Hj Hjt
itfJ r t Jl fj j f J1 tj
f i
Mrs N B Hill of Arkansas ArkaDs s Is Pro Proprietor ProprIetor Proprietor ¬
prietor of the theers Pine Bluff Herald one ofhe of ofthe 01the
the t he beet newspapers in in that section sectionMn sectionMr
Mn Mr F Joseph Jo Joon eeph the pioneer worker workeramong workeramong
among am on g the theag colored girls glrl in New Orleans Orleansa3 Orleanswas
W was a3 one of the delegates to W C T U UConvention UConvention
Convention held in Washington Wa WaBhinl bington ton notlong not notlong notlong
long since sinceHrs siDceMrs sinceMte
Hrs B BK K Bruce Lady Princpal PrincpalToskegee PrlnctpaITuskegee Prlnctpala6kegee
Toskegee T Institute attended the an annual annual ¬
n nlast nual nal debate between Tale and Harvard Harvardlast Harvardlast
last week Mr r Roscoe Con Conkling kling Bruceao Bruce Bruceher Bruceber
her son w wers wai wa ao one of the principal speak speakers ¬
ers for Harvardvisa Harvard HarvardMiss HarvardMiss
Miss LavisaM LR LRchief visa M Orum who has been beenchief beenchIef
chief stenographer in the Principals of office offlee office ¬
fice at the Tuskegee office for fora a numher num number nomher ¬
her of years yearsiYrecently recently resigned andwedded and andwedded aLdwedded
wedded Mr Thad J Cole of Shaw ShawUniversity ShawUnlver ShawBntversitY
University Unlver ltys Raleigh N C CMMSU OMrd CMrs
MMSU Mrs 8uie 8u ie B Dudley wife of Presi President President President ¬
dent oi Jas B Dudley of the North NorthCarolina NorthCdfollna NorthCaror
Caror Carolina ina Sate S ate College succeeded him himAS hima8 himae
AS Principal of the Public schools ofWilmington of ofWilmington ofWilmington
Wilmington N C when he was waselected waselected waselected
elected to his present pre8 nt position in 1896 1896Mrs 1896Mrs 1896Mrs
Mrs A W Lucas now assistant assistantprincipal assistantPrincipi ssiatantprlncipnl
principal 1 public schools of Greeny Greenville GreenvilleMiss Greenyillstins ille illeMiss
Miss was the first woman to graduate graduatefrom graduatelrom graduatefrom
from Fiske University graduating in
1875 For fif fifteen teen yeais Mrs Lucas wasprincipal was wasprincipal wasprincipal
principal of the pnblio schools of Ma Maoon Macon Macon
con Miss
The Dervey Carr School of Elocution Elocutionlocated Elocutionlocated Elocutionlocated
located at Pensacola Fla is one of the thefew thefew thefew
few schools of its kind WhICh succeed succeeded ¬
ed for or any length of time Mrs F Des DesTwoey DesTerney DesTeruoY
Twoey Carr a pronounced elocutionist elocutionistand
and a product of genius and the Boston Bostonschool Bostonschoo Bostonschool
school of Elocution is principal principalOne principalOne principalOne
One of the moat thorough and praise praiseworthy praiseworthy praiseworth
worthy worth clubs among am among IDg colored women womenis
is the Murray Washington club of At Atlanta Atlanta Atlanta ¬
lanta On tx r The club is doing splendid splendidwork splendidwork splendidwork
work for the girls of that city and es especially especIally esPeolally ¬
pecially the young It was named in inhonor inhonor m
honor of Mrs Booker T Washington WashingtonMrs
Mrs Wayman Turner wife of Bishop Bishopbeen
Henry H Turner of Atlanta Ga has hasbeen hasbeen
been seriously ill at her home for a few fewweeks fewweeks fewweeks
weeks Mrs Turner is the widow of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the late Bishop Wayman of the A AM M
E Church and has only been married marriedto
to Bishop Turner since August 1800 1800rs 1800Mrs 1800Mrs
Mrs rs E Azalia Azai a Hackley the noted notedsinger notedsInger notedSinger
singer and musical Il1USICallnstruotor instructor 1 of Colo ColoHjdo Colorado Coloredo
Hjdo redo has btgun a series of ecitals 1 in
the larger Western and Eastern ciies ci c ies ies
MM Hackley Hacks ey is one of the best outer
clans we hav have and oDd will as she has halloos done
SiState In her state eta te wIn high
to tOWL W Lli LliWho praise in other otberWho
Who will be the next President Presidentoi of the
IfaUonalAssOCiatioD ha Atonal tiona Association of Colored Women
13 I Owtnow 1I8t Q at
now beginning to assume a d de der6
nee r6 of importance Mrs Terrell has haslfSJdlnt
> ten lfSJdlnt n Presld President nt since Bin ca the federation of ofJ
ViJlch Pr ch Mr Hrs BJoker B joker T Washington was
lldentl J t > and ud Olubf Club combined Mrs MrsMhlnBton
JOker T Washington MhlnBton Mrs Thurman
b rl Kaffla Ram Aa ffi1 and Mrs Terrell are Probe
lY 7 amen uung g toe tt e most popular candidates candidatesAmong candIdatesAmong candidatesong
Among ong the colored
women who were wereatthe
hlattendance Ing attendance atthe at the W OT O T Uxneet Uxneetmiad8lphia U meet
lug held in Washington
last week were
ra Rosetta
Parper Lawson MIa F E W Wof
of p
l Philadelphia Mra Lucy G Ga
a nrGlaJ rfl1au a ut Michigan Mi chtgar airs t12r s JR C Bear BearCnile3
aJ aod M s3 5 Mary A
Lynch 0 of North
lohna na MIss
Cnile3 Mrs
as Ttarman Ttarmanmtend8Lfc
e l uPertntende Rerliten mtend8Lfc deist t of the Mworfc work among
IUglon tJ aed red Pwple I > bople Mrs Booker T Wash Washw
t0n w was w
expected and was in in the
9 1
program but she was not in attend attendance attendance attendance ¬
ance anceThere anceThere
There are area a great many colored worn wornen women wornen I
en who w ho h o are a r e conducting business businessthroughout bu businessthroughout iness inessthroughout
throughout the country Prominent Prominentamong Prominentamong Prominenamong t
among among them are Mrs Carroll Oarrollproprletor Oarrollproprletorot proprietor proprietorof
of the Philadelphia House the th thhostelry e oldest oldesthostelry oldesthosteJry
hostelry in Washington WashingtonE city Mrs L LE LE
E Donaldson of Aberdeen Miss who whoowns whoowns whoowns
owns the largest grocery store in Upper UpperMississippi UpperMissIssippi UpperMississippi
Mississippi Mrs Lula Benjamin wid widow widowof widow
ow owof of the late Editor R C O Benja Benjamin Benjamin Bensmin ¬
min who runs the Standard and andthe andthe andthe
the publishing cffice connected with withthe withthe withthe
the paper paperSBURYS paperASBURYS paperASBURYS
AfroAmerican n Quick tick to Extend a Glad GladHand GladHand GladHand
Hand Which is Generally Empty EmptyThe EmptyThe EmptyThe
The race journals j ourllaIs are full of praise praisefor praiFefor praisefor
for Roscoe Conkling Conklin Bruce the young youngson youngson youngson
son of the late B K Bruce who whorecent whorecently recent recently ¬
ly covered himself with glory in the In Intercollegiate i itercolleglate Fr Frtereolle ¬
tercollegiate tereolle late debate between Harvardand Harvard Harvardand Harvardand
and Yale colleges Mr Bruce is a stu student student student ¬
dent at Harvard and the general oPinion opin opinion opinion
ion is that it was his magnificent elo sloquence eloquence eloquence ¬
quence and argument that won for his
school An event eV6r t of this kind is note noteworthy noteworthy noteworthy ¬
worthy and there is no reason why we weas we8S weas
as a race should not feet proud of such suchan sucban suchan
an able and nd distinguished member In Inthe Inthe Inthe
the light of past experience however howeverwe howeverwe howeverwe
we are forced to ask ourself the ques question que quetlOD quertion ¬
tion what will come of it It is pretty prettygenerally prettygeneraUy prettygenerally
generally understood that young Bruce Bruceis
is to become a lawyer law er Will those of ofus ofus ofus
us who now clap our hands and cry crybravo17 crybrsvo crybravo
bravo be willing to give him our le legal Iegal legal
gal bnsme s s2 We rememoer that but a afew 8few aPew
few years y ears sg sa < Ptof R H Terrell now nowPrincipal noVPrincipal nowrtinc1pal
Principal of the be Washington High HighSchool HighSchoo HighSchool
School and i 1 native of that city took tookone tookone tookone
one of the prncipai pr ncipal prizes prizes for scholar scholarship scholari scholarship ¬
i ship in Harvard University and was wasgraduated W8 wag waraduated E
I graduated g raduated with honor The race jour journals journals journals ¬
nals praised him his name was on ev every every evrv ¬
ery rv lip Ii p pton among a on the cultured and iboi iboiton bOIton bore >
ton colored people of his native city cityHe cityHe cityHe
He studied law and mastered his pro profeesion prolesBion profeeaion
feesion being complimented by the thejudges thejudges thejudges
judges for the able and learned way inwhich in inwhich inwhich
which he prepared and presented hiscases his hiscases hiscases
cases and yet these same people who whowined whowjned whowined
wined dined danced and worshipped worshippedwith worshippedwith worshippedwith
with him went onemploying on mploytDg t ipso in white at attorneys attorneys ate atetorne
torneys torne s and he was compelled to de derend dee
rend e td for support gu gues loPort upon the old aunt aunties aUlties
ies es a a d uncles wh > cook f fr r son sonwait Bn Bnwait alitW
wait W sit on the white folks The result is isthat isthat isthat
that a lawyer Ia wyer of splendid ability finds findsit findsit findsit
it more profitable profit ble to teach school thanto than thanto thanto
to practice the th e profession for which he heis beIs heis
is especially prepared and to which he heis heIs heis
is especially adapted Not long after of ter
ward a Mr Morgan was as class CSES orator at atSarvaid atHarvaid atHarvard
Harvard and the newspapers weiefol weiefolof wale fnBof fnB ful3of
of praise of him He is a practicing practicinglawyer practicInglawyer practicinglawyer
lawyer intBostoa i Boston and makes his monty montyout mODtyout rnon Y Yout
out cf c f white clients s the colored people peoplescarcely peoplescarcoly p eo P Pscarcely le
scarcely giving him any support Buppor We Wein Wein Wepeople
in common c mmon with other colored people peopleare pEopleare PeoP PeoPare
are proud of young Bruce and congratulate congrat congratulatehUn congratulatehim
ulatehUn ulate him upon his splendid achievemente achieve achievementfi achievemente
mente We hope he will willbe he able to tomake tomake tomake
make a success SUOC SS of life after hb shall shallhave shtllhave shallhave
have quit school and if he were located locat localed located
ed near us would do all in our power powerto powerto
to assist him Heretofore it t has been
the practice of a great majority of our ourpeople ourpeople
people to give our young business and andprofessional andprofessional andprofessional
professional men the glad hand but butunfortunately butunfortunately butunfortunately
unfortunately that hand is is generally generallyempty generallyempty generallyempty
empty Let us hope that hereafter we weare we weare
are to see a great improvement in these thesematters thesematt thesemattersOdd
matters matt mattersOdd r8 Odd Fellows FellowsJournal FellowsJournalPark Journal JournalPark ournal ournalPark
Park Temple Choir at the Forefathers ForefathersDay ForefathersDay ForefathersDay
Day Banquet BanquetRev BanquetRev BanquetRev
Rev Sterling N Brown and Hon RonJere HonJare HonJere
Jere A Brown together to ether with the Park ParkTemple PdtkTemple ParkTemple
Temple choir were guests of the Con Congregational Congregational Congregational ¬
gregational club at the Forefathers ForefathersDay Foref ForefathersDay th rd rdDay
Day banquest ban quest on the 19th inst MrJustice Mr MrJustice 1IrJustIce
Justice Brewer of the U S Supreme SupremeCourt SupremeCourt SupremeCourt
Court presided Hon Harriot Brosius BrosiusM BrosiuBl BrosiuBlC f fdelivered
M C delivered the oration orati D and the thftPaik thePalk
Park Ttnaple T Tsic E mPle choir furnished fl1rni hed themu themusic the mu
I sic The hearty applause which follow followed tollowed followed
ed each number and the unstinted unstintedpraise unstintedpraise unstintedpraise
praise given after the banquet beapeak beapeakthe beapeakthe bespeakthe
the grand success of the choir Thefollowing The Thefollowing rhefollowing
following are members of the choirsoprano choir choirsoprano choirsoprano
soprano Mrs Josephine J o ephine S Ball Mrs MrsLula llrsLuIs MrsLula
Lula Joy Jo Brooks Miss Louisa Smithalto Smith Smithalso Smithalto
alto Misses M SSES Louisa A Hamer and Lot Lottie Lottie Lottie
tie Wallace tenor Walter F Franklin Franklinbass Franklinbass Franklinbass
bass W B Hayson and J T Fox Di Director Dlreo Director ¬
rector reo tor Walter B Hay HayaoD son accompa accompanist accompanist accompanest
nist Mies Jennett t Williamson WilliamsonTable WillIamsonE1I2lI
E1I2lI E ETable l 7IX l71BE l71BETable E
Table Board BoardMeals Meals Cooked to OrderFReceptions Order OrderParties OrderParties
Parties FReceptions Receptions and an Suppers SuppersCatered SuppersCatered SuppersCatered
Catered To ToICE To1CE o
Wholesale and Retail
Washington Washingtonr D C CtlELSONS
i K < fI
71 it lWN
C rdzc e A vqJ vqJSTRAICHTlN
i CTRAIGHTN I9 1 NE is no experiment tnt athor athorO a thor thorougl
O STRAICHTlN ougly ougl reliable preparation It has been beenletters beensuccessfully beensuccessfully
successfully used by y thousands in allX all por portions > r rtions
tions of the country We have hundreds of ofletters ofletters
letters speaking in the highest terms of its itsi itsmerit itsmerit
i merit and every mail brings us fresh testi testii testimonials testionials
i monials onials Stralghtlne Stra htine is is a highly perfumed perfumedS perfumedmade perfumedmade
S pomade made 5 it not only on ly Straightens the Hair Hairbut Hairut flairbut
but ut removes Dandruff Keeps the Hair from fromj fromFalling i iDiseases
j Falling Out cures Itching Irritating Scalp ScalpDiSea5Qshgiving ScaipDiseaos
Diseases giving a rich long and luxuriousI luxurious luxurioushead
head of ofanteed hair fairso airso so much to be bedesired desired Guar GUBranteed j
J anteed perfectly harmless Price 25 Cents Centsf Centsa
f a can at all drug stores or sent by mail to toan gs Fi
i any an address on receipt of 30 cent in stamps stampsor
3 or silver Address NELSON AlFG M F U CO COI COt COR
I R Richmond Ichmond f b bteew Va jgSHJIg JSr6 JSr6BIg BIg Honey o n e Y for or A AgentsWrite Agents ge ts I I
t 1 Write teew for fO rTdt Terms T ne s I i
1 11fu
i 1 i
> I l 1 = = It t
BEFORE AFTER 7J t tWonderful
A Wonderful Face Bleach sac
I h
both in a a box for 1
or three
boxes for forS2 S2 2
frllOTan Guaranteed taarl to + A A f 1
do what we
say to be the
bes best
in the world + One V AiC box U < J Is allthat all that 180 i c
required if used as directed directedA
A PE1CHLIKE complexion obtained if ns uSAd d I
00 i J 1TTI1 t
as s directed ViII turn
the skin of a black 0
brown person four or five
shades lighter and an a
a mulatto
person perfectly white w W In > t fortY < fort AVf Jk V J = a
eight hours a shade or two lighter will be Jf If j
no ¬
ticeable ticeabl e It I t does not turn the skin in spots but
bleaches bleach es out white the skin s
remaining beauti ¬ r
ful f ul without continual
use Will J Jwrinkles
remove removein
wrinkles freokles freoklesdarkspos darkspos pimples
pimplesorbnmps orbumps 1
or black heads
makIng the skin in
very vet soft and andthe r
smooth Small pox ox pits tan6 an liver spots re
movedwnthout moved without harm to the skin Vhen Yh enyou you get 1
the color you wish stopusing stop using the preparation preparationMany preparatIonTHE preparationTHE
that goes in everyone every one dollar bx bps Is enough to
makeanyoneBhairgrOvlongandstraight make anyones hairgrow long an d straight and
keeps it from falling out Highly 1
P perfumed ed f
and makes the hair soft and
easy to comb c >
Many of our customers say one of our dollar t i
boxes is worth ten dollars dos lara yet we sell it for one t
dollar oY ar a box boxAny boxAny I f i
Any T i person Xnff Xnffder sen sending ding us one dollar dos larin in a letter
or PostOffice money or order er express e money or It 1
der or registered regIs n teredo teredoletter letter wewilfsendit we will send it through t
the themail mail postage post geprepaidOrifYOUwantitsent prepaid or o r if you wantit sent b
C O D it 1 will W III come by express 35c extra J i t
In any case where it fails to do what we
claim we will return the y
money or send a box
free of charge Packed so that
no one will I
know contents
except receiver receiverTHO3 f t
122 West Broad St StEICHMOND StRICHMOND < Z 1
t g ge4
e4 J7 J7Consumers 1 I II
Consumers ConsumerBrewing
9 1Ijl s 44 44s
+ 4 1 t
Brewing BrewingBrews Ji a j jComDany
ComDany J H 1J 1JJ L
c cBrews
Brews the purest Beer on the W Wash h ¬ i
ington in ton Market The highest chemical chemicalauthoriiy clernrcalColumbia < t t
authorii authoriiy in the tb district lstrlct of Columbia Columbiaafter
after a ter an analysis jufet ust finished of all the thedifferent t y J r
t t ts
t i
different GI ferent beers on the market gives > s 1
this as his verdict Dont Dontbe be fooled b by 1
jealousy envy or prejudice on either eitheror i
or all of s which is based our opposition 0 to ii t
We have the most modern plant
We w e brew from t t
sterilized water and andchoice F Fchoice r rchoIce
choice hops and malt We Va have one oneof r rof 1 < <
of the tho thoe e most skillful bret bre masters mast rs io n the theeounfcy I E
county Visit our plant an and d indist Inn t onus on onus p <
us pro proving via g our assertions We will tie e eglad 1 1
glad g lad to t show w all allABE allBE r
ABE A BE KING KINGSetfy Ii G n a f J f I
Setfy e c y and an Z Zreas ZreasE 7Ie reas reasE s i
E L JORDAN DA 7 7Pres b > 1
Pres < md Gen QerftMgr QerftMgrPool eni lMgr yr t i t I Itj I
tj I
SF ART A it i r
Pool and Billiard Rooms > r 4
1206 Pennsylvania A Avenue venue vent1 n w wThis wThis
1 1Tbis j
This large spacious and wellsitua ¬ f
ted pleasure establishment has had hadaddfd
added to It a new room In the third thirdstory f E
story for fo pool poo and billiards where w here those thosewho t ij t
who do not care to pay in ID tbe larger largerapartm Iar er l
1 + <
apartm nip can have bav a degree of ofprivacv of 1 t tprivaci i
fro froprivacV
privacv privaci Dot to be obtained elsewhere w
This new newroomishandsomeJyfurnisshed room is handsomely furnished furnishedand t S
and lighted by electric lights Theatmosphere The Theatmosphere l tii
atmosphere is cooled by electric l ctrfc fans
4 M I
You bre re cordially invited to make makenspection r
Inspection i of tbee pool and billiardarlors billiard bi1llardparlors
arlors You ou will receive reee ve a hearty welA wel I t
ome at ary a y timeSAMUEL time Ask A 9k for forSAMUEL r +
SAMUEL SAM U E L A TYLER T YLE R Manager Mana ge r p t 1 i li i if
f v I t tTF
T TF I F rCoji COn f o r t t 1 c
+ ofGo ofGoDistillers 01 Ql L 0 i 1 1Distillers I
Distillers DiEtil1er8Ag Agents lts a an anr and d 1 Wholesale Wh W holes o lfi e QaJr aI f e and j jRelail L ti r rRetail 1 1 i t tI
R Retail etal I Dealers D foR 1 ers m in Forfign F Forei pTfolgn n and andPomehc n d c l3 I I IPpmestic t is t
Ppmestic Pome5tic Wines W lnds in S aDd L Liqiors tors t c j i 1 l l2iand I
1421 1 421 4 2iand and a a 1421 142Hfe J P Sweet t ret e Nj N V < = f 9 i a
Wt 1tf t I F Fj