Newspaper Page Text
MABI$qE IMEWS. 07110 NEW OBnDCOS)~LA9,I U1. J Brit steamship City of Bristol, Fulton for Liverpool, A K Miller &co Brit steamship Andean, Miller, for Liverpool. Lovell & Bailey Bark Endeavor. Mountfort, for Ha Novr ton B Norton & Boll oer brig Alerte, Mlablmann, for Havre- Shultz &co Arrived. gpan steamship Maria, ........, 3 days from Havana, to D F..,io &oo-l-d die ShIn Lislie FPery, Pitman, 55 days from Liverpool, to Norton & Bell--lt die Ship Creecoit City, Delano, 36 days from Bath, Me. to J A Warner-let die -er bark Alamo, Bruderhaosen, 76 days from Bre men, to Knoop. Htinneman &oo-3d die 117 Nor bark Albert. Ande Pon 49 days from Havre, in ballast to E Foreetier &co-3d die 38 Brig Geo Oilchrist. from Peneacola for Greytown, previously reported abandoned, picked up and towed to ihe city Algleos TRIAEIOATI. Robt E Lee Campbell from Vicksburg Katie, Tobin, from Arkapolis Centennial, Davidson, from St Louis Gov Allen. Brown. from Bayoun ara Jno H Hanna, MoElroy. froom Baton Bouge Henry Te\, Aucola. from Donaldeonvllle Mary Ida. Rnis. from Upper Ceast Blue Wing No 3, Cometook, from Chatham Plan tation Alvin, Soovell, from Quarantine Station Martha, Bassett, from Port Eads Dierw--eoming Up and Waltllg Orders. 'er sbip Constantia. Kuhlkln, 55 dais from Bremen. toE F 8 ockmeyer &oo Itll bark Michele Galarola, Forara, 61 days from Rio de Janeiro, to A Lanata Brit ship Frija, Morgan, 64 days from Liverpool. to L Lacombe &oo Brit brk Alabama, Bredbll. 67 days from Liverpool, to master, for orders Nor bark Kareten Langaard, Jacobsen, 58 days from Bordeaux, to master Ann bark Go den Sheaf, Thompson, 18 days from De merara, to master Anu bark leformer, Crown, 62 days from London, in ballast, to master Experts. LIVERPOOL-Per steamship City of Bristol-5540 bales eotton LIVERPOOL--Per steamship Andean-3600 bales eatton 14,000 bushels corn in bulk HAVBI-Per bark Endeavor--1418 bales cotton 1800 pee staves HAVRE-Per brig Alerte--665 bales cotton 1595 Poe stave Imports. LIVERPOOL-Per ship Rook Terrace-3422 sacks sit 10 doe mate to order BIRMEN-Per bark Alama-95 casks beer Rsre ahbde & Maes-1750 demllohns J C Morris- 3355 do 375 orates bottles J A Blaffer &oo-10 casks earthen ware 8 boxes mdse V Berl-3 pkge mdse Mrs K Her alna HAVANA- Per steamship Sandringham----658 bhds sugar 1885 brhs do Agar & Lelong MAROIKILLES-Per brig Maria Celeste-10 cases pipes P Sarazin--00 do vermouth 30 pkge emmty jdle 1N do of water 80 casks wine U Marinoni- 100 OasM vermouth 100 baskets oil Bousqnet & Ponpart 0 do 500 c es seao 6 qr casks wine P Gelpi & Bro -100 oases vermouth P EBrulatour--30 plgs per. fumery A Donssan-90o cases v, month 200 baskets oil Berier & DeSmet--5 oases do 300 do vermouth 100 do muscat 500 casks wine 30 hr do 950 casks oil A Laneta-400 baskets do W H Vroeenbnrgh-200 do 15 eases do 100 do vermouth Ant Gir .ud-1600 do 9100 baskets oil 950 oases do 5 do casis 5 do muscat 700 do aoap 90 bbls olives 10 cases o f water 200 casks wine to order VICKSBURG-Per steamer Robt E Lee-856 bales cotton 8 B Newman doo-771 Meyer, Weis &oo-296 Ulohardson & May-213 Lebman. Abraham &co-206 J L Harris &oo--,94 T L Airey &oo 186 Allen, Nu gent &oo--184 Ju ey & Gillie..171 Craig & Hogan 167 Olapp Bros &oo-164 H Allison &oo----7 J Bur net &o--154 Payne, Kennedy &co--129 Jno Chaffe & Sons-11t Graham, Black &co--15 MoGehee, Snow den & Violett-96 Blekham & Moore-75 Avendano Bros--O8 Chaffe Hamilton & Powell---- Beadles Wood &co559 Richard Flower &co-59 John I Noble --49 Jno Ha, die &oo-4-7 H & C Newman- 47 Alone, Scherok & Antey- 43 J B Wolfe &oo--49 Stewart Bros &oo--4 1 8 O Thomas &oo--41 L Walniley &o--40 G W Sentell &coo- 4 Jno Phelps &co--34 Nalle & Cammack- - 6 W A Peale..26 8 Frledlander-s9 Vaiden, Hawkins k&o--l J P Har rison Jr &co-20 Levy & Clark-20 J W White--17 Allen. West & Ba.h-15 March & Schlenker-15 W E Leverich-1 I 1 Bloom &co--9 Norwood & Richards -8 Francioni & Folse-d Hartwell & Chambers--7 Ben Gerson..5 W C Black &co-4 Conger & Kelly-4 S W Rawlins-4 W J Frie son &co-3 8 Gumbel- Hirschb, Adler &co--3 T J Carver- 9 Lange & Le gendre..2 L Grande &co-2 M Shelly--2 Forstah & Jumonville-2 D C Morgan-1 Buckner &oo-1 Tem ple 8 Coons &oo-1 P J Cockbrn--- order--2696 sacks cotton seed 1 0 Cotton Seed Association--l641 de Planters' Oil Co-38 do sleaaceson & Sims-1J eacks seed oo ton Lange & Legendle..95 bbls oil J Aldige --66 do T L Airey &oo-sundries to order-Total 5117 bales cotton 4:175 sacks cotton seed 12 sacks seed cot ton 161 bbls oil SRKAPOLIS--Per steamer Katie-449 bales cot J L Hartse &co- 365 MGoehee. Snowden & Violet -311 Richardson & May--39 Meyer. Wels &co-2:9 Lehman, Abraham &co-224 Allen, Nugent &co--166 Jno Caffe & Sonse--164 Graham, Black &co-147 Clapp Bros &oo-144 Buckner &oo-127 Jurey & Gil lie-.1i5 Ohafle, Hamilton & Powell-103 Allen, West & Bush- 92 John I Noble--91 Jno Phelps &co--8 H & C Newman--0 8 B Newman &oo-.t H Allison &oo--s Claiborne &co--5 Payne, Kennedy & 0-63 Jno T Hardie &co--i R T Buckner & Bro-44 Ren shaw, Cammaca &eo-38 Ar Miltenberger & Pollock -38 Blokham & Moore-38 Alcus, Scherok & Antey -33 Levy & Ulark-29 S C Wilkerson-26 8 Gumbel -91 Owyn & Dyet-18 J Barnet &eo--18 Beadles Wood &oo--15 J W White---15 Friedlander- 14 Stewart Bros &oo-13 March & Schlenker- 12 J B Wolfe &oo-1- Nalle & Cammack..11 Howcott &co 11 8 O Thom-+s &oo--1 John I Adams &o--10 Cra g & Hogan-S Barstow & Deeves-t- G W Sentell &oo- 6 T L Arey &oo-5 Francioni & False--5 M Shely &eo-11 Conge' & Key-- 5 Ben Gerson--4 W A Peale--4 )D C Morgan- 2 Hirsch, Adler &oo--2 Soherok & Berkson-2 Hlsrtweli & Chambers-1 Bus say &oo..1 Isaaceon & Sims-1 Britton & Mayson 4496 saos cotton seed Planters' Oil Co- 157 do N O Cotton Seed Association- sundries to order- Total 3359 bales cotton 4583 sacks cotton seed ST LOUIS-Per steamer Centenniol-150 bbls oil J Aldige-264 bbls flour C '1' Btlddleke & Son-15 hlf bble beef John I Adams &oo-b bbls lard 18 bundles mdse Branch, Crookes &co--2 bra do S Bash- 598 aoks corn Oscar Chopin--.0 sacks hair J G Clark A3 bbis apples P S DSonobhet-30 bbls kront E F Del Bondio--6 bble oil W Denny-18 pkgs mdseJ H Hen shaw 11 lirkins butter W H Holmee-532 sacks oil cake J C Johnson--ll firkins butter E H Keep-10 tubs do John T Moore &oo-4 kegs do 3 boxes eggs Miller & Meyer-292 bbls flour W H Matthews & Bro -64 do 100 bbla cornmeal H T Lawler-200 bdls b lead A Q Kennett-1 bbl whisky C Krabbs-5 do H Marquet--9 pkgs white lead I L Lyons-40 pkgs to baeos J Desea-10 bbls oil G R Finlay &oo..10 pkgs butter I boxes cheese B H Flashpoller-4 boxes eggs 41 coops poultry 137 sacks bran 115- sacks corn 2i4 bble flour 8 bbls grits Glover & Odendabl--ll pkga butter D A Given & Son-1072 sacks oats Ji , lanna 13t9 sacks corn Howard & Preston-219 do Newman & Kent-137 do J R Kent &co-105 bbls cornmeal 300 bble flour 63 bbls grits Prudhomme & Briggs-30 bbl beef Russell & Hall-600 feet lumber Roft, &oo -15 bbls flour 5 bbls grits 1 tierce hams 1 do bacon I K Roberts-6 bxs sheet lead Stauffer, Macready &oo 15 bbls kront Stephens & Stork-15 boxes mdse H Stetn &oo-12 pkg mdse Sullivan & Bulger-1 anchor M Schwartz & Bro---35 pkge butter Bschwabacher, Frowenfeid & Pfeif, r--15 do Schmidt & Ziegler--20 kegs whitecad L Shulze--15 sacks hair J Volke-23 poe gas pipe B J West-50 bbls oil and sundry mdee C AWhitney &co- 76 bales cotton McGehee, Snow den & Violett-106 Allen, Nugent &co-84 TL Airty A.o--47 S Gumbel-44 Lehman, Abraham &oo--46 Meyer, Wets &oo-14 Block &co-23 Stewart Bros & co--l Richardson & May-18 Buckner &co--25 J L arris &oo-l18 W A Peale..17 Graham, Black &oo 9 Norwood & Richards-- 620 sacks cotton seed N O Cotton Seed Associatlon-36 do Planters' Oil Co-19 do Bienville Oil Co--snndries to order--Total 640 bales cotton 1675 sacks cotton seed 512 sacks olcake BAYOU SARA- Pet steamer Gov Allen- 165 bales cotton Meyer, We~ &oo--160 J L Harris &co 131 Lehman, AbrahPaf &co-93 S Gunbel-49 Alhus, :8cherck & Antey-41 Clapp Bioe &so--40 Bush & Levert -s9 Norwoodk Richards-22 McGehee. Snow. den & Violett-19 IF& C Newman----18 Payne, Ken nedy &oo-14 A Levi- 14 Temple 8 Coons &o-il Maroh & Schlenker-10 Conger & Kelly-7 Ben Ger. sen-6 W C Black &co-5 J Barnet &co-5 Jurey & -Gtil--4 Bickham & Moore-4 T L Airey &co-4 J C Dseia-4 Renshaw. Cammack &oo-3Richard Floe er &oo-3 J & 14 Cromwell-3 L Reder &co-2 Ar Mil-. tenberger & Pollock-2 Queytouze & Bois- 1 Lange & Legendre..l H Groebel--1016 sacks cotton seed Planters' Oil Co-198 do N 0 Cotton Seed Association -118 do Bush & Levert-104 bbls molasses E J Gay &co-25 do Vairin & Mortimer-16 do E J Hart &co -15 do J W Burbridge &oo-6 do H Groebel-2 V H Bsrnard-l do 3 hhd. sugar A Elmer Bader &0o-17 do P Maspero &co-sundries to order-To al b7d bales cotton 1332 sajs cotton seed 20 hhds sugar 169 bbls molasses BATON ROUGE-Per steamer Jno H Hanna-33 bales cotton Payne. Kenneay &co-22 8 Gumbel-20 H Heyman--22 Clapp Bros &oo-9 A Levi-5 Bush & Leveea-s J Burnet &co-2 March & Sohlsaker-2 Saoks seed cotton F P Sevln-3 do P Casse--68 bblh molakee L Godhaux---45 do H Groebel- 25 do F Beake-7 Rodd Bro too--40 aacks rough riee Sie .wattd . aTmp7e- bales moa F Loeb -- smoka aWsite et A LChoppln-7 head eatle T G Johason t; l u.dssr-l- W 11t banles ee. . 2 siksI m, Ieimb~u 11hhds aps-/urebblamL l seaol 2 u4 . )hd sugar L Godohauz-1U 1ebls molress 0kh. t Boyd --i4do lash * Lvmt_-51 casks s k 1100 IteWard k Thopmon-73 do Kip A BEoh-OS do sattle's Mill -1 sak cotton V F1errsaadcal - o4I to wder-. Total 1 sack cotton 189 acoks rough rioe IS hhds sunar 94 bble molasses CHATHAM PLANTATION-Per steamer Blue Wing No 3--15 hhds sugar tRichard Mllliken-lO do E F 8 eekmeyei-9 doJ W Bnrbrldge &to-344 eske rouh rioeA i Siewaa.d--161 do Bush & Levert-lO0 do Lange & Legendre-59 do F Brugoer--44 do C H Allen--I ack seed cotton 1 bale loss A L Ohoppin I8 bbls pecans and sundries to order-Total 1 sack seed cotton 34 hbds sugar 711 sack rough rice UPPER COAST-- Per steamer Mary Ida--1l hhds sugar 10 bbls molasses E M Scott--25 do C T Soniat-10 do 13 hbds sugar W H Vredenburgh--48 sacks rough rce G A Lanauo--94 do J A Bluffer &co -3L do Burke & Thompson--8 do H A Battles--2 bales moss J M Wals.--sundries to order-Total 29 bhd, suggar 45 bbls molasses 105 ascks roigh rice QUAIRANTINE STATION-Per steamer Alvin 13 bh'es sugar John Dymond--94 bbls rice A Socola 180 sacks rough rice Kip & Ruoh-2I do Sieweed & Thompson-25 do J b.erster---undries to order - Total i3 hhds sugar 24 bble rice 434 sackts rough rice PORT EADS---Per steamer Martha-- 1 sacks rough rice Stleward & Thomoson-75 co Kip & Ruch -sundries to order-Total 8 sackse rough rice BE.EIPTS AT THU NiW BASIN. Pearl River-Per steamer J F Fraser-75 cords wood to order Covington..-Per schr Victorias-3 bales cotton 5 coops poultry 15 sacks potatoes to order--13,00 feet lumber toO Stuber Blind River-Per schr Clementine 10,000 staves 19 cords weod to master Lake Shore-Per sehr T B Kemp---- cords wood to master Wolf River-Per sohr Galeds--0,000 feet lumber to JL Nevers Pearl River--Per sohr Gen Washlngton--40.000 feet lumber to W W Carre &oo Tohefunota River-Per schr Mary Ann-90 cords wood to master Blind River-Per sohr Alclope--3-- cords wood to master Pass Christian-Per schr Farmer-lot old Iron to order Blloxi- Per schr Julia--95,000 feet lumber to H Buddig Biloxi-Per schr Comet-.8 000 feet lumber order Bayou Lacombe-Per sohr olk-1000 bbls charcoal to maMtt r Pmscagoula-Per schr Iaebella-40,000 feet lumber to order Shell Bank-Per schr Ristori-400 bble shelle(order shell Bank-Per schr Rita-400 bbls shelis order Madisonville..Per steamer Camea----undrie to orderl Stockton-Per schr Wilhelmina---50,000 feet lum ber to W 0 Toomer Stockton-Per echr Two Friends-131 bbls rosin 30 bbls turpentine 2 ,000 feet lumber to W G Toomer Bayou Lacombe--Per schr Leander Jane--25,000 feet lumber to order Pearl River-Per barge Katle--40 cords wood to master RECEIPTS AT THE OLD BASIN. Bayou Lacombe-Per schr Geo Colnmr- 40 cords wood to master Mandevtlle-Per sohr Mandeville--600 bbls char coal to mas er Tchefuncta River-Per schr Emma A0melia- 55 cords wood to La Conchs-Per schr Lake Flower-4 sacks seed cotton to order Tohefuncta River-Per schr Wren 95 cords wood to master Pase Manchac-Per schr lpa-5 cords wood master landevillle-Per schr Ellen-18 cords wood master Pass Ms,,chao-Per ehr I'omme d'Or-- 5 cords wood to master Jordan River-Per schr Mary Diana--90 cords wood totmaster Bayou Lacoume-Per schr Camelle-15,000 bricks to order Bayou Lacombe-Per shbr Josephine No 2-10,000 feet lumber 10 cords wood to order LaConche-Per sloop Star of the Sco-31 sacks seed cotton to order ,, Tchefuncta River-Per sloop Rainbow- 5 cords wood to master SRaailreads. NEW ORLEANS AND MOBILE RAILROAD Oct 29-427 sacks cotton seed N O Cotton Peed As sociation-.3 bxs glass Meyer Weil--8 bxs hardware Stanifer, Macready &oo--6 doM Viret-7 pkgs butter W H Holmes-2 toe bacon 78 pkge pigsteet E F Del Bondio-lO pkgs butter :3 pkgs tobacco 30 bbls whse ky C A Whitney &co-2 do JTenpeni- 9 pkgn to. bacco C Jucquet-15 do Bornio Bros--4 machines G W Baker--50 cases mdse Burke & Thompson- 13 pkgs mdse S H C Christian-5 bbls spirits O H Kar stendiek-110 boxes starch F A Behan-14pkgs mdse T Remy-34 do E Reed-1 bale do W H Letchford & co-- do Wallace, Cary &co--18 do Bateson, Wisdom & Bowling-16 pkgs tobacco Mayer Bri--50 do C A Whitney &co--94 pkgs mdse J B Hubblrd---- cases mdse R F W Bachman 5 cases tooaseco M Veit--9 casks hides E Adler-19 pkg. tobacco J P Sarazin-8 do Mayer Bros-7 do C B Block &o--4 do Scherck & t Berkson-7 bbls brandy Flash, Lewis &co-3V0 boxes starch T N Behan-2 cases mdsee G Finlay &co--ll bsla hides Kenbol & Rogers-2 cases cigars L Mayer & Son..100 boxes cheese C H Lawrence &oo-15 bdls h .ms B J West-4 bales coikas Pablo-1 be castings E Thompson-2 bble sausages H Pohlmanat & Son 12 pkgs glassware M L Navra-7 do IC Offaet--6 do Stratton & Meyer--1 do Mrs J Gauche..1 bbl whis sy E I'eppercone-l do L Gex--l. bdl' cross ties T 1i Hunt-5 kegs butter R ])avison--,5 boxes mdse F N Tha, er-2 cars stock R A Corbin--! car catt-e iR M Floatt-5 bbls whisky J Pogrina-2 do J M Centel -6 bxa Paddlery M W Smith----5 sheets copper B J West-72 cases mdee Smith Bros &co-13 pkg wheele J Schwartz-2 boxes mdse I L Lyon,-3 do R M Wi - liams-40 bxs bottles J C Morris-t40 do I Levi &co -47 boxes bacon Barstow & Desves--3 boxes mdae Mme H Hobart-53 do McGrath & Compton-17 biles beef'2 hi do Vose Bros-9 bxs glassware E J Hart & oo-15 pkgs glassware Stratton & Meyer--i boxesdo Mrs J Gauche-25 bbls whsaky C A Whitney &co-1 do G Eisemann--20 do J Dreyfus-2 do P J Rya. -5 boxes mdse McCracken & Brewetet----13 stoves Bar relt & Weiman---- hit bble whsi y C H Allen-- 2 plows J R Cox-1 box mdse J Clark--10 bxs candles J Nelson &co..5 boxes mdee I L Lyons- 3 bundles eather Jno Keller--5-- bdls a trees M W Smilb- case paptr Pevchaud &co-1 do F F Hanorll-20 bbls apples Berry &co--1516 pea bulk bacon Schwaba her & Bhrsch-1 car b beer Wyard &co-400 sacks cotton seed N O Cotton Seed Association-1 car hoop po es T A Beck-4 cars cattle Aycock, Mitchell &o--10o boxes starch Milby, Porter &co----00 do Barstow & Deevee-100 bbls flour T A Hamilton &oo--UO do W H Matthews & Bro-36 boxes shoulders Miller. Dol honde &mo-v31 pkgs iron M S h artz & Bro----200 kegs nails Stanifer, Macready &co-300 do U W Moore -100 bbles lime J Voelkel----100 do J C Stewart-10O do J G Clark-.d00 do W P Converse jr &co-i20 bbls whisky Freburg. Kline &co-2 doJ Dubose-14 bales iope H T Lawier-5 tieroes hams 5 tierces shoulders H Pohlmann & Son- 0 pkgs sundri. a H Goldsmith -15 pkgs rope C A Whitney &coe--8 pkge mdse P Schneider-8 do W P Puigrose-- 4ll do RM & B J Montgomery-4 cases hardware M McGraw-5 cra es mides J L Moore-18 pkge mdse 1H H ansell-9 cases do H Stern &co-1 do J Mullen-- do E Booth--I bdls paper J B Masson-4 do A L Stewas t--3 bbls glassware B Matra-- box mdse Not man & Reise-1 do Donaldson &on-l do T a Dicks-1 do E Baker l01 bales cotton J H Mnury &co-176 S It Buck-148 Williams & Crane-40 JPS Moss &co--30 A Clason & co-26 Ranger, Jatman &co-24 J L Harris &co-21 Jno T Bardie &co-9 G W Sentell &co--9 Allen, West & Bush-9 C L Walmsley &ce--2 Lehman, Abraham &oo-1 Nora ood & Richards--24 Jno Phelps &co---- do and sundries to order-Total 753 bales cotton 827 sat he cotton seed 200 bbls flour MORGAN'S LOUISIANA AND TEXAS BAIL. ROAD. Oct 29-5 bble syrup 1 hi do J M Putnam--2 balf bbls molasses 1 bbl sugar 10 sacks rough rice Lange & Legendre-6 bbls molasses D A Given & Son-5 bales cotton G W Sentell &co-5 Clapp Bros &co-0 oewman & Jones-6 J W Burbridge &oo-- 2 McGe hee, Snowden & Violett-i bbl tallow 1 cask ar hides I bdl do L Lacassagne 2 sacks cotton 2 do rice 9 dry hides Rykoski & Manade--2 sacks cottoL A L Chop pin..6 bbis rice H Pohlmann & Son-46 sacks rough rice V H Bernard-10 dry hides t bdls hides Hirsch, Adler &te-l do gr do L Terrobonne- 8 sacks rough rice 10 bales moss F P Sevin-- do 4 bags cotton 2 sacks seed cotton Ode I & *Vright--73 sacks rough rice J A Blaffer & co-378 do Gordon & Gomila--- bales moss H Salomon--2 kegs molasses Doize &co- 21 escks rough rice Conger & Kelly-184 do Thomp son Rice Mill-2 hf bales moss Queyrouze & Boisa-8 head cattle Aycock, Mitchell &co--77 do P Servat Total 21 bales cotton 8 sacks do 6 bbls molasses 2 hlf do 5 bbls syrup 1 hf do 720 sacks rough rice Per steamship Josephine, from Clinton--30 sacks wool 3 sacks rags 109 bales cotton C A Whitney &co -118 Clapp Broes &co-87 Jno T Hardie &co-32 Jno Phelps &oo-i 5 L Godchauix-23 G W Sentel, &co- 17 R T Buckner & Bro-4 Kirkpatrick & Kieth--3 Gragard & Farrar-- 328 sacks cotton seed N O Cot ton Seed Association-609 no 1 M Niblett &c.-693 sacks bones Stern's Fertilizing Co-Total 418 bates cotton 29t7 sacks cotton seed From Galveston-10ti bbls cotton seed oil J Aldige NEW ORLEbANS JACKSON AND NORTHERN RAILROAD. Oct 29-514 bales cotton Richardson & May- 405 C L Walmeley &o0-386 order-347 Meyer, Weis &co -344 Alous, Scherok & Antey--30 Chaffe. Hamilton & Powell-- 45 Bickham & Moore-233 order- 19. Lehman. Abraham &oo-179 Vaiden. 1Hawkins &o i69 Jno T Hardie &co--155 Payne. Kennedy &co-142 Allen, Nugent co--l133 S O Thomas loo..118 T L Airey &co-12l aot wart Bros &oo--l10 Nalle & Cam. mack-81 order--2 J & G Cromwell-68 Jno Chaffe & Sons-64 G W Seate 1 &oo-61 order--59 J L Harris 0oo-48 Clapp Bros &co.-43 J W White-37 Britton & Mayson-36 W C Black &co-46 Warren. Atkinson &co-I S Henderson-34 order-55 H & C Newman -33 T J Carver-27 order--6 Go, din &ooe-25 H Al. lison &co-92 order-19 F Walker-15 S Gumbel--12 Allen, West & Bush-10 Moore & Coleman-i- L H Gardner-10 Howoott &o-9 Moore & Coleman--.8 R T Bnckner & Bro-8 J B Wolfe eoo-7 order-8 J Burnet &oo-5 L Bloom-5 Newman & Jone---5 B&Uales Wood L&o--50Ciborme &L.-4 EL McKeon &ae-4 GO Gadtn-I WA Peals- Jurey & Gillis ..3 J Irby & Sa---3 order-- 8 ledilaader--3 Ass-- b Back t hF---- I 9 Rt 5 khrw, &o.s.+ 8147 k Yielgb.-- L kedw a 1--Teta8147. bas eteetm 3s hhda tWbseo to order---5 bble higo wines Com. maera & uLanbett-6 bble sranage 90 -fklna batter uZ rbier kI Behan-3 boxes tobacco J J Irby & Son -i oar cabbage 1 car cattle Miller & Meyer-30 bbla apples 10 orates cabbage J Bertucol &oo-110 bble ap ples 15 crates cabbage eto Stephens & Stork -17 bbles potatoes eto M Stich & Son-1 bbl whisky A K Fin. 1a-1 firkin butter Flash. Lewis &co-80 bbls apple EDoh, rty-50 bblslpotatoes U F Melville--I case c gars 40 cads tobacco Wackerbarth & Joseph-3 care stock Leonard & Maxwell- 125 sacks oats P S Du. Sonchet. -00 bble flour H Bohm--19 do Vairin &bMor timer-40 boxes meot A A Gecenwood &oo--l0 bbls grits H Gro, bel-3 cars wheat Webster & D----I bbls apples J P Macheca &co-10 do D Cefalu &co 100 pkgs beer II Redwites-l boxes mdse &J JHart & co-u0 bbls whisky H R Gogreve- 310 boxor starch Barstow & Deeves--5 crates m mat J B Solari & Son --0 dry hides etc Wang & Cottam- 8 do 25 bbls highwines Scherck & Bet aeon-330 pkgs beer F Hol lauder-s0 pkgs butter 50 don brooms i IH Flashpol. ler-80 do A Weo f- 40 ble apples S Oteri & Bro-3 fireins butter U Ulhnton-30 boxes bacon 2b bx candy 4 pkgs mdse 33 t Iag furniture I bbl whisky etc C A Whitney &co-100 bbls flour Glover & Odendahl-131 tube butter 12 frks do 12 bbls Deans (O H Lawrence & ou--0 tteroes,bhams Sthwabacher, Fr, wenfeld & P'l!e f-r-14 pkgs hardware Stauffer. Macready &co--8 oil bbls Louisiana Oil Co-776 pce meat Howard & Pres ton-79 do 5 bbls ribs 100 oble flour 53 toe lard 26 keg do it hwabacher, Frowenfeld & Pfeifer--3 cars cattle C Mehle &co-3 do Aycock. Mltobell &oc--140 bble onions 130 bbls potatoes 1 car cabuage J Keller-0-55 sacks oats Prudhomme & Briggs-26t do 10 bbls po tatoes 37 bbls apples Chas Pleassnts --841 sacks oil cake Anderson & Simpson-700 sacks cotton seed N O Cotton Seed Association-95 bbls whisky Lechte & Cordes-50 toe and 35 kegs laid 900 bbls flour 50 toes tallow Slhwabsoher & Hkireh- 100 bbls grits T T White-sundries to order 14 W oltuAM AMnD TUIAD RAILROAD Oct 59--0 sacks rough rice Schwabacher & Hirsch -49 do Kip & Ruch-lli do C H Allen- 28 do BSe werd & Thompson-Total 208 sacks rough tice STEAMBOATS. LAFOURCHE. TBi-WEEKLY BAYOU LAFOURBBE AND COAST PACKET. Leaves every TUESDAY at to a. m., THUSBB. DAY and SATURDAY at 12 m. STHE NEW PASSENGERSTEAIMEB HENRY TETE, J. F. Aucoin master, M. H. Landry clerk, Pays particular attention to way business, and returns down the Coast. leaving Donaldsonville every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday at 5. a. -.. For freight or passage apply on board. or to B. RIVET. 1o0 Decatur street P. S.-Lands all Coast passengers and freight in daylight. VICKSBURG, YAZOOS AND TALLA HATCHIF. REGULAR NEW ORLEANS. VICK9BURG. YAZOO AND TALLAHATCHIE TlHROUGH PACKET. LEAVES EVERY WEDNESDAY. i THE NEW AND FINE STEAMER YAZOo VALLEY, S. H. Parisot, master. J. T. Hall, clerk. Will leave as above regularly overy Wednesday. For freight or Issagt appldy on board, or to JANNEY & WORK. A1t Comm r n at. oc14 tf B. W. AI).MS 21 (7Commrclal Place. ________ _________________ JUIO, PORTRAIT PAINTER, No. S Carondelet street, New Orleans. Portraits from life or from pictures of the dieceased (in oil or crayon), from $82 to $150. My ART G 4LLERY l'ia pl.ce of free re sort. andl the public is invited to visit it at pleasure. oc20 tno24 BPECIAL NOTICE. THE ST. BERNARD COAL COMPANY HAV ing removed from their old stand, to their new and commodious office No. 29 Carondelet street are prepared to fill orders for Coal at the following rates: PITTSBURG 75c. per barrel. ST. BERNARD. 70e. per barrel. 5 per cent off for cash. W. S. CAMPBELL, Agent. oc4ThRuTu tJai Mme. !i. BAUSSET, MIDWIFE BEGS LEAVE TO INFORM HER CUSTOM Srs that she has transferred her dominile to 1.3 Rampart street, between it, Ann and Du maine. Receives boarders from the city, also from the country. Consultations from 11 o'clock a. m. to 1 o'clock p. m. se.133m T, TTh Snl LUMBER ! CABINS I LUMBER I The undersigned are still offering their stock In trade at lowest rates. The prices of their celebrated CARRE PLANTATION CABINS have been so reduced as to be within reach of all. Send for pricelists. W. W. CARRE & CO., 350 Dolord street. sol tf Now Basin. New Orleans OFFICE "CONVEYANCE RECORD," No. 12 Carondelet street, NEW ORLEANS. LA. The undersigned respectfully announce to the public that they are prepared to furnish a complete Chain of Title or list of Transfers of Real Estate in New Orleans, back to original grant or purchase, when required; also Full Abstract of each transfer in the chain; thus so curing to parties purchasing Real Estate or in vesting in Mortgages perfect security from fraudulent or defective titles. The method of indexing our "Conveyance Record," peculiar to our system, enables us to give information immediately, Attorneys, Notaries, Auctioneers. Land Agents, Surveyors, and all parties interested in Titles to Real Estate. are invited to call and ex amine our "Record." so13m L. J. DODGE di CO. LEON VOITIER, 21...........ROYAL STREET......-..... 1 Respectfully in forms the public that he has now in store a large assortment of Bandages. Elastic Socks for Gentlemen Ladies and Children. The Ladies' Departmentis under the special charge of Mine. VOITIER. Also has at handsome assortment of fine Cutlery. All articles guaranteed. Grinding and Sharpening on TUESDAYS. THURSDAYS and SATUR DAYS. 0o4 11m COAL. COAL. The undersigned has on hand a large quan tity of first quality PITTSBURG COAL which he is willing to dispose of at prices that are in dependent of recent combinations among regu lar dealers. Will take orders during the next ten days for supplying families and dealers. Delivery at purchasers' convenience, and pay ment not required before delivery. All com munications promptly answered. EDGARD BOULIGNY. oc4 tf Democrat office. No. lo9 Gravier street. GARDEN SEEDS JUST RECEIVED. NEW CROP OF TURNIP SEED THIS YEAR'S GROWT . Also, a full assortment of all SEASONABLE SEEDS, including large late Flat Dutch and Drumhead Cabbage, superior quality. For sale at the NEW SEED STORE. E. BAKER, -Im.Y.ur..L It -,IllB,. B'4miIDIW, rEK owOEI .MORGAN LINE U. a. MAIL mSTAMSHIPS. B The following low-pressure Iron Steamships orm these lines: HARLAN I.O0 HARRIS W. G. HEWES. T MORGAN, JOSEPHINE ST. MARY C GUSSIE WHITNEY HUTOHINiiSBON. A CLINTON. CITY OF NORFOLK. ARANSAS. now building. m Plying from Morgan City. In connection with Morgan's Louisiana and Texas Railroad. For Indianoila via Galveston- - Steamers leaving Morgan City SUNDAY, tc TUESDAY, THURSDAY, connect at Galveston, P transterring thnro to Steamer CITY OF NOR- tf FOI( both freight and passengers. U, Through bills lading signed to Houston and F to all points beyond on the Houston and Texas of Central and G. H. and S. A. . B., International and Great Northern Railroad, and New Orleans and Texas Railroad, via Clinton, and thq Texas Transportation Company. I. Freight charged as per new card rates. San Antonio freights received and forwarded via Clinton and Galveston. Houston and Ban Antonio Railway. For Brazes santtago The iron steamer I. 'C. HARRIS J Will leave on -, October -, 1877. Lighterage at Brazos Mantlago at risk and ex- t pense of consignees. p Freight received for and bills lading signed a only to Brownsville, via Rio Grande Railroad, as er new tarif l.ce aa:e per cent. reoight payable in gold. For Corpus Clarstl, Fulton anMd a St. Mary's. via Rockport-The iron I steamer ST. MARIY, Will leave Morgan City on WEDNESDAY. October 31. Lighterage to Corpus Christi (if any) at risk and expense of consignees. Freight for St. Mary's and Fulton landed at I Rock ort. Freiht for all the above points received at the Depot organ's Louisiana and Texas Railroad, toot of Lafayette street. daily, until s p. m. PASSENGER AND MAIL ROUTE. For Galveston, Houston and Indianola. I Passengers take Railroad Ferryboat foot of St. Ann street. at R:30 a. m.., reaching Morgan City t at 12:25 p. m. there connecting with steamers HAtLAN on SUNDAY JOSEPHINE on MONDAY. HUTCHINSON on TUESDAY. CLINTON on WEDNESDAY. WHITNEY on THURSDAY. MORGAN on FRIDAY. JOSEPHINE on SATURDAY. First class fare to Shreveport 5--Time, 45 hours. Excursion tickets for the round trip to Gal veston and return, good for thirty days. issued at $21. Tickets and staterooms secured until S. . m. daily (Sunlays excepted), at Agent's office, or at the Ferry Landing, on morning of departure. Through tickets willbe issued from this office to the principal points on the Houston Texas Central Railroad. on the International and Great Northern Railroad. and Texas and Pacific Railroad. A0. WHITNEY & CO.. Agents. jel .y Corner Magazine and Ngtchez ste. NEaW YORK. IOBGAN'S NEW YORK LINE STEAMSHIPS. The following Al Iron Steamships form this line LONE STAR. ALGIERS. NEW YORK, MORGAN' CITY, GEN. WHITNEY. The Iron Steamship NEW YORK, LONE STAR, WEDNESDAY, October 31, INSURANCE TO NEW YORK %. Freight for the above port received atthe depot f Morgan's Louisiana and Texas Railroad, foot rf Lafayette street, daily until s p. m. For freight ap L to oHAs. A. WHITNEY & CO., Agents. jel ly Oor, Nathez and agazine streets. FLORIDA. FOBR WARBINGTN JNBAOLA AND REGULAR SEMI-WEEKLY PACKETS. The following first-class Asteam ships will sail for the above ports as follows ALARARA, M.J. Faurla, master. Loaves every WEDNESDAY. at 8 a. m. AMITE, Joseph F. Boyle. master, Leaves The above steamers will leave as above. oppo site Jackson Square. Second District. For freight or passage apply on board or to -. M. SORIA, Agent. aul5 tf 18 and 20 Union street. HAVANA. FOR HAVANA, CEDAR KEYS AND KEY WEST. UNITED STATES M-IL LINE LEAVING EVERY WEEK The first-class steamship MARGARET, Baker commander. will leave wharf opposite Jackson Square at 8 a. m. Passage rates to Havana, $4e; xcursion tick ets, $6oo0. Passage rates to Jacksonville, $20, including state rooms and meals. Through bills of lading issued to all points in Florida, For Freight or passage apply to I. K. BOBERTS, 120 Common street, Over Louisiana National Bank. The steamship EMILY B. SOUDER follows on the - ayE ly LIVERPOOL. BERRA LINE OF STEAMSHIPS BETWEEN NEW ORLEANS AND LIVERPOOL. DIEGO .......... 1684 tons... .Capt. Gasanaga. GIUILLERMO ... -1225 tons .... Capt. Echevarria. FEDERIUO.... . ..1423 tons... Capt. Bidchea. PEDRO.......... 765 tons ... Capt. Munglei. C . ROI,INA .......133la tons... .Capt. Riestra. GRACIA .......... 908 tons ... Capt. Arizuma. RITA .............. s59 tons.... Capt. Gortec. JUANA............ 757 tons... .Capt. Gastanago. The above powerfully built steamships will enter the New Orleans and Liverpool trade dur ing the coming tall. Will receive cotton and sign through bills of lading to any ports of the Continent of Europe. The steamship GRACIA, Capt. Arizuma, will sail from her wharf - , - For freight and first class passage aply to RANGER. FATMAN & CO. Agents, oe4 ly 45 Caronelet street, BRREMEN. NORTH GERMAN LLOYD. STEAM BETWEEN BREMEN AND NEW OR LEANS, VIA HAVRE, SOUTH AMPTON AND HAVANA. The steamships of the North Ger man Lloyd will resume their Regular Trips next fall. as follows: From Bremen. From New Orleans. FRANKFURT Oct.10 about Nov.11. NURNBPER. Nov. 21 about Dec. 23. FRANKFURT. De .19 about Jan. 20. These steamers touch outward at Havre and Havana, and on their home trip at Havana and Southampton. PRICES OF PASSAGE: From Bremen. Southampton or Havre to Ha vana or New Orleans-Cabin, $150 (gold); Steer ge. $368 (gold). From New Orleans to Southampton, Havre or Br emen-Cabin. $150 (gold)- Steerage, $45 (gold). From New Orleans to Havana-Cabin. s$3 (g (Id) Steerage, $15 (gold). Children under ten years, half price; chil drs n under one year, free. The company reserves the right to change the route of the steamers, their advertised days of deI arture and the Driees of t.rassae . Passage tickets from Brmen,.outhampton or Hare to New Orias o suedbv the under 5T3AM3OAWW 01IO RIVER. BEGULA& CINCINNATI. LOUISVTT,TL, AND NEW ORLEANS PACKET LINE. Composed of the following steamers, viz: THOMA8HERLOCK, GOLDEN CITY, DHAS MORG4N, GOLDEN CROWN. A. .. DONdI LY GOLDEN RULR, ROBT. MITCHE!LL. C. B. CHURCH, r MARY HOUnTON. CHEROKEE. E ONE OF THE ABOVE STEAMERS will leave New Orleans eve, yTUHS- o LDAY. THURSDAY and SATURDAY 14 connecting with th, Little Miami Railroad and . her connections Cinrcinnati. Hamilton and Day ton Railroad and all its conn ptions, and with the Y packets for Maysville, I'ortsmoutlh, HIuntlng ton, Marietta, Wheeling, Bridgewport and PI'tts burg, giving through bills of lading to all points For through raues and all information apply to 5 ic23 C. G. WAYNE, Agent, loe Gravier street. 1 KEMPHIS. REGULAR MEMPHIS AND BEND PACKET. Leaves on WEDNESDAY. Oct. 31. at o D. m. SFOR NATCHEZ. VILKSBURG Greenville. Arkapolis. Terrenno Helena. Memphis and the bends The splendid passenger steamer- THOMPSON DEAN, Jas. H. Pepper, master, Frank Beck, Jr., clerk, E will leave as above, paying particular attention to all way and bend freights. Rates given and through bills lading signed to all points on White and Arkansas rivers. For freight or pas sage apply on board or to C. G. WAYNE 10o6 Gravier street. BROCKETT & CARTER. 38 Magazinn st. JANNEY & WORK, 106 Common street. Through bills of lading signed to Pine Bluff and stations on the Little Rock Mississippi River and Texas Railway, via Arkapolis, srk., and to Little Hock and stations on the Mem phis and Little Rock Railroad, via Hopelleld, Ark. BROCKETT & CARTER. Agents. oc25 as Magazine street. BEGULAR MEMPHIS AND BEND PACKET. Leaves on FRIDAY, November 2. at 5p. m. FOR NATCHES, VICKSBURG, Greenville, Arkatnlis, Terrene. Hole na. Memphis and the Bends-The passenger steamer JAMES HOWARD, B. I. Pegram master. J. H. Chassaign clerk, will leave as above, paying parti ular attention to all way and plantation business. Through bills lading to all points on White and Arkansas rivers, via Torrene. For freight and pa saoe apply on board or to oc.S C. G. WAYNE, 106 Oravier street. MEMPHIS AND BENDS PACKET. LEAVES EVERY OTHER WEEK. FOR MEMPHIS, HELENA, TER rence. Arkopolis, Greenville. Lake Providence, Vicksburg and the ,Bends-The Iron steamer (Now finishing at St. Louns.) W. H. Thorwogan, master, Geo. Milteonbrgor. clerk. will commence her trips in the trade as above, during the lattor part of October, and continue throughout the season. J. B. WOODS & CO.. Agents. so27 tf 104 Common street. OPELOUSAS. BEGULAR OPELOUSAB PACKET. Leave TUESDAY, October 30, at P E.m.. SFOR WASHINGTON. OfELbU' sas, Port Barre. Simmsaort, Churche ville, and all landings on the Coast Atcha aa river and Bayou Courtableau-The very light draft passenger steamer BIG SUNFLOWER, A. P. Trousdale, Master; J. B. Schmidt. clerk; will positively leave as above. For freight or passage apply on board or to HITE & CARLIN. Agents, No. 4 Tchoup'toulas street. Conneots at Little Devil with steamers Creole and Minnie. au19 REGULAR OPEL)USA1u PACKET. Leaves every SATURDAY, at 5 m. SFOR WASHINGTON, PELOU sas, Port Barre, Simmsport. Church ville, and all landings on the Coast, teha aa river and Bayou Courtableau-The new and light draft steamer BERTRA, H. H. Broad master, Theo. 3obin clerk. will leave as above. For freight or passage aD ply on board, or to BBITTON & EPPLER, 81 Gravter street. R. W. ADAMS, 21 Commercial Place. Connects at Little Devil with steamers Creole and Minnie. ja2 tf BATON ROUGE. REGULAR COAST AND BATON ROUGE PACKET. Leaves every WEDNESDAY at 10 a. m. and ATUR AY at. a p. m. Commencing WEDNESDAY, Oct. 31. SThe passenger steamer ST, JOHN Frank Borgeron, master, J. (C. Bergeron; clerk. Leaves as above for Baton Rouge, Plaque mine, Donaldsonville and all coast landings. re turning every FRIDAY and MONDAY EVEN INGS. For freight or passage apply on board or to ol tf E. O. MELANCON. 32 BiAnviile st. REGULAB COAST AND BATON ROUGE PACKET. Leaves every MONDAY at 5 p. m,, and FRIDAY at 12 m.. A& A The passenger steamer JOHN H. HANNA, J. P. McElroy master, L. P. Delahoussaye clerk. Leaves as above for Baton Rouge Plaque mine, Donaldsonville and all coast landings returning every SUNDAY and WEDNESDAY EVENINGS. For freight or passage a pply on board or to se2 E. O. MELANCON, 32 Bienville UPPRB COAST. FALL AND WINTER ARRANGEMENT. NEW ORLEANS AND UPPER CO ST M. I. DAILY LINE OF PACKETS. SFOR BEN. TUREAUD'S, ASCEN sion ahd all plantation landings. The steamer MARY IDA, J. A. REiz master. - - , clerk, Leaves TUESbAYS, THURSDAYS and SAT URDAYS, at 10 a. m. The steamer Alcide Albert master. Arthur Nicolle, clerk. Leaves MONDAYS WEDNESDAYS and FRI DAYS, at 10 a m. Both boats return on alter nate days and in daylight. For freight or pas sage apply on board or to sel W. J. COMAUX, 20 Conti street. REGULAR TRI-WEEKLY PACKET. Leaves every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY an. SATURDAY at to a. m. SI FOR ASHLAND PLANTATIOI Ascension parish. Donaldsonvlll and all coast landings-The Ain side-wheel passenger steamer BLUE WING NO 8, J. A. Comstock, master. Goo. M. Woods and Chas. Dean, clerks. Will leave as above. Returning, leaves Ash land Plantation Tuesday, Thursday and Sun day, coming down the coast in daylight. Fo freight or passage apply on board or to aD22 B. HIENO, 19 Conti street P.S. . All freight delivered in the daytime. BAYOU SARA. REGULAR SEMI-WEEKLY BAYOU SABRA AND COAST PACKET. Leaves every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY FOR BAY8U SARA WATERLOO, Hermitage, Port Hiekey, Baton Rouge. Plaquemine and way land ings-The fast and splendid passenger steamer OUACHITA BELLE, (Representing new boat building), John C. Libano, master, John H. Mossop, clerk., Leaves as above, returning down the coast every MONDAY and FRIDAY. For freight or passage apply on board or to BRITTON & EPPLER, 82 Gravier st. au29 LORD & yIcPEAKE. 46 Camp street. BAYOU SARA SEMI-WEEKLY PACKETS,. STR. GOV. ALLEN, STR. John J. Brown. Master. A. Dugas Master. SFOR BAYOU SARA, WATERLOO A Hermitage, Port Hudson. Lobdeil's Store, Baton Rouge, Plaquemine, and postoffice landings Steara GEv. Allen, Leaves every MONDAY and FRIDAY at 5 D. m. Every WEDNESDAY and BATURDAY atg p. m. Commencing early. For freight or pie I to to,. i st r Red River andI Te.s. NEw QOYLEANS AND Dr.. PORTATIOi COMPANY AND T' UIIO RAILWAY AND CON iO - _ Through bills of lading and through p , ger tickets to all landings on Red River, an5 railway stations in Texas. The best route ,. The following splendid and fast sem composing the line will leave as advert. b " low: I. Belle. Maria Louise. Texas. 0. H. Durfee, Ool. A. P. Kounns. Lotus No. , W, J, Befann, Bonie L FO.. SHBREEPORT, i son, Kot SprUings. and all si00 lnt s n on ied River and rlw stations In exas. FOR SHREVEPORT AND JEFFERSON. La Belle, M. N. Wood, master, Leaves WEDNESDAY. October 31. at 5 V. MIn Maria L..use, IH. J. Brinker. master. Leaves SATURDAY, November 3., at 6 p. an. No whariboat charges, drayae o j, will be charged at month of Red e Ne Orleans. In forwarding freight co raspa to the oonany by bill lading. !or freuiht or passage a~piy on board Doat or a e o ofthe o .avlerstreet, JO .A. HITN &GA IfýLký WEEKLY GRAND ECORE PACKETI. -- FOR GRAND ECQO4. MI.. I* gomery, Alexandria, Noran's *Da is bin's and way landings-The stewa . DAWWN. C. 1'. Truslow, master, Leaves every TU ESDAY. at a p. m. C. H. DURFEE, (In place of the New Bart Able.) Richard Sinnott, mastei, Leaves every SATURDAY. at It. in. Will leave as above. For freight or apply on board or to R. W. AD au3o No. 21 Commercia 15 VICKSeBUR1, GRKENVILLE, ARGTW~ ARiKAPOLI AND BENMO. Leaves EVERY MONDAY, at S p. m, . Sil. FOR ARKAPOLIS. G. Argyle. Vicksburg and the The fine and fast passenger KATIE, J. W. Tobhin. master; W. N. Calmes. cle. ; connecting at Vicksburg with Parisott's Line fI: all points on Yazoo and Tallahatchie rive ', Boat reserves the right ,to pass all an9 :g that the captain may deem unsafe. JANNEY & WORE' BROCKETT & OC4.T R. W. ADAMS. Through bills lading given to Trenton, roe and all stations on Vicksburg. ShrevP . and Texas Railroad. Also to all points on g5 apolis and Pine Bluff Railroad. BROOKETT & CARTER, Ageu tl. oc as Magazine strg ; UNITED STATES MAIL PACKET. A Loaves every TUESDAY at 5 p.m. FOR VICK SBURG, A Davis' Bend ahd Inter. ings-Ti"- steamer ROBERT 3. LEE, William Campbell, master. A. McVay, clerk, leaves as above, connecting at Vickburg Parisot's Line for all points on the .a.o flower, Deer Creek and '1 allahatohie. R. W. ADAMS, JANNEY a WOR , HITE & CARLI . Will give through bills of lading t Monroe. and all stations on the V Shreveport and Texas Railroad W. B. BROCRETF, de21 38 Mag UNITED STATES MAIL PA Leaves every THURSBDAY at pD. i, FOR GBEENVILLE, VI and the Bends-The fine passenger packet FRANK PARIUD, J. M. White master. C. Holmes Will leave as above, connecting at with the "Parisot Line" for a oins op and Tallahr chio rivers. For freightor apply on board, or to JANNEY & WORKl, RW ADAMO BROCKET& T & A Through Bills of Lading given to Monroe and all stations on Vicksburg, port and Texas Railroad. mh27 BROOKETT & OAB SATURDAY VICKSBURG UNITED 8 . MAIL PACKET. Leaves every ATURDAY.D fiFOR VICKSBUlRG, DAI Natchez and alt intermediate ings-The passenger packet NATCEEZ, T. P. Leathers masts: J. F. Muse connecting at Vicksburg-wlth the Parisot for Yazoo, Tallahatchie and Sunflower and with Anchor Line for Memphis. Cairo St. Louis. This boat reserves the right to pass all ings that the Captdin may c, nsiler unsafe. For freight or passage fappl a board, or JANNEY A WORK, 106 Commop te HITE & CARLIN, 4 Tchoupittut,._.Ass Will give throng' bills of lading to Tretg ; Monroe, and all st,.tons on Vicksburg, Sh> port and Texas RBilroad, via Delta. La. W. B. BROCKETT, Agent, mye s sMagaslne stre.,: DONALDIONVILLE. FOR DONALDSONVILLE VIA NEW ORL AND TEXAS RAILBOAD. 8P THE STEAMER ST. FuA CIA AELL + William Gibson. master, Will leave the head of Bienville street 7 am. for Westwego, with passengers for tions on the New Orleans and Texas i Returning, will arrive at 5:45 p. m. Same connecting with Sunday Accommodation will leave at 8 a. m., returning same day atS m. Freight received at the same place up to4 o'clock will be delivered at its destination morning. oclo tf C. E. PAYNE. Superintendeatik OUACHITA RIVE . S TBANSPOBTATION COMP A OUACHITA OITY, TBENTON AND dM Oir Wsekly Ouaehita City U. S. .Ma l Leaveasevery WEDNESDAY at eýp. FOB OUACHITIA OITYT - -ton, Monroe and all town lad I The steamer JOHN HOWARD,' . (In place of John 1H. Hanna,) F. A. Blanks. master. B. G. Cornwell, Will leave regularly as above. Will rese right to refuse any landing except ngs. For freight or passage apply on to Capt F A BLANKB Prs No. 2 Oanal stree corn HITE & CALIN BRITTON JANNEY & WORK. LORD & MoEA P. 8.-Has regular connection with tributaries. LOWER COAST NEW SCHEDULE. IM Pi. LOWER COAST TBRI-.w passenger packet for Qui Station Buras Settlement Po la-HAche and all intermediate andl.n.g new, safe and fast passenger steamer ALVIN, W. T. Scovell, master. Henry Kouns and John Estopinal, I g Leaves every TUESDAY, T IUB8DAYa- -I SATURDAY at 10:30a. m. Returning on asI i.u' nate days. early in the evening. For freight or passage apply on board. 't P. S-Has a clerk on the levee during the 4SF head of Conti street. so 3211 LOWEB COAST UNITED STATFS DAILY LINE (SUNDAYS EX SFOa PORT EADS. T Buras, Quarantine. Hache andwa Iandngs- low-pressure Pullman patace steamer y` MAR rEA. W. R. BasMt. mrn , leaves TUESDAY8 and THUtSDAXYB_ at a. m.. SATURDAY at a p. m. (extending day trip to Pilot Town. Southwest Pa) ss lng Monday mornings, Wednesdary a .venings. 'i'he A No. 1 steamer John Taylo. leaves MONDAYS, WEDNREDA Y DAYS. at 1e a. in.; roturnin Tfckets ior round trIp P 30, s d. =pit Freights reedive dailyatthe aft _ 7717·.. ·~u~~· :