Newspaper Page Text
UUUUIFW UALES. ot f New Orleans vs. Widow Hen Jn. oitchell: same vs. same; same vs. Mrs. UPE&IOR DISlTRICT COURT FOR THE I.mrlsh orf Orleans.No. 76o. 71,o. 8.64. I142-By ue three writs of fleri fwlias. to me direet y the honorable the Superior District Court te prh of Orleans. In the above entitled aules, for eity taxes of 174, 1875 and 187(. I will p to sell t public auction, at the Mer and Afuctloneers' Exchange, Royal street. Canal and Customhouse streets. In the District of this city, on TUEItDAY, r lG, 1877, at 12 o'clock m., the following ropetyto wit N AIN 'IRTION OF GROUND, sit a the First District of this city, in square -tt hre.'. hundred and lfrty bundcd by Srat. halla and Howard streets, des a lot number four, measuring thirty f ront on Liberty street by one hundred ad twenty-five font i pth. ieed in the awbv suits. rm-asho thsO48 . HANDY Olvil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. seas oats so s 0 Octy of New Orleas vs. Carollne Wohlfahrt; same vs. same. B DISTRICOT COURT FOR THE D'.esh of Orleans, Nos. 75,247 and 10,267 irte of two writs of flerl faieas, to dirstod by the honorable the Superior ourt for the parish of Orleans, In the entiied atuses, for oity taxes of 1874 S Wil proceed to soiell at public auc erchants and Auctioneers Ex t treet, between Canal and Cus te in the Second Distrtet of this a ,U DA'i, October a3s 1877 at 12 o'clock - win descri d roperty to wit TAI LOTd OF GROUND, situ oI urt i District of this city. in square ur.! and Eighth streets, designated I tmers ohs and two, measuring sixty tront on Annunciation street by one red and eleven feet in depth. -Cash on tihe spot. THlOMAS H. HANDY, Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. 021e 0018 80 OtCity of New Orleans vs. Benjamin itoledno: same vs. same; same vs. same; same vs. same: same vs. samlne: same vs. sime; same vs. Same; sime vs. same. 'I·fPERIOR DISTRICT COURT FOR THE rlsh of Orleans Nos. 525. 10,787. 34.167, , 54 and 6931--By virtue of six writs fli facis, to me d iected by the hon e Superior Dihtrict Court for the parish SOrla in the above entitled causes, for of 1800, 1603 16l4. 1865, 1568 and j u 1proceed to sell at public auction, at e ants and Auctloneers' Exchange. Royal between Canal and Customhouse streets. ond District of this city, on TUES S. ober e, 877. at 12 o'clock m.. the fol TAIN POiTION OF GROUND. situ. the Second District of this city, n square r one. bounded by Front, Canal, Now and Crossman streets, designated as lot ioer two, measuring twenty-eight. feet front t street by ninety feet in depth. in the above suits. .... -(CJnh on the spot on th fAS H. HANDY, Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. City of New Orleans vs. George J. Weigel; same vs. same. .~P OR DISTRICT COURT FOR THE ri of Orleans, Nos. 75,4:12 and 54.092 ,itute of two writs of flec facias to bythe honorable the Superior bis i for the parish of Orleans, In the ei causes, for city taxes of 1874 ll proceed to s'll at public auction, apts and Auctioneers' Exchange, between anal and COstomhouse A Second District of this city, on A October so, 1877, at 12 o'clock m., descrt property to wit- RT AIN POR IONpOf yGROUND, sit in te Sixth District of this city, In square r one hundred and sixty-six, bounded iel, Constance, Amelia and Peniston designated as lot numbers fifteen, six san te enteen, ntiessurlng eighty-seven front LIpurel streetby one hundred and a i AI TION OF GROUND, st lt Sixth District of this oity, in square S fourteen, bounded by Calhoun, Henry y, ket and Preston streets, designated as : rt numbers sir to ten each measur -two feet front on Calhoun street by Udred and twenty feel in depth; lots rs eleven and twelve, measuring sixty front on Calhoun street by one hundred ixty-two feet in depth; lot number thir measuring twenty-eight feet front on oun street by one hundred ad sixty-two in depth; lots numbers fourteen to teen each measuring thirt -4lt feet front houn street by one hundred and twenty S8E RTAIN PORTION OF GROUND, sit ta In the Sixth District of this city, in square r two hundred and llfty-throe, bounded yuosst, Cam Chestnut and Sonlatstreets, nated as follows: Lots numbers eleven welve, measuring sixty feet front on Du st street by one hundred and twenty-flive in depth: lots numbers thirteen to sixteen, assurng one hundtred and twenty-four feet t on Dufossat street by one hundred feet in ;d In the above suits. rm-Cash on then stot. THOMAS H. HANDY, Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. e28 001c3 30 Auguste Lacaze vs. Pierre Lacaze. SIXTH D'STRIt'T COURT FOR THE PAR. ish of Orl, ans. No. 9575t -By virtue of a writ. SseIure and -al-'. to me directed by the honor lethe BL'th Distriet Court for the parish of rleans, in the above entitled cause, I will pro Oeed to sell at public auiction, at the Merchantts and Auctioneers' Exchange. Royal stroeet. , - Sween Oanal and Custombhouse streets. In the Second District of this city, on FRIDAY. ovembor 23. 1877. at 12 o,'lock m.. the following described property, to wit ONE CERTAIN PORTION OF GROUND. to gether with all the buildings thereon and the appurtenances thereof, and all the rights, ways, rvleges and advmntages thoreto hilonging or anywise apportalnlng, situated in the Fourth strict of this city, in the square designated as pumber twenty-six, and comprised within and bounded by Eighth. Ninth. Chlbppewa and Jor sey streets, and measuring fifty feet front on the said Chlpt ewa street by one hundreil and thirty feet in depth and front on said Eighth tret according to a sketch of said square by . A. d'Hemecourt, deputy city surveyor, dated twenty-second December. 18s6. Being the same 'roperty the defendant hereIn acquired by pur .aee from Philip Bennett, by act passed before William Shannna. late a notary public In this ty.on the fourth day of May. 1867. duly regis d n the Cnveyance office of this parish, in *o ninety-two, folio four hundred and thirt y &med In the above suit. T.rms-Cash on the spot. THOMAS H. HANDY. Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. 0022 S no12 23 'helmas Froeba vs. Charles Lange et als. F ,IFTH DISTRICT COURT FOR THE PAR i-- sh of Orleans. No. 8593-By virtue of a writ of seisure and slo, to me directed by the hon 'onble the Fifth District Court for the parish of talea, in the above entitled cause. I will pro to sell at public auction, at the Merchants and Aoutioneers' Exchange, Royal street. be .n Canal and Customihouse streets. In the nd District of this city, on FRIIDAY, No Sember 28, 1877, at 12 o'clock m., the following irirbedroea rtv, to wit - AND 8INGULAR A CERTAIN MARKET O E. ernted and being on the neutral ounad of Washington Avenue between St. Caude and Marals streets. in the Third Dis trict of this citv. tLO ALL THE RIGHTS. TITLE AND IN TEREST of. in and to the rent and revenues of said market. as the same are establishet and Stuthorlzod under and by virtue of ordinance I.. 2509. A. 8.. vpassed by the City Council the city of New Orleans on the fifteenth pril. 1874. Being the same property the endant herein acquired by purchase fOm John Lamac., per act passed before l T. I)ue os, notary public in this ..R on the third day of April. 1x75. registered conveyan " office of this city in book ae hundred and four. folio six hundred and in the above suit. Tem--. In e'ash for a sufficient amount to ,ay nlitiff's claim, say the sum of five thou ollars (s0ooo). with interest thereon at t r cent per annum, from the twenty. dy of May. 1875. until the day of sale; ye er cent attorney's fees on said principal Iadlteest, and costs of suit ant taxes due on adropert. 2. The purchaser to assume (to e extent of the amount of his bid), the pay eat of two promissory notes. secured by - o ~ aid roperty. dated May 26, 1875,. - ,vdf to hise own order and en Shimself, each fr the sum of five 4 dol O o)a (II. a. reagetively. d dolur W d es a beaing tw v~ JUDWIAL ADVI a mTI an?. EUMWIFF UALtM. The City of New Orleans we. J. A. Nan doues: same vs. same; same vs. same. QUPERIOR DISTRICT COURT FOR THE I L~ parlsh of Orleans. Nos. 7,s884, s9 20s. A19 By virtue of three writs of flert facias, to me directed by the honorable the Superior Dil triet 1 Court for the parish of Orleans, in the above entitled causes, for city taxes of 1874, 1875 and 1870, I will proceed to sell at public auction, at the Merchants and Au.tioneers' Exchange. E Royal street, between Canal and Cnstomhouse streets, in the Second District of this city, on TUESDAY. October 0, 1877. at 12 o'clock m., the following descrihed property, to wit A CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, situated in the Second District of this city, in square num- t ber elghty-s ven, bounded by St. Ann. Orleans, I Dauphine and Burgundy streets, designated as lot number twelve, measuring thirty feet front on bit. Ann street by seventy feet in depth. t Selted in the above suits. t Terms-Cash on the spot. TIOMAt H. HANDY. Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. AelS olI18 _0 The City of New Orleans vs. Amella P. , and E. Bermeli; same vs. Athenalse Petit. SUPERIOR DISTRICT COURT FOR THE . parish of Orleans, Nos. s4.355 and 8144--By virtueof twowrits offleri facias.tome directed by the honorable the Superior District Court for the parish of Orleans in the above entitled causes, for city taxes of 1875 and 1870. I will pro. ceed to sell at public auction, at the Merchants and Auctioneers' Exchange, Royal street, 1e tween Canal and Customhouse streets in the Second Distrset of this city, on TUESDAY, October 3o. 1877, at 12 o'clock m., the following dcscribeýl iropertee to wit- A t"RTAIN P.RTION OF GROUND. sit uated in the Slith District of this city. in square number two hundred and fifty-seven. hounded by Camp, Bordeaux, Chestnutand Lyon streets. designated as follows: lots numbers fourteen to twenty-two each measuring thirty feet front on Camp street by one hundred and twenty feet in depth; lot number twenty-three, forming the corner of Camp and Lyon streets, ineasuring thirty feet front on Camp street by one hundredI and fift feet in depth and front on Lyon street: fotA numbers twenty-four and twenty five eatch measuring thirty-five feet front on Lyon street by one hundred and fifty feet in depth; lots numbers six to ten measuring one hundred and flfty feet front on Chestnut street by one hundred and twenty feet in depth. Aelned in the abshove suits. Terms-Cash on the II. ANDY Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. SP2R oe13 :0. Carrollton Insurance Company vs. T. B. W. Evans. SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT FOR the SIxth and Seventh Municipal Districts of the parish of Orleans. No. tte-lby virtue of a writ of flie foias to me directed by the h 'nor able the Second Judicial District Court for the Sixth and Seventh Municipal Districts of the parish of Orleans, in the above entitled cause I will uroceed to sell at public auction, at the Merchants and Auctioneers' Exchange, Royal stI eet. between Canal and COistomhouse streets. In the Second District of this city, on SATUIR DAY, November 10, 1877, at 12 o'clock m., the fol lowing described property, to wit TWO CERTAIN LOT tOF GROUND, to gether with all the buildings and improvements thereon, situated in tar, ollten (now New Or leans), in the parish of Jefferson (now Orleans) in this State. and designated by the numtbere nine and ten in square number fifty-four (two). bounded iby, Jeffer-on. oniat Fifth and Leoni das streets according to a plan by C. A. Hedin. architect. No. 138 in the office of T. O. Stark, no ary public in New Orleans. Said lots awjoln each other, and measure each thirty feet front on Jefferson street by one hundred and twenty teet, between parallel lins, lot number ten forming the corner of Jefferson and Filth streets; being the same property acquired by the defedant herein from Widow L. Millard, by acts b,-fore C. C. Porter, notary public, on the fifth and tenth of September. 10NS. Seized in the above suit. Terms-This being the second ant last auec tion, the said rop ,rty will be definitely adjudi crated to the highest and last bidder for what it will bring, at twelve months' credit, the pur chaser furnishing bond, with good and solvent security, bearing eight per cent interest per an num from date, and .pecli mortgage on the property sold, until fiOal ayment. Bald pur chaser will have to dednot and ay in cash the printing, sheriffs and clerk's fe ,. etc., which amount to about eighty-five dollars and fur thermore, the 8tate. Darish and munictilpal axes, the amount of which is not yet m.certl ned. THOMAS H, HANDY Civil Sheriff of the Parish of OSleans. oo25 30 nos 10t Dy the Sher f of Pointe Coup... 4 SUCCESSION SALE -OF A SUGAR PLANTATION IN THE PARISH OF I POINTE COUPEE. is I tl SALE ON NOVEMBER 3, 1577. C0 st STATE OF LOUISIANA. fr PARISH OF POINTS COUPEE. PARISHBB COURT. b SUCCESSION OF MRS. M. L. ROSA DES- tt TREHAN. ci No. 65s of the docket of said Court. 5t B. VIRTUE OF A COMMISSION ISSUED E in the above entitled and numbered succes- Ii sion by the honorable the parish court in and N for the parish and State aforesaid, and to me c directed. I, the undersigned sheriff of said par- o ish of Pointe Coupee, will offer for sale by pub- it lie auction, and according to law at the door of b the court-house of said parish of Polnto Coupee. b on SAi URDAY. Nivember 3, 1877, at 11 a. m.. the following described property depending on fi said succession, vI0- r i. A SUGAR PLANTATION, situated in said r parish of lointe Counes State of Louisiana, on k the right bank of the Mississippi river, mess- O uring on said river k front of fourteen and one eighth arpents. more or less. by a depth of sixty-five arpents more or less, on the lower r line, and seve5nty-Ave arpents, more or les', on the upper line; said ptinration being bounded above by land; formerly belonging to the suc cession of Zenon Porch, and below by lands belonging to Mrs. Fanny Richer; und extending back to the lands hereinatter secondly descrlbtd, and containing about 765 oe acres In area. The samo to be sold together with all the mules thereon (about twenty-four) and all the farm ing utensils, seed cane and stubble cane and all the buildings and improvements on said plan tation, comprising a sugar-house and purgery. with engine, machinery, kettles, etc., two dwell ing-houses and outhouses, a stable, a barn, a blacksmith's shop, a cane shed and thirteen double cabins. 2. A TRACT OF LAND, also situated in said parish of Pointe Coupee, on False river, meas uring on said river a front of eight arpents, more or less. by a depth of about forty arpents. bounded on the upper line by lands belonging to Dr. L. L. Ladmtrault. and on the lower line by lands belonging to Michel Michel and Dr. L. L. Ladmirault: the said land extending back to the lands above firstly described, and con taining in area about 3(60.54 acres. The same to be sold together with all the appurtb'nances and improvements thereon, consisting of a one-story and basement dwelling-house, out houses, fences, etc. The said two tracts or plantations to be offered and sold sepa ately and in the order aforesaid. Terms and Conditions-One-third of the pur chase price cash, the balance in three equal an. nual instalments, payable at one, two and three years from the day of sale; the purchaser. for said credit balance of the purchase price, to fur nish his notes drawn by him to hi- own order and by him indorsed; said notes to bear inter est at the rate of eight ter cent tier annum from said day of sale till final payment, and to be secured by spec.lal mortgage and vendor's priv ilege on the property aforesaid: the act of mort gage to contain all the usual clauses, such as the t pact do non alienando. five per cent attorney's fees in ease of judicial proceedings, the insur ance of said sugar house on said plantation and the transfer of the policy thereof to the executor of said succession and all other customary clauses. With the privilege to the purchaser of paying in cash the whole or any part of said balance over one-third. at his own option. Pointe Coupee, Louisiana. September 22, 1877. GATIEN DECUIR, Sheriff of Pointe Coup,-e Parish. For examination of plans of the property and for further particulars. apply to ARTHUR DENIS, oce tno3 No. lo Canal street. up stairs. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE! ALL KINDS OF NEW FURNITURE. SUCH AS BEDROOM SETS, PARLOR SETS, PATENT LOUNGES AND CHAIRS. ETC. For sale at the lowest prices by JOHN BOIS, stree............... oI PUB AIT UR TAKEN ON 8B AGL A ý t g V E 'I JUDICIAL APDVETIE5MZNT5. AUCTION SALER. By Placid. J. MOST VALUABLE IMPROVED PROPERTY IN THE SECOND DISTRIOT. J. C. RAHDERS AND J. M. RAHDERB VS. THE MINORS ANN AND MARY RAHIDER.I Second District Court for the Parish of Orleans No. :tP,755. BY PLACIDE J. SPEAR, Auctioneor-Offl'e i40 Royal street--IATURDAY November 17, at 12 o'clock m., will be sold at public alction. at the Merchants and Auctioneers' Exchange. Royal street between Canal and Customhouse streets, by virtue and in pursuance to a judta ment rendered October 9. 1877. and siglned Oc tober 13, 1877. by the Hon. A. L. Tissot, Judge of the Second District Court for the parish of Or leans, in the above matter, the following do scribed properties to wit l. A t'lRrAIN LOT OF GROUND, with all the buildings and improvements thereon. rights, ways, privileges. advantages and servi tudes thereunto belonglng or in anyrwio tP pertaining, situated in the First Dlstrinto! this ci'y, in the square bounded by Julia, Locust. Pike (now Freret), and Cypress streets, desgl noted by the No. 1 on a sketch drawn by A. DeArmas, surveyor, on the ttth April. 1877. and annexed to an inventory, passed before the un ders.lned notary on the 21th April. 1877: said lot forms the corner of Cypress and Locust streets, and measures 31 feet a inches front on Locust street, 712 feet to inches 2 lines in depth and front on Cypress street, a2 feet 4 inches a lines on a first depth (on the other side) fronting a common alley (4 feet wide) to lots Nos 1 and 2, thence on an oblique line 2 fet 2 Inches, thence on a second depth of 3s feet 2 inches 7 lines, and 41 feet 3 lines on the rear line, the whole American measure. 2. ONE CI6RTAIN LOT OF GROUND. with all the buildings and improvements thereon, rights, ways. privilgoes. advantages and servi tudes thereunto belonging or in anywise ap ,ortaining, situated in the First Dis rict of this city, n the square bounded by Julia. Lo cust, Pdke (now Freret) and Cypress streets, des Iýnated by the No. i on the above said plan. Sala lot measuree31 feet front on Locust street. 72 feet 7 inchese lines in depth on the side nearest Julia street, 3B feet 4 inch" 6 lines on a first depth (on the other side) fronting the above mo.ntioned common alley. thence on a second deth line 3s fot 2 inllches 7 llns and feeoot 2 inches i line on the rear line, the whole A mrican mensure. 3. ONE LOT O(F GROUND. with all the build ings and improvements thereon, riuhte. ways. privileges, advantages and .servl uldes there unto belonging or in anywise appertblning. situated In the First District of t" is city, in thi, -quare bunnded by Julia, Locust, Pike, now Freret. and Cypress. designated by the No. 3 on the above saidplansaid lot measures 532 feet r inches 4 lines front on Cypress str ct. 74 f'nt . Inches 4 lines in depth on side of lots Nos. I and a, 78 feet 4 inches in depth on the other side, and i2 feet 4 inches 3 lines on the rear line. the whole American measure. 4. A CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, tgnether with all the improvements thereon, rights. privileges, customs, servitudes, ways, and ap turtenances thereunto belonging or in a ywise appertaining, situated lying and b-ing in the Munialpality No. 2 of NIew Ot leans within the square bounded by St. Peter, Oravier. Perdido and Stt. John streets, which lot Is desi.nated by the No. 11 on a plan drawn by U. A. de Armas, architect dated February 7, ism0, and deposited in the office of O. de Armas. notary public in book a of plans, plan No. 9. andi said lot meas ures t1 feet 11 inches oa lines front on tt. Peoer street by 125 feet 4 inches 7 lines in depth, be tween parallel lines. Terms-One-third cash and the balance at one aId two years' credit in notes of the purchaser, bearinglinterest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from datt until paid, and seoured by mortgage and vendor's lien on the property sold: the purchaser to cause the buildings on said property to be Insured for thlir full value until the full and final payment of said notes. to transfer the poll -y of insurance to the holder or holders of sail notes, and, finally, to pay all lawyer's fees, which fees are hereby fixed at 6 per cent, In case of ntdlcial proc',edings for the recovery of the amount of said notes or any part thereof. Purchasoeswill be required to make a depwsitof 1o per cent on the amount of adju dication at the moment of sale. Acts of sale before J. F. Meunier. Esq.. notary public, at the expense of the purchasers. ocS1 23 30( no 13 17 VAL UABLK IMPROVED PROPERTY on Rampart street, between .Juterpe and Fe licity streets, First District. BUOCEBBION OF AUGUST STRATMEYER. Second District Court for the parish of Orleans No. 37,570. BY PLAOIDE J. SPEAR, Auctioneer-Oftice B4~ Royal street-MONDAY November 6. 1877, at 12 o'clock m.. will be sold at public auc tion, atthe St. Charles Auction Exchange, St. Charles street. between Common and Gravier streets, by virtue and in pursuance to an order from the Hon. A. L. TIssot. Judge of the Second District Court for the parish of Orleans, dated August 4, 1877, for nccount of said surceession A CERTAIN LOT OF GRIOUND. with all the buildings, rights, improvements, ways, etc.. to the same belonging, in the First District of this city. in the square bounded by Euterpe. Fe lici ty. Rampart and Ba- n streuts, having :t feet 5 inches front on Rampart street by at foot 11 inches 8 lines in depth, between parallel lines. English measure, being the areateorrnrt of the lot figured by the No. 4 on the plan of square No. H. ma,,e by J. Pilie surveyor. Second Muni cipality. on the 20th of July. 1l40, in the records of A. Mazureau. then a notary in this ity. and is the same lot the deceased purchBsed from Mrs. C. S. BrldgA. December 2, 1865, as per ac before Walter Hi"cks Peters, notary public. The improvements consist in a two-story frame h.-use, double tlcnlment. having four rooms to each tenement, front and rear galle ries common alleyway, two-story tram, kitchen with six roomln and two cabiners. privies, cistern. etc. Terms-Cash on adjudication. Act of sale before Theodule Buisson, Esq., notary puhlic, at tihe expenso of the purchaser. 0o2 9 16 2:13 noI MOST VALUABIE IMPROVED PROPERTY ON VILLERE STREET. Between Ursulines Street and Bayou Roan. MARIE EUGENIE DOLLTOLTE. WIDOW. ETC. ET AL. VS. MINORS BRUsLE. BSecond District Court for the Parish of Orleans. No. 39,773. BY PLACIDE J. SPEAR, Auctioneer-Office, No. 40 Royal street--HATURDAY, Novom bher 3, 1577. at 12 o'clock in., will be sold at pub lie auction at the St. Charles Auct ion Exchange, basement rotunda of the St. Charles Hotel, on St. Charles street, between Oravler and Com mon streets, by virtue and in pursuance to an order from the lion. A. L. Tissot, judllge of the Second District Court for the parish of Orleans dated October 1. 1s77. and a judgment rendered and stined September 19, 1577, the following described property, to wit A CEttTAIN LOT OF GROUND. with the buildings and improvements thereon, situated in the Faubourg Trunme of this city, in the square bounded by Villere. Ursulines and R]oberts.n streets and the Bayou road, desig nated tby the No. 1s. measturing to feet front on Villere street by a depth of 57 feet 9 inches on he line dividing it towards Bayou road from lot No. 19i s feet 2 inches on the line dividing it towards Urtulines street from lot No. 17, and 31 feet. a Inches in width on the rear line. Terms and Conditions-One-half cash; the balance on a credit of one year for note bearing special mortgage and vendor's lien and privi lege, with eight per cent interest per annum from late until paid ; tihe clause of five per cent. for attorney's fees in ease of inudicial proceed ings to recover payment of said note.s or aWr portion thereofr: the pren.ises to be kept in sured, and policy transf, rred, and all other usual clauses. The purchaser will be required to make a deposit of ten percent on the amount of adjudication ait the muoment of sate. Act of Pale bnefor F. D. Seghers. notary pub lie, at the expense of the purchaser. c02 9 16 23 30 no3 SUCCESSION NOTICES. Surcr.nson of John Kron. CSECOND DISTRICT COURT FOR THE PAR U ish of Orleans. No. 39S.42-Notice is hereby given to the creditors of this estate and to all other persons herein interested, to show cause within ten days from the present notification, if any they have or can. why the provisional a -count presented by Francis Borge, tutor to the minor William Kron. and as such adminis tering this estate, should not be approved and homologated, and the funds distributed in ac cordance therewith. By order of the court. oeso nof 6 9* JOHN HERBERT. Clerk. buccession of Mrs. Widow Susannah Wang. GECOND DISTRICT COURT FOR TbHE PAR 7 ish of Orleans. No. as sl--Whereas. Au letters of administration on the estate of the late Mrs. Widow Susannah Wans.deceased. No tiee is hereby given to all whom it may con sI to .Qh eus ý , w ten Why the _crl~e-u~ Betrobr d acrt be JUDIOIAL AD TrVlBaT.UEA6s. AUCTION NALE.. By Placide J. Spsea. IMPROVED PROPERTY ON GOODC!IILDREN ltrect. and a vacant square of ground in the Third District. PROMISSORY NOTES. SUCCESHION OF ANTON OCHWARZ. Second District Court for the Parish of Orleans No. 39,783. DY PLACIDE J. SPEAR Auctioneer-Office No. o; Royal street--TUESDAY, November 27. 1877, at 12 o'clock in.. will be sold at public auction, at the Merchants and Auntioneers' Ex change, on toyal street, between Canal and i:ustomhoute streets, by virtue and in pur-sl ance to an order from the Hon. A. L. TI issot. judge of theSecond District Court for the pat Ish of Orleans, dated Octob 'r 18. 1577. for account oflthe above succession, the followingldesoribed proporty, to wilt p. A Cr RTAIN LOT OF GROUND, situated in the F"aubourg Washington Third DI)erlct of this city, designated as the No. 2 of square No. 17, hounded by Congress, Morales. Indepen dence and Ood'hildren streets, on a pi',n drawn by J. A. Peyroux. surveyor, dated June s. 18s4, and deposited in the office of A. Manu rean, tlate notary public in this city. Saild lot measures 32 feet 11 inches 2 lines fronton Good children street by toe feet in depth between par allel lines, with all the rights, ways, servitudes and advantages thoerunto belonging or in any wise appertaining. Being the same property whichwas acquired by Anton e'hwarz Irom John Baker. before I. Phitllop, a notary public In this ely. January 2 Oa RON. t2 2. A CERTAIN 2 UARE OF GROUND. to gether with all the rlghts. ways, privile es and ppurtenanees thereunto betonging. in the Third District of this city, designaoed by the No. 5s. on a plan drawn by L. 11. PYii., March s. t1r51, and deposited in the office of E. Bouny. notatry public. Said square is hounded by Tri con, Icelory. France and Abundane' streets, and is subdivbied into 10 lots nuombe-red from 1 to 16 3, A CERTAIN PROMISIORtY NOTs for $40o, drawn by Millet, V. Gt., March 1i, 1877. and pay able one year after date. 4. A CERTAIN PBOMIRROIIY NOTE for sioe. dated Soptembherr 30, 1876. payatlie one year after date. Terms - Cash on adjudication. At- of sale before Chas. T. Nonlat. Esq.. no tary public, at the expense of purchasers. 02,3 30 ano 13 20 27 MOST VALUABLE IMPROVED PROPERTIE,. corner of Hospital and Johnson streets, cor nor of Hospital and Prieur streets, on John son street, on Hospital street, Second Dis trict.. and Lands in Ocean Springs. BUCCEBSION OF CAROLINE M. REEHI. SeBoond District Court for the Parish of Orleans No. 39.847. DY PLACIDE J. SPEAR. AUCTIONEER SOffice No. 46 Royal street-TUESDAY, November 27 1877. at 12 o'clock m. will bt sold at pubile auction, at the I, rchants and Auctioneers' Exchange, on Royal stret. between Canal and Custombouse streets, by virtue and in pursuance to an order from the Hon. A. L. Tissot. Judge of the Second District Court for the parish (of Orleans. dated October 22. 1877. for account of said succession, the fol lowing deserlbed propertlies, to wit 1. A CERTAIN LOT OF GUROUND. desig nated by the letter A, tog ther with the build ings ad Improvements thereon rights. ways. etic., situated in the Second District of this city. in the square bounded by Johnson. Galves. Hospital and Barracks streets, measuring 0o feet front on Johnson street by a depth and front on Hospital street of 100 feet more or less. 2. A C.IRTAIN LOT OF GROIUND. desig nated by the letter B, tog' ther with the bull i lngs and improvements thereon, rights, ways, etc., situated in the Second District of this lIty, in the square bounded by Johns n Hospital. Galvez and barracks streets, measuring 28 feet front on Johnson street by a depth of loO feet. more or less. a. A CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, desig nated by the letter (, together with the build ings and imnprovementsthereon. situated in the Second District of this city, in the square bounded by Johnson, Hospital, OGalvez and Barrack4 streets, measuring is feet front on Johnson street by a depth of 100 feet. more or less. 4. A CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, desig n *ted by the No. 5. together with the buildings and improvements thereon, rights, ways, etc., situated in the Second District of this city in the square bounded by Johnson, Hospital, dal vea and Barracks' streets. measuring so ftot front on Hospital street by 80 feet deep, between equal and parallel lines. The entirety of which properties were ac quired, together with others in said square,. by said George Andre Iteeh as follows: 1. The undivided half by purchase from Mr. S. Mag nor. I)y act before E. G. Gottschalk. late no,tary in this city, on the 28th of April, 1857; and the remaining undivided half from George L'Hote, by act of sale and exchange passed before A. Ducatel, notary in thl city, on the 22d of Janu ary, 1859: the I , t AB C. above described, being lot No. 1 in the purchase above recited, and as such on a plan of J. A. di'Hemecourt, referred to(, therein. 5. A CERTAIN PORTION OF GROUND. together with the buildings and improvements thereon, situated in the Second District of this city making part of a lot of ground designated by the No. 1;. in the square bounded by Hospi tal, Barracks, Johnson and Pricur streets. Said portion of ground forms the corner of Hospital and i'rieur streets, and messures. American measure, 31 feet 11 inches 5 lines front, on Hos pital street. 3la1 feet 2 inch. s 7 lines in derth antd front on Priour esreet t1r feet 2 inches 5 lines in depth on the side next to Johnson street, then on an oblique line running towards Pricur st reet :; feet 5 incthe4 2 lints, thence on a I ne perpendicul r and running to, l'rier street 2freet. Being the Hsami prote t.y acquired by (George Andre Reehi by purchase fro ,t Jean Marie Saux. by atct passed before A. Dreyfus. PIas.. notary public in this city, on the 15th February. 1872. 6. A CER TAIN LOT OF LAND, lying and being in the town of Ocean Springs, in the county of Jackson. State of Missis-Oippi known and dloeritbed as follows, to wit: Lot 10 in b tck 41, according to the map or plan of said town drawn by U. Culenselg In 1s83, except 20 foot of said lot across the west. anti adjoining Bilandls' strip of land, which has heretofore been do noted for a public stroet.. Bcingthe same prop erty acquired by Georget Andre Rech by pur chase from Edward Chase and Eliza W.. his wife, of St. Louis. Missouri. by deed dated Jan nary 10, 1874, and recorded In the clerk's office of the chancery court in said county, on Octo her 14, 1874, in deed book B. pages 239, 240 and 241. Terms and Conditions-One-half cash; the balance on a credit of one and two years, for notes bearing special mortgage and vendor's lien and privilege with eigt t per cent interest per annum from day of sale till final payment, the buildings to he insured in a sum to be fixed by the parties interested and the policies transferred to the holder ofthe notes, the clause of five per coet for attorney's fees in case of jutlid ial proceedings for the recovery of the payment of said notes or any portion thereof, and all other usual clauses. Purchasers will be required to make a neposit of ten per cent on the amount of the adjudication at the moment of sale. Acts of sale before Wm. H. Seymour. notary public and commissioner for the State of Mis sissippi, at tile extpense of purchasers. 0(23 30 not 13 20 27 By Hoey, Macon & O'Connor. IMPROVED PROPERTY IN THE FIRST DISTRICT. SUCCESSION OF JOHN FARRELL. Second District Court forthe Parish of Orleans No. 36.276 B Y HOEY. MACON & O'CONNOR-Nicholas J. Hoey. Auctioneer-Offle No. 11 Caronde let street-On SATURDAY, November 10, 1877, at 12 o'clock m., at the St. Charles Auction Exchange, by virtue of an order of the honorable the Second District Court for the parish of Orleans, rendered on the twenty-ninth of Settenmber,1877, in th,+ above entitled matter will be sold by public auction for account of the succession of John Farrell, the following descrihed property, to wit A CERTALN LOT OF GROUND. together with all the buildings and improvements there on, situated it the First District of this city, in the square bounded by Clio. Erato, Clara and Martin or Willow streets, designated as lot No, to, and measuring 32 feet front on Clara street, by 126 feet 7 inches 1 line in depth and front on Clio street, and forms the corner of Clt a and Clio streets. Terms of Sale-The sum of $1325 to be paid in cash at the timsof adjudication, the balance on a credit of one year from the date of sale in note secured by special mortgage and vendor's lien. and bearing Interest of 8 per cent per annum from date of sale until final payment, with all the usual security clauses. The improvements to be kept insured and policy transferred, and .rehaser to iay aal taxes payable Ithe yea. 5VPICIAZ a v sU m aU2maxwT5. AUCTION !sALIhe.s By PlAoide J. Spear. VALUABLE IMPROVED PROPERTY, - Corner of - UMAINE AND TREME STREETS. SECOND DISTRICT. SUCCESSION OF FRANCOIS LACROIX. th econd District Court for the Parish of Orleans- F No. 8,.677. t PLACIDE J. SPEAR, Auctioneer-Office M t No. 46 Roal street-On SATURDAY, Novem- U er 10,117 at 12o'elook m,will besold atpubile notion, at the St. Charles Auction Exchange, asement rotunda of the St. Charles Hotel on t. Charles street, between ravier and dom- D ion streets by virtue and in pursuance to n order from the honorable the Second tlstriot Cou t for the parish of Orleans, dated eptemnber 23, 1877. for account of the above rccession, the following described property, to nf i. A CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, together y rith ail the buildings and improvements oereon, situated in the Suburb Treme, Second R lIstrict of this city, in the square bounded .by a 'reme, Dumaine, St. Ann and St. Claudestreets U esignated by the No. 4 in square No. 137; said )t measuring as feet 2 inches 4 lines fro.t on B umaine street, by 122 feet inches 6 lines in R epth and front on Treme street, of which It rms the corner. Acquired June 9, Is2; regis- T ored n book 87be folio 6.y th nitrat Terms and conditions-One-half cash and theE l tran on sfera credit of one hoear for noter, aring pedal mortgage aud vendor's lien and privi- L axe on the lpropeyrty sold, be arin m . pyr urt Interest per annum from abovee till nand, the cluse of nualr cent Tfor urt Drney's fees In ease of judicial proceedings o recover payment of said notes. or any por- B ion thereof, the property to is insured for an mount to be flied by the administrator, and ioiicy transferred to the loldier of notes, and all C axes payabie inthe year 1575 to be asaomum' by P turchaser over and above price of adjudica ion, and all other usual clauses. Thles pur haser will be required to make a deposit of 10 per cent on the amount of adjudication at the 11 noment of sale. Act of sale before C. Morel, Esq,. notary pub Ic. at the expense of purchaser. oe29 16 28 80 noS AUCTION SALES. By R. M. A B. J. Montgomery. HORSES, MULES. BUGGIES, COWS. 22 Saddle and Harness HORSES. 11 MULES. 12 Milch COWS and CALVES. r BUGGIES. 4 fine Alderney COWS. 1 fine Alderney BULL. Just landed per steamer Centennial, AT AUCTION. Y RB. M. & B. J. MONTGOMERY - R. M. Montaomery auctioneer-Will be sold on WEDNiBDAY, O6tober 1i, 1877, at 11 o'clock a. m., at No. 7o Baronne street, the above men tioned stock. Terms--Cash. oso By Albert Paul. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY. MagnIfieent and elaborately carved Rosewood. Walnut and Mahogany Parlor. Bed. Library and Diningroom Furniture of celebrated New York manufact',rice consIsting in part of beautifully carved Rosewood I'arlor Suit; rich and artistically carvOd Walnut Diningroom Set.; elegant. and costly Bed room Sets weth Glass Door Armoire: valu able Brussels and other Carpets; splendid Library Set, beautifully carved' magnfl cent Hall Set; elegant Bronze and other Or naments, Together with a large and beautlful collection of Glass, Plated and Chinaware. Besides numerous other useful and ornamental Household articles. -Also A splendid toned PIANO and Btool, being the entire contents of the elegant family resl dence No. - Amelia street. between St. Charles and Carondelet streets, third street above Louitsana Avenue. BY ALBERT PAUL-Auctioneer-Offiee 8a Exchange Alloy-On TUESDAY, the 3eth of October. 1877, at 11 o'clock a. m.. will be sold at public auction, at the above mentioned resi dence THE ENTIRE COLLECTION OF FURNI TUItE therein contained. Terms-Cnash on the spot. oc27 td UNDERTAKERS. OHA. G0, JONES, JOHN G. BOOBR. Formerly with Frank Johnson. JONES & ROCHE, 310 and 213 Magazine st..near Delord. Undertakers and Embalmrs. All business entrusted to the firm will reoelve prompt and careful attention at moderate rates. to hire. ass ly COMMISSION MERCHANTS. LEON QUEYROUZE OSOAB BOIS. QUEYROUZE & BOIS, Wholesale Greeers, DEALERS IN WINES AND LIQUORS And all kinds of WESTERN PRODUCE, At the Blue Stores. Oorner Old Levee and Blenville streets. d14 '76 iv New Orleans. HOTELS. ST. CHARLES HOTEL The proprietor of the ST. CHARLES HOTEL will, from this date. reduce his prices and would request families and others making arrange ments for the winter to examine his superior accommodations. Country merchants and planters will find this reduction especially sulRed to their patronage. a first class elevator being attached to the house. se') 3(d TREMONT HOUSE, Corner Tremont and Church Streets, Salvesten, Texas. BBISA & ORFILA, Lessees. (Formerly of the Grand Southern HoteL) The Palace Hotel of Galveston. This elegant Hotel, lately completed. Ism ZWTOT OP'TJ -FOB TEE ACCOMMODATION OF THE PUBLIC Being built at a cost of s$4ooooo, it will be first class in every respect, with all the latest im provements. ELEVATORS, ELECTRC ANNUN. CIATORS, etc. --wrITH BATH ROOM ON EVERY FLOOR. We therefore take pleasure in soliciting A= CONTINUANCE OF THE PATRONAGE extended by the commercial men to the late Grand Southern Hotel SBISA & ORFILA, Lessees, Formerly of Grand Southern Hotel ArrTONTr SISA,. Ja.. Chief Clerk. y27 em DENECHAUD'S RESTAURANT S Carondelet Street, near Canal. Having thoroughly repaired my Restaurant. I desire to inform my fri-nds and the public that I will re-open on M )NDAY, the 1st of October. I will continue the fixed prices per meals, and will receive boarders on moderate terms. Boarders and transient customers may rest assured that my cooking and the attention of my waiters will not be surpassed by any other restaurant in the city. `' hankful for the past favors I have received from the public, I will endeavor by a strict at tetion to my customers to continue to deserve kind fovpwvse MECK NICS AND TRADERS' INSUIB ANCE COMPANY, No. 14 Carondelet Street. EIGHTH ANNUAL STATEMENT. Nsw ORLEAN, Sepotember 29. 187. In conformity with Article 12 of the Charter, this company makes the following statement of its business for the year ending August 31.1877: Fire premiums ............. 111,688 41 River premiums .......... 40,884 59 Marine premiums........ 12,073 22 Unearned premiums, Aug. t1. 1876 .................... 40,000 00--$204,41 Deduct unearned pre miums.Aug.31.1877 ... 40.000 oo Returned premium s ..... 8,097 41- 48,09o7 4) Net earned premiums .................1648s sro Less Fire losses. -.. ...$44.982 as River losses ..... 18.889 75 Marine losses- ... 4,961 6 Unadi'ted losses, 8.000 co--76,sa 72 Re-insurances... 17,814 49 Robate. 10 ' cent. 10.175 19 Taxes and license 4.950 00 Expenses....... 29,187 47- 61,627 15 1185.400 87 Less interest ............... 39,430 66- 94,080 22 Net profits ................ $.82.136 S1 ABSETS. Bills receivable for premiums and loans on pledge .......................8.10.0911 Cash......................... ........... 1.648 7 Premiums in course of collection ..... 10,927 6s Invested in bank, insurance and other stocks, bonds, etc ........ ....... 69,494 S Real estate ...... .................. 11,660 46 Stock notes .............................. 4 ,398 62 Total ....................... .. .........·,· 225 5 The above statement is a true and correct transcript ftom the books of the company. LLOYD R. COLEMAN, President. JAMxs A. WHITE, SBeretary. 1TATE OF MULOUIIANA, City of New Orleans. I Sworn to and subscribed before me, notary public, this twenty-ninth day of September. 187 EDGAR GRIMA, Notary Public. The Board of Trusteones, at their annual meet ing held on the 24th inst., resolved to pay 1i per cent interest on paid In capital, and de alared twenty per cent dividend on earned pre. miums, both of which will be paid on full paid , stock, and credited on stock notes in part paid, on and after the twenty-second day of October TRUSTEES. Hugh Allison. G, P. Harrison, J. H. Allin, J. Davidson Hill. H. D. Autoy. M. Johnson, Isaac Bloom, Robt. L. Moore, J. A. Braselman, H. J. Mullan, Sam Boyd. John Meyers, John D. Cobb, Edward Nalle, J. E. Campbell. Emile J. O'Brien, W. L. Cushing, M. Pleifer, Lloyd R. Coleman, D. L. Ranlett, G. W. Carn. Geo. W. Sentell. Temple S. Coons, W. B. Thompson. J. M. Franker bush. C. W. Wood. Ben. Oersoh Fred Wing. P. O. Gibert. T. S. Waterman, 0es0 lm FACTORS AND TRADERS' INSURANCE COMPANY, $7............ arndelet street............s Paid up Capital, $1,000,000. Assete April 80, 1877, $1,281,90 $$ . ISSUES POLICIES COVERING FIBE. EtIER AND MARINE RISKS -AT LOWEST TARIFF BATES. f ED. A. PALFREY, President. JNO. CHAFFE, Vice President THOS. F. WALKER. Seoreary. . John I. Noble. T. Lytt. Lyon, John Chaffe, Samuel H. Boyd. Richard Milliken. Joseph MoElroy,. J. I. Warren. Wm. J. Behan, t. T. Buckner, B. F. Eschleman, Sam'l Friedlander. Wm. C. Black. A. A. Yates. Chas. Chaife. John I. Adams, L. C. Jurey, Isaac Scherck, Wm. Hartwell. R. M. Walmloey. C. J. Leeds. A. H. May, A. T. Janin. S. H. 8nowden, Jos. Bowling. A. M. Btckham. sel FOR SALE. BUGGIES & CARRIAGES. THE UNDERSIGNED IS STILL AT HIS Old Stand, $5 Carondelet street, And will sell carriages and buggies for a lower price than any dealer in the South for the nea sixty days to come, to make room for a new fal stock. Will sell lower than any dealer in th city for CASH, or thirty, sixty and ninety days' acepetance. to suit the emergency. N.B.--I have exclusive control and sale of the celebrated Emerson & Fisher top and no top buggies, that cannot be surpassed for beautyp elegance cheapness and durability In the' United states. They are manufactured of the best material; patent wheels and axietrees, steel bows, very light and yet strong, oil-tem pered English steel springs-all fully guaran teed; all of which will be sold inaccordanoewitb the times. I have also a large stock of CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, from $7 up to $40; a full anssort ment of VELOCIPEDES, and the square JAP ANESE UMBRELLAS, new style and water troof. Call at 38 Carondelet, and examine be fore buying elsewhere and save money. Again. I have exclusive sale of the work man ufactured by Messrs. McLear & Kendall, of Philadelphia-the largest and most successful. builders on the continent of America. Theb send their goods to every city in the Unite o States; have many established repositories, well stocked with the finest work, over the oun. try.and build oo0 and 30o0 jobs a year. This work is the very best quality for wear and uopa fort, fully guaranteed for twelve months. Thi firm has stood all the financial eruptionan( panies for twenty years and to-day is far in ad vance of any establishment in the coantry. P. 8.-I also buy largely of Messre. DartA Bey ' nolds of New Haven. Conn., the youn and en torprising successors o G. T. Newhall. They build about sixty jobs a week-work that cannot be surpased for durability and finish, fully guaranteed. Call at as Carondelet street. and examine. aua L. T. MADDUx.L PREMIUM BONDS ALWAYS ON HAND AND FOB SALE Is BUMS TO SUIT. LEGISLATIVE WARbANTSf Purchased by A. LEXONI. neM1 N. S Glaier court EQUAL TO THE BEST. earals Street Steam Brewry r ix~rrar A nma13 I DD A rn