Newspaper Page Text
RIVER NEWS. OFF10E NEW ORLEANS DIMOOBAT, . Tuesday, August 21, 1877. OQaly report of the stage of water, with changes in the twenty-four hours ending yesterday 8 p.m.: Above low Ohange. water. Rise. Fall. Feet. Inch. Inch. Inch. Cairo........... 8 9 0 5 Cincinnati......... 4 0 0 4 Louisville.......... 3 2 0 1 Memphis......... 8 0 0 4 L4ewOrleasr. 12 0 3 0 Pittsburg ......... 1 10 8 0 ,Shreveport........ 5 6 0 3 St. Louis .......... 11 0 0 0 Vilksburg......... 15 6 0 4 *Below high water mark of 1874. NELBON GOBOM. Serg't. Big. Ser. U. S. A. Arrivals. Eva, Marylda, Blue Wing No. 3, St. John, Gov. Allen, R. E. Leo, St. Mary. Departures. Eva, Isabel, Blue Wing No. 3, Assumption, St. Jgon, Gov. Allen. To Arrive. Assumption, Lafourohe; BlueWing No. 3, upper coast; Isabel Eva, lower coast; Bonnie Lee, Red river; J. h. Hanna, Onachita; J. F. Tolle, Bt. Louis; Berths. Opelounesas; Gov. Allen, Bayou Sara; St. John, Baton Rouge; Frank Pargoud, Arkopolis. The weather was cloudy but not very warm yesterday. Business dull. Cape. GCo. L. Kouns' tugs Continental and Be liance were engaged yesterday in washing out the mud deposit in front of the lower wharf. They had to work at a disadvantage, on account of the St. John and other boats being in the way. With a clearer field to-day better work will be done. The Era returned yesterday morning from her extra trip In place of the Martha, and left in the afternoon again with a large freight. She will return to leave again, as usual, to-morrow at 10 a. m. The Martha is ready and leaves to-day posi tivellyat 12 m. The Big Sunflower leaves Saturday for the Ope lousas. She's a light boat. The Robt. E. Lee, leaving to-day for Vicksburg, has sure connection with the Anchor Line for Memphis. Cairo and St. Louis. Through bills lading and passenger tickets are given. There is no finer or faster boat than the Lee. Capt. Campbell brought down on the Lee the famous horns that have been on the wharfboat at Natchez for many years, and at times the prop erty of the fastest steamers ever built. They were turned over to Williams, the painter and gilder, and alter receiving a touching up at his artistic hands, will be returned to their old posi tion. The following lettering is on the shield: Champion. Time steamer B. E. Lee, from New Orleans to Natches, 16 hours 36 minutes 47 seconds, October 28, 1870. Beat this and take the Horns. Up Cotton, 5741 bales, Dec. 22,1873. The Big Sunflower leaves Saturday for the Opelousas. She's a good boat. We published in yesterday's DbaocRAT the following, clipped from an exchange: "Capt. J. W. Bobb, an old Red river captain and pilot, died in the city hospital of Shreveport last Friday, of consumption." We fear that it is a melancholy fact, for Capt. Robb has been in the hospital very sick for the last month. Wash Bobb came to Red river as carpenter on the Hunter in 1844. Having a nat ural talent for It, he quickly learned piloting, and up to a fewyears ago was alost continually en gaged in' that river as pilot and captain, and ranked very high in both positions. A year or more ago Capt. Robb was reported dead in a Western paper, and had an oppor tunity that few have of reading their own obitu ary. Poor fellowl hq will never read this one, for he has this time passed over to the other shore. What a comment on the greatest government the word ever shone upon. is the dispatch pub lished below from Capt. Mart Kouns. A large and important stream like Red river can be navigated only at the individual expense of those navigating it. Millions for one section, cents for navIgaing is. mInIODns 10or one setion, COent [or the other. Owing to some necessary repairs the W. J. Behan will not be able to leave to-morrow. The Bonnie Lee goes instead, leaving at 5 p. m. and carrying tne United States mail. Noah Scovell commands; Mat Boovell clerk. The Times of yesterday evening cries PeocarL So do we. What is it? The Big Sunflo1wer leaves Saturday for the Ope louses. No better boat in the trade. We had F. A. Behan, clerk of the W. J. Behan, in yesterday's DEMOURAT. As a matter of course it should have been F. W. Ames, her well known clerk. Mr. Behan was formerly a clerk with Capt. Wilkinson, but is now merchandising in this city. The Lee brought 27 bales new cotton, the (Lov. Allen 13 and the Behan 1. In accordance with the change already noticed by us, the Robert Young leaves to-day at 12 m. for the coast, Donaldsonville and the Lafourche. Returning, she leaves Donaldsonville at 5 a. m. Thursday, and here again Frldav at 12 m. U. D. Terrebonne commands, T. A. Darling clerk. The Henry Tete will be ready to leave Friday, after which the Assumption will lay up for re pairs. Capt. Charlet, besides putting her in fine order otherwise, will make some extensive altera tions. Four staterooms on eaob side of her cabin will be added, the bar and office will be moved forward of the chimneys, the steps will be changed to lead from each guard, the texas will be extended 32 feet and a comfortable sa oon for colored passengers put in it, and a new and hand some set of chimneys will replace the present ones. Capt. Charlet says it will take a month to do the work, after which abe takes her place in the trade, a better boat than ever. Mr. James Muse returned to the city yester day with his family. Capt. Muse looks well pre pared for a big season's work behind the desk of the great Natchez; not wishbing him harm, we hope he will have it. The Natchez comes out Saturday. See advertisement of a steamboat for sale in another column. The St. Mary arrived yesterday. Her officers report having passed the Bertha Brunner on her way back to this city. The water in the bayou was found too low for her to run there. The Alvin towed the schooner James Howard down round the point yesterday and then took a little run down the river. She site the water like a swan. She returned to the lower landing. The United States mail and passenger steamer Martha, W. S. Bassett master, Messrs. Legier and Barrois clerks, leaves to-day at 10 a. m. for Port Eads and all plantation landings on the lower coast. Saturday the Martha makes an ex cursion through the jetties out into the Gulf. The St. Mary leaves to-day at 5 p. m. for the coast and Lafourche, in place of the Ella Hughese. Joe Dalferes in command, E. Nicolle clerk. The Ella Hughes lays up a week for repairs. The Blue Wing No. 3 will arrive this evening from the upper coast, and return to-morrow, as usual. The superb and'fleet Robt. E. Lee, Wm. Camp bell master, Mesders. MeVey and Mossop clerks, leaves this 5 p. m., as usual, for Vicksburg and all mail landings. The John H. Hanna leaves to-morrow at 5 p. m. for the Ouschita, through to Ouachita City, carrying the United State mail. F. A. Blanks commands, Ben Cornwell clerk. The fine and regular steamer Bertha, H. H. Broad master, Theo. Jobin clerk. leaves to-mor row at 5 p. m. for the Atchafalaya through to Washington. [By Telegraph.] Inocrox, O., Aug. 19.-To Joe. A. Aiken: Have bought the Frank Willard for the company. The best low water boat afloat. Leave here to-mor row. C. W. DROWN. CosuTTrA, Aug. 19.-To Joe. A. Aiken: Put out one-half of cargo below here, on the 17th. Built jetties on the bar here and have improved the channel to thirty inches and -have just got over. M. H. KOUNS, Master Col. A. P. Koans. Exchange Clippings. St. Louis Times: We heard from Commodore Rollingpin. He's well. By the way, this reminds us of his sug gestions of some weeks past, which are weil worthy of close attention, and if put in practice will, no doubt, result in a grand success. We must hayd a higher point of speed if we would induce the passenger to the river, and but one method will accomplish that end; that is to adopt his suggestions (as to a New Orleans and bt. Louis line of exclusively passenger packets, of great proportionate length, low between decks, clean model, machinery and boilers below, the weight of which would steady and obviate the otherwise defect-want of beam. This boat would beat the champion time from New Orleans to St. Louis fully fifteen to twenty hours. Then where would the "Pulltan Palace" look for support? Nowhere! There is no refutation to the argument; in fact, op position would rather improve it. We have learned the views of several of our most promi nent men, who are tully convinced that the enter prise would prove a paying success, and popular opinion is slowly, surely turning that way. t'honld the enterprise be inaugurated it would go direct to a grand finale, having lifted the dark clbnd, the threatening pall, which has so long hung over the great, the nat ural path-the noble river and its afflu ents, God's own free gift-to the commerce of this great valley of world renown, ttis valley which sup; lies the world with bread. When we see and realize the blessings we e, j'y, why do we suffer them to be torn from us by the relentless destroyer, the "iron horse," which is whipped to his highest speed by the monopoly which takes the bread from labor. Cincinnati Commercial correspondence from Pittsburg, August 18: Capt. B. D. Wood, the well-known coal dealer, of New Orleans, was married eist night to Miss Emtna Phillips, of Al legheny. Among the presents was a set of fine pearl-handled knives, from Capt. J. B. Eads, the well-known marine engineer. The wedding of apt.. . Shrp McDonald and Miss Annie Col ville, last night, was one of the most brilliant of the season. Courier-Journal, Aug. 19: Capt. Blanks' new steamer John Wilson will be launched from the ways at D. S. Barmore's ship yard in Jeffersonville this afternoon at 4 o'clock. As she is a handsome steamer, and the launch promises to be a pretty one, we are requested to invite a large crowd of ladies and gentlemen to be present and launch upon her. Young ladies, especially, are invited to "take a slide" on the boat with the promise that Capt. Joe Holmes will be present to see that they don't get soared and jump overboard. Attend the launch and enjoy it hugely. The Lotus No. 2, all the way from New Orleans bound for Madison, shot out of the canal yester day and went up the river like a billygoat jump ing for sunflower seeds. Parties from the Illinois are negotiating for the purchase of the Florence Meyer, and Capt. Elwell is thinking of taking the Fannie Tatum to the Ohio. MARINE NEWS. OFFICE NEW ORLEANS DEMOCRAT, August 21, 1877. Cleared Yesterdas. Bohr Geo Peabody, Demetrio, for Vera Cruz, via Pas cagoula and Tuxpan- Master Arrived. Br't steamship Haytien, Watson. from Liverpool. via West Indies and Mexican Ports, to Pim, Forwood &oo-4th die 43 Steamship Margaret, Baker, from Havana, via Florida Ports, to I K Roberts-let die 13 UTUAtBOATS. StMary Daiferes, from Baton Rouge Robt E Lee Campbell from Vicksb.urg Gov Allen. Brown. from Bayou Sara W J Behan, Wilkinson, from Shreveport Mary Ida. Ruiz. from Upper Coast Blue Wing No 3, Comstock. from Upper Coast St John, Bergeron. from Baton Rouge Eva, Taylor, from Lower Coast Alice. Porter, from Amite River-New Basin Below-Comlag Up. Danish bark Johanna Brodersen, 50 days from Rio de Janeiro, to Johnston. Gordon &oo Experts. VERA CRUZ VIA PASCAGOULA AND TUX PAN-Per sohr Geo Peabody--l pkga cinnamon 47 pkgs dry goods Imperts. HAVANA-Per steamship Margaret--368 boxes sugar 125 hhds sugar A gar & Lelong- 30,000 cigars F A Gonzales & Bro-6 pkg massee order MEXICAN PORTS-Per steamship Haytlan-272 pkgs coffee Smith Bros &co-2-78 bales hemp Pim, Forwood &co-t0 hhds sugar Puig. Corral &co PENSACOLA VIA MOBILE- Per steamship Alabama-500 bbla rosin to A P Perkins- 500 do M Walters-15 tons junk 1 horse E Adler-Io oks fish Bartholomew, Tallon &co-20 pkgs mdee H Pohlman & Son-14 do T S Waterman--5 do L Lippman-2 do Berwin & Nathan-lob of sash J F Poop-- sundries to order Receipts of Prodauce. VICKSBURG-Per steamer Robt E Lee- 52 bales cotton, 3 new, S B Newman &co....25 do 1 do T L Alroy &co-10 do 5 new Meyer, Weis &co--9 new Norwood & Richards-8 bales cotton 2 new J L Har ris &co-7. 1 sew Lehman, Abraham &co-6 Buckner &co-5, 3 new S Gumbel-4 Richardson & May--4 Chaffs, Hamilton & Powell-3 1 new H Allison &co -2 Jno Chafle & Sons-1 Craig & Hogan-1 McGehee Snowden & Violett-1 new Alones, Scherck & Antey -1 do Richard Flower &co-1 Jurey & Gillis-- 630 sacks oiloake Anderson & Simpson --2 bbls flour Schmidt & Ziegler-13 bbls honey Meyver, Weis &co -13 bales hay Graham, Black &co-3750 pee heading 373 pkgs fcuit and sundries to order-Toeal 142 bales cotton 27 new 630 sacks oilcake SHREVEPORT- Per steamer W J` Behan--55 bales oottonN O & R R T Co-31 Jno T Hardie &co -23 Jno Phelps &co-22 Jno Chaffs & Sons-17 Gra gard & Farrar-5 C L Walmsley &co-3 Clapp Bros &co-1 Lehman, Abraham &co-1 now T L Airey & co -141 sacks oats J HR Ket &co---19 sacks bran Miller, Dolhonde &co--lot stock and sundries to order-Total 158 bales cotton 1 new 141 sacks oats 199 sacks bran BAYOU SARA- Per steamer Gov Allen- 12 bales cotton I new SGumbel-7, 4 new J L Harris & co-3 Clapp Bros &co-3--, 2 new Lehman.'Abraham &co-2, 1 new H & C Newman-- , I now Norwood & Riebards-i new Payne, Kennedy &co-1 do Mover, Weis &co-1 do Renshow, Cammack &,o--19 bales moss Odell & ,Vright--- do V Ferrandon--25 bhds sugar Richard Millik n-4 honey A Moulton--3 do H Groebel- 15 bbls peals S Uteri & B o----3 do Berry &co-2 do G A Vincent-sundries to order Total 32 bales cotton 13 new 20 bales moss 25 hhds sugar 7 bbls honey UPPER COAST--Per steamer Mary Ida- 327 sacks rough rice Bush & Levert--214 do U. H Stewart -sundries to order-Total 541 sacks rough rice BATON ROUGE--Per steamer St John-- 3000 feet lumber L'Hote &co- 2 bdlt hides H Groebel sundries to o, der UPPER COAST-Per steamer Blue Wing No 3 163 sacks rough rice Kip & Ruch-sundries to order LOWER COAST- Per steamer Eva--ll sacks rough rive and sundries to order BATON ROUGE-Pler steamer St Mary-sundries to order RECEIPTS AT THE NEW BASIN. Amite River--P'r steamer Alice-21,000 feet lum her 40 cords wood and sundries M B Muncy Pearl River-l'er steamer J F Frazer--65 cords wood to order Tangipahoa-Per steamer J C Gault-19 cribs tim her to order Jordan River-Per schr La Bretonne -25.000 feet lumber to order Tehefuncta River- Per schr Geo PanBely--400 bbls sand to order Tampa-Per scbr H S Tuthill-ballast Tanglpahoa- Per schr Pippo--50 cords wood to master Pascagoula- Per achr Lizzie Albert--1600 bble obaroosl to master Bonfouca-Per schr Mary Ann-800 bbls charcoal to master Lake Mauripas-Per schr Pills--12 cords wood to master Shell Bank-Per schr A McNulty-100 bbls shells to order Tickfaw.. -Per schr Fanny M--12 cords woodto master Stockton-Per schr Wiielmina-40,000 feet lumber to order Bandeboro-Per schr Julia--25,000 feetlnumber to H Buddig Stockton-Per sohr America- -30,000 feet lumber to order Pearl River-Per schr Petronia H-25,000 feet lum ber to order Handaboro-Per schr Jno F Popp-48,000 feet lam. ber to H Buddig Pearl River..Per schr Almira-22,000 feet lumber to order Pearl River-Per schr Leandcr Jane--25;000 feet lumber to order Jordan }liver--Per schr Transit- 16,000 feet lum be- to JL Nevers Lake Maur:pas--Per schr Indian Reed- 11,000 staves 14 cords wood to master BlindlRiver-Per schr T B Kemp- 16,000 staves to order Blind River-Per schr Rita-50 cords wood mas'er Blind River-Per sohr Clementiue--30 cords wood to master Pascagouals-Per schr Flower--lol00 bbla charcoal to maat.r Pascagoula-Per schr Two Friends --25,000 feet lumber 30.000 laths to order Biloxi-Per schr Lec, ir-tO10 bisle charcoal master Pascagoula--Per achr Carr ie Swain-1400 bbli char coal to master RECEIPTS AT THE OLD BASIN. Mandeville-Per schr Susanna-1000 bbls charcoal to master Pass Manchac-Per echr Ophelia- 600 bbls charcoal to ma-ter Ocean Springs--Per schr Esperanza--2400 bbls charooal to master Tchefancta River-Per schr Keno-15 cords wood to mast, r Paws Manchac-Per schr Pomme d'Or--25 coras wood to master Pass Manchac--Per schr Chas Perry--O2 cords wood to master Tangipahoa-Per achr Ann McGuigen--600 bbla shells to order Bayou Lacombe-Per schr Camille--15,000 bricks to order BaSou Lacombe-Per steamer Jonnie--55 cords wood to order By Rallroads. NEW ORLEANS, JACKSON AND NORTHERN RAILRUAD. August 20--15 bales cotton Chaffe, Hamilton & Powell-12 Stewart Bros &co---- Alone, Soherek & Antey--2 Bickham & Moore-2 Mover, Wetsre &co-l Britten & Mayson-- Richardson & May-I Lehman, Abraham &co-Total 37 bale- cotton 24 hhds tobacco Besagles, Wood &co-3 do Gunther & Stevenson-- 2 E I Wilson & Mills-Total 2He hhds tobacco 100 bhls flour H Blohne--IO bbls onions W G L.ons &co--20 hbf bbls pears I) Cefalu &co---el6 ble do 4 bbls apples 8 Oteri & Iro-6 bbls pears V Lamantia - 1 lbl rice Scherck & Berkson--l-- boxes tsbarc-t Flash Lewis &co--25 cads , o Wackerbat th & J seph -85 sheets iron E .1 Gay &co-77 do J .Hennees* y & Bro-21 do J Deaiva' ds-50 bbls whisky Holt, Mur ray &co-20 bxs pears C H Schenck-50 cases tobacco J P Rarazin-27 pkgs mdse B Pflfet-4 hi bbls butler J B Solari & Son-o50o pos meat order-50 bbles oil J H cSctt-40 boxes bacon Joe West &co- 175 cases milk Smith Bros &co-t0 do 10 tierces hams J Nelson rco-100 cases milk J G Spor-25 co W B Ritehl---l box books L Grunewald..1 ear wood W Bolluger-9 cars lumber H Otis-50 tierces hams Cobb & Maxent -8 bals potatoes 6 bbls onions E F DolBondio--- eases hats Simon & Kohn-2- cases mdse P Poursine -3 do H Kotnlmever-1 case boots and shoesM John son-i crate earthenware Marks, Levy &co-2 cases tobacco J Christian-11 hbds bacon Vose Bros-1 cak earthenware P Pfelfer-- bx groceries J H Campos 5 c ises cigars 8 Hernsheim &IBro--1 case mdse A Broussean & Son-1 car lumber W W Walker--40 empty bbls Jno T Hardie &co--41 boxes pears E M Sivori-7 bxs hams Barstow & Deeves 50 bbls high wines O H Karatendiek--6 cars bricks Vizard & Wil moth-57 bales hay D A Given & Son---50 bbls oil Septolino Oil Co-75 sheets iron 8 bells bar do Folger &os----19 sheets do Shakespear & Smith- 22 bales mdse Carter & Bell-2ll oil bels Louislana Oil Co-140 sheets iron 7 kegs rivets 45 bdls iron I car old Iron M Schwaltz & Bro-100 bbls flour J A Nortn-1 old pomp 1 Dump driver I chest Smith--5 bbls whisky Gotoobhalk 6 sets wheels J Sohwartz-1 box bate D Hur;ey-5 boxes mdse E J Hart &oo--1 d - D Mer cier & Sor-- case shoes R H Bowles-l10 bdls green hides 1 dry do Fitzpatrick & Hall--8 do Kerr & 8-3 boxes eggs Randolph & Dunnioa--11 do 1 car stock Miller & Meyer--I sda fount T 8 Waterman-7 pkgs mdse V S & T R R--6 cases mdse M Loeb &co--50 tierces hams D Fatjo &co-3 bales hose 2 bxs do C W Grandjean-1 bx bott t s 7 bxa glassware I L Lyons 100 bbls flour Pohlhaus & Doll--186 sacks corn Jno T Gibbons &co-6 pkgs wheel axles T J McCarthy 300 boxes soap TT White-6 bales hops 8 P Soul- 3 do J Armbruster-5 do H Bassemir-5 do E Erath -- bx casting A M Gr nger- 1 case saws Halluiay &co-3 cases mdse M McGraw- 1 sewing machine Vairin & Mortimer-9 pkge mdse Lehman, Abraham &co-15 rolls leather MW Smit h-1 esk earthenware 8 pkga mdse W C Shepard-lo tierces hams 1 half hhd bacon 25 firkins butter 10 tos sides Schwabacher Frowenfeld & Pfoeier--,0 flrkina butter 100 boxes cheese C H Lawrence &co--15 hf bbls whisky 03 bbls flour Wang & Cottam- 10 bbls whisky 414 pkgs beer F Hollander-4 plan se 1 organ P Werlein----ll hhds b.con 11 hf do 10 tieroes hams 8ohwabacher & Hirach -156 slcke wheat 16,, saoks corn Glover & Odendahl -8 bble pears 1 hf do Berry &co--3 cars wheat L J Higby--- cars stock J Spaulding----6 do Losbe & Rogers-15i bxs peaches A Caron &co- 75 pkgs to bacco J J Irby & SWn-350 do W VanBenthuysen 200 bbls potatoes J Keller--207 do 6 prates cabbage Stephens & Stork..18 bbls pears 2 bbls apples Tone & Anselmi-4.i bbls potatoes 20 bbls onions 5 crates cabbage 10 bbls apples G W Davison &oo--140 bbls potatoes H Doherty--3 bbls pears 17 bble apples J P Macbheca &co--4 cars cabbage 62 bbls pD'tatoed 40 crates cabbage 30 bbls apples 8 D'Amio2&co- 175 bbls potatoes 12 bbls apples Chas Pleasants-16 bbls onions 41 bbls potatoes 43 sacks peas 8 Mevers--88 bbls potatoes M Stich & Son--33 do 91 bbls apples 1 car and 10 crates eabbage J Bertucci &co-Total 130 tierces hams 7 bxs do 6010 poe meat 40 boxes bacon 21 hhds do 12 hf do 10 toe sides 57 bales hay 43 sks pears 351 sacks corn 4 cars wheat 363 bbls flour 100 bbls and 15 hf bbls whisky 50 bbls highwires 100 bbls oil 62 bbls onions 166 bbls apples 9:15 bbls p.tatoes NEW ORLEANS AND MOBILE ...ILROAD August 20-50 bbls oil J G Clark 50 bbls cornmeal 50 bbls flour F DelBondlo-10 bbls whisky F ILoeb-8 bbla notatoes Chas Pleasante-32 bdl iron J Behwartz -134 do Stauffer, Macready &o--522 do A Baldwin &co-50 bxs bitters J Nelson &co-2 bales sacks Og den & Bell-50 ventilators Rice, Born &oo--t ease cig rs H bpiro-5 hhda bacon Sohwabacher, Frowen feld & Pfeifer-lo0 boxes bacon Hirsch Adl ,r &co-10 do Prudhomme & Briggs-25 bbls whisky J Dreyfus -2 co Floraban Bro- 25 do John T Moore &.---2 boxes mdse J Keller-15 sheets iron Lagan & Mack. ison--7 do Shakespear & Smith-- 0 bars do M Schwartz & Bro..4 pKasmdse W Boyne-30 bundles paper L Medal-L26 tuba butter C H Lawrence &co 10 tierces hams Vose Bros----50 pkgs mdse P Thor. mablen--12 rolls leather J Schwartz-40 bells paper Miller & Dielman-52 bbls whisky Freburg, K &co 4 ears telegraph poles W U Tel C--100 boxes soap G B Miller &co-15 bbls whisky 10 hf do Wallis &co -2 bbls whisky H R Brown-5 do J W Smith- 5 do Higgins &c--13 do Freburg, K &co-5 do Lange, Levy &co-1 do Calef & Deshoe--380 pkgs castings P H Hennessey-29 bbls whisky Davidson & Hill-7 pkgs mdse Jervey. Pellett &co--190 pkgs beer G Yaleta-2 boxes mdse J Jrez-2 trunks Valeton & Blank----1 bbls tosin 23 bbls turpentine Simpson & Tricou-84 bdls hidlea Hay & Mehle--10 bales rage J Joseph & Bro-15 doz washboards H R Gogreve-16 casks meat E Vorster--4 bxs do Miller, Dolhonde & co-6 bales paper L Reder &co-7 pkes glassware J W Talbert-169 pkge tobacco C A Whitney &eo-156 pkgs castings P 11 iennessey-48 do J Ii Campman, --8 rolls leather G Wentz-1 car staves C Perrilliat 34 pkgs castings L J Latham-- l pkes mdse D Kel bam-31 pcs machinery Conway & Berkeli--6 do S Wise-4 cases drugs E J Hart &co-2 cases mdseJ S lHenry--2 obls whisky Jno Smith--2 cases mdse Quinlan & Finen--2t p gs mldse L J Latham-5 bbls whisky 11 Kentel--65u bxs soap C A Feench-400 bdl cross ties order--2 kgs paper Gallett &co--3 do J Kaiser & Stn--15 do A & IV Barnett--25 half casks bacon 10 boxes bacon R H Fairchild Son &co--3 bbls whisky Anthony & Kelly-10 tierces hams Vose Bros --297 bdls irou M S hwartz & Bro---- car cabbage 8 D'Amico &co--I crates cabbage 13 boxes tomat,,es Stephens & Stork-12 do 10 bbla onions 40 bbls apples 6 crates cabbage J Salomon &co--10 do M Stich & Son- lot machinery Flash, Lewis &co- 10 boxes bacon Schwabacher & Hirsch--39 do I hf cask do E Vorster--5 bls bolts Slauth, r, Maready &cc--25 bbls whisky Miller, DoJhonde &( o--2 bbls mdse S 8 Brown &co--10 boxes bacon Hohwabacher, Frowen fhld & Pelifer--65 bxs glasi M Schwartz & Bro- 5 tierces shoulders Lochto & Cordes- 2 cotton gins T Forbes &co-170 bdlls iron J Hennessey-21 do Stauf for, Macready &co-2 casks earlhenware Skardon & Wilson--5 bbles whinsy G I Hiyman--200O bdls cross ties order-7 pkaes whisky Duncoll & Bnubbell----200 bbls flour Miller, Dolhonre &co-3 pkgs paper C Re pansky--6 do Raphael, K &co--3 do Joeeph & Hart 4 do A Stembock &co----40 do C A Whitney &co-3 do K Meyer--ll do J. W Broughtn----7 do L B Or belin-55 pkgsa tobacco W Vost-5 do Snyder & J--34 tido JJ Irby & Son--i pump 1i J West--l4 pkgs mdse H Flynn--t bbls meat Barstow & Deeves- 4 pkgsr paper E Fundler--O bbls whisky 20 bole whisky 1o cases brandy Prudhomme & Brigge-10 boxes pipes 750 boxes tobacco L Maycr r 80n---250 boxes seap McGrath & Compton..1u boxes lard W B Itiehl----. bbls whisky Dundabl & Iubbeli----18 hbde sides Schwabacher & Iirsech----100 bbls cornmeal W H Matthews & Bro---2 bales mdase I Frank--1 case mdse J S Westjr--l W IH Letchford &co--1 Yale & Bowling--15 bdls paper A & W Barnett-eundries to order MORGAN'S LOUISIANA AND TEXAS RAIL ROAD. August 20-1 bale cotton new Jno Chaflse & Sone- 1 A Tertrou--6 bales moss 10 sacks rice V H Bernard -10 bales moss Rykoski & Manade--0 do 3 sacks rice F P Sevin-- bales moss L Terrebonne-25 do 13 bdls biden J M Walsh--ll bales moss Joe Aycock-5 do L Bibolet-8 do L Surle &co-I0 do J A Bourg-4 A N Lain- -t0 head cattle A Ioutte--asundries to order-Total 2 bales cotton 1 new Per steamship Harlan. from Clinton-9 bales cot ton 54 bales hides 8 sacks wool 131 sacks oats C A Whitnev &co-303 do Jno Phelps &co-497 do L God chaux--4b5 do Glover & Odendahl-326 do J i, Kent &co--145 do Miller. Dolhonde &oo--l bale new cotton J L Harris &c-270 sacks bones Stern's F & C M Co -156i head cattle C Mchie &c--Total 10 bales cotton 1 new NEW ORLEAN~ B AND TEXAS RAILROAD f Aug-st 20-124 sacks rough rice Kip & Ruch LIST OF VESSELS Up, Cleared and Malled for New Orleans. AUGUST 20, 1877. INEW YORK. Bark Halcyon, Hardie.................ald June 22 HAVRE. Ship Louise et Rose, Duboscq......... aid July 11 Ship D W Chapman. Tukey......... .ld July 21 Ship Geo Hurlbut, Mason............elaid July 31 Ship Melrose, Neill...................aid Aug 3 Ship Louise, Bull......................ald Aug 3 GENOA. Bark Constante...... ................sld July 5 LIVERPOOL. Steamship Oberon, Campbell........asld Aug 4 Ship Landsur, Knowles................aid Aug 10 Ship J A Thomson, Thomso ......... sd Juy 27 Ship Ste Genevieve Sirickla.d. Post. ald July 28 Bark Daniel Draper, Sode gly........lad June 24 L)NDON. Ship L L Sturges, Linnekin..........eld Aug 1 Bark Oxford, Chrisman ...............aeld Aug 7 PLYMOUTH. Ship Sq usky Lowden .............d July 19 GRIEENOCK. Ship Annie M Law, Hilton..........ald July 27 Ship B Hilton, Hilton .............eld July 26 Ship Paul Boynton. McMullen........eld July 31 BORDEAUL Bark Chiarina Corsela ...............sld .ulv 16 Bark Eclyptique, Cozrel..............elaid July 21 Baik Alphene et Marie, Privat........ldg May 28 Bark Leopold aet Marie, Leecally.....ldg May 28 Sohr Melville Bryant, Bucksey........ald Aug 8 STEAMRSHIPS. TEXAN. MORGAN LINE U. S. MAIL STEAMSIIPS. The following low-pressure Iron Steamships form these lines: HARL AN. I O HARRIS W. G. HEWE8. MORGAN, JO4EPHINE, ST. ARY GUtSIE, WHITNIY I0HUTOHI SON. CLINTON. CITY OF NORFOLK. ARANSAS. now building. Plying from Morgan City, in connection with Morgan's Louisiana and Texas Railroad. C For Indianola, via Galveston MONDAY and THURSDAY. Through bills lading signed to Houston and to all points beyond on the Houston and Texas Central and G. H. and H. A. R. R., International and Great Northern Railroad, via Clinton. and the Texas Transportation Company, Freight charged as per new card rates. San Antonio freights received and forwarded via Galveston, Houston and San Antonio Rail way and Clinton For Brazes Santiago The iron steamer I. C. HARRIS Will leave Morgan City on Lighterage at Brazos Santlago at risk and ex pense of consignees. Freight received for and bills lading signed only to Brownsville, via Rio Grande Railroad, as per new tariff, less a per cent, until further notice. Freight payable in gold. For Corpus Christi, Fulton and St. Mary's. via Rockport-The iron steamer ST. MARY, Will leave Morgan City on FRIDAY. August 24, 1877. Lighterage to Corpus Christi (it any) at risk and expense of consignees. Freight for St. Mary's and Fulton landed at Rockport. Freight for all the above points received at the Depot Morgan's Louisiana and Texas Railroad, foot of Lafayette street. daily, until 5 p. m. PASSENGER AND MAIL ROUTE. For Galveston, Houston and Indianola. Passengers take Railroad Ferrybbat foot of St. Ann street, at 7:8o a. m.. reaching Morgan City at 11:15 a. m.. there connecting with steamers MONDAY for Galveston and Indianola. TUESDAY for Galveston and Houston. THURSDAY for Galveston and Indianola. SATURDAY for Galveston and Houston. First class fare to Shreveport $25-Time, 45 hours. Excursion tickets for the round trip to Gal veston ahd return, good for thirty days. issued at $21. Tickets and staterooms secured until 5. p.m. daily (Sundays excepted), at Agent's office, or at the Ferry Landing. on morning of departure. Through tickets will be issued from this office to the princpal oints on the Houston Texas Central Railroad, on the International and Great Northern Railroad. and Texas and Pacific Bailroad. a. A. WHITNEY & CO.. Agents. jel ly Corner Magazine and Natchez sts. NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA. NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA. MORGAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. The following Al Iron Steamships form this line LONE STAR. ALGIERS, NEW YORK MOROAN CITY. ELLA KNI6H r. AGNES. The Iron Steamship NEW YORK, will leave Algiers TUESDAY, August 2i, Connecting atNew YVfk with steamships ELLA KNIGH P and AGNES for Philadelphia. INSURANCE TO NEW YORK %,. Freight for the above port received at the depot of Morgan's Louisianaand TeXm, Railroad, foot of Lafj ette street, daily until 5 p. a,. For freight apDIt to CHAT. A. WHITNEY A CO.. Agents. jel ly Ccdr. Natchez and Magazine streets. HAVANA. FOR HAVANA, CEDAR KEYS AND KEY WEST. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. LEAVING EVERY WEEK The first-class steamship MARGERET, Baker. Commander, will leave. from foot of Calliope street, on TUESDAY, August 21, at 8 P. M. Passage rates to Havana, s40; Excursion tick ets, $6o. Passage rates to Jacksonville, $20, including state rooms and meals. Through bills of lading issued to all points in Florida. For Freight or passage apply to I. K. ROBERTS. 120 Common street, Over Louisiana National Bank. The steamship EMILY B. SOUDER follows on the -- . my6 ly FLORIDA. FOR WARRINGTON, PENSACOLA AND MILTON. REGULAR SEMI-WEEKLY PACKETS. T oThe following first-class Al steam ships will sail for the above ports as follows: ALABAMA, M. J. Fauria, master, ELeaves WEDNESDAY August 22, at HLa. m. AMIT'E, Joseph F. Boyle. master, Leaves - The above steamers will leave as above, oppo sit! Jakson Square, Hecond District. For freight or passage apply on board or to (a. iM. SORIA, Agent.. aulto If is and 20 Union street. SUMMER RESORTS. MONTHGOMERY WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS. kreat Reductions in Rates of Board -AT THE Montgomery White Sulphur Springs, VIRGINIA. REDUCED TO $40 PER MONTH. Accommodations equal to any in the Mountains of Virginia. Dining room under the management of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. JORDAN. Fine Livery Stables. Ten Pins, Billiards, Cro quet, Fishing, Hunting, Boat Rides and Drives, in fact every convenience for the comfort and pleasure of guests. MUSIC. The MARINE BAND of Annapolis, Md. No Staging-All Railway TraveL The cars land guests in Reception room, on the lawn. Accommodatlons for 1000 Guests. Proprietors refer to E. A. Tyler, Dr. A. A. Gates, Capt. T. L Airy Walter Flowers, Jules Blanc., T. J. McMillin, W. B. Brockett, CoL R. N. Ogden, or COL. W. B. GREGG, Southern Passenger Agent for the Kennesaw Route, office corner Camp and Common streets. jeS 2m COLHOUN & CO.. Proprietors. . IONTROSS HOUSE, Biloxi, MisslssipDL The Montross House is now open for the recep tion of guests. The undersigned respectfully informs his friends and the traveling public generally that the house has been thoroughly renovated, re fitted, and improvements made to suit the most exacting. No pains or expense will be spared to keep the Montross House up to its usual standard-first class in every respect. Terms moderate. Special rates to families and per manent guests. Telegrams or letters for rooms promptly at tended to. Meals furnished to excursionists at $1. joi 3m .a.mP. J. MONTROSS, Proprietor. STEAMBOATS. OPELOUSAM. FALL AND WINTER ARRANGEMENT. REGULAR OPELOUSA8 PACKET. Leaves every SATURDAY, at 5 p. m., coinmmnen ing on SATUDI)AY, August 4. SFFORl WASHINGTON, OPIELOU sa.S, Port Barrm, Simmsport. Church villJ and all l.t III 1us on the( ceomst, Atchafalaya river and Bayou Courtableau-The first-class sidewheel passenger steamer TREN ION, James L. Robbins, mnastb'r. Gabo Block, clerk will leave as above. For freight or passage ap ply on board, or to LORD & McPEAKE. 46 Camp street. N. O. DONOIIUE, 76 ravir strclt. aul tf JANNEY & WORKl. o10 Common st. REGULAR OPELOUSAB PACKET. Leaves every WEDNESDAY. at 6 P m. FOR WASHINGTON, OPELOD. sas,Port Barrie, Slmmsport Church ville, and all landings on the Coest. Atohafalaya River and Bayou Courtableau-The new and light-draft steamer BERTIIA, H. H. Broad, master. Then. Jobin. clerk. will leave as above. For freight or passage ap. ply on board or to BBITTON & EPPLEB. 51 Gravier street. R. W. ADAMS,. 21 Commercial Place. HITE & CARLIN, 4 Tehoupitoulas street. P. S.-Connects closely with steamer Minnie for Bayou de Glaize. Also gives through bills lading to BayounBouf. 1a22 tf REGULAR OPELOUSAS PACKET. Leaves every SATURDAY, at 5 p. m., Commencing Saturday Aug. 25.1877. rr FOR WASHINGTON. Ok'ELOV. I as, Port Barre. immsport, Church ville, and all landings on the Coast tchafalasa river and Bayou Courtablean-The very light draft passen ar steamer BIG SUNFLOWEiR, A. P. Troupdale, Master: .. B. Schmidt, clerk; will positively leave as above. For freight or passage apply on hoard or to % HITE & CARLIN, Agents, No. 4 Tchoupltoulas street, Connects closely with boats for Bayou Des Glaizoes and barges for ayou Bo(uf. ault OUACHITA RIVER. NEW ORLEANS AND OUACHITA RIVER TRANSPOBTATION COMPANY. OUACHITA CITY, TRENTON AND MONROE Weekly Ouaehita City U. 9. Mall Packet. Leaves every WEDNESDAY at TE. m. . FOR OUACHITA CITY. TEN. ton. Monroe and all town landings The steamer BASTROP, [In place of John H. Hanna.1 F. A. Blanks. master. B. G. Cornwell, clerk Will leave regularly as above. Will reserve the right to refuse any landing except mail land ings. For freight or passage apply on board, or to Capt F. A. BLANKS President. HITE & ARLIN BRITTON EPPLE , JANNEY & WORK, LORD & MoPEAKE. Ag'ts, P. S.-Has regular connection with all the tributaries. fell tf LOWER COAST LOWER OOAST UNITED STATES MAIL DAILY LINE IHUNDAYS EXCEPTED.) • FOR PORT EADS. THE FORTS Burns, Quarantine, Pointe-a-la Hache-and war landings-The swift low-pressure nPj.tlagpJ ace steamer W.S. Bassett master, lIes TUFV DAYS and THUISDAYS at 10 a. m., SATURDAYS at 5 p. m. (extending Satur day trip to Pilot Town, Southwest Pass); return Ing Monday mornings, Wednesday and Friday evenings. The A No. 1 steamer EVA: N vJohn Taylor, master. leavs MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS and FRI DAYS. at 10 a. m.: returning alternate days. Excursion tickets Is (good on either boat.) For freight or passae apply on board, or to JOHN McMAI' 5, 572 Magazine street. P. S.-The Martha goes through the Jetties out into the Gulf on the Saturday trip. jyl UPPER COAST. REGULAR TBI-WEEKLY PACKET. Leaves every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 10 a. m. SFOR ASHLAND PLANTATION Ascension parish. Donaldsonville and all coast landings-The fine side-wheel passenger steamer BLUE WING NO 83, J. A. Comstock master, Geo. M. Woods and Obas. Dean, clerks, Will leave as above. Returning, leaves Ash land Plantation Tuesday, Thursday and Sun day, coming down the coast in daylight. Fo freight or passage apply on board or to a22 13. ENO, 19 Conti streeta P. S. All freight delivered in the daytime. HOTELS. TREMONT HOUSE, Corner Tremont and Church Streets, Galveston, Texas. SBISA & ORFILA, Lessees. (Formerly of the Grand Southern Hotel.) The Palace Hiotel of Galveston. This elegant Hotel, lately completed. Z8 NOTT OPBIN -FOR THE ACCOMMODATION OF THE PUBLIC Being built at a cost of $400,000, it will be first class in every respect, with all the latest Im provemorents. ELEVATORS, ELECTRC ANN UN CIATORS, etc. -WITH BATH ROOMS ON EVERY FLOOR. We therefore take pleasure in soliciting A CONTINUANCE OF TILE PATRONAGE extended by the commercial men to the late Grand Southern Hotel. SBIHA & ORFILA, Lessees, Formerly of Grand Southern Hotel. ANTHONY RISA. JaR.. Chief Clerk. y27 em ST. JAMES HOTEL, ON MAGAZINE STREET, Between Gravier and Natchez, New Orleans, La. GEN. CHAS. E. 8MEDES, Proprietor. Terms-S2 s0 Per Day. The undersigned having purchased the unex pilred lease of Messrs. R. E. Rivers & Co., in the above Hotel, is now in possession of the same, and has the pleasure of announcing to his friends and the public that it will be kept open during the entire summer for regular and translentguests and day boarders on LIBERAL TERMS. No pains or expense will be spared to insure the comfort of his guests. The Hotel will be entirely renovated, refitted and refurnished during the summer. CHAS. E. SMEDES, Proprietor. New Orleans, June 15. 1877. jel5 3m COMMISSION MERCHANTS. LEON QUEYROUZE OSCAR BOIB. QUEYROUZE & BOIS, Wholesale Grocers, DEALERS IN WINES AND LIQUORS And all kinds of WESTERN PRODUCE, At the Blue Stores, Corner Old Levee and Blenville streets. delt '76 l New Orleans. UNDERTAKERS. CHRA. C. JONES. JOHN 0. BOOHE. Formerly with Frank Johnson. JONES & ROCHE, 250 and 262 Magazine st..near Delord. Undertakers and Embalmers. All business entrusted to the firm will receive prompt and careful attention at moderate rates. Carriages to hire. 1.a. 17 JAMES LINGAN. ATTORNEY AND OUNSBELLOR AT LAW myr 17 Gravier street. STEAMBOATS. RED RIVER. Red River and Texas. NEW ORLEANS AND RED RIVER TRANBS PORtTATION COMPANY, AND TEXAS PA CIFIC RAILWAY AND CONNEC rIONS. Through bills of lading and through passens. ogr tickets to all landings on Re d River, and all railway stations in Texas. The best route to Hot Springs. The following splendid and fast steamers composing the line will leave as advertised be. low: .5, ,5,15 Maria Louise. Texas. C. H, Durfee, .ol. A. P. Kouns. Lotus No. L. W. J. .Leuabu. Bonnie Lee. Dawn. FOR SHREVEPORT. JEFFER. . Re~son. Hot oprings, and all land ' . lsIngs on Red River and railway stations in Texas. Bonnie Lee, Noah Seovell, master. Leaves WEDNESDAY. August 22., at 5 p. m.. W. J. Behan, Geo. E. Wilkinson, master. Leaves SATUIRDAY. August 25, at 5 p. m. No Wharfboat harges, drayre ooomm:sslon will be charged at month of Ried veor. orat New Orleans, in forwarding freight consigned to the company by bill lading. Foorfreight or passage ap ly on board of the boats or at the office of the c. y, o. Ul Graver street. JOB. . ee |aHIT OBD & MPAK Agen Weekly Grand Eeore Packet. FOB GRAND ECORE MO. gomery, Alexandria. Aorm a. s e arbin's and way landnins-TN steamer TEXAS, (In place of New Bart Able.) It. lnnott. master, Leaves every SATURDAY. at 5 p. . Will leave regularly as above. For freigbt o passage apply on board or to R. W. ADAM,. No. 21 Commercial Plaps P. S.-Wfll answer halls on the Coast, and f9r ward freight consigned to steamer Bart Abl free of charge. J1 - BAYOU SARA. BAYOU SARA SEMI-WEEKLY PACKETB. STR. GOV. ALLEN. STR. LA BELLE, John J. Brown Master. A. Dugas. Master. . . ..FOlR AYOU SARA, WATERLOO. Hermitage, Port Huason. Lobdeli'l Store, Baton Rouge, Plaauemine. and postoflice landings steamer Gov. Allen, Loaves every MONDAY and FRIDAY at 5 p. m. Steamer La Belle, Every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 5 p,m. Commenoing early in September. For freight or passage ap1y on board or to No. 4 Tchou tolasstreet. JANNY & WORK,. jy31 tf No. 1os Common street. VICKSBURQ. UNITED STATES MAIL PACKET. landings-The steamer MObT. 3. LEE, Win. Oampbell. mater. A. MoVay and Jno. H. Mosson. clerks. 0re a veo,,onneotl at Vleoks. i. - ot'sJ ne for a_ K.t- ao, Sun . r, eeyeek nd Tal Jhatoe, 0 .U Am to grents: Will give through Bills ofing to Trentoa. Monroe, and all stations on Viksburg. bhreve. Dort and Texas Balroad via Delta, La. W. B. BBOOETT. Agent. as MagaIne st, UNITED STATES MAIL PACKET. Leave every THURSDAY at O n, m. R--Ite Vicksburg and the feadtr asegrRce and las' passenuer vaoket PRANK PARUOUD, 3. M. White. master. C. Holmes. n!erk, Will leave as above, connecting at Vkleksag with the Parisot Line"for all points on kaaO. and Tallahatohie rivers. fror freightor Dpysa apply on board, or to JANNEI & WORK. RB. W. ADAMS. BROCKETT & CARTEE. Through Bills of Lading Elven to Trenton. Monroe. a d all stations on v.ckast ry, Shreve. port and Texas Railroad. Also to all pointts o Arkopolls and Pine Bluff Railroad. mh27 BROCKE. T & CARTER BSATURBDAY V O BUBRG UNITED STATI Leaves eveery SATURDAY at OP.. For VICKSBUBG. DAVIS'S . , Natchez and all intermediate land ings-The passenger packet YAZOO VALLEY, (In place of Natchez,) T. B. Smith, master, Frank Beck and W. Wil. son, clerks, connecting at Vicksburg with the Parisot Ida, for Yazoo Tallahatchie and Sunflower rivern and with nchor Line for Memphi...kls o ar St. Louis. This boat reserves the right to pass all land. n gs that the Captain may consider unsafe. For freight or passage a.noy on goaiu. Orto JA NNEY at WORK$, we Common streolL Bma HITE ACABLIN, 4 Tchoupitoulaai Will aive through Bills of Ladina to Trenton, Monroe, and all stations on Vioek. ra. brg," . Dort and Texas Railroad via Delta, La. W. B. BROCKETT. Agent. s tagazine st LAFOURCHE. SEMI-WEEKLY BAYOU LAFOTJRCHE ANU COAST PACKET. THROUGH TO LOCKPORT. Leaves every TUESDAY and SATURDAY ".' The fine ~eTe eRs teamer (In place of the Ella Hughes,) Joe Dalteres. master, E. Nicoll clerk, Leaves New Orleans every TUESDAY at 6 V and SATUBIsAY at 5 p. in., for Lockpoi Plantation. Beturn in leaves Thibodaux every FRIDAY and MONDAY morning. For freight or bassag apply on board. P. 8.-A clerk always on landing, head of Oontu street, to receive freight. mysg BEMI-WEEKLY BAYOU LAFOUROBE AND COAST PACKET THROUGH TO THIBODAUX. Leaves every MONDAY at I p. m. and FBIDAT at lo a. m. THE NEW PAHSENGERB TEAME ' AMMU PTIMO (In place of Henry Tate,) P. A. Charlet. master. MH. H.Landry, clerk. Pays particular attention to way busine a returns down the Coast Sundays and W days. For freight or passage apDDI on Douu. orto B. BIVET, . lo Decatur street, SEMI-WEEKLY BAYOU LABOUBROB PACKET. THROUGH TO THIBODAUX. The light dra ugt steamer l OST. YOUNG, .In plane of Eurekal U. D. Terrebonne. master. T. A. Darliur, clerk. leaves New Orleans every TUESDA. ad FRIDAY at 12 im.. returning leaves Donald sonvillo every THURSDAY and BUNDAY at o. in For freiaht or passage apply on boars or to or TEBBEBONNE&A BALOWON, Agents 7. Decatur between Oonti and Bienille sf* ial8 tf BATON ROUGE. Leaves every MONDAY at s p. i.. and FWIDA£ at12 m The passenger steamer Frank Bergeron, master J.. ergeron aerk Leaves as above for Baton Rouge .._u mine, Donardsonville and all coast lan returnin every SUNDAY and WEDEFDAX For reht or ýe aDly on board or to PREMIUM B DS ALWAYS ON HAND AND FOEB BALIE 818 TO SUIT. LEGISLATIVE WARRANTS Purchased by A. La:OBM sat Noo'& Gallier Court.