OCR Interpretation

The New Orleans daily Democrat. [volume] (New Orleans, La.) 1877-1880, October 30, 1877, Image 1

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Wemt's Chairmaaship of Ways and means,
and Leadership of the nouse.
rspecial to the Democrat.]
WAsuxINoToN, Oct. 29.-As a general summing
up of the committees, it may be said that the or.
ganisation of the House is on a basisof tariff for
revenue only; repeal of the resumption act and
tamonetization of the silver dollar ; repeal of the
bank tax and check stamp act; liberal measures
In regardto the Missiesippi levees; about a fair
Stand off regarding the Texas Pactile, and econ
d01y without parsimony in all appropriations
for eivil purposes.
the Naval Committee seems to be more lib
*rallv organized than the Military Committee.
Which last has an undqubted majority of two in
favor of cutting the army down to 15,000 men.
Perhaps the weakest and most vulnerable of
all the assignments is that of Fernando Wood
to the chairmanship of Ways and Means, and
thereby to the leadership of the House. It is
eehtala that his leadership will meet with much
embarrassment, by reason of the fact that sev
oral of the strongest and most influential men
on both sides of the House are bi*terly hostile
to him. However, Wood's en-mies are all
Northern Democrats, and as they are in a small
minarity the caucus may keep them quiet.
It is rumored that the President has deter
mined to send King in ani let him be rejected
as the easiest and most conclusive method of
getting rid of him. BUELL.
the noose Corn mlttees--orrison Snub
bed and Sunset Squelched.
[Bpecial to the Democratl
WAgsttOTONx. Oct. 29.-There is neither more
nor less dissatisfaction and disappointment at
Randall's committee assignments than is
usuall the case. A few m, n have been treated
with special disfavor, and they are naturally
very mad, and justly so. The most palpable
case of studied indignity is that visited on
Morrison, of Illinois. who has always been
Ratdall's enemy, even to the extent of openly
eharglng him with corruption. The assign
meat of the Levee Committee to Robertson over
the heads of Gibson and Ellis is simply a com
promise; the latter gentleman having taken an
attitude in regard to it which rendered the ap
l.intment of either well nigh impossible. The
cotmittee is a strong one, and is all that the
most ardent friends of levee reconstruction
coulddesire. Robertson, though a new mem
ber, will undoubtedly meet all expectations.
The Pacific R.,lroad Commi tee has one ma
jority in favor of Tom Scott, but the chairman.
Clarkson N. Potter is opposed to it, which
makes the commit ee about a tie. The Appro
priations Committee may fairly be called liberal,
representing Southern interests.
Some surprise is manifested at the treatment
Of latn Cox, who had been actually squelched.
and yet Randall was under greater obligations
to Cox than to any other man for his e action.
Cox's foolish persistency in remaining a candi
date demoralized the opposition to Randall,
and thus enabled him to w n. Now he gets his
reward in the most contemptuous treatment
meted out to any member. BUELL.
Mates Stands Firm-Dare Conkliug De
clare War ?
[Special to the Democrat.]
WAsnIwoToN, Oct. s2.-Mr. Hayes has certain
ly not capitulated, so far as Conkllng's friends
in the New York Custom House are concerned.
The other evening Col. Roberts and your corre
spondent called at the White House. and Mr.
Hayes, in response to a remark that it was said
In high circles that he dared not remove Mr
Cornell, said that Mr. Cornell would soon cease
to be an officer of customs. He has kept his
word and put his opponents to the blush.
The nominations to succeed Conkling's
friends are referred to Conkling's committee.
and now we shall see wht ther Conkling dare
2 keep his word as Hayes kept his.
None of the other nominations have any po
litical significance, beyond the localities in
which they are made, except, perhaps, that of
Mrs. Thompson as postmistress at Louisville.
Which Bristow may try to have defeated.
The Senate.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 29.-The Senate met at 12
m with Vice President Winoler in the chair.
the Ohair lai, before the Senate several me
morials from the Lgislature of Wisconsin,
asking for additional cost routes, for right of
way for a railroad, lor fl-h huose in the tt. Croix
river and for the construtlon of light-houses.
all which were referred to appropriate com
mittees. Bi-ls and petitions were presented
and referred as follows:
By Mr. Withers, of Virginia: A petition from
the widow of Commodore Jones, a-king an in
erease of pension. Referred to the Committee
an Pensions.
By Mr. Morrill: Petitions from the citizens
of Vermont. asking for the extension of the
Vaptol.grounds. Referred to the Committee on
Public Buildings and Grouwds.
By Mr. Hoar: The petition of Jas. Goodhue
to be restored to his former rank in the army.
Referred to Committee os Military Affairs.
By Mr. Garland: A bill granting indemnity
to the State of Arkansas for lands sold as swamp
lands. Referred to Committee on Public Lands.
By Mr. Paddock: A bill for the relief of 'set
tlers on public lands. Referred to the Com
imittee on Public Lands. Ani also, a bill sup
plemental to an act for appointment of Repre
sentatives in Coniress. Referred to the Com
mittee on Privileges and Elections. Also. a bill
to prevent and puni-h persons for stea'ing
m the Indians. Referred to the Committee
Indian Affairs.
y Mr. Matthews: A bill to amend an act to
establish a uniform system of bankruptcy. Re
ferred to the Committne on the Judliciary.
By Mr. Spencer: A bill to amend section 1244
of the Revised Statut-s. Referred to the Com
mi tteeon Military Affairs.
By Mr. Booth: A bill to authorize the Secro
ry of the Interior to declare forfeited railroad
md grats In certain cases. R ferred to the
Commilttee n the Judineai y.
By Mr. Mitchell: A bill to indemnify N. P.
Jones for money deposited in the United States
Sub-Treasury in Oregon. Referred to the Com
mittee on Finance.
By Mr. Ingalls: A bill to amend section 2a3a of
the Revised Statutes. Referred t,, the Commit
tee on the olevision of Laws; also for relief of
oertain settlers on public lands. Refe red to the
Committee on Public Lands: also bill to revise
the judicial districts of Omaha. Referred to the
Committee on the Judiciary.
By Mr. Thurman: A r.soluton authorizing
the Committee on Patents to inquire whether
any further legislation is necessary for the
preservation and restoration of mode s and
Grafts destroyed by the late fir at the Patent
Olle building and that the committee have
leave to report by bill or ,.therwise. Adopted.
By Mr. Oockrell: A resolution of the Legisls
ture of Missouri instructing their Senators and
r reseutatives in Congress to vote f ,r the
l granting pensions to veterans of the M xi
ca. Black Hawk and Florida wares. Referred
Sommittee on Pensions.
By Mr. Hoar: A bill for the relief of G. B. Up
ROl. Referred to the Committee on Claims.
By Mr. Gordon: A bill restoring the Assistant
Surat Charleston. S. C. Referred to the
mttee on Finanee.
M. Heeford: A bill for the coinage of all
l J the sme a la ender.
th , o nl1a
bbgidpgia S taalit
12:2R. went into executive session. At l:12 the
doors were opened and the Senate adjourned.
The House.
A. 8 Hewitt. of New York, appeared this
morning and was sworn in as a member of the
The Soeaker. during the mornal hour. pro
ceeded with the call ofthe Staten for the intro
duction of bills and joint resolutions, for refer
ence only: under this call a large number were
Introduced and referred to the appropriate
committees When anpointed.
By Mr. Frye, of Mains: To continue the Ala
bama Claims Commission also, a bill to ame d
seeR ion 80 of the Revised Siatutte. relative to the
District of Columbia, and especially relative to
notaries public: lseo. a bill to amend section
Itoe of tneRevised Statutes also, a bill to impose
a penalty for willful injury to public libraries.
By Mr, Hendee. of Vermont: To provide a
permanent form of government for the District
of Columbia.
By Mr. Joyce, of Vermont: To repeal the
bankrupt act; also, to provide for a commid
sion on the alcoholic liquor traffic.
By Mr. Banks: To extend the scope and efil
ciency of the homestead act.
By Mr. Butler: To reoeal several sections of
the Revised Statutes: also, a bill to provide for
the distribution of the remainder of the Geneva
By Mr. Loring: To provide for a uniform
certificate of election of members of Congress.
By Mr. Eames. of Rhode Island: A nill in re
lation to the compensation of paymasters of
the United States army. Also, a bill relating to
the postage on letters.
By Mr. Waite: A bill to eanalize the pay of
rear admirals on the retired [Ist.
baL Mr. Phelps: To repeal the tax on savings
By Mr. Mills: A bill to simplify the exLs ing
law relative to import duties; to reduce the
duties on tea and coffee, and enlarge the free
list; to reduce the interest on the national debt;
to amend the pension law; to regulate and fa
cilitate the payment of duties on imported
merchandise; to provide for a construction of
the act to repeal the revenue laws, and to re
peal moieties* to repeal all taxes on capital and
on depsi's in savings banks and national
banks, and to promote the efficiency and har
mony of the navy.
By Mr. Cox, of New York: To remove all disa
bilities impoced by the third section of the 14th
article of the constitution of the United States;
also, to provide for the issue of silver coin on a
deposit of bulli on and to repeal an act author
izing the coin 'ge of twenty cent pieces.
By Mr. H ,witt, of New York: A joint resolu
tion in relation to the Paris Exposition of 1878.
By Mr.Cutler. of New Jersey: To apply the
proceeds of the sales of public lands to support
free schools ; also. a bill to equalize taxes.
By Mr. Riddiek, of New Jersey: Abill declar
ing the Department of Agriculture one of the
executive departments; also, to establish a
Department of Commerce.
By Mr. Kelly, of Pennsylvania: A bill to re
peal the act of January 4, 1878. providing for the
resumplion of specie payments.
By Mr. Wright, of Pennsylvania: A bill sup
plnemntal to the homeseand act of May 2e.
By Mr. White, of Pennsylvania: Abill to pro
vide for the stamping of unstamped docu
By Mr. Everett. of Pennsylvania: A bill to
regulate commerce and prohibit discrimination
by common carriers.
By Mr. Freeman: A bill to secure the service
of notices in United States courts in certain
By Mlr. Marsh: A joint resolution providing
for an amendment to the constitution, so that
he Pres dent shall be elected by the direct vote
of the people.
At this point the morning hour expired, and
a resolution was introduced by Mr. Durham
and passed under a suspension of the rules, to
continue the call until all the States and Terri
tories were called
The following among others were introduced
and referred:
By Mr. Harris. of Virginia: To give circuit
courts advisory jurisdiction over district oourts
in certain cases.
By Mr. Goode, of Virginia: For the improve
ment of the harbor of Norfolk and Elizabeth
river; also. to reimlburse the William and Mary
College for property destroyed during the late
war; a'so, for the restoration of wages in the
government printing office.
By Mr. Walker. of Virginia: To make the
United States notes a legal tender for duties;
also, to consolidate the hond-d debt of the
United States and reduce the interest thereon;
also to apply the proceeds of the sales of public
lands to the education of the people.
By Mr. Scales, of North Carolina: To repeal
the act imposing a tax on imports distilled from
fruits: to refund to distillers of spirits from
fruits all internal revenue tax paid in excess of
s$50 also, a bill granting pensions to the soldiers
and sailors of the Mexican war.
By Mr. Robbins, of North Carolina: To pre
vent interference with the administration of
justice in the courts of the several States, and
to repeal the act authorizing the transfer of
cases from State to United States courts; also,
to reduce the tax on distilled spirits and tobacco
after July 1. 1878; also, to amend the law relat
ing to involuntary )ankruptcy.
By Mr. Vance: To amend the net granting
pensions to soldiers and sailors of the Mexican
war; 0lso, to enable the Eastern Band of Chero
kees, of North Carolina, to institute proceedings
against said nation.
By Mr. Bragdon: To modify and amend the
internal revenue laws.
By Mr. Evins. of South Carolina: For the re
lief of owners of lands sold for direct taxes.
By Mr. Heowitt, of Alabama: To secure the im
partial administration of justice in the United
St tes courts in Alabama; also, to repeal the
test oath.
R t AT.. hlTrlr ,"..," Miantoninn st·.. A ill P.a f. a
improvement of certain riversY .
By Mr. Ellis: A bill authorizing a line of
steambhips between New Orleans and Central
Ame, fea, and a line between New Orleans.
.y Mr. Gibson: A bill for the protection of the
alluvial lands on the Mis-issippi river: also to
authorize the Louisiana and Texas Railway
Company to relinquish their tl le to certain
lands in Louisiana: also a bill for putting into
operation the mint and assay office at New Or
leans; also to provide for Itho appointment of
commercial commissions to Central America
and Brazil.
By Mr. Leonard. of Louisiana: A bill pro
posing an amendment to the Constitution of
the United States; also a bill plvidlng for the
restoration of certain lands in Arkansas, Flor
Ida and Louisiana.
By Mr. Banning: A bill to incorporate the
National Iron Moulders' Union: also, to
transfer the custody of the Indian Bureau from
the Interior to the War Department: also, to
authorize the coinage of silver dollars, and
making the same a legal tender.
By Mr. Ewing: A bill authorizing the coinage
of silver dollars.
By Mr. Foster: A hill for the better care and
protection of quartermnster's supplies.
By Mr. Knott: A hill to repeal so much of
section 3244 aLs prohibits farmers from selling
leaf tobacco to other than dealers without pay
ment of a tax.
By Mr. Durham: A hill fixing fees of United
States marshals and deputies.
By Mr. Cob. of Indiana: A bill to provide
for the issue of e50o.00oste in treasury notes,
and the redemption of national bank notes.
A very large proportion of the hills introduced
were those failing to become laws during the
previous Congress.
After the introduction of an immense num
ber of hills the call concluded. At: p. m. the
Speaker announced the list of standing com
mittees. which was read by the Clerk.
Mr. A kins moved that when the House al
ourn it be to meet on Wednesday. Rejected
by a rising vote.
Mr. Atkins called for tellers, and said that it
would be impossible to make up the journal in
time. and the committees wanted to organize.
The Speaker said that there had been s45 bills
introduced, and if the House met it would have
to go on without the journal.
The vote was then taken by tellers and re
sulted: Yeas 125, nays 41.
Mr. Belond of Missouri, moved to suspend
the rules and p iss a bill to authorize the coin
age of silver dollars of 412! grains.
Mr. Atkins, of Tennessee, moved that the
House adjourn.
At 5:44) . min. the House adjourned to Wednes
A Large Batch ot Nominations Sent to the
WAHINoTroN, Oct. 29.-The President sent to
the Senate to-day a large number of nomina
tions. Among them were the following: W. H.
Edwards, of the District of Columbia. Secretary
of the United States Legation to Brazil; John
Oglesby, of Louisiana Apnraiser at New Or
leans ; James Lewis of Loulsiana, Naval Officer
at New Orleans; John L. Collins, Colecuror of
Customs at Brunswick, Ga.; Oa)riel C. Whar
ton, U. 8. District Attorney for Kentucky; L. E
ns of Alabama. U. S. Distriet Attorney for
e r rnand iddle Distr of ulma.
. . lmd.US$,Mnd..g m. -[d..d
Customs aº New York: Edwin A. lerritt'
Surveyor of Customs at New York; Brad
tor Prince, Naval Officer at New York:
William Henry Smith, Collector of Customs at
Chicago;: bRert W. Smith Collector of Customs
at Mobile, Ale.: Jewet Palmer, Collector of In
iernal Revenue for the Second District of Vir-,
ginia; E. Platt Stratton, of New York, Super
visor and Inspector or Steam Vessels for the
Second District; M. Fehrenback, Supervisor
and Inspector of Steam Vessels for the Seventh
Distlrict ; Louis Hell, Appraiser of
Merchandise, under the provision of section
2ns of the Revised Statutes; Edward W. Stough
ton, of New York, Envoy and Minister Plenipo
tentiary to Russia: J. D. DeFrees,. of West VI*
al*ia, Public Printer; John A. Campbell, of
Wisconsin. United States Consul at Basle.
Switzerland: G. Wiley Wells. of Mississippi.
Consul General at Shanghai; Chas. Iartlet,
aunsul at Turks' Is'and; Walter H. Garfield,
of Mississippi, Consul at Martinique; L. J.
McLynde. Consul at Nassau; Julius Stahl.
of New York, Consul at Osaka'
lago Ehrman, Second Secretary of the United
States Legation at London; John Baxter, of
Tennessee, Judge for the Sixth Cireoldt Owen
P. Fitzsimmons, of Georgia. Marshal for the
District of Georgia' Edgar M. Marble, of Michi
gan United States bistri'-t Attorney: Gen. Jno,
M. Dunn, of Delaware Marshal for the Dis rinet
of Delaware' M. J. Walliron of Tennessee,
Marshal for the Western District of Tennessee;
Chas. C. Allen, of Mi-souri, Marshal for the
Western District of Missouri; R. Brown, of
Wisconsiln, District Judce t r the Western Dis
trict of Wise nsin: H. J. Campbell, of Louisi
ana, United States Att rney for Dakotah' Com.
Thos. H. Patterson. to be Rear-Admiral; Pay
master F. C. Corby to be Pay Inspector; J. W.
Easty. Chief of th Blureau of Construction and
lepairs of the Navy Department. Besides the
foregoing ther, is a large number of nomina
tions of postmasters, army and navy promo
tlons and appointments, etc.
Appointnments Confirmed.
WAsarIoToN, Oct. 29.-The following con
firmations were made in executive session:
United States Attorney, Madden C. Burch for
the Western District of Michigan and H. 8.
Matthews for the Eastern District of Michigan;
H. H. Baxter, Examiner-in-Chief of the Patent
Office; F. Gilbert, Assistant Treasurer at Chi
cago; Wmin. Upton Second Controller of the
Treasury: Jas. Gilflllan. Treasurer of the
United States; Albert W. Wyman. Assistant
Treas urer of the United States; J. B. Hoyt
Governor of Arizona: J. J. Jasper. Secretary of
Arizona: Posmasters, H. A. Kenyon, Dwight.
Ill.; Rufus H. Mellen. Amboy Ill.: W. W. Bou
termink, Auburn, Ill : B. F. Judson, Saratoga,
N. Y.; Gus A. Pfrangle, Aurora, ll.: Henry A.
Milletzer. Belleville. Wis.: H. Smith. Batavia,
Ill.; E. D. Richardson, Cambridge, Ill. J. L.
Walford, Corinth, Miss.' W. H. H. Green,
Jackson, Miss.; Wm. e. Waddell, O'Hal.
lahan, Miss.; F. Best, Texarkana, Ark.
T6. Yon.. r i1m mtlttwr
WASaINOTON, Oct, 29.-The following are the
chairmen of committees, as announced by the
Ways and Means-Wood of New York.
Appropriations-Atkins of Ten nessee.
Pacific Railroad-Potter of New York.
Claims-Bright of Tennessee.
Commerce-Reangan of Texas.
Public Lands-Marrison of Illinois.
Postofelees and Postroads-Waddell of North
District of Columbia-Williams of Michigan.
Judiciary-Knott of Kentucky.
War Claims-Eden of Illinois.
Public Expenditures-Hatcher of Missouri.
Private Land Claims-Gunther of Arkansas.
Manufactures-Wright of Pennsylvania.
Agricultnure-Cutler of New Jersey.
Indian Affairs-Scales of North Carolina.
Yilbtary Affairs-Banning of Ohio.
Militia-Ross of New Jersey.
Naval Affairs--twann of Maryland.
Territories-Franklin of Missouri.
Revolutionary Pensions and War of 1812-
MaIkey of Pennsylvania.
d~alid Pensions--kice of Ohio.
iways and Canals-Bohlelcher of Texas.
l Bning-Beebe of New York.
Education and Labor-Goode of Virginia,
Revision of Laws-Walsch of Maryland.
Coinage, Weights and Measures-Stephens of
Patents-Vance of North Carolina.
Public Buildings and Grounds-Young of Vir
Aecounts-Roberts of Maryland.
Mileage. Cable Expenditures of State Depart
ment- Springer of Illino's.
Ex penaditres of Treasury Department-Wil
lis of New York.
Expenditures of the Department of Justice-
Bragg of K isconsin.
Expenditures of the Postoffice Department-
Williams of Alabama.
Beform of the Civil Service-Harrison of
Mississippi Levees-Robertson of Louisiana.
Regulating the Counting of Votes for Presi
dent and Vice President-Southard of Ohio.
Printing-Singleton of Mississippi.
En olled Bills-Hamilton of Illinois.
Library-Cox of New York.
Thanksgtvnig Proclamation.
WAsHINGTON, Oct. 20.-The following was is
so. d this afternoon by the President of the
United States of America:
The completed cycle of summer and winter.
seed time and harvest, has brought us to the ac
custonmed season at, which a Christian people
celebrate with prayers and thanksgivl ngtlhe en
du ing mercy of Almighty God, this devout
and public confes ion of the constant
dependence of man upon the divine
favor for all good gifts of lif-,
health and peace and happiness so early in our
history made the habit of our people, finds in
the survet of the past year new grounds for joy
ful and grateful manifestations in all the bles
sings which depend upon benigna),t seasons.
This has indeed h en a memorable year. Over
the wide territory of our country, with all its
diversl y of soil and climate, the earth has
yielded a bountiful return to the labor of the
The health of the people has been blighted by
no prevalent or wid, spread disease; no great
disaster upon our casts, or to our commerce
on the seas have brought loss and hardship to
merchants and marln rs, or clouded the hap
piness of our country with sympathetic sorrow.
Pence and greatness as a nation.ln al thatbrings
permanence and security to our Government
and the beneflcentinstitutions on which it rests,
in all that effects the character and disposition
of our hopes and tests our cat,acity to enjoy
and uphold the equal and free condition of so
ciet y now permanent and universal throughout
the land.
The experience of the past year is conspicu
ously marked by the protecting providence of
God, and is full of promise and hope for com
ing generations. Under a sense of these in
finite oblluations to the Great Ruler of times.
seasons and events, let us humbly ascribe it to
our own faults and frailties if any degree of
that perfect concord and happiness,
peace and justice, which such great
mercies should diffuse through the
hearts and lives of our people. do not alto
geher and always and everywhere prevail.
Let tus with one voice and with one spirit lift up
praise and thank-giving to God for His mani
fold goodness to our land-His manifest care
for our nation.
Now, therefore, I, Rutherford B. Hayes, Presi
dent of the United States, do appoint Thursday,
thetwenty-ninth day of November next, as a
day of national thanksgiving and praise, and I
earnestly recommend that, withdrawing them
selves from secular cares and labors, the peop'n
ot the Un ted States do meet together on that
day in their respective places of worship, there
to give thanks and praise to Almighty Go I for
his mercies, and to devoutly beseech their con
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my
hand, and caused the seal of the United States
to be affixed.
Done at the city of Washington this twenty
ninth day of October, in the year of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven,
and of the indeenloence of the United States
the one hundred and second.
(Signed) R. B. HAYES.
By the President:
WM, M. EvARTs, Secretary of State.
Lost at sea.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 29.-The United States con
sult at Kingston. Jamaica, reports to the Depart
ment of State the loss of the bark Herald, of
New Yob k, on the 25th of Septemb-'r. While on
her way from Montenegro Bay to Make River,
Jamaica. the Herald struck on a rocky reef point
in Carlisle bar and a gale arising, became a
t tal wre k. The master and crew. nineteen in
number, all escaped, and arrived at the United
t-tates consulate at King-ton on the 29th of Sep
tmber, and shipped for New York on the
American steamer Cleopatra.
ovas - t.,2m.
Pasha, Many Omcers and Seven Com-n t
peaies of Infantry Captured. [
LONDON, Oct. a30-A dispaatch from Poreden
tays that on Sunday the Russians carried all
f the Turkish positions at 'leleche. and cap
tred one Pasha, a large number of officers and
ieven companies of infantry.
& Russian Loan for the Building of Rail- l
LoNDoN. Oct. 30.-A dispatch from St. Peters- c
urg says that the Russian government has as
esked credit for £6.250.0oo for the construction c
i new railways._ _
Insurrections Peared In Albanal. Epirus i,
and Macedonia. ti
LONDON, Oct. 30.-A dispatch from Conetanti
nople says that a rising is feared in Albania.
loirus and Macedonia. The Porte is endeav,,r
ina to muster a force of 230 000 irregulars to put
lown the insurrection and has ordered a mer- c
,iless treatment of the Insurgents. Ii
", r- a
The Result of the Second alilots.
PARIs, Oct. 29.-The second ballotings for
members of the Chamber of Deputies in the un
dicided districts have resulted in the elcetion
of eleven Conservatives and four IRepublicans, r
making a total of 320 RBepublicans and 210 Con- a
servatives elected.
Dining Grant.
PARIs. Oct. 30.-A grand dinner was given by
the American Lgation to-night in honor of
Ge.. Grant. All the French Ministers were
present, also President MacMahon, together
with a number of prominent Americans. The
assemblage was very brilliant.
Cuba Land Grants.
MADRID Oct. 30.-The Spanish government
has issued orders granting waste lands in Cuba
to the soldiers and volunteers who are suffering
by the insurrection on the island.
a Terrible Storm-large Loss of Life and
WAsmHIGTON, Oct. 27.-The Department of
State has received from the United States Con
sul at Ouracoa. Dutch West Indies. an account
of a terrible hurricane which swept over that
island on the 2ad of last month. The loss of
property is estimated at $2 000.00o. The loss of
life could not be estimated at the date of the
Consul's writing, but was undoubtedly large.
In the city of Cura ona many of the most solid
structures were crushed ae if things of paper
by the waves which rolled upon them moun
tains high, and many pers ns were buried in I
the ruins People who were rich were made
paupers in an hour. Planters suffered largely
also, most of the plantations bing strewn with
uprooted trees and wrecks of all sorts.
The American schooner Roswell, of Eastporto
D. Catharine master, was driven ashore and
wrecked at Little Curacoa the master and crew
escapee and reached the United States Consu
late wnere they were received and taken careof.
The American brig Stiles arrived atOuraooa
on the 25th, three days after the hurricane, in a
damaged condition, and was undergoing repairs
the date of the w idtionofhe Coul.
The Inglish rig Cu .OMof W r, fa
driven to Arnb where she now es sa
The Duteh man-of-war Conolics was caught
in the hurricane and severely handled, losing
her masts etc. ; she had to throw several guns
Cholera at Yokohama.
WASRHINGTON Oct. 29.-The Department of
State is in receipt of further information from
tihe United States Minister to Japan concerning
the cholera at Yokohama. According to the
published statements of the Board of Health of
that city the disease is pronounced to be Asiatic
cholera. On the 24th of September several new
cases were reported, and six deaths with 1:8
persons under treatment. It is thought, how
ever, that the progress of the disease is checked.
Rebellion Suppressed.
WAsuHINoTN. Oct. 29.-A dispatch has been
received at the Deparment of State from the
United States Minister to Japan. containing a
copy of a notification from the Japanese Prime
Minister announcing the complete suppression
of the latLuma reblilion. It was reported
that Saigo, the rebel chief, and all his officers
fell in the battle of the twenty-fourth of Septem
Proposed Syndlcate for the Purchase and
Funding of Southern State Bonds.
NEW YORK, Oct. 29.-The proposed new syndi
cate, the purpose of which is to buy up default
ed bonds of the Southern States, and it is hinted
of some of the Western States, and then sue for
their face value was first suggested, it 1 now un
derstood,by J...MeKinnon. Besidesthis gentle
man, ex-Secretary McCullough, D, exelMiorga'
&, Co , Von Hoffman & Co., the First National
Bank, C. W. French Winslow, Lanier & Co. are
said to be interested in the sc.eme. Some rep
resentative firms interested have no hesitation
in talking about the matter.
They admit that the object of the syndicate is
to make money, and that it is not to be a philan
thropic scheme. A very large amount of repu
diated bonds are said to be hold by the gentle
men who are trying to incorporate the associa
lion. In regard to the incorporation it is said
that all the legal stets necessary to that end
have not yet been taken.
The syndicate proposes to interest itself in
State bonds to the amount of $200,000,00o. and in
Pounty and town debts to the amouLt of more
than ~oeo,ooo,ooo. It will be necessary to have
bills passed in several State Legislatures before
work can be begun and the Funding Associa
tion of the Un ted States his been formed to
secure this legislation. Some of the repudiated
bonds were bought by their present owners at
11. per cent of their face value.
In order to secure the payment of interest on
these bonds by the States, cities and counties,
a bill has been prepared to be presented to the
Legislatures of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida,
Bouth Carolina, North Carolina, Louisiana,
Mississippi, Texas and some other S:ates. This
bill. it it becomes a law, will compel the States,
counties and cities to k-ep their promises. The
Syndicate will offer to fund all bonis bearing
inttre t at the rate of eight and ten per cent at
four and six per cent.
The bill will provide that the auditor of each
State shalt annually levy a tax on the assessed
property of the State, county, city or t',wnsh:p.
distinct from all other taxes and to be used only
to pay the inte; est of these bonds. Provision
is also made in the bi!i to e-ver any difficulty
arising in the colle;ion of this tax. An unsuc
iessful atten pt was made four years ago in
London to establish a similar association to the
one now proposed.
An Assignment.
NEW YORK. Oct. 29.-A. Herpich & Co., whole
sale fur dealers, made an assignment for the
benefit of their creditors to Hall, Garten & Co.
Mr. Herpich states that the suspension is only
temporary, and is on account of the troubles of
their branch house in Leipsie, which wa. caused
by the embarra-sm"nts if many Russian mer
chants. The lDabil.tie" of the New York house
are placed at$15o.000; assets $100,000. The con
dition of the branch house is not yet known
Hayes' Visit to Richmond.
RICHMroN. Oct. 29.-The programme for the
reception of President Hayes and party is n w
fully complete i. The reception committee will
leave here t ,-morrow morning at R o'cloOk, and
will meet the President's train beyond Freder
The distinguished party will arrive In this
city at 2:30 p. m., and will bees.orted to the
crner of Franklin and Belvidere streets, where
a large platform hasbeen erected and furnished
with seats for the Presidential party and prom
inent caltizens, and from which Judge Xeredito
willd er a of
rannklin street to Fifth, along Fifth to Grace.
iwn Grace to Ninth thence to Main. down
Waln to the Exchange hotel.
The Virginia State Agricultural Sciety will T
)n their part observe the following programme:
The oresident and ex-presidents of the soci
ty and the men bhrs of the Executive Com
nittee will in a body call on President Hayes at
he Exchange Hotel to-morrow evening, and
pay their respects. A
Military Movements.
NEW YOnK, Oct. 29.-Companies D. E and I,
Fifth United States Artillery, arrived here on
J4tturday from Wilkesbarre. Pennsylvania, on
;heir way to Savannah, Georgia. They were
oent from Savannah in July last to uard the
B rltimore and Ohio railroad, and afterwards
went to Pittsburg and other places to quell the
oal miners' strike. They left yesterday by the
teamer San Salvador for Savannah. The men
complain that they have not been paid their
Iages-eighteen dollars per month-since May
last, and that their wives and families are left
In almost a destitute condi'ion. They said that
they had frequently had to wait eight months
for their pay.
Incendlary Fires at Plttsburg.
Prnrsruno. Oct. 29.-Yesterday morning the
ooper shop of B. F. Moore was destroyed by
ire. Loss, $30,o)0; partially insured. Less than
an hour later the cooper shop owned by Mr.
Clanny burned, with a loss of $5000. No insur
The story of the watchman at Moore's shop is t
au'horit-y for the report that these are inoen
diarlsms committed by the coopers who are on
a strike.
The Lotus Club Inaugurates Its Winter I
NEW YORK. Oct. 29.-The Lotus Club inaugn
rated its winte'r season on Sat urday night with
a dinner and art exhibition. Many noted men
in literary, artistic and political life w, re pres
ent. Speeches were made by Gov. Dorshelmer.
Mayor Ely, Prof. Oangee, of England, and
othets. After dinner an excellent musical and
literary entertainment was given by prominent
artists. To-day was the first ladies' day of the
season, anti attracted to the club house many of
the most prominent ladies of this city.
Senator Morton.
INDIANAPOLIS, Oct. 29.-Senator Morton this
moreingis hardly in as favorable acondition ti
luring Ihe past week, having been unable to re
lain any kind of food on his stomach. It is
thought that he is gradually falling.
A Call on Erie Stock.
NEW YORK, Oct. 29.-A report was circulated
on Wall street this afternoon that the Erie Rail
road Company intended asking $10 on every
share of stock of the railroad in order to meet
certain obligations.
History and Progress of the Baptist
Nxw YORx, Oct. 29.-Rev. Dr. Fulton. of the
Centennial Baptist 1 hurch of Bror klyn, read a
ta, er this morning, at tna we.caly meeting of
Baptist preachers on the history and progress
of the Bapti-t Churrh at Mariner's Temple.
He gave his ideas on the pr sent state of affairs
and the outtlook for the future. In re
gardl to the latter his views were by no means
encouraging. He quoted from statistics toshow
that during the last seven years the chur ch had
slightly lost ground, and th t at no time had its
growt,' kept pace w-th the growth of the city.
In 1850 the number of members of all churches
was 9870; In 1870 1.407. and in 1877 11.331.
The Cigar Makers' Strike.
New Yoxg, Oct. 29.-The position of affairs
etween the striking cigar makers and theit
mpioyers presents very ittle ohase from that
Slast week with the exception that the work
mn aregeýba tired .of the whole affer.
The smio.iln tned. 1acturem, whobelong to
he National Vigar Makers' Union, say they
re still firm in their refusal to scede to the
Iemand of the strikers and would prefer to let
heir shops remain closed all winter.
The Tweed Investigation.*
NEw Yonx, Oct. 29.-John Bridgeford. of Al
tany. who is to c, rroberate Tweed's statements
•egarding the new Capitol bu Iding, was in the
ildermanic chamber at the commencement of
he ring investigation to-day. Ex-Senator
lamilton Harris was a so present. Mr. Bridge
ord tee ifled that be was su. erintendent of the
7apitol building. and was present at the con
ersation between Harris and 'i weed.
There was a commission of eight and Mr.
I rris wanted it changed to six, as some of the
nemb rs were troublesome. A new bill was to
t got through by Tweed. Harris was to man
age the quarry, and Harris and Tweed were to
livide the commissions. He knew of no lexiti
nate profits that could be derived from the
fHice of commissioner beyond the salary, but
here.was a legitimate profit paid in the shape
>f per centates. They were paid to witness
mtl by him handed to Hamilton Harris, and
hey amounted to a con'iderable sum. Witness
peveral times collected these commissions from
contractors. and handed them to Harris.
Witness dec ined .o give the names of persons
rom whom he had received these percentages,
)n the ground that such witnesses would he
ikely to get out of the way if their names were
nade public.
A debate ensued on compelling witness to an
.w, r, when the corporation counsel said he
vould proceed against. the witness before the
udge for contempt unless he replied to the
Witness then named Ed. Leoned; Mr. Bangs,
Bf Bangs & Gagno; E. R. 8ew",rd, of Albany.and
aeob Haller, of Albany. He said there were
everal more contractors, but he could not re
nember their names.
Senator Harris of Albany. was then sworn.
le emphatically stated that tthere was not a
cord of truth in any state,nent that he had
>een gally of corrupt practices in connection
cith the construction of the Capitol. He never
lad any talk with Tweed, Bridgeford and others
elative to any percentage, and the statement
vas absolutely false. He had frequently loaned
iridgeford money, and ever since he had had
o pay a protested note of his there had been a
lot against him and witness believed that he
vas a party to the plot. Entertainments were
iven to the commissioners to make them good
atured. The Ss,000,000 for the erection of the
tapitol, witness believed was expended as hon
rably as possible.
Demarara Sugars.
NEw YORK, Oct. 2.--The Post's Washington
peeial says that the order of the Secretary of
he Treasury, directing the seizure of alleged
rtiilelally colored Demarara sugar, is pro
tounced a dead letter in official quarters in
onsetuence of the unwillinguess of the (Ins
om-House authorities at Baltimore and other
torts to assume the responsibility of seizing
arg.ues. several vessels have arrived lately
rom Demarara with eargcea of sugar, which
vere promvtly passed by the Custom-House
fleers as of the lowest grad-s or quality, just
s though no order had been issued. It is not
trobable that the Seoretary's order will be put
n force, bet the question will be submitted to
ongress, with the re-'ommendation that the
)resent system of grading sugar be changed.
Ocean Freights.
NEW YORK. Oct. 26.-In oeron freights the po
ition a.td general tone of the market both for
terth and chartering tonnage. rem:ined about
he same. Demandts for room are fair in the
rggr, gate. but individually or for one class of
ntrchandise the movement is small. Rates in
ome instances are inclined to a slight irreau
arity, but in the main late figures are still cur
out. The recent liberal a' rivals of tonnage.
lowever, have served to check a good deal of
he confidence so recently rec.orted.
A New York gob.
New YoRK, Oct. 29.-A mob of sailors marched
brough the streets of the Fourth Ward this
norning, gathering recruits for an attack en
he .eamn's boarding-house 70 James street,
tept by Matt McCaffrey, who had incurred their
nmity by opposing their demand for an in
rease of wages from $14 to $20 per month.
they finally halted in front of the house and
uried a shower of stories and other missiles at
', demolishing all the wi dows and glass doors.
,cCaffrey sent a messenger to the poli-.e
tation and :he officers hastened to the spot.
The offieers charged the mob, which seat
ered, but re-assembled under its principal
eader, Matthew McElroy keeper of a sailor
yarding-house on Hamilt n street. The po
ieemen then arrested seven of the ringleaders
mnd took them to the station-house.
Cornell and Arthur.
Wasm.orow., Oct. 29.-It is thought that the
LOU-r Bignf oa of Colretrs Arth ur and M.
thorough Review of the Late Ineidelat
in our Poiltecal History-The Or.*la
Izatlon of the Dual Leglslatures, Elee
tgen of Senators, etc.,
WASHINtTON. Oct. 28.-The Senate Committee
Privileges and Elections met this morning
receive written statements of Kellogg &
offord, Louisiana eontesta is to a ates ln.
nate. Each expressing himself ready, .
oar offered a resolution, which was un
ously agreed to, that the committee take tre
ae in order that the cont stants might flle
i lr statements with the clerk, and that oppor
nity be given each to examine the statement
his opponent, and prepare. if desired, any y
ply thereto.
The committee having reassembled the state
nt of Kellogg was read. He says: "I assume
is not within the power of alhi claimant or
int"stant for a seat in the Senate in any degree
contest the right of the State to her dul
aosen representatives in the Senate, and tht
Le committee so understands the matter a
at the committee's request for a st tement of
idence which contestants desire to present to
Le committee does not indicate that the oo0n
ittee will suffer our reque, ta In any degree to
introl the commit see or Senate in regard to:
eo range which will be given to this evfde a
desire toplace at the beainning of this repp ..
e view whlch I take of the law of cont
hat view is that the substan'lal merlts of
)ntested claim to a seat and the ouestia:
hich, or whether either of the two rvaL i
'dies, claiming to be the Legislature
Ssaid state in January last, when I was"
ected. is the true and lawful Legislature, are
atermined under the constitution and laws of
te United States and of Louisiana by the
cord of evidence which these laws carel
apply to the senate; and that where revot
,n or disorders in a State have not deprive
ie State and the Senate of the best and eon
lusive evidence both of the existence of a
wful Legislature, and of its elections to the
mate, it is not lawful for the Senate to pass by
is highest and conclusive evidence so su.
lied, for the purpose of trying in the e,
he were elected to the Legislature. Ti
aing is confided to the bates themselves to
eteimined through their returning ol
Sthe first instance, and thereafter to be
3rmined by the houses of tie Legislature d
rganizmd by those who hold the prima
vidence of right to compose such houses
uch Legislature, so conclusively made
awful Legislature of the State. I was ont
tth of January lastduly elected to the
nd record evidence of that election,
osseesion of the commitee, i. the same w
enumerated in my letter to the commltte
be 2id inst. To this enumeration I rf
ontaining a statement of what I deem
ompe'ent and conclusive evidence in4his
,d which establishes my title to the Oett,
nima fatce and on substantial merits,.
If, however, the committee should ho0
his view of mine is not a true one, a d
uty of the committee, either owing to v O
,nd revolutionatry disorders which as
overnment of the State or from any
ause, requires the committee to go into
nrs behind this record, evidence sh
awfulness of my eleion amnd of the
ure which made t, then I shall ask heco
ae to go to the boetom of things, sl
he committee to investigate and decade
ere entitled to compose the L i
xecutive of Louisiana, as deter i
lection of 1876, after eliminating from
lection and its returns all consequene&m
hose offenses aai a free and pure
'on which are prohited by the o
tad laws o Louisiaa. I add below a
lefinite statement as t what evid.mnc
sk the committee to take in the event
i termine that the decision of this tcae
substantial merits" rquntres the comat
ecide those questions which are made
constitution and laws of Louisiana to be
minable in the first instance alone by
urning officers of Louisiana, and determna
iltimately by the houses of the Leglala
vhich are composed of those, an i those on
bho are found entitled to seats therein by acre
iflcates of the returning officers of the State.
In the event of the committee's adoption M
hat range of inquiry just stated, I shall ask t
ommittee to investigate and report upon t
ollowing matters:
)V;-f_ nvin vlnlnn nA nthpr mMlr}innnr as&-ft:~
Inlawful atds and influences resorted to eit .h
o prevent the orgat' ization of the Legislatla
)y which I was elected, or to deprive eitCih
>ratnch thereof of a quorum before, at the tfituUf"
>r after my said election t the Senate.
Second-The violence and other revolutionl
)r unlawful acts and infleences resorted o . :
lenrive of their offces the Executive and judIal ,
)fficers of Louisiana belongi ng to what is knol
is the Packard government.
Third-The acts resorted to to secure the a...
ranization of what is known as the Nicho's-,l
eislature, and the installment and contln,:.
nee in power of Nichclls as the Executive.
Fourth--The character, extent and effect umon
he election in Louisiana in 1876. of these .f
enses against the election laws which are eant.
nerated in such laws, and especially in the
,wenty-sixth section of the act ot 1872.
Ffth.--The action of the re urninK ofmcers i
naking up the ~tourns of all the personsgn
fleers voted for at the election of Novembet,
876. in the State of Louisiana.
I shall also ask in the event the committee,
Ih II decide to go behind the record evidenoe to
vhich I have alluded, that the testimony tkI
ty the Committee of the Senate, of which Set.:
or Howe was chairman, in 1877. may be ordered
ty the Senate to be used for the purpose of steht"
Mr. Spofford in his statement says, proteetiM
hat no evidence beyond his credentials and
orical facts of which the Senate will take jyi
sial notice is required or should be demande.
n obedience to orders and resolutionsof th
°ommittee, he proposes to prove:
First-That by actual returns collected by
)arish supervisors of registration from thc.fr
ippointees, the commissioners of el
howing the votes actually in the ballot-box M
he close of the election in Louisiana o the
>f November, 1870, it appears that enough of
lenators and Representatives received intoi
Packard LRgisleture upon certilfcates of the
galled Returning Board were defeated at t
)olls to show that there never was from first to
apt a quorum of elected members in either`. ;
)ranch of that Legislature.
Heronrd-That Will Steven, holding over 8eaa:
ttor, adhering to the Nicholls Legislature, waW.
'aptured and taken by duress aasinst his pro- ,
est, into the Packard Senate chamber on the
)f January, 1877, and kept there by duress a8"
igainst his protest, he refusing to participate fi
;h'ir action and repudiating their authority as
t Senate just for the pur ose of swearing in
nembers of that pretended Benate, Blker and
Kelso, who had not only been defeated at t.I.
?oils as candidates for :he Senate but were M
eported by the tRe'urning Board. and their
'ompetitors were actually eected,ll and admitted
.o be so by the Returning Board. and sat as
nemb-rs from their respective Senatorial dis- ,,
riots in the Nicholls Senate throughout its
ession, and that there was no contest and no
rntiee of contest over their seats; but the seat- ;
ng of Baker and Kelso was entirely unlawful,
nexeusable and of no effect.
In continuing his statement. Judge Spofford
gays that, by the actual returns or statements
is made on duplicates by the supervisors of
egistration with their appointees. commissioa
irs of election, and sent-one set to the clerk o
he district court of each country perish, one to
he Secretary of 8tate in the city and another to
he Returning Board so-called, showed a major
ty of votes actually cast throughout the State of
ibout 8000 for Nicholls and Wiltz over Packarl
nd Antoine for Governor and Lieutenant Got
In conclusion, the statement charges the Be
erning Board with changina the result of the
leetion in DeSoto parish by the suppression of
rotes so as to return Bepublica.n representa
ives who were really beaten by large maijorn
ifs, and which was admitted in a letter wriftte
>y one of the Republican representatives eo,
"eturned, a copy of which letter will herea.t g
e submitted to the committee.
In his supplemental statement Kellog d.;
ies gone ally and se.eeln(Iy the yiitter[.l%.+.
pn I s ieeiff"bo ' the materie.
verments of Bpofford, and asks that in Iltey"
vent the commi ee shall decide to take tett...
nony in retard to who were duly ele^ted
)ere of the 1g.iPr.tatnTe su ccb igvutiestiea
emadae thm-oaholdtm o.ftl&eae L the 2
,tgns of the oseldaotiarws of Liisjsa&a;:

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