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JUDICIAL ADVERTIUEU1 NT. IMONITION@4. MONITION. BTATE OF LOUISIANA. BEOOND DIHTRICT COURT FOR TIIE PARISH OF ORLEANH. FHE STATE OF LOUII INA, TO ALL whomthese presents shall come, grReting: Whereas Simon Hernsneim has purlhased ata publc sale made by It. M. Montgomery, auctioneer for the a. ish of Orleans, on the twenty-eighth day of July, 1877, under and by virtue of an order of sale rendered the twenty tird of June. 18t7, the property h'teilnafter described. has applied to this court for a monition or advertisement In conformity to sections 2t70, 2371, 2372 and 2:173 of act No. lu, ap &proved March 16, 157,0 and commonly known as the "Rtvised Statutes of Loutsiana." Now,therefore, know ye, and all persons in torested herein art cited arid admonished in the name of the State of Louisiana, and of the ' SMecond District Court for the parish of Orleans who can set up any right, title or clalm to and i - th u v r e pr c t r h Ree tin a fte r d e s r i~ e di n oa m sequenoe of any informality in the order, do eree or judgment of the court under which the same was made, or any irregularity or illegal ity in the appraisements and advertisement,. in time or manner of sale, or for any other de fect whatsoevt r, to show cause within thirty days from the day this monition s first inserted in the public papers why the sile so made should not be confirmol and homologated. The said property was sold in the matter of the succession of Jose Martinez Del Campo, No. ,,571 of the docket of I his court, at which sale Simon Hernsheim, of this city, thcame the pur ehaser for the price and suan of two thousand seven hundred and flity dollars. Description of the property as contained in the act of sale from the sue *ession of Jose Mar tlne Del Catnpo to the said Simon H.'rnsacim, seed before William H. Paesoe, notatry pub lie on the tenth of August 1877: A certain lot of ground, together with the three-story brick store thereon, situated in the Second District of this city, in the square bound, d by Peters. Front, Canal and Urossman streets, and designated by the number flfteen square number one on a plan drawn by L. Pulle, surveyor. dated Mayv 20, 18t48. deposited the office of Joseph ,uvellier, notary in this sity; said lot measures, in American measure, kaenty-two feet f ur inches two lines front on Peters street by ninety feet in depth, betwoeen 'arallel lines. Being tie same property which =e said Jose Martlnez ptel Campo atequired by Durahase from Jha at. Hayle, by an act passte before Charles Stringer. notary in this city, on t eleventh of November, 18ts. New Orleans, August o, 1817. A. L. TISSOT, Judgo. JorN HtirnnT. Clerk. au1i so6 20 MONITION. STATE OF LOUISIANA. SECOND D:STRICT COURT FOR THE PABISH OF ORLEANS. THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. TO ALL L whom these presents may aome, greeting: SWerre i athiais Hirsch has purchased at a ubl sale made by R. l Monigomery, auc eer for the parish of Orleans, on the twenty day of July. 1877, under and by an order flmsale rendered twenty-third June, is77. the roperty hereinafter desoribel. has applied to this court for a monition or adverisement, in @onformity to sections 2870. 2371, 2372 and 2373, of Mot No. o9, approved March 16, 1870, and com ,Oi known as the "Revised Statutes of Louisana." hNow, tesrefore, know ye and all persons in s d herein are cited and admonished in the e of the State of Louisiana, and of the d District Court for the parish of Orleans oan iet up any right title, or claim to and th poperty hereinafter described, in con tetluenoe of any informality in the order, de eiee or judgment of the court under which the same was made, or any irregularity or illegality the appraisements or advertisements, in U.le or manner of sale, or for any other defect ver, to show cause within thirty days m the day this monition is first inserted in the ublic papers, why the sale so made should ot be confirmed and homo orated. Thee said property was sold In the matter of tho u .eeesion of. JaoM artinez Del Campo, No. 7511 of the docket of this court, at which sale lathas Hirsch. of this city, became the pur ehaser for the price and sum of thirty-one thousand dollars. Descrition of the property as contained in etof sale from the succession of Jose Mar s Dl Cameo to the said Mathias Hirsch before Wllam H. Pasoe, notary public, the tenth day of August, 1577: Two certain lots of ground, together with the four-story brick slated stoe as, situated in ilrst Disti let of this city, and forming the unre or islet bounded by New Levee, Canal. and Common streets, and designated e numbers one and two on a plan known e.e plan of J. A. Beard deposited in the office B.. . ense, notary, tunder date of the twelfth uary, 1682. Lot number one measures thlrty Sfeet seven inches seven lines front on New street, twenty-four f-etsix inches on Ful street by one hundred and thirty-six feet lines in depth and front on Canal street, and a hundred and thirty-eight feet three inches depth on the line dividing it from lot number ; lot number two m asures thirty-eight feet n inches seven lines front on said New vee street, and twenty-four feet five inches ur lines in depth and front on Common street one hundred and twenty-eight feet three nehes in depth on the line dividing it from lot number one. all American measure. Being the e property which the said deceased acquired purchase from the city of New Orleans by seve al acts passed before H. B. Cenas, tary, May 0, 2883. New Orleans, August 20, 1877. A. L. TISSOT, Judge. JonN HERBERT, Clerk. au1121 se6 2 SUCCESMION NOTICES. Sueeessleon of Caroline Aron Jacobs. ECOND DISTRICT COURT FOR THE PAR ish of Orleans. No. 39.,85-Whereas. Moses has petitioned the court for letters of ministration on the estate of the late Caro ne Aron Jacob', deceased, In'estate. Notice is reby given to all whom it may concern to ow cause within ten days why the prayer of said petitioner should not be granted. By order of the court. AU 17 21 26' JOHN HERBERT. Clerk. sloe of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Lad mann. 00N9 DISTRICT COURT FOR THE PAR ih of, Orleans. No. 39,47-Notice is hereby to the creditors of this estate and to all - persons herein interested, to show cause tea days from the present notification, if ey have or can, why the account presented administrator of this estate should not ved and homologaed, and the funds ued in accordance therewith. order of the court. h.a. 21 26' JOHN HERBERT, Clerk. Sueeession of Robert Geddes. ECOND DISTRICT COURT FOR THE PAR ish of Orleans, No 35,643-Notice is hereby n to the creditors of this estate and to all other rsons herein interested, to show cause within days from the present notification, if any y -have or can, why the account present by Henry Renshaw. testamentary executor th deceased, should not be approved and and the funds distributed in ac ordanee therewith. - By order of the court. 5l1 21 24 27 JOHN HERBERT, Clerk. CONSTABLE SALES. U. Bassetti vs. P. Theard. ECOND JUSTICE COURT FOR THE PAR ishoftOrleans, No. 2397-By virtue of a writ of ari toilas, to me dirseted by the Hon. John rmick. Second Justice of the Peace in for the parish of Orleans, in the above stated alt, I will proceed to sell a' public auction, at corner of Dryades and Poydras streets, on IDAY August 3t 1877 at 12 o'clock m. THE (CONTENTS OF A COIFEE-HOUSE BILLI RD SALOON, as per inventory on in my office. eied in the above stated suit. Terms-Cash on the spot M. RUSSELL, 81121 6 31 Constable. Victor Sere vs. Otte leine. ECOND JUSTICE COURT IN AND FOR the parish of Orleans. No. 1824-By virtue a t of alias fler tarias, to me directed by e n. John McCormick, Second Justice of Peace In and for the parish of Orleans. in above stated suit, I will proceed to sell at l asuction. In front of my office, at the cor of St. Charles street and Commercal Alley, FRIDAY August 24,1877. at 12 o'clock m. TH o RIGHTS TITLE AND INTER Sof defendant h-rein in and to the suit of Melne vs. Hugo Mehu, ,t, No. i35 of the ket of the FP.fth District Court fir the parish Orleans; and Otto Iteiue vs. Geonrge Kern. r and. Hugo Mehnest, No. 8oso of the et of said court. elzed in the above stated suit. Tem- on the spot. .l L RUSSELL, Constable. JUDICIAL ADVERTIbEMENTB. MHEUaIFF JALE.I. Eva Lafleur vs. fulanfa Mayer. F IFTH DISTRICT .COUIRT FOR THE PAR ish of Orleans. No. 8348--By virtue of a writ of seizure and sale. to me direr ed by the honorable the Fifth Dihtrict Court for the par ish of Orleans in the above entitled cause, I will proceed to sell at public auction, at tWe Mer cbants and Auctioneers' Exchange. Royal street, between Canal and Customhouse stree s, in the iecond Distriot of this city, on 'TUES DAY. August 21, 1877, at 12 o'clock m., the fol lowing described pronerty to wit FOUR LOTI OF GROUND. with all the In provemtnns thereon situated in the Faubourg Washington, in the Third District of the city of New Orleans, designated by the numbers one two, three and four, in square number one, on plan drawn by N. Rillieux & Co., dattd the eighth of November, 18ti, deposited in the office of Mossy, late a notary public in this city: said square is comprised within Morales, or Marais. Goodehildren. Josephine and Mathilda streets: which said lots of ground mneasure each. in Eng lish measure, twenty-nine feet nine inches front on Goodchiliden street, by one nundred and _vx on _fet thrte inchea nnun ine in t1neth the btt number four forming the corner of Good children and Mathilda stree's. Being the same property purchased by Catherine Parr, or Pfaar. wife of Nicholas New. from Joseph Barihet, per act passed before Jules Mossy. late a notary pub lie in this city, dated the twenty-e'ghth of Iceto her, e184. At the death of said Catherine Parr, the community of actquests and gains that exist ed between her anti her husb nd, Nicholas New, was dissolved, and the said property did there fore belong in eommon to said Nicholas New and Susana New. widow of Michael Mayer, the sole issue of. said marriage and heir of her mother. Catherine Parr. 8-ubsequently, by an act passed before Abol Dreyfus, notary publ). in this .lty dated the ninth of December, 15is. the said Nicholas New sold unto his daughter. Hl sana New, wife of Michael Mayer. his one un divided half interest in and to said four lots of ground. - ei~ed in the above suit. Terms-Cash on the s H.HANDYt. THOMAB H. HANDY, Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. yvo na 1o t2 J. Christen vs. R. unhlman at al.: Ca par Lusse va, J. Christen and Sherif. 0 rOURtTH DISTRICT COURT FOR THE PAR o ish of Orleans. No. o,so---Nos, 13t and 1t49 of the late Seventh Distrlet Court-By virtue of a writ of fler faclas against Joseph Christen. in favor of Caspar Lusse, to me directed by the honorable the Fourth District Court for the parish of Orleans, in the above entitled causes I will proceed to sell at public auction, on TUES DAY, August 21, 1877, at 103% o'clock a. m.. at my warehouse, Nos. S2 and a5 Orleans street., between Royal and Bourbon streets, in the See ond District of this city, the following described pronerty, to wit THE CON TENTS OF PREMISES NO. 11 Conti street. near Levee street consisting of ten bundles of brown paper, one three gallon demi john containing gin, three cigar presses, one small pair of scales, two quarter boxes tobacco, one platform scale, one tobacco press, and two stone jars. Seized in the above suits. '1erms-Uash on the spot. THOMAS II. HANDY, Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. au 14 21 New Orleans Credit Fencier Association vs. Marguerite, Jean and Charles Crcjo. FIFTH DISTRICT COURT FOR THE PAR ish of Orleans, No. 8409-By virtue of a writ of seizure and sale, to me directed by the honor able the Fifth itrict Court for the arish of Or leans in the ve entitled cause I will proceed to seli at pu lic auction, at the Merchants and Auctioneers' Exchange. Royal street, b"tween Canal and Customhouse streets. In the ý~eond District of this city, on WEDNSDAY, Septem ber 12, 1877, at 12 o'clock m., the following de scribed property, to wit A PORTION OF GROUND situated in the quare bounded by St. Ann, Tonti, Miro and Dumaine streets, in the Second District of this 'ity, measuring sixteen feet six inches front on St. Ann street by one hundred feet in depth, be tween parallel lines, and is that portion nearest Tontistreetof the lot which is designated by the number two, on a plan made by Bazin & Booch on the thirtieth of April, 1849. deposited in the office of 0. de Armas, a notary public in this city; together with all the buildings and improvementd theron, rights, ways, privileges, eto. Being the same property a' quired by the defendant, herein by purchase from the plain tiff herein, as per act before G. Le Gardeur, Jr., a notary public in this city, dated January 14, 1878. Seized I the above suit. Terms-in cash to pay nineteen notes for sixteen dollars each, with eight per cent interest per annum thereon on sixteen dol ars from February 1, 1876, until paid, and like interest on a like amount on each succeeding mon h there after up to and including 'August 30, 1877; the whole until paid, five per cent attorney's fees and costs of suit. The purchaser to assume, as they fall due, the payment of seventeen remain ing notes for sixteen dollars each, commencing September 1, 1877, and ending January 1, 1879, with eight per cent interest from their respect ive maturities. THOMAS H. HANDY, Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. au11l1 31 se1 Emile Bouny vs. Louis Rorn. F IFTH DISTRICT COURT FOR THE PAR ish of Orleans. No. 8472-By virtue of a writ of seizure and sale, to me directed by the hon orable the Fifth District Court for the parish of Orleans. in the above entitled cause, I will pro coed to sell at public auction, at the Merchants and Auctioneers' Exchange. Royal street, be tween Canal and Customhouse streets. In the BSecond D'striLt of this city, on WEDNESDAY, September 12, 1877, at 12 o'clock m., the following descrlthd property, to wit THREE ECERTAIN LOTS OF GROUND, with all the buidlings ant improvements thereon, and all the rights. ways, privileges and appur tennances thereunto belonging situated in the Third District of this city and designated by the numbe s five, six and seven of square num her twenty-two. comprised within St. John the Baptist. St. Avid. St Ferdinand and Port streets. on a plan drawnby A. Castaing, architect, on the sixth of January. 1858, and deposited as plan number four of book of plans number six, in the office of Amedee Ducatel. a notary public in this city: said lots measuring each twenty-nine feet six inch s front on Port street by one hun dred feet in depth between parraelel lines. Be ingthe same property acquired by the defendant herein, by purchase from Ttceodore Morano, per act passed before E. Bouny, notary public, in this city, on the twenty-third day of Novem ber, 1866. Seized in the above suit. Terms--Cash on the spot. THOMAS H. HANDY. Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. aull 21 31 sel2 State of Louniiana vs. Joseph L. Montieu et als. SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, parish of Jefferson. No. 4214-By virtue of a writ of fleri facias, to me directed by the honor able the Second Judicial District Court, parish of Jefferson, in the above entitled cause. I will proceed to sell at public auction, at the Mer chants and Auctioneers' Exchange. Royal street. between Canal and Customhot2ae streets in the Second District of this city, on TUESDHAY, Au gus 21 1877, at 12 o'clock m., the following de scribed property, to wit THiR E O4J iTalN LOTS OF GROUND, with the improvements thereon, situated in the First District of the city or New Orleans, in the square bounded by Canal, Prieur. Roman and Gasquet streets, designated by the numbers twenty-eight, twenty-nine and thirty, on a p'an drawn by Joseph Pile, late surveyor, dated first of May. lSo4 and deposited for reference in the office of D. L. McKay. late a notary public in this city. Said lots adjoin each other and meas ure each twenty-seven feet front on Gasquet street by one hundred and nine feet ten inches three lines in depth between parallel lines. Seized in the above suit as belonging to de fendant Montieu. Terms-Cash on the spot. THOMAS H. HANDY, Civil Sheriff of the parish of Orleans. jy20 aul to 21 William Arms, Charles Heath, subro" gated, vs. the Home Missionary Society. FOURTH DISTRICT COURT FOR THEPAR ish of Orleans, No. 25.120-By virtue of a writ of neri facias, to me directed by the honor ab e the Fourth District C curt for the parish of Orleans, in the above entitled cause, I will pro ceed to sell at public auction, at the Merchants and Auctioneers' Exchange, Royal street, be tween Canal and Customhouse streets, in the Second District of this city, on FRIBAY, Sep tember 14, 1877, at 12 o'clock m., the following described property, to wir A CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND. with the improvements thereon, the rights, ways, privi leges and servitudes, situated in the square bounded by Poydras, Lafayette, Franklin and Ba-in streets, in the First District of tnis city. designated by the number eleven. on a plan made by L. H. Pile, late City Surveyor, dated November 24, 1860. and deposited in the records of C. E. Fortier, late a notary public in this city, as plan number sixty-seven of book of plans number one: according to said plan said lot measures twenty-six felt six inches six lines front on Franklin street by a depth of eighty five feet three inches five lines. Seized in the above suit. Terms-Cash on the spot. THOMAS H. HANDY, Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. au18 23 69211 JtDICIAL ADVERTISEMENTS. SHllIEIP3F SALES. Mrs. N. Stewart vs. Julia Arbuckle and J. H. Sherman. SIXTH DISTRICT COURT FOR THE PARISH ºJ of Orleans. No. 4214-By virtue of a writ or fler failas, to me directed by the honor able the Sixtfr District Court for the parish of Orleans, in the above entitled cause, I will proceed to sell at public auction, on the oprm ses hereinafter designated, on TUESDAY. August 21.1877, at 4`4 o'clock p. m., the follow ing described property, to wit THE ENTIRE STOCK OF BLOCKS AND PUMPS contained in the premises situated at the corner of Julia and Front streets, in the First District of this city, as per inventory which may be seen in my office. Seized in the above suit as belonging to de i)ndant Sherman. Terms-Cash on the soot. THOMAS H. HANDY, Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. au9 14 21 J. C. Muller vs. Mrs. M. White, wife of John C, White and Mrs. John H. Rahders. rýIXTH DISTRIUT COURT FOl 'l Ha PAR - iehtof Ores emMN. 9 ---By virtue of -writ of lerl fanias, to ume directed by the honorable the Sixth District Court for the parish of Or leans, in the above entitled cause, I will pro ceed to sell at public auction, on the premises hereinalter designated, on TUESDAY, August 2s, 1877, at 10to o'clock p. m., and succeeding days at the same hour and place, the following de scribed prouerty. to wit ALL 'THE GOOD)B. MERCHANDISE FIX. TULEH AND OTHER MOVABLE P'IOP EItTY contained in the store No. 597 Maga zinc st eet, in the Fourth DistrIct of this *city, consisting of Millinery, Ribbons, etc.. as per inventory which may be seen at my office. neized in the above suit. Terms-Cash on the spot. THO IA8 H. HANDY, Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. nulo 21 28 Stephen Bird and Thompson Bird, Execu tors of John Bird, vs. A. B. Reading; W. B. Armstead vs. same. F IFTH DISTRICT COURT FOR THE PAR ish of Orleans. Nos. 7407 and 7570-By virtue of two alias writs of fleri facial, to me directed by the honorable the Fifth District Court for the parish of Orleans, in the above entitled causes, I will proce, d to sell at public auction, at the Merchants and Auctioneers' Exchange, Royal street, between Canal and Customhouse streets, in the See nd District of this city. on TUES DAY August 21. 1877, at 12 o'clock m., the follow ing described property, to w it A11 and singular THAX TRACT OR PORTION OF GROUND. situated in the First District of this city. running from Front street to the River liasissippi, between the prolongation of Benja min and tusette streets, on parallel lines, being and embracing all the ground recovered by Yeatman. Woods & Co. and John Bird against the city of New Orleans-being suit No. ~359 of the docket of the Third District Court of New Orleans. Together with the right to all accre tion and batture formed or to be for med by the alluvion of the said River Mississippi and all the rights, title, claims, actions and demands whatsoever, without exception or reservation. Being the same property acquired by the de fendant herein. as follows, to wit: The one un divided half thereof from John Bird and Ingals Bird, his wile. per act pa'sed before B. Shan nesssy, a Commissioner for the State of Illinois. and appointed by the Governor of Louisiana, dated Mays, 189;: and the other undivided half thereof, from James Woods, per act passed be fore P. C. Cuvellier. late a notary public in this city, on May 10,189i; together with all the buildings and improvemen's thereon. Seized in the above suits. Terms-Cash on the spot. THOMAS H. HANDY. Civil Sheriff of tee Parish of Orleans. . y20 6 au2 9 .t 21 A. Recbereau & Co. vs. Magdalena Lutz, widow in community and universal legatee of Jacob Schiller. and Hedwig Heis, widow of Conrad Schiller. 1ECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT FOR J the Sixth and Seventh Municipal Di - trlcts of the parish of Orleans. No. 947-By vi. tue of a writ of seizure and sale, to me directed by the honorable the Second Jutil.ial Distriet Court for the Sixth and Seventh Municipal Dis tricts of the parish of Orleans. in the above en titled cause. I will proceed to sell at public auc tion, at the Merchants and Auctioneers' Ex change. Royal street. between Canal and Cus tomhouse streets, in the Second District of this city on TUESDAY, August 21, 1877, at 12 o'clock mn., fhe following described property to wit THREE CERTAIN LOTS OF GROUND. to ether with the buildings and improvements thereon, and all the rights, ways, privileges, ser vitudes and advantages thereunto belonging, or in anywise apperlaining, situated in the Sixth District of this city, in the square hound ed by Laurel, Constance, or Live Oak. Amelia and Antonine streets. said lots being designated by the numbers one. two and three, on a sketch 1 drawn by L. Relzenstein, surveyor anneifed to an act of deposit (xecuted before James Fahey, a notary public in this city on the fifteenth of March. 1873, and measuring, according to said sketch, as follows,. to wit: Lot number one. forming the corner of Laurel and Antonine streets, seventy-six feet front on Laurel street by one hundred and seven feet in depth and front on Antonine street: lot number two, rrty-tlhree feet front on Laurel street by one hundred and seven feet in depth, between equal and parallel lines; lot number three, thirty seven feet four inches front on Laurel street by one hundred and seven feet between parallel lines. Being the same property acquired by the late Jacob Schiller. by purchase from Mrs. Eliza beth Llcienne Aline Delachaise. wife of Fran cois Marion Enoul Dugue de Livaudais, as per act passed before said notary, James Fahey. Patrd twenty-second of March, 1873. Seized in the above suit. Terms and Conditions-The purchaser to as sume the payment of six promissory notes, each for the sum of three hundred and twenty dollars, dated at New Orleans on the first of March, 187:1. drawn by Jacob Schiller to his own order, and by him indorsed. payable respe t ively in five, six, seven. eight, nine and ten years after date at the Union Natio:nal Bank of Noew Orleans, andt bearing interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum from date until matur ity. anti thereafter at the ra'e of eight per cent. per annum until paid; said notes being secured by mortgage and vendor's lien on the above described property, as per act passed before James Fahey. a notary public in t,,is city, on the twenty-second March. 1873, containing the usual clause of five per cent. for attorney's fees in case of suit to recover the amount of said notes or any of them. The balance of the price of adiudication to be paid in cash. THOMAS H. HANDY, Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. jy20 aul 10 21 New Orleans Insurance company vs. Jules Tuyes individually and as tutor. FIFTH DISTrRIT COURT FOR THE PARISH ' of Orleans, No. 8471-By virtue of a writ of seizure and sale, to me directed by the honorable the Fifth District Court for the parish of Orleans in the above entitled cause, I will proceed to self at public auction, at the Merchants and Auction eers' Exchange. Royal ftreet, between Canal and Customhouse streets, in the Second District of this city, on WEDNESDAY. Sqptember 12,1877, at 12 o'clock m., the following described prop erty, to wit A LOT OF GROUND, situated in the Second District of this city of New Orleans, in the square comorised between Esplanade. Bourbon. Barracks and Royal streets, measuring, in American measure, sixty-four feet front on Es planade street by a depth of one hundred and forty-one feet two inches on the side adjoining the property now or formerly belonging to Henry Leaumont and Philip Alvarez. and of about one hundred and thirty-seven feet eight inches on the other side, the whole as particu larly shown on a plan made by Allou D'Heme court, deputy city surveyor, on the twenty-sev enth of January. 1834. and annexed to an act passed before Felix Grima, late a notary public in this-city. on the sixth day of October. 1834. AND ALSO ANOTHER LOT OF GROUND. in the same district and ' quare, and adjoining the above described lot in the rear, measuring, in American measure, sixty-four feet fr. nt on Bar racks street by a depth of sixty-seven feet nine and three-fourths inches on the side adjoining the property formerly belonging to Anthony A. Suarez. and of seventy-one feet five and a half inches on the side adjoining tue prop erty of Marie Louise. The whole in conform itv with the plan above mentioned. Together with all the buildings and improvements thereon, rights, ways, customs, servitudes and appurtenances thereunto belonging. Being the same property acquired by the de fendant herein by purchase from the New Or leans Mutual Insurance Company per act passed before P. C. Cuvellier, late notary public m this city, dated May 1, 1866. Seized in the above suit. Terms and Conditions-In cash for a sufficient amount to cover costs and taxes and the install ment past due viz: Twenty-five hundred dol lars, with eight per cent interest from the twenty-fifth of February, 1877, to the day of sale. The purchaser to assume to the extent of the amount of his bid the mortgave granted by the defendant to the New Orleans Mutual Insurance Company on the first of May, 1866, before P. Chas. Cuvellier. and extended by an agreement between said'lnuyesand the said company on the twenty-third March. 1874. by an act before said notary, conformably to the terms and con ditions of said acts. The amounts to be assumed being twenty-five hundred dollars, doe on the tw nty-fifth February, 1878. and ten thou-and dollars, due on the tw nty-fifth February, 1879; b th amounts carrying interest after maturity at the rate of eight per cent per annum. THOMAS li. HANDY, Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. null 2131 sell JUDICIAL AD VERTISElE NTS. HI3IIItPP SALE . The City of New Orleans vs. Henry A. Lyons: same vs. minors. Lucy L. Mat thews: same vs. Lucy L. Matthews; same VS. same ; same vs. same. (SUPERIOR DISTRIOT COURT FOR THE p parish of Orleans, Nos. 9154 55 144, 72,986, 88,129 and 5,t67'l-By virtue of live writs of fleor facies, to me directed by the honqrable the Superior District Court for the parish of Orleans, in the above entitled causes, for city taxes of 1871, 1878, 1874, 1875 anrd 1870, I will pro ceed to sell at public auction, at the Merchants and Auctioneers' Exchange. Royal street, be. tween Canal and Customhouse streets. in the Second District of this city, on WEDNESDAY. Augu8s 22. 1877, at 12 o'clock m., the following described property, to wit A CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, situated in the First District of this city. in square number one hundred and eighty-one, bounded by Julia, Camp, St. Chores and St. Josepn streets, dnignat.-d as lot number twenty-oight, measuring twenty-six feet front on Julia street by one hundred and lty-one feet in depth. Seized in the above suits. 'PTnrmn-sLuashn th sot _ THOMAS H. HANDY. Civil Sheriff of tue Parish of Orleans. jyl2 aRu 12 The City of New Orleans vs. A. Perrault; same vs. same; sanme vs. same; same vs. sameo ; ss. e vs. same; same VS. same; samni vs. same; same vs. 'same; same vs. same; same vs. Rsanr; samto vs. same. -_UPERIOR DISTRIuT COURT FOR THE tparish of Orleans, Nos. 14,922, 44Ut, 5399, 6.,570, 160,45. 5.0t1, 11.141, 56.236, 17,264. 89,985 and. 72'.-By virtue of eleven writs of Herl faclas, to me directed by the hnorable the Superior District Court for the parish of Or leans, in the above entitled causes, for city taxes of 1861. 1862, 1863. 1865, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1873, 5874, 1875 and 1876, I will proceed to slil at tublio auotion, at the Merchants and Auc. tioneers' Exchange, Royal street. between Canal and Customhouse ,tree s, in the Second Distries of this city, on WEDNESDAY. August 22. 1877. at 12 o'clock m., the following described property. to wit A CERTAIN PORTION OF GROUND, situated in the Third Distrlct of this city, insquare num ber three hundred and eighty-two. bounded by St. Claude. Columbus, Marais and Kecleree streets, dtsignated as lots numbers eighteen and nineteen, each measuring thirty-two feet front on Kerlorec street by one hundred and thirty-four feet In dep' h. tSeized in the abovo suits. Terms-Cash on the spot. THOMARS H. HANDY. Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. jy21 at.n 22 The City of New Orleans ,s. E. W. Chase; same vs. Edward Chase; same vs. same: same vs. same; same vs. same; same vs. same: same vs. same: same vs. saime; same vs. same; same vs same; same vs. same. SUPERIOR DISTRICT COURT FOR THE parish of Orleans, Nos. 78,981, 79,048, 79 14s 79,149, 79,241, 79,877 79 309. 79.5 1, 79,.07, 84,705 and 312e-By virtue of i-even writs of fler facias, to me directed by the honorable the Su perior Distrlct Court for the parish of Orleans, in the above entited causes, for city taxes of 1874, 1875 and 187e. I will pro-` ceod to sell at publio auction, at the Mer chants and Auctioneers' Exchange, Royal street, between Canal and Customhouse streets in the Second District of this city, on WEDNESDAY, August 22. 1877, at 12 o'clock m., the following described property to wit 1. A CERTAIN SiQUARE OF GROUND, sit uated in the Seventh District of this city, in square number one hundred and fl.ty-nine, bounded by Hillery, Adam, Plum and Fifth streets, designated as lots numbers one to twelve, measuring three hundred feet fronton Hillery street by two hundred and seventy live feet in depth. 2. A CERtTAiN SQUARE OF GROUND, sit uated in the Seventh D;strict of this city, in square number one hundred and eighty-six, bounded by Hillery, Adam, Jeannet and Fifth streets, designated as lots numbers one to twenty-four measuring three hundred feet front on Hillery street by two hunired and seventy-five toot in depth. a. A CERTAIN SQUARE OF GROUND, sit vated in the Seoventh District of this city, in square number two hundred and forty-two bounded by Cambronne, Madison, Seventh and Cohn streets, measuring three hundred feet front on Cambronne street by three hundred feet in de th. 4. A CEItrAIN SQUARE OF GROUND, sit uated in the Seventh District of this city, in square number two hundred and fifty-eight bounded by Madison, Cambronne, Cohn and Eighth streets, deslgnated' as lots numbers one to twenty-four, measuring three hundred feet front on Madison street by three hundred feet in depth. 5, A CERTAIN SQUARE OF GROUND, sit uated in the Seventh District of this city, in square number three hundred and fifty-six bounded by .ublin, Madison, Eleventh and Nelson streets, designated as lots numbers one to thirty-two, measuring three hundred feet front on Dunlin street by three hundred and twenty-six feet in depth. c. A CERTAIN 8QUARE OF GROUND, sit uated in the Seventh District of this city, In square number three hundred and ninety-two bounded by Claiborne, Jefferson Twelith and Belfast streets, designated as lots numbers twenty-five to forty.mesauring three hundred feet front on Claiborne street by three hun dred feet in de th. 7. A CERTAIN SQUARE OF GROUND, sit uated in the Seventh District of this city, in square numb four hundred and thirty-two, bounded by Ma l, Jackson, Pritchard and Thir teenth streets. designated as lots numbers one to twenty-four, measuring three hundred feet front on Mary street by three hundred feet in depth. s. THREE CERTAIN SQUARES OF GROUND, situated in the Seventh District of this citye in squires numb' rs six hundred and thirty-three, six hundred and thin ty-four, and six hundred and fifty-three, bound, d lty Ham ilton. Marks, North Line and Eighteenth streets, meaisuring four hun.4red and eighty-seven feet front on Hamilton street by six hundred and fifty feet in depth. 9. A CERTAIN PORTION OF GR1OUND, sit ua ed in the Seventh District of this city, in squares numbers six hundred and thirty-five and six hundred and fifty-two, bounded by Hamijlton, Holly Grove, Eighteenth and bine teenth streets, measuring six hundred and fifty feet front on Hamilton street by three hundred feet in depth. 1i. A CERTAIN PORTION OF GROUND, sit uated in the Seventh District of this city, in squares numbers six hundred and thirty-six and six hundred and fifty-one. bounded by Holly Grove. Jackson, Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets, measuring six hundred and fifty feet front on Holly Grove street by three hundred feet in depth, 11. A CERTAIN PORTION OF GROUND, sit uated in the Seventh District of this city, in squares numbers six hundred and thirty-seven and six hundred and fifty, bounded by Jackson, Mary, Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets, meas uring six hundred and fifty feet front on Jack son street by three hundred feet in de th. 12. A CERTAIN PORTION OF GROUND, sit uated in the Seventh District of this city, in squares numbers six hundred and thirty-eight and six hundred and forty-nine, bounded by Mary. Monroe. Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets, measuring six hundred and fifty feet front on Mary street by three hundred feet in depth. 13. A CERTAIN SQUARE OF GROUND, sit uated in the Seventh District of this city, in square number six hundred and thirty-nine. bounded by Monroe, Leonidas. Eighteenth and Marks streets. measuring three hundred feet front on Monroe street by three hundred feet in depth. 14. A CERTAIN SQUARE OF GROUND, sit uated in the Seventh District of this city, in square number six hundred and forty-eight bounded by Leonidas. Monroe, Nineteenth and Marks streets, designated as lots numbers one to twenty-four, measuring three hundred feet front on Leonidas street by three hundred feet in depth. 15. A CERTAIN SQUARE OF GROUND, sit uated in the Seventh District of this city, in square number six hundred and fifty-seven, bounded by Jackson, Mary, Nineteenth and Heaton streets, measuring three hundred feet front on Jackson street by three hundred feet in depth. 16. A CERTAIN PORTION OF GROUND, sit uated in the Seventh District of this city. in square number three hundred and seventy seven, bounded by Eleventh. Belfast, Cam bronne and Jefferson streets, designated as lots numbers one to twelve, measuring one hun dred and fifty feet front on Eleventh street by three hundred feet in depth. Seized in the above suits. Terms-Cash on the spot. THOMAS H. HANDY. Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. jy21 an3 22 TLUTMIBIER YAIPDE R. F. LEARNED, DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, Corner Calliope and Foucher Streets, NEW ORLEANS. Yazoo Cypress, Oak. Ash Poplar, Yellow and White Pine and Walnut. Ce'ling and Flooring. A full supply always on hand Orders promptly filled. Box 21 Mechanics' Exchanae jy= i *F. .. WES±, Agent. SAVE #O. LIRAND PRIZE CENTENNIAL EXPO81TION18Z6, AS THE BEST FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. Its competitors receiving only an award for some special feature of their machines. The World-renonal Wilson Shuttle Sewinl Macline Has Unlimited Capacilty to do all kinds of Family Sewing and Manufacturing, ITS PATENT AUTOMATIC "CUT OFF" on the hand wheel prevents the ma chine from running backwards, and obviates the necessity of taking the work from the machine to wind thread dn the bobbins, whclh must be done with all ether Sewing Machines, to the great annoyance of the operator, espedially in tucking, hemming and rufflming. It does one-third more work in a given length of time than any other Swing machine. WITH EVERY MOTION of the FOOT the MACHINE MAMES SIX STITCHES. hei Wilo Kiinai il1 do a unch cih ins s iy a fo othe . aiu. It requires no special Instructions to use it; an Illustrated Direction Book is furnished with each machine, IT CAMIOT GET OUT OF ORDER, AND THE ADJOSTMENTS ARE ABSOLUTELY PERFCT. A properly executed Certifieate is furnished with each machine, guarauteelag to keep it in repair, free of charge, for live years. Machines sold on easy terms of payment, and delivered, free of charge, at any Railroad Depet laths United States where we have ne Agents. Send for IInstrated Cataºlogae. Agemte Wasted. For full particulars call or address WILSON SEWING MACHINE C0., 189 o anal Street, NEW 0aLAh.s R. M. & B. J. MONTGOMERY'S Furniture Emporium, ARMORY HALL, 87 CAMP STREET. -0 The Largest and Most Centrally Located Furniture Establishment in the City. Constantly on hand. and at the LOWEST MARKET PRICEB. the largest and best salels. assortment PARLLOR GOODS To be found in,the Sout oonslating of Suits Upholstered in Brocatel, Cotoline, Reps, Terry and Hair Clot, and Finished in Gilt. MARBLE TOP INLAID OAED and ,AN~ TA. BLEC; Prenah PLATE MIBBOBB and Patent OHASIB; fine BEDROOM St0I, with eash Pate Drueser Dresaslng (ss ad nd Armoire; French Pate HALL STANDS, with HALL i to match; DINING-BOOM and IJBBARI SUIld every grde A ompleteasrtmen etMDIUMand OMMO R ITUSE, Nof every grade s k table for soTpIrY an oocso wnsee A sarge ak o ed and k ho w rnl and (eaire. Aor stote of boaed wad ot non dohn earilthfu SPRING HAIR and MOSS MAITRBESSE, HAIL 'oand CPh'o PILLOW and BOLSTE, aki LOUNGES, made to order. ALL OF OUR GOODS ABE FROM THE BEST FACTORIES, BOTH E&A& AND WEST, AND OUB PRICES ARE THE LOWEST IN THE CITY. All Goods packed and shipped free of charge. Thanking our friends and the publir for their past patronage, we solicit a continuance of the same in the future. R. M. & B. J. MONTGOMERY, Armory Hall, No. 87 Camp Street, New Orleans. mhs tf ESTABLISHED IN 1825. Corner Delord and Constance Street. WE ABE PREPARED TO MANUFACTUBE Steam Engines, Boilers, Sugar Mills, Furnaces for Burning Bagasse, Vacuum Pans, Clariflers and Filters, SAW MILLS, COTTON ]RESSES, NEWELL SCREWS, JUDSON'S GOVEB. NORS, GIN GF PRING, FURNACE MOUTHS, GRATE BAbS, ALL KINDS OF PLANTATION AND STEAMBOAT WORK, And every description of Machinery for the 8oath. We beg to call special attention to our large stock of SUGAB KETTLES. Having par, chased the entire stock of the Stacker Iron Works of Tennessee, for which Mr. E. F. Lavllee beuvre was formerly agent (and the only genuine Tennessee Kettles in the market), we offer the same for sale, as well as those of our own manufacture, price list of which we will be pleased to furnish upon application. fe tf LEEDS & CO. FITS, EPILEPSY; --OB FALLING SICKNE88, PERMANENTLY CURED-NO HUMBUG-BY ONE MONTH'S USE OP DR. GOULARD'S CELE BRATED INFALLIBLE FIT POWDERS. To convince sufferers that these powders will do all we claim for them. we will send them by mail, POST PAID, a FREE TRIAL BOX. As Dr. Goulard is the only physician who has ever made this disease a special study. and as to our knowl edge thousands have been PERMANENTLY CURED by the use of these PO DERS, WE WILL GUARANTEE A PERMANENT oure in every caseor REFUND YOU ALL MONEY EXPENDEI. All sufferers should aive these powders an early trial, and be convinced of their curative powers. Price. for large box. $3, or four boxes for so0, sent by mail to any part of the United States or Canada on receip*' o price, orby express C. 0. D. Address., ASH & BOBBINS, ap:6 ly 3O Fulton street. Brooklyn S. I. Neat Stalls Ne. 8'r £88 Nagazine Market. Supplies Bhioe. Families. Hotels, etc.. with RBO% VUGUTABLKS, Perk, Sausauges ?Tpe.Pe., Isa And everything the market affords. MABTIN LANNEB . Ja.. Butaher. yVaetable Stalls Noe. 122 I. Magaasne Mart4 eea