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I.UDIOIAL ADVERTIIEMENTS. AUCTION I ALEM. By Placide J. Spoer. 'JLAIM AGAINST THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT AND A JUDGMENT. HUCCE;MION OF JAN. RAINEY. roond District Court for the Parish of Orleans No. 39.551. 7'B PLAr1IDE J. HPEAR, Aunotoneer--Offle' i 9 No. 4o Itoyal street-SATUtI)AY. $ep' jbor 1, 1877. at 10'i o'clook a. m., will he at public amihCon, at No. 4u RoyIl street, S wen Blenvlllo and Ct.tomhousR strort,, Iy fe and lurtannce to an order frond tDe U A. L. Tissot, Judge of the Second Dis s ot Court I ,r the parish of Orl.ans, dated Au glst 4 1871 racount o said (B)Ve Mi*Tn-T ait e BLs for $1t10 E0 OVEN. NMENT .A UDOMENT OBTA NED AT MAN AN o for over $1010. l whole of the above more fully described for refrene. as uor" Invnltory on file in Se eond DistrIct Court for thte iarsh of erms-Cash ant 2 Re OPEN ACOOUNT., CItEDITH. ETC. ItUC0EoMION OF MSM. JEANNE A. DUFOUR. . WIDOW OF JEAN CAZKAUX. . 00nd DistrictCou rt for the Parish of Orleans No. x9,492. .r PLACIDE J. BPEA-, Alt eer-Offlce , oI 46 Royal street--A TUDA A oeptem 1377. at teo o'clock a, m.. will be sold at o ctlon at l . 4 L oyam street bet eon i lle and Customhouse strEotst by virtue in pursuance to an order from on. A. J uot. Juge of the Second Dlstl'It Court e Prish of Orleans, dated August 17, 1877, Ssbunt of Raid suc",essiel- Y OPEN ACCOUNTS, CREDITR, etc.. Inventory on file in the Second District rt for the parish of Orleans. rTm's-" ,Mh. a8111 26 Ret T VALUABLE IMPROVED PrOI'ERTIEt IN THE SIXTH DISTRICT. 4COESS1ION OF MATHILDA BROWN. WIFF OF KARL HTOLZ. ad District Court for the Parish of Orleans, No. aR.461. T PLACIDE J. SPEAR, AUCTIONWrER Office No. ,e Royal street-SATURDAY, m nber 5 187, at 12 o'Clock 2., will be at ieubiC auction, at the Merehants A neers' Exchange, on Royal street, n anal and Customhouse streets, by Sa n pursuance of an order from the ., .Tssot. Judge of the Second District r the parish of Orleans. dated June 8, ount of the ahove succession 'A O 'IN LOT OP GROUND. together buildins and improvements thereon. the Sixth District of this city, late of efferson, n suare No. 11, bounded tantinople, Austerll t. Laurel and Jer and designated by the No. 13 on a 0o seslots of ground drawn by Augustus pssurveyor, dated Febru ry 15, 1849, and iei the office of L. I. Kenny, late y, 8ad lot measures 90 feet front on trt b12 feet 2 Inches in depth, be. . American measure. AIN LOTS OF GROUND, sit. In ta Sixth District of this city, late far. I arson. designated on a pan in e ok annexed to au act in the office of t er. notary, under date of April eos Nos. 19, 21 , 21. 22 and 2a of square , boun ed by Laurel, Marengo. Oonstan and IAve Qak streets, said lots measur as follows: Lots Nos. 19 to 22 inelusive tre each 28 feet 0 inchesa lines front on antinople street hby 10 feet in depth, boe arallel lines; lot No. 25 measures se feet on Laurel street by ta feet 2 inchies in LOT OF GROUND, together with i ings and improvements thereon, sit. i the Sixth District of this city, in square ,bounded by Austerlitz, Laurel, Live Oak ral rlor streets: said lots are desigl los. 2 and a2 on a plan of A. S. su or, drawn on the eighteenth day '.4s, and deposited in the office o1 nay. then a notary public; lot No. 21 the corner of General Taylorstreetand tr* g feet 1 Inch 3 lines front on General et by a depth of 149 feet 9 inches 1 0 t rel street and 18o feet 11 inches 1 ne of lot No. 2. and 2s feet loinches dth in the rear; lot No. 22 adjoina dmeasures 2 feet 1 inch 2 lines front Taylor street by a depth of 193 feet eo the line lot o. 1, and Im S 1line oft the line of lot No. 2s, and 1 h lnesin Width in the tear. 1 s OF GR1OUND, with all and improvements thereon, sit Se Sixth District of this ofty, In square bythe No 18. bounded by General r I, Albterlitz and Live Oak streets ; deslgnated by the No 1, on a plan of round, drawn by A. 8. Phelps sur , February 15. 1849, deposited in the o Beard, late a notary public. Said the corner of Laurel and Austerlitz and measuree 28 feet 10 inches 5 lines on Austerlits street by a depth and front turl street of 120 feet. between parallel American measure. and Conditions-One-third cash, and ace on a credit of one and two years, ! earing special mortgage and vendor's u privllege, with eight per cent interest um from date till paid; insurance of and transfer of policies to parties in te clasoe of five per cent attorney's Case of ludicall proceedings for recov paytnent of said notes or any portion f: the taxes of 1870, payable in 1877, to be Durchaseors over and above the price of ion. A deposit of ten per cent will be, from purchasers on the amount of cation at the time of sale, Of sale before Joseph Cohn. notary pub the expense of the purchasers. 18 1 sel 8 15 VALUABLE IMPROVED PROPETY m'mpart street, between Euterpe and Fell city streets, First District. 00ESSION OF AUGUSTE STBATMYER. d Distriot Court for the Parish of Orleans No. 87.570. T ACIDE J. BPEAR Auctioneer-Offce -Boysl street--SATURDAY. September 22 1 o'clock min.. will be sold at public auc Sthe Merchants and Auctioneers' Ex On Royal Street. between Customhouse streets, by virtue and in pursuance er from the Hon. A. L. Tissot. judge of nd District Court for the parisk of dated August 4. 1877, for account of - oession BTAIN LOT OF GROUND, with all the rights, Imvr'velat. ways etc. to eongin the First bitrict of this the square ounded by Euterpe. Follci Dart and Basin streets, having 81 feet 5 front on Rampart street by 94 feet 11 6lines in depth, between parallel lines, measure, being the greater part of the red by the No. 4 on the plan of square made by J. Pills. surveyor, Second Muni ,on the of July, IswO. in the records ureau, then a notary in this city. and me lot the doeensed purchased from SBridi December 26, 1865. as per act alter Hibks Peters. notary public. improvements consist in a two-story ouse double tenement. having four to each tenement. front and rear gal mmon alleyway. two-si ory frame k itch six rooms and two cabinet., privies. etc. hon adiudication. of sale before Theoduele Buison FEs.. public, at the expense of the purchluser. 5 0e1 8 18 22 CHkEAP FOR CASH. to make place for GOODS TO AR S RIVE SOON I offer my ENT STOCK OF MIERCHANDISE AT VERY LOW PRICES. E. VINET, 1 , 301 Canal. near Rampart. W. W. FARMER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MONROE. LOUISIANA. .in the parishes of Ouilta. More a d Richland. Claims tack for collec 11l other parishes, with privlege of man in connection with attorneys reeld. noo0 eThuly JUDICIAL ADVERTISEMENTS. AUCTION MALEM. By C. E. Girarday. FINAL ADJITI)ICATION -OF IMPROVED FIRST DINTRICTI' PROPER''Y, On Basin, between Poydras and Perdido streets, near the market. SUCC!EHION OF MARIA HA(EDOR, JOHIN Henry Wicke and David I'ortschner, consolidated. Second District Court for the parish of Orleans BY C. E. OIRARDEY. Auctioneer-Office No. 31 Camp street-HATUIDAY September22. 1877 at 12 o'clock m., at the St. dharles Auction Exehange in the rotunda of the St. Charles Hotel. in this city, will be sold at public auction, to the last and highest bidder. by and in pursu ance of an order from the Hon. A. L. Tissot, Judge of the second DistrictCourt for the parish of Orleans, dated Feb. 24. 1876, and a supple mental order, dated April 2. 1877, and rendered in the above entitled matter, the following do scribed pro prty, to wit 1. A CE;I1tTAIIN LOT OF GROUND, situated in the First District of this city. and in the square bounded by Basin, Rampart, Povdras and Perdido streets, design ed on plan of L. I'ille, dated February 1;. 1sa2. as lot No. 1T, measuring 2s feet front on basin street, the same width in the rear by 61 feetC~t inches in depth between pa allel lines. 2. ALSO ANOTHER PIECE OR PORTION OF GROUND adjoining the rear of said lot at the side thereof towards t'ovlras street. measuring 38 feet front along the side of said lot No. 11, Is feet 6 inches in width in the rear, 33 feet front on the side towards Poydras street, and 3a feet 5 inches on the line towards Poydras street; to gether with the improvements thereon, com prising the two-story frame tenement houme No. - BUsin street. Terms-Oneo-third cash on the soot. and the remainder at one and two years' credit for notes specially secured by mortgage and ven dor's lien on the property sold, bearing all the usual clauses of eight per cent per lerest from the day of sale until final payment, fl e per cent attorney's fees in the event of suit to enforce the payments; improvements to be keot insured and the polley transferred to the holders of the notes; and further to assume the payment of the taxes due and exigible in 1877 and 1878 over and above the price of adjudi cation. Act of sale before W. J. Castel Esq., notary public, at the expense of the purchaser. u21 2l 5018o 15 22 By Nash & Hodguon. SUCCESSION OF E W. RODD. Second District Court for the Parish of Orleans No. 84.071. B. NASH & HODGSON-W. I. Hodgson Auctioneer-Office. No. 18 Carondelet street On TBURSDAY, August 30, 1877. at 12 o'clock m., at the St. Charles Auction Exchange, in the basement rotunda of the St. Charles Hotel. It this city by virtue and in pursuance ofan ordei of the Hion. A. L. Tissot, Judge of the Secmn District Court for the parish of Orleans, dated July 25. 1877. docket No. 84.071, for account of the succession of E. W. Rodd, deceased, at publil auction, will be sold A CERTAIN PORTION OR PARCOEL 01 GROUND, together with the buildings and Im provements thereon, situated in the Fourth Dis. trict of this city, in the square hounded b, Prytanla, St. Charles Philip and First streets which measure, in Ameriehn measure, about 229 feet c inches 7 lines front on Prytaniast eset 220 feet 4 inches on the rear line, nearest St Charles street, by a depth and front on Philit street of 128 feet. and 128 feet 3a nches 7 lines or the side line nearest First street. and forming the corner of Prytania and Philip streets, al more or less. The improvements consist of TWO ELEVA. TED FRAME COTTAGE RESIDENCELS, out buildings, cistern, etc. Termns-Cash on the spot. Act of sale before M. T. Ducros, notary public at the expense of the purchaser, who will as sume In addition to his bid. the State taxes for 187e, due in 1877, and all current year's taxes due and exigible in 1878. jyv0 nllr 17 22 a3 FOUR BRICK COTTAGES. CORNER ORANGI AND RELIGIOUS STREETS. SUCCESSION OF FRANK AHERN. Second District Court fo the Parish of Orleans No O. BY NASH & HODGN--W. I. Hodgson, Auc B tioner. office No. 13 Carondelet street-On SATURDAY August 5. 1877. at 12 o'clock m., at the St. Charles Auction Exchange in the base ment rotunda of the St. Charles Hotel, in this city by virtue and in pursuance of an ordet of the lon. A. L. Tissot, Judge of the Second Dis trict Court for the parish of Orleans. dated July 18. 1877, docket No. 39,566, for account of the above named succession, at public auction, will be sold TWO VALUABLE LOTS OF GROUND, together with all the buildings and improve ments thereon, situated in First District of this city. in the square bounded by Religious. Ful ton (late St. Thomas) Orange and Race streets, designated as lots Noe. 3 and 4. which adjoin each other and measure as follows, to wit: Lot No. 4 measures 87 feet 10 inchies 5 lines front on Orange street by a depth and front on Religious street of 105 feet 9 inches 5 lines of which two streets it forms the corner. Lot lo. 3 measures 80 feet trout on Orange street by a depth of i0r feet 9 Inches 5 lines, all more or less American measure. The Improvements consist of four brick cottags, with two rooms each. Termns-Cu.h in U. S. Tro.,sury notes. Act of slo beforo W. B. Kblinapcter, notary, at the expense of the purchaser, including the taxes due and eligible in 1878. jy2l 2' au5 12 19 25 NEAT COTTAGE HOUSE, WITH SQUARE OF GROUND. Corner of Valmont and St. Denis streets. SUCCESSION OF MRS. AUGUSTA JUST, Widow of Dledrlck Mahnken. Second District Court for the parish of Orleans No. 39,488. BY NASH AND HODGSON-W. I. Hodgson Auctioneer-Office No.13 Carondelet street On SATURDAY, September 1. 1877. at 12 o'clock m.. at the St. Charles Auction Exchange, in the basement rotunda of the St. Charles Hotel, in this city by virtue and in pursuance of an order of the Bon. A. L. Tissot. Judge of the Second District Court for the parish of Orleans, dated July 2. 1877. in the above entitled matter, at public auctin will be sold A CERTAIN SQUARE OF GROUND, to gether with all the buildings and improvements thereon. situated in the tSiPth District of this city, desianated as No. 78. bounded by St. Denis, St. Patrick. Dufossat and Valmont streets. (sub divided into eleven lots), and measuring to gether about 142 feet 9 inches 3 lines front on St. Denis street. 111 feet 4 inches 7 lines front on St. Patrick street. 307 feet 11 inches front on Dufos sat street and 309 feet 9 inches front on Valmont street, all, more or less, American measure., according to a plan at place of sale. The impr wements consist of A FRAME COTTAGE HOUSE. cistern, sheds, etc.. garden improved and fenced. Terms-CaAh on the spot. Act of sale before Joseph Cohn. notary, at the expense of the purchaser. including the taxes duo and exigible in 1878. jy29 au5 1219 26 set By S. Guinault. SUCCESSION OF AUGUSTE H. VERRET. State of Louisiana-Parish of St. Mary. BY 8. GUINAULT, Auctioneer-Acting for the Administrator-By virtue of an order is sued out of the Parish Court in and for the par ish of St. Mary in the above entitled succession, bearing date the 22d day of June, 181r, and to me directed. I will sell for cash on THURSDAY. September 6, 1877. at 12 o'clock m.. at the Mer chants and Au'rtioneers' Exchange. Royal street, in the city of New Orleans, the following described Dronerty. to wit A CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, with all the buildings and improvements thereon, situated In the First District of the city of New Orleans, and etinga apart of a lot designated by the No. 6, of square No. 11,bounded byTreme (now Lib erty), Canal. Franklin and Jackson (now Gas quet) streets, on a plan made by Joseph Pilio, surveyor, on the 30th of August. 18'23. and an-" nexed to an act cassed before Felix DeArmas, notary publli in said city. on the 10th of Decem ber. 1823; the said lot forming the corner of Jackson (now Gasquet) and Treme (now Liber ty) streets, and having, in American measure, 53 fe-t 3'. inches. more or less, front on Gasquet street by 68 feet. more or less, in depth and front o Liberty street. Act of sale to be passed before 0. Drouet, no tary public, at the expense of the purchaser. who is to assum, payment of taxes exigible in 17T. Also. TWO SiHARES of the Now Orleans In surance Company of $~o each full paid. ROBERT BONVILLAI,. Administrator. au5 14 23 30 se JUDICIAL ADVERTIIEMENTI. AUCTION MALE.. By C. E. GOrartdy. 'MPROVED FOURTH DISTRICT PROPERTY, FORMING THE CORNER OF CHIPPEWA AND SEVENTH STREETS. SUCCESSION OF JOSEPH JONGER. 3econ District Court for the Parish of Orleans No. 28.732. BY C. E. GIRAIDEY Auctioneer-Offlcoe No. 31 Camp street-SA'IURDAY. September 22, 1877, at 12 o'clock m., st the St. Charlo A nuction Exchange, in the rotunda of the St. Charles Hotel, In this city, will be sold at public auction, by virtue and in pursuance of an order from the Hon. A. L. Tissot, Judge of the Second Dis trict Court for the parish of Orleans, dated the eleventh of August, 1877, and rendered in the above entiled succession, the following tie scribed prolerty, to wit 1. A CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, together with all the buildings and improvements there on. situated in the Fourth District of this city, in the sqnare bounded by Chip pewa Jersey, now Annunciation, Seventh and Eighth streets. The said lot forms the corner of Uhippewa and Seventh stretts : is designated by the No. 1, on plan by W. T. Thompson, diated the 3d May, 1841, and measures at feet 4'f Inches front on Chippewa street by a depth and front on Sov enta street of 120 feet, between parallel lines. Together with all the improvements thereon, comprising a one-story frame building, in which are a grocery store and dwelling desig nated by the No. 48. Chippewa steent, 2. A CIERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, together with all the buildings and improvements there on, situated in the district and square as above de-cribed. The said lot is designated by the No. 2 on plan by W. T. Thompson dated 3d of May, 1841, and measures 31 foot 454 Inches front on Chippewa street bI 120 feet in depth.between parallel lines. The improvements comprise a two-story frame house. designated by the No. 491 Chippewa street. Terms and Conditions-One-half cash on the spot and for the remainder of the price, the purchasers to furnish their three several notes, divided squally. for the interest of each of the three minor children, Joseph, Charles and Mary Jonger, paysble on their reaching their major ity or enancipation. The said notes to be secured by special m'rtgage and vendor's lieun on the property sold beari g Interest at the rateof eight per cent per annum from the day of sale untilfinal payment, with the usualclauses of 5 per cent attorney's fees in event that the notes given for the credit portion should have to be sued upon to enforce payment. The buildings to be keot insured to the full amount of the notes and the transfer of the policies of insur ance by the purchasers to the vendors; and further to assume payment of the taxes due and exigible in 1878 over and above the price of adjudication. Acts of sale at the ex pense of the purchasers before John F. Coffey, notary public. aul8 2s sel 8 1522 THE FRAME COTTAGE. With Large Lot, ON ST. MARY, BETWEEN ROUSSEAU AND ST. THOMAS STREETS. SUCCESSION OF THOS. McD. CONNOLLY. Second DistrictOourt for the Parish of Orleans No. 37.248. BY C. E. GIRARDEY Auctioneer-Office No. 31 Camp street-SAT'UBDAY, September 22, 1877. at 12 o'clock m., at the St. Charles Auction Exchange. in the rotunda of the Mt. Charles Ho tel. in this city, will be sold at public auction, by virtue and in pursuance of an order from the Hon. A. L. Tissot. Judge of the Second District Court for the parish of Orleans dated the loth of August, 1877. and rendered in the above entitled succession, the following de scribed property, to wit A CERTAIN LOT OR PORTIONOF GROUND situated in the Fourth District of this city, and in the square bounded by St. Mary. Fe ieity, Rousseau and St. Thomas (formerly Fulton) streets. The said lot is designated by the letter "C " on plan by L. H. Pillie. surveyor, dated the 16th M,'rch, 1875, and measures 46 feet 7 inches 7 lines front on St. Mary street by a depth between parallel lines of 127 feet 10 inches 5 lines. To gether with all the buildings and improvements thereon, comprising a capacious and comfort able double tenement frame cottage. etc., desig nated by the Nos. 61 and a3 St. Mary street. Terms-One-third cash, balance at one and " two years credit for notes specially secured by mortgage and vendor's lien, bearing all the usual clauses of eight per cent per annum In terest from the day of sale until final payment; five per cent attorney's fees in event that the notes given in part payment should have to be sued upon; the improvements to be kept In sured br the purchaser to the extent of the cre dit portion and the policy transferred to the holders of the notes, and to assumethe payment of the taxes on said property due and exigible in 1878, over and above the prices of adjudica tion. Act of sale before W. J. Castel, Esq., at the ex pense of the purchaser. A deposit of ten per cent in cash will be required at the moment of adiud-cation. au18 25 sol 8 15 22 VALUABLE FIRST DISTRICT PROPERTY. SUCCESSION OF CALVIN TETE. Becond District Court for the parish of Orleans No. 35,067. BY O. E. GIRARDEY, Auctioneer-Office No. B 31 Camp str3et--SATURDAY. Septembetr 22. 1877, at 12 o'clock m., at the St. Charles Auction Exchange in the.rotunda of the tt. Charles Hotel, in this city, will be sold at public auction, by virtue of and in pursuance of an order from the IHon. A. L. Tissot, Judge of the Second District Court for the parish of Orleans. dated August 10, 1877, and rendered in the above enti tled suc-ession, the following described proper ty, to wit A CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, situated in the Fi-st Distrtdt of this lity, and in the square or islet No. 87, bounded by Religious. St. James. C leste, rt. Thomas an I Felicity streets. meas uring 64 feo t'ount on Roligious street by 121 feet in depthl to gether with all the buildings anti inl)ro,vemnlents there, n comprising a two-story brick house designate l by the No. 129 Religious 1treet, and forms the southwest corner of gious and Ht. James stre,:ts. Terms-Cash on the spot Act of sale, together wit ' the taxes. payable in 1877 aid 1878, over and above the price of adjudi cation, at expense of the purchaser. au18 25 set 8 15 22 VALUABLE RESIDENCE -And COMMERCIAL PROPERTY IN THE SECOND DISTRICT. SALE TO EFFECT PARTITION In the matter of JOHN A. AUGUSTIN ET ALS VS. JAMES D. AUGUSTIN. Second District Court for the parish of Orleans No. 39.523. BY C. E. GIRARDEY Auctioneer-Office No. 31 Camp street-SATURDAY, August 25, 1877. at 12 o'clock m., at the St. Charles Auction Ex change, in the rotunda of the St. Charles Hotel, in this city, will be sold at public auction, by and in pursuance of a judgment rendered on the thirtieth of June, and signed on the sixth of July, 1877. in the above entitled matter, the following described property, to wit 1. FIVE CERTAIN LOTS OF GROUND, to gether with all the imorovements thereon, rights, ways. servitudes and privileges thPro unto appertaining, situated in the Second Dis trict of this city, and in the square bounded by Esplanade Barracks, Treme and St. Claude streets. The said lots are designated by the Nos. 1, 2, 3. 4 and 5. as per plan of Bougeral, dated January 15, 1839. and deposited in the office of F. De Armas. measuring each 30 feet front on Esplanade street, so feet 3 inches on the rear line, and the following depths: ot No. 7 forms the corner of Esplanade and St. Claude streets, and measures 62 rent 7 inches on theside of St. Claude street end 60 feet inches on the side of Treme street. Lot No. 2 measures te feet 7 inches on the line of lot No. 1 and 58 feet 7 inches on the line of lot No. 3. Lot No. 3 measures 58 feet 7 inches on the line of lot No. 2 and 56 feet 7 inches on the line of lot No 4. Lot No. 4 measures F4 fe t 7 inches on the line of lot No. 5 and 54 feet 7 inches on the line of lot No. 4. Lot No. 5 measures 54 feet 7 inches on the line of lot No. 4 and 52 test 7 inches on the line of lot No. 6. Together with all the improve ments thereon, comprising a two-story frame and brick building, tV'.. 2. THRE. CERTAIN LOTS OF GROUND, together with all the buildings and improve ments theresn, rights, ways and servitudes th-reunto belonging.situat- din the Second Die trict of this city and in the square bounded by Chartres, St. Louis, Exchange Alley and Conti streets. Said lots are designated by the Nos. 46, 47 and 48. on a plan by DePouilly, dated August 28, 1836, measuring 16 feet 6 i ches each en Ex change Alley by 21 8'7 inches in depth. I ' ogether with the improvements thereon- three-story brick buildings. Terms-Cash on the -pot. The purchasers to assume payment of the taxes due and exigible in 1877 over a d above the ri .e of edjudication. Acts of sale before N. B. Trist, Esq.. notary public, at the expense of the purchasers. jy21 28 au4 11 1825 JUDICIAL ADVERTISEMENTS. AUCTION OALIfg. By Albert Paul. VALUABLE PROPERTY FORM1ING THE CORNER OF VALLETTE AND ALIX STREETS, IN THE FIFTH DISTRICT. SUCCESSION OF JOHN BROWNLEE. SeconQ DistrintCourt forthnParish of Orleans No. 38.051. BY ALBERT PAUL, Auctioneer-Office No. 45 Chartres street-MONDAY. September 10o, 1877, at 12 o'clock m,, will be sold at public auction. at Mechan's Coffeehouse, at the cor ner of Villere and Bouny streets (Algiers) in the Fifth District of this city, by virtue Of an order of the Hon. A. L. Tissot Judge of the Second District Court for the parish of Orleans datod August 3, 1877, the following described property A CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, tognther with all the build rigs and improvements there on, situsted in Ielleville. Fifth District of this city, designated as lot No 14 of square No. 3 comprised within Vallette. Alix. Chestnut and Peter streets. Said lot forms the corner of Val lette and Alix streets, Pnd measures 32 feet 2 inches front on Valletto street by 12o feet in depth, between parallel lines, and front on Alix street. American measure. The improvements on said lot consist of two cottage houses, kitchens, cisterns, etc. Terms-One-half cash, and the balance on a credit of one year, for note secured by mort gage. with vendor's lied, bearing eight per cent interest from datoe of saleto payment; the build ings to be insured and the policy transferred. and in case of suit the purchaser to pay live per cent for attorney's fees. Acts of sale before W. H. Seymour, Esq., no tary public, No. 79 Customhouse street. at pur chaser's expense. au9 16 24 30nel 10 VALUABLE PROPERTY ON PATTERSON STREET, IN THE FIFTH DISTRICT, AND ON SPAIN AND GOODCHILDREN STREETS, IN THE THIRD DISTRICT. SUCCESSION OF MARIA ELIZABETH B. MULLER, DECEASED WIFE OF FRANK MULLER. Second District Court for the Parish of Orleans No. 39,547. B Y ALBERT PAUL. Auotioneer-Oflceoo No. 45 Chartres street-On MATURDAY, August 25, 1877, at 12 o'clock m., will be sold at pubtlic auction, at the Merchants and Aucitioneers Ex change, on Royal, between Canal and Custom house streets, by virtue of an order from the Hon. A. L. Tissot, Judge of the Second District Court for the parish of Orleans, dated July 21 1877, the following described properties, belonuing to the succession of Maria Elizabeth B. Muller deceased wife of Frank Muller, viz 1. A CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, to gether with all the buildings and improve ments thereon, rights, ways and servitudes thereto belonging or in anywise ao pertaining, situated in the Fifth Distrt of this city, desfgnated by the number two in the square bounded by Patterson. Vallette. Chestnut and Peters streets measuring in American measure 32 feet 4 inches front on Pat terson street by a depth, between equal and par allel lines of t. feet 9 inches , lines. 2. A CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, situated in the Third District of this city, designated by the No. 4 of the square bounded by Spain, Girod and Urquhart streets and Washington Avenue; said lot measures in American measure 29 feet 6 inches front on Spain street by a depth of 117 feet. between equal and parallel lines. To gaether with all the buildings and improvements thereon, rights, ways. servitudes thereto bo longing or In anywise appertaining. 3. A CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, with all the buildings and improvements thereon, rights, ways, servitudes thereto belonging or In anywise appertaining situated in the Third District of this city; said lot is designated as lot No. 14 of square No. 14, bounded by Goodchil dren, Independence, Congress and Love streets. measuring in American measure 32 feet to inches 10 lines front on Goodchildren street by a depth of 110 foot, between equal and parallel lines. Terms-Cash. Acts of sale before William H. Seymour, Esq., notary public, No. 79 Customhouse street. at purchaser's expense. jy24 au2 11 18 25 INSURANCE. THE PEOPLE'S INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW ORLEANS, Omce. No. 10 Carondelet street. SIXTH ANNUAL STATEMENT. In conformity with the requirements of their charter, the company publish the following statement: Premiums recelved during the year ending June 30, 1877: On Fire risks.... A8,786 10 On river risks.... 4.238 97 On marine risks.. 5,168 00 Total Premiums ........ $48.193 07 Less return premiums...... 6;7 18 $47,525 89 Add profit andloss .-.... 18.123 78 $65,049 07 Less unterminated premiums 10,090 34 Net premiums received $55,559 33 Losses paid during the same Seriod: n fire risks................ $20.420 65 On river risks........... 1,002 71 On marine risks......--.... 1,226 27 Rebate ...................... 7,141 05 Reinsurance.............. 2.413 32 Taxes ....................... 2,928 53 Bent........................ 1,100 (8 Printing, advertising, ete.. 672 90 Board of Underwriters.... 1,554 25 Expenses, etc.. less interest 4.64 55 $43,124 23 Net profit............................ $12,435 10 The company has the fol lowing assets: Premiums in course of collection ................. 7,822 60 Bank and other stocks.... 56,721 05 Real estate.................. 13,941 95 Notes secured by pledge.. 8,094 98 Notes secured by mortgage 13,015 16 Bills receivable at short terms .................. 8,108 19 Office furniture and fix tures ...................... 2,879 13 Suspense account.......... 1,711 40 Cash on hand............... 9,630 98 Total assets..........................$122,525 44 The above statement is a true and correct transcript from the books of the company. E'NEST PRAOST. President. JOHN WILSON. Vice President. P. M. SCHNEIDAU, Secretary. Sworn and subscribed to before me, at New Orleans, this leth dly of July 1877. JOHN BENDERNAGEL, Notary Public. NEW ORLEANS, July 10, 1877. At a meeting of the Board of Directors, held this day, it was unanimously resolved to declare a dividend of TEN per cent on the capital stock, sayable on demand and a further dividend of FIVE per cent to ALL insurers on their earned premiums for the year ending June 3o, 1877, in addition to the rebate of 15 per cent already re ceived by said insurers on their gross pre miums, payable on and after the 6th day of Au gust, 1877. jyl2 Im P. M. SCHNEIDAU. Secretary. NEW ORLEANS LAGER BEER. CASPAR LUSSE, Nos. 476 and 478 Chartres Street, Announces to the proprietors of BEER SALOONS, and to the public, that having com pleted his immense apparatus for manufao LAGER BEER, He is prepared to sell the same AT A LOWEB PRICE than any other HOME-MADE ARTI OLE, and of as goodquality as any similar arti cle produced Ia the United States, mh27 6m INSURANCE. MEROHANTB' MUTUAL INSURANCE COM PANY OF NEW ORLEANS, I4 ...............canal Street .............. I TWENTY-THIRD ANNUAL STATEMENT. In conformity with the requirements of their charter, the Company publish the following statement: Premiums received during the year ending May 81, 1877, including unearned premiums of the previous year On Fire Risks....................... $961,296 52 On Marine Risks.................... 24.473 98 On River Risks ...................... 26,679 37 Total Premiums................. $411.449 82 Loss Unearned Premiums...... 118,115 00 Not Earned Premiums May 31, 1877.............. ................ 8293.338 82 Losses paid On Fire Risks.............$117,867 98 On Marine Risks.......... 17,052 50 On River Risks......... 3,596 77 Taxes and expenses, less interest ............. 28,693 38 Reinsurances and Re turned Premiums.... 160.104 0- $183.814 66 Profit............................. $110,020 1 The Company have the following assets: Real Estate........................... $289,079 49 CityBonds .......................... 110.419 50 Bank, Railroad and other Stocks and Mortgage Bonds............ 169.235 56 Notes secured by mortgage........ 2114.02 06 Notes secured by pledge............ 42,307 97 Bills receivable ................. 75,164 19 Premium in course of collection.... 49,087 93 Cash on hand................... 77,007 63 Total........................... $1,026,344 28 The above statement is a just, true and cor rect transcript from the books of the Company PAUL FOURCHY, President. G. W. Norr, Secretary. STATE OF LOUISIANA, Parish of Orleans. City of New Orleans. Sworn to and subscribed before me the ser enth day of June, 1877. JAMES FAHEY, Notary Public. At a meeting of the Board of Directors, held on the seventh day of June, 1877, it was resolved to declare a cash dividend of twenty per cent on the net earned participating premiums for the year ending May 31, 1877, payable on the third Monday of July next. Also, to pay to the Stockholders, on demand interest at the rate of five per cent per annum on their stock. DIRECTOBR: P. Maspero, Hy. Beebe. D. A. Chaffralx. E. Toby P. Fourchy, J M. Allen S. Z. Relf. M. W. Smith, Charles Lafltte, D. Patio, jes tf J. J. Fernandez. TWENTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL STATEMENT -OF THE CRESCENT MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY NEW ORLEANS, May 19. 1877. The Trustees, in conformity with amended charter, submit the following statement of the affairs of the company on the soth of April, 1877: Fire premiums .............$188,068 51 Marine premiums.......... 29,315 95 River premiums......... 81.924 6 5299.,06 81 Earned premiums, less re insurance and return pre miums ..................... 228,285 16 Losses paid and estimated, including all known and unpaid, say: Fire losses........67.835 60 Marine losses..... 7,285 41 River losses.......510 . 0 --8100.1311 21 Taxes, expenses, discount in lieu of participation, etc.... .......... 51.,92 58 Less rents, salv age savings, etc. 11.766 72 $40,125 86 $140,257 07 Gross profits.......................... .. 87.978 08 Of which 566.m7 36 is appropriated to balance of interest and liquidation of doubtful assets. The company have the following assets Bills receivable..............$68,648 38 Loans on Bonds and Mort gageo................ :...... 55,943 33 $ 124,591 70 Loans on call ............... $74.554 i Cash ...... .............. 63.846 71 -- $ 138,400 86 City Bonds ................. 72.055 00 Bank and otherStocks ...... 73,415 63 Real Estate .................. 139,544 66 Premiums in course of Col lection and Suspense Ac count ......... ............ 33.415 94 Total assets............ 5681,423 79 The above statement is a true and correct transcript from the books of the Company. THOS. A. ADAMS. President. HENRY V. OGDEN. Secretary. Sworn to and subscribed before me this nine teenth day of May. 1877. W. B. KLEINPETER, Notary Public. The Board of Trustees this day resolved, that after paying the annual dividend of TEN TPER CENT Capital Stock of Company. thatadividend of TWENTY PER CENT in cash be paid on MONDAY. June 11, to those parties entitled to receive the same. Thos. A. Adams, Fred'k Camerden Sam'l B. Newman, J. L. Harris. Sam'l H, Kennedy, Andrew Stewart, John Phelps, Joseph Stone, Adam Thomson, George Martin, Henry Abraham. Alfred Moulton, Victor Meyer, L. C. Jurey. Edward J. Gay, Edward Nalle, Joseph Bowling, Geo. W. Sentell, Simen Hernshelm, A. Levi. Simon Forcheimer, Wm. H. Matthews, Jos. B. Wolff. Paul E. Mortimer. B. B. Post, John V. Moore, Ed, Pilsbury, W. B. Conger, Jno. E. King. Henry M. Preston. tEnhen G. Bush, J. J. Irby. my22 ly SUN MUTUAL INSBURA.NCE COMPA NY. Pald Up Capital, $500,000. FROM THE TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR 1876. Net annual earned pre miums and Discounts and Interest .............. 4)07.68 Losses. Expenses. Taxes. etc...... ..... . $277,207 94 Reserved fund $10,00o.oo. and Dividend on capital 10 per cent.............. 69.547 47--88.75641 NetProftt..................--.. 71.208I Assets of th6 cA..ipany es timated at their cash market value: Stocks Bonds, Loans and Bills Receivable.......... g98.599 78 Cash on hand and premi ums in course of collec tion ......................--- ---------. 186.698 5585.298 2 Dividend paid on stock ten per n per an num. and on participating policies twenty per cent, payable in casn. This old and reliable company is issuing Doli cdes on Fire, Riverani Marine riskson the most favorable terms. All losses promptly adjusted and settledl upon liberal terms at their office. 52 Camp street. JAMES I. DAY President. .. CAap"xran. Seeretarsy' jasl" INSURANCE ELEVENTH ANNUAL STATEMENT -OF THE FACTORS' AND TRADERS' INSURANCE COMPANY. 81......... CARONDELET STREET........ 1 NEw ORLEANS, May 17. 1877. The Trustees, in conformity with the charter of the Company. publish the following state ment of its affairs for the fiscal year ending aoth April, 1877, to wit: Premiums for the year On fire risks....... .....329.593 60 River risks................ 200,50 28 Marine risks ............ 37,22 31-1607,767 19 Less Unterminated premiums, 1877.......... ........ 89330 10n Return premiums.......... 9.487 27- 98,815 27 Not earned premiums..............4.68,951 92 Losses paid, to wit: On fire risks...$100,297 27 On river risks.. 104,669 49 Onmarlnerisks 34.708 97- 239.675 73 Ite-insurance...... ........ 31,194 08 Rebate account........... 11,746 72 State and city taxes and ii enses ................. 25,122 70 N. O. Board of Under writers.................... 8,823 60 Gross general expenses.... 39,849 44- 356,412 27 Balance..................................$112,539 65 Add interest and discount and sav ings received...................... 88,603 30 $201,142 90 Less first semi-annual Interest paid on Capital Stock. 5 per cent, and second now duo, 5 per cent....... 100,000 00 Net profits ............ ....... $101.142 95 Reserved to cover losses........ 23,000 o) Balance divided on not premiums. 1876-7 ....................... ....... 78.142 96 The Company have the following assets, to wit: Cash on hand............................. 319.02 11 Accunts in course of collection..... 31,114 4 Bills receiv ble on pledge............ 465,537 60 Bills receivable for premiums ...... 26,018 79 Bank and other stocks ................ 203,28 1 City, State and other Bonds ......... 148,122 28 Bonds of Masonic Grand Lodge of Louisiana ..... .............. . --- ,000 00 Bonds of Odd Fellows' Hall Associa tion ............................... 6,000 00 Bonds of Association for the Relief of Jewish Widows and Orphans. 2,500 00 Real estate............... ........... 77.010 81 Total.............................1,282,908 66 The foregoing is a true and oorreet statement from the books of the company. ED. A. PALFREY, President. THos. F. WALKER, Secretary. STATE OI' LOUISIANA, I Parish of Orleans, City of New Orleans, Rworn to and subscribed before me this 19th day of May, 1877. EDWARD IVY. Notary Public. At a special meeting of the Board of Trustees held on the 17th inst., it was resolved to pay on demand a SECOND SEMI-ANNUAL INTEREST OF FIVE PER CENT to April o., 1877 making 10 per cent per annum on the CAPITAL STOCK of the company ($1.000,000), and a cash dividend of TWENTY per cent to stockholders on the amount (1389,588 97) of their net participating premiums for th49ear endin Arl01877. ED. A, PALFREY President. JOHN CHAFFE, Vice President. THos. F. WALKER, Secretary. TRUSTEES. John I. Noble, T. Lytt. Lyon, John Caffe. Samuel H. Boyd. Richa Milliken, Joseph McElroy. J. I Warren, W J. Behan, R. T. Buckner, B. F. Eshleman, Samuel Friedlander. Wm. C. Black. A. A. Yrtes. Charles Chaffe, John I. Adams, L. C. Jurey, Isaac Scherck, Wm. Hartwell, R. M. Walmsley, C. J. Leeds, A. H. May. A. T. Janin, S. H. Snowden. Joseph Bowling, A. M. Bickham. my20 UNION INSUJANOE CO.FANY OF NEEW ORLEANS. TWENTIETH ANNUAL STATEMENT -OF THE UNION INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW ORLEANI. Published according to law and their charter. Amount of premiums received duringthe year ending April 30, 1877 Fire premiums........................ $70,980 15 River premiums ................ ....... 11,083 35a Marine premiums................... 5.972 43 $88.035 93 Less return premiums.......... 781 96 87,253 98 Paid losses during the year- Fire losses ............................ $33,029 (6 River losses............................ 7,190 64 Marine losses .................. .... 8.575 49 $48,795 75 Reinsurances.............. .... 2,c27 s4 Rent ................................. 1,500 00 Taxes...................... .............. 910 00 Rebate ............................... 8,977 28 Expenses, less discount and interest.. 10,786 63 Reserved for unterminated risks..... 15,000 oo $885.77 50 The assets of the Company are Loans secured by pledge ............... 9.952 27 Loans secured by mortgage........ 16,350 00 Bills receivable for premiums......... 5.929 a8 Stocks, bonds and other securities ... 144,071 74 Real estate............................... 11.967 3( Premiums In course of collection..... 16.407 0a Cash on hand..................... 9,524 95 $214,202 70 The above statement is a correct transcript from the books of the company. A. C. CHIAPELLA, President. J. M. CRAWFORD. Secretary. STATE OF LOUISIANA, Parish of Orleans. City of New Orleans. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 14Ith4 day of May, 1877. JAMES FAHEY, Notary Public, DIRECTORR: V. MAIGNAN. H. GALLY. A. BONNECAZE. J. BAYLE, B. SALOY. A. R. BROUSSEAU H. LABASSE. L. D. SARPY, A. CHIAPELLA. my15 H IBERNIA INSURANCE COMPANY, Office No. 37 Camp street. JOHN HENDERSON, President. P. IRWIN, Vice President. THOS. F. BRAGG. Secretary. Earnings ...............................5198,0:;, Losses paid ........-... .................... 73,29F Net profits............................. 60,25G At an election held on Monday, the 7th instant,. the following named gentlemen were choser. Directors of this Companir to serve for the ensu ing year: P. Irwin. John Henderson. Thomas King, Johni G. Ryan. Thos. Gilmore W. J Jastell. John T. (Oibbons, Jas. A. Girdner. William Hart, Emile Gauche, David Jackson, John H. Hanna, F. J. Gasquet. At a meeting of the Board, held May 14, .JOHr HENDERSON. President, P. I tWIN, Vice Presi dent, -nd THOS. F. BRAGG, Secretary, were unanimously re-elected. The Board declared out of the net profits of the Company for the past twelve months 10 per cent interest; also 2 per cent dividend on the paid up capital and 20 per cent dividend on ' premiums paid by stockholders (making, with the rebate. 35 per cent on premiums). Said in terest and dividends to be placedto the credit of the stock notes. Interest and dividends on full paid stock pay able in cash at the office of the Company on and after June 16 prox. THOS. F. BRAGG, Secretary New Orleans. May 18. 1877. je3 Im