Newspaper Page Text
DAILY ]DEMOCRAT. OMicial Journal of the State of Louisiana. Offlisi Journal of the City of New Orleans. (OCte, 109 Giravler Street. GEORGE W. DUPRE A CO., PROPRTU TOR8. fLIEOtR W. DUPRH,, ®. J. TItARRMY, JOHN AUOIURTIN, Ar,ltEiT (C. JANIN. JA TEH OF ,HII./(JRII'1' I1N: The Daily Demoorat. On.. Yar ..... $12 O0 Fit Month ....... .. OO '~ ',r'n Montl ,- 8 0* totn Month .. oo10 J'ottain,, on, n 0oo 'Pynlh{" Inl Advanco. The Weekly Democrat. *Thn W,,orkly I)ho'v rnt' , in Itnragn ttght i .. lf. pqt"t , will th fur,ithid to t.,hn'ibw irs at ti' following rntls: Onn Yoar ...... .1 00 Elx Montth ... .. I .o Thron Monthi 10 O Prmt,wlqn... 20 l'o , larayil, In A'lvtnt ro. B. 3J.. EAItHEY ............... . .EDOTon. INEW OEIEANS, MAW ri. I4.IR. Ily and fly." If he dispIlays ino mnlh imio efT,,' be when he ompes In moiuln 1, witlh thn lntavtl'.. re,,it v ' 'T'h' a.ll Iof Mr..John A. AMorris in lIillingi' I'nitwlh Miaas (-' u t. to ovani the paymenti of ia justi1 anil Iaind lol mna 4 Is i, . tho cliplltal of ItIl -Lot.tery ('iuliani'. will reive ' ful nnIl propler illnsidratlion i , (iI olumnsIIII of the I)Iu;mm $n Ir to-morrow. I was brought tI. nor at, I 'ntion too late 1i rcefive' pnroper atten iM(nll. Ihd mttanieshliipi it Ni of ito (il .liituitrio, the pil1ne er Whip of I I) iiniteul Mdtat.w and ira allian Li4ln. lI. f NoI w Y-ork orn 'her flirst voyaLgn lastl Hitlut.llay, iith an inni(.enl i'arglio of .i(our andl assorted l o rirnclllianIl and l fair list of pRRassil'grs I lla liune of tmlinislips 1i4 ii-tabllihdl in p,',il irlnc of a (lni.,raietl iH'! I woon Mr. JIhn Il ih' h, l ihiladelp'hia ship Ildelih'r, nldi tl' Elmperor )lm Pellll' . Shle will hl followeid l h the (ity of I'eru. whlich will ti. l .l ne I. n wars that. lill 11 'hielounry diev.4op ilnto anlly thing at nil, wi ir dii 'l.iiuvl tI iha vi n lively hsummer iof t. T'il i' iIs lithe (!Irni'rin lff ther alloit if all ini Ch Russian h i'ents piiir chasing o a st l . 11l1"rs n) lh at, i ( n)nl ; tllthJ| thlwlh, onell Veninllan in v' ion i II" 1l ()onlrnion frlii Juffal(; itting hull hoa..vering oh ,IIhe north' Granle, lsbay nothing of tliii *ililruiy dil vtarious NorIhlin tiiiis. If out of eil thise Isw(lls of (lllth i IIrel giving their mi lns oI the noble pus. l l itti ti. ll IaII i ill l 'till'le. tlIe' lives of nli aind lIhi' older Weller. The 'Tally-hu' coach isi ai regular institutioin he woeen New York i.nd 1 ladeition hliIi, and Col. ).l,iancey nil io is now hopefully ngagtedl in the pilous . ,Tli tliH tiSrlfy L9 inc('redulouslit world thatl a lllan cin dirive a stag anild nlot "c.s.t." Later on. even as tlhe pj.iahi eieamniil folloiw that of thle strawblerry iortake, thel, iuisltnlt yiouthii f tihe m.etropiilis will idon his corduroys and al(f out his houn dtll l u.llrsuell to eartlh the wily alind ferocious lllltnnli, H -vv5l W', Invite spiehil attlntion t.o the t'ltgi am w plrint in tlil' proper columnh friom (ien. Newewll. .The idispatch of IAiut. (ho, inciludledvi in (ell. Sewell's dlisllpatch, is ceitit;nly an ex the commianilder of this department to forbid oft het officers i ir tuoti of the army ti testlify ill this camie? Ilan tlhi armiy taken the reputatlion of Mr. ilhuri, andi his ncliiili n.n and spe i in ulor its espehll'l'' 'Thii is a mattUr which intireits tie wholi iountry and will probably ritv'ive thie atithlion of ('ungress. Wi' lthlightL the lday of militall ry donmiinani over thle civil auithit iv hadii pa.tedi. W1' thi , I lre nut,, hI suiiu' mi. take here'. Superinlon ne 'itt I 4it ieit i' tin' (hi of . the i ie ti )hPlrln~'~ t ,i'gi l'itjii i 1141W 4' 4fiig4'4Iiii ii II II'''11 f 1inIei 1 i t tg II I p 'tI'i. Ie tnos, tk I ut.g 4le eI(0 844 pei'IntenlHl wll·ith e lrlrt~rl e light- 1; prlh(o snike to re"oilitiltil'.' ith I glu nl arriti gelne.'itt that ity. A sipecitil to Ith (7cinitct~ i tll·. 4 ane rcfo ·ltl thus dt; Ii:,e of hi in vent-ton'll~n~, of two noigo.'' like t lilIIIIn the 1 lIi'' niar14 iI o11i1414. miiildway tIItIWeei lviii41h iii ii. r nrt41viii)! whe11e.I (I ilt l t ih-4 are pla et Coils of wivir, arranged iii b.,ii - 11,1(1is il equal~i (I i1tttneiel'14 ap1a.. '1114' wheil lit4 11.14141 with tli 41aft. tions, in col'ni-t 'i " wit iiL thu.40 1 ll ii , gon.. rates itil .1st) ii~ ii V 4t iicic is Il ion ioinn OIl plainly at at 41151t.ti.'i.1f thIrty otls1 iure'. A light, at th 114 lerl4i(11'I tilIO that would luII iniate St. .i1)14 or I.litolh arbo 1114r1r, c411 lre thro44wn fioili11 she ar1rs I ake Mi1ohI gan. On- -.'x.iiiiig tlls wee'k Al r. Karroo tulll'4 the r111e ten" of Ilk light. In th Ihe mc I ion of Lawudale. and h by ? it, ill that p sit-ion during t(ht ihe -yeuu'tIr,; eef site hour. I'ho larkn ts o t illhe ItoWi is avelln 1 4 from t11e Wllthl'i 14V1ks. It is I',. it ttle (1 thagt (10 efltric, 1igh'1 Ii illlimnt l)1) arehis of flaur will 111411 igllgV light. thii whtle city. to 410 of 4411 )!as j.. 1'1h1 woldl (t till eily $3i0tlot0 pe4r yel '1 against $2I7thstji, whi t I lilt yealr._________________ 14 apr4 ei1l'5 (11)nv day s ago,0 111111 1-1)(1 a l1i1144l wa 1i114i' yi 1111' wilil, weird l-tInriI1 (of ii ighwaym, ili111 hey 11a4d read in till var ius. of crimn'. 'lilly WI 'it iliou~t it iii a48 ex tl'41i114' Y r1141cal anit 11U11 e(ss like in linne4r. A regula111r (,outl ral't. it was4 foundI, had.4 he i'i drawvu up, by 144 ii 111 tll)th nieiluli'r o (1' till order pled4ged4 I e~ii'll'l''4 to 14 life oIf bulr giary 14ni1 highwaly robbliery; Iloik Weri4 pe ~ i ill w414ic11 Lult 14c4X)nts of thle Operatious oi Ut.t' ganig werei kept, 4'41ch iitemnt.Ir be'ing cII'Iitdd with the( mIotley oir goads stolen by hint1. The story told 13' Major ,Jones, Coilinlf'lfdI' (if the Texa~s Ibangerl4, who has juat Ileniiull-, v.'est~gatiitg the41l4te mail roibberies In North erT. Texas, is almiotit 418 strange as that of the "Order of Buiglars." Major Jones has dis *o-ov ered the men engaged to these robberies to be Base, 8potswood, Jackson, Barnes, Johnson, Underwood, Pipes and Horndon. Bass is really the chief and leader in the en terprise, the others being mire employeee of his. Having anmasend quite a large sum of Honlley by his former robhrlc8, Blass sele to have ionceiv'%i the idelo of going ilnti the trai robbery business oin lthe wholesale. He i,,eordingly engnged. t he other men for thi buslinness paying thiem regular salaries, arind payng ar well ll the iiither exlperlxes of thie enterprise, he taking in return all the eheani4, a(nd I lie swawg, In fine, he wenlt linto these robberi ies In l most., blmsiness like way. 5sppl) yiing all the neiver,a.ry capital and lem iplo(ying qu'llb a nu, ber of nlll n In it. Major .Joniwthinks that liass Ia an nld han at the businiessa a nd ait riributoes to him the rh binry if the Fort, Worth stageti last, year. ''h.e' rangeis have pretty wol ,b'l ,i the Ilystii ry or those train rolblohwJ, aw have alrealdy 1r rsteid four oi the priiiipiii aid five mi t he nieissoiaim engagimn in them. They tope to ,i tIihe whole in a very short. whil wIlI 1 _ _ A WORD TO OUR REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRE 8. yP'1 4',rlii3' a'v'iiiing l ic atJliii'I IIii f foll owing : WA1PIIINIip i1N, lIla' Ihi I'i14tilo4t1r (.pI 'rspl s not. hiltv opt114114 wIth $if# A tl+l' iiiy (I iil'rlIi Ia4 opin ion, 1.t11 wilt hloiar arguli meip' on M 4ill 4l1ii 11i yth I , wool 11 hi, 011 4ll 1.1iini'IPt411iono Ii tlljiIii ll i.x''Il ivs thr ' llgh t. oi'y I e'noriI, iilrat Iv I, tliii' lawxv foriri ldi hg It ii'' I'ri-ti l a ittll y lid inode nt, ll iil.toirl lii ri ngh I.11 mails wii eHlPv1(4iv 811 IIii pIlantia4 fiaet ry, It, 1(PlwlR i 4l4 l ti' Ppe P1Ht,1i11414tri I( 'i11 JI'lili rv'P Piyi nu li resi t, 14111 tTI litt~ln' Hlix 'lpipp11414114sIL filwArI hicih dw'PiptIIPIpt4r I rn1 /'r 1Ke'y, tho'gginiglp thit, tih' law llifI r1iip Ir tibt. DI r. h elIwi 140i411r14 tF haivi s tii roiighIl' Itplihle l iP if II (llls 'iof t i in't. ari afral i top 01(1411('(' any law, however Ha· tlrutat'iyll cvcel th1-n8 *·lten to interfea'; o with it. 'i' hr11 '11141,- 11 lfHti14IP'i ( OIiopral W1iI thP oiiion f itiift ip A:t. Itiirley (1011 1rnp'z-a ordejP pil rinPg the''li liedira HtI 1,1110tio I'4' hoar'rtn 10p1iout. Tlhii Att~oroix' (Inn-l 'rtel, havInigti lpll'p -' oii by Dlr. Howardpli oinl 1114 ii'it'l, vid l t U) I iLtillgtiil, gi veny aI 1 1 i'Vi.141 VI' anrd! Mr, Ipi-pig Initgi mild and genitl soul, Ihnot. lit1141i''PI, andll prPlpiv'l4 i,( hiioar a4 11th11,1 v'ntng ( thg plas li1 tipi tilliig ttppplpp wilth iti I '1'1141.0 1IS Himlltitlig quilt.' PI1k14t,1ruou-fih i I gi ii'rlf~ivR liplt tat P Plii9ili11 j Ilit i ol. 1~411.111 ar'. 1.lpi. hfitatiip 1(l' atllligt hu1lin pt MtIhtFi-, hi' aovllr n ,11'ipthir ('1llt 11)4100 a iju' ai t xvtt1ti lawi taip llt is awi niutlieg m ling 14 til Il'4. x 111114 1114 14l!1,41 pir'tvlg'i3 giili (II( 'it'jlI14 InP vI oaiotn (It, th. FederalhI14 Iii 1 i4t11 i liaw; of all th etherti1:1te1H, lood.,the l lultrvwith gintl ellgo ut tlitati ', 1nlrei-ji'.cly h n oxn :ir Ire 1,111441 in Washingtonr~r~; itw isnt sa lsrcsita, (111114 4Jlrr t) thu iiI14IIili I; it is a 11111 tI i wh l i 1113 I I goodu tlP'i1t of tlhl e N ili'I lespecIaltiy 14 ver)'t . it))111i1 114141(1., is de lplyil ttjil' IN 1 t h teii ('llb ine'l- oT :I ialH, and (II''~ Iott-try monopolysi i htalslspelnt, 11 thm culll'ofiii J..111' to employ. Iu 11441114 nl t Il188)41 in4141i I ig tii)' 1,t r liesrn ' I itll The1alO pIpIariio, wep1 Lullois iati 1,)111)1% comlipai atn 1IdpRrli th )e 411'tletit louis'P i Lat.P i Po1(tmacstlfilcr (;'enorarrl on thel twentirth instant,. 1 Who 1is toi furnlish lift ep' or twenty thoustndI I dlollarNs toI l1loy itllflyneys to stini11 the i hoinor and (114'0e9ofy pth1111 S4iitat in thi1s trial,.. I '[here I'fiP no non toP (rgan~ize thud IPpreseont the' (1441 of olur 1pN111I. oR1 plle4.q our IUJriMenh iPolvr4 I flu ('iin l.tporcuii (to ) inoi; l and th thely3 shoilld dlo I frilly 11111 fp'arliuy. 110111(4, we know of no I Ihightr 1411rvh11'e i41111OI II4,114 1.114 andfourI Ih-pr' I (1?111, ~l1() ill the,~ Iowe~llr 114414(', 4Hp ctr ay Ni "vfra. ( Nil~llll an1 Elis1, 141111,1 tplois 1 11,(tO, I Ilei inolp it4ii a1111l expecPt this s1'c- P vIne (i tlonllu tl' i o1o4titii''ll tiu anal414 - P poo1 1, '1t41 oin'take up til'A (i4t40 1 n thi (l14r411 ; 1,111 Iniia na ap t1' ,ll ittel'13'; hiuow it 1119 (i i'_ lpativti'ur pcIil.l1'$ Iiw It 111.l4i'gu lod and111 1 I14141,111 buegllln g tho~tlianili o (Pnl pIPP/pI' (Pill ofl~t their I11,1ti earning; and leaching Lrl to NuP'ililiplu telurloyers;tipil 1ob thep) )')11p41 rilaiI'i .1. I) t. buighti it. chateI through a. rlt- I t1l1I1'41 1~g41111,11 rp ho1w, un fdel' an1 illffamousil law. 111144 Iiillri4oliIl1 A 1h1pIP'LlIn 1It~i~ll' aitbouppi theIp 1141.' I i'giN1I iti I' Igainl it ttii itlll' n.140t.14 of U1.0( publ~lic 11nd1 howp, ihl p'llupinIutl~n with opther 1111'rar and11 pin 4o lP)Il 11, p1IH11 irpryIling,,,ut 1 via4; huo' it is now olrgani zing fo r theo pur111:' IN' 'Pity ill it.s Pown illt'.re'4114 Iindl toy 11,4 henchmenlp'l 11111 p1mp I f ~4it the npst ITLegisalPtuhre' 1,o4 p'rpp'-P bois!it.1,4 piIrnli~iI1 poil r all~' e411pxtend~ its dp-p. if )l'41''4414. Eus1tis, FIIIN and1 G'114ibs, and we m1a1y will1 ltoplpI'.t1p11. EIsnui an1d1 Au'kll'n, sh1al1l: Luke III( ths111 c11141 and1 nprl'IPIu14t the1 pnl(pI4 ut' 1.11114 Ntutt' Ibp'torp till At~torn"'y ('np'ral 1a1nd II SIre I 'iu1til14Ntl'r (I 11P11al.l on the1 twxvnth'ttl iln- 1 "'Th, s.chltool statistics of South Carollin o ught to be road by the rampant Northern 1 uilicUa . Theroe sttatisticH show that 45,111 r white and 55,592 colorod childlren attended the, public schools of the l'almetto State loat r year; that is, there are 9148 more .oloredl children enjoying the advantlgee of the pub lic schools in South Carolina than there are a white children. Of the teachers, 1225 are white and 949 colored. In this State also, 3 outside of the city, the colored children at- I tending the public schools are in considerable excess over the white children. This is not to be at tributedl to the fnact that the poorer classes of whites do not care to send their children to the public scho ls. blilt rather to the fact that the negroes are gorier ally densely along outlr mail rivers allnd bayious, and are t herefore nearer the sc(hool-hittosi, while tthe whiteu popiulatiion is .n(atlltl' oiver the entire Sta te. 'I'o say that the intg Made to the .l ored liti' tllo dinng tt"he last, canipaignl in refIrlereic ' to t plltolic sAl' hols havlivoe bo kilept, Is s'tarcelo t14 tll the whtole triuth. 'lithe factl is, Ithat lithei-i aire aemare 'dolred itiltir''ii enjoyiiing I hIs advalnt.tge of the plllit' schi'.ools int Sout li (Carolinall and rillral Lousllllhla R -ilday than white chlildrenl. lillthoigh the wh!ite po lev l i, most wholly support t he plill chr s olii siI. THE RESUMPTION ACT. 'flitI tl ),' i'i'au ii n piln f n14' 1'1' li st444% 4 In - aft er it long4. l(4l4J 41411 ii,. Is. III t.ln Mos 7.4117 i a ' Il4'a ii~l' thing. no stint, mn will 1,'niy lt tInt a,14' g444'ille' 441 t~he4 lilit,4'4 ifntrta RJh()111l, 111111'r P'yisfingC cirl'(llrlY htn,''(' In tfhft '44114i' 14. p4i4414i in4 Ifs. 4'tIi4'4 4 t1'4 1e44 )111, specie payc1rtl~itrl on the first ofi~ I amutriin 44h~ tl.4ti'. 1n 'i44I44. 444 11,44 4t.1'444 14Ullir~ 4'4441\1' 44;44'i4.((:' l'1'Y 44ll'41,,4 44 t.Jll tI Mt. 1' Irnl r 14141'. 44744 44 4i'4 l~44 4prloitio444 tI l4 ithehe ,t.ll'4i'44'4 of wh4lch i 4'i14i111 444414' ly its- 1 414441ill 1tit V. 114444'4' 1,h,' iin'4l4 4twllr' 144'44I4'vi44444t',In oif Newv York 4' wan11I1 I f141.44 ofl 1' 'lll '444 ,Iing that thel "wa'4y (( t' 40444444' IF; lop 40444444,' t144l Ni-4't, r ' i'v14h1h, 'in4444.I 4 th 141-1,h'44 14144'1444'1 k o1 li''n 41initii4144t44l1 444, 15441d4ing444 1' 1 4I1444trnoY 14 ''iliitt 4 in 4 suppor4t, of1 hit4 144'4414''ni:t441 44(;4i4r4 1.144144 1.11(' l44444'V powe of44 4 the Ni ifll anil I'1);. fiy 4 'l4414'4144 iug fit carrg.iyl' outlit I v4l,''y'4 s. l t(liltdlL 444 t All , VI4'I4'.44c'0I01(; 41pt444i44444 Inii 147:', tw yearn 1 ii.fl.'' i t na 444441'44 414441 th1e' 1144'p iInI4 lilt' net 414'444 't.iz/14g 4i14'l, till4' 710 1,'1' powe'ro the 1)44141 1, 144I t' ti'1,(l t '44 4'I44 1t,,'ll' 4441 Ji'o4lV rilg r te 1,'44llipint o44' sp'ele p y4444llf.4 onhI .144ii 4111 IV I. 1!711. 11his 1,1,1'1' p1 ll. wh414i auilll'mi4 1i I 4l'l.l1'n al44 44.h I44.'frlrl luglic ti44.4't1 444li 441' · 11144 ll 44'44'5. 411,44 a~i4441-4llllt.' l ha ·i ofI thll e e4'4144444 y, wsllrt 111444' l' -ol'. 441t wiht' provi sionl4t, 41 4l44 t,14444411 14ht 411: 444~ltAa 441144/dl l l'414l' lungl a1l41 that greebacs Sou 441' 144f4'4'1.ll4 to ill,'4 44444 r14li444c141.vt otl441' ,'~n1f, of I1,(" ani nni t of nI'w nit~n ~i,ion n hank I'1.141's4 1u44'4l4'(1444 4,44 h,44' 1'4),'11.4 l'.41''144'4' 1,1e411 41tlo l' w444 iy44'1. 111441 lill 44:4tnlltr'V 14 1 1441. to 1,1,1,4 pl' oyi441lt1 rl h' · ll,'iilJly( evirl( cr r r thst they'0 w4r1' not4 141 44klg 4444 rV444'4 the4 44141444 4'jf oflih'' v4414144g [4'fi what,1 Il,4 4 1' erect X11.1 effect of the tiy ll!' As ·: leyl th ono fR~lnl/iy(il ,ll lriy thoirkn1g1444 441 041j 1 44lawn 141)4144L4' gr14 ':44' 1144' 1)4)14)744. 441' o 4'n4-44444l J1.ig14444 1 ' 4 'f 4'4 the one1(14','1 411' 114'' 444141414 in444 few }4111'4 1414 'i'lni441' ,44 444444 14444 14444111 i4 i $4'I 'llI tin'. t,44411'41 11)n44 114' 1. 1111 44 'll f1t1 ii)'; fli nt1441 4444-l tront(ller) flit' vllnolf' hulk ',f (h" circ~il fi g lc4' 41144444 41 Ilt11'l'4l4'l. 144'4.4'41 t4'4441. 444444yc 111 11444t tin444''s " I 44 i .'44 1 44 1' 11 444 1 I. p(4'4 1' 4''"11, 41(14111,44'-e 144(v41. 1414144 4441 '44 p'1) 4 w 414 441) liug UpLon4 1 4'4'4rlof 44 ll1 r(4 m 1'444444 4''44444 44'f I.-. 141r'4'4'44 to 144 44141i11 14444w1t.t I ·l4' nli44j4h 444 l1i1'' from 14441 4 4444 4'4 41.1 t 4'r41l-4, 1)444(4 41) 44444.4' [14 441 14414: 4w4t 14)4444414 l'44'i'4444}' 4) 1444 144 hil(' 1'4444 le'4'14' f144J 1ie' 445'4(44441 (44 ' 1411t ' 14 14.14(1 411141 441444414 1i'n.1441 it, I)t t h" 114 4'' V4'el nr'4l.44'44 41t 1 44 (', wherel''4 t 1(''y 14414'' ("'4')' -'1ino4'4' 4' 414 4",5I it. In4 11ort la4'4 on441 s44ltock4'; and ht4'4 ,111"'4'141 f441t'r .11114 !Now4 YorkI I'hil14411'141414. 41444 11444414444 444454 4144(441 b4y the4 4441 o4'444'44,4'4 441 i4'''441141.14n se 41i4444 4fl4i1444''144 44wia io 'g41444'44 In fvo of4 a44 44'444441 r4:4'. 1,i4n1(of 1,144' 4 11'414i4'ily' 44.4 44444 a1ls4 tile fall t(1)14.1 not4. o44l IV werei'4 fe4w n44w 4141t.1441, h4o41(: one!)1411'I e 4441 4444414.'441 ' thill chvl'444 1 ri and 441 i'('4411ne414'44 th14i r 4'11'to 444. '1hlis r4411441ini4g 4344ii414lI p414441411414 4'44444g1 114441 a14t4144IIV s4-44'"4'4'414'li aIn '1'Ii ''444114 444n opoi ion 1,hi' l'l'4411441 act444111 until Ithepi' o J44444441'44414144'4 In 111hat 14'4'1444444ls 014414'.41rll', 144et'44Ii4t.4'l 1i444 every' V 1il4ry 441' lndlul'4ry 444441 pa4 ra41 X',I'41 1.114 t.444a1114' 141 1,il4' whole 4I' 4444111 i. '1'144471 1,110 44nr444.-44(4 441 th11e 1444141'e 1'g11.4 144 1444o 44441 44. 44t, thol' !nal~tter,4 114441 1tliey so4444 'Iia4'4v4'r444 Ithat the'l'l 4o4 1( 'cas 1,4(fte 14 41441I"'444 lily In I."ki' fact4~ thatL thei 4'4114alt,4114'4 441 1th' 144441, tempted14'4 by till' pri044P4'('l. 141 41 4'4'rl,414 ga41in41 of fifteeni p4r ,'fotinv ' a141t44 (4-1) Bach14 pro14 it4 4444411144 4 th 41441gh gri~lua1i41 y withlIra4wn thelir 4i14144y from every''i (441.'ier4I 44 1 4 Involing41 thesi''41ghl ."at. ris4k 444 4444 ('4'4t.a114t5 41,,11 left lr,i0 ,fill 1414 44Iuut1.4y to4144 gu4lch1. I41.1 other wo444i I, that41, 1,h1e I4 4'41 4:1.14i44 toy 1144'41414'on4 441 4444414t y th1r444tlg flit, 144444444 441', pon of'i the41 toii l in, mill41'ion! t114'14144.1 1,h4444~41(' 441''Ie'' and ,Ii'4111rm 4i1ln144n,4. I 444' 1,v~144144' for 4141 re4v1't'4141 of 44that4obnox 441's1law 41 41(44fnl4444 wh41-ic 144a4 4'n4111te4'4 14' 4'4ir414', tIv14'41' of .ht4 p pl 444.4 turn'a dea 4 e411' 44' it). I 44n14'i1'44t miay prove"~ 114414t4444444 1i al411 11!4444444 441 the' p4'44j4I'. WOV av 1141.4' 44''I4f444'4 sh114wn 41144s1in,4 (.seat~ P1Iiltain fr1'i'l 14419 144 1424;1 ill moat. h44.4111iupt41.44 ainil i4.l4l41 1,114 wh14414 k4ing 'Iotni ;144 h ,114 144441444rer 441 c444444444111.1444 and' a,,itill -iei a144t, 144ll4 14 11,::1 pet' ('fot 1n41 it 14(4'4444444' 141' a4 tlow y4a'41'4, 41414 1444w tli' 4414-444441.1I i.v-. 4'4441,lii, stn)i 44441T4'ini,1 4'4g4'n141'i'44 by tiles4'' ala414.44ti4'4 1r44'4414114l 44041414 it 44igIhl.y ill) The re ,rognition of ])i;iz d.oes not 'Oim to have twil prolductivl of gigsx, either lI this country or lto Mexi(o. It is a (.iriii-. (oinei doInie that the annourncentrl eof this r.iognii tiof should-i he the signal for a core of tihoCe chroInic reivoli'ions for which M(i' (o ii Io celehrated. lebellions have broken out at thll sarme tilime in )Durang and Nulival Iov); somne of the M)iai garrisons in the Iorddr, towns aren, "Ipronouniiii'iing" in favor of the banished Lorido, and Ecoh ll) has iinaugi rated anothter expedition into Mxic·ol. (On I he other hand, the neIws of tih reicognition si4ems to have btcn ret·eived by the Mxii(-an horder cattle thieves as -entitling t( om to free frays into Texais. Th r'ull has hI;,n a c'.r of inroads anrd the iutlll l robblrie and murders. Thes' were at first charged to the Lipan Ii(lians, but it is now g,'nerally adlmitte.l that it was the Greasers them.nis(lvs who stole the Tiexts cattle. The recognition of Diaz would seem. therefore, to have been beneficial to neither country. Mr. Evarts is not a very successful diplomatist. Our only two neigh bore, Canada and Mexico, have undoubtedly got the better of us in the fishery and reog nitlon questions. It would scarcely be wiee, then, for the United States to go into the Berlin congroes at the lilvitation of ItlRssia, as tihe . 1miniatration at on0e time talked if dcling. Mr. Evartgs is not the cornpe"r, diplo rnati iill y at least, of I lortschakoiff. TO SI'MMFRI 'I'OUIInThs. Thie grelt IJa,'keonlr illtot1.offi'rl ii golreait'st id inherni'nts to iastern aidi EIur opeUiI Itrav ,lre t his se'arom. It, should ho known It all thal, t.his line has hioen inniensily improrveid during tJh' pafat year. It hats, in facet, blen al miost lutlirly r-nullt, It. now has it finest, +.. rail track, laid lll pon now ti' s and an excell,,nt r -ne-'Iol. 'iThis etilces it ito make ai s fast lthu as ai unv line to Now York with entire saf'ty.v aind wltithuL, the apelar'ance of rapid running, IIts cInllll.nJ 11ir' itlnl lll innatl, i and Chic ago liiilg among the l nll' si t, ro.a in the w ,rld. A I l,'nt it.n Is -, [see II y l'ca ll.d l t t4h; , fact chae t.h .lackson I ,i runs two dally trahin Ii Nw iYork i nll hi Ii t he rin' ripl I Ell strll n a.'1l i'No lher i ll'it i . The train leaving at I; p. I., ion hori lalcr than any lther lie, rmakes 'x n 'tly l h' slani ' tinii tol Ne w York i s its cluicko t,, rival- ail the 7 ft. IlI. train ma~kc's 1one Ili aIt hail hougr qluilckir tine toi New Yornk lthal any other t.rlin fm Ni w Iv-rlat;n i'hriiarr I''f th1's rorh 'iw to , Nrl i'ors by, NIoa liar. Th,, .inckdsoln Itonll++ httar btt fre change Iof 'l , which i; lnade oi I nio lepot,. (in innatN.i, IL. n Ti iy. ., a..m, ngeral, dir,'ot ti, Now Yor'k lcy thiola-onk+c alid cool lli irofT I AVlllll'ghnnJlay ' fli o nt),ins. 'iT ' going hy 11hlc1niYgo Iuass lIy daIylight u IIn ull view I1f' FIIia l, y Rll ahlso hratvo 11 l ti challnge of cars, from New <)'lals U, New DIED. FIIENZEI, On Tuccdaty M4faV 7, Ir7 c nt I1 m llni htl, ilrs. t. 1, Fritinil. idi li ht r of . P'hillt Mit,' yr, ag I .l yvelaur F2 wInihii rl 'i ilt fully invilIto nlol, hr lunirnl, wh(,h will lake plh.A Thii s fWii. lliaty) A fIrnoon. iti 4 S,'el "k, frtomn No. ";s'. Magazine . trct. . .+rnor of inlp rrnoln. IN MEMORIAM. PI+v-r TowN. I,., M,,y , 1>7q. h o h rrn/, in the orinr of i'roviinn', 11he IhWi Dr. I.. '. (;I YOL ha t h.n taken from out .f our Ulidyt very suadtinly,; aLntd Woturtnat. he wls l Ivorally rospto.nsor filn lv!,d v b hel ntrire popull 'inien, we. flit, rinde - • gnorl, fil h-r, y db i rch" to ,'cprsi+ t his fci,,n h, su,1,ton ,lorntio. W, shell nlwatlys frhrich the melt sinerF foolhg sf reg.ot fIIt hbl -utl dl In dlath, atl 'veer hold his morlnory I ,. to our hc'nr ts. .John ltlh il+-'. Ib r Plot. I hb rl,,,. N. Mill'.r, 'Tl', ,'grnatph Ol,,ra str it M . Vilon,. lhir I'il]+t. .l,.* ph It dcinnon |I.Ir i'loc. It, Frac n is, ltir l il' ,t. WVall,,r.1 rvis W F lHigeirn .Hi''e s iH ,Iust In. Itober't 'T' W ila,,n. ',Edwnrdl Br'..-n (O e,,r N',hli., A A, iIu ,rllch ,. .In'ct,h Hniith. ttI lli~tll W l"'+ll. .il 1, n~~l "II4',! WAUUONSI CANE CAE RTS! SPONKFS! H. N. SORIA. 18 and 20 Union and I~ and 17 Perdido streets, IorlE nnt for theo ..l.t,,rtd "STUDEJBA KER" WAGONH. (fAI li S antd SPIIING WORK of atill kimn and snlt7 . Doal,,r in Philavlthllta and Wmstern Oann Wagons, (aryta and I ray ; Timbrer Whiiis; Whtalrrows of all d ,'riptljitn ; tSpokes. FI I lo , u.b Shafts, er.; Wheolwright material. Order" proinitly filied. All work warrant-dl. jai 2d pt ISODLEY IRtO'TllERS, 127 and 129..Common street 127and 129 Betwoen St. Charloe and City Hotels. FARM AND PLANTATION WAGONS,. Cane Carts. Bagass Carts. Small Carts of all sizon. Timtbr Whelni. Wheoltharrows. Dpokon. F"llos. Shafts,. Wagon Material. Axle Grease. This Is the oldest and largest wagon establish m-r't In th- a-oth. n s-ufoufitutrin theirr own work and guaranteeing everything they sell. fia ly 2,10 'I'LE - N I'W SUMMER STOCK AT B. T. WALSHE'S All stvlna of LINEN COLLAIS from ti si per dizn upwards. Now shapis tIEVEIIHIBI;LE OTUFTS from 25r par tpair iupwards, to the vIary All Linin at $5. $bI arnd $7 ptIr dozen. Al I, LINEN HIIIRTS. $li ter dol,in. WHITE AND COLORED I 'M M I1I '1'l I-k, All wlidth,. to' per doizn. Harn. go,,la. nier quality. all w ,irtha,7 ,.$1 and $i so tor dozen. White, einlbrlderd ernds, full idr'. Tien. s25 and 1 i' iea'ncli Blark. wide endls, atln Ilany HSilk Tin.,:, 25 nactih. The now "A rlington" 'Fin,' Silk Hi,arf=. mto New iipatterns of Hilk Windsor,. s", oaih. HiKummier Flat etarfs. greut variety. 25'-,, ath. Elegant anrd oxtinsivo silks in the n,'w' lal lard" and tlh hstylish "InltroLid,"u t.t.h st rlu now the rag, in N-w York. A COM'PLETE AND NEW sTOCKh -- o -- - White and Fancy SHIRTS AT POPULAR PRICES. An eonll'"ou variety of .sasonabl,i I I !i l11 II ,VI,]AlI, ioth for m,"n andtl boy,,. at low Uri"'o,. Thli. eaton a full line ,of BOYS' WHiITE AND COLOREDI SHIRTS And ('hlldreni' Linen and Muilin SHlhRT WAISTS. has. be-n added toI Il~r, iutok. BRUSHES, COMBS, FINE SOAPS. And Toilet Artircles generally. Additions to stock received weekly. A gunarantee that all desirable new goods for gentlemen's and boys' wear will be found on our counters. B. T. WALSILE, 110 ......Canal street . . 110 Near St. Charles street. Country orders will have careful attention. Money refunded when goods are not satisfac Itory. apl4 lmuWePr 2do .A.GATBElEI¶Y OF ( A 4lr7 3r' - IC )A IV. I. C. TEITI, Jeweler, 10 0........... 3.............Canal Street..................... 10 Offers the above Watches at the latest reduced price list of Noveratet lst, The Watehee are all Patent Levers. and Guaranteed for Taree IWers, Bolid SBlver Watch. Waltham or Elgin movement.......g t 8olid SHllver Watch with open face andt flat glars ....... I i Solid Sillver Stem Winder and Setterr ........ ............ Solid Gold Watbch 2 or. I t karat e.n .... .... ................ Solid Gold 8tom.wlnhr. 2i or . k karat e .. ............ g Solid Gold Stem Wlnder. 21 or. ie karat ase ..... .-»- U UP ' LADIES' WATCHES. - oll,1 Gold0 Watnh.t karat nar e RR........... ......... 0 v' 4ollid Gold Watch. 1R karart "jtre ............................ . Os ; Holll G0,ll Storn winder. 14 karat ann ... ... S........ 0 ol Holid Gold Storm-winder. 18 karat oe *" ... ................ In addition to the aboqve Ihave a large assortment of BWis.. .t ~ iFron"h rind (lorrnan waticea, prlciq ranging from gn to.iO. _______For mn,'hanreo or laborrenr the $12 watoh or $s2 stem-winder wI r l, awill glvn all eatieftIhlon iruioReary. I will Pend wat'hes, diamonds and jewelry by exsree. C. O. D., allowing the purchaser to oven vackage and exam.. I have a complete assortment of Diamonds. Overn. Guard, Vnet and Neck Chains at drloes to corres ond with the above. I have constantly on hand a largeo tock of Silverware of all deseod . tlous. Ulooks. Bronzes and Statuary. I Make a Specialty of Repairing Fine Wathes anj Setting Diamonds, For further varticulars, address for Illustrated catalogue, no24 T. . ,LEVI. Iin Oanal strne American Waltham Watch Agency. No. SI St. Charles street, corner of Commnercial Place, NEIVW (i ICl4IAN~. LARGEST ASSORTMENT AND LOWEST PRICES. iWatches for Ladles. Gentlemen. Sporting Men, Mechanics, Laborers and Boys. ItAIII 4AIr W'rA"I' 1115 A R'lS 'IAI,' Y. THE AMERICAN WATCH COMPANY, WVAI/'I'IIAMI, MA.0M., MANUFACTr:IlP FIVE SIZES ANI Thirty-two Distinct Grades of " KEY AND STEM WINDING WATCHES SFrt in low ,rl,',J StTI,VEJr WATCH to the mos ,rxpt'nscivie (10,I> H'TEM WINDER. EVERY WATCH GUARANTEED. I ht.~ f ol a rrurlrranirhenta with the Company to /ip1` k", I n rn r: itatlv =nipi liedl with a full lA Ine of the!: f ,' l,:mrt'nl Watches. anwl I ,ffer thenm at Unprecedentedly Low Prices. All 1t v-ai of aolld Goild Chalr.i Vir.t unard, Otern. a rI olnnr awl Niok, with a large assortment Of l,'.'kn .ts, all at low n ri'a . i,.p1y 1' TV'I''II'.-4 ItIJ AI' I'I1I ANID W'VArriAN.TI). WHEELER & PIERSON, SUCCESSORS TO I)ARICY & WHEELER AND IPIERSON & HEWS, 13 an1d 15 ('AMP STREET. New Styles For Spring JUST OPENED IN OUR RETAIL DEPARTMENT. STYLITS BUSINESS SUITS, $1I5 TO $20O. SCOTCH CASSIMERE HACK HUITS, 8$15 TO $tUO. BLACK AND BLUE CHEVIOT SUITS, ALL WOOL, $1r. NEW STRIPED WORSTED FROCKS AND VESTS, WHITE DUCK VESTS, $gI, $tl 5O, AND $.%Z. Wholesale Department up stairs, with a Large Stock for Country Trade. Low Prices. Superior Make and Fit, and Polite Attention. PIANOS AND ORGANS Of the Most Renowned Makes, at Greatly Reduced Prices, and on Easy Terms, at GRUNEWALD HALL. A Magnificent Bolection of the Ceolbratedl Planos of STEINWAY, KNABE, PLEYEL, HAINES AND FISCHER Always on hand. AIovo Planos are rFectfrfulily recomendrd for their unsurpassed numer ous Musical Qualities. Durability in this cllmte, which has madel them justly so popular with our people and which are Una pprached by any other in this country. Just re.elved a Fine 8olection of the CEIcLIjiI ItAII IT) ()ICGIA1NS OF CLOUGH & WARREN, PRINCE, BURDETT. The Best In the Market. at reasonable rice. Get my Fstimat;, before you purchase elsewhere Old Pianos taken in Exchangei for New Ons. or realroed at ahort notice at moderate flaures SHIEET MUSIC, BRAn. INSTRUMENTS In Endless Variety arO at Lower Flaures than at any other House in the Country. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. LOUIS GRUNEWALD, ljr 14 to 22 Baronne 'treet. New Orleans. PHILIP WERLEIN, 135........................ CANAL STREET ........................ 13 TIHE LEAI)ING PIANO AND MUSIC DEALER OF THE SOUTH, Offers the best toned, most perfect and most durable PIANOS and ORCANS Made either In this country or In Euror,, at the low..t orles and on the most acoommodatina trwis e)ver (offlrel . His Stock cmndisth of the unrivalled, workl renownd C-IIlCKERING, the celebrated and elegant MATH USH EK, and the line toned and low-priced HARI)MAN PIANOS. ESTEY, MASON d HAMLIN AND NEW ENGLAND ORGANL . See-nd-Rand Planos from $40 up. New Pianos from *204 .p. All fully Warranted. This house has always been renowned for its low prices and fair dealing and will continuetto I eýool.. t1 wordI with wrod and reliable instruments on the rost reasonable terms. TUNING I ANL lPAI.IfG A bPECIALTY, ap17 lm