Newspaper Page Text
ii .0 'Mvl. . -'.o mre fauro, 13 &if anod atso to imPlarO oonasotmum Orlueeans and other foreign ports suth of tise dty, have had uadir consideration and respect. the following memorial to the Senate and Hotuse of Bepreeenta tUnited States. T. TvPera, W. M. BI3nwnLL,, ToBIAns Gleon, A. Bairrn, 0. CALton, L Domrar (OLnMAN. THE MEMORIAL 1NEW O sLRANS. mUalermy ts President of the auts, and to the senate and O, mspresentatlves, reepsetfully reent certain commeroial in area of the Union lying be rlihan mountains on the mota:E s on the West. S a extent of more than Alwupand square miles, with a uWelu than twenty millions. to tabulate the wealth or th commercial district, or to value of Its t ricultural or r otions. It is sufficient 1a attained an excess above nd foreign demand. xamine the extraordinary in t productions in provisions and the arrest of immigration e labor from Europe, fol s..lnation of captal and the die huWt out larcelving that the h rear by a few gigantic ition as a produoer which oe have only attained after ort. This surplus production market. It cannot, of course, t Europe, from which country lreat part the labor that has arv plu. This plethora cannot the home market. It is only substantive foreign field that can be supliled. Nor can we a market by the means em nations for the same coolly provide for the out own surplus population by war, or encourA8e its de other countries. We cannot demand for our own sur y co nest, or by coloniza Shae the means to meet without departing pies o international justice been exhorted by the founders t to hoed sacred. O poits of a continent in s whoae polltical Institu l opeefully alongside of e. have symathised with ee do, have aided to the opprerslons of Euro with too much fidelity to cre that we mean aggres tlon by any unlawful means. the great and increasing t countries for the fabrics o res civilization, l tates produces these ndanen and with a verfec t hlargest demand of these we remember that the United as the sponsor and protector aSd, ad is even now an insuper their rights and the des whose grasp they have been r surprise arises that these should carry on so large, so exclusive trade with those a. and tow so small a A on with which their inter beso much more congenial and an enlarged continental th independence of these nitsei States should, with that i .own interest, encourage re wath and amon itsneigh L b ysuch a pol create a and supply with these I an equals what European I Sultivated with milftary isrortion between our wit"h9 Europe and with the colonles of our own continent, e f110a t that while our whole a itedn 1876 to $1,131,141- t th the countries of this conti- 1i United States was, accord- r sat of the Seoretary of the 1 $16,000,00e, while the whole a of these cquntries was a eamne year. trade between the interior t, to which we have re- r countries is almost ex- t urope, and is conducted A ameral encies of our e oporteand oities. This trade i attended with an expense of , arow the country and the a ves little profit to the producer Western produce exported, a portations are burdened with du e greatly enhancing the for- t consumer. From this course urope your memoriallests can I S except through the ocean f of New Orleans. It is how- t that such portion of Western p find a market in South America relieved if allowed to pur- a ourse between the producer and p y way of the port of New Or- a importance of direct and eco- 11 y will be appreciated, when b tht only fifteen per cent of our Ii to ioal roadoute are paid for t ;at ohiel Lin Western provls- p ar aUi ttal snce of more than Of dollars is annually liquida- u -rthis €irect trade between v this direct trade between diostedand the continental at once manifest from the rt area s bisected by the er and the Northern lakes. a chain of inland seas con Dominions of Canada with This chain of inland and supplemented by par lines of railroad connoct ties of the rivers and lakes, Estern Atlantio cities, with the We cannot forbear adverting Ing ciroumstance that this ear Imported by this route, winter, less than eight per trade through the port of and unnatural course of com attributble, as your memo to two principal causes. proper commercial treaties e tween our government and ando colonies referred to. o fadeqoa acilities of com b etween the United States Its western interior, and the calla referred to. the flrt proposition we quote tre.nt IChedule of the rates of by the Spanish government as Importedlnto the colonies of lico: $5 40per barrel on wheatw;' 4 cents per 100 acorn; $ 411 per cwt oa on hams, with similar roducts of the United tr whiLc average about there has been super Spr sent on all goods The government of simila rate of duties upon uQb tdoes not in the United nl4uAhsively upon 4 dties those of hhýý c a may, low t i oes ,ith sr iie, ? out apolg our an us with resect to our continental nelighbors, whlfach will promote the interests of all our The admision of articles of food or of raw material, in itself constitutes an incident of protection to mechanical production and must also tend to stimulate greatly the de mand for coal with which our country abounds. Such are in great part the obsta cles to a fair participation of the United States in the markets of South America. It is, however, in the want of facilities of com mercial intercourse and correspondence with foreign countries on this continent that we find the chief obstacle to the great object stated. It is only while we compare the facilli ties for this purpose furnished by other na tionswith the almosteptire absence of similar accommodations on the part of our own gov ernment that we realise the true cause of this restricted intercourse. On turning to authentic sources we find the amounts ap plied by those nations, who enjoy the greatest part of the tropical trade, to stand in com parison with our own somewhat as follows: The English subsidy for Ceptral, South American and West India Royal Mall Steamship Company, and Pacific Steamship Company $930,000 The French subsidy for the Com pagnie Menageries Maritimes, et Compagnie Urande Trans-At lantique ......... ............ 1,449,451 $2,379,451 There are, besides, many lines of German steamers running to the same ports with those of France and England. The sole ap propriation made by the government of the United States at present to the same service consists in an assignment to ocean steamers of a part of the sea postage, which they carry themselves. The postal receipts last year from the lines trading to South America, Australia, Japan and China was $107,368 55. "The cost of sea conveyances," or subven tion, was $47,840 49. The South American service was last year kept separate from that of Australia and China. It produced to this government $9 ,971, of which this government returned to the car riers $52,101, leaving to the Postoflice Depart ment a not profit of $44,870 42. It certainly evinces admirable enterprise on the part of those American steamers to meet the compe tition of a subsidized foreign service and to pay their own government a profit upon a service which cost the government nothing and for the performance of which it would have otherwise been compelled to pay foreign veessels. T"he late President of the United States took a more liberal and sagacious view of the public duty. In his annual message of 1875 he said: "The United States are now paying over $100,000,000 per annum for freights and pas sengers on foreign ships. * * * It is to be regretted that this disparity in the carrying trade exists, and to correct it I would be will ing to see a great departure from the usual course of government in supporting what may be usually termed private enterprise. 1 would not suggest as a remedy direct subsidy to American steam shipping, but I would suggest the direct offer of compensation for carrying the mail between Atlantic seaboard cities and the continent in American owned and American built steamers, and would ex tend this liberality to vessels carrying the malls to South American States and to Cen tral America and Mexico, and would pursue the same policy from our Pacific seaports to foreign seaports on the Pacific." The President also esaid in another message of 1875: "Thn anhadIlv f alfno0n nrM. annmm fnr carrying the mails Tetween New York and Rio de Janeiro having ceased on the 80th of September last, we are without direct mail facilities with the South American States. This is greatly to be regretted, and I do not hesitate to recommend the authorization of a renewal of that contract, and also that the service may be increased from monthly to semi-monthly. The commercial advantages to be gained by a direct line of American steamers to the South American States will be far beyond the expense of the same." In like manner the Chamber of Commerce of New York, in a spirit of enlarged and im partial wisdom, has said: "In our last report we invited attention to the importance of developing our trade with our natural neighbors and allies, the South Ameri can States. The Chamber has even favored re strictions in trade. It would not now sup port a subsidy to any steam line to Europe. It is not necessary. But it has repeatedly expressed its belief that only by government aid in the beginning can such communica tions with the Southern Continent be estab lished as will ensure the opening of their markets to American produce, in which the West as producers, and the North and South as carriers and consumers, are alike interest ed. In this commerce is the future hope of New York." It is thus made obvious that with a more moderate rate of reciprocal duties between the European nations and the Southern American States, and with the peculiar if not exclusive facilities of intercourse with those States and Colonies enjoyed by European nations, they must continue to command the great proportion of the trade already stated. In this fact we find an explanation of the in significant trade enjoyed by the United States with the Empire of Brazil. Our minister to that country reports twenty lines of European steamers in its ports without one from the United States, and says that much of the freights, passengers and correspondence be tween the United States and Brazil has to pass through a British port in its transit. Much opposition has been recently made against giving national aid to foreign postal service. Statesmen who have sub mitted without remonstrance to gifts of pub lie lands and to loans of public money, to be employed in railroad construction and re imbursed by military and postal services to the government, seem embarrassed by the proposal to consummate the postal service by extending the transportation of the mail upon the sea. It may possibly puzzle such casuiste to explain how, under a simple power to "establish postoffices and posts routes," Congress has acquired any right to pay for carrying the mails at all. We may assume that a postal service was so indispensable to the commercial and social Intercourse of the people that the service was "necessary and proper" to exercise this granted power. Upon this reasoning the au thority and the obligation is not limited to the internal intercourse of the country, but may be extended wherever that intercourse may require. The deck of an American vessel is the territory of the nation, and the national lurisdiction is as clear over any contract of service on the deck of that vessel, as on the back of any mule bestrode by any mail rider on the staked plain of Texas. The obligation of Congress is not restricted to land routes, nor does it cease at the sea coast. This obligation to carry the mail on the land cost the American people last year $33,263,459. This was nearly five millions more than the government derived from the poetages. With what justice can the govern ment expend so large a sum in the imperfect performance of this obligation, by failing to deliver those missives at their ultimate des tination ? There is a great international postal union to which almost all civilized na ilons are parties. How humiliating for the United States to declare that it would deliver 0o mail that does not bear its own expenses ! .o better example can be given of the false ,oonomy of such doctrines than that the gov )rnment, with a laudable liberality, now fur ilshes a double daily mail between all the treat cities of the East and West to New )rleans, on a time, varying with the respec ive localities, of from 32 to 62 hours. Our Minister to Venezuela mentions the act that American flour is carried to England n be baked, and is then brought back to this montinent to the consumer. An American aptain, trading for years on the Amazon pier, constantly transported American flour rought over from England. The city of New )rleans in 1876 received nearly five millions i dollars In coffee from Brail, without hav ag in the same time cleared a single vessel or the port of Rio de Janeiro. 3uch of this mall matter as be destned or South a nstead of zbaeE Pfb L~rwi an wu Ntld a ng of about 400 mimi, y l and steamer ith a run lngtime ofbolt s and a hal days; from Chlcgroto Aspinwall, via New Yorlk would be about 38600 miles by rail and steamer, with a running time of eight and a half days. Indeed, the adoption of a steam postal ser vice from New Orlans to Aspinwall would not only effect a great saving of cost to the government, but would save a day and a half mail time between Aspinwall and New York over the present connection between those two points. It has by no means escaped the observation of the Western and Southwestern people, that by denying them this connection, and forcing them to make this detour, their trade and correspondence with South America is sub jected to a virtual supervision by the Eastern Atlantic dies, and they are thus compelled to pay Eastern Atlantico railroads, canals, fac tors insurance and shipping a tribute equal to the difference In the actual cost of travel and transportation via New York and New Orleans respectively. These Western people are indebted to Eastern . capitalists for rail roads and for much of their river shipping, and these vehicles of transportation are thus compelled to contribute of their legitimate business to the support of a rival system of transportation. The government has, by lib eral appropriations, fostered the maritime in terests of the Eastern ports. An impartial re gard for the great interior interests would emancipate at least their continental com merce from the thraldom under which it now suffers. Some idea of our utterdisregard of the vast future possibilities of trade in ourown hemis phere is indicated in the report of the Post master General, who, in referring to the ne cessity of improved postal facilities with South America, uses the following language: "There is no portion of the world with which the United States has as unsatisfactory mail arrangements as with South America. The correspondence for Brazil and other countries on the east coast, in the absence of amny regular, direct mail uteamship cmmmiunica fion, is forwarded via England; and the cor respondence for countries on the west coast, sent via Panama, can only be prepaid to the ports of debarkation on that coast, with no a-surance of its being forwarded to interior destinations, and always leaving a local postal charge, excessive in amount, to be col lected from theaddreseseon its delivery." As your memorlalists have thus protested against this monopoly, it would by no means become them to claim the natural occupancy of any commercial territory not legitimately their own. It would be proper to divide this continental commerce and postal service among these great logitudrlial districts: 1. The Eastern Atlantic States and seaports. 2. The Pacific States and seaports. 8. TheStates lying between the Appalachian and Rocky Mountains. Each of these great commercial districts should be provlded- with equal and adequate facilities for postal communication with its peculiar and appropriate continental ter ritory. Your memorialists, however, confine themselves to asking at your hands the postal service, to which they consider this great commercial district represented by them entitled. They respectfully but earnestly request that the Senate and House of Representatives will In quhi e into the expediency of 1. Granting an appropriation from the national treasury adequate to the support of two lines of postal steamers, American built and American owned. One to run semi monthly between the ports of New Orleans and Rio Janeiro, in the Empire of Brazil. The other to run semi-monthly between the ports of New Orleans and Aspinwall, in the State of Panama, and United States of Co lombia, according to such schedules of time and stations as Congress may in its wisdom prescribe. 2. That the President is resanotfully re r pretscrie. 2. That the President is respectfully re quested to take into consideration the expe t diency of directing a review of all commer Scial treaties and conventions between the e United States and other powers having dominion upon this continent, with a view B to establish such a parity of revenue duties upon commodities, the growth and product of a the said contracting powers, respectively, and to secure such modification of port and a other commercial charges in all cases as will - promote the reciprocal, business and political fraternity of such contracting powers, and B especially to secure the adhesion of all such r powers to the international postal union. 3. That the Senators and Representatives In Congress representing the interests pro sented by this memorial, may extend such legislative aid as may be necessary to give effect to the International steam postal service herein asked for, as well as to favor the principles of commercial reciprocity and friendly intercourse with our neighbors and allies of this continent, by such modification of our revenue duties as may be necessary to give effect to any treaties or convention of reciprocity, which may be negotiated by the proper department of the government. Respectfully submitted, CYRnu BuInss.. President Chamber of Commerce of New Orleans. WM. M. BURnWEL. , Secretary. PalaIs Royal kids 75 cents, all shades. Bead Navra's invitation to the China Palace. The largest stock of pipes at 132 Canal street. New American Sewing Machine, 185 Canal street. Wedding anti visiting cards engraved and printed in the latest s;yle, at Holyland's, 8 St. Charles street. We refer families in need of a comfortable home to the advertisement coming from No. 215 St. Charles street, to be found in another column. The ladies who keep this house are well known to many of our old citizens for their hospitable table and comfortable home. PLANTIwa POTATOES.-Mr. A. Egan, s6 Tchou pitou)as street, has on hand some of the finest planting potatoes in the market. This lot was received direct from Portland. Me., and consists of 300 barrels choice Jackson's and 2oo barrels choice rose. which they have in store. Mr. E. H Keep, No. 39 Tchoupitoulas street, has, in addition to his already ertensivo com mission business, added excellent stock of the best brands of foreign and domestic wines and liquors, which he co.stantly has on hand and which he sellsat wholesale only. These brands embracethose of the best known manufactur ers, and can be relied upon in all respeces. Mr. Keep. being an enterpr:sing merchant, is fully alive to the want4 of this community and sap plies them liberally and promptly. B. T. WALsHx's furnishing emporium, No. 110 Canal street, has always been noted as ron taining the laters and most stylish assortment in the city. The show c&ses and sholves are liternlly loaded with every artecle of toilet which go so far toward a gentlefman's genteel appearance. His shirts, white and colored are of the latest styles, his silk neckwear of the most elegant and chaste designs; collars and cuffs in innumerable numbers and of all de scriptions; gloves, hosiery and fancy articles of the best materials, and all first class goods. which he is offerlng at prices we little dreamed they could be sold at. Our lady reatlers who wish to remember their gentleman friends dur ing the holidays should not fail to examine Walshe's magniflcent stock. Meerschaum pipes made to order at 132 Canal street. Biscuit dressed dolls s$ at the Palais Royal, 137 Canal. Get a catalogue. WInSTE CLOTmNo.-The last cold spell sh iuld admonish all those who have so far failed to supply themselves with warm. cheap and com fortable clothing, to call on Messrs. Wheeler & Pierson, Nos. 13 and 15 Camp street, where they are certain to obtain, not only a stylish, but a good fit. His price list as published to-day shows the immense reduction made lately in all departments of his ex ensive store. Business suits, diagonal suits, black cloth dress suits, new style overcoats, boys' suits, etc., all at prices which will attract the attention of all in need of any of the articles mentioned. At least it costs nothing to step in and examine their elegant assortment. The popular establishment of Messrs. M. L. Byrne & Co.. 1ms Canal street, offers this week extra attraction in the. way of black silks. all wool dr ood s and shawls at Sred o OSeee their advertise meat aoter l Nw "m. at aMO nds. S wha LIST OF LETIIS Semaliaunl In tIe New flmeans Part 0a111 Deeemtber , ISI85 . LADIRS' LIST. Bartley Louise Marie arry Mary Jane miss Batiste Maria miss Baker E D mrs Baranco A B mrs Bangan Kate mrs Barrawe Ida It miss Bradtf rd Lucy miss Brewster 8 A miss Bethell P O mrs Byerns J A mrs Brito Nerida mrs Brenville Jane Boteler Ludie P mrs Lursch E A mrs BusseI M miss Bush Ellen mrs Burt Fanny L miss Blum Pauline miss Burns Msggie miss Chase hate mrs Calhoune llizabeth anley K mrs Chapman Mary mrs Carmier Louise miss CUnnoll M miss Chisoim Q 8 mrs Cllfton Aaria miss Collier Willey miss Crumhorn B mrs Cunningham mrs Davis Julia P mrs Dihon A E miss Dibble Jennie miss Dunbar Carrie miss Evans Christine miss FIllence Virginia mrs Francois madame Farris mrs Faisans Elorhe mrs Faber Lizale miss Famsham Elizabeth Fitspairick mrs Frost L mrs Foster Nolla miss Ford Kate miss Graham Mary miss Green Bosa Gale I~uisa B mrs Glenn Martha mrs (U ant F mrs Orimbloe Rosa mrs Guillot Cecile Gordon M mrs Goodman It mrs Gourley Ella D miss Guedry Victoria mrs Hawthorne Maitie miss Hawkins M J mrs Harrlt Holdy mrs ilellmelns Josle mrs Hyacinthe mrs Hilliard Mary R mrs Hagerty E)lnn mrs Hughts Josie miss Jackson Ellen mrs Jewell Mollie mrs Johnson Nettle miss Johnson Sarah mrs Ketchum Anna mrs Klopman Caroline mrs Latham C M mrs Lamkins Martha mrs Lamer H J mrs Leeh N N miss Lisley Annie miss Levins Maggie mrs Leelis Hara A mrs Looser Annie miss Luzening Mary mrs Lindsey Mollie miss May Laggle miss Male.oly Mary miss Mlelllon A ice mrs MVallen Eugene mrs Mailians Gustinue miss Miller Kate mrs Mix E twin mrs Moses Anna mrs Montagve Mary mrs Moody Mary L mrs Moore Jounna miss McCarthy M A mrs MicHeone Maryaril mrs McDoland Emma miss Mcintyre I-abella mrs Neuman Anna miss O'Counor Mary miss Owen Katie L miss Ollhuft L miss Oupen Miles mrs O'Neill Rosa miss Onoens Margaret miss Ong Carrie miss Otto Lucy miss Parker Frank A mrs P'eks Emma miss 'imder Agnes miss Pishot C mrs 'ollins 'homas mrs Porillio mrs 'Powers L ms Putman M F miss Quinllvan Emma mrs tay Victoria miss Bantin Annie E Itinhart Lana miss ichanson Fannio miss Reilly Matilda miss uRoks Lucy miss Rooney Octavio miss ieonolo Annie miss Redmond L miss tRoublo Julia mrs Stephens J F mrs St encer Emma C miss Hehreiner Cora mrs Schwartz M J mrs Smith Mollie miss Smith Eliza mrs Smith Dougilas mrs Smith Cornella miss Smith C ,rrio miss Smith Lizze C mrs Hmyth Maggio miss Simpson Eliza A mrs Mtoll C mrs Sims U L mrs Hurls Wlills E miss Stowons J C mrs reihert M F mrs Thurston D M mrs Thomas Ar andle mrs Trudeau Emma miss Truevit H C mrs Turner M mrs Tadid Bertha mrs Turner Fannie miss 'uller Carrie miss Thomson A mrs Unger lRachel miss Ulmer Mary miss Vaner Laroema miss Vance Hamilton mrs Vinet Mary C miss Warshman M V mrs Walker Mollie mrs Ware Clara mrs Wallace Clara miss Wallace Emma miss Wallace Millie miss Wallace L W mrs Ward Jane A mrs Warner Emma mrs Wearing Jane mrs Weaver Abbie mrs Wheat ( W mrs White Mary Wright K mrs Willis Helen mrs Wilson Laura mrs Whitekur Kate mrs Williams E miss Williams Lizzie miss Witehell Hottie mrs Winn Julia Young A K miss GENTLEMYENIW LINT. Adams Scott Alexander Hymen Arneal John Andrews B N Allen Michael Adler UG Abbott C F Ashworth (leo Arnold It M Ball C 8 Backins G A Barry James Brady Frank Baurd C J Barriaco J Barbour B &.o Barton Geo 1 Harman Jas Bracey Richard Bank Richard Blank John Bartlett Marcus Barnes A Bangs E A Ballentine R M Barman James Barker L K ir Bennett W W Beauvasi PE Bonnett F Benedlx L C Beany L D Berry A J Belt E D Betyer M rtin Bennett 8 W Berot Pierre Benningle J Byrnes James Bireand dr Blzzlo Bagglro Browning C K Boulet Wm Bonewill Henry Brown Jas D Blort A Bowens John J Bowers Lewis Brown J A Boedicker E Brown H J Boyd James Box R H Box RH Brown J 8 &co Iloyd I Aco Brigge A V Burkey A J BullFred'k Buhler John i Butts John R Blumenthal 8 Bush Reuben Bueckerman capt Burns L M Brun Louis L Bushman J A Brunet J O Burford J C Burton ifobt Clarke Wm Clarke Waters P Clayland L Usrileer E Joel Casper F Casey M W Clapp Charlie (!harbon O A capt Cahill Edward Cash E Wilson Clayeomh John Clark sylvester Carr Wm dr Chased W Canario mr Cavender Justus Clark I1 R Casey & Sons Crawford Daniel Clark John A Creevy C E Crethier F D Crichard John Colombano Bf Colcock R H CUrbln John Cattroll Frank Cook James Collins C ° Cohen H Connors John Coleman T F Cotthrill Win Conyne Daniel Clotworthy W P Cox Geo (onnelly Thos iH Conner M A Cox James Collins W J ('offey Ths J Cutler G A 8 Curten John T Cullum Sam Cupples 8 &co Cunningham A C Curtis Goo Carter L R Dayton l Daniel M W Daly John Do Blanc O Dantler Jacob Denney Alex J Dethan Lem Dean Wm De Rose James Drovfus L Denman J Defance W J Doyle Luke Douglas R Donohoe Jas A Downs James Daromey John Dow mr Doenvole J Dunn W C Dutour H L Drummond C Druhlert Ernest Duggan Val J I)ruboca G Dussenler E Dugan H Egan P Ethwald Cassin Egan James Ellison Arch Elwell Alex Erwin M E Evans 4 P Farry Wm B Farner Philip Fasnactk Louis Frank 0 H Fannon J T Francisco F M Ftvortt J C Feiholman B Ferran L Freelove J W Folehrkt C capt Fisk E D Fitzwilllams I Fitzgerald M Fitzsimons Johnle Froy Paul Frizzell E 8 Foster D G Forstall & Bishop Fox J P Foster Geo 8 Foster E W Foley PH Fluggs Adolf (Irafton a ml Graner Thos Grandoll Geo Gray L W Gernsbacher 8 Gerheeb Chas Gibson James Groenevel: E prol Grosch A Gorhon Geo E Golden W Grooch J C] (Gowland W Goldstein Jacob Good F 8 Goldthwalt A Goodman W C Gruedry F G Harvey It E Harris Alfred Hancock E N Halo Thomas Hayward Jas A Hardy Horace Harvy Edward Harmon P J Hall B N &co Hannan Jas Harlan E S Hancock W B Hamlin Jas M Harris J Harinon it rev Hanson E R Hathaway Geo G Harthome A C Heineman F A Bery L Henings Francis Hemeart G A D Hemenway G C Henry 8 P Henfleld. Choppell & Hindman &co Star Hall Warren T Hinman A L Hill H B dr t till A D Hicks Alien M Bollehan Thomas Holt G W Hornshb Wm Hodges W R Follings Daniel Howard C W Bolmes GO Holloway J A Eo comb E C Hoffman F Eoffman Jno )]olloway W J iughes Dave Huggina John FluseJ M Hurstt [rmime T J Indian Jio faeanquewan &oo Jackson Fredt Fachekns lritz Jaoob Euas'ne e on ssac K Jne ck t lonst n lesasW e aý rb~l e y Jbs nny i0aFs n Chtas lt Jamems Knr l Charle Kahn John Krupp rank Lerebarl Giovani Larose Numa Latour P Laulor Thos J Lauman G F , Lawrence H Llamnbias Wei Launder John Lawler Thomas * Lans~eeker Andreas Leech Wm Leflore Dec Levin Julius Lecroil J A Lotchford Wm LeBlanc J A Lebeut V M Leeman Charlie Lepuert W0 Isasevs Augusto Leiberman B Lyon JO ILoatter W F Longstreet E C gen Lurens Horace Lucas Geo Mathews F V Matthews W H Maginnis I H Martin Josiah Mathews Geo E Mansfield Richard Mathews C H Marks M H Mallon James Maurl Frank Mancsor Joseph Maddux John Mansfield Ai Marks James hen Marrero Antonio col Macholro Pankino Z Maker Wm Maurice W ( Mamon M Masters Geo Martin Henry Massean Henry Markely & Shafer Marimrn IH Messinger Ambrose Meeker COH Merts W F Merchant W B Mellier Simon Melville John Mercier J A MundyJas G Mills Horace W Miller A Mitchell Allen Meyer Geo B Miller A P Miller George Milliendor &co Miller J W Miller James H Mills Harry V Moiend & Noble Magee Frank M Mondsehlir 8 Montrel J Morrison C W Morgan .1 H Aco Martin C W Mutsabin G Murphy Peter Murphy John Murphy James Mukes Joe McWhan Wm McKee H T MeQuilz T McCarty C McKennd Michael Mibormack J ool McDonald A L McCowan & Pond McMahan J H Nara Wm Newman Geo Nelly Joe E Newman (I H Ogden Wm OCutls Percy (Olmstead 1 W O' ,ounell Edw Oatls E P O'Brien P B O'Keef John Ogden Chas l'att Cleo Parker P Pawly H A Pratt Thos O Patterson Jos A Prather John P'an E H Paler Henry 'apn.tecknr A Parker J L l'ecot J T Pellart Oustave lh'hnpp Louis Petitt Welzo Pete (teo Phelps E J Petrie Edw 0 Penlin Louis Plealonk Henry Pilot H Pierce Plnsean P It dr Pears', A H Price J W &co Pollard JRs M Pousher T Powell, McDougall Ao Powers J E Purcell D E Prudhomme A Puhll1 Peter Rance L P Rmlford W H itatelle E Reynolds W W Renbro R N Reiser John Richards Wm B Riley A W t Richardson J T Rice J D f Riley Lock hichmond Enos Richmond C W Robinson H (I lihodes Eugene J Robson Wm d Boaheo Sumner Rhodes H1 C Rosenthal C H Robinson H E Rosenfeld Bros Rouff Simon Roberts 8 W Robson S W Rouyer Chas F ltobison A T ltoeseher .J oche J H Iost Frederick Htaples A Edelston Samson HI J Schaefer F W Scharff & Bernheirn c Swain Jas S 8Sunders W N Stak H-nry- Santore Carmlre Hharp Jas M 8asinot L R Ravlls Chas Hang umette P Small Lewis Mtarkey capt Sauve Felix Steward Joseph Seuz Elivir Sellars Henry capt Steele H H hon Servat Pascal Scherek, Rosenberg & Sweet S Bro Shelmandine P 1: Spers & Molse Sterns Henry Hnerrett W a Singer Joe Schneider Davis Shields Andrew 1 Shinglede A W Stringer Chas Schiers J G H Stott Enoch e Hervay L F Soles Geeo Smith Wm T H Smith M D Sutter L Scully Jas Shumaker C H Shumway T A Steiln Ph Thalacker August Tabre Francois Taulman EIt Taylor Andrew a 'rTelbert N Y Thirlwell Wm Thorniley P V Tohelman N E Townsend JA Thomas (harley F 'Thompson T C ceo Tones T CI Tully Jas A Turner Geo H Turk Z b Vigo Paul J Von La Hacho Theo a Voltz Joseph Van Horten D W Vander Haar F Vreland J H Von Werthern H Vaskenny A W s5 Watson H Walsh Wm I Walters B G Walker Oeorge Walker A C dr Welch Michael Wall Frank Wagner Wm b Wallace J B Wasson D Walker J I Waterman John It Walker G W West F J Welsh 8 & W Wenhola F Weber Albert Wing Fred J White John Wynn RP O Wilson E P White Sam rev White L I, Wilson Jas Wilmot W H Wilson & Butler O Wilson C N Willoz C L Whitaker A Wilsor Geo H M Wing Wm Wintz Geo Whitehead If White R C Wills C Her Williams Y Williams Edwin WilliamsJ W Williams T 8 Williams John N Williamson W A Worcester jr F Wooiridge E Woelmer F A Woods George Woods James Wuster F T Young H H W Young Frank Zacharlo Jas W Mlucellaneous. BIottle Manufatory Secretary Leeture Agent d JOHN M, G. PARKER, Postmaster. o' Road Navra's invitation to the China Palace, j. Biscultdressed dolls $1 at the Palais Royal, 137 Canal. Get a catalogue. JUDICIAL ADVERTISEMENTS. AUCTION NALES. By J. A. A. Roumseau. SUCCESSION OF MARIE ANTOINETTE BIAMONTE, DECEASED WIFE OF R. W. OGDEN. Second District Court for the Parish of Orleans No. 39,493. BY J. A. A. ROUSSEAU AUCTIONEER Will be sold on FRIDAY. January 11, 1878. at 12 o'clock m , at the St. Charles Auction Ex change, rotunda of the St. Charles Hotel, by virtue of and oursuant to an order from the Hon. A. L. Tissot, judge of the Second District Cou t for the parish of Orleans, dated December 7, 1877, of the docket of said coutrt A CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, with all the buildings and improvements thereon and ap purtenances thereof, situated in the Second District of this city. in the square bounded by Royal, Dumalne, St. Philip and Bourbon streets, having. American measure, 49 feet 9 inches 6 lines front on Royal street. 130 feet 2 inches deep on the line toward St. Philip street, 6s feet 10 inches 4 lines deep on the line toward Dumaine street, thence running at a right angle 15 feet 7 inches 4 lines toward St. Philip street, thence running a further depth of 63 feet 1 inch 5 lines and thence 35 feet 5 inches 2 lines in width in the rear. which property was acquired by said Mrs. Ogden in and by an act of partition with her sister. Mrs. Pedro Cu sacbs, passed before Edward G. Gottschalk, notary public in this city, on the 18th day of March, 1859. Terms-Cash. de9 29 jas 1 SUCCESSION NOTICENS. Succession of Helena Zimmermann, de ceased wife of John Adam Edelmeler. SECOND DISTRICT COURT FOB THE PAR-P Sish of Orleans No. 9.96s8-Whereas. John Adam Edelmeier has petitioned the court for letters of adminitration on the estate of the late Helena Zimmuermann. his deceased wife in testate. Noice is hereby given to all whom it may concern to show cause within ten days why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted. By order of the court. no3o de4 9* JOHN HEBBERT, Clerk. bSueesason of Lawre~ee Woyle. ECOND DISTRICl' OOUBT FOB THE PAR ish of Orleans, No. ao,os--Whereas. E. T. Parker. ublic administrator, has petitioned the court for letters of administration on the estate of the late Lawrence Doyle deceased, in lestate. Notp is hereby given to allwhom it may coenter to sIhow imbs within tean days why he prayer. of osd petitioner should not AN-tb oi~~ ArllmMSllFl ItSo-r THE ISTATE .O HUGE M LOMtEYA AT. AUCTION. THE SUMTEB SALOON, FRONTIWG THE POSTOFFPCE AND CUSTOM-lOVOL THAT ELEGANT SALOON PROPIERTY O St. Charles street, fronting Union street, be tween Commercial Alley and Graiver stre-et. THE THREE AND A HALF STORY BRICK dwelling, oorner of Lafayette and Carondelet streets. AND A SQUARE O GR OUND ON GASQUEI. STREET. SUCCESSION OF HUGH MoOLOIKEY. Second District Oou t forthe Parih of Orlesas iNo. Ma,0os, DY HOEY, MA'CN N & _O'CoI 0&-Jiob B J. Hoey Autiotlner--Oflao No. 11 2 end" let street-On SA'1 URDf.,Jantarr 19, 17s. at 12 o'clook m,. at the St. hares Hotel Auetion Exchange, by virtue of an order of the hnor able the Second Distriot Court for the parfis of Orleans, dated the sth of December, 1uf i lfT be ession of Hu Mot.eskey, tho followig de. scribed valuable property, to wt District of this city, in the uu re bounded Old Levee or Decatur, Caual ,stomhouse an Dorsiere streets, known ss lot o, 7,and me uring 29 feet front on each of Old Lev orDe natur streets by 71 feet 8 Inchens i depth The Improvements o, mprise the choice two-slor trick building, constructed esptorally f aloon purposes, and long known as the "sunte House." laces the OCutocs-House and Pontof adjacent to the Peoples' Bank, and in the oentre of our European sed West Indies trade; will always commnand good rental from prompt ten ants, and is sold subject to the lease expiring next fall, 2. THAT CHOICE PROFiSSIONAL STIAND on the corner of Lafayette and (arondelet streets. designated as lot No. 1, in thb SMu2are bounded t.y Carondeler, St. Charles,.) y.te and (lirod streets, and m, asuree 28 feet o9 Llp-h front on Carondelt street by about 180 feet 8 inches In depth and fronton Lafayettesti~et (b2 the whole measurement more or less), an bounded In the rear by a common alley 20 feet In width, opening on Paid Lafayette street which said alley is common to this lot and othet s. The impro' ement comoprise a three and a half story brick building with preeses brick front, is retired from the bancuette, nd has double iron balconiee front, the rear is two-story brick. This eboice property ts only a complete convenient and a ive family residence, but from its I ol n l city centre will always comtan remunerative rental as an establhe son for professional purposes, and sold staeot to the lease or rental thereon, expirlig neut fall. a. THAT SPLENDID PBOPERTY on St. Charles street, with a large front an great depth, in the square bounded b St arles, Camp, Gravier and (Commerc Alley) oydra streets. The same being described as ow to wit: 1, A lot or portion of grQund tthe irst District, in the square bounded by Camp, Poy d ras, St, Charles and Gravier streets, and mees urea 61 feet 1 Inch front on St. Charles street by 170 feet 6 inches 2 lines in depth. oommeneing at a distanee of 6 feet8 inches 4 lines from he corner of Commercial Alley and t. Charles street, and being the portion nearest to Com mercIal Alley of four lots of ground. 2. A PORTION Oi GROUND adjoining the portion above described, measuring about 5o feet front on St. Charles street by 170 feet 6 inc-hes 2 lines in depth on the line of the pot tion above described, 125 feet a inches in depth on a first line, thence narrowing about 26 feet at which point it has a further depth of 4 feet t lines, until it reaches the rear line at a depth of 170 feet a inches 2 lines as aforesaid, on which lat'er rear line it has a width of 2 feet, more or less. This property comprlisre togethor that splendid estate known as the Meowkey op erty," on St. Charles street, being No,. 70 to 7S St. Charles street, occupied by Mfesrs, EIhIard McCloskey, the MoClo W key sods water M. L. Rock an/. others, and oomprises tha splendid four-story brick front, with all jt grand advantages of location, erection for special purposes, and adaptability for saloon and hotel purposes, is now under lease and rental, 4. A CHOICE SQUARE OF GROUND, In the First District of this city. bounded by Gaquet. Palmyra, Cortez and St. John streets, and con taining twenty-six lots of ground-sa admira ble location for gardening or dalry; frenent: and easy communication with the buslneno centre of the city, Terms of Sale--Cash, and purchasers to as snme payment. over and above the amounts of their bids, of all taxes on said property for the year 1717. payable in lsts. Acts of sale at the expense of the purehasers, before Wm. J. Castell, Fes., notary public, del 1522 29 jas 12 tde PEREMPTORY BSALE AT AUCTION, To effect a partition. ON UNUSUALLY EASY TERMS AND LONG CREDIT, Of that Valuable Commercial Property known as the MERCHANTS' COTTON PRESS AND YARD, together with all the improvements, ete.,, thereon. NEW ORLEANS SAVINGS INSTITUTION VS. WILEY HINTON WILLIAMS ET ALS. Third District Court for the Parish of Orleans No. 23,594. BY HOEY. MACON & O'CONNOR--Nicholas J. f.oey, Autioneer-Office No. ii Caron dolet street.--ATURDAY January 19 1.875, at i o'clock m., at the St. Charles AucttQn kachange, by virtue of an ,,rd r of the Hon. F. A, Monroe, judge of the Third District Court for the par ish of Orleans, rendered on the 16th and signed on the 21st day of November, 1877, In the above entitled matter, will be sold at publio auction the following valuable properto 1. A CERTAIN SQUA RE OF 6ROUND in the First District of this city, with all the buildings and improvements, press,' macinery, etc thereon, comprised within New Levee. Front Levee. Gaiennie and Louisa streets, measuring about 191 feet 10 inches front on New Levee street, a like front on Front Levee street, and about 3ao feet front on each of Louisa and Galennie streets. The impr,ovements comprise that well known new and substantially pult and fire proof buildings known as the Mer chants' Cotton Press, having all the best im provements and conveniences for the storage and compressing of cotton, having first-class sheds built around the entire square, thus giv in it large storage capacity, large and power Iu Dress. machinery, etc. 2. NINe LOTS OF ROUND, situated imme diately opposite the above, in square bound ed by New Levee, Front OGaentne and Suzette streets, and design ted by the Nos. to to 18 in clusive. Said lots measure together about 121 feet a inches a lives front on New Levee street.. and a like measurement on the line nearestto Front street, about 163 feet 6 inches front on Galennie street, and a like measurement on the line nearest to Suzette street; and 3. A LOT, situated in the same square and ad joining the property above described, and des ignated as lot No. 13, measuring about 21 feet 5 inches a lines front on New Lev.e street, by about 1o3 feet 6 Inches In eeoth. The improve ments on the above described property com prise unusually large and well built sheds for the storage of cotton, covering the entire front on New Levee street. Terms of Sale-One-third cesh and the bal ance at one and two years' credit, in notes of the purchaser b'arlng interest of eight per cent per annum from the date of adjudication, and secured by vendor's lien and soecial mortgage on the property sold with the pact "de non aliendo;" the usual stipulations of five per cent attorney's fees in event of suit to enforce pay mentof the notes or any portion thereof; in surance to the full amount of the credit portion of the price of sale and transfer of the policy to the vendors or holders of the notes for the credit portion, and to assume the payment over and above the amount of the bid, of all taxes for the year 1877, which are payable in 1878. Act of sale at the expense of the purchaser,. before Theodore Guyol, Esq, notary public. des 15 22 29 ja5 12 19 SOAPINA Is acknowledged to be the BEST AND SENAPEUT OF ALL -C, a.P It is manufactured with BORAX. free of any ADULTERATIONS. Patented and manufaetured by, J. N. KELLE,R deotf mOrrp fI'farreeL ý+ 42 i