OCR Interpretation

The New Orleans daily Democrat. [volume] (New Orleans, La.) 1877-1880, March 13, 1880, Image 7

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83026413/1880-03-13/ed-1/seq-7/

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S torm0markete so w't
04 so. b.tchers' strong and
.. lif a quiet arnd ; weak;s at ao 40I
Los, Marcbh 1.--Flour stronger but
T atails s e bid; choice $ 583l.
Sose l nower; . Sr fIll t aný
o wer; siO 1 4o n
i. % m ts heave aoe
hower lrb .70;
sieso e 4 rlbTM, e
an tive;".Yorkers aod Bal-.
so;pakingr 0104 so; utohers'
4 1:0 2000. ship mernt
n ative demand antiurent: for
m steers 044 so; p eavy steers
nd wasted the former 8 o the
4sl; butchers' stock in good doe
1ed; receirot woo. shiptents
Ifor ., at prices rsngilu from
god to Ufany; receipts 00. ship
ui. 12.--hour dull and lower;
00 0006; ew uiet id1 unchanged
andflm;si 29. re active. firm
2M. ats in sond demand and a
r;8. Por weak; m 11 6D2 l es.
I ..17. ualk moats stedy ande
lm shoult ere 4. ribs ea, sides
iyt sh'uldoers e, rib.s 7, side
15 Itio..sq ar firmer and_..
lolgs act ve and frmer common
sl i 0 SO, packing $4 0 e40.
12.-Flour dull and on
a at $1 281 7. o°rr
X7 tedy; 7i . Bulk nm o
d hams a®10. Whiakv firm at
- th l.--Oats easler: Souern
vLovisions Quiet. ,Mºess por_
- . litmegs s onldera 4X,
eles ruib a as 1~1n
3X ieut;l Rio carrgoesý ordinar"
rea $10o.01 11. F e, elihta AIrm..,
, . ,m . -.-i k, ., . .-.
Soaturday, $I.Ih0,I. 15.IO .15.
- galuaL
Sel, met. Whs er. Belle. L
ory art of thve ls o ow
syth changes io the I honre
-. >f . water.
et. es Inh. Feet. Inch.
S1.2.......... 41 9 to 7
.......» ......42 6 to 1
..... ...... 20 0 to 6
38 2 to 3
.8 10 II '
S 8 to 1
7.......o....-. 7 9 $0 10
........... 14 to 9
.......... 10 9 tO 8
. - r mrak o 8r 14. (lAbova
tIndictes tall.
Sthe ooast bbe had t oos
en1f k for Cairo and the
for aSLous were among the de
oLine eteamno r .ames ow-pp
a morning from St. Lous,
to. ayptp.jnp . p amea. p.
e rahie woods clerk. The
a eway busiues. making
Sa rom Warenton to
puttin out o0 tons of fieiht.
- uuypd liabjiJon f. Ohambers
r at s., m,. tl.e fro
roints on tthe si~olye
in command.
eor and the Raven sand
yesterdayafternoon. and
from the Oýahilta. Thuand
returns to the Ohio Tuess
ord was undecided. The
eag on er.o ooil bales ootton.
by , the m tn rato whom her
r e oop edo. Thee cotton was
J Anxt . and is the first in
a ears of a whole ootton trio
b arrive in the city yester
A.ohaA Wood was telegraphed from
moat travel on is the Golden
to-d seeaves for the Ohio.
below from the Jesse 3. Bell.
y at Louisville and
an snow at lotilnnalti Omaha,
worth and s Lis
ve today or the Opelouss.n
or n afor tae uachita. and the
tor ne a of the Natoher, for
An neer forgets his friends.
. Cat. Wi. Weozel clerk C. H.
arrived Thursday nigh. rom Bayou
of. loaded fiat with all the ootton
she ould carry. he went as high ase
ad took on every wale of ner oergo
Oleepit two. She s reeiving to
next. and as she Is a throuh
ngegular trips., eshippers should
rs for her.
ooeaer Han--I speaks mit you
t. ore to levee on, nd vares do
qg . an ay mit dat fellow vot vorks
Vol. yesterday. I heer vplenty bee
dot pig raee. un I don't know
I link dot Is sum kind ov otes
dis cum. oon dot Hanna round
m vere ou got dot race un I
m. n dn dot yeller Hanna laes.
sa wmit dat dri machine un says,
she grapes, dot is ein rape mit
otes. Un I say. Ish dot so? Den
S ot dotbig Dote warts name the Jim
So er bil von dot de red somoke
iitiInjuns yva on. vas go make von
ee on to rive uO.. Ut von vas bet
d r. Mei Got n Himmel. you
a enty ov munny. Dem fellows
our many as I ven dey sphends so
ow. lole you seomedlgs. Yen dam
run more qak as never efore. dot
Lee she mu"go un dake sum ov dot
.too un dot pig little Kannon vas von
fast too. Mebby she go long an see
Sleo nd des aitehese vas kepe up.
Svas von bully fellowr in he ax
ouvant to go long mitdeam otes
dot race. Un I say, Yawvole.
ad von dot race off cum. I t ose
amT and lmet , after a vilee IMtoles
pout urn. Now Ihome goe. mine case
ate un sohmokes me von bipe by
soemi-weekly ooast and eayon
m~m e t Assumption. P. A. Oharlet
w. Nicolle clerk, leaves to-day at 10
urel Valley.
tril-weekly lower couat packet
-.A. hu master. B. M. Vallette
e to-haat a p.m i. for Orange Farm,
r esmi-week Bayou Sara coast
. Cannon. J.O. Libano master.
Slerk, leaoves t-dan ate p. m.
Iaed packet atohe T. P.
mast. ld ueolerk. leaves to-day
l as usuas, for Viocksburg.
and hando me Jeeae Ki Belle, Rieh.
t maser. Geo C. O.Hamilton lerk.
at s Dm. for Ormad Roore.
].and 8 . T. aompnna's steamer
y. G. W. Bee mterH. Boauma
ito-da7aets p. m. for Shieveport.
T. Line steamer Golden Bale. O. P.
master Albert Shinkle clerk leaves
wllthout ai, at. im.. for OininnatL.
I Oommereial. March o10:
to announce the death of Capt
long Identified with the Bed
S died in Shreveport. La.. and
arrived here by express last BSatur
werse interred in lpring Grove last
The deceased was a native of Olncin
inhe fft.y-ninth year of his age. He
emamaded the steamer Lucy Hol-.
n a eommanded the Caroline. St.
and other atesmera on Bed river. He
in the hardware bhuiness in
th his son-in-law. Col. Hunt.at
his d4eath. Capt.Bataman was
ho.esouled man, and enjoyed the es
nMarch 9.--The Commercdal-Gar
a o"mmunication to-morrow
Devenny, formerly super
r. strougly opposing the pro
sl.aaheMarch 11:
B. eorpassedd down for New Or
,dloaed to the guarde line
..Uw M.dt saoo oteks oil oake for New
1; ~hr'~ibo km JuIt NkeZPQID
bwork tot tooul o lev.ý e ge
th e west bank
ie t ý Niszinare n t earsfanvllr
plowing o m r1 m tie lad too wet farm se ipe
ee. A£tee of thir the e more wm overfow
he southern Dart o Desta county, and doooeel
siderable tnjury to lower Dart Li kn
count The pl anters are doen oillethe
,owr t he avert o healitesed in undationtb
workn orousy onth evee exre na aforn
twnt mile o moon the west ba t of the
river rom the M aeissibl.
de following information was gathered yes
r I regard to the water at points below
memphs on the Mississippi' The .ank at
Blue's Point is caving fast; at kent's ending
ot ws d at
ov rt a c at G a and as
Ienh boats land at the levee below the ru
•Iioksbui Commercial March 11:
QheGold Duet brought down from Green
villethis trio a large aount of saesto be used
o stop the caving and break in the Oammack
The Ohouteau took a large shipment of sacks
to the dangerous loualties in Bolivar countr.
Speeeal Telegrams.
Sg. Louis, March 12.-Bepewed expectations
of a rise from the upper rivers on oocount of
rains and snow. There was a heavy snow here
teday. Tnterrupting all steamboat business.
ODepart': Joae with eVihte bares and the
oMy hoice and barges The John A. EScuder,
eavinj to-morow. will have a full carro. The.
ut !Worh. with two barges will load Inde
pen. . t for Memhl.s, OCpt. .J. . gluee of the
Joh D. t: rully. rrived from New Orleans to.
dl , lookg for business
oxao, March 1.-The oit of Alton is here
fl ing out, to leave to-morrow.
GenOerl Telsratm s.
OrraT wATx March 12.--Rver l feet 9 inches
and fallia. It snowed all day. Wether clear.
ne to-norrih .
rtomusO. March 1-River v feet Inches
r stationary. Weather cloudy and c .
Loe5vn.,. March I .-lv r 2t feet in thn
canal and fioeg r Weather cold, with ran
snow. A.rved: . .. SBrtinr from tCinn
nat! for New Or . The homas Sherlock
will pmass pto.nihgt..
no. Mrarch ls.-M ver 41 feet 2 Inchee and
rising amning and cold. Arrived: Oily of
Alton from tiL. Lou s.
Sr. Lotus. arch l12.-River 11 and }nlsng
Snow fer n util noon: olegrl nJ u t and
freezing. Jrrived: Grad Tower f ir s
~ . March 19.-River feet 10
Inches and risingl. Lht rain all this anfter
noonturninr l- Arrived: Golden Oily
fr-'rm Olnoeln °t for Orleans. '
ME SEIS Mareh 12.-The river rose 5 inches.
;Pev'tep : Po rt.ids and OCity of Helenalor Rt.
Louis. ons. Milfar for OCincinOnati. Dick uiton
for New OrleaP. Weather cool and cloudy.
Vw.zsauao. March 12.--Weather cloudy and
cool: thermometer e9. The river has risen 2
inches by the gauge' now stands 41 feet 4
inches. Up: tuidin tar at noon. CentennIal
at I p.. Down: Paris C. Brown at I1t last
night. x E, Lee at s p. m. Arrived: City of
Greenvillle at, a m.
Sunm, ponT. March 12.-River rose 5 inches
by the ganus; now standR Is feet 1o inches. Ar
rived: Trout from Ooushatta, Maria tLouise
from New Orleans. Departed; Silver City for
New Orleans.
Yzosnun.o Match 12.-To John A. Stevenson:
John Dippold and barges down at 1:80.
uP.ste. March 11.-To John A. Stevenson.
46 Campn street: Grand akte and tow down at
.ioxanua., March 11.-To John F. Douglas,
82 Gravlerstreet: Iron Mountain and barges
down at 4 o'clock Thnreday afternoon.
B .roi(Rouau. March 12.-To B. W. Adams, 11
Oommercial Pace: Arrive at 9 pm.: leave on
time to-morrow. B.t8INNOTT
Master Steamer Jesse K. Bell.
NTm=. March 12.-J. T. Burdean. lan Gra
v;er street: Will arrive Saturday evening.
Leave for Cincinna i Thursdary
' A. M. HAI'DAY, Master.
Pour Es.ns, March 19.-Barometer 19:7u. Wind
south soutawest, fresh. Weather thick and
Arrived: At 2:6 p. in.. British steamship
Texas Laurenson master, from Liverpool. to
---led: rteam ship B. B. Ward. Jr.. for Bus
tan; steamship Stag for Havre.
Oa rea Testerigy.
Am ship Thos Lord. Ray, for Hasre
Norton & Bell
Ital bark Augusta Quints, Mares for Ayr, Soot.
iand. Yuioh &Coslich
Br steamship Texas, Laureanon, from Liverpool 14th
at. via Ceornna and Havana, to Silas Weeks &
co-4th diet 47
Sp ahib Voladora Olaganibel, 4 days from Havana,
to G Corral too
Bedford. Wilitamson, trom Cincinnati
Will Kyle, Kates, from Cincinnati
James Howard, Pepper, from St Louis
Raven, Woodward. from St Louis, with 4 barges
Natches, Leathers, from Vioksobrg
Ashland, Wood, from Shreveport
Yaso Valiey, R from Shereveport
Olara 8, W sel, from Lind Grove
Yasoo. Harrison. firm Washinston
John M Chambers, Muggsh. from St Martinville
oGen D Bucker, Cain, from Camden
keeumption, Charlot, from Bayou Lfourohe
Whisper, Comsok, from you Go
I habe. O'Pry, from Lower ot
De Smet, Ottuadorter, from New River
HAVi-E-Per ship Thor Lork-4850 bales cotton
9400 us seaves
AYBE. COTLAND-Per bark Augusta Quinte -
5430 eacks oiloake
LIVERPOOL VIA CORUUA-94 tes sods ash
996 bdle cotton ties 38 bbls pickles 90 cases do 1i
bbls salt 300 boxes tin 474 bdls iron 50,000 frebtiok
100 bags eement 100 drums o soda to order-3 oases
m.es J Levole-1 do D H Holmes &oo-I do Hartloy
l Russell-- do A t0rippi-- do A Tertrou-8 do
Evans & Hiokey-61 do Anderson & Simpson-es do
E J Foretell's Sons-34 de Joe S.n Romuan-14 do F
Msedinihaga-6 pksn mdee Janbert 0oo-9 do Heyok
- H-id John Frank.co-18 pkgs glassware Strat
ton & Mayer-1 tieros do 8 8 Relf-33 orates do A
Wolf too-13 do 1 on hardware Mrs John Gauche-
100 sacks almonds 10 sacks nuts Barney &oo-495%
tons pig iron to Jas Lee &oo-- bales tarpaulins to
Forstall, Rose & Clayton-93 bxe tin to Staufer, Ma.
oready &oo-S os guns Folsom Bros-S boxes cutlery
13 ke hoes A Baldwin £oo-9 hhds wine J B Woods
30 os cheese P Gelpi & Bro-153 bdle steel 105 anvils
514 boxes tin Silas Weeks koo--11 do Phelps, Dodge
BAVRE-Per bark Albert-5 bales cork 100 spars
to order
UrILLA-Per schr May Eveline-1000 bunches
bananas 5500 cocoanuts 9500 plantains 140pounds
narsaparilla 8 Oteri a Bro
seelps of Preae..
CINCINNATI-Per steamer Will Kyle-198 bales
cotton T G Forwood-so H Allison o- head
cattle 1 ooop poltry yok Mitodell hoo-lot mase
A Baldwin koo-4 bbla whisky Boston Club-So bble
p apples 15 pkg butter E F DlBodio--5 bbls po
tatoes DelBondlo &A-41 de 7 bbl beans GW Davi.
s~ &o-1133 pos bulk meet 3 tieroes lard 1 hlf bbl
do 10 boxes eggs to Wallao, Fairohild *oo-19 bbles
molasses Ed K Dhme-34 pkgs mdes Folger doo
71 boxes bacon 95 heroes hams Fowler Bro.-tcO bble
aour Forohelmer Broe-136 bdls paper B H Flashpol
ler-S0 pkgs mdse MI John Gauche-14 bbis pota
toes Greve & Wildermann-t-1t bble four Glover &
Odendahl-40 bble whisky to 8 Herrmann-100 bbls
floor Hirsch, ALdis &o--15 do 90 sacks bran How
ard & Flower-114 bble potatoes Joseph Keller-lot
buggies etc J A Lum &ee-10 hi bble whisky 95 kegs
9 meat 300 bble meal Lochte & Cordes-7.5 bble meal
sad grits 95 bble hominy 8 tao butter 30 bbhl d ap.
pls 0 H Lawrence £oo-55 bble whisky 15 boxes bh
son large lot mdse O A Whitney too-OS bbls whis.
p 605 sacks e ora John T Moore Jr-410 bbl flour
I5 pkgs butter McCloskey & Hederson-7 pkgs to
bacce rLnes Bro-70 bbl grease J C Morris -10
bbls whisky 100 bble flour D Moriarty-S01 do 960
bbls meao Mller, rigtsby aoo-157 do W H Math.
rws k Bro-49 had mules Mills-33 coops poultry 1i0
pkg. eggs 51 pkgs ba:on Miller k Meyer-0o kegs
sails 50 dheroes lard 500 bhls cotton ties n5 bbls vin.
gar N O & M R R-3t pkgs mdre to M L Navrr--5
ble whisky J Nelson oeo--10i empty bbls Planters
3tI Co--5 pkgs mdee B O.oer-4 bbla whisky to the
Blanks Line-I- o do Smith Bros £oo-so do io hlf do
SG SLpor-lot mdse Blanks Line-S5 bbls apples and
potatoes PFato & Benediot-SO pkgs mdee o oC Polt
hot-1 do J Popp-L-5 bbla meal Perdreauvflle &
io- O0 bbls potatoes Chas Pleassate-lot mdse N O
k R RT Co-23 p.gs mdse Reshaw, Cammack &oo
10 pkgs grease Rice Born ico-5 buggies J Reagan
it coxes glass Robeorts too-l9 pkg papsrJ P Sara
dn-lot aides tSager, Macready doo-19 bbls whru
cy 5 eighth casoks do Jos Sohwarts-48 pkgs mdse to
Itratton & Mayer-90 hel. nails M Schwarts & Bro
9S bbls flour a5 bhs whisky 09 teroes lard Sohws.
acher A Hiraoh-60 bbis potatoes J Salameni &co
0 bdls iron J Sohwarts dso-7 bbls sausage Theurer
o Becker-.0 pkg madase Thompson B o--lo do
I J West-eO bles meal Vaitra k Mrtime-00 do
ad grit Vess Brs-4 bbls wine 5 ht do TT Whieto
7sasssto lWhim i a ftbra-masi
s nWu"V 11
Dll 4tbanbbI flewea Wallae,
[ loosa6 t5s1aise1 b t.
1 ATZ-P"- . tisMarnr Beodor-r- bales
own Ao rllll, Wa ut & ash-0 Scott M bee-4St
Jr PnolPbs &.-- Jno T Roie 1000-1V Nails it
Cammaok-t Allen, Nuaoet too--00 boxe. so. -
5 5 bores eandles C A FrsnoosO bble potatom 10o
sacks corn Wallace, Fairohild too-43 do to John T
Moore oo-100O do John T Moor. jr-rot do to ioe
West oot0 bble poteto. 0 bale hay Patton & Ben.
- eiot-1 bbls whisky Room & 8hults--90 do 5 hit
do r Roder-10 bbls whisky s0 reg do 0 W Newton
10 bbl whisky kegs o do Thlee mms Levy-S5
bbL whisky 1b hfdo Piokert & Ayers--I bbl. whir.
kv JosephViagne- do Hirsch, Adler oo-15 do
[ M hnert--i6 do J G Ryn-40 do Joe David-50
bble beet Woodward & Wright-81 pkgo mdso J H
I Menge~ po o lcksrba to ForatallAtarOm4pkg5
ien JD Edwa do--SO pk.g vitriol U W OrmndJn-
1l0 do T 8 Waterman--,o bbls potatoes G Dav.
son Aeo-97 do Joseph Keller-So do 3 Salammon to
10 do 3 Bertnoci too-15 hbhd bacon l0 boxes bacon
Frowenteld & Pfeiler-16 pkgLs mde 8 T Blesming-
15 bbla whisky J DreyfJs &o--150 do 8mith Bros &
co-SI pkgs butter 7 bbl d apple CH Lawrenceaa
co-O pkg bu.ttarMoClkey A Hendesrmo-I phs
ink P fl e-h-30 bbled apple 38 tlerotams to
B F DelBondlo--9 phks tis Mrs John Gauche-c
do Levy Bros-90 do 11 Haller-6 do J O Morris-MS
do W 0 Shepard oo--4 do Bios. Born koo--1 do to
B Offer--9 bble whisky Zaberbler & Behan-lO do
Loohte A Cordes-95 co oysters Godchaux & Silber
nmagel-4 kgstmdo G VH Blliday too.-1 do A Bald.
win to-t1o00 boxes starch to Glover & Odendabl-8
bore bacon VoeeBr--O pkgeploale. P Perry-r8S
pkguI mdse J MDowllng-tS empty bbls union Oil
00-19 bble hour J W Platt-100 pkgmconflsh D H
Holmee-90 bdls paper Dufour A Lmet-9 pkgs
mide A Wolf Aoo-O do J Tratmnan-lS do A Ban.
diLr--19 empty bblm NO 0 R R T C'-large lot fur.
niture and undries to order-Total 64 batee cotten
ST LOUIS-Per steamer James Howard-30S bales
aoston so order--965 Jurey & G111-93 Moore A Cole.
man-I Jae Phalneloco-l to Britton A Mayon-19
bble lonr CA Waitney too--0O do 100 bble mel
419 maoke corr Wallace, Fairoild aco-O8 bale hay
15 saoks 0ata Chai Pleasant--S.S do H T Lawler
14 dopl bale.m bhy htdo 19 qrdo 900 bbl moel
t10 bbo flour 6 bmoxe eggs Glower A Odeadahl-48O
smoak oat Jore West .oo-150 do TA Maddeno-140
do a0 cask baeon 100 bbl flour to Sohwabaoher &
Hirsoh--lS do 8T bone egse Vatrn A Maotimer
S60 bls potatoes Patten & Bneeiot-00 bbl lonr to
Sobmids A Ziegler-.0o do Moloakey A Henderson
79 bble pork F Doihonde Aoo-S0 bble potato 498
bbl flour at sacks bran W H Mathews Bro.-74
boxn mest MIller, Grigby A&o--OC bble foor 900
soks bran Mr A Rogers Ae-58 boxes met Frown
fela & Plfeter--0 bb fl our Harrison A Bettlson
100 bbls meal 1007 maoke orn Jno T GibboLs Aoo
Bi05 do John H Hann--10 tieres lard 7 1pkgs mde.
0 A Whnitney&o-l5 do 100bblemeal N &ARr
T Co--.o pLkg mdes Blanks Line-5 do B Froteoher
1 do Polhanm & Doll-50 bbi flour H Pohlman A Son
100 do D Morlarty-100 do Cummnnngs Elmer-50
do WE Merkel-t00 do John T Moore lo-30 do
Clark A Meader-946 do J B Osmors-98 bales hay
Blabaokt oo-I bblwhisky 0, St L&N ON B -
95 bblm flour J McGrath-SO sks seed E Virgen-
10 bbis aampbloak Stand.b Maoready oo--lO bble
pees Theurer BIeoker-4 bble pat to A Hoff--1
bales broom corn McGraw-i b les eto Haydook
A Bro-ia gpke mdse to Woodward Wright-a7 do
G Jacquet-0O ph gs bottled beer Zuberbier A Behan
900 soots oilee 0 8 Oil Co-34 plop meds JR Con
way-10 do 8 Hraneheim A Bro-5 do Bateson, Bow
ling too-1i do GUtllet Gin MI 0o-- do M W Smith
5 do 8 Uteri & Bro-I do A Wolt oo-enundrte to or
der--Tret 95s bales cotton 500 smoksm oilake
VICKSBUBG-Per steamer Natoheas--99 bales
oottop ichardshon May-199Moyer. Weis aoo- 117
Obha, Hamllton l Powell-198 J L Harrls oo-101i
Payne, Kennedy oo-9O Allen, Nugent *to-79 to
S B Newman too-75 D A Given & Son-7 Lehman,
Abraham &oo-48 H O0 Newman--4 J B Wolfe A
co--3 Vaiden. Hawkins A Robert-SO Jno T Hardie
Aco-lt Graham, Black Aco-t3 Keller & Gardner
13 March Sohlenkert9 H Allison too-11 T J Oar
ver-9 Jno Chafe & Sons-9 ISokuam & Moor--b to
Norwood & Richards-? Felix Walker-7 Clapp Bros
Aeo-S Beadles, Wood k0oo- B K Converse-- Kirk.
patrick &oo-3 to order-9 Frankenbuah & Borland
S Ben Gerson & Soa-- Richard Flower Aeo-S A A
Mouton-I Allen, West & Bush-I T B Stamps-1 to
8 H Wilson Aeo-1 Stewart Bros Ato-1 F (I Ban.
dolph--JO maokm cotton osed NO Cotton Seed Aseo.
olatlon--10 do R H 8 Mutn-9i bble oil T L Airey
Aoo--4 bales mdne M a Wisdom Aoo-eundriese .o.r
der-Total 1495 bale cotton SO3 waoks cotton sed
6i bbls oil
BHHEVNPORT-Per steamer Yasoo Valley-906
bales eotton Jano Phelpe oo--le10 J W Burbrldge too
•4 Jo Chate A& ons-40 Lehman, Abraham Amo--s
H & B Beer-9- Payne, Kennedy lco--9 to Chafe,
Hamilton & Powell-S90 Kirkpatrick oo-SO to B
Wilson too-18 T L Airey .o-17 Olapp Broe Aoo
1t Stewart Brs Aeo-9 Britton & Mayson-7 to G W
Sentell 1Ao-6 R M Walmstery o--( S W Rawlins
9 B Steers-1 Benshaw, Cammack Aoo-1 Gardner
Sop-1 Meyer, Wedls o--I91 sackm cotton seed
S0 ton S Aeed ssocolaton--39 bble oil 1000 oacks
oileake 79 smacks oilcake meal Jno Chaffe A Sons
Sbbhlpotatoes 6 pks mest DlE Morphy 8Son-99
head cattlo R M Flsnit-sundrie to order--Total 753
bales cotton 9190 sacks ototoa seed sacks ootton seed
meal 1000 seeks oilakeo 959 bbls oil
8HREVBPORT-Per steamer Ashland--08 bales
cotton to order- 063 to G W Sentell loo-141 to Jno
Phelps too-198 Jno Ohad. Sohb-118 Chafbs. Ham
iltan & Powell-9-Ot M Waimaley Aooe-44 8 W Bawl
lins-41 Richardson & May-33 Meyer, Wets too
9a Jurey & Gilli.-90o Bkhm A Moore-11 Kelfer
SGardner-11 J W Burbridge o00-8 Olapp Boe A
co- 1R T Buckner-6 T J OCarver- Pierre & Brown
9 John I Nobe-1 H Allison too-515 soacr oileake
to Jno Ohafe & Sons-sundries to order-Total 1459
bales cotton 515 sacks oilsake
WASHINGTON-Per steamer Yasoo-91 bales
cotton Lehman, Abraham too--t Keoier & Gardner
15 Hammonds, Gaddis Aeo-9 to A A Mouton-8 to
J M Lathime too- Payne, Kennedy Aoo-7 H A 0
Newman-5 Renshaw, Cammack Aco-5 Ben Gerson
& Son-3 Clapp Bros too-3 P G Gibert-- J W Bur.
bridge Iwo-I Meyer, Wels too-S T B Stamps-9 to
Jno Chaos & Sons-115 hhds sugar 190 bbls molasses
Payne. Kennedy e-too 0 do J W Bnrbridge too-liO
sacks cotton seed NO Cotton Seed Assoolation-and
sundries.to order-Toe*t 193 bales cotton 100 eacks
cotton seed 115 hhds sugar 930 bble molassee
8r MARTINVILL--Per steamer Joan M Cham
bers-4 bales eotton P G Gibert L Lacsuagne
1 L Benjamin-6 hhds eogur Joseph Vigneso-4 do
Robert Rare & Son-a do to Richard Milliken-6 do
W 8 Hansell-51 do 9 bble molasMes G Pasosl &co
9 do 103 hbas mugar H D Foreyth-9do 13 bbls molte.
se P G Gibert-18 do Bush & Levert-1 do Lange &
Legendre-- hhd anme 1 bbl sugar Felix Walker-16
bbls sugar 1 hhd do 40 hides 1 bbl tallow I bale
moss L Lacasagne-3 bdle hides L Terrebonno-S do
W H Merkel-- do J V Micolla-9 hhd hides 1 bbl
tallow Hartwell & Chambers-917 sacks potatoes to
_ Leler--uendrie. to order-Total 8 bale cotton 3SO
hbds mstuagr 57S bbls molasees
LIND GROVE-Per srteamerr Clara --964 bale.
cotton 8 W Bawlin--1l 5 Jno OChaSe A Sona-15 to
Ino Phelps Aoo--14 H Allison &oo--lO to Lehman,
Abraham Ac-04 J L Harris Ao-O Vaiden. Haw
kins & oberts--4 Hammond GSaddle Aeo-- 8 to
Jno T Hardie too-So Nelie & C.ommaok-17 Meyer.
Wels tn-is March & Sohlenker--19 W A Peele-11
Payne, Kennedy &o--9 Richardono & May-S to 8
F.riedlander-- IJrey A Gills-4 to order-9 to Hy
Planhoe Aeo-i Allen, Nugent Aoo--18O6 maoks cot
ton seed to N 0 Cotton Seed Asoolation-soandrie to
ora--Total 1179 bale. ootton .7/ saeks ootton seeod
CAMDEN-Per steamer Gen D H Bauoker-l101
bale. cottoo Jurey & Gillis-sondries to order
LOWER COAST--Per steamer Isabel--53 hhds of
eugar 9 bbls molasuees Richard Milliken-SO- hhdm au
gar W Bnrbridge Aoo--13 do 8 Gumbel-eundries
to otder-Total PO hhdo sugar 9 bblm molamssee
NEW RIVER-Per stesmer De Smet-30 hhds mu.
gao Riohard Milliken--a do 1 bbl molasses T Lan
aux ASom--SO do P Lanaux--i9 do 17 bbls sugar
Meyer.Weis too-1 do H Beltran--sondrie. to order
Total 51 hhds sugar 18 bbls suegar 33 bbls mo.
R ý eem
BAYOU GOULA-Per steamer Whisper-25 hhds
sugar 80 bbls molasses P Lanaux-l0 do 2t bhds sn.
ar T Lanaux a SonU-17 do 6 bble molamees L Reder
&0o-i bhhd ugar A W Tohrne-1 sack seed co0ton
AL Choppin-- bales moas Rykoski & Manade-and
sundries to order-Total 64 hhds sugar 96 bbls mo
ST LOUIS-.Per steamer Raven and tow-100,000
bushels corn ifl bulk Eugster &oo
sapts at tae Now Basla.
Covington-Per steamer Heroine-5 bales cotton to
Warren & Atkinson-sundries to order
Covington-Per sohr F H Pippo-9 bales cetton to
Ino T Hardie koo-5 Warren & Atkinson-3 bbla po
tatoes I Bloom &oo-29 bbls tar 15 hf do 4 bble iron
Ssmacks rags 1 saok bones 8 bbls pbtatoes 2 coops
poultry 1 coop geese 3 bble rice S lots furniture 600
bbls sand 23 boxes eggs and sundries to order-Total
14 bales cotton
Handsboro-Per bohr E H Montrosm-35,000 feet
lumber to order
Wolf River-Per echr Jalouse-t0,000 feet lumber
J L Nevers
Pascagoula-Per schr Ann McGninn-40.000 feet
lumber A O Danner &co
Covington-Per sohr Rebecca-30,000 feet lumber
to orler
Woell River-Per Bohr Venesda-28,000 feet lumber
to H Buddig
Stookton-Per scbr hr Star-45.000 feet lumber to
A C Danner &oo
Jordan River-Per schr Conoordia-32,000 feet lum
ber H Buddig
Pearl River-Per sloop Vincent-sundries to order
ieael.pts at the Ol iasla.
Blind River-Per mchr ous--35 oords wood to
mseslpta by salaursats.
March 1--150 bales cotton to order-7 I L Harris
&co--SP L Arey &o--1 Valden, Hawkins & Rob
erts- eoar poultry Miller & Meyer-S ears stook to
o Mehle &o-- do R Flauntt-- do T M Boyle-1
do W L Hlllmau-1 do GW Rouston 1 do MR
Rushing-1 car wagons N O & R T Co-1 ear lum
bar d A Holmnes- do Rogers & Rexford-210 pks
beer C H Kramer-154 sacks e S Meyers--57B do
Martin Bros-iO bbls lime LM Gex-so boxes to.
baeto L Maye & e8 -5 do Whokerbsrth & Jeeeph
169 do W Irby--u d 8 Hem.asled & Bre-10 do
3~1H Pes*i- do D P Gray-S. Admn A Mmbsat
ib p s i 1-)S rlidiii s l
shwabsebie 6 A uea-4 bble ar e Sfalaeni
ee-1o tirees hams to Mel k e-0
boes abese I bbl bacosn F d-4 bils pa.
p re idenhdmer Br.se-I do Lord MePeak
pkgs mdoe M Me, r-.40 egs rtre ' Niokertjr
l0pkýgs meat J Nelson oo--4 bbl whiskyllr J M Trio.
llObbl limey 8aodgmss--7 pkgs mdeo Ma g
ado M W Smith-a bade tobaoco Kirkpatrick *0o
I box do W J Brooke-94 bdls plows A Baldwin Ato
un.de to order-Totl 160 bates cotton S hhde to.
oAD ANxD PT*ASGIP co.00,
March 11t-4 hhds sneer iohard Milliken-to do
SH evln.-19 do Joe David--l do 80 bble molrasses
John Calde-1 bbl suar to Feltz Walker-14 balel
moss8 Herrmaan-4 lf do J w Wablh-sundries to
e.er-Total 7t hhd a.gst 80 bbls molases
From FYlton-P er mtssamshio Aranusa--4 balts
hide 914 bales skins 440 bb.o hides 1918 boxes beef
00oo0 in epeote O A Whitney too
From B Uantigo--Per steamship I0 Harris
-1000 in speol Zuberbler rA Behan-$900 do * ordon
A Gomila- $1650 do 773 hides 64 badts istle 19 bales
skins lo bales hair 0 A Whitney Aoo-45 head stook
8 Tiblier"
From Galveston--Per teamship Josephine-Sun.
dries to order
From Indlanola-Per steamship Josephine-4
bale cotton H Danneel too-5 bales hides O Whit
ney keoo-38 head sheep A Daverede-sundries to
orer--Total 4 bales cotton
Trips March 19-8 oar loads, as fellows-693 bales
ootton to order-119 3 T .arguson &oo-44 Lehman,
A-braham ko-S- Blokham A Moore-99 to Meyer,
Weis &eo--97T Gmbel--1 Gleason, Day & Proudft
O0 Richardson & Ma-14 Jno T Hardie koo-- L to
Chase Bamilton Powell-11 8 0 Thomas keo--.
Hyman & Llntosnstln-lo Allen, Nugent *oo-10 to
H & 0 Newman-8 Ke.b eGardnsr- 8 Jno Phelps
eo-0-6 ?ayno, msned . 8 SB Newman boo
O W B Thomoson oo- to Beadle. Wed eo-4 to
Stewart Bros m 00- Srms, B tllups Aoo-I R Craig
aco-- B A B Beer--4W Crig Hogn--i Britten a
Ma.s--l 1 wire WW oo .1- ars sotock to
- yoook, M.e o.&--1 eares and poultry to
lle Mey- mpt bbl 9 empty oa bs to
J B Soott-1 boiler H D sleunan Bro- oar wood
John MoLey-t14 bdle hides to Wm Mehle-t soda
f.unt T 8 Wateman-60 bbis oil to Union Oil Co-I
ar lumber MeOracken A Brewster-4 hhde I bbl g
ware Mrs John Gaoshe-10o4 saoks peas A A Green
wood-177 do N Doher-ty-I do Mayer ae-001l do
E J Boman-5 ots a maohines 0 Adams-1 pkge
butter Clark de- bales broom or 40 bl
handles Sam Bolo-g- bale ho o ars do Patton A
BenedIot-4 bb highwlnes to. Dreyfts Aoo- oar
nember D 8 MeOman- oases shoes to J M Gould-S
stoves and xtures J E Campmasn--S bbls whisky
Pattison & Bovard-- k g runiturs W B EBlasegr
5 pkgs glasware Wolf-10 eame shoes to H A N
-Smory-lo rolls leather Winteler & Riks- orarte
rockery W 0 Sheperd 1oo--l boxeshatse t QuiJ .
lan--Os bls oil W-P Converse ir koo-5 do I L Ly.
ons-48 pkgs tobaooo to WR Irby-5 bble whlky to
I L Lyono-10 boxes tobaooo 0 B Blook Aoo-75 poe
plowstuff A Baldwin 0oo-900 begs guauo to H W
Montgomery-10 bble whisky Thom Bimmns & Levy
.4 pakg met Sohwaowb seer & Birsoh-4 pkgs butter
H Lawrence oo0-15 oasks bottled beer to N Fa..
n.aht-8.0 boxes soap Smith Bro &eoo-8 pkgs plow
stu NOA.R aT o-sg bhds tobsoe eirkpatriok
'oo -17 do Thog Wilts-- do B H Wilson too-I- do
0 A Snkder-8 do 6 bxs do 8 ernahelm A Bro-9
stover 9S hardware T A Oraft-eudree to er.
a--T . 10 bales e0on. 57 lhhds tobeoe
New York, March S-Oleared, Bark Will W Chase,
Dermott, for New Orleans
Port Antoilo, March I-In port, sohr MM Chase,
Beers (from Portland), for New Orleans
)y able to the N. T. HeraldJ
Liverpool. March 6-Arrived, Br bark Antrim,
Siaboroe, rom New Orleans; 7th Br bark Onaway,
Wilmot, from Galyeston, and had nile planks out
through In a oollisn; she had water in her hold and
was docked
Queentowa, March 6-Arrived. Ger bark Ories.
Stehr. from New Orleasa; 7th, Nor bark Otter, Krag,
from New Orleans, leaky
Falmouth, Maroh 6-Arrived, Br bark Venture,
WFright from New Orleans
Mareilles. March 4-Arrived, Fr bark Nellie.
Mereau, from Penscola
London, March 8-The Ger bark Louise, Lubeke,
Ropgeneack, at Quesnstown from Galveston, had
her deoks swoet auc lost stenchions and bulwarks
T?. LOUWs.
For at. Lonts and all war landings.
JAMES HOWRD ............. Peoper maste
Leaves SATURDAY March 18. at o. m.
BE..4E OF SHREVEPORT . lCohill master
Leaves TUESDAY. March 1. at s p.m.
W. . oHALLIDAY ............. Gould master
'kf ta psrtioular attention to all oS' ad
IM Common stree
La elen~ Arkapolis, Greenville and
all intermediate landins
W. H. Thorweaun. Geo. Miltenberger,
meter olerk.
Leaves WEDNESDAY. March 17. ats p.m.
Fror freight or passage aply on tar or to
J. F. DOUGLAS, 82 Gravler street,
nolt tf
Leaves every WEDNaSDA and SATURBDAY
Hermitage Port Hoke. Baton
ore an. Plaouemiane extendine
the Saturday tri to New Texas and Baocourc
--The amest a endid passenger steamer
John C. Libano master. J. . Mosesop lerk.
l0nton and Woodvile freights shiD ed We
nesday reach their destination Friday even
n&lnton and Woodvfille freights shipped BSatur
day reach their destinaton Monday evening.
For freight or peoase aply on board or to
GEO. D. 1 r42a ier street.
BRITTON A EPPLEB. 102 Gmvier street
LORD A MoPEAKE. 1i Gravieravierstret.
aut C. G. WAYNE, as Gravier street
Hermitage. Port Hudson Lobdell's
--Steamer tore. Baton Roue and Plaueminne
J. Brown master. E8.8. Vltrkoleerk
leaves Js aer OND Y and FRIDAY cr tor mt .
returnina even W oEDNSDAY and SUNDAY.
For freight or passage applyon board or to
J. E. OARLIN.eoM ae street.
ysl JOHN JANNED . 10 oe mmon street.
Leaves every TUESDAY and THURSDAY at 1
a. m. and SATURDAY at 2 p. .
a-la.Hache Greenwood Plantation.
Terre aux Beuf. and all plantation
landings-The new, fine ana fast steamer
J. A. Runz master. E M. Vallette clerk.
leaves as above relarl, returning to the cty
early in the evening on alternate days. For
freight or passase arly on board.iheadof Con
ostreeto a.ll
Leaves TUESDAY March 16, at 5 p. m.
-At --Pleasant and all way landings on
Bayou Bartholomew-The new pas
senger steamer AN, S
Wm. Wenzel mster. C. . Packard elerk.
will leave as above taking treighlt for all land
ings on Black and Onachita rivers as high as
the mouth of Bayou Bartholomew. For freight
or passage ap ly on board or to
F. . INBURN. s Natchez street.
mhls or to W. M SURLL. 17 Fror t streer.
Leaves every TUESDAY at s D. N.
_______sas, PortBarre. Simmsport. Church.
ville. and all landings on the coast,
Atchafalaya river and Bayou Courtableau--The
light draft passenger steamer
Win. OCrawford master. A. Meynier, SBr.. elerk.
For freight orpese apply on board, or to
GEOGh D. ITE. 142 Gravier street.
L0D MoPEAXE. in Gravier street.
P.-Wld throughlblsdladintoA Baou
In Texas.mr
Tiseo I Wags s master.
Leaves on ATURDAMarch i at p.m.
eompa ny Ia eng
ia ret saa n. ier. Haiwloneeh
Leave , at - . s
-tl pegaaO apply n bi.oard.. r the
elegant and ne steamer
lnnott mater. G. 0. Hamilton clerk.
Sleave as aoe. ,For freight or passage
appl, on dr o
SI rfnort r
boat or agent. es
.WAM. Uommrs .
t l i, there retoaneetat lr w . en l rP yit.-o
4Q--a (l·m sIMPIItN II&I t
Will sail from Mo narch Ot
]ro8,P b ~alvesto T.-o v.
Will sail from Norg>0Oiy
8U DAY. March 14.
reight for Brownsville 15 per cent off tariff.
except grain, which i at special rate,
Thro h bills laid g slged to all .os
one n n
and. an
Svioadnton sano Gal. 8. and San Ltonoan
-t. via _inton o e0ero. ancho,
ntefo Corpus at and Brazos (il
h tgoýan nsq of consgnees.
"av Rlroad. foot yette street. dal until
STikets and stateroom secu.red until p. m,.
at agents' oloe. or at the ferry landing. on
T-roua.g tokets Wi be isaue.from this oe~e
gnu e r Da1sl onts n theIOU n'
o., Bqr t. ,.ro,. an-terd aic,
ooti "0. a azino"e a - Nz &..ýoseris.
Q3mERVILLm, VEsmUaIv AwND mEme,
Leves TUESD , at I n.m.
Davis' tBend and'lntermea land.
William Campbell mase r T. J.oard'of
lves eonnecta at
ftrall olniSo a the Yazoo. Sun.
Psower. . - Coommerccal Place.
NITE2 Gver street.
Will ave thou bll o i torenton,
Mnr 8 M azis o sthrevet
Leaves eve THURSDAY at5 ..
~i and Bends-The new and magnlfi
oentga nssenr sTeamer
Curt. Holmes master. W.N. (almes clerk.
connecting at Vicksburg with Parisot's Line
for all points on Yazoo and Tallahatchie rivers.
Boat reserves the right to pass all landings
that th oa tain may deem unsafe.
Will give through bills of lading to Trenton.
Monroe and all stations on Vicksburý. Shreve:
port and Pacific Bllroad. via Delta La.
W B. o ETU . Agent.
aul as Magazine street.
Leaves ever SATURDAY. at D. .
.Natcheh and all intermediate land:
ings-TTePas p r packet
T. P. Leathers. master. J. Muse clerk.
Qyeogi icksbnra with. the Privsot LI
and wh Anto r ae for memphs Cairov d
itLoai. W ve through .ills o ading to
Monroe and all stations on the VIcksburg,
Shreveport and Pacific Railroad via Delta. La
This boat reserves the right to pass all land.
ngs that the Captain may consider unsafe.
r freight or paassga ,nl on board, or to
..E. OAJLIN eo Common st.
ill sign through bills in1 nto stations on
the Vicksburg. Shreveport andPacifio Railroad
at same rate as other boats.
Leaves every MONDAY at a p. . and'FBIDAY
and Bayou Lafourche-The A No. 1
Mat Blanchard, Master
"ohn Webre and J . Blanehard. Clerks.
wil leave as above returnin down the coast
ever SUND&AY an WEDNESDAY. In daylight.
For freiht or pas a, onboard or to
V. iH. B]a]'. s Bt Louis st.
S. HENO. 20 Qonti st.
P. B.- Goes through to Lockport on the
Thursday trip.
Leaves every TUESDAY at a p.m.. and SATU
DAY at 10o a. m.
The A Rtaket
P. A. Charlet master
fiw. Nicolle. and J. Wo. Lre. clerks.
e1 er MONDAY and TUEDAY nl daylight
,or freight or passage apply or to
les Deoatur, near St. Louistr
P. 8.-Has a clerk on the landing during the
day, at the head of Blenville street. to receive
freiht. noin em
mine. Baton Rouge. Port Hudson,
Bayou Sara and all lan4dlngs-The
will leave Donaldsonville every MONDAY,
WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY at 1 o'clock noon,
on the arrival of train from New Orleans. Con
nection madewith stage line ated River Land
ing for SimmsDort. Evergreen. (heneyville and
Aexandria, La.
The Kitle Ne be re ddona
2taerooms adde. d, w El Rer at
ODAY. will
leiLe as - follt:
B@LOj w5 ..... O.P. Shal.ek mse gt
q g sU 16fDAY. 131 arg *s.t s p
Hall.daý mY~wb
Levee TUUBSDA!. March 18. at s nm.
For Olneinna ti, Louisvtle and Inter DAL
,anolnr oo neetlpn at noinaUt wih P.
.t or ll or o t
Leav'es WN.T U -A L h m
.. d
mede landis on aru nea an
alays river-The new pe ger steamer
SB M.gsh aster. ',o,. onee ,ork.
wileave as om For freight or pasain"
ly on boaroPortoi
mwi_ D & ,Lo. 1N2 Graler stee
• A1 NIPA£AB. aI. -'e +
onsnorr steam
y. ,o a .L r.. U
ahnAas river--Ahe neDw Daoneror stueeamer
o.1N0 I e. N6·TD~ o.
T la. B returninah ser t. d t oorneee a ket
r frel hto as o ,r ig on b orto
.Ae c ok w o o e fn i e.
lenvill steeve eto reeiv reh
.... . 0n[ jj sure r
Blenville street to receive fre t. 00
I- em--- and Havana - The ioilowing
eme, , will leave A rlgies
(Jj..INTON......TH .IDAX. Ma rch 18. at 8a a..
fri t5 will be seleev at Morgan asian.
and Texas ailroad Depot. foot of Ly
or a ay to
F.a Bead masterm
i for the above port received at thed
ppoLrm orns Louisian nd Teaa
Sufann orner atce, and nea .
TH.E Ie..sswfLL JAIJS.
To sail WEDNEDA,. March 17. at a.m.
This line composed of the iolow-
NF.P.O. HALSEY maeter.
will leave her wharf from foot of Touleuw
n ARRI**M Lasa
r reight or p dIt .oaufllr
_yi U u aaronX ite ig*
LITE EE.......10ooL......Jo
Tons Commanders.
-G BO.BBeLO........ 21to..... W om,
DPOBAT . ......... o ...... W. Jolon
BT N ........ ..180 .......
AUTOB ..........150....... a .
TOW .... ........14o...... .
. The stems
8AWN, TE..so10......on
HITOAN....D.....180......W. Wll
INVENTOB.......... e......John eyn.ldr
LEGISLATOR. . ....o LUA T. Burley.
MEDIATOR....-. _e7..... . .nur
OBAT B .........1.. . :. " ibs. t----
STATMANd ........ .. H he.
VANG ABRD..........1 W.G.oU.
WalRBIOR.... .....1220o......W.+L.Jone..
Hanney Commande..
will sail onaor about March i1. 1860. from IM
Will reoelye cotton and sign through bills o
ldnfor t e Continent, between Bavrs an
These steamsheps. ben of t dmr M
cross the bar of the elssip at aUm
without etenton.
For ire t.aply t-o LUdAS . MOORE.
dese ly 19 Gravler street. up stairs.
iAD ANnan Lloyd will resume their RgBegsl
'o rome toBremen. hrom N. 0-.
Hannomer...... .Janary 21 About -
Hhanna.and on their home trip at Havanna a
So P'1 ONhcpa ON PABSaGE
Prom Bremen. Southamptonor Havreto Nla.
ana or New Orleans-Cabin. $1e; Steerage. ma
Prom Nlew Orlean Southampton. Havre Q
Bremen-Osbln x150; Steem e. SA
Fom New nleans to Mavana--abin. {,
Ohilren under ten years. half priee; obua.
dren under one year free
N. B.-Our agents for Texas. Messrs. Ela
man I Runge, n Galvestn. are apthorized 1W
theroo t t9he

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