Newspaper Page Text
In San Franefso, the lone by fire during 187l Ou.oFlntod to $1,ona,7t 6, the greater unrt of whib might have boon saved or avoidoed by or dinary carefulness. Twent.y-eight vesols, lelonging to, or bound to, or from Am"rl'.IaI orts, were lost during the month of HooPtemnber viz: Three -teamers, four ships. two harks. IIV( brigs and fourteen ciQoonors. Value excluselve of cargoes estimated at $)na5,00). In Germany. Insurance officers, nd thel In urrance pres's are opposing the ereition of an Insurance D)eprartment. In this country they ,are, after having tried it, b,-ginning to c('.ll for the abolition of the Official Department. In both case they are wise. At the stated mneting of the Board of Fire Commissionrs vllterdaiv, It was reportal that the condition of the hose belonaing to the various com)panits wtsW as a. whole. unsatisfao tory. A'cenily much of it had hurst in service, ond at the burning of Hhollinbtergr's moroccrn factory, a Ru'lpi of wicks Iago damaging delay was aLused by the bursting of the hose. One cart alone lost liftv sections at two firs.-[lPhil adelphia Timues. The direction of the liBcr,a Vperlans gives |tie following stnttaties of vessels reported lost dur ing the month of August, 1877: Halling ves eels-- t English 10 Amerlcan, e Norwoegian. 0: German, 4 Dutch, 3 Swedish, 1 Hpinish, I Ital lap. 1iepuhlicof NlcaiaguIa 1 Ilepitilte of E1ii .or, a of whlh hthen ationalit yis unknown; to hPorted missinag. tmners-- 7 En' allah. 1 Italian. Slwedish 1 of whtich th e nationallty il uln kIoWn. In this numier is included 1 steamer reported missing. The Ca.sdialn In.suranrrr Ador,'ath is id with aWell written and a.e.nfstive editorital entitled pTiely Warnings.' It. gives excellent hints or fire prevention, and a ;oints out, the pruoper nmethods to avoil burning up property. Bllut wherefore? Why s',ould people other them selves about the means of prevention when thiey tan get full lines of insurancen for next to noth ing. and when they know th.t though the fire insurance companies are indifferent, to the re ceipt of premiums, and are satisfiled with more ly nominal rates, they pay losses liberallv and gracefully ?-lBalti more IUnderwiter. The sitnation of the fire insulrance iusiness in Now York city Is in a deplorable condition. Fallures and impairments are predlie'tcd on every hand as fast as the officials of the Insur ance department complete oxamnlna'flns of one comDpany aftlor another. All the available force of the department. not employed in the investi gations of life companies, is dletailed to ex amino the smaller tire conman ls. Thus far only twq have boon looked through, the Brow erse nd Mnitserstr and the Arctle. anld tilh were found Ihadly impaired. We thleleve, how ever, that, most of the comngani(. will be found solvent, although many mayv vergeo ~l impair moent.-[Investigator. Fire losses during the first nine months of this and last year in the Unitod Staturs anti Ctn ada compare us follows: 1877. 1l78. United Rt.ateR .... ....$5. ,. $47,448.204e Canada. ... . .7.3:5+.4r00 7.475.1t0 Total $79S,725.,:;tN $54.941,80( Losses to insu ianc co paolDRies were: 1877. 1l781. nitd tats ......27,374.700 $25,7us. 10 anada...... . . . ..773,300 3.052.(W0) Total ... 7.14.000 $25.40.l100 Fires In 1877. 772s; in 1874., 470. These Ilgure s indlue the riot fires at Pitts burg,. . iand the tilrs at Paris. Texas. and SIt. TEXAS NOTEt. Murders and suleldes--lluilnens Improv Ing-The gan Antonio Wool Business Cattle Ranches Moving West-Frontier Troubles. [SpDoial C(orrespondeoneo N. O. Demoralt.l1 HAN ANTONIO. TEXAS. I October 21, 1877. 1 Editor' )ire'crat--The district, court during the past week has boon occupied with THE CRIMINAL DOOKET. Colhaith, for the murder of Ed Lapinglon (colored) was found guilty of murder in the first degree and sentenced for life to the peni tentiary. Wasson. for the murder of Onarles Woodson, was found guilty of manslaughter and senteneed for two yroars only. Both were tried by intelligent juries and the findings wore in full ncordanco with the law and ovhilence. Whilst the latter trial was on a murder was commitltd on our streets. the first In along period. 'The law seems to have few terrors for evil-doers. SUICIDE Is much more rife. The last case was Major Herndon a most highly esteeoomed gentleman. In the last, twelve ms nbhs a complete revolu tion has taken pivne' In the style of building, and the appearance of this city. The ,ound of the hamloer is heard everywhere, and citizens as well as st rangers are astonished at. the n umn her of splendid huildings just complhted. in Iprocess of erection, and tar which bids are In vited. BUsINESH Is IN A VERY HEALTlY (CONDITION. and a failure among our mrnrchants is a rare event. There are few mushroom fortunes, the result of speculat ion; but. much diffused wealth acquired by le itimate t radi and well applled industry in all other pursuits. The men of Western 'ltexas are not afraid of work. The boys take hold of the plow. drive their own teams anld tire not dependent on the dairkey to workthoeir hleds. It is true that in this neighbor hood stock raising has heretofore been almost the sole pursuit. but y, ar by year the cultiva tion of the land is superseding the aAst oral con dition and the land is being fast Illosod and settled. The great stock ranches and sheep walks are going farther west. THE WOOL nIIUINESR is becoming dally a more important interest in Western Texas. and this city markets a large Sortlon of the olip. The accumulation of capi tal at this point is no' yet sufficiently great, and finds too many other channels of profltable in vestment to allow us to hope for the immediate utilization of the splendid watArr power of our river. But with the raw material at our doors factories will soon be built, if not by home, by foreign alpiltal. Our little neighbor,. Now Braun fels, Is already profitably manufacturing woolen goolss. The protracte I drouth of four months has at length been Iroken by fine ratls; too late to do much good. I fear, to the grass: hbut. vitally im portant to general f rm Interests. Western Texas is at last recriving a large proportion of the emigrants tpouring into the State. And this proportion would be much greater but for the disturbed condition of OUR RIO f(RANDE FRONTITER. It is of the last importancef to Western Texas t hat the national governmolelt send more troiops to the Rio Grande and purcue all raiding par ties. if necessary, into Mexico. The insecurity of human life and property is so great thai not only is immigration arrested, but our people are actually being driven out of the country. G(ov. Hubbard is making every preparation to defend the State should the general government Drove derelict, and Ia crisis seems imminent. A war, howvever, I trust may be avoided, as it could prove only lehss detrimental than the present .murders alnd robberies by the Mexican desper adoes and their Indian allies. I trust Texas and her Bouthorn sisters are no longer to remain mere step-daughters of the national govern ment, but hereafter to receive the same protec tion of their rights and interests as the North ern and Western States. Here is a first-rate opening for Mr. Hayes to air his Southern policy. _. _ L. F. D. Get your kid gloves at Kreeger's. IBERVILLE NEWS. Bad Weather and Poor Croie-The Con slltutlonal Convention Question sslarles, Etc. [Special Correspondenoe of the Democrat.] PLAQUEMINE, October a5. 1877. Edit'r 'Democraf-Bad weather is again our cry. It has been raining n early all day here without prospect of a clear up. This is bad for our sugar planters, and sets back the already injured prospects for a crop. Very few of those who have stat ted their mills in this section have been able to make sugar so far and the turn out of syrup is poor. We hope for a mild win ter that we may yet realize something of the fine prospect for sugar we had last sum mer. but th, se who have heavy crops carnot risk the weather, and so must grind, good or bad yield of -yrupor sugar. The subject of A CONVENTION to change our constitution is the topic in the minds of the thoughful now but all ire not of one mind on the subject. 1o one denies the necessity of a new organic law. but many doubt the need for an immediate change as many so persatently urge. That we need a convention to effect this purpose is also doubted. However. I think we need not be in as greata hurym asone half of thee aow m oa s 1ls tf go so actlon of mý t . rfGon dtr eb* bout at roon henever e go about changing our organti law we wil find much to change but I eannot agree with soime, and notably .r. Le.wis, of Opelousas, that we can got relief by eutting dwwn the salaries of our offl rs indlscrim nately. There are, loubtlene, many perquisites that should b) lopped off, but oo8000 for our o(v. ernor is not too much. Again aioee for the Auditor ls little enough. The nosition is a resposible one and to be well flled, should he, as now, filled by an honnet. capable accountant of experience and judgment. Men of such qualifications get $fooo and more in less responsible positions all 1over the coon ir ut lsve all. Mr. Editor, let us not he stingy when it comes to the question of securing A JDIICIAEY. We need good, pure, capable and exporiene'd men for Ijudges, and we should not only pay them goode orices. but we should throw around them everything cialculted to dignify their po sit lons. We need the best talent the bar canl give for presiding oficArs for our courts, but we cannot get it for ee00, a year. Many lawrers make that in a single case, at their Case. Why sholll we set down their merits when they con sent to serve us in the responsible and laborious position of judge? Get your kid gloves at Kreeger's. Read Navra's Invitation to the China Palace. New shapes and styles in china at Offner's only, 174 Canal street. opposite Varieties Theatre. DOOKS. We have received fronm Eyrich, 130 Canal street. tile following books: "Forbidden Fruit,'" a novel, from the Ger man of F. W. Hacklandor. Estes & Lariat, Boston. "Pau'.line," a novel '("Leisure Hour Seriee"), by L. B. Walford. Henry Holt & Co., Now York, "Diana," a novel , by Susan Warner. G. P. Putnam & Sons, New York. "Our Common Insects," by A. S. Packard, Jr. Eetss & Lariat, Boston. +---1a*.----- Got your kid gloves'at Rreeger's. Road Navra's invitation to the China Palace. Best plated ware at Offner's, 174 Canal. oppo atli Variatita Thnatrle. A. P. IIARRINGTON, Bookseller and Stationer, 140 CANAL STREET, Between Kroeger's Kid Glove Store and Holmes' 1)ry Goods 8tore. SPECIALTIES. The Magic Inexhaustibh'o INKSTAND: no Ink reqluired: any pen pan be usel : see different styles t aprices from 265 to $3 .o each. The Mirnaulous PEN. wrltes with water: one will last two months: c oeach ; $S per gross. Gratz' Automatil SPONGE ('UP. Indispensi lie to bankers. Insurance companies and moer chants generally: i$1 t0 eaclh. The best. cook hook Is the VIRGINIA HOUSE WIFE. by a granddaughter of Patrick Henry. Price, $1 75. The Physicians' Conmbined CALL BOOK and TABLET, by IRtlph Welsh H. D. Price. $1 50. The Physilcias' HAND( LEDGER. by Ralph Walsh, M. D. Price, $'2 o. solo Agent for the above articles. Liberal dis c(ount to the t redo. Also, a fresh supply of ALL FOR HIM, by author of All for Her. Paver, $1: cloth. $1 ,o. Subscriptions taken for newspapers and mogazines. vpyable in advance. Printing and Bookbinding at low(st rates. (ia2 2moeod NO rTICE TO SHIPMAllTERS. Shlpmasters or shippers desirons of having the GR1IP TIE and GILMAN'S PULLER ap plied to their cotton by any of the presses in cluded In Ihe assocIation will please notify the undersigned. The charge for furnishing lhe Ties and Pull ors will, until the 1st day of January. be fift'en cents per hale; from and after that date. until the ist day of March. the charge will be twelve and a half cents. and from and alter the first day of March ten cents per bale We estimate the gain inll stowag by the use of this Tie and Puller at 20 per cent. based upon actual tests. We holV nolinelrous assurances that cotton to which the Grip Tie is applied is delivered in Europe in better condition and with less loss in weight than over before known. JOIIN II. LAFITTE & Co.. Managers Loui.hana Cotto n Tie Compn any. 0o27 91t NOTICE. By spea'al arrangement made with the Lou isHtana Cotton Tie Company the following presses. to wit Levee Steam Cotton Press, J. C. Denis, Pres. Atlantic Press. M. J. Zunts A Co. Canal Street Press. J. C, Van Wickle. Commercial Press. Smith & Goldsmit ih. Fire Proof Press. J. P. Moore. Jackson Press. O'Bt len & Co. Louisiana Press. E. K. Bryant. Liverpool Press, Stanley & Co. Orleans. Shippers' and Pelian,. Sa:muel Boyd & Co. Penn. Kentucky and I'lanters.' Herndon &~ Krunmllhanr. Natchez Press. L. A. Levy, Jr. Virginia Press, Lewis & Lynd. Union Press, A. P. Mason. Are prepared to tie compressed cottons with the Gilman Puller and Grip Tie on the written order of Messrs. J.ohn B. Lafltte & O,).. mana gers, for an additional charge of 1,5 conts per Ible, to hobe paid to and collected by Louisiana Cotton Tie Company. oc26 2w KID GLOVES. THE LARGEST STOCK. THE BEST QUALITIES. THE LOWEST PRICES, TIHE FRESHIEST GOOODS. at KREEGER'W NEW KID GLOVE BIJOU, 149 Canal street, at the Old Stand. 0o17 Imsthp MIME. BERNIIEIM'S, 145 .... - - Canal Street ---- 145 Next Ihouse( to cornor of Baronne. Her numerous friends and customers are respectfully informed that Mme. BfERNHEIM has opened her NEW MIILINERY and DRESS MAKING EdTABLISHME.~T with an ELEGANT NEW STOCK Of the Latest Imported Styles in HATS. BONNETS. FLOWERS. FE&THEIRS. LACES, ROBES. CONFECTIONS, etc.. from the leading houses ot Paris. Minme. Bornheim has secured the valuable services of lime. SOPHIE. who will have pleasure in catering to the cultivated taste of her many lady patrons, all of whom will undoubtedly transfer their former patronage to the now establish ment. The Dressmaking Department, Under the personal auspices of Mme. BERN HEIM. w 11 be conducted by Mme. LEONTINE, who has hitherto been employed in the First Houses of Paris. Assist d by a competent corps of artists in their profession. Thankful for past patronage, and soliciting the continuance thereof. Mine. BE.NHEiM will give perfect satisfaction in moth Branches of Her House. Strict and ocareful attention paid to all city and country orders, at the moat reasonable ~~t raai~byoBVorytounor.~ oU11~~O waw AsvaDVasuIasaxe. TRE TWO ORPEANS SALOON, NW. IS at. Charles Street, Will open on NOVEMBER 1 ifnder the man agement of Mesnrs FOR1D & PAIRKN. who will be happy to wait on their friends and the public. o_00 lot MILLER & I)IELMANN, IB, 52 and 54 south Peters street. We desire to call the att ntion of our numonr ous customers andl the public in general to our large and well selected stock of both PLAIN and FANCY. Nine different kinds of pure lfve-year old CALIFORNIA WINIES. The largest assortment of FIREWORIKS in the city. We allow a discount, on wine to.iobbors, and a very liberal dlisount on tirew 'rks. oe2s Rt CHIIAMPION PRESS. '1HIB PIRES8 I8 PREPARED TO RECEIVE - and compress. upon favorable terms, transit or forwnrdlng (oltton: also Cotton from Ter rell's, Cooper s. Factors' and Alabama Presses. COTTON TO BE DOUBLED will be received from amy of the Presses. The (ILMAN PULLEII and (HIP TIE arc used upon all Cotton Passing through this Press. For terms apply to JOHN B. LAFITTE & CO., Managers Louisiana Cotton Tie Company. oi27 It BE YOU A LADY OR A GENTLEMAN, If you wish to advance your Interests as well as your comforrt. BUY YOUR KIDS -AT KREEGER'S, 0(17 lm tthp 140 Canal Street. SCR(ESCENT (CITY POL(iE, ATTENTION!I HIaving examined thel Coat. Pants and Cap acleptied by the City Council for your winter uniform, I hereby offer a mullh suprior article for TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS CAH1I. Call and satisfy yourse'lves. MICHEL LION. 002K 0t not s!. 197 and Ils ]Itecatur streut. NOTICE. HPEAKEI'H ILo001. HousRE OF [iEPREaENTATIVEs, New Orleans. October 28, 1877. I Appllcat ions will b1, roclived up to the 1st of D)ecember, 1µ77 1. For the position of Page. for which fifteen are to bh selected,, ten white and five colored, at wages of $1 25 for eachi day's service. Tihe ap pl'iant must not be over sixteen years of ago, must I, of good moral i'hara ter and know how to read and write. 2. For the posiltion of Porter, for which nine are to hbe selecte,. six white a.nd three colored, at wnaes of $1 ra for each day's service. Each applicant Inst m state in his application his age. resideince' and color. and. if from the city. his reprtesentative district, and accompany the same with the recotnmmendation and testi umonlal of two known reputabl cltizensw , verify ing the ago and character of ilhe applicant, and for the position of Page. moreover, that the utp plicant can road land write. Wages will Ihn paid cash at the 'ad of every week. Applications must be addressed to the undersigned sealed, and be delivered to Capt. Ed. Flood. e8orgeant-a. -Arms. at the Stnte-House. LOUIS BUtRH. Speaker House of Representatives. Louisiana. O¢'"2 IW NOTICE. The following tariff of charges Is adopted by the undersigned to August 31. 1878: , COMPRI'IESSING. For foreign ports, dlre.'t or coast wise. whether by steam, sail or railroad. per Ihalo ........... ... ................ 75 conts. For mastwis' ports. steam. sail or railroad, per bale .....l .... . ct 'i nts. CHAItGEH TO 8HIPPEIRS. Draynage to ship pe'r balo .... . .... 25 cents. Labor on cottons hauled by shippers, payatbloen delivery, per bale ..... 1o cents. Covering sample holes with shippers' patches........ ....... ......... . . free. Extra banlds, each . ...................... 71 snts. On cotton shipmark'd. not ordered the (lay It Is wghed, storage and labor. per bale, with the privilege of remaining three days ............ ce ts. After three days, storage for first month, Including the three days. 30 cents SMALL NIUMIIERS. On small nulmbers the c'larg for labor and storage for any period to 31st. 'August, 1875, per hale ............. 30 cents. On all lists or parts of lists of cotton received an I weighel for hauling or transfer to another pDrss, but, not hauled the same day It is weigh (d., a charge will be made of, per bale ............................ ...... so cents. Extra drayage on cotton returned from ship. steamer or railroad, each way twelve and a half vents. to be paid )y shipper, together, per baloe .... 25 Vents. For forwarding cotton, labor, per bale .............................. 10 (ints. On all notton ship-marked or mnail nlnlb)Ored, removed from one press to another for the purpose of stor age or compressing, or shipped wit hI.t being compressed, per tale, 25 cent s. to 1,0 paid by the purchaser upon delivery of the cotton. Cotton taken by original planters' mark will, If removed upon the day it is recelved and weighed, he dellvered free of charge. Levee Steam Cotton Press. J. O. Denis. Pres Commercial I'ress. Smith & Goldsmith. Canal Street Press. J. C. VanWickle. Atlantic Proes. M. J. Zunts & Co. FIreproof Press. J. P. Moore. Jackson Press, O'Brien & Co. Louisiana Preys, E. K. Bryant. Natchez Press. L. A. L-vy, Jr. Orleans. Pelican and Shippers' Press, 8am'l Boyd & Co. Liverpool Press. Stanley A. Co. Penn, Kentucky and Planters', Herndon & Krumbhaar. Virginia Press, Lewis & Lynd. Union Press. A. P. Mason. or36 2w PARIS FASHIONS. Mme. JULIE LaB. FISHEB, hrsaJna la fred Muf1iy! Parlors at the Turner Mansion, 188...........CANAL STREET...........188 Begs to inform her lady friends and the public generally that she has on hand one of the most beaut ful and complete selecdons of Parisian styles and fashions in BONNETS, HATS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, SHAWLS, Etc. In her DRESSMAKING DEPARTMENT she has employed the best Parisian Artiste, and she will be pleased if the ladies will call at her I arlors, 1588 CANAL STREET. Ymaw. Fate .3.a 'iruaw. All powers of attorne len by me are herewith recalled. JOSEPHit KRAIN, Bayou Sara, La. New Orleans, October 29, 1R77. oreM 3r * Office of the Factors' and Traders' Incur ance Company. No. 37 Carondelet street-New Orleans. Oetober 27. ls71--From and after date, this eompany will issue policiee on marine risks, payable in ens'" of loss, in Lond',n and Liverpool. TIIOMAI F. WALKER. o. ei im Secretary. special Notice-Pursuant to a resolution puaned at thle mect Ing of tle friends of Immi gration oni WeDlnesday, October 24, at the Vali dlry Rifles Hall. the public are Invlted to atloend a meeting at. Excelritlon Hall on WEDNESDAY, October 31, at 7 o' clock p. m. Prominent speak ors will auldre'ss the meeting. All Interested in the' subje'et of Immigration are cordially in vited to be present. TOBIAS GIBBON, President. C. J. BiEn.t, Seecretary. oce27 peielal Notice. - All persons havlin clafms gaainst the Into JAMEI E. CAMPBELL are receneted to present the same at the office of A. Hero, Jr., No. 17 Commercial Plau, m.and thoose ndebted to sald deceased are reqouested to settle at the srame pitIe. WM. CAMPBELL M. H. APPLEGA]E, c2re lot Tutors. Ofmee of the Lotlalana Oil Company, No. 37 Union street-The stockholders of this com pany are hereby notified that, in conformity with the provisions of its charter, an alection for seven Directors, to serve during the ensu Ing year. w ll'be held at the office of the com pany on MONDAY, November 5. 1877. between I the hours of lona. m. and 2 p. m. J. A. D).BLANC, President. A. C. LAND)RY, 4ooretary. oe21 td Notice-New Orleans Credit onreler As soclatlon-Office 4t DeI)atur street, New Orleans, Octbetr 11, 1577--ubscribers to the capital stock of tis association are hereby notified that the first monthly installment of Ten per cent shall tbe duo. payable at the office of the association, on the 251h of October. 1877, By order of the Board of Directors. oe'12 Im 0. H. NORMAN, Secretary. New Orleans Credit Fonder Assocla tion, office No. 46 Dpcatur street-At an election held Monday, Octdher 5. 1877, the following named gentleman were ehlchown directors of thlg assclatlon for the ensuing year to wit: J. M. VILLAVASO. InOIERT ROBERTS, L. LAROt UE, L. MOLLO JOS. NOEL. A. SAULET. S IUST. I'ITARD. F. T. FERNANDEZ. And at a meRtincg of the Board of Directors, held Octeer to, 1077. Mr. A. Saulet. proelednt. and G. H. Norman, secretary, were unanimous ly re,-elected for the pcsuing year. oc12 Im U. H. NORMAN. Secretary. FOR RENT. rTO RENT-COTTAGE.$ S; ADJOINING GAR L den, ehon p. Apply at preomises corner of Canal and (ial ve, or :at Carondeletstreet. up stairs. oo( Iti* Fi OHt RENT--THE DESIRABLE TWO-STORY Iframe dwwelling with a tes. with all the modern improvements, halls, dining room. arched parl ire. e·te, on Coliseum st reet, No. 224. t between Fourth acnd Washington streets. For further particulars apply at the New Orleans Credit Fnotler Ass(celatlion. No). 46 Decatur ' street, between Customhouse and Bienville. lIOR RENT-ELEGANTLY FU RNISHED 1 rooms, singil or in suites with board, at No. I, 3 Bocurbon street, near oe27 im* rToG REN P-BY A. GOOD TENANT (RENT , not to exceed $12 to sir,, a house containing three or four rooms, with good yard. S.ngle ccottace preferred. Loated between Constance I and Franklin and Me.lpomoneand Jullastreets. No noegro neighborhood. Address TENANT, I)Dcoetnrat offie. o(0e 0 ''O RENT-THE THREE-STORY HOUSE I No. sl yoyal street, between Conti and Be]n ville. ceomprising a fine store and apartments. Gee ., location for business. Poseseselon given ' immediately. Apply to F. CLAVEL. Drugglst. Corner Bt. IPeter and Dauphine streets. ei23 lot* L OR RENT-THREE COMFORFABLE BED rooms in a strictly private family. Parlor a. and private table given if preferred. No clhil dron in the house or other boarders. Location pleasant and convenlont. Address D., Demo crat offie. ocll tf 1? OR RENT-THAT DESIRABLE OFFICE, S on second floor of No. 46 Union street, for. y merly occupled by Messrs. Alkens & Watt, with sffico furniture vault and gasfixtures completo. Ayoly to A. LEVI, No. 34 Perdido street. oe7 im LOR RENT. WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD 1'lhn(isome, well furnlshed apartments In that most eligibly situated residenece, No. 22 er Rmpart street, between Canal and Common streets. ocT lm · OR RENT--TIE TWO VERY DESIRABLE ' Two-story Riesidences, wi gas filxturce complete, corner I'hilio and Mag aine streets. i. Fourth District. Apply to A. LEVI, No. 34 Per dido street. oc(1 m . LOR RENT-A FEW FINELY FURNISHED roe ms near Canal stroot. Apply at the )Tmneernt. nGl n nee tf BOARDING. IOARIDING-PARTIES DESIRING FINE • rooms, southern exposure, with first-class table, can be,, accommodateld by applying at the floe residence 21s SHt. Charles street, h tween Julia and St. Joseph. oc2s 3t*" MEDICAL HTUDENTSH. ATTENTION-Large comfortabhe rooms, with Ilrst-rlass bojprd, can he obtained in a private family, only on( block from the collHge. Terms $25 per month. Address W. A. B.. at this office. 0025 st NELECT PRIVATE BOARDING--OOMFORT S ably furnished front rooms can be obtained, with or without board, by the day. week or month, by applying at the elegant private reel dence No. 14s Carondelet street. Parties in search of home comforts will find this a rare opportunity. A fine bath-room also attached to the house. References exchanged. 1e28 tf FOR SALE. LITOR HALE--THE LIVE OAK GROCERY Sandi Bar-room, corner Loulisiana Avenue and ht. Charles street; is doing a good cash business. Will be sold on easy terms on na count of departure. oc21 1ot* FOR HALE - AN ELEGANT AND COM plete set of furniture, desks and fixtures, suitable for a banking or counting-house. Ap ply to HIBERNIA NATIONAL BANK. oc3 tt FOR SALE-AN UPRIGHT PIANO. NEARLY new; will be sold cheap. Apply at 224 Eighth street. se7 tf FURNISHED ROOMS. JJARGE AND HANDSOMELY FURNISHED apartments in one of the most elegant private residences of the city. Convenient to Canal street and business localities. Unoxceptionable references exchanged. Rooms with private table, if desired. Faml lies seeking a desirable location, can address Box 3010, or inquire at the office of the Demo crat. se21 COPARTNERSHIPS. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP - THE partnership existing between WAYNE & WILLIAMS expired on the 15th inst. The 8 EAMSOt T AGENCY and COMMIS SION BUSINES. will be continued as usual by the undersigned at 106 Gravier street. C. 0. WAYNE. New Orleans. October 23, 1877. oc24 1w FALL AND WINTER OPENING -OF IMPORTED MILLINERY. mane. Rosea Reynoir, No. 9 Chartres Street. Near Canal, -WILL HAVE HER OPENING ON Monday and Tuesday, November 5 and 6, -Of the Latest Received PARIS BONNETS, HATS, -And other Novelties in MILLINERY, to which the Ladies in general are sesee tfully invited. Lrn d5.441 oms WANWe. SITLUAIONS WAWW3IE -InMAlLM. Dress makers and Ineamstrwesses. W ANTED-BY A COMPETENT DRE4R maker a situation in a private family. Adrldrenss D. . D., I)emorrat, office. o0/ It W ANTED-- A HITUATION TO DO HEWING, either in a private family or in an inst itut tion ; underatant. .luttingand flti na and work ing on a sewing ma.chim. Address C. W., Car roliton Postoffor t e oo 2I t W ANTED-BY A MIDDLE-AGED WHITE woman, a situation Its seamstress or will do housework or nurse children ; will also fur nish sowing mac'hine. Address R. T.. this omffi. o0528 3t WANTED-BY A YOUNG LADY, A HITUA tion to sew; Is a first-class opvrator on sew ng mahines The bst of reference given. Address O 0... this ofme. se5 tf C.oks. Nurses. CLkambermaid, Ete., WANTED-BY A WHIT'E GIRL, who is a good rook and a good washer and ironer, a situation in either capalty in a smell private family. Address A. 0., Democrat office. oca0 iat, W ANTEi)-A P1TUATI[ON Y A REsPECI' able girl to do housework and s.w. I'leasc address Z. Z., this office, oca gto W ANTED-A HITUATION IN AN AMERI can family by a flrst-class ctok. Reference given if roquireId. Address M. M.. 2tt Julia street. ocar at W. ANTED--BY A COLORED GIRL-A situation to cook and do housework. Good rnferences given. Address ELIZABETH, Dorn oerat offioc. (,e2S tt W ANTED-BY A MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN- A situation to nurse: can give the best of city references from past emplioyers. Address W. W.. Democrat. otme. oes :at W ANTED-BY A |RENCUMAN, WHO IH A No. I Took--A situation In it private fami fly. rstaurant or saloon. Apolv at No. 14 Ht, Philip street, or address V. C., Democrat. otlffe, W ANTED-A GOOD GERMAN 0111 wishes a situation to do the cooking and housework of at small family. Apply at No. 11i Blxth street, corner of Laurel. o'2. it W ANTED-BY A COLA)RED WOMAN-A siluation to cook and do housework Address CHARLOTTE, Democrat offi0c. oc2s :;1 W ANTED-A HITUATIONI BY A YOUNtO girl, to wash and Iron and flute by the machine ,r by the tong. The hest of references given, if requlirced. Address 4e6 Corstan, .t - -11 streTret..o o27 *ITUATIOTN WANTED--MALES. Clerks and alesmen. W ANTED-A SITUATION TO WORK FOR the support of my family. Willing todo anything from bookke,-ping to porter. Be, t of references given. Address WILLIAM, D)emo crat office. oe2 at W ANTED-BY A YOUNG MAN. A SITUA tion as clerk in awholesnle grocery, hard ware or commission house, who will madel him self useful. Has herl several years extperience; of steady habits, and resides with his parents. Best references can ti' given. Address F. E., at this offlee. .22 8 at* AN EXPEIIIENCED ACCOUNTANT WHO has some hours of the day at his ,llspos.l. desires employment. posting books or aljust ing complicated accounts. Charges reasonable. Good references. Address H., Democrat office, 0028 1w* W ANTED-BY AN EXPERIENCED CLERK, a p sRition in a store. Will acet one with a small seaar. Best of references given. Ad dress A. B.. this office. oc26 1W W.ANTED-A SITUATION flN A (WHOLE sale or retail) grocery store by a young man who has had several years' experience in a country store. Willing to work for a living sa-i ary. Address G. K., care this offcoe. seaott W ANTED-BY A YOUNG MAN OF GOOD character a situation in an office or wholesale house. Is not afraid of hard work. Bst of references furnished. Address M. B. D., Democrat Office. seletf MELP WANTED-F.MIALMe. Chambermalds, Cooks, Nuarses, et. W ANTED-A FIRST CLAS8 WAESBER woman. Apply at 179 Elysian Fields street, corner Mrales. oese it* ITANTED-BY MRS8. BLOCK, NO. 14 CAMI SV street, for the country, one Cook, one Washer and one Gardener. Has on hamd a good housekeeper. aul7 tf MRS. BLOCK-NO. 142 CAMP STREET, HAE on hand the best kind of helo for city aund country; has on hand one good German girl as housekeeper, aull tf HELP WANTED-M-ALES. Clerks, Malesmen, etc. WTANTED-HITUATION BY A YOUNG MAN T who is an experienced bill clerk, quick and accurate at, figures, and an excellent sales m .n. Will engage on a very small salary. Try me. Address .. T.. Democrat office. oc3oe t W ANTED--A YOUNG MAN. AT A MOD erate salary, to assist at account sales and other work in a cotton office. State salary, and in own handwriting address X. C. L., Democrat office. oc29 30* JW ANTED - A COMPETENT CLOTHING SVlelrk, for a country store, speakin. French and English. Apply at No. 84 Royal at ret.. OC2e; WANTED-PUPILA. W. ANTED-A YOUNG LADY THOROUGH in music would like to have a few Dulis; is capahln of instrcting beginners In i sure method, so that they will he well grounded and advance rapidly. Address E. A.. Democrat office. ,_2es I w " TANTED-A GENTLEMAN IN DELICATE yy health desirces to spend the winter in the South, and would like a position in a family as teacher of young children, in city or country. He would consider the comforts of a home an equlivalent for services. Best of references given. Address H., Box 2145. New Orleans. W ANTED-BY A TEACHER A POSITION to teach, in either a family or a school, for board for self and two children. Address "D." this offce. ie24 tf MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED) - TO RENT, A FURNISHED v• hcses in a nice neighborhool-upper part of the city. Suitable for a family of four or flve. No children. A good chance to secure a prompt paying tenant, who will guarantee the best care of furniture. Rent must be low. Address D. M. IH., Democrat offi.e. _oe3c· 2t* MI)DDLE-AGOED MARRIIED MAN A NA tive of this city and a Cradu.ate of the High School, w'tive, strong and healthy. wants rm Ieloyment of any kind. Cotton press yard. ware house, railroad clerk, or any outdoor work pre ferred. Anything. anywhere, any price. Ad dress W. T., this office. oc2z7 tf WTANTED-IN THE COUNTRY. BY A FAM V ily consisting of only a gentleman and his wife, two comrnsetent, respectable and well-re commended middle-aged white servants, one as cook. the other as housemaid and seamstress. Aptly with recommendations at 514 Baronne street. oe24 W" ANTED-A SITUATION BY A MAN HAV ing a good knowledge of business, large exoerience in working men, and has been con sidered a good practical farmer. Will Ie open to an enggemrnent January 1, 1878. Best of re ference. Can loan his employer several thou sand dollars on long time. Address Frar k Van Orme, Aurora, Ill.. box 499. c24. lot* $150 FOR PIANO TUNING-BEST WORK $1.5 630 Magazine. D. LEECH. Soiree Pianist jy5 ly W ANTED-SUGAR COOLERS IF SOUND. good order and cheap. PLANTER, Dem ocrat office. 1s20 ti WTANTED-BY AN ACTIVE AND EXPE T rienced young man, a farm with stock and implements to work on shares, or will take charge of it for a stated salary. Best of refer ence furnished. Address FARMER. Democrat office. se9 tf JERSEY AND ALDERNEY MILK. MILK. MILK. Pure and fresh, from the country, to be had Corner Carondelet and Common street and Branech, No. 89 Canal street,'nea the Custom-House, North Side. The only places in the city where this cele brated milk can be procured. Pure, rich and sweet Jersey and Alderne, Milk and Buttermilk, at 5 cents per glass. re ceived daily on lee, via Jackson Bailroad. from the famous Areola Dairy Farm. Said stock l from the well-known owler's ImarportatIons o Jerseyan Aidet~tH~rnaeytl IDWELI/L ACADEMY OF MUSIO. LAST WEEK OF THE L#ONAlRD OIOE' COMEDY COMPANY. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wedne4rWdl Iralline TRF. T 0 oHIAlNt1. Wednesday and Thursday-OURI BOARDIW0 1OUNI . Friday and Saturday Noon andi NIh t-Grovet new play, TEHIE NAUOIHTY Y MEN. sulniay, Nov. 4-THE OTTO COMtIINATIO ,TCo. H. Knight and Worrell Histets. VAIlIETIEH TIIEATRE. OPEN ING NIGHT. Monday, November 5, 1811. First appearanc. in this city of KATE CLAXTON, In her eharactoriza ion of THE BLIND GIRL, In thel powerful play In six parts. THE TWO ORPHANSR Ast originally acted in Now York, with anl ad. mlrable a.aignment of the oharantWee, seennes coStum e and appointments. MAT'INEF -- Wetnesday and Sattlrdqy. FRIDJAY-Kato Claxton In her last imy lOi BUe.ertA, CONSTANCE. In the emotional play, entitled (COOCIENCE. Sale of Heoats will rommenes at, the ThelgL WEDNESDAY, October :1, at 10 a. *, oeO tf ST'r. CHARLEH THEATRE-FOl A 8!i O ' . Meason-Commenming SUNDAY, OutoB' --=Matineea WEDNE'DAY and ST First aiatrVrance in over six years of th.l. nownecd BEIt(ER rAMILY and tietr us iomnpanv, f Star Artists! Miss ANN-T RtEHA BEIRGFH1l the most aeomp Cornet Soloist in Amerin; Mhiss MOHGAN. the only ladyu Saxop e in the world: Miss KATEl DOV_, n prano V,,c list the groat DELANO and FANNIE, Hoolcty Sketbh Artits W. McKEE. America's greatest Clha L Vocalist. and the entire companysT, e.llo~ sing Fourteen Talentled Artistes, will appa. in a rogranmme replete with novelty, ofY+' flowing with reflined mirth and p o all the nla rnusival attractions of th_ d. Reserved seats secured dally at Box Oflloa R (025 W ENGER'S GARDEN. Nos 11 alid 13 lourbelmo strait, H. WENUER, Proprietor, Has beon nrwly frescernd, and Is now the I EST H ALL in the South. The artlatle impr' ' mnt of the hall was opened to publc L-B-il - lion on Baturday, the l1th Int., at 1 o'e lom m,. A largo number of European and Ameria pajTers alwa' s on fle. Three rooms for ladles and families, with 0 arate ontrance. The largest Orehestrion in the world from it o'elock a. m. to 12 m. Philip Best's MILWAUKEE LAOGE BEBS - Five Cants a lans. nsrt Mb I SHOULD SMILE IF I SAY SO. E. OFiFNR, 174...... Canal Street ... ,r (Opposite Varietles Theatre.) The ladils and all others Interested nt and beautiful are respectfully invltedto see the NEW MIAPEn AND STTLi, made expressly for me, which annot be fou in any other store in the o-uth. When you wish to purchase CHINA, CROCKERY, GLA8S8WARI, CUTLERY, SILVER-PLATED WARBE, TIN AND JAPANNED WABE. WOOD AND WILLOW W" 11 COAL HODS, FIRE SETS, ETC., Make No Mistake in the Place, as I have no connection with ANY OT. 8TORMIN THE CITY. I mention this, as bf my friends have mad, their purehasesh - where, thinking that they were dealing wih F'acts A. *e W'actm.; Come and see for yourselves that I CAN AND DO Sell Goods Lower than Any Olher II..g. and the reaons why are: i. I HFLECT MY GOODS IN PEBSON. 2. I BUY MY GOODS FOl (CASH. 3. MY RENT IS MUCH LOWER than itwo*M be in a more central location. 4. MY GOODS ARE ALL PUBCHASEDn RECT FROM THE MANUFACTUAm.BI 5. I BUY IN LARGE QUANTITIES. 6. I ADVERTISE AND PUSH MY BU l. . making my sal s large, and. - am satisflied with a .M iLL PO.E Remember that there is ONLY ONE E. OFFNER, And that his store is at 174.............. Canal Street............ 14 se.o 1 m Oposiite the VarietiesThem . WM. F. MELLEN, 'Formerly of Natchez,) ATTORNEY AT LAW, 140 Gravier street, , NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA. 0.28 im* -* CITIZENS' SAVINGS BAIK, (A Bank for Small Savings) GBUNEWALD HALLF U3........... Marene treet.... ........ SPECIAL LEGISLATIVE OHARTBIB This Savinas Bank will receive on depeeg at pay interest at the rate of 6 per oeht per on such small sums of money as may from to time be offered therefor by mechanies, minors and others, thus seeurig. from robbery, accident or fraud., and Ing a means of profit on savings by the annual interest paid. By special provision of law, mrried and minors can d'piosit money in name, and it can be drawn by the Such deposits rcnot be controlled b bands parents rjr tutors. ApplY for ClMarter and La-lws. ýiGUEU R.Gso