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Political Advertisements. Gentlemen and Fellow Citizens, of Baltimore County, are you going to vote for O. E. Weller for governor? If not, then, you do not believe in the Republican form of government, a business administration, protective principles, a high standard of eth ciency, and good roads, and the sup port of a candidate of good sterling qualities from our own home county. Then you believe in turning the state entirely over to the Democrats, the squandering of the people’s money, annexation of the suburban towns of Baltimore, a higher tax-rate, shorter school terms for the counties, and last, but not least, the sp-ils sys tem. A vote for Mr. Weller means that you are awake and progressive A vote for Mr. Warburton means that you are asleep, and a re-actionis:; that you are aiding Mr. Harrington or Mr. Lee for Governor. Tell this to your friends. Think for yourself and act accordingly. ' By Order oi the Colored Republicar League oi Baltimore County. ARTHUR N. ROGERS. Chairman. 21 E. Saratoga, St., Baltimore. Notice. " The Officers of John Wesley Methodist Episcopal Church in vite the public, in general, to go with them on their annual outing to Brown’s Grove, on Wednes day August 25. L. P. BROWN, General Manager. ALI DAY IN PARADIBE GROVE., No service at John Wesley Church Sunday Aug. 22. At the Grove, 9a. m. Old-fash ioned Class-meeting: 11 a.m. ser mon by Dr. Lyon. 3 p-m. ser mon by Rev. N. M. Carroll. Bp. m. Old-fashioned Love feast led by Rev. W. T. Harris. Annual Camp Meeting, In the Grove of St. Luke’s M, E, Church, Bond Ave, Reisters town, Md. Preaching on Sunday 11 a. m., 3and 8 p. m. Also dur ing the week, Tuesday and Thurs day nights. Transfer to Emory Grove car and get off at Bond Avenue. Three minutes walk to the Grove. Mount Bethel Association. The Mount Bethel Association -will hold its 39th annual Session August 24-25-26, at Mt Olive Bap tist Church Towson, Md. Dr Ernest Lyvon of John Wesley M. E. Church will deliver the wel come address on behalf of the Methodist iEpiscopal Church. Rev. David R. Powell Pastor. L. Moten. Secrteary. TYSON M. P. CHURCH Ro land Park. Sunday August 22, 1s President’s Rally Day. 10 a.m. Union Class. Ila. m, preaching by President E. W. Scott. 2; 30 p. m. preaching by Rev. Dr. R B. Robinson, Washington. D. C. Bp. m. Service and Sermon by Rev. Dr. G. F. Bragg, rector of St. James Episcopal Church, Bal timore, Rev.R.B.Moore, Pastor, WATERS A. M. E. CHURCH Rev. A L. Gaines. D. D. Pastor, 11 A. M. Sermon by the Pastor. 8 P. M. Sermon by Presiding Elder, Rev. S. H. Cooper. J. F. Waters, Superintendent J. W. Woodhouse, Secretary. ALEXANDER WILLIAMS, BARBER, 1127 Pennsylvania Avenue. S. A. ROBERTSON. Hauling of all Kinds. 228 W. Biddle St. ANNUAL STATE BAZAAR AND CARNIVAL. I You are invited to the first Great | Annual State Bazaar and Carnival on !the beautiful farm of Mr. Stephen Watkins, LElicott City, Md., Thurs | day, September 2, 1915, by the How lard County L. P. 1. League, and the {Atholton M. E. Church. | Features: Automobile Show, Grand ' Horse and Colt Show, Baseball and | Tennis, Beauty and Health Contest, i Marathon Race, Grand Parade, Ora tions on the Progress of the Race, Grand Concert and Display of Fire work at Night. Awarding of prizes. Tickets 23 cents. Mr. Stephen Woatkins, presi dent, Ellicott City; Mr. James Carter, secretary, Guilford, Md.; Rev. Wm. N. Holt, manager, 1711 L.orman street, Baltimore, Md. Program for the Month of August Paradise Grove. Sunday, Aug. 22—A1l meetings will be conducted at the Grove. it A M- The pasior, Rev. Br. FErnest Lyon. 3 p. M__Rev. Nathaniel Carroll, pastor of Centennial. BBP M __Rev Wi 'I. Harris will have charge of the Union ILove Peast. All Christian people of every denomination are cordially invited to join in this service. Monday, Aug. 23—Encampment of the Boy Scouts at the Grove. All Scouts are cordially invited to join the John Wesley Scout Boys in making this a great occasion. Sunday, Aug. 29, at 11 A. M.—Sermon by Dr. Ernest lyon. 39 M. Dr W. Edward Willilams, pastor of (Grace Pregbyterian Church. B P M- Beginning of the frst march around the walls of Jericho, led by all the Singing Bands of the dity. Samuel T Anderson, captain. Magothy Band, John Hall, captain, in charge of Prayver Meeting. JAMES WILSON & CO. Dealers in Diamonds, Jewelry, Ladies’ and Gents’ Clothing, and Furniture of aill kinds.. Cash or Credit. Ofhee, 403 N. Eden St Phone, Wolfe 1577-Y. James Wilson, President: B. H. Harris, Treasuter, and R. P. Green, Manager. Wm. Fredericks. Elias Robinson. THE BALTIMORE COMMERCIAL | COMPANY. 906 Druid Hill Ave. Dealers in Blankets, Comforts, Spreads, etc. Spring Mattresses and General FHousefurnishing Goods. Window Shades Made to Order. Cash or Credit. MOORE’S RESTAURANT George C. Moore, Proprietor FIRST-CILASS SERVICE 1018 Druid Hill Ave. At Oxford St. BALTIMORE, MD. Phone, Mt. Vernon 1823 Ice Cream and Light Lunches. MES B A JOBNS 1136 W. Lexington St. First-Class Service. Phone, Gilmor 3700-M. We Lead—Others Follow | I carry a Full Line of Human Hair Combings made in Puffs and Braids MADAME ]. CREDITT’S Hair Dressing, Face Massage and Manicuring Parlors | 4140 Druid Hill Avenue Entrance on Dolphin St., 2nd Floor. JOSEPH A. MARSHALL The Afro-American Marble & Granite Worker All Kinds of Marble and Granite Work Solicited 1033 Druid Hill Ave., Baltimore, Md. CHARLES CARROLL.: NEWSDEALER, 1134 Druid Hill Avenue. W. Ashbic Hawkins, G. W. F. McMechen. Hawkins & fHcfHechen Attorneys and Councellors at Law -2] E. SARATOGA STREET, BALTIMORE MD. Phone’ St. Paul 3966. FOR FiRST CLASS DENTAL WORK GO TO DR. OSCARD. JONES SURGEON DENTIST. 1405 DRUID HILL AVENUE. ANYTHING IN THE DRUG LINE Get 1t at Popular Prices, - STOKES & DERRY. ~ Pharmacy, 1016 Druid Hill Avenue, Corner of Oxford Street, JOSEPH P. EVANS, Hair Cutting and Shaving. SAMUEL T. HEMSLEY, SUCCESSOR TO ALEXANDER HEMSLEY, Undertaker and Embalmer, 578 West Biddle St Never Closed. 'PHONE MT. VERNON 2578. JOHN H. TOADVIN One ofthe Leading Undertakers of the city Prompt, Reliable and up to date, Popular prices from $25 and upward. Uptown Office: 826 Druid Hill Avenue, Down- town Office, 142 W. Hill St, ’PHONES: -5769 Y and Mt. Vernon 5138. TOADVIN Always Gives Satisfaction. EVERY HOME SHOULD POSSESS A COSY OF \TI NT A X ANt MEN OF MARYLAND. It is a History of the Colored People of Maryland. The Boys and girls in the family should be encouraged to learn what Colored Men and Women of Maryland have done in the past, Address the Author Rev. GEORGE F. BRAGG, D. D, 1123 Park Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland. ; : A MOUNT ZION CEMETERY, OF THE BALTIMORE A. M. E CONFERENCE, Lots may be purchased on Installment. Payments weekly or monthly. Buss runs every Sunday for the benefit of the patrons. Fare, each way, 5 cents. Good employment for energetic persons, ale or female. City Office: 414 W, Hoffman St. Office hours mm 9a m to3p. m. D.G. HILI, Pres. A.L. GAINES, sec. JOB PRINTING; TO THIS OFFICE, 414 W, HOFFMAN ST. 106 W. BIDDLE STREET, BRING YOUR