Newspaper Page Text
fINSURANCE NEWS. Tx OTta END ozr RECETrvEB.-To prevent policy holders deriving any benz from the little that a corrupt or incompetent manage ment has left them, by absorbing it them solves% Insurance, fire, life, or marine, is a fair, square, legitimate business. You buy pro ect.on; nothing else. If you suffer a loss you secure indemnity for that loss, and noth ing else. Not one cent for sentiment. Insu rance as an investment whereby to make money is simply bosh. When will people learn to beware of co duperative life insurance? See the fate of the champion organization of that ilk in the world, viz: the "Protection Life of Chicago," .and in future be wise, and buy your insurance of a legitimate institution. Then you know what you buy, and what you are to pay for It; more, you get what you buy. THE CHIEF END OF INBURANCE COMMIM IIONEBs.-To make many figures with which ,to amaze the people; to demand the appoint ment of receivers, when they can no longer bolster up the fortunes of decaying compa nies; to become frightened when the people .are excited, and in their fright nearly wreck solvent companies; to wear a large dignity, and look big generally. The Charter OaK. It is cause for gratification that this com pany has escaped the hands of the wreckers, and is like, under a new, energetic and com potent management, to work outof its present difficulties. President Jewell says that he intends: To take care of the policy-holders, pay their claims and get their confidence, which can be done well enough by cutting down expenses, right and left, and stopping all speculations. That's what the public and policy-holders want and shall have, if I have anything to do with it. Now let the policy-holders meet him half way and do manfully their part, and all will in good time be well. Meanwhile the com pany has, without doubt, been largely damaged, say $750,000 to $1,000,000, by the hasty and ill-considered action of the State Insurance Department; for which damage the State should be liable. ielnsurance. Perhaps the greatest evil that over afflicted the business of life insurance is the facility with which sinking companies have been able to effect a wholesale reinsurance of their risks. By this means the officers of the ruined company avoid the responsibility of their own criminal intent, negligence or ignorance, their duped policy holders are given the choice (4?) of going into a company not of their own choosing, or losing what they have already invested, as they thought, in protection. On the other hand, the company which re insures the retiring one, while largely swell ing the figures which enter into its statement of assets, income, policies in force, etc., naturally and inevitably takes in alarge num ber of impaired risks, and, to the extent that this is done, violates its obligations toward its own policy holders. If the retiring company has not assets sufficient to its liabilities, how can it turn over to any other concern assets that are sufficient ? True, they calculate, and justly, that there will be many lapses; so much the worse, for the impaired risks always hold on ; and the reinsuring company gene rally finds itself in the end in the condition of the frog who would, whether or no, rival the ox in size. To secure to policy holders the protection for which they have paid and to which they are entitled, enact laws absolutely forbidding such reinsurance; laws inflicting the severest criminal penalties upon life insurance officers guilty of misconduct or negligence, and then so rigidly enforce those laws as to make them a real and literal terror to evil doe s. 100 CANAL STItEE U. -ON ACCO0UNT OF LIQUIDATION. -Al - Ar B1ET COST PRICES. GOLD BAND CHINA, FRENCH WHITE CHINA, Crockery, GLASSWARE, -AND House Furnishing Goods, JAPAN WARE, CUTLERY, Etc. IO .... ... ....Canal Street .............ISO u'23 liot J. (l. GAINES. Liquidator. FOR SALE. BUGGIES & CARRIAGES. TIHE UNDERSIGNED IS STILL AT HIS Old Stand. 35 Carondelet street, And will sell carriages and buggies for a lower price than any dealer in 'he South for the next sixty davys to e,me. to make room for a new fall .stock. Will sell lower than any deal-r in the city for CASH, or thirty, sixty and ninety days' acceptance. to suit the emre g'on'y. N. B.-I have exclusive control and sale of the celebrated Emerson & Fisher too and no top buggies, that caunot ie surpasssd fo'r beaul y, elegance, cheapness and durabi ity in the United States. 'I hey are , anufactured of the best material; patent wheels a:ind axltrees, sWie - bows, very ligh' and yet strong, oil-t-m pered English steel spring,--ll fully guaran teed: all of which will be sold in accordanc~ with the times. I have also a Fargo stock of CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES. from $7 up to $4'0; a full assort ment of VELOCIPEDES. and tlhe' squares JAP ANESE UMBRELLAS, new style and water proof. Call at 35 Carondelet, and exa nine be fore buying elsewhere. ani ,ave, money. Againet have exetlsive sale of the work man ufa-tured by Messrs. M'Lear A Kendall. of Philadeilphia-the largest and most successful builders on the continent of America. They send their goods to every i-ity in the United States: have mainy established repositories, well stocked with the fl nest work. over the coun try, and build 20oo and :3000 obs a year. This work is the very best quality for wear and com fort, fully guaranteed fo: twelve months This firm has stood all the flnanecal eruptions and panies for twenty years. :'nl to-day is far in ad vance of any establishment is the country. P. S.-I also buy largely of Mesars. Dart & Rey nolds, of New Haven, Con,,.. theyoung and en terprising suc.cssors of G. T. Newhall. They build about sixty jobs a week--Work that cannot be surnse'd for durability and finish, fully guaranteed. Call at 35 Caroadeletstreet. anA examine. aus tt L . MADDUX. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR SALE A Pirst Class lo-Horse Power Portable STE&M ENGINE and BOILERS, complete, in thorough order, and now in successful opera tion in this city, used less than a year, and for sale because not large enough for present re quirements of the owner. A rare bargain is offered on liberal terms for satisfactory commercial paper or cash. Address Box 2214, New Orleans I'ostoffice. au25 6t cod LANDING FROM BORDIEAUX. Ex Bark Alphonse and Marie. 400 Boxes VERMOUTH Noilly. Prat & Co. 300 baskets OLIVE OIL. Plagniol. quarts. o20 baskets OLIVE OIL. i'agniol, pints. 20 casks CLARET. J. Pellhan Co. 2t casks CLARE f J. J. 1)uvwrgier, Jr., & Co. 10 casks WHITE WVINE, J. J. Duvergier, Jr., & Co. 25 boxes OLIYE OIL, J. L. Duret. For sale by A. RCHEREAU & CO., au22 at 16 and is St. Louis street. OLIVER H. LEE, BROKER, 6..............arondelet street.............6 Near Canal. Now Orleans. Particular attention paid to the SETTLE MENT OF BACK TA ES. Bonds, stocks notes, city and State securities bought and sold exclusively on eommission.e*l aul2 1m TO ARCHITECTS AND ARTISTS. Deslans will be received until October 1. 1877. for a Monument to the memory of ROBT. E. LEE, to be erected in Tivoli Circle, city of New Orleans-not to exceed 6.30,000 in cost, including all ground work, foundations, etc. All commu nications to be addressed to E. A. PALFREY. Chairman Monumental Committee, No. 87 Ca rondelet street, au2 im eod LUMBER, CABINS, ETC. The undersigned are still at their old stand. No. 850 Delord street, New Basin, and are prepared to sell ;cheaper than any other house in the trade from this date until November. 1877. Great reduction in the price of CABINS. W. W. CARRE & CO., 3850 Delord street, New Basin, New Orleans. New Orleans. July 4.1877. iY11 2m HENRY KLUNG, LITHOGRAPHER, ENGRAVER -AND 811i............Magazine street ...... 11 HEW ORLEANS., LA. All work executed at New York prices. jy291 y P. BLROUD, CARRIAGE MANUFACTOBY, 76 and 72 St. Joseph street, Between Tohoupitoulas and Peters streets, New urleans. Barouches. Buggies and Spring Wagons at the lowest prices. General t repairing done on most reasonable terms. uyl8 3m* CITIZENS' SAVINGS BANKi, g (A Bank for Small Savings) GRUNEWALD HALL, 2 .............. Baronne street.............. 22 SPECIAL LEGISLATIVE CHARTERB. This Savings Bank will receive on deposit and pay interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum on such small sufns of money as may from time to time be offered therefor by mechanics, clerks, minors and others, thus securing protection from robbery, accident or fraud, and also afford ing a means of profit on savings by the semi annual interest paid. By special provision of law, married women and minors can deposit money in their own name, and it can be drawn by themselves only. Such deposits cannot be controlled by hus bands parents or tutors. Apply for Charter and By-Laws. J. L. GUBEBNATOR. President. M. BENNER, Cashier. DIBEcTOBs: J. L. GURERNATOR, E. W. HUNTIN GTON E. P. CHAMPLIN M. BENNEB. LOUIS GRUNEWALD. myl6 1y2p CHEAP FOR CASH. In order to make place for GOODS TO AR RIVE SOON I offer my PRESENT STOCK OF MERCHANDISE AT VERY LOW PRICES. E. VINET, fe9 ly 207 Canal. near Rampart. OFFICE ST. BERNARD COAL COMPANY. ( 22 Caroudeletstreet, New Orleans. COAL AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Steamships, Steamboats and families supplied. y15 Mo&We 3m W. 0. CAMPBELL. Agent NEW ORLEANS LAGER BEER CASPAR LUSSE, Nos. 476 and 478 Chartres Street, Announces to the proprietors of BEER SALOONS, and to the public, that having com pleted his immense apparatus for manufao uring LAGER BEER, He is prepared to sell the same AT A LOWEB PRICE than auy other HOME-MADE ABTI CLE and of as good nalit as any similar arti cle prodnoulID the Unitted States. mhb27 Rm JAMES LINGAN, ATTORNEY AND OU.JSELLOR AT LAW, a1 3 Graler street, SPECIAL NWOTICES. New Orleans, August 35, 187l -Notice is hereby given that for the present nobody is authorized to collect outstanding bills for ac count of the late ADOLPH HIMMEL, until further notice from JOS. CHRISTEN,. au25 3t Under tutor for minors. Delinquent Taxpayers-.ottizens' Savings Ba ,k, Grunewald Hall. 22 Baro ne street. New Orleans, July 5' 1877-This SAVINch S BANK will advance to Laborers, Mechanics,. Clerks. etc. the money neoesary to pay their taxes under Act 96 of 1877, and repayment may be made to the Bank in weel'ly or monthly in stallments. N. BkNNER, jy6 tf Cashier. Speclal Notlee.-Parties having Pledges with the undersigned, and on which back in terest is due, are hereby ntilled to settle same, otherwise they will b'. sold at auction. Sale to begin MONDAY, September 3 through Placide J. Spear Aucti,nueer. A. TESTAIT. aul9td Corner Royal and Toulouse streets. Olice St. Bernar4 Coal Company, 22 Carondelet street, New Orleans.-SPECIAla NOTICE.-The undersigned is prepared to con tract for COAL, for fall and winter supply, at following rates, delivered in any portion of the city: Families ................... .sc per bbl. Stesm......................: ...en per bbi. Dealers".......................4c per bbl. (hauling themselves.) jyll Su&Th 2m W. S. AMPBELL, Agent. For the Lake - Offle of New Orleans City Railroad Company, No 124 Canal street New Orleans, May 22 sT.-iUntil further notice trains for the Lake will leave the city every hour from 6 o'clook a, m. to 8 o'clock p. min., and every half hour from a m. to 9:80 p. m. The last trainlwfll leave the Lake End at 10:30o o'clock my23 tf 0. C. LEWIS, Secretary. FOR SALE. lOR SALE-A LARGE SUGAR PLANTA tion in the parish of Pointe Coupee, Louis iana, measuring about fourteen arpents front on the Mlssistippi River, extending in depth to False River, and having an area of about twelve hundred arpents. With dwelling house, stables, barns, cabins for laborers, and with brick steam sugar-house; also the mules and farming urpnsils and seed cane. Apply to ARTHUR DENIS. aul4 rlm 104 Canal street. 1OR SALE OR RENT-THE TWO-STORY I' frame slated Dwelling House and appurte nances at the corner of St. Charles and Dufossat streets with large grounds, comprising the up per half of squnare bounded by St. Charles, Du fossat, Bacchus and Soniat strPets. n pply to ARTHUR DENIS, aul4 lm 104 Canal street. FOR SALE--A TRACT OF LAND IN THE parish of Pointe Coupee, Louisiana, meas uring about twenty-threa arpents front on False river, and containing about twenty-two hun dred acres sugar lands, with brick steam sugar house and cabins for laborers. Will be sold either in block or in small farms, at the option of purchaser. Apply to ARTHUR DENIS, au14 Im 104 Canal street. For Sale. A Wheeler and Wilson SEWING MACHINE. new and in perfect order, will be sold very cheap. Address MACHINE, Demoorat office. myl tf BOARDING. A COMFORTABLY FURNISHED ROOM and meals if desired in a nice Fr.nch family, mother and two daughters, in the Oar den District is offered very low to a gentleman of steady habits. Address H. G. this office. au231w 1W_ 1ELECT PRIVATE BOARDING-COMFORT ably furnished front rooms can be obtained, with or without board, by the day, week or month, by applying at the elegant private resi dence No. 140 Carondelet street. Patties in search of home comforts will find this a rare opportunity. A fine bath-room also attached to the house. ReferenceA exchanged. it f tt IRON COTTON TIE IMPORTANT SPECIAL NOTICE. In view of the constantly increasing popularity and demand for the CELEBRATED ARROW TIE, The universally recognized favor-' Ait iA4 ite Tie of Plant ers. Cotton Press men and Ship pers of Cotton generally; the mericanCotton Tie Company Limited,sole pro prietors and manuf .cturers of aid Tie, com manding unequaled facilities, have, in addition to their large .stock now on hand, contracted for increased quantities, sufi ent to meet the largest demand for Cotton Ties, to cover the entire crop of the coming season, and now, through their agents generally, offer the POPULAR and IRBEPRFESIBLE ARROW TIE At $2 IO Per Bundle Less 234 per cent discount for cash, in bundle` complete LESS THAN THE MARKET VALUE OF PLAIN HOOP IRON; and it being the pur pose of the Company to. merit the continued patronage of the Panting community and to defy all competition that may arise, their Agents are instructed to contract with Dealers, Factors and Country Merchants at the above named price and terms for future delivery up to the first of August in quantities as may be required fromtime to time, settlements being made on delivery. No competittoen arrests the Progress of the ARROW TIE. It is ever onward ao Its course as Streams flow to the Ocean. SEE THE FOLLOWING CEBTIFICATES ADDRESSED TO COMPANY'S AGENTS. Gentlemen-It affords me great pleasure to present you withthis statement, as evidence of our high appreciation of the value of the AR ROW TIE, as a fastening for Cotton Bales. We have used it constantly in our Presses since its introduction, having found no other Tie that can compare with it in utility, durabili ty and strength, and from our own experience we can safely recommend it to planters as the BEST TIE we have seen. Pressing from five to seven hundred bales per day. when running full time, we find it to our interest to purchase the ARROW BUCKLE from you for the purpose of replacing any other buckle that may be on the bale., taking the others off Hnd throwing them in the scrap pile to be sold as old iron. You, s truly (Signed) A. . LUFKIN, Superintendent. Southern Cotton Pre's Company Presses. PA' TOSS' 4 OMPRESB, MERCHANTS' Galveston. NEW WHARF I take pleasure in stating that since my superintendency of the Planters' Press, we have been constantly using the ARROW TIE. It gives entire satisfaction. and our pressmen prefer the Band and Buckle to any that they have ever used. I am yours very truly, (Signed) F. R. LUBBOCK. Superintendent. The above is indorsed by Cotton Press "en of New Orleans. Mobile. Savannah, Charleston, Norfolk,. Wilmington and Petersbur. Thanks to planters throughout all the Cotton States for the liberal support and patronage of the ARBOW TIE. 3. W. RAYNE & CO., General Agents, iy9 p 2m dkw NEW ORLEANS. WANTS. SITUATIONS WANTE -FE i.ALES. Cooks, Nurses. Chambermaids, Ete., W ANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE WOMAN. Y a situation as cook or housekeeper. Ad dress A. F., this offlne. au25 t WTANTED-A SI FU .TION BY kR ESPECT Y able young girl to do light housework and take care of grown children. Referenccs given if required. Address N. T., Democrat office. Ru25 1w 'I ANTED-A SITUA TION BY A RFSPECT 7 able young girl to do cooking or light housework. Best of city references given. Ad dress M. S.. Democrat office. sul5 1w WANTED-BY A COMPETENT GIRL A t lace to do general housework. Apply No. 151 Julia streee. a24 3St WATANTED-BY A YOUNG WOMAN. WITH v a boy five years old a situation with a respectable family. Is willing to make herself generally useful. A home more of an object than wages. Apply to 223 Clio street. au241w W ANTED--A MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN, steady and industrious, wants a situation as cook and to make herself generally useful. Address MARGARET, this office. au23 1w SANTED-FOR AYOUNG GERMAN GIRL, a place to nurse and help at the house. Inquire at 117 Conti street. au22 W ANTED-A SITUATION, BY A RESPEC -V table white girl, to do housework. Ad dress L. G. B. au2l 1w W ANTED-BY A YOUNG GIRL., A SITUA tion to do house work or sewing; under stands operating on sewing machines. Can furni-h the best of reference. Address K. T. E., this office. aul9 1w SITUATIONS WANTED-MALES. WTANTED-BY A MAN OF TWENTY YEARS' experience a situation as sugar maker or manager on a plantation. Reference given if required. Address H. L. this office. au13 at ANTED--BY A BOY SEVENTEEN YEARS of ago, who resides with his parents a po sition of any kind where he can make himself useful. Will work for small wages, and can furnish the best of references. Address L. N., Democrat office au22 TWANTED-BY A SOBER AND INDUSTRI ous young man, a situation as watchman, collector, or driving of any kind. Thoroughly acquainted in the city. Address JEFF. Demo crat office. au21 7t Clerks anmd alesmen. W ANTED-A SITUATION AS CLERK OR porter in a grocery store, or to drive a wagon to deliver. Best of references given. Address CARPER & CO., 98 Tchoupitoulas street. au25 st W ANTED-A YOUNG MAN WITH TWEN ty-three years' experience in the cotton business desires a situation in some facterage brokerage or purchasing house. Full knowl edge of all the br ,nches. Best city references given. Address M. A., Democrat office. au25 1w W ANTED-BY A BOY SIXTEEN YEARS of age a position in the commercial or mercantile business. Can write a fair band. and is willing to work awhile for nothing in order to learn he business. Can furnish good references. Address W. A., this office. au24 lw WANTED-BY A MAN WHO HAS HAD fifteen years experience, a situation in a dry goods house, wholesale or retail, in the city or country; is well acquainted in the city and country. The best of references given, if required. Address SALESMAN, this office. au2. 1w WITAN TED-BY A YOUNG MARRIED MAN A situation as assistant bookkeeper, colloc tor, or in any capacity where he can make himself generally useful. Best references given if required. Address F. C. this office. au21 HELP WANTED-FEMALES. Chambermaids, Cooks, Nurses, etc. WTANTED-A RESPECTABLE WHITE WO S man to take charge of three young chil dren andi make herself generally useful; must come welt recommended. Apply Dr. E. S. DREW. 124 Canal street. .1.au23 1w WTANTED- N INDUSTRIOUS AND TIDY voman for cooking and house work. Re ferences required. Apply at No.55 First street. jeo0 tf WITANTED-AT LABOR AGENCY 128 GIROD near Camp street, established in 1847 ten Cooks Laundresses and House Girls. iMt. CLEL IAND. Ne24 tf WANTED-PUPILS. W ANTED-BY A TEACHER, THE CARE of a house from the slet of July to the 1st of November. Satisfactory references will given. Address D., this office. ie24 tf WANTED-BY A TEACHER, A POSITION to teach, in either a family or a school, for board for self and two children. Aodrese D," this office. je24 tf TO RENT. TO RE'T--ANY GOOD AND RESPONSIBLE - parry desiring to rents pa t of avery large, comfortable and well-located office may be ac commodated by addressing X. at this offlice. au24t w* W ANTED TO RENT-ANYBODY HAVING a nice single cottage or ia small two-story house. contniring about eight rooms, in the First or Fourth Districts, can find a good tenant. who wiil pay rent in adwvane if required, by addressing, stating price and location, UC O. B. Democrat office. au22 lW WTANTED-A PROMPT PAYING TENANT will want, by the 1st of October, a small two-story house in the First or Fourth District. convenient to market and cars. Rent must be low. Address D. W. A. this office, aulstf WIANTED-TO RENT, WITH BOARD, TWO large, airy and comfortably furnished front rooms, in second story, gallery all round, con venient to two lines of cars table always sup plied with the finest that the market affords. No one need apply unless well recommended. Address X. X. X.. Democrat office. jy7 tf MISCELLANEOUS. AT ANTED-A GARDENER TO PLANT MAR Sket vegetables on shares. Everything fur nished. English or Irish preferred. Apply to VIRGIN, as travier street. au26 It* W ANTED-A SECOND-HAND FOOT Lathe. Must turn either wood or metal. Address H. D.. this office. aulo 1w WTANTED-SIX GIRLS TO LEARN HAIR V work. and after learning, get steady work at 74 Burgundy street. au19o ItER8. BLOCK-NO. 142 CAMP STREET. HAS VL on hand the best kind of help for city and country; has on hand one good German girl as housekeeper. au17 tf W. ANTED-BY MRS. BLOCK, NO. 142 CAMP street, for the country, one Cook, one Washer and one Gardener. Has on hand a good housekeeper, au17 tf W ANTED-TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY solicitors to sell coal for the St. Bernard Coal Company, office 22 Carondeiet street. Will pay five per cent on all cash orders for either St. Bernard or Pittsburg coal sold at follow ing rates. Same discount allowed all pur chasers for cash: St. B-rnard Coal ...........55e per barrel. Pittsburg Coal.... ..o..e eoc per barrel. aul2 lm W. 8. CAMPBELL. Agent. $1, FOR PIANO TUNING-BEST WORK. 630 Magazine. D. LEECH, Soiree Pianist. jy29 lmSu W ANTED-BY A GENTLEMAN. FORMER ly connected with the Press of Mississippi, a si'uation. Has an extensive acquaintance throughout the Southwest; is possessed of busi ness capacity and energy. Has had extensive experience and practice as traveling and solicit ing agent, and is willing t , devote his time till the 1st of Be tember in ac quiring info, mation about and the details of the line of business preparatory to traveling for a very small com pensation. Address B., bemocrat office. 1jy1 FOR RENT. TO RENT - STORE NO. 119 COMMON street. Has bee, almost rebuilt, and will be ready by the 1st of S,.ptemlber. Apply to JOHN HENRY & CO., 121 Common street. au21 1W TO RENT-A TWO-STORY HOUSE-12 rooms and cellar, for $23 a month; Broad street, No. 16, between Canal and Customhouse; p'easant neighborhood, au14 FOR RENT-THE COTTAGE, NO. 143 ELY sian Fields street, con aining eight rooms, kitchen, servant's room. two wells and a cis tern, together with several large lots and stable. The above is suitable for a large dairy, dray men or a gardener. Bent cheap to a good tenant. Apply at No. 146 Carondel st ee joastt . A MZEMENTS. GRAND ENTERTAINMENT TO BE GIVEN BY TIIE CRE+CENT GREYU, (Company A, Louisiana's Own). -for the BENEFIT OF THEIR UNIFORM FUND, -at the NEW LAKE END, saturday, August 25, 1877, Half-past 12 o'clock-MILITARY TARGET PRACTICE, 200 yards, with Springfield rifles, open only to member s of Military Companies. Prize, Slver Water Set, on exhibition at Lilien that's, 9s Canal Street. Entrance fee, $1. Guns and ammunition will be furnished. Two o'clock-GLASS BALL MATCH, eight een yards rise. Open to all. Prize, silver Cup. Entrance fee, 5o cents. Pbrties participating must furnish guns and ammunition. Three o'clock-SWIMMING MATCH, o00 yards. Open to all. Prize, gs in gold. Entranceo fee, 25 cents. Half-past 3 o'clock-SKIFF RACE, one-quar ter mile and return. Prize, $i in gold. Entrance fee, 26 cents. Four o'clock-T-UB RACE, 20o yards. prize, Is in gold. Entrance fee, 25 cents. The evening performance,will commncm, at 7 o'clock, with a first part minstrel scene by THEE VIRGINIA CUPIDS. Overture ........... ... .....Orchestra Ballau--'Save the Sweetest Kiss for Me A W. Ack.'r Monkey Song. ...... .... J. G. Emmerson Ballad............ . .. .....J. Edwards Comic Ditty .. ................... Hugh Song-"Take this Letter to My Mother" F. Hall Footprints in the Sand . Hall and West CAMP SCENE. By the members of the Company. Song-"Eilleen Alanna". ........W. W Bong and Chorus-"Tenting on the Old Came Ground ................R. G Chorus-"Camp Fires are Burning Brightly" -........................ .Com pany Grand inale ........ ....................Tableau V Soiree Dansante Commences at 9 p. m. During the day the entertainment will be free to the public. Entries can be made on the grounds. auL4 g RECEPTION COMMITTEE: a Col. E. BORLAND, Jr., Chairman. 1. Adjt. Gen.I. W. Pat on, F. Wintz, 8 Lieut. Col. J. D. Hill, Geo. W. Dupre, Major L. L. Linooln Capt. John A ugustin, Quartermaster W. H. Capt C. E. Whitney, Chaffe, Adjt. Brewer, a Capt. A. A. Woods, CaDt. F. L. Riobardson, (apt. Aug. T to. Capt. E. J. Souby,. Capt. J. P Smith, Liet. W. owland. SLieut. J. . George, Lieut. M. J. Smith. Hergt. W. S Pettengill. W. M. Abbott, W. P. Winslow, Jos. Ducey. S The committee will please report at 6 o'clock r THIS (Saturday) EVENING, at the Pavillion n New Lkeo End, where badges can be obtained, d aul It EDUCATION. to COMMERCIAL AND CLASSICAL ACADEMY 247 St. Charles street, opposite Tivoli Circle, T. S. DABNEY, Jn., Principal, Successor to Hon. R. M. Lusher. THIRTEENTH SESSION OPENS MONDAY. September 3, 1877. English branches, Natu ral Sciences, Mathematics and Modern and An cient Languages taught. For cirnulars, contain i -g terms and t-stimonital, apply at the Acdie my and leading book stores. aul9 2m 2ca o UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL, 0 Eagle HaH, Prytanla street, cor. Urania. bi The Fourth Annual Session of this school for Boys will open on MONDAY. October 1,1877. The principal will be assisted by a full corps of competent teachers. He refers by permission to the Faculty of the University of Virginia and to his patrons the past session, whose names may be found in the circular of the school. Circulars can be had at the book stores. For further information address GEO. C, PREOT, Principal, s jyl 3m P.O. Rox 41 5 OIRLEANS INSTITUTE. Day and loarding School. a Directed by MRS. FARNET, gg..............Toulouse street............. 99 , HIS SCHOOL WILL RE-OPEN ON THE a Fourth sept- mber. The English and French y courses are under the control of teachers of known ability. Th greatest attention is paid to Music and Solfage. Having a large and commodious dwelling with well ventilated dormitories, Mrs. Farnet is desirous of taking a number of boarding pupils, al15 tocl2taw aul5 tol 2taw CALEB A. PARKER & CO., 10 ........... Union street............ I6 NEW ORLEANS. LOUISIANA, GENERAL AGENTS FOR Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas, FOR H. W. JOHNS Manufacturer of ASBESTOS MATERIALS, Asbestos Paints in white and all known tints; colors mixed ready for use, unequalled in the market for durability and beauty. ABBESTOS ROOFING, Unequalled for durability; no retention of water on the roof, equal to Slate on that account. Asbestos Root Paint, Asbestos Fire Proof Coating, Asbestos steam Packing, Steam Pipe and Boiler Coverings. TESTIMONIALS: New ORLEANs. October 4. 1876. Having made use of the Asbestos Paint manu factured by H. W. Johns, of Now York. and for warded to me by C. A. Parker, Esa.. to Union street, New Orleans, to be tested. I take pleas ure in saying I have found them to be in every respect as represented. I can confidently recommend them to builders, owners of real estate and ship captains as being much supe rior, in my opinion, to any mixed paints in this or any other country, and in fact, beyond com parison with any (lead) In this market. THOMAS D). CAltEY, Chemist and Painter, Washington and u agnolia streets. New Orleans. Nrw OaxLANS, April 20, 1877. Caleb A. Parker & Co.: Sirs-Having used H. W. Johns' Asbestos Paints and Roofing. I consider them the best I have ever used. Respectfully yours It. SINNOTT. Captain of Steamboat New Bart Able, REERE.acg-Mes·rs. H Dudley Coleman . Brother 12 Union street. New Ofleans. Send Circular and Price List. jyl. W. W. FARMER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MONROE, LOUISIANA. Practices in the parishes of Ouachita. More house and RBlhland. Claims taken for collec tion in MUNICIPAL AIVEATIS POUNmr NOTrIC* * DIrPARTMT Adnmeiniistator's New Orleans, Augtt W AS BROUGHT TO THE I trlct Pound, corner Locust a streets. on Sunday, August 19, 1877- ONE BAY MAtr.. ahbo t t4¼ handl white hind legs 'nd4 barefooted. Which tr notelaimed within five d nenscs thoreo,, ,aid, will ho sold at tionl at said pound on WEDNkIWDAY, 1877,at 12 o'clock m. By order of OBT. E. DIA au2t: td Admi By Hoey, Macon A 00' SALE OF THE REVENUES OF LIC MARKErIS. DzPARTMEIT Of OCity New Orleans, August WILL BE BOLD AT PUBLIC AU the Counell Chamber, City MONDAY, August 27 1877. at 12 the revenues of the following men kets for the month of September, *ruit and Vegetable Markets,. French Meet .. Poydras and Pille Treme Washington and Port .. St. Bernard LeBreton St. Mary's Magazine . Clalborne Jefferson City Sorapurn Ninth titreet .. Algiers .. Dryades The Markets will be sold separately. Terms and conditions-Cash on the S. Currency. The city reserves the right to roei all bids. CHAS. OAT Administrator of a1l6 18 21 24 27 SEALED PROPOSALS. MAYoartn OF Nuw New Orleans, August 2b. Sealed proposals will be received at t until TUESDAY. 28th inst., at l2 m..o for to the Madison School-house, corner of and Palmyra streets, in accordance Wi fications on file. The right to reject any and all bids is ED. PILSBURY. au2l td SEALED PROPOSALS. DEPARTMENT OF I Room No. 16, City New Orleans. August 18, Scaled proposals will be recived at thl. until TUESDAY, the 28th inst.,, at 11 a. m., for repairing the plank roads of thb and Second Districts of this city, in aorn with specifications on file in the offie City Surveyor. The particular streets of to be repaired will be designated in the cations. The City Council reserves the reject any or all the bids. au19 JOHN McAFFREY. Admnit SEALED PROPOSALS. DEPARTMENT OF FINANOG. CIT i New Orleans, August 18, Sealed proposals will be received at partment until TUESDAY, August 28,1 o'clock a. m., for the sale to the city Wharf Improvement Bonds, The city reserves the right to reject an bids J. C. DE aul9 8u Tu Thu td Admin PROPOSALS FOR CILY BOA DEPABTMENT OF FINAN City Hall, New Orleans, August Sealed proposals will be recel WEDNESDAY, August 29, 1877, at 12 0' for the sale to the city of Two Hund sand Dollars ($200,000) of Bonds of New Orleans and of the late Cities of i and Carrollton and PREMIU l BONDS All bids must state the class of amount of accrued interest thereon. ust include both principal and Inte mium Bonds must be delivered in f series. The Council reserves the rig any or all bids, and answers will be following day at 11 a. m. Bids must to the Commissioners of the Co Debt. J. C. DENIS, auli td Admi NOTICE TO BAKERL MAYoRnrT or Nsw City Hall. August The average price of fresh flour bel seven dollars and fifty cents; in with said valuation tlfe price of b week commencing on MONDAY, A will be: Sixty ounces for twenty cents. Tbirty ounces for ten cents. Fifteen ounces for five cents. Bakers of bread are required to best flour of the above value per ba use of damaged or inferior flour in for sale in this city is prohibited. of bread are requested to report police station any violation of the nance. either in variation of we material au.a ED. aue19 E. Y OGBA. 0. JONJB. All basiness n prompt and ar Oarriages to hire JULIO, PORTRAIT PAINT No. 3 Carendelet Street, orfr the to x sorl pleas VINCONTAG! THE BEST AND DIINrFECTANT IN T It will positively remove from Sewers, Water Closetse No trouble. No preparation. Ynu have only to scatter a f around the places where the and in a few minuted the od It is parked in buck ts. two Price $1 25 per bucket. F r I. L LY 42 and 44 Camp and 113.115 anl New Orleans. DENTIST J. R. WAl.lif, L N. 18 Dst se Latest Impv , ....