OCR Interpretation

The New Orleans daily Democrat. [volume] (New Orleans, La.) 1877-1880, June 01, 1878, Image 1

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83026413/1878-06-01/ed-1/seq-1/

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II TEE 111 :ET
EI{ TO-DAI- l-- EIt
e. Rutlrr Afraid to
On of a Veto to the
fu. Ilayelt Interview
the lemo.rnt .1
1.-Ttll P'otthr invlestiga
L. agreed unntilIIIIoly I
l taking testlrnimony. T'he
atod to hold I" rot sow
.Whoen m Itivo Wits hitmply
I t .ow ,.
lvene'I at 1 IIn. i. to mor
Andrson, supI'rvlior of
h, will t;tko tho stianl.
0 from I'ilalhl ILphia to
dy to snub.itantlatet all ho
agrte, I to allow
ut will '.t alloyv him to
sees. Thuir suh-nommitl
qu.ltions to saitisfy ithor
has resigncet ls ti 1R0 Oil
S.pring r. of Illinouis, hoo,
toly dotorml nl,.l to ;mn1d
ulsianai a l FlorIla. iinl
in about ten ll n.. 'l'hI
.cided that ll irkh'mi is
one goion to Loulsial
adersi havo roi,.t itd '"it
PDut on thot) .''itlb li -
heir D ,.'y., ;ili this
lans aro uuwllling to
lelld thormsilve in
ie,,'k and It,.' I a r,.
nn-.w. whl will toor
toir party, a1 il will
of tho result of lth
bo dli'tatol by tho
ter to put Iiu'uur on
oe, bit
IS IlLt hio wotild not
fraid ~,mrnethiing In
stIn mlighut overtikoe
of Congress spoak
it of the investigh.
ilt 'hargedl In the
tiilod. theIy had
and snvy t It he will
"rythingt ithin his
hill app ,j0printing
f oth i stigation,
" Iinabtl will roft-b
i s tn ailot HavIRs
to it it reviolu
Si ,tt tho Tamo
monor at r In is'u
t he .. attwik Ir in
that h ohbuot of the
0 the lr Ids that mado
r to Ivont their ro
rePs I he to assure
the irthern potil
mtov til ent Iexlsts. rn
Ore o any. It wasi
L-y l lmoorats
dr whiw-h is being
membors havo
eol, wIll write
lated aimong thir
,i roi .
a Times to-day,
ad with him dur
ing the es a t (lottysburg
yesterday. He do'. he dill not lon
verse with any one on t tiet of the invos
The opponents of trho a Petiflo bill in the
.onate are trying tIo it t it by loadinlg It
down with all sor S of n' , "t's. The bill
will bho mlleul upf fI tu tlnrl 5,. on Tuesday.
and rthi indidntions)u ii of will Ipias thu
Senate. , 1' IBUELIL.
ýECRET 1 RY hRl.N.
Open IReNlonfls - Flrin anid I.oilalana
Alub-Commlttees -c tive Opera
tlonns B' inro-lnay.
WA.itIN(TON. May 31.-1H I'.,t or invmstatga
ting ,ommn ittee. at its esa iJo this ifternoon,
had a long di.eSu--ion ,ltht er'iotlon as to
whether to ti ,mit rereolt+ ti.'i e ,f t he ,res.
or not and the menmbiers It ll y 'n,'ludhed Ihat
it would be .est to have' 1 iie tingsl of the,
committoo whi'ih are d to thie tikin.g of
testimony open to ti, i pi t- ,'eM tnte l liv
the newsplDaerr . Wihi, it' "+sibili y of
testimony or anestilstiL to he is
cussed the reportLers will itt to ,stopt
Idown and out.
The comurmmittoo also it' i 't, the re
qtuest of 'Scroetary Shirii. , t~ ,t
reorroe nted tby ouu-el, atnit , n, .*'nst l
titin , th e ch a irm a n w a s v - l', ., :< to
. ontleomutan the fo lowin ,
hot SE (,IF ]i 0i .: N ,iT)t , I S
Washingit'n. I) (' : . )
st.' -I m i td your letter r ',+,ntitith
Instant, dire-tted to min as eiltrn.ao , '" . 'om
mnitteo of luvretigatlon, e+t.. it. 'l o h .Itte.
at its fIlrst ut htig, an I am oo,,W - ','it,-i - +ly
directed by ih eommittee, to int t 'Lat
until furthei r o.dtors, they will terit t r,.r
son named in the rte) ittion n.pt ait
Committee. to be presenitt whten ''rut, , f"'
Ing tlim is taken, ito be 'tt'nie'i by i e , t e
and to otter evi',lene. ' t.Ti-tiig him ,n hi iwt
behalf, but that aill tlu' sti, na to aitn, :'; iat
be taddreseod by ai niemer of the com, to.
Your obdienit servrint.
('l \tK>O)N N. POT"'r
To IIon. John Sherwmai. S ere, try ot- th i.
u ry.
Theo ouse to-d"y having prass'd the h,
Drotpriating 62,.taXii tio diefray the, xt'stn. s ea'
commitee. th' re being na, doulh tlhat ni. .h'
the Renate nor the Prenridtlnt a ill tpltce an "
stacle in the way ot the niiasure, it is tproib.i
that the two sub-committea wil leavie for Liu I
islana and Florida I, fore nirany dlays. Mr
Cobb, of Indiana, ha.s tell ied on a 'it int of ill
health to serve on theio ,,mm tte.,. and Mr.
Springer, of Illinois, him been apptointed to theo
Although the ',th-eommtitti,,s have not yet
been defli.ely aivtinto1i by thet hairmtar It it
vn that Messrs. hIla'Ri.'irn. Springer and
I t, l go to I . ii-ti, . t, a d lii .lTin o t- g ''r
:ris)on, MIMathon, Cox anl Ilutler at tti.
i. of the lin. . The 'oitrittii as will Ib 'gin
'tivre oper'ions a' ift o','lo'k ', inlrrow in rn
,'" wthen Jatmes E Anderson, ,)t Wes F. It
vtrish. La.. a ho lately hit ht' little un
,ari'ne' with S.ecretary Sherman. aill be
on thi tutant,.
Houne Judlicary 4 onmmlttee.
u-ItlNuN. May ll.--The House Judiciary
ililko Ii~ ( rllv . lwitr till Ihc 1.'"':i1 ordir
f r ill, irat Ws. etwhty in its- mIr. 'Phii is
''a-n thlir ! nr lirnt fir iti- 'onlhid t.rtito
Th A iniInit \nI l. hard it rgnrnont bry I1.p
~-u atII v V I ',, f "n ith ('nrol intlt. an.
nitolr Malh im,'. of Nrtilh (iarlrii ,n in favr, of
th, firm t'nr ' hill. t, ,, in , t $11ii worth rf thi
r - ] u tl must,' ,f" bI nk l ulI'lILA frol lngy attail rimonll t
by a ,'r ditr.
Ander'nn tubpsonnest.
5 atntoItroI, In tI.f. Mr. Anders nif . . pr
vi-,r tf fliina priah. Is horn in answer to
11, insists 1p, n it that on leaving Se-rotary
t-h,trniantp.paitklti to.In Marks aitl toint
Ilnt vigor'roltiv with it hi1 tann, to . ,'r'tary .Shlor.
mani. hn ak,+il .1udlg Marks, "Why ,id you
bf in rN it p ti ll thIs lut ?"
The Corblin- Iuller ('nnte.t.
WamrlN,'INON. May 'i1. - (,. Illtttrt E. lPaina
Aititit flthetimnt of tftt Siniatt ('tmtnittnion
I'rivlttgs ati EI,' lotiions to ,ity in an irgunmont
in favoir of (itton. litlfr inl tiht ontit+-.od ,Ilt;lion
uett of (Ctbin vs. Itii-r.
Cabinet Meetin g.
WAsinrr1;io.N, May it --Th C(tahiint mo.iting
this INattornoon wii vary sholt, anl no iltbuisi 1n5s
was trainsa'ited. Thu oftT,,'t of the lIttwo of
Stiiihnns and Koy warn rrfirri'. to, with thin h-.
IIif on all siuibs that thiy worn salllutiary.
Packard One orf minbth' Ilondamen.
WAsnlN.it'oN, May 3l.- Ex-(Gov. I'a-karI is oin
(1,. 1.1. Mii'tli Ibond as C(',llttr of I'ustmlllis
at Now I lrl'ains.
A Colliery Fire.
ir.('.Iti . Pa'. M.ay :1.-A brllhint sp.tialt.i
w a4 wlrnissed hr hlust night. (I. Wilohn &
Birothirs' eollinry naught fira nh,il I o','lo'k.
andI In ashort tlrin tha wholt .trii'lo r# was on
vlop.ldl in flitmus that illnmiuntid thb slr
roundlling l ountry to th,+ brighitnous of 'aiih. For
twi.tvJ It+oiR arounld rho houavous roll.ot,,I it Ih,
ltight, u.,,ri un '." : all ovor t'i - ,viktil 'iouty
T ;r firuda,,[tariiunt of t. Clnir iitl ,;tt'vlll,
wrn, l'.Ioni at tho s+.,no, but thil, I r-. was ,bI yo' Iili
Ti, ipropns slpporting tiln c;,itly imiall:hi lry
wl'r- hlurni-od awsy. ante ttil oltvators and rot
Iorsa fr- di t l ullPtllllslo oi' f (irlli iIh llnltrl fi,,t to i th,
groiidl.. l'l lii.g up showiors of sflrks ¶th:t
W inr flying 1in all dirnotions, Frini 'ft thlilorm l ll
illng oln al di ing hiiilfling muil ,,inthni- on
fll ,l. Thno il' lmi rit aiirt' ini tt i fire' wa-i in
t.nris-; pollo.l rtir-ihing to, thi st in from ia ll
parts o.f tI hu miiTghr.ltlhold.
in abouilt two hourni tho whtrit struturn was
distroyiel. It wa'n.s built In ior7lrl mitve
2ou mn and tbiys, who will ii throwin or t iof
w,,rk. Thi- , ,Iliary wais w ,ith $, , u-u.i iil in
surk, it for $2'2,3' '. It ar.i the+ only I nt in h ii vi
'tinllty thant was workiru., anwl its lo4- I1 ii g ru-at
bliw ito ti. toiwn. Til, origin of the fltr is in
known., yott i is Intim attd that t lli (Crniiuniists
ii.' rn'spiinisiubla f or it.
Hoalltle Indian-- Whites Ordered to leave
-Two lettlers Whaot.
MNAs FtANis 'h'0, May 1it. Iloha. (lily ilui0hi)
it spath'ii says-,: P-anni.'k ridlaris, numb i-'ring
ii stlut 2u(i warriors. under unommand of tHu Talio
it'orn, it nIotd scout, arn oranpi d in nl Iiv libits
lbtwooun ilig Camlpoius Prnlria and .inaki rlv-'r.
allnd havr ordlrrd th whitnes to tlava th priatririo
on ptrnalty of dilath. lThey havu alrtadn y ',om
m ll' ad houstilitins by shooting two ,i)ttltrs,.
wounrding hhrb saverily.
T'hii Indiann ail wtll suptpliind with arnmmuni
tion, sold thornm at Jlntois City aibout I wo w*i-k'
ilgo on an orlor of Gov, Btryman, a on thin
groutnd that they worn "good Iliarni,."
About ninoty mountutd troops., undiir -mrn
maunl of Mall"r Collins and Caput. BIrniirl. will
tluavi Imml-liately for the somir o t'l tr. iroibl,.
'They aro insiflflinlnt to attak tnlh In'lians inl
the lava hudii. ibut can pDriotnt tbo iettluorn on tho
Mr. llryant's Condition improved.
Nw Yo1uti. May 31.-Dr. (Tray, art"riling phy
s'ian uiof Wm. (Cillen Bryant, rpor tsthis Iiorn
ing that hiu Condlltion in somnnwhtat IiimDprov0d,
hi't that it is Itoit)No.iliti to Dtrognostli'rate what.
turn his Injulrlos might take.
Atr 2:' p. m. Wi. ('ntllen IBryant willas qvillng
urlltilly, his pU'so bit',)r thlatn lit arinil tliulm hir+
Iofotra liuriring his Illnetv. 1ii was awakernIe'r l a
short tim- previously and took nouri rlshnlint,
and showe. d In-rrastlng sensibility to Asou'nrtI
alnd movements iab -ut him. Maiiny of hiis aon-u
tim.lod hlbits of attitude aril g-sturt nalsoi far
moming ha k t, him. snil th. sil are rugiaridil as;
v-t y favorasbll i-igin. Slile dllys may otlalips
btfor so d uict idd a cbhunllge lpplars ali to war
rant a Drediiction onornt(ing tih l ri-s.ultr f his
illinss.., bit pr.lhnbly by to moirrow nuight a
toloriitly auiatll tlu Iludgment on tIm 1''o I ailily biri
Pappenhelni's Flltting.
Nrw Yois. Muay ;i. atdltmo P I'pp'nhirlm
t iigraphtd toi h--r oioun-i., Mlr. hath. t siil sIt
loull r l l'lt iim at thi Wlindsor IIrtil ystrt'r
iday (Thursidayl) morninrlg, but sit tlhut lint rlakil.
floor liapp aratiion, ill( ton l Iarnnd thahnl i nll 'li
at'ly afthr sh, had tolographod h ii lm si r
e,',lvtd ii ablo dtspataht firomi Mtpl ,soni, thi
In at lit~ on hew oilagmnt would bln for
f'itnd. 1ir ill' hI s ys her p'rso'rnlial liibilt'iis
l ii ot i xiin d I $10Stl, andil hur lt o-vparltnrir-4htlp
dlbtsr not rmorl than iln, andi that sit, )hia lI-f
instru+,' Iris with r Irnm n, ilt id'or idoTrf to s-ii' t
tiiii, ioim, of the sitis agaitnt her havli b-~-11
Ih+.ili ,i'u ·i l lr i li. li. li l i Vlt i- ltl -tiiri St.
d lts ntlinut, d. T'! o ' vrll ],nn g I '.'s io hton s t,
,o'iul says: MIlirn . 'iipp nhi. i rin sail',l lii h
WVirrin lit. stolrmr Thursday morning, ier
nallhl iluing adli'il to ttin list uof pLass'ill.ii lftaIr
tha rug ilar list had boon dllistributd to t;i
niwi. paphD n.
Indcltment of New York Aldermen and
Health OtlieerPs.
Ne', YnRK. 1Mily il - Th" -grat jl1 jury ontirid
rho Colurt of (ineral -li''ins this afthr-noon
anl, armorng a iatith of Indit'rinrntsr pr-siinted
ia v:lut.inouiis in against flltrr tl'llrin rim'-lerls LL t
thi l nard iof Aldh riin. Anothl r iliuti,,trrni'
wis lpro. ,itod against hl l'timbtr-s of+l thil
lam1rd of t+ilth.
Attir a few rimnarkl thr ru'--iriu-r dis-.hareid
thl-jury. It,, ti rn diruh rte d thai th, i bi ll- ,f in
ditrnu it funirid ag i-t t e hu, ti. lihl iiiuilissi-n
irs ui ul t lu imnliti i.t tra -fi'rr'd tor thi', Couirt of
tOyo'r itwl Tierrnminr.
Tin only itpoalurnt ITi'-t thi. nws had uipilu
ih illito'ehid uiliirnr un s-.alm I ll b, iuiirmi -
irtl. nit, aid rlmthough adl visi by iuiln liaa.yrs
that Aiihy icould notl h u tdil.t.dl, y',t tho i i.'et,'mt
tr'ubltld ovur it. Th''y stal t lo lty arn' ri-lIy
with both ball mln,,! t con.l wb,'en thlytr s ,arv,-d
with thin propUir paplr..
May Failures in New York.
Nr:w Youn, Miay it--iluring lth month -of
.i ty ninry-tlI failurtrs .w'rn rnt, rrti,'I in thllh
,.ily. in whi,'ih the 1r,.- liat'illiis amontt ti.. to
$as:nt, aid ass-is su¶iT- iTio ist- an in
'reltaso ini tit- numni ir o'f tai.iur is, -i 'liii in-io t
wih tho previous mionth, of twonty-twni, whith
itoi angg gaite.11sh litlii hllv! d!,iriº,.<d, in
roundn fit i rilh s, $2,'i,(ii). Tuin pr.inriiiitil fail
nir repoilrti.d w ri, lit, following: (i I). As'!ily
li Co. andtd .1. It. Kthl-r. tu!ilku'rs; V. - Mt-.v.n
son, Jr., and .tota F-,llsitlih. rt ! s*Ints brhiok
ira; Marsr.itni . M,11, uiln : Cihat. Mirrill .
iBoni. hatai wanr ; J. Visiy , ('i , ishat -; iWaltion
itroth. lir naval supi' i'S; C. 1: Wood, -ai-r
rig -; Wmn: .'llnl.l bntt'or ; Jii n -N'lgmagli'r.
buti-hi.r, and ulark I>. itriglg, railroaur sU ,pljis.
(hester Park Bares.
CrIN.'INNATI. Miay 31. Thnre were throi railas
to-daty. 'T'hri ftr.t ivas ii onia mil. is.b; t tli rt.rs:
Liant v Bl 'ndy, .A. Arri iuuimaul . ta-k Hi iark ii xi-, y-. i in
l in' ttan.'a. Ahlua I.ambiirt,. l'aol- , Dlr. iatn g
shin. l Orig-,itv, lbirn hwoi uit. Adia .. JuliatJhw:k
man. Spirnpglit mad Kilbtutini Voti by Bunto
Itasa, lAna Lamb.rt i.,,iirii; t im' 1:iu.
1''' wo'nrutlmid, John It. i-isiniry. Vissniaris. It. C.
it xrper. Pat 3iatiiy" an-t fvetlt.utin. Waini by
!tI i.upr. John i. Swir ney si-oi'iili ; ti riu--2 ii ,b.
/',hrd rm'e-mi e h-mats: srtarteiis L+ag-r tbi.'r
W it' awuah., 'mai-rn I', Mullio, War J-ig in,
(Thartlas Go hlam. Wio ty Glorhaim in two
sre iht huats, Emma C. ioc-ndu; tim'+ 1 :16 .
The Balance of the Four and a Half Per
Cents Taken.
- ' I , ok fr--ni thie tre siu ry the ru-mat i ring
-: ., of four and i half Dor ei-nt bhin rb-,
wo up, t.'s tha $S,,.us0., ,,,, bargain-,,t f 'r
NevenLbh lay A.ventists.
Sr1 tIiou'i Wis., Maty 31 -Thu art'D mtin-i ou
tho .-ni.th-riluf Dlay Avi, rists, o0i F' urth Lak.. l, i
rasit . g ftinly. Mora than f-,rt t i-nt ar
inasis'. didar Couright. ia-t evu.ningj
n"artra addres.s un "Tri United Status in
t, t yv."
ilti 1 ('OM I'lI(t ;1r I I \c.
Au.tril I)lDlatilited am to the Dianublan
and Roumannlan Qurptions, and
Turkey In Houblit.
LoiovN. May It.-- It is holievod that tho uitati,
muont of thu poirinta agri+i upVon hotw nu, Eng
halnl and Ituiati, glven yiaTlrdtty. I4 iub1ati
Iially olrr"t; bu;h t thre rUnrnainr thi diiflfrn"iu
of thi ronughly 'natlftting Austria. with rt, tslc't
l thn IanllUhlian ianld Iltournllin uqoutioi ; and
th ir, t Ia will foutndi (d iliif that thue di].i nIld
for the exfun'-iinn of an English urototolratr
over A.latilT'rilrkey will give rii. to ftlrthl r
f'linflltationli. 'io. iday, how~,v-r, theo ituiatlon,
it) far as it ran thn itrtainued, is. that Eingland
and itil.altt are agroid ; that Au.trit it d1isnltia
Ilb d. and 'Tutiky in doubt Il to what will hiaiL
0ll 00oxl.
The Probability of War Greatly LeR
Nened iumilia Wafnts Pence.
Nrw Yoltl, 1M ay i. i -Th " 7'l[rp.,o 's sp ecil
from LoI.udn say- In an rpolrtlint ainlld ig
niiftltat interviuw held tii l timrning bhtwolin a
'retnponl intl anld ronit liih','iivktfT tholatter
nadllell tain l tiL tnllll lii whlol- give) thl )recisr
draft, of Itul. ia'n poli v nu.,l its llrohbabl, ulli
Imate ofl i t upon Eur . a l'' t ,rplxln situation.
(lCoiunt lhonvii IT has h'irotufort ilhown liti
idltmpo itlon to talk i, ll tfiln, t blj',t, ald lhi
wordl will, iii 'lons ,ltqu n, havE. unusual
Ini th t f tlr4t pl , (I ''unit 'thr+llvalolT lina .ted
that lthi probabillitl~ of war had rmostly van
ithe4d and1i that ituiill lprfrre tl linito larn
di vionfli, i. A.iil ith grouterl dif li Ilit otil
i-tanlllg bitwt',,, England anltd IliulEti havei
l inily it ',l ( tl lov ld, fo that th, Iror hbis whlihl
Ihlav n·io tgittnroig t i.n Iwon natu, ll may be
ni'rw 'reigard ,, a.. uai's l utill -ti!, ,.
in tht- , " of this iuforvi',v. Count ,'h,.o -
va lei f s .tat d th a t th " , " : <''r ii,.r t h a d
Inun forwvardihul lt I ight. FI urth1 f, ) ,'rni hi.
unvo th" corr4pondent nand Ti n ir th"
.t ,lVtu i ntl if l iii plllllr l f i i Ulll' l 'al Lh. lit hi
i ptiild atlli giving i -r "ly th, gonorairal rhiult of
thI ng )lltioni hilthrto (r sjl i, on. 11~ ddlit i
that th- liu-aim g, ver. ,ri rm 1nt d "o inot f,"l
Jlatill"ul illn niiking known thi full turmn. at
Tl'htln . qliuistion d1 In rft~rtl,'- to thl pro
ollt0 Ad n(.bllt I g of ,th D tp w r thU Cl'i't (:llt
tilau thi rtmnlrk that invitations to I tuongr4l4
anitd n t to a . foII r lan r will b~ , I411,' Ill n flow
,tiyµ. Irlin hbaa h, -,n .i1'-t..l a11 the , pha or
r ,in ting. I intanlt Io lav, L ndolin for ltii 1ua
lan lul it;tl nie t ittirt . I hall 1, tI i. rn
palni t lby Iirev rivatllo ''.-rotary l land tihrio Lr
liantsi . In nily "pintion, til pri tbltility of Wllr at
pri. nt i4 inlinilt"ly i,.4on d,l
rhouvalolff Off For ,i4. Pelterhurg--A.l
trla'e Attllitde tanutling I neaslness,
Lt '.vo y,, Mlat .:1. lCouni t H-thoIVltIft lfeav4n
hur. to m r-row fir it. ',itrshiirg, anld luntil hi
hta ' onf-lirrldI with thi ('zar lthe tu'rlni of thu
aigro. r tiii , which h- lhi . , ni'hi.ld, wlith Lord
Malintihry. will not lhin ( ,fflilly mall. known.
'T'hi report, pulrporting i tf guiv thi i ditailts of
the l ittilttl nt, aiit rill pr i n l proInaturioli an. i
in many relllprtl inlo' rrut.
The Ruaullan Army and People Disap
prove of ('onreeslonq to England.
Lo.oiN, May :i.-A ipu'ilat to the advt Ni-ors
frot Hlit. 'otnrtbiurg says it in rtum-ir ri thlat.
Count 'huhot v1loff is again uextuicted horn ill IL
fiw days. itubli uvilnion and thu lirntE morn
anid ini'e ditlalppriovo of th. goiv rnmiit'. ton
utuiona. Thlo alrsiy it .StpIially oxalted by
C.ount Andraily'n di.larutt ions.
Ruslnla and England Not Yet Agreed.
I,,f.pton May t - -. A Ilrlin niuolalh Ii th,
)Il.tI ' '11 nlL4 Ii.gland and Itiuata liaiav not
sit agrou ,.and a1 ft.iling of i,'-iponid'liti'y ii at
flmultaneous Withdrawal of Englsh
and RuilanI .
,iNTtoN. Mly .i. --I1t I r lportid thait thl Eng
lih Itl'' t will rtiro to It'- tkat liav trld ith , Itua
iailntn to Adrttlanopl, pri-'vious to tho on'lting oif
tho -ongr._s. _
Austrian Troops In Bosnia.
To'. nto. May i.---A ditpatt-lh frrom JIl"-grli'
says: It ia ruirnird thtit Auttrr-i, troopi hiv
ontrid loa itli. The rumiors lu.k contl}rnia
The ('ongreus Ilefinltely ,letlled.
Lov.u'ri Ma y II It ii r ortid that tll - on
grn s htins hoon delflii 'v'y 4"4ttl",, and thiat ni
Alnr lo-Itue ian ll4ti 'ri mllm it is lia , lliontlish. ,l
The %oltaire Centenary.
Prtit,. M, .i 'IL The V iti r n c,,ntnnry 'lo
tiraiorn yiiitortifi Li phld oft ruidty lnit nd was
vary -lr'-i--flI. Thi-ri wart' only two Iftorary
fts., at ot.hb of whif Vi-tor Hug-) dl-livered
AI 'rHI A.
MIovemnent of Troops Towalrdi Italy
VIErNNO. May :at. It is ,fflorially dnild that
Anirtrfi i t -i- inutratiug for--i in distriti bor
during orI[ i'aily.
HanlIng of Edward Webb, for the Mur
der of Jawi. Flnney.
M li i't vieir. (t May :r. Tin hanging of Ed-t
livingu two mil.s south of i tanslfhll. took placiI
alt :ii Li. In. A irlar 'rowd tbigan to gather
arot nld thi ail ait an arlyV houir, bit waorIn k.t
tiaik by therg'arrtd. who hadfl hi""n on duty all
night. Asli r - l t r - gan to a r ir- iailn, threa'sii
of teatring th- fren' downI wire midt., At 10:501
it rl IIu h was rldoi tly lit, mio., rlgardlnsti of thut
alird, and in r(i short s-ni of ou tinm, th- outr
forii and inf-iuirr aro.,ul th i-tilfl-d Iwas on
thu groundanit trhn- rufl hard pLisai-iq ,in of the
s¶-L i arom und the s' th-ltn ut, ai t ai-i i thiu r itl,
thrlatir'iing toi haiing tih ' pri)ton r thur-,+mslvus if
thu of1t -rrs di1 not Di ru--,u I.
Thl l prislonrrir wailsl briiorght (out. rat 12-.22; hei
hatd notting t isay, and thri droi wii - Wi urirg it
12:27. After hanging tw.nty irinfrutus hie waI-t
Lpr-rnoil rii ! d1'ad it iin takeni i diown. Nio i-onft s
rion was rlla dl. Fully ton thou-andl petnl'
witner--+-d thu u-,usntion. W ,hb Is-um-nd intldif
f r. l t up i to tif ifu-n of tif i !x)'i-intlion,. awnl
when th,- deafih warrant, a! ia. ra in tfhi+ ,if,, flhi
i-all t h f -i-h rit!: - Is tihat allf'" I thought
''ul w-uru goilng to to Im Il somlothiing: that
dOIf i iiiriiinn fl ti a d --i
. . . . o- -+ - .. ..
At half-pa.st ti o' lu,,k yllte-rdtlay the watn-t-rn
ditlvislon of thu Niaw Orlira.ns, Mobile and r'',Txias
lilrroad CompanyLul was uit lup at rnarihal't
illl, oin thte sti.psl of thfi I ustom-ilousri, to ftfl
highest bidd,-r, Marrhal Wharton himnslf bihing
prentn'. After a Iithort 'ailling then rioall wasi
kno'-.ktl diown for $:.ocul to L. H. Terry. repr,
n-itling the pLtrcharting '-ommittcan of thti first
mortgag. l.i ,,rhold"ri. MIessrs. Josi. Suligman.
E. i. M1-rguan. Ftinry Morgan, GeoIrg" 1Bliss and
Itarrison DLurk"",.
A,',rudinrg to the statemnt, of the piartvs in
teronstd, tins trlanisfr onlry ia:s, thii roin baitk
in old harndi.- with it- titlI fr-edi from t-tuntriial
obji-,,tionr which prsvet-,il any iprogrius in fln
ishing it.
"'ihtat iportrion f the road tbtwoIen Morgan City
antl Vurmtlli ,nvill-. hfrI by Frank Am-, as
trulr t ,'r , wa i, t adlujufdilitd. mi tnoord- r to sill
in thfe u-tlt of tb i Iorganri Railroad Cor triny
wasii ruevkt-d by .tildgi Bfrliugs.
,--n. S. B-. r, the prirant of thi Nw
Orlfans. Tesxats ani Co'lorado Railway, has ar
riveld in the city, ranit r c--.'iv,- t - n yu-sterdiay the
report of Col. T. S. Hardee. the advisory i-i
gineer of the road, with regard to the survey or
reconnoissance recentlyi made by him from'nene
and the prtiatul uost of uonsitruitiuin for thl
wh,l,, distinl t5.7n:. . wliiO-h rniik.e nn uvur
ut ,f a littih mtoro thou ,.s3 ms pr roll+. 'this
, nlllhltitliu of 'o:t It rmuitdet on II )t,sis of a first
,lass- railway, with ia guags of fur f+,t night
in hialf ineh--s, a h,'viest gralil-nt of thirty
II+ f,+nt to thi milo. irl st+t,+ rails with first
,I.in s Qiruipmrirtu itl Vt h I v ri spa. , t.
tl,-n. Iltl)nnir is htrl in.ll th nte'rint of his
Inti rprriii., and uarti'ntlarlv tio niit+it somii+ snitin
fatoIry arirraug.nirment. ouithur with thu 1Morgan
Road or thin lIonaltsonviili riitu ns iit pr+llm
Inary ,a.lsis for hi - lut ohtition iT ,r1o1,t. T'hM
valiiontl lnind griant In Tixi.t. toguth+r with
som<i iatinfuitorly airrnnlllmeits at 11this l I.I,
will tplo his ro il. hi thinks. in a ,onidituion to
hb vigorousluy iand sni"P-.aEfll y L(prosn(. Itd.
Thl rteport is viry full in iill dotiiltj,l and as it
is soon to ,iu p, ublishdl In ,pa.mtphlt form with
n-,'+ompanyig iaptu. ut.. ia grunut many puitnt
of lItrtt will be kipt until thin ftr future
iti +'u s-u-in .
gly naliServi'l'* tni(n W 1 HSrA a ENTAy.
Daiy m~oeelolol r''1411 for fh' night hlorls1
Viloy ICain
R'latiosM Car , ' per I boors.
r hour.,lnehes
CinI'trlrnLati 14 n
I lavin po't ill fil - :1 c8 III 2t
KlIl~Il'lI' 2v9.1- 71 SE It sl
('l)avenwoI1 r1 1'' 0A'(I - ' 7>' , 1 , I
Marriph ' , .7
Irliin lr 111i1l II ' 1 7
N' tlvIll1 la (II F.' Ho N a a
Now Orle'an1 shit F. 1t N (
(Malta 1, 7t.- 71 t E
AIgl.a "1F17i
1'rit4ii ,r ', F . .' (
Vi~·c~ioiy.li"I F ' IV i
C'Ir'I''a~a "'.14
K'lyWo1l . ' ,...-I NW e,
Morntgorrlr '1 9' F N W 1 11
l' vvln Ilh :171 F. 40N (4 it
F Faiiing: itltl'lnkc S--StationI ary.
Mtage of the Rivera.
IDally t'l'1grapic r re'port, of the stage cfi
w1a'-r at various;llt pIniflts1, wit.hi ch'hllIngels iln the
24 hloullrs o.lliig yost4'rd Ly at 3 It. m.:
AIoiov low Chang
, twatton, w1l1er.
f'olt. Inch3. Fe't. Inr'h.
Cairo..... 7 t r,
CtininnatI: I:in
I(av1'lpoLrt. . II 10
i 'i j . . 1 (I 4I
lIlkllk . .... . (0
LIV'ero41 1 .i II I
L.'av nlwort h ... I'. t 2
Augu1sta r, t e;
1..1Ii414ill4 ..7
MImrmpi::.... :0 r,
NashvIIlle ... . 10 10 1
.New Orleans ((I t) 2
Omaha .... .... .... 1 1, 1
i'itt74hllrg · · - . .1 0 0
Shreveport 21 0 to r,
St. Inn11is .......... .. : 1 ;
Rt Paul ............ . I i0 2
Vickshburg 3k to 5
'lBlow high watrr mark (If 1114. tIndlcates
rIce. I Indil''t'mts fall.
SInal Service IAoal Report.
No4w OanJI.AN'. May it.
Tiro'. Bar . - ' Weather.
ita. inm l; 14,77 11 W 4 Clear.
2 to. i n ;n 14:117 52 N 1", 4 FaIr.
tp. Il . 9 2:4 ! 19 1 µ:t 7 sW 14 5 Clear.
M c' .ir l ll r 11x!4:1 2 1; . .
1lal mlIlm t'm pIrltuIrII r4.µ d"grleo, minimum
teIl 1,ra171 i re, 74 d'grnes.
WA'1RINoT'N. Tune 1, 1 I. m.-- Indlication for
Mi' if r, Lay
For thI S' Mlolh Atlanlail ' anl E1111 u(llf Stff04
gi'eºrrlly hiyghIe'r or siltationary Lr' lcure adl
lowe'r 'or 1111 rtionry lerr'p'raitr''. W'inral1o4 111
ly frrm nIrtheast 1o 11ll1.l 111(1 adlear or
P11rt11 'cloudlr wealtbhr. Oi11asi4IuaI rains in
Fir thli West. Gulilif Mtates. nearly stationary
Ir'1orellr' Ilad t pirntolora , '1eat to sou1th windl,
[ittl Iyv ('I'o iiy 1w4ate1r, adi- In WotllrnttO portion
FIRE IN (ONCIl11skO. fl1NS.
A 'fttrr was; re)' ivII Iibore yes4terdaLy anRIoInne
In g Ihal i large an d1 di14l'tr 011 1ir tor k 0 pllc º
in 'm'-iiilusko. Misr.. on the twenty-eighth of
May'. by' wlo li -vcIral h~ooln,4 were dl(elroyed.
In 11lildod among 1111, oaI'r'r4r are J. W. Ahi ,
'Iroggi~t. Wra. i h1'rnu4orl. tinn'1r; Me'arbirough
k Iwl.i, M',U4stirs. !'hlomison. Itilmy. (1141 k.
IIutlghii' Er1dward Woiodlli iantd 1111 jkiil A O11
'The nie Cellset rl will i,-.1lmo the (lobts of
his to!' ion aIt i, o'clock thiu morning.
'1'ho totlll dlposlits at the United States Sub
TrIlletiury yelsterdlay werel S411,430 4l, as folIlows1:
1'Ir rlnll 0'veflue. $42;21 :a; Po8t114t1m9. SOilO,);
hlods. $3711441; i per cant flurd. $.1800.
IL, wIts rtirnerid yesterday, rend It Iis tatod as
one of lii- to. It. (grlin ite balllling) Drobabilliti"-i
11tort Mr. C. P'. Chain rlin. for many y, ar'l 11)i3"Iltl
Ilp1ll 1401 llI'tolr. will at1110011 'ilr. Bloonfil In4111
thll dllOIlilor's4( ofmfI tlbtbutolsl1 department.
Ii is state1'd now by Asrfe of Conllul P11"karll'14
fri-Illt thiat hii position with the attending I)o
gal plIrrllilusitlO is worth fully $11041)00 per an
111 n.. A, Ia rosilt (f that imvrur i' 'ri ho is he
h141g"l' for positlons as 1 alIr,-elllry. shiiping
lg"rlt. 'lerk o1r s4om" other of lb'' i'z2'rn or twIo
po-sitl'nrIs that go with the11, 4o1 ol!' aol andcom
OnI4b of tlhe 17Sm.th ftnli* ',ndsrn stated
yeIstIerldayI tat in walking (l'ti1( hlnI-k on CGarl
stree'1t he, wa1i4 butl'IrulllI'I ninol't"' 11imes hr
refrlends 14141101 he had'I not kno1w4n 1a1 14l'l(,a'lTforl
and1 wholl were, rrl(01111kall1iY anXiOIIsI 114 the
411a1' If lii health. 01 the O nrlmbu r lnlntilned
thirle'-rl tuske1(d Ilinl to '3r1il114, 110 nolt ''1e0111
thll-Il llt him go IItil tie hall lk1d him If ho
c'mi'ht't ''do somethliing" for loin u thei U. Is.
Five (f! t hIdLay and 111,0 of the nighlt i 0011' CtOr14.
01rull-ly : 214(11k (:love~r. IWittoll, £11111. KlrnRan.
lu 1411 '-.7. ~~'laoa'I. 8111t1I01', 1)11401 lIle1.11 40FI
O~he1,4 wolI'44 ri'li' tl'1tirH l rnrth t 111-j "114-lh
w~In ll) 1111 1 ' Illt 1~rirl31l1 with the a:t': G. B.
'~, Iti 111141! 4ifl Mlly. 11111. by 111)11:181 ro(ll ilO~t it '8.1.
PorrrE~nR CADS, May . li p. m.-'·WinII 11001 hweilt.
X\riv'vI: I~rit~ish 14l"1111'ivfl Oralorr at T1
114141;''il 14.TL (lIZ. ~i~h glrntrllll11''rgo. ti 1)19011
''.li· 0''1lofi~r ItobIt. 11311' 1101 steameitI
7'- 'V'1119141T 18.14. Many :1 C, p. m.--Bar,mrn"Orr
7. ~r: iloll 14oUrhIV"141 li~i~t. We;tihe:r Irltl~r
An a!'empl W8.4i 1408.11 't'fclrrlt'44l nIght to Il ,ir.
glariel' 1110 14.14(11 "1~':e of Mrlr. S .114 ,n NI. 1', 17,
01(11 -tr~·~t. TrIle lb 14''4'''"1, tI t11k11 011111014'
.10111114 nllr',. 1I('i14'I1l'I1 Ill'- IWOr Wlt-·il t~iga : 1141
111., W~h4I 7I 0znirlp:1d tli':r 71, b'41t 11 h~o,ty retreat
by) 41 117W '1hot14.
Hank Faluore, at D~allas, Tlexa..
N~l) '11.011. IIna :1L.-- A 'tI,'r' 111 from D 118.14,
Te'as. i.41y,, 11111 111: 1~r'~ r? Nrironlll Blll14 hL4
414 jr11'i~ it i/i'llllti~,o. Liatilities Irarg: 112okti,
'I OOmlltllll
M~e &Chandon is the no p10.4 ultra of wines.
Colllilon of German Ironelada--One Vex
ael ~aunk- Over Fotr Hundred Lives IAot.
Lo noON. May i. -Thtirn .s inltentn nexcltmrnt
hor- ovor rop'rts of a trriti, di]sasttr in tho
Eutgllsh than i1. Thu (Glrman ironebud,
which r,'u ntlv loft WilhlirlI ha.rbor, woro to
day sigzht-dl oIT l+'f ,keatonw, wh.,ro, two of the
v, 'amIH m, in violj'nt coilli al a. On' of thm.,
ollrnvdto ha the lHauzr Wilhelm. was almost.
Instantly Slunk, ani tho oth,+r Ironclad was
badly datrmged and In a stnking condition.
Iif+I-bhat w,'rt Immrdliatelly lowered and
nvery cffT',rt ra.lr to re.ell those in the water.
Th hboats bhlonreging to the Hotutheastt.rn Hall
way war at t,,n. ant out to assist in tho work
of saving lifet. Many lives are rTportoe I st.
The (Grmatn emhbusador In this city. with theo
Crown Pr i non, have goon by sp,cial train to the
.,.e of theL disastetr.
LoNrDN May :t. -A (lisDtph from Dover con
firms the worst fears regarding the collision of
,-rman iron'lads in the English Channel.
which rfsiuil:'d in a most fearful loss of liet.
'The collliirig vessls were the Kaisir Wilhelm
and the ; rosser Kurfurst. The weath,-r at the
tilme of the dlisaster was fair and oalm, and
what led to the disaster is a mystery.
BUth ve.ssels were under full headway when
the, Kaiser Wilhelm ran into the Grosser Kur
furst.. The shock was terrific. the latter vessel
filling with water and sinking within five min
utes after the collision. To add to the horrors
of the sltustion. the boilors of the vessel ex
ploded, scattering death and destruction in
eivery directinu. From all reports received It is
tnlivied that nearly it, persons have lost their
lives by the disaster.
The Kalsor Wilthelm was tLo largest Iron-clad
frigaro of the German navy. She was built at
the Thnmen Irron Works, Blackwell. and was
launched ten years ago. Sho is of 591. tons,
800--htoIseu power. and carrles twenty-three
gunl; thtose are rifled ninety-six pounders
madeo of Kru 's hammneredl t-"Ie. Her armor
was eight inng.s thick amidship. She also car
ried four t'{sl-pounlidrs.
The g rossor Kurfurst was a turret ship., built
at the Gorman dock yard in 1S73. She had two
ttrrets. with armor eleven Inches thick. She
ha r four twenty-six centimetre guns In the
tur-r,rs, and two twentv-ono centimetre guns
Stihaµiel fore awl aft..
'I:? u ''' of tihe terrible illiaster was off
Flkestone, srn; tauitit half-way 1ritween that
prt and Ctalais. "1 ;* s'rl idrin had passed the
H, uth Forelands and I.,,:;. on the English
coast, and was stiramtng almost a itn south.
There is a line of ve.ry fast steani s. belong.
inlg to the SHouthrastorn Railway Compda27P.D
nlg betwoen Folkestone and Boulogne, 'd,
one of the-si, with all the rowboats and sailing
shallops of the fl-hrramen, at once put off for
the disaistOr, tibt they did not arrive in time to
bh of any use. the Grosser Kurfurst had sunk
immediately after the collision, carrying down
with her nearly all on board.
ToNDON. May 31.--A dispatch received at the
German embassy from Dover states that 450
persons were drowned by the collision of Ger
man iron-ilndis in the channel.
A- she sunk her bhoilers exploded. and some
of the crew. who were on the duck, were blown
into the air. The Kaiser Wilhelm struck the
Grosser Kurlurst full steam on. It Is said that
orders had b-en given to change the line of
sailing and that the Grouser Kurturst slid not
answer her helm quickly enough to g(,-herself
out of the war of the - 'o. She came directly
across her bows and the, ,ollision occurred in
an Instant,
Another statement is that the force of the cur
rent, which at this sO t is very great, deranged
the calculations of the commanders of both
vessels. The frigate was badly injured. but her
forward hulkheadl was staunch, and shuuated
without difficulty.
The (;Grossr Kurfurst sunk in fifteen fathoms
of water. The Kaiser Wilhelm is badly dam
aged, and her fore compartment is full of water.
She will be towed to Porltsmouth. It is stated
the collision occurred througa the pilot of the
Wilhelm lutting his helm aport to clear a
barqule. thus running full into the Grosser Kur
nlu the Hlouse of Commons this afternoon,
Irn. W. G. SHaith. First Lord of the Admiralty.
stated that over 100 ,persons had been saved and
st(, lost in the collision in the channel this
morning. The government, dock at Portmouth
ia bring tirepared to receive the disabled
Kaiser Wilhelm.
Sudden Death of Hon. Russell Gurney and
Mr. Martin, X. P.
LONDON, May :31-Russell Gurney, at one
time recorder of tie ei y of londn died to-day.
I1e visited the United States some two years
Wikeham Martin, a member of Par'lament,
died suiddenly this afternoon in the H use of
Commons. lduring the session of that body.
LONDON May :1.-The suddeln death of Mr.
Wickham Martin. member of Parliament, who
expired in the lHouse of Commons this after
noon. and the dlmtiso of EIigbt Hon. Russell
Gurney have tcausdntlt some excitement to-day.
Mr. Gurney was in his seventy-tourth year. He
wats etdunited at Cambridge and called to the
bar in i.2ts. \ He wits made a oiueen's counsel in
1845 anr in 145; was appoirt-d recorder of Lon
don. Hlo was returnedi to Parliament in 1565 as
a Conservatlve and was madeo a privy coun
selor in the following year. In 1571 he was sent
to the United Stat.es as the leal adviser to, the
English commissioners to settle the details of
the- treaty of Washington.
Mr. Wickham Martin was not a prominent
member of the touse', but his sudden death
caused a groat shot-k to his follow-members.
Public Funeral for Earl Russell.
LoNDON. May 31.--The govern ment has offered
a public funeral for Earl Russell at Westminster
At,liry. Lords anti commons will be Invited.
Carter Denies Newell's Charlges aerlatum,
But Wilta Reservation.
The Catensiocn nvestigation was resumed yes
terilay, whern M. A. Carter was called to the
stand, and flled a written statement, embracing
orlders of court, wrl's of sequestration, etc.
Upon hits liroit oxamination he testified that
ho had rad the ctharges pre-ferred by Gen.
S-owell and was familiar with them; that as to
the charge which th Gl eneral makes. "that
while on his I tew.l.way to Calcastlio parish,
and while htllln'k the offilcial poition as um
pire. as hberet,,fore explailned by him. he (Sew
hy St.i.-ial Agent Carter, who made criminal
tropics 'l to him, namely, that if he (Sewell)
would unite and ,"o-operatt with him I(ttrter)
in e,,rtain ttlraisemeuts of the logs seized by
the government through him i( attoer as agent,
lthat he CIarter) won!d make it largely to our
(tHawi-l and C8 irter) personal profit, and like
wise combineo hiis Drorposltions, with the threat
if he (Shltwi il noit c, -operat with him (Car
toTr in the way proiDp)sid. the would rise his in
fllunne, whicith wa.s great, at Washington against
him (Sewi-ll ;" thlat the charge so specified that
I manlb crlmlnal propositions to Gin. Sew- l is
uitt-rly and ab-otltely tfalse.
Hiave c--,n Grn. HSwsll's statrement as to the
tnnvwrsttiin between hlm andr myself on the
-ars. I m unaire that no construction as he has
given couldl 1, attavhi,,l to
Had l arned from Mr. Pitkin andil Mr. Laoey tb
for. leaving New Orleans that Mr. howell was
an Int- ligeit,. ,'atile man, and I was desiring
of having himi, so far asq was consistent w th
his ( ,liga' IoIi s. ua his iLnfiunil7i to have our
in attitr, in tialcaclca go itlinog peac-at-ly andi
without tr.ble. Saw Mr. howell on th- boat on
the way up thi Ti-hi. and while I was dispuosed
to hi [ .' lii, at bl.a t, in miiy int--rcourc, with
hi n and th-t other two aoraise:rs, thiy ;and
Wi*n~esr t-stifi-,d a to a convwrsation at
WaTlsh' house with oGen. Howll. Asked him
wth'-re he WIsi going tio ioD S l Cnil .a. ,l-l I be
lieve he repDli-d he was gtoing to stop at Rev. Mr
Perkins', -r that he had a letter of lotroduction
to him. I then said that I w -uld be very much
pleased Ii he would stop at G.osport. and as we
ware all in the same bitlineAR in ('alcnicn-
vonn.lPtd In the log huiness--it would be to
ther advantag, and ornvenir(ice of us that wr
should htr togethtr. I may havae aigeated such
rldvrtage as thie sorlty of the offliors and pen
lpi- at r .rs ( , rt. In my ,.onvorsation at that time,
with (bhu. Htow(,ll I huad
in vie!, ln inb nt. nor thought than for the real
interrrwt of the governmrrent, and such conve
nioirune as our all being together in the transac
timn of our tblullin c ould afford or guarantee.
QJuestion-)idl you ever say to Gen. SeweRl
that it wuulrl be to your and his material profit
to r--optrate tor,ethrr ?
Answer -I did not use the word "profit" I
mmy have used the expression that. it would
have boon to our mutual advantage to be to
ggther at Gosport, for the convenienceof the
business in which we were then ena
). -Did Gen. Howell state to you9 that you did
wrong to take him apart from his frie.m, the
appralsers ?
A.-I believe that Bewell did say something
about his disinclination to stoo at a polin here
the United States troops were cam , nd I
I think he assigned some reason aboutt e
dal iby the use of troops in the 8tate by E.o
rornment, and that he did not care to stopihere.
I never did, as
at either of theso interviews or at any otb#r
time, make any propositions or proposals of a
criminal nature to Gen. Sewell. or to any mai
or child, or any one connected with the. g c
business. tGen. BSwell. at the Intertiew at
Walsh's, while he was somewhat distant to me, I
he was gentlemanly and courteous, and I sou
posed we parted without the slightest feelfjv
on his part toward me. Never said would'"
my influence against Bowell at Wasi.r
nor is it true that I proceeded to carry
threats against Gen. Hewell, as I ne
any throats against him. un
Witness then proceeded to aO u
made by Gen. Sowell. and continr
gave any instructions to Mr. G.
body else to obstruct Mr. eow'
praisers in the discharge of1 ittrq
did I personally defy the ordet.r
instruct any one eleo to do I
not t ne. It is not true tFht.1,
sentation of the value of tt
Judge Billings and Distr '
set aside the appraiserr rr)RT WILL
appointed appraise.rs Mbne 1. 1878, for
me, sines these choanagement of
never made any
upon the subnject (ERS & CO.
arranged at NH
srl. The aijt tirely renovated andre
is not true " The cuisine is especial
during th. auMe hands of a first-elass
and to our former pa
. general we will say that
at Lake (nharbred to , tntain the past
any purpose and rp u. n-,summer re*
'e"onspire withs ft(...
.itnes t...--.testified relat!'" '
logs d hpa ' made that he r.15 00
vised ,part, iif they wanted the..."
them. i'R1ro.
Q.-Mr.ý ju .e says you winked and(*
your heau .him as much as toimply t
not to bid o his logs ?
A.-I have o recollection of winking or sh
Ing my head lit him. I might have winked.
never authoriz Mr. Mix or anybody else
represoet that desired parties not to bit
against me at the ale. Did not do anything
prevent a compet on between the
at the sale. On o day-the first day-I re
frained from biddin and a very desirable lot
of logs at one of the 'mills near the lake Was
sold for twenty centS- but one person bidding
Notwithstanding there were about 300 peol ,
there, and during the whole Pale there was no
comp titlon whatever between the mill and the
log men.
The charge that I instructed Gainey to selse
the tug Alert is not true. I had nothing to do
with her seizure by instructions or otherwise.
Had nothing to do with the
I never said, "Bond Capt. Horn to New Orleans
in iron'-."
The balance of the testimony was a denial of
the charges against Mr. Carter.
Adjourned until e10 a. m. to-day.
Howard's Libel salt.
INatchitoches Vindicator.]
So Mr. Howard proposes to libel the only
deoent paper in New Orleans; the outspoken
fearless friend of the people is to be sllendoe
b this infamous, legalized, gambling swin
We are rejoiced that this monster should
come from its works and assail decent people,
because such action will rally the masses to'
its destruction. Now we will see izhllOW.
much honesty there is in the prof
so-called Democrats, who for years
about Radical outrages, Rtadieal vi
and afterward, when in off'.e themsolv
ceeded to execeut jaws wnich evory bjtof
common sense in the Commonwealt-'kn s
to be unoonstitutional.
Let every honorable man, every de;Qnt
paper in Louisiana, rally to the support of
the fearless DEMOCRAT. Its cause is their
cause. The very essence of our liberty, the
right of habefs corpus and trial by Jury
hangs in the cale.
Charles Howard opera his fight on the de
fender of the people, the New Orleans DMo
(RAT; let the people "move on" to Charley
Howard. If war Is what he wants, he shall
have it, even if we have to resort to force. He
should tremble in the presence of the majeatr
of the Commonwealth.
Let us near from the Conservative press
now. Their gab was volubhlo.:whedenoun
cing the right of any man to crli.tiii4 -
preme Court or the Legislature. HoWard's
Lottery attacks the people through the New
Orleans DEMOCRAT, a It behooves them to t
speak out. : _ i
Howard said in New Orleans 'The Metajt M
Club black-balled me, I made a grana.
of its race course; I told the Varety it
they refused to admit me I would mike a
house of prostitution of their theatre; the
I)EMOORAT has dared attack me, and I'li do.
Stroy it"
Associated Press Dllpatehes.
iHolly Springs South.]
The New Orleans DEMOCRAT, in the way of
business, salls public attention to the fact that
the dispatches received by it from the Na
tional Associated Press are superior in many
respects to those corning through the New
York Associated Press. This is what we
have observed for several months, always
getting fuller details with fewer o
imprnrta.nce, as well as later i
through the daily press than is
at this point from any oth r
except ,Jackson or Vicksbur ,
l)aMO'r;RAT gives all the news I comi
form the cream of what is going- -Ins
s(ittezing it through blanket pa es of c
When we hfave done with it, we flh d we
ottain:ld all that is valuable in tth new
umrns of other papers, and that the labc
further examination is ul!nneccessdry. If
the l).s"u'Al' shiould decline tl n ex-ch
with us, we shall have to subscribe an:
for it. No more desirable papel can
by those who want the latest niWp fror
qruarters ,f the world.
Mr. ntephens Assistinlg.,
IN. I. Star.]
Alexander HI. Stephens is assistin A
biographers, William IHand Cr.wne an:
IJohnstrone. His principal duty is to i(K)ok
his .Hcheh and insert the word "appit ,
whr', ho thinks it ought to conme in.
Russian bthip Pu, chases.
Pr'tr.Ar,.ELPR:IA. May i:L.--ix vassels in all wllm
be scUcrl before the llRss an aisg-n, leavew
Fire In Algiers.
At 1':.i0 yest;rdtay morning the housBe a. th'
cOrni-r of V rret-r Av-nue a11(1d LauoI rouse
tr-e,:t. Algler,, owned by Honors Camrblame
w.;M d6i' ver-d on fl',, but tlotwithstand.
inc a't te ende vor- ot th- tire derarrment the
butildingr wa- -ntirelry 'cnsulnmd. The fire was
i', L.l,1 by a d+f'etive flute. Loss S1., rLot cov
cro. iy uyliuranee.
A dinuer is not complete without Moet ,

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