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i f > tmong A Among 0 fur ur E Exchanges Al 7 1 h anges angesI l
1 1i
i w The impressible M M Lewey in last lastf
f weski week ks edition of the Florida Sentinel Sentinelbegan
I 999 began a series of Christmas numbers nt1 bers bers8eemintdys
Seemingly SeeniiiigI it is jtst Lst as asesPy eaEy apy for the theFlorida theFlorida
r l Florida Sentinel to appear D in inoar four
tjl Christmas Oh etmas installments as it is for or the theJ1
J1 = average paper Papaper to appear on time timeL timeThen
L Then The uptodate to date and well edited Re Beformer Rei
i L r former came out dressed in the colors colorsof colorsi colorsof
i of its country un reda red white and blue it Itif Itwas
if was up todate and1nterestlng and interesting and
11 Tau cant mark that out outThe outo outThe
o iLii The Colored American published in inWashington inWashington in inashingtom
Washington Washingtonbrim ashingtom 3X D C is full mu al up to the thebrim
brim this week with race news This is isa isa
I Ite a great paper having no equal In thib thbeonntryThe ishibountryThe
country eonntryThe The Oil City Afro AfroAmerican AfroAmericanThe American American9n
The Rock Rocka Hill tS S 80 G Messenger had hads
a a nice eight page Christmas edition It Itwas Itwas Itwas
was a neat affair and suggested that thatEditor thatEditor thatEditor
Editor White W hJte understood how to run a apaper apaper aWhy
paper paperEditor Why not keep it that size Mr MrEditor MrEditor
te Editor EditorThe Editorp
p The Christian Organizers Christmasnumber Christmas OhristmasDumber
° number was a thing thin of beauty a joy joyforever joyforever o
forever If the people whom this sheet she shee sheere t trepresents
represents re resente do not appreciate appreciate such suchjournalistic suchJournalistio suc sucF h
F 4 ° journalistic ournalistie spirit then they the should shouldhave shouldhave shoul shouln d
Y E have no such efforts put n forth around aroundthem aroundhem
them themEditor t tF hem e
F Editor Lewis gave are his readers of the theDaily theDally th thr e
r Dail Daily Record notice of a out of the way waystep waystep wayn
ate step P Pyti in n the following little quickstep quickstepOn
s yti On torn torna tomorrow orrow we will ill give our readers readersa a
a sketch of Editor E E Cooper with withMs Wit Witcat h
t Ft ta his cut and they will have the oppor opportunity opportunlty
l tunity of seeing the picture of and andreading an u
l reading reat Jng something about one of the thegreatest thei th thgreatest e
i ii greatest newspaper newspapermen men of the race raceA raceA
f t tt1F The Republican Guide in giving wing the theofficers thef th e
f b iw officers of the National Negro Business BusinessI BasinessLeagne S
I League eague seemingly got them them mixed u uith up upwith P
l 1 w with ith the council officers ofil erB In giving the thenames th e
names of the executive committee it itincluded itf
f t 4 included Bishop Walters Col Pledger PledgerCyrus PledgerOyrus r
4 r R Cyrus Field Adams J JR B A Crossland CrosslandErnest CrosslandErnest dj
4 ° 4 Ernest Lyon and Alex L Manley ManleyKone ManleyNone Hanie HanieNona F djF +
None of these gentlemen are even evenidentified evenrt eve eveidentified n
rt ° identified with the league were not in inattendance inf i iattendance n
f attendance at Boston The exeeuti executive executivecommitsee exeoutivecommitBee v e s
1 s commitsee is is composed of the fofo follow following followIng W
I If f in ing gentlemen and no one else has hasbeen hasbeen ha S i
ji s Et been added addedsBooker since inceth the e election T Thomas ThomasFortune ThomasFortune Thom a s i
Fortune FortuneCooper Booker T Washington E E ECooper EOooper
Cooper Gilbert Q Harris LouisLL Louis F FBaldwin FBaldwin
fj LL Baldwin BaldwinMontgomery win H H Jones Isaiah T TMontgomery TMontgomery
t tb Montgomery and W R Pettiford This Thisi Th ie e eu
b A i u the he executive committee The editor editorof editorof edit editY or 1
Y of the Guide must pay a attention to tosuch tosuch >
such matters and report them correctly correctlyThey correctlyThey eorreetl4 r
I 41 They The say down in Texas that Editor EditorFortune EditorFortune Edit ar
Ii apt Fortune is making mak1D cigars cigars when not notengaged noteng8g n of
1 1 engaged eng8g d in journalistic work Welr1 Wel Welsuppose Wellsuppose 1
r1 suppose he is It is certainly nothing no thin thinf g gor f i fi
e a to his discredit It is is much better f for forthe forthe or
1 a the editor of a arace3oilrnalto race journal to dig digdt ditches ditchesduring ditchesduring i cb cbduring
during his hiss spare are moments and be able ableto ableto ab l L e eFs
r q to express his opinions opinions freely and fear fearlesaly fearlessly lea
F Fyty lesaly than to live a life of luxury luxuryowned luxuryowned Inxur Fs
F yty owned owneda body and soul by some local po political pOJ P o ¬
a J llt litical icai boss or machine Editor Fortune Fortuneif Forth n e 4
r if it be true that he Is i making ciga cigar cigashould cigars cigarsshould igarsshould r
should be commended for his industry industryand indnstryand indast indastx r F
x and independence independeDcefJhe The man who whowork whowork w1 ho rho i
44 r a work W ork to properly educate and suppor supporthose support supportthose sirPPoitho rt t
i L > those dependent upon him without withoutcringing withoutcringing w ww itho nt k
w cringing fawning and begging favors favorsis favorsIs favort
t f is i the eDit of man who is is going oin to make makethe makethe ma ke i
14 w the race powerful and respected respectedThe respectedThe
1 The Odd Fellows Journal editorially editoriallysays editoriallysays editorial editorialsays y 7
says that T Thomas Fortune is making makingcigars makingolgars
i 83of of cigars ors down in in Texas If Ifitistrue it is trve it It l t tF is isBO isno
BO 83 0 discredit to him nor the race But Butif ButIf B Bre at atie
if i f they the p are a re political cigars for himb himself himselfonly him6flfonly if
j only it is a disgrace dlsgracePitttsburg die g gdependent r aeePitttsbur Pitttsburg g In Independent Independent ¬
4 dependent dependentWe dependentWe
Y We W cannot get the th meaning me8n1n of f fa the theabore theabOTe ti e
a r above abovef We hare been 88 reading re dU some somef i om i
f r i iK
t thing thin about Mr Fortune and cigars cigarsfor cigarafor cigarsfor
f for some time Now Brothers Asbury Asburyand Asburyand Asburyand
a and Fortune will have to explain explainThe explainThe explainThe
The Homestead Homest
Pennsylvania cor correspondent correspondent cotspondent
r respondent re spondent of The RepublIcan Guide Guideniust Guidemust
i must have been skies asleep for some few fewyears fewyears fewars
3 years ye ars In n the notes and comments in inthe inthE inthe
the Guide of December Decemb
22nd the cor correspondent correspondent corspondent ¬
respondent re spondent has the following interest interesting interesting interestins
ing 3 note noteIt noteIt
It has bean announced that Mrs B
K j Bruce will in the future at the head headof headof headof
of < the Womens Department of Tus
kegee Institute thereby succeeding
Mrs Booker Washington and it cer ceretainly 1
j tainly will add additional lustre to the
I brilliant corps of instructors in8trn tors of that in institution instItution inBtltuti0n ¬
j stitution Mrs Bruce has long been beenidentified
J identified with the material advance advancement advancement advancement ¬
ment of the race raceJ and by her acceptance acceptanceof
j of the above position further testifies
her innate love for the Afro AfroAmerican AfroAmericanWhy American AmericanWhy AmericanWhy
Why Mrs Bruce has been lady prin priircipal principsl princiPal
cipal of the Tuskegee Institute since
1899 8219 Mrs Booker Washington on has hasnot bagnot hasnot
not been lady principal of the Tuake Tuakegee Tnmkegee Teskeee
gee g ee since 1892 What ails the Guide Guideand Gtl Guidesad de deand
j and its staff Brother Collefct dont let letyour letyour letour
your y our devil run away with the manu mamrscript manuscrIpt manuscript
i script
Ia IaMusicalNotes
Musical MusicalNotes MusicalNotesNew Iotc Notes NotesITew as
New Yorks most prominent pianist pianistand pianistand pianistand
and organist Mme Montgomery Montgomer 2 died diedsuddenly
suddenly a few days ago 3goWilliams agoWillialns agoWilliams
Williams and Walkers show is out outof
of quarantine and on the road again againplaying sgdinpiaying
p playing to large audiences audiencesThe audiencesThe ances ancesThe
The Christmas song service by the theMetropolitan theMetlopolitan
Metropolitan choir was largely attend attended attended ¬
ed and up to the usual standard Mrs MrsSadie MrsSadIe
Sadie Westo Weston and Miss Maggie Wilson Wilsonare Wilsonare Wilsonare
are pronounced Pton unced acquisitions acquisitionsThe acquisitionsTbe acquisitionsThe
The Metropolitan A M E Sunday
School will have Christmas exercises exerciseson exerCIseson
on Sunday sands evening the 30th inst The Thechoruses Thechoruses
choruses will be
accompanied by an anorchestra aDoreheatrs anorchestra
orchestra and the exercises will be ex exceptionally except ¬
ceptionally cept onaUygoo onaUygooThe good goodThe
The Amphions AmpM ons sang in Baltimore BaltimoreFriday BaltimoreFriday
Friday night in Trinity church of ofwhich ofwhich
which Rev J W Beckett who was wasformerly
formerly of the Metropolitan church churchhere chnrchhere
here is pastor Later during n the sea sesson season
son they will give a concert and recep re ceP
tion in the largest hall available in inBaltimore inBiltlmore i n
Baltimore BaltimoreThe BiltlmoreThe
The Asbury choir has begun prepara preparations preparations a
tions for Easter Eel seJvices vices They w will willrender willrender ill
render a special spec al cantata appropriate to tothe
the occasion Admission to the church churchwill churchwill
will be by card only as the seating c ca eapacityls capacity CaPacit
pacityls pacity Pacit 1S 8 limited
y Many aII F persons were wereunable wereunable
unable to gain admission at their last lastsong a t tSOD
song SOD g service Christmas music will be begiven begiven
given at the themorning morning service tomorrow tomorrowI tomorrowTuskegee
I ° 1 1fitiskegee
Tuskegee Ala Notes NotesMayor NotesMayor
Mayor Id ayor Samuel I L Jones Ton s of Toledo ToledoO
O Or accempanied by the president of ofhe
the he City Council were very interesting
visitors ot Tuskegee Tuesday of this thisweek
week The Christmas season was aB ob observed
served in the usual manner at Tuske Tuskegee
gee It was a merry one for all con concerned eoncerned
cerned The T eninth ninth annual session of
the Tnskegee Negro Conference Confer ence will
be held Wednesday Wed needsF February 20 o 0 1901
It I t is i8 hoped that this session SBs ion will prove
the most profitable prQ P rofita tabe b e ever held heldMr heldL
L l l6Ir
Mr Wm T m
Taylor a
young youn baritone baritoneof
of Cleveland 0 is spending the holi ¬
days in in the city the guest of Mr idr Clap Clarence ClapLenoe tv r ¬ I In
Lenoe ence n Q White WhltJI Ilte
J >
0 c cD cl
D P i
l c > >
> h i i <
Onhed DJldlP al DtEEL f fH3ETpll I
ORGANIZED AN IZEXD January i i 1881Office 1881 1881AA 1881mc
Office o mc 604 606 AA onI and fiAO 608 H IL 1 2nd Qnrl d G Gh St1 St = Richmond RIdhfflOlld1 RIdhfflOlld1n y yv
h order offer devoted devoidto v t i th the futerestaOo
n to the interests of its members Both In their lolIleand dome nome
business relations We oer after you an opportunity for silt nt edged business Ini invest
ment in enterprises owned and controlled by the Order and managed bv by Wi cGl cci
ored men who are members of the Order OrderH Orderif J JIf
If you O1 are sound in health and mind of good moral character not yonnnp
than th an three 3 years nor older than sixty 60 you are eligible elI ible to membership membershb younger
These The axe two Fountains the Subordinate and the Rosebud BosebudSUBOKDI2TATB RosebudSUBOEDflATE 1 1SUEORDISATE
Tojoin To o join the Subordinate Fountain you must be between 14 and 16 years years of
I age a e You pay 460 to f 6 60 according to age as joining fee If you live ID p
the theconntry country you pay 35 cente per month as dues if in the city 50 O cents n
per p
months You pay as taxes 80 cents per month monthAs monthA monthAs
As A Sick Benefits you receive from 6 00 to X900 900 per month in weekly
mens manta
As Death Benefit your family receives 7500 if you die within a wn year
Af AftSl tor one year the Death Befit B5n fit is 12500 12 00
Tojoin To join the Rosebud Fountain von must be between b etaeen
8 and 14 of You 1 100 00
year age pay either cash or o rby by
installments The monthly dues are either 15 or 25 r ceati nti
ss Fountains Fountslnsmay may decide deoi e The annual tex is 10 1 0 cent
You reeeive as Sick Benefit from 150 to month 4 00 per month
In weekly payments paymentsAs paymentsAs I
As Death Benefit your fonrfamily our family will be paid aid 24 2450 3100you 50 if ifyon tlyon 7
yon die within ayear a a year ye After A fter one year the Death each Benefit
is 37 37Classes 37In 37In
In the lliSURAN6E DBP DEPABT3tENT RTXB J there are Three ti3 3
Classes ClassesClsSB Class B Class E and Class IBBS M All does do are areDavable arepayable atepayable
payable annually annnal1yor or Quarterly p I
In IoOlAss Class B the age ag limit ie 14 to 60 years Fee 5250 250 to 8425 42J Annas
dues 4 75 ra to 7 60 O The Oerfcificae e is valued first year at from 100 to i331 13 3
After one year its value is fi 00 to 65 65In 65In
I In ClasB E the age limit is 14 to 55 cc years Fee 5 5 to 6 50 Annual does X
9 50 to 1140 The Certificate e is valued first year F Fone afc at from rom 250 0 to 175 Li After Afterone Afterone 1
one year its value is 50 500 to 800 800In 800In 800In
In Glass lass M Mth8 the age e limit 1imitis is 14 to 50 50yeara years Fee Fee11 ill 11 to S13 13 50 Annual due
4 21 to 35 The oerUfif oertificate c ate is valued from date of issue at from 1 1000 000 to 706
YOB Y0 3 are entitled to a Life Membership in either o 01 the Fountains cr in
Ciaase C + l888 B and E upon purchase of the required amount of olBank Bang stre strck whIch whlciipays whIchpays Whichpays
pays a dividend annually + of 20 per cent centThe centTae centThe
The Grand Fountain United Order of True Reformers has pid up to July
29 2 9 1900 a total of 3782 Death Benefits with a grand rand total of 6521264 S 521 21264 3264 75 5 oven ovenHAiF oversHALF over overEALF
THE THEand BAE BAr AJsK < E In our Savings Bank the Order has a sound aonDfland ODDd ODDdand
and finishing fl3uws hing institution that is is a credit not only 1 to the Or Order Order Ofder ¬
der botthe race as Reil we 1 It began 80 business April A pI if 3 1889 Th Thcapital The ThecapItal hcapital
capital stoekis 3100000 1Gt10O 100 + 00 The bnsisess is the same ae thatol thatolany that th8tany d dany
any other regularly constituted bank3 bank and is surrounded f to tothe tj b bthe
the the Barns acme ea p egnsrd8 ru vrTc The stock sells a 11a fur f5 s 00 a shale U t
members membe B and pays 20 per cent dividends Both Both time tjm and si1d demand cie Dd dep depoilii depoiliiare depor1uare fU fUare
are received and 4 per cent interest inter 8t is paId on time desPs degposits de pvsits s its Tbe folJowinj folJowinjjsaeopy
jsaeopy j3 s a 8P copy of the Cashiers report to Auditor of Pnblis Accounts of Virginal Virginalclose Vtrgin Vtrginclose i iclose
close oi business Sept 5 s 1900 1 1sni 90d and shows its flourishing condition oonditioDRRRniiTr conditionRESOURCES
Loans and discounts 8272 272 80
O her stoekj stock bonds and andmortgages an anmortgagee andmortgages
mortgages 164 428 8 83
Due from National Bangs 4S3 4S 3 22 2
Basking House HouseOther 14000 06
Otber real estates 99 588 00
Farm Furniture tore and Fixtures 6850 6 S O 00
Current expenses and taxes taxespaid Cagesaid axes axespaid
paid p aid 18 1 1388 388 99
Specie nickels and cents 12399 1 399 80 0
Paper erreney e rrency 35820 2Total 00 00Total 00Total
Total 391120 84
Capital stock paid in 88185 58125satPlu ff ffSurplus
Surplus SDr lU8 find 809575 809575Usdivided s09a9 s09a9Undivided
UndIvided profits profitsDemand 6S 6SDemand Gki8 Gki8Demand
Demand certificate of de depost deTime
post 96 7S5 7S5Time S5
Time certificates of deposit 118424 118424Total 118424Total 118 421
Total 4 3H12NJ 391100 3911
b The Pe Reformers niers Grocery and Feed Store is i located at 501 North Sixth Sixt Sixty ft ftM S
RiCbmo Richmond M nd Va T and nd members memf s ot the Order and the public generally evert l1 y are ei sat I
20 per cent oa the cost of food products productsfiftQ productsTHE 6 6THE
fiftQ THE I REF REFORM FOE RMER Ti8 is fc5e the newspaper published by the order ordellrom from its own ownJ <
flee J In Ri Richmond hmond ° nd Va Y8 It 8fcaads sta ida for the v volee Dias of the people lepreseDtiog rereeentia p
operation > and a d combination of the race and is the Season Light the Headlleb Headllebthe Head li 2 2the b
the General Messenger and the General Agent of the Brotherhood It Itper is isper e f H HFn l
Fn per YEar iaLf A well plle equipped < lsaiPPfdi job office bids for the work of the people w whh whhfcnrn wb1eturnt
urn d out in in first class cs ss style and at low pri prices ceB
Six miles from Richmond in Henrioo He niloo County Va V a the Order 0rderhasfureb has rnrcb r
634 acres of land and established thereon ai OId Folks Home 1 Dios J With Wluuampled CJ CJesampled
esampled ampled I libesalitv li aUty ltv and broadminded bl08dmind d generosity the Order does notlnntt notlnnttUanoe not c ot 11 limit limits 1 1trance
trance to this home to its l members alone nor eviwa av to members families s batii butctdoors batiideors 0
doors are opened opG d fc9 the aged aid of t1 t1resl h
aged b decrepid dec rePid of the whole NeB r regardless rerdl a rdleaa lagiol ottj
refill resl reeldenee en en8e ee or oenuectloDs ooi neetlons The Order makes Itself l elf the trustee Jor this glo gloJ
charity end J calls uOn upon the whol whole people black and white North EJst EJstand FL FLand r SCI Vlrtfl Vlrtflj6
and West tEl assist by b their contrbntion con trbution the carrying ant of thl this pJle rtteWPf 0 0idea
j6 idea Apr1l8rd Aril 511 8rd of e11 es h year p ear is set apart as a C Gresd Gr r d Sally R3lIy i Day for or the I He HeContributions I j jCant1ibntioDB
Contributions can be for folwaroed asded to the csnier C niers nier of the Reformers Safiags Sal a Bi BiWho B Bwho Bwho
Who will send seceipfc Scelp ceiFt for same and a nd account for it to The Grand Fosatain FosatainMembers FouatainMembers
Members ot the Order and tee th e public when v Tieiting lting Biahmwd Riehmn FIH7IJtV Va Vauivited I IinvIted
invIted to stop top at The Hotel Reformer 000 North Sixth St fit Riehmnn It is in j n a P Pand Pand P1 P1and
and desirable deB sbIe location Service is of the best and rates are resouible resouibleT11
T11 The Real JSstate Mate Department Departmentmanage manages and controls c iitols all a1 property DroGi t tatrfeS tatrfeSwith iJJtf iflterC eBt t <
the Ordeer The Order now OWtilS 13 bUIldings 4 farms 4 dwIRs IUa St s 1h h
with a 81ee fee simple value of of e12200 122500 in addition to these the Order lea3 lea3bnHdiEjes leAh leAhbnndl 12t + es
bnHdiEjes bnHdiEjeslx bnndl gB gBFor s sFFor
lx For > r any farther information intormatio1JJ sd Rda addW r s
W L TATLOaJ TATL0ZMt I W Muter + + J
1 > >