Newspaper Page Text
YELLOW FEVER RECORD t. HOW TIlE FEVER RECORD THIS YEAR n COIPARES WITH THAT OF 1853. a The following table shows the deaths from e yellow fever up to date this year as compared with the same days in 1353. The deaths from other diseases than yellow fever in 1853 are I1 given becauseo it has since been shown that many persons dying of the yellow fever in that year were returned as dying of other diseases: 1878. 1853. Yellow Yellow Other Fever. Fever. Diseases. Deaths previous to August 1rIo.... 39 1431 1529 August 1........... 7 117 25 August 2........... 7 121 14 August 3........ 7 129 17 August 4........... 11 151 13 August 5........-.. 12 141 19 August 6... 5 209 3o August 7....... 7 1 40 August 8........... 1I 204 24 August 9........... 12 172 20 August 10.......... . 1911 :33 Auggust11.......... 14 204 14 August 12... .....12 182 25 August13.......... 21 192 22 August 14 ........... 2 206 26 Augustl5 .......... 17 7 2r August 16.......... 29 171 19 August 17........... 27 12 21 August 18.... ..... 47 197 22 August 19........... 42 21,) 15 August20 ........... 41 19 293 August 21.......... 40 245 24 August 22.......... 58 214 29 The daily record for the rest of the year 18.,:3 during which the epidomic prevailed was as follows: Yellow Fever. OtherDisAst.s. Total. August 3........ 234 24 258 August 24........ 199 2a 222 August 25...... 199 tI 218 August 26........ 164 29 193 August 27........ 159 26 185 August '2........ 142 26 169 August 29 ....... 128 15 143 August . . •. 125 14 139 August 31........ 110 27 137 Beptomter 1.... 103 16 119 September 2.... II0 23 1.13 Beptember 3 .... 91; 2 116 BSetomber 4.... "95 15 110 September 5 . 72 26 98 Septembr 6..". 70 2.. 95 September 4 . : 5 17 70 September 8 ... 52 7 59 September .... 47 17 64 September 10 .... 61 19 80 September 11-... 48 20 68 September 12 ...4 t5 55t September 13 ... 28 19 47 September 14.... 35 10 45 Beptember 15 .... 33 19 52 September 16 .... 32 19 51 September 17 -... 26 21 47 September 18 " 30 Ir. 45 September 19. 23 11 34 September 20 .. ir, 1t 49 September 21.L 17 21 38 September 22 . 20 14 34 Se.tember 23 - 16 12 28 September 24. 1 22 34 September 2s ... 16 19 35 Total ....... . 8,117 2.67 111.784 ------**~ -- THle HOWARDS' WORK. The members of the Howard Association were crowded with work yesterday. At the opening their office in the morning the applications be gan to pour in, and during the day there was one constant stream of poople going up and down the stairs there. According to the books of the association there was an increase of ap plicants over the previous day. The arduous and self-imposed duties of the Howards was most difficult under the broiling sun, that yes torday seemed unusually torrid. The reports brought in showed that there was great destitu tion among the sick, and that in some cases there were not means to support even the nurses sent. From the Howard physicians it was learned that the rate of mortality was re markably low for the oases they had on hand, At 8 o'clock last evening an executive meeting of the association was hold, and the tenders of service from Dr. Bejot, No. 44 North Peters street, druggist and physician: M. Culloen. M. ).. 182 Oftrod street: Dr. M1. Freund, 42 Franklin street; Sam. Walker, M. D.. 381 St. Charles street, and Dr. J. T. Newman were received and accepted. A dispatch was received. showing that Natcihez was now perfectly healthy and no case of yellow fever apopared t' ore. The association, in response to telegrams for aid from Port Gibson*nd Summit, ]liss., s.nt eight nurses to the former tlace and two to the latter. A disnatch was received too late for acI tien, from Vicksburg, asking for doctors and nurses. A donation was received from Alph. Walz, of two casks of Aurora bottled ale and other necod fnl supplies. Contrilutions of Hebrew residents of Wash Ington. 1). C., tronsmitted throlugh Rev. J. K. Gutheim. $150; L. (oedor & Co., $25; Social C!rcle Club. fr. The Neow Orleans City Railrood Company has furnished the Howard Association passes on its livs uniltil -ugust. 31. The following dispatches were received yes torday: Powr GmnsoN, August 22,1878. F. R. Southmayd: Send us live men and three women in time for Friday evening's packet. from Vick-burg to Orand Gul. oSend immuliiately. Ninetycases; live deaths. Very great distress anid w\lnt. JAS. A. GAGE. President Howard Association. Pont EAlýs. August 22, 1878. F. R. Southmayd: One new case and one death since yesterday. WARUIJEN STONE. 13. D. GLEN HOUSE. I Whito Mountains, N. I,., Aulg. 22. 1878. . 11. BHyatt. Care J. A. Watlker. Crcscent Hall, New Orleans: Give Howard Association $1tt, with ly com plimonts. J. A. WALIKIIt. The following was adopted at the meo ing lst night as the sensil of thile Association re garding the number of new cases: NaEWO)nIoANs. August 22. 1878. The Howard Association have ret ived aInd attended since they opened thoi books, seven teonth instant, ,579 carses, the aptplications to day numberiug 1'22. F. t11 SOUTH BlAYI), Secretary Hloward Association. OUR CHILDREN. Cause of the Prevalence of Yellow Fever and Mortality Among Them. There has boon considorable speculation lately as to the cause of the prevalance of yol low fever among children and the excessive mortality attendant on it. Desirous of getting the views and opinions of physicians on this subject, a reporter of the DEiMOCIAT yesterday called on several, and among others Dr. D. C. Holliday. who gave the following concise and lucid statement of his views, which were in overy essential particular obincided in by other practitioners Questioned by our reporter. After the self-introduction by the reporter and the exchange of the usual courtesies, the following converversation ensued: Retporter-I have called. Doctor. to got your opinion as to the cause of the prevalonce if yellow fever, and the excessive mortality among children. Dr. Hio liday-I think that all children born since in67 are entirely unacclimated and are subject to attack. 1ip.--Then you think it requires a residence of a number of years to secure exelnption About how many years do you think? Dr. H1.-- othing of the kind; I do not think that residence has anything to do with it. I think that persons are acclimated by slight at tacks of fever during an epidemic. It has been eleven years sin.o we had altything like an epidemiec, and children born during that time have not become acclimated. I think that an attack of fever during an epidemic secures ex emption, and nothing else will. htep.--As I unleri and yOu. when you say fever you do not miean yellow fever? Dr. H.-I do not, specify any fever. What I say is that a fever, during an epidemic, no mat tor how light, but a decided fever exempts from subhsevu n- t epidemicss. Rsuep.-Bu Doctor, it is said that persons have had yellow fey, r this year who had it in 18677 Dr. H.-On this point I can say, tha in a very extensive yellow fever practice I have taken careful notes of every case, and have never found a patient who had it in 1867. or any other rear, and I have never known of a case of the ReD.-Well, there is no doubt that the prevail I'g disease is the genuine yellow fever, is there? r. Hi (smili go)-Nono at all, sir; (and con tjsning) children born here are as liable to take the disease as children born in any other State in the Union ulntil they have had the acclima ting fever. As to the mortality, I think it is at trihutable to the tender years of the patients and the consoquent difficulties of treatment and management. The old idea that natives were not subject to attack of the fever grow out of the fact that the old Cre, le doctors d.ring the prevalence of an e idemic, treated these light fevers, these ac climating tovers, nd thought nothing of them. It baeers out my views that those persons having low acclimating fever never cntracted the yel the fever, and hence the impression that na tives were exempt from it,. I have a case in point: I have beeoon treating a child three weeks old which has never left the room in which it was born. It had fever for flfty-tw, hours; by judicious treatment and frequent epunging the fever was broken, and shortly afterwards the child became as yellow as any yellow fever patient I ever Paw. It will convalesce ard be almost well before it is a month old. lop.--And do you think that that child will be ever after exmll t from yellow fever ? Dr. H--Undoubtetly, sir. This child will en joy immunity during i'o. It may go to France, or any other country. and live for thirty yenrs. and return here, during the height of a yellow fever opidemic, without incurring any danger of contracting the disease. WITH THE SICK. N A Short Trip In the Howards' Domain. p The reporter, following up his previous days' P explorations, visited other haunts of the yellow Si fever. H aring at the Howard Association that S a son of the East, an.Oriental, had been taken V down, the reporter called at the place and A found a gorgeous sign flaunting in the wind, O announcing t, the world that laundry work K was well done within. The place was 117 Car ondelot street, nearly opposite the Central ] Station, It was a one-story house and fronted on the street. The front room seemed to be de- 11 voted to files of tea chest characters on red paper, a strong smell of boiling starch and cod- le fish. In a modest tone the reporter asked: 'Is there any one sick in here?" A smiling Chinaman answered: "Onee manee sickee so so backee roomleo. Golee seolee." The reporter advanced through a room that was not exactly as sweet as the gardens of Gul. p and found in a rear room, stretched out on an D impromptu bed or what appeared so, a strong N Oriental with the fever upon him. When asked T how he felt, he responded: " ie foeel belly well." T The reporter stated that he didn't want to in quire as to the condition of the patient's abdom Inal regions, but as to the fever and his head. He then stated that he had been feeling badly the night before, and this morning had to go to bed. A mustard foot-bath had been adminis- a, tered, and all the usual remedies had been given. The room was not exactly what a man in good health would care to a be taken down with a spell of sickness in. The bundle of rags in one corner, I the fetid, close atmosphere and the confused pile of kitchen ware, according to hygienic rules could not be considered as particularly conducive to sani'ation. The patient China man seemed to rest quietly, and the medicine left by Dr. Taney operated like a charm. Leav ing this stoical unfortunate, the reporter foil upon a sadder scene At the corner of it. Joseph and Baronne he entered a room on the ground Il,.or of a two-story brick building. On a a crib lay a oy atlparently about 13 years of age, whose to sings and twitchings werer watched over by a fond mother. When the re porter entered the we't ',yes of the mother told T the tale. Mistaking the identity of the reporter fora doctor she, with no little emotion, said: "Oh! doctor, Jimmy is dying." Z Entering the room, the poor little sufferer was found to be breathing tcrt,,rously, his eyes fixed, and evidently with but a short time v to live. "Doctor, do tell me." said the mother. "how long can he live. He was a good boy, and a would not associate with bad boys. He was one of the best boys in the world." The sun slanted down in the Western sky, the shadows of the houses and fences length ened out, the qulot of our short twilight rtole over the streets, and as moather and cousin ' watched over the thin form of their belved little one, without a warning its spirit.. In quietudel and e teca, lelt its habitation, and, ii with those gone before, entered into the great unknown world. THE FEVER ELSEWHERE. Terrible Condition or Affairs In Vicks- t burl. The following dispatch was yesterday re ceived by the Board of leallh of this city: VICKsnortR. August 22, 1878. Epidomic very violent and malignaint: much e more than in New Orleans. Great want of nurses rand physician. Seventy-five deaths ye-terday from yellow fever. Could you help us? ED. G. BANKS, M. D. The proportion of deaths to the population of thor:ity is so great that it indicates a mistake It is probable that the dispatch should read C severity- five deaths to date. Dr. Banks was in this city when the fever first mad, its appeoarance. He visited tihe hospitals and accompanied our physicians in their calls on patients in regular practice, and is there- f fore competent to make a comptarison between the type of the disease in New Orleans and that in plaguen-stricken Vicksburg. To the dispatch of Dr. Banks Dr. Choppin yesterday made the following roes onse: NiEW OtRLEANS, August 22, 1875. Dr. E. G. Banks, Vicksburg: Sorry to hoar of your distress. The epidemic is the battlu-fleld of the true physician. «Will see RI.ward Association to furn sit youl with medical aid. MAM'L CITOPPI'N. President Board of Htralth. The mayor of Vicksburg also sent a dispatch to the Board of Health calling for mssistance, and it was referred to the Howard Association. A private dispatch from CANTON, MISS., states that the fever is well under control and eonfliued to onei street. blt the press ili-natchres. in another column. indicate that this fact. if it is ia fact, has not allayed the excitement or quieteot the terror of the people of that town, as racordiug to the press telegrarms the pe.nle are leaving in bo. dos, and out of 4o00) inhabitants only 125 remrain. A letter from TERRY,. Miss.. states that there has been no fever in that town; that a negro woman, a rfrugeo from Grenada, was taken siRk on Capt. Brown's ilantati n, several miles from the corporation limits, and died, and this gave rise to all the excitement, That FnANKLIN. LA.. is greatly excited there can be no doubt, The town has quarantined, and the polict jury wa to decide yesterday whether or not a quaran tine o tihe entire parish of St. Mary should be des larel. That the fever has broken out in MORGAN CITY the following dispatch will show: MonaRAN CITY, August 22, 1878. Dr. Choppin, Presid,-nt of ,oatrd of Health: One ease of yellow fever here died this morn ing J. A. SMITH. M.D. The1 dispatches state that the situation at GRENADA is more disheartening and desperate than ever l belore. BOLLY SPIING., the town which invitedt all leeing from infection t to litie there, has two importA. cases frem G renada. POSTOFFICE NOI'ES. S A New Mail Route to Grand Isle. Postmaster Baidger yesterday received the fol Slowing dispatches: ATLANTA, Ga., August 21, 1578. Postmaster. New Orleans. La.: 0 Withhold second and third elass miils to mIln den, Miss., until lralnt iuo is removed. iL. M. TERRELL, ipuveriutentant. I JACKSON, Teoun.. August 22. 1878. Postmaster of N, w Orleans. La.: Sir-No mail desired from your postoffice for a Coifeville. Miss.. unless fumigated before " hand. Yours. re~petfully, • ' CHAS. A. FEYttI. PATTERSONVILLE, La., August 21, 1878. Y Gen. A. S. Badger. New Orleans. La.: SDear Sir-I amn requested by the authoritios to rqu,-st yu not to send any parcels. arek ages,. or any articles of merchanlise to this Soffice, as this tow u is quarantined against New e Orleans. Yours. rsDe tfu osmaster, Per H. HAusMANNs. SrPo-tmaster Badger, aDppreciating the anxiety of families rummeringat Grand Isle about rela Stives remaining in the city, andrecognizing the fact that the method of cerrying the mail by - luggers was unsahisfact'ry on account of its ? sliwness and irregularity, requesterd Dermis - asion of the Dostoffiee authorities at Wasbhiugton e to make arrangements for a more rapid trans portation. The permission was granted, and an arrangement was entered into with the own ers of the steamer Kranz, the regular Grand Isle packet, and henceforth the mails will be regular. This action of Postmaster Badger will gain for him the gratitude of all persons interested. FWEATHER BULLETIN. fe WAn DEPARTMENT, I Signal Service. United States Army. Daily meteorological record for the eight hours a. ending at 3:43 p. m., Thursday, August 22. p, S[Observations taken at the same moment of fI time at all stations.] Veloc'y Rain * Miles last Stations. Bar. per Ihours I H hour. Inches ro Cairo........... 29 95-- vW 0 Cincinnati ..... 2094- s2 NE 5 n Davenport-...2. - 9s-- 1E o Dubuque ......2.93 - 4 .01 Galveston.... 2-.2990-R. O 4 o Indianola...... 294--F. j BE 11 o a Keokuk........ 29.87- 8s68 5 0 o r Lacrosse ..- 0 -- SE 7 .05 t Leavenworth. 9 0S-- 9 5 0 Louisville .... 94-F. NE 0 0 0 Memphis...... 92-F 9NE 10 0 ft Nashville ..... "9.9-F. NE 6 o ie Nrw Orleans.. 29.90-F ..IN 7 . Omaha......... 9.71- 9S8W 11 a o SPittsburg ...... ..97-- N 8 Shreveport .. 29.94-F. 9.N 8 h SSt. Louis....... .94- soE 4 it St. Paul....... 70- SE 20 .0 d n Vicksburg ..... 994-F. s NW .93 t Yankton ....... 29.07- 901 i 1 0 0 ( Augusta ...... 29.90-F. OINE 4 0 2, Corsican...... 29 --F 1021 I 4 0 t k Key West....... 2994-F. SolW 10 0 t Mobile ....... 29 87-F. W 12 0 r Montgomery .. 29.90-F 90 SE 4 1i Savannah...... 2992-. 71SE 10 0 d . indicates rising; F. Indicates falling;: . d indicates stationary. I1 d Maximum temperature August 22, at New Or- i leans. 94 degrees, the highest, so far, for 1878. 0 THE YELLOW FEVER. C 0e OFFICE BOARD OF HEALTH. 1 e New Orleans, August 22. 1878. I I t Official statement of cases of yellow fever re i. ported in New Orleans is as follows. viz: E Deaths from 12 m. yesterday to 12 m. to-day. sR 1 g N w cases ...................................... 8 ¶ Total cases to date ............................1550 Total deaths to date .......... ............. 494 . A HM UEL CIIOPPIN. M. D., Presidont. , B. F. TAYLOR, M. D., Secretary. y DEATHS: 0 Sarah Silverstein, Poland, 16 years, 105 Dry- 1 ades street. n Augtutus Campriana,. Italy, 39 years, 258 Canal. t Salvador Rodiles, Mexico, 20 years, 115 French 0 men. f Mrs. Alexander Arastase. 33 years, 126 South t r, Rampart. d Louisa Schneider. 2 years, 337. Magnolia. c C Katie Lynch, Ireland, 25 years, 105; Magazine. y Mrs. Glhbons. Ireland, 82 Girod. 6 Mary E. Benz, 4 years, 437 South Rampart. 0 F. Kreutle. Germany. 34 years. 107 Bienville. 9 Willie Brennan. 4t years, 311 Girod. 1 Geo. A. J. Hlautou, 2 years, Harmony, near I t. Carondelet. e Edmund Moore, Alexandria, La., 41, years. 25014 n Gravler. f Geo. Fredenborg, West Virginia, :2) years. :05 SMagozine. - Theodore Lippschutz, Germany, 4.1 years. d Touro Infirmary. r A. Levy. Germany., : years. Touro Infirmary. I : Mathildra Braun. Germany, 30 years, 42 North Villero. r James McGuire. Ireland. 1f years. Hotel Dieu. s J. M~cKoeley, 3o years, tre!and, is South Gal 10 vez. Unknown man. Italy, Metairie Ridge. W Emilio Weiner, 3 years. corner of Constance e ,d and Torvsihore. te Louis A Schindller,. year). 121 Washington. Lu'go Limbo, 53 years, Italy. 40 St Philip. y Matry J. Drumm, 5 years, s8 Annunciation. Alice H Lambert. 4 years, 14)8 Annunciation. le Pelor Hlegue, 23 years. corner Ninth and I n Tchoupitoulas. ad Geo. Doyle. Ireland, 40 years, 374t! Magazin. Catherine Castaing. France. 18 years, 51 Or -t leans. lt Lena Silverstein. Poland. 18 years, 105 Dry ades. Gaetano do Beneditto. Italy. 32 years. 29 Dau phinfe. Mrs. C. Schmitt, France. 22 years, 10of Char 5- tree. Kate Holcer, Switzerland, 5o years, 195 Citron delet. 0- Daniel R. Sprague, Michigan, 4o years. 190 Canal. Mrs. Elizaboth Adams, 25 years, New Levee I1 and Thalia. of Marie B. D rzie. 2 years, 31 Bienvillo. 1s Mrs. MIatilda Ma-s, n, 22 ypars. 50 Poet. I Milton A. Lecle. 4 years, 193 custombonse. Mary Wallace. Al l.amla, 2:1 years. 61 Dryades. Mrs. tallie Basby, Kent ucky, 21 years. 101 of Customholnuse. o Casmus BUilor. Spain. 15 years, corner St. II Charles anl Gi od. Florence McStea, 6 years, corner Thalia and Fre, et. At Anna Hofer, 15 years, 213 Culstonhouse. lI Michoala Tamporella, Italy, 1!5 St. Louis street. Josep Anduka. Bohemia. 21 years. Touro In e- flrmrary. ,n John Donnelly, 10'o years. 221 Tehoupitoulas, ;I I Colnneih, Ireland, 29 yers, 3t13 Baronno. at Mrs. Jan l.s Ridley, Brooklyn, N. Y., 27 years, 138 (lie. in M. J. Buck. Ireland, 30 years, 173 Tchoupitou las. Elizabeth H. Johnson. 4 years. 405 Carondolet. 1 Michael M:cDonald, 45 years. Iroland. 112 Tehoupit(umis. ,ic Iriduct Lefary. 23 years. Ireland, 130 Julia. David Klinger, Austria. 29 years. 190 South tii Basin. DEATHS AT TILE IIOSPITAL. Robert Brown, 20 years. ph Myls (C.ostillo, 24 years. .J cob Oratentrreim, 48 years. e, Gab, il Cant , 23 years. 0. Johl JoycO. 2a8 years. Julius Loa.5 26 years. Moses McCammon. 30 years. NEW CASES AT TIHE CHARITY HORPITAL. d Gabrii Canto, laborer; Germany: corner SLfve lnd Elysian Fields; 23 years; from New SYork: eighteen months in city; single; sica Sone day. 1S David Mulholland. shoomaker. Ireland; 93 " Rampart ; age :O0; from Vicksburg; nine months in New Orlans; single; sick one day. John Fralcis, tailor; Cork. Ireland; remi dlnec,. Henry Clay House; 2); yesrso; came from St. Louis;: three yoears in New Orleans; single; 'n; sick two dais. ia. Patrick l)wline, laborer; Ireland: 27 years; n. Dcatulr, l,+ar St. Peter;: Liv, rolel; eleven nd years inl tbhe city; slungle; sick half dty. P'-tr II. HIlaley. blak.smith; Ir-landf ; :t years; N.tre DUIinm and M;aglazne; Galwvston; nine in thi city; sifighl: sick two dais. 'io Win. F. Wiley, flarmer ; Loli~lana; homeless; 9a 2 yeairs; from Texas; asingle; one day in the In city. be Hulbert Remy. laborer: France; homoless; 43 years; single; ntne months in city. A CIRICULAR. A Call on the Plhy.iclaus of the City for Yellow Fever Reports. t The following circular letter was yesterday t f.brward',d to every physician of standing in the city, and it is to be hoped that it will receive proper attention and due consideration: OFFICE BOARD OF HEALTH, State 11u re, State of Louisiana. Now Orleans, August 22, 1878. To Dr. -: Dar Sir-The Board of Health are desirous of preilo.rinlg a coulpte registry of the cases of yellow fever oeurring this year. in order to have the moterials for future study of the dis ease. You are. therefore, r'arnestly requested to makre to this office a report of every (. so 0c curring in your prnatioe. according to the form provilded. Copies of this form wil be furnished on applicatun. VThi. Ilenest is intended to aipply to eases previously treated, as well as those hereafter att'ýndd. Very respectfully, your ohedient servant, SAM'L CItI rPPIN. Presitlent Board of Health. RELIGIOU MUSIC. We had the pleasure of hearing yesterday evening at the St. Louis Cathedral the last re hearsal of Gouned's new mass for four male voil es. We will not give our appreciation of the music or of its Interpretation now, as this would be premature. Suffi re it to say that twenty of our b-st singers have combined their talent with great suce-ss to inte pret this religious chef-d'oetvre ofithe great mastsr. and that they are under the dir ection of Prof Jules Cartier. the talented organist of the Cathedral. The mass will be sung with arpropriate solemnity on next Sunday, that day being the anniver ary of Sr. Lrouis, the patron ,of the Cathedral. Lovers of religious music will secure a rare treat by attending. The Colonnade Hotel, Philadelphia, Pa., by its judicious reduction of rates, will maintain its famous reputation as a model first class house, alive to the demands of the time. MUNICIPAL NOTES. RELIEF CONTRIBUTIONS. c Several more contributions were received yes terday by the Mayor for the relief of the suf- c ferers by the epidemic. One ofse was from Mr. A. 8. . Bushnell, of Springfleld, 0.. and another of $200 from Messrs. g C. A. Jackson & Co., tobacco manufacturers, of Petersburg, Va. Both contributions were trans- 1 ferred to the Howard Association, THUN CHARLESTON DISINFECTANT. The Mayor has heard nothing futher from the "Charleston Disinfectant" man. It will be i remembered that about two weeks ago an in dividual residing in Charleston sent a commu nication to the Mayor, offering to supply, at his own expense, a number of barrels of the "Charleston disinfectant" (samples of which accompanied the communication). to be burned on our thoroughfares, and five pounds besides to each building in the city. The correspondent expected a compensation only in case yellow fever were arrested by the use of his fumigator, its efficaciousness to be decided by our Board of Health. The matter having been submitted to the board by the Mayor, and the experiment been discovered worthy of trial, his honor wrote to the Charleston man, informing him that his offer was accepted. About ten days have o apsed since that time but nothing has been heard of the Charleston man. The estimates made by the DEMOCRAT at the time showed that it would require an outlay of about $3000 to thoroughly test the disinfectant." With a view to encourag ing the Charleston man, we will say that the Mayor is of the opinion that If the "Charleston disinfectant can accomplish one-half of what is claimed for it. ton times the outlay will not be considered too much, and he is of the opinion besides thatalarge sum of money could be raised to rect a lasting monument in honor of tile enterprising introducan'of the disinfect ant. D)I. A. BOSISIO lives at Parsons, Kansas, and telegraphs to the Mayor that he can cure ninety out of every hundred cases of yellow fever, furnishing the medicine himself and at his own expense. When the fever is over, the city can pay him what it pleases. Dr. Bosisio wanted a free passage to New Orleans. This last condition has aroused the suspicion at the City Hall that the doctor only wants to get here at the expense of the Pity in order to make a litte money on his own hook, and the reasoning is that, since he is so confident of success, he might well afford to pay his own fare. Success would more than reim burse him for his trouble. LIVINGSTON. ALA.. has declared quarantine against all infected towns. and our Mayor has been officially noti fled of the fact. No embargo, however, is laid on the mails. Y, M. C. A. The Young Men's Christian Association have officially notified the Mayor that they have or ganized their body into a relief association to assist suffering humanity during tile etidemic. In their communication they say that they are orepared to act upon such suggestions ias the Mayor may make. .JAIIORANDI. The following note was received by the Mayor yesterday: Naw Yong, August 19, 1578. Honorable Mayor of the City of New Orleans: Sir--Philanthropy and my duty as a physician command mo to address you, and I hope you will excuse my liberty the more, as my letter will reach you long before an, article in a medi cal journal would reach the physicians of your city. Judging front analogous cases, I may safely expect a beneilcial effect of the following method of treatment of yellow fever: "With appearance of premonitory symptoms (prodomil) a full (lose of jiborandi as diaphor etic. c wmbined with rhubarb (vinous tincture) to have an alterant effct upon the portal vein and to prevent salivation. Simultaneously a suppository of quinine, from five to ten grains, acording to the nage, and a suitable diet." If you would be kind enough to communicate this suggestion of a physician of torty-five years' standing, to the fraternity of your city, you would greatly oblige yours, truly. B. SEGNITZ, M. D. MINOR NOTES. Administrators Diamond and Cavanac, after an investigation of the matter, report that the number of dead fish in the New canal is very it significant. Mr. Cavanac has issued orders prohibiting the cleaning of cabbage in the markets. A late surgeon, in the service of "H. B. M.," writes from Baltimore. offers his services as a yellow fever doctor, and wants to know on what terms his services will be received. "On no terms at ali." says the Mayor. The destitute Polish immigrants have been cared for by the Howard Association; hllnce the city's services are not needed as far as they are concerned. A child twelve years old, left an orphan by its mother, Concerda Albana, was tent to the Bt. Vincent Asylum by the Mayor. THE TAXPAYERS' UNION. Delegates Received-Conlnunleatlon, E x ecutive Se*sion and Resolutions. The Citi:onq. Taxpavers and Workingmen's Assembly assembled last night at Grunowald Hall meeting rooms, for the purpose of acting upon the nomination of delegates from the dif ferent wards. At 8:15 President Tehault called the meeting to order. After the reading and approval of the minutes of the last meeting communications were taken up. Returns from the first, third and thirteenth wards, showing TI1E NUMBER OF DELEGATES to the Taxpayers' Assembly. and classified into I taxpayers, non-taxpayers, white and colored, were read. The first ward shows 19 delegates, the third 1s, and the thirteenth 'it, with a mom bership of 71 men. Referred to executive ses sion. A letter from Mr. C. E. Hoffman. of the third ward, was road. The substance of it is as fol lows: As a member of the third ward he pro tested against the nominees for de!ogates from that ward. He stated that the delegates were improperly and unconstitutionally elected,and that no club is yet OROANIZED IN THAT WARD. He further stated that on the twenty-fourth of July Mr. Thomas Lucy sent invitations to twelve men to organize a club without giving public notice thereof. On the first of August another meeting was held, composed of twenty one men, one being a visitor, Mr. Bourgeols. Mr. Craigh offered a resolution to nominate eighteun men as delegates and those nmen were all taken from the twenty present. He, as one of the twenty, protested and was referred to the general assembly for redress. Mr. Hoffman concluded by saying that be was not a sorehead or a dissenter. but wanted justice and falrnes. THE PRESIDENT ASKED what action was to be taken on the communica tion. "I move to lay it on the table," said one rmember. When the votes were called the yeas stoutly roared, whilst the nays. backers of the writer, strenuously opposed the motion, Executive session-in which only the rld members are allowed to debate-being called, new members and reporters were requested to step outside. This was done, and when the doors were again opened, and when it was an. nounced that the old members sitting in ex', cutive session had resolved to refer the com munication about the delegates to the third ward and order a new election, the utmost con fusion ensued. SPEECIIES WERE MADE, expostulating became general, members spoke I and raved around three and four at a time. and such was the uproar that Dr. Tebault stepped from his chair ;nd announced that he would r sever his connection with the association. He was finally prevailed upon to take his seat. A motion was then made to go into executive session again. Before the motion was accepted one of the members rose and remarked he re gretted, as every one present must regret, that Dr. Tebault TOOK THE RASH STEP y to vacate the chair. Dr. Tebault, said he, was a hard-worker and one whore services could not be spared, and, if the assembly wished to suc ceed in the next campaign, it is necessary to e accept the members from the third ward elected I as dt-legates, because they are good men, and, it others are nominated, he would not sustain them. Mr. C. E. Hoffman, whose Icommunication S had raised such a co~fusion, withdrew it y amidst deafening applause, and sat down. Peace reigned again in Warsaw. Ry ESOLUTIONS. It was resolved and carried that all the old I. members should stand up to persuade Dr. Te a bault to retain the presidency. It was also resolved to admit all the delegates whose names were presented, provided they y abide by the article in the constitution, which a provides that they should be non-bondholders, s non-monopolists and non-politicians. A resolutloa was unanimously carried to stand by the doctor "through thick and thin," as one of the members put it. Mr. Creagh's resolution, to appoint a commit tee of seventeen, that is, one from each ward, to confer with all other parties,ppposed to bond holders, was carried. A committee of seventeen, one from each ward was next moved to he appointed and called the "ways and means or finance com mittee." Carried. It was resolved that the president call a meet ing in the fourth ward for the purpose of or ganization. COMMIM'rEfS ON ORGANIZATION In wards not yet having joined the fold were next appointed. The president called the attention of the assembly to the fact that already Sts00,e( ques tionable premium bonds had this year been issued to the detriment of the people. A printing committee of three was then ap pointed, and the assembly adjourned. A REMARKABLE VOYAGE, A Fast !acer In the Fruit Trade and Something About Fruit. Chancing along the levee early yesterday morning, enjoying the cool soft breeze from the river, our attention was attracted to a lot of lue cious looking bananas and plantains lying on the wharf, around which a largo crowd was gathered, Making inquiries, we learned that t!"° wet. being discharged from the seoiborlit Susan Scranton, Capt. Richard Stark, and con signed to Mr. Charles H. Schenck. Invited aboard the schooner, we found her to be a re imarkably staunch, clean and trim vessel of los tons burthen, 82 feet in length, 26 feet 6 inches beam and 7 feet 6 inches depth of hold, owned by her naptain and Mr. Schenck. and engaged in the fruit trade between this city and the islands. TheS wranton has just distinguished her self by making the, uuickesttrip ever made, hav ing left Bonacca Friday. arriving at the mouth of the river on Monday. in two days and twen ty-two hours from the time she started, the dis tance sailed being 77s miles. The steam,,r E. iB. Ward. Jr.. from Ruatan. 718 miles, has made the time in three days, and the schooner Village Belle, before the war. made the time from Bonaces in three days and four hours. At this season of the year fruit ripens rapidly, and the fast time made by the Scranton is of double im portance to her owners, for it placed her at the head of the list of racers and put a cargo on the market equal in condition to any received in the winter, and which found eager buyers at faney prices. To the uninformed it may not be amiss to state how these cargoes are sold. They are placed on the wharf in uniform lots, say 100 bunches, just as they are received from the vessel, and are auctioned off to the highest bid der, thus giving buyers an equal chance and favoritism to none. The Scranton is loading to return, and brought orders for 26i barrels of flour, 5o barrels meal and e, onoshingles. Under the liberal and enterprising management of Mr. bchenck. Messrs. Oteri & Brother, J. Macheca and other dealers, the fruit trade to this city is being fostered and is daily growing in Import ance, A CHIILD'S TERRIBLE PEiTTII. James Glennon, Aged Eight Years, Run Over by a Train of Cars. I A reporter in pursuing his vocation is some- o times forced to witness most horrible and heart-rending sights, but yesterday this re porter was forced to look at a sight which was ii without a parallel, and it was the mangling of ft the boy James Glennon, aged eight years, who was run over at half-past 1 o'clock by a train of I fiat cars of the Mobile Railroad. at the corner of Elysian Fields and Lev'eestreets. s I he child when visited was at the residenco p of his parents, corner of Victory and Elysian Fields streets, and at the time was sutffering agony beyond description, as his left arm had been severed at the shoulder and his right arm B at the elbow. The flesh from his right log had been mashed off from the hip to the knee, C while his right ear had been taken off from his n head as neatly as though it had been done with C a razor. The cause of the accident is as follows: Glen non boarded the train while it was moving slowly, and took his position near the edge of one of the flat cars. The engine in increasing its speed gave the train a sudden jerk, and as it - did so the unfortunate child fell between th - cars on the track. Before the engineer could 1 he warned to stop his train several of the cars had passed over portions of the little fellow's tb body. S When the train was finally stopped, what re mained of Olennon, together with the members 1 that had been severed by the merciless wheels, were placed upon a litter and taken to his pa- a rents' residence. n Drs. Lewis and Finney were called to attend e Glennon. and after examining him pronoune d e him b- yond all human aidl. The engineer of the train was arrested and r locked up in the Fifth Precinct Station. SECOND DIaT'RICT COURT. SUCCESSIONS OPENED. Claude Victor Andrv. Charles Louis St. Cyr. Amedeeoo Praderes. THIRD DISTIRICT COURT. Emile Gauche vs. Ellermann et als. Suit for $320 nro amount of semi-annual interest on nine tonds of the city known as wharf bonds, besides $22 50 for cost of protest and cests of suit. BREVITIES. " The lager the beer the smaller the glass." Is the motto of the boor shops in New Orleans. The Governor has bhon apprised of the de mise of Parisa Judge Kibbe. of Vermillion, B. P. Blanchard, who obtained considerable notoriety as State Registrar of Voters under Warmoth. died yesterday of yellow fever. The Board of Health met last night, but in .I consequence of there going no quorum present,. adjourned without transacting any business. Obituary by one of the boys on a victim of the yellow fever, frail but beautiful: "Well, she was a good girl, but then she is dead" 1 Since Collector Smith has forbidden smoking in the Custom-House building during business hours, who is going to smoke all the samples? The Excelsior Glee Club give their first an-. nual picnic and soiree dansante at. the Wash ington IHotel. Old Lake End, on Sunday, the twenty-fifth instant. Up to 7 o'clock last evening sixty new cases and t-'n deaths were reported to the Board of Health. This Indicates a falling off in the num her of death., for up to the same time on Wednesday night twenty-three deaths were re ported. The death at Grenada of Mr. L. A. Friedman, a warm-hearted gentleman and prosperous merchant of Canal street, is another evidence of the danger of leaving the city under a fear of yellow fever. Had Mr. Friedman remained among us he would have probably received better attention than he did from the over tasked people of Grenada. CITY ECHOES. Selina Brooks threatened to take the life of G. C. Brooks. and she was locked up in the Eighth Station. Isaac Carter and T. tedgwick were locked up in the Third Station, charged with disturbing the peace. A. Silbernagle, while driving a beer wagon, was son struck on Wednesday at the corner of Customhouse and Marais streets. Wednesday night a thief was discovered in Mr. Joseph Spencer's residene. and the occu pont of the house fired one shot at him as he was making his escape. Frank Buck was locked un in the Third Sta tion for being drunk, disturbing the peace and, refusing to pay for refreshments that he had ordered. Gus Myers. a barber, was locked up in the Central station. charged with obtaining goods under false pretenses, to wit, a few bottles of ale. Mat. Gainey, charged by one Lawrence with stealing his wtch andI chain, was yesterday discharged by acting Judge Samhola, the prose cuting witness stating that after having Gainey arrested he found his watch in his ownavpoket. Sad Accident. At 7 o'clock Wednesday evening a little girl - named Wilhelmina Lubengnth, aged two years and a half. fell over the banisters of her par I ents' residence, on Poydras street, between Clara and Magnolia, and was internally in I jured. Out ot Danger. t City Physician Beard and Dr. A. Johnson yes rterday gave a certificate that the man Herman Zeizer, who was struck on the head with a piece of gas pipe by C. Cain. at Morgan's depot, is out I of danger. The Petulant Pintol. s At 1 o'clock yesterday adiffioulty took place r at the corner of Orangas and Tchoupitoulas a streets, during which a man named James Soully fired one shot without effect at a man named Mike Kelly. Both men made their Sese.o before the arrivtl c the o police, SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALES. ooks. Nurses. Cham uermal.s, Ete. W7TANTED-BY A YOUNG GIRL, A SITUA • tion to do housework an,1 nursing. Can give good references. Address M. C., this office. au23 St W ANTED-BY A MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN, a situation to wash and iron and assist in housework. Can come well recommended. Address Mrs. LOUIS, 85 Marigny street. au22 3t TWANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE WOMAN, a situation to cook, wash and iron for a small family. Address No. 371 kranklin street. au22 3t TTANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE WOMAN, a situation to cook, wash and iron. Ad dress Mrs. MARY FRITZ, corner Blxth and Laurel streets. atu21 t W ANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE WHITE woman, who can come well recommended, a situation to do honsework and plain sowing. Address M. M. P., Democrt btice. au21 At Dressmakers and Seamstresses. ]TANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE GIRL, A V situation as seamstress in a family; un derstands the G over & Baker machine. Ad dress N. It.. this office. au22 3t HEL]F WANTED--FEMALES. Cooks, Et,. WT ANTtI-, A FII. "-CLASS COO.: MUST aV assist in housework. Apply to No. 17 Commercial Place. up stair. 2 t* HOUSES WANTEUD. TWANTED TO RENTr-A WELL VENTI lated two-story house, in good neighbor hood; must have hall telow and above; rent not excieding $50 per mo'nth. Address, stating price and location, Postoffi3e box No. 2249. o23 3t* X ANTED-A GOOD PAYING TENANT wishes to secure a small house within walking distance of the business portion ofi Canal street by the first of SBetember noxt.;l Rent must be moderate. Address J. D., this ofilce. je26 tf W ANTED-TO RENT-A HOUSE WITJI' five rooms, in the Fourth District. Ref must not be over $165 per month. Address G. 4. B., Democrat offce. my24 tf $ImEELLAAN EOUtn. MRS. MAGGIE SMITH CAN GET THFIE SAME positiIon, with or without her brother, that she held at Myrtle Grove Plantation for six months, by applying immediatily on the plant ation. au23 It $1.50 FOR PIANO TUNING-BE T WORK $1.*0 F00 Magazine. D. LEECH, Boiree Pianist. j15 17 FOR RENT. F1OR RENT-FROM OCTOBER 1, THE SEC ' ond antl third fl,,ors rf No. 195 Garvier street. Apply to SCOTT MuGEHIEE, 191 Gravier. street, au23 15t FiOR RENT - FAMILY GROCERY STOR c orner Sr. Jane and Gravier streets. Appl on premises, au23 3t* FOR RENT-AT MANDEVILLE, PART OF a house, comprising three rooms, with priv lielge of the kitchen and kitchtn room. For in formation apply to D. C. V.. Democrat office. au20 1W OR RENT--POSSESSION GIVEN ON 00 tobor 1 e,ext the large premises No. 94 Camp street, now occupied b) the New Orleans Re pouhlicanu Printing Comtany. Apply to H. M.t ROBINSON, No. 5 Caron telet street. ji9 ti FOR RENT-PO'SESSION GIVEN ON THE 1 first of Setembher next The well known Beer Saloon No. 151 Common street, between St. Charles and Carond,,let streets, occupied for many years by Mr. Krost. Also, store No. 134 Canal street, between St. Charles and Carondeleo stro,'ts Apply to A. F. WEBER, jy3 2m 134 ani al street. FOR SALE. pOR 8ALE-A FINE NEW TOMB IN THE - Masonic grave.yrd F ,r tarticulars apply to the sexton, or to HI. MARKS, t Masonic Hall, St, Charles street. anu20 1w L-1tR PALE. FREIGHT OR CH IR'TER. I' The rernarkalIy Itit-sailing, coppor and conrpr fastened cciiL)pr yactht (scioo-IE - nor ZINGA, m1 t us r,'gister. well found I every respdc t bu||ilt in N ,V Yotrk4 on cargo taken 6tittf) T'tit4 ra's ; is admira bly adaptei for the fruit t adle having the im proved v'entilator: has beoo rhbulilt and thor oughly ovoerhauled in April last. Can be ex amined at, Lower Pir,,vunn "I ie-. For terms apply to WILLILM (:ILEEVY. Agent, onll tf 49 f r,n It tr t iornor Uninn. ------- --- II 110 WARD ASSOC IATION. The following recedipts ace acknowledged: John Burnett & Co. . .. ... .... ...... ... $20 00 Cle. k F ........e k F....... .. . - . 5 00 Gerrnanla National Bank ..... ... ..... 200 00 Louis Giunewald .............. .. .... - ... 1 o00 C ash ............... ...... ......... .......... 13 7 J. BU rnsit e . ... ....... ....... .... .......... Nelson MoS a ................... . . .... 100 00 Hon. H M. Spofford ......................... 200 00 M iss O . B .................................... 00 Delavill & Jouhert.......................... 25 00 Allen A Sym e ................................ 25 00 ,. O. Thomas & Co ............. ........ .. 50 oil. J. B. W oods .................................. 25 Buckner & C ................................. so H. Dannel & Co) ....... ...... ............. 50 Bickham & Moore ........................... 50. Cash........ ...... 25 John I. Noble .... ..... .... ................ 25 J. H. M ehaff y .............. . ... ......--- 25 J. A. Seignouret ............................ 25 Jos. B ayle.................................... 10 1 Hellieu Z. Nhoy............................. 1 Bobet Brothers ................... .......... 50 B r a d s t r e e t No m ya n y . . . . . . . . . .. . . .- .. . . . 0.. . . 1 0 National Rtock Yard Com any, Ill......... 20 00 Smldes & R ,wland. Mississipt l City...... 25 00 W. Hi. Bailard, through Rev. B. M. Palmer. D. D .................................6.0. 50 00 Philio Best Brewing Company, through Hugo Redwi z .......... ...... -.-..ln 00 0 Brown & Jones ............ -........-.....100 00 8 ,cial Circle ....................... .... .. ..- 5 00 Henry Franc. Treasurer, Washington.. D. C., through Rev. J. K. Guthiem......... 150 00 HenryC. Haarstick, through John A. Ste venson. ageont.......... .................250 00 New Orleans and Carrollton Railroad Company ................................100 00 Leon Gochaux ............................... 50 00 Mrs. W. H. Fisher ........................ 5 00 Lafayette Fire Insurance Company........ 50 00 C. A. Miltenberger & Co ..................- 50 00 Ed. Vorster, through Vizard & Co.......... 50 00on A lady....... ....... ..................100 R. B. Gardner, Secretary Fur and Wool Hat Association, New York ............. 310 O0 L. Reder & 0 .............. .......... 2500 A. S. Bushnell. Springfield. 0., through Hon. E. Pilsbury, Mayor............50 00 Petersburg, Va.. ' oh:baco Manufacturers, througn Hon. E. Pil-hury. Mayor...... 2 00 Hendricks Brothers, N. Y., through Folger & Co .................... ................. 50 00 The guests of West End Hotel. Branch, through Jules Cassard. Esq...100 New Orleans and Red River Transporta tion Company ...................- -----... ..100 S. B. NEWMAN, Treasurer. New Orleans. An uest 22. 1l7., au23 1t FOR SIAE. TO CLOSE SUCCESSION. The desirable and eligibly located REMSIDEENCE, corner of Deltchalse and Ches'nut stre..s. joining property of Capt. Woods. The grounds measure 160 feet front on Ch nut street by a depth of 129 feet on Deilhals For further particulars apply to C. H. MILLEB. Nos. 50o, 2 and 64 South Peters stree I Terms liberal. my26l 3t.w CHINA MATTING NEW RECEIPTS O. 850 ROLLS CHINA IMATTIN -IN t WHITE,RED CHECK AND FANC Of the latest importation by Messrs. A',: LOW & BROS. &1 New York. embr s their favoral~i known brands in e q uality. VINCENT & CO., 3y30 lm 62, 64 and 66 CustomhbojW