proprietor. Terms-S2 50 Per Day. The undersigned having purchase'l the unex pired lease of Messrs. R. E. Rivers & Co., in the above Hotel, is now in possession of the same, and has the pleasure of announcing to his friends and the public that it will be kept open during the entire summer for regular and transient guests and d(lay boarders on LIBERAL TERMS. No pains or expense will be spared to insure the comfort of his guests. The Hotel will hbe entirely renovated, refitted andrefurnishul du(ring the, ~l.lmer. CHAS. E. SMEDES, Proprietor. New Orleans. June 15, 1877. je15 3m RESTAURANTS. TRICONI'S RETAIRANT -AND ICE CREAM SALOON. OUT ON THE PIER OF THE LAKE END --Of the PONTCHARTRAIN RAILROAD. The finest of fish, fresh from the lakes. Choice' wines and liquors always on hand. All orders for meals can be left at TRIRCO YT'S, corner of Canal and Decatur streets, where they will meet with proper attention. Prices mod erate, fell STEZAMImP5. __ TEXAS. MORGAN LINE U. M. MAIL WTEAMIHIIPIM. Tihe followlng low-pressure Iron Steamships form these lines: IlAltL N, 1. ( HARRIS, W. G. HEWES. MORGAN, JOdEI1'IITNE. ST. MARY OUtHI;E. WHITNEY, HIUTCHINSON. (IN'I'O)N. CITY 1)F NOIRFOLK. AltANH.\4. now bililing. I'lyingt from Morgan (;lty. in ennnetion with Morgan s LouisIana anll Texatu Railroad. For Indlnanola, via Galveton MONDAY and THURSDAY. Through hills Ialinig signed to Hloiston and t, all puilts bh~eynl on the IIHlustoni and Texas Cnto ; r1t111i (G. II. and1 H. A. It. It., Interll ationall ami.t Greant Northern Ililrold. via Clinton. and the I erxns Tra.sporlatlion Comlplany, Freight h ctlrgid is nIr new eard rates. Hant Aintonio f riuhhfuIi.I I iivi liii nI forwiarded via (ialv.lton. IHoustoin anl Han Antonlo Rail way nii+ Ciilntkon Ij rFor razos Santlago- The Iron steamnr I. C. IIHARRI Will Ioave Morgan CIty on . August Lightrsage at Brazos ta ntlltgo at risk and ox penar of ilon tl nleS. Frol'ght reu'~l ved for and bills lading signed only ix BIrownavilll, via Rio O(rannd Railroad, ais emr now tariff, loss a per cent. until further notice. Freight payable in gold. ,9HFor Corpus Chrintl, Fulton and , t. Mary's, via ltocikport--The Iron steamer IT. MARY, Will lenvn Morgan City on 'ITl IIHI)AY. August in, 15177. Lightdrage to Corwln Christl (if any) at risk and ox pnsel of cotislagncs. Freight for St. Mary's and Fulton landed at Rock port. Fr eigjt for all the above points recelved at the Depot Morgan's Louislana and Texas Railroad, foot of Lafayette sitrnet. daily, until 5 p. m. PASSENGER AND MAIL ROUTE. For .Galveston, HEouston and Indlanola. Pnasmengrs take Rtailroad Ferryboat foot of it. Ann street, at 7:30 It. in., reaching Morgan City at 11:15 it. m., thorei connecting with steamers MONDAY for Galvestin and Indianolna. TUENSDAY for Galveaton and Houston. TIIHUIISDAY for Galveimon and Indianola. SATURDAY for Gailveuto and Houston. First class fare to Shreveport I2.b-Time, 45 hours. Excursion tickets for the round trip to Gal veston and return, good for thirty days, Issued at $21. Tickets and staterooms senured until 5. p. m. lail y (Sumndays excepted), at Agint's offieo, or at the Ferry Landing, on morning of departure. Through tickets will be Issued from this office to the rlinnelpal points on the lHouston Texas Contral Railroad. ,on the In'ernational andt Great Northern Railroad, and Texas and Paclfic Railroad. C. A. WHITNEY & CO., Agents, jo1ly 1 Corner Magazine and Natchoz sts. NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA. NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA. MORGAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. The following Al Iron Steamships form this line- LONE HTAR. ALGIERS, N ,,W YORK, M.l)tAN CITY. ELLA KNIGH Pr, AGNES. The Iron Steamship NEW YORK, will leave Algiers TUESDAY, August 2,. Connecting at New Y ork with stp,amshlus ELLA KNIOIH ' andi AGNES for Phil delphia. IJitUlt4htC TO NEW YORK X. remight for the above port reefived at the depot of Morgan's Louislanar d 'l'exas itailroad, foot of L.afayette streOt, daily until 5 p. m. For fi eight apply to (CIAS. A. WHITNEY & CO., Agents. jel ly Cor. NatchelL, and Mulazine streets. HAVANA. FOR HAVANA. CEDAR KEYS AND KEY WEST. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. LEAVING EVERY WEEK The flrst-clas. steamship M.t RGi ERET, lBaker, Commander, will leave, from foot of Calliope street, on TUESDAY, A 7, at 8P.M. Passage rates to Havana, I40; Excursion tick ets, (c0. Passage rates to Jacksonville, $2o, including state rooms and meals. Through bills of lading issued to all points In Florida. For Freight or passage apply to I. K. ROBERTS. 12o Common street. Over Louisiana National Bank. The steamship EMILY B. SOUDER follows on the 14th of August. . my6 ly FLORIDA. FOR WAIRRINGTON, PENSACOLA AND MILTON. EGULARI HEMI-WEEKLY PACKETH. Pil1 The following first-class At steam shplDs will Hall for the above ports as follows: ALABAMA, 31. J. Fauria. master. I.aves WEDNEHUAY, Alugust 15. alt 3, pI. nm. AMITE, Jos+eph F. Boyle, mastur. Leavs ---u-s The above slteamers will Ilav, as above, opVo site Jaekson Square. Hieond Di)lstrict. For freight or Dassagi' D apply on boarld or to (. M. ORIlA, Agent. aul5 tf 18 and 20 Union street. SUMMER RESORTS. MONTGOMERY WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS. Great Reductioens in Rates of Board -AT THE Montgomery White Sulphur Springs, VIRGINIA. REDUCED TO $40 PER MONTH. Accommodations equal to any in the Mountains of Virginia. Dining room under the management of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. JORDAN. Fine Livery Stables. Ten Pins, Billiards, Cro quet, Fishing. Hunting. Boat Rides and Drives. in fact every convenience for the comfort and pleasure of guests. MUtIC. The MARINE BAND of Annapolis. Md. No Staging-All Railway Travel The cars land guests in Reception room, on the lawn. Accommodations for 1000 Guests. Proprietors refer to E. A. Tyler, Dr. A. A. Gates, Cant. T. L. Airy. Walttr Flowers, Jules Bl'anc, T. J. MSM'Mliin, W. B. Brockett, Col. Li. N. Ogden, or COL. W. B. GREGG, Southern Pass.Eng,-r Agent for the KennPsaw rItute, office corner Camp and Common streets. jea2m COLHOEN & CO.. Proprietors. T1ONTKOSS HOUSE, l Biloxi. Missiasippi. The Montross House is now open for the recep tin of guests. The undersigned respectfully informs his friends and the traveling public generally that the house has been tho oughly renovatel, re flited, and improvements made to suit the most exating. No pains or expense will be spared to keep the Montross House up to its usual standard-first class in every respect. Terms moderate. Special rates to tamilies and per manent guests. Telegrams or letters for rooms promptly at tended to. Meals furnished to excursionists at $1. jel 3m P. J. MONTBOS8. Proprietor. ITEAMBOATU. OHIO RIVER. REOULAI CINCINNATI. LOUISVILLE AND NEW OIRLEANS PACKET. Loaves on WIDTNEHI)AY. Agnrt l u,. at r, p. m. FORI CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE,. EVILIivlll-, HleO1 4Aolln rI hawnee town. 1aidullah Cairo, Mltmphli anl all intermeodlal po nltr- The atneamorr U. P. lilCIlENC'l, .w.II '( a r,r' nIln trJT IahI a lrd B rin.r r, ,lrlk. will Ia-ava ltR+) above. ior rrallght or passagL.- a - ply On brard, or ta, WAYNE & WILIIAMH. Irln (ir.vir If rert.. I)(UIiI,AiH 4r WINIIJlRN. i. ll i r, N at'h.. t'. . t iPI'm:lOAPUMAM. iFALT, ANID WINTEI AltILAN(IEIENT'. ItE(RJlA' I (OI'lI lltAH I'ACi(ElT. Leaves ,ve ry HA''l il IIA Y. atr, . Iiam., o nll nIlr Ing rn Hl 4ATI'ltIIlAY Aiagat 4, IFOIt W AIilI NII l'ON, OP'ELOIfJ sni. Port llarre. Him t11 olrlartL ( in, urah villr l all hlt inii ligs rion the vla .;, At!htaflaya ) Ivr anti lHayVnl (Cerrtableau-Tihe Ilirst-iIlaaM RialwhrIal lnl.lengi r 5laailnr' TIIEN I ON, .Jarnji, I,, lRoIJblne, Ilullal, (.ll.,r illock. 'lrk will layLv l.1t hatl v. Far. fra lglht, lor pasttaig.a ip plY till boalirdl, .r Ira IlI )t i,. McPEAK E. 46 (Camp Atre,l.. N. (), III)N(IlI E, 71 (Iravilr ,trIrt. aul if .JANNEY A WO(ILK. l(, lenamean at. REOULAR OPELO)USAS PAKICT. Leaves oery WEDNESDAY, at O 5 im. SFOR WASHINGTON, O#EiJO . Rsa, Port Barrie. Slmmsport Ohurhb. vitle, and all landings on the (orst. Atohafa lya Ilver and Bayou Oourtableau-The new and Ilht-draft steamer BERTIIA, H. H. Broad. master. Th,,o. Joblill. la1rk. will leave as above. For frolght or passaga ap. ply on hoardl or to BIITTON & EPPLER. si Gravier street. II. W. A IDAMH. 21 Com rrli.trlal Place. ilITEl A CA RIIN, t Tlhorrlritalarastrat. P. i.-Uonnrtls caloeir y wllth stealLrnr Minuile for Bayou dle (lallze. Also gives through bills lading to Bayou IBatrf, JI22 tf OIIACHIITA RIVER. NEW ORLEANS AND OUACIHITA RIVEB TRANSPOIRTATION COMPANY. OUACHITA CITY, TRENTON AND MONROE Weekly Ouachita City IT. R. Mail Packet, Loaves every WEDNE5 fAY, at 0 p.m. Lv FOR OUACH ITA CITY. TEN. ton, Monroe and all town landings The steamer JOHN H. HANNA, (In piano of Ouanlita l:nll,.l J. W. Blanks. master. B. 0. Cornwell, clerk, Will leave regularly noa above. Will reserve the right, to refuse any landing exrept mailil land ings. For froeight or passage apply on board, or to Capt. F. A. BLANKS, President, No. 2 Canal street corner Delta. HITE & CAIILIN BRITTOqN & EPLER. JANNEY& WORK. LORD & MoPEAKE, Ag'ts. P. 8.--Has regular connection with all the tributaries, fell tf BAYOUI TIA1IIE. PEOPLE'H TNDI)EIENDENT TECHE AND ATCHAFALAYA LINE. eavIItIs HA'[I'I IlIDAY. Aiiug.ut 18 atl5 ,. In. FOlR hTi'. MAItTINSVILLE AND aill irltanrratllaiirt landlngs on thel IBayou Ta'che- The steamner E. B. Trintrlad. mactar. Frnnk Grcig, cerk, will iatavae t1a abovle. anid cl,,ltinlro regulalrly tihroughlloutll tilo Iar'aanlaal. Fhor frrIlght or plUisahge apply on board or to 1ITE A. (CAitIIN, I1ll1.5 NIo. t T'lrla llpito lul,,r atrree.t. LOWER CA)AtT' '77-8 CHEAP TRAI'PORTATION. '77-1 T.OWER COAST BARGE LINE In connr:etion with the 1U. H. Mail hteamers 3MAIITIIA AND EVA. I 11M The A No. 1 fait Towboat PAINTER No. 2, -AND- I4X FIRlT C;LANI BARIWFA. •Capt. NI(CHOLAS TIIEODORIE, Is now ready to contrajt for transportation of Lambaer, Brick. H,oop-polq, Staves. iollers, Ma tliinery, lmiply hoglyhaawIIH Arnd barrels, moving af ruan'l, andall kind. of lobbing on the Lower Coast. W.II a-r,ntract to transport the coming crop of Sugar, Molili4mcs and licer, de:liverabl at any point. or ailorangladt: teamlin.olit, steiam hip, rail road or nelvator wharf. wilt in the city Inlits DAILY, at lower rates than any other line. Bar gas InllrrePs No. 1 iland at as low rates as any firi-t ahina;t aamrs. For further partlr.ulars apply to Capt. N. THEODORE or Capt. W. H. BASKET' T, y22 Steamer Martha. LOWER COAST UNITED STATES MAIL DAILY LINE (.,INDAYL EXY CIX'TEI). SFOR PORT EADS. THE FORTS, Bulras, Quarantne, P'ointe-a-la IIHahe and way landings-The swift low-pressuro Pullman pa ace steamer MAR I HA, W. H. Bassett master, leaves TUESDAYS and THUhHDAYS at 10 a m., SATUIIRDAYS at 5 p. m. (extending Satur day trip to Pilot Town. S,,uthwest Pass); return Ing Monday mornings. Wednesday and Friday evenings. The A No. 1 st,.amrr EVA. John Taylor. master. leaves MONDAYS, WEDNEBDAYS and FRI DAYS. at 10 a. m.; returning alternate days. Excursion tickets 15 (good on either boat) For freight or DaMsage apply on board, or to JOHN McMAI 8. 572 Magazine street. P. 5.-The Marfha goes throuuh the Jetties out into the Gulf on the SHaturday trip. jyl COMMISSION MERCHANTS. LEON QUEYBOUZE. OSOAB BOIl. QUEYRQUZE &; BOI8, Wholesale Groeers, DEALERS IN WINES AND LIQUORS And all kinds of WESTERN PRODUOIE, At the Blue Stores, Oorner Old Levee and Bienville streets, del4 r761 New Orleans. CONSUMPTION Positively (ured. All sufferers from this disease who are anxious to be cured should try DR. KIS'NER'S CELE BRATED CONSUMPTIVE POWDERS. These powders are the only preparation known that will cure CONSUMPTION and all diseases of the THROAT AND LUNGS--indeed, so strong is our faith in them, and also to convince you that they are no hun.bug, we will forward to every surferer. by mail, post paid, a FREB TRIAL BOX. We don't want your money until you are perfectly satisfled of their curative powers, If your life is worth saving, don't delay in giving these POWDERS a trial, as they will surely cure you. Price, for large box .3, sent to any part of the United Stator or Canada by mail on receipt of price. Addre-s ASH & ROBBINS, aDlei y ' o) Filtton c'rr4t. P, rooklrn. N 7. Southern Shoe Factory OF JOHh HANSE~ i 35 and S& Canal street, New Orleans. TO ALL SOUTHERN CITIZENi. I am of the same cpinion as yourselves and am determined to help build up the manufac turing interest of our native State in order to help the laboring classes and keep the money which would orherwise go to the North, at home. -bout ayear ago I started my F Pact .y, and by using the best material and vayina my hands promptly, I have been enabled to extend my business and support 500 women and children that would have otherwise left the State. In order still to increase my Factory, I would earnestly call upon the merchants, not only of the citybut of the whole country, to give me their aid and enoouragement. Oome and see ma del 17 JNO. HBANSEN STEAMBOATE. IRED RIVER. Red River and Texan. NEW ORLEANH AND lirr) IrlVIit TRIANS. I'ORTATION COM ['ANY. A ND. T'IXAMH l'A OUfIi[ ItAILWAY A NID CONN ,.; ['IONH. Through billsk)f ldinrtg awl thr.r'n h i i',' . nn gor tick"e t' all landji'g o, RaJI Iivor. au'I iall rdlway tatl.ione In Tx',e.. Tho bi,'t r",ute to liot H.orln!.. Th'J' ollowingre sMpIriI l 1 n.ld fTli starimlere ('Ip.iwO lIig the liin)1 will I''iv,' tv i,l',i rtivI tR., low; ~,i, tte1 Marla Loulon. Texas, U(. II, l)Mrf,,, (fl'. A P ,iPn , lotun No. I. FOlt 41111,;VUI,'EtP IT. JEEFFFlt. 11,01 l1, H ,rl ,I . g nd 1ll land inca on INsI Itivir amt railway ..ittiou I li T ' i'. Ilawl, (: I'. Trn-I'w rnmstl"r, T "11v1, W I,;I)N I-; 1).5 , t \w ;-t 1',. t t. rn1., 'I' Ulnm le Inaker, II. .. lrink.r., eav-. T'I'HlU Ilh A V. h g S na l. 14;. i '. rn. W . J. HPhln, it ... V. \Vilkin i ,n, mast-r. I w~nvo. n HATlJ Ilt AY., A',r d i t. I4:, at s p. In. No wharfbont oharga., 'd rrtynae or nomm lsion will be elarg'xl at m,"n' ,l, ofr ld llver. or at N'w Orleans. In forwarding frolght conslgnod to the company by bill rulling. For freight or pvr agteI aL'r y on board of the oats. or at tthe o Ii, 0gm . tiny, o. 111 ravleratreet. JOB. A. AIKPN. Prylilont, SHITA& OBALIN BIRITTON & E' la4 LOhD MoIPEAI ~. A.,'ntl Weekly Grand Reore Packet. a FOR GRAND ECOItIE, MO11"I gomery, Alexandria, Norman Barbin's and way landlngs-,Thtu steamer TEXAN, (lil ila.'e of N+w lirt All-., it. nnll.,tt.L mn tor, Loeavoe every SATUItDAY. nt r p. m. Will leave regularly ae a,,ove. For frll, ht g pasasago apply on board or to W. A 1i W. ADAMS, No. 21 (cmrn.rnial Ph.o, P. S.- Will anmwer hall~ "n th, Ci(net, and for* ward freight 'sonesignd t+, t+amrnr dlart Ablh' fron of chare,. Jin2 IIAYO1U MAA. BAYOU SARA HEMI-W.4IRKI,Y PIA('KITr'. I H''t. GOV. ALLEN, H'it. LA lEll';, John J. Irown Mitir. A. Dni-e+, MHastetr. , iOlt Hi A YOU HAIA., WATEII,(IO . HI[ erinit g . Port htl.n,',n, Loblinil't. Store, Inaton I',rKoge, I'liuo1"rmline. and postofilce landlk-+ nlteamner Gov. Allen, Laveam very MONDAY andu FI:ILDAY ats. p,. m. Steamer Ian Belle, Every WEDNESDAY and HATURI)AY at to, ts. C(ornrnll,:intig early irn Hptmbner. For freglht or passageo iply hon oard or to r No. 4 T'hnonlioila street. JANNEY & WOIK. jyll tf No. Jir,Common street. VICHKMBIi IG. UNITED STATES MAIL PACKET. Leaves T0,U VU I atopm . 1 vse X o e U F . Y a t 17 m , . > Davis's Bend and inttorrn.As landings--The steamer RO@T. E. LEE. Win. ampbell, master. A. MoVay and nlao. H. Mlosso) olrrt. a leave s a bove, conneeting at V-bfuci'rg willt Parisot's Line for ali points o Yaroo,, Lun A).W er. Deer reek and Tanllahatchle, It. W ADAMFI a JANAEY & WORK dtI1 BITE & OAIIIb. Agents, Will give through Bills of Ladlng to Trenton, Mon roe, and all ta t.liontos n.n V ikhn-a.g, Dht.Ve port and Texats Ralroad via Delta, La. W. B. BROOKENTT. Agen.. rswaxlra et. UNITED BTATES MAIL PACKET. Leaves ever THTRIHDLA Y ri o . nm, .wu . FOR AILKOI'OIIA G RENVILLE. Y.iksurg and tle hfiends--The fine an't tt, piseine ornket FRANK PA RO1OI;D, J. M. White. master. C. Holmes. "'erk Will leave as above, connecting at Vicks.))urg with the "Parlsot Line" for all polnrts on aaoo and Tallahatchle river. For freightor passago apply on board. or to JANNEY & WORK. R.IW. ADA M4. " iiBLOCKETT A CARTES. Through Bills of Lading .glvtn to Trenton, Monroe. a' d all stations on veoke~, rg. Shreve port anI Texas Rallr(,oad. Also to all pointa ol Arkopoldl and Pine, Bluff Tallrorld. h27 _ BOCUKIE'J & CARTER, BATURDAY V B U TAT Leaves every O .For T/0KSBUBaDA . Natchez and all Inte.edi~te lags-The passenger packet YAZOO VALLEY, (In place of Natbhe.) T. B. Smith. master, Frank Be:k and W. Wil son, clerks, ator JLtVesbur with the Parist IAn for .aoo, Tallaatchle and Bunflower rivers andwith Anchor Line for Memphis. alro ii This boat reserves the right to pass all land. Ings that the Captaln may conslder unsafe, for freight or epaasg. pp on boara, or to JA N.jEY WO.RK. lee Common street. m a'HIZAE UABLIN. 4 Tohoupitoulan s Will give through Bills of Lading to Trenton, Monroe and all stations on Vlforsbnrg, hnrev~e port a nd Rallroad via Delta. La. W. B. BBOOKETT. Agent. ii mtagaZIne st UPPERIL COA4)T. REGULAR TRI-WEEKLY PACKET. Leaves every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATUBDAY at w0 a. m. I FOR ASHLAND PLANTATION Ascension parish, Donaldsonville and all coast landings-The flP side-wheel passenger steamer BLUE WINS It 3, J. A. Comstock master Geo. M. Woods and Chas. Dean, clerks,. Will leave as above. lieturnina, leaves Ash land Plantation Tuesday. Thursday and S n day, coming down the coast in daylight. lo freight or passage abDly on board or to a 22 S. HENO. 19 Conti street. P. 8. All freight delivered in the daytime. LAFOURCHE. SEMI-WEEKLY BAYOU LAFOURCHE AND COAST PACKET. THROUGH TO LOCKPORT. Leaves every TUESDAY and SATURDAY The fine vpes,-nir rteamer (In r Mg s ARY, !In plar'4 of th, Ella I high'. Joe Dalferes. master. E. Nicll 'le'rk, Leaves New Orleans every TUESDAY at 5 . mn,. and SATURIJAY at 5 D. m., for Lockport Plantation. Returningleaves Thibodaux every FRIDAY and MONDAY morning. For freight or passage apply on board. P. S.-A clerk always on landing, head of Conti street, to recelve freight my22 SEMI-WEEKLY BAYOU LAPFOUBCHE AKD COAST PACKET. THROUGH TO THIBODAUX. Leaves every MONDAY at a p. m. and FRIDAY at 10 a. m. THE NEW P 88ENGER STEAME AMUJU PTIr|N (In place of Henry Tete.) P. A. Charlet., a~ter, N. Z. Dupuis. clerk Pays partlcular attention to way bu-inees and returns down the Coast Sundays and Wednes. days. For freight or passage a ptv on board orto B. RIVET, ap 10 tf 10I Deatr street. SEMI-WEEKLY BAYOU LAFOUBOHE PACE ET. THROUGH TO THIBODAUX. .i~,. The light dra; : -r +,-amer ROUT. YOING, U. D. Terrbonne min±r. 'r. A. xc: flA' : Leaven New Urieans ev.-ry TH .D ti r a, MONDAY at a . m.. retnrnlng etery WEL' NESDAY and SATUP.DAY eve :nir. For freigh or pP S'as apply on board or to HITE & CARLLN 4 TA:houIacuas street. or TEREEBON'NE & SALOMON. Agenta, 75 Decatur between Contl and Blenavie ara, sals ti RATON ROUGE, Leaves every MONDAY at 5 p. m.. and FRIDAY at 12 m S The pass~e"er steamer ST JOHN prank Bergeron. master J. . Bergeron ler Leaves as above for Baton iRouge P'lalle, mine, Donaidsonville and all coast retunig every SUNDAY and WEDKo For fle hor or4d1 o- b f0 -" b~ L~H00s, R~tli.oC11