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SORLEANSI D AT. OrroWzAL JOURNAL OP TEE STATE OF LOUISIANA AND OF Tee CITY o NEW ORLEANSB. OL. IIINO. 6. NEW ORLEANS, MONDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1877. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. "U 0 INrTELLIGENCE. 'pe F) W 1 Xres EXCISE MAIDS-llN- wit . I*MAEl VIBILANCIE orF it Tra POLIEE. die ----- col l he Sialoons Clonsed-Formal eto Against the Police Commis- to I S ta to oet. Rleobnason. tur S .--BSupt. Walling summoned pee ee to headquarters last night, din a-netruttons relative to the en- re t excise law. He Informed them 4ding oficer of each precinct t ostrictly responsible for the rioemet of the Sunday law to-day. r. of he steaniboat squal were di p1 t l the Dprecinct in cititzns attire all officers guilty of dereliction of Te llta more strictly enforced through on any Sunday since the comn- i the present raids. In some aloon-keepers got knowledge of the lie had been instructed to , and at the majority of lpecally those who have a ilcense, was elosed. red that Mayor Ely sent his formal Robinson by the late train last is nothing definite known. Mi ding the extra exertion of the lonly fourteen arrests were ro CAPITAL NQTES. s illdeaten of the Mexican Bor- h der question. ri i. Dee. o.--The Mexican border he be thoroughly discussed in the Saflter Conreess reassembles. Ouse Mltary Committee will probably t0 to reprt within five days after Con- in S IsCole . SBhatter, Capts. Young and b aro, an Aut. Bullis will arrive here by w , and will give testimony before the ' -.. -- 5t SA.M.INE N1EWS. Dec8.-Arrived: American ship Iof d kolfleld master, from Liver- n: Sto master; Spanish steamshipD o ean master, at 9 a. m. from Ha nO n aerFatman & Co.; British ship b Up . 't, Denry master, se days from Sballast, to Hllt Vaughan, (shes P a total wreck, and was towed too00 S seao to the bar b.the ship Olive 8. American ship Olive 8. 8outhard. ker, 51 days from Liverpool, 40o tons to maste. Wind east, light. No depart T PAss, Dec. 23.-Arrived: Amerl i er J. G. Whipple, Arnet master, s ittill, cargo of fruit, to Jos. Torre; ship Jamaican at 3 p. m.. Winder os Liverpool, to Pfm, Forwood ,& Co.; Sbark Imperator, Jensen master, 52 ull, In ballast, to master. Bailed: City of Mexico., at o10:3so a. m. Wind Weather foggy. S TE HOUSEHOLD. C " At Chrletmas play, and make good Cheer, .F. OChrttmas comes but onoe a year." Dwell 4ith us now awhile, oh, spirit of Epl I fer Ohtirhrttp cheer is the theme that is I ear pen. The task we are about to Is too solemn and momentous to be begun .plaous invocation, after the manner of which the "grand old masters" were Saramend themselves to the "heavenly they tuned their immortal harps i lety song.r mu s re the "tuneful nine" were noted as I telWs, as our theme is philosophical 1 .lerl than tieal, we prefer to invoke the a tlJ ,of the s age, whose creed was oompre &ia.5e la the' 1.Junotion-" eat, drink and be ry, fore w we die." For the nonce let all sy to soula, e Luke the Evangelist said : And I will say to nt soul, Soul, thou hast muchn laid up for many years ; take thins ease, a daink sad be merry." I Ia aer to aid our readers in carrying out this purpoe, we have put ourselves to trouble--a most pleasurable trouble *we though-to get up various menus, adapted all sorts of tastes and purses. While engaged this pleasant task we confes to S MA~t DELIGOTFUL coxxUNIN0O with the truest-hearted and most genial of the lovers of good cheer, and even the spirit of himself hath discoursed familiarly with s· was his custom with the old Sybarites be the Lencanian palms. There was Charles b with his roast pig, his leg of mutton and sad brace of game. We took a glass of at aous sherry" he found on the banks tf .the litaeUh with genial, hearty Thackeray. th and Mounsey we have lingerd late, i"or glae brightened with the pearls of 4 Aian steer," Or we listened to their reoitale of t+ IrAClogph." waa Tal AUTIIon OF " IO " wl spent an exceptional evening, joining him in ta elegant epast, the menu of which we cannot ti in his own enthusiastic language. :,bs ' We arrived at the - coffee-house 4 o a bright afternoon in the middle of emb and found everything ready and ex t; the turtle magnificent and finely relieved by le punch, effeotnally iced; grilled salmon I.ieply prepared for its appropriate lemon and st.~r ; a-leg of Welch mutton just tasted as a Sw ts.. reimembraner' of its heathy and hungry M ims; woodoocks with thighs of exquisite delicacy S, esaeno. 'deeply interfused' In thick, soft o nwt; aq bmushrooms, whioh Nero justly ealled th deskh of the gods,' simply broiled and A~Lsly eprinhled with cayenne." We ot forget the enthusiasm of our venial over this last dish. "his trail,' said he, m aenlly aeoounts for the flowers which wes seen scattered on the sepulohre of Nero, 'when the popular indignation raged highest sh.rpst his memory-the grateful Roman had w e . his mushrooms under imperial auspices." !hen, with hearty old ')BlZITOPHER IN HIS SPORTING JACK1T," e w..nst a morning in search of an appetite, be with the "lang gun," and we with "Muckle mou'd " " ollowing his "ebon.spotted Fro," as she Iidtsh4 with a "breast-brushing brattle down the tgt." recover the game we brought down. Am p our game wae one of those exquisite i stt duoks, the Teal. "Yes," said old Chrieto Sphe, wbhn he saw it " poetcal in its delicately S spots a an Ind ia shell, and when kept a. hour, roasted to a minute, gravied in its , er wild richness, with some few other means iad appliances to boot, carved fnely-most finely -b$ rasor-hke knife in a hand skillful to dissect .ad cunning to divide-tasted by a tongue and paIlate both healthily pure as the dewy petal of a in' rose-ewallowed by a gullet felt grad t ol eO extending itself in its Intense delight . . --nd reaslvedinto a stomaoh yearning with greed and gratitude-Oh I surely the thrice blessed of all web. toted birds ; the apex of Aplaiin Inxury; and able, were anything on the face of this feeble ,arth able, to detain a soul on the very brink of atb, short quarter of an hour from an inferior S I. t are neglecting our task in the too en mas.leg company of these oheice spirits, but we ~h mow come a nos moutons with all the better pee after communing with them, though we . i we shall give a better bill of fare than S .s. 1 tO ed with the gentle Talourd. Here, h J rb , a -breakfast, to begin with, whioh wle gc . imslves with the belief is simply ee Baw oysters. E*e e eiawith Green anee. Se a %1,i g .,''ý.titt owsr alade 1Lul ar~ ~ury~~u~m rW it. An omelette a l'fspagnole, is one with green peppers and tomatoes. The dressing for the chops a la N+tlbise, is made by boiling onione with such herbs as it may be wished to favor I1 with and then squeesing them in a cloth, the rich, creamy sane extracted being poured over a dish and the chops laid In it. The eauliflower is cold sad dressed as an ordinary salad, with elil, etc. This is a very expensive breakfast only as to the wines, but these constitute the main fea ture. For such people as have no care for ex penses, we will now give the menu of an elegant dinner given a few dkys since at Victor's Bestat- to rant, and a better we could not suggest: St sour. le1 Potage ala Rene. Sherry-Old Topaz. ; HORS D'OEUVRE. Bonohe Salpicon; Anchovy Salad; Celery; Olives. 00 FISH. Tenderloin of Flounders, a la Orly; Snapper, in BSaunoe Verde; Latour Blanche. ENTREES. in Filet of Beef, Pique a la Perigneux; Sweet Breads, en caisse a Ia jardiniere. ti St. Emilien. ui Cauliflower, BSaunce Blanche; Asparagus; Green Peas.n Roederer. m ROAScr. 1i Mallard Duck, flanked with small game; Lettuce. t1 Burgundy. DESERT. Charlotte Russe; Cheese and Jelly; Fruit; Nuts; ri Chateau Yquem; Coffee; Cognac. The recipes for any of these dishes will be S given persons desiring them. We would give 0 some of them now, but our space forbids, as we N have dinners to give for other people than the L rich, who alone can afford such repasts. We will, however, elucidate some of the professional jar gon with which cooks and restaurateurs delight B to mystify people not less than lawyers and doe. Stors and other scientists. Flounders a la Orly, / in plain English, means fried with tomato saunoe; beef a la Perigueux is dressed with mushrooms and Madeira sauce; the dressing for the sweet bread a lt jardiniere cannot be so easily de- o scribed; it is a sauce compounded of cauliflower, asparsgus, green peas and such delicate vege tables and herbs. Next week we shall give re oipes for several of the various sauces- mayonnaise, green, white, etc.; so we will pass D over these now. We will now give a dinner for people of means, c D but who are not utterly reckless In regard to ex- 1 pense: sourp. Oyster. Pickles, Olives. Boiled Red Fish, a sl Hollandaise. Sauterne. ENTREES, Vol-au-vent of Chicken, White Baunce. Venison Steak; Jelly; Vin Ordinaire. Cauliflower with Parmesan Cheese. Green Peas. Roast Turkey; Lettuce; 8t. Julian. I: Rum Omelet; Cheese and Jelly; Fruit. dC Ouffee. Chartreuse. In this menu there is one dish we wish to spe cially commend-the cauliflower with cheese. The dressing is made of cream and grated Par mesan cheese, and poured over the vegetable warm. It is very hard that any one has to count up the cost for a Christmas dinner, but this the i- very large majority of us have to do, and so we is have another dinner that the poorest of us may mindulge in: Soup. in Beef broth. of Baked sheepehead, tomato sauce. Porter house stek, mashed potatoes. I BSalad. p RBum omelet. Nuts, fruita , custard. But after all good health and cheerful spirits, 81 backed by a keen appetite, are the very best of is sauces and with these many a humbler meal will be mace a feast on Christmas day. With these we shall care but little for be "Sauce, ragoats and sih like traehtrle, at That's little short o' down right wastrie." Many such feasts are now passing through our fancy and flling us with a feeling far more kindly ah and humane than any that have been aroused by e, the contemplation of these more elegant spreads we have been describing. In our mind's eye we us see old "Trotty Veck" peeping in "Meg's" to basket and guessing what it his pet has brought de him. "There's nothing," said Toby, "more d regular in its coming round than ed dinner time, and nothing less regular in its coming round than dinner. That's the great difference between 'em. It's took me a long time to find it out. I wonder whether it he would be worth any gentleman's while, now, to of buy that observation for the papers l" We think th it is Toby, se we put it in. In the meanwhile e- "ouby's" dinner comes, and we see him lifting les the lid of "Meg's" basket to get a smell to aid ad him in guessing at its contents. of "Ah It 's very nice," says Toby. "It ain't-I k suppose it ain't polonies." y. No -." After another whiff, "It's-it's mel ts, lower than polonies. It's too decided for trotters. of Liver? No. There's a miadldness about it that of don't answer to liver. Petitoes ? No. It ain't faint enough for petitoes. It wants the stringi ness of cooks' heads. And I know it ain't sanu i ages. It's chitterlings I" n "No. Why, what am I thinking of? I shall eot forget my own name next. It's iee TRIPE I" of And may all the Tobies that have but tripe en ex- joy it as "Trotty Veek" did his, and have no red "Mr. riler" to come along and mar his enjoy ion ment, as poor "Trotty's" was, by proving to him nd that he had "starved a garrison of 500 men," and Sa snatched his tripe out of the "months of widows iry and orphans," because "the lose upon a pound of cy tripe has been found to be, in the boiling, seven oft eighths of arfifth more than the lose upon a pound ledof any other animal esubstance whatever." ud Then there is "Bob Cratchet's" goose and pud ding--. But we must stop, for our lot is human, lal and we cannot, like the brook, "go on forever." .id . ---- The Dog Law In Virginia. [Biohmond Dispatoh.] TTnder a suspension of the rules the Senate passed House bill repealing the law of last session for the protection of sheep, etc., in the county of Lee. Mr. Fulkerson said so un popular was the dog law that the member of the last House who had it passed was forced to leave the county and go to Texas. The Wonder Land. Levy's Palais Royal, 137 Canal street, has truly one of the grandest displays in Christmas goods that it has ever boon our pleasure to in spect. We were perfectly amazed at the won derful and varied selection of attractive holiday goods which fill this magnificent store from basement to attic. On our tour of inspection we strolled through the various departments, and were met on all sides by the same fascinat ing and enticing display of beautiful goods, and our thoughts wandered back to the time Santa Claus visited us in our boyhood home, and we must confess had a longing to experience again the extreme haopine-s that Santa Claus' annual visit gave us. The Palais Royal has been crowd ed for days by eager purchasers: in fact the street just there seems to be constantly block aded by those who would get one look into the gorgeous windows of this mammoth establish ment. These immense show windows are the particular pride of the energetic proprietor, Mr. Levy, who spared no time or expense in making them the handsomest show cases on the grand boulevard. In one of them is grouped in the most pleasing manner a wedding party in high life, the actors of which are the most fashionable, fascinating and bewitching repre sentatives of the doll world. Of course, every bodrwill stop at Levy's; hence the jam at that point on Canal street. UpInt A BiALoox.-Children. take notice! The Parisian Bazaar. 131 Canal street, will issue to day, to all children who visit their Ostab lishment, a betiful balloon. for which vdLthin will be chara, Don't fall to be on hand early. Remember place-Viacor Nippert's, 1A Canal street. Mr. Win. k. bmdale b to asto e41 h St ýtw CUSTOM-HOUSE TOPIC'S. THE iPECIAL DEPUTY AND SPECIAL TREASURY AGENWT AS A IIEFOIdUER. F1igres Won't Fib, But There Was No T Geueral EIectlen This Year. The question of economy in the administration e of the sffairs of the office of the Collector of Cns tome having been raised by one of the city papers, k pecial Treasury Agent and Special Deputy Col leetor Anderson undertakes to explain that his administration, which includes Judge King's, of course, sHOws A .LARGE EDUCTLO t In expenses as compared with those of 1876. The article that stirred the Speieal Deputy up intimated strongly that the pay roll expense bad been largely increased, which, the Special Treas ury Agent says, is not the case, although there is some increase, owing to an increase in buet-l noes sloes the report of the Custom-House Com mission was made. Referring to the books for 187, and comparing them with the present year, the Special Deputy finds the following amounts charged to salaries, or, more properly, the pay roll account for the last quarter of the year: 1876. 1877. September........... $19,020 87 $12.861 17 October.............. 19.104 00 15,038 58 November............ 18,644 15 14,409 26 Dedember........... 19,457 83 16,344 67 Total........... $76,226 85 $58,653 68 Which shows that taking the last quarter as a precedent the saving for the year would be $52, 719 51, but no estimate is made as to the prob able increase had this been a year in which a general election was held. There has been months when the pay rolls of the Customs offices proper amounted to $25,000, and that not many years ago, and in former years the figures have shown as high as from $45,000 to $50,000 per month, but this the Special Treasury Agent does not think will occur again. ANOTHER 'IINOR ITEIM which seems to have disturbed the Special Tress ury Agent, is the insinuation that hie Oustom House has mulcted any of the officials of the department of justice in the other end (diagonal ly) of the building. This minor item was the im portation of a box of mineral water, pop, or something of the kind, upon which the law says there shall be no duty levied. It seems, however, that in "passing" through the system laid down by law, the total Custom-House fees on the pop amounted to $1 15 and he paid a bill of $7, which the importer thought rather steep, This is ex plained by the Special Treasury Agent as being broker's charges and storage, or something else not connected with the customs offices. It is considered hardly equitable that the new Special Deputy and Acting Collector should be barnacled with these trfiinog growls so soon after having assumed the Collector's mantle, but, as will be seen by the furnished figures given above, e he is EQUAL TO THE EMERGENCY, e and is willing to tackle anything when an expla c nation is wanted as to his economic administra tion of the customs office, and talks much more freely on that question than upon Returning Board matters. SUNWDAY AT THE RANquGES. The Gobbler Contest-Two Were Captured and One Flew East. FBOGOMOOR. Notwithstanding the prevailing weather yes. terday the attendance at the Cresecent City Rifle Park yesterday was larger, in fact, than for months, owing to the fact that the military or ganizations are taking a deep interest in target practice, and second that there WAS SEVERAL TURKEY GOBBLERS to be competed for. In the contest between members for the three Christmas gobblers Dr. Howe, as will be seen, won the first choice, J. M. Henderson the second and up to sundown those who had tied in the twenties were scouring the swamps and range for the third, which by some unforseen accident got loose, cleared the fence and started for king. dom come. The following are the scores made: Dr. Geo. Howe...............5 4 4 5 4-22 Dudley Belph.............5 5 4 4 4-22 J.M.Henderson .............4 4 4 6 4-21 Jules Piffaut................ 4 5 4 5 8-21 A. Villarubia........ ....... 4 4 4 4 4-20 C. C. Lewis, Jr................. 8 4 4 5-20 B. 8. Leathers................5 4 8 4 4-20 Chas. F. Trust............4 4 4 8 5-20 H. Dupre ........... .....4 5 3 4 4-20 Col. John Glynn, Jr........4 4 4 4 3-19 Thos. McQiothy............4 4 4 4 3-19 E Bergeay..............4 4 4 3 4-19 Geo. W. Charleton.............4 4 4 4 3-19 WASBINOTON ARTILLERY RIFLE CLUB. This club was represented by quite a number of its members. The leading scores out of a pos sible 50, at 200 yards, off hand and with military rifles (no sighting shots), being as follows: Dudley Selph..........4 3 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4-40 J. M. Henderson...4.....4 444 4 4 3-40 B.8.Leathers...... 4 4 4 3 4 5 4 344-39 Hy. Dupre............ 3 ...38 4 2445 4 4 0 4-33 P. Michel....................3 2 4 3 8 3 3 2 2 3--28 George W, Charleton.....8 3 4 3 3 3 3 0 3 0-25 C. O. Lewis, Jr...........5 0 3 2 4 0 3 0 3-23 LOUISIANA FIELD ARTILLERY. The third competition by the Louisiana Field Artillery team for the gold badge took place yes terday at Frogmoor, and was won by Private B. De Roux, as will be seen by the leading scores made at the 200-yard target, five shots off hand, with the military rifle: B. Deox ............. ... ..3 4 4 5 8-19 R. F. Bohmntz ...........3..... 4 4 3 4-18 E. M. Meilleur.............. 4 5 8 3 3-18 J. B. Leveque........ ..... 4 4 5 2 3-18 E. Beroegesy.............. 4 4 4 3 2-17 M. Leaumont........ .....4 2 4 3 2-15 TROPICAL FRIGIDITY. The Late Improvements in the Manufac ture of Ice Here. Yesterday noon quite a number ofthe stock holders of the Louisiana Ice Manufactory assem bled at the works, for the purpose of inspecting the operation of the new adaptation of the Carre process in freezing large blocks, weighing over 100 pounds. The new process, which is the idea of Mr. A. Michaelis, the chief ice maker of the establish ment, differs from the old in this: By the old process, blocks about two inches in thickness were frozen, and then several of them were placed beneath an hydraulic press and formed into one solid block; by the new, a huge crystal line mass, weighing 108 pounds, is turned out as clear as glass and as firm as adamant. With the small blocks it requires about three t hours to complete the work, and in the larger ones twenty-four hours are required, but thesar i tg in labor and the production of a finer quality of ice more than amply compensates for the dif ferenme in time. The Carre process of refrigera e tion is now too well known to need amplifcation. ý- The principle upon whidh it Is based is the vapor - iation of liquid ammoniaca ss, which Vapor a abesrbs all beat surroanding the vessel la whicha . it ls kept. In order to lrese the eee of ia the aolds or famls are m tmersmd i a I esai of brine, Wh6A s aast ag * taining the smmoniacal gas. The congealing commences almost at once and inside of twenty four hours is completed. Yesterday there wee exhibited a handsome dis. play of effects in the shape of vegetables, fow ers, fruits and bsh freren within these blocks. The crystalline diamond like rays that were re flected added muoh to the beauty of the already beautiful boequets within their icy boundaries. o The suceess already attained is so marked the , company proposes at once to adopt the new con gealers, and next summer we will have pure transparent ice from oarown fotory. c After the interesting process had been exam- e ined, a bountiful spread awaited the stockholders t and their invited guests, and for some time Kr ug frappi enlivened the artio regions of the frigid } ice room. Toasts for the success of the improve- 4 ment, for the prosperity of the company, and a host of others, were drunk with becoming earn estneme, and a prominent member of the bar suggeeted that the whole affair was a-n ice job. FOR JANUARY EIGHT. PRRPARATIONS FOR THE CELEBRA TION ON THAT DAY. The United States Army and Navy Ex pected to Take Part--000 Men Expected to be In Llae. The arrangements for the military parade on f the 8th of January next are now being made, and that parade will, It is said, exceed even that of the 14th of September last, as there will, in all probability, be a greater display of uniformed men. Gen. Behan's command, with the inde I pendent commands under Colonels Glynn and Owen, will form PART OF THE COCUMN, n and the Mexican veterans will be invited to form a part of the procession, and it is stated also that e some of the United States army officers have ex 0 pressed a willingness to participate, with their It commands, were the invitation extended. The United States navy might also be represented by a similar course, and as our own officers are only too glad to extend such invitations, it may be no. Socepted as a facot that the army and navy wi)l be 1- represented in the column on that day, and they I- will doubtless be assigned the position of honor on the right, or at the head of the column. r, As yet it has not been definitely agrees upon 'n as to who shall COMMAND THE FORCES X. on the day named, but it is thought and sug ig gested that the column be placed under the com e mand of a Grand Marshal, as it is known that Gov. Nicholls would not take command. Among w those suggested as the Grand Marshal for the eI occasion is Gen. Fred. Ogden, and should he de er cline Adj. Gen. I. W. Patton will, it is said, be as called upon to act. e, The officers of the assigned militia, as well as the independent commands, have held several meetings during the past few days to arrange for . the celebration, and from the latest reports it is a- safe to say that there will be three thousand uni re formed men in line on that day. Adj. Gen. Ig Patton, some weeks ago, closed a contract with the bharp's Rifle Company for 300 of their latest pattern military rifles, and stipulated expressly that the arms should be delivered herebefore the 8th proximo. That number with those on hand and those already issued, willbe suaoisent to arm wi and equip THEIE FULL REGIMENTS, enough, with the artillery, to make a handsome s-. display on the day to be celebrated. THE SENATORIALA ONVENTION. or- Elsewhere Mr. W. HI. Merkel, chairman of the et convention committee of the Parish Committee officially calls upon the delegates elected in the Tenth and Eleventh Wards, on Saturday, to meet in convention to nominate a candidate for Senator ee to represent the Fourth Senatorial Dis co, triot in the Leglellature, to fill the the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of the Hon. Jas. B. Eustis. The con he vention will meet at noon in the court room of ge the Sixth Justice of the Peace, corner of St. ant Mary and Oamp streets. MARDI GRAS. How the Entire Carnival Week May Be Made Attractive. The suggestion made by the DEMOORAT that a series of prize contests be inaugurated js FOR THE CARNIVAL WEEK, seems to meet with great favor among the mer chants and tradesmen of the city, as well as with some of the organizations alluded to in our former article. Some of the members of the Crescent Oity Rifle Club have taken their part of the programme in hand, and will soon show a programme for long range shooting that will at tract the throng for at least one day. The two gun clubs can, if they desire, get up a grand pigeon popping tournament, offering prizes that will bring here the best shots in the country, and in that way entertain the visitors another day. Then the OOMPETITIVE MILITARY DRILL, now partly arranged for, would bring to the city the crack companies of quite a number of the cities in the South, and would make the third day agreeable, while for the fourth the steam fire engine contest would be something novel. To make these contests Interesting, somethin "inviting" in the way of prizes must be offered and were the various organizations to take hold of the matter in time there is no doubt but that ample assistance for the prizes would be ren dered by merchants, tradesmen and others, and once a success it could be repeated year after year, and those who come here from a distance could remain a week and be amused, whereas now the Mardi Gras procession proper is the great attraction, and but few remain longer than to witness that The railway companies are willing to run ex cursion trains from any point in the South, and our local railway officials can and would willingly arrange with connecting lines to make excursion tickets good for ten days, and all that is neces sary now is for the interested organizations to take the matter in hand. NEW ORLEANS RIFLE CLUB. O sing to the rainy weather of yesterday the attendance at the grounds of this club was not as large as usual, and only the active members were present. Major Wm. Arms, Capt. A. C. Smith, Mr. B. Maloney and several other mem bers practiced at the 800, 900 and 1000 yard ranges, for the purpose of raising a long range team. No scores will be recorded until the new members, who never tried their hands at long ranges, have acquired proper positions, so as to do away with hatching "goose eggs." At 600 yards, offhand, the shooting was very lively, but no official scores were kept, the shoot being coofled to practice and private mataches. beext unday the sixteenth eompetition for the diamond championship badge will come off, and the practice of the long range team at 800, 100 and 1000 yards wil be renewed r At the It geemal meetanl of the lab the fi werol e we slaed for the esin ear: 8N. Scria, Irus ris ~~~seRoompskt a ~ M uarr MUNICIPAL MATTERS. NEEbINTi ATTENTION. to The dames of the tail races of the Orleans canal n and Carrollton Avenue canal are in a precarious b condition and needing immediate attention by the t city authorities, so we are informed by Mr. Sam'l p Burchfield, the Bienville street draining machine fr contractor, who hae notified the city authorities in of the hot. The lake is said to be very high at W this time, and should a break occur at either of the points referred to there would be a submerg. ing of a large portion of the city. Administrator Mcaeffrey will in all probability attend to the T matter today. THIE DISCHAR OING OF FIRE ARkE Chief of Police Boylan again warns the people against indulging in the dangerous practice of discharging guns or pistols within the city lim its, and reiterates his determination to arrest all persons violating the city ordinances on the sub. jeot, and to confiscate the weapons used in doing 1 so. RELIGIOUTS. An Interesting Ceremony in St. Alphonsus Church. Sunday morning the spasoious and beautiful church of St. Alphonsus was crowded by the faithful who came, not only from all parts of the city, but from other States as well; some from Chatawa, Miss., and others from Macon, Ga. I The cause of this unusual gathering was that a newly ordained Vriest of God was to celebrate for the first time the holy sacrifice of the mass at this church. At a few minutes before 10 o'clock the Pt. Alphonsns Beneficial Sooiety, of which Mr. R. . Bourk is president, and the St. Alphon- I sue Total Abstinence Society, headed by our pop. Sular young friend, Mr. D. H. Buokley, marched from their hall to the pastoral residence, for the purpose of receiving the young minister and escorting him to the church. This being done, solemn High Mass was then eommened, the celebrant being the young oler gyman, Bev. C. J. Burke, Bedemptorist, who was assisted by the Rev. Fathers Girardey and Mo Kugh. After the reading of the Gospel, the Very Rev. Father Neithart, the gifted young rector of the 1 B Redemptorist Fathers, ascended the pulpit and delivered a beautiful discourse on the sublime grandeur and dignity of the Catholic priesthood. At the conclusion of the Mass, Father Burke addressed the congregation briefly, expressing his thanks for the kind reception given him, and bestowed hie blessing upon all present. The pro. cession having reformed, returned to the priest's house, and then disbanded. Among those present in the church were the e venerable parents and affectionate sister of the newly ordained. Since the organization of the congregation of I St. Alphonsus (about thirty years ago) this is the r first time that an ecclesiastio celebrated his first mass in this churoh. MIDNIGHT MASS will be celebrated to-night at the Cathedral. at b the Immaculate Conception, at St. Theresa's and t other principal Catholic churches of this city. a WEATHER AND RIVERS. n Last night's Signal Service telegrams report light rains at quite a number of points on the Mississippiland Ohio rivers, and continued threat ening weather, but not a spicolent rainfall to ln dicate more than a temporary or local rise from side streatnms. As a rule, the weather at all points was exceed. Ie ingly soft, the change in the temperature being so small that our usual record is unnecessary. te PERSONAL. at Mr. McDonald, agent of Cal Wagner's Min r strels, arrived in the city yesterday to make or I- rangements here for the troupe. The minstrels we will appear at the St. Charles Theatre Sunday in night next. BREVITIEU. The midnight Signal Bervice telegrams report 86-100 of an ineh rain at Shreveport laset night, ST. MARY'S MARKET CROWD. They Have Another Free Fight and Shed More Gore. The crowd of roughs who frequent the corner of Tehopitoulas and Delord streets nightly, known as the St. Mary's Market crowd, at half-past 10 o'clock last night became involved in a free fight, during which knives and fists were need promis cuously. It appears Mike Leary threw a rook at Custar, which, however, missed him. As soon as the rook was thrown, Custer called on his supporters to stand by him, and instantly the gang"went for Leary. Leary made a break and after running a short distance was stopped by some of his own crowd, and both chiefs being well backed the fight start ed in earnest. By the time the police put in an appearance Oustar had received two slight wounds in the right hip, while.Henry Burke was out in the left hip. On the arrival of the pollee Jas. Donovan was brandishing a knife and was about to sheath it in Leary's breast, when the police disarmed him and made him a prisoner. Custer and Burke had their wounds dressed at Kelly's drug store on Tehoupitoulas street, be. tween Delord and At. Joseph. Onustar was after wards brought to the Central Station, a his wounds were slight, and looked up, charged with fighting and disturbing the peace. James Donovan was also looked up in the same station, charged with being drunk, disturb ing the peace and assaulting the officer, CITY ECHOES. For the larceny of a pair of rabbits, Henry Al berteon was locked up in the Harbor Station. A charge of pilfering sugar on the levee holds August Nicholason a prisoner in the Harbor Station. L. B. Gethwerth and M. A. Smith were lodged in the Central Station, charged with discharging firearms within the city limits. O. T. Selover a card writer by occupation, was immersed in the Central Station, charged with having willfully and maliciously destroyed the door of Jose Martinez' residence. Julia Narey, who chases a red flannel shirt up and down a washboard for a living, was run into the Central Station, charged by J. B. McCormick with the larceny of a shoulder of meost. Mary McCormick, alias Mrs. A. Kneef, was looked up in the Central Station, charged with being drunk and having property in her posses sion supposed to have been stolen. Douglass Brenham and George Williams were arrested by Aids McDonogh, Pecora and Hen nessey and lodged in the Third Precinct Station, charged with picking pockets. Fanny Karney, Annie Clark and Katie Thomp son, alias Biddy Mush were lodged in the Central Station, charged with having robbed J. F. Linden of $1 10. Louis Johnson was arreted and l]oked up in the Second Precinct Station, chared from .iae martion received, with having killed D. H. Ales ander, at Pass Manobse on Janas 4, 8171, sad also wth being aof5 tit e f .o t The detectives are now vry by try t find oat who sloe the ake of asep that hed m be" used eae out of the aces of the Chief Poles ; also who . was th, t er.saeI o the spesr :I r's ba i.w balh valued at t s.e mowa.W the rear of her premises, and gave the alaen which reached Mr. Carter, who resides next dear below, No. 485. Mr. Carter at once hastened to ascertain the cause of her outcries, but ram three doors above, to Mr. Burke's, and furiously rana the bell. Thb summons was answered by the wounded boy who, while hastening from the front door to the gate, was confronted by Mr. Oarter with a Mr. Carter called upon him to halt, whifh us frightened the boy that be turned to oeek retit in the house, and as he did so Mr. Garter iWl, with result as above stated. Mr. Carter says that he mistook the boy for t1e burglar. The pollee singular to say, made no arrests The wounded boy was attended by Dr. Tasas and removed to the hospital. AMUSEMENTS. DANIEL DRIUCE. Gilbert's latest London suocess will be prlW duoed to-morrow at the matinee at the VarieM.e Theatre for the first time in this city, introduetla Manager Hall as an actor to our public. Mr. Hell will appear in the leading part-the til role- Miss Mary Davenport playing thatof Dolly Drae. Mr. Hall has the r-pntation of being a graseful and correct actor, which, combined with a pare and sympathetic voice, promises well for his de but. The announcement of his first appearasle on a New Orleans stage has naturally exalted much curiosity, and we have every reason to bhe. lieve that there will be no disappointment onths part of the frequenters of the polite theatre mhoe aged by Mr. Hall. Although there will be no performance tat evening the magnificent vestibule of the theati t Swill be brilliantly illuminated to give the foust folks an opportunity to admire the splendid esl hibition of toys which are to be given away at the I matinee to.morrow to the visitors to the Varletiee, among which will be seen the miniature equipa.t I of "Banta laus," consisting of a handsome eat. riage drawn by the trained goate "Dndear" sad a "Blitzen," which will be drawn for at New Yeeti matinee. " Dolly Druoe," the principal gift at the matise to-morrow, will remain on exhibition at DantSL ger's. Every child who visits the Varleties md jhristmas and on New Year's gets a present, sad besides a ticket entitling the owner to a chance kt I Dolly Druoe or the goat team. Kit will be ot hand to superintend the distribution of the toys. HUMPTY DUMPTY drew handsomely at the Academy last evening The pantomime will be kept on the boards daring the holidays. Toy matinee on Christmas and O New Year's Day. CAL WAGONEB'S MINSTRELS s are billed for next Sunday night at the Bt. Oharles e Theatre. Of course this signifies another grad gift matinee on New Year at the Old Draty. OPERA HOUBL The Durande French Dramatic Oompany alB appear at the Opera House for the first time thit evening in Pol Mercier's exquisite comedy at "Nlos Alliees." THE PAPPENHEIMf TBOUPE left this city yesterday evening by rail foerIMe phis, leaving behind them many delightful memories. They were to produce "Lohengirla to-night in Memphis, but it may be that sti opera will have to be postponed, owing to tl' failure of MissaGrimminger to catch the t :ds last evening. Miss Grimmnlger, it will be reM membered, slogo the important role of Ortead tI S"Lohengrin." , PENT4SILVANIA STATE T3ROOP5. Their Cost te the Comrmonwealth Warl g the Riots. [New York Times.] NPHILADELPHIA, Dec. 19.-The report of ti Adjutant General of the State National G u James W. Latta, will be issued in a few The amount of money required to payF t soldiers who were called out to quell the la~ riots last July is nearly $810,000, pro I the Legislature decides to allow full pa the fractional month over fifteen days.. Bhoa the troops be paid for actual service O ' $225,000 will be required. The feeding of t . militia will cost about $110,000, and the eflt1 expenses incident to the r ots nearly $5006 ( The bills for the transportation of troops i not all reached the Adjutant General' - partment. The charges of the Philadelphiib and Reading Railroad Company are ovre $13 000. They transported a number of Stait and United States troops who were called to Reading to protect the property of the cor pany. The Pennseylvania Railroad Compa. has not yet put in their bill for tra..Lrtia troops, but it is understood from offi og the company that they will do so. The Peon sylvania Railroad officials hold that it .m the duty of the government to protect property, and hence that they should bepdi for transporting the troops. PATTERSON. What He mays of Hampten, [Washington Special to the Boston Herald.) WASHINGTON, Dec. 18.-Patterson says: ' am satisfied that public opinion has changed a great deal, and I might get a fair trial; blUr there is a class of politicians there who atr strongly opposed to Butler, and they lghl. me because I supported him. They will h.t, me if they can on that account. Wade Bao.m ton did not want Butler elected. He would like to vacate his present seat to get one la the United States Senate. He thinklr he ck : get there just at this time, but I don't intend to give him a chance if I can help it. I shall notgo there for the present. In a few days I intend going to Pennsylvania, where I woll rest during the recess and reuperate Matg health. Kelle;g. [Minden Democrat.] The most obnoxious man to the people of Louisiana that the Radical party ever gave eminence to is the man whose name h ..l . this article. The great leaders of the Unlts* States Senate have outraged all decenoy by voting this scurvy political bummeraSenatet from Louisiana for six years. But we are assured by the New Orleans Da3 oca~ that while he was being voted a seat as i tor bYi a Radical Senate, Attorney gdad nl. Ogden was engaged in prea ing information for a Grand Jo to substantiate the title of that elnf nent carpet-bagger to a cell in the . I.o-ie ana Penitentiary. Nothing would please the people of this State more than to have Etl logg serve them six years in thessnl s ta .b : instead of having him misrepresen ttheMio what was once a respectable body. We wol .d likeco see Kellogg, Wells, Andersoa Cam, nave, and a good many others that hen plundering and robbing the State,. .u lrL James, with a convict jacket on, . gt! ' roads. Wouldn't it be serving theserig-ý Gen. Twiwas' Sweia [Washinaton Correspedandne Coeuti54 U5 In traversing the y three swords presented Gm. f Sta of Texas, the citimes of then united States Cogreag ie t e an war were sheesn ma arasmeeted wr hde amg3,, [ 1rvcwt seen r r 1º u