Newspaper Page Text
DAILY DEMOCRAT. 5n M Ors t0r PAPE* 3103lW70U3 RATNI'., e -a m f e hana d at sam e rate hal-f £DVUllRTIZO I.ATUI--DAILY. Tt e ts$pe wsquare (ten t oo, ,ve meeon. T ent. or e~s and dnal ad n, et oash. soll mea tha M °entst perlio of one month c n oents a line, net. .i dtorl type. oe oents a Snet. iquares. I- mo. ,m. In. . mo. 15 m.I . . .........U s 5o 80 1I e o. N. s 70 110 176 r .... ... 99 140 326 6 4NA s 10 170 n75 ,.. ........ 6. M 10 900 70 i....l.... s l 16s o to a......6. 145 196 75 600I S....I I6 10 0 60 06 thly aleements. flaying the rn of rates. aas o te e . each 4ee 1 sAr Aeser!is In the Weekly neW onee.. JDeeerat. Yranent iad semal rato the same as for I moger.a s ithe eriod of one month Huares, I n. I mo. mo. I mo. 1 m. .... 6.. 3. II 67 30 ,........ 1 16 B0 90 h".....,... 14 U e 120 t'" 41 165 ':1 166 180 r5... 0 s so 145 195 eolimn M 30 16 3s NOTES. -Admiral Semmes has left several works in manuucript. -Convict labor In England last year pro aluced $75,000. -The English and Irish Roman Catholic prelates are about to revise the Douay Bible. -The Entomological Commissioners who were sent out West by the government say there need be no fear of grasshoppers this year. -Plevna contains about 17,000 people, two churches, nineteen mosques, nine minarets; 1497 houses are inhabited by Christians, and 2567 by Mussulmans. -Quinine is now so high in price in Europe that doctors are using instead the liquid solu tion of strychnine, and find it nearly as effi saclous and much cheaper. -The many miles of snow sheds on the Central Pacific Railroad are to he provided with watchmen and an alarm telegraph. There is danger of a fire sweeping them sway. -It has been proved in Nevada and other silver-producing States of the West that capital devoted to agriculture pays better 'and more regularly than If put into gold and silver mines. -The (Gnebas, a tribe on the west coast of Afrlca, Christianized by the late Bishop Payhe, of the Protestant Episcopal Church, are described as being industrious, Intelli gent, and possessed of wonderful facility for acquiring foreign languages. -In many parts of the West stump-pullers have been almost superseded by dynamic eartridges, which are inserted under the stump holes made by a long earth auger, and on being fired lift out and demolish the stump, without making a large hole. -Lawrence, or better known to his early cmepanions as "Lar" Donahue-and possibly mow Lar Donahue Pasha-is a popular officer in the Turkish infantry. His military career has been very remarkable. He served as a Britishr private in the Crimea, as a Zouave in the Papal army, as a French soldier in the Franco-Prusslan war, and as a Carlist in Spain. He is young, rich and accomplished. -The London World says that thePope sever laughed so heartily as when he read in an Italian paper the translation of an article of the Republique Fran~aise, stating that Plo Nono had been dead a long time, and that the cardinals had put in his place a priest who, by his resemblance to the late Pope, could play the role of the defunct. The Pope was so delighted that he exclaimed, "Our Catholic papers are never so witty and amusing !" and he ordered a subscription for five years to be taken in his name to the Republique Fran caise. "We shall see," he added, "who will last the longer, the Glambetta paper or I." -Poor Marshal MacMahon is being chas tised by the Univers with whips of scorpions, because during his recent visit to Caen his visit to the church was too brief and his atti tude within it not sufficiently devote. A prie dies had been prepared for him, but he did not kneel, though Napoleon III never visited a church without worshiping on both knees, and the correspondent of Univers had s on "even M. Thiers kneel on one occasion at Ver sallies." And, further and worse, though the Bishop had given the Marshal a broad hint about the urgent necessity of church re pairs, the Marshal did not promise him a centime towards them. Is this a foreign country? Russia leather is made in Connecticut, Bor deaux wine is manufactured in Cali fornia, French lace is woven in New York, Italian marble is dug in Ken tucky, Marseilles linen is produced in Massachusetts, English cassimere is made in New Hampshire, Parian art work comes from a shop in Boston, Spanish mackerel are caught on the New Jersey coast and Havana cigars are rolled out by the million in Chicago. .0. '----wo---- M. Krantz, the commissioner gen sral for the Paris Exhibition, has addressed a circular to the foreign representatives announcing that the principal parts of the Exhibition build Ing will be finished on the 15th of Sep tember. Architects and engineers of the foreign commissions will then be admitted to commence work upon the sides allotted to them. Pinkerton's detectives have discovered betwesn 190 and 200 boys in various parts of the country each of whom an awered more or less to the description of Charlie Ross. The subscription of $90,000 made by prominent citizens of Phil~ elphlmaas been almost entirely search. W.ri at de atlon is that you are w.ridng?" said an Austrian sergeant to £ new recruit. The man blushed deep . ly, and responded: "It is a medal cow won at the cattle show." THE MEEIING OF THE EMPIEROUi. An Alliance Between Servia, Roumanla and Greece. IN. Y. Time..] The results of the interview of Ischl still continue to be the great question of interest, and it is semi-officially de clared that not only will Austria with draw her objections to the offensive participation of Roumania in the war, Sbut that Servia is at liberty to attack ' the Porte whenever she pleases, provi ded the Bosnian and Herzegovinian in surgents receive no assistance, and that the military operations be limited to the direction of the eastern and southern frontiers-that is, to the Timok t and Morava valleys. There is then very little doubt that hostilities will shortly commence along those lines 5 and will be contemporaneous 6 with a general government among the Greek populations in Thrace Mace donia, Epirus and Thessaly. Indeed, the most serious symptom of the al leged Servo-Greeco-Roumanian alliance is to be found in the organization of u bands of Helenic volunteers in Rou a mania, where free passage on the rail Sways is given to all who desire to re turn to Greece. Five hundred young men started last week for Athens, and new war committees are being organ ized in the interior and a newspaper, the SUllagrus, has been started in the capital, which, in Greek and French, r openly advocates a union of all the races of Eastern Christians for the assertion of their rights. Although the announcement of this alliance is probably premature, there is no doubt that the movement in that direction has begun, and even should the German government refuse the request made by King George for a couple of its gen erals, to whom the command of his army shall be confided, there is little doubt that a Hellenic insurrection will seriously embarrass the Turkish plans. The Hellenes know that they have nothing to hope for from European di plomacy, and that they will receive nothing except what they may gain for themselves, and so they propose to take up arms. The patriotic commit tee Rigas, whose headquarters are at Athens, is manifesting an extra ordinary activity, and within a short time everything tends to show that its - programme will be put into action. It is almost superfluous to speak of the agitation in Crete, where the refusal of the population to send a commission composed half of Christians, half of Mussulmans to confer with the Porte on the question of certain reforms de manded by the inhabitants, has pro voked an order for the seizure of some of the notables of the island. Persons here, in direct communication with the province, confidently assert that the ex ecution of the imperial irade will be the signal for the outbreak of the in surrection, in spite of the presence of the English fleet. In short, the move ment in the East is fast assuming such proportions that should diplomacy fail in finding a perfectly satisfactory solu tion to the question within the next six weeks, the conflagration will become general, and will not be quenched ex cept by the extermination of the Chris tian element or the dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire. Still, before either of these issues can be realized, many a scene of horror will be enacted, and blood will flow like water in the. valleys of the Maritza and the Morava. -- - . "--- THE SOUTH CAROLINA ROGU;E. [Ooarier-Journal.] The matter of the South Carolina plunderers grows more interesting every day. A paragraph in the Charles ton News and Courrier seems to indicate that Y. J. P. Owens, who was reported to have died in Baltimore last week, is not dead at all. That paper says: "His temporal troubles are not yet over. A requisition will insure his return to South Carolina, and the proof of his barzen rascality in stealing public money and funding stolen cou pons, are ready for the intelligent jury who will honor him with their attention. Owens could not expect to cheat the jailer by dying so inopportunely." Ac cording to this, it must be somebody else's corpse instead of Owens' that has created so much stir in Baltimore. All the rogues are not to be punished, how ever. Jones and Woodruff, the clerks of the State Senate and House, through whose connivance the fraudulent pay certificates were issued and swin dling contracts for printing made, have turned State's evidence and saved themselves and their fine houses in Charleston. Each of these two "sur renders twenty-eight thousand dollars of bonanza warrants and all claims against the State for printing, etc. Jones also surrenders his Beaufort property, valued at twelve thousand dollars and Woodruff surrenders the Republican Printing Company's build ing and fixtures in Columbia, valued at about seven thousand dollars, and also claims against the Bank of the State for one hundred and thirty thousand dol lars." MORMON WIVES OF THIRTEEN. [New York Times Letter.] I arrived in Utah about the time the "Inquisitorial Reform" began. The out side world knows little about this. The authorities of the Church caused it to be proclaimed that the people, by their dilatoriness in taking plural wives, their scanty payment of tithes, and other shortcomings, had displeased the Lord. The territory was traversed by mission aries who preached to that effect, and a confessional was established-or rather a catechism prepared-with the view of obtaining information as to the life of every family and its members. The country was districted, and "teachers" were appointed for each district. The duty of these men-for they were all men-was to visit every house in their respective districts, and put the ques tions laid down by the head of the church to each individual alone. These inquiries searched into the most sacred relations, and had to be answered on oath. The result of this inquisito rial reform was that the Mormons were found to be the most iniquitous of peo ple. and Brigham Young decreed a gen eral baptism of every male and female in the church. My house was visited by one of these teachers In the absence of my husband. I re fused to hear his questions, and he insisted that I should. I took my husband's rifle and ordered the teacher to leave the premises at once, which he did in great haste. Another branch of this reform was the instructing of girls in the importance of plolygamy, and what their duty was as brides of "God's chosen people." All girls from the age of 12 years and upward were compelled to attend lectures by the Elders on these subjects. Many of them, acting on the doctrine that was inculcated, were led to become plural wives as young as 13 years of age. I never heard of any force being used in Salt Lake City to induce these children to "seal" themselves to men, but at Co rinne, or what has become Corinne, a number of girls were once confined in a house until they were starved into con senting to become wives. They were usu ally promised that they would be sent to school until they were of age before being expected to take their positions as these plural wives, but these promises were seldomr kept. I knew three girls who ran away from their "husbands" and took refuge at Camp Douglas, and there were a great many who did so, some of them marrying soldiers. Nota few became women of the town. Theu reign of the "Inquisitorial Reform" lasted several years, and was the era of licentiousness, murder and destitution. ...... .0. ..... FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. MONETARY. OFFICE NEW OIILEANH DEMOCTIAT. Friday Evering, Hept. 1t. 1877. J NEW ORLEANS CLEARING HOUSE. Clearings. I alanons' September H............ $876.41 (w $90,981 49 September l0........... 716,4311 41 112.511 81 September 11 979,7851 2 105,732 94 neptember 12........... 791.79 7 153.575 14 8pteomber 13 .... 8,052 12 17,911 24 September 1....... 805,0 o 77,474 28 Total this week .... . $4,95,199 1in $717.237 10 Total last week . ..... 4,074,314 511 627.440 51 'Total week before .....230.584 11 570.417 95 The demand for money has been active through the week, both in bank and on the street. but without. any quotable advane In the rates for eomnlmercial paper. The offerings have been from all branches of trade, with more inqufiry fronl cotton factors. In the facfe of an Increasing demand for Money, State Consols and rerlmium Bonds have been unusually active and higher, the market closing to-day at 810 81 !4. aallintTs'Wr79 on last Friday for the former and 3:1.ra.33'f for the lat ter, against 3::P'rta'.. Scrip, Coupons and Warrants have shown little animation or quo table variation. The movement In Gold and Fort lgn bills bas been quite liamitAl., and the market hlas de clined slightly for both. Thle offtTerings of New York sight have btleon more liilral, and(l the market was easier without being qu(otably lower. The celehration rof the 14th of HoSptemlber an nlversary was closely olbsrvel In finalncial cir cles, the Stock Exclhingo closing at 1 p. m. and n1 arly all departments suspending opera tions. Wocontlnul to qulte: Exceptlonnl commer cial papelr 9ld10 dll eont. per annum dtseolnt ; At do 11t(l2: second grade do l1(@--; llatera.l loans 9IdOflo Al mlortgages loi--, llnd secontd gradle ilo nominal. Gold opened at 1na'31 t h1, against 10', at New York. and after al lirnited t l uiness closed at the opening rates in both markets. The sal1es summed up $29,0wfo,. remracing $10,00l at. 193:l., and 4000o and $15.l,1 at 101fi. Foreign Exchlange was without quotable vari ation, and no sales were reported. At the close sterling bills were quoted at. 495@1 497 for hill of lading and Al clear. and bank at --'9501 '; (batnk roulnter rate -(-5o2), and francs at 75.07V,5.11.', for commercial anll noninfal for blink. New York sight was unchanged. The sales coaml prised $30,10)0 commert-al and 5(1.15lOt) private bankers' lat :1-1 pel'r cent premiulIl. The banks continued to cheek on New York at '.@'4 P1 cent premium, anid commIlercfial sight was still quoted at bo 23-1:. NEW ORLEANS STOCIK EXCHANGE HALES. FIRST CALL, AT 11 A, M. $1000 State Consols ........ ..... . ..... I' BETWEEN FIRST CALL AND I1 O':LOC(K P. M. 151 (4 State Con.lla ....... ......... 81'4 The Exchange closed after 1 p. m. lThe movement in LUonfds was quite1 limited. and State Consols closed at 1"'81'i, againlst Ml(rrf8f 1 yesterday. and PIreiniiul Bonds were still quoteld ait 3:l,.@33h;. City Hcrip ruled at 331,0i34 , for 1871 issues11 480 59 for 1575 and :11', 3:1!, for 1876. Coupons wore qtluoted at 3f1',0.T17"7 and State Warrants at !9401, 195(. COMMERCIAL. OFFICE NEW ORLEANS DEMOCRAT. Friday Evening. Sept. 14. 1877. COTTON-Thesales to-day were confined to 150 bfles at prices requinri+g no change ill our Iqullltllll. We give aO the figures and re port of the Exchanug IS Ibelow: AMIElIICAN STANDARD OF (CLASIFICtATION. G(enrnl Exchinge quotations. IluOtati"n'i. Inferior......'...... ...... 7t4(4l 8 Low Ordinary............ H'9R@ 41 Ordinary.......... ....... 9 @ .914 Strict Ordinary.......... ..,t5t 9'., Good Ordinary ...........1 rcl0' 10. Strict Good Ordinary....lo's10'. Low Middling............ i0loi'1.' lo'i Strict Lojw Middling ..... lo ,r9(101 Mliddling................ 1.o. 11 i1 11 Strict Middling..........i t 9r1ll Good Middling. :.........I 51 'i 11 Middling Fair............ li.'z ll, , Fair.......................111&' 12 The movement was checked not only by the scant supply nlid the prices asked by factors, but by the day's celebration, in whibh s, large a number of our citizel s in every department of trade were active partlelpants. At an early hour the Exchange was i ll i' d.esertefJd, Its well as the streets in the vidlcity. andbusinss was entirely suspfcnded. The sales were consequently confined to the limited alollInt noted above. Nothing trans pired to establish any quotable variation in pries, which were fully maintained. The dis patches reportend Liverpool active. aIt the pre violus advance, with sales of 15, 1()1 bales and arrivals hr Id 1-321d higher, but closing, ulet and easy: Manchestoptlrmer and an adlvanle de manded, which buyers refused' Havre quiet at an advance of 1 franc in Low liddling afloat, and New York firm at previous rates for spots and irregular r for futures, which closed at a do in of 1-1009(3-10t0 In Septembers to Domm Irs, 4-1(10 in Januarys, 5-1o0@76-106oo in Fetrua rys and I-l0o(e3-1(e4) in the later months. The sales the past three days sum nD 1150 bales (750 on Wednesday, 250 yeterday and 15(0 to-day), makingtan aggregate for the week of 2700 bales, against 3600 last week and 3400oo the week before. Week's receipts 2446 bales, embracing 1057 from other delivery ports (of which 179 from Mobile and 878 fromnl Texas), and 1389 proper. against 1319proper last week and 612:39 last year. T'otal proper sincek August :31, 2728 bales, against 9539 last year-dIecrejase 6,811. The exports comprise 2122 bales, .nmbracing 823 to Liverpool andl 17r4 to New York. The Exchange telegrams make the receipts at all the ports from 12 m. yesterday to 12 m. to-day 2499 bales, against 1701 last week and 8403: last rear, and since Friday 13.109 h;LIJs, against 5733 ast week and 40,.32 last year. T1,tal since August 31. 1.8,835 balles., aglainst 53,812 liD 1to Thursday noon. Heut-mber 14, last, year-de orease 35,007 hales. Exports (Friday to Thursday inclusive) to Great Britain 1873 bales, against 5(14 last week and 7773 last year, and to the Continlnt :!sao bales, against 288 last week and 2;15 last year. Extorts at all ports since September- 1. to Great Britain 7817 bales. against 1(,:188 last year:; to France 128 tales, againet 5330 last year. and to tno Continent 4009 bales, against 235 last year. Total to Great Britain, France andi the Conti nrnt 12.005 bales, against 21.853 last year. Stocks at all the drelivery Dorts maide up to 12 m. 107,955 bales, against 1132.3(0 last week. and 127,:129 last year. The wee k's receipts at tlhe chief interior towns embrae 5771i bales, against 18i2 last 9weK and 11,085 last year: the shioments 54(,1 bales, against 1584 last week and 7191 list year. andl the stocks 93(87 bales, against 9302 last week and 11.124 la,-t year. Compared with last year this shows a decrease of 5314 bales in the receipts. 170s8 in theshiD mots, andl 17:17 in the stocks. The Exchange makes the amount on ship board, not clearedl (before to-day's xportes of 8s: bahls) 2905: bales, embracing 750 for Liverpool, !s13 for Havre andl 3:14 for coastwise ports, leaving in Dresses, agrefcably t9 its account at 12 m., 17,0o(; bales. only a small part of which is on sale. At noon to-day Middling was quoteld at Gal veston at 10' eat Mobi;e at lO'.c, at Sarannah at 10 11-11;0. at Charlestonu alt 10o..alI 'o, at ilmning ton alt lob , at Norfolk at 1010, att Baltimore at 11 .1, alt New York att 11:,it Bostrlron at I 10, at MImphi s t lolc. at Algusta at 1il:l:-, at Phi a dolltlhil at l c. at Cininnati at l oliY . anl f"t St Luis at lOin,+ Thl to th, Exchange r-prted tilhe Boluloly movem,:nt a0 ftolllws: This Year. Last Year.;t Cn:i- Great Conti Britain. nn'. lBritain. neut. Shipments sine, Slt. .. .. .... .. 1,000 Previously......31,.,1j0 41.7,000 521.000 374,001 Totals...........386,o00 407,91 0 521.000 375 000 1077. 1876. 1875. Receipts week ending Sept. 13 ........ 3.000 2,001 Previously........... 8,000 )87,.,(100 1,197,000 Total to date....... - 1,9000 90,.000 1,199.0300 Afloat in Bombay harbor Sopt. 13 .... 1,000 8.0c 3,000 Compared wilh last year the above shows a decrease in shipments of 135:,00 bales to Great Britain, and an increase of 32.0.0 to the Conti nent-net decrease lo,000u-and an increase in the recepts of 0000; and compared with the year before a deergase in the shipments of 3ts,eoo. and in the rtoeiptn of 201 000. The follo*ing ahbstracti from the crop account of the National Cotton Exchange (vet In the hmnri of the crop committee, who have not yet, ba- sedi on its details), we copy from the bulletin board of the Exchanrge: 1576-7. 1975-7, Itor pipt at.. U. . ports ...... 4.,05,193 4,19.71 FJxponr's t', Great ritain.... 1t.4,418 2.019.7'9)' Exports to i'l'rlll 4' l,l 8 456,4"74 ExtIrts to (Cn'tt ndl Ml'xico 40r1.1 , 844.046 Exports to Channel ....... 12.t. . 75,534 Total exports .- .... 3.028,13 3,232253 Total ovrland . .027,714 *, ,22 'T'otaul dire"t to miJll .. 3:12,rw4 30..227 Etirrted UI.. 4 .otr losmpti'n 1.428.105 1.:i',4.192 E, ttimtetd ro'ns'ptrio tiouth. inclruing !08 froun ports 1'25,) 1'33,37 Edlti nmted prop ....... .7.1 43'2.3 13 Est imnortel erop. Hea Island 1.3,2 11. 15 Average weight total crop. 4,..41 tr,. against *t642.4;7 It.1t yrlar. Average weight total crop Srla Island l5.r1 It, againsst 123,2 Iast yea*r. COTTON STATEMIENT. tonok on trandt Htetermber 1. 1577...... 21.5,8 Arriverid inrr,"ltrst statrement . 229 Arrived previously............. 1.,14- 4,043 (lea.rel to-dary .................... aR (I. arred previously ..... ........ ;24r - 7,14 Stoek on hand anrl on shipbohard not cleared ... ..... ................. 10.520 Htock crame time inst year .. ........ 29,t6;9 To-dal y's ex po'rts wern to Liverrporl. We htrave adlded to previous exports H3 bales for correc tio r of cle'arances. I, 'epts proper since last evening 22 hales, agn inst 254r on last Friday anrl 10(6s lnst year. For comparative totals for the part three clays' exports and receipts or", above report. TOBACCO-We did not hear of a trans action to-day. Thue amourlnt on Ra.l hast ben redtlued to 6950 hhds. We continue to qluote 1as follows : Inferior lugs :(3@'o. ', low Iogs 3 `204,. medium 4'r44.c ' good t'o ltre 50 c. low ler 4t7 media r ,r0'.. good 10olle, flne l11alr12c, andt selections 12.'%(S14v. TOrIA(t.") A TATEMTENT. Stook on hand BSPt"rn,.',r 1.1477 ( 4.5,4 Arri vPd Ithro"s t i· y I: Arrive+d prcvio'll y ... . - 434 9,ols Exported pnst thr,-' days . 410 Exo,,rt"d pr"viou"ll lv 1,472 Br'ok'n iup for haling, ityIonsul]pll tion. etc Mr7 .. . - 1.122 Slto k on hand, t .............. ...... 7.011; FItEIGHlTS-Woe haveo no nw faIt urae to not)"e in tlhe market and conti nu'e to qunot as follows: By steam--otton to Liverpool, -4r drl ; to Bo't ton, l'rovidene', Fall 1iv,'r, t'hilad:l phia and ialtim ort, via Now York he. to Now York ;,e; grain to Liv"rpool 121d. Bly sail-Cotton to Liverpool --d: to Havre le. HtUIA I.-ll-Ir.,I veI thils morningg- non". The stork undor tIh, shtds is 1l14 hhds. against 703 hhlds Iant your. Th're is notr demawnl for round loto, but job lo'ts Larl minodoratoly acltiv'. 10 hhds 4hioIi,' soldd at 9'.,''. and 12i? hdt-, y'tllow clarifi,'di ,on privata t"rms. W,'i qilote: Fair to good fair R1as8'4. Dr.ime H '4,. 4 .',estrictly prim" 4-,,. trlt Iv prim' to "hoe .t, yellow eltariff'd 94o9o,. off whit-4 s',".% whiter clarifled lo'" ," lb. MOLAHHES--N, rec"ipts this morninr. The Rstok nil''r the' nh''rl" is 51 ht,ls alnd 2 haillf hbb,. Ilgainlt. 251 hhhls Uit yoar. Th're" Isir"rr'.ly any s';lling. hencn we ernitl qllotatlllons. CITY REFINERY HU(IAll - Is selling on orders at 11l'.'"i ,' for stamiil n'd A in tits. 110', for powder'rd and' grnilat",d, l. 11 for crushed and 124: for ,,ut-,loaf in hlls. CITY REFINERY MOILAShiE4H-The market Is dull, at Ilnchaingtdl ptrl,'s. St-lling on orders at 45" for fair. 50"' fr prim', 55" for ('hoice, and s5e V' gallon for gol(den syruIt'. FLO)UR-Th"re were no rte4(ipts this morn ing. The market, is d li, but s4tready and un "lhang"i, and the salt's to-diy ar,' cornflind to, 4711 hIls. of whi'h i;t dorbtl' '.xtra at $5 25; 25 g.,odl trl'' extra at 5 75 ; r,5( and nl , 50hoi,"' trehle ,xtra lt 44 50: 25 cho'tl' extra at 3c 75; 150 dto at $7 ; 25 and 50 at $7 121, ; and 40 Ill,s. fancy at $7 25 Common is ulotit"d Pt $411 25 ; svllDerflne $44 501 4 75: 'dnlf" ,'xtra $5; low trIbl" e'xtra $5 25@t, ; good dio $l 7 "' ti.; ; ' fh,,i,' 1o ( i t 2 ' 5; " choi('. extra $4 750 7 : tan'v $7 12i''" 7 .7 '* " bbii. D)'al"rs and g;, ""res obtain 5(.: above these , ri',s. IRYE FLOUR-Is 'quoted in first hands at $5 25r" 5( 1 ' bht. COIIN ITLOUl't-R.lls at $1 25 7" tbl. HOMINY--Is qui.ited uonominallsY Iat $3 2rii' 75 GI(ITH--Sell ,n the landling at $3 i0er' I s' hhl. D"al"rs are jothtin in store at $4 25'-M4 41 4 bbl. l'E4 IlL ME"AL-C',nmmands $3 7."/ '+ th,1l. ('iEAM IEAI--Is selling at s3 45,14 t bbl.ti (tuIIN MEAL--Th't'r was. at,'tter inquiry to day, but only 25h ls sold at $2 40o hbl. Hold "rs alr" asking $2 4r11 2 5.i, and dealers ar.e jotb bing tilS 75 Ih Ibl. GOlIN N I ULK-There were sales last week of OS(10 bushels at 52', anrd 57,' hus.h"l. WilT E4'1'-Is salalte at $1l 25'#1 It 'r hulsh"l. P'ORIK-The market is liIfless to-tlay and 250 'P bbl weaker. Ml,"'- is u,fitefd at 4141@14 25 f " bbl. DIJlers' are jobbitn at $14 7T5115 i ' bbl. DRIY MALT MEAT--'The market ,s bare of suPtdlies. the l4fst having solII ye'strday at ", ep for shoulders, o10se. T hiey are off'iriug to ar rivn at It'," t r t. BACON--The inarket is l re.hbut sn4upvli'n ar exp e"ted and prir.s are 'nct r' we'aker. .uI ulles to arrive are off'-ring freely, but there is no dnmrnnd in that way. Shouldlers ar, qluoted at. 7V", 74.D' ; clear ri)b si' n css7, 9'; h i'tar slrl.e 9'.,' i' It,. Only ; and 9 "asks shoulders sold at 7',"' 0 lth. Dnalers are jobling shouldiers at 7'e:; 'ear rib sds d ,e : , l("ar sid4es lo it,. HAMS-('ihr,le sugar-"ur,,d aire in light sup ply and good dema' d iitii.i. 12'., a13o, as in brandrt anld izL'. l"al'rs are, Jobbing tlt '.,' above thise prices. A lot of l; tier-eos sold at 12"';" SIt-.' I, LS1D-Tier", is selling to the local trade at .1 2 ', ,- for refin'd, and '" o''.(c far kettile; k('g f(1(.)T o, for re.ined and 10'tulle for kettle. iDallers obltain ,"r above these prir(ces in their order trade. BREAKFAST BACON-Chol'e is in light su1p ply andi good demanll, at 10" i1 It, in filrt handfs. PACKERIS' 110g PRODUCTSr-Dealers are selling in their j,tb trade on orrlers at 44 7 harll bbl for pig pork, $12 5o 4" 1 ,11 fir prime m'.ss pork $10 for prime. anld $11 for rumpII pork. WFIISKY--Is dnll, anl Western reotifl"rI is quoted at $1 ,i7`2(l 1 in ' gallo Inin flrst hands. Dealelrs obtain the ':li-,tomary advanci on job lots. COIRN IN SACKIH--Goo,d supply and very little demand, Only 151c, reeks sold alt 7o'o hushi'l. OA'UT-Thre is a fair supply, buti the demandl is limnit"d at previous rat's. 400 sacks sold, rof whir'h 1o aldd G(;alna at 4(,,. and :07 Texas at 42( r bushel. St. Louis ar, 'iuote"'d ait :7 (io", .' bushel. BRAN-Is in gr',l snDuply, but no sales4 of nr tr. Quoted at 7r,' " 100 t,. HAY-The ,supply on th" landing is about out and only a limit"d city demand. 7, htal's cihoil:r' sold at $16 5o0 " toli. Ordinary is quoted: at 314; primno Timothy $10;. BAGGING-The market. is firm and the de mannrl r,ntitnuls goor,d. with small sto,'k' on hnld. Rounld lots are held at 1:1.:''; Job lots 14(, 14'.,' -4 yard. RICE-The recent rains have he:n nearly throughout. the rie region and caus' di a great damage to the crops: should it ,'cntinue the loss will be from t0 to 12 -r cent. We hear that I here is large ouantities of rough cut now re maining on thel fields. IbReceipts are small and st:ocks on the market are insufficient. Orders for shipment arer unexecuted. R:ough is ".liung at $4 (;o (9 hbl. Loui.ana clrean No. 2, 3'`r0(3 3%:; r" m mon 515','.'; ordilnary r,'<4' r',:': fair 5);l 5',"; goond '"o' e; ,o;',re 7 I(. COFFEE-There is a good demand and prices are. strong. 11,571 lags ,sold for the city trade on private t-rms. We quote eargles: Ordlinary 17I~4i17'l,; (goll'. fair 192'4l'·1Ic, g'ood 20(0'4 20',e. prime 201'"21, 0 Itlb. Jobl lots: Ordinary 17'~i (gold), fair 1t''r. good 2':,,". prime 21," i ti.i W\. are indebted to Messrs. M3rks'& Co. for the following ttlegrarn dated Hii, Janeiro. September 12, and New York, ,"ptemb'.r 14, 1877: Purchases sine' the thre 5th inst.. 392.1,0 bags; stock, 111. 0 o:; averagse dai y r ,c ,,i pts, 13,: ; pri 'e. 10.100 ; ;exchange 25,1. BIUTTER--The rc,'eip,ts from New York are increasing, while fromthe W,-t they are falling off. Aetive ,1,mand f,,r th- btter grades, ult low and medium qualities anr' r,''gi,''t-i. Nw Y ',rk crream ery i4 qlot.dr ' at :nl'r,.: ,; fair StlIt ,. 2"s1'','; g,'.d State 25(, 27'. : ,-W o,.'t Indl j.i.,o gralll''s Har' llnolil1al; :chr'ic' \Ve-te.r('I 2'," 2,'; I,'w grmles- i:' 15.- 7 1'. ('ll].E ..E-E-Light .- ply,7 an ] th,' e ; i r'., ii ns Nw Y,'k "r ( cli' I1 c -' 1'. RIECEIPI'TS OF PI'I:oDUCE-Nno arrive'l sile ou1r revi'w of voetrdav. EX'POT1T OF PROIU'E)L'-ExpDorts since o0r' revi, w of ye. terday: 1325 it,.s flour. 7h ,Ills pork, sO cask , b .:,n, . fl 4 tiero~' lard. btlisi whisky, 41 bl,ls crarn most. 37 se.ks 'or. 1(4 tIUShIAs "urn in hulk., 25saicko 1t 9 sa"ki, t.r-an, 4 ha1,s hay. .i hhds sugar. I, (' bi,s sugar. 22 tbis molaisses, 221 l)bl[ ri-e, 274 sack- ,",ff,:.'. ,;4 k1 s bullttr 22hhlr, 2 ris otatoes, 24 sacks salt, I; btbis onions and l1 bls aipples. Hedgehog raising is encouraged in England because they are formidable enemies to all vermin. Montgomery Blair is a Democratic candidate for the Maryland Senate in Montgomery county, Mcd. RAILROADS. pONTCHARTRAIN RAILWAY Depot at the head of Elysian Flelds street, near the Levee. Third District. Excursion to or from the Lake and return same day, 20 cents. Children under twelve yearH, 10 cents. Trains will leave as follows: From the City. From the Lake. 6 o'clock ........a. m. 7 o'clock ........a. m 7K o'clock .......a. mi. 06 o'hlock ........a. m. 9 o'clock ........a. m. 10 o'clock ........ im. 105;' o'lock ........a. in. a o'clock .... ...a.m. 12 o'clock ..... m. 15 o'clock ......- . m. 2 o'lok ....... p. mi. 25a o'clock ........ . m. 3 o'clok ........p. . 3 o'clock ......... m. 4 o'clock ........ pm. 46 o'clock ........ .m. 5 o'clockk ......... in. o' clock ....... m. 6 o'clock ........ min. 6!f o'clock 7 o'clock ....... .m. 76 o,'clo'k ........ .m. 5 o'clo0 k ...... m. s/m. o'clock ........ m. 9 o'clock ........ . m. 9g o'clock ........p. m. 10 o'clock ...... p.m. 1056 o'clock ........ m. On Sunday the trains will hbe run ovtry half hour from 2 o'clock p. m. On Sulllay morn ings the trains leave the city at 5 o'clock for the acommodlation of sportsmen. Passengers for Oentilly must notify the con ductor prior to the departure of tralIN. aul '77 ly D. B. ROIJINHO,. Recelver. THE ATLANTIC COAST LINE. PASSENGER ROUTE8 TO ALL POINTS NORTH AND EAST. Reorganized for the summer of 1857. Working out of New Orleans via the N. O,. and M. R. U., and prnsenting the following attractive lines to the attention of all North-bound Tour ists and Travelers: Route No. I-All Rall. Via Montgomery Columbus, Macon, Augusta, Wilmington. .nichmond. 61 Hours, New Orleans to New York. The same time always as by any other line. Pullman Sleeping Cars to Opelika. Solid Day Trains thence to Augusta, with Pullman .leoving Cars attached at Macon for Wilmington. Through train Wilmington to Richm6nd and New York with Elegant Parlor Cars attached to Richmond--theneo Pullman Sleeping Cars to Now York. ALL CHANGES AT SEASONABLE HOURS AND INTO CLEAN AND PROPERLY VENTILATED CARS. Route No. S-Bay Line. Over the same lines to Wilmington asby Route No. 1. Thence by Special Parlor Cars to Ports. mouth, Va. Thence, at 5:30 v. m, daily (excet Sunday). by the magnificent steamers of the BAY LINE to Baltimore. Thence by New York Express, arriving in New York at 2:as p. m. A sixty-nine hours' run-only seven hours in excess of all rail time, with the advantage of an undisturbed night's rest and superior accom modations upon the Chesapeake Bay. Route No. S-The Old Dominion Line. The same Lines to Wilmington and Ports. mouth as Rtoutes 1 and 2. Thence. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays at 5:30 p. m. by the magnifient sidewheel steamships of the OLD DOMINION COOMPAN vwhich invariably arrive at their New York wharves at 9 p. m. A through run of 76 hours, combining the essential elements of Cheapness. Speed and Comfort. Passengers should leave New Orleans Satur days, Mondays and Thursdays to connect close. ly with this Line. For Tickerts, Checks, Time Cards, anI all In formation apply at the offices of the New Or. leans and Mobile Railroad. A. POPE, General Passenger Agent. J. H. WHITE. Southern Passenger Agent i. W. FOWLER New Orleans Agent, corner St. Charles and Common streets. my4 tf IREAT JACKMON IMOUTE. NEW ORLEANS. ST. LOUIS AND OHI(OAG AILBROA I TLINER. DOUBLE DAILY THROUGH TRAINS. will depart and arrive as follows: from OallioD street depot from July 15, 1877: DEPART. AWgRIm Express No.1.5s:sp. m. Express No. 2.10:3 a.m Express No. .:r,: a. mm.Express No.4. :15 p m Nos. l and 2 run daily, a aria 4 daily except Sun nday. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING OABS through to Cincinnati, Louisville, Chicago. Cal ro and Milan, Tenn., without change, and for St. Louis a sleeper is taken on at Milan, enabliag passengers to go through without leaving the train. Friday evening's train makes no connection at Duquoin for Chie o. Accommodation trains between New Orleans and McComrab City: Leave New Orleans 3:30 p. m. Saturday: and 7:30 a. m. Sunday. Arrive 9:50 p, m. Sunday, and 9:30 a. m. Mlon da Tckets for sale and Information gvenP1 Oamp street, corner Common. under City Hotel, A. D. SHELDON. A.ent. J C. CLARE,. Vice President and General Manager. mho THE NEW ORLEANS AND MOBILE RAIL 1 ROAD-MOBILE LINE THE GREAT THROUGH ROUTE TO THE EAST, NORTH AND WEST. Via Loulsvilll via l.tlanta and via St. Louis. CARRYING 'I HE U. S. MAIL. Trains arrive and depart from Depot, foot of Canal street, as follows: DEPART., ARRIVE. Express.....7:. a. m. Express......11:4a. m. Express..... 1 5:f p. m. Express...... 9:30 p. m. Coast ....... 3:15 p. m. Pullman Palace Cars daily to Cincinnati, Louisville. Nashville, St. Louis Washington, Baltimore and I'hilladelhia. without change and only one change to New York and Eastern cities. Ticket office, oorner of Camp and Common street, opposite City Hrtel. D. B. ROBINSON, Superintendent. mh2 tf J. W. COLEMAN, Ticket Agent. FOR SALE. BUGGIES & CARRIAGES. THE UNDERSIGNED IS STILL AT HIS Old Stand, 36 Carondelet street, And will sell carriages and buggies for a lower rith an dlr than any deal'r in the South for the next sixty days to orrn. to make room for a new fall stock. Will se.ll Iower than any dealer in the city for CASH. or thirty, sixty and ninety days' tve-eptan'-, to suit the rmlergen'ry. N. B.-I have exclusive control and sale of the celebrated Ell'tisoun i& Fisther top and no top buggies, that Pannot. be suIrpaisRd for beauty. eltiIancie, chlcapness and durabi'ity in the, United States.. Thy are manuhcfured of the best. mat-rial; ,paten~t wh]els and axl.treey, Isteel t,ow , very light and yet strong, oil-tem pcred English ist.el Springs-all fully guaran teedt: all of which will be sold inaccordance with the times. I have ralso a large stock of CHILDREN'S CARRIAGEH. from $7 up to 54i; a full assort ment of VELOCIPI'EDES, arnd the stquare JAP ANEHE UMBRIIELLAN, ne:w style and water proof. Call at :' Carondilet, and examine be fore bhying elsewhere, and save money. Again.l have t.xclusive stalt, of the work man ufacturtd by Messrs. M,-Lear & Kendall. of Philadtllphia--the largest and most successfiul tbuildlers ton the continnrt of America. They sondt th,-ir g(,iodsl to every tlty in the United States; have many establisheti repositorIes, well sto'-k'dwith tho finest work, overtheconn try. and builld 2Ki and 3l))jofbs a year. This work is the very bist quality for wear and com fort, fully guaranteed for twelve months. This firm rhas stool all the financial eruptions and panics for tw-rnt yearis, and to-day is far in ad vance, of any itabltiishment in the country. P. H.--I also lt y largl y of Messrs. Dart & PRey nolds, of Nw Haven. Conn.. the youllneg andi en terptrising sti-ionmrs of G. T. Newball. They buill aout sixty job.,s a week-work thatcannot be srpasietil for durability and finish, fully guaratnnte'l. Call at is Carondel;ettreet. and examino. auts L. T. MADDUX. THOMAS LUNN & SON, COTTON PICKERS, Corner Orange and St. Thoman streets, B-g leave to inform Cotton Factors that they are prepared to execute all orders entrusted to them with promotness. TER~--Baling s1upervised loose eOtton, in eluding bagging and ties, ea. Putting in order damazed cotton. $1 50. Address Order Bo 48 Unton Ths streets, m* MUNICIPAL ADVERTIfIEMBlewTU. NOTICE TO BAKEIII MAYTOIRALu or mlW Otlra,1e. City Hall,4ieptember 8. 1877. The average price of fresh flour being this day seven dollars and fifty cents; in aocordance with said valuation the price of bread for the week commencing on MONDAY, September 10 1877, will be: MIxty ounces for twenty cents. Thirty ounces for ton cents. Fifteen ounces for fivo cents. Bakers of bread are required tO use only the best flour of the above value per barrel, and the useof damaged or inferior flour in bread offered for sale in this city is prohibited. Consumers of bread are req/iested to report to the nearest polieo station any violation of the above ordi nanoe, either in variation of weight or quality of material. ED. PILSBUJIY. Mayor. CANCELLATION OF BOND. UNITED S~TATEi Or AranItA, State of Louisiana, Executive Department. Whereas Mrs. CHRISTINA GARBTKAMP, of the city of New Orleans, has applied to me for the cancellation of a bond for the sum of TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS, sub scribed by the late John Garstkamp, her hus band,with Frank Leidenhelmer, Jacob Haffner, John Roehm. Adam Ellenbach and Herman Rolle, as securities, dated the nineteenth day of January, 1H75, to secure the faithful perform anue of the duties of said John Garstkamp as State tax collector for the 81xth District of thd parish of Orleans, Now, thrrafore, I, Francis T. Nicholls, Gov ernor of the State of Louisiana, have thought protper to issul this, my proclamation, in order to give notice to all persons herein interested. to show cause, in writing at the office of the SBorctary of State, in the city of New Orleans,. within ninety days from and after the last publiatiorn hereof, why said bond should not be eanelld lland annulled. Given under my hand and the seal of the State of Louisiana, at the city of Orleans this twenty-fifth day of August. in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy, seven, and of the one hundred and second yea? of the independence of the United States of Ame.ric'a. FRANCIS T. NICHOLL8, Governor of the State of Louisiana. By the Governor: OSCAR AInovo. Assistant Secretary of State. au2s 3:nt CANCELLATION OF BOND. HTATE or LO.UISIANA, I Executive Department. 5 Whereas JOSEPH DEMORUELLE, of the city of New Orleans. has applied to me for the can cellation of a 1hnd for the sum of FIVE THOU HAND DOLLARS. subscribed by him, the said Joseph Demrnorulle as principal, with Victor Dernoruille as security, dated on the twenty eighth drry of November, 1i74, and conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties o>, saild Joseph Demoruelle, as Constable for tho' Third Ju1stirt Court for the parish of Orleans. Now, therefore, I, FIRANCIS T. NICHOLLS, Governor of the State of Louisiana, have throught proper to issue this my proclamation, in order to give notice to all Dersons herein ia tcrested to show caunrse, In writing, at the office of the Secretary of State, in the city of New Or loans, within ninotydays from and after the last p.nhliation hereof, why said bond should not tie cancelled and annulledi. Witneo. my hand, authenticated with the seal of the State of Loruisiana. atthecity of New Or leains, this twenty-fllfth dlay of August, in the yeiar of our Lord ono thousannd eight hundred Iand sevety-sevew n and of the one hundred and s'cond year of thie independence of the Unitedi States of America. FRANCIS T. NICHOLLS, Governor of the State of Louisiana. By the Governor: OscAr. Annovo, Assistant Secretary of State. nu129 3it1 CALEB A. PARKER & CO., IO............... Union street ...............1 NEW ORLEANS. LOUISIANA, OGENERAL AGENTB FOR Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Louisiana,. Mississippi and Texas, FOB H. W. JOHNS Manufacturer of ASBESTOS MATERIALS. Asbestos Paints in white and all known tints colors mixed ready for use, unequalled in the market for durability and beauty. ASBESTOS ROOFING, Unequalled for durability; no retention of water on the roof, equal to Slate on that account. Asbestos Root Paint, Asbestos Fire Proof Coating, Asbestos Steasl Packing, Steam Pipe andi Boller Coverings. TESTIMONIALS: SNEw ORLEANS, October 4, 1876. Having made use of the Aabestos Paint mann facturerd by H. W. Johns, of New York. and for warded to me by C. A. Parker, Esq., 10 Union street. New Orleans, to be tested, I take pleas ure in saying I have found them to be in every respect as r.epresented. I can confldently recommend them to builders, owners of rea estate and ship eaptalns as being much supe rior. in my opinion,to any mlxed paints in thin or any other country, and in fact, beyond com parison with any (lead) in this market. THOMAS D. CAREY. Chemist and Painter, Washington and m agnolia, streets. New Orleans. NEW OBLEANS, Adpril 20,1877, Caleb A. Parker & Co.: Sirs-Having used H. W. Johns' Asbestos Paints and Roofing. I consider them the best have ever used. Respectfuly yours, Captain of Steamboat New Bart Able. REERENrvr --3,Psrs. H. Dudley Coleman & Brother 12 Union street. New Orleans. Sent (irrunlar andl PrieN List. jlSi THE CELEBRATES "E. CARVER" COTTON GIN. All Sizes and notion, and Dnupliate Parts,' FOR SALE AT REDUCED BATES BT OGDEN & BELL,, DEALERS IN BAGGING AND TIES, No. 18 Unieon street. 01 1