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.THE NEW ORLEANS DAILY DEMOCRAT. OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE STATE OF LOUISIANA AND OF THE CITY OF NEW ORLEANS. VOL. II--NO. 237. NEW ORLEANS, SATURDAY, AUGUST 25, 1877. [PRICE, FIVE CENT WAR NOTES. THE RUSSIANS NERVOUS. The Tnrks Threatening their Positions all Around. [ [Special to the Democrat.] LoNDoN, Aug. 24.-A correspondent at the thie Russian headquarters telegraphs that it a nervous time for the Russianis until their strength increases sufficiently to put them womparatively at ease. A blow may fall any day and strain their resourcrs to the utmost. The Turks are menacing the Russian posi tions all around. The defenders of Schipka pass consist of but twenty companies. Very few reinforcements have as yet reached the Russian troops in front of Plev na, the forces there being unquestionably Inferibr in numbers to Osman Pasha's army. I roughly estimate the whole Russian force a~nfronting Plevna at from 65,000 to 75,000 men, who are eager to be allowed to fight and do not smother their murmurs at delay. Russia and Roumanna Fail to Agree. [Special to the Democrat.] LONDON, Aug. 24.-A Vienna correspondent states that a telegram from Burcharest says that negotiations respecting the conclusion of a military convention between Roumania and Russia fell to the ground. The Grand Duke Nicholas declares that any independent action of the Roumanian army was not permissa ble. In the meanwhile the Russians have in corporated a Roumanian division with their own troops. Insurrection in Crete and Thessaly. [Special to the Democrat.] LONDON, Aug. 24.-An insurrection has broken out in Crete. Two engagements have been fought, in which thirty-six Turks and seven Christians were killed. Thessaly is reported in a state of brigand age which must end in an insurrection. The Turkish Attack on the Passes. [Special to the Democrat] LONDON, Aug. 24.-The Times' Vienna cor respondent remarks, relative to the attack on iSchipka Pass, that all along the main range of the Balkans, especially along Tundja Valley, the face of the mountains is a precipitous rock, through which the road leads up in steep courves. However much of the bulk of 8uletman Pasha's forces may have been inured to mountain warfare, and however heroic may have been their efforts within the last few days, it will be little short of a miracle if they should ultimately succeed in carrying the pass. Bainkol Pass. [Special to the Democrat.] LONDON, Aug.-24.-The News' correspond eut at the Russian headquarters explains the mystification which has arisen concerning the reported capture of Bainkoi Pass by the Turks. He says that on the 16th a colu 4 S4leiman Pasha's formes satimpd e iiu ouhly to force the pass. It has been reported they were successful, but although the col umn did indeed force its way into the defile, it was there so roughly handled by the Rus Stan artillery and regiments holding the pass, that it was compelled to retire. Germany Hostile to Turkey. Special t,) the Democrat.] LONDON, Aug. 24.-Several special dis patches remark the hostile tone of the Ger man semi-official press towards Turkey. The Turkish Embassy at Berlin having, through the telegraph agency, contradicted the report that the perpetrators of the Salonica massa Ore had been reimprisoned, the ministerial Novodeutsche expressly begs to observe that the statements put forward by the Turkish foreign department are notoriously untrust worthy. Sulelman Pasha Reinforced. [Special to the De noerat.I LONDON, Aug. 24.- Suleiman Pasha has been reinforced by two divisions under Ras sim Pasha. Russia Calling Out Its Peasanrts. [Hp ,cial to the Demnoerat. LONDON, Aug. 21.--A Moscow correspon dent says peasants are being called off to join the imperial army. A general call is being made for all to serve in the militia. TRHI TWO AREMII. Ilow Arrival of the Russian Reinforce ments. LONDON, Aug. 24.-The Daily Neas' cor respondent telegraphs from Russian head uarters, Wednesday: The defenders of Schipka Pas consist of twenty companies. The second division has therefore, been di verted from its intended destination before Plevna, and is marching on Schipka Pass. In a recent visit to the front before Plevna, I was surprisedlto find that so few reinforcements had reached the Russian troops holding it. They are unquestionably inferior in numbers to Osman Pasha's army, but to-day sooX) reserves are crossing the Danube to fill up Ytl ar the Ninth Corps. On the other ' Schackoskoy has marched lhis to his original position, con it n Pasha. Acrordingly. on the - -, when the Ninth Corps gets its complement, the Russians will have tiwo army corps-Fourth and Ninth-including the forces at Wacherz, Lovatz and Selvi. I roughly estimate the whole Russian force confronting Plevna at from 65,000 to 75.000 men. The bulk of the reinforcements are somewhat delayed on the way from the Rus sian base, but the cavalry division of guards is expected to cross the Danube in a fort night, and a brigade per day to follow in a steady stream. The water is bad here. The Emperor has been slightly indisposed, but is now quite re covered. Anot her Turkish Victory. LONDON, Aug. 24.-The Timer' dispatch from Therapxa reports that the Porte has officially informed the British Embassy that Mehemet All has gained a victory between Osman Bazar and Eski D'juma, capturing several guns and inflicting great loss. The Russians were the attacking party. DOMESTIC NEWS. The Connecticut Greenbackers. [lpe'ial to the Democrat.] NEW HAVEN, Conn., Aug. 24.-At a meeting of some fifteen thousand greenback men last night resolutions were adopted calling for a repeal of the resumption act; the full re onetization of silver; the passage of an act aking greenbacks full legal tender and in angeable with bonds: tle adoption of equitable system of tax.s; the abolition of monopolies; opposition to subsidies, and con demning Secretary Sherman and calling for his removal. ' he Coal Miners Want Arbitration. [8pecial to the Democrat.] CirnICAo, Aug. 24.-The coal miners in the vicinity of LaSalle, who struck July 27, have petitioned the United States Court to arbitrate upon and adjust grievancesbetween them and the receiver of the Northern Illinois Coal Company. lieward's Whereabouts. [ip(ctal to he Democrat.] SALT LAKE, Aug. 24.-Gen. Howard arrived at Virginia City, Montana, this morning. His command is waiting at Henry's Lake for supplies. The NBadinal Board of Trade. L[Rp.lal to the Democrat.] MILWAUKZa, Aug. 24.-In the National Board of Trade to-day, J. D. Hayes. of D)e troit, presented a report in favor of establish ing a department of commerce, the chief ofli ser to be a member of the Cabinet. The President's Tour. [Spocial to the Democrat.] NEW YORK, Aug. 24.-The presidential par ty arrived here about 6 o'clock this morning, and after breakfasting took the 8:55 train for Washington. When the President started for the train, three rousing cheers were given by the crowd gathered in front of the hotel. The Scouting Indlanq. [Soecial to the Democrat.] SALT LAKE, Aug. 24.-Reports from Vir ginia City, Montana. this morning say that the Indians are reported this morning on the Madison river, forty miles below Henry Lake. Most of the families in the Madison Valley came to Virginia City during the night. The Indians have gathered many horses and kill ed one man on Wolf creek. It is probably only a straggling party, but it cuts off all com munication with Gen. Howard by that route. Courier and provision wagons on route have been stopped. No news from Howard since night before last. A Modern Blunebeard. [Special to the Democrat.i CIN(INNATI, Aug. 24.-Dr. W. F. Cooper, living near Charleston, West Virginia, was yesterday arrested for poisoning his wife, she being his third wife. Both his former wives having died suddenly, under what was considered suspicious circumstances, it is now supposed he poisoned them also; their bodies will be exhumed and examined for traces of poison. A Terrible Murderer. [Special to the Democrat.] WHITING, Ala., Aug. 24.-As the train was leaving Pensacola to-day the sheriff, with a posse, boarded to assist the Texan offieers to arrest the notorious John Wesley Hardin, said to have committed twenty-seven "murders, and for whose body the Texas Legis lature has offered a reward of $4000. His last murder was the killing of the sheriff of Comanche county, Tex. He has lived in Florida for several years under the name of John Swain. About twenty shots were fired before his arrest was effected, and Hardin's companion, named Mann, who had a pistol in his hand. was killed. The lirting Bull Commission. WASHINGTON Aug. 24.--(en. Terry is still sick and Gen. McNiel has telegraphed Secre tary Schurz that on account of illness he can not serve on the Sitting Bull Commission. It is understood Gen. Francis A. Walker. of Connecticut, has been invited to take his place. The idea of traveling one or two thousand miles. paying one's own expenses, and with the possibility of meeting the fate of CaNbIy, serves to sicken all who are invited to act as members of the commission. FOREIGN NEWS. Pattt's Sult. PARis, Aug. 24.-Adelini Patti hls brought suit for the nullity of the marriage against the Marquis of Caux. The sunmmons alleges that the marriage is null and void because the priest, Rev. Mr. Plunkett, who performed the ceremony in England, had no license from his archbishop. MONEY AND STOCKS. [DSeelal to the Democrat.] NEW YORK, Aug. 24.-Gold 104%. U. S. 6's of 1881, 110,;0t10lo ; do. coupons 111Vr011114 ; new 41/,'s 106%; do. coupons 108; do. 18(;5, new issue, 106r(1061/; do. 1867, 10811; do. 1868, coupons, 110%; 10-40's, 109; do. coupons, 1121% @112%; currency 6's, 123%,; new 5's, 109. LONDON, Aug. 24.-Consols for money 95-4,; U. S. 5-20's of 1865, 105/4; do. 1867. 107tq%; 10-40's, 108%; now 5's, 107%; Erie, 100. DOMESTIC M&RKETS. [Special to the Democrat.] CINCINNATI, Aug. 24.-Flour quiet. Wheat dull; white $1 20041 28. Corn and oats un changed. Whisky steady and firmn; $1 10. Pork easier; $12 50. Lard quiet; 8t,. Bulk meats and bacon slow and unchanged. CHICAGO, Aug. 24.-Wheat quiet; 96~! Sep tember. Corn steady; 41,H September, 42 October. Provisions quiet. Pork steady anc quiet: sales $12 10 September, $12 171, Octo ber. Lard quiet; 8.10@8.1211 September, 8.15 (4(8.17>/ October. ST. Louis, Aug. 24.-Flour dull and un changed. Wheat lower; No. 2 red $1 27:} cash ; No. :3 do $1 16,/ cash; $1 071%,i1 0714 September. Corn lower; 39(43R cash: 3.94 Septem.luer; 41',1',41 October. Oats quiet, 27. Whisky unchanged, $1 09. Pork dull. $12 40 bid cash or August. Bulk meats-nothing doing. Bacon stea(ly, 5, a@57. Lard nominal. RIVER NEWS. tpe'ial to the Democrat.] MEMi'His, Aug. 24.--Departed: Yaeger. for St. Louis. THE WEATHER YESTERDAY. The following is the "temperature" at the various points named, as reported by the Signal Service telegrams furnished by Ser geant Brown, of the Signal Bureau, and indi cating the state of the temperature at the points named, at 3 p. m. yesterday: Cairo 79 degrees, Cincinnati 78, Galveston 91, Keokuk 78, LaCrosse 83, Leavenworth 79, Louisville 78, Memphis 81, Nashville 79, Omaha 79, Pittsburg 82, Shreveport 92, St. Louis 78, St. Paul 84, Vicksburg 87, Yankton (D. T.) 82 Augusta (Ga.) 90, Corsicana (Tex.) 75, Mobile 90, Montgomery 86, Savannah 89, New Orleans 88, and Key West 88. The following were the variations of tem perature, according to the thermometer Fahrenheit) at Duhamel's store, on Canal street, yesterday: 6 a. m., 76; 12 noon, 89; 3 p. m., 91; 6p. in., 85; and at 3 p. m. 142 in the sun. OUK POSTAL RELATIONS. THE POSTAL CONVENTION'S ADDRESS TO OUR COMlMERIAL INSTITUrIONS. New Orleans, South and Central America and the West Indies. To the Chamber of Commerce, Cotton Ex change and Produce Exchange of New Orleans, La.: (Extracts of proceedings at Postal (Cnven tion, Old Point Comfort, Va.] July 26, 1877. "* * * * * * "Resoled, That the Chamber of Commerce and other commercial bodies here repre sented be requested to confer with the Repre sentatives and Senators in Congress of these several States and urge upon them the warm est and most persistent support of the me morial as set forth by the convention." [Extract of Memorial to Congress.J "That the following important measures be provided for: "1. The establishment of limited mail ser vice, passing through Washington and con necting the great cities of the Atlantic and Gulf States from Boston to New Orleans. "2. The establishment of other through and trunk lines of fast mail communication be tween such points in the East, North and Northwest on one hand and such points in the ioutheast, South and Southwest on the other hand as will bring the benefit of such lines within reach of the most important cen tres of trade and influence. "3. The establishment of quick transporta tion and railroad postoliceas subsidiary to the above described lhmited mail and trunk lines, and operated in close connection with them. "4. The extension of railroad postofflces over mail routes within th'e area of the above named States" (Virginia. North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana.) "5. The extension and improvement of star service, of service by river and coasting steamers. and of country mails generally throughout this area. "6. The establishment of some substantial basis of mail contracts of steamship lines be tween Southern sea ports, and ports of South America, Central America and the West Intlies." * * * * * * "Calling your attention to allove resolution, we would ask your co-operation in urging upon Congress the adoption of such meas ures as are therein suggested. "You may deem it proper to have prepared a meniorial for the signatures of your mem bers and otlief citizens, showing the especial importance of the sixth section of the con vention memorial, and urging the claim of New Orleans as the 'Southern port' most suitable for mail c'onnection with 'South America, Central America and the West In dies.' "In this we think t he commercial bodies of the Missississippi valley and of the principal Southern cities would join, and we suggest that they Ibe requested to co-operate. T. TUPlPER. Jos. A. AIKEN. A. J. GOMILA. CHAS. CHAFFE. C. L. WAVLKER." HARD TIMES IN CONSTANTINOPLE. [N. Y. Times.] CONSTANTINOPLE, July 8.-The people of the country are being pressed for money contributions to an alarming ex tent. The financial distress on the part of the government is something terri ble, and that of the people is piti ful to see. Here in Constantino ple not a day passes without some hungry-eyed woman or child ap pearing at our door and crying for bread. If you go in the street with ever so small a parcel in your hands, you are beset with offers to carry it, finally ending in the imploring wail, "Please let me carry it; I won't ask much, but I want some bread to eat." There are well-to-do families who have not eaten anything but dry bread for weeks, and are thankful to get that. There are mothers whose babes are dying of starvation; there are families whose young girls are being besought to go on the streets to beg bread, and whose young men wander about the whole day in search of work, and stag ger home wearied and heart-sick every night with the same cry, "Chi k'dar-I couldn't find it." This is the condition of many of the Christians of this city. The same story comes up from all neighbor ing cities, with cries for help, and it is evident that help must come to them from abroad, or many will go down to their graves with the blackness of fam ine on their feces. This being the con dition of the Christians, the state of the women and children left behind by the Moslem volunteers and conscripts may be imagined. Their wretchedness is hidden in the distant villages, unreached by any highway, and the story is un chronicled in any public print. There is imminent danger of famine and pes tilence coming in the track of this war. MORE SECRET ORDERS OF AGITATORS. Some of the Organizations in Pittsburg Their Sympathy andl Object. [Pitteburg (Penn.) Telegraph, Auguest 10.] The agitation in labor circles during the past three years, and the busy, cun ning work of scheming men who seek argrandizement by exciting the preju dices of the ignorant among the lower classes, has caused the outgrowth of numerous organizations which, while working independently, have the same ultimate object in view, and propose to accomplish this purpose through the same channel, namely, the ballot-box. The recent troubles in this city and elsewhere have given a great impetus to the growth of these organizations, and working men by the hundreds are pay ing their necessary dues and taking the strange oaths which, with their ex planatory adjuncts, seem to lend a dig nity to the order. When the Ancient Order of United Workmen was first started it had for its prime object the liberation of labor from its bondage to capital, but this order soon lapsed into a mutual assurance society, and has now a vast membership. The Sovereigns of Industry are nearly as mild in their instructions, though smacking somewhat more strongly of antagonism to capital. The Bees is a society of recent organization, whose membership is confined almost wholly to this county at present. One Prysock. of Allegheny, is or was the head centre. He is illiterate to the last degree, can not even read or write, but invented a remarkable cipher, which holds invio lable the secrets of the order. Prysock has worked extensively among the miners of the county, and probably has made a pretty good thing out of it. The oaths contain ex pressions of the bitterest enmity toward capitalists, and look upon violence as excusable if the ballot is not sufficient in the accomplishment of their oeject. A slightly more dignified order is one whose name is unknown to any but members, but which is symbolized by five stars. It has probably been pro ductive of more sedition in the ranks of working men than any other order. The Junior Sons of '76 is the most ex tensive order among working men in this State. It was organized simulta neously in Beaver Dauphin and other counties about eighteen months ago. At present all these organizations, ex cept the first named, are drawn closely together, their rituals are similar, and a coalition is probable. At least they will work together in all movements, political or otherwise, this autumn. An Intelligent, sagacious member of at least three of these organizations in. formed a Telegraph reporter this morn ing that the best, most intelligent and industrious working men are not active workers in these orders, but that they are captured by the ignorant, preju diced, hypocritical, scheming and vicious, and must, if not exposed and broken up, create serious trouble. REPUDIATION IN KANSAS. More of the Kansas Counties Repudiating Their Debts, [Ohicago Times.] LEAVENWORTH, Aug. 19.-The State of Kansas is plodding steadily upon its way to reonidiation, and if this recklessness of voting bonds to aid every scheme which is thrown upon the voice of the people continues, it will not take this commonwealth long to reach the goal arrived at by Minnesota. State finances at the present time are in an excellent condition, but the counties, and partic ularly those which have been settled long enough to catch the railroad fever which was epidemic from 1865 to 1873, are rapidly running into bankruptcy. The debt of this county, together with the interest thereon, is about $1,200,000, and the assessed value of all taxable property in the county but $800,000, so that if the county were sold to-day at sheriff's sale for what it is assessed, it would leave its creditors $400,000 in the lurch. Numbers of other counties are in the same situation. The Franklin county commissioners, following Leavenworth county's example, have declined to levy a tax for the payment of any interest upon its railroad bonded indebtedness. The commissioners of Anderson county have also done the same, and, more than that, they refuse to set a time when they will meet for that purpose. The citizens of Douglass county are to vote upon the 4th of next. month upon the proposition to compro mise the railroad indebtedness at fifty cents upon the dollar, and Doniphan county has flatly refused to make any levy whatever to pay the interest upon her railroad indebtedness. The railroad debt of Douglas county, together with four years accrued and unpaid interest, amounts to $800,000. The citizens of Ohetopa, who owe $125,000 and whose property is assessed at $80,000, are offer ing to compromise at twenty-five per cent. Johnson, Allen. and several other counties are similarly situated and must either compromise or repudi ate, and in the present state of feelings against the bondholders, the latter seems to be much the more in favor. A REMARKABLE REINFORCEWENT. [N. Y. Tribune.] The Russian babes are shouting "On to the Balkan." One night about a month ago a dozen children were miss ing in Kischeneff. One father after an other sent word to the police that a child was lost. The streets, the back yards and the Hebrew quarter were ransacked, but the urchins could not be found; and when morning came their mothers were convinced that they had either been kidnapped bya gipsy tribe or chopped into sausage meat by Bashi-Bazouks. Mounted patrols set out in the direction of the Pruth to scour the country, and about ten miles from the city the youngsters were found. The taller boys were armed with second hand muskets and pistols, and the smaller urchins in the rear had sticks and wooden swords; and all were marching on Constanti nople! They had p.ssed the night in a little wood by the roadside, and after their bivouac had resumed their march in excellent order. Their commissariat had been managed admirably, for they had taken luncheon with them from town and had breakfasted heartily in camp. When the police asked them where they were going they replied, briskly, "To reinforce the army." The advance of the recruits was checked and a retreat was ordered on Kischeneff. Such spirited lads oubt not to have been whipped after th ~rot home, but we dare say they were.' The domestic proverb, which applies to the Russian's children as well as his wife, runs, "Love them as your own soul, and beat them like your fur jacket." PROPOSED INCRE SE OF THE ARMY. [Cincinnati Enquirer.] WASHINGTON, Aug. 17, 1877.-There is a movement on foot which will be vigorously pressed at the coming ses sion of Congress to induce that body to increase the infantry regiments of the army to twelve companies each, instead of ten, as now constituted, and allow each regiment an additional lieutenant colonel and major. If successful, it would give to the army twenty five lieutenant colonels and the same number of majors, fifty cap tains and one hundred lieutenants; in all 200 commissioned officers. The pressure for such increase comes from the South, the object being, if success ful, to induce the President to select the officers thus to be appointed from that section. It is thought by those who will agitate the subject that if the President will assure Southern Representatives that he will select the officers from the South, it will receive almost the solid support of its Representatives, sufficient to carry the measur3 through Congress. It will be urged upon the Southern Representatives that such legislation will tend to produce a good feeling to ward the army in the South, and will remove the prejudice which has existed against it since the close of the war. Inasmuch as such movement would tend to further popularize the Presi dent among the Southern people, it is more than probable that he will recom mend legislation looking to the increase of the army, and will cite the experi ence of the recent railroad strikes as evidence that a larger military force is desirable. THE SIUGAR CROP. INTERVIEWS WITH SOME OF OUR LEADING BROKElRS ANI MER CHANTS. The General Opinion In that the Prospects Are Fair. Our climate is so changeable and unc-rtain that it may perhaps appear premature to give to the public opinions concerning the sugar crop, ultimate success of what depends so largely upon the conduct of the weather and the general deportment of winds and temperatare. With a view to give a general opinion, however, of the present status of the crops, going far to give an idea of the prospects so interesting to a large portion of our community, we thought that interviews with our leading sugar merchants and brokers would be good reading for the commu nity, and, therefore, our reporter went around and talked about the matter with the parties most interested in the business, with the idea of giving to the public what facts he might elicit from the shock of conversation. After careful reading of the subjoined inter views it appears that the situation at present is good, and that the prospects are fair. It is true that the cane is somewhat backward in general, but that is made up by the greater a:reage planted. The stubble, it must be said, his been in many, we might as well say, in most loc alities, a failure, but the plant cane by its steady growth and healthy development has more than coun. terbalanced the lhzy and sickly results of its in ferior sisters. As far as we can judge from the interviews published below, there will be a very small difference between the growing crop and that of last year. If the season is very favorable there will be no doubt an excess over last year's products, and if the weather happens to be untoward a little diminution may be ex pected. As.matters now stand the prospects are go., and our merchants interested in the s3gar business may depend upon a fair crop. At all events, unless all the elements combine against the sugar planters the present data tend to show that the crop will be at least equal to last year's. We give as follows the result of our various in terviews: RICHARD MILLIKIN, USQ. The inquiry as to the progreess and prospects of the crop was not unattended with some diffi culty. In the first place, those who thought they knew all about it didn't feel inclined to furnish all the private intelligence they were possessed of for reasons obvious to commercial men, and those who didn't know too much did not care to let out what they wanted to know. On the whole, it was somewhat of a difficult task for a reporter to average the opinions expressed in the coming sugar crop, for at this season of the year it is next to impossible to form any aoourate estimate. In his tour through the sugar mart tthe reporter happened to greet first that veteran in fhe trade, Richard Milliken, Esq., when the following col loquy ensued: Reporter-Mr. Milliken, the DEMOCRAT is about to publish a fair statementof the coming sugar crop, and as you are one of the most experienced men in the business, I thought a call on you might develop the true condition of things. Mr. Milliken-I am just a little busy now but I'll give you all the information I can. I had much rather that you should call a little later. Rep.-Mr. Milliken, it would be a source of considerable satisfacetion to our readers to know everything about our coming sugar crop, and if you would be kind enough to give me your opinion it may be of interest to our readers. Mr. Milliken-Well, as things now stand, I can't give you an opini",n about the crop, for nobody can. You take us just as we are between sea sens, and I couldn't give you an opinion that would be authentic or sure, because nobody knows anything about it. I would dislike to ex press any positive opinion. Rep.-Mr. Milliken, what do you think of the coming crop? 'Will it compare favorably with that of last year or not ? Mr. M.-You can understand about as well as I can that I cannot form an opinion now any more than you can, and I cannot express a positive opinion any more than you can. l~ep.-Takiug all things into consideration, do you think our sugar crop of this year will come up to that of last? Mr. 11.-To giva you my own opinion from what I have seen, and that in a very few words, I think we will have this autumn what might be called a fair crop. It as true the stubble is very poor, so far as I have heard, but the plant cane looks favorable. If we have a eood fall, one in which during the latter part we have rain, the crop will tunn out well. Rep.-T'k ng all in all, don't you think we will have what might be called a fully fair crop? Mr. M.-Ah I that's hard to say. I haven't got time to talk to you at length, or I could tell you much more. All I know is what intelligence comes to me. As everything now is, the stubble is late and the cane not like that of flat year. A. ThO]SOn. After some little delay the reporter was ushered into the presence of A. Thomson, Esq., whose prominence in sugar circles is too well known to need comment. Mr. Thomson, after the object of the reporter was made known, in a most agreeable manner received the quill driver and expressed much pleasure at the visit. The re porter opened the subject. Rep.--Mr. Thomson, the DEMOCaAT desires to publish, as nearly correct as possible, a statement of the prospects of the coming sugar crop. Could 3ou give me what information oun possess on the subject? Mr. Thomson-With pleasure, sir; I have been suffering for some time past, and have been really too much indispo'ed to be thoroughly up in the market. From what I have heard we can expect a fair crop this year. Rtep.-From your correspondence what would yon judge the yield to amount to this season? Mr. T.-That is something I could not definite ly state. The crop so far is much better up the coast than down, and as far as one can judge the yield will be good. On Eurbridge's and Miller's plantations the crop will be very good if we have weather that is at all favorable. The cane is now drawing well, ar.d looks flue for ripening. Takir g ail in all I think we'll have a crop of 170o,00 hr gs heads ifthe weather is good for the growing crop. tRep.-I)n't youn think that is a rather high estimate? Mr. T.-No, not at all; if we have the weather for cane. It all depends upon that. There has been a great deal of fertilizers used this year, and the result has been that they have increased the size of the cane, but whether the production of the saccharine matter has been inoreased re mains to be seen. As a rule, however, from those places I have heard from the stubble is very poor, and it will produce but very httle, if anything, in the way of sugar. Rep.- What would you consider a fair estimate of the conmition of the sugar crop as it now stands? Mr. T.-From what I have seen I would jluge the crop to be what might be called fully fair, and the prospect. favorable for a good crop, that is a good fair crop. The reporter next called upon Mr. William Agar, of the well known firm of AGAR & LELONO. After the usual civilities Mr. Agar expressed the opinion that it was now impossible to give a clear opinin about the cming crop. The re porter said: Mr. Agar, knowing your ioun connection with the eng,sr business. and as the DeaMORAT desires to pubtish a carelul estimate of our coming sugar crop, I have called on you for sunh information as you might be able to furnish me. Mr. Agar-That is a question a little diffiuonlt to answer off hand, and an our firm are only buyers, we don't know as much about the market as a number of others do. Rep.--From your correspondence w th the planters in the country are the reports favorable? Mr. Agar-At present our correspondence with p!anters is very limited. ltep.-But you keep fully posted as regards the condition of the growing crop? Mr. Agar, laughingly-Of course we do; that's our businees. Rep.-From what you gather then whatwould you judge, Mr. Agar, to be the yield of our grow ug sugaer eane? Mr. Agar--Taking all things into consideration, if we have a fair season 1 think the crop will run up to fully ten per cent over that of last year. Rap.-Fully ten per cent? Mr. Agar-Yes, sir; 10 per cent; that is, if we have a good fall. It tll depends on that. We can't have much of a crop if we have storms late in our autumn, and, another thing, these freezes we have ab )mt the let of September may curtail our yield. IL all depends upon that. Leaving Mr. Agar, the next visit was paid to the house of that experienced firm, XME5tR5. BRI.eRRe a WOOAN, whose familiarity with the trade entitles their opin'on to high consideration. From them we learned that, taking all things into consideration, the growing crop was one to congratulate ourselves upon. The stubble has been a source of much disappointment, and can. not enter as a large factor into an estimate for this year. The cane, it is true, is thin and small, but that is no criterion of its yield, for the saccha rine matter may be large in even small case. The size of the cane indicates nothing as to the yield. After leaving MesPre. Agar & Lelong the re porter called upon M5E5BtS. DYMOND & (ABNDES. The members of the firm happened to be absent, but Mr. Pitot, the courteous bookkeeper, gave all the information tn his possession. A recent trip through Plaqugmines on the part of a member of the house evidenced the fact that in that parish from present repprta the cane is drawing well and promises wall. A. TxeRTROU. It was a source of pleasure to the reporter to meet Mr. A. Tertron, the well known sugar factor, who received his journalistic acquaintance with his usual courtesy. After a desultory talk, ,Mr. Tertrou answere4 the reporter: I would give you all that I know willingly, but, to tell the truth, it is a little more than Impos sible to give an accurate statement of what the condition of cane as how growing is. Rep.-Have you been of late throwgh the sugar parishes? Mr. Tertrou-I have been through moseet of the river parishes from Iberville down the river, and from what I saw I thiunk the stubble will be very poor. In the Lafourohe distriot, where I have been, the cane is between three or four weeks behindhand, and its condi tion is indifferent, taking it as a general thing. Our correspondence from the Teche country re ports about the same thing, and the yield cannot be greater than last year. Rep.-And what do you think that will be this year? Mr. Tertrou--From all I can gather I do not think we will get as much as we did last year. The yield then was 169,331 hogsheads of sugar and of molasses 12,024,109 gallons. Rep.-And if the weather remains as we have it? Mr. T.-What would come of it I couldn't say. The cane, if we have a wet September, will be brought to the mill with a great deal of water, and consequently there will be a lose of saccha rine matter. It is a question that takes a very eld head to solve. Now, as you know the cane is drawing and forming, and, Iam sorry to say, in the fields I have seen the red joints are few and far between, and it required some hunting then to din' them. Rep. -As a whole, what would you consider the true class for this season, Mr. Tertrou? Mr. r.-Considering all things I would put it, after deliberation, as below fair. The next person interviewed was the agent of BBADIJB JOHNSON, ESQ., who was that polite and perfect gentleman, Mr. P. Oazenave. Mr. Cazenave reported that Mr. Johnson had been fertilizing very largely during the last year. Rep.-Well, Mr. Uazenave, from your observa tion, what do you think this year's yield will be? Mr. Oszenave-As you probably know, that de pends entirely on the weather. September and October are the cane-ripening months, and the sugar yield depends on what kind of weather we have then. If we have a rain now and afterwards we have a rain during the fall we will have a large crop. Cane depends entirely on the weather, and the fall is the most precarious season. Rep.-Is Mr. Bradish Johnson going to start his mills earlier this year than usual? Mr. Caseanave- Ob, yes. On the Whitney and Carroll places he has given orders that grinding would start on October 15. These planes are above the city. On those below the city, in Plaquemines, as the cane is smaller and late, grinding will be later. Rep -What is the report about rattoons down there ? Mr. U.-From what I saw I think it will take almost the whole of the rattoon to plant. The stubble is very poor, remarkably poor. I have heard that one acre of stubble will only plant two. It is indeed very Door. Rep.-Has not Mr. Johnson used fertilizers very largely ? Mr. O.-He has. He has used fertilizers whenever he thought it would be of benefit, and much more freely than before the war. This I think has been ouite general of late. Mr. John son spent this year over $15,000 in fertilizers, be sides $2000 or $3000 in cow peas. Rep.-As a generalaverage what would you call our growing crop 7? Mr. C.-From my personal observation, and from all I can glean, I think the crop of 1877 will be fine, or what you might call a truly fair crop. We have had a drouth up the country during the month of August, and it is very natural to expect heavy rains in September. If we have a very wet September much of the sugar, that would otherwise be made will go through the chimney, evaporated with the water. Thie, of course, will lessen the crop. What we want now is rain, and after it cool weather. That would help the cane amazingly. MR. HIENBI TETE, one of our largest sugar factors, and a gentle. man who has bad a wide exp rienci in sugar planting, upon being interviewed, expressed an unleigned desire to afford us all the information and assistance within his power. He also ex pressed h:mself favorably upon our "Cotton In terview," which he had read. Referring to the prospects of the next sugar crop, Mr. Tete said that there was no need of concealing the fact that the crop was backward, and that the a:nbble had suffered considerably from the severe cold of last winter, and yet the prospects were that the next crop would be what might be called "fair.. The crop might not come up with that of last season, which was of about 169,000 hogsheads, but even though the planters made 15,000 hogs. heads fewer this year they would be satisfied. It was true that more cane had been planted this year than last, but not in a proportion to make up for the difference in the condition or the cane at this period as compared with last season. General rains were needed in July and August to vive size to the cane a,,d dry weather in Septem bher to mature it,uknd there had been no water in the country when it was needed. Of course, the irrinding reason would begin this year much later than last. Are there any sections of the State, we asked, from which you have either very good or very bat report ? None, answered Mr. Tete. The Pporteshow unoformity in the cIndition et tfhabope through. not th" f ase. fa