Newspaper Page Text
Wh.eeler d I'ierson, 18 and 15 Camp street. We have opened our uiw NCI Ofr r CLO , and Invite huyere to examine our styles and Priem., aJ ggnt Reotth and aOnaslmrn BUSINE8S S UI, Sito tie. B Wiak WolRted FROCKS and VESTS, 51I to tiny On.simnre DtPRSR PANTR all rtleen. egant now st yle 1 ALL OVIECMOATM, l0 to ottihs' tIBUHtNESS and DREBR SUITS, nobby bo t' i.~ERi and 8H OOL RUITS, very low. a nr Flanetlll INI)iJW EAII, all rtrlMs. enuine Rnglsh HALF HUOS. warrantedl, /: _ .a oOIAjnetS . USI,'NI)I and our gou ods are nll our own manufacttre we THE LOWEST PRICES, for goods, made In superior style anld ¶naran teeatlteual to custom-tnado. dCll and son, at WIIEL E .R & PIRlCONW'A, 1i and IL Ctamp teelt. rWBOLEAIL,E DEPARTMENT uno stairs. with ul stock for country trade, at the lowPst rl os, iue2l lln $500 REWARD. STATe OF LoUtSlAiA, Exooutivo Department. } Whereas information hasm ben revolved at the Exncutivo DeIpartment of this State that the sugar-houses of Messrs. E. . HILLAN, THEO) FAYE and IOUIS (GIEVEMIIERO. in the par fih of it. Mary. and that, of Dr. BUSHEY, In the parish of It.ria. wern, on the trh ultllimo, set on fire, and whereas this Ict of Inenn diarlm deman(ls that the porpotrato,' or por petrators thereof he brought. to justice and dealt with annording to law. Now, therefore. I, FRANCIS T. NICHOLLB. Governor of the State of Louislana, have thought proper to Issue this my proolamation, calling upon the good people of this State to give their aid and assistantc in arresting and bringing to justice the perpetrator or porpe trators of sild crime, In order that they may Abide their trinl before the courts of the culn •try and by virtue of the authority in nme vested by the laws of this Btate. I heorby offer i re ward of FIVE IIWNDIIED D()LLARS for the arroest of the supposed inenrlitlry or In1on Alaries, and the furnishing of such evidence aus will Iseclre the proof anld ony etion thoereof. In testimony whereof I have hereunto aftmxed lay signature and causied the seal of the State of Louislana to i,, herlunttlio ittlthld. atthecityof New Orleans. this sc`olnd daly of Octolber. In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundreod and seventy-seven and of the one hundred and ,oond year of the indepeondence of the United of America. FBRANCIS T. NIOHOLLS. Governor of the State of Loutsiana. y Governor: OsCAR Annoro, Assistant Secretary of State. oe7W.Rsa tm CANCELLATION OF BOND. UNITED STATIS or Anr nloA, btate of Louislana, Exooutive Dopartmont. ' Whereas. THOMAS D. COX, former Treas urer of the School Board of the parisheof As sumption, has applied to me for t,he.eancellation of a bond for the sum of five thousand dollars, subscrlbed by him, the said Cox, as priniplol. on the tenth dlay of April, 157l, with P. J. Oil bert, J. Chamberlain and Charles Dupaty as so auriti(s, conditioned for the faithful perform ance of the duties of the said Cox as Tre'nsulrer of the School Board of the parish of Assump tion; Now, therefore. I. LOUIS A. WILTZ. Lieu tenant Governor and Acting Governor of the State of Louisiana. have thought proper to issue this my proclamation. in order to give public notice to all persons theorein conocrned and luterested to show cause, In writing, at the offiee of the Soerontary of State, at. th. city of New Orleans. within ninety days from and after the last publication thereof, why the sald boend should not he caneelled and annulled and the securities above natmed dischargead from any further liabilit y. In witness whereof, I have hereunto sot my hand and caneull the seal of the Stlate of Lolls ana to be hereunto affixedl. at the city of New Orleans, this slxtoenthl day of Octotor. In the year of our Lord one thoulsandi elht hundred and seventy-seven. and of the onh hlundrod anti ecoond year of the Indoependence of the United Statee of Ameriha. LOUTH A. WILTZ. Lieutenant Governor and Aetting (hovornor of the State of LouSlamili. By tle Lioutenant (Governor and Acting Gov urnor: WILi. A. STnoNot. oeel not Secretary of State. MI. J. SA(:ET 198....... Chartre street ............ 19 Informs his numerous friends and the pub lie in gI'noral that hoe 11 lately received from the Mlanufar'ories of Beolgium and England. a large lluantity ,f FIRE ARMS. of the most elegant form., and also all articles adalpteid to hunters. '19 fin JULIO, PORTRAIT PAINTER, No. 3 Carondelet street, New Orleans. Portraits from life or flrom tictures of thei doeeased (in oil or crayon), from $25 to $150. My ART G \LLERY i-;a pl p e o)f fre( 11 sort. and the public is invited to visit it at leaslcure. oreo tn 024 LOUISIANA SrATE UNIVERSITY -AND- Agricultural and Mechanical College. This institution is now open for the reception of students and cadets. Tuition free. Admission granted to young men and youths not under fourteen years of age, who are proficient in the branches of a common English education. Military Cadets will be quartered in the Uni vereity building: other students can find good board, at reasonable rates. in the city of Baton ou tller information. address ~. 1m D. P. BOYD. Preeldent. Oma owr . New Orlenns, Ototer 0so, .' . The public schools of this city will be cloned on THURSDAY, November Ist, All Bainta' Day. WM 0. OR BOGERI, Chief tiuperintendent of Public Sohools of Now Orleans. oo81 it nIEALED PROPOSAIA. OlFwFo BOAntD OrF B.ut OL Dxtnurous. City of New Orlans, no Burgundy street, Oct. at. 1577. Healed proposals addressed to the undersign id. at this offie. are invited for OLENINOG THE VAULTS OF THf PUBLIC SCHOOLH of this city for a perlod of fourton months from date of acceptanoe. A list of the location of the school buildings. tgeother with .unh detailed information as bid ders may requtire, will be fttrllshed on applira tlon. Proposals will ho recelved until 1 o'clnok in. on SATURDAY, November 8a RiOBERT H. BAIITLEY. Chairman Committee on Bohool-houses. oc: 4t .1. LEVOIS & JAMISON, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS --IN- DRESS GOODS, No. 126 Canal street. We have now In store and will receive by next stIamer from tturope, our NULL LINES of DRESS GOODS, IN SILK, WOOL AND MOHAIR. Cloaks, Wrapl and Sacques, IN ALL TIlE NEWEST STYLES, Which we ask our friends to examine, as they will find our selection MORIE COMPLETE than any season heretofore. .I. LEVOIN & .lAINON, o1,25 H4u&We No. 12g Canal st reet. WM. F. MELLEN, (Formerly of NateheZ.) ATTORNEY AT LAW, 140 Gravler Mtreet. NEW ORLEANH, LOUISIANA. oCes Inm* NOtiCE TO SHIPIASTELRS. hilmasters or shippers ldesirous of having thi GRIP TIE and GILMAN'H 'ULLER ntp plied to their cotton by any of the pressni, in cluded in Ih e ascisslation will please notify the undersigned. The charge for furnishing thme Ties and Pull ors will, until the e1t day of January. be filften cents per hale: from and after that date. titntil the Ist day of March. thet charge will be twelve and it half cents, and fr,im and alter the first day of March ten cents per hale. We istlmate the gtain n stowage by the use of this Tie and Puller at io per cent., based upon actual tests. We have numerous assurances that cotn to which the Orip TIn is applied Is dellvtered in Europe in abtter condition and with less loss in wieight than over ,before known. JOHN 1. LAFITTE & CO.. Manarsirs Louisiana Cotton TI' Company. 0oc27 itt NOTICE. By special arrangement. made with the Lou islana Cotton Tie Company the fiollowing presses, to wit Lovee Mtnam Cotton Press. J. C. Denis. Pres. Atlantlic Press. M. J. Zunts A Co. Canal Street Press. 1. (1. Van Wicklo. Commnercial Proess. mith & (Goldsmlt i. Fire Proof Press. J. P. Moore. Jackson Press. O'Ultnn & Co. Louisiana Prerss, E. K. Bryant. Liverpool Press. MStanley & Co. Orleans, hilppers' and PoIll'ea. tamuel BLyd &. Co. Ponn. Kentucky and Plantrs.,' Herndlon A Krumbhaar. Nathloez Press. L. A. Levy, Jr. Virginia PreIss. Lewis & Lynd. UnIon Press, A. P. Mason. Are prtepared ti tit, comwprssed cottons with the (lilmnan l'ulier and (trip Tie on the written order of eaosrs. John I3. Lafltto & Ci.. mana gers, for anl aldditllonal chargei of 15 cnllts per hatl. to lie tipahid to and colli'ited by rLoulsniaa Utton Tie Compllny. O'26 2W MME. BEKNIIEIM'S, 145-- -- Canal Street - - -145 Next house to corner oif Blarionno. Her numerous friends and customers are respectfully informed that Mm.. I1EIRNIIEIM has ,peneMl her N iW MII,LINEIIY and DRES.S MAKING ESTABLISHMEaT with an ELEGANT NEW STOCK Of the Latest Imported Styles in 1ATS, BONNETS. FLOWEIIS. FE&ATI'ERS, LACES, ROBES, CONFECTIONS, etc., from the leading houses of Paris. -mh. Brnht hn has socured tilhe vautabli ccrviens of lnme. SOPHIE. who will have pleasure in catering to, the cultivated taste of her many lady patrons,. all of whom will undlllulibteldly transfer their former patronag to the new establish nIent. The I)ressmaking I)eparlment, TUnder the personal aI.usIl'es' of Mmine. BERN IIEVIM, w II be monduct(ed ibIy 1mec. LEONTINE. who Ilau hitherto been employied inl the First Houses of Paris, Assist"d by a comUetent corps of artists in their profession. Thankful for past patronage, and solioting the continuance thereof. Mme. BEItNHEAM will give perfect satisfaction in Both Branches of Her House. Strict and careful attention paid to all city and country orders, at the most reasonable rates. New stock receiving by every steamer. oc(21 lm A~I.)AlIS Direc ry Peits triad Li s IN THE SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST WILL BE ISSUED ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27. This Directory will not require revision for the next TEN YEARS, and hence is an excellent advertising nme diums. Mr. B. H. HASBLA will call on the advertis bg Dublic. os lit . . Wle, 110 t. Chrles tI, treet, Will open o rNOVZTMIE 1 und r the mnn. -ment ofM.ers FU tD & PAItKH, who will e happto wait on thti r frl.o an ndthe oubllio. MILLER & D)IELMANN, 5O, 52 and 54 south Petteru treet. We deslre to Inall the attainnlto of our IIt lnlntr ott. Oustomaru and t the n unilt In goenerl tlo our large anil well siuleoted stofk of _AJ N- 1) I I* I,. hoth PLAIN and FANCY. Nino ulllTirrutt kinds of tpure' Itve-year old 4CAtltIORNIA WINEgISl. The largest asnsrtmnnt of FIIIEWOlIKR In thn h ity. We nillow a diRaonlnt on winn to ijolnr., and a very liberal dil'ountl oi II 'row' ,rkn. ,)MN Mat. CHAMPION PREltS. IWIfR P'IEHM 1KH PREPAI'AtlE TO RECEIVE a and onltpress,. uton favoruihln tlrms. traltilt or forwalrdltln (lotton; also Cotton from T'Ir-t roll's. Coopr r', Faectors' and Alnhatna l''rsomes. COTTON TO BE I)OUIILED will ct rur-elvod from any ot hle Pr .' Tho (IIMAN I'ULLEIt and (1111' TIE ero usaed u (nn all C(ltonu amanlug through t.hli Proms. For term's applv to JOHIN 1. LAFITTE & CO.. Mannagr Loutslana (otton Tie Company. ii427 it BE YOU A LADY ORl A EGENTLEMAN, If you wlsh to advanc'o your intorotst as wnll as your colllfort. BUY YOUR KIDS - ATr ICKREEGER'S. o017 im tlip 140 canal treet. NOTICE. MrPEAx.aI'HE 1t0M. flOOM, hl Ot Il PRiiEtN'rATtIVk., New Or('latn, (h.'t lr '2$. 1I77. Atpltiatonns will hbe roeolvld up to the lat of 1)lt'Oe llbter. 1J77 1. For the positlon of Pago. for whullh flften are to be tslctted, ton white and Ilv colored. ait wuags of It 25 for ot'lll (layi' uu'rvli'. 'l'h n ap pli'ant, munt not be over sixtooni years of 11agI. muslt (h of goiod moral chraLetor aItld know how to re'nd and write. 2. For the position of Porter, for whleh Inin, are to he' nlIoteil, six white anutd throe nolored, at. Wigteau of $1 ruI f,r 'lah daly's servilce'. Ew'h applinint, must statt, in his applicatilon his ago. rsihldni,'u i andl olor. and, if from thie lity. hils repries'itattlvni dls trlflt and accompany the Ramne wilh thllu rici'onmilmendlation and it'Mtl. monlal of two known reputabll uittlzens. verify ing the age and u'hltralltor of thre tppll'ant, and for the ttmlion of P'age, moroover. that, thle vp. plioant can anld write. WagesVI will bi pail altsl atf thl end of every week. Applilatilons irust, b(e atddrueasmed to th ii' lntlderalgnid ' tnali.di, lttnl ho dilivurnred to Capt. Ed. Flood. Mur.gatint-utl thu Htatinte- louse. IJ)Uft I11NMIl. Ht!i kir hlouse of lletprest'ltatitves. v Louliintlau. iOi"2 Iii NOTICE. The following lariff eof charges s idopI ol I byv the Uldrqaiglned to AuguAst :a1. Is7H: COMI'IlHl;SINO. For foreign ptorts, dirnt, or ionetnwlsnt, whether by steam, slLIl or railro(aI, Der Ihalo ....... . ........... . ..... 7r (hnts. For coastwlsn ports, steam, sall or railroad, per bale ................ t.. to ,ents. CHARGES TO SHIPPERS, Drayago to shtp, Der bale .............. 25 ontd. Labor on cottons hauled by shDppers, payable on (tnlilvery, per halo .... 10 oents. Covering sample holes with shippers' patcho s ........... ......... ........ . frome Extra nitldst . t :h ..................... 7!, cents. OIn eatlton shiplmarkod, not ordlered lhii day it. Is wetghed, storanit andi labor, per hal', with the prlvlleng of remallilhng thrio days ........... it conts. After three days, sttorage for first., ncluding the three days . . a. cents' HMALL NUMIEIIH. On smalll numblers thtet chargn for lator and storlagt for any perliod to :list A ugust. 1878, per htaI ................ :NS (! ts . On all lists or parts of 11sts of coftton rneolvtl atn I weighedl for hauling or tranlsfer to antother tpress, l)tul. not hauledi the samtlle (lay it is weigh id, Ita charge will be ltmaelo of. Dor ltil ............... .. ...........i. a 'tonts, Ext ral dra(Imt on (,ttion rotI lrld from ship. steamler or railroad, iach way twelve and a half ,'tnts. to bhi paid Iby shipper. tloget her. pir bitl.t ... 25 cents. For forwarding cotton, la Ior. ier bale ................................ ... . (Ients. On all cotton shill-mark(td or small ntmblbolrd,. removed from onei press to another for the purpose of sto r age or comlr, BI1Cg. or shlpped without belng c, nm lpretssed, pr blal(, 2, ciunts. tio be patl by tlhe purelhasir fupon delivlry of the cotton. Cit.tton takien bty original planters' mark will, If removed upon tih day It Is reoeivedt aInd weighed, hi deliverted frtee of :iharge. Levie, Steam Cotton Press. J. C. Deotls. Pros Commercial Press. Smith & Golhlsm ith. Canal Street Press..1. C. VanWickle. Atlantic Proes. M. J. Znnts &Co. Flreprof PrTess, . Ji. Moore. Jackson Press, O Brint & Cio. Louisiana P'ress, E. K. Bryant. Natichez Pl'ress. L. A. Levy, Jr. Orleans. Pelican uand Shipvers' Press, Sam'l Boyd & Co. Liverpool Press. Stanley & Co. Penn, Kent ucky and Planters', Horndon & Krum!hhaar. Virginia Press, Lewis & lynil. Union Press, P. i Mason. i2613 2w PARIS FASIIIONS. Ime. JULIE LaB. FISHEB, Drmaking and Free Mi 1ery! Parlors at the Turner Mansion, 188............CANAL STREET...........188 Bogs to inform her lady friends and the public generally that she has on hand one( of the most beaut ful and complete selections of Parisian styles and fashions in BONNETS, HATS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, SHAWLS, Etc. In her DRESSMAKING DEPARTMENT she has employed the best Parisian Artiste, and she will be pleased if the ladies will call at her I arlorq, 188 CANAL STREET. Mime. Julie LaB. Fisher. oc19 tf KID hLOVES. THE LARGEST STOCK. THE BEST QUALITIES. THE LOWEST PRICES, THE FREnHEST OO00DS, at K.E.I.U'S NEW KID GLOVE BIJOU, ~ tre %e st s te ol Stair. •ý "- ..ý ,, h et. , r i 8" . L . .r s... b you arsa L, New Orleans, Ontobnlr 2g, in77. O7 AIt* O(lie of thie Factors and Traders' Insaur anon Comoany, No. 137 Ctaondelet street-Neow Orloans. (October 27, 1877-I roll and after da.n, this comrpan will Issueo pvollile on marine fjit.vr" ablo In ,THrAOf loss In IW a lion and on25 im Meonetary. apeelal Notlee--Pursunant to a resolutlon tpasoed at tih tmeCeing of the, triends o[ imml S'f ratlonl Womlnsndny. Ont,.,.er 24, at the Va R dry ltines fn aJ, the tibl tare intvit to attenYd a mnooting at ,xposltion Hall on WEDNESDAY, Otnot.'er 1t. at 7 o'iotok p. m. l'ronmltnot. spnak rns will aldronss the ;mooting. All Intnrested in thI p..hlJet of immigratlon arer ,ordltally in vit tof r, ltrfeseOlt. TIPtIIAH GIBION, Prlsident. (!. J. ITnnv, Htorrtary. o."27 apeelal Notice. - All persons having olnnlms emainst tite Into JAME E E. OAMPI'ELL, are rm l,.sted to present tin l ame at the otffio of A. Hero, Jr., No. 17 or,,mmnrcial Plt'vn. and lhosn indlteind to said dienasod are reoiuested to settle at the samie phto). WM CAMPBIEL. M. H. AI'PLEGA E, Moit 1t, utors. Offlee of the Louislana Oil Companmy, No. a7 Union street-The stookholders of this nom paity are hereby notified that, in conformity with the provisions of its charter, an election for seven Dlirl'c,.Rs, to snrve during theo ens ing year. tw 11 bo held at the offloo of the nowm lany on MONDAY. Novemter i, 1$77, between ihe Fhours of loa. m. and 2 V. m. J. A. DaBLANO. Presldnt A. ., LAN2rn, Hfe'rotary. or21 td Notice--Wew Orleans Credit Peneler An~ snolatfion-Offlo 40 DoI)eatur street, New Orleans. G(lotior 11. 1s77-HuiO lribers to the capittal stook of tI bn assoolation are hereby notified that the first monthly installment of Ton entr cent shall toe dui, Vayahle at t.h;e oflloe of the assoclatlon, on the 28th of Octoher. 1517, Ily order of tho Board of Dirsntors,. ,"12 I.n 0. H. NORMAN, S.nrntary. New orleans Credit Foneler Assoela tion, .mllo No. 4 rDecatur etro.t-At an election hnld Monday. Octoiesr R. 1577. the followin. Sllnae entle.ran were chosn dir entors of this ansoniatllo for the enscuing yearln to wit: J. M. VILLAVAhsO, IWOBEIL IhOiERTH, L. LAIU) TIE. I,. MolLO JOH. No.L, A. HAULEt (lUST. I'ITARD. F. T. F.LN ANDEZ. A nd at a m,"tIng of thli Board of lireetors, hold Octohbr 10. 1577. Mr. A. Iaulet, prohident. and G(. II. Norman, snnretary, were unaniUmoius ly rr-nl,,t,.d for tha en lsing year. 0012 mi (1. H. NORhMAN. Secretary. FOR IENT - THE DESIIIABLE TWO-HTORY Ofratlm dwelling with t tirs, with aIll th| o)llo rn itlllrovlrnenos, halls. dining room. !areht'd parl trs, "t+t, on Col su Iii amntet., No. m24. Itotwoon Fu"rtlh iand Washington strests. For furthtr artitllaltrs app ly at the New Orlnrtlst Cridt. Va'n'lr Ass'rtllatln. N, 40 l)ecatur s.t r t. hot two',n (Clstolhoullnt and 1 lloitlvilI,. (515 1W LtOII rENT--ELEGANTLY F U It N 1R II E D Srooms. sn, al or Iil sulitl,' with oitard, at No). (eI Iotnurbon striot, noar (italI. 027 lt 1in rlIO HENI'--BY A G(OD TENAN T (RENT n not to exeoed $uc to 115), a house tontusllntng three or four rl'ms, with goud yard. HlMcgli r, ttagjr proferrcd. L[eattid ixstwween (.intstanleo anld Franklihn anld M.nllmnel'anditll Jilll str~uats. No ntgro ntllghhorltoo. Adldruess TENANT. I)lrol'rlt.nt omflo'. Oc2i; T RENT- THE TlhEIEE-HTORIY IIOUIHE N,,. oi I loval streot, hItwcun (!tontI iandr l1.1r vll.e, 'cominrising a fine store andi a llrtmr.nts. (I,. d Iocaillon for Iiuslitsss. Pss.Hsnloli given Imnoldatnii,y. Aipply toI. I. CLAVEL,. Plraggist. (Corn'r St. i'eltor ind Daiphintit st roits. 002o3 Int', IFOil RENTi-TII Ei o3;iOMFOIiFABLE BED 1 ro(mrun inl Al'rltllv private family. I'arlor and privalte tablts glve., If prUlnreld. No ehil dron In the hIous' or oth ler boa rdelrs. Lolatiol ptloasant and convonient. Address D., Demo crat oll,'o. oenl trf FOR RIENT-TH AT DATPIRABLE OFFICE,. I on osond floor of No. 48 Union street, for mtrly occuplod tiy Messrs. Alkens & Watt, with sflceo furniture vault and ga flxtures completo. Ayply to A. LE4tI, No. a4 Perdido street. oc7 lm OB RENT. WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD handsome. well furnishoed aartments in that most eligibly situated residence No. 22 R]amnpart street, between Canal and d(ommon streets. oMcT tim f'OR RENT-THE TWO VERY DEMIBABLE S Two-story tusidn'ldo ,s. wih gas flxtures complete. corlnor Philip and Malztne streets, Fourth District. Apply to A. LEVI. No. ;t Per dido street. oc7 lm l1OR RENT -A FEW FINELY FURNISHED A roi.mis near Canal stroeet. Apply at tho Dermoorrtt till P. o0 tf STRAYED. W ANDERED. FROM NO. iss, CARONDELETr stroeet, a largi. NEWFO(UNIiLAN1D DOG. answerlng to the name of Byron. A reward will blo glven. tca.l it BOARDING. MEDICAL HTUDENTH, ATTENTION--Large ton fortahlo roomls, with I rslt-Itlas board, carn he oltalttlnd In a priv.teo family, only onlo tlock from the colloege. Terms $25 per month,. Address W. A. B., at this offlco. 0o25 Mt SELECT PRIVATE BOARDING-- OMFORT. i ably furnished front rooms can be obtained, with or without board by the day, week or month, by applying at the elegant private resl. donce No. 141 Carondeolt street. Parties in search of home comforts will find this a rare opportunity. A fine bath-room also attached to the house. References exchanged. l328 tf FOR SALE. Ot'OR f ALE - AN ELEGANT AND COM I l poto sot of furnitur,, desks and filxtures, utlthblit for la anking or c'ounting-housMe. Ap ply to HIBEIINIA NATIONAL BANK. otl tt IiOR SALE-AN UPRIGHT PIANO. NEARLY I now; will be sold cheap. Apply at 224Eighth streot. sa7 ti FURNISHED ROOMS. jlARGE AND HANDSOMELY FURNISHED apartments In one of the most eolgant private residenoes of the' city. Convenient to Canal street awLd l Utsirtss localities. Unexceptionable referonces exchanged. Rootms with privatt table. if dtsirod. Fami lies sekking it desirable lon(.utiont. canl addlress Box 3010, or inquire at the office of the Demo crat. 8021 FALL, AND WINTER OPENING -0'- IMPORTED MILLINERY. "Mine. Roma, Rey2oir, No. 9 Chartres Street. Near Canal, -WILL HIAVE HER OPENING ON Monday and Tuesday, November 5 and 6, -Of the Latest Receive'l PARIS BONNETS, IATS, -And other Novelties in MILLINERY, to which the Ladies in general are respectfully invited. N. B.-No 'ards. o001fi m LUMBER ! CABINS I LUMBER I The undersigned are still offering their stock in trade at lowest rates. The prices of their celebrated CARRE PLINTATION CABINS have been so reduced a to be within reach of all. Send for price lists. f W. W. CAOBE & CO., s1o Delord street. sett New Basia. New Orlems Ile'A'LVA' tll l IWAl'fei -t1ý ta1lSA I uremsakers snud es"rwee. WtANTED-BY A YOUNG LADY. A SITUA Stlion to isw: sa fl st-,nlus oporator on ew hAddmras4 ., the boat of referenee tiven. Coks, Nuarses. Chambermaids, lIte., In'ANTED-BY A YOUNG LADY A SITU - • atlon to do sewing tand light Isouework. Address A. H., 1to Magazlne stront. ounl 1W WTANTED--I.Y A RENPECTAIBLE VOUlrN g irl. a sitnation to do dining-roon orn howins 't k,. 'Can give eity rnfercnoes. Adl dr! IM. ., thIs ,m e. oi1l iTANTED- IBY .A ILEPi'F(rABI,E YOUNG V Irl, a situatlion as nmorsn and houso girl. lanh givi good refr'ronf. Adhirass No. sO Thalla strort, near Ht. 'rhormas. otal ATANTED- IIY A YOUNG FIIENCHIMAN S( just arrivnd). at situation as cook in a prli va'r family or hboardlng-house. Is thoroughly competent. Is a s. a o'rid pnstry eook, Ad dress J. D.. Dnmoera o , fl,. n('t St 'TATANTErD-HY A Will r'E GIRL. who is a S" goond (,0k and 1 at good washer and Ironer. i ltuatlon in either enaplavty in a smiall private family. Adudroes A. G.. Democrat offilce. 00)5! ilt_ tWTANTED--A SITUATI'ON BY A ILEtI'E:T l V alo cirl to Ido housework tand sw. I'llas address Z. ,, hl o n, 0fll. o0an :t WTANTED-A SITUATION IN AN AMERI V can family ,y a flrst-lass cook. Bnforenoe givtn if rtq.luird. Addressa M. M.. 215 Julia street. otro It t'WANTED-A MITUATIONI 1BY A YOING girl, to wash and Iron and flute by thO mwahine o r by the tong. Thtr Ilost of raferenros given, if requsird. Address 494 (const.anoe sI ret. 0'27 SITUATIONS WANTIED-MALES. Clerks and naleemen. AN EXI'EIIIEN'CEI ACCOUNTANT WHO Ihas sone hotllr orf tlh d'ay iat his dllsowf l, dlesires mploymernalit, posting bookfs or i1djllft Ing complicati d aI 'Ounltsl. Uhargs rAflonable. Good roffrono .s, Address II., Demoocrat offire. W ANTED BY AN EXPERIENCED CLERK. i tpa istion in i sforn, Will a"1ort, 1ono with Iar mall saary. Best of reforenoes given. Ad , I ro A. I ., this offli t'.. O2A 1w WAJANTED) A SITUATION IN A (WHOLE V saaliJe or rrtiall) grocery ffatrre by a young man who lhas heru s.Roral years' experlrnar in a fountry storn,. Willing to work for a living sal ary. Addrfss G. K., carn this ifl,.. nosnft W ANTED--BY A YOUNG MAN OF GOOD Y•aharv'tn'r a sitlnatlon In .at Offics or wyholesalo house. Is not afraid of hard work. ast, of refoerrnffs furnished. Address M. H. D., rnofrat Offine. solf't HELP WANTED--EEIIALIES. Chambermaids. Cooks, Narses, ete. W ANTED-JBY MR8. BLOCK, NO. 142 CAMP street, for tho tMountry, one Cook, one Washar and one Gardoenr. THu on hand a good housekeeper. aul7 tf MRTBI. BLOCK-NO. 142 CAMP STREET, HAB o. n hand the txrst kind of help for city and co(ntry; has on hand one good German girl an housekOep.r. au17 tI HELP WANTE1-NALES. (Clerks, alsesmen, etc. W ANTEID-HII'TUATION BY A YOUNG MAN wh, iN an t exprlaonfed bill clerk. lqulok ilandl i'luralte at .r., igara an nxenollnrnt salna m in. Will annlagig, on it vary small salary. Trr me. Afdlra,, . . T.. I., motrat offlo,. oenm at -W. ANTED A COMPETEN'r CLOTIHING elorx, for a coutntry stro. RDcnking Ilrfrnchl and English. Atppl at No. f4 loiyi, ft rust. 1,(n.Af WANTED-PUPILS. WATANTED-A YOUNG ILADY THIOROUOIG V IIn munilo would lik" to have at few iupils; Is Vapahln of Instructing beginnirrs In a asre Inrthod. .o thnt they will lh well grounded and advancer rapidly. Address E. A.. Democrat office. xf14f t WITANTED-A GENTLEMAN IN DELICATE health dilsiras to spend the winter in the South, and would like a position In a family as tPecher of young bhlldron, In city or country. He would consder thbe ci orts of a home an equivalent for services. Best of rferenceso given. Address H., box 2411. New Orleans. WVANTED-BY A TEACHER A POSITION to teach. In eitlher a fam ly or a school. for board for self and two children. Address "D." this office. Jeu tf UISCELLANEOUS. WAANTED - TO RENT. A FUIRNISHED Shus in a niro norihbothf od- -upipr part of the itly. Muitable for a family of four or five.. No chli tron. A good f'hann.a 1to sfefurre a prompt, payling tonant.. who will glarantra thie Isst care of furniturn. pent must be low. Address D. M. l., I)ernocrat offi.o. ot'l( 2t* A MIDDLE-AGED MARRIED MAN A NA tiva of this city andi a graluate of the ifigh Hhfool. actlve, Strung and hearlthy. wants cm fhloyment of any kind. (Jotlon prtrs yard. warr Ilouse, railroad clerk, or any outdoor work pro ferred. Anything. anywhere, any price. Ad drrss W. T., this offnle. or27 tf W ANTED-IN THE COUNTRY, BY A FAM Ily consisting of only iaut gntleman and his wife. two vomeotilntl, rffs nrtable Itnd well-re commfnldend mniddilfr-..farl whi t' sfervants, rfoiar as nokr), tthe other nas housemaid and seamstress. Apply with rucofmmanlatlions at 514 Baronnf straret. ro24 W ANTED-A HITUATION BY A MAN HAV rilg a good knrowladge of buslnes. large In working mnn. rand ihas t[aonI con sRlderfd ra godl praotloftl farmer. Will ba op(fn to an angrgrrmntnt January 1, 187f. Best of reo frencerno. Can loan htl. fmrplfyer soveralr thou tandl dollars on long timlr. Address Frar k Van Ormo, Aurora. Ill.. box 4r_,. ff25 lot* -1 .50FOI PIANO TUNINO-BEST WORK. *P oO 30 Magazlne. D. LEECH. Hoirco Plaiast. jyi ly WI ANTID-SUGAR COOLERS IF HOUND g foodl order and cheap. PLANTER. Dem ofrat office. . S02 tf W ANTED-BY AN ACTIVE AND EXPE rI rlencrd yolng man., farm with stoc:k and implmentso to work on sharesh, or will take chargo of It for a statfld as ltry. BRst of refIer once furnlshad. Address FAMEIR, Democrat offee. s se tf ANY A Painting to-day? -BY UNIACKE, -Go TO 14 Ex~hange 'la.e, oc26 ly JERSEY AND ALDERNEY MILK. MILK. MILK. Pure and fresh, from the country, to be had Corner Carondelet and Common street and Braneh. No. 69 Canal street,'neaj the Custom.House, North Wide. The only place; In the city where this cele brated milk can be procured. Pure, rich and swe't Jersey and Alderney Milk and Buttermilk, at 5 cents per glass. re ceived daily on ice, via Jackson Railroad. from the famous Areola Dairy Farm. Said stock is from the well-known Fowler's importations of Jersey and Aldern eattle. Also kept on hha& Mea48oda. Viehy. W& oral Waters, Ecn-made P sad P !.Il. Wibltlfbp LAST WEEK 19DU Sundeay, Mn1c v ar Wed THE T l'PANI, Wednnsdlay and Thursday-OURl 2O Friday and 8at rdtay Non and now Pi4HE. THF NAU(I - nSundaiy. Niov. 4-THE OrT l rr () HRATIO (ion. 8. Knight and Worrell hinters V AItllTIEH T IHATRE. OPENINOT NI(iHT. Monday, eNoember A, 1.S-7. Firat, appoaranons In this Oity of KATE OLAXTOIN, In her charw..arltailon or THiE BLIND GIRL, in the powerful play in sla parts. THi TWO ORlPHANS, AP originally actnd in Now York, with a. mA&w. mirahle ws.lgnment of the ohnariaetul . esastur tesr and appoitnm S t MA tINELH W-W nodRay and Mti rtlf,. FFRI AY--Kat+. (Iaxton In her not NOil W Tom,'01.. _ til OS' ,,A. CON4TANUE, In the emotional play, entitled ('t@TCIESVKlb. Halo t semi o will otnmEonen at the 9lthi. IWEIºNI'MDAY, O(,~t ltr a1. at 10 a6 m - 000, tf STj OHAiRLEH THAT&I A -+ k7,jon--(mmonmnl H ND QetY, -Matil lsl, WEDN'EIDAY annl A.U'rI Flirt ape T ranQi n oa yn rJ t n-wnnd BIS~I(ttEB WAM LY and t 4omInif ,I Ht< f r ArtistI Miss ANN IEIHA IjKI(1b ll the muitat .p Cor nt Soloistl In Amo ; MIl MOI(IAN, the only lady vbone in the world; Miss KATI DramVo tVtl gre at D and FA NI:, M ty HOktt h knth i W. M EF. Amerle~'s greatest toamlrst. and ltl o entiro oompaynl, en1 Pingu urt.on Talentas Artlss, will ln a proramme repltet with novelty, flewlno with rellned mirth andipr rall tlhenrn iuiial alttractionts of Rea.rved sfeats secured dally at Box IOm ENIERE' GAIRDEN,. WeN II and I bourouen street, H. WlNUEKO , Proprietor, HAn boon newly Ifr~ao, d, and Is n th EHT' H ALL In thlo outh. The artiste) ment of the hall was opnnod to pU tlon on Saturtlay, the P1th Inat., t 7 o'0 J' A largo number of European and pavrs al wast on file. 'Thr.o rooms for ladles and famlles, withf arate ontrance. The largmst Orehnstrlon In the world ! from II o'olook a in. to 12 m, Philip Best's M IWAUKEE LAOEBII f Flve Conts a lanM. 0011 S FACTORS AND TBADERS' INSURANCE COMPAN Paid up Capita, $1,000,000. Assets April 80, 1877, $1,sl8,000 ISSUES POLICIES COVERING FIBl AND MARINE RISIES -AT LOWEST TARIFF RATE, ED. A. PALFREY. President. JNO. CHAFFE, Vide Preelsdet. THOS. P. WALEZE. John I. Noble. T. Irtt. Ly John Chafte. ESamtul H. Richard Milliken. Joseph Mosreo J. I. Warren, Wm. J, Bdeh R. T. Buckner, B. F. PeoMeatsli.., Sam'I Friedlander. Wm. a, Blask, A. A. Yates. COhan. Oba F,. John I. Adams, L. 0. Jurey, IsRaa, nherck, Wm. Hartwell, R. M. Walmsley, C. J. Leeds, A. II. May. A. T. Janin. S. H. Snowdon, Joe. Bowln. ' A. M. Blckham. CIINA--OLi.AN. VINET. ýv..........Canal street........... Near Rampart street, Invites his friends' anti the public In general visit his store, oxamin', his goods', and themselvos that they Can auy Cheaper frem Mta, CROCKERY, STOVEH AND HOUSE ING GOODS. FURIJNITURE! YJURNITU3Bf ALL KINDS OF NEW FUBNITUBE, . sUCa AS BEDROOM NETS, PARLOR SET S, . PATENT LOUNGES AND CHAIBi. U - For sale at ths lowemt prices by JOHN BO s, , IS!...........Camp Street.............. FURNITURE TAKEN ON STORAGE BPECIAL NOTIPE--.Rcond-hand Puaranlut bought Idso and lliberaC l caseh prices paid, '409.3 30 CITIZENS' SAVIIOS BANE, (A Bank for Small Savings) GBUNEWALD HALFL -2............. arenne street........n...... L SPECIAL LEGISLATIVE CHARTNNL This Savings Bank will receive on depol. s_ pay interest at the rate of 6 per cent per on such small sums of money as may frm to time be offered thereforby meehanhes, minors and others, thus securina r from robberypaecident or fraud, and soa ing a means of profit on savings by the annual interest paid. By stpeial provision of law, married and minors can deposlt moe name, and it can be drawn by Suach deposits cannot be ontrolled b bands parents or tutors. Apply for Charter and Br-ILaws J.LNN. aPBNSA.sTO3 .: M. BENNEB. Cashier. 1 WOW ON* Uft~