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ADVZ&TISEMJNTS. aHEaIPP RALEM. la. tlne Mathleu, Widow Joseph STrm'In, for exoeutojry process for orh.r anli Writ of selrouro and snil altntit thll rrle et ltate therein described oftiss Elsy Margaret Steady, etc. 2-glOOND JUDICIAL DIRTPIICT COURT FOR the ixth and Seventh Mlnicipal Dist riets of ep s.h of Orleans, No. i973-By vir u or a writ of .lltsre and stle, to m . directtd by , the bo, - li'i the t'cond udicaleal District Court ,for ie Mith and Heventh Munlilpal D tst lets of the pa ish of Orleans, in the aboe. entitled cause, I will proceed to sell at publlic sutlion,at the Mer chants and Auctilolners' ExchlItnge, Royal street, between Canal and Cnstomhhollse streets, In the SOcoit uilstrlet of tlls city, on TUEM DAY, iepvtember '25. 1877, at 12 o'clock m.. the hollowlng ,tisecrib.d property, to wit FIVE COEITAIN LO I'I OF OROUND,sltuated in the Sixth Dsltrict of this city. designated by the numbers llevnn, twelve, thirteen fourteen andt flfloo, of square number eighty-three bounded by Broadway, Burthoe. ' Ihrd and Chestnut streets, s..ll lots measuring together one hIlndred and twenty foot front, on Third street by one hundred tnd fifty feet dt.e, the whole agreeably to a plan madl by A. CaUtaing. archltlot. dated the third of August, tRns, to. gether Wtth all the buildings and liUprovements ttreon. Being the same m roperty which the defendant herein acquired by purchtase from George Fhilles Bowerse. per a t hefore Alphonse Barnett, notary publei in this iity, dated Jtliy 22, 1H70. Heired in the ahbov ullt.. Terms--Cash on tlte wliot. a HttMAH H. HANDY. Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orle'ans. uts5 seo 14 25 3. Laporte, for the Use of Prosper La Dorte. vs. New Orleans Mutual Insurance Assoelat.lon. 1i7IFTH DIS PRICT COUIRT FOIl THE PAR i' Ish of Or leans, N ,.49tt9-H-1y virtue of a writ of fleri faclas for costs in favor of W. I'. larper. late sheolff to me eiretr.d oy the honorable the Fifth D strict Court for the parish of Orleans, in the above entitled caus n, I will proceed to sell at public auction, att the Mir chants and Auctioneers' Exchange, Royal street, between tmanal and Custmnhotus streets. in the Second Dis riet or this city ,nll TIIUR4I DAY. Botevlnbetr 6 1877, at 12 o'lineOk m., tile fotlowil desct'lbod pro-. ory. to wit ALL THE RIGHT, TITLE AND INTEREST of B. Laporte and Prosper Laporte in thi-lr suit against the tew Orleans Mithitl Insurance As sociation. wherein they claim two thousand dollars, with legal inter-st from thle nin-tenth of August. 1i73. Judgtlgment has blon rltendered in the honoralloe Filtti Listrit t Coiiti Junoe . 1876, in favor of the dtefdniit's, butil has iton apDDale I from by thin pitiutilTs. iNel.ed in the albove suit. Terms-Oash on the spot, TtHOMAH H. HANDY. Civil Sheriff of the 'tarish of Urleans. U1I21 31 soe NUCCIiRNION NOTICE.. lueemsslon of Jone Martinez del Caupo. &ECOND DISTRICT COURT FOR THE PARISH 1. of Orleans. No. a38,71-Notice is hereby tiven to the creditors of this estate and all other Arsons herein interested to show cause within ten days from the present no tifleation, if any they have or can, why the ao oount (presented by T. Avendano, testamen tary executor of decoased. should not be ap "roved and homologated and the funds 1dis tributed in accordance therewith. By orderofr the court. lault 2e 1 saeo JOHN HERBERT. Clerk. nurcession of John Durkin. SECOND DISTRICT COURT FOR THE PAR. Sish of Orloans No. :m.504-All Ipersons hav ing claims against the ahov su uession are re quested to present lthe same within ten days from date to the undersigned. T. E. SYKES. Administrator of John Durkin, auSe 2o 25* No. 235 Gravier street. Nuccession of Andrew Klssinger. THE CREDITORS OF THIS ESTATE ARE hereby notified to make themselves known and to present an ac'count of their respective claims and the titles by which they are estab lished, and the persons who are indebted to said estate are notified to settle immediately with the undersigned. O. DROUET, Attorney of Mary Llobert, Administratix, Nos. 111 and 113 Exchange alloy, between St. Louis and Conti street. au17 22 26 Eueeesslon of Caroline Aron Jacobs. SECOND DISTBICT COURT FOR THE PAR Sish of Orleans, No. 3a,66s-Whereas, Moses Aron has petitioned the court for letters of administration on the estate of the late Caro ilne Aron Jacobs, dton*eaed, Intestate. Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern to show cause within ten days why the prayer of the said petitioner should not h) granted. By order of the court. au17 21 26* JOHN HERBERT, Clerk. uaccesslon of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Lud. .IECOND DISTRICT COURT FOR THE PAR S-S ish of Orlanus No. 3',497-Notice is hereby given to the creditors of this estate and to ill other persons herein interested, to show cause within ten days from the present notiflcation, if any they have or can, why the account presented by the administrator of this estate should not be approved and homologa ed, and the funds distributed in accordance therewith. By order of the court. au17 21 28* JOHN HERBERT, Clerk. Nueeession of Eliza Plete Maclas. ECOOND DISTRIIO'P COURT FOR THE PAR L2ish of Orllans, No. 39o.2o--Whereas. lDr. O. Anfoux has petlitioned the court, for letters of dative testament try exct' utorslhip on the estate (of the late Elliz Pite M ictias, dee.a!'od. Notice is hereby given to all whomn it mllay concern to show cause within tie. days why the' prayer of said petitioner should no pt he granted. By order of the court. 1u1222631* JOHN HERBERT, Clerk. Mlaresmmlans of P.t6r and a thr.ine I.. Successlons of Peter and Catherine Mc Donald. EOCOND DISTRICT COURT FOR THE PAR ish of Orleans, INo. 39,s --Whereas. E. 'r. Parker, public aliministrator, has petition'd the court for letters of administration on the estate of the lat* Peter and Catherine McDon ald. deceased. intestate. Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern to show cause with in ten days why the prayer of the said peti tioner should not be granted. By order of the court. aS. 26 a 3t* JOHN HERBERT, Clerk. CONSTABLE SALES. Henry R.IL oreve vs. Geo. Landwerh. *'IGHTH JUSTICE ,G URT FOR THE PAR ish of Orleans. No,. ;-By virtue of a writ of fiori faecas, to me diree'ed by the Hon. A.J. Roman Eighth Justice of the Peace for the par ish of Orleans I will proceed to sell at public auction. on TIfESDAY. September 4. 1877 at 12 o'clock m.. in front of my offtle, on Canal Ave nue, between Hampson and Secind streets, in the Seventh District of this city, the following described property. to wit C' E HOR E., WAGON and HARNES.. " ed in the above entitled and numbered .. 'ms-Cash on the spot. . l P t P. MITCHEL. Constable. Victor Bero vs. Otto Melne. SECOND JUSTICE COURT IN AND FOR the parish of Orleans. No. 1824-By virtue of a writ of alias fleri facias, to mn dire(t-'d by the Hon. John Mc,:ormick, Second Justice of the Peace in and for the pa ish of Orleans. in the above stated suit. I wll proce d to sell at pub lie auction, in front of my office, corner st. Charles street and Comm rial Alley, on TUES DAY. Septemter 4, 1s77, at 12 o'clock in. ALL THE RIOHT. TITLE AND INTER EST of defendant herein In and to the suit ý,f Otto Meine vs. Hugo Mehnert. No. x. s of the docket of the Filth District Court for the parish of Orleans, and O.t oleine vs George Kern berger and Hugo Mehnert, No. 8noo of the docket of sa'd coort. Seized in the above stated suit. Terms-This being the second and last auc tion. the said property will be definitely adjudi cated to the highest and last bidder for what ever it will bring, at twelve months' credit, the purchaser furnishing bond with good and sol vent security bearing eight per cent Interest per annum from date. Said purchaser will have to deduct and pay in cash the printing and court costs. amounting to S 5. au25 s. sea M. RUSSELL. Constable. mrs. Anna Pendarvis vs. James White IXTITH JUSTICE COURT F ,R TFE º- parish of Orleans, No. "s.--By virtue of a writ of fleri fac'ias, to me directed by the Hon. Peter Kaiser. Sixtb Justice of the P. ace in and for tihe parish of Orleans. I wil, proceed to sell at public auction, corwnerof P i:ipand Ro.s-ecau steects. Fourth Di-trict of thli city, on SATUR DAY August 25 IsT7 at 12 o'clook im - A LOT OF HOUSE COLD FURNITURE. as per inventory on tfile in my offlY . Seized in the above entitled and numbered suit. aule 20 25 DANIEL O'LEARY. Constable. JUDICIAL ADVERTISEMENTS. fHEMlFPF ALi1M. The City of New Orleann vs. Mrs. Georplana Faber:; Pellm vs. same: sa llile VS. name: san Ie vs. same; s8 in vs. Mrs. Oeorgl.i.nal Taber: 81Isame vs. samel; Pflnml( vs. sanne. SUPERIOH DIHTIIICT COURT FOil THE !r paris of Orleans,. Nos. 111.82:1. 70.213, T3.27.9, 310.54, 12,f11, 481Hi I 2ll | :1R2--I y Vtirtle of revern writs ofi lori falrin. to mile directed lby the honorthl thi' ISu perior 1District ('o rt for the parish of Ortnlltns, il the nlvt, entilt eid mlnuses, for city taxes of 18;2, 1870. I871, 1873. 1874. 1875 and 1870, I will proceedl to sll at pllttian anuetion, aS thie Merehants aind AiutionePers' Exchange, Ilryal slreet, betweon Canal itnd CUumstomloue streets'. II1 ntI' the otnd Distr'ltet of this cty, on ATI'UII)AY. A,,nglt 25.. 1877. at 12 o'clot'k lll., the following des'rlbeld Irolerty, to wit SCEIRTAIN POrTION OF GRIOUNID. Mituated iI thi First Distri t If lthis eity, in sqll'nr number one hundreod and eighly-ollo. oundellll by lt. Charles. (Cmp. Jullilt and t. ,holseph strepts, dlesiglatlnteI slt l lts numbersl thirty-two andi thirty-tlhr., nImalsutrinrig lilfty-ltilr fe'et froilt on iHt,. CJharles stlelet I)y Ifty-two i't Int illinth. Hlmled in thell a, ve suit. Terms-Cash on the sP Ht TiIt)IMAM H. HANDY, Civil Shrlltf Of the 'arish of Orleatns. jy24 atis 21_ RaylllOllnd PoriIelu vs. Joseph L. Montlen. SECONDI .TUf)IOTAL DIRTRICT COURIIT FOR - the Sixth altd N.ventit Munjipal 1)Distrits of thn parish If Orlean.s, No. !1--Bly vlrt u' of a writ of Pslezure and sale, to ime dlir'eted by the honortlll the SHeieond Judicial District t ourt for the Hixth and Neventh Municipal Distrlots of the parish ,f Orleans, in the atove enltitled n use, I will proiteei to sell at public auction, att the Merchants and Anetloneeros' Exchange. Itoyl stroe t, between Canal antd Customhouse streets, in tile SHcontd District of this clty. on MONDAY. August 27, 1977, at 12 o'clock m.. tlh following dtesribed propertv, to wit FOUR CERTAIN IA)LT OF (lROUND, to gpether with the buill ngs and imprlvem'lnnts thereon, and all the rights. ways, servitud.s. privileges and advantages thmruntil Ilonging or in any+lso aRDpertainlng, sRitllltd itt the Fuluhnourg Deli.haisl, Sixth D)istrllt of this city, designated by the nulubirs eighteell, nincteen,. twenty and twenty-one of sil inare number t hirt.y elght bounded by St. Oh'rles Avenue, rylttlniit, Foucher and Antonine strentu. as per Ie'urtflntll and sike ch of survey madl by I. C. (. Blrw,V, surveyor, dated sixth of M1ay. 1iN0. and annllexeid toi an pcb passed on the same day btllr,,re A. Hero, Jr.. notlary public In this cIty. and aleolrd ing to which said lIotas atJoin anch other, and measure ('aiih thi rty-i ion foot thre incllhes fronit oitl It. ( harles Avenue Iby a deplth of oine hllln dired anl Ilfty feeoot, botween piaritall lintIs, Iot number twenty-one forming the cor or of St. (Chlarles Avonull andl Foucher At 'lt. llBilIg ii'e same property acquired by th' defendantl hr'o in Iby Durehae fl'ron plllintiff, ns per n(t pnllassd on the' lt th of Maly,. 10.b,l )efori stid nota:ry, A. Hero. Jr. oiz'td in the nlhove suit. Terms-Ca-hi on the spot. 'ITHOMAS H. HANDY. Civil Sheriff of the l'Parlsh of Orleans. jy26o au2 1t 27 Cueceeslon of Charles Copeland and Wlfe. .ECOND DISTRICT COURT FOR THE PAii 1'. lof (Orleans, Nio. 32.783-By virtue of fa1 alias writ of ilerl faeias against Henry 1. Hiev ers in favor of Mary Mathilda Teresa ('ore land, to mii dlir'cted by the h onorable the etond District C.,urt for the ttrlish of Ortlins. In the' absov, entitled cause, I wilt opr- r.' to sell at Dublhi anu-tion, at the Mlrl'ihants and Alti' tione'iers' Exc'hlnlge, llyal street, iitween ('lanal and Custonimhous strolets, inte hte Seond Ilstrli t ,of this city. on HATUIIDAY. A Iugit 25. 1877. it 12 o'clock i.. the following describd Droperty'y, to wit ALL AND) SINGULAR THE RIO HT. TITLE AND INTEREST of defendant herein, Hlenry W. Mlnvers in and to, the fiollowing disecrlthed property. viz: First. Thret lots iof ground, designittod by the nllumbers nline. ten and eloven. sIhunted in the( Fourth Distril t of this eity, measuring earn thirty feet four inches front on Eighth str'eet, between Chiptpewa antd Annulnciat.ion st etls. hy one hundred and twtenty-oight fi'et in deptth between parallel lines; beingathe salm property acquired by said defeudant, Henry blevlers. from Oharles Klarr. by act before th. pa rish judge and ex-olltclo notary Llvaudals, on tlhe seventh day of June, is41 . Said right, tlt'h and Interest is one undivided eighth part of said property, as.l0 olf the heilf of his doceased father, Henry Sievers. and is sublject to the raIeht of tluRslruct of his mother. the widow in colm munity of the' deceosed Henry Bievers. Second. All and singular the right. title and Interest, of said defenldant. lHe'nry W. Stevers In and to the suecession of his ldecnased father, Henry ilevers, being one-fourth of the community half of said deceased, in and to thel Iabove descrihod property and like interest in the sum of ive thousandt dollarn the prlie of the sa a of a piect of rteal estatet of sahil dceniasIed. sold in due course of administration, as well as all other rights of sah4 Henry W. eievers, idi f' ndant. In the estate of his tdei('ased fathr,'. Henry Sievers, all subjectr to the right of usu fruct of his motliher. Anlna Mtaria Siievers, widow of th'e deceasled. Heized In the above stit. TeIrms-Cash on the spot. TIHOMAM H. HANDY, Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. jy25 31 ailS4 25 Frederick Gaupp va. Marcelln Mlurnl. F IFTH DISTRICT COURT FOR TIHE PAR ishof Orleans, No. 8470-By virtue of a writ of sezlz re andi sale, to me di rected by the honorable the Fifth District Court for the parish of Orleans, in the above entitled cause, I will proceed to sell at public auction, at the Merchants and Auctioneers' Exchange, Rloyal street. between Canal and Customnihoutse streets, in the Secondll District of this city, o0 MONDAY, August 27,1877. at 12 o'clock m., the following described proper ty, to wit A CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND. situated In the Second District of this city, in the squar'' bounded by lampart, BIasin. St. Louils and Toulouse streets, ,measuring thlllrty-two ft, n orne or iese. front on sanid IRamlOirt street. by sixt y-lw. o feet, rlorcor less. in det th. Together with all tlh buildings and improvemrents there on and all the rights, ways, servi'udes, privi leogs and arlvantrges thlerounto Inlongirng or in anywis " apportaining; also, with tio Bath ing ustablishlmnt, baith fix ures and installa tions. hath tubs, etc. Being the samlle property which the defendant herein acquired by pur chase from plaintiff herein, as per act rfisued before E. G. Gottschalk, late a notary public in this city, dated flfteenth of April, s169. Seized in the above suit. Terms-Cash on tihe sot. THOMAS H. HANDY, Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. jy26 au2 1t 27 The City of New Orleans vs. John Huls son; sanme vs. John HuisiRn; same vs. Joihn Huissein same vs. John Ileinsseen; same vs. John Hessin (John lIussion). SUPEIIIOR DISTIRICT C('URT FOR THE parish of Orleans, Nos. 1281. 2o01, 30.,t0, 37.758 and 70.,22-By virtue of live writs of fleri faclas, to me directed by the honorable the Superior Dis trict Court for the parish of Orleans, in the above entitled causes, for city taxes of 186s. ts69, 1870, 1871 and 1874. I will proceed to sell at public auction, at the Merchants and Auctioneers' Ex change, Rtoval street Ibetwcen Canal and Cus tomhouse stree's, in the Second District of this city, on TUe'SDAY. September 11; 18tr, at 12 o'clock i , the following described property. to wit A CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, situated in the First District of this city. in squar'e iurm her three "A,'' bounded by Delta, 1'oydras. Lafayette and Front streets, designated as lot number eight, forming the corner of Delta and Poydras streets, measuring twenty-flour feet seven inches front on Delta street by one hun dred and twenty-five feet in depth on Poydras street. Seized in the above suits. Terms-Cash on the spot. THOMAS I. HANDY. Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. BU10 27 sell The City of New Orleans vs. Wm. J. Watts; same vs. David Iamelli: same vs. Jeremiah Lin'coln. QUI'ERIOlt DIS rItICT COURT FOR THE rJ varish of Orleans. Nos. 91.541. 8.694, 5,948 By virtue of three writs of flrl facias. to me directed by the honorable the Huperior District Court for the parish of Orleans, in the above entitled causes, for city taxes of 1875 and 1576. I will proceed to sell at public auction, at the Merchants and Auctioneers' Exchange, Royal street, between Canal and Customhouse streets. in the Second District of this city, on TUESDAY, r-eotember t. 1877, at 12 o'clock m., the following de-eribed property, to wit l. A CERTAIN POR f'ION OF GROUND, sit sated in the First District of this city, in square number fifty-three. bouuded by North Market. Tchoupitoulas,. St. Jo-crpb and Peters streets, designa'ed as lot number thirty-six,. measuring twenty-one feet front on North Market street by j1fty-eighr feet in dionth. 2. A CERTAIN PORTION OF GROUND, sit unated in the First District of this city, in square number one hundred and forty-three. bounlred by Constance, Terpsichore. Robin and Magazine street-. disignarted :s Iit number nine, measur ing thirty feet nine inhin-i front on C, nstanece street by one' hundred and sixteen feet nine inches in depth. Seize-i in the albove sulits. Terms-Cash on the spot. THOMAS H. HANDY, Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. au10 27 :ý1U JUDICIAL ADVERTISEMENTB. IuHEdlIPF ALBR. Martin @oye vs. L. A. Poiney. LTIXTH DtHTRI(,T COURT FOR THE PAR Lk ishl of Orlani, No. 9461 -By virtue of a writ of seizure and sale, to me di rectle by the honor able the Hixth District Court for the parish of Orloans, Iin the aiove entitl(ldl eause, I will pro cod to sell I at publie nsution, at the Merchants and Asetloneers' Exchange. Royal street, beh tween Cnnal and (Custonibousen treets. in the Hc'ond District of this ctty on SATUJD)AY, H~utembter 15, 1877, at 12 o'clock m., the following dleerilled property to, wit FOUIR CERrTA1N LOr)8 OF GROUND. to g'tlher with all thlt buildings and improvements tll reon an(l alr DPtllilenantell thereof, estabilIshld as a bakery, sltuated in the First District of this city, in the quilrne boundsd by Tehon pitollllts. Pearl. Louisa and Delord streets lo5signltllled )by the lllnit'brs five. six, seven anid eight, on a plan drawn by Egleffstein, on the fifth day of February. 1847 and deposited ulnder thoe nullmber on0e hIundried and twenty-nill'o. in the book itf plans of Theo. Gnvol a notary p1ub lie In this eity. Lots nlnmblrs five antd six adl foun eac.h ol her, and plcasuire e lrh twenit y-t(ne juit front on Tllhoupitui llls street, by eighty threl folot six inches. in deptlh betw'on Dlrlllldli linesI: los um1111tnIrs seven and eight adljoin o;lh olther, and measure 'llll· ehi twll l y-one feet front ,n Peaiirl str,,t by eighty-three feet six inelhs in depth, I.'tw'en parallel lines; being thil samel propert'y r'lllil'red by thel defendant Il'rlTt bly lirehlule from ( (eore (Gowan. rs per tatt bheore, Plillillt Ln(t etM, thl.n notary pub li in this city,on thea lxtonnth of January, 1810. Helzied In tli,' above suit. Terms-Cash oil the spot. 'rHOMAS H. HANDY. Civil Hhlorff of the larlish of Orleans. R(1114 25 e04 15 Raymond Prolelu vs. Josepl L. Montlen. SECONI) .IUIl(CIAL DISTTRICT COURT FOR 'tht, Sixth and iventh Munl111pal Districts of the p.rish of O)rli'n., No. 9.81.--By virtue of a writ of ROsIzur an1. 1a'e. to me dlrnet'(d tb thet honorllllset' Selond .Judticil District Courlt for the Hixth and eivePntlh Municipal Distrlets 'D the Vparish of Orleans, in the isove entitled on,1.., I will proceed t I sell at publil uelion, at the Mlorehrtlllts and Autioneers' Exchange. Royal street, bl'twcon ('itinal and Cnslltdlllosllie strot'lis, in thl Se M'coytl llltrtlt of tllMcilty, oni MONDAY, Avntisi 7. 1977. at 12 o'clock, m., th~olollwing doscrlb'lpd po~wtv to `yIt- A ('rElTAIN I'IE(,E OR PORTION OF iIIIihUND. with all tih buildings, and improve Iln'lts theren, atllppurtenelaneoi thereof, and aIll lthe rightsi, ways, prlvil1g4M, seArvltuldes andL ad vlantigls tllh'reunto. hbelonging, or in any wise atlprtalnin . sitaltd' In the Hixth District of this city, in square number sixty-six which Is boulndlll by Ht. ('harles, llerlin, C:arondolet and Milan streets, said leice oriportlon of ground fornlsathe eorlnerof Cart ndllet a nd Milan streets, tanll ll.elsllures one hulldrlld allt fifty feet front on C(!ironlliel'tstreet by one hundred and twenty foot in depth and front on Milan street, hotweenu parallel lines, and is composed of the wholeof the lots designated by the numbers thlrteeni,. foulrteen., fif'lln, sixteen and seventeen on It ske'tch annexed to all act of sale by the(' New ()r lrnns anl Carroltlln Railroad C(ompnany. to lHaymonld lPoeht.l, passed before ,1 Magner late it notary I(blie in tlhs city, on the i·ighteenth of .July. 1541: which property was lqrluired by the defendent heroin ib pllrechse from llllaintiff lhrein. 8s per' act passed ieforie JlItlms Fadlev. notary pouble in this city. on the sixteentlh of May. 187:I. Seizedl in thi' abov, suilt. Terms and cOlilii Ilns-1. In nash for it lrent nmount to satisfy piaint i l" llliml, saiy tlie sum ,of two thousand t o hundred an1d silxy-six dollars and sixty-six and two-thirds Plents, with eight pern' lct per annum lll lntlrest ot five hun-llll dred and sixty-six dollars and sixty-six and two-thirtld 'elts from the sMixtenth of May, 1575. and lilke interest n sev.entleen htundred dollarls frotm the sixtinth of lhMay, 1r73, until padl. 2., Five pr cent attorntv's fees on the aggregate amnoonlt of Maid eaptial sum and inter'est. 3. Ti co,,ts of th1ese8 proeedings and the taxes which maRy be dlue on said prolperty: and for the bIlalnco o the price of adiullati n it th plr to ass1ume to the1 extent of the amounlt of his bid the payment of two certain promissory notes, dated at New Orleans, the slxteenth of May. 1873, .,aeh for the sum of Ilve hundred and sixty-six dllars sixty-six and two-thirds erents. malde payable L'rspe'tiv'ly in fi1ve and six yeIars afler date, drawn by delendant to his own order, alnd by him indorse+d, bearing eight p'r cent interest p.r annum from datte until paid. and securd by mortgage and vuendor's lien on the prope'rty aforesaid. The whole in acordlnne with the stlpulations of an act passed before James Fahey notary public in this city, on the sixteenth of May. 187:1. being an act of sale from plaintiff to defrndan'. THOMAS H. HANDY, Civil Sheriff of the Parikh of Orleans. jy2 nu.2 16 27 The City of New Orleans vs. T. W. W. Bunker; same. vs. Mrs. T. W. W. Bunker; saInle vs. same; samle vs. saIlme: samn vs. " UI'ERI)OR DISTRITCT COURT FOR THE -parish of Orlia'ins. Nos. 14,659, 52.205, 72 ,28 51.,665 and 24n12-ly vit , of live writs of ineri fairiar1, to nme directed by th~e honorahle the Suatrior D)istriet Court for the parish of Or leans, in tihe above entitled (caIIIss, for City, taxis of 1571. 1873. 1874, 175 an. l 1571. I will Dro ce-id to sell at public auction, at the Merchants and Artiloneers' Exchange, Royal street, be tween Canal and CuIstomlhouse streets, in the Second District of this city, on TUESDAY, 8ep tembler 11. 1 l77, at 12 o'eloek in., the tollowing (1.. scribed prorerty. to wit A CERTAIN POR(TION OF GROUND. aituatal in the Fourth Dist'rict f this City, in square number fifty-nine, bounded by Washington. St. Thomas, ChiDpewa and fourth streets. designated as lot number three, measuring thirty-one feet tra.t on Washington street by one hundred ooeet in depth. Seized in the above suits. Terms-Cash on the spot. THOMAS H. HANDY, Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. aul0 27 sell The City of New Orleann vs. John George Kl tilk: sam' vs. samen: samne vs. samne. SIUPE'IOl1t 1)DSI'IRICT(' C(OURIIT FfOR TIlE V iparish of Orit ns. Nos. 70.193i, 55,121 and :1459 By virtue of throer writs of lieri faria.s, to maot directerd by the honorable the Siltprior D)istrict Court for the parish of Orleans, in the ab tve entitIled causes, for city taxes of 1974, 1575 and 1i76. I will lproeed itt sell at public auction, at the Mortlhants anti Auctioneers' Exchange. Royal street between Canal andl Customhouse str.ets in tlhe Sectond District of this city. on TUESD)AY. September 11. 1877, at 12 o'clock m., the following described property, to wit A CERTAIN PORTION OF GROUND. sit nated in the Fi st I)istrict of this ity. in square number two hundred and iighty-llve. hounded by ltampart, Terpsichore, Euterpe and Basin strees., designated as lot number three, meas uring thirty-two feet front on Rampart street by ninety-seven feet in depth. Seized in the above suits. Terms-Cash on the spot. THOMAS H. HANDY. Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. n1t0 27 sell The City of New Orleans vs. Patrick Don nelly: samen vs. samel: Fame vs. same; same vs. same: same vs. Kate Bergin. º_U PEIIOil1 DISTRICT COURT FOR THE pI parish of Orleans, Nos. 36,035. 52,663, 76.029. 81.539 and 2053--By virtue of five writs of flter facies,. to me directed by the honorable the Su perior District Court for the parish of Orleans, in the above entitled causes, for city taxes of 1871, 1573. 1874. 187.5 and 1576. I will proceed to sell at public auction, at the Merchants and Auc tioneers' Exchange. Royal street. between Canal and Customhoulse streets,, in the Second District of this city, on TUESDAY, September 11. 1877. at 12 o'clock m., the folowing described property, to wit A CERTAIN PORTION OF GROUND, sit uated in the Sixth District of this city. in square number two hundred and seventy-two. bounded by Chestnut, Foucher. Camp and Aline streets, designated as lots numbers ten to fourteen, measuring each thirty-one feet front on 'Chest lult street by one hundred and twenty feet in depth. Seized in the above suits. Tel'tmis--Cash on the spot. THOMAS H HANDY, Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. anlo0 27 sell The City of New Orleans vs. G. W. Grun ; same vs. G. W. Griunage: same vs. same; same vs, same; same vs. same; same vs. i UPERIOR DIBTBICT COURT FOR THE kº parish of Orleans, Nos. 32,609, 37,391, 54.825. 72,049. 87.425 and 5361-By virtue of six writs of iteri facias, to me directed by the honorable the Superior District C urt for the parish of Orleans. in the above entitled causes, for city taxes of 1870, 1871. 1873, 1874, 1i15 and 1876. I will proceed to sell at public a rction, at the MeIr chants and Auctioneers' Exchange. Royal street. between Canal and Cusomhouse streets. in the Second District of this city. on TUESDAY, September 11, 1877, at 12 o'clock m., the follow ing des°ritwP d rnrop rty, to wit A CERTAIN POR ION OF GROUND. sit uated in tae sixth District of this city, in square nunlber one hundred anti saventy-one, houn(ded by Milan. Constanc-, Laurel and Marengo streets, designated as lots numbers seven to nine. measuring eaAi twenty-eigut feet front on Milan street by otne hundred and twenty feet in depth. seized in the above suits. Terms-Cash on th- sp 't. THOMAS H. HANDY. Civil Sheriff of the I'arish of Orleans. .su t2 , l 4.. ,-- JUDICIAL ADVEETIXEMENTS. mluHltERIP ALIlP8 Loehte and Cordes vs. Peter Gasson et als SIXTiH DISTRICT COURT FOR THE S parish of Orleans. No. 154rt--By virtue of a writ of fleri faieas to me directed by the honorable the Sixth District Court for the var lsh of urleans, in thie bove entitlel cause, I will proceed to sell at publie auction, at the Mer chants and Auetfhneers' Exchange. Royal street, between Canal and Customhouse streets, inl the -econd Distriet of this city, on TUES DAY, HlSetcember 25. 1877, tt 12 o'clock m., the fol lowing dosribed oroperty, to wit ALL TIHE RIHT, TITLE ANID INTERFHT of defendant. G(. W. Kerns in and to tie sie.ice4 slon of lie dcea!sed llother Mrs. Peter (Gasson. No. 39.iac. Second District (oulrt for the parish of OrleansL said right, title and interest being an undivided sixth part of said succession. Heized( in the above suit. Termis--Uash on the spot. THOMAP H. HANDY, Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. 111125 e04 11 26 John Loutsu Estrade vs. A. 4Galliard. SECOND JUDICIAL DISTItICT COURT. SCN pari4h of Jff rson, No. astl-Jly virtui' of a writ of Ilnr facis against AuguIste (hlillnrd, tAi ml tdirected by the honorable the Hiqoeond Judicial District Court, parish of Jef Ierson, in the above entitled cause I will proceed to sell at publin auction, at the Mer nllllntselnd Alutioneileers' Exchange. Royal street, between C Cnal and Customhouse streets, in the Second Dilsriet of this city, on HATURDAY. Hoptember H. 1577, at 12 o'clock m., the following described property to wit- ALL TI-E RItOII', TITLE AND ItIERE4T of the defendant Auguste Galliard, being the one undividled half in and to a cortt i, square of groiel with II t.h, imtprovoments thereon, sit uated In the late city of Carrollton. parish of Jefferson. now in the HSventh District of he city of New Orleans. Darish of Orleans, dessl . bl tiythe nunmler eighty-two B, on a Is Sdrawn by ellnry Mlhanl-en, on tihe tw ty-third of August. 157-, and d'po-lted in tbh oftlcs of -- Stringer. a notary public in New Orleans. Hid awsiare is t,tllndd by (tGreen. Seventh. Jeferson and Cambron ne streets :; ltok four, folio one hundred and sixty-five. Carroll ton. Seized in the above suit, Terms-Cash on thu spot. THOMAS H. HANDY. Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. Ran7 17 27 u __R Citizens Banlk of Ioistllana vs. Philip Hickey Morgan. tIHIIRD DItTILICT COURT FOR THE parish of Orleans, No. 24,782-By virtue of a writ of silzur' and sale, to lnc directed by the bonorableth , Third District Court for the parish of Orleans, in the above entitled cause, I will proeed to soll at public auction, at the Mer chants and Au1'tioneers' Exc.hange, ltRoyal street, betwleen Cainal and CusrnaOlhouse streets, in the Second District of this city, on SATURDAY. Septemtber 5, 1577, at 12 o'hlock nm., the following lesoribelld proiierty, to wit A CEItTAIN LO' OF GIIOUND, together wi h all the buildiugs andl improvewents thereon and apDurtenances thereof, and all the rights, ways, privileges, servitudes and advantiges tllhreunto bet longing or in anywise aspp r taining. situatedl In the First Dirtrict of this city, in the square bounded by Came, Julia, St. Charles andi (iiroid streets, designated by the inlmhber twentv-folur. on a plan drawn by Iunis 1lringier,late snrveyor general,on the nineteenth February. 1831. nlld measures twenty-seven io t front on Camp street by a depth of one hundred nd lillfty-nine feet two inches three lines, ex tendling between parallel lines to St. Mary strict, which Intersentstihe whole of said iguart, Be ing the sanae property which the d-fenidant hi-rein acqluiredt by turehlse from C. T. Estlin, Is per'I' t't (befor( Hellm Magner, late a notary pbhlic in this city, dated twenty-eighth Novem br, 18th5 Seized in the above suilt. Terms-Cash on the poit, THODfAR H. HANDY, Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. au7 17 27 c85 John W. Hlliman vs. Henry L. Mtevenson. QECOND JUDICIAL DIMTRhICIT COURT FOR the Sixth and Seventh Municipal Districts of the parish of Orleans, No. 970-IBy virtue of a writ of seizure anid sale, to me directed by the h onorable the Second Judicial District Court for the Sixth and Seventh Munlcipal Districts of the parish of Orleans. in the above enLttled cause, I will proceed to sell at public auc tion. at the Merchants and Auctioneers' Ex change. Rosal street, between Canal and Cus tomhouse streets in the Second District of this city, on SATURIN Y September 8, 1877, at 12 o'clock m., the following described property, to wit A CERTAIN PORTION OF GROUND, together with all lth bu dings and improvements there on, and all rights. ways. privineges and appur tenances therelnt , belonging or i , anywise op ertaining., itnated in the Sixth District of this 'ity, for"erlv Hurstville, iarish of Jeffer son, In this State, being the eastern half of square number sixty-one, bounded by St. Charles (late Nayades) st eot and Nashville Av,,otn- (Into Nashville street), Hurst and Eleanor st reots, as per plan drawn by Benjamin Buisson. late surveyor, d(ltd seventeenth day of March. 18.7, a, nd deposited among the records of William Bosweld, late a notary public in this eity. Said portion of ground measures one hundred and twenty-four feet five inches one line front on St. Charles Avenue. four hundred and forty six feet six inches six- lines front on Nashville Avenue. one hundred and twenty feet front on Hurst street by four hundred and sevent y-nine feet five inches thre. lines on the line dividing it from the western half of -aid square and to ward Eleanor street, forming the corner of St. Charles and Nashville Avenues. and Nashville Avenue and Hui st street, Seized in the above suit. Terms and Conditions-The purchaser to pay alsh three notes of one thousand dollars each,b. due April 1, 1876. October 1, 1876, and April 1, s877, With interest at the rate of eight per cent per annum from October 6i. 1876 until the d sy of iale; twenty-five dollars and fifty cents, amount paid for insuring the Iroperty, and three hundred and nin.trcn dollars and for y cenrts. amount paid to the cityof New Orleans fortaxes for the yea s 1871; and 1877, and five per cent at torney's fees on thei amount of tie three lones. with Iulnterest and cests of suit. The purchi ser to assume the notes yet, to.become due. -ay, one thousand dollars on the first of October. 1877, and two otlhr notes. each for the sum of three thousand dollars. payable respectively on the first i. October. 1878, and first of October, 1879, and all hearing interest at the rate of eight per cent per annum from dite until paid. THOMAS H. HANDY, Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. 1us 17 27 se8s Jean Rotwe and J. M. Hernichan vs. Workingmen's Bank and Eugene Wagga man, civil sheriff. THIRD DISTRICT COURT FOR THE PAR ish of Orleans, No. 23,497-By virtue of a, writ of fleri facias against Jean Rorge and Jean Marie Bernichan, in favor of the Working men's Bank, to me directed by the honorable the Third Dist liet Court for the parish of Or leans, in the abrve entitled cause, I will pro ceed to sell at public auction, at the Merchants anti Auctioneers' Exchange, Royal street, be tween Canal and Custom.b use streets, in tihe Second DI)striet of this city. on MONDAY, Au gust 27, 1877. at 12 o'clock m., the following de scribeid property, to wit A CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, together with the buildings and improvemnlns thereon and appurten ain"s thereof, situated in the First Dis trict of this city, in the square bounded by P.,y dras. Perdi 'o. Baronne and Carroll streett, des ignated by the number three on a plan depos in the offie of Sclim Magner, late a notary pub lic in this city as plan number one hundred and five: said lot measuring twenty-th ree feet three inches two lines front on Baronne street. the same front on Carroll street, by a depth of fifty seven feet live inches. tbetween parallel lines. Being the same propel ty which was originally acquired by sail Bernichan by purchase from the New Orleans and Cuarrollton Railroad Com piany, per act passei d before said n ,tary, Mag ner. on the twenty-fourth of February. la.e, and in and by an act passed before Onesiphore Drouet. a notary public in this city, on the nine teenth of July. 1867, the said Berniieban sold the one undivided third of said proiperty unto said defendant. Jean Rotge. Seized in the above suit. Terms-Cash on the s ot. THOMAS H. HANDY, Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. jy26 111216 27 The City of New Orleans vs. Widow Isaac Wvlf: same vs. same. QUPERIOR DISTRICT COURT FOR THE parish of Orleans, Nos. 73,961 anti 8744-By virtue of two writs o fleri facias, to me directed by thie honorable the Superior District Court for the parish of Orleans. in the above entitled causes, for city taxes of 1874 and 1876, I will pro ceedl o sell at public auction, at the Merchants and Auctioneers' Exchange. Royal street, be tween Canal and Customhouse straets, in the Second District of this city. on TUESDAY. Sc:p tember 11, 1877, at 12 o'clock m., the following described property, to wit A CER'IAIN LOT O' GROUND. situated in the First District of this city, in squar- number two hnnurted and fourteen, bounded by St. Charles. Clio, Carondelet and Calliope streets. designat'd as lot numbt'r seveu, measuring twenty-thre feet front on St. ch iarles street by one' hundred and seventeen fee in depth. Seized in the abov-. suits. Tlerms-Cash on the soot. THOMAS H. D 1I:qr ~ .i( -U Q CD,1 bd 0 ARMORY HALL, 87. CAMP STREET. C-) CO 2u U PARLO-0-O D To be found in the Sout onalsting of Th LBLEae srenh PICo TE MBr lnd Pyeset French Plate CALL iTyN. wth AM H assortment ertmt of MDIUM M SFUits Upholstered in Brocatelof Cotoline, Reps, Tevery rand a.a ir and Finished in Gilt. MARBLE TOP INLAID OA and BLE4 Frenob PLATE MIRRORS sad Patent ALL O OUR GOODS ARE ROM THE BET FACTORIES, wiBOT Derfor their past patronage, we solrt a continuance of thae in the aotares; R. M. & B. J. MAONTOM wtERhY, - URNITURE, of every grade suitable for Armory Ha No. PRING HAIR and MOSS MA anh FEA tfER PLLOWS and All Goods packed and ship ed free of charge. Thanking our friends ad tie for their past patronage, we solcit a continuance of the same in the future. Armory Hall. No. 87 Camp Street, New Or ESTABLIIBHED IN 1825. Corner Delord and Constance Stree WE ABE PREPARED TO MANUFACTUBE Steam Engines, Sugar Mills, Furnaces for BuAZ ,r Vacuum Pans, Clariflers au JULoO.~ SAW MILLS, COTTON PRESSES, NEWELL SCREWS, ýs stre s, NOBS, GIN GFARING, FURNACE MOUTHS, GRABd . ALL KINDS OF PLANTATION AND STEAMBOAT WQR And every description of Machinery for the South. We beg to call special attention to our large stock of SUGAR K chased the entire stock of the Stacker Iron Works of Tennessee, for beuvre was formerly agent (and the only genuine Tennessee Kettles in offer the same for sale, as well as those of our own manufacture, pdies will be pleased to furnish upon aplcaton. LEE fals tf L FITS; EPILEPSY, "-OR -on FALLING SICKNESS, pR NAENTLY CURED-NO HUMBUG-BY OIO NTH'S USE OB DR. GOULARD'S CELE B D NFALLIBILE FIT POWDERS. To convince sufferers that these powders will do all we cladm for them. we will send them by mail. POST PAID, a FRER TRIAL BOX. As Dr. Goulard is the only physician who has ever made this disease a specialstudy, and as toour knowl edge thousands have been PERMANENTLY CLRED by tle use of these POwDEES, WE WILL GUARANTEE A PERMANENT cure in every aas. or REFUND YOU ALL MONEY EXPENDr.5. All suffet should give these p~wders an early trial and be convinced of their ourative Pri e, for sent b'-r all Cauadaon !$t , ems ý *ýrerl Neat Stalls Noe. 83 38 SuDpliles Shiv,. amillee. H Beef,