Newspaper Page Text
CITY COUNCIL--OFFICIAL. ltPAUILAR MEETING. CITY 1lALt.. New OnTp'ANe, '1'LInsrlIty, A ngit ~21. 1l77, ) The Gouncil met this day at 14 o'oloak mo. in tregular seession. Present: Hon. El. Pitsbury, Mayor, presid lag, and Administrators Brown, Oavanae, Denis, Diamond, Edwards and MoCaifrey. The minutes of the previous meeting were ap proved and their reading was dispensed with. Cemmtnletilons from the Mayor and Administratere. The Mayor laid before the Conncil the appli eation of H. C. Brown, superintendent of wharves and landings, for leave of absence for fifteen days from August 27. The request was unanimously granted. The following commonloation was read, and the whole subject was referred to the Mayor, with power to act: MAYORtALTY OFP NeW OnRLRAte, City Hall, August 91, 1877. To the City Counoil of New Orleans: I have the honor to submit the following pro ps ale for repairs to the McDonogh Bchool hotees Noe. 1, 2, 8, 4, 5 and 0. The said proposals were received and opened, aursuant to official notice, August 20, at 12 in., In the Mayor's office : P. RI.tLwV. o.1.................... . ........... 8945 N o. 2.................... ................ 220 No.8............................... 91 No.4............................... 174 N o.8 ................. .......... ......... 290 N o.0................. ................... 95 Total amount.........................81,755 0, DILLt., N o. I..................................... 1,080 fro.2.... . ................... .....240 o............ ......... ..... 110 o.4........ ............... .. 200 $ 0.4"................................. ... 200 i e, d. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . ... 110 Total amount.........................81,965 3. JACOIISON, Mos. 1, 9, 4, ,sand 8.................... 1,888 Rbsesqent to the opening of the bide and Weadiggitle same, I received a comminnoation fpom Mr. Jacobson withdrawing his Lid, assign iog asa reaeob that he had omitted one of the buldings in bit estimate. MU). PIL9BUIRY, Mayor. The following communieation from the OCty Utrveyor was read and referred to a committee soblasiting of all the members of the Council : Bonvavon's Onrrom, I New Orleans, August 90, 1877. To the Monorable Mayor and Members of the Glty Cotmnnil: Qendtemeen-I feel It due to myself to again oall attention to the necessity of my having the yight to select four inspectors to ezamine the dif feieatecntreete given out by the city, as per res ob No. 9998, I t made the attempt witp the entire lbroe 4 tment to so manage the matter, but Tnoj that it is impossible for me to assume respong ility for the acts of agents not of my r~seeleetion and over whose actions I have no Pin a personal conversation with the honor. able Administrator of Improvements and myself the tnposstbility of continuing matters as they le made apparent. I therefore respecioelly ato t iminediate action by your hon leb either granting me the assistants abete mentioned or relieving me of the duty of Ieauing monthly eartiloates as per notarial con. ireinain, yetUlyour ob't servant, J. A. n'hIlEgDU~itI, OItj" Purveyor. Finatnelal Huiinese on pinal Passage. Mr. Brown called up the following ordinance, Whldh, having been read twice, was now on ite third reading, and It passed unanimously, the )eas and nays having been saled: "An ordinanee providing for the pa mient of the suvetal account. therein named," beginning "Joe. Muller," and amounting to $1182 as. p *eperta of ttnemittees. Mr. Mdwards reported the following bids for alrg eagleh~oise of Steam Fire Company o. 211: Etaf Prederiok, $800; Leonard Benselb Mr. Brown reported favorably on the petition of J. F. Coffey, usetodian of notarial records, for an appropriation to reimburse him for expenses, and recommended an appropriation of 8280. Adopted. Mr. Diamond reported favorably on the petition of merohante and others for the erection of lamp. on the lower side of Canal street to the ferry landing and on the wharves below the ferry landing, and recommended the erection of lamps en the lower side of Canal street to the ferry landing, as per proposition of the Gas Company, and likewise the introduction of ges to the liar ber Station. Adopted. Mr. Cavanac reported favorably on the petition of S. Herneheim & Bro., for permission to erect an engine at No. 8 Peters street. Mr. McCaifrey reported as follows upon several petitions: DEPARTMENT OF IMruoVEwrweS, Cioty ai e Orleanl , August 21, 1877. Upon the petition of property holders and reel. denta for a bridge over it. Autheny Oanal, at Duel street I beg leave to report unfavorably, as I the necessities of the neighborhood are not of Ouch a character as to warrant the outlay at pesent. Upon the petition of property owners and reel deits on Spain street, asking the cleaning of the ýutiers of that street ont ide of Claiborne street, I I have to report, that in company with Mr. Ber 1n, the contractor of the district, I made a I thorough examination of the neighborhood re hfed to and found nothing to justify the com plaint entered. The gutters along Spain street when I visited them on Wednesday, August 15 were perfectly dry and in good condition. I called Open one of the petitioners to designate the I, eanse of complaint, and was answered that the street and gutters were all right but a person w represented to several of the neighbors if they mhade a petition the city would mnke some extra Improvement on their street, and they signed the etiion not knowing its contents. Upen the petition of citizens and othere on Goodoblldren street, for the removal of the wig wam on said street, I beg leave to report unote vorably, fbr the following reasons: 1. The building in question is thoroughly elosed and fastened, so as to pevent any one to h enter or uee the same unlawfully. 9. Many persons residing in the immediate o vicinity favor the existence of the building as a v place of public meeting in that section, and as ýett that the persons complained of would aeeem- 1. ble in the saine locality and do all that is com plained after the building was removed. 2. It 3s the duty of the police authorities to prevent the assembling of roedies on the public grunds or the use of ouch language as tends to o~tnd decency, and if this duty is properly performed the cauee of the complaint referred to will be entirely removed. Beepectfully, etc., JOHN McOAFFREY. Adopted. Administrator. rdinancee and Resouttlons Offered. by Mr. Edwarda Eeeolution aecepting the proposal of Leonard Beneel to repair engine-house of Steam Fire Company No. 22 for 850. Adopted. By Mr. Caranac Resolution granting 8. IHerneheim & Bro. per tatlion to place an eight-horse power Baxter en gine In the yard of the building No. 8 Peters street. Adopted. By Mr. Brown, and adopted unanimonmly on a call of the yeas and nays Resofred, That the City Attorney be and is hereby authorized to arrange with the Clerk of the United States District Court for the payment of the transcript of appeal in the cae of Gaines ,e. usentes et ale. $y MK. Brown and read twice "M ocdlnease providing for the payment of the mgatZ ageounis therein named." beginning "Lu zenberg Hospital," etc., and amounting to *2304 89. Mr. Rengetorff h entered and took his seat. Iens. From thoe. cx , proposing to compile and print th mwtltl es adopted in the last seven years. a bu to a special committee of all the me Council. From W. L. , attorney for W. Low man, stating that *30 dud him for forage have been paid to T. ý. Jones, and asking relief. lie ferred to the Administrator of Publio Aceoente. From H. Meyer, for payment of Metropolitan Police time of 1874. Referred to Committee on Metropolitan Polic aBusiness. From (1) Rev. T. J. Kenny, and (2) Mrs. C. F. 8tromeyer, for cancellation of aseeeesments. Re ferred to the Administrator ot Finance. From (1) residents and property owners in the neighborhood of St. Charles and Napoleon Avenues, protesting against the establishment of a market house, and (2) Graves A Richardeon, for permiesion to erect eeveral cotton cleaning machines, to be propelled by steam, at No. 58t St. James street. Referred to the Administrator of Commerce. From t1) residents and property owners in the neighborhood of Franklin and Poydrae streete complaining of the Neweboys' Home as a nile ance; (2) 140 taxpdvers and residents of the fourteenth ward asking a modification of the pound laws so far as they relate to the section between Joseph street and the lower line of Car rollton, and (8) ex-Metropolitan Police, asking that action be taken on their petition for pay for the first eight days of January. Referred to the Administrator of Police. From (1) Mrs. Mogridge, (2) Warren & Atkin son, (8) Thomas A. Adams, (4) John A. O'Brien, (6) F. T. Ople, (0) A. Maxwell, (7) Barbara Let ten, (8) II. Dathuit, per C. A. Butler, (9) H. F. Stookmeyer, agent for A. B. Redding, (10) John Barreo, (11) 8. Romes, (12) Widow P. Pecoule' (18) J. B. Warner, and (14) Mrs. Louisa Budd' tutrix, all with reference to assessments. Re ferred to the Administrator of Assessments. The following invitation was received and ordered spread on the minutes: OCAAL CELEiBATION AT REORUK. To the Mayor and Administrators of New Or leans: You are cordially invited to attend citizens' eel. ebration Wednesday, the 224 day of August, 1877, at Keokuk, lo sk, and participate in the opening to navigation of the government canal about Des Moines rapids in the Mississappi river. This canal is seven and six-tenthe miles in length; was begun Oct. 8, 1887, under an set of Congrees; has cost $4 281,000. It will save a large sum annually to the commerce of the Mis. sissippi river. By order of commiittee. JOHN N. IRWIN, Ohairman. The Council then adj ourned. THOR. 0. RAPIER, Secretary. It ' CITY ORDINANCES-OFFICIAL. MAYOUALTr or New ORLtAics, If City Hall, August 21, 1877. J 7 [No. 4088-Administration Series.] Ly An ordinance providing for the payment of the several acounts therein named. Be It ordained, That the following appropria tions be and are hereby made for the month of July, 1877, and that the Administrator of Public Accounts warrant on the Administrator of Finance in payment of the same: Joe. Muller, for rent of Fourth District Wharfinger's office for the month ' of July, 1877 approved....... 415 00 Fairbanks A Co., or measures weights, e etc., approved by the Administra tor of Commerce.................. 109 50 Wm. Carter for salary as porter of the Second tiditial District Court for 8 the month of Jute, 1877, approved. 16 00 For eleaning water closet of the Second Judiciafbiettlst Court in the month of July, 1877, approved............ 10 00 Seymour &Stevens, stationery for De r partiment of Commerce, approved. 7 40 J. 0. Denie, Administrator of Finance, fbr cash advanced for law charges, ete., as per vouchers............. 810 10 I Johnson Armstrong, stationery, etc., r for the following departments in the month of July, 1877, approved: ' Department of Finance................ 82 55 " Department of Public Accounts .... 19 75 A. W. Hyatt, stationery, binding, t etc. for the following departments in Lhe month of July, 1877, ap proved: Department of Public Acoounts....... 811 00 Tax mortgage registry................ 16 00 City Attorney's ofice................. 22 60 New Orleans Democrat Advertising ordinances of the City Council in July, 1877, approved ... 24 00 Printing proceedings of Council in June and July. 1877, appr ved..... 80 00 Printing 1000 circulars for delinquent taxpayers, approved.............. 6 00 Advertising proposals for the erection of a bell tower in Carrollton, and for the sale to the city of a boat load or coal.................. .. 7 15 Advertising sale of market revenues for the month of June, 1877.......... 2 40 i Advertising notice relative to subscrip tions to the capital stock of the New Orleans Waterworke Com. I pany, and notice to bakers........ 18 70 Dr. G. W. Lewis, for professional services rendered to Aid A. Peoora, j of the Crescent City Police........ 15 00 l Peter Markey, lumber for draining ma- j chines in June and July, 1877, ap proved....................... 414 45 Banlin lumber for canals and draw bridges in July, 1877, approved.... 8 00 Eagan, Eliermann & Co., for building four clneter posts at the Ocean Saw Mill, Sixth District, approved... 800 00 Grand total..............$... 1,582 60 Adopted by the Council of thi city of New Or leans, August 21, 1877. Yeas-Brown Cavanac, Doute, Diamond, Ed wards and Modaflrey. ED. PILSPURY, Mayor. 8 A true copy: Tuoa. (1. RAFTER, Secretary. MAYORaLTY or NEw ORLEANS, 1 City hall, August 21, 1877. ) (No. 4084-Administration Series.] I' Iehnslved, That the City Attorney be and is a hereby authorized to arrange with the clerk of 8 the United 8tates Circuit Court for the payment d of the transcript of appeal in the case of Gaines a vs. Fuentes et ale. Adopted by the Council of the city of New Or Leans, August 21, 1877. Yeas-Clrown, Cavanao, Denis, Diamond, Ed wards, McCaifrey. ED. 1'ILSBUIRY, Mayor. A true copy: Tnoa. (1. RAPIER, Secretary. 1 MAYORALTY OF NEW ORLEANS, 1 City Hall, August 21, 1877. a INo. 4085-Administration Series.] Ri's"IieN'1, That permisslon be and is hereby granted to S. Herneheim A Bro. to place an eight horse-power Baxter engine in the yard of tl the building No. 8 Peters street, for the purpose It of cutting tobacco, revocable at the pleasure of - the Council. Adopted by the Council of the city of New Or leans, August 21, 1877. ED. PILSBURY, Mayor. A true copy: Ttos. G. RAPIER, Secretary. GAS FIXTURES FOR SALE, Below New York Who1o alo Prices, EITHER TO TIlE TRADE OR PUBLIC GEN. ERALLY. Also a largo supply of Englfih Pipe Hooks Gas Fitters' Tools and Ma1ionable Fittings can be bought, for cash. at less than factory quota dons, at so Camp street. i}D,7 iy JOHN Q. FLEMING, Agent. JUDICIAL ADVERTISEMENTS. At TIOli SALEM. "By C. E. Girartey. INSURANCE STOCK. RUCrE SION OF LOUIS JALMET IE BIE T(ºN. Mirrnd Dietrirt ('curt for rhoParish of Orleans Nr. 84.144. BY C. E. OIRARDEY Auetioneer-Offloe 31 B anatr street-TUEHI)A Y, Heptemher 14,1ta7l at 12 clock tn., will he arl at rubite auction in thr rrrurrltn if the St. Char es Aultion Ex 'ihrrnge, in tire Ht. Charles Hotel in tilise ity vh vitrhrr of an order from the lion. A. L. 9ti art. Juge f the erMrnrl District Conurt fir the r rich if Orlerine. slated the seventnrtrth Ar grist, alel, and renderrid a tinfie ntove entitled Snir 0sirnr, the following desertied securities, to wit 1. ONE STIAR In lthe Capital Stork of the Merrehrntri Mutual Inriranrre Conrtarrry of Nerw Orleans. 2. NINE SIIARER in the (crpital Strek of the New Orir'r is Mutual Inrsuranre Comrprury rf New Orrrrans. 'T'rrnrl-Cash beforertransfer. an12 2I sea 4 Hy Nash & Hodgson. SUCCESSION OF E. W. IIODD. Recond District Court for the Parish rf Orleans No. 34,(71. BY NASH & IIODGSON-W, I. Ilodgeon, Auctioneer-dOf ce. No. 1: Carondelet street. On THUIlIDAY. Auguit i.n 1877. at 12 o'riock ti., at the St. Chnrles Aurtion Exrhange, in the rrsemnentr rotunda of the lt. Charinle Hrtel, in this city, by virt ue and in vurstance of an order of the Hon. A. L. Tieot. Judge of the Sec end District Court for the parish if Orleans. rlnterl July 25, 1577, drriket No. 34.(11, frr rercunt rf ihi enerescion rf E. W. Iii dri, rernersed, irt pnilie auction, will be sr Id A CERTAIN PIoliTiON Oi PARCEL OF GIiOUNI). trgether with the bulrhil aes rand i r irrrrvenients thereinsit elited in the Frrrth rIls tnit of this city, in the sruatre bhriuled hb Prvtania, Ht. Chrarles Philip and First strets, whieh measure, in American meaeure, nhont 22t feet a inihie 7 lines front rtn iriirtni setret. 220 feet 4 inches on the rear line. nearest Ht. I haritea street, by a depth trnd front rir Pihill p at reet if 125 feet, and 125 foit i inches 7 lines un thie e linty nearest First strirt. anid forrrming the earner of Prytlnia and Philip streets, nl1 more or less. The improvements consist of TWO ELEVA TED FRAME COTTAUE IIEHIDENCEtM, out buildings, elstern, eli. Terms-Cash on the spot. Act of saee hefrir M. T. Darcus, notary publii. at the expense of tire purihaser. who will as srnme in anirlt ion to Iris bid, the Mtasttages for 157e, due in 1877, and all current >Irfp taxes, drie and exigible Iii I75. an aMlit 117 22 2a FOUR BRICK COTTAGER. CORNER ORANGE AND IIELIGIOUS STREETS. SUCCESSION OF FRANK AHEIIN. Second DistrictOourt for the Parish of Orleans No, twsoe. BY NASH & HODOSON-W. I. HodgsonAuc toner, office No. 13 Carondelet street-Or SATURDAY August 25, 1877, at 12 o'clock mn.. ai the St. Charles Auetion Exchange, in the base. tuent rotunda of the St. Charles Hotel, in thit city by virtue and in pursutatu'e of an order of the lion. A. L. Tissot, Judge of the Sec nd Dis trict Court for the parish of Orleans. dated Jolt 18, 1877, docket No. 39.866, for account of the abttvr named succession, at public auction, will bI sold TWO VALUAI3LE LOTS OF GROUND together with all the buildings and improve ments thereon, situated in First Distriet of this city. in the scuare hounded by Iteligious, Ful ton (late St. Thomas) Oranse and Ilace streets, 'deiignated as lots sos. 3 and 4, whIch adjoin ach other ant1 measure as follows, to wit: Lot No. 4 measures 7 feet 10 Inches 5 lines front on Orange street by a depth and front on Iteligious street of 105 feet 9 incites C lines of whieh two streets it forms the corner. Lot 14n. 3 measures 90 feet front on Orange street by a depth of 10i feet. 9 inches 5 lines, all more or less American measure. The improvements consist of four brick cottages with two rooms each. Terms-Cash in U. S. Treasury notes. Act of sale before W. B. KleInpeter, notary. at the expense of the purchaser, including the taxes due and eligible in 1878. jy22 29 aur 12 19 25 NEAT COTTAGE HOUSE. NO. 578 DRYADLhS STREET, IN THE MATTER OF THE MINOR JOSEPH F. Kendall. Second District Court for the Parish of Orleans No. 16.370. fl Y NASH & HODGBON-W. I. Hodgso*. 1J Auctioneer office No. 1t Carondelet street On HATttRDAt, September 1, 1877, at 12 o'clock m.. at the St. Charles Auction Exchange, in the basement rotunda of the St. Charles Hotel, in tits city, by virtue and in pursuance of en order of the Hon. A. L. Tissot. Judae of the Second District Court for the parish of Orleans, dated July 24, 1877 docket No. 98,370. in the mat ter of the Minor Joseph F. Kendall, at public auction will be sold ONE PIECE O PORTION OF GROUND, to aether with the buildings anti ime rovemuints thereon situated in the Fourth District of this city. In the snuare bounded by Dryades. Ba ronne, Jackson and Philip streets, measuring to feet 95( inches front on Dryades street by a depth of 123 feet 7' inches, all more or less, between parallel lines. American measure. ie lig that pi tion of a lot of ground nearest I'iilpstratt ornginali' designateasLtN.2 T.CIE I2IiiO VEMhNTS CONIS OF] a Ahl N. ONE STORiY FRAME, SLATE ROOF COT TAGE, known as No. 173 liryn is streut, with two.stiry back building, containing iltogether about seven rooms. cistern, cei. Terms anol Condltious-One-htalf cash anei the balance at one and two years, with B pcr cent interest anti special niortgmge, with vendor's privilege from dati until flnal payment, the mortgage to embrace the cliuse of itper ent for attorney's fees in case of suit; the build ings to be kept fully insured and pilicy trans ferred to vendotr 10 per cent to Iti paid cash on the spot to hind the sale. Act of sale before W. H. Seymour. notary pui Ic. at the expense of the purchiser. including be taxes for 1877. due and exigible in 1878. y29 aur 12 19 2i 81s NEAT COTTAGE HOUSE. WITH SQUARE OF GROUND, Corner of Velmuout and St Denis atreels. SUCCEMSION OF MRNt AUOUI4TA JUST. Widow of ltiedrick Ma ttn kin. Second District Court for the parish of Orleans No. :9,4sn. BY NASH AND HODOSON-W. I. Hodgson Auctioneer-Ofllce No. Ia Carondelet street- On SATURDAY. 'lltemibur 1, 1)477, at 12o'clock m., at the St. Charles Auction Exchange, in the Basement rotunda of the St. Charles Hotel, in this city, by virtue and in pursuance of an order of thp Hon. A. L. Tissot, Judge of the Second District Court for the parish of Orleans, dated July 22, 1577, in the alove entitled matter, at public auction will be sold A CEIITAIN SQUAl1E OF GROUND, to gether with ill the buildings and improvements thereon. situated in the Sixth District of this city, desianated as No. 76, bounded by St. Denis, St. Patrick, Dtfossat and Valmont streets. (stl divided into eleven lots), and measuring to gether about. 142 feet 9 inches s lines front on St. ernil street, 111 feet 4 inches 7 lines front on Mt. Patrick street, 907 feet 11 inches front on Dufos sat street and s9a feet 9 inches front on Valmontt street, all, more or less, American measure, aecording to a plan at puace of sile. The impr yvements consist of A FRAME COTTAGE HOUSE cistern, sheds, etc., garden itproved and fenced. Terms-Cash on the spot. Act of sale before Joseph Cohn, notary, at thin expense of the purchaser, including the taxes 'line and exigible in 1578. jy29 aits 12 1926 set By Placide J. Spear. OPEN ACCOUNTS. CREDITS, ETC. SUCCESSION OF MRS. JEANNE A. DUFOUR, WIDOW OF ,JEAN CAZEAUX. Second District Court for the Parish of Orleans No. :ts.mu2 IY PLACIDE J. SPEAR, Auctioneer-Office P No. 4t1 Royal street-MATUltD4Y Meptem ber 1. 1877. at 10o' o'clock a, m., will be soul at tublic auction at Ni. 46 lioyal street. fletweon Bietiville and Castomhouse streets, by virtue and in pursuance to tn order from the Hon. A. L. Tihsot. Jntage of the MHe nil District Court for the Parish of Orleans. dittei August 17. 1877, for recount of sail s i'ael'tn MUNDRY OPEN AI'('OUNTM. CREDITS, etc., is per inventory (n file in the Second District 1 irt for the parish of Orleans. a:21 25 s1 JUDICIAL ADVERTISEMENTS. At1(OTIO1Y NA1EM.ýl . By Albert Paul. VALUAIILE PROI'FAITY ON PIATTERBON STIiEE'I', IN THE FIFTH DI)TRICT, ANti ON tPAIN AND (00DUITLDIEN RTiREETS, IN THE TIIRFiIi ISTIIIDT. SfCE('FRSION (IF MARIA ELIZABETH B. t MUILEIt, I)ECEASEI) WIFE OF FRANK MULLER. r Setond District Court for the Parish of Orleans No. st,>4l7, 11Y ALBERIT PAIL. Anttioneer-Ofce No. 45(httrt retstret-(Oft MATU11DAYAugust 2au1l77, at 12 o'eitok mn., will Ie soli rtt iwu lit nttiot, nt tire M1rctt fitnts tfnd Anttioners Ee chuange, on iloyrni, between Unnrtl andr (ustnnm itoust streets, by virtue of nn order from the Hon. A. L. Tiscot, .ittige of the froe td District Court for the parish of Orleans, dated Jui 21 1577. the following titeerii it ropertits, iteloangng to the sttcce sion of atria Eliztheiti i. MtlIcr, deceased wifl of Frtatk Mtiter, viz 1. A CERTAIN LU'I' OF (litUNf, to gether with nil the huitings rind itprove. ments thereon, rights, ways anit servitutis thereto belonging or tt anywise rtp ptrtaloing, situatedl in the Fiftlthh istrtit of this oily, dieignatet l by the number two in -the square hounded by I'rttcr~son. Vrillette, Chesttt tnt. tid Peters strtets, mensuring in Ameriatnn mettsttre t2 feet 4 inteis front on Pat tersto stretet by a deptttt. tot we, t ttttti tttt ptr iallel linet of 1t5 feet 0 inches i lines. 2. A CEliTAIN LOT OF GROUND. situated in the Third District of this city, designateti try tthe No. 4 of the square botnded i y Spain. Uirod andt Urquhart streets and Washitgton Avenuet said lot mensureas inAmerilan tfeastre 21a feet t Inches front on Spain street by adspth rof 117 feet, between erlul anlt tarallel lines. Po gether with ril the huitlings and imnprtvemetlts th'enn, rights. ways, servitudes thereto be longing or in anywise ntpertaintng. a. A (FERTAIN LOT OF GROtUND, with ili the buildings aind improvements thereon. rights, wtys, servituies thereto hling intt or in anywise appertaining, situated in the 'Tird District of this eity; cait ilt. is dislanated tie ilt No. 14 of sqtuare Nt,. 14, ouandet t Gootiehil tiren, Independence, Uongress and Love streets, nteasttring in Atterictn measnre 32 feet. t0 Inches tt i'nes front tn Goodthiitlran street by a depth of 110 feet, between ertual and parallel lines. Terms-Cash. Acts of sale before William IT. Seymour, Esq., notary puilit, No. 79 Uustunttouse street, at purchaser's expense. jy24 at2 11 15 25 VALUABLE PROPER1TY FORMING THE CORNER OF VALLETTE AND ALIX STREETS, IN THE FIFTH DISTIIICT. SUCCESSION OF JOHN BROWNLEE. Reeond District Court fortheParish of Orlians No. Nsa5t. B Y ALBERT PAUL, Auctioneer-Omie No. 4F (Chartres street-MONDAY, September lo, 1577, at 12 o'clock m~. will be soul at publie atition. at Mithan's (jofeehoitse. at the eor ner ttf Villter and ituny streets IAigiersi In the Fifth District of this eity, by virtue of an order of the lion. A. L. Tissnt Judge of the Second Distriet (ourt for the parish of Orleans dated August v, 1l77, the following deccritbed ttr~tlterty A CJRTAIN LOT OF OROUND, together with all the buildings tntl improvements there on, eitttted in Belleville. Filth District of this city, designated as lot Ntt. 14 of square Nt. e comprised within Valiette, Alix. Chestnut an' Peter streets. Haiti lot forms the cotner of Val lette and Alil streets. and measures 12 feet 2 Inches front on Vatllette streetty 12t feet in depth, between parallel lines, and front on Alix street. Ameriian measure. 'riTe improvements on said lot consist of two cottage houses, k itehens, cisterns, etc. Terms-One-half cash, and the balance on a credit of one year, tor note secured by mort gage, with vendor's lien. hearing elght per cent interest from date of saleto payment; tit htuilnd ings to ie insured ant the poltiy tratnsferred, and in case of sttit the purchaser to pay live per tent for attorney's fees. Acts of sale before W. H. Seymour, Esq., no tary public, No. 79 Customhouse street, at pur chaser's expense, sue in 24 30t set U INSURANCE. THE PEOPLE'S INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW ORLEANS. Omee, No. 10 Carondelet utreet. 1XTH ANNUAL RTATEMIENT. In conformity with the reunirements of their charter, the company publish the following statemente: Premiums received during the year ending June .0, 1877: On Fire risks....'(R,70, 10 On river risks.... 4.235 97 On marine risks.. 5.10 lii Total Premiuns ...:.... $49,193 07 Less return tremiumns...... 77 is $47.r,31 59 Add profit and loss...... 1,123 75 $85,049 07 Less unterminated premi nmos 10.000 34 Net premiums received $55.559 33 Losose paid during the same variod: On fire risks................ 920.420 60 On river risks.............. 1,10 71 On marine risks........... 1,220 27 Rebate... ................ .141 0n llelnsuranee............. 2,413 32 Taxes ...................... 2.9 5 ent ................ ..... 11 (1 0 Printing, advertising. etc.. 072 90 Biard of Undmrwriters... 1,554 25 Exvenses, eth', ess interest 4.004 05 $43.124 23 Net profit............................ $12.435 10 The company yiia the fol lowing assets: Premiums in course of collection ............... $7.,22 00 Bank and other stotks.... 50.721 02 Beal estate.................. 13,941 95 Notes soeured by pledge.. 0,054 09 Notes seonred by imortgIIge 13,7715 10 Bills receivaiIA at. short form s ..................... 8,109 19 Ofilee furniture and fix tire ................... . 2.879 17 Sn pen0ee (inio h u(It.......... 1,711 40 Cash on haul............1 9,00 (9 Total assets..........................$122.525 44 The ehove statement Is a true and correct transi'riit from thei iooks of the lomPIany. E0tNEHT l'RA(lt4T. President. JOHN WILMON, Vice President. P. M. HCHTNEIDAU. Se'retary. Sworn and sbsocribed to tefore me, at New Orleans, this 10th 'lily of July, 1577. JOHN BENDLRNAGEL, Notary Public. NEW ORLEANS, July 10, 1577. At a meeting of the Board of Direetors, held this day, it was unanimosliyresolvedto declare a dividend of TEN plr "ent On the capital stook, IIntaile on ilemand and a forther dividend of FIVE per lent, to A'LL insurers on their earned premiums for the year ending June 30, 1577, in addition to the rehail of 15 per cent already rn ceived by said insurers on their gross pre miums, payable on and after the 6th day of Au gust. 1977. jy12 Im P. M. RCHNEIDAU. fecretary. CHEAP FOR CASH. In order to make ivoar for GOODS TO AR RIVE SOON I offer my PRESENT STOCK OF MERCHANDISE AT VERY LOW PRICES. E. VINET, fe9 ly 207 Canal, near Rampart, f INSURANOE. M ERCHANTS' MUTUAL INSURANCE COM PANY OF NEW ORLEANS, N 104.........Canal atreet..............104 TWENTY-THIRD ANNUAL STATEMENT. S, In conformity with the r inirements of their charter, the Company publish the following stntwment : B. Prerilums received during the year ending K May 31. 1577, including unearned premiums of the previous year- On Fire Risks....................... $801.290 52 On Marine Ricks.................... 24,473 98 On River Risks.................. 25,07997 ' Total Premiums............. 411,449 2 4t Less Unearned Premiums... 118,115 00 e- Net Earned Premiums May 31. " 1577 ..................... 1293,884 82 1l Losses aild On Fire Risks.............$1175807 95 On Marine Risks...-...... 17,050 1 On River Risks.......... 8,596 77 t n- Taxes and expenses, loss interest................ 25,093 88 Reinsuranees and Re "I turned Premiums.... 10,104 03- 1153,814 80 1 Profit............................ 1110,020 10 I' The Cornpany have the following assets: r. Reei Estate......................... 5 129.079 49 City Bonds ........................ 110,419 60 1 Bank, Raiir 'al and other Stocks h and Mortgage Boils............ 169285 56 ] n Notes secured by mortgage........ 214,042 06 " Notes secured by pledge............ 42,301 97 Bills receivable.................. 75,104 19 is Premium in iiurseof cillection-... 49,057 98 Cash on hand........................ 77,007 68 I il Total.............................. 1.026,844 28 Ii The above statement is a just, true and cor t reet transcript front the books of the Company 1 * PAUL FOURCHY, President. ,G. W. NoTT. Secretary. RSTATE o0 LOUISIANA. i I Ii Parish of Orleans, City of New Orleans. I Sworn to and subscribed before me the sev- I enth day of June, 1877. JAMES FAHEY, I ot Notary Public. At a meeting of the Board of Directors, held E on the seventh day of June, 1877, it was resolved I to declare a cash dividend of twenty per cent on the net earned participating premiums for the year ending May 31. 1817, payable on the third Monday of July next. t Also, to pay to the Stockholders, on demand interest at the rate of five per cent per annum on their stock. DIlaEroBs: P. Masppero Hly. Beebe, d U. A. Chafi'raix. E. Toby I'. Fourchy, J M. Ailen, S. Z. Rell. M. W. Smith, Charles Lafitte, D. Fatjo, jestf J. J. Fernandes. u I, 7ýWENTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL STATEMENT i c ni o -oy Tma-- a e CRESCENT MUTUALINSURANCECAIPANY L r Naw ORLEANS, May 19. 1577. f J - The Trustees, in conformity with amended J 2 charter, submit the following statement of the H t affairs of the company on the seth of April, 1877: t Fire premiums.....-. 158,065 51 * A Marine premiums.......... 29,815 95 River premiums............ 51,924 86 B 1299,808 81 A Earned premiums, less re insurance and return pre miums..................... 225,285 16 Losses paid and estimated, U) including all known and unpaid, say: Fire losses..6......*7,885 60 Marine losses..... 7,285 41 River losses....... 25.510 Se Taxes, expenses, --$100,181 21 discount in lieu of participation. etc...............$61,892 58 Less rents, salv age savings, etc. 11.706 72 140,125 56 140.257 07 Fl Fl Gross proflts.......................... $57,975 05 Ri M Of which $56.657 85 is appropriated to balance of interest and liquidation of doubtful assets, The company have the following assets Bills receivable............6s*,648 88 Loans on Bonds and Mort- Fl gage......................6 55,941 38 3i -1 124,591 70I Loans on call............ 74,654 15 Mt Cash........................ 01.840 71 f 138,400 50 6 City Bonds................... . 718,00 06 Bank and other loto.ks .0.... 00 1A I heal Estate..................... i8t,,su goR IPremiumns in course of Cii leiltio anit ustirnse Atn-E count..............88.415 s4 R. Total assets...-...........$981,428 79 The above statoment is a true and correct Li transcript from the tooks of the Company. y THfOS. A. ADAMS. President. HENRY V. OGDEN, Secretary, 1ll Sworn to and subscribed before me this nine- Sti teenth day of May. 1577. Re W. B. ELEINPETER, Pr Notary Public. Ca The Board of Trustees this day resolved, that nftr ayng heanua diidndofTEN PER of TWENTY PER CENT In mash tie paid on ¶1 MONDAY. June 11, to those parties entItled to fin receive the same. Thos. A. Adams. Frod'k Camerden J Sam'i B. Newman, J. L. Harris, 8am'i II, Kennedy. Anrirew Htewart, John rhelos, Joseph Stone, Adam Thomson, George Martin, Henry Abraham. Alfred Mtoulton, a Victor Meyer, L. U. Jurey. a Edward J. Gay. Edward Nalle, Joseph Bowiing. (Geo. W. Sentoil, Bimen Heonsheim, A. Levi, bimon Forteheimner. Wmi. H. Matthews, V Jos. B. Wolf,. Pail E. Mortimer. A R. B. Post, Jthn V. Moore, Ed, Pllsbury, W. B. (longer. 1 Jon. K. King. Jfenrv M. Preston. lbeutin C. JUtsh. .J. .J. Irby. ci my2l1y SUN MUTUAL 1NSURANUI COMPANY. Paid Up Capital, i5@S,000. FROM THE TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR 1873. Net annual earned pre miums and Discounts and Interest 54077,98 Losses. Expenses, Taxes, .tc-.....-............ $277.207 94 Reserved fund 310,000. and Dividend on capital 10 per cent................ 59,547 47-586,7ssil NetProfit ........371,908fli Assets of tiG a.i.ipany es. timated at their cash market value: Stocks, Bonds. Loans and Bills Receivable.............. 895.399 7E Cash on hand and premi ums in course of collec tion........................ 188.598 41 Dividend paid en stock ten or n tr an2 num, and on participating policies twenty per cent, payable in casn. This old and reliable company is issuing poll eies on Fir, Riveranj Marine riskson the most favorable terms. All losses promptly adjusted and settled upon liberal terms at their office, 52 Camp street JAMRB I. DAY, i . CAar1xrxz. Secretar reslden INSURANCE ELEVENTH ANNUAL STATEMENF -OF TifE. FACTORS' AND TRADERS' INAUHANC I COMPANY. 31.........CARONDELET STREET........37 NEw ORLFANS, May 17, 1977. The Trnstees, in conformity with the charter of the Company, publish the following state ment of its affairs for the fiscal year ending 30th ! April, 1977, to wit: l'rmrniurrs f' r the yenr- On fire risks............$329,693 60 River risks............ ..200,50 28 Martine risks................ 37.223 31-1607,707 19 Less Unterminatedl remiims, 1877............... . saw,3n0 00 Return premiums......... 9,487 27- 98,816 27 Net rerned prrrnirms. ............$494,951 92 Losses paid, to wit: On fir" risks...$101.897 27 On river risks.. 104.059 49 On marinn risks 34,709 97- 239.075 79 10'-inosrrro....... t 11,194 00 ierbate enount........... 11,746 72 SRate and city taxes and ii cens s ..................... 25.122 70 N. O. Board of Under writers....................5,023 an Gross general expenses.... 39,49' 44-- 850,412 27 Balance.......... ..... ......$112,539 68 Add interest and discount and say ings received...................... 89,8009 o $201,142 90 Less first semi-anniral interest paid on pitnali Stock. 6 per cont., and second now due, 5 per cent....... 100.000 00 Net profits............... . $101,142 95 Reserved to cover losses... 2,,000 00 Balance divided on not premiums, 1878-7..... ........................ 79,142 The Company have the following assets,to wit: Cash on hean...................... $19.062 11 Accunts in course of colletion... 31,114 40 Bills reely tie on pledge........... 455,37 op Bills eeeivabie for premiums... 26,013 79 Ba nd other stocks .............. 203,628 10 City tote and other Bonds.-. . 148,122 23 Bonds of Masonic Grand Lodge of Louisiana--........ 6,000 00 Bonds of Odd Fellows' Hall Associa tion.... ... ..... ...........,000 00 Bonds of Association for the Relief of Jewish Widows and Orphans. 2,600 00 Real estate......................... 77,110 31 Total.............................s 1,s2s,90s 68 The foregoing is a. true and correct statement from the books of the company. ED. A. PALFUEY, President. Taos. F. WALKER, Secretary. STATE OF LOUISIANA, Parish of Orleans, City of New Orleans,. Sworn to anti subscribed before me this 19th day of May, 1877. EDWARD IVY, Notary Public. At a special meeting of the Board of Trustees hold on the 17th inst.,twa reso ledtoa n demcand a SECIOND SEMI-ANUL aNTERES OF FIVE PER CENT to April 90 8177 making 10 ter cent per annum on the CAPITAL STOCO of the company (I1,on 000), and a caeb dividend of TWENTY ser cent to stockholders on the amount (1389,658 97) of their net prticpating premiums for the year endln ni 30 1877. ED. A, PALFRE reient. JOHN CAFFAE, ice President. Taos. F. WAIHEa, Secretary. TRUSTEES. John I. Noble, T. Lytt. Lyon, John Chaffe. Samuel H. Boyd, Richalfi Milliken, toseph McElroy. J. I. Warren, W. J. Behan, R. T. Buckner, B F. Eshleman. Samuel Friedlander, Rim. C. Black, A. A. Yrtes. Charles Chaffe. John I. Adams, L. C. Jurey, Isaac Seherek, Wm. Hartwell, R. M. Walmsley, C. J. Leeds, A. H. May, A. T. Janin, S. H. Snowden. Joseph Bowling, A. M. Bclkham. my20 UIJT(II IT9MURANWE C1IOMPANY OF KEW ORLEANS. TWENTIETH ANNUAL STATEMENT -o0 TPS UNION INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW ORLEANS. Published according to law and their charter. Amount of premiums received duringthe year ending April 30, 1577- Fire premiums......................... $70,950 15 River premiums........................ 11.053 36 Marine premiums...................... 6,972 43 $59,035 93 Loss return premiums.......... 751 95 87,25.399 Paid losses diring the year Fire losses............................ $13,029 62 liver losses.......................... 7,190 64 Marine losses........................... 8,575 49 $48,795 7$ Itelnsuranees.................. .....2,607 84 Rent............................... 1,500 00 Taxes................................... 910 04) Rebnte..................................977 20 Expaenses, less dis ,ount awl interest.. 10,7806 6 Reserved for untrorminated risks..... 15.000 00 $88,577 50 The assets of the Company are Loans se(ured by pledge.............. 9.952 27 Loans sen red by ,nortgage.......... 16,350 00 Bills receivable for premiums......... 5,929 39 Stocks, bonds and othersecurities.... 144,111 74 Real estate............................... 11,967 30 Premiums In course of collection..... 16,407 06 Dash on hind........................... 9.524 95 $214,2W 70 The above statement is a correct transcrlp` from b1e (ooks of the company. A. C. CHIIATELLA, President. J. M. CRAWFORD, Secretary. STATE OF LOUISIANA, Parish of Orleans, City of New Or leans.5 Sworn to and subscribed before me this 14th day of May, 1877, JAMES FAIIEY, Notary Public, DIJIECTOR9 V. MAJONAN. H. GALLY. A. lONNEGAZE, J. JAYLE, B. SALOY, A. It. LBIIOUSSEAU II. LABASSE. L. D. SARIY, A. COIIAPELLA. myt5 iI;iE[NIA INNUILANOE COMPANY, Oilice No. 37 Camp street. JOHfN IEN)EltION. Pr'sident, I'. IRWIN, Virn Prusident. THOS. F. BIRAOG, Hoertary. Earnings.......- 8 .*i)6 J Los 's paid......... i....................... 78,22uy Net pro oits .........- - ...... ..:..... rs1,2,C At 'to eiurtion held on Mownay,the7th instant, thu foliwirig nnrnmi gurut lenri were 'hoser, Dirotors of this (onmpauy to serve for the ens log yw r: I'. Irwin, John Hendprson, Thom'su King, John ý4. ItYan, Thar. (ilmore W. J oaStuII. John T. Uitluons, Jumn. A. Girdnur, Williurm Hart. Ernile Gauehe, David Jawkson, John H. Hanna, F. J. Gasuet. At a mrnuting of the Board, hell May 14, .JOJNT HENDEW4ON. Presidunt, I'. IRWIN, Vi u Prnts.. dunt, and THON. F. BRAGG, Srrretary, wre uruar~imo~llY r"ur'lu"t''. Thu Board 1l larud out of the not profits of the Company for the pWst twelve montfs le par rent inter'st; alo 2 pur Cant dividend on the paid up apital, an 20 oper cent dlvidIn(rd on premium puniul by sto'kholders (making, with the rehate, 35 per 'tnt on premiums). Haid in trrest alnd livi'lunds to i)e plaeedto the credit of the strik notes. Intrest and dividedls on full paid stock pay abie in mam.h at lito ollioe of the Company on aind after June 15 prox. THUO. F. BRAGG, Secretary NeW Orleans, mZy 18, 1877. ___. Je17