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YESTER)AY'S I'1hAAI)E. UE FIIERT 3RIW4D9 I. N. G. UK VIEWED my GEN. RESIAN. Tn the Ensltern. Northern, and In Nft in the 'Western Statee. the militia is organlized, armned and equlpped, and. under the laws of thosI States, the various oommtianlDs atr comptled to have a stated numb1itir of reviews and oiwa'I- iP menta each year. Ipionlles thiosei ordered by the division and brigade commandtor. These reviews have heno so opular In some of the cities that hltwuktne iC altniot on tirely suspended on suI'h IIys that clerks aidi mployees belonging to mrlit iaorgatlizalt.ions mar participatet, and the intr,,rtl manifeastetd by the Deople upon such o'i. csllns has often noted by our own pvoplet who, while visiting. witnessed these paradels. Buch a plan is conceded by all tIr Imbpe the you ng spirits- yotung men .src.ihlally - withl i iridei their respectlive organtlrn, tlons. ilrtd that prlde often nnleads to .omp.etitlvn drilling for prlrePs at the reviews as well as itt the tnuel('am e.ents, and the result Is thhnt it mnaorit y of thin States have a thoroughly irgrantzial mllltht. It is no doubt with that vliw thatl (itn. W..1. 3ehapl commanding thi First. ttrghnd,, LfuilH lana National (juard, orileroih th reuvieW Wilt'h took place yesterday. allotlheir objoei't Ihnlg to vethe ectlamnit an iopiorltlnlty of witnosH tS tbhe volutlols. In marlhingl, of a brigadtu aompletely uniftornmed andl ecrrlped. someethilng nh has not bneen sitn thorn Iotor in iw rs. irsuant to the gnnortal orders Isilncil lith formed at 4::10 ti. in. yesterday ol C(:nal fteet, the right resting on t:arondlei-t.. and a moments later the column. hnetaded bty (enn. an and staff. statrtil. the line oiif march leg toward lthe rivier to Ht. Uharlnt street. e u' up Ht. Chalrln to Juliat. thenneo C io lami, ddown Camp to (thartres thence bi Hi. Louis. there to Ramrpart, antd tp Iptainptrt to thel sideof Canal. thnin con nCanal to Iitourbton. When the hend of the coliuml had arrivetd ai the Intersection of C(nal and ihtourbon stredtsH, en. Behn and staff took position faIting Norbon street, the c.hlOall a In .ti In review sa the commandingl ofntuirs of eiach roximennt battalion taklng position on the lnft of tlhe omanding O.enrai until their con.mnands d mched past. 01. seyer's regiment was the first to piass. that being followetd tby (Col. Olynns is ouislanni eld Artillery, and netitt wits C(ol. I~lirlitand's rgi ment. that In tIlrn being fllowed by two coln Panii of the Orleans Artillery. In their marching by platoons some of the omDpanle showed the result of freuent drlll athe line being nearly i traht atnd the wlhee ng made with a precision whitch would have ne credit to veteran ormganlretltons, while on the other hand some of the platoons v.aid little or no attention whatever to theitr lin. thernby causing much comment from thu speRtators. and especlally thos. of other militia organtila tions In the city. In making the whlets at. the Corners the same prelRsion was notetd on thile Part of some, the oithers gettlntg around lllln i Careless way without regard to line or dlistann. Altogether. however, the parade did creilll. to, the brigade. when it is rememb.ered that It Sscarcely a year old. as was .ev nced by the eonm pliments paid by the hundreds of spettaorst who crowded the atnqtltteo on the line of mnarch and all that Is nlecessary to pirfhet the marching is the freljtent street varades aiind company drills. A aNEW YACEHT CIAlRB. Our Amateur Tachtmnen In Council As msembled. It Is with pleasure that we chroni ln the inau guration of a yacht club here. It hais snemed strange that in acity that boL.ts of so many rignd and true amateur sailors as New Orleans such a length of time should pass without some movement being taken to organize on na permla nent basis a club looking to the promotion of yachting. We have almost at our doors that beautiful sheet of water lake Pont-hartrain. and within easy reach the billowy Hound. no two better places than which for testing Ia Iboat's -ped in fair and foil weathlier exist,. and yet iup to l t night no activity hils bon shown sincei the days of the Crescent City Club to glve a tush to thl s most exciting and exhilarating sport. Ye are satistlfd now, however, tlih work has leen commenuced in earnelt. tnd it is ti his opd that a welconmt respolnsno will mnlet I tie Intiatory of this now chilu. At Hawkins' ilulb-room. last evening, a num ber of gentlemen met pursuant to it ll. for the purpose of organizing a yacht club. On motion of Mr. Walter Hare. Mijor J. E. Austin was called to the ihusir to act as temlpo rary president, and Mr. C. E. Whitney as ternom oary secretnry. M° or Austin stated clearly the oljects of tile meeting. He said it had been nalled for tho purpose of entelrillg up lon the orgaulznt.ion of a new association, diHlsconnleted ontirely with any tf the old ones. for the purpose of ennolurig ing the lnterest which he know was strongly fellt are in yachting. As miany. Wileho wer not lthen -resent, had expressed their hearty co-oelira .lon in such a nlilvemcnt, he thought that thli first two or three mIotings ought, to te conosil ered as simply preliminary olnes. and Ihe ex pressed the with that. all plresint shouldt on stitute himself a comnmittee of one to canvass amongst his yachting friends to participait ini the new organizationli. itHe said that already some sixty had expressed their dlsirn to i.lii. Mr. E. O'Brien agreed with the Chair, anl thought that only prollminary mnolinigs ouight to be held for the present until the (club had received the addit lons of thluse who lhad already slgnifled their wish to join. Mr. Jno. Phillips said thatt no mn.lller ought to suggest a nam1 for muemnihrship unless his consent he prevtiusly obtltinild. The Chair stated that of (course no name would be suggested without the issiolit of Illh party. The uuestion of initiation fens antd du.s was then taken up. and it was agreed iupon tatill at -resent there would be no inltilation fees, and that the yearly dues would be $10. On motiont it was resolved that each membnler should canvass anlllgyst his friends III0i Ihiavie the parties present who desired to join, at tihe' -eat meeting, on Tuesday evening next. lt. H wkins' saloon. The meeting then adjourned until that time and place. WILL PACKaRD ACCEPT ? That question was put to him in the Custom 'ouse yesterday by a dozen or two of his friends, but none of them got. a decided answer. When the DaIM(E'tAT man came along heasked the same question. Iat the siulln time intimating (from Information reneived I that the position as consul to Liverpool was worth something like $1e,000 a year. Mr. Packard was. as usual. evasive, express ing, however, some surprise that his name was sent in. and while he did not say positivl y that he would decline the position. he intimated that the confirmation of his appointnlt by the Senate would not displease him a part 'lel. Some of his friends claim that. the purpose ot the administration is to get him as lar from Lousleana as oissible, and as fast as possible. in order that his influencn, if he has any. may not be used against the President in the coming developments. Some say that 'Pakard knows much about the way in which matters were worked during the Returning Board session of 1876, and that hav tag been refused the appointment as Collecltor here, he, with some of the anti-liayes lopiub Iloans at Washington. might show ui some thing upon Louisiana election iaffars that would even exceed the Florida stir were he left unprovided for in this country. Packard himself, however, denies having even Intended to (pen a war on Hayes, but. its statled above, expresses surprise at the nomination. which he did not know of. THE GIOOD TEMIPL&R. The Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Good Templars met yesterday at the Bible House. at 11 o'clock a. m.. for the annal session of the order. Very little was done during the day, except the examination of credentials and the preparation for business. The order will meet to-day and to-morrow in the morning. afternoon and evening. Four lodaes from New Orleans are represented in the conclave; one from Baton It nue, one from Morgan City and one from 'I'hitodaux. The officers of the Grand lodge are J. H. Jones, presiding oflf'er; Mrs. . W. Hanna and W. Henry Martin, secretaries. PIN POOL. The Tournament Ended-Extra Billiards. The six players tied for the fourth prize agreed among themselves to play a general game to settle the matter, the player winning the first four games to take the money. After an exciting game Boul won, winning the ilfth. tenth, eleventh and twelfth games. The tour nament has been a most decided success, and although it lasted twenty-two days, the iwerest and attendance hes not flagged or abated during that long time. The audience, both in the atter noonsa nd evenings, has been both large and uthsiatio, and their daly preseunce for three weeks Is a suffleient guarantee of the Interest taken In the tournanment. Caept. Robert. the Frenrh expert, who playv an exoellent ame with his nose. will give an exhibition of this noviel method of playing bil Ilards next Thursday ntlht. IVe nppend yesterday a moore: Zahrlner., I. Coist. 2; Atralie. :17. ;7, ; ,orre, 4r, itoul, r, if. 1. ; bugni,.9. THE CON'rAR4IND CHILDREN. Wo welcome theni ht,rk for the sakir of fun. good feniing anl] harity. It has toone sorme time no si wo had hiard from them, and we wore afroid that somtlinig Ihad had hapt.ened to the boys. Ilapplly, they arr' not deoad yet. as Is wltnasmnl by tho frtrolli"ro-rnlRsd in thitir no tIt'n. A IIsual., tllhy go to work for a tin'IIvo ieni pu rbposee. for thn rnit of the NewsHorYC Ilorni'." T1hey nilnellnr new far'em. old favor tee now ekatlhas, n lrts of fun. Weo havl no dont that tI ll iproraL., mn will be filled, t.e '.nra wie know the "Co(ntrllhadl," inLd if thil' puhitrll ran hie nrulsedl it Is ty the exnertlons of thle very anlme follows. Onward, thn Contrta hIndi. ind d-- Ih,, hn who first e'rle. hold, nilough' (iot your tlII 'kLts or the thirteenth at A PL.EANANT PARTY. (jiltn a pItJrlaant iffla ir oneurrod at Migitl's yreterday evenin IIig at inn Old Lake Endl. YoR tordaly being theo elld of the first year of Jludilrg H. .1. N. Hnith's re,'"ordirihil of the First Court, heis omployoe r'aptliredi him at about :a o'clok and "vi at arlinli." roiught him to the ltake, whomer a finr dinner was prividrld. It. was ai family lifilr and, tihorofnor. wte will not go Into Dpartlilars, but it all wanilt iofT piliasliantly, the dlinnor was fin'e, the winoe wore good Iantld witty oinvnrratltou ndidrd most to the ienllirtaillment. We wish thie mIloIgi niny returns of thou niti. THE POLICE BOARD. The Poll le Board mrit last eveninig at t.hilr roomtl In thll (Crulratl Hintion. Manvr 'ilshury in the hailr and a iiiioruii of the CommRistin ors prcenlt. l'atroliman Jan. Long thlu an uillnno lloary iIonversnIaton witllh a ibrolhlr ofrlnrr. arid also falling to llnwliwr the )orpurali. was repri manded by thl boa rd. uHiiprnumiirary Ownrii Kirly. for sitting down and shliphing on his boat, was lined two days Lily. Patrolman O. T. (alatagr, for dlirobndlrnonr of orders anlld 'alligll his commiradirig oiflTlers ow rds anlld oursR. was ii ln flvir dIays' pLii y. Afltr trying othoer cilaue of minor irlmortance hin board aiidjournind. AMI' EMENTM. Testimonial. A niimtinr of amlateurs anl professionals have 'rombineld to give it coomplilmentary thlanllit. to Msers. Fred. Maiiborrot anir J. F. Pike. two worthy agnntlrmrn. The nrerformanoe will take I place on Fr lay niext at the Acaldemv of Musch. l'ho romiantirl dramr of the "Du)ad HIeart" i ltho pDlay for th llo r'r'lonl. and will hle inter prrted by Mtrrrs. T. O'Noll. B. OnoraHto J. F. Pik,. M. Ii. Irtron. A. M. Llamhina.J. Asdrrw.w J. Ii. Marshall. It. C. Mollrldrr (.aorgre Oh(sti r and J. Winter anld Mrs. Mnlthru Hidohillor and Miisos Katil MAllhoil and lnattle P'ke. PERllONAL. M rslnl Moynrm. Asrgrýrant-n-arms of th l'nnl It'ritlh conveution. I thoe right rloan In iht right ilane. We ha hovi n n tllliul ndner miany obilgations to that Icourtoonlrs g.nltlolnllli Mr. Morril W. New man for his untlringl ,.,ial In fIlbilititatirng L 1 in thu woirkings of tht I'lnal B'rllh lonlventlion. (iOuir elonliornt andl glrilal fiollow-townernan Max i)lnkeleplnl. Er.,, as tmnllorry llrresidingl orfflm r of thle ronvntilion of H'nal II'rith jlustly warned ithl high anronliinns hie rleiolvrd for his 'oolntrs and u soundi illlurnmnt. .. . .. . . + .. ... . . .. . - · ERV IVTIFU. The office of thn Now Orlonne Waterworks ( ,Compan y is removed to No. 444 ( .n st/ rent. Those who did not, so the transit of Mercury say that it was ai "sl' transit." The oi vs of Acadenltmlt H'hool No. 1 give their annual rirni' at Oakland Park. on Thulrslay. lthe nitlh instlt. Wo aro Illdeblted for invita tionsR. The K{ontucknnlrkll rsidling in Now Orleans will moot i I ror P1'. 14Ht (lharlos Hotel. at ( . y.n.. H laturday. the elnve'h insltant, to llorgan In a Kinltllky Association. The total dlnposits at the UnTted States tSub Trnasury yesterday were $71,419 55. of which $25,.57n 21 RIcme from the, Internal revenue, and $17.:.()4 was from the L4ostofftlee. COl. HIarden, of tlhe Bonrd of State Englnoers. liaves the citly this m4orning for thie4 'rel. ,to nmake the prohli4ninary o4strvations for a tsur very, lprovhlod for by act No. t3. regullar sesslon of 1474. The ,Donnaldsonvilln flrom-n will hold their anlnual parlado and .elo(lr(tion4 on ( un4day lnext. the tw.ifh Insltant. It will h4 a iflnt o x.urson for those of (our 1itizns dnlr0os to visit Dion aldsonvillo Iand S1e tI h boys. '1 1ore will t1( a4 grltand "nsulllt d('arm4s4" at Perfel.t (Union Hall on H4nd44y1,4ho( twenty-sixth Istahnt, by the pupils of Prof. (itnt4Ive lt'slir-e. Nonn t h)tteor 1than him 1an w(lnd thlie word 44l4d instrullt the youthfull4 wrist In thil art of self-do Thore is much ex.citomjnt in Ir'nnl W'rith ir elm 4over the 1om ling nlllction I1n 4onv4ntionl of Its pr(esident to1 4I14 (rGtllllnd Lod,(g. Thi two latlding lcandidtt4es are HaomI1 Ulmln 4and 4. Marx. Elrs.. ihr former having the inside track alnd said to b4 the fasleostI 1or(e. The chlorrant(d tug C. C. heysr was sold yes tordnly at, 12 4n. by 1the sh 'riT. IIIn the s(itl of Non 11 ', Levy vs. Jos. C. Koysor. land was pur(hased. bly Capt. J. W. Bli'k for ith( Anchor towboat line. for 4$1tl;f5. H r'lllaftlr tlhe Koysor will llrry 4I white anchor on' her smnokestack. the mono gram of the Anchor Line. CITY ECHOEM. Otto Youn0 g was y4(stlrdalvy sent to the Charity lHospital from offT 1th steamollr Malrtlha. suffering from a bIroken ankle. ,lamns Russell was arr'lted and locked l4D In the Third Station. 'ha4rg(,d with intimidating a State witness. A. Saloum. for dischnrging fIlrnarms within the city limits, was lodged iu the Fourth ta tlon. An Italian named Jon) wa.s lodged4 In the Third Station. charged with boating one Mary Johnson. James Sullivan was run into the Fourth Sta tlon. chargned wit h cutting and slightly wound ing Alex. Jackson. 1). Sanders blow away his liberty by blowing a police whistle. and was locked up in the Gen tral Statlon. Wm. Crosby was lockedl uip In the Central ta tlon. charged with disturbing the po1ea4, while drunk. and threatening to take Wm. E. Kelly's life with ia knife. At about five minutes past 4; o'clock last even Ing some mali(lious port(lon pla41ed a4t cartrridge i on the rallrond track It tihe corner of Gravi44r and Carondelet streets, which explodeod as at car passed over It. Ann ItRobrtson. an aged daughter of Ireland. at the request of Mrs Frances Harrigan, was run Into the Central Station on a charge of be ing drunk, disturbing the pew, Insult and abuse, and mallelous mislhiof. Struck on the Head With a Brick. Between the hours of 6 and 7 o'elo('k last even ing a dlmf.ulty took place at thocorner of Broad and Ursulines stretes between three pound drIvers named Henry Colfax and Black and Henry Johnson on one side and four or five, Gascons on the other, which terminated In one of the Gascons being struck on the heard with a rock In the hands of one of the pound drivers, supnpos4 d to-be Henry Johnson, and danger ously wounded. Johnson was arrested and locked up In the Fourth Police Station. The wounded man was 'onveyed to his residence on Broad street, be tween Ursulines and St. Phill.o where he now lies in a critical condition. The difficulty re suited from the fact that the pound drivers had captured on Broad street a number of cows be lolging to the Gaseous, who attempted to res cue them. Have you paid your capital tax and license? " Is it Iecoming to 44e? " asked she, as she par.ad14l in the co(stunle of 101) years ago be fore her huslbalnd. "Yes, nly dear," said he, meekly. "Dou't you wish I could dress this way all the tine?' she askted. "No. Iny de(har," he riepliitI; "but I wish you had lived wholn that was the style." Three earthquake shocks occurred on the Yellowstone river, California, accompani'ed with a stifling s4mell of sulphur, and the earth gaped open for a distance of 1500 foot, reveal ing a vein of coal five feet wide. This is the first instance known of an earthquake doing any good, unless it was in the case of a San Francsco lady, who said she 0likc4 to have an earthquae oce in a whle as, it pu drifed the .a'ampee IV'NAI B'RITII. THIRD DAT'N NEISION OF THE GRAND LODIE, DIVILION NO. 7. At. a little afterr it '. clok ylsturldaty morning. Prmeident, Hentlg not nin.g presenlt and ia qluo rum of the eonvlntilon having arrlved. Ilrother Mars took the ohair anud rtallsed the body to or dl.r. After a few Iprllitnarla, BIrother H. E. Lonb ,commrnnnnteld il.s arg.llnnt in thnts salo of him itlnf o appoal against thet lnn Iurael Lodgn, on thn ijietision of the piroper admissilon of a memben r to initiation alftr a pLrotOLt. andii after aI cormmitteo of three had lllln st at psinttI'I to e~x a.min into the iuiilicalntions as to biulith. itre.. of th]t uan|idatt. Lotb dlataisu.d the aubi'et at 11m1t0 lenogth,. arguing that. thin mirn her LtutI bosn admitte d otsl trat lrl to thi ruilIsa of I the order. In resptonan IBrothnr rs'md Marka. on bthalf of hlia. the iont Isrial Lodia, stated to theo 'on venttion that Ito land his o('l 4agutisa of thl Iodge were willing to suttmit the stasn witllhout further argumentut.. li tihouight, the convontlon know all tilhe falt. in th essae now. and lno further ilia (sa4ision[ waLs n)otssa.lry. O)n motion tim al oltn of lion Israel Iodrgo was Rustailnd. andt1 Brothor LoOsb's protoest over ruledl. Presidont Htnlig arriving. took theo hair. The Mori.aroty rl oadI a plro osal to hb In'orpo rated In thie law of t.heis oiror that Iistroafter th4i. diront.ors of the T'loutr Illlirmary be stho.srHll from the bodly of the order without regard to the inet whethnr they were past presidentsar or nlot; or whethelr tbhey rosildrl in thit city or not. 'JThe propLosd allotllndtllllt was refrrredt t the nommtittetn on aIsylums. A in berlor of amenlmtots to the lawa of the order wore road and I'efrredsto otheio arotsritat, c'om4mitte.rr R. Brother (olin'a amntdmont pLropDoing Ithat, thidiatrlst No. 7 nver its i.OtLInelon. gso for ias tihe RAtsi)port of thin (vllw tualnd Willows andl hr phans' horne was c,,nci'rntId. froml tLih otiher dll tritsa, waae rlnld and proveskntl 'otnsidlLoraio (distHustlon. Motions to tablel. risnatlions oftr prlv lingos motions to rnfor fillowse ssllt anriothtir so fIRt It was impossibttle for nlmembers to rightly conmlrn.lnd whllat, was Ieforn the body,. aInd BIrother Golin withdrow his amendmlount for tihe tlme being. Ierothor Max Dinkelavio t In the shnir. 'The aptpeal from t i do1c1alioni of Ezra Lodegn of MIR*aisal l wHas tuhis OIall5ed5 1.Th isLa Is wIsL one involvinig ai vTry Intoroestlng ll uirat lort. A'strd Ing. t Ihi lawn of the ordir ita anilidsatht Raenktig to affliates with t.he ordlsir musat tapply for asl misilon tot the lodgeit hli vhutlt of real ditnlleu. Two personrIR lving ait Fiayttets MiAH., appliu d to Ezrai Lodges. of Natlh+z,. and tlniclr uttttion was acted upon and thitsy were tsslss'telt. It was foud that their rnsidon'ss was rn.iarser Pert (Gibson, wheroo tlhrn a IsIt ldgee, tlhan It wast to Nateha.h but tin fl thilltlin of travel by roil were greeater from Fayetto to Natc.her thltan from Fayeittt to Port (ibson. Ti'he illatlon thin aroae as to whether In the law the word "nearest" mniatt the pllco euassiest of aissa'ns to a nltrnllts.r. or whoether the distancet'l should I be corn puteri in ai ai r Ji no. Theore was a tlon and interstintg argrmontlt on this qllltion. H0111o iontendd thlat fsi'lll ties Ity rail for travel rladsl It pilasIt nearetr. sIt4 others that tihe law inttndtlsd ti signify thli g.s graphical aitluatiolns Of the two pla.'e. lTh gentoralI (CtomrIl ittott wJllhich nets ontt HItcI csules Wiihen the (rutorl joslgit lsa in sH.ssio. di, ls/s'idsl tmattihe atmildatlsa Ihsloinge tottm l'Port (itbssil Lodge,. the etarnmt g.ngrarirc 'llly. ans l its Ia tioi was aItatil tnd by t ihe 'iri vienIt lo. An ttappeal from thln Lsontl Htnr Lodge. of TixaIL. wans taken sp[s. This rlmaltter at IsHiut wits the right ito Install memlertr nfrtr olsction, not withltandinsg oht;,sntlon. It wait resfrred to a commi tltoln. Art invitation to tha membenrs to vilsit thes Toturo Inflrimary wi. lhlo rstd, and osn iuorlon tho body res'olved to visit the Institution ait :a i. 05. Br' thor ,acoblt, sthairman of the ,ommritnttn osi ,utsd wtnr nti , thlsn ,rs.rtls tet d it rp s,,rt tlnl alksed thatl it bo mtalo the1 pitci.l order of to day. Hsornm of the moembers thought thalt thei manittor might be tiake u t u titons but sn Brother .ia m|)y nlg.gtting that, the report was volumin oslsi anI would 'or).nlmllu 1rs11 ltuh tims in itns rolslia Irng, It, was ordi+rssd printtld and ilile the s'L' 'ial order of to-day. Th following are the suslggsstest,< nmensslms nts I'1RO)1'tiF, r) A MENi DMErNTS 'I, EN DO 1V11 M NT It A),t\ius A Ii ; ll is'it|iN ri'I s'AND 1. ) Iy Is , Ni . 7, 1. OU. It. NEW OnriR4N~ . May 7, 1t7H. To tihe Offlcora and Members Distrilt hirand Lodlge No. 7. 1. O. B. it.: Wo roecommtnd the rollowing: ADi TO ICti"ilTON ' )lrR. Ani whenovtr gsuth sit illentsis of ditilth sslst - duirinig iiany -- namini'1v dollars psii taltL, tithen thiamos uint for niuh aaiLR euiissmit ttstI bfei drawn from the surplus fundI inl the iIthands of theit trustssae of theo tndowmrut in thie tfollowing manner: Whenever a rrsmtmtr hos ntisI - nsseiuo mosts in sui calindar ysar, and the istlsg is unotitled oif any adsdillosal sfill'idoaiieriTt assioss ronts, mchi ltodge shatll draw a vouches r isl iori - formlty with our laiws snl oin'e ttrusttlss tOf thet m .st ildowmrntl fiund of i). (. L.. It fI.lVr f tIis s.rm tary of lthe Di trlt G0. L.. u,,peifying the nurn sher of the as.ssama nt, tae of tb iiet'uteI brothora. snid each lodssi e to kytp a record of sisal oif ] s t ai, ashttod '. 'Tho of f thse e'ndownnit (isurtlugi fnd to honor theli vohtr iso drtawni. Ini coi frmityl with the prs .sdling tuotlion, whii nmntover i r tform. l'n putlrr osnt 'of the gras reclptul of t,-rsas mints-i from s ibordinarn Iisdges shall isis i. duteitIs from said reilisuts. tand by the htln'urs if trusteou of tohe resesrve funsd athlst to, saidtl roeserve fu nd. Whtiever the susr amounIt i Srtlnl, it shall bhi iinveastst asl pl.r ss' ttion thhlrtmen ia ami.nesls : Lprvious- to its ius.i muhtltig to A'uswo. It ahail Isi isiusissd sy this hbard of trustass H of thu ressurv fllntd lH itt L stiin edght. Aa an oxamlos wi takis it for grantts| that Ithe montt will Isis ltv-its'sd int , Lsr 'oist intirs.usst bisaring haIid of thih Utiitite 8iatsssi. 'rThr, Ia prshalblyv aix tholussnd dollarsi in tis risairvi fund to-iltay. sity . . on;.sss 0i PrusmInatblo i(saIths durling the y'tar: say twsnty. Iat thi i DrsHasnt ratei of mum butrhlp. slra: ont dollar ecalh wousisi givo $Il(,Ki0. takss 1) ussr c:It thttri fromwould wsvsi iii giso Add to this intoroat f,,r ,ne yiear . :.,lucso i$tl.',5o0 I SECOND IEAR. Add year's as(.ssment without adding any increasO of lliemH.rshi p .5,(00no Interest ... . .. . ... . .. .. .5 .e 17,:175 00 THIRD YEA R. Continue in same manner .5,40 on00 Interest . . 1.2 11 23 12:1.441 25 I0OUIRTH YEAR. Assessment perrentag, . 5,4 00 n Interest ... .... . . ....... 1424 c5 129,215 81 FIFTH YEAR:. Assessment Dpercenlal g e. . . 6,11,0 00 Interest . . 1,745 74 $:i,4161 0O SIXTIH YEAIL. Assessment Deroentage . o50w no0 Interest ..... 2.............. : o, $43,714 0; SEVENTH YEAR. Assessment percentagloe. 51.01 00 o Interest ..... ............... . 7 23 $,1,181 91 EII;HTH YEAR. Assessment percentage ...... 5. on Interest. . . ........ ....... 2.s_.o . o9 $5M8,91 001 NINTH YEAR. Assessment percentage . ...... 50o o Interest .... ......... . .. .... 1., .9 55 $07,15) .53 TENTH YEAR. Assessment percentage . .. ... 000. (. Interest ............. ..................... . 52 Eleventh year-on hand ........... .t73,s00o o It is presumable that there will he an increase of membership, which, together with the other funds suggested in this report will give us an a,'ditional twenty-tive thousand dollars. Or, in other words, we will have a fund of at least one hundred thousand dollars. AMEND SECTION SIX so as to read: The end.,wment shall be paid, firstly, if married, to his wife; secondly, If he be a widower at time of death, to his ihiidren, in eou.l proportion, if any exist; thirdly, if no wife or child be in existenee, then to his father or mother, singly or conjointly as per direc tton. or when not directed, then to the father Arst; in the event of the non-exstenoe of father or mother, and there be brothre and sisters jltto, then aeeor~#ng to dQreatPXn where no Instructions exist, than to the sisters first; where no sisters are living. thn In ineul propor t lon to the brothers who may be living at the time of the demise of a brother of the order. If there be no immediate member of a family as above refered to living at the time of the de(ath of a member, then the endowment to be paid In conformnity with any spedial direction made by the Inernmer during life. If no direotion be made, as per section - of this articlr, the legal amoun1t shall be aollleted after his dofloeais and laed to the widow and orphanit resmrve fund. A nmarri.l rother may. in the manner pro vided in section t;. meuro one-hialf of the Inegal amoiunt to elther ono or all of htis l'hildren, or to Igaardians atfintdllfl l by him, to be useld for the hnoeflt of hls children. Hvevrn ltundred aInd flfty dolllrs at least, however, mInIst )be given to thl willow. "If n11 legal laimlmat shnlll avnear within the IelIod of ofn. year. tltmn the endnlowrnl-nt shatll ff widtfel to the reserve fond1. thero to he kept In trust untill It le-gal clalrmant shall tapply. the hll.e pri ial tof thill enfdowmleont thlin to ht, tpa ri I such Ifgal claimant, harring all IntI.or eet IthrftfV. tWheln a marr.ed trothor dfifln, and eaves a It chilli or chlldrf-n by a former wifef rin.f king no dlircfntl na t the dllsposition lof the tonltllt of this elfndwment, thl n safid cIhil dren shall r0o'ivE iin lfqal JIpropo rtlon with all o1ther fthfll trn living fit t, t f th f fhe brother. If, fowver., thore 1 ni othe r fhlld or chltdren Ilvilrg. Ixeenpt tlhofse by a forumer wife. and no d ir tioln toH madf ilf as to their shatre of tht, enlowmnnt,. then one-hallf thef Imut liofll the fntdowrnllt, shall be tpithl o tlihe prop, r anii legal relpr.slntaIitlvin If (If Esucfh lI ld or cllfiro1fn. In t .1 clnamio ianurilr tas thiOlighi Sct.llyl dlroetstEd so to fdo. ADD TORElTION IX: When the (I. H. of the district, rfecIvIES notile from the seof;rft.ary of It snubordinlste Iodg ofI tItIf diapt sitoll Ionld by a brot hero l 1ils 0dow, or of it transfer made, thie Kgrlld elfIore tary eshall th.rcf lIon fidresrl IL notclne to sEuch brothetr de'rlf , notilfying him of tihe rffle.tlfon of sucl h lnotilIlftin olf Initist dlislf lttlon nf ltif of his endowment fnfliltlr. CEfRIfrN EKIfrIT. ErateO till after I hn word "proper." r"1'IO EN TEN to rota : All perf i. I llht litE Into thi frer , i or it tbrother nfltillitling by Enrd from intllhttfr district. shall tlnklf It dnclitrft1on of hil health, or If nlh, f'tld with any bodllly infirmity. In a book knpt for that Ipurposnl, find It coply thereof shall tbff fforwatrd., with lthe sunm f $2, to ttf gridl sf.frftfiry. fstating the nr1n) In full,. whore btorn, ElgI' fofllt OfffuntltIfn. 'rile amounfcfrt shrtll bet known i1s the reseirve 1ndowment, I lm it eid. AMEND .aIV TION TEN esfonsi to r, Eld. Five dolllnl rn itllititlon fr Int111o t1ho fnfdowfift, iinstold of $f'. in it l1ow AF ENIf R5E10TION TItIRTEEN aso itEo recdl: 'T1he boarfd of trustffso sihllf in uvt tfhe resEcrvl fhind in Ihttd Hfintf lrterfet hlIring tinlds.m ItiI bfndtf s to be depo'Sltle with the Trrisnurer of the Uniteld tats, an cl 'lustodlatn of the monef II o Ef the fund. i1f;rTIlO TIlrr i"t N. ThiE loard of tristlerm shall tiviat the rffanrvle endrl wtm nlt fUlirl. Ilmiltd., Iin reglst l-lrd Ienllds Eof film United Hitteis, Erslie tte r emcIlti rilder of t1he f'ntion. RECTION NINETrfEN. A Ilo.ig roln.hstting a) memlnihr .Ipn iinded for iinon-lvront 1of dullS siihall lctilrlal him sit, iher ill rs.r tlln. noIt ffx,,i nltlll g. lirfhowevelr. Iln it llnVf I thEf rIntllt, w'uitally duf, iinwd nothing to thel grand lodge. Ap1 TO RIcrrot"N TwrNrTv: All Ifnnes lrlll 1it, aIddnd to the reselrve hinnd 1of the 1no11 w II nt, fund of District No. 7. RE "rION TWENTY-TW TO I' f B TWENTY.TffiREt7, 1and chis to lho twenty-two: Ilf Ii mlas whiren Ita it-iseem, brother ltnvsa It child or chllirfn not of thi pr+.oPr ago to choo-El It liatrd.tIn. the trlf"il+t of the ltolog unditr lhll shall tinnnfig+ said iflowinnl t for fthe Inefilt of fsuch f'hild or children, with th111 c,,onstl and1 advitIv off the lodgel until dmnani shall he mate by a legal l1nrdililn. to who11 thie endowIFnt. iiand I'rund Intolr"t shall tElm paid 1lupon prpotr vouchlrsC. rTho grlliid C.IEI'iltfry .shall tle Inforrnml when flver onsl ema.nds ianly noti on, fg1 nelflied in this or'tlnl by the protper Nrlirs of tht lod10f.1 RP'Ei'IAL AMTENDITN'I , 'Thle torrn widow of a dleffeaed mEmhblr shall apply to ontl wihot hits I fn ther latwful witfe olf a lnfutal l lthrfothlr. tlr. tli h was InIot. lgIlly atplfI Iratedl from hlm ait the time of hifs difatth. In thfe ,Oas+ of minor hillir.on of ia lmon.emdR inefnmr, antrdl where 11 f guardfian is Iftfrpointldf tby lgul llro'oss. the trustfaf Ef t.hl wiidow lIndII rpthan rsErv fund off theI district. s to the dipo4llonl if theilr fndlow lntf.blt. sh a.I t ill thti I'la IllIty of Igrtl glluardians. A mmbnfrf sthall he cnriflrel-d Iiln fgodl fT lf ig." withinr the ITeanintllg of il .lois lwm'l lant law, who ls leithr sisominhfdi nor e' poll-d. If y inlly nltfndmfent to the existing laws of ist rift No. 7. ,or of lthe organ I law )of thiE ordlr. tu[lIIat11lt for imlmberltolft ilnto the order mlty 'i ldllmlttleld being fover fiftyv years of afg". ffsup Itlapplillnt cannot, at fanly time during tlls Eo I nection wIth the1 ordler, partllfipntl inl til' ,Ifn dowmen t of tills district. All itfttllt' ntl for admission int r thte lder, hbing at the timenI fr n pplientfit n fifty y.ars of agf, ,sh ll. prlor toI his lni tiont 11 Dnto th orf r. tigna it d oi I wawlving fEll innI.ftion with tmndl riglh! fu.iclr the 'llrow ltf l llat s'lhem le of this dlistrict. fYEl.LLIW faVEfa tiN. Ilrolthlr lE. l,ow,.nltRiin. of t'Kbtlrfatfa LDnlgm No. :.. locatd nt Mmhis t.e rnn., stlts npas frl Itlws. '"There nEaver fxxtdhfl fi Il HE,.lr tlosfpitil tellef Au.'nin litlon in Mmll this. I lfDt Memp his nf or abtm O'lrtober . a173. 111 t ft member of the, rder off I.. O . i, . e ,ver sin,,, 1Il. At. the c'lose of th l, iderni the he slum of $ .as. kept on ilaid a1t of tIe various iuofllnts roc'Ei vedl ThIs sinm off $10I,00 dolinrs wits kept for. m ,rge ,n i,.tlf s pff11a1 d ilt tl1 hf lls 1ff .tmllfl_ i thrtin ti i lit 7 p' r nIt inlltrr'slt itr nrnum. 'Th rin|e1 pil Is itltan : f. f. . S11.1.m51. aEitd aboult 5 l00f ntfretst i'nr1iliOted is now Ion hand; lhf bILdl LIne o1f tlhl mifron' intferest. haIs beefn used sit Il vltrJous tilnas to DItVitlll fo so Io nody fltmiltes I in the citty of Memphi.s." HIf mnchi of the report from E. Lownstlin. l'rother M. Ulman, grand srrtary oIf dis trict No. 7, statEdl .fs follows: "On or itboft the fourth or eixth of Hlfutombtr. 157:,I a ftrol'-rn5til tufltf fommittfff. heflfEfd lby A. 1,. lralnklind. tary, allfffi for ald on all the rfE+flggs of thff ordEr r 11l onftsidflrs all without alny authorlty frmni any eftfrmff. '1htey ttIIhn lalfli ilnfto fxlftfnlflfe. aganla without fiuthorlty. a ho1litll rElief fI.o- I fifltifon. All funds wre dirishIf Ind m elrfflvfffl Iy A. E. Frankihnl ald turnffd ovffr to,JflnatlhaIn itlif. itifi [ffflSR LJwbry. aetlnw fieflrlftary." ThbIs I'hllfd the stitit'mfnl of M. I;Iman. (I. . ]bPe.lipetfully submitted In B. ;. LI. and II., EMILE II. JACOBI. H. E. LOEII. D. (lOHLIN. Htandling Committfll on Enlowment ILws. Thl following commlttelf, were aipolnt~ed jus~t before aournmont: On jurisprudfnce: Meesrs. Batum. IH. LIon, 14. Frauklin. Helm. Goldstackfr. Loohstoln itnm E. tIiaphafl. On setfolitl committee to lnvesttgatto the rT fonf Htar Lodgff att+fal: Messrs. b. Franklln. H. 11cr mann. H. Lion and R. Bloch. Thi convention. at :I o'olock, then adjourned until to-day at 10a. m. A Ilirge number visited the Touro Infirmary for the iurpofe of inspectIng its worklngs. Thierl thffy were met by thf fm,-ers in fhitrge and shown through thf bullings and grounds. Everything gave elavidenfe of the care and pIitne taken of thiE atitnts and the extrflme neatnef'f (ft the wards. fl Is a inmodll institutIon and stands out in bold roller whfn comfarfd with somef of our city infirmarios for the decreilt and .l-k. There were about fifty of the lielegatos of District (Irand Lodge No. 7 who vIsited the infirmary, and wlfre reolvflwd by Rev. J. K. (utl-elm. first vilo Drelsifient. by whom thry were wel,'omEff. I)r. Loeber kindly f'CIoorted: the visItors around, and they were wfll plaltsEd with the management of the inetitutlon. Atr rerlsnt thrf atrff twenty-eeven inmats. Th,, only dtsfffme prevahling Is thf l!'ItI' I fumiff and with the nursing of Edwin Kurn 1 If-elf. Ill, I trfetsrfr, hotfs are entertaillffd ,,f stfoofdy 'HIE ENTERTAINMENT LA5T 1 If fT given in honor of the delegate+s, by thl" Y,nin Mun's Hebrew Association, at GrInewald ifall, l brought out a very large and solet' ts ldlelneo The capa'ity of the hall was trsted well and after the overture began there was but stand ing room left. The programme was most varied and consisted of musical gems by several of our prominent lady and gentlemen singers.a debate by members of the Young Men's Hebrew Association on the subject of the pul pit vs. the ar, anrd a humorous lectuare. The lateness of the hour poreruddes special mention, but we will revert to the matter to-morrow. Accidentally Shot Himself. At about c,::o o'clock yesterday morning, at the corner of Canal and Common streets, the son of J. Rosenthal. aged five years, while fo ling with a toy .istol accidentally shot him self in the calf of the right leg. Delinquent rolls of taxes on personal property and capital, and licenses due lan 1878, are now being made up. No hotel in this country or Europe is more thoroughly comfortable for families and ladies traveling alone than the wetl-known Colon nade Hotel In Philadelpbia. Pa. Ladles drink Moet & Ohandon and smack their lips with delight. MUNICIPAL MATTERS. THE ADMINIITRATOR OF rOlICE. His Rights Under the City Charter and City Ordinances. By rrcfnrring too the oftlhrl pronrndlngs of th, (Connll it will hIo soon that Adrministrator Dil- I nmonrl makes writton rovort to thle C(onll, inl whilh he c'targes tlllt th. chiif of vollrn has mileo t.rlrtailn .hangon in the aRlignlrlrmnt of o011 'ars of the Doliro witlhoiut, giving any roiraons thorofor or i'onsult ing with him. Mr. IDimornd, inr Admlnlstrr tor of I'olln., and ats rrluiitlr .l hyv 'ity ordlinanlo No. :911. Mr. Diamond adds that. i ho tais siisiuently disapprovild of tie i changiil, his Idilnilproival talrig unhiinddlll. It, Iaska for srmu nrtlon in ttho marttrr ly tha U'ouniiil. 'llThoroupllaon Administrator EtdwatIr otrffrll a r-owltliion In lrio followingl word -: That Ithi nation of t h. Administrltor of Po'lln bt sue it 1 'I." IThi motion wuns sannonril hy Mr. CaRnina'. who .w ,no ilt doml lIongth on the ,Ih11J0',, his rpiort 1fthr in of tli rhreiiiiIgs of t0R ianlri, r otl. I..r lll ali l l l s okl In iIsu ort lof thl e no - ltionrll, whlltr Aidmrnistralhtr iirownl wlp, Lh l It, andi was th, only mrniithr votIing ill thl tiv whn ltho adolption of thi rausolrtion was. pit to i Vioto. lint rig ii no1rtailn of the tfftat, of Mr. EdIwar|l' rml itioln Wu soughtl inlfornlltion from tIll Mayor. Mr. I'lisbury wair unhlin to igivi ainy dlidld opinion. If, thouiight, howvtnr, Ithat its far ita thi proiredinigs of tho Couniil wire ion Iirrarnd til condition wais riot ihangai. Ti ofmlonra rfInrnrd to in Itih mat.Iri.. said. will havtis to 'ontinini in their prrnont psition I Until trle other i i tutn I1 taken byr thor Cou nriil. ,Itornrdtrig tiho oDorntionr of ! l. ordirllnnnli riiuirling ItDh ripprovil of thin Mayor anid tih Amlrninlistritor of ' I,efori liany thangt'1 or train rs an n ifiimai ill aong the ofaiiaos of tIh polIloi, it wasit a vry irnitr proves. Thoe hlf of alio,:. it his Pommrnuni SI, thln to Ith, hoard had thought prlopr to, nlliki tlrtnliln Iran, fors. Thi Adit Inistritor of I'oilln rnfusaan to nr provi of ttho ioion of thtilihitif. 'Tht 'Ijilstin th rliforo i wheltIler It wiIs thu InI lit ntiln f thit ftratm r, of thei law that the d lispp, rrovl of lthe, Admininr.t.or of I,,ileng or thaI of I tll Mtyor allollan rhol lid provivntlth lll trlrnsfl r. In tho ll ln- I ion of thIi Mayor sith is not, Lii mnlining of 1h1 law. an tit irig iron thla il oplilnionlii. 11s Ihi lixaeltivii offir of tho city govornmllnt, hd he was willing to lot thi mattor go in thlt forln .,foro trhe pulio. THIE IONI EXCHANGE TO-D&4Y. At noon to-dlay thi bille for tho rxhang ofi •iVilanrltcs of in-i.itedness of th citly for Watstr works stoilk will Irr opn.r d in the Mayor'i par lor. Thu advrrtlmnnnnt publhishod tflelarlly In thu DEIMOuiRAT is4 for tht rxthilngo of $'t.i',"ii of stook, ut, It 1is ixp 'tltd that. istl for is mnii'h in $Iltll. l will hi 'iTu-rrd, onI ptrson altone ilon ff'r Ing .to r $ 10n, worth oif 'rlly nio-Ibt ni lral. Ui Ito t t 1 closing orf blsinn4 alt htil City i 1iAl1 yistnrdry fetw ranlid iroposalst hlad hnt, tindirll, 11111 thu fanll thrit ttiiiy rim ri-a/i-I iarl ma vorsio/ l llprorlt poat ho tin maid or what Irllrli Surns iar offTerid for Waterworks stoik. If w unaidrstan . ndtili trltuation arigrht, it I ,lsiblo l t lhat the enttir itr a l lmn t, Slwesoin ,h will lu noivnrrtoll (I hitul 1iuih armiouiit til ullirwlr , I If i rirninmu is ofT ired in arn-t u-nl f-r thl, Waterworks stoik that will Indllhuto an tl vian t Iag to e hi city. COMPLAINTM. A Iitiznn writ's to the Mayor. eomplalning of a lot of noisy and vulgar Individuals that ion grr'gato on olrdl stroot and Insult ipasriMa by. Another lomiplaint Il mIa tr y Mr Win. lul livan., to rlo r- t that the iontraitors' arts nr iIumpingi most offtnsiva gartaigl. Inclut ing -and tnimrnl, in the noItghh r'hood of H,.onnd ianil WIllow ,tir-.t's. Mr. iHullivan furthler siays that it1 hilas mdtill fl( lafl vit aigainst, two of t.h I, rtmin of Mr. Knisftr. the pnntrlt.trof f tihe tlistrJ.t,h u.t that oth'r oartmnn 'ontinlun the dilumping~ of illith andil garha. in his iiighl.or btod. llth olInlplIllnts worr rflrrld by th IMayour to the lchi. f ipoliie. - - - - - THIE W:.AR MlDSk QUEITION. At the Connell mooti ng yssstsrday Ad m i n ist ra for IRinontrll introdiItl an ordinance,, a m+nd iatory Land sVilanattory of tih original sugar htshd ordinance. The new ordinance provlls.s that thes Hugar Hhed Company shall hb author icod to ,.i Illet for shiltering or storing sugar 4 ients per hogsheadi and mola,'s is a5 s'i Ipr barrel PIr month, with is Perits [per hogs hl!ld allld r5 aents per barr'll for larior. In case5 of a tI rihange of hitlndis of the rnser!,handise~ no 'halrg, is to be made by t.htl Hugar Htshsl Con - Iinnly if the pnurichaseLr removes thes sug;tr or mIas.leslr on the slay of Dur.hnl.wo. i'e r,,om rnny is to say to the ilty 10 por (ont onisI4 o"n tsse gro receiptts reVelvid forr stoyr ago. ste.. tidi it, will noit be cimpulsory. hire-s after, for owners of siugar and mrieaeso on the lI-veo to store thilr mnercharndise in the sugar s.hteds; setsh rnerchanrldlise will. howuver, he stub .ist, to the u,operatios of thse' city ordinsnress r"il t.,tivn to m srehnnirlso ihrnded on the livei al.(l litabil to removal after the piriod psrierlbod by law. It. was expIlained by ni ofv thei Audministrators that this ord I nanoi would .sttl II. all d Tifsrinssis `u.innriistis with the lsugar -ishid eiesatiion, and a report was made by Admninistirtrar Ilting storlT ti ti.i sasrnem ileiit., thi r iport ti, ris D tub Iisheld in full in the rolleial prsoiildings of the Couniil. printI di in this rniring's i)U ,.ct u.AT. Ti'reroupon this ordilnal., wias unanimrlousHly uelopted. TilHE THIRD DISTRICT FERRY. The ordinancei for the rellf of Char'les Fitz onreiter, lessei of the Third Distri't ferry, came up again yesterday. Administrator Cavanae explainesd that ih had thoroughly investigated the matter. and his e-inclu.sions were that the rsiquost of Mr. Fitz in rnitiur--that. the rental of tho privileg s be re di idss. from s:lir, to $20) pl.r mrnth-deserviel favorable consideration. The prlvilee Dprior to the liseo of Mr. Fitzenreitor had yieled to the city 5445 in ten years. The present leaseI. whlich was for tell years, woelid yield over 52G,0,0 to the city at t$34 per month; but the Isuisse fourndl it rm porssible to carry out the terms of his contract at that rate. At the rate of $200 per month, which he now proposed to pay. at the end of tem years the city will have rteeived over S24.,t00 for that which she had received only Ls0o during the previous ten years. He. therefore, moved the adoption of tho resolo tion. Administrator Brown obtectetd. however. say Ing that he doubted whether the Council had any right to modify a ,lease which hadi been sold under sealed Droposals. Under the -Iriuism stances, he thought. that the only thing that oould he considered was a reilinjuishment of his priviliege by Mr. Fitzen.roitr. At this juncture. a motion made by Asdminis trator DInis. that the subjoct lio oIr r for a welek, was carried. GENTILLY ROAD. A petition signed by a number of residents on the Gentilly Road, asking that that thorough fare between the Fair Grounds and Elysian Fields street be repalred, gave the o.ccasion to Administrator McCafTreythat he had some time ago notified the contractor to put the road in order. the result being a refusal under the sig nature of the contractor; that he (Mr. Mi C:afTroy had thereupon begun to repair the road, iundler the provision of the contract stipulating that In c.ast of neglect of the contractor to per form his duty the city shall d,, the work at his expense; that he (Mr. McCaffrey) had pro gressed in thib work as far as possible, and now he would ask the Council for instruction to put the contractor in delfault. On mrotion Mr. McCaffrey's reqnest was put in the shape of a resolution and adopted. MISCELLANEOUS. The McDonogh school-houses Nos. i9 and I, the first on Dorgi-nols street, in the Third Dii triot, and the other on Baronne street. corner of First. are progressing flnily. The walls of No. 10 are nearly ready to receive the joists of the second story. The ordinance granting the right ro' way to thie New City P-.rk and Lake IR-ilrrohJ Com pany is published in full in the of.cia p-oreed ings of the Council. The ordinanob was or dered to lie over until next meeting., Heveral Do i.e supernumeraries W.ere ntmi nat.-d by the Mayor. but no action tken on the nominations. The ordinanoe authorizing the payment of $si) to Mr. John Hill for planthing trees was repealed. The committee apptointscl on the tree Que-tion are now 1, (uiring into the number of trees that have been,4 runed. Sent Before the Superior .riminaIl Court. The ease of the $tate vs Christian Burk hardt, charged by Julius ndau with uttering as true a forged and counteit order, and also charged by A. G. Ricks wh tendering and ut tering a true a ab.l. goed and courterdeit order, and also charged by 0. C. Blanchard and Wallace Wood with the same offense. came up before Rieorder Imith yesterday on a prelimi nary examination. After hetarlng ovidrlnon for both 4tats and de, the aroursed wals Pnt hofora Aher Superior Crimilnal Court tundtr S2et 1 btonrls. RBurllara at Work. At about hallf-Iurta 1 o'lIock TunIl:tay morning ihlrglares4 tAtf.iT rlt an ro itr.taneir into Mr. M. Mrtr tin' Jwolry store. at tho eornr ~f Lafayette andt t rgant strttts. aind .tarried away a :,t of lW ,dry valued at $25. itruek on the Head. At aioutL, r5 ,'loCk yn4trdtlay mornlng., nt the bukt'ry 20i Orltean atrot. l a iftllirlv tok placn duringr wti'h at rran nratmed Ernrat Iuilgir wtas strtu'k over the ht',tl with a sti,,k of ,,ord wood in the ihands of 1'!tter iIrutt.'l. ifliittig n a toveri woundi. Tho aetrtiid was arratotd. fTho wi1tunled man was sont to tile rAlwiloni'. Moot, & Chandon is tih king of wines. The Wharf on Fire. At r, l',,ock iast nvnirng tht wharf at the hand' The tainms wore, it,,rdliattdly extritngulshed with slight dalmnige alnd without th p,,,')raity of at 'IIL; irln. UNITED HTATE. CIRCUIT COURT. In the cas, of .Iohn A. Morris vs. E. A hlurkt ot als. Mr. Mlrrris, a rol-idnt. of tIh Htate of Now Yo'rk, tand . utiik bohltr In the Itu, illana Lottery (%ropVnnry. flld a hill askfngr for a writ iof injunntion. rustr~inintg 'Tax (otlittir Burke. the Attorney (ut,rirni of tli. State. City Att,orney and others from at'rnpting to , r ,ll rit tax of .i.ii. i tirnpose. n its '.I,1piti by the Botard of As tieor.s it b,,ing ihn viobltion of the cromany's ,Ithrter. 'i'ht bill ,ttndt ttthat the LouIitna. rLottiry (Corl pattly, ariordl ing to law is trro from tll taxes tfiter its paytrymnnt of Stio.,rit ai year toI the Chtltrity Hospitral. 'I'li granlld jlury wore oerpiedi p.r'etrdary In examining wit nosSic in the towboat cape, anti at theo tbcao of ttheir sCcssior thy were dis chargesd until t aHtturlll.y, in the Ilam tlon it.rg tc,' on mtrion of Mr. Char.rn.rlairn, attorrny tfir Mr., United States Maar'.ai .tauk Wlitrtor was iorirrod t, show nlltisu why h. thollie; not rttuIrI tho ite IItou trmiton writ, into iiourt. RUPREMql COURT. Mtion e.s t, d iamla th, acpalol in the follow ing u'sts tro iixtd for MONDAY, MAY I3. 1474. ;70i. COrusont ('ity Live Htook Larnling andt h..ttuhter-Hlous.t Company. atpp.ilant. v., .John Outcr'hn. ,;iOr2. interdition of fi. M. Bowdlith. 7149. ntatt, of Loiwitnar ox re4. Il. W. Hoaree atipllnnt. vs. Hlihrow (ongrcgation l)ipersed of J udtth. 71.1, Hitat o if LouIiisiana vs. Wiliamrn Harris. SECOND DIRTRHltr COURT. t'MANe I nATItONt. (,ittirirne Ot-hanotr, Mary V. Freeland. TIIIRD DINTRICT COURT. i:rhrort iY. Charmbury via. Board of LiLquhida in. This is at proo,.dil rg tt test the valldlit (for the pLriposo of funilirig in ivnr,rdanee with act Nio. t (tof 174 anlllid f ittt No. 11 of 187c ) of ten bntds iniut'd by th, Htatt of 1,l.itaian. toscether with the intier, at ,ouptoni a'tat'lheil; said bonds lalurtd nnder tht provletons itf ntt approved April :;i. Ir5. Iifeirr,,rlant insworod that the bondsR wr) lrle unonstitutiona/. , belonrging to the frto, w'ihooil ndrlrl. Thu Htiato, a trusltee of the frog s, hool lfulIt. IntorvnoIl. t,,ogether with the i Hretary oif Htatt anr the liati t Treasurer. Intervenors hr holdt that, the bon . hublonged to the fro, wchool fund and were out, of the mar ket tallrl torns inlllnti.y I nallonab|le and not to be I inr-idel in the e,iat,,.goryof bonds to' be divested or atlionatirl. tiThe ,,court tirtr do d that the bnnrl are legal Sndrln vatlid oblisgattonur Klg.inst the Rlate of Lon Isiana. and that, thl, Rtsai wirse isHtuld in strict ionformity to law andt not, in violation of the I ontrltltution. and that they iar, entittad to he It, is further dtltn,'rid that intervenors he tuert disrmiswaal tic in uaao of non-suit. and hatL thirhe osts bht paid hv thi, Htate treasury. as providted iby n:t No. II of 1475.. FOURTH DIMTKICT COURT. Alrred Barnes vs. Mary Roid, hi- wife.--nult for divort . Jutdgmrrtnt for plhtlutitt. FIFTH DIaTRICT COURT. H. M. (lastrali vs. Ghiradelhi & Cagnone. Itole to1si tmis i5v. Crescent City Live Stock and Alaiughterhouse (Company vs. Altort Rtoielht. --lule dismissed. iHamrel Lawson vs. (leo. L. Kouus and Wmn. Morain. Itule dismissed. Dennis Cihrellius vs. Alexander At. Martin and H. Ht. Martin.--Judgmenlt for defendant, HIenrietta 4t. Martin. anld in favor of plaintiff Alexander Ht. Martin. with costs. May Thompson vs. H. Myers et als.--Refer red t't merits. .Edward Cornnery vs. William J. Castell.-Ex ('csition maiitarlind and suit dismissed. IDr. W. K. Fort vs. William Lor,'nzen.-Judg m-int for plaintiff for $150. James A. Williamrr et als. vs. H. B. Packard. iu tgrlent for defetndlant. Hun Mutual Insurant, Company vs. Board of Liquidation, Mtal't of Louisiana. Treasurer and Hecrtary of htatt4 intervenors.--Judge IRogers conturs in the opinion of Judge Mon roe, of the Thtird Disrl:t Court, in the case of IL. Y. Charmbury vs. Board of Liquidation, and SIn this case rendered jutgrrrent for plaintiff, as prayed for. and intertvention dismissed as in I .o of non-suit. . . W. Blanck vs. thneGood IntentTowboat Com vany.-'Petitiloner states that he has been for srmn ti re owner of towboats running from the ,ity to the sa., and from thi' sea to the city; that it is sometimes necessary for him to send tele graphic messages from NEw Orleans to the passes over the lines of the Good Intent Tow i ,ot Com pany which, however, has lately re fused to accept the messages offered for trans mission by pl intiffto said ,ompany, which is a i corporation erett,,d under the laws of the State. Whetrefore petitioner prays that the said com pany be enjointed and commanded to receive and transmit by magnetic telegraph all mes sagas offered by petitioner for transmission after payment of the usual rates. Petitioner reserves his right to sue for damages. C:RE(:CENT CITY RAILROAD CASE. In the Fifth District Court this case was re sumed at 7 o'clock yesterday evening. Geo. L. Bright. Esq.. of counsel for plaintiffs,. made an argument tending to prove, mainly: That the 1140 votes rejected were valid; that the election was null, and that the Van Benthuysen ticket was legally elected. The orator also said that he had no doubt the court would consider these questions and order a new election. Mr. Bright was followed by J. R. Beckwith,. Esq.. attorney for defendants. At 11 o'clock the case was closed and taken under consideration by the Judge,. SIXTH DISTRICT COURT. 31 r. and Mrs. Bernheim vs. Mr. and Mrs. Piffet, Petitioners allege that they have rented for a term of three years, by contract with Mrs. Plffet.. the store No. 145 Canal strteet, the rent of which they have always paid. They -how that de fendants under a pseudo claim of t90, have caused their goods in said store to be pro visionally seized, and on this account peti tioners have suffTred. in trouble, expense, and Injlury to their business, in the sum of s000, for which they pray judgmen* against said Mrs. Piffet and her husband. SUPERIOR CRIMINA1L COURT. CARRYING CONCEALED WEAPOSNS. D. Itlanchini pleaded not gullty to the charge on the twenty-third of Marh,. and yesterday pleaded guilty,and was sentenced to the Parish - Prison for two days. John Short, tried and acqultted. Henry Row, found guilty and sentenced to ten days' Parish Prison. Judge trarckett ,ol. withdrew plea of not guilty tiled on the twentieth April, and pleaded guilty. JURY OUT. The. jury Is out on two gasses. C. C, HALEY' CARE. This case will come up to-day at I1 a. m. A PE. A true bill was found against Jno. H. Collins on this charge. SECOND RECORDER'S COURT. ASSAULT AND BATTERY. .TJohn Bright (.n the above charge, brought against him by Ros-lle Henry, was released on 125,o appearance bonds. Thomas Cas-y was sent before the First Dis trict Court on the above charge. PETTY LARPCENY. Mary Alie. Mary Gill-Accused were both sent before the Fir-t, let Court. Moet & Chandon Moet & Chandon. Tw* Pr cent disceunt on State taxes paUL in may.