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“yWhat Shall T Do To Be Saved?” The Kingdom of Heaven is so adapted to human nature and needs (being here. on earth by God’s ‘Ap pointment, a visible Society with Di vinely ordained Sacraments, of Ini tiat'ion,and Continuance) that the yearning cry of humanity, “What shall I do to be .saved?” is met by plain directions: See Acts 2:37—42. 1. Repent and be Baptized. 2. Con tinue steadfastly in the (a) Apostles’ Doctrine and (b) (Apostles’) Fellow ship, and in the (¢) Breaking of the Bread, and in (d) The Prayers. It is entirely within the scope of the will to accept, or reject, or neglect these Divine conditions.—Selected. ' We can not too earnestly impress upon all persons, the real purpose for the existence of every Parish-—-Sp’rit— ual Growth, and the preparation for Death. There may be other uses made of a Parish, but none can cloud this thought.—Selected. : NOTICE. All of the members of the Galilean Fishermen are ‘hereby notified to at tend the Dedication Ceremonies for James E. Stewart and others at Sharp Street . Cemetery, Sunday afternoon, August 1, at 3.30 o'clock. | By order of Columbus Gerdon, | Joseph P. Evans, | C. H. Ennis, Committee WATERS A. M. E. CHURCH Rev. A L. Gaines. D. D. Pastor, 11 A. M. Sermeon by the Pastor, and Sacrament of Lord’s Supper 2.30 P, M. Sunday School Ses sion, 6to7P. M. Vesper Services. J, F. Waters, Superintendent J. W. Woodhouse, Secretary. ST. PAUL’S CHURCH Sara toga St. near Carey. Rev. S. A, Virgil, Pastor, Sunday August 1. 11 a.m. “The Called and the Uncalled.”” Bp. m. Communion Service. Sermon by the Pastor. All members are expected. Bring your Envelopes up to date, | GRACE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Dolphin and Etting Streets. Rey. W. Edward Wil liams, Minister. August 1. 11 a. m. Sermon subject; “‘A Queen of Ethiopia.” Bp. m. Short sermon. Cool Room, All Welcome. GREEN SPRING M. E. CHURCH, Chattalonee, Md, Rev. Levi B. Miller, Pastor, Sunday August 1, 8 p, m. The trolley ride to Green Spring Church is the most beau tiful and refreshing of all the out of town trips. Take Emory Grove Car, and get off at Tobins. SHARP ST, MEMORIAL and ST. PAUL’S CHURCHES In Union Excursion to - Brown’'s Grove FRIDAY AUGUST 13, . Union means everybody of «ac¢ h Church.. Tickets 25 Cents. R ev. M.J, Naylor, and Rev. S, A. Virgil, Pastors =~ : Program for the Month of August} } Paradise Grove. - | Sunday, Aug. 1, at 3 F. M.—Rev. 1. e A Virgil and congregation.. - 8 P. M.—Platform meeting under the auspices of the Woman's Home , Missionary Society. | John Wesley Band, Captain Samuel* T. Anderson, leader, will have charge of the prayer meeting. | Sunday, Aug. 8 at 3 P. M.—Dr. Junius Gray, pastor of Psalmist Baptist Church. 1 8 P M__Rev. C. H' Lowry. | Mt. Ziom Singing Band, Captain William Kenedy will have charge of the Prayer Meeting. | Thursday, Aug. 12—Grand Union of all the Sunday Schools of the city, under the auspices of John Wesley and Metropolitan Sunday Schools. Mrs. Jennie Mills and Prof. G. W. Owens, superintendents, respec tively. Rich program for the oc casion. f Sunday, Aug. 15, at 3 P. M.—Rev. Jos eph Reason, pastor of Mt. Zion Baptist Church. | 8 . M-Rev. Charles Plato. The Water’s Chapel Singing Band, John Cornish, captain, assisted by the singing bands of the above named churches, will conduct the Prayer Meeting. Sunday, Aug. 22—A1l meetings will be " conducted at the Grove. 1 K M _.The puastor,’ Reyv. Dr Ernest Lyon, 3 P. M.—Rev. Nathaniel Carroll, ~ pastor of Centennial. 2 P M—Rev Wm. T, Harris will have charge of the Union Love Feast. All Christian people of every denomination are cordially invited to join in this service. Monday, Aug. 23—Encampment of the Boy Scouts at the Grove. All Scouts are cordially invited to join the John Wesley Scout Boys in making this a great occasion. . Sunday, Aug. 29, at 11 A. M.—Sermon by Dr. Ernest Lyon. 3 P. M.—Dr. W. Edward Williams, pastor of Grace Presbyterian Church. 8 P. M-~Beginning of the #frst march around the walls of Jericho, led by all the Singing Bands of the city. BSamuel T. Anderson, captain. Magothy Band, John Hall, captain, in charge of Prayer Meeting. ANNUAL STATE BAZAAR AND CARNIVAL. You are invited to the first Great Annual State Bazaar and Carnival on the beautiful farm of Mr. Stephen Watkins, Ellicott City, Md., Thurs day, September 2, 1915, by the How ard Coanty L. P. 1. League, and the Atholton M. E. Church. _ Features: Automobile Show, Grand Horse and Colt Show, Baseball and Tennis, Beauty and Health Contest, Marathon Race, Grand Parade, Ora tions on the Progress of the Race, Grand Concert and Display of Fire work at Night. Awarding of prizes. Tickets 23 cents. Mr. Stephen Watkins, presi dent, Ellicott City; Mr. James Carter, secretary, Guilford, Md.; Rev. Wm. N. Holt, manager, 1711 Loorman street, Baltimore, Md. MOORE’S RESTAURANT George C. Moore, Proprietor FIRST-CLASS SERVICE 1018 Druid Hill Ave. At Oxford St BALTIMORE, MD, Phone, Mt. Vernon 1823 JOSEPH A. MARSHALL The Afro-American Marble & Granite Worker All Kinds of Marble and Granite Work Solicited 1033 Druid Hill Ave., Baltimore, Md We Lead—Others Follow I carry a Full Line of Human Hair Combings made in Puffs and Braids MADAME ]J. CREDITT’S Hair Dressing, Face Massage and Manicuring Parlors 1140 Druid Hill Avenue Entré;l—cé- on Dolphin St., 3rd Floor CHARLES CARROLL: NEWSDEALER, 1134 Druid Hill Avenue. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the Most Worshipful United Grand Lodge, F. & A. M. in and for the Scate of Maryland and Jurisdic tion, will convene in Sixty-seventh Annual Communrication at Saint Michael’s, Md., Monday and Tuesday. August 16 a..d 17, 1915. The several Lodges throughout the State are informed that they must have full representation at this Communication. , The sessions of the 67th Annual Communication will be held in Union M. E Church. Rev. J, H. Blake, Pastor. beginning with Memorial Service Sunday night, by thec Committee on Obiuary, Rev, E. W. S. Peck, Chairman. ' Attest: GEORGE T, DUPPIN, Grand Secretary. "CONSULT WITH WILLIAM L. FITGERALD. 1206 DRUID HILL AVENUE, If you have a House For Sale or For Rent, or desire to buy- W. Ashbie Hawkins, G. W. F. McMechen. Hawkins & McfHechen Attorneys and Councellors at Law; 91 E. SARATOGA STREET, BALTIMCRE MD. Phone’ St. Paul 3966, FOR FiRST CLASS DENTAL WORK GO TO DR.OSCARD., JONES SURGEON DENTIST. 1405 DRUID HILL AVENUE. ANYTHING IN THE DRUG LINE, (Get 1t at Popular Prices, STOKES & DERRY. Pharmacy, 1016 Druid Hill Avenue, : Corner of Oxford Street, JOSEPH P. EVANS, Hair Cutting and Shaving. JoB PRINTING; Bring Your Work To The Office Of THE COMMONWEALTH A 4 WEST HOFFMAN STREET EVERY HOME SHOULD POSSES A CO2Y OF MEN OF MARYLAND. It is a History of the Colored People of Maryland. The Boys and girls in the family should be encouraged to learn what Colored Men and Women of Maryland have done in the past, Address the Author Rev. GEORGE F. BRAGG, D. D, ' 1133 Park Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland. _ . Masonic Notice. By Order of the Most Worshipful JOSEPH P. EVANS, Grand Master, 106 W. BIDDLE STREET,