OCR Interpretation

Sunny South. [volume] (Aberdeen, Miss.) 1856-18??, November 08, 1860, Image 1

Image and text provided by Mississippi Department of Archives and History

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83026612/1860-11-08/ed-1/seq-1/

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VOL. 5.
Saving Store.
Jacob Gattman
HAVING received a large and well selected Stock
of all descriptions, airain inritos everybody to take a
look at hit Goods hefnro purehasitiff elsewkore, as he U
determined not to be beaten for Bel Bag Good Bargains.
It is imnossiblt to enumerate all of his articles ; he
only mentions that he has an entire new Stock of
Consisting of Bleached and Brown Do
' i mestics, Shirtings, Calicoes Plain
' and Fig'ired Delaines, Pop
lins, Plaids. Alpacas,
Merinos, Cloaks
Casiuieres and
Janes, Fliyuiels, BFk
Silks, Linens, Hosiery
aud Hdkf's. lloopskirta and Corsetts.
Ready Mads Glothing,
Hhirts, Undershirts and Drawers, Uosoojs and Cravats,
Neck-ties and Gloves.
Boots anil Siioes,
of all sines, Hats and Caps, Trunks and Umbrellas,
lllankets. Kerseys. Osnabtiiifi, and L.nsey. Tobacco and
Snuff. In fact, a fresh iiij.ynt vrerjrttaiu in his line,
lie ask particular attention to a small loti.f Carpeting,
titty pei cent cheaper than ever before ollerod iu this
Htrictiy adhering to a One Price system, he sells ut
a moderate advance on cn-t. .Seeiti? is believing. A
call from everybody respoetlutly solicited.
Oct. 4-, 'ti(l-tf. JACOB G ATTMAX.
J. L. Sadler & Co.
Have just received the followim;
NEMESIS By .Morion Unrland.
EI. r'UKElDIS By llio Author of the Lamp
Elev.ir of Gold.
.it i nt-.l II I j, ti I .
MAlMARE'l' MuN l'CUr',l''F, or the first Love
of Anr.m u rr.
THE MAUBI.K t'AUX-i-By Hawthorn.
erett. TIIK QUEEN' OF HEARTS -by Wilkte Col
lins, pr.VSIIONS SKItMOVS by Milburn.
ilK M1LL0N' TIIK I-lASd.
QUEEN OF S0C1ETV llltihtratcd.
Sept. o. lsco-tr.
Odd Fellows' MiiEI. lioyal Street,
MubiU, Mil.,
NAILS ninl SPIKES. WVymnuth brand
LIKIH'NIXti ROUS, Intent iuiirovf(L
various lmttci'iiH.
And a complete anssrtmout of Uricklayors' and Plas
terers' TOOLS.
A. Iarguau.1 line assortment or BUILDEUS' IIAU1)
The larost stock of POORS, CUAZF.n SAS1I AM)
UI.IN'DS to he found in the Southern Country.
The altimtion of Merchants, Uuildcrs and others is
respectfully solicited,
Fall & Winter
A daily In v-'tscipt of the JmniWrnnest Stock of
XV na o'r j)iimn:u!!i tur the nuum.
Our Stfk einltriiceHthe un-i.tf varifty -eripeRi;;lly in
the ISilk Dfjiiirtmeiit. whore nil the newest styles have
been nelt.'ct,pil in jiuinmh, hy our Mr. Smnm!y, with a
great ie,i. of care tiMiiit lue tan ten of out putionA.
Our Liidiiw (;i";ikj need no comment, as they spenk
for thotiMtilve". bvuig many lU'wunii himlMoruo styles in
the AjMortnwnl.
Ami, n tho wnynf l)re (It oilnfor the Ln'lies, the
.4wrdeeit Market U'.'vrr itut iH-useufc-mcn uiirmio'is,in
bracing everyt-iins do-sin-d.
Our Stock' of Uanly Mthlii (!!othini ami fJ-'ntf furnish-
I il it! 11 1
1 mm hffi Pll 1
2 IsmmumJ mMi 1
liU rnidr l- rticli eumwt f.iil to j.Uiise cvry ono who
li'ttild fjivor u with iv
We winh t. call i-njnH.il attnntion to the lnrae And
well fctflected Ktook of HitTiikiit. Kfr:cj.i, O'-nshttrgi.,
VhottM, Itirtm lluh.Kjr It-'ltinic !or li;tml. nnd muny
Mhomrticlejifilwsiyii unlunJ Call -m. mul -x iniine
nir .Vtock. A115. 3'M'Ml.
BV v'wUiq of n writ o!' j. fa. wlii. ii UwcA from the
itJBro of the Cci k of tin rir uit ( oiu t if Mniinm
t ounty.aiid to utu (liivtpl. mul .tt I'.var uf 1'. Kltly,
mwl ii(;iii)i4. Win. J. )i civor. s umc! CJ. ilrrwer,
have "l nA tT.Ui-11 iliv rUtwt'i! jif'tv-ity, v;r :
1 art til' L"tr2iiini U'U nil in .' a (M-rti.j.-n . irliu-h
1 will itttt-r lor "fill ft pa'tlt" v nl. In-i'nrtf tlio (inurt
Moo- Moor, In Aiwril'-M'ii;n tin i2'hihty of N'm-ymlwr
1 Ht forni'h to(;iti;y hh';i1 writ. ii!'l nit cttt. Mlc
TfitHin l'C'it h"uiw,
Oct U irtiu. id. J. il. j;in;i:so. ntr.
ornoys at Law,
July 17, 1859-ly.
WILL attend to the practice of his profession in Mon
roe and adjoining Counties.
August 4th, ls59.-ly.
Att'y & Counselor'at Law,
I A FILL attond to the practice of his profession In the
VV Courts of Monroe and adjoining Counties.
limes opposite the Court Uouso. ImayU-iy.
"j O H N B. TUCK E R , "
OiMts, tUonfrmr'l occunkd by R. 0. Reynold),
'ILL practice in the Courts of M""r "d f
joinins Counties. ' '
cmiMKAi- coi-KMOTiwci
AN 0
i Will attend to Selling. I'urchasing and Renting
T.iwn'l'i-oiiert.v. Lands, NoKr.ii', A... mar2t-5!My.l
ami ffimstl
'V T,AV,
l R K It E U J , M
I s s ,
11KNItK:lS i! ik professional services to ins inciius
and the public, idler the 1st day of August next,
hint. J.tn U. Iwiii-ty .
fV. Williams. ' J. V. Kuan no
Attorneys iui:l Counselors at Law,
WILL prietico iu the counties of Chickasaw, Monroe,
I .iwndes, Pontotoc, Tishomingo and Noxubee.
Will practice in the High Court of Error and Appeals
it Jackson, aud the r'pderol Court at Pontotoc.
jJluyillTin .
itlouSot . KBVNOI.1.8.
- A N t
Solicilois til Cbiniccry,
' ILL practice in the counties of Monroe, Lowndes,
V f Chi. -kasaw, Pontotoc, Itawamba and TishomiuRo.
1 1 1 li. i ilevii 1 C'lirt. at Pontotoc, and the lli!?h Court o
,noi a d Appeals at Jackson. Kelil"'S-ly.
0. w a lii.l'.li. .
. .11. .
A T T 0 It N E Y S A T L A. W.,
Ar,r;iuti''E.,-l-- , ,. .
UT. iVietie- iii the Courts of Monroe and a.ljnin
! intii-s, the Federal Court as l-ontotoo.ainl
the HkU(u.t.,r Km.rs..d Appeals aUa'Usn
-0 nci-On C'.iosluut Street, near the Court House
A'icicl on. Kcli IU, '. Iv. .
Solicitor in Chaneorjv
Abcrilten, : : : , M"''VP
TILl practico in the Counties of Monroe, Lowndes,
V Cui.'kHSaw. Pontotoc, It.uvaiulia and 1 ishomiui?o;
the IMrIi Court of KrroM and Appeals at Jackson, and
liio Fedurii ICourtat Pontotoc.
O.lice on Jeiferson struct, in front of the Court-House.
Feb 3, V!l-l.V
T ( 1 AV I A N I ) T j K.
.A.T Tj-A."W.
OFFICE- Opposite the (N.uit. lloiise.
Itteriicys at liSiw
ap"'iiii:hn, miss.,
WILL p,.Mce intn nui.tic- of .Monroe Itawa.n l,a
Puutntoc.Chi -kasaw, and i,...idcs. Aiso. in the K lc
Court at Pcntoto,. and in the llij.;h Cnnrt "1 ) '-""is
lAppeals, it Jackson. Ijoivl a
.'.i, A'C LAW.
AJl " " '
111! I.
tig Office one !)... above Mgft Acker'e Cilice. 1
Th. Ciicuit Courts H-liich lie attend will He licpnn and
hold t.r tho year lMtW at the lull iwiiig times and places ;
Co.. at Fulton, March illi aud Sciitcmber :)rd
Jacinto, . " iptii " inn
I'oiitotin:, April '.itli and October Hth
Ilcushiii, ' 2"rd " " '22nd
Abni'dneu, May I till and Xov'r 12lli
Colunilius.Aprili.fid ' October 22nd
Pittsboro', Marcli I2l.li and Sept. Inch
t .mti'toe
M mroe
Li wndes
0 lh mi
Tim Hnitijii St.tcs l)iriii.':rCin.;:iT for tlie oitlicrn
District of Mississippi is held al l'otitutoc the tirst Moo
day of June and llccciubcr of each year.
J iuiuir.T Is., IMiU. jail. ly.
AlMTdl't'll, iilis.
Xt. X) 1 111 naif OB.
Hon. A.O. V- Nicholson,
Thomas A Whittbonie.
Myein k (jantt,
Sykea & llullock,
Kriuraon A Fleming,
Judge N. Hreeii,
Judtfc Ah. C'aiuthers,
B. C. Kstes,
SVitliintin, T).C.
'Coiniulila, Xenn.
Lebanon, "
. " "
Kow York City.
XrV-. X3l. 23X33,
W .LL practice in .Monroe anil adjoining coun
ties. Prompt and immediate attention given to ali
dnin aenti'uBtcd to his euro,
K K t K B TO
Sum ney. Slrong k lCiny, )
V. ,1. Ikitun; VliiMiJecn, Misg.
Ii. 1) Leisly, )
Kb. Carullicrs, ) T ,
.... Libano 1, lenn,
N. UlTOII, j '
Mesfii-s. I.anicr, l!iljl)A; Co., New Orleans.
.VI .w. 81I1. 1 SliO-1 v-
Ilua.l Ache, F-;ir .;iia. T00M1 idio, cured In three
n.hrinnnHiin. Xcnruluna, Krv-diteln-a, Dyspppvila, Tit-
ihinifd lives. tVti'ii Throat, jiurnn, Sprains. J'ile-, Diar
rhea, f'-ints. t'o'.iuhs, Odd, Urdiichitis, Colte, Cramps,
VnU. Mtnixos Ciiuppd ll vnd, Ulcers, Bunions, Frost
ed Fert.
Or.VKK,(im:(HYA -0., rronricttrfl, Nadivillp,
T'-unnifttr, Sold in Iwrdeeii, by V. U, tartoii anft
Clocks, Watches, Jewelry
Spectacles, Silver V I'lalcd (tare,
i?Watchcs repairod at shortest notice, and warranted
Janl9'60 ly
not; Kit s v iTKET,
AKonipys and Counselors at Law,
AllkllVTymi-lM, MISS.
r Olric over Jolinson's Jewelry Store. JJ
F. b 24, '59-1 y.
New VachesRand Jewelry
W. H. Johnson.
fpHR subscrihet if now opening his purcha es, made by
X himself, from the most celt-bra tod Northern deulers
and maun fact urern. and he invites the attention of his
nntnmers and tin p:iMic gone rally, to what ho believe
to be t!ie Finest Htoukof (ionttH in himlino ever bronpht
to Aberdeen. Among many article he would upocially
name hin
which for fine workmuprthip, beauty and finish are un
.sum a sod in thin tionuiry.
Rich and Rare Jewelry.
Knibnieing the In test, a ylen nnd nowest patterns, inade
up from the very best nia'erinL.
ilvcr Ware aud Plated Ware.
A btnre lot, wuipri.-iiij; many rich and elK"-t articles,
which will be auld as low von. casu aa it i.an be bought
in the South.
SP -3 V "J j ?
A larre lot of Hue and plain, Tho best made.
3L Pens.
The celebrated "Morton" Pens; the best And mont
durable pen ever made ail Hi carats fine. Also a large
lot of
Fancy 5Lx?tioXos
and various jrnods, too tedious to mention, bought by
n.yfHf at low prices, mid which 1 can sell rhenp.
Every Article Warranted as Hqiresenled.
dono with nentncf.1 and despatch by the bost workmen,
. ob cash iinlt, as I must pay cash to my emploveos.
Kcpt22'S tf W. H. JOHNSON-
Monroe Coach Factory
f t l. I 1 I . h III lilh. In)' t)l.. Ul Nallo.Kt.fH tl.v h 1V
Ll received dnriiii; the past year, and respectfully eul'
the Rttentiou of the public to their choice selection o
Vehicles tbe nnw Imvo on band, and which they wiP
cmnnue to build of the best mutcri. Is from Eastern
ItiivinK tukci iki jnti'x-t'-t i:i thq liu.-iness, ..I liere-
itlti r be corjHt'.-ud under the nithie of
ilti r be cor.iHt'.-ud under the unriie
R'-peiriiutj-r r-i ;,i iv attended ta I
S. 11. Ali Work Will ranted.
nsi c;
U; t. ASIi.
j. e. fri:kman,
(.!. K. AliBOTT.
Live and Let Live.
At the Old Stand of
( an Up fo'uul STA VIA: & IHO.TTrSTlC
SliOiSS, L'MUItKLl.AS. t.'LUTlllMi,
i'C, A'c, A:o.
An Excellent Assortment of
LAMES' and MIS.?' HHOT.S and SilOKS, suitahio
for the present uciwoo, at prices to suit tho
In c'imect:on with the above, I have in storo and for
sale, a choice selection of FAMILY UROCEK IKS, which
i oiler at as rensmiiible prices as they can lie purchase,
elsewhere, at wholciiilo or retail consisting rt of
SOAi, ST A IiCl I , OA ! I,K,S. TO
I'l It'll.
liOX, &:,
July 3, '60 ly. J. W, HRKI1E.
OOO lbs Castings ini linliiii; cooking
uiensnsoi an uccripniMi.s ; tun rv.'iiii'ius,
and Firu-lraiis. at
Williams At Johnson's.
COTTON ANTiiUS ic F AC i t)ItS in h
country, usin.u fa-'innnn'ii Iron lie are hereby ne
tlhed llintwo will warrant inn! defend thciu aKaillst tho
ridii'iilous preleiio. cf (i- VV. i'KXNlsTDN, who ab
Htinlly p'etendji that our Tic is un .nlriiicinfllitof some
patent which he td;it he holds, nnd Miould lie attempt to
interrupt or impede them in tlio use of our tin by stiiti
or other proceedings, wc de-ire 10 be informed of the fact
so that we may have an nppoj-iuniiy of showing the ut
ter wnrtliiewucfaof his nsMii twiis of our rijtht to contcn
the use of our tie. E. V. FASSJUNN', . ' t
rilO the Juil of Monroe county, Mississippi, on the Snth
X July, ltfiK), a runa'.vay u.'.'ro boy, NF.LKON, who
says he belongs to William Willis, of Kcwton county in
lie? State.
Said boy is dark complexion, five feet 7 or s inches
hisrh, weighs liid lbs, In years old, art! had on Osnulairg
Shirt, Cheeked Cottonadca I'.iuts, lilack Wafd Hat and
Brown Jeanes (.'oat.
The owner is requested to come forward, prove prop
erly, pay charges and take him away, or he will be
dealt with as the law directs.
. H. J. B. LAXX, Jailor.
Athens. Miss., July SI, 1K00 w.
"Who w i . b a Hew Hat ?
rnHK un'lorniiriiM hits just received his WIUnG
w Silfi'IiV of UATHl.comprbinif a beautiful
1 variety,
and at all nrie.eH, iw low us any in the trade
i am exacting my 8iHnqr Clothing dnily, and would
nuff'Htto Geutlemm and Y'outliM, who love nice cloth
ing.the propriuty of waiting till mine ooino bpfore they
Fujiply thent.lvoH. D. JAMISON.
split river:
Patented by Win. J. Morton, of Franklin Co.,
Alabama, November i'Jth, 1859.
TIIH undersisnrd having purcliased tho night f.-r
Monroe, Chickasaw, Toutotoo, Itawamba and T ish
umingo nttes in a
for the purpose of inakinjr bankets, will bo around with
specimens. Those who niuy wih can be supplied with
Macihinein time for the noxtcrop.
rl 1 2'iifl-nm M V ItTt V 1! TT A X .
MY wife, Parah Davis, loft my bed and homo with
out S'lUleient cauxo, abom the Jitth of July last
therefore, I forewarn uit persons iroin trading with hor
en my account, as I will not be responsible for eny dbte
he may conlraet. lilBTOl'HKfi O. DA VlB.
JiHyt2'0-m. ,
J. M. BOYD & BR 5T II Eli.
If paid in advance $
If delayed 1'hroe months,. . .
If delayed Six months,....
If delayed Twelve months,....
v a Tir.fi ni AiTtrPTtT IT"
Mos.ie MoJ
Two do.
Hiree do.
Four do.
Ono-fotirth oolumn -Ono-third
One-half do.
One do.
All advertisements are allowed to be changed o
ncwed every three months, without additinnnlchargc.
" Advertisements n'ot marked with the nnmiier of in
.ertions required, will be continued and charged at the
rates of $1 00 per square aud 611 cents for .'aeii eoutinu
iriee. f?9"The advertisement of a house nnt be strictr
iniiunod to the loffitimato business in which they ere en
gaged when the contract is made. ' 4
" For annoiinoinir tiie names of eandioates for Hea
and County or City offices 5 00. and $U tie for District
or State ofiieos invarialdy in advance
KfW Ten lines always to constitute a Hquare all over
we square will be counted as two squares. '
9. All letters on liusiness should be addressed to
J. M. HOYD A Illil). 1'ubli.diers,
Its'" Judge Halliburton, the originnl ''S'ii Slick,''
has been amusing the people on the other side of tho
water with some very ra e sketches in the Dublin
University Magazine. As thef llowing extract is
peculiarly applicable to the present " cr sis," nnd
may serve to rub oil" some of the rough edges of
party feeling engendered during the recent politic
al contest, we transfer it to eur columns, with the
hope that our readers will duly appreciate its mer
its. Read it it is n pood thing "bouum ovum.'1
Always ;i Cry-sis.
Whi rover you go, people say the country is go
ing to the duvil. Well, 1 have heard that cry to
home, long before I saw ICn jlund, and yet wo l'O
ahead, in spile of such critters; we can't help
proKperin,' The only difference between the two
countries is, us I have said, people in Kngland
think they are going to the had place all the time ;
wo only think so once in (our years. I shall n v.
er forget what uncle I'ehg said to mo. once ;
" ISopli," said he, ' I used to take great interest
in politics once, but I have given it up now. It
don't matter a cent, I can see who is up or who is
down. There ain't much to chooso ninoing our
political parties, pelf, pickings and pntroimge,
salaries unit ollieers. is all ci her of them ciA e for.
When Jetl'jrsim was elected, savs I to my
country is ruined ; here is a free thinker, a
holder, a southerner, who has beat John '
1 110 jew r.nglnnu candidate, lie will s;ire.-:
delity through the hind, he will sap the m
our v uiili, he il 1001 in hnron,
involve un with France. th liri'i
ocu r.i r li ....uin,l
coiCjii'es.i Wt are don
riHtuhhcnn Oirit is fivod
1 ,. ffn ,, .10 i,t, n n,r n Ji iiie:u c
llnd u verdict, died by 3!Wdns oj,, ,m
1 sal up lute that nigntnf, prin'iolI wit i soon
patriots and heroi's of Itunker IMl and th"lnitlle
01 -VI ud Creek, to hear the result ol the 1 J et ion
for I'rcsulyiit, fur we were u lor John An) ins.
It was eleven o'clock at night when this news came.
We were all excited, drinking success to . , ains
und confusion to Jefferson, glory to the jiation,
prosperity to religion, perdition to free thinkers,
inildels and southern candidates, with other.' patri
otic tons' 81 when in rushed Dcncun l'operjohn, his
eyes staring six ways lor Sunday, his iiuir blown'
about like a head of broom corn, and his breath
almost cone. ' Hullo," sais I, " Deacon l'opcrj il n,
what is the matter with yon ?'' ' Why," s ays ho,
striking the table n blov with his list that nndo
all the glasses jingle nguin, ' I'll be din ned if that
old unbelieving Kilmer, Thomas JcH'crs-on, haint
brut Adams by 11 majority of one!" and lie burst
into tears. " Our gn at, nation is ruinati d, found
ered, swamped, irid cone for forever." There
waMit a word sreike for the matter of two minutes,
we were so dumbfounded. At last we all gave lip
togeiln r. ' Oh, iii-acii;iis !" said one, ' better we
had never fought unci bled.'1 " IMfer,'' said nnoih
er, " if we had never resisted the ISritii.li. Only
think of tl.nl unprincipled mini being elected over
such a true patriot as Adams!" nnd then we all
agreed the country was undone forever. Then we
consoled ourselves with drinking pi edition to Jef
ferson, and sat up a howl, in chorus, over old Huy
Slate, that took the lend, and bore tho brunt of
the revolution, being chiseled nut of its President
iu th'S way. At hist I fainted, as if I bad been
kno'ked down, and was carried home by four men
and put to bed.
' Are you sure you wa3u't drunk, uncle,"
sais 1.
" Quite certain," Raid he; " 1 might hi.ve been
overtaken I won't say wasn't overcome like, for
a very little will do that you know, when you are
excited but I am sure I wasn't sewed up, for I
remembered everything that happened. When
they brought me home, sais your aunt Nebl y to
ine, ' Pcleg,' sais she, what on airlh is Ihe mutter?
1 llavo you licen rnnnud over?' 'No,' pais J.
' Have you had a full, dear?' 1 No, it ain't that.'
' Thet. what is it, love V ' The nation linn,! .d.
Jell Jell ferson is elected, and the r Ti ep
public has gone to dev il.' til, I tvfj .-v.il she,
'you are in a fair v:.y t0!f 1 l''m youVo.if, act
ing in that prcposte 1 ens manner. Who cares
whether Jefferson is elected or nortrc-V.(inucd.
' 1 am sure 1 don't can'. What is it to tluTiir.es ol
us'f" ' l's only grief, Nvbby,' sais 1. ' inv heart is
broke.' 'Is that ail, you devil,' sais ;.hc, it's
luck, your precious neck isn't broke;' und she
colic I the nigger helps and hauled tne oil" io bed,
and the way she tumbled tne in wasn't the wuy she
put up her best cliiney tea set, I can tell you.
Oh, 1 couldn't have been drunk, for 1 recollect ev
ery word that passed.'
'" Well next morning I woke up none of the
earliest, I can tell you with a thundcrin' head
ache, and my heart e'en a'uiost br"ko. I called,
and culled ever so loud, before I could niako any
one bear me. At hist up come your aunt, looking
v fierce as a cut fucin a dog. ' What's all that
nois?' euid I. ' The girls at their spiniti wheels,'
sais she. 'Stop em,' sais I, ' it's no use now;
Jefferson is elected and the country is ruinated. '
(riucious, how her eyes Hashed at that, she stooped
down, sc'wd the bod clothes just under my chin,
drugged them off, and throw them into tho coriiur
of tlio room.'
" Now. get up this instant, and go and look af
ter the spring work, or we'll he ruined in airnest.'
' It's no use,' said I, ' if Adams had got in, the
country would have been saived. Ho was the
father of the country. But Jefferson I Oh, dear;
the jig is up now. Vou thou't I was drunk last
night but I wasn't ; and you pee I am not lipaey
now. I tell you wo lire done for.' " Well, she
altered her course and Bat down 011 the bed along
side of me, and said : ' Dear Pclog. it you love 1110
don't talk nonsense. Let us reason it out. (And
this I think, Peabody, yon must havejiinnd it out,
that women, though they like to pull before the
wind, know how to tnck, too, when it' iile ad.)
' Now,' auid she, 'Pcleg dear, suppose John Ad
ams, tho ineun, stingy, cioso fisted enuring old law
yer, had got in you know you pay Inm fifteen
cents a tun for the granite you take to Boston out
of the quarry, at Quincy ; r.uppwo y.iu went to
him and said. President, f did all my possibles at
2 50
; 3 00
4 00
rtrf.-tl 6 00
f von iiii.oa
12.00 Cj 25.00
le.00 20.(,cl MM
I l 35 M
,T4f. 40.C0
Ji-.-- 45.00
,il flO.IIO
li 75.00
your election for you, will you let nit have it for
twelve cents ?' ' No, I don't think he would,' sai 1
I. ' Well, you owe neighbor liulord two hundred
dollars i spopinj you went to Adnins and told him
your claims, anu itsUod him to lend you that a-nounl
to prevent Ilurford suing you, woiild he lend it to
vou ?' ' No, I don't think he would, unless I gave
him a niortgngc, mid paid cv.x fo much expense,
' Well then you see, he would do no Rood.'
" Now, Jcllcrson is in, and I won't jruinsay you
you about hischuracter, for thciuth Tic talks lioeral
about slaves, it's well known that he bus sold some
of his own half-caste children. Cr.tit. Oav ', of
lied linn!;, who eoi'3 every year to Charleston,
Virgiuin. wiih i carito of onions, hf.ms, mid eof-
Willi u canto 01 onions, lif.ibs, unci col-
fins, sais it's the common talk there.' 'Ain't '.lint 1
euuufrh to ruin the rising genemtion,' snio I. 'No,'
Huts she, 'but to ruin his own character.' I
" Well, now that ho is in, what harm is hegom
il,.i iv...'! u. .,..,,..1
W 'uu ' " " ' T . f ,, 1 'iK 7 ""T" ,
'IVe . I siinnnso it wil . if tbn oorlv I rost lion .
.,,'.,, ,. ,, . ' ,
wtii li. i;u 1 111; cults !itu iiiiii. uiiu 1110
i,, , . , . ., ,, , ,,1,
sheep wool for sheering, as they used Co clitl r (
'Will, 1 can't deny that 'And won't the colts
grow up lit for market us before, for every year we
got more nnd more for our horses?' 'Well, I
won't contradict you.' 'Won't our children grow
up a9 fast?' 'Ah, there is the rub,' said I, 'they
grow up too fast now nine chiudren iu twelve
years, us we have '
' I couidn't finish tho sentence. Sle gave it to
mo tit st on one cheek and then 011 the other, like a
ft ink, and then she went to the wash stand, got
hold of tho ewer, swnshed the whole of the waier
in my face, cut out of the room, leaving me shivery
and slinky, like a fellow in the Hgiie. Weil, it was
in the month of March, which you know, in Eng
land don't give Ihe sun-stroke; the bed clothes
had been nil' some time, and then cume the cold
bath, so 1 ops, dresses, nnd outs in notimo. When
1 came down stairs she was wnitin for me in the
entry. 'Pcleg. dear.' said she, 'I want to S'ty a
word to you ; come into this room ; here is a most
capital breakfast for you tea, collee, smoked sal
mon, crumples doughnuts, preserved quinces, done
by my on bauds and everything you used to
like. There is one little favor, dear,' (and .she put
her arms tiroiitnl my neck, tin 1 kissed me ; and
who in the win Id could stand that? fori never
could.) 'tir.'in'eii,' said I, 'before you noine it.
What is it ' 'Xcv r bother your head uhout elec
tion ; a vote is n curse to a 111011 ; it involves liini
in polities, cxeiles him, raises a bushel of enemies,
and not one fi ii nd
And makes him look lipsey, I
no :, u u kii in., 1 i iy;it , 1 111, 1 111 .1 III 11 . lliu li li-.L ill ;
li. ,,... . .r .1 1. '. r... ..... ..1.1 1 ....
.;.; .,., ,1,..' '.Si.. 1.... . ...
llijui.il. J. Llll.Mlt. IUII OH lllill, ilUU, S.I.S I, 1111 j
I ......... 'i. I .1 ' 1 If - 1 ..1 t ..I... !
x vv.i;-ii 1 1 nu iimui,' yui . kji :iiui."j iiui, s ;e
,1 .... t .. .11 .1 1 . 1
rum, 1 m-u 1 was 10 online 10 1 111.10" im was. ,
T ,., 1 , , , . ., , I
u Un IIUIIU UUI U1VI1 IMIMIieSQ. tlllll II I llll'lll I111IIU
theirn.' 'I will,' sais I, 'you will never hear me j
talk politics as long ns 1 live, I can tell you.' 'Ah,'
said she, 'what a sensible man you are, Pcleg ;
yeur judgemcut is so good ; you are so open to
conviction; only place' a thing In fnro you ' 'as
pretty as you, Nabby.' sais I, 'and it's ail right.'
1 " Well, we hud a sort, of courtiu' breakfast that
momin', nnd parted on excellent terms. I was
the most sensible man in all creation, and the lov
i liest ; ai.d instead of fancying that the country
wa- going to the devil, we pitched botli V,d Jeti'cr
I so,, and .Id Aduois to him. Since :at I Ltvt ; t '
busines, nst.,l !, r tlmt'of tba ttH.ton? and I oVL
serve that li.oike.s, lawyers, merchant! and fun ! v
cis grow rich. Poliliciar.s are like ca-.tion binls, j
always poet, crocking, ami nungry, and not over
perlicular as to the flavor ol their food, or how
they obtain it. If Jefferson had, uftor our inde-1
prudence, taken to cultivating
. , , . .. .
the estate 1. is lather
loll hint, he wouldn't havo had 111 Ins old age to j
sell it, be a rascally lottery, u.s I111 did.
The Tirst l'riutud Hook.
It is a re.narkiil.il' and most, interesting fact, that
the very first use to which the discovery of print
ing was applied, was the pioiiuotion of the holy
Bible. This whs accomplished tit Menlz. between
the years Hod ami Moo. (iutleiibiirg was the
invenler of the art, and b'aust, a soMiimth, furn
ished the necessary luuds. Ilud it been a single,
paire, or even un entire sheet, which was then pro
duced, .there might hive been less occasion to hii"c
noticed it. ; but there was some'thing in tiie whole
charade: )of the affair w hich, if not unprecedented,
rendered it singular in tho usual current of human
events This Bible was in to folio volumes,
which have been j'.Hly praised for the stienglli
and beauty of toe paper, the exactness of the reg
ister, and tlie liHter of tiie ink. The work con-
Ir.iued twelve hundred nnd eighty-two pages, mid ! " c'"'u ' ,0"'' "" """. e re
iK'insr the first ever printed, of course involved a I proacl. .f "white Slavery bo removed forever
long period oi time, and an inim-ns,. amount of I from 'he skirts of your petitioners. About your
mental, manual, aid :nechinird labor: and vet I'1-"1 10 ''"a"at"' hi' "I""1 distribution of
for .. lom lime ,.(ir ir bad been Cnl.lipil un,', f.
feml (or suie, not a single human beiilg, save Ihe
artists themselves, koew how it had been accom
plished. Of the first printed Bible, eighteen copies tire
now known In be in existence; four of which arc
printed on vellum, two of these a.e in K.igSnnd :
one being in tlie Orenvillo collection. Otic is in
the royal library of Uerlin, and one in the royal
library of Paris Of Ihefoiirte n reniuiiiin .r cop
ies, ten tire in Kngianil ; tbern being a copy in
tlie libraries of Oxlord, Kdinburtrh, tied Loudon,
and seven in the collections of diff rent nobkineii.
The vellum copy has been sold ns high as eighteen
hundred dollars.
Thus, us if to in u k the noblest purpose to wliicli
the art would ever be applied, the fir.-l book print
ed with movable metal types, was thellible. iVi'
York Stsih
iletltru of Joseph lJ'llbielC.
We are frratiuV.1 to learn that our friend and
retunieJ to the United .States. 1 anuounciog tils
I U lllo-liK I. I li nil' HI ri.n .1 i.Cnl It li t'llil'f ll J
t ..... ii..- .il' unsi nl ih'k nnd thini" hr. ir siliunt tinti' in trt
un ival, the New York JJerM says : '
Joseph Bariiierc, who was sent to Europe
June last, us Cuuuuissioiicr from the Hiuie
Tennessee, on the q.icsiiou of ' J)u eet Trade, '
was a p.in.-.i'pgcr by the Adriatic, und bus tukm
rooms ut thcLvcreit House. We learn that so far
us the initiative is coueeniiedlbu mission is a coin
pletc liueccss. Ale. Barbicie visited over two
hundred and lifiy inauuCtc lories iu Bclgiu.n and
Germ. my, and succeeded in personally presenting
the Htibjeet to the manufacturers, iu inducing tliein
toiuake a trial shipment. Accordingly, lire iienry
halves Antwerp Ibis month for 8nvi.i.n.tli, Georgia,
with a cargo of usjuru.il goods ol Belgian and
German manufacture. Theso fabrics wi ll be ex
hibited at a pair to ha held in December next at
Mucon. Thus, then, this next conn, erciu! move
ment may be regarded us a fixed Ihct. .1 remains
to be seen whether Southern merchants will sus
tain it. 1
-.- -
M. K. Ciickoh. Soi'TU. I:rrniiESTii Statistics-
The annual conference of tlio Methodist Episco
pal Church South, which hud been ten days in ses
sion in St. Louis, adjourned on the 22d. Ailus
ding to it, the Republican says :
The gentlemen composing tbn-t body have return
ed to their several houic't, or ireon their way thith
er. They l.ave the good wishes; of the members of
the church iu this city, and will resume their min
isterial labors with renewed energy, nod we doubt
not much proliitcd by the debes of llio recent
According to some stitistics relative to the nu
merical strength of tlie -M. 11. Uhuich, South, read
by the Secretary on the last di.y. there are now
in the bounds of this' conference : White moni
tors. 1!),C17. whi e probationers, ofiiil) ; colored
meinhoi's 13.r i colored probationers, 327 ; Iwcai
270 ; total increase thi? yeur, 1128 ; tot.it ineinh r
ship in the bounds of the coiilbretiLf, exchib'.ve ol
traveling preach.'r-. 23, 3,"S.
Soulh t ur.iliiuiN Petition to C'ungrcss Against
White Slavery.
Charleston, Oct. 8, 18IW.
We send you a copy of a petition which will be
presented by the people of the cotton Stales to
Congress should Mr. Lincoln ho elected. The
original is in this city, and will be signed, wo be
lieve, by every right thinking man, when the time
tomes. Its insertion iu your excellent oaner will
', jnl,i ,,... r.,. :i ..,...'.,., fri...i.
.. . ., .
The undersigned, citizens of the cotton S'.ates,
rcspcctlullv slu.w to vonr honorable bdv, that, at
. 1 . -'...'
tho liri-sent tunc, there exists in tlio htntcs ol .Vlas
1 rt i 1 v i .
siichus.'lts, Pciinsvlvunin and New V ork, but more
. . ,, ., . ,r .. ,. ' ... ,
specially in the cilv of New J'ork, a great and
growing vil, for winch, ns ciliz. ih of this vast
consolidated government, they fear that they, too,
must be held responsible to f !od us we, I as to man,
and for the eradication o( which, at every hazard,
they are bound as good Chrintinns. to strive,
Your petitioners mean tlio institution of iOiitc
slavery" in its most shocking n 1 id repulsive fo.'in.
Your petitioners have been credibly informed tlint
in the above nuiiU'd nlnees there a-e now hundreds
r ii . ,...,.! , . r ii , .,. , , ,. . r ,1 ... ,i..,i,..,,o I
, ,,' ' . . "' , ", ' ''';
aznrcttos. nnd rirwons of b.iirietp. ht'siib m the r l,v :
unlive paupers, many of wluen work from morn
ing until night, for Iroin 18 to .10 cents, while oth-
ors unwilling to work for so little, or to work at i
all. support themselves by begging and stealing.
uu l miserably perish, some for want of bread or j
S'lfiicient clothing, in the public st-eet.s, even in I
the presence of the luxurious ami wealthy ; others j
in the prisons or on the sraltnld ; that most of ;
these unhappy peonhi are pri'oundly ignorant of!
it,..; ,.;.,ii ..,.,'1 ....ii, :..i.i... .,.i ..'.. . 1
cnuraged from iufaney'to the grave, to repudiate i !'"t;'!ll!"'t'' i'Vgod in procuring further sub
ii,,. i;,i !.. .,.i ,1 ' ; fi . . e 1 1...1..I.I.. 1 seripfions to the road to ensure its earlv construe
Cod. Of tits condition of tilings your petitions tln,rl ,,irm,,"h Attalta on the ,, unci ion, with the Ab
es cannot vi-v well conceive : for though tiK.v crdei'i. end, and, as tho sooner the road reaches,
are sluvebolders themselves, ami have always lived I "''' -UtB ?MT w.'l! r ,r''l,lr"'1 ,tn.X
among slave, v t tln-ir slaves are by nature of a 'f made available, and our cithers he placed m
dill', r ..i,t and itiferior race of men, for whose lives, j d'r.'c communication by one coni.tmous road wi h
health, ca.ef.ti nod religious instruction it is nnd j Hie Crescent C'ty. and as with an increase of subs
.,. 1... i,,,,,,, ,., , .,,, ., ;,-,! scnpt.on, too, the letting out at an earlv day, of
your pen:. .morn interest, ns It IS
your faditioncrs' intv, to ciirc to the utmost, le
., i
h tlu v tiever can L'oeom citizens of this !
great demoeraiic icitiim, us well on account of
tli.nr coioriis to "!r mien
and they never per-
, , ?
ish lor Want of I
', shelter or protectioi
but the ' white slaves' of tho li'orth ti.enotoi.lv
not ot un inferior caste but tnuny of them were
born citizens, und all of thorn limy become citiz' ns, j
of tlii.; great nation, and in every respect, the equal j
of their masters. Your petitioturs. lir nly per
suiid' d that no peoplu who will permit s i much I
wrong and injustice toconiiniH' can cxp ct ;he fa-1
vor of (jlo,!, mid that in this consolidated govern
ment your petitioners, as well us llui people among
whom it exists, must answ f.r this crying sin,
have rcsi.lv d tmst respecifi:!! ' to gni'irxt to vour
lonora'-.f-i l.o.yl':c ;.i o;;, e.-l , ol era.) :'? thui d
- - '' ' ' ' " i'
'" V ' ''!V""7" ',V,'.,nt --,,c ' !I,
?y ' p' i Vi ? V
i ',,rK' M ,c"" 'ln- '".V11.'" ''"i"";"-l
white slaves, an. I some! hues to their masters, that
i Zv . ?, , '. ,. . "!'
, i.ll , ..I II II 1, . 11 11 III. I rlli. II i,i , Hi L I I . I U U' 1
1 , , ,, , ., . , , . ,. ,
1 .in., ' hi ,ii inn , int. in- iia iniseiv av-su;ii-
I ed that all white labor is free labor t'hti ib'i he
well knows that in no form is African slavery us
uop-et and degraded as is the pauper labor of his
own .State; and he has artfully concealed from lh(!
aforesaid masters, while: he has made it plain to
their'' white slaves," that his irrepressible conllict
ii?, in truth, the emiiliet betwen poverty on the
one side, and wealth 011 the other, and that', to this
cntill'ict the red republican.1, of France and Ihe
black republicans of Atneri ' i own their existent'; ;
but your iolilioaors are willing th.it he who plant
ed tlio seed of Ibis n. r.iri.in doctrine in oar soil,
and the people who have watched the tree- in its
growth. sl.Oild he the liist to luste of its fruit.
They, therefore, pray your honorable hod'.' t cause
a lair nnd equal division of all th.! property, real
and personal, trolj and silver, goods h i chai els of
all kinds, held and owned by th-i people of the
' above numeil States, to be 1n.1l.. among th. m ail,
' s 1 that le reul'tor there nr.y be 11 1 ooor intin. wo-
I't'opony, u excellence and l.oaiity ot .Mr, Sew
.no s niicirui';. mere can ne no doubt, now that we
live under a consolidated government, wherein the
will of Hie majority in Congress is the 0 nstitu
lion, l.'tit il, with your aid. wo shall have remov
ed tins dark and damning sin from Ihe conscien
ces, as w- II of ourselves us of our distant breth
ren of the North, it. will not be either meet or
proper, perhaps hardly decent fot us to begin to
think of inr own oil lines (if any we have coui
iiiiltei'Oiigain.d morals und rclieiuo.
Jrant iiso.tr prayer, wh eb is designed to pro
mote the very best interest of Northern society,
ami we will, as in duly bound, ever pray, &e.
Signad already by lens of IhotH inds in anici
patior.. -4.0. -ft-
31;i trimou ..I Hi.U l''ii.iu..cii.l.
A southern planter mimed P, once lived on the
eastern shore of .Maryland. One of tho strongest
and most, marked traits of Irs ch '.'.'. etcr was in
i ' ' V u. '"'
- -
! 'rM- w''."t ' ri'fl,,"r'!,f vil1,":-;
1,1 u"; c"" s , 1 " " s ,"lr,Hmwu lo "K
ICl Ol O UOgO l.
' Ibin r line iral !" f-o'd the enibrvo speculator to
! bis friends,
! aiiioni- the
were gaining iiiiu un entrance
" Very !"
" How much miu'lit Jmlge II. be worth?"
" Whv, about ten thousand dyliiirs!'' was
" And how many cliildreu has Judge B.?" con
tinued the inquirer.
"Only three."
" Three into ten goes thrco times and a third
over." menially cyphered P.
Here was a ciiu.ice a glorious chance and he
improved it. too. Ho muiin love to the beautiful
and unsophisticated danghler of the judge, with all
his possession.". Sti nne to say for he w iisan un
couth cub ns ever went unlocked his suit )roz
percd, and they were married. The honeymoon
passed oil' as all other honeymoons do, and tliey
were happy. The bride was lively and chatty, and
often made allusion to her brothers and sisters.
Startled at a number of mimes he thought should
not be iu the catalogue of relations, one. evening at
tea. he said :
" My dear, I thought there wcro only three of
" So tlu re sre by ma, but pa's first wife had
eight more."
" hilcvet. into ten,.iin ;hc. mfl unrii one, orrr,"
Held tne Ui-itotii-lK'd
. who jumped iii and kicked
over tne chair, noil ground in pi elect agony:
"I'm sold! I'm .old and and nnd n sight
cheaper than imv old bell-weather sheep al
Reading makes a learned man. writing a c irtic
man, speaking a ready man, thiiiging a great man
and praying a pood man.
or i'
" What ails yt ik
I told a niun be lid,
t'V", J e i
The cu- Orleans Kiiilroud.
Among the visitors to our town during the pros'
cut week, has been our friend, G. 1. lluslanwnte,
tisq., of Kosciusko, the indefatigable Agent, to
procure subscriptions to the capital stock, to tho
N. O. J. & (i. N. Kuilroad. Prom Mr. Bwo
glean the following information with regard to l!'
road, in the early completion of which tho citize13
of our country feel such a lively interest,
The graduation upon Messrs. (tocko, Bradford $
wr. uniiuuiui & nines, irnni I anion to uic 1 11-
li,,a Mill I., Ai..ll.. 1 I, ....J
...p ..1,,,, ,1, .-L.iaim couniy, lias uluii i;uitniriiAi,
,, iiv xpuil l lib 1 ciUilllllll Itllliivaw
tiusko, is being rapidly pushed forward by the en
ergesic contractor. Col. J. M. Wesson, whose suli-
j'ontifletiirsbaVe about 400 bifida Un thf work.''
'fhe iron for ironing the 40 miles from Canton to
KoHu-Uo, has been porch ised, and the work of,
tnt k aying will be commenced at Catiton"iiext Jni i
nary, and, should the funds not. fail, the cars will
be running to Kosciusko by the first of Iecember
1801. At tho Aberdeen end of the road, tho
work, of construction south is also in a very for
ward stale of progress under the direction cf
Messrs. Barker, lingers, and McAllister, who ex
pect to have their work co nyletcd to the junction
with the M. &. O Pwadroad. nine miles distant,
nnd ready for the Locomotive by the first of No
vember. ISIil.
With regard to Ihe business of the road it
1 daily on the increase, and as to its nhatrs, under
"Ml3 on the '"crease, an
the present efficient management they continue in
1 . .K .. . .
a most, prosperous condition. Ihe total earning r
of the road for twelve months, ending the 31st f' f
August lSfifl. were one million two hundred and
twenty two thousand and seven-hundred and for-tv-two
dollars, an increase of three hundred and
forty-one thousand and tyenty-six dollars, or it
fraction over 40 per cent, over the receipts for the
year endin? August 18-V.). In Ihree years it is
estimated that the estimates of the road will ronch,
fully two millions of dollars per annum. Mi.
the whole route through Choeliiw, Oktibbeha,
Chickasaw and Monroe, to tho juttetion w ith thrf.
Aberdeen, and is secured beyond contingency J
we cannot, therefore, recommend too strongly (lie.
mission of Mr. B. to our county. Choctaw lie-c-rriJer.
A11 Original Mory.'ouiicicd on Facts.
' ' Why didn't you advertise your Seed Rye ?"
" I have; don't you see that Inrgo board with
" Seed Kye fur side here' on it ?"
' Yes, but 1 subscribe for the Daily Si;n, and
not ttiiit board. 1 would pre.'er to buy n.
from you, but the fact is, I did net suppost j
any, or it would have own in the bun. I
) s tolvertiseinent -l.cro ol I'yebT scle
iust'naiJ hiui n. '-'( rod. ibr ' 1
.'.t .i jlio In. a 1. e".',
you, you niiist not lorget to notify us through the
papiTsthatyou liave r-tich things for sal
the Daily papers up o'.tr way, and the Sn espo-
ClUI1 .
Tlie above dialogue was an actual occurence,,
which took place in our city not many moons since
as related to us, by one of the parties. It carries
its own moral without troubling us to point it out.
What is therein set forth in regard to tho Sun is
equally true of every daily and weekly paper in
tlie laud. Advertise, advertise, is the word. Tho
people are fast becoming a reading people, and are.
more than ever consulting the columns of the
.Newspapers to find out where they ran obtain their
necessities, without the trouble of a "wild hunt,"
when they visit the city. Sun.
A Religious View of the Question.
From tho X. O. Crescent.
Oct, 22, 18(10. (
Kt) Ciiesckxt: In this; day of our peril, us d
nation, it is quite time that wc should remember1
in whom our fathers trusted, and turn our hearts
and our prayers to that God whom we profoss t'l
worship, and in whom alone is our help. Tha
glorious old "40th Psalm" is worth moru than a
thousand political homilies;
"The Lord is nur refig' nnd strength, a very
present help in troubie ;
" Thereiore will not we li ar though tho earth
tie removed, and though the mountain!! bo curried
into the nAlst of the sen.
" Though the wub rs thereof roar, anil be trou
bled ; though the mountains shake with the swels
liiu thereof."
Permit me to ask that you will publish the fol
lowing most excellent suggestion, which I was
really delighted to llnd in one of the papers of the
2i!d inst. If this suggestion shall becaTicd out
by tlie (Jovcrners ai I tho people of tho Southern
States in its proper spirit we need not have ono
moment's fear but thitt our perils will be over, nod
our national peace and prosperity shall be as a
broad ami deep river. ( Jod bless the mull Pint firt
made und published this sucgestion ; and lie will
bless the nation, or the man that honors Kim.
The liingunge of the ho?y scripture is, " Blessed
j is the niun that trustctli in the Lord, nod whose
; hope Ihe Lotd is," and the words immediately fol-
lowing are, " Cursed he the man that trusteth in
.null and maketii flesh his arm, and whose heart
.!..,. ,rl,.l. fro... the I.ord."l.lereiniali If. nth
l r . i . . ' ..
,!uv Cod deliver ns and save uj in this fearful
hour! Truly fours,
Pi i'KAi. to Tim (Ion of Xations. A corrcss
I'.onilciit ol t.'ie Charleston Courier sends us the
following coinmiiiiicaiion, to which we invite tho
attention of our leaders :
It is rcspocifnlly requested, iii view of tho pres
ent political ilif.'crelices, that the Executives of tho
Southern Slates, and of others who may desire to
join, do appoint a dac, and tlie same day of tin!
week and month, for humiliation and prayer to
Almighty Cod, to guide tho Councils of fiu'ul
.Mates, 'ind to aid and direct the people of tho
same, under any and all circumstances arising
from those differences.
And that the Executives of the several States
uni'.icd do recommend to the people of ll.esauio to
observe the appointed day, by assembling iu prayer
according to their various denominations, at about
(he same hour of the day, so as that but one voice
sl.ull go up to the throne of Him that sits in. judg
ment over the earth, un.i holds the destinies of
nations in His hands.
if The wbe curry tin ir knowledge, as they
do their watches not for display but lor their own
'sJ?Wh,s is a mull like a fool? Because It
holds u lady's liatid without squeezing it.
J A Western editor sncakine of a concert
j singer, savs her voice is delicious pure as tho
moonlight, and as tender us a three Ehillinj
When is a lover like a tailor
his suit.
. -
When lioprcsti.
Why is any thing reconsidered nccounted or
table? Because, it is considered fl-oni,
Did any o-i" ever s"c toe umbrella agu whlj'J
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