SA441itt1240 lour bar,*o in daylight only if you wo'unldueoure ea ety. The inspection of sixty-three samples of coal 1e1 in the city of Baltimore resulted in showing that onsp eight of them wre safe. Business is beining to pick up a little in the insurance offi me, and the signs of the times are eneouraging for an early resumption of active work., "A ood-work near stoves should be pro bD bright tin or zinc. which retrflts heal. Aa dull, rough surface of sheet iron is not so 19&e |tits a good conductor and absorbs heat." iF'. Coore. lrof. U. f. Chandler, in a report to the New York Board of Health upon the "traffic in dan geroua kerosene," estimates the difference in eat between a safe and a dangerous oil to be only one cent in siateen hours. The Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Ia1 hae been visited by the Comminssioner etat~e, Er. lrhodes. This company is one kso . lly invsted assets and clean da teosake an exhibit whenever called on. 'edesireto call attention to the dangersof the .r9tleas use of earthen furnaces, by which a .barg number of fires are caused, and to urge Upon all the necessity of all care in tending them. To illuetsate: take the instance of the lats fre on the south corner of Hospital and Burgundystreets. The proprietor started the ir ein his furnace to cook his dinner, placed it o the bare door in his bedroom and close to the bed, then locking the door he left the prem sees Be lt-tThe room took fire, and but for the neighbors, the whole house would have been destroyod, of course he expeots the insur anee eempanies to in lemnify him, in spite of ;his most unpardonable carelessness. Since we have been calling attention to the dager Arising from expose ro to fires, we have ".uibo t it not improper to give some head to watersupply of the city, and to urge upon ee. habitants of those sections in which said sapply is inadequate for the extinguishing of anytre of serious character, the pressing ne +hesityt of bringing to bear overy precaution for ithete prevention. We are aware that the admin 'itraton has done all that could he expected of them under the circumstances; that they have Vut forth every energy, and made use of all the means in their power to extend mains and pro witte against fire ravages. But the fact remains, that large sections of the city are almost totally unprepared for fires, and that their only safety Ulie. prevention. For instance, in the First District, that sec tion bounded by Felicity road,New Basin, Ram part street and the city limits has only the Mel pogpene drainage canal upon which to rely for water supply; while the portion below New Basin to Canal street is destitute of water from Claiborne street out, the Galvez and Poy dras canals being the only dependence of this quarter, and even these avail able only in dry weather, owing to the heavy condition of the streets at other times making it impossible for the engines to get to them. In the Second District, all that sec tion lying within the limits marked by Canal street, Old Basin, Claiborne and Galvez streets has no water and no means of pro euaring any, save from the old Basin. The quarter situated between Claiborne, Broad, Or leans and Esplanade streets, has only two fire plugs; this portion of the city is thickly built up with frame houses, and a fire occurring theroin, with a good, stiff wind from any quar ;ter, would be apt to destroy a number of squares: espectally as there are no means to procure water from the river, and only two streets which can be traversed by the engines in wet weather. viz: Ufrsulines and Dumaine streets, these being the only paved streets within the limits de scribed. There are other districts in the same condition, which shall receive mention in due time. The finest oysters can he found at McCloskey's sestaurant No. 70 Bt. Charles street. Price 2s cents per dozen. SoMrTHINo WomTr KNOWINO. - Yesterday, while seated enjoying a rich and crnamy glass of milk at the milk stand situated at the corner of Common and Carondelet streets, a wagon drove up, containing queer looking buckets. ier nspection they proved to contaln milk on . Thse, buokets are so constructed and eeked with lce that the milk, which comes the country arrives at the depot lee cold. e ~ro~prietor of the beautiful dairy farm at la, La., has contracted with the above men ed stand and branch, No. 6n Canal street, to rnsh them with an ample supply of milk all Syearrround, and as this milk far surpasses e slelbywaa ey stuf generally sold in this market for milk, we have no doubt many will avail themselves of this opportunity to sample pus milk. The Areola farm is a stock farm. adohandsomer drove of Alderney cows we never seen than those grazin in the rich alde of clover in that highy cultivated place. ttwis ehnra to purchase fine stock should L t farm before doing so. Seven dollars a week is all that McCloskey ke for board at his restaurant. No. 70 St. Charles street. RBaovAx.-Mr. P. H. Short advertises in an other column that he has moved his office to the cornerof Camp and Girod streets, where he is prepared to ill orders on short notice. He sells y weight a choice coal, and guarantees satis faction to all his customers. As coal is likely to advance in price our readers maysave money by ordering their winter supply at once. Orders may also be left at the office of Mr. J. W. Davis. No. 20 Commercial Place, where they will me.t with prompt attention. Columbus (Ga.) city bonds for $250,000, leiued under act of March 13, 1872, have been put in suit by taxpayers of that city, on the plea that they were fraud ulently issued. F. NEWHALL, Importer and Dealer in Wall Paper and Window Shades, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. No.46 Camp street. Prices to suit the times. AR1 lm COAL. COAL. COAL. W. G. Wilmot & Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in PITTSBURG. ANTHRACITE AND CANNEL COAL. Families, Steamers. Factories. etc.. supplied at the lowest market rates. Coal in casks for shipment. Office. 166 Poydras street, New Orleans. Yard on L-vee, heal of Robin street. sel SaSuWe lm JERSEY AND ALDERNEY . ILK. KMILK. MILK. Pure and fresh, from the country, to be had at merner Caroadelet and Common streets and Branch, No. 69 Canal street, near the Custom.House, North Side. The only place In the city where this cele milk can be procured. rich and sweet Jersey and Alderney sad buttermilk, at a cents per glass. re daily on iee, va Jackson Railroad. from S dts Areol o Farm. Said stock is well-known .er's importations of 4 d Al-n go 1daks." Wh? SULLIVAN & BULGER, PLUMBERS AND GAS FITTERS, 95 Camp Street, New Orleans. GAB FIXTURES AND RANGES At New York Prices. The finest assortment. of Gas Fixtures in the South. WASHRTANDS. BATH-TUBH AND PUMPS. Five of the most popular patterns of Cooking Ranges. L,,ad iron and tin lined Pipe of all sites. Gas Fitting and Plumbing done with di(patch. se Afmuu PH(ENIX HOUSE, No. 9, Mt. Charles street, (Next door to the Academy of Music.) Opens to-night. Thoroughly refitted and rt painted in every de partnment. The most fa mous refreshment. house in New Orleans., RESTAURANT LIUOI(R DAI, OYSTER SA LOON BOWLING A LLEYS, SODA. MIEAD) and CONFECTONERY DEPAIRTMENTS. Cin otinnati LAGER, ice cold. see WAOUNS. 1O CLOSE OUT STOCK, WE ARE SELLING superior two-horse WAGONY S at Ue cash. MuNEELY & MILBUIIN. _see at S1ITu&F Im_ 74 Carondelet street. J. B. TRAPOLIN, 84...... Charles Street............84 Between Gravier and Common Streets. Informs his numerous friends and customers that he has just arrived with an entirely new stock of choicest novelties of foreign markets. He will he reamy to exhibit the same on the loth of September, and to furnish as beforethelatest styles on reasonable terms, soe it* T-IHE UNDEIfGNED HAVING. INCE' EP Ltember 1, 1877, transferred to Mrs. M. REYFF her business as boarding-housekeep ing, begs the public to continue their patron age to said Mrs. M. Reyff; who will do all in her power to please the customers TA ET. MR1. M. E. TAS-ET. T HE UNDERSIGNED INFORMS THE PUB Sle that since September 1, 1877, she has ac e u ired the busl hess as boarding-housekeepi ng. held by Mrs. M. E. TASSET, that she is not re sponsible for any debts contracted by Mrs. M. E. TASSHET previous to that date. se7 at* MRS. M. REYFF. PHILIP HIRSCH, C1 O 0P 3M 3R 9 So, 52. 54, r.. 58 and 6o North Peter street. Manufactory--Corner St. Louis and Miroe streets, New Orleans, Has for sale choice green Hogshead and Bar ret Poles ; also new Sugar Hogsheads Molasses Barrels. Half arrels and Kegs, all sines. Prices moderate. Satisfaction guaranteed. se7 am d&w T. A. BEOCK, MOfflee and Ralesroom, No. 27 Peters at., Manutactory. Carondelet Walk. between Roman and Prieur streets, New Orleans. Has constantly on hand Sugar Hongsheads. Molasses Barrels, Half Barrels. Kegs and Flour Barrels, new and sooond-hasd. Orders for Hoop-poles filled at the lowest market rates. Particular attention paid to trimming. sea 3md&w LUMBER ! CABINS i LUMBER ! The undersigned are still offering their stock in trade at lowest rates. The prices of their celebrated CARRE PLANTATION CABINM have been so reduced as to be within reach of all. Send for price lists. W. W. CARRE A CO., 350 Dolord street, sel tf New Basin. New Orleans. Rooms of the Joint Committee on the Examination of the Affairs of the Treasurer's Office. STATE HOUSE, New Orleans, August 30, 1877. The Joint Committee appointed under Joint Resolution No. 134, to examine the affairs of the Treasurer's office under the late administration of the State government, is now in session at the State-House. The public are respectfully requested to give in to the committee any infor mation pertinent to the investigation which they may have. The Secretary of the commit tee will be found at the rooms daily from 11 o'clock till 2, to whom information may be given or to the Chairman, or the members of the com mittee. E. D. WHITE, Chairman, 183 Common street. S. H. BUCK, Cotton Exchange Building. C. W. KEATING., No. 5 South street. E. ,. StINNElu Secretary. ausl 2w CANCELLATION OF BOND. UNITED STATEs OF AMERICA, tState of Louisiana, Executive Department. Whereas Mrs. CHRISTINA GARSTKAMP, of the city of New Orleans, has applied to me for the cancellation of a bond for the sum of TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS, sub scribed by the late John Garstkamp, her hus band, with Frank Leidenheimer. Jacob Haffner, John Rochm. Adam Ellenbach and Herman Rolle, as securities, dated the nineteenth day of January, 1875, to secure the faithful perform ance of the duties of said John Garstkamp as State tax collector for the Sixth District of th ' parish of Orleans, Now. therefore, I. Francis T. Nicholls, Gov ernor of the State of Louisiana. have thought proper to issue this, my proclamation, in order to give notice to all persons herein interested, to show cause, in writing, at the office of the Secretary of State, in the city of New Orleans. within ninety days from and after the last publication hereof, why said bond should not be cancelled and annulled. Given under my hand and the seal of the State of Louisiana, at the city of Orleans this twenty-fifth day of August. in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy seven, and of the one hundred and second year of the independence of the United States of America, FRANCIS T. NICHOLLS. Governor of the State of Louisiana. By the Governor: OsCAR ARRsoo, Assistant Secretary of State. au28 30t* CANCELLATION OF BOND. STATE OF LOUISIANA, Executive Department. Whereas JOSEPH DEMORUELLE. of the city of New Orleans, has applied to me for the can cellation of a bond for the sum of FIVE THOU SAND DOLLARS, subscribed by him, the said Joseph Demoruelle as principal, with Victor Demoruelle as security, dated on the twenty eighth day of November, 1874, and conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of said Joseph Demoruelle, as Constable for the Third Justice Court for the parish of Orleans. Now, therefore, I, FRANCIS T. NICHOLLS, Governor of the State of Louisiana, have thought proper to issue this my proclamation, in order to give notice to all persons herein in terested to show cause, in writing, at the office of the Secretary of State, in the city of New Or leans, within ninety days from and after the last publication hereof, why said bond should not be cancelled and annulled. Witness my hand. authenticated with the seal of the State of Louisiana. at the city of New Or leans, this twenty-fifth day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven and of the one hundred and second year of the independence of the United States of America, FRANCIS T. NIOHOLLS, Governor of the State of Loutsiana. By the Governor: Os can ALgaPOlu "P L. l oMegi. fle4quartet totmlr ny Iw, FiOreast ?l . ment Louistuna Infantry--New OrleansN pt. 8, la17.-Attention. Company .--The offioers and members who participated on the 14th September, 1874. and also those who served on the sth and 9th of January, 1877, are kereby no tified to attend a special meeting to be held at Temperance Hall, on Josephine, between Ful ton and Rousseau stroeets., MOND)AY EVENING, at half-tast seven p. m.. September to, 1577, Punctual attendance reulired as badges will be distributed for the occasion. By -order of: ED. FLOOD. Captain. W. H HARVEY, Ordoerly Horgeant. scO 2It Attention, Company E, Ilouisiana's Own. 'hrh members of this company are requested tI attend at Hawkins' Club room, 'rT1UEtD)AY EVENING next, for the purpose of making ar rangenlents for the D .pradae Htemther 14th. A. A. WOODS. Captain. C. E. WHIITNEY. Lieutenant. s 9 It special Notice to Opellosas Ihlippers. Owing to extreme low water and the lack of business. the steamer TRENTON has been with drawn until further notice. ses It JAMES L. IROBBINS, Captain. Attention Company i, C. C. W. I,.-The officers and men who were attached to Company B on the 14th September, 1874 and 4th of Janu ary. 1877 are ro.nqested to meet at the Kentucky Cotton P'ress oitHc, on MONDAY epteOmber 9. aLt 7 1'. M. GEO. IHI. LORD, Captain. W. B. STAwNSURY, Acting O. 8. see at Headquarters Crescent City White League, Now Orleans, Sept. 8. 1877-The officers of all ununiforw'nd commands which partici pated in the events of Septmber 14. 1874, and January 9. 1877, whose commands are assigned to this division In the parade on tie 14th inst.. in commemoration of our glorious anniver ary, are hereby requested to report to these headquarters by 12 o'clock on WEDNESDAY. 12th inst., the number of men they will have In line, as it is desired to prepare badges for the ununiformed veteran commands. A meeting of tile officers of this division is hereby called for WEDNESDAY EVENING. 12th inst., at 7 o'clock, at the Stock Exchange,. Varieties Alley. and every officer is earnestly requested to be present to receive final Instruc tions. By order of Colonel W. T. VAUDRY, Commanding White League Division. D. A. S. VAtUoIT, A. A. Adjutant General. se9 SuTuWn Attention. Company C, stonewall Bat tallon-The members of this Company will meet at the Morning Star Hall, corner of Camp and Poydras streets, on SUNDAY. September 9, 1877, at 5 o'clock p. am., sharp. Punctual attend once required. By order of W. B. KLEINPETER, Captain. J. B. WALTON, Ja., Orderly Sergeant. seS 21t Special Notice- Parties having claims against the steamboat EUREKA will present them without delay to J. II. MENGE & CO.. Nos. 9 and 11 Delta street. see tf Speclal Notice to Opelousas Shippers All freight transferred from tseamers BERTHA and BIG SUNFLOWER at Little Devil bar to Steamers CREOLE and MINNIE is Insured through. BRITTON & EPPLER. R. W. ADAMS sot tf HITE & CARLIN, Agents. Office of the New Orleans and Ouacilta River Transportation Company, No. 2 Canal street, corner Delta. Now Orleans. Aug. 30, 1877. A meeting of the stockholders of the company will be hold at the office thereof on MONDAY. Bopt. 10. 1877. at 10 o'clock a. m. for the purpose of taking into consideration the dissolution of the company. sERD. N. CELLOS, aual td Secre'ary. Special Notice - peelial Notice to Red River Shippers-We have placed the very light draft steamer TIMMIE BAKER, with our new barges (on which cargo insures same as on steamboatsL, in the shoal part of tied River. This insures certain and prompt delivery of all frOights shlpp'ld by un. The Baker will be joined by the FRANK WILLARD in a few days. JOS. A. AIKEN. au28 tf 111 Oravier street. Delinquent rsaxpayers--.tizens' savingp Bank. Grunnwald Hall, 22 Baronne street New Orleans. July 5, 1877-ThIs SAVINGd BANK will advance to Laborers, Mechanics. Clerks, etc. the money nocessary to pay their taxes under Act 96 of 1877, and repayment may be made to the Bank in weekly or monthly in stallments. M. BENNER. jyt tf Cashier. omce St. Bernara Coal Company 22 Carondelet street, New Orleans.--SPECIAL NOTICE.-The undersigned is preparod to con tract for COAL, for fall and winter supply, at following rates, delivered In any portion of the Familles..............................nSe per bbl. Steam ......... ...............c.......... , per bbl. Dealers ..................... . 45c per bbl. (haulinmthemselves.) jylt Su&Th 2m W. S. CAMPBELL. Agn.nt. For the Lake_ - Oilee of New Orleans City Railroad Company, No. 124 Canal street New Orleans, May 221877.-Until further notice trains for the Lake will leave the city every hour from 6 o'clock a. m. to a o'clock p. m., and every half hour from a . m. to 9:30 p. m. The last trainlwill leave the Lake End at 10:80 o'clock p. m. my2l tf 0.0. LEWIS, Secretary,. LOST-FOUND. iOUND-A SPOTTED CROWN POINTER ' SLUT-The owner can have her by apllyg ing to WM. F. JONES, 247 St. Louis street, or at the Villere street bridge. se9e t* L-OST-A SMALL BLACK AND TAN TETR rier Dog: answers to the name of Cute. Any one returning same to Willam Henry, No. 474 Carondelet btreet, will be liberally rewarded, see it* F OUND--FOUR NOTES, INDORSED BY -T 'hos. H. Hunt. The owner can have same by calling at MRS. CHAPLAIN, at the Cosmo politan Restaurant, Nos. 18 and 15 Royal street. 0se St M-OUND-ON THE TWENTY-EIGHTH DAY 22 of August, a fine SBtter SLUT, on St. Charles street, betweon Seventh and Eighth. Colored gray and brown. The owner can regain the same by paying for this advertisement and proving property. Call at the co~ner of Rois seau and Jackson streets. se7 BOARDING. SELECT PRIVATE BOARDING-OOMFORT ably furnished front rooms can be obtained, with or without board, by the day, week or month, by applying at the elegant private resi dence No. 140 Carondelet street. Parties in search of home comforts will find this a rare opportunity. A fine bath-room also attached to the house. References exchanged. je2s tf COPARTNERSHIPS. T HE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EX i' -ting under the name and firm of BUCK NER & CO.. is this day dissolved by the with drawal of the senior partner, H. R. BUCKNER. H. S. -UCKNER. JAS. BUCKN ER. NEWTON BUCKNER,. New Orleans. September 1, 1877. REFERRING TO THE ABOVE THE UNDER signed having assumed all liabilities of the late firm of BUCKNER & CO. will continue the Cotton Factorage and Commission business under the same name for their own occount and interest. JAS. BUCKNER. se5 1w NEWTON BUCKNER. THE CELEBRATED "E. CARVER" COYTON E-IN. E CARVER Ca All Sizes and Motion, and Duplicate Parts, FOR SALE AT REDUCED RATES BY OGDEN & BELL, DEALERS IN BAGGING AND TIES, No. Is Union street. sel 2m SLEDE F PLEDGES 3 PLEDtES I SRESPECTFULLY REQUEST ALL PERSONS owing me back interest on articles pledged by them topay for same by September 15. All forfeited edg will lvariably be SOLD AT SITUATIONS WANTB-UMIALUS. Dressmakers and seamttresses. ANTED-D R E S 8 M A K I N G-MISS LA PAUGH has just arriveddfrom Now York with the latest New York, Paris and London styles. Ladies wishing good work done. neat chenap quick and stylish, should call soon at 496 MIagazine street. seS It* W ANTED-BY A LADY OF EXPERIENCE at cutting and fitting, a position as Fore woman, or will work by the A ay in a h rlvate ftmily. Address DItESSMAKEIIR this or(ate. se7 at W ANTED-fI Y A YOUNG LADY, A MITUA tlon to sew ; is a first-class operator on snw ing machines. The best of relerence given. Address K. O. M., this office. s5a tf W. ANTED-BY A MIDDLE-AGED LADY of the highest respoetability, sewing in ai family by the lay. Terms modoeate. Address Mrs. . O.. this offoin. . o4 1w Housekeepers. W ANTED-IY AN INTELLIGENT YOUNG widow lady, in reduced circumstances, employment elther as a houlsekeeper or copy ist; unexc;eptlonal reference. Address M. A.. Democrat offlice. see 1w Cooks. Nurses. Chambermalds, Ete., W ANTED-A SfTUATION TO DO HOUSE work or to take charge of an infant. Ad dress I. X. L., at this office. 8s09 st W. ANTED-A SITUATION BY A FIRST class cook. Reference given if required. Address L. R. N. this office. sea W ANTED-A SITUATION BY A GOOD cook, either to wash and iron, or help in housework. Reference given If required. E. M., 40 Polymnla street, between St. Charles and I'rytania. se9 at W ANTVr'D - A SMART WHITE HOUSE girt, 14 or 10 years old. Apply, with refer onces, at 27 Constance street. ses 2t W ANTED -A SITUATION. BY A RESI'ECT able young girl to do house work, and is willing to assist in plain washing and ironing. Address T. C., this office, ses w XW ANTED-A SITUATION BY A RESPECT able young girl; is a good plain cook. and will also assist in house work. Address E. C., this office, ses 1w W ANTED-A SITUATION BY A YOUNG girl to do housework and sew. Pleseo address D. D., for a week. atethis office. se7 at W.ANTED-BY A MIDDLr-AGED WOMAN, to wash and Iron or plain washing, and in doing house-work. Inquire at o10 Galennte stree. The beat of reference can be given. e07 at W ANTED-AN INDUSTRIOUS AND TIDY woman for cooking and house work. Re ferences required. Apply at No.55 First street. jetS tf Wet Nurses. W ANTED-A SITUATION BY A YOUNG and respectable woman as wet nurse. Ad dress M. L. 0,, this off.ce sel at OITUATIONS WANTED--IALES. Clerks and salesmen. W ANTED-A SITUATION-AH SALES man, entry or shipping clerk, by a young man with seven years' experlence. who has also a practlca' knowledge of book-keeping. Ad dress W. S. P., this office. set 1w TIANTED-A YOUNG MARRIED MAN, OF considerable business experience, wishes a s'tuation in a commission wholesale dry goods or grocery house. Understands book keeping, but will mske himself useful in any other capacity. Can furnish good country and city references. Aduress BUSINESS, Demo crat offen. s.) 4t. W ANTED--A SITUATION BY AN EX perienced book-keeper, who can influence consignments of country produce. Address F., I)emocrat office, se7 it W ANTED-BY A YOUNG MAN A SITUA lion as assistant clerk or barkeeper on a steamboat; have had experience. Address J. E. H., Democrat ollice, ese 4t W ANTED-IN A WHIOLESALE GROCERY or Western produce house, a situation as assistant book-keeper, corresponding clerk, entry clerk, shipping clerk, receiving clerk. driver of a wagon, light porter. or any other position which the advertiser is capatle of fil ng, and which will pay a living salary. Ad dress B. X. L.. Democrat oofi.e. sec 1w TO RENT. O STANTED-A SMALL TWO-STORY HOUSE SV or co'tage with seven rooms, in the First or Fourth District. Rent not to exceed $20. Ad dress R.. Box 2099. P. O. se lt*" WITANTED)-TO RENT, A LARGE ROO1I ON the second floor of a building locat,+d on St. Charles or Camp streets, between Canal and Julia streets. Rent must be low. Address, with particulars. Postofflce Box 1789. s50 2t W ANTEI)-BY A 81NGLE GANTLEMAN, A furnished room, with or without board, where the comforts of a home can be obtained. State full particulars, price, etc., No reference to any particular portion of the city, Address HOME. Democrat office, se9 it W ANTED-TO RENT, WITH BOARD, TWO large, airy and comfortably furnished front rooms, in second story, gallery all round, con venient to two lines of cars, table always sup nlied with the finest that the market affords. No one need apply unless well recommended. Address X. X. X. Democrat office. jy7 tf MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED-A TENANT FOR A LARGE TWO story frame lwelling; ten rooms, hall on both floors, front and back galleries gas throughout, large yard, situated at No. 90 Pleas anti street, shady side, between Laurel and Con stance streets. Also, a cottage of ten rooms. will rent low to a good tenant. Apply to 357 Laurel street, near Pleasant, or to Keen. at Royal Canadian Insurance Company, No. 195 Grs vier street, see It* ANTED--BY AN ACTIVE AND EXPE rienced young man, a farm with stock and implements to work on shares: or will take charge of it for a stated salary. Best of refer once furnished. Address FAlRMER, Democrat office. see tf W.ANTED-AN ENGINEER TO TAKE charge of a steam engine on a cotton plan tation in Morehouse parish, La.. until January 1. 1878. State wages required and full particu lars as to qualifications habits, family, etc. Address W. W. FARMER, MIonroe, La. see at WTANTED-A FIRST-CLASS CUTTER AND fitter. Apply at 149 Bienville street. se9 ,$1 . FOR PIANO TUNING-BEST WORK. P-I o Magazine. D. LEECH, Solree Pianist. se4 1mSu* W ANTED-BY A YOUNG BOY, BETWEEN 10 and 18 years or ago, a situation in some private family, r as officeboy. Willing to make himself generally useful. Salary not so much an object as agood home and steady work. Ad dress J. H.. this office. ses 3t WI ANTED-THE UNDERHJIGNED DESIRES a young man who is willing to leave the city, to learn a good trade, earn a small salary, board and lodging. He must have about $100 to loan on iterest. Address, with full name, and where can be seen, M. O. N., this office. se8 W TANTED-BY A YOUNG MAN. A SITUA tion in a business house; knows English. Freneh. German, Spanish and book-keeping. Best of city references. Address L. R. J., 212 Chartres street. se 1w _',ITUATION WANTED-A S PR I V A T E , watchman. Is a married man; has lostthe use of one hand. Can furnish the very best of references from the best men in thiscity. Ad dress or apply to 98 Tehoupitoulas street. se4 lw W ANTED - A YOUNG MAN (WHITE) wish's a place as dining-room servant. Can bring best of references. Address JOE. this office. se4 iw TMRS. BLOCK-NO. 142 CAMP STREET. HAS _L on hand the best kind of help for city and country; has on hand one good German girl as housekeeper. aul7 tf WANTED-TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY solicitors to sell coal for the St. Bernard Coal Company, office 22 Carondelet street. Will Day five per cent on all cash orders for either St. Bernard or Pittsburg coal sold at follow ing raves. Same discount allowed all pur chasers for cash: St. Bernard Coal........ 5c per barrel. Pittsburg Coal......... ec- per barrel. aul2 lm W. S. CAMPBELL, Agent. SPiCIAL TO 8PORTSEN. loo U M C Shells, loaded, 31 1-................. 2 40 100 U M C Shells, loaded, 3'4 1-............ 2 o iooUMC8hells. loadd,33 I--&i'.-".. 260 25 Shells, 75e. 5o Shell, $1 5o. B. aSela s2e per Ie more. .er.res'orteo chara o seao. WANTI. 3LP" WAWNTU--FE1ALU. Ckambermatls, ) hoke, NarNes, etc. 'WTANTED--A BELIABLE AND SOBER woman to do the cooking, washing and housework for a family of two. Apply with re ferences at No. 15 Palmyra street. es W ANTED - A GOOD RESPECTABLE white woman to cook, wash and Iron for a small family. Apply at. PIlant Store,, 1: Canal str ot, Touro Building. est I W.AANTED--BY MRS. BLOCK, NO. 142 CAMP street, for the ount, y, one (Cook, one Washer and one Gardenor. Has on hand a good housekeeper. au7i tf "WANTED-AT LABOR AGENCY 12s GIROD h ear Camp street, established in 1847 tem Cooks Laundresses and House Girls. WM. CLELLAND. ie4 tf WANTED-rUPIill. WTTANTED-BY A TEACHER, THE CARE of a house from the 1st of July to the 1st of November Satisfactory references vil1 given. Address D., this office. 1.e tI W ANTED-BY A TEACHER A POSITION to teach. In either a family or a school, for board for self and two children. Address SD," this office. jc4 tf rOR, RENT. rf1O RENT-FROM THE FIRST OF OCT() h ber, the two-story frame building, No. :i, St. Charles street; contains halls, parlors, din. ingroom, kitchen, six bed and one cabinet room, gas, water and all modern improvemonts. Apply to W. T. RICHARDS, ses 2t. No. 434 Mt. Charles street. TO RENT-MEVERAL FURNISHED ROOMS, in suit or single, with the dining-room and kitchen if desired, at No. 151 St. Joseph street, near Camp. s eet It* fO RENT-A DELIGHTFULLY FURNIIHEI) Sfront room on the second floor, at No. 151 St. Joseph street. see 1t* F 1OR RENT--COTTAGE NO. 84 FIIRST ' street, containing six rooms ; rent $,t. Ap ply on the pretmises. Mstt FOR RENT-ON CANAL STREET 149, PART of the lower floor and the whole of two upper floors. Will rent in part to suit applicants or divide up in offices to suit professional gentle men. A fine front entrance will be provided. Also. store No. 596 Magazine street, occupied at present by IE. H. Adams & Bro. Apply to S. G. KRI~EGER, 149 Canal street. se9 it VO RENT--A LADY IN TIlE FOURTH DIS trict, Magazine street, is desirous of renting two furnished rooms, with or without board. Bent very cheap. Address C. W. C., Dem'?crat office. set at FOR BENT-AN ELG.AT SUIT OF ROOMS I' on second floor with pleasant front gal lery; well located for a dentist or oculist, or bed rooms and parlor, furnished or unfurnlsh ed. Apply at 219 Canal street. seo 1w FOR RENT-THE HANDSOME TWO-STORY ' briek house No. 377 Bienvllle street, between Prieur and Johnson streets, containing fourteen rooms, front gallery, hall, arched parlors, mar ble mantles, bath-room, stor-room, gas throughout, wood shed garden and stables. In quire at the corner of Prieur and Bienville streets. e s9 1w* ROOMS TO RIENT-THREE LARGE AIRY rooms for singlegentlemen or for a gentle man and his wife, with or without board, In a private family. Inquire at 439 Rampart, near MIelcomene. Near two lines of cars. se8 at 1)00M8, EN SUITE OR SINGLE, IN THE I elegant private residence No. 14 Dauphlne street, second do r from Canal. sel, 2w* TrO RENT-AT 105 BASIN STREET, FUK anlshed or unfurnished rooms. sey r10 RENT-HOUSE NO. 134 CANAL STREET. I between St. Charles and Carondelet streets if desirable the upper part will be rented separate. Apply to A. F. WEBER. same place. se5 lm* FOR RENT-TItHEE COTTAGES ON VAL once street eorn-r of Coliseum, on three years' l. se at $12 per month. Each has sepa rate yards, and in No. I order. Apply at No. 57 Camp street (up stairs). . se4 tf LOR RENT--tPLENDID BRICK 1RESI 1' dence, with large grounds, trees, etc., front ing the Mississippi river, between Clouet and Louisa streets, Tnxrd District. Stores Nos. 3 Tchoupitoulas, 69 Common 53 St.. Charles street, los St. Charles street, and It Exchange Alley. Possession given Immediately. For terms apply to A. ROCHEREAU & CO., 16 and is St. LouIs street, sel 2 3 9 16 23 t0 OR RENT-THE FARM AND BUILDINGS ' of the Agricultural and Mechanical College, situated in the parish of St. Bernard near the Chalmette Monu'mciet. Parties wishing to rent will address Lock Sox 375, stating offer in full. Approved security will be required. Applica tions will be received until September 10. scl lot O RENT-A TWO-STORY HOUSE--12 rooms and cellar, for $25 a month; Broad street, No. i, between Canal and Customhouse; pleasant neighborhood, au14 OR RENT-THE COTTAGE, NO. 1 ELY Ssan Fields street, containing eight rooms, kitchen, servant's room, two wells and a cis tern, together with several large lots and stable. The above is suitable for a large dairy, dray men or a gardener. Bent cheap to a good tenant. Apply at No. 144 Carondelet street. jes8 tf FOR SAIE. OR HALE CHEAP- A KNABE GRAND Piano; original cost $1500. Apply at 222 Baronne street, se9 lt* lOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-FOR IM 1' proved ,ountry property the residence No. i99 Eighth street, between Camp and Chestnut streets, Fourth District, city of New Orleans. The property measures 95 feet front by 125 feet in depth. two-story frame residence and back buildings, with every convenience, stable and carriage room, all in good order, well shaded with large trees, and convenient to two lines of street cars. Address residence 199 Eighth street. sel it iOR HALE-AN UPRIGHT PIANO, NEARLY new; will be sold cheap. Apply at 224 Eighth street. set tf OR SALE-ONE se-SAW, RIGHT HAND IPratt Gin, cheap. Apply at 26 Union street, First District. se2 15t F OR SALE-TWO LOTS, FORMING THI ' north corner of Common and Robertson streets, measuringflfty-eight feet front on Com mon; suitable for a feed store, undertakers' stables, blacksmith or small stores. Apply at No. 11 Claiborne, between Canal and asquet streets. H. EEBsE. au1) 2w e.od* F-OR SALE--A LARGE SUGAR PLANTA J2 tion in the parish of Pointe Coupee, Louis lana, measuring about fourteen arpents front on the Missississippi River, extending in depth to False River, and having an area of about twelve hundred arpents. With dwelling house, stables, barns, cabins for laborers, and with brick steam sugar-house; also the mules and farming utensils and seed cane. Apply to ARTHUR DENIS, su14 Im 104 Canal street. OR HALE OR RENT-THE TWO-STORY frame slated Dwelling House and appurte nances at the corner of at. Charles and Dufossat streets with large grounds, comprising the up per half of square bounded by St. Charles. Du fossat Bacchus and Soniat streets. A pply to ARTHUR DENIS, au14 Im 104 Canal street. FOR SALE-- TRACT OF LAND IN THE Sparish of Pointe Coupee, Louisiana, meas uring about twenty-three arpents front on False river, and containing about twenty-two hun dred acres sugar lanLds with brick steam sugar house and cabins for laborers. Will be sold either in block or in small farms, at the option Of purchaser. Apply to ARTHUR DENIS, aut4 Im 124 Canal street. For Bale. A Wheeler and Wilson SEWING MACHINE, new and in perfect order, will be sold very cheap. Address MACHINE, Democrat office, myl tf REMIOVALS. OUR FRIENDS ARE NOTIFIED THAT WE have changed our office from No. 37 to No. 23 ('arondelt t street and the flrm name from C. M. CONRAD A 8ON to seeWeFrtn C. M. & C A. CONRAD. REMOVAL ............ ........... REMOVAL. DR. IL bu t raa.meye his domicile 0 MIN r~oa~snisUt iVDWELL'S ACADEMY OF IIUSC. A. LOIG. Businges Marig;W Having been thoroughly refitted and r ated during the summer reronss, wll s season of 1877 antd '7 sunday Evening, reptember 9, With the Em perr of F'r",,tiditatenor, a. COMMAND UII CAZt NthIUVE, his flrest. pearan.o in Now Or erns1. Wilt D1.. . slries of enterrtairnm Bts, includ ilr .ti mont celtbraited Tricks with Cards - tHleight-of-lland Feats Wondenrful O .. l'rinks. rind the grelt mystery of the the DOUIBLE IN)IAN MAIL. In Mmine. CAZEN EUVE wil auPpir. . Performan.e every night. Wee netday dlt urday Matinre. G(rand Balcony every evening by thte f.amons Academy Box Office open .aturday. Heptember un D reserved seals. ttl $T. PATRICK'S HALL. G(RAND ENTERTAIn~RMT September I1I and 14. 1827. FIRST EVENING. PRIIZE POEM, PRIZE ESSAY, PRIZE COMM E.8AY, ON THE EVENTS OF THe Y. 14TI OF SEPTEMBER, 4t74. Awarding of the Premadums,. CoMsntrrxa or AwARD.-Edltors of ei. Ieans Times, Picayune, DI)mocrat, Stanr and Delta. Competitors should have their man sent to the Morning Htar offlee 11i, street, corner of Camp, by MONDAY ING, September 10, 1877. DEBATE: "IH TIIIH REPUBLIC A BUOCES ?S A FI MATIV. . W. B. rI(CHARDBON and GABRIEL BANT NOEATI VE, PAUL HENEY and HENRY GUY CARI .. Decision to be let, to the audience by btar~ Prize for tile best Debater-set "Chamber's cye)lopedia," awarded by a committer. CHILDREN'8 TABLEAU-"HOME JEW W*. '"Gallant lxty.llinth," MR. JOHN CONNERS and MITCHEL l TERY. LA MABELENA. TABLE&U-"GREENWOOD SHAI"I' T. SElCOND EVENING. NATIONAL AIR- .. Miss Mary A. "MULDOON' HSEPTEMBER TURN Olin. Mr. John Connors and Muldoon Bangers' TABLEAU METIIOPOLITAN EVOLU h RECITATION .... .."THE EMIGBAM'I "LITTLE FOOTSTEPSM." CAPT. JENK8 Blake Brothers and Cot UI'IDEE By a very Populatr Military Coor MOLSHTER JUBILEE. Musicians from every part of the world the conductorship of PROP. NOMO "The Minstrel Boy to the War.has Gotw . Miss M. A. Cannon. MAGNIFICENT TABLEAU "The Fallen Heroes" and "Greenw! Shaft." ' ADMI.HION . FIFTY CTS. EACH NI e9 11 12 13 GRAND MIIJTARY PICNIC -BY THE SIXTH COMPANY ORLEANS ARTILL -AT THE MAGNOLIA ARBDEW, -ON Munday, September, 9, . ,71. ADMIHBION FIFTY CENTS. LADIES ADMITTED BY INVITATION O0 CHILDREN FREE. PROOIAMIIE. Young Girls' Foot RTwve, from 8 to to years of age ....... .. . 3. Young Boys' Foot Rage, from 10 to 1 years of age-.. ............. a Gentlem n's Foot Race, open to all ... 3 ~ak R8 ......... ................... a Climbing Mlippery Pol .............. GIr1A' JumpIng Rope, of all ages- ..... a p Prize pot ...................... 1 Mr. Chaillet and his troupe. of the " Francais." who hawv kindly volunteered thig services for the occasion, will be heard tis following: Overtur ........ Zouave et Conscrit, pocha le mllitaire, . [MM. Mary et h Les Diamants de la Couronn , [MM. Kerkel et P Ma Legitime ......... ......... ie ia.......... ......... . a Feuill 'ouss ..................M Le Bllanchlsseur ...... .............. Fantaisle sulr Faust. .. MM, Kerkel et Los Deux Aveugles ..... MM. Maryetf L'honnenr et I'Argent ................ L.en Calsers ......................... M le. Le (Garcond'Honneur ... ..........:.M Re La Faute a Madame ..................... Curtain will rise at 7 o'clock p. m. M. Gulgnol's grand eomico-tragico dramsa GRAND CALL. COMMITTEE/OF ARRANGEMENTS. C. ROUYER, Chairman, Lieut. T. Nobles, N. Rivera. David hisser, L. Bauer, Jr.. P. Gassalle, (eo. Fatzer. PIA)OR MANAGERS. LIEUT. E. PACHOUD, Chairman. Lieut. E. Dronet, H!rg't. L. Baser. rir i Serg't H. Guinle. Corporal F. Kelea, - Corporal E. Rubod, Private D. HRiser, Private J. Kohler. Private A. Borsay.. Private J, P. P. David. 4r"& 4t CITIZENE.Y $AVLNa BA ., IA Bank for Small Savings) GRUNEWALD HALL, 22.............Baronne street...............W" SPECIAL LEGISLATIVE OHABTE.. This Savings Bank will reeive on depoesit at" Day interest at the rate of 8a er cent per a.n -, on such small sums of money as may from ts r-i to time be offered therefor by mechanics, . . minors and others, thus securing proeit iml from robbery, accident or fraud, andalso. Ing a means of Drofit on savings by thes - annual interest paid. By provision of law. marrtied and minors can depost mo in the. r namn,.md it .mbedrawnbby emeel fbeatos canr of tt u s c"ontrolled ."