Newspaper Page Text
RIVER NEWS. OfWE w o ~w OI A1AW DIMOfflAT. W dzesda, Agu92, 1877. Ind the twenty fostrt ours ending yes otereday p. tn.: Abo'w low (Than e". win4c r. Rise. refl. F~e#t. [oob. Inib. Innb. Oi atro. M 4 f1 r VtuOfufelatI.... 4 4 4 " q L eulsflile..... ý1 1 0i 1 Memphis . . "gewOrioana... 1ý 7I 0 8 Pittsburg .....7... 0 fshrorepurt...t.. , 4 0 Rt. Louis .e........ 10 10 0 9 Vioksborg ......i1, '1 0 . "lMeluw h11gb wst4~T n,,rh of 1M174. 1fIELMQN 0014WM. M~erg't. t155. tier. U. B. A. A rrl vale". Isehol, IBonnie J,", J1. ii. llwnna, Bertha. Ilepart ure.s Alvin, Martha, Mary Ida, It. E. Leo, Robert Young. To Arrive. Aseniptilon, Robert Young, Lafourohe; Dine Wing No, 8, Mary Ida, upper coast; Alvin, Martha, kva, lower copst; Teta , lied river; J. F. Tolle, Mt. Lours; Gho. Allen Bayou Mara; Mt. John, Baton Itouge; Frank Fargoud, Arkopolie. A heavy shower of rain yesterday cooled the atmosphere and made it pleasant. Business dull. The Roeliaone made considerahle headway yes terday in washing away the mud. She is at the lower end working up. Capt. Mart. Fiehier, of Ihe towboat Warner, died at Cincinnati Naturday night. The Isabel will have new cylinders two Inches larger than the old ones; they were made for her son. time ago, and are ready to be put in. Nev. eral stateroomis will be added to her cable, and she will be well galintd. Capt. Wallace Mcqhosney takes charge, to-day of the Bonnie Lee's office. Capt. Met. Scovell leaves to~day or tomorrow for Madison, to look after his new boat, The Alvin went out in the lsabel's place yester day. The Isabel was taken from the wharf; will be repaired, and as soon as ready will wheel into l'ne again. The coat and Lafourcho packet Ilobt. Young, having changed days and hour, will leave Friday, at 12 m,, instead of to-morrow al 5 p. m., as here tofore. The Big Sunilower, Alex. Trounsdale master, J. B. Suibmit clerk, loaves Saturday positively for the Atohafalaya. The Sunflnwer is one of the lightest boats ailed, and has juet been put in the very best of order. See advertisement of a steamboat for male in 1 another column. The Bonnie Lee, Capt. Noah Scovell, arrived Monday night from lted river and returns to-day, the W. J. Behau having been changed over to Saturday. The 11.d River Transportation Company have announced it as their intention to start out a Tuesday packet to Grand Ecore. Rich in re rources, they are determined that there shall be no want of tonnage to move the crops as rapidly as desired, and the only thin that can Interfere with their Intentions will be the river running drThe Martha will arrive this evening, and leave to-morrow at 10 a. m. The Martha is a low pressure steamer, is very fast, and has elegant passenger accommodations. The Blue Wing No, 8, leaving this 10 a. m., Is the only departure to-day for the upper coast as far as Donaldsonville and the Ashland plantation. The l'renton will be here to leave Saturday for the Opolousae. The Port Eads, with six bargeb (two of Ice) was due to arrive last night, from ft. Louis; part of her cargo, consists of 26,200 bushel bulk corn, and 9#,000 bushel bulk wheat. She has besides 956401 packages miscellaneous freight. The attraction of Saturday will be the depar tore of the Natohes for Vicksburg. She loots mighty handsome and is going to play a winning hand this season. On account of low water, the Hanna did not get within 80 miles of Monroe this trip, and After a very prosperous season she has been retired in ftvor of the lighter draught uastrop, The ilatrop leaves to-day. Cspt. Jack Blanks, who arrived from Louisville Monday, will go up in command with the Banna's creV presidin over the other departments. The Basrop is in god order and will go where any other hght boat can go. The hanna has proved an excellent steamboat, and if hqt builder, Capt. Jack Blanks has turned out as good a boat in the John Wilson, he will have established for himself an enviable name as a bnilder. Capt. Blanks will leave for Louisville on the re urn of the Bastrop from the Onachita. Capt. Joe Dalfures abandoned the trip to the Lafourohe yesterday with the Si. Mary, and turned her over to Capt Fred rrobst, who in tends to paint her and get her ready for business. Capt. Dalferes will have the Ella Hughes ready to leave Saturday, and as he has made arrange ments for reshipping by flats from the month, shippers can depend on their freight going through without delay. Thu Eureka is filling the place of the St. Fran dci Helle. The Eva, Tom Taylor master, Capt. John O. Vabette and Ernest Itninhardt clerks, leaves to day at 10 a. in. for the lower coast, through to Port Eads. The Eva, in connection with the Martha, carries the mail daily and rune on gihed uWe time. Fhn Blue Wing No. 8, J. A. Cometook master, leaves this 10 a. m. for Ben Tureaud's, Donald sonvilla and the Ashland plantation, Ascension perish. Meesrs. Wood and Dean clerks. The Buatrop, in place of the John H. Hanna, leaves to-day at 0 p. m. for the Ouachita through to Ousahita City, carrying the United State mail. J. W. Blanks commands. Ben Corn well clerk. The fine and regular steamer Bertha, H. H. Broad master, Tlhoo. Joblu 'lerk, leaves to day at G p. m. for the Atchafalaya through to Washington. The splendid passenger and United States mail steamer Frank I'argoud, J. M. White master, W. N. Oalmes clerk, is receiving to leave to-morrow at 5 p. in. for Vioksbui q, Greenville, Arkopolis and all mail landings. Exchange ClIppings. Cincinnati Commercial, Aug. 19: Recently we have received a letter from our ancient and valued friend, Capt. Ben. F. Egan, who now has a pint of hay seed in his hair, and lives on a farm way out in Iowa, at the terminus of the Burlington 'ltilroad. In speaking of Capt. Jesse K Bell's visit to his boyhood's home, the Mouth of Smithiand, "Buz" says: The old lennessee river war horse never came down from the graveyard hill into the town, where he would have been welcomed by those old timers, J. W. Drewry, J. V. Scyster, R. C. Ferguson, Grib. F. 'lomson, T. C. Leech, E. P. Haynes and D. CasO par Mants. His visit was raid to the silent city of the dead. He spent an hour among the graves of his old friends, many of whom were prominent boatmen in their day. On that bill lie buried the remains of Capt. $. M. Barner, who commanded the first steam bo it which lauded at Nashville; J. W. Mills, the famous Red Revenger of the Cumberland; the Fowler boys-Dick, Why:e and Willie; Elrod Fishmore, old self and canoe; J. V. Ibroop, the most popular steamboat captain of his time; Nat. Drew, an ancient mariner; Blount Hodge, the father of Capt. Gus Hodge, of New Orleans; Lit tle Old Jofdeld, the daring navigator who first discovered the btate of McCracken; and that Chriettan gentleman, H. F. G.ven, who was al ways the generous patron and steadfast friend of the boat hands who hailed from that good old town down at the Month of Smithland; and lik - wile the neglected grave of poor Bill DeBake, as good a mate as ever trod the forecastle of any steamboat. LE'TTER FROM THE OJIEROIJEE. CAIRo, Aug. 17.-I tee by a special from Hele ns, in the Commercial of August 15, that your correspondent makes complaint of the treatment of John Shannon, a deck-hand on the Cherokee, who died on the trip up. We have a deck crew of twenty-two men, and none were aff cted by tite odor of badly cored hides. Ho was not wrapped in a filthy tarpaulin or old sacks, but, on the contrary, had a good soft bed. He was only eick twenty-four hours, and as for our medicine chest containiug only quinine, it is amistake. tie had the attention of Dr. Dickinson, of Memphis, who was a passenger on board, and who had been a surgeon in the United States army for twenty years. If the person who sent the commnnica. Lion has friends who think as much of him as the officers of the Cherokee thought of John Shannon, he will have all the attention necessary when he is called to leave this world. Moscow. [Oourier-Journal, August 19.] LAXNCH OF THE JOHN WILSON. It was ourpleacure yesterday afternoon to witness the launch of Capt. J.W. Blank's new steamer John Wilson from the ways at D. S. Barmore's ship. yard at Jeffersonville. Quite a large crowd wit nessed the scene, most of whom were ladies, i4 many of them "musteredcourage" enough to lannch upon her. Bhe is a beautifully modeled steamer, with a full, elegant cabin, and she left the ways amid the cheers of those on board and those who remained on shore. It was certainly one of the prettiest launches we ever beheld, When she struck the water she gracefully yielded to the "pressnre" and rghted up, showing her beautiful form and model upon the bosom of the river as gracefully as a Hoosier girl bowing to her partner in the mscy dance at a country pionto. Mhe was towe'1 back to the shore, where she will be ilnish+d, when she will start to her new home in the Pweet sunny Mouth to comninand of that atiletent oilloer and clever geutlenuan Capt. Joe hlulmes. The work on Capt. bannon's new stoemer John Cannon is bying pushed forward rapidly by the llowards. The stern.wheel steamer Minnie was soil to day to Capt. Carpenter, of Natcher. for $2150, eeah. Mihe will be repaired here ant go to Natchez. iii $0 FtW MINIF~iy(ýiýHG. [iPrepared for the lEnrzouer from Memory by Capt. A. 11. lanvdion. i The following is a list of hosts burnt and sunk on Yalnn river in 1hM(32 to prevent capture by the Union forces, with probable value attached Msgents burnt valued at $811 0(01; gunboat Van Dorn, burnt, Io0,0oo0; Magnolia, burnt $76, 1100; Natcher., bnrnt $71;,0t110; Mary Keane, burnt., $70,000 ; Th.lrtyhiftth Parallel, bornt, neJ,010 ; Prince of Wales, burnt, $40,0111; Ferd Kennet, burnt, $00,001)0; Mobile, burnt, $ 1,000; Capital, burnt, $201,00lt; V. Hi. Ivy, buirnt $110 (100; Rtepub. lie, burnt, $111,004) Hartford Cty, burnt 960011;) it. Orispin, burnt, $11111(; Erie, burnt, $611101; ram, being built, no estimate' Frank I'argoud, sunk, $40,000( Lo0kland, snoic, $00 000: John Waleh, sunk, I$o,o,00; Ftootland, rain, $90,000; Holden Age, stink, $90,00)l; Alnzn Child, captured and ronverted into a navy blacksmith shop; Arcadia, Cotton I'lant, lien MoUntlough and Mt. Mlarv were not destroyed; Edward J. (ay, burnt, $*b,00,; Wm. M. Morrison, burnt at New Orleans April 1802 by order of Glen. Lowell, $71,000. Grand total, $824,001). -4*~ MARINE NEWS. OffIUCK NEW UtlItANHM IIEMO4IRAT, August 8M, 1877. S Vlewred Yscterdar. Mleainshcip New York, Quick. for New York - 1 A Whiitnev &no Mloamnslip Margaret. liakeor, for Key Went. viaCedar Kas.- I K Itcberts Mtenamicip Alaiama, 11nacric, for l'ncsaola - C M Morna Arrivld. Fr bark Alphnsoe ot Maril No 2. ltynemlan. 513 days tonm 1lo0d11ae4n, to 11 Marinon i -- of411 1)auiloh bark nohanna 1rmeeersen, lIlronin,', 44i4,5 n Inn Ric de Janoiro, to Johnst-mo, G-rdon &/re-iit di 5'fNANOOATS. Ilonnit Lan, M00ov0ei from Mhreveport Insbel, O'Vry, from Lower Cbast liertha ilruneer, upneis. frnom lIonsisonvilio ilbaths. Ifrosel. frtue Washineenu .1 11 Hones. 14,Ank1. from W1errly Port naCes, DaviS, from Mt Loousl, with t bargen KEperts. NIýW YtRK-- l'or steamship Now York---0-74 bslea cotton 10d0 bes s n mass 11i0 dry 1i444 401s Intles do t111 hleis do 300 b1is oil 14)111 ion coolaee 1 1$ 9 bils rit,1 6I0 h11ls lailow (440 cawes ieeef e0 alon heir 147c0 pIgqs leacd I'E MACOLA--Per sthcciachiip Alaham-----100 ss4km corn o0 mawks oats .too bbin hour 40 Is card to ihchs sogar 00 Ibi whisky etch msaks 41,h1coim Ie4c socks braon io cactks sualt 30 tierces hbmn :174 pkos mdse K MY W CMr-Por uteamshpi Marg11roth--5 1leb11 flour 8410 aclks 4on u100 ubile rosin 104 acoks oats 210 54cks bran ti0S tieres hlms (JEI)A It IC EYM---Psr st ncmship Mnrgaret--4U1 b1is flour 450 socks con 1- tes moat 100 5itt 1 ack0 oats 4 bbls whisky 17 sacks cftfee ( Ins mard 1 1l)b snugar 80 pkgs mdse Imperts. OIRDIEAUX"-P1'r binrk AI phnon t Marie No2 1 05crn shirts 11 Mati-Shlee-0ask winc95 045ca111s eil 500 1ahkts cl0 410 400cases vermouth A 1tcchtreai & _ . 100 cases emitcy jars I)unbar 4M .4,-5ot 1ames0 pruans 50 08anit o f wcter 110 ca0ec4 wine 1:1r5 casks wine A entcuri--0 cakeskc pcrcelaine 0i Pay ro- plernes 1. (Irunoewald.. 100 oases winie 44 i1k V Maignar4i-40 do S11,0 osacs 4elie0 oases li4ra01 70 ito victgPar 14 4ta1ks do . J0i Molard & Mon-10 casks winI'e I)4 L1),14r4i--50 c14s5s I absiuthe 113 45aseers iieuote l'ez 13rns--lO casks wine A N Uovine--85 do 1. Terreiccnic--l3U do 00I) casks brandy 1 plano L Locassagno 22 c0anc8s 44a410 25 casks winoe Vergnooe-10icas5s peeroialno Mrs J ccauche -4(10 casks wine (100 cases brandy cihrsele A Lanata -100 do 340 cases bitters 4 pkgs mdne 137 casks wino 50 do vinegar 15 do brnody order-Uti do 100 romeos wine 1' IC pruiatoar--15 casks do o00 cosces brandy t cherries u. casons Ilil)curs heroer &. I)neMoet--32 casks wine 30 caons do 70t in cil 28 do preserves M A Noidti -8 casks wine do ibraoody 1 dc vinegar 4 asiws ili A '1'ertrint-,1 casks wileo Lanoix &A Mcns-4 do J A Mtboe-U5 do 104) canns ic4 tIes J I in .)cmyus-ti 9 tasks wine 4 cm braody 00 e1ases booboo 25 dc4 mi wacir 40 casks vliogar 448 oanos brandy (eiuts 11 Marilcai--3 casks wino 1)anleit-- ci lee Crccten-24 do JI 'I'romou lot-4 do Macon-1 cask braody C (ovmroc Meon- - 100 do wine A C Trnmoulet,-27 do :11 caa,0s 1cicle t80 case's cli 200 cue 5ac41 e4 100 d4c44 brandy oh rit os lmos. cie? & P--00 do 54 0se11s Vee0ettaicies 11tc ca(c5s wine1 V 1' p tel A 1m--4 cacke uin Qeciecreuse &A Iccis--c0i cases oil Clark & Mealec--:cot ceo's brandy lchetrites 104 do wine 170 casks de144 c4a4ks tbrandy E 11c111i 1I0O 1i14 JA NEI RO-le- r lmrk .lohecn Brcuiter50t -Lobo bags coftile Johanttn (ordcn Aci Ilsoelpts of Produce. ST ILO(I)I-P'er steamer J'ort Etods and el largos -1.200 bunshels corn in bulk 15:0 bhis flour tii bhlu grits 23 bLnle meal '2:f ascos bran 21191 ar ks wheat do Il boxes eggs I box hacon I keg gras.o (lover & Odendahl-24,000 bushies bulk wheat :iu031 sks wheat (Gordon & Gmnila--4d bbl flour 13110 bbis meal 500 sacks corn 170 sacks oats ill sacks bron iHoward & Preslon-21' sacks oats 070 sacks corn 0:15 Ala liel Jos West &co-100 bhts flour eawrer & McCracken -102 do WVH Matthews & Ilry--700 luils grits C H Lawrence &co-100 bble flour J A Stalger--:-0 do 50 hf d1o Elf Keep & lon--tO Ihls flour I'edreauville &oo-200 do 502 sacks oats CT Iluddloke &" Son-i1O hblu flour Hirsch, Adl ,r &co-l0 do U Siegel-0l do 1I 'Turner-200 bbis meal 1342 sacks corn 4l0 rlacks oats 475 bales hay Chas Pllasants-171( do .1 t. Kent &co -300 bbls flour 125 hubis meal 150 eruckm eats to order 7(1 sacks bran 117 sacks corn 1195 blel flour Vairtn & Morlimeo-150 do 70 sacks corn 119 sacks bran 111)01 londio-475 bbis flour T A IHamilton &co-225 do 200 bbls nmreal 165 sacks oats 120 sacks bran Miller, 10ol roodo &co-150 blis flour ISO hf eo Forchelomer Broe -.10 bbie flour I6l hf do N O & M It t-SO do 437 bbl do1 40 bbis meal 38 bbls whisky 250 casks bottled beer large lot eundries C A Whitney &co-fl81 sacks oats 322 bbfs flour Rogers & Mitchell-134 do J 11 Camors --5500 sacks corn J 1f llanua--780 sacks malt L K Turner- 200 do P Blaisee--li00 bble flour 200 bbls meal 352 sacks oats :2 tcs mert Schrwabacher. Frow enfeld & Pfetfer-45 casks bottloc beer F Hollander 1700 sacks corn 200 toe lard 2: tee moat Schwabaclher & Hirach-ilo sacks morn E H Fairchild Son &deo- 2o2 do P S DuSouchet-109 bales fray (eo Hock &co -Ill do Jno T Gibbons &co-50 casks bottled beer R Fasnacht-52 pkges dot A Stevenson, agt-25 do 15 boxes bacon 117 bxe matchee E Vorster-- I pkgs w lead S M Todd &co--13 pkgs mndse Staufter, Mac ready &o0-150 tcs lard Jno A Norton-6 caaks pipe N O Gaslight Co-3 fsxe lead M H A nplogate--32 pkgs mdsoP Boroud--19 do 111 Mulfon--r_1do M Schwartz & Bro....20 do Sullivan & liulger-25 do Crane, Melhado & Chiasn-2 do Siewrurd & Thompson -25 do Ogden & Bell-23 do J Wunderling --3.1 do J Schwartz-104 do A Baldwin &co-- 20 do W C Shop. ard-6 do F N Thayer--38 do W L Cushing--5eo boxes starch Smith Bros &co-5 wagons ilodley iros -25 Irkts mdse Rice, Born &co-13 do N liionvenu 17 hhds tobacco Beadles, Wood &co-4 do Jno it King &co-2 barges Ice to order-9 bxs hardware A Wol -:1 hxe soap J Levy-4 stoves J Voelkel- sundries to order-Total 21 hhds tob coo WAtHINGTON-Per steamer Bertha--10 bales cotton Norwood & Richards-7 A Tertrou-3 Beraud & Gibert-2 J C Denis-2 McGehee, Snowden & Vio lett-t new Bush & Levert-1 do S Gumbel-1 J W Burbridge &co-t C L Walmsley &co-25 sacks cot toi seed N O Cotton Seed Association-lot hides and aundries P Cases-do L Lacaesagne-do I Beer-tO hide, 1H Solomon..2 bales moss 1 Bloom &co-6 hides Hirsch, Adler &co-tl do E F Gross-110 do S Block -41 do Meyer Weil-28 do Payne, Kennedy &co-4 do A Ro-euberg-5 do Horter & Fenner-4 sacks oats S (iumble-4:t head cattle P Servat--44 do Aycock. Mitchell Aco-19 do Temple S Coons &oo--:f do and sundries to order-Total 28 bales cotton 2 new 25 earsa cotton soed 109 head cattle WAVEILLY-I'er.,tecmer J H Itanna--19 bales cotton Lehnuan. Abraham &co-4 Payne, Kennedy & co-I new Jno T Hardie &co-1 do Ley & Clarke- do BenIGerson-29 sacks cotton seed N O Cotton Seed Asnoctatlon--201 head cattle 45 head hogs Noel & Wooten-2 hides S Henderson-1 bdle do I1 H Han. sell..2 hides Hartwell & Chambers-2 bales moss P Casee-1 sack wool H Groebel-6 bbls honey Odell &. Wright-sundrios to order--Total '26 bales cotton 3 new 29 sacas cotton seed 71 head stock SHtiEVEPORT- I'er steamer Bonnie Lee-74 bales cotton to order--5 Grogar & Fat, ar-4 R T Buckner & Bro -2 do 1 new S Friedlander-1 do Jno Ceaole & Sons-i do C L Wahmsley &co- 235 heed cattle Aycock, Mitchell &co- sundries to order Total m7 bales cotton 3 new 235 head cattle LOWER COAST-Pet steamer Isabel-42 sacks rough rice Siewerd & Thompson-o do P K Thomp son-1 bhd sugar Richard Mtlilken--l0o0 staves P Hirch-sundries to order-Total 1 hbd sugar 130 sacks rough rice 4000 staves DONALDSOINVILLE-Per steamer Bertha Brun ner-snadres to order RECEIPTS AT THE NEW BASIN. Tchefuncta River-Per schr Moneta- 350 bbls sand to order Mobile Bay-Per schr Endiee-75 tons potter's clay to order Pascagonla-Per schr E Blessey-40,000 feetlnm ber to H Btddig Jilt4oat-Per eobar New bbl*4 obrc to maa4.444 pueo.44oot-Pnr Bohr Mary Thor reo-' -ltr.,040 foot lumber44to 114 Jedltg J,,rd4i )Iverv-P'er eohr 44,nnfno14-iu4,000 toot 1110" boor to, ,,orde 4'4,oajogonlt-Por en04r Moyjur T II 14.oro4y ------14141) bolo4 (440044041 to mode~or .lordoi I 44441- l'or 0444r JTule 14.tolort-40,0400 root 34144,4ov t. 4~ (;o,'tpr &. 411.11 Wulf itivot -V'or mutr Moot, 44--- 1:101) foet 144.jor44 (to 4) Mtnltot' U4i4IJCIPT'M AT TIIIC Old4) 44AMIN. l',trt In4ve~r- P'ot 444o4,olr Mlu,,jr Wht-It' -- 40,000 11,40, (III hu t4,- nAl0-.tor J'4ouoaug,'t4 ---4ro s4otr Nuns,' 44,,h-_1+100 4,4,44 144191 4I,4o4,4444o,44- --1r C4,4t~ 4. o lI1t~i, loc---14104,4144 4-4,444l (5101 I; rto ,,f4.1r Jtoy Ml, Lou,,is-l'rrr enter (lt o llo~t-t00I) 4,1,4, otir t4l4 1." 4.I4 444044, I'uoonoulo -Poor sobt,, 111 -.41,14101),0est toot ?,rotor t., 14144441144 ih4'u~og1ioI--l'or snbr4 M114 uni,4on--410,000 font4 44444" 1444 I4. ,44-,141 I'oagI 14.Iynr--P'er oldlr IcttuiI--'110)1I,0(1III4 4t44Igloo to 4414 o1440 4,nb0o~--4.'or ,,utur 4 4401--JOs cords woodi Hy ItwllrPvoad. NIW OR1LffANN. JA4;KM401 AND) NOI4.'TI.44.14N K4AII.t10AI). :1 h.5, 115.1 1 ho4 4414404w4roo N U. M 1)nojat 4 4 ho'4xo4 4books Iio4inpo4, & Mtork---1 bxsK bolts 11 .1 WoeI4.-----411~ 144115411 411444r f M4 (har-k--54 itpx, pt'e~44 I4otty kno44---- (l ,41545,j,4444n041 W II to4t.441 44,4-4 A,),--II 4$(5,,mk$ (4)1)r Jno, '' I 41,)lb0,4 k.(5)-4rr little4 po,444uo4 4It lj)eItrrty--1)4, hits trswuthos A (J4'oron &o,-t 0o4,' wood~ W iii-t414444---- 14514 frick o VIos~rd & W hntk-I4- nor touuthnr 1' Mat-koy- 44;4 boons,, t4,t104444o.14 J III)' k Moo,,- _t5(l pkgs thoo II 4444wi lo. --1(00) doI F4 4 4,lorldor--1IJt I,,.4 Z,.'gtor--i earo lt tlb A yjool1k. Mttltodltl ko--".-40 tto4 4 60044)14400 ,Jos Wool. 4M,--.~1 oar 4444444414 .1 $111- ----ir (11914$ othms,4 .111' Wil-I 4o tioo u I'4~ Wa44144144- 1444 c 459 44 ho'W4444 M W M4,inute 1 hodo L. (lrt-o,,waI,----7 hxs, throw! Yst & 44.,wil4,M. -.1 thxs thardware-4 it4 M0 11lingawoi'tt -1 ,'$) 014.01.1 nory A~olt44t.0 7.1051',eq,.,r--t Juole u4,4, II. 'V,) ur 2444t 4g I1i-n1tu,1 Mo' 4lI-,I,4404 & Ii1wtoatr-1 I,4 gloss44 It I' 14(459 -1:14 n t,4u4trult1,,o Mrs .1 In4jar---I04 4nd44 willows4 A (I,44,,,44-----s 00444,. n44t1eoks44 $t~ontI.r, Msoreaoty &0,l'-J 055044 01)400 II Onto14 &044-4 II, 1( 4b' 1V Iuhna,5b,,-I du M4 (llon,-1 41914940 t,14. (1 It. N'Inlay &11- lioxos mdnIso bolos du, A U4'o4)aky--I b~ox 41,1 14 N Mo'441-4 410 II I)4tohr140y41r--- -401 bids14 p'lttoos~44 i (5191'054 44t41)441404 $l44,4,04444 k Mto4.'.i .44 I,,,,,4l,, 1,044, Mill w,,rotusor, Vrtwowetord A, t'folter--'-I44.2 tIdle tt,,,r o01tt s 4,44444444.444 4.ver k. 4),tptnII- 4 bxs c4,.4Ol4' 141150 Btorn &910-1421;)145444 4444004N 14' 1Martin,t ' 410 41191.54 )runi 1 Itu,, oh4,or M41,okosepo44r & MmI~th-5 ltnxoe thavon 11.') tirktinsbt t,,, r (III 441wr0444e &,ro~ -0 Ito44n44 4444) t+',,10141.- &110-240 iOre lord C A Fr~ooht-l6 kegs4, boatter :441t1,Iol 444,)404 W 41 14otth4ews A htr,.---42r, 4Ibis polio toon, 1'471114.,,, 151,15,,, 4417 I41,l4 44444144 (14,444 11044444444.4- 1 001 05,60tI110e 2501 44d)4e 1114,444 424044 ttxo ppt444 20 4t44s 440 loins444 1't ht, onions Miller A. ldoyor---- uar (xottoRoe M4 t1A ,1,,tr.l, 44,-- 110 bills 414i of+,rs .J 44ortur4444 &c),4-111 11)114 peo1.sII this 114441414444 .$ 7 1 Moethoco &444-M41 Ibis4 9114 ( 11,1 opl 44t t~t,4. ,011.91$ L Cn~tst,4 &edo--4141 Yih4I4 41191$-4 111 bins mo1,1,10 'I' oem Ae4etoli---0-1 ht's~ 44p40110 M444144,1 IS 41}--.5I1 th4is p) t.'4oto44 M0 444.144, Mo.n4~r -:111010. I4t.4) o11t'l---"-'J'uts444 7)41(7444 44444.404 24444m 4444444s opplos44 4104 41411 onions4204 toss4,' lord 4100 4,4l44 11o4r 11.14 M4114.JAN'44 LO4J44IANA AND TK)XAI41 RAIL. tOlA 1). Anguet444-41,94 tol 014444 Udeoll 1, eVr444ht----4 d1l4 4 ills1 rlt El~ dry 4444d44 it.ykoskl44 A Modo44-.---5f)1 do 44 lion,'r-"-7' 4los4 4144ss4.7 A Jln44044-.-OM11440041 4nettle44 1' 4404 vet.-- 4444414444 os A, prrdn Po' tnssl 4444444444U4,.In , Promn Indaunlso,---.i1o 44440 . 4t444 11 U~aon,,44 keo-.-'1 44141,5 hl'1o,,I dusk 91141, (J A W~hittny &.(x,--Total4 11411444 4,44t4,4,44 N'un 414,4osto44----'t 4bolos4 altot4i lb4 4444404 4141044 I4 s44eks4 wool C A Whtne.44y &(x)0-11 eotks shells44 Ilort-y 1.1514-07 141444444444U A 4",-ei,,4i---'16(401 J 4b444os co14,n NEW OIOLEANS AND) MOBILE R4AILRIOAD) Anig',otgi-105I4,444 1444444.lrnnlonn----1M)0 44.l (1 (llerk--O.- il4l4s wl444,k W44rnnr A. t---10 d14 (( 44044441 I 440-4 44,~ ht d otMo,oni & I1--0~ hf bbIs hoof4 404 44444 Oils4 pork 245 1,1,44154d MtIIor.41)olt400d4 k4,4--2 04444 5449441454 '1' A iteok4----1 uar bogs A voxok. M14.'44,4'1 kni---) 4r44 (5or, (111,001' A- U,44ontot'-411po 4)04444o4.044 .1 4144 e-444- I170 pkgs 44o4er A Welo-.-ll b,44.oross ties 14. W Ilovoo S174 (ir book otmi 4 Mo,(raw--74 4144~ 40))6 J.444414 M,,ert4- --M4 baleos 0,(0,444 All it,, Wo444 &1410----h 444444 44444144444 Cop4t. M,*1o ltoII,--0 ll 41,44 t-44441tt14 J4 Bu44. 14,11-14I 1(451 id, 11 J 444444 .(51.14-44111 I.Lyons4-Il 44444 01'5144054 110117' &414-0-4 d N Dow~lng-----110 44444 $4105154 141 o-44o44 41444)444 4U 4 Motshonnk---14441 pkgs44 44r4e44ot, . .1 Iry& M -'----2) do4 W Vo,,41o,,4huysno)4-7 pg14 )544 0444 I4I W akru-.nen0511VI Le44,hfar'4 &coo-.-1 baba 44,444444 o441444---;1)4 bills 444.40044 M W 44,o44t--.---40 bbls4 wh4leky M44444444 14,444-45 4d44 Frnho4,0-. K &no--Sts 44d) 4.ooht,4 A- 4;,,r444-.l7 do,~ 1'. M0 `I Meo4un o -- do t Mc~hlung 4 I'--2) 444l1. dil M4 M Tod44d &1.x--h do CoCI I 444.4044.-- II) do4 II .J 14on,. &1)n.-.-54 Ile4. O 440444.44l-:1 do4)C 1 44,l,t~thif -44 halos, 4hrg5 Mt4aullor Ma,,roady4 &oo--5074 I )14 4,u44 i r M4444 I'41 r 40I---1~~ 4444 144444on1 4,dfo c44))j)4 M I 4404w41440 & 11'10---:174 bi4w iron :1,.rolls 44444.4404 444a44er, tMaonowlyv &.co4-4 bb,14 -whisky A R Ws4.4444--0)0 bats4 I ron A 44o444w44 &oo----70 kegs rive4tsM Mhi 4twartz &o 1 1ro---eundrleB ti) order-.-Toed44 M. bales44 cton44. LIST OF" VE~SSELS jUp. CJleared and Malted4 fro New (/oses.. AUU 14441' 21, 14477. 1 NOW0 401K. M44,onl4h,414 4.440Nntmr........... . l Au 41M44 M44.o44olt441 Kniuk44r44444)4'4r.444.....4h Aug 44) ]dirk-4 K4l na444val', M444404ti,44. 0444....l Au M444 haork I41111i01, 119110r................p41) .1 u,41 22 ,400)411). I Iark (Iontant-a,,4..................old.4ty 5 1 I.4V444444144.. S444.oanlohitp 0h4441m, Aug 4 M141; 4.l,l44,,444, Kno~wI,444 .........sl44 A 44410 44hl1, '40to44,44 lt444;1 44, 4144, 01'. Au 44 II44 Ski p4.) A 44,4I'hunlso, 444444441444o.44441...4l' Illy 27 11thI, Si'o 044,44.v144o 444,-Ikloo'. Post., sill4.114410 241 lionk 1)044144 1)rupor, 414444o',4y. 44441 .. 1 Juno 244 Mhltp L. 4. 444,r~os4, 1,444o4kin.. 914..e Aug 1 t, Brk Oxfo.rd, Ch4,4o,,nan ......... 4444 Aug 7 `1,4 Shpnod,,oky L,,w,4,.............44444,1 ily 114 -I hIp Anolo Mo J~aw, Iltllon.... .444l lJoly 27 U 41'p 41441444444, 14444,444.... . i, 244 + 4144$4 Pau14 Ioy14)y4444, MC41414444on.44444-si.1 Ily :11 1I4 l4;l,.,.. Shl LTuoie et Roae, l)eueeq.........lid July 11 Ship I) W Chapman, I'ukey...... iidJuly 21 Ship (lee iturlbut. Manon.............eld July 'ii Ship Melrosc, Neill ............:......sld Aug 3 Ship Louise, Aug 3 Ship Loulsiane, Equay Aug 1 ioUlAll IJX. Park Charin, Corula ................old July Ili Park Eclyptique, Correl.... ....... ci July 21 Bark L.,opuld et Marie, Lacally.....ld¢ May 2N Schr Melville Bryant. liuckwy........ald Aug 8 fii.A~iIOW ShlpTranelt, Percy ...................sid July 50 5IIIELDS, ENG, Bark Preusae.........................eid June14 5OUK5 Bark Gee W Sweeney, Howett......sld June 2 MAIIMF.ILLE . Brig Aurora, Meeina...a............ldg June211 Brig Maia Celeste, Fevola............sld Aug 2 IIUEMEN. Park Constante. Ivancich..............aid July 5 RIO1 i)E JANKIRO Srhr Aatres, Zimmnerman.............eld June 24 Stesmahip statuen. Lyon.............lid Aug 15 T~ll@CONI'S REK TAU RANT -AND ICE CREAM SALOON, OUT ON THE PIER OF THE LAKE END -Of the PONTCHAliTRAIN RAILROAD. The finest of fish, fresh from the lakes. Choice wines and liz uors always on hand. All orders for meals can he left at TRISCONI'B, corner of Canal and Decatur streets where they will meet with proper attention. Frices mod erate. fN13 JULIO, PORTRAIT PAINTER. No. 3 Carondelet street, New Orleans. Portraits from life or from puictures of the deceased Iin oil or crayon, from $25 to $l00. My ART GALLERY is a place of fre'- re orand the public is invited to visit it at pleasure. mSu m W. W. FARIER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MONROE, LOUISIANA. Practices in the parishes of Ouachita. More house and Richland. Claims taken for collec tion in all other parishes, with privilege of man aging same in connection with attorneys resid igthere. noao eT uir *TLAMSHIPU. MostJWAN LINE U., M. MAIL WTEANMHIrU. The F floin i~ifg liw-firiillluri Iriin ltruamsh ips fr inth w'- linus. IES .G FWS MulItiAN, ,tot~ii'iiiNIE, M'' %IAitY (UHIJM$I WHIiiJNEY, I UTUHIIN'B0N. A JIANMA, 4. 1(w halidng, ii yin of ou Morgan City, iin iounni'tiion willh MOrgIInI 1 I~uii lana and Tuos Ihaulrond. lair IndlaianIl, via ISalveCst4)l-~ MONDAY and Tli4IRMAY. Through hiili Iaiiineg sinedl ho Iiishoon and unutrii iini Ui. ?II. ad 1. A. Lt. IL. I I~liorat iiiiit anal (iruat Northurn ilaiiroiii, via (Iiinton. emnl thu iii T 1o Trinsortiu-ahjl i kion ln y. Frilg hit iuhargiil as tour Ilaw iuiri ralus. Kaui Anto ieii fruilihs riui-iuvii anii fiorwarilii vi a Cml vutnii, Hioiuitn l j iiHan Atuzi lo iald 3'nr Knuxo,4 santiago Thijo lroi- uuauamiiur I. E?. If ARRIM Will luavo Morgan City o HUNDAY. Aiuuiit u;, 1071 Lighiturihgi at. Jlrrui bauniiao at risk amni ex lFr'uigtt ruuuiu vd fur ani ill tiiiolaing slgni-ui oniiy to Ilriwnsvlilla, via liii, (ranii Ilaliromul. uas rur 111w tarlifT loss a uior cont. until farthor Way Icorpuas Olhrilu, Psulton and Ht. Mary's, viia Iiktockort-.JTo, iron stuuamir iiT. MARY, Wiil iaave Morgan (lily oni Fill DAY. Anagust 24. i077 Idahgturnau to touryus (Jiristi Egt anavi at risk IFruijit for 141. .ary' and Filo adda yort. for all ghe ahovo points r ci-uvod at thu ID~ohn iranin Liu 1011nani T'uuas Railroad, PA88EN(IEl AND MAIL IIOtTE. For Galvestoen, EMunaon and Indlannla. Paswengors take, Hllaruual F-,rryuoa loot i-f Nt. Annt st~ruut, at ni 7 i- . i.. rua'hini Morgan City at 11: i. nm., thurA uonnuiting wit? steuamu-ier MONDAY for (*aivust'un ai-ui lndianoia. ¶IVTUHiDAY for (Ga Vluaion and Iloilston. T~ili Jlt l)AY fur (lalviuslon 11111 Ifllaudinlls. i4A'TUJIDAY fur (liyi tiuaoun an4'Iiiouilou. First class faro to Shruovport gaI-Time, 411 Eoixrarsion liak'uts fir thu round triv to (lal. viutln emiud rutarn, gooil fer thirty days. Issued at ikta and statiurooms sucuredi until S. p. at dai ~nhys uxuuptAeil, at Agnt's oflluu, or at tuyrr auding, on rmin of duipartur'u. Truhtiiknuhe wiilhoi isnu from this olliueu t9 tihe ir u-i iiiintie on thu Houistoni Teuxa Vuntral Itiroa (in thu Iniuernational and Ori-st Niortbeurn uiroad. and Thin. awl Valflit B auiroad. C. A. WhITTNEY & CO., A nuts. Joul Cornur Mnaulr~nei anil Natchu',, 1t5. NEW YORK AND FPHILAEIELPHIIA. NEW YOIIK AND PHIlLADELP.HIA. MORGAN LINE HTEAMSHIIPH. gbThu toilowing Al Iron Steamship. form this liIno NEENTARl. AuLOIEiI WYORK, MOIIIAN CITY. LLA ENICIT r. AGNES. The Iron Stieiamshiit NEW YORK, will loavo Aigiurs TUJESDAY, Auiguuil 21, Oonnult~ing atNaw 1(irk with eit'lmableshut ELLA KNIGH ' anu AONEH for Phtiiluouuiphia. NSRNETO NEW YORK K. reytfrthu ahovu, port, reinivod at thu duuiot of Miirgan's Louilsan amni Txuzaslhalroad, foot of Leifayultu strout, ally untlile i. m. Forfiu hutN1 Y & 0O.. Aguints. Jul ly Cur. Natitau?.umd Mwazainu stru,'ts. HAVANA. FOR HAVANA. CEDAR KEYS AND KEY WENT. UNITED STATEN M~IlL LINE. LEAVING EVERY WEEK Thu first-oiius steiumeuhipi MARWERET, ilakuir. Conumanulir. wiil loavo. from foot of Calliopu strejut, on TUESDAY, August. 2i, at 8 P. M. Passage rates to Havana, see; Excursion tick ulua, 51o11 Passage ratus to Jacksonviill. 520, including state~ rooms anud mains. Through bills of iaoling iiisued to all points in Florlila. For Fruight or Viihna&Cm aPply to I. K. ROBlEiT14, 120 Common struot. Oviir LouiiiMlin National Bank. Thu stiuamuhiri EMILY Ii. MOUDER foliows on thu - --. mys ly FLORIDA. FOiL WAlIliIINOTriN, I'ENMACOLA AND MILTON. ILEC ULA I HEM I -WEECKLY 1'ACH ET. 'Tie fuulliwiug flrst iiiiss Al sti'iim uih~iti will sail fir liii ahov, pirto to ALAISA A, M. J. tFaurim. mailtir, ELiavia WEDNEHD , Augut 22. at OiL. m. *evsJiisu1,i F. Ii'yiu. nmuistir. Th e aoavesror will- l-v saoe (Jpiu Miii .JttkMsii Huuar''. i-ioini Distiuu . For frelght or Ipii$$Mii apply on bar to Lull If 1s and lii Union otreet. SUMMER RESORTS. MONTGOMERY WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS. Great Reductions In Rates of Board -AT THE Montgomery White Sulphur Springs. VIRGINIA. REDUCED TO 540 PER MONTH. Accommodations equal to any in the Mountains of Virginia. Dining room under the management of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. JORDAN. Fine Livery Stables, Ten Pins, Billiards, Cro quet. Fishing, Hunting. BIoat Rides and Drives, In fact every convenience for the comfort and pleasure of guests. MUSIC. The MARINE BAND of Annapolis, Md. No Staging-All Railway TraveL The cars land guests in Reception room, on the lawn. Accommodations for 1000 Guests. Proprietors refer to E. A. Tyler, Dr. A. A. Gates. Cant. T. L. Airy, Walter Flowers, Jules Blanc. T. J. McMillin, W. B. Brockett. CoL B. N. Ogden, or COL. W. B. GREGG, Southern Passenger Agent for the Kennesaw Route, office corner Camp and Common streets. irjretm ( O,HOrN & CO.. Proprietors. T1ONTiituto HOUSE, Biloxi, Mississippi. The Montross House is now oven for the recep tion of guests. The undersigned respectfully informs his friends and the traveling public generally that the house has been thoroughly renovated, re fitted, and improvements made to suit the most exacting. No pains or expense will be spared to keep the Montross House up to its usual standard-first class in every respect. Terms moderate. Special rates to tamilies and per manent guests. Telegrams or letters for rooms promptly at tended to. Meals furnished to excursionists at S1. jel 3m P. J. MONTROSS. Proprietor. ____STEAMBOATS. IEEGULAR OPIELOUM4A5 PACKCIT. Lostssr ssuryvw 14A'rITBIDAY, ait ao p. sri. Usornr~ens's(o Mit sislay Asss.. 2r,,15517. Visit1 WANHIN4rr'1'0Ni, Os'ElUt). a mss, Porti Jsrtrs. Hlmnrnsstort (7lsurtsb v'illss. anrid all laningi~swi'r vary lIght drasft ppasnsi( thimayoissrtIau i A, I'. Ts'ssstalsi(, MSlt. ts:;.1. Ii. Hs'lsmldlt, ("Irk will toluivsl vi v losr, ais absovs, F'sr freiriht osr I)5A555gO ap1pily onh Is is rd r to iI i l'l' h. l'A lutN, Agorst.s, Nu. 4 'l'''lti ,itA55I55$ itrv's' (,'onus'ta is 'i'v'y with hustis fors hlayss Ias' F(il/O , AND 1 M'- W1''rrliy'llssF as 5N(EM N15 hul.Ol;1,A ii Ol'lJ,OUSAI P'AUKETr. I eavis ovr A'i' ' ,AYV sit. i. to. its., ssusinrns5,r 5n o HA I, ~isA ,Asugusts 4. ]? ) W Atsii N nE'ON. Ol'i:LOU ial ast+ 554 r I uirs,. I't1snups ssgssst, (hls iiruts - A tslsiaflayat ilv', 5Und la' ,nrtrithlsias-T'in II rit-i'istsss ssidlswbs,sl ;sisesesssir NteiA'assr Jirsrs7.Itos,l,lsl s, rnsist's r, (liatss llls,nk. malsrk will lsssv', six atss,vo. For frsnlglit or r.iia5ango 51p p~ly 'on Isoiri, ((r is m111) N. M;P1EAJ{E 451 Clasyi ssrrsst., N. 0. ltrN~lf hll , II n '(sravlns' sslrsn.I. lull tf ,IANNlY &Itt WOILK. 15ir1 (Jossnsssgrs Mi.. IIG LAIL AOPEW dAlrAUZ. 's ass, P ort tlsarls,,Slinmssisrt, Ohurrr vtlse andi sill lanis1gm o~ thes r(k( Atoiiafalstya Rivier ansi Jtsiyss Ccjllrtariean-'TZIS aw and ight-sr raft ststmsrrsr BkwICUIA, H. H. Blrosd, mnarstsr. lis'so. Johan i, malsrk. will mnay5 asi above, For ir'dglst or pssssags~ri. v ply onhor or t BIi NA IEI'LER, 'ii (ravlier street. It. S ADAMS, 21 (Jhsfrussstaeltt Plaso. 11 i'l'lý &, (AIL1IAN, 4 'r'"hit lossstllstsus tstrs'5t. P. H.-(k isssss51s siowirs with sstrsmarin liliisti, for F~ayssd is. (i alzn. Also glr'ses throngn bait OUJAfIITA RIVEN.R. NIW JBLLAPIq ANT, OUA IUEBz ThN8'QTA1!ZC9 r ZY.&. OUACHITA CITY, TIIE4TO A vm6n Weekly Ot hiirltS C~ity It. N. Rail1411 IPa Love v'OR OUAC~ IITAY CI)T Y.Tin. M~-tn sonsror, and all town landings BASTRUP, u~n vlsla'' of -John It. lina~sss,l F A. .lankis masster. 15. (I. (Is,rsswsl, l erk Will lssavs rsssularly ssm absovs, Will rs sins, thes right t. refusess anyi landIng sxnsept mnall land ing~cs. For freight or lpassages apsp1y on board, or to Olapt F. A. BDLýNKS ito , 4 ,4Jsrlli 1r E JA tN Y&&1tt LOUDl s o A E, 411the P. 8.-Hasu regsufar sconnesntion with all the tr~lsstnrlsssi 15,11 tI LOWER C7OAST' DO IAILY LINU (MUNDAY HEXC~l NATO.J YO FEl 'OlLT' EAD8. 'FIlE VOJITS, list rans Quraranstinri l'olntes-a-la ifsi'~hs andI way Iastsllnrns---Tizs swift iow-tsresisurn P'ulilrn~an ar'nstssamor irnavas Ti ESDAYS and 'Ti iliflA~'Ii at10 a., tn.. HAT WWUAYI4 stIt 5 . mn. (sxtnstisndl Msatss r lary trl~io, Pi'lot Trwrs. Hoslthwsat'sst;ss~l r',tssrn Irig Monrdsay mnorningis. Wsednssday and Friday savsnringss. Ths, A No. 1 sitnainsr EVA. John Taylor. mnaster. leavrs, MONDAYS, WEDINESDAYtI and FRI.l DAYS, sit. 155 si. fir.; rseturninrg altr~rnrit', days. Exossrsslsn tiskes,tss 5g51 onssss e5isthesr boat.I For r'Imglst (1 r slsssiasiUe ap sly on Ioarsl, or to JOH N Mr;MAI~tt, 72 MNagar nss streeit, P. 14 --Thse Msirtha gsssrss throsugh the Js,tt~ls,si out Irtass thes (silt on th', Saturdlay trip. jyl UJPPER COAST. REGULAR Tflr.WEEKLY PACKET. L',avers ever MONDAY, W EDNEIlDAY and , tSf AJA NDu VLA1TAT19 Apw',wijson parl,,h. D~ona dsonvIl e iif ~ nd all '~mn.Mt landings--Tbe fine stde-whiel aot e s tJamer LU.WINGt NO 3, 3. A. 8oniuowk ma4',r. Wo. . lodii and Obits. Dean, olerrb, Will lfiavf a14 above. I1oturnrzrng, ioavsu Ashb land I'lrntiitlon 7'uiaday. 'IThursday and Hn o (lIv, corning down tti, roaJst In daylight. Fo freight or pastsage, a on board or to s,1p22 . EO19Conti street. P. H. All freight 1"ol~v',r,' In the, daytimei. M6TEANR/OAT FOR MALE. SFOuIL MALE-A STlEAMJ5OATl NOW lying at. this port., a:d of! the f',llow la!a. ig'Iizrnariulns~to wit: b nj~h abojt. inlnw'm.: . foot I rok'¶; draws lit Irj~l'wi light. and i-a rriMs 2,M, tni onr 311 'dIMI: in Ingo(d runi niIrg ordlnr. l or 7; rt~hr I a f',rmation apjly t' .1. Ii. M INtiE;t 4 (0., ;earnl It Vilts~aMind. a"21 1w HOTELS. TREMONT HOUSE, Corner Tremont and Church Streets, Galveston, Texas. SKI1A & ORFILA, Lessees. (Formerly of the Grand Southern Hotel.) The Palace Hotel of Galveston. This el'gant Hotel. lately completed, -FORm THE ACCOMMODATION OF THE PUBLIC Being built at a 'xost of 14e0,000, it will be first class In every resAect, with all tbe lat'sit Im provem ents, ELEVATORS, ELECTICANNUN CIATORS, etc. -WITHI BATH ROOM ON EVERY FLOOR. We therefore take pleasure In soliciting A CONTINUANCE OF THE PATBONAGE extended by the commetrial men to the late Girand Southern Hotel. SItJSA & OIIFILA. Lessees, Formerly of Grand Southern H-ot',l. ANxrnoNmy SMmMA, Jm.. Chief Cierk. y27 Cm ST. JAMES HOTEL, ON MAGAZINE STREET. Between Gravier and Natchez. New Orleans. La. GEN. CHAS. E. SMEDES, Proprietor. Terms--2 50 Per Day. The undersigned havy ngpurchased the unex pired le ise of Messrs. II. E. Rivers & Co., in the aboveilotel, is now in possession of the same, and has the pleasure of announcing to hIs friends and the public that it will be kept open during the entire summer for regular and transientguests and day boarders on No pains or expense will be spared to Insure the comfort of his guests. The Hotel will be entirely renovated. refittwl and refurnished during the summer. CHAS. E. SMEDES, Proprietor. New Orleans, June 15. 1877. ic15 3m COMMISSION MERCHANTS. LEON QUEYBOUZE. OSCAR BOIS. QUEYROUZE & BOIS, Wholesale Grocers, DEALERS IN WINES AND LIQUORS And all kinds of WESTERN PRODUCE, At the lue Stores. Corner Old Levee and Bienville streets. del4 '75 1 New Orleans. JAMEB LINGAN. ATTORNEY AND COUINSZLLOR AT LAW Mss 10 Gravier street. UlhP RIV KU. Red River and Teas,. NErW OIILEtANM AN!) 141it) IL[V1VR TIIANo. I'(o1TAI'ArON Q91MI'ANY, AND) TEXAN iA.. (JI(J O~ I. AUY AND) (JON NI~JOIION$. Thtrfi h b~iiit ii! tail nt( firi f.hro,My ft Lpit~iin. ic'r tip~kii Di toi aflfl ulfu oni4 Qfi Ilitivir, andnilal aiiwnay MtA~tionii In Ti~xt,u. Tijio bvit routs to 'l'hiii foii iwiri spintilflf tii fast Pintifitnrae (..nioiif ngfii tii, lifin, will low a atwi rtiIilM'titf be dIm f4Allii fi ri,,Loanlae Tinsa. 0.11I. l~urrni O ('AP Krouni. isjua No. t. W. J.1. .,u~ iii , Jji,frfi iiTiii,. IllWn .4f4jj t M I.rILit~i, ainiitlill tar In~t o Jt~l llv~randi railway nteito',i. In Tj'iiwi. 1i~fiviM WEiJNi'JllAY, A itg tit 't), att 6 p.. II.. Limvinn HATIUIWIDAY. AtiitwiI. dar., at . Li, in. No wbarfboat charge.,, dl raynge o qommlsnlou will tin ifhargnel tit unoira o It.Tiiiv'vrt, r~ ~ats r at the otr in e oen,$, ardo.1i #QravleA) 7tret 111 , ý HasITZ A GAgLItBV eb Wlas ,(rn Bn (iPE~s.Aan Y OUl GIAND) F IOUIIK 10M. fmonry AIýxainirln. for y r Ilteanier (in viiin or N' w Manrt Abii,,l It. litnnott. winitei. Lnavn'isiviori IIATUILIAY. tit5 p. in. Will navornattl ot as bovo. Ivor froight si passge aply n bord r to It. W. ADJA Ipa/rd/froiaht ix~ofltinr~i, to ntettuuer Bart Al BAYOU ANAA. IJAYOU HAltA HEMI.WlFEl{ ,Y PA0IX1TS. M1' , (IO¶/, Atl fEJý, Mrill. I{A IIIIL ~ John J. lirowri Miuitir~ A. .b~a,. ats. 01volt AYO0 HA UA, WAT'uI,: 1-211,Iloiniaw~l, F'or)( klulsisa ,tle, ,i Mt;rh. l atoq IiSufigt, rfaquoinnniu. anil postomefl'tandinicM Sterner Goiv. Allan, Loavos every MOND~A Y and PIIIDAY at 5 p'. 3n. steamer La Belle, Every WED;TNVMDA V atnid IATUIUJAY at 1p.m3. (~o~rinioneitgnt'l ary in Il4,ititunbi+,r For freight or p~tassKag u~pl borulJt opyiF. No. 4 ThAituln t E~lOR,ste. jyfil It No. ffG0irnion Street. Ut~ITE STA )AIL II P T. Win. Campbell, master. A. MoVay and Jno. R. Kossop. clerkj. M~noe an al r 1g and Vhektrc t te por a~d x" p)Asengerseke FUAWITT f ET AS EILJ3AC. T J. N. White. matr 0. Roimes. ".eras, and Taill Fm1 rivers. orroigh'orr pawsa >A, IADAM1MBI IJW)OKETT A. CARTIES. Through Bills of Lading gi veu to Tretoo, Morirote. and all stations on iaks li ress. tv'rt and Txaint lailroael. Also to aniblto on Arkovo~lis and Pine PIpl~ff liaiirotuI 0 wh27 LISUOCKK'i1 . C ARTZSL SATtBDAY VMJEIB IPNITED STATSB Leavesjv A D ' tatof and aiter ings- ah onassenger packet %ATCUEZ, T. P. L:athers, ruastor, J. F. Muse. clerk Gonnecing at Ticksabri with the Parisot Li' for Yaaoo Tallahatchie and Stunflower rivers and with Anchor Line for Memphis, &lro and St. Louis. This boat reserves the right to pass all land. In s that the Captain may consider unsafe. N or freight or passage apyiy on rx,aca. or to JAN NNE & WORK. ins Cinjeton streek, Ba ITE Ac (JAILIN. 4 Tchoupitoulaa K mae Will give through Bills of Lading to Trenton. Monron, and all stations orn Vieksor8 5areven. ort and Texas Railroad via Delta, La, W. B. SBOETT. Agnot. tu malazine at LAFOI:RIE9E, SEMI-WEEKLY BAYOU LAOAURCHE AID OOA8T PACKET. THROUGH TO LOUKI'OBT. Leaves every TUESDAY and SATUBDA! I TkThe fine 5n' sdteamer Joe Dalforem. master, E. Nicoll clerk Leaves New Orleatns every TUESDAY at ii pým.. andl SATUBIJKY at b D. in. for Lockp~og Plantation. BetOrnin leavxs Thitxodauz every FRIDAY and MONDLAY mrorning. For freight or passage apply on board. P. 8.-A clerk always on landing, head of GonW street. to receive freight. mma SEMI-WEEKLY BAYOU LAFOUIOHBS AND COAST PACKET. THROUGH TO THIBObAUI. Leaves every MONDAY at s p, in, iand FRIDAY TEEN Aý .STF4* (In piss of Henry TES,) P. A. Charlet master, 1. *f Lan rk, Pays particular attention to way and returns down the Coast Sundays and -Weju. days. For freight or passage agelyof beard, or to SEMI-WEEKLY BAYOU LAlO 0 PACKRET. THROUGH TO THISODAUX, The light draugnt s'ami M~ OUT. YOUNGf [In platte of Eureka.l U. D. Terrebonne. master, T. A. Darling, clerk Loaves New Orleans every TUFDAi sad FRIDAY at 12 m.. retorning leaves Donald sonville every THUB8DAY acd bUNDAY at a a. in. For freight or passage apply on board or to BITE A CARLIN 4 Tehoupitoulas streeL or TF.BREBONNE A SAWOMON, Met 75 Decatur between Conti and BlenAvul aft. ja1t t BATON ROULE. Leaves every MONDAY ate D. m.. and FRIDAY at 12 m The pST a75lr seamer Frank Bergeron, master J. 0. Bergeron. ecerk. Leaves as above for baton Bouge, Placate mine, Donaulsonville and all coast lanadtn r er very SUNDAY and WEDNAD Nor tree for ply on or to PREMIUM BONDS ALWAYS ON HAND AND FOB SALE IN SUMS TO SUIT. mTCT.OxalBM LEGISLATIVE WARRANTS Purchased by A. LMOBRL aa BNo' S Gahller Goost