Newspaper Page Text
CUSTOM-HOUSE MATTERS. 7 At. tON MTUSrJs WITH A CO.- le tlaMIOM As MPElCIAL IDEFPUTY n .OLLECTOR. n U ti ts Rasd Will Fly, and Wlhat Wellsa Ii -sid in Washinltonl. way they congregated, the "outs," at the House and on the Postoffioe corner on Ii F morning left but little room for a doubt q at Tomanderson, the pioneer pilgrim, had returned, and some were positive that he O >lfved in the city and oarried in his breeches o a roll that would gladden the hearts of O at t twenty of those who had been WABBLING ON THE OUDGEON, were, for, Io I these many months, waiting '1 f *jb. There was a suspioion in the minds of however, that he had not returned, but stopped off at some point to await the ar of J. Madison, when they would both appear u the woene at once, and one inqunltiive satisfied himself of this fact by inquiring leader of a brass band in the city, and of every glass-front hack owner, and the reply being "no engagement," it was set .that the wanderers had not put in an ap (a learned that both, and perhaps TitS TIwo WAIeDRIrBa, ie on Sunday night by the Mobile route, via Ocinonati, and already a delegation been formed to meet them at Bay St. Louis. they will stop to lunch. Of course nothing wn positively, as yet, what success the trio a e had, and various speculations ate Indulged I oerning that matter. I * of Tomanderson's friends says that he has h that roll a commission for himself as special ty collector, and that the roll itself is the salone of some twenty or more fresh ap ants made by the trio and confirmed by &iretary of the Treasury. There having iree confirmations, viA: Hebert, vice Davis, IS, L. Mayenno, Inspector, vice 8.D. Betton, . It. Johnson, Inspeotor, vice A. J. Brim. thmought that the crowd may have made A BLIGOHT IrIUOs O the adminlstration. son, it is said, is a son-in-law of Chief Manning, and is a resident of Bapides I b; while Mayenno comes, it'e said, under patronage of Wells and Kellogg, he having d the latter as executive clerk. Dta, the s oflicials say, is a eompetent officer, and during the past week or ten days madeO of smuggled goods on different . I e first was 1500 and the second wat 50 and on Friday he selsed quite a large ent of outlery, jewelry, cotton and n t,.4aggers and other light (7) material. 'W i gyrl soe say, is that which oaused his lip bit of, but he thinks different. An example of the various irons the delega tIn the Washington fire the Olnolat mawn says: ", coincident with the arrival ofJ. I alls et al. Is the return two days in at bis time, of John Sherman. Evidently with a fear of allowing Wells to seam at without some one to watch him, Sher tate himself private detective to shadow Leeps his weather eye open to see that as o mistakes. Today Weland An elkleson the President, sad had a long with him. The bondition of affire was freely discussed. Wells told as-Adeat that, with others1 he was to give his Southern policy a fair admitted that it was a great sur the Republicans of the State. SBb Wells called upon John Sherman ad of the conversation was resumed, it was broken off when they last met. nn ent applied the reportorlal y D to We'l, lAndersi and Gantt to-day, tn. Every conceivable ingenuity of the ping failed to produoe any satisfactory of their visit. Of the three, Gantt telest victim to the interviewer. He one Iatportant eat out of the bag, and was tlat Wells would probably remain hr or foar d , u he had an im Slat belbre the Treasury and he wanted 1 This claim It will be borne in sffr of $800,00,, and to based on dstroyed during the war in Rapides I Iyew of the fnot that Wells strenu-I he wants Oolector King's scalp, a that Sherman bay have bought with the promise of allowing thi itis quite ble. Anderson, a claim of a lmllar nature for a amount, and was at the Treasury ing after It. Gantt says that he here . et who is now here, has been laveew Orleane to play spy upon I uovoants. He says he dodged their lnGncinnati and at other pointy. P. 'resident'e policy he said to-night ought to know what kind of a Republican I lstood byPackard to the last. I told the day I was willing to give his South a fair trial, but am a little afraid it t well." Anderson and Gantt left p. m. train for New Orleans via they will spend a day or two. tal. If John Sherman inflatee ivhis elaim into his pocket the se i.hsietylrning Board may yet be looked tt.J; Mldison Wells as a repostory. IT the Cspid Congrees will undoubtedly request an to state why he paid it, after the South Claims Commission had rejected it." the above was put in type and published eur yesterday's afternoon edition, Tomander p1t in an appearance, and with It presented 151tor King his confirmed appointment as Deputy Collector, ViCe CHAYPLIN, REIOVI), heWJl, therefore, assume the functions of dioe this morning. altaneous with his arrival there came by the following confirmations as lopectores h H. Lawler, - Dickey, --- HEardee, bourges (a son of Alfred Bourgee), and oh A. Johnson, but whose places those nations are to fill is not stated. cootse all these appointment. are made trnlng Board influence, and of ourse it nb oonjeotured that the fIeterning Board eer bulldozed the Administration or com John Sherman to keep his promises made here as an advisor to the Beturning Board. A Wealth Measure. She following communication was presented to , Bard of Health yesterday : BALT or POLICE JURo, 1 Parish of Jefferson, Bight Bank, August 31, 1877, Samuel Choppin, M. D., President and Mem bers of the Board of Health, New Orleans: The dersigned members of the police Jury of b of Jtffdrson, right bank, have been ap a committee to call the attention of your to the condition of the recently overflowed in the rear of Gretna and contiguous gaased by the cultivation of rice above said villages, and to ask the consider the board as to the effect upon the pub r.emlting from such cultivation and lt 1. the sabesience of the waters large our as are covered with the deoomposiog bodies Sda, marinee aimals and nimalcuL.e, g oat a very offensive effllvia, which is believed to be the cause of the, sicknes now prevailing .in that neighborhood. The committee are informed that the cultivar tion of tice is prohibited within a certain distance from the cities of Charleston and Savannah, on .account of its danger to the public health. The dangerous period of this eultivation is in the months of July and August. the time when Io fever usually appears, and it is a question gor medioal science to determine whether the de velopment of malarial fevers at this season is likely to take the form of this dread visitant. The careful investigation of the whole subject by your board is respectfally requested with action as it may be within your province to aee-* and such esuggestions to the police jury asit your judgment the nature of the case emar F. H. HATCH, Ohairman of Oommittel i. N. Coca~tn, Secretary. struck With * Ieek. At balf-past three o'clook yesterday, on the levee, between Ursulines and Hoespital aIlete, a negro named Felix Jones struck a wldj man named Jacob Revory with a rook and broke his left leg. The wounded man is in the hospital; the accused in the Harbor Station. Pellee doard. The Police Board met at half-pals 6 o'clock last evening, Mayor Pilaebry in the chair, and a quorum of the commlsstoners present. The first case called was that of lerk John Blaslni, charged by one. Gs. t. MeOlatsy, llas W. H. Smith, with blaokmatlig. After thor ough investigation the board found that the characters of the witnesses for the prosecution was impeachabble, and dismissed the charges. Officer P. A. Desforges, Fifth Precinct, was fined five, days' pay for lying down on his beat. The oScer, when he came up for sentence, said before he would be fined, he would give up his Oier James Dunn, for violating rule 9, P. I., was fined five daye' . Patrolman J. Sheeryyforfeited five days of his pay for disrespectful language to a superior officer. Discharged. Sandy Mitchell and Biohard Allen. the two nepro boy charged with having stolen $1000 worth of books from the Academy of Sciences, were yesterday discharged by Judge Smith. Had this case been properly handled by the prosecuting attorney, the two accused would have gone before the Superior Criminal Court. ltrevitles. The Louisiana Field Artillery are anxious to find the whereabouts of the regimental colors. which were mislaid or lost on September 15, 1874, and will pay a handsome reward for the same. The members of Company D, Royal Guards the King's guard-on Thursday night presented their Captain Aron, a handsome gold badge. Speeches and wine puloh followed, and the young guards enjoyed themselves hugely. short Items. Luay MeAllister, a washerwoman, was arrested at No. 81 St. Thomas street and looked up in the Second Precinct Station, charged by Martha Johnson with laroenyof wearing appareL Chu. Heinz lugged away a barrel of potatoes, the property of F. Cook's mother, and fiJr the offense was lodged in the Second Statios. A charge of lMaeery holds Richard White in the Suburban Btadtio. Ofieer Guzmadt, FoUrth Preeinct. found a sum of money at the corner of Canal and Baronne streets and took it to his station, where the owner can recover it by proving property. Catherine Myers, for pilfelng on the levee, was looked up In the Harbor iion. At half-put 9 o'clock m.htsday night, at Banks' pla4tlon, eight miles below the city, a deckhand of the steamer Alvin, aged nune teen years, accidentally fell off a bandle of tfle sacks into the river and was drowned. His body hae not been recovered. Anthony O'Rourke, oharged with cutting and wounding an organ- grnder with intent to mur der him, was yesterday sent by Judge Smith be fore the Superior Criminal Court under $1.00 bonds. Joseph Truxllo was lodged in the Oentral Sta tion an a charge of larceny. James Walsh, for obtaining money under false pretensions, was immured in the Central Station. At a quarter-past S o'look last eveningta, a hore was roun over and killed on the New Orleans and Carrollton Railroad by dummy No. 4. The acci dent occurred near Adams street. Last evening a man named Albert Grant was sunstruck, on at. Bernard, between Urquhart and Girod streets. He was taken to his residence. Eyrleh's address is Look Box 418, New Or leans. Wasr.ER PRODUft , E'rc.--Mesers. Bheehan & ltuss, 5s and 92 Poydras street, rank, pe our city readers know, among the foremost and most reliable merchants in the Western produce in this city. They are courteous, pop ular ant strictly upright in their dealings, and consequently enjoy the uliversal confidence of the commercial community. We t 5 pleasure in directing the attention of our readers to their card in another column. T'as O matwaN B~o.--It is a source of congratulation to our ofi£ens to be able to an nounce the completion of that stupendous work, the ."Conveyance Record." now just finished and compiled at No. 12 Oarondelet street. L. J. Dodge & Co. have done the people good service in their great work, and now all thetangles and hazy wens hitherto surrounding titles to prop erty in the city can at a glance be discovered and genuine titles furnished in fall abstract in a short time. Attorneys, etc.. should visit 12 Carondelet street and see the Record. inceo the people of Louisiana are again vouchsafed the right, so long denied thep, of self-government, a perceptible change, even to the most unobervin . in the confidenoe that now reigns, is maniest. The rapid increase in values both as iegards real estate and personal pro., no one can gainsay, yet there are, nevertheless. bargains still to be had, as can be e.en by calling at the office of Messrs. Nash & Hodgson, who offer an unusually attractive list of properties, including plantations, lands and desirable city property. The S~. Louis Inbtitute for Young Ladies, one of our oldest female colleges, which is now under the management of Mrs. E. H. Matthey, offers unusual inducements for the education of the youngladies of our city. The course of studies is comprehensive in every respect, and careful attention is also paid to thorough in struction in music both vocal and instrumental. as well as painting in both oil and water colors. Established in 1847, this institute has received, as it justly merits, the patronage of the people of Louisiana. "Cleanliness is akin to Godliness"-a wise aphorism. History comemorates this fact, and J. H .Keller is evidently determined to furnislr the important saponaceous element incident. At his factory, corner of St. Andrew and Howard streets, a large force is daily engaged in sup plying the constant demand at the depot and office, No. 110o ravior street. Mr. Keller makes a sopecialty of laundry and toilet soaps, and the patronage bestowed on him is conclusive that we have no occasion, an of old, to go beyond the liat Is of our city to obtain n first-class article of soap. Home industry should be encouragedanud no other house offers a fltter opportunity for the inception of this laudtable effort to build up the manufacturing interests of the South. "Full many a gem of purest ray set.l'ne" often lies buried for ages in the collection of some on thusiast on the subject, stuh as the late Dukeof I Brunswick; but fortunately through the enter prise of some of our leading jewel D rs. there are yet many valluile stones within the reach of those who appreciate them. I. C. Levi, of los Canal street., offers an unsurpassed assortment of diamonds, eoarlg and other precious gems. as well as a line collection of watches, jewelry. etc. at the lowest market prices, and on every Tuesday and Priday he disposes at auction a choice se lection of watches and jewelry, which are sold I without reserve. Mr. Levi makes ai specialty of . repairing watches and resetting dianlontls, and r will give full satisfaction in any work entrusted d to him. Our well-known citizen. Mr. Louis (Irune wald. the proprietor of Grunewald Hall. the most extensive music house in the Southwest, presents to his patrons an unexampled assort ment of the latest novelties' in both vocal and instrumen'al music. Possessing the general agener of the leading Diano manufacturers of both Europe and America. and controlling in a groat measure the dire :t importation of such musical instruments as are required by bands. orchestras or amateur combinations. Mr. Grunewald offers unusual facilities to all Who have occasion to ourchase anything in his line of business. Estimates are furnished on ap plication. and catalogues will be mailed to any address soliciting full information. Additional inducements are offered to professors schools and the clergy, and a visit to his well-.nown conservatory of music will be amply satisfac tory. NovICE To Ran BRIaR SHIPgass.--Te steamer Ella Hughes will put freight and passengers to Grand Ecore without reshipping at Alexandria. Leaver on Saturday, let, atk p.m,. The light qt booat in t trade. The Columbus (Ga.) qurer hs o the opinion that the new constitution Ida be overwhelmiglgy approved by the~op of that atSt The celebrated Glenn Waukesha MineraI Spring water for sale at sa St. Chales street and 121 Canal street. lGeo. McCloskey. sole agent. Mr. Charles Lacoume will, early in Septem ber, stand in the front ranks of billiard players and absorbers of strong drinks. During the resent summer le has given little attention to usinessin a generll way, as his special atten tion has been given to repairing and renovat ing. His St. Charles bar-room is quits a wonder in its way, and the frescoing will attrdct the critical eyes of thousands of visitors. Every thing has been built up straight from the bot tom, with but one idea-that is to please gentle men who wish to play billiards or partake of a gently stimulating drink. HARDWARl. ETc.-Persons passing by the great store of Rice, Born & Co., 89 and 91 Camp street, judging from the extent of their estab lishment and the comprehensiveness of their stock, would think that this minst be their main headquarters. But they are miptaken; let them visit their branch store, at 597 Magazine street. and they will find it out. There can be found the largest and choloes t stock in the hardware and builders' line that can. be found in the Southwest. The Charter Qak stoves alone have gathered around Mesars. Rice, Born & Co. a multitudinous array of customers. Read their advertisement and give them a call. Among the most prominent importers of wines, etc.. In this city is our young and enter prising neighbor. Mr. Walter E. Hepp, whose business habitation is at No. 101 Gravier street Mr. Hepp is the son of the late W. T. Hepp, of Roehereau & Co., who was one of the most ex tensive and successful merchants in his line in the South. Our young friend partakes of his father's character and business habits, and, we are glad to say is meeting with the success that he deserves. As a coadjutor in business he has Mr. Walter, a gentleman of long experience and wide popularity. Mr. Hepp's stock em braces a great variety of freshly imported wines, liquors, oils, sardines, prunes and Italian mer chandise of every description. COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, AT BATON ROUGE, LA. The next session of this school will begin on WEDNESDAY, October 3, 1877. This is a family boarding school for boys. The healthfulness of the location is unsurpassed. Instruction thorough in all that is necessary to prepare the student for any grade in collego or any pursuit in life. Disciline parental, The constant per sonal care of the Principal is given to the health, morals and manners of the pupils. For ciroulars, with necessary information. app) to , H.N. MAGRUDER, Baton Rouge, La., Or H. B. IAGRUDER, 54 Camp street, N. O. set lPlt PEABODY HIGH SCHOitI, FOR YOUNG LADIES, WITH PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT. KH R. H. AW, Principal. No. 67 Collseum street, corner $t. Mary. The Fifth Annual Session opens on Monday, September 17,1877. For Circulars apply to the Principal, at the school, from to to 11 a. m. and a to 5 p. m., or to JAM.S A. GRESHAAM. No. 't Camp street. eel lm cod QT. LOUIS INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG (Established in 1847.) Mrs. E. H. MATTKEY ........ ......Principal. All the branches of a finished education, in both English and French. are taught by pro fessors of superior knowledge and science. German and Spaiish languages also taught. Music, vocal and instrumental, receives see lal081 attention. Classes for a thorough course in model and in object Drawing will be reorganized early in p ode0sion. Also, Painting in oil and in water For further information apply at the St, LOUIS INSTITUTE, 215 Dauphine street, be tween Ursulines and Hospital. eel em SaSuATh TO COTTON rLANTERS. USE THE CONDENSED Indelible Cotton Marking Ink. ONE GALLON MAKES ONE BARREL, 3a S5 PER BARREL. Prepared and for salP b y FREDERICKSON & HARTE,. 139 CANAL STREET, Touro Building, New Orleans. Rel 2t (O() TO MIOO)DY'S, Corner Canal and Royal sts., ; FOR NEWEST STYLES IN SHIRTS T - AND - GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. selt It . . . . . BARNES' HOTEL, MISSISSIPPI CITY, WILL BE KEPT OPEN DURING THE WINTER MONTHS, as well as the Summer Months. THE BEST PLACE ON THE COAST FOR HEALTH RECREATION. The best of Fish, Oysters. Crabs. Fruit. Vege tables and Game. Terms............ ..$40 per Month. sel 2w J. D. MAYER & ('CO. QUEEN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, -OF LIVERPOOL AND LONDON. Capital, £2,000,000 Sterling. Assets in this Country.......... $1,422,571 WELSHANS & WOODS, Agents, No. 188 Gravier Street. NEW YORK, July 10, 1877. By advices just received we are informed that the Company has instructed Mr. C. E. L. Jarvis, the Resident Secretary at St. John, N. B., as follows: Draw on s for all losses when ad • Justed. Contrebute Twenty-Eve Hundred e Dollars to Rene WFand. e W. . BOs&. Maaller. jy212 tt~u&sel. 89 and 91 Camp Street. BRANCH HOUSE 597 Magazine Street. [Establishqd in B4.R.) Importers and Dealers in Foreign aid Domestio HARDWARE, BUILDERS' HARDWARE -AND Carpenters', Cabinetmakers', Blacksmiths' and Coopers' Tools. TINNERS' STOCK, TOOLS AND MACHINES. Nallr, Bar, Band, Hoop and Sheet Iron. SHEET COPPER AND SHEET ZINC. SPADES, SHOVELS, HOES AND PICKS. AXES: MANUFACTURERS OF BRIGHT TIN AND JAPAN WARE. IHOUSEHHRNISHI D GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. GRANITE IRON STOVE WARE. Sole Agents for the Celebrated C! ARTER OAK STOVES. THE IMOST COMPLETE COOKING STOVE EVER MADE. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR PRICES BEFORE PURCHABING ELSEWHERE. set Sel HOME CORN SHELLER. Shell frtom 5 to lObuael peehmhr. te S moves the Corn eoeEl from the ron h trets. M eeo roa rkm otate. or at the Mit|.tppti River. Wo ahenler enot C. 0. . Rnole, one tot Iar i e tlmwl to py Exprer.i Chasrges liberal ditnoont to Aotive Agents. EDWARI THOMPSON, 112 A 114 l'oydram t., New Orleans. LIVERPOOL COTTON PRESH, (FORMERLY READING PRESS), Corner or Erato and Front strees. STANLEY & CO. SeL IW* RANGES AND GAS FIXTURES AT NEW YORK PRICES. O Agents for the Great larstow and Warren RAanges. Dealers In Gas FIxtures. Pumps. Bath Tubs and Plumbing Materials. Plumlitng and Gao Fittitg promptly attended to at SULLIVAN & BULGER'S. set I 7 eCamp ttreet, neIar PT,ylras. THOMIAS SHEEHAN. S. K. RUSS. SHEEIIaAN & RUSS, -DEALERS IN DRY SALTED MEATS, BACON, POIK. IARD. FLOUR, CORN MEAL 8 and 92 POYDRAS8 STREET, (et NEW ORLEANS. LEIGHTON'S NEW STYLES. French Cut SHIRTS, English and American Cut SHIRTS, Coat Sleeve Cut SHIRTS, Open All Down in Front SHIRTS. invalid SHIRTS. o.en all down behind, S iral Seam SHIRTS. Fat M-n SHIRTS,. SHIRTS open all down at the side, A luxury for Summer Wear. No pulling over the head or mussing your hair. All artistically balanced without draw Ing under the arm or choking the neck. Store prices for New York Mills and Wam sutta. $1 so; specially made to order, $2 to sa, at LEIGHTON'S, Corner of Canal and St. Charles Streets. sel it SEMI-WEEKLY BAYOU LAFOURCHE AND d COAST PACKET. Leaves every TUESDAY and SATURDAY. The fine passenger steamer SELLA HUGHES, - Joe Dalferes master, E. Nicolle clerk, I- Leaves New Orleans every TUESDAY at 5 p. m., and SATURDAY at 5 p. mD. Rturnn. laves d Donaldsonville every FRIDAY and MONDAY morning. For frelkt or passage apply on board. P. 8.-- clerk always oen landing, head of Conti 5te o receive freight, se CLARK & MEADER,' I6 AND IS CARONDELET STREET, I IMPORTER.S AND DEALUBS IN FANCY AND STAPLE GROOERIES. RlOEDERER5' FINENIT CHAMPAGNE, Put up for the Russian Market. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF SEIGNORET'8 AND CRUIS FILS FREES8 MARYLAND CLUB, OLD BOURBON and BAKER'S RYE PURE PARCHED AND OIIOUND JAVA. ('(O IRDOVA and RIO FINE LINE OF OOLONG, ENGLISHH BREAKFAT, GUNP(OWDEIRM, IMPERIALS, JAPAN and YOUNG HYSON ALL GOODS GUARANTEED AND DELIV ERED FREE OF DRAYAGE. sel J. I,EVOIS, D, JAMISON. sbis Rue de la Victoire. New Orleans. Paris. J. Levois&Jamison NO. 126 CANAL STREET, IMPORTERS OF French, English, German and Swiss illY I000 i - ALSO - GENERAL DEALERS IN American, Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS & NOTIONS, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Orders received and exexuted in Europe by our Mr. J. LEVOIS, with care and dispatch. J. LEVOIS & JAMISON, sel It 126 Canal street. BORNIQ & BROTHER, Et4TABLISHED IN 184t, IMPORTERS OF Havana Cigars, -AND-- LEAF TOBACCO, Whohlsale Dealers in DOMESTIC CIGARS, Leaf and Mapufactured Chewing Tobacco. HAVANA LOTTERY PRIZE4 easihed at the must aldVantfagl s rat's of exchange. 1 .........."GRAVIER STREET ..........77 D set It NEW ORLEANS. MBS. MARGARET HA'UGHERY. MARGARET'S L., STEAM AND MECHANICAL s BAKERY, of N x. 74, 7e6 md 7s New Levee Stree., set NEW ORLEANS, LA. IU)WARD SALLE. S OkfiAMMAlls NALLE & CAMMAC , AND Commitslon Merchants, No. 198 Gradler Street, NEW OBLEANS. 0!.4a advances made on eonsignmente of Cot. tonl and Produce generally. Sol it SPECIAL NOTIC.E. Wanted-Everybody to know that edI ley Bros. are not agents for the sale of wagons and carts, but having unequaled faellities for manufacturing at their own factory in Wheel Irng. W. Va., they arm prepared to furnish every sioe and style of FIItT CLA88 cane wagons, ox, rice, farm, Iagasse or one-horse carts, three or four-mule canh" crarts, wheelbarrows. spokes. fellnes, shafts. wagon and cart material, etc.. as low prices as any inferior work offered In tis market. Furthermore. that we use no white pine for cart beds, or blac kgum for bubs, that we uit in full site axles, LOCUST HUBS THOROUGHLY SEASON Ds Alleghany moan tuin white oak timber, and give a reliable guar antree with every wagon and cart sold by us. Who have a foundry and nauehine shops at Thri.tldaux, from whnene we can furnish every dlescription of plantation matlhinery. Identl fled with the Intei-rests of the country in which we livei, we respetfully solicit a share of the unl,li patrnagt. BOI)k)LSY BROTHERBS Nos. 127 ad 129 (:Tlmmon street, between St, Charl-es and City ifotie's. sol 1W Special Notice to Opelousas Shllppel. All freight tracn etrrid from N·eamers BERIITE aid BIlt SUNFLIOWERI tit LittleDevil bar tO Steanmrs C(IEOLE and MINNIE is insured slt if HITE & CARLIN, Agents. There will be a meeting of the ofleera of the First (JeffTrson) Battalion, Louifsana State Militia, at the Armory of Comoany A, on SATUItIDAY. Sept. 1, at 7:30 p. m. Punctual at tendilanrc is requested. By order of MAJOR B. C. ELLIOTT, sel It Commanding Battalion. b Office of the New Orleans and Onachlit River Transportation Company, No. 2 Canal street, corner Delta, New Orleans, Aug. 30, 1877. A nmreting of the stockholders of the com~ose will be held at the offlee thereof on MONDAY, Sept.. 101877. at 1o ri'eleirk a. In., for the purpote of taking into consideration the diseolutt of the company. FERD. N. CELLOR8 au81 td Seeref*a.s Special Notiee - Special Noetlee to 1 Rivter Shippers-We have placed the very IIgt, draft steamer TIMMIE BAKER, with our l*rW barges (on whic(h cargo insures same as ', steamboats), in the shoal part of ied ý This insures certain and prompt delivery of jl freights shlppl'd by nu. The Baker will be joined by the FRANK WILLARD in a few das JO. A. AIKEN, auzns tf 111 Oravir street. Delinquent Taxpayye)r-Citlzens' Sav1i Bank. Grunewald Hall. 22 Baronne street Orleans. July 5. liR7-This SAVINGS 11Ah will advance to Laborers, Mechanics, Clerkt... etc. the money necessary to pay their taz+ under Act 96 of 1877, and repayment may 1bh made to the Bank in weekly or monthly lis stallments. M. BENNER, jyf tf Cashieok special Notiee.-Partles havrrn Plee with the undersigned, and on which back-/s terest is due, are hereby notified to settle sM otherwise they will bh sDld at anetIon 81ale begin MONDAY, September 3 througr PoI J. pctear Auctioneer. A. TESTTABT, auntttd Corn er Royal and Toulouse streets. For the Lake - Omfe of New OrleaM City Railroad Company, No 1I Canal streetsb New Orleans, May 221877.--Untl further no trains for the Lake will leave the city every hmoo from 6 o'clock a. m. to 3 o'clock p. m., every half hour from p. m. to 9:o . D m. last trainlwill leave the Lake End at 10:ao myll tr C.0. LEWIS, Secretary. FOR RENT. TLUANTED-TO RENT, A COTTAGE OR i TV two-story house. containing at leasteight or nine rooms, one with large yard preferred. in the First or Fourth District; rent must y moderate; possession wanted y the aSt ol ' October. Address J. H. D., this offe. sel 8 SOR RENT --fPLENDID BRICK RiU*X den ce, with large grounds, trees, etc., . ins the Mississipni river, between Clouot 'S Louisa streets, Third District. Stores Nos. 3 Tchoupitoulas, 69 Common Xt, St. Charles street, 104 St. Charles street, and 10 Exchange Alley. Possession given immediately. For tar apply to A. ROCHEREAU & CO., 1I and 18 S Louis street. sel 239 1 - 23 3s LTOR RENT - THE TWO-STORY FRAME J dwelling No. 363 Carondelet street, near uornler of Thalia: in thorough order, large and -onmfortable, containing ten rooms, with gas and gas fixtures, bath room, hydrant. cistern, wood anti coal shed, and large paved yard; cnve nient to the Dryades market andi several lines of city ears. For further particulars apply at No, 15 l'olymnnir treet. setl '* 1OR RIENT - STORE NO. i MAGAZINE F' street, corner of Canal; the whole or any part of the building. No. s1 Magazine street, running through to Founchor. Front office, second floor, No. 160 Common street. Apply to IHUG(l W. MONTGOMERY, 4 set it112 Customhousest. L1.OR RENT-HANDSOMELY FINISHED AND 1' completcly furnishi.l house: fiv tbed-rooms, bath-room, hot and coli water and stationary washstands in each room; good neighborhood; convHnient to market, and cars. fossessiont givwn immediatuely it ldesiried. or will rent house low and sell fu)rnitanreo heap. Address HOUSE HOI,). Democrat ofie,. anal It r(O IRENT--A LADY IN THE GARDEN DI 1 trict has a neatly furnished room to rent, No children in the house. Cars pass the door. Rernt to suit the times. Address Mrs. P., Deoat ocirat office. ansl at TO RENT-A TWO-STORY HOUSEr-$ I rooms and cellar, for $25 a month; Broad, No. 1;, between Canal and CustomhousE t pleasant neighborhood. atll_ LTOR RENT-THE COTTAGE, NO. 148 ELt I sian Fields street, conlaining eight room.s. kitchen, servant's room, two wells and a efl tern, together with several large lots and stabI The above is suitable for a large dairy, dra men or a gardener. Rent cheap to a gooda tenant. Apply at No. 146 Carondelet street. jo28 tf COPARTNERSHIP . TrHE FIRM OF ABIBATT & CO., PLANT i er' Cotton Press, is this day diesol ed by lirmitation. W. M. ABBATT J. E. RANDJLP1H, New Orleans, Hert, 1, 1877. sel 7t* LOST--FOUND. L -OUND-ON THE MORNING OF AUGUST . :.i, a cow was found astray at the corner (t Montegut and Moreau streets. SThe owner hfl:o'p have the sam by provinr prorty andro K EA expenses. Apply to I)DMINICK SEA 'li is Montegut street. 1. STRAYED. I AME] TO MY HOUSE ON AUGUST n. L. SETTER DOG, which the owner ca by identifying the same and paying elpened Apply at 678 St. Charles street. Sei. [(AME TO MY HOUSE ON AUGU . L SETTER DOG. which the owner by identifying the same and paying Apply at 678 St. Charles street. - REMOVALS. I DEMOVAL-THE NEW ORLEANS 1J7 lailway Company have removed to 159 Common street, lower floor, formerly. Occupied by the New - light Company. * BOARDING. SELECT PRIVATE BOAD ably furnished front with or without bi deuce No. 146 t4 searchý.1 ho . t1ºie it'r"n