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CITY ORDINANCES---0FFICIAL. MAYonArrTY or NAW ()ORfTANR,. (lilty all. May 7. 14474. INo. 4484 -Adminlitrantion 8rlea.lI An ordinanc.e proviling for t he paymenlt of the several aIc'ountOl .,i therein unlml otlI. Be it ordainedl, T'hnt the flollowing n.pprio priatlons be an'd I1tre hierehy mhute forr the month of April, 1974, rlll that l hi Aldrtlinil tratorof 1'Pulhi A, ont-\ wuirT'nilt. oni; the A'I aministrator of lF'inanr in payment of the,' same : Peter Markey, for uIhlhin nowi1 repairlin bridges In the i'irst. Thirdl, I'orth, Sixth an' evenlth I)rlati,r H, Iau per r ent mtr , $1178 7"I; 1es 1it) per icnlt, retainl.Rl, $1.I51 x~. Cleanlng and lpaling sta.-as hi the Firstll and Seconlld l lii) trl' th , n I'r v" ti rt'l, $0624 24; Iwsi 1 ll pr 'ent retllnllrd, :! 1. Cleaning stret i In h I H thir Ixtih naIu 4vnt h Districth' as per 'ontlrnut, $11 I 57; hi'ra4 Ii per Oent retained,. $8H1 13. F. Oury, for ullllillng and re-iring i' lll inllgs Inthe 8ecn'nd I)itri-t, is pe'r m ilt riut, $Il; 01; leis 10 per cenIt retaintlll"l, $375. P. (lennon. for c'lanhli il ret fs and replm r Iug and building irhilgmi In the,111 l'ft h II i-t rill, as per eontl'act, $41; 0i;i; I 51s i per'r (e'it ri,' bained, $375. John Kaiser, for elianlig rat.rel. in 11ti' Fourth l)Nstrlmet, as per moiitro t. $10l14; hls44 to per cent retained. $,144. Win. Henry, foir paviing Itrr t.ith iI t 1I iurtr Ih District, as per 'ioitrnet, $1.); lii- I4 per leut retainsl. $1414. Fayesoux & (Colntinl,. for rt l tmringl chill aid ballast rloads of lthI lli-l aill sHc', lnd -t4' ( 0ii, Ba per cointrl'nt, $20P:5 83; l'an I0 lper cent retalned, $15:2 25. 1, O'Leary, for ruinll g drtnaltInIIg mnhiilT'te at the first siliition, as per- o' nlltllL, $7!41 t;;; Ims 10 per citit, retitinlltl, $712 5to, Mam jlurchltI. ifor riTuning draining rin t1dnes lf the a 'n IstII tl.ioit, n per anlllt IaI , 8I006 00; Iba- 11) .,lt 'tlr, ent r leti.aliil $I;01. M. J. I1o1oirita, for ri tllllllfiK .tratining In1t -hlnes of lthe third aftxion, al per ,''oitrau'il. $591 00; e$s i 1( p'r cent' ritaltil., $:la2 54I. Total, $13,293 4;4!. A-dopted b~y thL '.neill of the rity of Niew Orleaus May 7, IH7H. Yeas--lBrtownl, ('ailnntyi, 4 heni44, Ililnlld. tlwards, Mi.4trlTer4 Intgyto~trrM. 11;I). Pla lbllY. Mayor. A trtue c('ly: Tuo-H. ii. li.t 't1.t, M.h 'etury. MATrorA.TY oF NEW OeRI,nCANH. I (ifty hlill. May 7. I47, INo. 44811 Admtinstlratlhion Nlrehs.) Rheol'rCd, Thalt I he sum n of $20,127 2:! ihe and the saimIe is hereby iapplro-iril.tld ta pay 1the zMay roll of tll (ltreaceInt (cit-v 'olice, fior thlhi, iltonth of April 1874, andl tlintl thei Adminihs trator of Publl04 Ai(IountsLi watrrttLant fori tlhei Spayment of the sarmei'. Adopted by the c(lrunell of the ilt y of New Orleans May 7. 1474. Yeas -Brown. (claviilnc, Denitl, Di[anonld, Edwards, Mcl.aTrv, l{i.ngst.,gcmiff. tru). eI'c.L l' , M:yor. A true copy: Tu~os. U. HAP.ici ..,xrrreary. MAYORALTY or NEw OrII,ANR. City Hall. May 7. 187. INo.44811 Admliniltration Series.I An ordinanon makling appropriltions for chnro itable instituti-nit for the month of April, 1878, Ble it ordainedl by the ('ounnll of 1Ihe city ori w.w Orleans, 'Thai tlhe A hninistrator of I ub 41o Accounts warrant on t.he Adnllnistr-ator of ' llianoe in favorof the' following institutllon toe the sums rnAipectively st, ol)lpsite theeir atues, being thei allowaincl for chl'arity ftr t hli month of April, 1878, ii ionfortnity wit arIIl S e 710, revised city lawn and ord)l'linlances: 7. Mary's Catlholich lrphan 1oys' A)sy-" luhm, Chartres. Ietwti-n Mnzanl,. and Frenih strtet.4i; three hunlt4Uil'ldred and thirty-two Ilinmlwt $387 :13 ". St. Vincent's llome, No. :71 Ilenvill, o street; ninety-on inri ates ....... 1(1 1(I t Bt.)liritIbeth's Asyluml, N poleon Avenue, iomrner It' Prytania .stlret ; one hundred and t w'nt)'-nhi44 in imates .......... ......... ... 1o 5n SFemrale Asylum 4of liIt' Iinilltautlalte Conception, No. 871 Illlupart. : treet; one hundlrd a.nd four in m ates ...... .... . . ...... . . 121 33 Mount Carmell Asyluin, No. 53 Piety. street; one huIint.d and 111 weinty , two lnniates ....... ........ 12 11 Xew Orleans Femanle ()Orphan Asylumi. ' Clio street, hItwe41 ('amnllp and Prytnia ita.trit?.; one idrelld i'i an sevlenlteen in allite .............. 13; 50 Protestant Eliiscopaul ('hillren'i Home, Jlackston stl'r.t., 1,4t vwoen ChippewaRand St. 1iThollln. stl I'olts thirty-nine InnuIte .... . 41 50 Home for TJewish Widows anlll ()r phans, Jackson stret.i, 'rner' of Chlppewan traet; one hundred and thirteen niites . ....... 1:11 83 Orphans' Home, Sevelnthl strt'l.t, hl' tween Magiizine and co (lnlsltltin' Sstreets; one hunLdred and 1 ll't)' one ilnnates .... 17; 16i StL. Anna Asylum, Prytania strel, corner of St. Mary st rieet; linetlty four Inmatwes . ... . 109 11-; Louisiana Asylum, llopltal stae4t, corner oi Tofnti'et; thilrty-olne inmates ..................... 1 Convent of tihe l4ood Shoplherd, Milin ville street, botw.arn ll0od1 and Dolhonde strtits; two hundrled and ninety-one Inllates. .... . ..13 .s0 German Protesltalnt I )rplhnn AsylumII1 State street, i)lbetweten an111p1; al. Chestnut streets; ninet y-igKht in " m ates .......... . ... .. . 11 i 33 31t. Vincent's Infant. )rlphan Asyluml. Race streent, corner of l Mi ineIIi street; one hlundred and ninety nine inmates ........... 12 16, St. Vincent's Infant Orphan Asylum, Race street, eorll'nr 4of Mag1azine street; for wet nurses .... . 2() i St. Vincent's Infant O(rphlan Asylum, Race street, arllter of Magazine' street; for ?orlag . . 75 00 St. Joseph's (terniln Boys' and Girls' Asylum, Josephlline stiut 1..,lner" of Laurel streti ; two hundrelld and live innmate ... .. .. 2:li 1 Louislana Retrl'eat for Insanel Nash ville Avenue, lcorneri of M lagazinie street; thirty-t w inmates .... 37 Asylum for 1)wst itite Orphan o.ys, St. Charles street, I' etwei n )lul fossat and lMellee'astle stll'4t-s ; fifty-seven inmates ....... .4'; 50 Asylum of the Little Sisters of th111 Poor, Laharpoe strert, betwonli Johnson and Pricur stree'ts; one' hundred and lift v ninlate' 175 00 Ladies of Providtenci,, ('4Irer of Is planade and Mli o st reels ; fort y three inmates ..... 50 1G St. Alphonsus' Asvlutn, ('lrner of Fourth and St. l'Patrick streets; one hundred and ollne inmate` . 117 8:1 Poydras Female Orphan Asylum, Magazine, between It 4llit , ie street and Peters A venue ; eight y seven inmates 101 50, Asylum of the Holy Flamily.' 4 St. Bernard Avenue; twenty-live in mates .......... .... ........ 29 17 Total ..... $ 1,321 10 Adopted by t he ('oulincil of the city of New Orleans May 7, 1878. Yeas--Brown, ('avanae, Denis, Diamond. Jidwards, McCaffroy, Rlng il orff. EDL). PILSlliU Y, Mayor. A true copy: THos. U(. RAPIrn.E Secretatry. MAYORALTY OF NEW ORLEANS,. City Hall. May 7. 1878. I [No. 44,57-Administration Series.] Al ordinance prrvidting for the paymevnt of the several acctounts therein namdiii4l. Be itordained. That tilhe following appro prlations 'be a.nd are hereby mnatel for the Weaonth of April, 1878. antd that the' Adlliniis trator ef Public Account.1 warrlant 4ion the Ad anlnistrator of Finlance in playmenlllt of tilhe C- rme: Firemen's Charitable Ass,4-iation 4of New Orleans, for services Irel dered as per contract ........ $11,66 7 SFiremen's Charitable Association of the Fifth District, for services r-u dered as per contract .......... 1,00 00 Firemen's Charitable Association of .! the Sixth District, for services ren dered as per contract ............. 1,00 00 rliemeni's Charitable Association of the Seventh District, for services s endered as per contract .......... 6e6 67 Beardt of Underwriter.r, for Iservtlo rlnderlir bCy tbhe Babock mllahiues r100 00 Total ............ .. ...... $15,333 34 Adloptetl by the· ('iuntlil if the elty of New ()Ortwln May 7. 1171. Y'caM Irown., t(Lvanas,, I)eritI, I )lamnolnd, ]E]dw1.i ds, M,,( ;affrey, Itcnstilrff. _ ED. A ieIIiLHiiji Y11' , Mayir. Til's . (I. ]{A AI'Ilm. SRiros't.nry. MAYOIIAI/TT Oi' Nrw (IlII,n.ANs., (lIt lnill. Mary 7, iHi . I Ni. i4188 Atilari t filtr on ,,rii-.l Ii ,'iidi That I hp ifli it $5.110 toin sil the sanlin, in lherehy aplpmrl/ro alp. .l F.O. (Znhari, littrlf.llv ut, lnlw, f5r ai fiiti.ialof i nelrvlal'i'1 l'fiid ri'fil in l ht sli t t llo. i n.l ut M 'i Tri" vIi . VI i-s. i 'sIll t i e. Thlrl l i i'i Inti , i t 'itii l, "iinide ltlat thlu Adlilnistrator of" Pul elh Ae'rotarllts Ala hyl by)( Ih\" lh (,l',n eln.l ..f tlh, cii>/ of" Ntew Ii l all llu a Nii, 7 l .h. 'l',ti llrowl. I'anonI|e,' 1)olli, l~Itlllar in, lI;dwards. IHonzgl.,ril" i. tlsrak MIai'Tiev I. EiI). 1 li IIY, Minyir. A Fir ' tilp : 'T'.i1. I. 11. All' II, Mia's'lrian.ry. IIIAVOhiA ITY Olr NEW ORlrttN . . lly . all. May 7. I8741. INi. tt 89 Athinist4traiiti,,i Srli.) Aln onrlinlncl prollvidhitg fr~ lhe paym.Vlltqll of tI h o F v e r ni. 'Li. o u t ,s t. h e r n ll l l II,, it u.nhnd. t t hlls , f, followhi appri pl5rhl h 5n1 h I ai 14Itltur l h(rl"fi iiifd, til i hai tI.I,, AdmhiniraoI r of uiluIt Avp, Ii, war 8711l~tl, iii so Fir ii · s it suit lru~srt Ii t'ttit ' nii tii AI' tilusull ' oi Filfsitlaf u A ynlllnt |,Jlo llo - N.w li l4 (ii. f tlihthi. (' llm sitn , 'o i lAtiin,18 iin th' iinth i Apiil..2 Ils, nl.t4 p,,r cI.nreillel'll.t ,.,(10, I 0ll fo r ]li'hltlln" itI thn norllth of' A pril, IM7. i. u q' p '.rlln ract' .. . 2.!)20 I0 rtl.ll rtill filp1 III April. 11178 33 i87 I·la7· d, n 634 .l mp in "!h rl, l St'wnliy-'iiltly,,xtIlr lamin M,1 Iili 1arch. Th,,,1. lPilkens, ti lighting oil lafml1 in t I ii m nlIhs if April, I8T7. a, Ie cf ft riot . 1.21 ill LImllp [po.|t ollld ha~slks inI Mnr.'h an5l April. 1.7 .... 45 5 To'1',tal ........... . . ..... $15,517 20 Orltuisn/ M ,P"Iiy 7, 5178. Yiolut |l'imwll (!llvanall , 1)o11i., D)iamond)ll, dlVIiiwartl1 I, t'itriy, Irit,.tg i rtf. EI). PI LStl II VY, Mayir. A twlio icip: MVYnilAITY uny Nlxw ()Ia,neNu,. (Iii' Hlll, lMay 7, 1t8s. I INo. 410t Adminis tratflth Slirha.l An i'illrtiafnis priisvillnig f hoi lHii'uaylmsinu ,li IhO 1lveriL i|L tlll ls. I fi l ni IIilnIIIit. l1,i iit ,'dit nA l. f h-I , l h ol l ng appro pr'ili~ions he ainid nrl'i llher lylad., forl |th, monlh ,f Aprl, I171, alt thait,tlh Admlnsiatra Wril of' lPuhlh A.'ioun111s warlTnul,an lhe Adm in l.Ra'Iti.tII o Fit Iaiii.'i , ii'n ll yllii itf. t li' IIfi lau's I). u sit.if ('rIiiiininal SulrliT, formlillfl iianlllf lli'it irfl'isilioi'I . ui'e. $.,1G12 00 i sul 81 Sl r i ('iisilni (IOliurI .... 188 ii IF,',' In First lilslrh'l CourtI' 341 III (l, In Sit d .Indivil istri'l ( our't .. . .. .. . (;91 .I Ttanl .................. $.5.5,588 ll W. ( i. M(,onnrll. 'lurk sit llii Su'u' owil ,h icinIhh itrir (outr.. ftir f'e,. in flllldiry cTlimilllil (litt , liprove ...... .. 7813 (15 (Gi'ani tolal ... ... ..... . $11,'l71 It5 Adotiipti'! tIy the1 (l us il sfi tho .'ty ut Niw ()rtlsafi May 7, 18711. 51'Oi r4 ll'i iWfi. ( 'iLVIIilnl'. 1)11n1,i., Di)lma nll, EdIlvil fl , M it'ilittf'iy, Ii ifing1t flIT. Ar ii El). l111.U IlY, Mayor. 'Islis 11. t I. ll.A Ptf'1tR, ,l.l'f'i'tlsa ip3. MAYORAlTY oF NaEw ()ElR.ANI, ('ity hall. May 7. IHsi. I IN). 1191 Administration Sorh'h..j Ati tordlinane('pro(vhdlng f4or them plylnl(teut ofi thie ~everill aieou)ln therein namned. Ih'e it ordalined that the follohwing apprprpi i atlinlls h' and ll4l are hereby madelll( ftlor thel month Sf Aplrll, 1878. land thalt He Adnmin.istra.r of Iull' Ae)lunts wiarran't on1 the Admninis I'rator of Fihnance in paymeni t of the sauet:i IDEPARTMENT (F 1" )LICE. A dm in i.qslror's Oflic' - F. F. lansel, one opy a4cts f 1'74 . $2 00 l.i"s' Hose of lK furp E . Vallee. flour a tl pi ovisionsl ...... 141 1:1 la. I cl('h, fresh l)eof ...... . .. Il oll) C'. Iglesins, vegetables . . 22 5 .1. . (Clirk(,. wood and 4 hal lr4ol's . . '7 50 N. ('alih .tsoft4.. p .......... .... . 10 () E. L. Ml('4)n, forage ........ 2: 50 I. Mr|('a ' Moo.ap stone, for silve, 7 t(, 1Urott A& Wimann, fauiiets for - terns........ . ... ...... ....... 4 00 'lot i' ... ... ........... ..... $;5.5 :4 1Hl.'uing Ildil4ent I)t'mit E. L. Melt In, fo( IagoK .. ..... $35 34''tt A Weintllnn, nails, tc | . 10 i0t I'. Ihroudl, rl pati 1to cha lrity wagons. 14 145 M. Fogarty, horse s4hleing ........... 15 4u 'otal ... .... ... ... .... ..... $214 I 01 Publi, I',mlds Mrs... Wright, rent of First I)ktrh't lo(un1. .......... ......... $25 (X) Mrs. A. Wegel.'I rent of Th'rd I)istrhlet Pound ......... .. ..... ..... . 15 00 I) Brady, rent of Foiurtlh District fo'und. .. . ..... .......... 15 00 lReynoldt, rent otf Fifth 1)i. tri't Pound ................ .. 15 00 ,I. L. l(ohic'haux. r'ent (f Second 1)is trlt PIouud.... ............... 20 00 Total.............................. $1)0 00 l{hel; M.r'iad - I. L. MKeI . forage . ...... $25 07 P. Bhroid, now polet for Maria .... C n0 M. F'ogarty, horse sh(o.inig ........... (; 00 Total.'. ...... .................. $37 67 /l.'r'o dtrs..' (.orol.s- - F. F. lis'll, b)lanrks, stat.innrv. etc. $175 504 T. Fitzwillia1m &A Cio., blank lbrks ... 45 85 .1. II. Keller, oap .................. 2 75 J11a s Conners, i4c ................... 13 00 'Iotal ........ .. ........... ..... $237 10 N t'trir riminal ( bur'l .... F. F". l iniell], blanks and stationery.. 17 30 1)r. Ily. Rance, rentf of oflice ......... 25 (10 1'4blit' tintlintg New O)rlIeans I'l)nocrat, advertising.. 480 DEPIARTMINT OF WATERWOIRKS AND PU1'ILC' 14I4 LDIN4ss8 Administltor'.s ()fcie'. - F. F. Hansell, acts of 1478 ....... ..... $2 00 Waterworks - A. Denis, agent. oflice rent..... ...... 75 00 l ,tane Asylum - Lotuis Ruch, beef ...................... 225 00 John Wolf. grocories..... . :1341 47 McStea A Value, dry gtxds .......... 111 71 jots. (I r'os, wood ..................... Ii0) (H Jos. Plahuisano, vegetaklts............ 345 Io Total ............................. $791 21 Hlo(me of Aet't andl Infirm - lIarn:,son l& Siis, gr'oceries.......... $.1. 23 Lotili Ruch, h eef ........ .......... 75 o( SMStea & Vllue, dry goolds .......... 110! sl4 i .w. lPalluisano, vegetablels ........... 9i 04 Total ........ ....... .......... $330 12 ('itylla4ll lIHuil(in Hlorter & Fetnn'er, duck .......... ... $i, 00 .i s. Ctn()(ers, ie ... ........... ....... 78 04( iToby HaIrt painting sign.......... 73 io7 allrrett a WVeimann, paint. oil, etc.... 172 Al S. M. Tdhi k" Co., kalsonine, (etc ..... i C. C. Hartwell, repairing gas tixtures (i 50 Total ........................... $:34; 3 (Co, t-Hllr.,.s - Rice. Born A ('Co., st've pipe. etc., for Superior Criminal ('our . .. $6 45 J .3ohn Nugent. curtains for Second Dis trict Court........ . ... 36 t B. Armbruster, clerk Third District Court, cash advanced for gas tix tures, etc............ 21 24 Total................... .......... $63 69 Itblic lBuilkings- Jae. Demourelle, lumber. ... ... Sn 2 Rice, Born & (O., hardware . ... 17 tis E. D. Cobb, lumlner .. ....... 104 12 M. 11. Applegat.4, h1e real . . 7 00 IL. J. (Jonolly. rlepaif r ts, rll t(ow)r, 'ts., 415 00 Folgr &. (Jo., halrdwar'n :17 5 C. _G.Hartwel l, gan IlxturiiW and ri lpaira tpipe . .1 r.. A. I,. H1ihridkeor, r.,,pairing li.'k miil 0nl 1l)w ke'y 5 50 John Nugint. rlut hing fl Ior Ilht Ie* c.(il o1"r ( Coulr{ .. 23 2ll 'I' rl ...... . . $701 . DIA Arr i MrNT iu i I MMI'IoV ENTr No/tlcllltti lr t-ln~'l\·u Hl)[li.'r c ''! IoyIimo"r A {t4'a's. 1tatiiloi'ar o0 11.. ...... . $27 ($ ,.lrtfrl frroir Unmbonl~ll &% No.,. lumbil.r ..sta 0tJ I. MI't:IlI. hlLI, nllhg Unilhnt, amIi luliber ... ... ,i 25 'T'oll.l! ..... . ... $21.1 2i; I .rrt lll tffl i'hil. M(ab. hlardwnmri ... S7 00 IKllntz k. Factuhlll, ]lumbeq '48 ,54 Adam W leber, ,losing w, Ia li, r In Il'v )i, n tho11 HixNth I It,rltl' 40 114) I I. 'lTobbso halrdwalre, etct. . 1 50 I. V1iH!) 4r & thin, lllll or .. ..... 10 70 ota),.. .................... $114 71 .. I)n.vhlinol l 111 11 . t ., lygrlt, I'r l rent., of pi'4rr)mifW1 iin Iariiiniiol.1t siet, know~n na il 4)11)5-)1. iil t hu!A'lll 11h 0i fi H l' ii). k ll ull -i halvbisonll's Cour,li'. andll used fri" |olien' pill p o11s, f7"r the m t l, ilb iof April. 17, , a14 pu r leaS)), $150, ic.. L (irrar. dov A& ('io.. Tii.r t',in ot tihe Fl '14irt )is't.riht (otunr'. I ltding in rli s-. i t rtol. fir' ti) Iml tlllllh i l7 April. 147N. )a1 Iiir la 1 l04, $25l0. Iolihn Mi' ,nelry, li 'l 'iOr fll7 Ml rtggll1s4, ltflen r tll fio r til' l lm ILntllth uT A upril. IT1 , $75 ). I. I. o n. It -gintir.ri r l vii'nn' ; ' IiTh1 rent. fin llti' h i mo(nh of A pril. IT 7s, $ )),. eo.. Ehii. tAo li , its.. 0r) )r-ihiv),' , $2') 54). I dily I)ol,{ dl0ll I Vi inoihi.'l . .Iivi rtl.hi/n no tierm' toI a~d..m anld ..e:tri Was " ev'tin*4ctt~.-ri,. lp )rliivi . I $16 7 0. New ()' I rl, Ilo4 Ili'. A dn rtIsit lisif Mlalyor'1 proi'llamr atIn1 reillivi' to Sull nlnr y pItllusil)41 n, $12. F.F.I Hllhn)l'l. Illr )'llsr l f uT he rnit 'i t he I,'giiiaIItire f it th ilr 1474, up )irivi l Iai. Ti, lwsh, vilz: M.ayir' uIli'. r', i ll, 1ioiy, $2; I0') Atmel' t ol f Inl Lillrove etsnlrlr l . illi .2; D - partlment of Assi'*,nlesmnt, on. s oipy. $2. New O)rln1 1o)rn o I ti irat , ni Vrii'ising Iiiit1 0ic tii )sbsiii rtl'l- r) oif tile iapit)l I t).k sik t he New I lrloiuan1 Wa-trwilrkM. in thih i slnth oi Matuh, I1171, $2. )il'rmian tnzytto. 1u))llipl'it Isor T1he vnr Iqllli ll ec)h4 mb lllvlr 31, 1n 78. Ill~np r. ' Ioa l fol ihlws. viz: Miiuyor's oiil $1i. ", i'epartiount 7 AsI'Isument.ui $16. Si',.uiair .4. Htevi'nn. Alnt iunary for ! elliart mlenl lif A 1el'145l, ll))i'nt . $5 50. A. W. Hiyatt, ..ltthisilunry foir Ihlepartmient, of l)uli)th, A i'.'isoiinis, i4)plrsv'lw . $5 75; .MtatioLililry fill" (ity A ttolnlly'14 olths',, $12 75. I'. I. Hiiin1'll, tathionsryv. ,t1., Yor J)i'part, mi'lntl tif AMfossm'lenlol ,. $1 In i ti))lalk14 ri If u s part noot.iof iuIbilll A uitii 1411, $17; atatIinh''ry and Islanks fisr Maiyor's1 fibl, I1 ; bliiliikH for I)Jlpartlelln, i Fifnlullll, $2) 20. Will. artl'er, 1ll, ary r Iii- iorr olfs i the M ni'iills) •u iidh lh Disl ricl, nrt.lli, approi'vall. $15; atL+ ti'lliil til ilhsets sil the Huiioio d .I silii'h l Ji. thlt I C.iuri. aPiroi'dve. $10. ... I'. Dn, Admniirator of hinno, for <'asht nIllvanll'te forl hlw charg'tes', als pllel v/utt' i'or $G115 70. G.ratlil ttl.~lI $80nli :15. Adoitaq l liy Ithis I unll' il oi f s ih ii i .'uit V sit Ntw ttrluans- May 7, 11471. Susa'- 1roilwn, (Savaaln'. I)s, n Iii o lilsiitnd. 1'Ssl war))(), Mt uafiroy, ilt'ng'istor irtf'. ElD. 1'1 MIII; Y. Mayor. A ru Ilo spy: Tlllim. I). ILA I'dl, Sislrui'try. CITIZENS' SAVINGS BANK, (A Bank for Small Savings) IGRUNEWALD HALL,. 22 ............. aronne street...........22 SPECIAL LEGISLATIVE CIIARTER. This Savings Bank will receive on deposit and Iay interest at the rate of 0 per cent per annum on such small sums of money as may from time to time be offered thoerfor by mechanics, clerks. minors and others, thus securing protection from robbery. acoident or fraud, and also afford Inog a means of profllt on savings by the semi annual interest paid. By special provision of law, married women and minors c'an deposit money in their own name, and it can be drawn by themnslves only. Such deposits cannot be controlled by hus bands parents or tutors. Apply for Charter and By-lawn. J. L. (GUIIERNATOR. President. M. BENNEII. Cashier. DIu IRETOR : J. L. OTTUBENATOR. E. W. HUNTINGTON. E. P. CHAMPLIN. M. BENNEIl. LOUIS GRUNEWALD. my261y2dD JULIO, PORTRAIT PAINTER. No. 8 Carondelet Street, New Orleans. Portraits frod life or from pictures of the deceased (in oil or crayon), from $26 to $150. My ART GALLERY is a plaoe of free re sort, and the public is invited to visit it at pleasure. dels tf THE BIRD CAGE SALOON, 46 ...........St. Charles street ............ 4 -AND 1 145............Gravierstreet................145 The public will at all time find the BEST i LIQUORS. WINES, etc.. and the most efficient and a, tistlc harkeepers in New Orleans. DAN will always be found at his post. DAN S. RAM ELLI. ap24 We Th Su Im Proprietor. MALAKOFF BITTERS, The best stomachic and tonic sovereign remedy for Dyspepsia. Excellent for an anti-malarial morning beverage. Low Price-Pure and Reliable. For sale in all Quantities by ALPH. WALZ. Sole Manufacturer. iats lv dp _ No. 2o Conti strneet. New Orleannsi F. BUSCH, GUN AND LOCKSMITH. No. S$ Commerclal Place. New Orleans. BELL HANGING, IRON BAILBINGS. AND - General House 'Work attended to at short notice and reasonable prices. Ale D. Vaults. Lo ad Oo Pre re red: Dplicate eof au deerlntons mad e BUMMER RESORTS. MONTItOSs AND SHADY GROVE, BILOXI, iISSISSIPPI, Now Open For the Reception of Uiegts. rFIIE UNDERMIONED TAKER PLEAHURE In ianntiioeing tol his friends tal l dth Iraveling 1hbli, geonerally, that ho is aible this ~inluf-ln to ofTor IncrIvtEad tcomfort andl alddl tionll trEm'o moll atlionls to , I tlrntlty jtlitronl. Having laSrrtn the NHIA DIY ()iIOVE I1 ~IL, for a tlrm of ynr.l'. will keop nallrn in -Ionneltin with then IIMONTlltI)NH IIE UME. Both lhotnls have ol.nnl thoroughly rnloviat. id an rnityad, sti'intui lirn.ty on the. hoth. nitorllding a (lin viw of lIII l;If of Mixh'o, aid ofTfiring boat ing. lathing and Ilihing of tho lin.t .a.srilj tlin. No nxplnst will It iipiril to make thi Muntro.s and Hlihii yv (Irove lIot ol first-olas. In ovary rn niet. Terrns rsntnoinbli. Hinowlul hIatn toI FaIi'nlllio PIIrnn. n tl . (llostt. Mnila to Evxirsiinists $1, with privllogo of bloth -hnll ns froi of oha'lrg. Adldri mys tn I'. .. MONTRi INM. i'toprlintor. BIARNES' HOTEL, MISSISSIPPI CITY. rlTllE TUNDERILHIONEDI IAVE LEArED FOR Ia tortn of yarn tir is i nlfirrltil WateringI P'laoil. unltii for it.a lh lth lflru ns , ntutifllll actonnry. FINE NEA IIATIIIN(I and FIHINE(. sanmi l-dlistant frim Ntw Orlans and Moulile.,. on tIll Now Orlanul andll Moblin Itailronad, a ridl frotn a.ilthr ilty of only two inld a halt hmlours. alil ar.iasiblo by idrl et, raltroild and tole grphl' 'ommunnllllll atlon to all parts of lth o 'untry andtl with Iacto-ml dlaltionR unllq allll l by ANY IIOTEL, ON TIlE GI;IF ('OA''T, We lhavo 'Cmplot ly rle d tht fillI, house, andi intnid to ntmake AIINEHN' 11O'1'E, tlho rmost onltifortlnin ailnd ndiuirafin hoius. lin ithe Htitli . both for NIUMM ElRl and WINTElt II.HillOl'. Inivaliii will findl viry dilelnly, iomfort and attetion whlio thlt, votirinu of pleis.rn will !b+ furnitshll with both JIIAHH anild HTIRINI MUNIU, TEN I'iNN, 1(,lIAll)H, MilOTING (IAfI,lCIIIIEN. Alfl II EIIY. 'Y R f;QII PR, ANDI AlI, (OT'IIEEl ([AMEN produtivl of heallth Iai llumn aisr t nllt. Thl IiIar will be furnislihl with Wilsn aund Tlllnlnirs. I'titE and of the inst itl hr pnor Wit appIiinni, biy rIght of noltr past rr ntutll inllt nita lil iral iI lo lliluiuagnrsll, to lii I.llln tru(il s sllllr prlt if our (pmaul(., for whtist fianint wi niaki. ta bilow, (li r rtll-ln as low as ihonaistnt with koniping ni Fil.IT 'LAN 11iii1 NE. (ilEntia will r,, ranlv,.d at any t ailn from daite. Ther iHousi will Iii fully ODlied oiin the lirat of .litlll.M TERM S: nrl. ,r dlay.. 7 .................? o Iltoard, pi r wlk .. . I o Iloiard, per waik. pLr mionth .....12 N, B. FREE O(F (IHAIIRGE. ExCilralonlsts anid other partis. will flil ait Blarnl. ' Hotel ilnagI ttti'lt, l in i ' andll E in lltln o lliirounilR s oif Ilflooin titr,. ahndtild withll Ilvo oink, with prlv r.ingi ofl Ilathing and Fisfring, and irlt corditlly liuvit d to llrtnke ihmr.of, ('IIA L. . HMEIIDE, Agent. JO.IN E. ltOWIAND. mvl 2rnm _'rolrinnr . POINT CLEAR. r Tlr (CITTIZENM OF1 NEW O(LIEANH AND I v0>inrulg will b+.gbl,1 In liou'rl thatt ht MRipourn Snow llotl atl POINT CLEAIIR will b opilnedt May 15. POINT VLIEAlt 'ombilna morn advantagn, both for thnse nkrs aftuto hraltn and ilnesirn. than any othr wator ing vi olno hi ti Honth. Nliltnttr l in Moble ltay. within la tinlio'S throw of lht (tul f of Mexio. It boust.A surf tthingt , purst, healtth-ilv-nfg satlt air, th in .t li t Inn t he world. Ilnlibo tiiinlig and drlving ltillilrid saloons Aindll t.n-hi-n alleys. Tiho iI1tol is now. andtl has, wh itfs surroltlnl IngK . lhoirn so irlprovid as to milakn it a most dto Iuhlitful rtildtnli. for ummnrni.r. Th hbails alnd furniture are alaso e.tirly now, anl the ul.'uion Is n. iap'llly ix-'illintt. TLhorn is ionlmiunilia - thion with Mhbtilot wlitwi nlly. Enl .andiarttla I.itavlng Noiw Orltias In tIfhe mnorn.lng arriv a' t the Illtl to dinllniir. 1'itin ihargea amre mtoderate and apooilal trnts madLtn or futillli's. For parti-iutrs lddruss 11. U. BALDWIN. ProprIetor. it Old i Point (, f titi:lm nlelBldwin (l lnlnty. Ala. RESTAURANTS. BOUDRO'S RESTAURANT, LAKE PONTCHARTRAIN, Is now ready for the reception of guests. The itostaurant htaving undeirgone ai thoro. gh over harling, Is now in a first class condition. All orders ft, at t LEON LAMOTHE'H. 23 St. Charles street will muet with prompt attention mhlt t .f AIIY & HA l.HE. Proprietors. II ItOW N ' LAKE PARK HOUSE -AT THE NEW LAKE END has been elegantly fitted pn and is now open for the Season. THE RESTAURANT AND BAR cannot behsurpassed. This spacious building has just been rebuilt, and has all the comforts and conveniences necessary to insure the Uials ur of visitors. Among these we might men tion the neat and comfortable dining-room. and the broad and delightful galleries. Moderate Charges and every attention paid to visitors. mh5 3m IIGUEL RESTAURANT. rPhenix House, Pontehartrain Lake End, Mllneburg, Old Lake. Having reopened, refitted and refurnished with all the latest improvements the above well known saloon. I am now prepared to receive my friends and customers. Prices very reas onable. Orders for Dinner Pan be left with John Tris coni. at theCustom Exchange. corner Canal and Decatur streets. rmh4 am MIGUEL BRISOLARI. HUNTERS AND FISHING PARTIES. THE RTEAM TUG H. E. L. WILL MAKE daily trips to Peach Orchard. via Harvey's Canal, leaving Harvey's Canal at 2 a. m. and at 7 a. m. Parties wishing any excursions can obtain said boat at any time after regular trips. Fare for round trip ,o cents. Skiff ferry at the foot of Louisiana Avenue. ap27 Mu&W im* THE LOAN OFFICE. OTTO SCHWANER, 17............Baronne street...... ......1 Between Canal and Common. Janl ty Opposite Grunewald HalL MEDICAL NOTICE. DR. W. BILLE. Specialist for all Chronic Die eases, Private Diseases and Female Diseases has just returned from Europe Offlce.e190anal street, between Dryades and Rampart streets, up stairs. Nervous Debility Weakness, either caused by abuse or age, ALWAYS cured in a short time. Private Diseases treated after a new sure and quick method. Female Diseases treated with greatest success. Dr.Bilie's reputation as a skilled and suocess ful physician is already years ago established in New Orleans and vicinity and he has cured hundreds of cases here which other physicians had failed to benefit, which is well known to the public. Dr. Bills is a graduate from one of the best colleges in Europe. and was for years as sistant physician to Prof leiord. Paris. Con sultations and corresondence strictly cpnfi dential. Mhartges moderate. 196 rang street, D$ W. BILLr 196 Canal street, "it JUDICIAL ADVERTISII.ENTS. AUrfIOTN IALE. By Placide J. Spear. MII,CII (OWN. HIORrE. CAIlT AND HIAR NE14M. IIOUHEHOLD FURNIT'I'IUE, ETC. HI[(lUCEHHI()N OF MItH. O. I:AUMANN. Booond DistTrl, Coi rt for thn Parlih of Orlane - No. 40 ,'11. IIY PLACIDEJ. HPEAIt, Anotloneur-OFFITrTE S40 IROYAL hIT'ItIkET-TUMfDAY. Mayv i. 1878. at 1! o'!iosk . im.. will hl Mold at ptiuhl' allotion, on Miignfolia 4t!roi.t, h,,twoon .IJakwllr and .lJootphil tln Mrti., by virtuio aldl in pllurln. all1 Ito lan ordor fromr Iho l on. A. L. P1Iat, jtudge of ti Ho oil Disttri,'t (CouIrt for thu Linr i(h of OrlTealnR , dlateil May 7. 187I. for l ''ollit oI laid u, (Onnssion MEVEl4 MII,;II ('OWH. ()NE IHORHE CAlIt' AND IIARNES.. 11)II HEIIoI) FURNITULI I;, ETC. Tuirni Cntah on aldjudiatilon. iriyl It 11 21 HTEN(;[I, Cli1f-EI,. DIEH, I'IUURIEH. (OLD WA'I'TCH AND (!IIAIN. ETC. HU('CEIMHIIN OF (IE(iILE F. TEI'ETZEL. HMioiid )lstriotCourt fortho Pl'aril of Oriaii. - N . 44, I0.h lJY I'I,AnCIDEJ. RI'EAIL. A otiton~ar- OFFf('E i No. 4il ROYAI, H1'IIEET MONDAY. MIay 20, 14471, it 10:31) o'olo k'k. will hl .4 hil) , at p1(1,1il( nu(' olion, at No. 46; Royal M.I int.l, twIIlIw in Ili lnvlllo IIandl (iuIltomhoi.ullI- trlr tll4. by virtulin itnl In puDlljmnIIrI'io t.o an ordllIr from thl HIon. A. I. TIM Mll. Julllug of tho Hoonrl DI)lMtri.t Court for lIhir LIlrihb of Orloatns, (ldatlo April '4:, 187k, for i. Iou nt of thu ahbova ''n . o in1 - A LA ltE AHHOIRTMENT of ltonall C(hial.l4. IRoy Tag i)i04. Name I'Plato Oosn. Htainiingh I lIe4, HiillIpring Figuiru',. H-Ro1l Prglw DIns, Hlinln II I 4iI , Iron Flltwt IllookM, Coitton irarnil'8, I ll. glltt. Malirk('rq' ink Hllrni1lI Franllir., ItDior I'lati.M,. Illaiik \Vriting Ink, HMal I'ProlsllM, )ltinir Stml pri., Chlii'k 'ir,It tors, illlrniig l I,Inimp , Iliggaigo Ch'ek88, HMtIlil IruhIlri , Ilubhir, (Inrrnlli tilivr I)oor Niumhnrs, liar Cihilk4, ote , (old Wat("h will Chaln. lt.1. ( lr n4in (tHI-i l on <lldi(,lllltrl . ((11II 4 14 I II. & N. SAMOR Y, Anctloneers and Commlsslon Merchants, Mos. 45 and 47 Decatur ltreet, New Orleans. REGULAR CATALOGUE AUCTION 8ALEP -oF BOOTS. SHOES AND BROGANS, TU1MNDAYR AND THUIRDAYS Of eactlh woollk. Liberal oash advaneoM on conlagnments. at11l in QUARANTINE. PR'IO(C'IAMATION Y TIIE GOVERNOII. HTATE i Ti Lo(rIANA, i Exiviitivo liDiartmrii't. I WVhtrlnal. stion 30r( of the I',.vit'd Httutes of hlii litto ,f loilulaila. na, provid Mirihi 14. i I0o, trovhllla "Thalt. the (iovornor shall I441(1, hli pLroliirniitlion, ponl tho ulvie of ltho Board of Honlth, lainrlrinlgany iLen whtro thernshalll h, r00o5( to hololvn a pe. tll ll nt. 'llllouseor Inf totitous ,lklitmiil nxitt. lto ob an InfoetI phii,'l . stating lth, nuiiirnr of days It qiiiaranittini i4 to ie Lrformld li thin vikkilik their plailngir'. offl(oR ir cIrril( i.W clominlg from 8ulllh VillI'(, r 1ltll"." Now, thluoreforn. In uItinanllio of the pro oif tliho statut-l , aforsaidi,- and nlilion thu rlleommonliildtiotn orf th lllI, lard of Hnalth. ltrlting that thurm i4 rlaon to hri liivoi thitl. Lt this 1, Ml sorn of tllh ylir,. thiro 14 alligir of lth intrudlli+ tlli of Duoltillntiail, ,'ontagiouII or Ilnf.Otilo I (ll0u14(, from thie hrrinaftir nrarrd Llaei, I. iFRANC(I T. NICHIOLHS. G(overnor of thoHtate of I,iuiiislana, havu thoulght tpropltir to 11811 this. my irolnrnatllioni. lvlarlnug tht, ill '044g(4l4 ir riving from and aftur lth, fourtionth day of Maly. A. I). 1879. froii thu following Iol,'+tlionsr. to 8wit: All Indlia prts; all portls along thi i ,oastt oTf lho (ult of fMt'xi,'o soutih of Tixas. ox e thio Bay l.lanid. Ituj atan. Utillh aind Y - nlun ; all porl.ts alolng thl nlllland hordering ion thi Caribbluian Son ; all ports along tho At lantie 'en,.t. of Houth Amirlet, na far as the ulty of BuonRos Ayri', all of whbih shall h1o ublinet to Squltranltiuo, ali thatll, their oflor4'. 'Prows. lns I iiiguir atnH u ll 'earglons arriving from tho oIl, vl. , namrln dl alln, or having touihlid or itlIpud at lany of them. thall hI suhiiuict to a luarantine of Awli I do hoi'eh.y ilirl elt tlhe troLor 10flor( at ti, ( rlllllltlin Stationri to righltly lnforlv' tloe XI'utli on of this pLroilamation, and iany vinlyi'-1 tlhn of the laws of this HSnto on tlihii Hutll,,t imalttuur to bhi vigorou1sly prr,,nrNUt,,d. In tstl.hnony whe,riif I h:tav boreuinto Mit my hltndit and lt iautul l the 1ih 1l iof iilo Ht nlt to i1, alfflxed. at. tho iliy of New Orlanns, this third ilaiy of May,. In tihe yiar of our Lord onor thoul-. 111111d eIght hliiindr.t d and tsevinty-f ight. 1iindi or thu on tlhulilrhd iand r 0r(ond ylnar of th,. Indo t lndun.lo of the Unitted Mtati1, of Amoril'l. FRANCIS T. NICHOII,q4 (iovornor of the Stattu of Louisiiania. By tho Giov'rnor: Wir.r,. A. hTIrN(i, Hiiuetary of Btato. nilyr lilt CANCELLATION OF BOND. RTATg OF LOUIRIANA. I Exewutive Department. Whereas. GEORGE E. BOVEE. of the parish of st. James. in this State, has appllied to me for the - ancellation of a bond furnished and subscribed by him as princIpal. on the fourteenth day of November, 1i78. for the sum of twenty thousand dollars, with the following named securitieRs, to wit: Eugene La'he. for the sum of five thous and dollars; J. N. Thibodaux. for the sum of five Ithousand dollars; and Joseph Lartigue. for the sum of ten thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful performan,.ce of the duties of 1 said George E. Boyvee as Tax Collector of the said parish of St. James. d Now, therefore. I. FRANCIS T. NICiTOLLS. II Governor of the State of Louisiana. do hereby e issue this my proclamation, calling upon all persons interested therein to show cause,. in writing, at the office of the Secretary of State. d at New Orleans, within ninety days after the last publication hereof, why the said bond and mortgage resulting therefrom should not be canceled and annilled. Given under my hand and the seal of the State F of Louisiana, at the city of New Orleans. this ,s sixth day of April. In the year of our Lord t one thousand eigat hundred and seventy-eight, i FRANCIS T. NICHOLLS. Governor of the State of Louisiana By the Governor: WILL. A. STBONO. Secretary of State. ap^2 :.' Furniture -AT S JOHN BOIS', 152, 154.......Camp Street....... 52, 154 Is now prepared to sell fine as well as ordinary New Furniture at greatly reduced prices. Country orders respectfully solicited. P. 8.-Also Furniture taken on Storage, and Second-Hand Furniture bought, sold and ex S- changed. One price only on each and every aI articlo. No deviation. Country orders rompt 17l filled, mbi Sm C ()A I: I1 A tee Is acknowledged to be the RBEST AND CHEAPEST OF ALL `ed e SOAPS. LDS he It is manufactured with BORAX, free of ani as- ADULTERATIONS. ) Patented and manufactured by J. H. KELLER. S ap13 ly 110 Gravier street. JUDICIAL ADVEITIISEIImNT HERIFP NALES. John J. Dlllnt & 4Co. et alm. 0. Mnrs. Alic. F. Nonl IMrm. unynemarn at ale. STXTI' IDIHTRHIT COURT FOR THE PAR a Ih of Orf'a. N'. NUi - by virtu 'f) itt wrIt of iioilzirn ouwl in aI. to me dilr;'t'd bty the honora I lIanim, in the ai.ovi ontitiold 'a.ue, I will pro ,.d o e','ll t i t rii ill"' nawtion, tt th,' Mrr'hantn. A 'ld Auntion''r, ' IEx,'h' ngr. Ioyal triri t. ha twin (Sinal andl C(Jiatnhouai u tra'I ta. In ths NonIl Iiatri't of thinf ty., nnAT(itDAY May 75, Il7H. Rt IS o',"'hok m.. tihe folwing d'aJerlbiil Lr . r'ty to wit AIIr IHE IUNDIVIIEII t1N IIALF IN tar nt of the dfifnlant horh'in In and to the thr,. eortin lots of grounl . U iltatul', on thi rigtltt hnk of the Mivlaasippl river. opposiLt 'ho' fity of Now Orltando.. lg'lnat'd hy tho num hors onl, tWO iitil twinty-filv, of v ilare nUm htar fliv. whi'h Is houndirld by P'flt and Atlan Ir VIs.IIit' and 'ThInvi.r Pinil i'rtter ,per plan rnlllr, by W. 'l'Thornton 'i'hoimpson,IIar v wyor. on 'venth dtay of Mrl"th. 1449. tV'irord rigs tai whilih Pian anid lIlo moau.Riurn, in Arnori o,'[n mapur.llt, ii4 follnw , to wit: ItOA nullbroberu 'n atlf two adltin inlh othe'r. and rnnasura "aitih Iwinty-eo'ven foIt ive Inchna front on T'I'hayer strout by on, hundrild and twenty feet in depth. iotwoon paralli liinh :Ilotnumtrberone forring thi, "oirrn.r of Thrhnr atrneyt and Atlan tin Avenue of aunid Rqtarn; awl lot number two nty-fivi mrotnellrii thirty filt, cix inlche six anrd thror , qulrtr frront on Atinantln Ave Iyun by onn hundried aliI twenty ithr, fot eight hi,'hie lin dinlpth. hatweeon pInrill,l itno .. olrIg the m prory n ird by I rdon C. Tory, Ia forltnr hushtilll of the dofrilnt, from AIob ort I0irhl .,, hby i paaid lrfo''.1 rni m(iraharn. it'' a unftary thlil'' in thin 'ly, i . , tih twenty fifth of Flirniru ry. Iv57. Holizd in thoihovo au it. Trmrna 'Thia bing tho Ri aI,,nl lrti lhat aufll tton, prourty will Io adjudi atitl ton the highist and lint bilde.r for what It will tiring. at twolve months' oredit, the pur 'haator firntlhing Iii d, with good"I and rolvvent i'rlll it y. l ion ring fIv.n pr tint Intero at, 7 r an numn frornm datl . uti.ttll aIp'tial mniiortgage on the prop' rty l"ol, until flind ,plnymntt. Hait ptur aan"hor will hiave, to 'iO lt, and PiI y it ea h the printn . Ig hotirilr and I 'l ork'l fI.n,. ot'., whlb,' nont to aitouit nhu imnirol 'illri; andn ftrthorrorn. the i t ii ati. pIl r.lish iland muninipttl t llxs,th arnou t of wlhih Ic not, yit atMir ta io'rd. T'IOMAH If. HANDY. Civil Hhtrift of the lPari i' h of Oi)rinan. myN I .2 Leopold Rlumennthal va. Eleonore Dellle, et al. 1Xix'rH I)IMTiOiT COIUItT FORI THE PAR Iah of Oriian.. No. ai45 -fly virtue of a writ of tizuirand anli,. to rln iir'I'tsil by tlho honor Itbi hit Hix Ith Di tirlt ( ourt ?for tho parish of Or to s-ll it public faution, tit the Mi'r'hatnt and A intioninra' Ex'hiangi, Royal Mtr"it. betweyr (.anlml niti Cutattrnhoaol al triet',. in the i.xonod DlIrl rio, of this Pilty. in HA'ITURDAY, May 18, Il7l, at 12 o"'ilok in., tho following doceribed I ,pi .rt y. to wit A (,EIt'i'AiN tI'LrTION OF (iROUND). to. t gthor with l all th bulidingn ari Improvement. Ihirn.n i anrd pulrtblnanrona thir'of. aituated In tini'Monil Di)tri"t of th.i Iity, in thertluare hounlnd by St. Ann. Main".. Itpo. or Third. ant1 Hal nd,'to, or Van IHluri'n strrota. 1aid portion of grllound i 'omponI of the whole of the lot' of grnii dt li"Jtigniti i by the lnirmb-'r night. and of i part o' thi lot of groul r' ilgniataIl as num i tar .iivIn iH atllari numbnl-r twonty-flve, on a lhan riiul' -by '. N. 'Toniron, arhitn't, onll the ifif,'onth of Futhruarv. uriSl, -in diopititod in the iil of A. E.. ill vnvinu I i not.try p'uline In thli 'ity V. IR pini niriumbr aovirnty. n'd ?lullIaare. In Arnunran mainnr, forty-inight font front on .lo.udo. or Van iturln, H irot by ion hulindred and ,on, font Cix IItih' four lail, in depth. Aa will mror, fully ai by ri'frin;,. to an arnt, rpansd bforn F. it. glurs, noltary public In thia flty, dlatd i. I1M75. H I-lo in t th lbovi .R it. TIIOMAS FI HANDY. Civil HhorifT of the Parish of Orlteans. l,17 24 rfyl k 15 1i 'lonunt WaMhlngton Glass, Company vs. 'J'honmtn & Co. I FlFTH DIHTRICT COURIT FORiT THE PAR S ish of Orle;an, No. 90o2- Iv virtue of a writ tof fler fvin , to lrn dlirn'te.l by t ih honor ,bis the Fifth listriý,t (:surt for the parish of Orl n F. In thei h Hove ,ntitled pause,l I will pro ,,.d to ,ell at publio amntion, on WEDNEH tw,',n Royal and Bourip n str.,t... in the See ,ad Di.ctrit of this oity, the following de.sorlbed TIlE of t( IV. MEItCtANlI'E AND MOVA 'LE5 EFIFECT,' taken from store No. 24 Ex hallnge All,-y, consisting of las.f globes and bra-s frames for globes, as per in veutory which rnny Ie soon in my offie. HoIwl in the slhove! git. 'Terms-Thl being the scoontd and last anuc tion, the saatid property will .b delinitely adJu driitod to the highect and last biddir for what it will bring at twelve months" ,'rdlt. the pur hiaser furnlchiing bond, with good and solvent Suritly, hearin g flve t.or etnt interest per an num from late until final pnymrent. Said pur i 'hns.r will have to dlednt and spay in cash the printing. Jierk's andl shertff' fes, keeping, storag,, etc., whilh amrount altogether to the sIit of fifty dollars or ther!laboutl s. THOMAS Ii. HANDY, Civil Sheriff of the Pari-h of Orleans. .t027 m v5: SUCCEMigION ENOTICEi . nuccession of Michel Dletrich. 2EC.OND DIHTRICT COURT FOR THE PAR .07 Ih of Orleans, No. 4i1,:I33-Whereas. Mrs. Emilie Lacour I)letrich has petitioned the court for lettjrs of administration on the estate of her late huisban,. Miehel Dietrich. Notice is hereby given toall whom it may concern to show cause within ten days why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted. By order of the court. myc 12 17 JOHN HERBERT, Clerk. LEGFAL NOTICEM. A. D. Rawllngs vs. Mrs. C. S. Brandon, No. ClmeK. SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF LOU IHIANA. Friday, February 16 1878. STHE COURT WAS DULY OPENED. PEB ant their Honors: Thomas C. Manning, Chief Justice and Robert H. Marr, Alcibiade DeBlanc. William B. Eagan. William B. 8pee. cer. Associate Justices. On motion of Thomas P. Farrer, of couonnsel for plaintiff and appellant, and on suggestion of the death of defendant and appellee since hisa appeal was taken, and considering the affi davit flied by this attorney, that the heirs of said deceased are unknown, It is ordered by the court that the representa tives of said deceased appellee be notified to appear within three months from publication of this order in the official journal of the State or in default thereof the said appellant will proceed to have said cause tried and deter mined according to law. I hereby certify the foregoing to be a true and faithful extract from the minutes of this honor able court of the day. month and year first above written. In testimorty whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said court, at the city of New Orleans. this nineteenth day of Feb ruary. A. D. 187. erua . D. ALF. ROMAN. Clerk. e A'l I 'lolTl[\- T TO-DAY BY UNIACKE, 14 Exchange Place. 1 00osly