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There i3 i3an 3 tn a n old ° saw 88 W to ° the e fffect ect that thatit the a ar
I pleasant leasant to give than tore toreeive to re rece
r is s more m P PY
1 Y The editor of The ColorecAmerican Colores Colored ColoredAmerIcan
CQye eive ve
American ce ha haMBfittLfnt has s tasted tbe sweets s weEt ol th theminent the thesentiwEnt thAmerican <
of this saw S8 wand and while h hBhg be bebas hc hha
eminent c
Bhg miserly m lserly for reasons tha thanetd that thatetd thaBerl
bas ha gwen giv n
ha b explained here he haen hai haieea haathe
netd etd act 1ot
recipient t of BO many kind fayC faythat fv fvIB l v vIB
eea C en the t he
IB that the memory ol what he gay gavmore gave gaveI gayto <
I more mor i pleasant p I ID1 easant than the many gooni goon goocnd good goodnd
nd fcuosaiiual uo ttos tantial things which he is isI IQe1v r rpOE81bilit
I Bved e1v P IVei d Ii I Itlwh t ± would oud 1 be b e an y 1111 mpOEBiiiitj mpOEBiiiitjto pOE81bilit
to lu publiib tlwh the t he m Dli1ny nYletters ny letters of a cmpii cmpiimtntary cmpUeD1t cm li lito
mtntary D1t ntary net netand nature Qre that come to this office officeand ofcmtntarY officeDd
and Dd it wculd be a bigger 1task task andfear and 3 3fear I Itear
fear an immodest one to give the nameof names namesof namesot
of ihemany the many friends who have essayec essayecto essayEt8 essayed essayedto
andstilJ andstilJif and still stilll
to make our Christmas Cbr18tm B merry
if l we did not mention Gov Finch Pincbbaclr PincbbaclrDr back backDr backDr
Dr A M Curtis and John Edward EdwardBruce EdwariBruce Ed ward wardBruee
Bruce it would be criminal Theeits These TheseIndividuals TheseIndivIduals
iudlvtdua iudlvtduabut Individuals its not only gave ave generously generouslybut
but they saw a to it that we got what whatthey whatthEY
F B S Pinchback was wasoDce wasonce
they gaveerce gave
once guvernor of Louisiana L uisiana and was waselected wasdtcted wa waEltcted
elected to the U S benate His repu reputation reputatlon reputatlun ¬
tation is national Dr A M Curtis ithe i ithe is isthe
the gifted and renowned surgeoninchief surgeonin surgeoninchief surgeoninchicf
chief of Freedmens Hospital s sttous the na natious DBtiou8
institution support supported ¬
tious pride and an
ed by the government which shows showswnat showswhat showswhat
what the race can do injthe in theworld world a amedical oi oimedical of ofmedical
medical science John Edward Ed ward Bracewrites Bruce Brucewriies Brucewr
writes wr l < < s ijndu the nom de plume 01 01Bruce of ofBruce o oBruce
Bruce Writ U and li lilte e Shakespeare Shakespearehe
he saya many man things in a t Iarticnlar larticula1y articulai articulaiway
way w a thai will apply Pp 1y to the whole peo peopie
wpie pie ia ii a general eneral way For that reason reasonlam reaEonI
lam I am iiivading lt1vadin our private correspondue correspon correspondent correspond ¬
dent d we to extrtct extrt ct a few thoughts in inleittr inletter a ale
letter le ttr which came to me today todayTA
TA L have 111 gotten a great many useful presents presentsu
u cir r from friends in various parts of the coon connMrs coun count coonM
t Mrs M I rs j judge Whipper sent me fr frOm ° m Beaufort Beaufortv
million which almost scarce scarcet scared scaredLe
> v 1 a very ery fat water
Rocha Mrs Brucet Bruce c cb a ac
t Le death 1P atlt Dr D A sent
b c < heart made of African c silver beautifully beautifulba
< a a t eL d Mrs Isabella Fyvie Mayo one of the edit editvi
vi 0 t the New Age London England sent me s sc a ad t tC
c d f Tolstois last book The New Slaveryu Slavery
u i 1 Mis 1 IS Bruce got a bed quilt from an old lady ladyt
t djt it hers in New York Mrs Lewis which whichii whichiic is isco is isI
c co I E tietty lctty Ott Miss Hoyt of this city gave her a hand handcouc handrsndelabra handCC
couc CC lt candelabra the centre of each being of onyx onysv
v t i lie e bases and tops are of carved brass Bro BroL BroLY
L e evcy LY C of Pensacola remembered me for writing arr an anf ant
f t fur t r his midwinter edition with a a box of 5 5smokable 50 50siuokable 50c
c smokable cigars one of Mrs frs Bruces Sun Sunu SunCh
u > chois Ch tJ is s boys 00 brought her a pretty calendar and andanonymous andul andanonymous
< anonymous ul nymous friend sent a pint bottle o1t oi ofL
1 uv t I L water Prof Loudin in London sent me mea anda
a u iMuiely uiely illustrated copy of the Crystal Pal PalL PalLLl
a M LLl L cine no with a full tll page portrait of S Colerivi Coler ColerTylur
ivi Tylur liy L yLr lor an interview with him and a picture pictureKujjlish picturet
t Kujjlish El lish wife and their new baby Hiawatha Hiawathaii HiawathaLoks
ii iooks like one of the 66littlecolored little colored Ameri AmeriCuV Ameril AmerFA1
CuV CuVA l <
A1 A i on u dear friend have remembered us in true trueiv trueLl truet
iv t hcm Ll i 11 sole and have won our everlasting gratiL grati gratiJvi gratiLO
L Jvi fv the tlu spirit of friendship and brotherhood brotherhoodii brotherhoodllood brotherhoodnwved
ii moved you to think of t two vo friends who are areilian arer areNan
r Nan holiday ho1ida friends and wish you andieavcus and ands andlaJCUS
> s heavens choicest blessings in the century centuryi centurynlw centuryauw
i now like jocund day stands tiptoe on the themountain thenwuntain thewantatitttt
= > mountain wantatitttt top We Ve have enjoyed the Christiday Christ Christinlay
2 inlay in a quiet unostentatious manner and andw anddeep
w i deep and profound sense of o gratitude to toor toj tcL
L j or the thcmany he many blessings which he has showered showeredus
1 r us sand s and all others of our race during the year yearis
T l is i soon to go o glimmering down d wn the themusty themustyl mustyof musty mustyrs
l rs of f time to become a memory and the theiiiuof thei
a iiiuof i of f lossicUd lo > > sided historians God bl blsss ss you youi QU QUJ
J i Mrs rs s Cooper Coop < < and may the th years to come bring bringhapplntss bringj bringhappLn
j > > happlntss happLn hap and particulary cash cashYours cashJ cashriblttt
J riblttt idltl 6
Yours sincerely sincerelyA BRUCE BRUCEicasviUt BRUCEA RCCE RCCENOBLE
C icasviUt i I ts ine V Va Doc D c 10 1900 ToTheCol ToTheColAmerican To ToThe ThG Cot Cotc Colfl
c American llricaD fl Please find enclosed an order ord r for forL foiv fotur
L v vur ur noble paper Always AhYa s continue itE itALWAYS it itE
FL L r Colored C o3otrmd American Dear D r Sir ir Enclosede Enclosed Enc1 sed sedIo
r4 Io e t Had cbtck checkfor for 5 A on account of subscription
for The Colored American I trust I may for a atimebe al altime all alltime
time timebe be able to support your excellent journal journalVery journalVery journalVery
New Orleans La Dec D C 17 Editor The Colore ColoreAmerican Colored ColoredAmerican ColoreAmerican
American Enclosed please ple se find check for 2 Co Colect Col Collect CoIect
lect and credit to my subscription s bscriDt on With bes beswishes best bestwishes be bewishes
wishes for yourself and family and success of Th ThColored The TheColored TbColored
Colored American J LTHE L LTHE LTHE
Mr r rr Fred L McGhee attorney and one of th thmost the themost tbmost
most successful successfuland and prominent AfroAmericans Afr Americans i iMinnesota in inMinnesota iMinnesota
Minnesota in closing a letter to us after paying hi hisubscription his hissubscription hisubscription
subscription says I will be in your city cit on th28th th th28th the the28th
28th and will ill surely see the editor of the only grea grearace great greatrace greyrace
race paper before leaving leavingPROM leavingFROM It ItFROM
Vancouver B C The Colored American D C CPlease CPlease CPlease
Please send me jour paper from January i igo1 igo1was rgo1was I Iwas
was one of your earliest subscribers to The Free Freeman Freeman Fredman
man of Indianapolis when you owned it but butmust butmust I Imust
must say The American is better betterYours betterYours betterYours
Grand Rapids Mich Iich Dec 10 1900 Manager oj ojThe of ofThe o oThe
The Colored American You will find enclosed enclosedfor enclosedfor 2 2for
for one year ending next May Iay I will try and ge geyou get getyou geyou
you some subscribers because the paper is worth worthand worthy worthyand worthand
and ought to be read by all allNegroes Negroes M v R W WTHE Wi WTHE
Newberry S C Nov n Editor Colored Amer American AmerI Ameiican
I ican Find enclosed an order for 52 2 subscription subscriptioito
to the leading colored journal in America Lommay Long Longmay Lonmay
may it live to espouse the interests of the race an angive and andgive angive <
give its readers wholesome food foodYours foodYours foodYours
Yours truly R W M MTHE 11THE MTEE
Louisville 1 Ky Dec 14 r 1900 The Colored ColoreiAmerican ColoredAmerican ColorerAmerican
American Washington D C I enclose you youcheck i icheck a acheck
check for 4 subscription in full from Sept 20th 20th1SgS
1898 to Sept 20th 1900 Of course I want it t trun to torun trun <
run on and shall remit I find The American in indispensable indispensable indispensable
dispensable It stands in the van guard of up tc tcdate to toda t tdate
date da e progressive aggressive newsy and brigh brighjournalism brightjournalism brighjournalism
journalism To the busy man to the thestudent student wh whdrsires who whodesires whdesires <
desires to keep abreast of the times and thoroughly thorough thoroughly
ly informed on race interests and happenings The ThtAmerican TheAmerican ThAmerican
American is a treasure and a mint of information informationIts informationItseditorial
Its Itseditorial editorial page fairly teems with acute and com comprehensive comprebensive cornPrehensive
prehensive discussion of material and current ques questions questions questi0ns
tions It is a pleasure to me to add my tribute tc tcthose t tthose to tothose
those > of thousands touching t uching your our wonderful w nderful anc ancvaluable and andvaluable an anvaluable
valuable journal journalYours journalYours journalYours
Yours for the race A B White WhiteLIGHT WhiteLIGHT WhiteLIGHT
The Colored American Washington D C Mda Mdsear Mj Mjdear lf lfdear
dear Mr Cooper By a peculiar coincidence al although although a ahough ¬
though not in my ID opinion an unfitting one thtfiery the thevery theveo
very first copy of an Afro AfroAmerican American paper I sa saw sawon sayn w won
The Colored Ameri American American Amenan ¬
on n landing in this colony was
can an Through the good offices of a prominent promineniwhite prominentwhite prominentihite
white citizen of Cape Town I was enabled today todayto todayto
to to o see a copy of the 15th of September containing containingamong containingamong containtntamong
among other valuable contributions several very veryinteresting veryinteresting verbnteresting
interesting articles from my esteemed friend JohrBruce John JohnE JohnE
E E Bruce It appears that the gentleman in ques question question quesion ¬
tion is an admirer of The American which he re regards regards reands ¬
gards ands as being equal to any newspaper published publishedin
in n Cape Town Colony A judicious blending of oJrace ofrace oface
race ace pride with the th truth however inspired me tc tcassert toassert tcassert
assert that it was better betterI
I selected one article In n the issue under the cap caption caption capion ¬
tion ion Hope for the Ne N Negro e1ro ro I averred that for fordepth fordepth foiIepth
depth of thought logic without redundancy and andlucidity andlucidity anducidity
lucidity of expression it excelled any thing in the thecopies thecopies theopies
copies of The Times or Argus the two most Influ Influential Influential inSuntial ¬
ential ntial papers here He admitted the corn cornI
I arrived here in Sable Bay on the 2nd inst buithe but butthe buthe
the presence of a large number of troop ships in inhe inthe ithe
the he docks rendered my ID disembarking impossible impossibletill impossibletill
till two days ago Perhaps that on your receipt ofhis oj ojthis of ofthis
this letterx letterxthe letter r the AngloBoer war may be over 1 Therigain Then Thena Thetagain
a again ain it may not for if there is anywhere anY where in Gods Godscreation Godscreation God Godreation
creation a stupid bullheaded tenacious fellow fellowand fellowiind rellowand
and one not at all disposed to cry peccavi it is isthe isthe hhe
the the Boer He appears to be determined to make makeiip makep maketp
and vexatious vexatiousruerrilla vexatiousguerrilla vexatiousuerrilla
iip tp p in an irregular unsystematic
guerrilla warfare what he has lost in the regular regulartvay regularvay
4 tvay V and in my humble h mble opinion the end is not in insight insight inight
sight although of course the threat to issue a pro proclamation proG prolamaUon ¬
G clamation mation by the British authorities ordering the thebelligerents thebelligeronts theelhgeronts
belligerents to lay down their arms on pain of be being baing beng ¬
ing ng treated as rebels may precipite matters mat Etrs I am amas amas ams
as i s you OU will observe connected with an educational educationalinstitution educationalinstitution
institution My position and the only one I would wouldiccept wouldAccept wouldLecept
Accept is such as s leaves mefreeand ma e free tsnd and untrammeled untrammeledC untrammeledhave
I C have hav time for other activities T Z SCzPe S SCape SC
Cape C peToW Town 1 S A 0 i
0 0o 0ro <
iS p
= Ji
4 tc1Ntc cuRLY AIR s
j 7l JlAr JlArORE
ORE A 111
r 3 3J I i fu fuWe n
We Want Agents Agentsin A AIn J < > I Ir
r 1 ±
L Lin
in every City Town and andVillage andVillagein Village Villagein > t I I IIn
in the United States tat te t tThe reli reliThe f r rThe
The Grandest Hair Preparation Preparationever 3 i iever r l
ever discoveredNeIsous discovered discoveredNelsons discoveredNelsons > <
Nelsons StraieMne StraieMneA 1 1gents
A Agents gents can make from S 250 50 10 SSCOaday SSCOadaywerklDg 150 6CO a dayworking day dayworklDg
werklDg working for TIS or they can devote their spare sparetime sparetime Spar c ctime
time to the work and nd make from 1 to 8800 3 300
A Aq
II ° f ° is tb the e fastest selling article ever evercfiered offered to agents The pric pricUl price PriceIs
S4 VD Cltraghtl Ul bl v dJH o i rv i q til lliO i r n 1V 8 A is low 25o and audit it pave ava the agent a eood profit It Is well wello welladvertised 1 1advertised >
o advertised in the t b e e newspapers news papers and Is not like trying to sell a apreparation apreparation f fpreparatIon
preparation that is unknown We keep our agents supplied suppliedwith suppliedwith j t twl1h
with circulars and other advertising matter and guarantee uarantee the sale of our onf goods cads Tho ThoCompany TheCompany i J JCompany
Company making makingiatragt Straigbtlne htisae is chartered under un qer the laws of the State o ol Virginia Virginiawllh Virginiawith j jwah
with ample capital to carry cut all a1111s its promises Its officers are among the leading leadingcitizens leadingcitizens > 1 1oItIzens
citizens of this city and should not be ccnfounded witp wit t tthat the many lake concerns concernsthat
that are trying to do business on tbe reputation wo have made for straiebtine straiebtinesold 8tralRbtln gtrat bttaa bttaaIi i inlrajKbtlne
nlrajKbtlne Ii today has the largest sale of any hair freJ aratIon on the market It 11 issold 7 7ly j jJd
sold Jd and UFed in every State in the Union and and1n in many foreign countries and Is high highly ¬ 1 1Iy
ly endored by all users usersWS usersWE f t tWE
WE WANT wA29oo 10000 MORE AGENTS AT ONCEWrite ONCE It ItWrite a aWrite
Write to day Y for terms and lull 1nllln10rmatlon information before someone else gels the agency Rgencyin wY wYin + I IIn
in your place A trial can about one months treatment of Kelsoias lilel o a Strait StrafgliUze StrafgliUzewill hUae hUaewilt ° r rI t t twIll
will be mailed to any RD I address on receipt of 30c in mtampB stamps or ether all er Addressali A ddreEB aU ordersand orders ordersand ijJ ijJand
and letters to toHBLSDH l lliBL
HBLSDH liBL D laplfFpCTURIBB 11l 1iUF GTURING CDflPffflYi GD Pp1iY y Blrtimnnfl C1i0 ll Ya YaTheres a aTheresArtinLouvreGlovesH i I
j i <
t 1
< i
4 > t iHM >
t t
1 < y yTheres
Theres TheresArtinLouvreGlovesH Art Artin in Louvre Gloves GlovesAT JI JII It ItAT
I AT THE THELouvre r rWomens if ift
t J
Louvre Glove CompaqWomens Compaq Compai Compaiv > c it itWomens
I < >
Womens T Twcrelasp v oe a sp Fine g geach Kid id Gloves 1ovemada made with Gusset GUI asset et between betweeneach i ieach
each finger fingerEvery Every popular o oranted style for or street and an evening wear ai War Warranted ¬ < i r i iranted
ranted and Fitted to the Hand and 125 125Ladies 125Ladies t tLadles
Ladies Two Twoclasp w o clasp c 1asp Pique Sewed French Kid 1 Gloves toes v all shades in m X Xeluding s seluding
t i
2 2oluding
eluding Black and White hits II 150 I IA f jA fAfulllfne k
A Afulllfne A full line of Mens Gloves for street and eoenln evening g gwear X Xwear t I
wear Wear including blacks Fitted by b u us and thoroughly war ar m mranted Jf P Pd I 1 1rantd fi
ranted rantsA d A crackerjack value at 150 M MChildrens t r t a < t tChildrens Sir Sirlate
Childrens Slate late Castor Gloves reduced from 8100 100 to 085 085ht 1 1Mens t I IMenls
Mens Light ht and Dark ark Shades of Castor C stor land Dogskin D o gskin g s kin Gloves per perect1 lj ljfectly 1 Ti 1
f fectly ect1 made and fitted lttea t to o the Hand price prIce rice today tod y f 10 1JOO 1JOOLadies 0 0Ladies t tLadies
Ladies and Childrens Woolen Mittens 1 a 025 025Heavy 025Heavy 025Heavy >
1 1j
Heavy Woolen Gloves for Men r J 1 x S 050 050LOU 50 < J i
j i t y
i A is isL isLOUVRE +
J j jL
931 a F Street N W Wa a mngton D C Ci A > f f
i J
Messrs Qsskins and Gains are to hi hicongratulated be beoongratulated becongratulated
congratulated on the good Bhowin Bhowintaey showing showingthey showingthey
they are making in their theirbusineee business Thewriter Th Thwriter The Thewriter
writer did not get to this popular plaein place place placein placein
in time for the lunch Christmas da dabut day daybut daybut
but was there in time tim to receive receivenice a anice a anice
nice ChrIstmas present and and anto to witnesithe witness witnessthe witnessthe
the proprietors placing money in en envelopes envelopes envelopes ¬
velopes for their employes Messrs MessrsQasfeins McBeieGaekins MeSSISGaskins
Qasfeins and Gaines are alrightJoin alright alrightJoKn alrightJ
Join J 011 1 i RsbblffWholesale Rsbblff RabbtttWholesale RbbttWholesale
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in inH01E inHOME inDOE
571 5 71 to 604 6 Q Centee MarketTelephone Market MarketTelephone MarketTeephone400
Telephone Teephone400 409 W Washington D
u u
r a J Jhristmas
A Christmas ChristmasDinner Dinner DinnerMessrs t r
i if
Y i is
f i if n nMessrs
s 1 1Messrs
Messrs Ora Gray Cosfcley Cos to le at 1313 1313E 1313ESet E Est atv atvset t tset
set the pace p ce on Christmas day by b their theirmagnificent theirmagnificent E a amagnificent
magnificent dinner This Thishou house h Ot1S8 e ii iigrowing 111 P Pgrowing i igrowing
growing in popularity and the following follow following ¬ J Jing
ing bill of far3 far far3 3 will give some so me idea of ofwhat + = lir liro lire liree7a a awhat
what the menu e was s sTurkey Bhode Island IslandTurkey 1 > >
ee7a ee7aes r J JBeans
Turkey Corn o Beef Pressed es Pork r andBeans and andBeans
Beans Chicken Salad Smithfield Ham HamBoast HamKoast i iRoast
Boast PIg Celery and Olives Radihes RadihesLettuce RadikesLettuce f 1 1Lettuce
Lettuce Potato Salad Cold Slaw SlawThe 1
1i p pThe
< i f fa fi
i l lThe
The Sparta cafe never follows It Itleads 0 t tleads t3 <
leads all the time On Christmas day dayit dayIt J JIt
it was in its glory and too much creditcannot credit creditcannot Ji J
cannot be given to Messers Moore and andPrioleau andJ r 4
I 1Prioleaa f i iPrioleau
Prioleau for the handsome setout they theyhad theyhad the w whad
had foe their many patrons Mr Ed Edward Edward 1 i iward
ward C Allen had charge of the buffet buffetdepartment r rdepartment f fdepartment
department as usual and kept the en entire entire t ttire 3
tire house alive with ith his wit and and worth worthThis VlorthThis worthThis
This house is the pioneer of the three threeother threeother threeother
other cafes and buffets that have f toylowed toy ol ollowed
lowed and holds its own in D the quality qualityas qualItySBwe11 ua1Ii > F F J j I Ias
as SBwe11 well as th the character of its ItsservJCf seryie 3 c f r II
I f fS
1 1 11
7 i
< < S
c of f