OCR Interpretation

The New Orleans daily Democrat. [volume] (New Orleans, La.) 1877-1880, November 15, 1879, Image 4

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83026413/1879-11-15/ed-1/seq-4/

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OJee, No. 62 Camp Stree+.
The Dally Democrat.
e a ........................ oo
Elioaths .. oo
onee th ........ ............ q
Payable in Ad ranee,
The Weekly Democrat.
Ie Weekly lDenrP rat, a large elnht-p. e
.will be turnilshe to eubeeriberS st te
a 1 ... . ....... ..$ d8
Payable in Adlvanoa.
£ A. BURKE, Managing Editor.
For Governor,
Of (rlin na.
For Lieutenant Governor,
Of Ounhita.
For Attorney General,
Of Chlºihobrn'.
For Secretary of State,
Of Wion.
For Auditor,
Of Ihr1vill'.
For Superintendent of Publio Education,
Of l nqt FPlloltna.
GRAND OPER.4 HOTNR, - rftiap, .,t at
ninht - PINAsFOgI, It ItO M'iii'e l.'ttlte
Opera 7'ro'po.
AOADEMY OF MUnIRT(.- ,Iativ.e. ot, at n, tj,' -
LrrrIas DuaaE. , Ilhe o ,,,. Ingl;?, e ,m
Operan tnmnpn,
Fbr the 'Mouth Atl'tanfi,' oond ulf ,Srtra,
edtherlyt to westerly trinld, ptrl.I cl'uldy
satpeh'e and arra~W of rain; slight r'hnngrs in
Ae barometer and ftnmperathir.
Thirteen years' State and city government
thi coat Loulstans in direct taxation -
I government ............ $.50,510,71 R ,13
government .............. ,479.925, 61
Total ....................... $109,010,644 24
The New York World will soon have its
obellsk. Then we may expect a season of
mat from cablegrams upon the subject. It. is
becoming almost as monotonous as the Hlan
ba_.Courtney affair.
The stalwarts in Californla are demanding
Gorham's scalp. They evidently moan bus!
a& l. He is accused of supporting the "no
IOssiolnist" ticket, which Is an offense that
4a never be condoned-never.
A coal famine Is r.portel all along the Ohio
Mld Mississippi rivers. The shipmentt of coal
from Pitteburg so far this year amount to
1uyi 24,000,000 bushels of coal, as against
g,000,000 bushels during the same period
it 1878.
k new daily Democratic paper Is about to
be published In Charleston, S. C., In the Inter
eat of, so the announcement readua, ".Manuel
J. Tilden for President and Martin W. Gary
SrGovernor of South Carolina." This looks
flke a defiance to Senators Hlampton and liut
l3, who are pronounced in their advocacy of
Three little boys have been arrested in
Oalesburg, Ill., charged with throwing eggs
atGen. Grant the other night, They admit.
that they threw the eggs, but deny that they
were instigated to do it, andt assert that i Ioy
had no Intention of hitting the General. This
Rnaleves the solid South of the odium of the
afair, which the stalwatl organs were about
to charge up against it.
B3ayard frustrated : big Itayard boom in
New York. The anti-Tilden l)emocrats of
that city had made arrangemuento for a grand
. ,onstratlon of welcome, under the aus
abs of Tammany, on the Senator's arrival
from Europe. Bayard, however, hoard of
this plan and refused to give countenance to
the Tammany boltors by accepting a welcome
from them.
For the benefit of a troubled correspondent
of the Pic, and an anxious inquirer, we can
give the assurance that Mr. Burke was never
a probable candidate for Governor, hence was
In no person's way; furthermore, that instead
of Mr. Burke being a candidate for the United
Btatee Senate, he Is earnestly and actively
laboring to secure the ejectment of Kellogg
ad. the seating of Louisiana's rightful Sena
.or, Spofford. as all carping gossips will dis
cover in due time.
The people of Rhode Island have a very
great deference for antiquities. At least one
would jidge so from their course in reference
to the New York World's obelisk. They went
o far, the other day, as to call a mass meet
bt.l, at which the Governor himself presided.
to protest against uprooting this monument,
which they affirmed marked an important
epoch in Egyptian history, and should not,
therefore, bhe removed from that country.
This is an age of mysterious disappearances.
Men, v ?men and children disappear never to
be heard of again. When It is a cashier whose
account is not exactly correct, this is easily
understood, but defaulting cashiers compose,
after all, but a very small portion of this
mighty army of the "missing." An investi
gatlon of this subject made a short time ago
by the police authorities of Boston and New
Yoek, while searching for some lost children,
showed that no less than five hundred and
mty-fve cases of missing persons had been
reported in "the hub," within twelve months
4 over twoU. dI ew York.
In another eohlmn will ie fround thi pro
cPeding. of a jo.int piferenlel represanting
the Htrat.. Ex;;nutit (tion1tlltton andi the 'ar
ih iomtit lpi' of the I) miieiabtle-(0otiaerva
Iivw paIrl y, Ihld last evenitig.
A II I nIIII.eps for thlle tolnatoril and itepr'
aprntative I)ati t1'lA of I trloant an tinvitel toI
ll., the tjo.t , ci. 0olnflpcno eonllttnlttee thiIa
'eveningltl, wit.h a view of dlainSaainI. g 1the l
terpsaa of (lih party anl for the purpos' of
doplotingi aih tIeauaitt'- aa will r'-osit In re
Mlovvl opposition to the in 1R to nnllllntioFli
'it'ire Is now no doubt of tlii fat that it in
In the powor of ithee gentlaemont to do away
wit all cau.s. of divlatio, anld by I.m:kllinT
prt'op r 'itoi.ltl onaI ti pubIlic oplljoi, stoi.'r
ail'lh a miinnalait of uuliy alln hI arlony in ri.le
ranlks of the party as will result, In an over
whelmling vitoory at the po lul on tthe s'sonli
of IoIlPno br ft,'r hot1 lb th h tain snt ity I" likt
in thi pi . aih. T'hle pu.bli' are a ailoul ly
awaiting hi' r'e tllt, of IhIIPse 0oneren.e. , an.
It Ilnow I ltRln fril theu , ll pnti.. l 'e('0 ltrntli) t.o
ait wilth t iulh patritll ialnll ati plliromptne)1 s en
will sod otlll tifatuon lI Into the ranks of
the pntrty orllganIII .t . Tl'lltn miainntr
in which' this it. bjoi't is appr iahed
iby liil pnt y ilt ihoriti'" antppealts direpl Iy to
the p1ot y ftal.I3y iuti pullil siillt of the l iii lu l
v't.titit r gnieriod. No hel .ii given P 1'iI) the
Ibliolrniora whih rll-e tl" o1'1,n el-1tralnteld by
dlaatnppo!(lotd pIrlalrq, Ai lli, b.il rlepeatl,I. ar1
u.ytrantll !mg; uillef , but t.lol importnm e fal
lipo't a natiural awl prop' r dihi'nli that a. ii
ty3 sooking atpporit in a great 'noii l)'ial
ilt y, lhoil offetr Pandliatos who can well
nill prolperly d3l hlargt li tit lportnal fluty
of framing aI, organlh' lw, whtih dl irtl3ly
touhelipaIh prosperity a3 i happtinulof all
oir inhabltatitns.
It I. but falr that all niemlrl of theo Itmon
I'ralie- ('linerIi vat iv part y should oc.iltrago
this oeffrt for hlaritony, ali'li i tlhat Ino melllt er)l'
of 1 he partIt'y slthou)l onitill ibutell to inllroastlig
tI i h luilh ' d ,(I eon .tent.
No t Ight think ing nmiaier f lthe party will
ali or .hIt movemlntlt calculatll to prolote
strife, or divbl odl' lOlpe so l lontg as a reaao!i
iay, hope exlits that any mwlltakei made wlli
ho relttifie, or that any imtprovlllent, that.
may be eluggoeeId will ate adopted, and we
candblly ea!ure our rea.lere that this counanm
anation i not only p sgsibll , bil1., in o.lr
opinion, certain of realization.
Wh\'n Clogress assenmbles . i)l eremlr the
qunation of tlhe taritT on sugars will again
,on10 nilt. toit the Intt.rata of L ,ootlalun
jotpardlzed unless 'arefilly gmarded l by lourl
reiirosentatlves from the alilai' parishros.
Without reviewing thlii mass of oevidenen for
and against tle nlalntenance of high duty
rate s. It Is cletly apparent that tlle tons.uliier
will continue to hattle for a low tariff and tlhe
govtrnlnent for that which will provide lthe
requireid rrveniu. It rtomaine for the 1Loii
islana Iln lidust ry to 'ne that In an aidjuil.miont
.ltwnOl thel. t the revenue Is iarefl'flly
t'lull'ed at ltl'e liltight epostiltln levy llpion
thlose graidel which comec directly into Oornliplo
tittion with us. We mnake strictly groory
gradns of sugar, an article which
goes ilnto imlitodlato einll in ptlo n, allnd
iaga.i.l. the lintroildlhltion of all such frl'on
foreign sourc.r should our atteimpllts ilo l
roctlod. Tile citnsl imnrei themu"elvei' wo(Ildi
hiarly f, rnmll.iat t.holt' grolrvanots into oppo
lllton weore i not ,for the iimpolrters of foreign
sugarI. Thost in Jalltitnore, esapociilly, and
In llstoln, Now York and P'hIladelphhia constil
tute the main antagonlsm tgal.tr our sectLion.
Thety. under thl proesnt tariff, and the protot'l -
tiounganlst fraud tontemlplated in th' order of
the ereLtary of the Treastury under date of
Septembelllr 2, are Impotellt to inflict any l harm
to oullr nltrk't, ns t.het Inltrotlhiotlol of the
grooery sugars of Cuba, Iemerara, I'orto
Ilco., ot'., iUoul(it hie loiado alind pult ilpton tlhe
Northern market, under a rligd interpre
tation of the tarilfT., at computing figures. It
will le observed that in tihe vareious tarllfs
sumlllittldl l'orIheprsnto ll( ,mulll , ch lophistry
is uitod to ctionvintt the country that as 111 per
cent, of the sugars tulported are of the low re
Ilining gratls, under No. 10 IiDutch standllard,
therefor' the revenue may be s('cllro( tlhe
morereadil y by Increasing the tariff somewhat
on theills graties, an111d doitreaslig it oil th11of4'
higher than No. 10. The real lTfet, of thisl
would be to drive such refintrs of the
North likte Ilav'rmioyor &l Etlor alnd Mat
thlesseln ,t Weltchers, etct., who work thlse
very low grladtt esugars, out of existlncl. As
nonle of our sugars maltl here, o-tln iby tlth
old process of open ktitle, graIde down as
low as No. it, lthe tonelit to accrue, to the
Soulisiana suHgar planter is not visible by any
sulchll change, and the ttffTtct woulllt hit' to Itmal.e'
I'nelit.s of al piower'lful organtization whose
Inter'sts are identical with ours. It is a
mistaike for the open kettle sugar planter of
this State to suippotse that there is any antag
onistu htw'ln thille ol' procss sugars and the
clarifelld sugars now being extensively ltladte.
The convict.on holds quilte generally now that,
an improvemnlnt in grades must be made nit
order to compete wil h the outslie world, and
at prices which rule In ordinary years, and
which we have a right to expect hereaftter,
the present oldt process cannot be maintained
with profit. Tthere is not a single ope(n-kittle
planter but who will confess that, unless
higher prics Ihan thiose obtained last year
can be secured hereafter, It Is unprofitable to
ctntinue the Inanfacture of sugar in this way.
How, then, this is to be secured is a most im
portant question for him, and nothing but
continued protection against foreign impor
tations can accomplish it. This In our day of
liberal ideas and sectional interests cau
not be expected, and thei only safety of the
sugar planter of Louisiana lies in the fact
that so much revenue is actually needed for
government purposes, and imported sugars
must, as heretofore, bear the bulk of the tax.
But the important part in the drama for him
to play is to see that in the levy of this tax
his interests are not neglected. It is conti
dently asserted by good authority that some
change is demanded, and will be insisted
upon. But to open the door for changes at
any time makes it uncertain where they will
stop, and if the evil we have Is supportable, it
is betty to endure it than to aggravate it in
the hereaftter by subjecting it to fresh irrita
tions. Louisiana open kettle sugars which
grade from No. 11 up to and including No. 13
must receive at least the same protection as
now, if no advance can be obtained. If with
a duty of $2 ~i per hundred weight,
as under the present tariff, the prices
cannot be kept up to a profitable figure, much
less can it be under the bill reported to Con
gress at the last session, known as the Rob
bins bill. This provides for a duty of only
$2 40 per cwt., a difference against us of forty
ope cests on every 100 pounda, being In fact a
rerluttlon in thn duty of nearly one-half a opnt c
per pound, or $5 loss on oevery hogehead made p
in Loultlana. 'l'he faIllay Iln thle 11ll s to In- c
ern'Rn hI h dlItty oil the lowest I , grIade, which I
wdtlo not. mrke hk'r. alnd whith ar.n only !tmade
for lelillnery purpsills" , aIlndi It dlt'rnaen, it on t
the very grt.(ade we (II mltoe. The rllrK'g.ulet l,
used hy thl nplrpo1.rst of the ill Is tlhat, as
teveot IQ the ohjc',t of the tariff, . taxi of
$2 .0 (that is, $2 in for No. 7 atI helow, and I
$2 41) for No'i. N to li oln th 9I0 per oetit, ofl
I t'-gart llported, ih oteld of lo iti. pr'oolnt1 O, tlRu.
of $2 0o, will nllow ftr a 'orl. ppondiltg rl
inutiion ii lithe higher gra.e.s, i. .,
froitt N,. II uip. lThn off.Tet of
thui wnouI, I,1, Ii i.ioI Itho North oanit
WOalr with foreign I gro.e,'ry gt arIle orf NtiIt.r.
Sll proit. The relltior of tho North, whore I
whole cnpitsll hnan ben Iniventd in inhhiin'ry
atilln ltlpitamiwale Ii work. llp tll lll suh low lpro-i
ducts ti N,,. 7 It1 iugarms, hrids himphIf
iriv+ein tmplitel y oit ' Ithe marketh , hl I
tinvestment a laW . mlii hitmonlif a Iltnkrttpt.
unless he llll meet the l sul e prell ented l o
him. If hIo rill''i m fro.t I ho amnei, thtli thel'
Ilmlloland for theseo low ptrotidtll l~,'clns, flti'
lthe 90n poir t'., upolltln whirl til) gbovr'nm'ntll
I Iealc lateti for l 11, ' princiilil part t if it
lreol tnn. lwindlies htlll nothingll , IanI d h'r
re veInute unl tot ho oltaoltN, ilolely fronmt a
ta x iipoli the htuigh.r gr'ad,.., lower thian
thi.t we now hlave. SA thies low
pt'rlnret ar , wtolrkd up illt, relnld
goots,l which, to.l ether with the r top of Ii-
isl , ann, are now morle ithanl sullirlenlt f'r tle
onlttumltPhtion (a pairt. of the oxgieoilve itpor-i
btt lon Ilting l"o-e,,ported fi ,,. the hen, flt of lhe
dlrewhn kl, lih" g.,voermntttniI moat. depend
1 Orion a rlvenue 'rnl, t he produnIt icnsntI1'td
initly. nil this at a lowetr 'figure. A plonttl r i
etitar will aam1,re flu Iho F.Ilannmr'. whet her II
I ttil.mae in Now o'iit'k or ('iltti, tld gnal'iii+tlu
Impl+rtersW will 1not1, IRllidell mori' tlhan Ilhe
deltoand. A lixed amount of stigar,. tholerefo're,
tsuhjee tl Ito a ltowt'er duty, alnll the rlevenl.e
icoiritpl itingly d't'rta.a t. will ho l oR e of tim
r'Oultst lif the working of this Ihomet. And
fhe Lonlin.hl sugar itas htuer, evenllIr hf hn tfl
a timarket for hiil pnotl , I comepilled to n
tor ittt iitttimmeiiition wit ' a sgar g'irown and
-t anufact1red ihonpor, awl suhjoe'ted to so
I litght a Itn u tl ti lltring it inlto m loPeeful
1 omanpetlon wilth hl own, and at. a ,lower fig
tire thait itts now abt Li t g.ot for it.
''ito' gre atel' fo'atr, however, la that th' re
r liner, rather timn he sn'rilheld ioy the op<'ra
tin If aln- such| l t.arllT as that whih polls a
ta'( on ild raw product ofo $2 4it inpttoial of ap
at. prllPnt $2 t1. will join forl.m with the ir m
,,tporter nt,1 agre t'o n littlfortn I ax Of one cent
icper potlntd Ion ill nrig-irs, without regard t,
graiel,. This will enaitbl hitmt to work tbhe law
prtlodHct tip, wil I the tperfrit.on of his ma
tchinery, Into rteflod goods, which will et'or
into. t'iontlltu itho wthilatlt Importml, from the
ftll.lln islandst, een at, Sio low i t' duty an .tne
t+,nt; the operation of which will blot out of
r exi.stence very sugar planttain in this MNtate.
It lo manifestly to the Interett of our inlos
try that if no atlvante can ho hatl upon the
prcoetl, tariff, certainly Its reitntion, with
t asiuh provhisionsi t the soroit ary of the T'Iren
Snry has and will continue t tthrow aroutnd It
for tt'he pr'evention of fraudl, is the Boot. What
over aTff.e-ts thi' irlice of tithe higher gratt'es of
sutgar oni our markeot has a proporthonatl of
p fort upon the lower, and if r,,lhwd and clarl
lield sugt1"r ariO lower ld Oin licent by the iopera
tion of any out.It.e inluenOt'r'. opent ketrtle
sugars, txcept foir an It tutidlate ani loeul dt
mnand for the chitol ot, grarle, are cor
resptonditigly nffeted. The protltetion, by a
dlity, of overy gradte made in Louilatnti is
I eptoutlal to a pt'rouperous condition of thi ii
Thjrtfore it It that, at the outset ofi a now
seahitn of (ttng'oss., it li well for the sugar
it nterest of the State that a Oultse anI, vigilant
sc'rutiny bhe tmade of ainy tdeparture from the
exitting state of things.
The rcient terrlhly, disaisters at Roa, whilch
have fIllowed iench otleri with etartling rapidl
Ity, tland all of which l here boon caused by 0cotl
lihlonl. hanv awakened a very general Inter
est in i he inet Illod now in votigue by mltri ners
I4ioking to tthe< prleveilon iof such necidents.
The steamtner Clialumplin. of the Now York and
(CharlestoAn I, ne, was Punk almost istantly by
coIlliing with the British sailing shIfp Lady
(,ctavla. In the Atlantlti. a few houre' run from
Ilarnetgat light-house. The night was clear
alit starlit and the sea smooth. so that the
accidient which resullted In the lose of about
thirty lhuman Ibiinrgs and the ship aiul tanrgo,
wtis caused by thel grossest +irelesSnieS5,
pre*mlinably, oil the part of the ol)cires
of the (Champiion, ia shei wits a stileaml
ves:el, and cudihl, without lifliculty,
have avetidl. the cllisionll had a
proper watch been mnaintained. Evldleintly
there was no adullllate watch kent on elither
ship, lnd both were plowing at top-spqleil
through the water, trusting to lunk and
leaving the fate of IpatsHtngers andl crew to
the tender Iercles olf ellpy and thoughtless
subordtinate olll.ers, and possibly to tlihe
care of the Lmcn at the wheels, About :i
o'clock In the morning, when Capt.. Lock
wood of the Champion heard the cry of "Sall
aheadi!" he sprang from his bed, ran to the
pilot-house, stopped the steamer, and then
rang the backing hell. It was to) late, how
ever; the Lady Octavia was only about fifty
yards off, and the next instant she crashed
into the steamer, "staving In the whole bow
nearly to the foremast," and sinking her In
about three minutes. There was but little
time to make arrangements for saving
those on board, and hence the heavy
loss of life. ''he passengers sprang
front their comfortable beds, rushed on
deck, and sprang into, or were
drawn down into the water of the Atlantic.
This disaster is one which could have been
avoided by the exercise of the most ordinary
care, and It Is to be hoped that the investiga
tion now progressing in Philadelphia will be
sulficiently searching as to fix the blame
upon the culpable parties, who should be pun
ished to the full extent of the law.
The accident to the ocean steamship Ari
zona, of the Willias & Galon Eltriopean
Line, which occurred about toe same time off
the coast of Newfoundland, was, owing to the
ship being constructed with separate com
partments, not attended with loss of life. The
steamer, while under full headway, ran Into
an iceberg, staving in her bow half w y
through the first compartment, which filled
with water but (lid not disable the ship, as
she su-ceeded in getting safely into St.
Johns somewhat curtailed as t, her
fair proportions, but not .,erlously
damaged and with her cargo intact. The
Arizona is a new vessel, one of the tinest and
swiftest ocean steamers afloat, and her
strength is evident from the mannuer In which
she withstood the tremendous shook, which
Cruped in her sharp bow, bute her 14i all
other re.pettS unlnjuredl. It It the tlrst In
selnro within our reoiilontlltin in which the
co,,uaratively now syntem i of colmpartmr.ent
liae hlee of atty prRiltitlri IttlIt.y, andi proves
conc.0licrlvoily that whlni properly ('onstrit.l ted.
they may renltlr the crsinking of vnRRels, .itht'r
by ,lllslrns with other veRsels or with lei:
h.rg,, i mnoator I of iriposihlllty. (leinorally
the btllk-llen.d have I ,ni l bIut1l too, low, catd
henro we have 'onsRltanitl y hald acountsli of th
ileclI'ttr in of vCans lMse that wre though t to
e Scafe. 'ihll Ar!.- na lhas lght e,,uu'arato
eoml|part.lteni I, ,two tori' h.iei of whih tani
le tllell with watir witlhout sinking hter,
anI hononr, so far an any ilanger fromli
miililhi Is ri n riiried Is a perfeotlly safe ship.
It, stinal- inlivirvilime, however, that with iroIe
ihatir, liokoiut, that. I geinerally ilnaintiinled
in oinet ote.antors the liroliitl3y oif ille lIf.
dhur ihto whlllih Illh Arlir,,o ran was nrot, dto.
Lootfl, fri thle at milpirii anirl wi.lter .it totlti
yel'vy eorinibl y alTffinlil by tihe preeunlcl of sellc
onirilmr mrnlnic of lIe for great d.it ai.lmc.
iand teV ll n I(loen wllatch of hii' tIhlrlnoriiiilir
wonui han,'(ive war(nel !,e oifllrue of tilthe lia.gelr.
In this iniii tion it Ii mci s rather strange
thallit oin of i+lisnii's riinlt wiiondiorful invein
tiomtu htimc niti, biin uitilirail en as to riiler
Riehi iil lo n ieit, latl, lnimost rratle. r oif liirosi,
liIltly. WVe refor, 'f inial to h'o nliro.tsi
Itnter, whlhiil is used firl' the iiiella.lrelietl f
inllilltlsitni dllTfferelncim of hont, and wthlih 1s
so oillithlo aI to be lllllnne lid by th hoisot. fir
the melt dliIitnt nitri. A th h llia of its ihi
Vit llIl we riu'llilinrinh if, WlEn iropucle utll
1,l it for ,t 11 bprlfiotl'on of ships from Iib..iteIrgs,
aiId w. olir't'Ve !thI 0 if. 'Iri't'or lit i remiut
letull'e li Nuvw Y'ork, hi lthe i1rniril of his ro.
r iirkr, aid l:
hli o of th .s instrlniirits luredl in the fort
part of a clie iight tii In lirlii i i c ( oit I tin. ,
tilen niiir nit ' noll ntio. f (inn qilDn ur , it li It iiti ll
"In s. nl ranged that tht I td e of th - Ifalhll erl
in" l morl filn ll a v waly c to br|l k or mrnkl
,n oi-'trii' u nrti nt, by l rmoailn f whltuth I.Rll
.' lltri t m r hn oI ih lnptamin'l ' rorun. II lihi
wtl l-et li lmni oin i lrin tih mik. iita l nii i11 cii Ile
1tlr il an alenrir 'lo'iglht dricvr by it h vyery llrit
r'lmtnmuy wlillu tiro ii"iht the lii mr'ght ht
nnlli, i to thlrow itsic ta!unii itiinb t l t nlihw iy it
the ves.el iso !thlt Yviry om.lir lit all Datrts of tlih
tclai.rer Ilnl sin towa.lrd wht datlngorsR they
worn nutirinachitig.
VWhen w reiflel't uponi thne eInornti loI
lrblilni inalltl by siwoll en oif ltet years, irnnl
then coildier tihe IniilffrTnniri whti t hts Iho-.ion
iialilt ftemi by ship-ownnirs in provliing thetIr
vesncls witthi h . retiproivemrents cc will lcmcsn
Sthe langor oif nevigt Itog the cons, it. eo.0ul
not. only miarveloun4, lilt altimost criminatl.
i 'voVry year thie aroinint oif ionart tionnago Is
Illunrouserig auni Ili s ons i'r hot ing wliItenwd
withi the mcilt t of inu r iii,. If ship
bItlilr ancrd iowners will niot ltake thlie
i-nessary stopsi tnwari lul rid Inllring ratey
oif life'. Itlin tillhe aldoptloll of itnlirovel
iithods hli tliiie hoiinoiilil li i.tl ipullsory 1by ligal
enaltntrn'ittn. 'liTerh em- toi be very 11i lt
iimore safety, so far a l tntllisiIns and it loirgs
Iare o'iniintiiii, I hani Ihlure who ci ntri11ire agoi
Sand yet it I.s evident, that the ns.oif the micro
tnrlinrtor an.i of the ileitric light would aid
nmost entirely elhliinate the danger fromi tlti
mouiree. ioflemtric lighut milay be as yet troo
ini.ily for general u.se, but, Iother Ilghts couldi
tie uscil, alnd oven tihe piresent system (if
lIlits, if utarr'fully marriend out, by vIgilant of
flerws, sholuki rnder ,ollisioni quriit impoc
alble _
We pruilish ihi t omrnlig a cormplntes'l atate
Imllt if the wrllk done d( uring the Nicholll
adrnllllisrltl'rtlir anlld with our own reAolru'cs
toward protecting the alluvial lands of ILou
IAlana. Thil statement shows where the
work haI been done. the rfuantity and the
anlollun paid. It therefore enables the
i'iopiie to forll their own nstlimate of
the linllty andi jruigrnent. with which
the pultI' fulnds have been almlinistered
by our Statl. Erngineers, acting in concert
with the (ovirnl'rir anli the commissioners of
the difflTrent levee dirt.tricts. For our own
part we do not helRitate to say that this show
ing rconstllllutes a most eloquent testimony to
the abihlity nad good faith of tbhe adminla
tration, and proive that the promises which
worl' mradie by thn )ernmoeratl. party have,
thiri far, bten fulfillled. In a previous arti
elo on tins sullbje, we have explained tlhe
ipresenlt continiltiu of the levees rind it is
only n-etuusary to repeat now, that
with thie xceptlon of thie lionnet Carro and
the Morgaurza crevasses there is lno, t aseriolus
defect in our lrevees within the boundaries of
the Sta.te. 'ITh Ashton levee hrIa not boen
.rleilt., for the reason that It ia initrn.aeted by
thei Arkansas line and it would have been at
meIre waftH of Ilrilrey to repair that brerak
whelrl there wirs nothing ibyond the line to
join tro. 'Tnit lower line of the Arkanrsa
levesr are' down, arid nr aidditional protection
couldir have breun given to Loulsiana by filling
lip thl Ashtorn ireak.
T'iuths olurl plarnters are in little danger from
ordinary high writer, except through the nig
loit of our neighboirs of Ark.n.sas, and this
gratifying resrult, is rdun to the admrnirabl anrl
faithful administration of the levee fund by
the Nhicholls government. We point to this
result a.s onr of whtih a paper advocating the
LDo)rrlcr'atic party ray jiustly feel proud, and
ask the prrupl,' to compare It with the was.te,
the shamrnefnul and reckless profligacy of tihe
Radical interlude.
The gifted young man with the lumpy fore
head anll the sprightly young woman who
has such spirits, must find in this season an
Inexhaustible fund of conversation. Further
more, the conversation may well be of a fine,
vigorous tone of anathema lnstead of the
inane drivel which is usually spilled by society
upon the subject of the weather. No one can
now say, with any approach to honesty, that
It Is a line day, or a delightful evening. The
youth who ventured such a statementas that,
no matter how feeble his intellect, would be
promptly smothered with scorn and con
tumely by his best friends. The young lady
who murmured assent would be shunned as
an Imbecile for whom not even the
elastic apology of conventional cackle
availed. The truth is that this weather
is too utterly beastly for any of the usual
amenities. It has reached a point at which
people who set up a single claim to respect
ability of intelligence or decency of feeling
will r, fuse to make a compromise with it.
Here in the middle of November, when by all
right we ought to be having cool (lays andl
chilly nights, when the cockroach shiuld
have gone into hibernation and the mosquito
have hunted his little hole-here, while we are
daily hearing of snow and ice, and frosty
mornings from every quarter-we swelter in
a heat as fierce as, and infinitely more dis
gusting than we experienced in August. The
days are close, murky, oppressive, the nights
are damp with perspiration. Men go
about mopping their brows, and with
their garments cll.ging to them. The horses
and mules pant, the mosquito is animated by
a tresh ferocity and perseverance, the sugar
artne rPTefua to ilprn, and the eooloIni winds
decllrne to blow. Tt es,: patlPien, it d.stroys
filth. IL upsf'ts caIloeatllol', it uttfrly and tor
Pever wre''ks tits tempor.
Hummnror, in Its meet, plorllcns lIIP( nd (lIP
gliitinig formP. In thei poiridi"e of Nov.''or
Wcor iak pmankiId I!' thi14 nP ot too tnopob.
'ITrhiPI 1s sicotspik'iet JaIt rI It iP a free aril
t'irioss pcye'i'""' tof rth ,I h hts and I ritoropts
(Pf tlcspo p i'oI f this a ptont1. And In that
'rcc cccit~y we'' pin' lairr I alt, the Pop in fuill
that t"e iripttrr.fw IRan ion planand uponI thip
camer's hpIark. WVn dr' ac po ou r r ootd p Ios
to RIaHy arlnd tnhcR'IIrItIu Vt to oa pn bP0 tihs wrtrtchp
whon fiappa to toll rps thlI~ Itt! ispls
wOntIhP, tIo pr( ink mmi flitho girl who atiocwa
Lin gn t 'irtinpunt tor Ili, ncIT''poi In hror preP'P e,('
to, r'ptl lP ist If w'e cVn', '((Pile' foP cI cid. We
PP. that Ithi woatlin't I r is rrmppipnlri', lntha. f Is
Iropti,ppfey,,oni tg, iiati clinctiPg. pcr poptrP.OPrn(IP
sorl tIhatR.L as Inrnst eI". aid 'pl Fi n d rev'ito It, with
evnPey energiy r f or sont. MonWc whn'ro wi
stard n Ap''rmn't flilt townan w" draw thp rung!'
dilloh' nth ci nnrpnrnrtimi Iiir'rii; it tin' hanto'd
Monyer send nppi t, PP nAItpI''' Icopl rliiy' lk' ymnai'r
dIrpy Ptii( Ito . Itmt, t' jppiRI nlltIn ll l is'ing I'wnw'
til tn pow, inu ro his florid 'an' ia'il''I a iuat
(IRPO pppiatincurra No w f'pP'' ne o W''c in lIOspO
i ot'olrE Sirn s itr ist ar ls'kl'r, tofl thip 13 il1
5or5 I'nf' ,il Il itI l, fhavi' foi n im alin
itright'i r1is'sseas of s ,! kirIsiyA a sE tiii l l
t.tlriy. 'isdll, sie ncih', I hy sls!lars,i hnalgrownl
inilr ii 5 fii nfi 'y frsi' l t Ii fun prnt int. few
y5are, and is ooi t stng iorn frniisioot every
ilay. Aftfr thiorfllsgh ilv stligt.icton of ii'
ubjitI"'f tlshey sire 5(iVfcnvnt flint it iprinrgs
fromi a low etate of hfnith, prod5in5l by onlIi,
exposure, iint..n.npranoi , hut iiiito i ill by
ball nii rur Wis wlr. In Ithi' malarlrio s dsltrif'rt
arosirsnl lIltf.iur, ti ny find that evrrylodly
Ia Imorn or lossI asffotsl'mni with thsis diseasise. I's
Ifnronesel srivalincui In Ihcltinlor,5 they itl
tribte to tlii water fsnishnlnri by thi city
frromi ,lol.ioss falls. whinh is ilrnmplr and do
Interiiousi. 'TI'hie water in msri t othfer Ainerl
an cilties in full iof Imrpiiltii.s, andi to thils fact
they attribute tihi Iss'seaian or this fWtil iis
ner nll tlhe ,ll lir l sll strinl'ts of thn. I rilted
A strong effiort Is l. ring mrnsI u.o ti l' , list
r',ngh uni esrons ll Indn llr to fd 'st nntgn the
politisnl cl pul'xlriton of that i ft iste. Irnfosr
tniiatly for It.e hrigtnalor' tof this charrs
tlristlf sshsminn thl'y havsn Isglin toio lsaft for
lsulr'ls r net yeart. Tll i rno' glrating neIgroe
will nolt f hshave asriir.l a legal raenlrirl'cs In the
StNrin when tlie dal y of sl- tliion arriveis. ()f
nurý ani is wiosts iako is i drli.,.irnt'' with
iiurillsa.n ists.rsiig . T'h'y woiiisI vote thfn
lnlgrot( whtithfr snlifllell or not. It Is r.n
s' isilily itort.ais. Hfowivir, tshat thei IIdlianss
Ins.strata will hi on thtl. gua.rd snrs lFn to it
lithat Iino regro who is not a legal votor is al
Iowmd to vote, not fatIll. T'['l first colony ,of
ngrosp t ti e roItri nl intlo Indiana. In pur'
Isancn of ith" altpf (ill rlan, will cosist iof
15(1 faifllne, wii') I ra ixpsetrfl to uarrlvo frotih
North ( ltaroltin in a ftw wea'nks.
Englsandf proposes to have revIngt on thel
I rte.ld Htfatesm for dnrgninit Iates arl his
A rnmrlesiu Ilg. n)rsn IRtoirut (jarilsis, an
Enaglish r tratmp who has just ml i c pletrd Ith
rerrsrkrahl.t and xtratrdtinary feal, of wh'el
Ing ta iarrow from tIlt's Erind to .oalirn . O'
(Iroat's, thinks he can plok up a sheter living
in thiss ontry, andl will tramnp through tlih
United States. nI view or a possible rrimml
gration of English pelnRstrianls in the nolte.d
States, wouldn It nolt hl well to adivrtl.,an
abroad the attrempte. d sielen of Mrs. Potts
as vid.'nce that thin t.rmp maniat I in over in
this ,country, sni that the ptdelretrlanas who
viait our shores Iari doornlr to disappoint
ment., ulffering andi starvatirron.
A correspondlnlt of the Nw. York Sior sa
tiiuatos the number of Republicans who voted
for ilsbinson outright at 5(,000, andl t.hos
who tecontentedirl thrslt'lvesi with simply
noratchllig tChornill at 18,000 more, reprrsrnt
ing an ggrIgatr of 313,000 who would not
havu (ornill on any tsrms. It also stlimlnats,
that 11.5)00 I)inmrsriats votedIl for hCornil, be
siles' thln 73.0011i who Ithrow their voters away
on Kelly. ttFrom these figulreis lt Is lratn that
had tha full strengtIh of acih party blhn e rast
for the party candlidate RI)blrniin would have
c:arrissl i. i St ,t.it bty 1i,,(n8). A B It ii, (Sornell
ren(lves a plurality of J3s,s)t. Altogether,
about 120,1o00 Dremoorrt and R publicans
hbolted their regular canlsdidat for Governor.
Cornrsll Is the first caildate -for GoUvernor
whio ovIr c irries a (doubtful State like
New York thart was not imnmedlatoly
normirnatdu as a andidiate for the
ProsildenIcy. The f'hilrldi'lphls Tir 's dcn
cliares that hi is somewhat hurt at this
nr5glsct, and announcssn that, although his
wosll nut s' insisit to allow hlia ormie to go
lrsiors thiL Ilsrpu(lican cunventiton, h is asur
pricsri ats not having hbern Inloraul by at least
onos organ.
Full ruturins from all Ih count iH In Mlsies
sippi show the Lo'glslature of that State to
conuslt as follows:
DUm. G. RIep. Ind.
B e n ,te . ::r . 1 o
Hlouue . n l K
T otal ....... .. . 1i :;
Democratl mnajority on joint ballot 03t.
There aIesix (olored meruhtors of tho LIgls
lature, four ,, whom are Ripublcalns, one a
Greeinbacker, arni one a Democrat.
Owing to the factthat partllns carrying on
bIusinoe In importing and recelving sugar.
me asses and other goods on the levee, In front
of the city, claim that they are not familiar
wl h the laws and orilnancoe regulating the
landing and hauling away of said goods, the
whartlng,-rs of the different districts of the oi y
aro hereby notified ant inaeructed to strictly
enf rce alt laws and ordinances relating to the
anding and removal of all each goods, as per
Sirdlnance N:. 2i$3, A. S., on file In this offl0e.
no)5 2(2 tD Administrator of Commerce.
No. IS .'1 anal street,
(Between Bourbon and Dauphine.,
Dntistry practicaly terlfrmed in all its
BRA 'CH N,8 a ths very lowest RATES and most
literal CHAhiOEd. o,06 1y2IpD
dire the most complete stock of Cane Wagons,
bree and four mule Cane Carts. Ox Carte. Log
WIeels Cotton Wagons Bagasse Cari, arin
:Jarit., ite Carts, mallOarate of every size. four
and sx seat Family Wagons, Spring Wagons
for delivering good. Spokes. yelloee. Bhajt,
I unds. Waygon Mater t al, Axle Grease, O
3, xes, etc. We especially call attention to out
?: l-sized swedged and hardened Axles, Ctlllec
t txe and extra tronting of all our GCarts and
ta goas. Manufatureo in our own factories at
Vheeling. W. Va. from the best material and by
.lkifled mnechanice, we can give a reliable
g arantee meet anr comvet iion and nz.liy
thi aer ,lemand.
a 8 ad 3d Union tret.
mn3 SMDfi
JTIhe hiinmdfy Excnrsioui Train
WVill rin tror thn'
1,A8'1' 'I itiE 'T'sI IS SEAMON,
After tliit Int"It nTii h n icIrlT11in'-d until
fit hn r tm f r. 'iIAnDnIY
wnit ft AlLt (utinral Pts nnger Agent,
$2,0)O CllALLEINE.
Tl.is lhallIn 0(1 was publlihi]d Il tlm New 0Or
lmin i 'Fir 1 1n- w' ok 1 AMit l last. hut uiDpto
thisnt lehas nor t r h,.ranl (r.-ptr all, ISnl l nolwr e.
G dl.n,1. wlth Ith tlditlonal ata,+rtlon that ther.
IF, ni t thi ,ih , n,,v , ti'anm 1tni il P'ller an t
''ytvr il n our I, f t roto o' jr, ith ' thi t fian DrOyslt
to ho tTr niy vnlot In 'tving Fitor 'g"of cotton..,
or that a'ln tlhoiw nliv ,l'uarly dltn!ndl nlm lthetle
(tno(rd Iof ot vlit. ox1,4t the O(ILMAN
T'rEAM PI'ULIERt AND "'YEi,. at the O
altlhoulgh thorn ir, soln that ihav boon o tn trial
mr rn t( h rlo I ylrl ie fl',re l!ly fi' r(l no. It ha
Ih,,Ot dImotlrtl Lra.Itei,hI yotlld (1il,1 tlln, by the tUe
or i" Ill' N-"r.- 0 l' Itn R ltllI-r 11 ,I 'l y'r on npWArds
of *io,OOe I;E i; u of Coi,',it lat th. Chlllmdlon,
1l.oinii I! .l J''tl!Iroi ro" a,- thatl, it5 .lontnTer.
,la 1 v tl,. t'1 " I r1 t (rad . tn adI.l .rllR only
!hl ) r'' na'l o.l f t'llril ,r ',"Y "i i fi R eo nte
nr . ,;I r i ht fmi tilt4 ,,t . i 1, .ii alln aggi regate
of ir,,, t1 5t, 4,Io 1,1', ,, i. thI iv r't m el w Or
atin p.r. noot l i''il- t "U . ll 'IIr'. !tl:!viig I an (elr t,
ýtriivugi. aou ti no' e laaa'd' lio"' in weight due
h.lt l o vl ; O" f lh r' t'i in r .ttr or' lMr at the port
tof r.ttiiat'th, fill a! lopv.' nil, ton h morate tof
l'+ il wl 'I tll 11'' , tr,1 ." l it nn o
WAllin Int p~o r tl r ;i' want it)rn learly tie.
fti, to ,rf wll ln utafit' ll il givr them thel
Iltryii tldl rtiti fi ll t-ih n mo ".V ,lty lly for the
mrlaIutJltio iof ttio civ" of lt'on; and, at their
irugpg'-tinl I offl'r tit ' so itutioi, whitob is &jl
v 'rtal lat itht N .r lan rtit .ast, to iinlicate the
roI!tiv+ vt lloie mlflil liirlrl ~ molnt in machines
tof oi inraiy- aii ( lptI IIitv' trial.
itt ritd la tlr oi I n te tloit tare: 1. oleeteod
oll tniorltl( il; i2. Atof matllo I,'ItilltiR on of and
Irlot Iit nit t, w thl strain on a1'u tha ld, to thede
gret tol wbllrh thn it I'tit I my i"rl aljuest.e
tindt etilril lar' tlti 'Init of hot will ohf the
upnrator, insuringe te ill lo ,ti Dfet niriformity
of w'rk; m nIotrora i t ih. b.itl l mt hhlt'vof adapts..
tii. a-r1s w1r111 Iol" u to'' opraftIr to 1iou l andi tiey
b.nd Ihti n 'ti ,. iln Il, ttlit i Vrl tllt of tho e pulleOsr
and (n to' fti (f hitus '',f any va' intion (O
wthl!. iwhtlhr thi ron I1yiti"h lk from the tront
of the plttLsItl or slx riilen Iit lt from ther
All ti nat r ne. ro" in t t tt any ehbnlie tiemige
ant fr tho t w;rk inpr iitutl '.l aton t 1ii ie not pios
lsus 1itiill4 prtill owif itlirit Iutt prove abor.
thatt. l h thin 0,0 iof mriy IiRar ti to]d Puller and
Falty .ttnr, at tfli" (thaplion tfOhn ro . pr sent
!tor .,na tor lti (um11 nlar oif ua'plp ptan tie com
Tronerlt in ia gilvot tn Ia thi n with Ithe ee of
any potihrpt ltit mlind ht llt ranrd Fastener,put
. I will bt FIVE ftIUNDllh, D DOLLAR!that
my tttirn Balflr Ptlil rn to tho e CPha mln Press
tutil'ryans ttb) ont Iiil lnhilr Ii'ntntriit poin. t of
rmerit a- uhtvt sMtptotd, atid that no other one
(11i0' hiuvit-.-u it.
that my tartn Hand IPtuller, on the tChamplo
l'rs v posi ts5'1s tim thirdt InllirIenIable point
of merit its aho't I atited, and that no other one
ido.t() ite p .gtIt
The first hit ma ht tay takn without either of
thu phttri ; ltr , st ond 'ati only be taken with
Ithe tirstR, and the thiUrd wLth the flrst and soond.
4. [ will lt FIVE IiUNoIIED DOLLA&18 on
all of ihr turn- viout'lvla t ints. any one of the
three winning, all ftning taken.
Two of the jiigir musot hI clvil engineers of
known rnplutllation ti iutti, inI tb choosen on
bty onah r'srnutivo purty.
A third jillge shall be hosen by the aeia.te or
.the Now York awl Livtrpool steam hlp lines.
T'rh ilrIgi etit hi also rat.rtu upotn the relative
e(ionomlo valr e of u 0n e difTerent metbines to the
presst'e that use threm and to the shitps that paW
for tlhitr uso..
This ituallentge Is not. mntle In a oPtlonse, on
vlous or ioaitfril stirit, but si rllnpy in the natr .
n-t. of the rommiru'lal In Pr-usts involved, ln8ae
myu 'h its all tinrt'me Inttirtstod want a clear and
trInl oxtpolitt n of the return they are to rece.lv
for the moneyt pid. 41
T'hie nlttllty tritt sthall Ih dlepositoed with theI
JI(tudges, who wh rt to iay it In accordanee with
their award. 8. H. OILMAN.
F,,r thnt Lounlarna Cotton Tie Company.
n0. Iw 2 r, h or Wll) ...........
Corner Yltaa.ine and Waahlngton ast.,
Conftantly rneaiving frmah supplies of r1110e
Druga, M4dT' Inen , OhmTlra,ts. Patent Medlionesg
0 'tht of all kirtds, Ii a-h-s, 8,aps Perfumerd,
Toll't and Iani'y Artinl' , t.te. huoral To1ot
l'Pati, reconi runralmid by all whoi use it as a very
.tpuriord ottinl't,, Iit. It iautifle thoteeth to.
flup. iuarl-ltlk orna'olnt ald ravaglng boauty,
ttrtrerts's l'Ptortal Congh tyrup. for Oaterrh.
Gold. blrothnitlel and PrLi'uoronia. Customers.
olty and noiuntry, will find our stook complete,.
ornrmprialog many artli'es Irmnosaible to en t
uernratR hero, and sild at, moderate prIcer.
Prs'riptions put Iup lht nt r dt dlay,
B. J. Ma INEGUtA, M. D.,
Drufggtat, Pharrman.untist and Praiti al Ohemist.
(A it t P E'I fF !
10 .............CANAL TIEET ............I
Arm making larg+ addi ltns to theiV r stock o
4OItUdHEL and I' APfErsitl' BUIIU.'E.LI I
new and mlt'ga nt etrIe. with hrrd"rt to matuh.
U IGS--t8myrnt,. Irnt atln Turkey. WiltoL.
Axminrgers and ItBrntusls.
oIIAoJ10 HN In tea.rT, and medIum aualitieS,
COCOA MATTIN(tH--OCauntta and extra Im
New Patterns. WINDOW 8HADES in greg
aIW UTAIN GOODS In great variety.
4ell 2ldo tf -
Turkish and Hydrabad Rugsi
17 ..........CWAIRTRg @TRET..........11
ChUMB LOTHS. In great d variet i
Oall and examine. oes 2dp 17
The following memburs of the Assoclationst
te Army of North-rn Virginia and Arly
Tenne.see are hbr,-by a.pointed a cgmmliiw
to reeidve funds. whihi may be nonrripl ntd
t ,mraior and adnilrers of the lathe LTrUt
GlEN. JOHN B. HOOD. tbh funi so conatitutm ,
to be invested in Untied Sftates bonds for t1e
benefit of his surtvvng ohilblrin.
P"resident L.uitIana Dlvisio-;. Ar='nu of .iorth
Preeldtnt LouisIana DIvision. Army of Tea*
W.. I._Lyman. chairman' Francis T.Ntcholl.
James Bnokner 8i.mu'-l hower D R. Caldr.,
J. H. Murray, if the Army of Iortbern V'i,
the Army of TeDnnues. "
Addresa Box ls15. New Orleans. ea5 21 tf
- AT -
All ers filled promptly at the most reason*
ae .oe and eatisaoUoztgoaranteed. r1011

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