Newspaper Page Text
OF1ie1o 3a OILEANS DUMOOBAT,. Say. August 25, 187. rI- 1p of t40 . of water, with .ges p. hours siding yesterday 8 Above low Ohange. water. Bise. Fl.11 Feet. Inch. Inch. Inch. Oitrl.............. 7 8 0 4 O nanautl ......... 4 4 0 0 erulstille.......... 3 o 1 0 Memphi .......... 7 0 0 8 "dew Orleans...... 12 7 0 1 Rittsburg ......... 0 7 0 4 Shreveport........ 4 9 0 3 t. Loaus ......... 9 10 0 5 Vicksburg ......... 14 2 0 5 *Below high water mark of 1874. NELBON RGOBOM. Berg't. Big. See. U. S. A. Arrivals. Alvin, Blue 1~ng No. 3, Yazoo Valley, Trenton. oIftpprtures. Alvin Eva, beft Yong, Henry Tete, Gov. len, &t. John, T. Arrive. *.' ry Ida, up* eoast; Martha. Alvin, lower Set; uTxas, Bed river; Belle of Shreveport, St. Louis; Bobert Young, Henry Tete, Lafourihe" Willd, Attakhpas. Business not very active yesterday, and oon Aned prinoipally to the coast packets. Weather warm. The W. J. Behan will be the only departure for Lied river to-day, the Texas being unable to get here In time. Tom Langdon goes on the Behan. Dime Daniel Divinney waits for the Olarkeville. £he Yazoo Valley having been relieved by the Natohez, will lay idle for the present. At the special request of Oapt. Arthur Com stook we state that the Blue Wing arrived on time as usual and that she will wing her way to Donaldsonville and the Ashland plantation this 10 a. m., promptly. The price of coal has been advanced from forty to fify cents per box. Boustaboute have also demanded and are re silving an advance of five dollars per month. The Asl t ha been chartered to the Keokuk ZNnrhrm~pn Tse Bam nM a Saw trip to the lower coast yes - Thalia stteet wharf is being repaired and dtedagd out. 4 portion of it will be set aside There is n dner passenger boat in the lower -omet trade than the Martha, leaving this p. m. -he carries the mail, goes through to Port Eade each trip and on Saturdays makes an excursion hthugh the jetties out into the Gulf and around to Southwest Pass. The tip is a pleasant one. The very light draft steamer Big Sunflower. urehased expressly for the trade by Capt. Aleok rousdale, and, as far as the eye can judge, dmirably adapted for it leaves to-day, posi tively, at 5 p. m., for the Atchafalas. J.B. Sohmtt, a clever man, and a very popular clerk, has charge of the office. Mr. John Belohard, late the accomplished clerk of the Billy Collins, was placed in command of that boat yesterday. We tender our congratu latione to this promising young captain, with the hope that the lustre of his guiding star may never be dimmed. The Cherokee has laid up at Paduoah. The Commeroial says that the Cotton Valley will make a trip to Memphis in place of the Jas. W. Gaff. The St. Louis Times calls the New Orleans pa= perk a s t of croakers. It can't find any croaking in the columns of the DEMiOORAT. The attraction of to-day will be the departure of the Natohes for Vicksburg. Resplendent in beauty, strong and vigoronu after a summel's rest, she turns her prow up stream once more to wards the people and the places that know her so well, with a future as bright as the past, and that past a brighter one than has ever fallen to any other steamboat. Thos. P. Leathers, one of the most renowned captains of the day, com anaius. A letter, dated Madison, August 20, was re ceived here yesterdky from Mr. Joe Dodd, in whioh he stated that the bull of the new boat to replace the Lotus No. 3 would be let in the water in a week, and that Capt. Geo. W. Rea's new low water packet Alexandria would be completed and readv to leave by the 4th of September. With the very fi ttering prospects of closing the break in Tone's bayou, and the keeping open of the channel near the month of Old river, things look brighter in Bed river. The Bed River Transportation Company are prepared for the flood of business that will follow the accomplish ment of these two. results, and will keep their promise to the people of the Red river valley, to give them a better and larger line of transports. Lien than ever traveled over the waters of old Red before. Capt. Joe Aiken, the president of this company, is one of the most energetic boatmen and o ear-headed business men in this or any other community. He has got his shoulder to the wheel, and with him there is no such thing as stopping. The W. J. Behan, of this line, and one of the lightest, leaves to-day at 5 p. m., Geo. Wilkinson in command, Frank.Ames clerk. The Behan will go through to Shreveport. The Assumption is out on the Good Intent Dock. Not least among the at'ri.tions on the Nacobez is the saloon of Mr. John Ku;than, where can be had refreshments for the inner man. In keeping with everything else about toe boat, the bar is par excellence, and Mr. Kuethan is a gentleman .sod a scholar. KISTORY OF THE ENG(INE. In connection with the ke' obhe published by us of theearlier steamboats, it will be well for us to give a sketch of tie engines used on them. In 1.806 Bobert Fu ton returned from england, I where he had been tor the purpose of examining the different engines then in use, and also trying t to introduce his steamboat, but without success. He then interested Mr. Livingston, of New York, in his plans. They immediately commenced the building of the first boat, the Clermont, for the Hudson river. This boat was 100 tone brthen, 130 feet long, 18 feet wide, 7 feet deep. Her en gine was bult by Bonlton & Watts, on the river Clyde, Scotland. The engine was a single cylin der, 24 inches in diameter, 4 feet stroke; boiler 20 feet long, 7 feet deep, 8 feet broad. The wheel was 15 feet in diameter, 4 foot planks, 2 foot dip, and she ran 3% miles an hour. The engine was low-pressure with condenser, walk ing-beam and fly-wheel. His second boat, the Orleans, had a low-pressure engine, by the same makers. Bhe was a stern-wheel boat, the power to the wheel was applied by a fly-wheel attached to the walking-beam. THE FIBBST HIGH PESSURE ENGINE. O. Evans, of Philadelphia, was the inventor of the first high pressure engine. He made the first practical experiment in 1806. It was done by applying the engine to a dredging machine, built on wneels, driving it upon land, and afterwards upon the water.--lmerican Cyolopdtra. The Trenton leaves for the Atchafalaya to-day at 5 p. m., without tail. The Blue Wing No. 3, J. a. Comstock master, Messrs. Wood and Dean clerks, leaves to-day at 10 a. m. for Donaldsonville and the Ashland plan tation. The lower coast United State mail and pas setnger steamner Martha, W. e. Bassett mIeter, Messets. Legier and Barrois clerks, will leave to day at 5 p. m. for Port Eads. The Big Sunflower, Aleck Trosedale master, J. B. cohmit clerk, leaves to-day at 5 p. m. for the Atohafalaya, through to Washington. The semi-weekly coast and Bayou Lafourche . packet Ella Hughes, Joe Dalferes master, leaves to-day at 5 p. m. Capt. Dalferes has made ar rangements for reehipping by fiate from the mouth; shippers can depend on their freight going through without delay. The Trenton, J. L. Robbins master, Gabe Block clerk, leaves to-morrow at 5 p. m., posi tively, for the Atchafalaya, through to Washing ton. [By Telegraph.] BATON RoUGE, Aug. 24.-To Lord & McPeake: Wdit arive at 2 p.m. Good trip. Leave Sa'ur day, as usua l. JAMEI L. BOBBINS, Master Steamer Trenton. ExchangelCHLppinlfs. St. Louis Trioie, August z2: The weather yesterday was'cloudy with an oc casional shower, which sor~ewhat Interfered with shioments in the afternoon. The Centennial, however, receivcd liberally and clears from the Pool Line wharf-boat this evening posittvely. Calhoun's commodious Glencoe follows Satur day. Agent John W. Carroll has a portion of the Glencoes' cargo already engaged. Business is all that could be expected at this season of the year, and should there be water to move the immense crops on this fall, a prosperous season for boatmen may be anticipa ted. The Ohio is down so low that the lightest draft boats find it both difficult and unprofitable for navigation. As far as known there will be no steamer leaving for Cincinnati this week. The lae arrivals tri m below report only 6% feet water oat to Cairo, and no boats in trouble. To Eigehk there is S% feet, with 6 inthes less be there and Bt. Paul. There is 4 feet in the souri. The &age last evening indicated 10 ~ 9 inohes. Our special dispathobes will give tion of the river elsewhere. Rates to New tas are 45 cents per barrel for floor and 22%. 0e per 100 lbs. To wiy points 10 cents per barreland 5 cents per 100 tIe more is charged. -- a MARINE NEWS. OFFICE NEW ORLEANS DEMOCRAT, August 25, 1877. Cleared Yesterdar. Ne clearances at the Customhouse yesterday Arrived. Steamship Knickerbocker. Kemble. from New Yo'k, 18th inst, to A Moulton-2d die 8 BTAMnBOATe. Yazoo Valley, Smith, from Vicksburg Alvin, Scovell. from Loweo Coast Blue Wing No 3, Comstook, from Upper Coast Imports. NEW YORK-Per steamship Knickerbocker- Assorted mdse RIO DE JANEIRO-Per sohr Anna T-4000 bags doffee J L Phipps &co Rseelpts of Produee. VICESBURGO-Per steamer Yasoo Vallev-26 bales cotton 2 new J L Harris &oo--12 Richardson & May-6 Stewart Bros &oo-5. V new S B Newman & co..2 new Craig & Hogan-2 S Gumbel-2 J W Bur bridge &co--2 L Airey &co-2 H Allison &o0---2 Meyer, Weis &co-- new J Burnet &o--1 Alnous, Scherok & Autey- 46 sacks cotton seed N O Cotton Need Association--4 hhds tobacco Beadle., Wood &oo -1 bale hides 1 bbl do I bbl wax 1 bale rags E Adler -180 sacks rough rice J Forester-148 phas fruit and sundries to order-Total 63 bates cotton 7 new 46 sae cotton seed 180 sacks rough rice 4 hhde tob -coo LOWER Ci)AST-Per steamer Alvin-396 sacks rough rice P K Thompson--35 do J Faerster-56 do SG A Lanaux-eundries to order--Total 587 sacks rough rice UPPER COAST-Per steamer Blue Wing Ne 3 147 sacks rough r ce Kip & Ruch-50 do Lanaux & Sons-eundries to order-Total 197 eacks rough rice RECEIPTS AT THE NEW BASIN. Pearl River-Per steamer Lolle-40,000 feet lumber 30 head stock to order Pearl River-Per schr T J Emler-30 cords wood to master Pearl River..Per schr Gipsey-10 cords wood to master Pearl River-Per schr Wade Hampton- 25 cords wood to master Biloxi-Per schr J J Cowart-26,000 feet lumber to H Buddig Jordan River-Per schr Galeas-20,000 feet lumber to JL Nevers Pascagoula-Per schr Annette-42,000 feet lumber to H Buddig Mobile Bay--Per schr Marthis M-480 bbls rosin 51 bbls turpentine to Simpson & Tricou RECEIPTS AT THE OLD BASIN. Bayou Lacombe-Per schr Geo Colmar-40 cords wood to master Bayou Lacombe--Per schr Lagrange- 40 cords wood to mas er Bayou Lacombe--'er schr Camelle-250 bble sand to order Bonfouca-Per schr Mew--20 cords wood to master Blind River-Per schr Tree Hermano--35 cords wood to master Blind River-Per schr Mary Irene-25 cords wood to master Mandeville-Per schr Mandeville--450 bbls obar coal to master Tangipahoa Per schr Florance-18 cords wood to master Tchefuncta River-Per schr Mary Jane-400 bbls charcoal to master By Railroads. NEW ORLEANS, JACKSON AND NORTHERN RAILROAD. August 24--7 hhds tobacco Gunther & Stevenson 5 do Beadles, Wood &oo-1 do Jno E King &co-1 do E H Wilson & Mills-1 car bricks N 0 Gas Co--3 eases rodeo J D Milburn--ll sks horns Hay & Mehle -1 car cabbage 3 hit bbls nests J Bell-20 bble flour 2 cars oats Glover & Odendahl--100 bbls flour 15 tierce hams Miller. Doihonde &co -300 bbls flour T A Ham ilton &o--300 bis soap T T Vhite--1263 shoulders 70 bbls pork Joe West &c.--3 cars ca tie Noel & Wooten-- do Aycook, Mitchell &oo-1 do C Mehle &c--10 sacks coffee Clapp Bros &oo-- car cabbage 25 bbls potatoes S D'Amico- 10 bbls apples J Ber tucci &co-35 do l 5 bbls osions J Keller---1 sacks cotton seed D P Whit--20 hf bb s lard C A French -100 cases preserves W G Lyons &oo--5 half bbls pears E M Sivori-1- wheels Leonard & Maxwell--21 boxes cheese Schwabacher, Frowenfeld & Pfeifer-4 sete and S bdls whels J SBohwartz-14 bbls potatoes 1 bbl onions M Such & Son-10 tierces hams Zuber bier & Be tan-lO bbls whisky D Mopiarty--S cases bitters Jno Wolfe--- case hate S,mon & Kohn--- asees shoes G Brown-4 do H Stern &co-0 do E Do pre-S his hardware Marks., Levy &co-2 bxees mdse A Chapakv-1 do M Loeb &co-50 tierces hams Cobb & Maxent---9 bbls flour 3 empty bbls Wang & Cot tam-- bales domestic E Kaiser-i do Richardson & May-3 do Janney & Work-1- ack hams Jno T Har oil &co-1 bdl hides H H Hansell--1 keg btrd C H Schenok--8 bdla leather A Lebman &co..I do Temple S Coons &oo-1 cast iron wheel H L Coleman & Bro -I car luuber D Ottman-2 do P Markey-1 do W W Walker-40 bxs peaches Berry &co-a bble apples Randolph & Dunnica--0 do 21 bxi pears W H Mat thews &o Bro----32 head hogs 10 eacks feed 40 coops poultry J D Cox-5 pkgs tobacco I Allison &co--U0 bls potatoes 70 bbls apples E Doherty--? do 20 bx f uit 8 boxes tomatoes Stephens & Stork---- 5 bbls onions 46 bble potatoes 128 bbls apples Miller & Mever-Total 14 hhds tobacco 518 bbis flour 2 cars oats 75 tierces hems li63 shoulders 70 bbls pork 185 bbls potatoes a79 bble apples 311 bbls ounion, 2I sacks cotton seed 10 bbls whisky NEW ORLEANS AND MOBILE RAILROAD August 24-100 bdlls iron M Schwartz & Bro--8 bbls oatmeal Clark & Meader--. do J II Solarl & Son -- car cabbage J Bertucci &co----80 pkgs beer Geo Yalets-37 I Igs wagon stuff Wilson Chids &co..43 lxs peaches Temple S Coons &co-5 boxes tobacco Wacaerbarth & Joseph-17 do C A Whitney &co-5 bdls paper G L Mardecco-10 cases matches L Retder &co-2 bbls whisky G Pfling--2 do J L Zader--44 pkgs sundries Scherck & Berkson-2t- do Joe David -tlot dot washboards L Reder &co-6 pkgs crockery W C Shepard--7 do to order-50 boxes cheese E F DelBondio-50 do 3 bbls flour J W Platt &co-8 bbls whisky Miller, Doihonde &co-13 bbls twine M Mo Graw--8 bbls apples Moreau & Toca-13i bbls rosin Douglass & Winburn-- 1475 bols cotton ties I W itayue &oo-- box drugs I L Lyons--12 pkgs paper to order--9 pkge tobacco L Mayer & Son-....70 bbls roes n Simpson & Tricou-1- 5 kgs paper bags order 60 boxes tobacco J J Irby & Sn-- do C B Block & co-3 bbls whisky P & T Fric-to0, bble flour Miller Dolhonde &k o-lo0 bile grits T T White-50 tierces hams John T Moore &.o--15 do J Nelson &co-13 do C H Lawrence &co--2 do Hirsch, Adtlr &co-20 do Schwa acher. Frowenfeld & Pleifer- 1 car mules L Levy- If rolls leather J Keller--10 tierces hams s Schwabacher & Hirsch-4 do W H Matthews & Bro -5 de Prudhomme & Briggs-10 do E F DelBondio 2 bbls whisky L lyonas ..10 do F Lobel- 10 bbls whisky R.Fasnacht--5 hhds tobacco order-65 pkgs iron Rice, Born &co-5 tierces hama Prudhomme & Briggs--36 pe castings Kurshedt ,& 'denveou.--35 I bbls whisay J Dreyfus-17 do Miller, Dolhonde &co S-J hhds shoulders Schwabacher, Frowenfeld & Pfei ler-4 do J is Kent &co--10 tierces hams E F Del Bondio-12 do Schwabacher, Frowenfeid & Pfeifer 2S5 pkgs tobacco L Mayer & Son--139 pkgs mase J Nelson Sco---8 bales bags M McGraw- 15 cases nm tohes W B Riehl--5 pkgs mdse Queyronze & Bois - 7 pkgs mdse Stephens & Bro-----t7.7 pkgs beer A Walz--o bhis pears 4 bhis grapes C H Schenck-1-2 do Berry &co-15 do L Fash---I cases has E Bo,)th-6 I eases saddlery H H Hansell..10 do Horter & Fenner -8 cases Phoes H Stern &oo--15 sugar pans B J West -19 wheelbarrows Wilson, Childs &co-3 bores drug G It Finley &co..5 boxes bacon Heidenheimer Bros 9 bbls whisky Wagner & 11-3 do 3 hf do Isaceson & Sium--76 bdls castings J Burns-15 do Kursheedt & Bienvenn-lei stoves and fixtures H Haller- 6 do A Simon-20 cases mdse Yale & Bowling----15 tierces hams Cobb & Maxent--78 bars iron Stauffer. Mac r ready &co-5 stoves P H Hennesey & Bro-270 pkgs tobacco L Mayor & Son- -17 bales mdse Bat son, Wisdom & Bowling--I case drugs E J Hart &co-3 e cases hardware M McGraw-3 do Meyer Weil-4 do Mrs E Falmau- 100 bxs bitters R F Theurer- 21 e pkgs butter C H Lawrence &o----10 bbls apples S D'Amico &co-10 cars wheels and suntries to order -To al 132 tierces hams MORGAN'S LOUISIANA AND TEXAS RAIL IROAD. August 24-15 bales moss R Beer--2 do L Surle & co--6 do L Terrebonue-10 do 3, acks rice F P Sevin -43 do Lange & Legendre-86 do Gwyn & Dyer-l2 bales moss Odell - Vright-2 do Queyrouze & Bois -: <ldo V H Bernard-7- head cattle P Ser at-45 do Aycook, Mitchell aco-sundries to order-Total 90 bates mosos 132 sacks rougha rico LIST OF VESSELS Up, Cleared and Salled for New Orleans. AUGUST 24, 1977. NEW YORK. Steamship Lone Star .................sld Aug 18 iteamehip Kniokurbocker Aug 18 hark Endeavor, Mountfort........... aeld Aug 8 Bark Halcyon, Hardie................ld June 22 LONDON. Ship L L Sturges, Linmekin.......... ld Aug 1 Bart Oxford, Chrisman.......... ......eld Aug 7 GENOA. Bark Constante...... ................sld July 5 LIVERPOOL. Steamship Oberon, Campbell........eld Aug 4 Ship Landsur, Knowles.................eld Aug 10 Shin Western Empire, Groz er........sld Aug 16 Ship J A Thomson, Thomson..........asld .July 27 Ship Ste Genevieve Strickland, July 28 Ship Importer, Suaderlaud.... ...... ld Aug 13 Bark Daniel Draper, edergly4...... oldJune 4 PLYMOUTH. Ship Sandusky, 'Lowden ..............sld July 19 SOBEENOCK. Ship Annie M Law, Hilton.......... ld July 2T Ship B Hilton, Hilton ................ald July 26 Ship Paul Boynton, McMullen........aid July 31 HULb. • Bark Prinsessen, Anderson............ ld Aug 15 HAVRE. Shin Louise et Rose, I)uboscq.........sld July 11 Ship D W hapman, Tukey...... .. ld July 1 Ship Geo Hurlbut, Mason.............old July 31 Ship Melrose, Neill........................ld Aug 3 Ship Louise, Bull....... ................eld Aug 3 Ship Louisiaue, Equay...............sld Aug 1 BORDEAUX. Bark Chlarina, Corsela................ ld Tulv 16 Bark Eclyptique, Cozrel..............aid July 21 Bark Leopold et Marie, Lescally.....ldr May 28 Suhr Melville Bryant, Buokiey........elid Aug 8 GLASGOW3 Ship Transit, Percy...................ald July 30 SHIELDS, ENO. Bark Prease ......................... ld June 14 ROUEN Bark Gee W Sweeney, Hewett...... sldJune 2 MARSEILLES. Brig Aurora., Messina................ldg June 26 Brig Mara Celeste, Feyola............eld Aug 2 BREMEN. Ship Friedrich, Buggeman............laid Aug 1 Brig Maria Celeste, Fevola...............eld Aun 2 Bark Constantes, Ivancich..............ald July 5 ANTWERP. Bark Pomona Jonaesen.............. aid Aug 1 RIO DE JANEIRb Bohr Astres, Zimmerman............. sldJune 24 Steamehip iilbeni, Lyons.............eld Aug 15 RAILROADS. PONTCHARTRAIN RAILWAY Depot at the head of Elysian Fields street, near the Levee, Third District. Excursion to or from the Lake and return same day, 20 cents. Children under twelve years, 10 cents. Trains will leave as follows: From the City. From the Lake. 6 o'clock ........a. m. 7 o'clock ........a. m. 7% o'clock ........a. m. 8% o'clock ........a. m. 9 o'clock ........ a.m. 10 o'clock ........a m. 10% o'clock ........a. m. 11% o'clock ........a. m. 12 o'clock ........ m. 1% o'clock .....--..p. m. 2 o'clock ........p. m. o'clock ........ m. 3 o'clock ....... m. 3Y% o'clock .......p.m. 4 o'clock ...... p.m. 4 o'clock ........--p.m. 5 o'clock .----- p.m. % o'clock ......p.m. 6 o'clock .......m. 635 o'clock • .....p. m. 7 o'clock ....... p.m. 7% o'clock ....---....p.m. 8 o'clock.----..p. m. 8% o'lock ......... ir. 9 o'clock ...... p.m. 93 o'clock .......p. m. 10 o'clock ........ p.m. 10% o'clock ........p.m. On Sunday the trains will be run every half hour from 2 o'clock or. m. On Sunday morn ings the trains leave the city at 5 o'clock for the accommodation of sportsmen. Passengers for Gentilly must notify the con ductor prior to the departure of train. aul '77 ly D. B. ROBINSO.t. Receiver. THE ATLANTIC COAST LINE. PASSENGER ROUTES TO ALL POINTS NORTH AND EAST. Reorganized for the ubnmmer of 18.l. Working out of New Orleans via the N. O. and M. R. 1., and presenting the following attractive lines to the attention of all North-bound Tour ists and Travelers: Route No. 1-All Rall. Via Montgomery Columbus, Macon. Augusta Wilmington, aichmond. 02 Hours, New Orleans to New York. The same time always as by any other line. Pullman Sleeping Cars to Opelika. Solid Day Trains thence to Augusta, with Pullman Sleeping Cars attached at Macon for Wilmington. Through train Wilmington to Richmond and New York with legant Parlor Cars attached to Richmond-thence Pullman Sleeping Cars to New York. ALL CHANGES AT SEASONABLE HOURSBB AND INTO CLEAN AND PROPERLY VENTILATED CARS. Route 1e. 2-Day Line. Over the same lines to Wilmington as by Route No. 1. Thence by Special Parlor Cars to Ports mouth, Va. Thence, at 5:30 p. m, daily (except tunday), by the magnificent steamers of the RAY LINE to Baltimore. Thence by New York W Express, arriving in New York at 2:06 p. m. A sixty-nine hours' run-only seven hours in excessof all rail time, witht the advantage of an undisturbed night's rest and superior accom- ei modations upon the Chesapeake Bay. Route No. 8-The Old Dominion Line. st The same Lines to Wilmington and Ports. mouth as uoutes 1 and 2. Thence. on Mondays, F Wednesdays and Saturdays at 5:30 p. m. by the magnificent sidewheel steamships of the OLD DOMINION COMPAN ,which invariably arrive at their New York wharves at 9 p. m. A through run of 76 hours, combiningthe essential elements of Cheapness, Speed and o Comfort. Passengers should leave New Orleans Batur. days, Mondays and Thursdays to connect close ly with this Line. For Tickets, Checks, Time Cards, an.I all in formation apply at the offices of the New Or leans and Molbile Railroad. A. POPE, General Passenger Agent. J. H. WHITE, Southern Passenger Agent, H. W. FOWLER, New Orleans Agent, corner St. Charles and Common streets. my4 tf GMEAT JACKSON ROUTE. NEW OBLEANS. ST. LOUIS AND OHIOAGO RBILROAD LINES. DOUBLE DAILY THROUGH TRAINS, will depart and arrive as follows: from CallioD streel depot from July 15, 1877: DEPABr. A3BATW. Express No.1.5:sop. m. I Express No. 2.1o:3o .m Exress No. 9.6:15a. . Express No.4. 8:15 pm Nos.1 and 2 run daily, 3 ana 4 daily except Sunday. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CABS through to Cincinnati, Louisville, Chicago, Cal to and Milan, Tenn., without change, and for St. Louis a sleeper is taken on at Milan, enabling passengers to go through without leaving the train. Friday evening's train makes no connection at Duquoin for Chicago. « Accommodation trains between New Orleans and McComb City: Leave New Orleans 3:30 p. m. Saturday; and 7:30 a. m. Sunday. Arrive 9:50o . m. Sunday, and 9:30 a. m. Mon daickets for sale and information given at 22 Camp street, corner Common. undae City Hotel, A. D. SHELDON. Agent. J C. CLARKE, Vice President and General Manager. mht THE NEW ORLEANR AND MOBILE RAIL ROAD-MOBILE LINE THE GREAT THROUGH ROUTE TO THE EAST. NORTH AND WEST, Via Louisville via Atlanta and via St. Louis. CARRYING THE U. S. MAIL. Trains arrive and depart from Depot, foot of Canal street, as follows: DEPART. ARRIVE. Express ....7:30 a. m. Express ... 11:45a. m. Express . 3oe p. mI. Express..... 0::i0 p. m. C Coast........ ::1: p. m . Pullman PIalao Cars daily to Cincinnati. I Louisville, Nashville, St. Louis, Washington, SBaltimore and 'lPhiladolphia without change and only one change to New York and Eastern 3 cities. Ti'cket office, corner of Camp and Common street, opposite Ciit H ,t(el. D. B. ROBINSON, Superintendent. mh2 tf J. W. COLEMAN. Ticket Agent. MISCELLANEOUS. TRISCONI'8 RESTAURANT -AND ICE CREAM SALOON, OUT ON THE PIER OF THE LAKE END -O the PONTCHARTRAIN RAILROAD. The finest of fish, fresh from the lakes. Choice wnres and liqnors always on hand. orders for meals can be IefL at TRISCONI'S, corni f Canal and Decatur streets where they wil mn with proper atUatiot tPrices mod erate. f STEAMBHIPS. TEXAS. MORGAN LINE U. S. MAIL STEAMSHIPS. The following low-pressure Iron Steamships form these lines: HARLeN l C. HARRIS, W. G. HEWES. GUSSIE. WHITNEY ' HUTOHINSON. CLINTON. CITY OF I4ORFOLK. ARANSAS. now building. Plying from Morgan City, in connection with Morgan's Louisiana and Texas Railroad. For Indianola, via Galveston MONDAY and .THURSDAY. Through bills lading signed to Houston and to all points beyond on the Houston and Texas Central and G. H. and S. A. R. R., International and Great Northern Railroad, via Clinton, and the Texas Transportation Company, Freight charged as per new card rates, San Antonio freights received and forwarded via Galveston. Houston and San Antonio Rail way and Clinton. For Brazos Santiago The iron steamer I. C. HARRIS Will leave Morgan City on SUNDAY, August 26, 1877. Lighterage at Brazos Bantlago at ridk and ex pense of consignees. Freight reelved for and bills lading signed only to Brownsville, via Rio Grande Railroad, as per new tariff, less 8 per cent, until further notice. Freight payable in gold. For Corpus Cherist, Fulton and St. Mary's. via Rockport-The iron steamer ST. MARY, Will leave Morgan City on --•. August -, 1877. Lighterage to Corpus Christi (if any) at risk and expense of consignees. Freight for St. Mary's and Fulton landed at Rockport. Freight for all the above points received at the Depot Morgan's Louisiana and Texas Railroad, foot of Lafayette street. daily, until 5 p. m. PASSENGER AND MAIL ROUTE. For Galveston, Houston and Indlanola. Passengers take Railroad Ferryboat foot of St. Ann street, at 7:30 a. m., reaching Morgan City at 11:15 a. m., there connecting with steamers MONDAY for Galveston and Indianola. TUESDAY for Galveston and Houston. THURSDAY for Galveston and Indianola. SATURDAY for Galveston and Houston. First class fare to Shreveport a52-Time. 45 hours. Excursion tickets for the round trip to Gal veston and return, good for thirty days, issued at $21. Tickets and staterooms secured until 6. p. m. daily (Sundays excepted), at Agent's office, or at the Ferry Landing. on morning of departure. Through tickets will be issued from this office to the principal points on the Houston Texas Central Railroad, on the International and Great Northern Railroad. and Texas and Pacific Bailroad. l . A. WHITNEY & CO., Agents, jel ly Corner Magazine and Natchez sts. NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA. JL NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA. MORGAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. The following Al Iron Steamships - form this line- L( LONE STAR, ALGIERS, NEW YORK, MORGAN 'CITY. ELLA KNIGHP, AGNES. The Iron Steamship- lo LONE STAR will leave Algiers TUESDAY, August 29, lei Connecting atNew York with steamships ELLA a. KNIGH t' and AGNES for Philadelphia, d INSURANCE TO NEW YORK x le Freight for the above port received at the depot e of Morgan's Louisiana and Texas Bailroad, foot of Lafayette street, daily until 6 p. m. For freight apply to CHAB. .WHITNEY & CO., Agents. lei jel ly Cor. Natchez and Magazine streets. HAVANA. FOB HAVANA, CEDAR KEYS AND KEY o0 WEST. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. LEAVING EVERY WEEK The first-class steamship MARGERET, as Baker, Commander, will leave, from foot of Calliope street, on TUESDAY, August 21, at 8 P. M. Passage rates to Havana, $40e; Excursion tick- Ia ets, $60. fr Passage rates to Jacksonville, $2o, including state rooms and meals. Through bills of lading issued to all points in Florida. For Freight or passage apply to I. K. ROBERTS, 120 Common street, Over Louisiana National Bank. The steamship EMILY B. SOUDER follows 1a on the -- . my6ly ir FLORIDA. FOR WARRINOTON, PENSACOLA AND MILTON. REGULAR SEMI-WEEKLY PACKETS. The following first-class Al steam , ships will sail for the above ports as follows: ALABAIA, M. J. Fauria, master, C sLeaves WEDNESDAY, August 22, at N a. m. AMITE, Joseph F. Boyle, master, Leaves- --- - The above steamers will leave as above, oppo site Jackson Square. Second District. For freight or passage a plDon board or to Ui . MI. 0oRIA, Agent, auol5 I ts and 20 Union street, SUMMER RESORTS. MONTGOMERY WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS. Great Reductions in Rates of Board -AT THE lontgomery White Sulphur Springs, VIRGINIA. REDUCED TO $40 PER MONTH. Accommodations equal to any in the Mountains of Virginia. Dining room under the management of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. JORDAN. Fine Livery Stables, Ten Pins, Billiards, Cro quet, Fishing, Hunting, Boat Rides and Drives, in fact every convenience for the comfort and pleasure of guests. MUSIC. The MARINE BAND of Annapolis, Md. No Staging-All Railway Travel The cars land guests in Reception room, on the lawn. Accommodations for 1000 Guests. Proprietors refer to E. A. Tyler, Dr. A. A. Gates, Capt. T. L. Airy, Walter Flowers, Jules Blanc, T. J. McMillin. W. B. Brockett, Col. R. N. Ogden, or COL. W. B. GREGG, Southern Passenger Agent for the Kennesaw Route, office corner Camp and Common streets. jee2m COLHOUN & CO.. Proprietors. MONTIOSS HOUSE, Biloxi, Mississippi. The Montross House is now oven for the recep tion of guests. The undersigned respectfully informs his friends and the traveling public generally that the house has been thoroughly renovatel, re fitted, and improvements made to suit the most exacting. No pains or expense will be spared to keep the Montross House up to its usual standard-first class in every respect. Terms moderate. Special rates to famllies and per manent guests. Telegrams or letters for rooms promptly at tended to. Meals furnished to excursionlsts at s$. jel sm P. J. lONTROSS, Proprietor, BTEAMBOAT.l OPELOUSAS. REGULAR OPELDUSAS PACKET. Leaves every SATURDAY. at 5 p. m., Commencing Saturday, Aug. 25. 1877. FOR WA8HINGTON, OrELOU sas. Port Barre. Simmsport, Church ville. and all landings on the Coast Atcharalaya river and Bayou Courtableau-The very light draft passenger steamer BIG SUNFLOWER, A. P. Trousdale, Master; J. B. Schmidt, clerk; will positively leave as above. For freight or passage apply on board or to IHITE & CARLIN. Agents, No. 4 Tchoup toulas street, Connects closoly with boats for Bayou Des Glaizes and barges for Bayou BwEuf. auls FALL AND WINTER ARRANGEMENT. REGULAR OPELOUSAS PACKET. Leaves every SATURDAY, at 5 p. m., commenc ing on SATURDAY, August 4. x FOR WASHINGTON. OPELOU sas. Port Barre, Simmsport. Church villo and all landings on the coast, Atchafalaya river and Bayou Courtableau-The first-class sidewheel passenger steamer TRENTON, James L. Robbins, master. Gabe Block, clerk will leave as above. For freight or passage ap ply on board, or to LORD & McPEAKE. 46 Camp street. N. 0. DONOHUE 76 Gravier street. aul tf JANNEY & WORK., 10 Common st. REGULAB OPELOUSAS PACKET. Leaves every WEDNESDAY at a 1 . FOB WASHINGTON, OP U.LOV eas,Port Barrie, Simmsport Church. ville, and all landinmgs on the Ooest, Atchafalaya River and Bayou Courtableau-The new and light-draft steamer BERTHA. H. H. Broad, master. Theo. Jobin. clerk. will leave as above. For freight or passage ap. ply on board or to BRITTON & EPPLEB. 81 Gravier street. R. W. ADAMS, 21 Commercial Place. HITE A CARLIN, 4 Tchoupitoulas street. P. 8.-Connects closely with steamer Minnie for Bayou de Glalze. Also gives through bills lading to Bayou Bceuf. ja22 tf OUACHITA RIVER. NEW ORLEANS AND OUACHITA RIVER TRANSPORTATIoN COMPANY. OUACHITA CITY, TRENTON AND MONROE Weekly Oueahita City U. S. Mail Packet. Leaves every WEDNESDAY. at i5 p . ' FOR OUACHITA CITY, T EN. ton, Monroe and all town landings S The steamer BASTROP, [In place of John H. Hanna.) F. A. Blanks. master. B. G. Cornwell. clerk, Will leave regularly as above, Will reserve the right to refuse any landing except mail land ings. For freight or passage apply on board, or to Capt F. BLANKS President, 4o. 2 Canal street corner Delt HITE & CABLIN BRITTO! k EPPL JANNEY & WORK, LORD & MoPEAKE, Ag'ts, P. 8.-Has regular connection with all the tributaries, fell t LOWER COAST LOWER COAST UNITED STATES MAIL DAILY LINE (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED.) TB S .FOR PORT EADS, THE FORTS, I Buras, Quarantine. Pointe-a-la- e: Hache and way landings-The swift low-pressure Pullman peaace steamer MARTHA. W. S. Bassett. master, M leaves TUESDAYS and THUBSDAYS at 10 pi a. m., SATURDAYS at 5 p. m. (extending Satur day trip to Pilot Town. Southwest Pass); return ing Monday mornings. Wednesday and Friday evenings. The A No.1 steamerA John Taylor, master. leaves MONDAYS. WEDNESDAYS and FRI DAYS, at 10 a. m.; returning alternate days. Excursion tickets $s (good on either boat.) For freight or passage appl on board, or to JOHN McMAI, S, 572 Magazine street. W P. S.-The Marfha goes through the Jetties ai out into the Gulf on the Saturday trip. jyl 1 UPPER COAST. REGULAR TBI-WEEKLY PACKET. Zp Leaves every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 10 a, m. SIE .L FOR ASHLAND PLANTATIO - Ascension parish. Donaldsonville S, and all coast landings-The fine side-wheel passenger steamer BLUE WING NIO 3. J. A. Comstock. master. Geo. M. Woods and Chas. Dean, clerks, Will leave as above. leturning, leaves Ash, land Plantation Tuesday. Thursday and Sun day, coming down the coast in daylight. Fo freight or passage apply on board or to f ap22 S. HENO. 19 Conti street. a P.S. All freight delivered in the daytime. STEAMBOAT FOR SALE. ii FOR SALE-A STEAMBOAT NOW lying at this port, a Id of toe follow tng dimensions, to wit: Length about 131 feet, heanm 26 feet, hold 4 feet, cylinders 12 inches. 3IX foot stroke; draws is inhoes light, and carries 200 tons on 3o inches; is in good running order. For further In*ormation apply to J. H. M t NGE & CO., . and 11 Delta street. au21 1w HOTELS. TREMONT HOUSE, Corner Tremont and Church Streets, Galveston, Texas. SBISA & ORFILA, Lessees. (Formerly of the Grand Southern Hotel.) The Palace Hotel of Galveston. This elegant Hotel, lately completed, re, NOTO OPnN -FOR THE ACCOMMODATION OF THE PUBLIC Being built at a cost of $400,000, it will be first class in every respect, with all the latest im provements, ELEVATORS, ELECTRC ANNUN CIATORS, etc. -WITH BATH ROOMS ON EVERY FLOOR. We therefore take pleasure in soliciting A CONTINUANCE OF THE PATRONAGE extended by the commercial men to the late Grand Southern Hotel. SBISA & ORFILA, Lessees, Formerly of Grand Southern Hotel. ANTHONY SBIHA, JR.. Chief Clerk. y27 6m ST. JAMES HOTEL, ON MAGAZINE STREET, Between Gravier and Natchez, New Orleans, La. GEN. CHAS. E. SMEDES. Proprietor. Terms-Si2 5 Per Day. The undersigned having purchased the unex Dired lease of Messrs. B. E. Rivers & Co.,in the above Hotel, is now in possession of the same, and has the pleasure of announcing to his friends and the public that it will be kept open during the entire summer for regular and transientguests and da boarders on LIBERAL TERMS. No pains or expense will be spared to insure the comfort of his guests. SThe Hotel will e entirely renovated, refitted I andrefurnished during the summer. CHAS. E. SMEDES. Proprietor. New Orleans, June 15, 1877. jel5 3m COMMISSION MERCHANTS. LEON QUEYROUZE. OSCAR BOIS. SQUEYROUZE & BOIS, t Wholesale Grocers, DEALERS IN WINES AND LIQUORS - And all kinds of WESTEBN PRODUCE, At the Bine Stores, Corner Old Leve9 and Bienvllle streew, del"A'76 1 Noew Orleans. STEA .E3AT,. RED RIVER. Red River and Texas. NEW ORLEANS AND RED RIVER TRAb.N.. PORTATION COMPANY. AND TEXAS PA. CIFIC RAILWAY AND CONNECTIONS. Through bills of lading and through passene ger tickets to all landings on Red River, and all railway stations in Texas. The best route to Hot Springs. The following splendid and fast steamers composing the line will leave as advertised be low: +'hA 4ale. Marit Louise. Texas. 0. H. Durfee, (nl. A. P. Kouns. Lotus No. W. J. tuan..' Bonnte Lee. Dawn. FOR SHREVEPORT. JEFFEZ son, Hot 8prings, and all land ings on Red River and railway stations in Texas. W. J. Behan, Geo. E. Wilkinson, master. Leaves SATURDAY. August 25, at 5 p. m. No wharfboat charges, drayage or oommisalaos will be charged at month of Red Biver. or New Orleans. In forwarding freight conalsgne to the company by bill lading. For freight or passage aplyt on board _it bsats or at the offioe oi the com any.o. 0 Gravier street. JOB. A. AIKEl Preelte, M W JOYUE: Agent. HITN A CARLIN BBITTON & EPPI'L Ja LOhRD & MoPEAKE. Agnt Weekly Gread Eeers Paekos. FOB GRAND ECORE MONI gomery.T Alexandria, NormLn eBarbin's and way landings-Ta steamdr TEXAS, (In place of New Bart Able.) R. aMnnott, master. Leaves every SATURDAY. at 5a . m. Will leave regularly as above. For freigbt og passage apply on board or to R. W. ADAI No. ni Commerotial P. S.-Wfll answer hails on the Cdast. and og. ward freight consigned to steamer Bart Able free of charge. Jail BAYOU SARA. BAYOU SARA SEMI-WEEKLY PACKETS. STR. GOV. ALLEN. STR. LA BELLE, John J. Brown Master. A. Dugae, Master. ~o ._ FOBR AYOU SARA, WATERLOO. Hermitage. Port Hudson. Lobdell's Store, Baton Rouge. Plaquemine. and postoffice landings Steamer Gov. Allen, Leaves every MONDAY and FRIDAY at p. P . Steamer La Belle, Every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at p.m. Commencing early in September. or freight or passage a n board oto No. 4 TchouDitoulas streg. JANNEY A WORB, jyal tf No. t10 Common street, VICHKSBUG. UNITED STATES MAIL PACKET. Leaves every TUESbZbs at a p. m. _ SFOR CvOSBUE. NA S;. Davis's Bend and in landings--The steamer ROBT. E. LEE. Wm. Campbell. master. A. MoVay and Jno. H. Mossop. clerks. leaves as above, connecting at Vicksbursg Wi Parisot's Line for all points on Yasoo, suniow er. Deer Creek and Tallahatchie. B. W. ADAMS JANNEY & WORK. dal BITE & OABLIN. Agents Will give through Bills of Lading to Trenton. Monroe, and all stations on Vnekab.ra, eshrtve. Port and Texas Bailroad via Delta, La. W. B. BROOKETT. Aaemn. e. Mau..H lne t UNITED STATES MAIL PACKET. Leaves every THURSDAY st 5 p. m. Leve .FOB ARKOPOLIS. GBRENYILLI. _ YVicksburg and the Bends--The fle and t"' Dpass.rtU packet FRANK PAREOUD, J. M. White. master. C. Holmes. c'erk, Will leave as above, connecting at Vicksburg with the "Parisot Line" for all points or asoo and Tallahatchie rivers. For freightor pasage apply on board, or to JANNEP & WORK. R. W. ADAMR. BROCKETT & CARTER. Through Bills of Lading given to Trenton,. Monroe. a- d all stations on Vekalr rg, Shreve. port anri Texas Railroad. Also to all points on Arkopolis and Pine Bluff Railroad. mh2t BROCKE 'J & CARTEB. SATUBDAY VICKSBURo UNITED BTATI MAIL PACKET. Leaves everSATURDAY at a P. I. SFor VICKBBUBG, bAVIB' B MM. Natchez and all intermediate aings-The nassenaer packet NATCHEZ, T. P. I.athers. master, J. F. Muse, clerk' connecting at Vicksburg with the Parnout LIa' for Yazoo Tallahatchle and Sunflower rive.s andwith Anchor Line for Memphis. Cairo a St. Louis. This boat reserves the right to pass all lane ings that the Captain may consider unsafe. Fnor freight or passage appty on Ooat. or to JA NNEY & WORK. ine Common street, HITE & CARLIN. 4 Tehoupitoulas it maS Will give through Bills of Lading to Trentan. Monroe. and all stations on Violbanrr. BSnreve port and Texas Railroad via Delta, La. W. B. BROC.ETT. Agent. sa Mwazine st LAFOURCHE. SEMI-WEEKLY BAYOU LAFOURCHE A" COAST PACKET. THROUGH TO LOCKPORT. Leaves every TUESDAY and SATUBDAY The fine uso.enrnr steamer ELLA HU;GHE9, Joe Dalferes. master. E. Nicoll, clerk. Leaves New Orleans every TUESDAY at 5 V. - . and SATURDAY at 5 p. m., for LockCit Plantation. Beturning, leaves Thibodaux ever FRIDAY and MONDAY morning. For freight or rtassage apvly on board. P. S.-A clerk always on landing, head of Ooni street, to receive freight. my~ TRI-WEEKLY BAYOU LAFOUROHE AND COAST PACKET. Leaves every TUESDAY at 10 a. m.. THURS DAY and SATURDAY at 12 m. ~~THE NEW PASSENGER STEAINE HENRY TETE, J. F. Aueoin master. M. H. Landry clerk, Pays particular attention to way business, and returns down the Coast. leaving Donaldsonville every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday at 5. p. m. For freight or passage aDplv on hnar, or to B. RIVET, lo Decatur street P. S.--Tands all Coast passengers and freight in daylight. _ _ SEMI-WEEKLY BAYOU LAFOUBOBI PACKET. THROUGH TO THIBODAUX. The ligaht drauant steamer ROBT. YOUNG, * [In place of Eureka.] U. D. Terrebonne. master, T. A. Darling, clerk. Leaves New Orleans every TUESDAY aada FRIDAY at 12 m.. returning leavPs Donald sonville every THURSDAY and SUNDAY at S a. m For freisht or passage apply on board or to BITEc &CJLIN s Tchoupitoulaa street or TERB INNE & SALOMON. Agms Ts Decatur between Oonti and BienviUle fs. iap tt BATON ROUGE. Leaves every MONDAY at a i, m.. and FMIDAI at 19 m The pSseuger steamer Frank Bergeron, master. J. 0. Bergeron. . Leaves as above for Baton Bouge. Plaqll mine, Donardsonville and all coast and1 i returning every SUNDAY and WEDN EVENINGS. For freightor eassaze apply on board or to PREMIUM BONDS ALWAYS ON HAND AND FOB SALE aI SUMS TO SUIT. LEGISLATI. WABRltMl "T Purchased br A. dIOB7 I a pi T0. MettGlle buvtt