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THE NE W ORLEANS DAILY DEMOCHA¶. OFFICOIAL JOURNAL OF THE STATE OF LOUISIANA AND OF THE CITY OF NEW ORLEANS. VOL. III-NO. 138. NEW ORLEANS, WIIE )N ES DAY, MA Y 8, 1878. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE INSURANTCE COMPANY. Report and Accounts for the year 1877, passed at the Annual Meeting held in Liverpool on February 22, 1878. The Net FIRE PREMIUMS for the year were .......................... $5,262,.25 The Interest dorived from Investments ...... ................................. 1,249,830 After providing for all losRns. exens,. and dividends, and adding $7r6.0 ,. olt. of the Fire Profits of the year to the Iteservs,. thero remaina in the 'rofit and Loss Ameount ................................................. 49a, 30 The GENERAL RESERIVE and FIRE ILE-INSUItANCE FUNI) (apart from capital) now amounts to.................................... 5,750,000 The total funds seourely Invested were, In T)December. l7c. ..7.................... 27,470.170 Inoreased In 1t77 ly .......... ........... ..................................... ......... 1,7I l,6* a Accumulated funds. Deombher. 177 ...................................$ 29.O71,135 Total claim palid sines the commennnment of the Company (Including over Flv. Millions for the Chicago. Boston and Ht.John greet flireo amount to . .... $72,084,070 In addition to the large funds held by the Company the public have the Undoubted Security.of the Unlimited Liability of the large number of Wealthy Stockholders. OFFIC'IE` IN NIEW OII.IIEANN, 184 .................. GRAVIER STREET.....................184 AND. FOSTER ELLIOT, apS1 Im RESIDEINT .F.CRETARY. CALCASI EU A\ AhA I llS. A PERTINENT qlUErTIoN ADDRESSrED TO GEN. AUGIIUR. Gen. Newell Naturally Delsres to Know Why Orders Have Been lusued For blddlnR Oimeers from Testifylng as to the Good Condurt of the People. LBDecial to the l)emocrat.i LAKE CHArMEs, La., May 7. Shortly be fore the Investigation, the chief oflicers cArn manding the United States troops here at my request telegraphed I1on. J. 11. Acklen their assurance that !arter would be per fectly safe from violence hIre and that the citizens of Calcasieu were docile and sbmlris sive to legal authority. They subtsriently informed me they were willing to testify in the pending invostl.gation to the good reputLa tion of the Caltaseuo per pIeI for peaceatileness and obedience to law. Friday was set by oe and themrn to take their testimony. This mrorning I recived the following: JIHADQUARTER I NITTTED S'TA'TEr"H TI'R'ol'. Lake lh1irries, Ira., May 7, 1I78. Gen. L. Sowell: Your communication, dated t he fourth in stant, requesting re to appear before the commission and testify i t ii)e (ras now pend ing before Special Agentes Adam l and Ilae, has been received. In reply I have t he honor to inform you that, having consultel recent, in structions fromn liutrlauartcrs I)Departrmecnt (,I the Gulf, I do not farl in ex pressi rg an opinion upon the question now befocr the commission, nor in Iermitting any rmernmber of my command to do so. My orders are rx pllit and peremptory, butt have been recivlrl since I gave my willing cronsinit to testify on behalf of the prorrsecution. Very respectfully, sir, your obcdient, aer vant, tJAMis Bi. GoE, Second Lleutenant Thirteenth Infantry, ('orn manding Post. The American peoplle will naturally Inquire by what right or authority the corrmmander of the Department of the Gulf ordlers his subordinate officers not to vrirci(atre the repu- tation of the people of Calcasleu from the foul slanders of the adlmnistration. When gentlemen are able and willing to make that vindicationmrnlt the truth always i be silenced by ottich'rc If the goverrrnent? Respectfully. L. Scwars. THE ROIAN CATHOLIC CH lRCH. A Lively DIsunusion Before a Meeting of Baptist MInll ter In New York-An An Imated lession and a Variety of Opinons. NEW YonK, May 7.--I)r. 'l'enbroack drew out a lively discussion in a meeting of the Baptist ministers, by reading an essay on the Roman Catholic Church. lie held that the Church of Rome would be influenced not through any principles of the Church itself but through the light dawning upon the hearts of the people and the Roman Catholic idea of imperialism, not republicanism in re ligious affaire. Brother Hodden astonished the assemblage by saying: "I don't believe true reform be gins with Baptists and enl ls with them." He found much good in the Roman Catholic Church. Brother Holmes vehemently exclaimed: "I long ago stoplpd talking against IRomnan Catholics. I don't condemn them. They have a great deal of God's truths in them and with them." Brother Taylor thought the true ('hrstian Church had stxxit out against Rome ever since the days of the apostles, and the Roman Catholic, instead of being the mother church, was an offshoot from the true Christlans. Brother Sampson said the Pope was losing control of the Churcl, and is being regarded~ as merely the moral head of the institutioa. A voice--'Pope 'Plus was a grand old hero; I admired him." Brother Rhodes said there must he a re formed Catholic Church, like tile IReformued Episcopal. Brother Fox made an earnest appeal in be half of what he term(ed the goal people who embraced the Roman Catholic faith. lie had known priests and members of the Roman Catholic Church who were just as good and did just as much for the cause of Christianity as any Protestant clergyman had ever done. Catholics were noted for going about doing good. Their charitable works were proverbial. Brother Reed read a quotation from the seventeenth chapter of Revelations, which he thought plainly foretold the downfall of the Roman Catholle Church. A voice: "A Catholic said in a Sunday school the other day that all Protestant~ would go to hell." Another voice: "Some of us Baptists say all Catholics will be damnred." Brother Tenbrocck thought it not surpris ing that the Irish Catholics hated I'rotes tants, as English Protestants had terrib)ly oppressed Roman Catholics in Ireland. More of the Commnlste--What the iun Thinks of the Movement. NEw YORK, May 7. The HI rel'.'s Wash ington special says: `The movements of the people who c(all themselves Communists, in Chicago. St. Louis, Cincinnati and San Francisc., attract attention here, but it is not yet believed that they alone are strong enough to accomplish much mischief, nor that they have such an anee or understanding with the secret rgan17ations in the West, the Nationals, as ;ou lead these to co-aperate with them. T'he Nitoheal ar r largely c(mnipuI'Id of farmn ors andI other peopli owning Iro1ierty, anld who aro not ready, t,herefore, to join hands in the West for a, great divide. The in pres.lon in ofllelail circole. Is that the ('Crm1 mnounists hIlave set th Ilonllth orf .Junll for iucth ai riin.g as thly a('n ('flet, anLI that the San IFranel( x) organizat ilo, having thel in.ILt desrpl[rate chioef, is likely to leadl olT. Th i e aHsays 1t h Hillillt (,f iall IJglI.ara IS that of dlanger from C')ornmniuinirsm inl tihe Uniteld States. RIt. Alulst Communlit,. Sr. Loris, May 7. - Positive lnforrnation hse I)1n obtained that the Cornmmunists have Ihoon drllling at a large hall and ten pin aoy kelpt. by .. Sldkamp, l. Intelli..cgeni h1s bm recelvdl that t.he Communists held Irltlnigs at, the above menti nul I re'ndlzvos.. Nitlunr 120 Thlley are weill oqriiypped with hbrae',h loading gunI of th'. intellt patent. Their operations have bIeen kept so caretroly that few residents know anything atlbot what. they have (lonll. Mostal tf.h who have joinedr thet ('omnlmirilst rank are Ger(iman working A Youthful Murderer. Ino IOKr,1YN, May 7. John M. Wrightf, a sailor, 1has beent arrOested on Ihe charge of nrdelring l'ernard l('erroll, tJhe riverL H(11 tiLtr, whole ibHly was folndt April 26, an chorled tol the bottom of the, Erie Iasin with 1011 poulndts shiip 1ron'. Wright is a liglht hairedl, rt.'iloles boy. When the caseo: was clh101 he' ent.erit l a pIla of guilty, and siglnedl the examinaltion hnd. He said,. "I didn't in tPlld ito IulirdIer Fe'rrl ln. I never saw himi except onrle beforer, aIold that was whn'r hei (1I1lIer on Iarld W to take tl h malte' box off. I kn,'w he waV a. junkrnIn." Wright has been displlayingL I recklessg dirs position for Borne time. I' stool o' ,verything Ilre coulld o1l tIhe vessel. Ii' illlad om111e' all Ia,0uaitances in t 1 sailori.' l a rdg1 houli o1n Witter strelt, arnd it was th.eir ilnifluelnice th lat . sexInied t) impell lie 1to , 1rime. The Atlantic and Pacifilc Telegraph Corn. pany. NEw YlI'K, May7. 'T'he co.mmitteh on sistinig of members of the' . Westernl I' lon and Atlantle and Pacific Telelgraph Compa nicl. held1 a ni.oIting to-Iday anld d11eided ron a board of ofllo..r for the Atlant,ic and Pacific Telegraph Company at to-rnor row's nleeting, which shall inclulde light meIi.lberi' of the West'I.Ier I'lln( Co(rlal, ny anldl HevenI of the Atlantic and Pa'aifi.. It, is un dlerstxxlt that the meeting was a ve(ry satiS furtepryonre to tlhe cornmitteo of thte Atlanrill and Paciicll, ad that the (rganlizatioln will be mai ntained indefildnitely, and Go'r. Eckert will I)o re-elected pre'sident. The Transit of Mercury. ANN A rnon. May 7. Prof. .I.C.Watson wan engagell all day yestlrday iln nmking Iobeer vai ions of the transit of M.1.rllurl with the photo-heliiograph. Eighty-f1)it IaitAe' wQr nlmade, the pictures of thitn i.0 illIng about live inches In lanmeter, on each of which Mer e(:ry is sein as a small Ironl dot. P'rof. Wat son regartds the obslervations of great mplor tan(e', Raying that they point conclusively to the ('xi.stenll(' of atlosl)Iphere albout thei pilanet, the exfent of which can be cornputedl from the' (data, obtainedl, which will require lr lne w,'eks. New York Itemi. New YOiRK, May 7. The African immigra tion felling is extIending northward. At a rn,,ting of the City Branch Colonizatlion So c iety t -day the' subjet was di(scu1sse.d by Sec .rotary of the Navy Thompson and )th)rs. The reiport of the Seame(n's Friend BSocle y shows that it accomplished a gotol deal of ex celleunt work during the past year in many civilized, as well as unciviliz'ed parts of the world. It Is thought here that if the proposed Chinese capitation tax of $100 a head should becomel a law it will probably keep citizens of the Flowery Land at home. "You may indict the Board of health," iald Recordedr Hackett in his address to the grand jury. 'lThere1' were more incendliary speeche s at the' coAnvention of the Ame:rihan Laborers' Re form Leiague. 'The 10uion Theological Seminary gradua texd forty-live stude(nts. Herath of a Mate un warin or a norea norse. PHFILAT rI:r,I'iIA, May 7. -The grand thor oulghl.n ra.c horse and sire, Leaurinfntmn_, disli at the homes of his owner, A. Welech Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, yesterday. Until a few moments before his death the horse ap earedl to be in most robust health. His death, it is thought, must have tbeon caused by ap oplexy or rupture of the heart. Leamington was foaled in 135:3, and at the time of his death was twenty-five years old. He was the sire of Enquirer, Lynchburg Littleton, Longfel low, IReform and P'arole; bre]d by Mr. Halford, of England; imported to America in 1;.5 ,t,' IR. W. ('amneron, of the Clinton Steed farnm, Staten Island, New York. A Rapid Walk. BF'vFAtO. May 7. At 10 o'clock 16 minutes :33 seonds this morning, Michael Byrne had co(mpleted 77 miles. He did not take any rest during the night. The total rest taken by hin since the beginning amounts to 3.I min utes and 3'. -seconds. Bank Failure. P'rrsTTsr-n, May 7.-A special to the TI,. 0groph, from Edenburg, Pa., says the Eeeln burg bank suIspndil payment this morning. Liabilities $1oli,o: ass-ts very small. Great indignation prevails. The president has dis appeared. Extraordinary Sbootlng. CHICAno, May 7.-Capt. Bogardus made his great exhibition shots last night, hitting 1000 glass balls and only missing 300, in seventy rve and a half minutes. THEY WILL RE INVENTICATEiD BY THE HOU1aE. A Hesolution t. That Effect to be Intro duced To-day-llow the RepulblIanu Will Attempt to Handicap It-The New Orleans Paclfle Rallroad and the Backbone Land Grants. Hitnilal to the DIemoerait.i WAnINv'rriox, May 7. A fter many dr.ys of doublltt andl diseclusion, the Invetligat ion pro gramlnm has finally ,oon agrei'l iuponl. A rei,)lltion will bo introllldnyl In the Ilounw to tmorrow by (eon. A. t. Williams, of Michigan, Instructing the .Judliciary Co miittel to ln vi'stilLtfe the Florida fraud, aind eorlnpowedring ,tlhornll to srd for personsn and p Dpei.i.. Theli resolutlion will be burif and tie the point. It will smIIply de'latre thei right of the' pe'ple It knrw tlrh truth, and dliruont tlih Judiiiiary (.rrmmittu Ito aaeertuairn It,. The'l resohlutI)ion Swill be irntroduhil edi ii. iqniestion of priviltge', randl it will recnoive almirnst tIh' i ntiri l sunlpp)ort of the Demlcrat.s. S0illlo arlrlirn -noi mnts may ie offiiril, probtably io ivneilrul Loiuisblina iiitd Soulth (C'arolina, and theiayinaiy be arloptlol; but thh I)erinoiratn who halv' the , ial.tir in hand hiave l icrrncludeuit l that. it THE E'VIIDENE OF" 're lE i LORiIDiA FP'iAT'D is at hanil that Stat, hald Itotteir ih, Inv,.ti gatal first. "Thn, if lnotiiinriv, inqiuiry cian be oxto e rll-,l so IFas to ciuover thl othlehr Statens. (f cou irse the Ibtrpulicalins will att.,mllpt to tbreak ldowrn tlhei risohitll)ii by iicllll'litrg ildhIOll)ZlN(G IN MAflHiSiI'li AND) i TI1u1 H''ATe., t1ait, if the nDmocrats sctarnil t.onigtlh-t r ltll tlhelse -h'llrne. ca+ n be easiy dleflated. 'I'he propositlon to have thi inv,+lti gat ion ,onifldtnld by aI joint. rnrnlrittt', oof thlle two lMisesi was oilj-cteal ti. This plan i1 ial nti, few supportrllsli . in the Ilrst pli' -e, thie ol bjut' is to prjl(iiss thei, inquiry ti ) Ia eonlllluion :Lt early as le)rrsili', and It wru ii rgeKl that if the work ilprlil ledl ullpon the cno-ope!rat.tim of thiu Hu'inateur nInitel), it might ibe purliup9ely dhelayrl. hiudlg Ellll antiaving rnad l dispat'hes an noiiuning that tith Suilpreimei (C'rt utiinllr ltih grant of thli Logitlll.atur ' th 1le New ()Ir leans Pa'lti, ldtalrolvl, htus obtalm41l IL hei ing Ibfore the I'acifite Italrowul C(lminrriltt,i'-n of the Ihouslle nixt Friday, ito make an argiu rmenti in faivor of t.riilansf'lrring t i Ith lceklnli land granlt te the New tOrinans PI'n'cifi. t1,' hits alreirly sauil lri lill oi f f.ihei o)nl rnittex) ()In the subjr'i't and expri's,.s Conii idolni tihat he will be aible to siiour'O lhi trins fur of the land grant.. l1'iei. CONGREW MIONAL. The senate. WAS.lIlNITnoN, May 7. Mr. I)avi, of W'lst Virginia, IprsonteiilI L ri lnelirial igalinlt altly seciitat grant, for laniing ioatm enatii.i. I h firnrril to (Coiurriitt.e on Postoflie lll and Post Mr. lavis, of Illitnisi, iprei,-nteAd-l a miimno rial from iit izon of Illinois in Lfavor of pnii i-)iinriinlg illrvivori o thle Mixionl War. J1e ferrrettl t he : (t)rirrilnitte i on Pensions. Mr. ilarris lpriiiiintIl ri.solutinini of thlie .lMorehantEl.ln' !,x<L1ankL( of N-t-hvillIr, pryilngi for th' rpeal of thi taix i on Stati bank 'iri-ni. Iattlon. lRefi-rr'd to ttii Comuoiitlt'-l ti) F'l Mri. i oar piroint'd I lonmorial aI king na tlioiaiLl ii'riogniitiin of ti* e sruvivou oif (Pn. J.Lumts Hhields. Rlh1f`·rrirl ter tire ('OlnllnlittL'r on Miliitary AITairs. lMr. Morgan pri-r'rentodl a noobntile'" of pe titions for .a !iaint, o)f land iL tln of t" hl, T'fin nla't xll.ei iLd NwI ()r lIn-s Railtroad. Ilr ferr-Id ho the (,uriiiniiit tu o'ni lroads. tMr. iDorsey, froml thei (;ormiittt.o.e on A)ppro pritlLtiions, repol rtl lhii PI istaulltoin atppr'opria tion hill. Ichedl Ion the intlitunoii'. Onii 'ollltiiin f Mlr. Morrill, the cobl-It aiorn rnitt!Leonn i(riisus wasnt,horllltiw'ld t.laL j~toily with the cIae o-lfnii t inicte f thi' th it:ouns. ilMr. Thliriian inot roiluid aL bill to amniind tihe' law in relation to filing theI ir-poril, of the iomInnliin. rs of the Pacuiti' ILt aiiroad. ItRe ferrid it tihe' J udicTiary ( 'Orrnittoe. Mr. Hlowe, fromrn the (U.o)nrnitteoe on Luireign ielatitlons, L ill t) ri gulatei tel he gra.i ic .o)miuniiationst (tw+.'n the Ui-il.4 Ltat.I tunii fiire.igln coutries. Also~, Ia joint res-roitlon rtlatinrl to (ihirtee imrnmtigrtatiion. ]'laced on the calindar. The Hollx# Mr. Marsh, from thei Cornmmiltte (in Military Affairs, ril-orted tarik thie jointi resoluition granlilting the Ieuse of tents to the ' soldiers' re union teo be heild iat D)os Moinens, Iowla. L'Pressed. The regular orlhor was demnanded, and the IHouse rensumIIld I.onrlsideratiotn of the hill to is tablish a permaneant forrn of government for the Distri't of Columbiita. Committee Business. WAsHmINo'ON, May. 7.--The Naval Commit tol to-nday agreed to the report made by Rbp resentative Goode, of Virginia, in favor of M r. Freeman's bill appropriating $. i,,o(i) for a dry dock at League Island. The commit tee, by invitation from the Seoretary of the Navy, will meet him and the heads of bu of the Navy I)epartment this evening, for the purpose of consulting upon the best nmeth.tis to effectively reorganize the navy. 'he IIHous C(ommittee on Indian Affairs to day heard statements by Gen. Hammond, Indian inspector, in reference to the consoli dation of Indian agencies, and appointe. Messr-. Scales, of North Carolina, and St,,w art, of Minnosota, a sub-committee to confer with the Secretary of the Interior and Gen. liammond for the purpose of perfecting a bill looking to such a consolidation. The House Judiciary Comrmittee too-day agreed to report favorably Gen. Butler's bill re-pealing the tenure of ocfle act. Gen. sherman Directed to Preserve Order on the Mexican Border. WASHINIG'roN, May 7. The President has directedl Gen. Sherman to preserve, as far as possible, order on the Mexican border, mak ing, however, the movements and action of his troops subservient to international law. Gen. McOowell's Orders. WASHINOTON, May 7.--Gen. Mec)owll has been instructed to institute vigilant watc.hful ness along the southern border of Arizona and Southern California to prevent violation of the neutrality laws by the Lerdo revolu tionists, and to arrest any parties suspected of congregating on the border for that pur pIse. The Pacific Railroad Funding Act. WAsrHINTON, May 7. -The President has just approved the Pacific: ailroad funding act. The Rival Pacific Roads. W.isrrrINTON, May 7. The Senate, Commit. tee on Military Affairs to-daye snride.rd the bill granting to the Southlern Paiitic Railroad ('ompany the right of way through the Fort Yuma military reservation, and heard argu nients by C. I'. Huntingt.onn ou behalf of the road in favor of the bill. and by ex-Gov. Brown, of Tennessee, on behalf of the Texas Pacific, against the same. Self-Government for the Dlstriet. WASHINGTON, May 7.--The House has pass ed a bill providing for a permanent form of Kovernrnrrrt for. the I+ ltiatril of ('iiurnbin. '[hti rrit.' of tXuI.tL, tllo Ia4 t|i aLt 1 775 orir (aLrh $10i9. ala l tho goe'rnlrrrl goverrlrrr!llt is l4 barl' o01,-haLlf of tihl IXlrn4 u. WHAT MR. MAIAITONTALI, THINKM. Tlden IUndouhltedly Carried iFlorlda. Rlt Hayes Must. Not Hie Dlitulrled. WAN4OINOT'rN. May 7. Mr. Ioverett Sal tonrstall, ,of toItArtt, who, as he risLyay hirnsrelf, went to Flo¢rida at the reIluei'st of lon. A. H. lIewitt, i.s at the .RItigg 11H1u,'. IfI sa.ys his prI'+,ilnc lr hlu(e ia4 ) II4no (C'AYiltl]ti with pIllt, tica lmattAr'.r rid hli r uIinHl's i-i of a1 pIu ret v p)rtvatt R rltllrti . lie, ' xpr'.eaw4od himsrnilf to tJhe flTitet that 0l-orrlrtni wra undoubt'rt viy carrietd forI 'Illdnrr. Iut thlt t l'retident nlayeM' titl is good, u.iaru.d tnl irrifra'gatle, rand it. arhou1d not bIe di+tlurbtd. N'w Eng.ind i)remocrats,, alirnimit, to ita m ,rll,, are of thie arre ll+ ilief. 'Tlhe conlltry wantsH reat, but, (iConIgreas atshouldlll maltki s.iki 'ir prtu'OVisiori that ni ur'hi fraui (i 1 ar oe' r iJgalrr be perlpetrtiatl. The Florida Investliatlon The Matter to (Come Before the House on Monday Next. NEw YoLurr, MILy 7. 'lThe Il;'hfrulrm' i.4 i'hl'l from Washinrgtin awy the proj,.ct' for th. irn ver.ti garitin of iItr, tit l of' Mrr. iiaiv'ia hlla. .et thl id down ti a reaiuolutionl to bie oT'eried in the' I Houi+ next Mionilay, 0inrler ii air mperrlunion of thet' ruha aa;krig forfi l an Invi'tig.ati on tby tihe lltou i Ja IunleIlry (',ornlmirtte,. It Is nut i<0 .ir-il biy lerlnding i)i'rnoreirat toi miake it. aoln Matlirnl affair of Ih irnverit iigatrion, aRiil thov p'rr 'f urr toi r fir it to , lrumh of 1ti e iet bLtilt owIrI < inil lt.tA *a ofr the ilolira. 'l'hi' phlrn for' i. apil atl pint coi'rmmittee Ia favor'ii only by ap.l'i.ll of Mr. Til hun, who wan' to ifllow Ihet in+,stitgationr with mrreaLurn i-a Tifor tihe dlisplhamnunt, of M r. Ilayii. Gov. Tilden Insists Upon an Invetllga tlon of the Florida Fraluds. N Fw Yo1it, May 7. T'hto (Iruph/ir'4' Wairh ingtl.n, atip i' (li i lays: Anr ailrt lgr' lett*er from Han, rril .1. Tilden hi.. LN'ir rei'.v.l II rter, Sayling t hLt Crngru'aa;s will l4 guiil t y of r.lrler't Tof dut y If it (irnA t not. lnvi.vtigat, tilre tI lorila The Lottery and the Malls. WAaHnr'ltrri', Mlty 7. 'Thre, 1'1tma iter (r'n'ral ia not fully artiaftieI wiith thre Atter i.,y 'nerala' illropinion, ant will hr.i'rarr'gumirnt i n Motlay, tire twonttoth, on the trr.nranai arll ,o lottery r'llr'illlirt through tihe Iall4 . Packard Will Accept. Nr1'w 'Yof., May 7. Ther I'Nost'nn Wathing oin ir a 4u1-ial tLy. ,itirl Is no doublt of Iackarlrd arirneptirig thre .ln. lat.'' at Liver'pooil if hir 14 uuolfirrmrrd by tirhe ,'natri. liet was (unv.iulteid iabo ut, itire ILIttaer hi'forti liret i'll 'rrm l toi N w iJlrlrana, itl dia not iiliiate' an unwilllng trn' tio e'ietpt, thie iposlitil, hut. on thre r.n trary . gave . rr ri lll 'ra iT tre ouiniiitration tor umirii,anlird that, Ie would take the ilhrie. A North (Carolina Polltical Riot, Threats of the Negroec. Wr'0cnN, N. C., May 7. At. an ,olitilon riot y,'ateridtry a1 large ct',wd1 of |,1,thl tart ir. irmnlleiitely raushd into. the light arid av Ird pistoals wori preldud,(. J1hn h'Illr'nell, irlo.ret, wrIa ;harot, tlnrouihl itrh nright lung and In thre rimouthir ail Alix. IJlirnl'ettl through.r thie irmr. 'The co'infur.ion wax ai zr4'at 14(irul ai+ mranIy s4h.ta wire lired t hat it it+ rmirlpaibtle to telI who fired the 'f fe'tiv le aotut,. t'urnrlI will dil. tuirnrett i. only li ghtly wonridned. Several others were irnjuredl by unt. anlt bruilea fromr knivea aind 4uhitha. it I, thought thur' will a nol fiirthter Iroul.le. 'tire i n,*i'grm thri'a|iten' to burn tiWr. 'itii Hill, a nigro, aiVa3 ;ivinty-iiv' tri4ir IriLVe ienira ) riworni to ri'' I' uri'ill I' 'l'he I'lrpurli'anrl'i elfrn thie ,litii n, hut thre )u'1r.ruu'rtu lrhLim it ,n thei ground oif r iot alnd Traurl. 'hii' rno'grrnes still retairn tlhir i.lub1 and thr61'uteri to rav.rge tie aimlien ting of It'url'l. Tragedy in a New York Lunatic Aylhum. Nre;w Yorra, May 7. It is a strange. triagedy that was 0'ua.b it.l in the lunatlc Iusyl iu on IIlackwIll's IJsland on Sunday. An inWanie woman stole a. tottlie of ihloroiformr, thinking it, gin mixid with alt', whicrl she is allowed by thie prescription ofr the physicilan, anrid shlareid the crntiiiiot.lin with anot her lunati' and ar pa per. 'Thii two lattl.;r died in coansetquence.,, while the g.n oru'ts gi''er of the treat, wo htelpdd hier frlilndsl no libtrally that litt le left for her self', survived. The 'hlorofo.rrn was taken from the asn-ylum dispens.ary, to which the in volunntary pirisonir, notwlthstanding her in sanit y, was alilowl free asIeis. It is now t hiought that the dispensary dl,rso s.hiuld te kept closed against luinatics, or all medluine pr'seribed ti titemn should be kiept where there is no chlorofornm to1 niix with it., A Peculiar and Terrible Accident, MIF.WArT:KEE, Wis., May 7. -About nufn to day a horrible atrIldent halppenied onl board thei schoorner ( ueen City, at. elievator E. The yves s1l . was tbing mnoored at the eulevator for the pullrpose of taking on a cargo of wheat, and while In the act of making her fast, a .ea man, named William Koopi, had one ,of his first caught in the brlight of a mooring llue and literally torn from its .socket. 'Ih,, line had such a firm hold of the young manr's leg that even the btoot, a new one, was rent In twain, that portion covering the fioot keepirug comrnpany with the seversl member, while the rrnmainder encased the ankle as usual. The injured man was brought down the river on a tug, and afteirward sent, to St. Mary's Ilos pital. It Is said he risildes In Buffalo, N. Y. Mining Troubles in Illlnols. lIEL.r.EVibnraE, Ill., May 7. -Seriouu appre hensions are felt that the trouble in the coal mines in this neighborhoxol, where nearly 4001) miners are on a strike, will end In scenes of violence, and this feeling has been greatly aggravatesd by the discovery that cornmmnulst agents from St. Louis have been among the miners, counseling thrm to remain firm and enforce their rights. The strike has been in operation for three weeks, and originated In a demand for increased pay or for living wagers. The coal operators have hisn paying the men from one to one and a half .cents ler bushel, and at this rate the men assert that they cannot live. They also say that the operators have cheated thern in various ways. Extensive Iron Furnace Deasroyed by FIre. PIrrT.rnt-ro, May 7.- A ''l(.o(graph special from Leetonia, Ohio, says the extensive (rafton ron furnace at that place was to tally destroyed by fire at 2 a. m. to-day. Loss $75,010. One hundreid and seventy-flve rmen are thrown ,uit of ,employment. The fire! started in the engine room. The works will be rebuilt at once. An Interesting Lawsuit. Sr.rNoxranD, Ill., May 7.- In the Unitedl States Court this mnorning a spu:ial jury was irnpanelld in the of the Mount Vernon, Ill., National Bank vs. Adams Express Com pany for the recovery of $sXU), lost while in charge of the :ompany. The case: attracts considerahble attention. A Mexlcan Consplracy Overthrown. SAN ANTONIo, Texas, May 7. -Advies-s from the State' of Chihuahua are to the effect that on the sixtenth ultimo an attmrnpi to arrest (ov. Tries, the Diaz incurnbint, was susp" ted, and fifteen conspirator- wuere ar rested. The Four and a Half Per Cents. NEw Yorm, May 7.--The syndicate to-day anticipatild their July option to take $5.o',i, 000 of 4 : per cent bends. This makes ?25.1 0. 000 taken since April 11, or one-half the total amount bargained for to be at their disposal during the year. The Cburiar du Teche does not like the ap pearance of the seed cane in the Attakapase. Ti I E I, I'F I I s. CAPT. EADI W 16tHEo a TO RE REI1EAMED FROM lHIi CONTRACT. He Contend% That Twenty-aive Feet is a Mumfelent Depth of Water, and Asks to be Relieved From HIl Ollrsation to Aecure 'Ihirty Feet on the Bar at outlh Pass. WAs.IitrNrroN, May 7. Capt. FEnis I here from New Orleans, aniid it. is untder.Aioxl he' is tryling to scun:ire his release from the jetf,ty colntract to rerliove th. 'anld bar anld openi thel exit arnd extrance of the moutih of the MI sls xlppl. 'Ihe ontract't awardled him sewveral yearst ago for a i'.irtaini s~i pie:il large surn of rroiiy, wsr mi llions o whilih have alrIeady htsn paid blm, Is thait, h shall make a pie.rlnallnt, channelr of tiirt.y feIt througlKh the " dItal. IHe now represerilt u that, It is liunne: snstry to ijtiake the chrrrrnel so deep, andi to riiu ilren him to dioo woildl be' oppressive. ien dlelai.rme that twentiy-live fli't, of water is ample. aindi wies the iontriat ioiiilied ai 'ordigl'. WEATHER AND RIVERM. Yesterday's Tenmperature. The sIgnal ser-vli7 telegraphic: reports from other poirnts, datiAl at 3:43 p. mn., give te term iperatu r rIe fol lows : Cairo 7ii (Cincrlnrnat 7'. Davenport lI, Du buqiui s, dalvestorn 77, Indianola 76, Knokuk 72, L;acrosse ,, Leavenworth 79, Louliville 47, MemphIs 7', NashvIlle HI New Orleans Nl , Omaha Q;, Pittsburg 79, HhroMverort 79 Ht. Louis 7:, Ht. lPaul (e., Vicr:ksurg HI, Yankton ':2, Augusta 5.,, Corsle'nria 84, Key West 10, Mo bile K:, Montgomery Pi, Havarnnah S,. lrage of the Rivers. Daily tellri.phle report of the rtageo of water at, vatriou,, poiltis, with i changes in the 24 hoius endilug ye.sterday at 3 p. mIn,: Absovf lowve rh e lanun 8tations. wAir.ow hanm VFolt.. Inbh. Fret. Irnih. Caro ....2 4 ti 4 Cininnaitl. 10' to 2 h)ii.iiugue t . t .i iO I I iki ik .... ii I i i . :I 9 I I Lei veni worth 12 1:: i 4 Augusta . . 4 it 10 Louinvlll- 10 4 t ll ompDhl ....- 27 i ;I r, Nishvilll, . . ;o 7 New Orleans II .i ti I ()mrnlthL 12 tI ;i PittshIur (; 40 i Hhrevrrveor 7 iO r t. Loul .... 1 to) : mt. Plal to : Vlkiclburg so ; iit 2 *1l2low high witir mark of 1x71. Intdici':aes rise. I Indi,'ites full. Local Observations. 'Correeted dailLy by L. Frigor'i. No. 7r, Chartroe streeut.) Tu''leday, May 7 8 a. m. 2 p. m. 6 p. m. Therimonr eter 71 5. o .Baromrn toer........ :.i.I :0.1i :10,00 Weather fair. P'revailing windy Hoith and ei :st, soluttih litrit. RURRIAN PRIVATEERI NG. That Mysterloms Party Agailn- Further Conjectures as to Their Intentions and Their Connection With the Pril vateer Acheme. N o.w YORlK IMay 7 Ac anrlorurled' yesti-r day, In at di-.ltatlh frori lhaltirnioie, three spe c:ial agents of the r bItIIIiarmi governm.lrentarrj vedl ion the st'ariship GIi'rlania from Liverpool May s, anid iproci.edl. at. onru, about their )liitiiness, whiih is betili(ve.l by lheie herst in formedl to t. r':lalti v' to, raisriactinrig the pur hasiLw: rid fitting outl of 'it i v.ssels for privatee.r iig. These I hr'"" igets were Capt. Grippern berg, of thel, Russiai navy, brothir of Cirnt (Grippenberg, now on board the Cirubria, and holding, as it is ,generally pr."sumernl, ,,aleitl orders of the ICunl.ian g'j o vernrnrenrt in regard t/, operations from here, i. W. Hunt, of os ton, who has spent 'tiIne tilme in uPissia arild -xeiuti:d ,i'e--ral irin lurltat rcontracts for lthe Czar, and nPaId l';fler -ron of G(;en. I3. F. Butler, who, It is alliyt'l, staInds high In the elontl l, of the Ii J-;an giov.'rnrnent. A reipiorter esall,' at thle Everett Iflouse and with the aid of the elirk interpreted the entry on the registerr 1for HitirdAy last ,of W. Me Katy a .n wo friens,of P'hiilele:lphla, to mean Wrn. McKay.. son of great shiip buil der of lstiOn, )Donald M"Kay; Capt. A. Grippen berg anrd H. W. Hunt. Paul Butler signed his inarle In full underillat.hi. The latter remainedln hiehlnd, whlle t he former party prroce.iedl on the night, train to Washington. 'heir sudden I:ave-taking of New Yiork was said to S(e on ar (count, of it di'patch from the JIRusslan rmninln.ter Ii Washinetirn. It was I(noticedl dur ing the voyage to, Nw York that Capt. Grip pntierg, Mr. Hunt and Butler were on- stantly together, and their relations to the Itussiarin governmenn t were such that there is hardly any doubt but that the schemre of pri vaterring is monre or lios in their hands. A Rtrssian has innspri,:-bl the: Havana steam vessels, averaginr g f.Iirteren knlots an hour, which with slight changes would make quite formridabile privatt''.rs, as llcnnh s) as the Ala bama or Flrida. THE BAAIS OF CONTINUED PEACE. What the Powers Will Demand of Rus sla-If Accepted, War Will Be Averted. LONDON, May 7. The p:ace feeling Is gain Ing in England. It is believed that diplo macy will settle the Eastern question. fTie powers have agreedl upon the basis of the ar rangement wnlih will he submitted to the Czar, and if ae'-,pted there will be no war. The arrangement comprises five divisions: 1. The powers propose that the two re glonf of Bulgaria situated north of the Bal kans shall Nt conceled to Russia. The south ern portion of Bulgaria shall remain to a great. extent under the authority of the Sul tan. The northern area, which is to b. e~leed, has been for some, time past semi-indepen dent, although nominally under Turkish rule. 2. The Asiatic compensations shall be re duced to a minimum. The third relates to the straits, and will be arranged hereafter, when more important issues are successfully disposel of. 4. Demands a detinite settlement of the war indemnity. h . Proposes that The.saly and Epinrs shall have the right of self-governmient, thus se curing for them the protection of Europe and their national independence. The pear: congress has reisumed activity. THOSE IRIH INVADERS. The Number Ready to Go to Canada Now Placed at 90,000 Well-armed Men. ITBFFALO, N. Y., May 7. The telegram from this city relative to a contempleted Fe nian invasion of Canada in the event o,f war between England and Russia, created con siderable '-niation here. Many discredit any such Quixotic scheme, but in an interview with some of the leading Irish residenrts the fact has been, beyond doubt, that such an lnvasion will be attertmpt.ld, and al-, that there area large number of mrnn drilling nightly in various localities of this city and other cities, and when the time comres for ac tion there will be a force fully competent to strike a decid.d blow, well armedr and equiopedx with tree most improved weapons of warfare. It is their d.e-ign to prevent a repe tition of the abortive invasion of 5I ;, and the attempt will not be made until everything is in readiness for success. Some estimate the force actually drilling at 90,000 men throughout the country. One of the most influential Irlebman of this eity states that it is the intention of tbe Irish men, in thi event otf bel,w.ol IEnglanll and ti iusil, I)to preventl, (anrsia from ont1rib tinig any aid to Englanwl. I-re'.' of . rms woulll tiw r'esortlil tI toI prievrt. thit. A new rlirpany hoI Iiuitly bhrn rri.wl heor. 'ITheir airms antd quilpmriiit .l ti ir, shilpjwdl from New York. Prire of illvrr In london. I oN nov, May 7. itar 5ilver votAdl 1/i iai 53 :i. p4r mnairit; (vWsel h9;:i 5. MARINE NRWM. Por E4l t. May 7, r, L. m. Wind .iout.bast light. Weather cloudly. Arrivod: Norwe..lan hark ,ivlngvtione,. how It- mrraster, rn daVs from 1Havre, in ballat rto, muaster. No d.+Iartnrrn. Hou'rrrwiwr PAnH, May 7, 1 p. m. IlrlrT]rn.+l0r 7i 75. Wild f'soultn ait,h h frsl-h, Wet tho" ,ir; J vy. No arrivals or lenlarhtris. Connt Mchonvaloff' Mleslon. LOr7qiDoo, May 7. 'ThII msl.anion of c(ullnt H(:houvalo.t to HI,. I'etrs, r.g. it, is .itatAl, is to explain to the (,iCr the pl,iitiori taken by Eng larnd, ani to coxrvinr, hipr that Englail is dretrrr intuIl not, to give way or relirnquish iher deunnlrs, 'Ithore is Ia sanguinr fl fling hero that tLu, mifniion will rsult in ,ecI:luring The Themmallan Inurrrerrlon auppressed Throulh Brilltsh nfluence. LrN-inoo, Man.y 7. Itiruter ftu*Iigramrn rrom MlAt4xlo1nia,. ' rir.ns al n arid tlriurigh trrit , iiririellnt thatr , the ttritlih cirnsul' ha-tivo - diploirau.y. 'Tlhe insuirgent. retain their ;,rnn, in lriti. t I What the Journal of .i. reteraburg Thlnks of it. Tr. f'i'rrPnrtr,.yt, May 7. T'he .hntr'ral.dIi. I,. I'Hit'Iterffru ays; Thu prropir int.rirs.ta ,tion tiio give to (riuntr Hitlionvaloff'Ts visit, to this :Ity, is that Anglo- lrussi.,in rlnegotlatlonr have entorul+ a more trinine pLIhase. Round for Malta. IoNooN, May 7. In thti Itilis oif ('mrn rrions, this afterfoon, Sir Htlaffolrd Northr uite nrnfirimrirl tlhe statrmrl(ent, that. the ideostiati',rt of the , [illirn tritops waas Malta. The Clmhria. ErsHWorrIr, Mass., Mal.y 7. 'rt s: ra.b.ard thu, Cirrniia ar st ill retir4.,r.. Nothinr. of their future infrtntionri "anrl I,- IisLrrel,. Trh oflo.x:rs rnake Inqluilrioes r.Kgardling other ports on the roast, but it Is, htli+iv+idl this is merely Intir.d~lrd as a. bililnd. Courmt, Alex Jeff left, on th'e st5artmer iLewiston, it. 5s kwliiived for tI + fIon, yesterday. An FAlltor in Lurk. Nrw Vor's, May 7. io. -ton-,,, 'ditr of thet Niw York Timulu, was to-dh ay appoinIted by Mayor Ely (1a a poli commiissioer. THE IG.lNAL, NERVICE. A Report from the Military Committee a* to Its Elmclency. IWashingtogn I'Pat.l Rel'pr'ns'rintatlive Clark, ,of New Jersey, iif the Ilouse Military (tor.rnittiw, ter whom wari referred a resolution of January lanst, '.charu ing the signal servirce with irltl ictrve:7y ancr. e.xtravaganrl of managemenrlt, aril directing an innrsiry whether this wsrvi (lili could not b e 'onsiolidate(l with the ,.ast , survey arnd the life-savlrig rer-vie4t with ualvanrtag.. tor the putb lie int.'r+ist, yPestrdahy .ubmit rt.ld a report to) the Military Cornmmrnitter. Mr. (Clark, after a thorrough examnllation,l, finds that, thb. waiurt:i4 iH both l+lici:ent and .',, ; that it is, growlrig In popularity, as is shown by thi, fact, f.that, dinec his irnquiry tntrn,.nre4d btill, for thirtre'n additional Htatiorlns i(n Stparati, SHtati have; tY4 n inti rtr'l trld in th, Hoe llu+i. that -a. far ats app.,lrs' from, the ,:vierncie, the-re is no re.asIon for its rinso,lidatiron with the otheir ldepartrhments narriow, and that whl 1, the ~ wrvielo is (apatl+e of ihprn.verntr.rt and its extraitiin Is (tii raible, 'and I urged by the chief signat offi:er, eP'4i.ially for the benefit, of the fairrilni' ,',rn u4ity, this is Iryposiile with thei naprropriatiorin now aIvailabl e. T'he HSre:t:ary of War has ask. d for ran a,propria tion of :+45,(fWX). A rimrnorial signe.d by rop res.ri)ttatlv,,of all thb, ,'if-anr stamr.ship ard marlrin, illn iranie (r 'pan llari. s hulk been al dr,.ss..l to Ifloi. A. H. Ifewitt, iaski.K tng m ti) Ia;,-r iiPnra- l aporoolriatioii. .. . .. b ,W-- ........--- COMMUNIINT IN WASHINGTON. A MtranKe Activity Among Workmen, and Whlapers of a EGreat Strike Heard. iN. Y. Tribune.l WAsrrr(ao',;o May . -A rnmutrirou, rirtiv ity among 'he laboirit,r rrr, of 1 he' j.istrig:t of Columbla is '.lirtd - it, have b,'r.n ',bserve4 within the, past. few we-k.. ,k f-w ago, it, sl said, a representative from ,some Western laboring men s organizationi vi:sited! W'ahing ton andr held (OriSltatiois with the leadlling of fltereof trades unions here as well as. with the leaders of organi:,'ation rof :olore'd rram. It is reported that he informril therm of an impend ing strike to be startredl about next A iguist, and advised them to prepare for particlpating in It. The presence of sui'h an agent in Wash ington and the renewedl acti vity of the work ingmen's associations alreawly referred to have given rise to s me rather -e:nsational repoxrts. For instance, it is asserted that military companies have b,,'n formed; arms. have been procured, and fr'sequent drrlls have taken place. A crowd of white and t,lac:k latborers congregated in the vicinity of the City Hall lto-day, and sorte of their number have tbeen heard to use very violent language; threatening, in fac:t, that if they are not re. lievsl before the Bummer pan .,, foreible rneasure.s, resulting in the delt.r ctior , f the public property, will result. As to Reduclnglthe Arrn). iN. Y. World.] WAHrrINc;TOu. May 3. Mr. Ifwitt g,-, ;,rn engaged for three wetks spSt ir preparing the army appropriation bill for a:t;on by the Comrnlittvt on Aplpropriatio,ns 'I .e work has tbeen exe4edingly laborious, and Mr. I:an ning's bill for the reorganization of the army has tb.en iirorporatel In the army appropria tion bill alid the estlriate-. ,.".. hadJ to be prepared in arccordanrce with the plan of reor ganization. Mr. Hewitt ropl-etetl his= labors to-day, and a sut.-ornm itte. will next on rlder the bill and report it to the full ,:ornmrnt tee. Mr. Hewitt says that the bill, if :vopted as preparel will e.ffTat a saving of over $4,r.0),ro. It I s estimated that the present army of 25, iO men carries 17,I.i, mu-kets. The new bill provides that 22. O rnmen .hall support the samrne number of arm- . Mr. Hewitt believ's that the r,,l,,tion ir. n.mrn btrs will tend to increase rather than impair the effectivenesss of the-, -;ev. ft i. very doubtful, however, If the bill red'irL, the army can be passed. The Lottery t ompany. !St. Mary Enter r: e.; Charlie Howard has ,-en in WV; i- tom often and lung this spring, and te .r it of the whole matter 1s that the Att.irn'v (Ger eral of the United States thinks he isa mucr:h injured man, and is going to render his opinion favoring the gigantic -w:and'.e of Louisiana. Now some of ,our ou ra-r;ors- er.a tive confreres may say, arnd do .ay, that we are not moderate when we stu.rtl;atiz,: thin lottery as an outrage on our ,ri-:lzati:r arnd ad varncement, when we d.rf.irunie trie re croanr;y to duty on the part of thi f. ulatr of Louisiana, who not only r.legi,tŽf.'t bt r. - fusel to repeal the act cri.atina'g and stil! more are we non-Conervative when w: say now that the Attorney General of the Urnititl States has eomne within the shadow ',i the great swindle himselt and is unlit fogr t..: high office he now holds. Xeost &: handon cannot be s.rpa.sed,