Newspaper Page Text
tr ftfe a t s f. Widow oný flntaOT COUNT O9 TiE tl reans, No. 84,955-fl virtue of e.Af as tomed lreeteti by the' hob, i etrict otor the par t abve entiled aue fr it wfl proceed celt uiat' 0' ere ante and~ A oiopeertstetbewen-na T e * nyYo r v o 15, at 19 1. e fila described prouertv, 1TAfIN IORTT~I OF GROUND, sit heh R xt Disttrict f this "itv, ii areiait e lhundred sd ait. tv, unnaidýy hvenue ure an of ano streets. as 10a buS ra seven to twelve, isdaia Avenue y one hundren and th abe suit. lIton h1o SCivil heriff of he Parishof'AOieene. gg W@w Eoriehs vs. Mrs. CtrrliCe i same ve. same c same vs. same. OTR OT COCIT Foil THE of Can, o. 79.50, 1t t09 and 5597 of tree write of fei farias, to me b e honorable the Supertor lij the paris of Orleans, in the Scauses for city tax of 1874, 1975 P trocee' ce at ptulic auction, e dale an uxehange. betwee Canal an Uustomhouse Mecond District o thi city, on ovemnber 2, 1971, at 19 o'clock m., d rJ~ tyo wit iN l01vO D situatod veuth District of this city,'in square oqe huni red and slaxt en, hounded Ib otem tetroliton Avenue anti T1hIrA Iee.uring two hutndred and seventy roton lýImpte street by three hundred the above suite. Ii on the~iu HtI. HANDY, Civil Sheriff of the arish of Orleans. JiOUO ath of New Orleans vs. Pranesim Adern same vs. same. Oil DIITTRICT COURT 01 THI4 of Orleans. Nos. 9e,98 and 51,954 of two writs of ilen facias to jy the honorable the buperior bDs o the pari of Orleans, in the t ises, for city taxes of 1574, wiproteed to sell at publie aue e rehaapt and Auctioneers' Ex a t .betwee Can ni and Custom he* ond District of this eltr , ovetnt"r 91. 1577, at 19 o'clock descibe pr e) o% rw i ORTION FO JOtT I, sit nild istrict of thin city. in ree hundre andtwty by Dumnsi n. renois. tit. ebiare streets, deslnated lot measuri g slaty fetfot on Dlu bi one hundred and forty feet in th saove suite. n on th to oHO AIt H. HANDY, Sil heri of the Parish of Orleans. Si New Orleans vs. A mmantine balite vs. same: Rame vs. same; same s oame vs. same. _ IRTRICX COURT FOR THE fivea,,' 3 writs 91of1 esim~w - virted ythe honortsbe the jet Cout for the parish of Or n vsenttled t us.,forcit? taxes 1854. lesand 187 I sill poieed taole 1 ion, a the Merchants and Auc nge Royal street ween Canal nu fe the nd Distri' TU~ ,oyem 10, 1577. at -dAr onerty, AIN LOT OF GROUND, situated Iltld l!sir et of this city, in squar ue hund de and jtxty-nipe, bounnd' d milh, 51, Philip, Marals and Viltere 0 neted as lo num'ber nino, measn - n feet f ont on Dumaine street by GROUND, situated in stict o5 this city, ins uare nuipn inrJafthirty seven %ounhleclh, naine ti.Ann and Roman stre ts, tlof number twenty, mesourine fetfront on Prleur street by one k nty-wo feet in depth. ite vesuits. Otil ohnlf the Ht1i41. RANDY. Civl rio the arish of Oricans. anw a £ Sr New Oi*amn vs. Ulehael same vs. same: same vs. Michael Ma I cams vs. same; same vs. same. OR DISTRLCT 0OUR I' FOR THE h of Orleans, Nos. 13,898, M1 789, 75 lee. i10.21-By virtue of ltie wris of feo ereted by the honorable the su entitted auses, ity taxes o 46, it end slae. Iwitytrooeed to to auction, at the Moroiaats and Exchange. Royal street, between stomhouse sLae in he Second o is city, cn T kDA N'vem p at in o'itoik n., the following AIM 1ITIO OF GROUND. sit 11 the Fourih District of this city, in number forty-two bounded by A ele. u, J..aephiue and tL '1 homas stree a, as lot number four, me1a0unring ot ttreat on Adple street by one ardnad thirty-nine feet in dlepth, the above suits, on thesot. T UtAS H. HANDY, Sl7!t Sheriff of the l'arish of Orleans. Uty of New Orleans vs. John Letinl s tame vs. same; same vs. same. E DISTRICT COURT FOR THE of Orleans, Nos. 77,928, no t63 y virtue of three writs of flen ,e directed by the honotahie the District Court for the parish of i the above entitled causes, for 1874f115711 and 1871, I will proceed at public an lion, at the Merchants and eers' Exchange. loyal street. between and Customhouse streets. In the Second of this city, on '1 U ESDAY, November at 13 'clock in , the following described towt tAtN PORTIONOF GROUND, situated tlrth District of this eity, in sq uare r My.-five, bounded by Chippewa, Ninth as and Eighth streets, designated as numbers two and eight, measuring sixty feet fronton Cilippewastreet by one hun in depth. is the above suits. Sh on TLI1A8 H. HANDY. Otvil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. 41 inat, of New Orleans vs. John soyle; PERIOR DI I C OR THE lah of Orleans. Nos. 15.254, 80.885 and virtue of three writs of fler faciae, to 'ti by the honoi able the Superior Dis urt for the parish of Orleans, in the entitled causes, for city taxes of 1174, 1975 will proeeed to sell at public auction, erlehants and Auetioners' Exhango, street, betwý''n Canal and Custonfhouse a je eod District of this city, on ALNvme 0. 1177, at 12 o'clock in., oigdettrihietdrqperty to wit AIN LOTr t OF OdUND, situated yat District of this city, in square num hundred and sixty-two. houndedi by oPenn Dryades and Poydras .treets. -end esfanated as lots numbers twenty-six and ty-seven, measuring fifty-.-ne feet three hes front on Perdido street by eighty-eight e in d. pth. teed in the above suits. --(ash on the s t. THOMAS H. HANDY, S : Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. 09 nos 40 tdry of New Orleans vs. L. Anuaste C' same vs. same; same vs. Same. UpE iRt DISTIlCT (OUST FOtIuTHE of Orleans, Nos. 74 9ms, 't,200 and virtue of three writs of flor facias to ed by the honorable the Sunperior O-urt for the parish of the entitled causes, for City taxes of 1874, aed 11s76 I will proceed to sell at publie * at thie Merdhants and Auctioneers' Royal street, between Canal and streets, in the Second District of on TUESDAY. November 20, 1877, at i1 t,, the following described prop rty, PORTION 01' GROUND, sit Tird Distrleto th niy t' quare andtl yhr e ea The Sity, et iW O@r sM *s. Patriek Brace; same vs. esam, MUP1O'0R DISTRICT COUR0T rOR TUE paris of Orleans Nos. 85,17 and 545- y virtie of two writs of lier fades to me directed e honorable the Suter or letrict Court for the parish of Orleans, in the ave titled causes. for city ties of 1R7e and 1970, wil pro ceed to sell at publil auction, qt th Merchants and Auctioneers' Exchange, Royal street, be tween C( al and Customhouse streets l. e Second District of this Sity, on U A, November 20, 1817, at i o'etoek m,, heollow ing dcccibed vropertj t wit-~~ natedin the First listrict of ths scity, hi square nu @br three hutd red pntl ty-one, botindea b o e Howard Liberty adin Thb ia f teen measuring tart gone feIront on Meiomenestreet by one it ndrsd and twenty eignht feet In depot: lot numbetfifteen meatr ing twenty-eight feit front on orard street by sixty-thyr c' inta h. I.atli iN the Third Ri~trietot of this eit ,Oy in 2squarite npmberourhu red and sevehty-q n, boyund edt by Marals, Djesire, Pie-ty adUqhr treete, designat lot n ber two, measur as thirty-iwo front on arai street by one undrand twenty feet in depth. Beised in the above suils Terms-Cash on tliesi.o THOMAt B H. RANDY, Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. oci9 nog 20 The (tty of New Orleans vs. Mrs. William Harris; seme vs. same; same vs. same. 'UPR i1OR DIsTHIOF COURT FOR THE L nihof Orleans, Roe. S P e,8 505 and ll9 -By virtue of three wrts o ier 4aiaea, to me directed by the honorahie the Muperior Die trict Court for the paris of Orleans, in the above entitled causes, for city tes of 1574. 1815 and 181, 1.w il proceed. to1 sell atpuiblic aucition, 4t the Mere ant5 andl A ctionpeers' Jil chage, Royal street between inal and Cte 14mhousN treets i the Becon District of this ait n TUon SD , November 20, 1577) at 19 oCk m., the following described property, to A tEI AI PORTION OF GROUND, sit uated in the Frst istkict of thi cit in e,i~uare number seventy-o e, boUnded by choup tou les, rato,. St. horn and Annunciation streets. designated as lots numbers three and or, measuring sixty-four feet front on Thnpitoplas street by one hunired and twenty-eight feet in depth. Seised In the above suite. Terme--iash onuthe s~pot. THOMAN H. HANDY, Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. 0011) not 20 The City of New Orleans vs. W. I. Pierson; same se, same; same vs, same. UPERIOR DIIh4TlICT COURT FOR THE parish of Orleans, Nos, 75,950 11000 and t749 y virtihof three write of len fadias. to me directed by the ho orable the Superior District Court for the perist of Orleans, itt the above entitled auses, for ty taxes oft 154, 15Th and 1510, will proceed to sell at public auction, at the Merchants and Auetioneers' Exchange, street, between Canal and Ott tomhouse streets ntiuth Second Listriit of thls city, on TUESD~bAY. November 20, 1577, at ito nclock in., th f I (F GROUND, sit uated in th 5ev nth Distri t of this City, in square numbe one hundred and thirty-seven hounded by Jeffeeon, inmple, Camb. onne and Fourth stre ts, designated as follo. s: Lots numtbere twenty and twenty-one measuring each thirty feet front on Jefferson stree by one hundred and twenty feet In depth' lot num b' r twenty-two, forming the cor nr of Jefferson and Zimtle sreete, mneaeuring thirty feet font n Jefferson street by one iand red and twenty feet ini depth and fron on uit.'aple street. Soised in the above suits. Terms-Cash on the spot A TH AH H. HANDY, Civil Sheriff of the arish of Orleans. 0018 31o2 20 The City of New Orleans rsifwlow 4. N. Bridford; senme vs. same' same vs. same; same vs. same;sanme vs. liejamin Waynet same vs. same; same vs. same: same vs. same. UPERIOR DISTRIC0T COURT FOR THE S1a5 ish of Orleas, Nos. as94,46, S1190, 99.696 79,4, 9,2ne, 64,999, 10,',53 and 11g9-By virtue of eight writs of Hed fadies, to me directed by the honorahle the Superior istrict Court fo the pa lab of 0' leans, in tue above entitled canse, f city taxes of 1871 1878, 1514, 1875 and 1876 proceed to sell at publi such 'n. at the tereh nts and Aue tiopeers. Exchange, Royal s re, betweeOsal adustonmbonp retite ttcoid listrici of scity, onUNDAY. November 20. 1877. at 190 clock m, the folowing described property, to wit 1. A CERTAIN PORTION OF GROUND, sit uatsd in the Second District f this city, in square number five hundred aid thirty-seven, bounded by Customhouse. Bienvillo and St. David streets and Carr llton Avenue. 2. A t ERTAIN PORTION OF GROUND, sit uated in the Sixth District of this city, in equare number three hundred and seventy four bounded by Pitt, Prytanin. Pc Iston and Amelia streets, measuring one hundred nod seven feet front on Pitt street by one ho nd red feet in depth. 13eired in the above soits. Terms-Cash on the soot. THM8H. HANDY, Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Oraeans. oc10 1O1 20 Esmile ieoay vs. E. N. Barnett. IFTH DIMTRIOT COURT FOR THE PAR ih of Orleans. No. 85988-By virtue t'f a writ of selaure and sale, to me directed by th" hon orable the Fifth District Court for the parish of Orleans, in the above entitled cause, Iwii pro ceed to se I at publio suction, at the Merchants and Auctioneers' Exchange. Royal street, h i tween Canal and Customhouse streets in she Second District of this city, on MO.ýDAY, No vember 1., 1i77, at 12 o'clock m., the following desot ibed Dpro er y, to w t ACERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, together with the butidings and improvements thereon, tights, ways, privileges end advantages there. unto belo Ini or in a ywise appertaining, sit uated in tie itst District of this ci the square bound d by Now Levee, Girod, Ctom more and Lafayette streets, forming the corner of said Commerce and Girod streets, and mens utring, in English measure. thirty-live feet eight inches front on said Girod street by a depth and front on Commerce street of eighty five feet eleven inches tour lines between parallel lines; the whole in accordance with a plan drawn by C. A. de Azans snrveyor, and depos ited in the office of H. l. Cetas, late a notary public in this city. Being the same property which the defendant herein acquired by pur chase from B. Beoubay and the uccession of Edward Barnett. as per act passed before Oscar Drouct. a notary public in this city, on the twenty-third day of September, 1873. Seized in the above suit. Terms-Cash on the s t, THOMAS H. HANDY, Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. 0015 27 no9 19 LEGAL NOTICES. STATE OF LOUISIANA. FIFTH DISTRICT COURT FOR THE PARISH OF ORLEANS. MRS. ANN JANE BIERN VS. WM. J. BIERN, her husband-No. atee. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ON THE TWEN tv-seventh day of June. 1877, judgment was rendered in this court in the following en titled suit, in the words and figures following, to wit Mrs. Ann Jane Biern vs. Wm. J. Biern, her hu,-band-No. 8390. In this case the law and evidence being con sidered, and the same being in favor of plaintiff, it is ordered adjudge't and decreed that there be juigmeni in favor of plaintiff Ann Jane Biern, and against defendant, Wm. f. Biern, her husband, decreeing a separation of property and dissolution of the cimmuniry of aequ'sts aid gains heretofore existing between the said parties; that the said plaintiff be and she is hereby authorized to manage and control her separate property, and that defendant pay all costs of suit. Judgment rendered June 27, 1877. Judgment signed July E J1877. W. H. KOGERS. Judge, In testimony whereof. I have hereunto set my hand and afi edthe seal of the said court. at the city of tOew Orleans, on this second day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven. PAUL T. ABADIE, Deputy Clerk, 0019 OS018* * A CARD. Oe a4 Astb ede vOes u have JmDICIAL ADPVY SEMUIUW. SE3M1tP SALU. The (tity of New Oriemse as. Widow Keary 11opkins; same vs. samel same vs. Henry tUPiEtIOR DISTRICT COURTP FOR THE parish of Orleans, Nos. 70,770 50 s11 and 4074-By virtue ot three writs of hen iaelas. to mne diected by the honorable the superior Die let ourt for the parish of Orleans, in the above eniitl 9 c uses, for city taxes of 1574. 1875 and lpe.wilproceed to eli at public aun ton, at he erehants and Auetlo eers' Ex change, ya street between Ca al and Jse tomhouse s tr in the Second District of this city, on '1 UJAY. November 70. 1077, at 12 o'clock m., the following described property, to WAOERTA LOT OF GlOU1sDsituated in he Second istrict of this city, inenare num r one h ndret and twenty-flve, bounded by Rampart, Blenvile, Customhouse and Basin streets. designaed as lot nu ber six, meastr ing twenty-six feet front qn Rampart street. by one hundred and twenty-eight feet indepth. ` eiaetl in the above suits. Terms-Cash on the tnot TR ItAS H. HANDY. 1ivil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. 0019 not 70 Jmseph ewen vs. lre. Katherine reamer, widow of Bernard Sler. ;iIXTH DTSTRICT OOU T FOR THE PAR - ish of Orleans. No. 95oo By virtue of a writ o Aeur d sae to dre d ythe holor able the Mixt District Court fot the pars of Orleans,l. i the above entitled cause, whle pro ceed to sell at nubile auction, at the etcrants dAuctio eers' xekange, Royal street, be twen aol aend Customhouse streets t h econ Distrit of this city, on F hDAe, sq0 r 1 e 107, at 1b odloek in., the following dAcOrt®1rýe~4~ GR'P' OUND, with the buildings and improvements there n, the rights, ways, privileges servitudes and oi) ap purtenances thereof aiteuated in suburb wash mgLon. Third istr i bt of this city, in the square bounded by Louisa, Burgundy (late Craps Piety and Rampart (lets Love) streets, aso-n toapa drawn by F. dayuune uiary, 155es and e posited in the offce of Joeeph Lisbonv,iltet a no~tay public In this city, Said lot Is nglmberert ten, forms the corner of Lou isa and Rampart streets and measures, Amer can measure, th rty-one feet ten itches three sin front on Louisa street by one hundred an eighteen feet three inches four lines depth and front en Rampart street: being thr same property acq lred by the defendant herein by nitrehase, with another lot of ground, from Widow do St omes, by an act tossed before said notary, J. Lisbony, on the twenty-eIghth day of May, 15511 da r~ed Intheabove suit. Terms-Cash on t~ p e S H. HANDY, Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. sell 29 oclo 19 Jean Pierre Carrere vs. Louis Charles Andre Bllbud. F IFTR DISTRICT COURT Po01 THE parish of Orleans, No. els0-By virtu of a writ of eels to and s le to me directed by the honorable the Fifth Dirit Court fod - the par ish of urleans, in the above entitle cause, I will proceed to sell at public auction, at the Met chant. and Auctioneers' Exchange, Royal stree. between Canal and Customhouse streets, in th econd istrict of this city, on WED NESDAY, October e1,1571 at 12 o'clock in., the fil. lo ELE rLOT O R U tadjoin lgeach other, t gether with the bulti lags thereon and app 'rtenances theretu'to belonging, situated lnthe Third Distriletof this city, in rouoa e num ber iftyy-four, bounded by limon, Frenchmen, Solidelle (now Roman), and Josephine (now Prleur) streets, seven of which lots, designated by the numbers six, seven, cglit, nine, ten, eleven and twelve, measure, in French measuoe, to wit: Lots numb rs six, seven. eliht, nine and ten' each thirty feet front tn French men street by one hundred and twnty feet in depth,, lot number six, forming th' coner of Frenchmen and Josepttine or Pr ur streets; lots nu-bers "levi n and twelve, eactiwet -ve fetl-oirtn..b. tfronkn_.Jose phine street by one hundred and fifty fret afn depth, and teother five lots are ds guated by the numbers thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen andseventeen,and measure, in American meas ure, each tbiry-one feet eleven I thes flve lie's front on Union street by one hundred and twenty-seven feet ten inces five lines in do th, saId lot number thirteen forming the corner of Unlon and Josephine or Priour streets Being the sante properties acquired by the defendant herein by purchase from sundry arties,.as wi 1 more fully np oar by refer. fee oan act of mortgage passed beftpr" Abel Drey ftos, notat'y public in this city, dated Septem her 11, 1015. Seiaed in the above suit. Terms-Cash on the spot. 1 01Mitt H. HANDY Civil Sheriff of the Parish of orleans. seeS oi 19 8t1 31 Mrs. A. C. Defliane vu, Firmln Levasseur et al. ECOND DISTRICT COURT FOI THE parish of Orleans No. :io.a44- By virtue of a writ of fled laciasl ngainst }irmin Lvasse ur, to me directed by the honorable the Second Distrlct Court for the pat ish of Orleans, in the above entitled cause, I will proceed to sell at pu lie au tion, at the Merchants ahd Auctioneers' Exchange, Royal street, b tween canal and Customhouse streets, in the Second District of this city, on November ii, 1877, at 12 o'clock m., the following described property to wit ar1 Qe E UNDIVIDED HALF OF A CER TAIk VACANT LOT OF GR(IUND, situated in the suburb Triune of this city, in the square bounded by St. Louis Roman and Prieur streets and Canal Carondelet. designated as lot number four on a plan drawn by U. F Zimple, civl engineer, "ated the twenty-first of June, 1531, and deposited in the office of C Pollo'k notary public, annexed to an act under date ut the seventeenth April, 1103; said lot having (English measure) thirty-five feet seven lines if nt on Canal Carondetet one hundred and twenty-nine feet five lines in depth and thirty four feet six lines on thu 'ear line. 2. TWO LO IS OF GROUNI). in the square number twenty-eight, hounded by Maine rt. Anne. Hagan and Bayou bond. de'signetetl by the numbers two and three, as shown on a plan drawn by L. H. Ptie. da nd the eighteentti of May, 1848, and deposited in the office of J. Cu villier, notacy public. The said Iits measure thirty feet six inches three lines each front on bayou Road, thirty feet four inches six lines on the middle line, and the following depths: Lot number two one hundred and firty feet two inches one line on the line that separates it from lot number one: and lot number three, one hundred and thirty-seven feet eight inches four lines on the line that separates it from lot number two. LT FO 3. TWELVE LOTS OF GROUND In the sonare bounded by Port, St. Anne, H ganu and Maine streets, and designated by thnumbers one, four five, six seven eight nine, ten, twen ty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty and thirty-one, on a plan of L. H. Pilie, City burveyor. Number one forms the corner of Port and St. Anne streets, thirty feet six inches three lines front on Port street by a depth of one hundred and forty-two feet seven inches six lines front on St. Anne street, one hundred and forty feet two inches one line on the op posite side line, and thirty feet six inches three lines in width in the rear. Number foir, thirty feet six inches three lines front on Port street by one hundred and thirty-two feet nine inches two lines on the line dividing it from lot num ber five, of one hundred and thirty-five feet two inches seven lines on the opposite side line and thirty feet four inches Flx lines in width in the rear. Lots numbers five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, fronting on Port street; numbers five, six, seven, eight, each thirty feet six inches three lines; number five, a depth of one hindred and thirty feet three inches on a line dividing it from it number six, of one hundred and thirty-two feet nine inches two lines on the opposite line. Number sixa depth "f one hundred and twen ty-seven feet ten inches on a line dividing it from lot number seven, of one hundred and thirty feet three inches five lines on the oppo site side line and thirty feet four inches six lines each in the rear. Number seven a depth of one hundred and twenty-five feet four inches two lInes on a line dividing it from lot number eight, of one hundred and twenty-seven feet ten inches on the opposite side line and thirty feet four inches six lines in width in the rear. Number eight, a depth of one hundred and thirty-two feet ten inches five lines on a line dividing itfrom lot number nine, of one hundred and twenty-five feet four inches two lines on the opposite side.line and thirty feet four inches six lines in width in the rear. Numbers nine and ten each a front of thirty feet six inches four lines and a width of thirty feet four inches seven lines in the rear by a a depth, viz: Number nine of one hundred and twenty feet five inches on a line dividing it from lot number ten, of one hundred and twen ty-two feet ten inches five lines on the opposite side; number ten of one hundred and twenty feet five inches on a line dividing it from lot number nine and of one hundred and seventeen feet eleven inchee three lines on the opposite aideline. N re twenty-eight, twenty-nine, measire amo thirty feet on Anne street by a£et od ut *EE 1VF SALEt ýS . fly the Sh.rIl of Polate Coupe.. SUCCESSION MALE -OF A SUGAR PLANTATION IN THE PARISH OF POINTE COUPE, SALE ON NOVEMBER 3. 1is7. STATE OF LOUISIANA. PARISH OF POINTE COUPEE. PAEISH COURT. SUCCESSION OF M AS M. L. ROSA DES No. ass of the docket of said Court. I! VIRTUE OF A COMMISSION ISSUED i)in the a ve entitled and numbered succes sion by the honorable the parish court in and for the p rish an State aforesaid, and to me directed, I, the undersigned sheriff of said par ish of Pointe Coupee, will offer for sale by pub lici anetlo , and accordingto lawv at the door of the court-hous of. aid parish of Pointe Coupee, on BAl UlIJY, November 5, 1577. at 11 a. m., the followin described property depending on said suteesiQn, va- 1. A SUGAR PLANTATION, situated in said parish of . olnte Counee. State of Louisiana, on the right bank of the Mississippi river. meas uyil on said river a front of fourteen nd one eighth arpents, more or less, by a depth of sixty-five arpents more or less, on the lower line, and s'venty-dye arpents, more or less, on the upper line: said pianiaton being boended above by I d. formerly belonging to the sue cession of enn Porch a and below by lends belonging to Mrs. Fanny REmher; and extending back to the lands beretnalter secondly described, and containing about 70$ 0e acres in area. The same to be sold together with all the mules thereon (About twenty-four) and all the farm log utenslisseed cane and stubble 'an" and all the buildings and improvements on said plan tati- n, eompristng a sugar-house aad purgery, with engine, machinery, kettles. etc., two dwell ing-hous"s ant outhouses, a sable, a haru, a blacksmith's shop, a cane shed and thirteen double cabins. 2. A TRACT OF LAND, also situated in said parish of Pointe Coupee, on False river. mncas uring on said river a front of eight arpents, more or less, by a depth of about forty arpents, boutnd d on the upper line by lands belonging to Dr. I. I. Ladmlrault, and on the lower line by lads belonging to Michel Michet and Dr. L. L. Ladmnrault: the said land extending bhak to the lands above firstly described. and con taining in area about 800.54 acres. Tile same to be sold together with all the apputienances and improvements thereon, consisting of a one-story and basement dwelling-house, out houses, fences, etc. The said two tracts or plantations to be offered and sold sepamately and In the order aforesaid. Terms and Conditions-One-third of the pur chase price cash, the balance in three equal an nual instalments. payable at one, two and three years from the day of sale; the purchaser, for said credit balance of the purchase price, to fur nish his notes drawn by him to his own order and by him Indorsed; said notes to bear inter est at the rate of eight per cent per annum from said day of sale till final payment, and to be secured by special mortgage and vendor's priv liege on the property aforesaid: the act of mort gage to contain all the usual clauses, such as the pact de non alienando five per cent attorney's fees in case of juticial proceedings, the insur ance of said sugar house on said plantation and the transfer of the policy thereof to the executor of said succession and all other customary clauses. With the privilege to the purchaser of paing in cash the whole or any part of said balance over one-third. at his own option. Pointe Coupee. Louisian.Setembe 22, 1577. Sheriff of Pointe Coup a Parish. For examinat ton of plans of the property and for further particulars. a I toDENIS. oml tnoo No. 104 Canal street, up stairs. NUCCEAMION NOTICES. Sunress*on of Joseph Prados. t.ECOND DISTRICT COt1 FOR TIlE PAR L ish of Orleans No. 89'497-Notice is hereby given to the creditors oP thiVestate and to all other persors herein interested, to show cause within ten dsys from the present notification if any they have or can, why the acRounn tiresented by Victor Prados, administrator of this estate ould not be a proved and homnolo Sated and the funds distributed in accordance t' rewith. By order of the court eooe 24 s5* JOhN HERBERT. Clerk. succession of Jules luissart. SECOND DIMTRIOP rCOURT FOR THE oarish of Or'enn. No. 7s9,88-Whereas, E. T. Parker, public administrator, has petitioned the court for letters of administration on the estate of the late Jules Buiseart, deceased. Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern to show cause within ten days why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted. By order of the court. o00 14 19* Jt uHN HERBERT. Olerk. Succeslson of Dernard schwar and Wife. IECOND DISTRICT COURT FOR THE pErish of Orleans, No. 89.562-Whereas. George t9'hwar has petitioned the court for letters of administration on the estates of the nate Bernard Sehwar and wife, deceased. iNotiee is hereby give's to all whom it may concern, to show cause within ten days why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted. By order of the court. ocl t19 22 25* JOFN HERBERT, Clerk. Succession of Iguace Fernandez. RECOND DISTRICT CoURT FOR THE PARISH Lk of Orleans, No. 89,075-N tice is hereby given to the creditors of this estate and tt all other Dersons herein interested to show cause within ten days ft om the present no tiflation, if any they have or can, why the account presented by Pierre Medard Lahteau tesiamnentary executor of the deceased, should not be approved and homologated and the funds distributed in acespdance tharowith. By order of the court. oct1 it 2225 * JOHN HERBERT, Clerk. AUCTION SALES. By Plaeide J. Spear. MILCH COWS, BULL, HORSES. ETC. SUCCESSION OF JEAN MANSANNE OR MANTOUSSAINT. Second District Court for the parish of Orleans No. 39,816. BDY PLACIDE J. SPEAR Auctioneer-Office 4D e Royal street-On FhIDAY, October 19. 1877, at11i o'clock a. in., will be sold at public auction, on Canal street, near the corner of St. Anthony street, near Metairie road. by virtue and in pursuance to an order from the Hon. A. L. Tissot, Judge of the Second District Court for the parish of Orleans, dated October 4, 1877, for account of the above succession Nineteen MILCH COW$ one BULL, two HORSES, one MILK CARP, twenty bales of HAY, etc. Terms-Cash on the spot. oce 91 1619 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. LADY'S GOLD CHAIN, ETC. SUCCESSION OF JENNIE FORREST. Second Districtoourt forthe Parish of Orleans No. 39.79, BY PLACIDE J. SPEAR, Auctioneer-Office, No. 46 Royal street - MONDAY. Oc tober 29 1877, at 1o0 o'clock a. m., will be sold at public auction at Nos. 89 and 91 Rampart street, between Conti and St. Louis'streets, by virtue and in pursuance to an order from the Hon. A. L. Tissot, Judge of the Second District Court or the pars-h of Orleans. dated October 12, 1877, for account of said succession A large assortment of HOUSEHOLD FURNI TURE. BED LINEN. WEARING APPAREL, Lady's GOLD CHAIN, etc. Terms-t ash. ocde 19 23 29 By R. M. * B. J. Montgomery. FURNITURE-FURNITURE. AT AUCTION. RIGHT IN PATENTS. SUCCE$SION OF JOHN G. ANGELL. Second DistrictCourt for the parish of Orleans No. 39 700. BY R. M. & B. J. MONTGOMERY-R. M. Mont gomery. Auctioneer-Will be sold on bAT URDAY, October 20. 1877. at 11 o'clock, at Old Armory Hall. 87 Camp street, b viitue and pur suant to an order from the lion. A. L. Tiseot, i ndite theSeod Cutfrteja 17 UIUseaWse *ECIHLIWM AND TRADEPS' ImmUi.M AJUR COMPANY, We. 14 ICmr.neelet Stieet. EIWITE AlrNIUAL ýTAThMEWT. Naw OSLSAls. September 29. 1377. In conformity with Article 12 of the Charter, this company makes the following statement of its business for the year ending August 91,1877: Fire premiums............5111,839 42 River premiums " ......... 40,984 09 Marine premiums - . 12,071 22 Unearned premiums, Aug. 81, 1870..................... 40,000 00-$204,041 23 Deduct unearned pre miums, Aug. 31. 1977. " . 40,000 00 Returned premium s" . 1 " 5,097 41- $48,097 41 Net earned premiums ..........$101,848 82 Less Fire losses ......$44,982 33 fiver losses ..... 18.899 70 Marine losses.... 4,901 59 Unadj'ted losses. 8000 00-$70,853 72 Re-insurances .. 17,814 49 Rebate, 16 scent. 10,176 19 Taxes and license 4,980 00 Expenses. 29,197 47- 01,027 18 $138,400 97 Less interest ............... 99,480 90-- $94,090 21 Net profits................ .... 02,018 01 ASSETS. Bills receivable for premiums and loans on pledge ................8970.091 10 Cash.......... ....................... 1.049 7 Premiums in course of collection . 10,927 65 Invested in bank, insurance and other stocks, bonds, eto................ 59,494 92 Real estate............. ....... 11.0099 4 Stock notes.............................. 4C,395 02 Total ......................$01,226 60 The above statement is a true and correct transcript from the books of the company. LLOYD It. COLEMAN, President. JAMES A. Waim, Secretary. STATE o1 LOtiSIANA, I City of New Orleans. I Bworn to and subscribed before me, notary public, this twenty-ninth day of September, 1977 EDGAR GIUMA, Notary Public, The Board of Trustees, at their annual meet ing held on the 24th inst., resolved to pay 10 per cent interest on paid in capital, and de dared twenty per cent dividend on earned pre minms, both of which will be paid on full paid stock, and credited on stock notes in part paid on and after the twenty-second day of October next.TRUUTEKI. Hugh Allison, Q. P. Harrison, J. H. Allin, 7. Davidson Hill, S. U. Autry. M. Johnson, Isaac Bloom, Roht. L. Moore, J. A. Braeolman, H. J. Mullan, Sam Boyd, John Meyers. John D. Cobb, Edward Nall, J. E. Campbcil. Emile J. O'Brien. W. L. Cushing, M. Pleifer, Lloyd R. Coleman, U. 1. Ranlett, G, W. Cary. (lo. W. Sentell. Temple S. Coons, W. B. Thompson, J. M, Frankenbush. C. W. Wood, -13 Geratn. Fred Wing, P. O. Gibert, T. . Watrnian, self) rm FACTORS AND TRADEItW' INSURANCE COMPANY, 31............narndelet Street............*5 Paid up Capital, $1,000,000. Asseta April 80, 1877, $1,982,908 08. ISSUES POLICIES COVERING FIRE, RIVER AND MARINE RISKS -AT- LOWEST TAKIFF BATES. ED. A. PALFREY, President. JNO. CHAFFE, Vice President. THOS. F. WALKER, Secretary. John I. Noble, T. Lytt. Lyon, John Chaffe, Samuel H. Boyd. Richard Milliken. Joseph McElroy, J. I. Warren, Wm. J. Behan, R. T. Buckner, B. F. Eschleman, Sam'l Friedlander. Wm. C. Black. A. A. Yates, Chas. Chaffe, John I. Adams, L. C. Jurey, IsaacScherek, Wm. Hartwell. R. M. Walmaley, C. J. Leeds, A. H. May. A. T. Janln, S. H. Snowden, Jos. Bowling, A. M. Bickham. se1 FOR SALE. BUOGIES & CARRIAGES. THE UNDERSIGNED IS STILL AT HIS @14 O tand, 35 Carendelet street, And will sell earriages and buggies for a lower price than any dealer in the South for the next sixty days to come, to make room for a new fall stock. Will sell lower than any dealer in the city for CASH, or thirty, sixty and ninety days' acceptance, to suit the emergency. N. B.-I have exclusive control and sale of the celebrated Emerson & Fisher top and no top buggies, that cannot be surpassed for beauty, legance cheapness and durability in the United tates. They are manufactured of the best material; patent wheels and axletrees, steel bpws, very light and yet stron, oil-tem red nlish steel springe-all fully guaran ed'allof which will be sold in accordance with thetimes. I have also a large stock of CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, from $7 up to $40; a full assort ment of VELOIPEDES, and the squire JAP AANESE UMBRELLAS, new style and water proof. Call at 85 Oarondelet, and examine be. fore buying elsewhere and save money. Again. have exclusive sale of the work man ufactured by Messrs. McLear & Kendall, of Philadelphia-the largest and most successful builders on the continent of America. They send their goods to every city in the United States; have many established repositories, well stocked with the finestwork, overthecoun try, and build 200o and se00 jobs a year. This work is the very best quality for wear and com fort, fully guaranteed for twelve montbs. This firm has stood all the financial eruptions and panics for twenty years, and to-day is far in ad vance of any establishment in the country. P. S.-I also buy largely of Messrs. Dart do ey nolds of New Haven, Conn., the onhn and en terprising successors of G. T. rgewhall. They build about sixty jobs a week-work thateannot be surpased for durability and finish, fully guaranteed. Call at S6 Carondelet street. and examine. asu b T. MADDUX. PREMIUM BONDS ALWAYS ON HAND AND I0 SALE ID SUMS TO SUIT. Zrzcao x..-as LEGISLATIVE WARRANTS Pureased by A. LsMOBI. saoa fo. B GallIhr tfltm EQUAL TO T08 BEEP. Marmis Stret Brewery MUncAETI' MUTUAL InUSAMNQU Oisl PAN! oF NEW ORLNtUa 1S4 . .. .........A1s trl eet. TWENTY-THIRD ANNUAL STATZM*V.. In conformity with the requirements of theft charter, the Company publish the foliliWta statement: Premiums received during the year UEI1 May 81.1177, including unearned pre*1hta of the previous year On Fire Risks. ............ , On Marine Risks................... .,475. On River Risks...................... 15,575 $ Total Premiums................. 1111,41 0 Lees Unearned Premiums...... 115,115* Net Earned Premiums May si, 1877... ................ ga15gg . Losses paid a On Fire Risks.............5117,887 88 On Marine Risks.......... 17,oes so On River Risks............ se5 77 Taxes and expenses, lees interest................ gage 8 Reinsuranees and Re turned Premiums.... e1101 01- 158,!14.0 Prefit.....................* hage a The Company have the following uasetet Real Estate........................... g05875 City Bonds........................... 11n4e, 1 Bank, Railr ad and other Stocks and Mortgage Bonds............ I f N Notes secured by mortasge........ 114,01 0 Notes secured by pledge............ 41,57 57 Bills receivable...................... 45d41 3 Premium in courseof collection.... a1,01 i Cash on hand...................... 77,684 Total............................. f,155 3 The above statement is a Just, true med sor. root transcript from the books of the Comgpea PAUL POUROI,. President. 0. W. Nom, Secretary. Pais of r or Lomsa i a. Parish of Orleans, City of 1eW Oees, Sworn to and subscribed before nethe uief enth day of June, 1877. JAMES PAMfl? Notary Nbius At a meeting of the Board of Direoutoi, 1e47 on the seventh day of June, 1877, it wee resoglrI to declare a cash dividend of twenty sec aent 1 the net earned participating premiums far the year ending May 51, 1577, payable on thetiUg, Monday of July next, Also, to pay to the Stockholders, on demalld interest at the rate of five per cent per easeal on their stock. 1- IflDNOTO55ia D .l~helrix b P. Man itro i P.ourchy. P. Z. lf, L i Charles Lailtte, Patio, jei t? J. J. Fernandea. T WENTY-EIGHTU ANNUAL STAT S -0- T08 CRESCENT MUTUALINBURANOZOOMPAIE Nxw Onna~ss. Mat 10. 1077. The Trustees, in conformity with aneaedud charter, submit the following statement of the alfaim of the-compant on +he ý0th otALi ]A -1 Fire premiums . .. 855s6e 1 Marine premiums.......... 29.515 86 lRiver premiums............ 51.9524 8 Earned premiums, less re insuranceand return pre miums.................... L1 21 Losses paid and estimated, including all known and + unpaid, say: Fire losses........05856 60 Marine losses..... 7,288 41 River losses....... 25.610 70 ---=1195.1!1 91 Taxes, expenses, discount in lieu of participation, etc...............1951,592 6 Less rents, salv age savings, etc. 11,766 72 -40i956G SidBAR0 Gross profits ......................... Of which !66.5575 is appropriated to bALt of interest and liquidation of doubtful asI6 The company have the following ageu*- Bills roceivable....." "... .65,648 85 Loans on Bonds and Mort gage................ 66,945 8* Loans on call............ 074,664 15 Cash..................68,6671 - -- 1!6,!8 It City Bonds.................. 79,68608 Bank and other Stocks...... 7,41 IW Real Estate..................1 18,44 Premiums in course of Col lection and Suspense Ac count........................3.4165 * Total assets............ 15i6. . The above statemen is a tyue and oorfld. transcript from the books of the D ouA. T1100. A. ADAMS Btdldd -: HENRY V. OGDEN, Secretary. Sworn to and subscribed before me this R1me teen day of May. 1s7W. B. HL Ptary The Board of Trustees this day reed afte aing the annual dividend of T 1ONAY. June 1L to those parties receive the same, Thos. A. Adams, Fr 'k Oamergga mai'l B. Newinapl J.J karris,i 'lam, Kennedy, n rew 8tewmr John Phelps, ~ oseph $tone. dam Thomson, eor artig, Henr Tbraham. f E Moulton, Victor Meyer, ý~ U Jure, dwad Edwa jlle waepr lnnfý.j Oe.W nteil Sio H~ernshe in, A.Levi, HiopErchelimer, in,1H. Mattew Jios. BWolff. Mu ,ortiier, . B. 'ost, John V Moor, Ed, Pilsbury, W, B. Conger, Jno. EL Kine. Henry N. Preston. Reuben (1. Bush, J. J. Irby. mr22 17 SUN MUTUAL INUSiJANC COMPANY. Pasid Up capital, uSS4**. FBOM THE TWENTI-1IE8T AINVAI' BTATEMENT BOB 197L Net annual earned pre mis and Discounts and Interest..s.. t.-- lU Losses. Expenses. Taxes. Reerved fund oooand Dividend on capital 10 per ent....... i9914 7I-999.7s9 ssts f ba v,1r pan? es timated at their cash market value: Stocks Bonds, Loans and BUsReevable... .. Cash on hand and pren i ums in course of collec tion.................. g .m 8lld~ pa~d setel4 3' tp