1 L Li
i 6 TTTF CGGLOHED 1CAi p W Wak331i17GatJli IKGTOS H iJ nR o
I i
FrankA Frank A su superficies erficies is a figure of oftwo 01two
1 two dimension dn3n 1 1breadth ensionQ viz length leD ih and andbreadfcb 2Ddi an d
if breadth breadfcbOne breadthH
H i
r One of the most popular lawyers at atthe atr
r the Ro Boyal al Court of Martinique was the thecelebrated thel thecalebrated thecelebrated
celebrated M Pay Pa a mulatto mulattoSam mulattof mulattoSim
f Sam S m H HT HThe The e immediate cause canseofthe canseoftheli of thereformation the thereformation
li reformation in in England d was a quarrel quarrelbetween quarrelf
f r between Henry s VIII and the Pope Popel Po Pe Per
r l 2 Henry ViII died in 1547 and was wassucceeded wassucceeded
t succeeded by b his son Edward VI VIS VIJ VIS
J S L R he great fire of Lordoa Lordoabegan LOLdoDbegan Lox don donbean
began September 2 1666 and continued continuedthree contInuedthree
I three days in in which 13000 13 UOO houses and and4si
4si 7
400 streets were destroyed Tea wasr was wasfirst wasj
j r first used in England in the same year yearMise yearF
F r f less t C B BGuinea Guinea took its name namefrom namef
f 4 > j from the coast of 0 r Guinea in Africa Africafrom Africajf
jf I from fro which which place the gold for it i was wasoriginally wasi
i originally brought brou ht The guinea gUInea is IS no nolonger DOit
it l 1 Tj 1 longer coined but the term still indi indicates indir andir ¬
r r a cates c ates 21 shillings shillingsCadet shillingsi
c i Cadet CadetGeneraPaez General Paez S Semetine metine Presot Prest Pres Pesof
t ot Venezuela was a colored man Gen General Gent Genera1 xen xeni ¬
t i
eral Plar who bore a conspicuous part partin parti par parin t
i in the Columbian levoluion reyolnion was a mu mulatto muf mulotto ¬
f lotto General Lucoe the commander eommanderin
1 1 in inthe chief at the battle of Ayacneho 1824 1824the 1824he
r 1r the he most remarkable ever fought in inSouth inSouth i n
t South America was a black man He Hewas Hewas H Hwas
was in in 1826 elected President of Bolivia BoliviaSclpio B livia aliviai liviaScIpio
+ Sclpio ScI lo Af Africanu ricanus an African in his hisboyhood hisboyhood hi hiboyhood I
° boyhood was one of the playmates of ofLouis o oLouis f
1 Louis PMllipe Ph 1l1pe King of France and was wasone wa waone s
> 1 one of the family of f the Duke D oke of Orleans OrleansHe Orleansi
i i >
s He became an officer offic 3r in in the French FrenchArmy Frenc FrencArmy h
1 1r
r Army Ar Arwith under Joubert J Qubert and was killedZt1 killed killedwith
Zt1 with that officer at at the battle of Nov Noviin N Novin ovi ovii i
µ i in 1779 Pellet a highly iiahl respected and andpopular andt andpopular
t Hc V popular popul officer in the National Guar Guard Guardof GuardMJj d
MJj of France was as a dark mulattoWhat mulatto mulattoWhat
1 ii csi csif
f rtj1 f What is meant by b Benefit o oclergy of ofclergy 9f 9ff f r
f clergy clergyR B Nf N A AIt Ar AIt
r 1L 1Ly It is is an expression referring to a form former formf
f y er state of the law in England a when whenclergyman whenj whe whei1 n i
K i1 > j f fti clergyman had the benefit of being ex exempted exemptad ¬ 1
ti em empted emptad P t d from prosecution rosecution for alleged allegedcrimes al1 allege ged d
i a crimes and offences before any + civil civiltribunal fivUtribunal t i itribunal s i 1
i1 tribunal In course ourse of time laymen who whocould whocould wh
h could read claimed and were allowed allowedthe sHowedthe aI iow iowthe e d
the like privilege privn2 e Benefit of clergy clergywas clergyW clerg clergs v
s was W B finally abolished in the reign of ofGeorge otGeorge o oGeorge f
George IV IVThe IVt
t 4 Fc The elder Dumas D Dwas umas Alex a black man manwas manwas ma n
was one of the most literary characters charactersof s 1
I IF j 1 of the West India I dia Island and a General Generalof GeneralI I
I F of Artillery He for a long time com commanded comi cornJ ¬
i J manded a alegion legion in the French army armyand armyt arm armand v y
t j and was one of Bonapartes Bona arts s favorite favoritegenerals favoritegenerals
I generals of divieicn and named by byhim byhIm b bhim
him 4 Horatioua Codes of the Tyrols TyrolsHis 7J 7JHis F
His eon a mulatto mulattoJ is deemed second secondonly secondonly secon secon1tit I t
1tit = only in in literature to Victor Hugo and andthe andthe an anelecte d I
the distinguished distingnis hed honor hon or of being beingu elected electeda d
1 u 1 a member of the French Institute InstituteHistorieus InstituteHistoricusa Instituteb
b Historieus Historicusa a We think not noti b bThe bThe
i The Egyptians and the Ethiopians Ethiopiansfirst Ethiopiansfirst Ethiopianfirst s
i first discovered the art ol reading writ writing writit1g writmg ¬
ing mgi mgii ii letters and figures building moul moulin mould moulding mouldlng d j
< ° ing in making m8kin carving casting forging forgingengraving forgingengraving forgingengraving i
engraving carving spinning weaving weavingdyeing weavingdyeIng weavingdyeing 5
dyeing sawing sa wing ploughing planting plantingreaping plantingreaping plantingreaping
reaping j jing threshing winnowing grind grinding grinding grin d ¬
G ing preserving embalming navigation navigationfighting navIgationfighting n
fighting No i o modern nation has b e eably en enable enable n
able thus far to discover the secret by bywhich bywhich b bwhich Y P
> 4f 4fr which the Egyptians and Ethiopian Ehiopiansembalmed E hiopians hiopiansembalmed B g
r a j wi wiembalmed embalmed their dead deadJ deadt deadLOn
t ° t f J K K L LOn On the 20 of March 1779 1r r r 9 9urns itJ it itwas i l
J t ti was recommended by Congress to the thestates theH t h e
H t i = 1 I = A states of Georgia and South Carotinraise Carolina Carolinato Caro D8 D8i a are a
i t f r to raise 3000 colored troops who were wereto we weI re B
H I 1 i J j to be rewarded for their services by byIheir b
5 I i 3 t their heIr freedom The delegations fro from fromthose fromt m j
t 0 ii 4 those ose States informed Congress th thsuch that thatsuch at t
t 1 1i
i i r 7 such h a body b bod dy of troops would not only onlyclbe onl onlx 7
x i A 1 clbe be formidable to the enemy but wouldI would wouldlessen woul woullessen d 1
I 1 D lessen I ssen the danger dangerofrevolte of revolts and deserL deser desertjona dese desesint1D r
tjona Ion sint1D mong 1 the be sl glares IaYa ve6 themselves themse th I 8lv ve 2o 2oA l1 7
1 1fL g I ILY t w
t k LY
See S ee secret journal ournai of the old o d Congress Congressvol Oongressvo Congressvol
vol vo 1 pages 105 and 107The 107 107The 107The
The word Adam is is derived r as follower followerAdaro followeAdam followsAdam
Adam Adamah Adami Admah which whichmeans whichmeans whichmeans
means earthy The The earth is a dark darkrich darkrich darkich
rich r ich substance and from it our first firstparents firstparents
parents p arents were taken If we admit thatDr that thatDr thatDr
Dr Browns and other Bible diction dictionaries dictionaries
aries are correct in their explanation of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the meaning of f terms then the deduc deduction dtdnction deductinn
tion must be that Ethiopia E hio laGeD Gen G Gwas en 11 18 18was 18was
was black No we do not think Blair Bisirop Bishop Blairp
op o p Turner is wrong wrong in asserting that thatJesus thatJe thatJews
Jesus Je nB Christ is black He has as much muchright muchright muchright
right right as asaDy any one else to express expr 8s an opin opinion opinion oPinion
ion on this question We are rather ratherinclined ratherinclined rathernclined
inclined i to the belief that the Bishop Bishophas Bishophas Bishope
has good goodgronnds grounds for or making th the e state statement statemente
ment what W hat proof has any anyone one ad adduced adduced aduced ¬
duced d uced to show that Jesus Christ is iswhite iswhite iswhite
white What passage in the script urea ureaestablishes ure3establIshes aresstablishes
establishes e his racial identity He was wasa wasa wasa
a Jew Are all Jews white whiteThe whiteThe whiteThe
The black Jews I ewe in Asia have all the thesacred thesacred thesacred
sacred writings which were given be before before beore ¬
fore f ore the Babylor Babylonish ish captivity captivityWisdom c8 captivityWisdom tivitJ tivitJWisdom
Wisdom and knowledge are not dis distinctively dIetinctively distinctlvel ¬
tinctively tinctlvel American products productsSPARKS productsSPARKS
No Sarah Jane3 a prudent woman is isnot isnot isnot
not neceEsarily a prude prudeAbout prudeAboQt prudeAbout
About the worst thing in in the world worldis worldis
is reading readiD a continued story in a aweekly aweekly aweekly
weekly newspaper newspaperWhat newspaperWhat
What has become of the old fash fashioned fashioned fashtoned
ioned mother who used to rub goose goosegrease goosegresseon
grease gresseon on her childs breast when it itwas itwas
was suffering from eod eodWhen co codPWhen d dW
When W en s woman says she believes believesaheJl believesshe
aheJl she J1 get drunk just for ions fan to see seehow seehowit seehow
how howit it feels feels71 bet your our last dollar that thatshe
she has been there before beforeWhen beforeW beforeWhen
When W hen a girl girl is going goin on a visit of ofbut Ifbut ofbut
but ten or fifteen miles there are as asmany
many man girls at a the station to seeher off offas oftas
as if she he were going to Europe EuropeHave E Grope GropeHave
Have you ever yet et met a colored coloredman coloredman
man that couldnt beau anybody writ writing writIng writing
ing his own name If you have mark markhis markhis
his name down do wn on your list of curior curiorIf curioPIf earioF
If some girls irls should place as many manycandles manycandles manyas
candles as they are years old on their theirbirthday theirirthday thei theibirthday r
birthday cake they would be com compelled compeHed ¬
pelled pelted to have haves a cake baked as large as 8Sa a s
a wash washtub washtubMany washtubMany tub tubMany
Many a woman likes l kes to have the themen themen themen
men folks think she is is bad bad1 and then thenfind thenfind
find out upon a more through aa aaquaintance saquaintance acuaintance
quaintance Q Qthe uaintance that she is not so bad as asthey
they the Y YEvery have ha e thought her herEvery
Every plug printer has a new bluff blu1fin
in order to make others believe he is isjam isjam i iam s
l jam am up to date when applying for forjob a ajob ajob
job ob he carries hanging out from his hiscoat hiBcoat h hcoat i s
coat pocket an Inland Printer PrinterSome PrinterSome
Some Uliterar literary mens idea ol liter literature literature ¬
ature Is to o write as badly as they 1 1sibly pos posesibly os
sibly can that their printers may not notunderstand notunderstand no nounderstand t
understand them and in in order to have haveit haveit
it said of them that all smart men menwri me mewri n
write wri te F e badly badlyA 7 7A
A woman will use the choicest lang language language Ian g
uage complimentary to the perfect fit fitof fitof flu
of anothers new gown own and then after afterthe afte r
the latter has gone will say critically criticallyMy
My but isnt she a si sigLt sigl lyt2 t Her skirts skirtshang skirtshang skirt skirthang s
hang dreadfully dreadfallynWhen
When there is a joke at the theater theaterabout theaterabout r
about married men fooling with other othermens Dike r
mens wives wives and there is an unusual unusualclpping unasua 1
clapping of the hands it all comes comesunanimously comeaunanimously comeunanimously e
unanimously from the women who whohave wli °
have indiscreet husbands and know it ItThere i t
There is a great deal said nowadays nowadaysabout nowada y yabout s
about Tarkej Turke Js s defiant attitude as shown showntoward n
toward Uncle Uncl Sam b but ut the t 1efl1c feel fac remains remainsnevertheless rem8in8nsvertheless B
nevertheless that Uncle Sams official officialfaJUily officiafs
I family fs i numbering uul b8ril B some ouie seventy seventy odd od d
l Il
On terms that are arranged to snIt your convenience Any amount from rom 810 IO to SlfXO
y 7ourturniture our furniture piano organ or acythtDg acyt kin g OfvaIu9 o f vala9 left In your Possession so yon on o
use of both the goods as well as the money You want the lowest rate of coarse then retthe get the
to us we will arrange the payments to snit la CoL4 come
you large ge or small weekly wee Iy or monthly Install lusts
merits In dealing with us yon receive the beneo beneflss s of dealIng des in with the oldest ll
most m ost reliable rel1ab e compAny oi e f thi th kit kind d In Washington largest tad n ami and
We would be pleased ed to have you you call even 11 you do not Dotwfsh wish to borrow oorrow It wl 1
well to know the best place to get it and you may favor your friends by sending them will I be
and rest assured we will ti eat them with liberality and courtesy courtesyCapital oourtesyCapital courtesyLoan to t d us
Capital CapitalRoom Loan Guarantee Company CompanyRoom 9
Room 8 and 9 Hood Building 602 F Sfe N W corner of o Sixth Street
Private entrance Room No No9 9 in the rear
MONEY TO LOAN at 3 ax 33 3 834 33 4 and 4 4I per percent wpercent percent
cent in sums of SlCOD i ft to 10000 on D C f realestate real realestate realestate
estate pay off on 5 and 6 per cent mortgages mortgagesand mortgagesand mortgagesand
and begin anew all transactions conducted conductedwith condnctedwith conductedwith
with economical e ° ono nical consideration forborrower forbcrrowErM orburrowfreWM
WM W M H SAUNDERS CO 1407 F + St s nw nwWE nwWE
On Warehouse Receipts Household HouseholdGoods HouseholdGoode HouseholdGoods
Goods Pianos Plan os and other Chattels Loan Loanmade LDSDmade Loanmade
made on u monthly payment system for forone forone forone
one month to one year If you have a aloan aloan aloan
loan any anywhere where else in town or owe 0 we webill a abill abill
bill which you wish to settle we can canadvance canadvance canadvance
advance you money enough to meetour meet meetyour meetyour
your y our obligations and give you more moremoney moremoney moremoney
money money Y Ydentist All business is strictly confi confidential confidential ¬
dential No charges are made unlessou unless unlessyon unlessyou
yon y ou get the money moneyEvans moneyEvans moneyai
Evans ai aitJ Co CoYO7 tJ tJRoom
YO7 G GStreet Street N VVRoom W WBoom
Room 3 first floor rear rearOpposite rearOpposite rearOpposite
Opposite Patent t OfficeFor Office OfficeFor OfficeFor
For Real Estate Transactions TransactionsB
B BL JE Warner a e Company CompanyKeal j jReal
Real Estate Brokers BrokersWarner BrokersWarner Brokersa
Warner Bonding a Washington Washingtonmillions D C Cmillions Omillions
millions put the turks down Thursday ThursdayNov Thursday J I
Nov 29 1900The 1900 1900The I IThe
The persons who intend to destroy destroyvice destroyvice destro destrovice
vice by preventing burlesque eoinpa eoinpanies comp compnies compi1nies
nies from advertising women in tights tightsmight tlghtemight tightFtght
might tght with greater profit turn their theirattention theirattention C
attention to the stores which advertise advertisethe adveltisethe advettisthe
the union undergarment underga ment which they theywear theywear the T
wear probably on a dummys figure figureless figurelees figurless j
less symmetrical than th n those on bill billboards billboards billboards
boardsWhenever boards boardsWhenever boardsWhenever
Whenever a vaudeville monolo monologue monologuecomedian monologuecomedian n ncomedian
comedian fails to mae a hit with any anyother 8nyother an another
other Joke oke he takes refuge behind behindjoke a ajoke BUjoke
Ujoke joke on something about Br Bryan Bryanwhich Bryanwhich > a awhich I
which is sure to create a ripple oi oilaughter oflaughter 0 f
laughter The Bryan joke is destin destined de8tined
ed to go down to history along wit with withthe witbthe
the ancient a clent mother inJaw joke and andothers andI an I Iothers
I others that have seen better days daysWhen daysWhen daYaWhen
When a girl is 18 she has all sorts of ofbeautiful ofbeautIful o obeautiful f
beautiful dreams of marriage in which whichahe whichshe what whatshe s
she is the central figure v alking down downthe downth dow n
the th aisles of the church while the grand grandpipe 2randptpe gran 3
pipe fee organ is pumping off Mendelsohns Mendelsohnsor Mendelsohnor a
or Lohengrins march to which her hermany hermanyattendant9 h hmany a
many manyattendant9 attendant trip toe harmoniously harmoniouslyWhen harmon harmoniouslyWhen ousJy ousJyWhen
When she reaches 25 however she shedreams shedreams sh shdreams e
dreams no more and sees a condition conditionof n
of reality by which she is confronted confrontedwith confrontswith d
with a six six dollar a week man and a amop 8mop
mop and washtub in the back ground grovn grovncCORgER t
Miss Flora Batson the qneen Dean of son song songand songand
and Mr Girard MillarJ Millar basso soloist soloisthave soloisthave t
have returned from Australia where wherethey wher wherthey whespent
they theyTroubadours spent two seasons with McAdoothey Mcdoos McdoosTroubadours McAdoosTroubadours
Troubadours and are now making makingtheir makingtheir makin
their headquarters in this city clt3Bit Miss MissBatson MissBatscon
Batson has s lost none of hergrat he great gr at power powerand Pow r rs rand
and 8 d witchery witch ry to charm her her audiences audiencesand audiencesand audienceand 3
and her entertainments entertail Iaent are of the very veryhighest veryhighesb ve y yhighest
highest order qrd f fI
Y t
L r
Te National Safe Deposit Savings aDd aadTrnst aDdTrust aildTrust
Trust Company CompanyCorner C1mpanyCorner GompaupCorner
Corner 15th St and New York Ave AveCapital AveCapital AveCapital
Capital One Million Dollars DollarsPays DollarsPays DollarsPays
Pays Interest on deposits
Rents Sales In Insides sides Burglarproof Vaults
Aatssa Acts as administrator
executor trustee
Any amount amona you want and andyou andyou
I you can pay us back in small smallmonthly smallmonthly smallmonthly
monthly payments Oar rates are arenot areDot arenot <
> not high highin in fact they are the themost themost
I most reasonable In town townJ townRemember townRemember
J JSEememher Remember all business is IsstrictIy iestrictly i istrictly
strictly oonfLdenfcial oonfidentha1WaEh1ngfnn +
1 WaEh1ngfnn ashir tnn piortga or a e Loan CD Co6zo
610 F Street StreetDO
4 4DO
We will lend any amount from 310 Up npOn UpOn upOn
On Household Furniture Furniturepianos Furnitureplanos Furniturepianos
pianos horses wagons carriages or person ¬
I al property of any kind without removal
from your possession Loans can be carried
as lone lon as desired and payments can be made madeSpy madeat madeat
at Spy any time to suit the convenleno of the
of the borrower We are the only properly properlorganized
organized loan company in the city If you
appreciate low ow rates courteous treatment treatmenton treatmentand
and attention to your Interests you treatmentt will cal caIon calon
on us Offices private and easily reached
Loans made in any part ol the city N Ne e
delay a Open from 8 a a m to 6 p m mSECURITY mSECURITY
Room 1 Warder Bnlising BnlisingCorner BnningCorner nll tng tngCorner
Corner 9th and andF F sts n w wCapital Wi Wiapital wCapital
Capital apital Savfng9Bank Savings SavingsIBanlc SavingsBank
609 F St N W Washington D C CCapital CCapital
Capital 860000 860000Hon 50000 50000Hon 60000Hon
Hon Jno R Lynch President PresidentL
L C Bailey Treasurer TreasurerJ Trecr urer urerJ
J A Johnson Secretary SecretaryD
D B McCary Cashier CashierJOirectorsi Cashiermrectors
JOirectorsi JOirectorsiJno mrectorsJno 3ireCtos
Jno E R Lynch Dr W S Loft LoftWMtefield LoftrWhitefield
Whitefield McKinlay eSinlap J 0 B BEobt BRobt
Robt H Terrell W S Montgomt MontgomtWyatt
Wyatt Archer John A PierreH PierreHeni PierreHeniE en enE
I E Baker James Storum J A AJohnson AJohnson
Johnson Dr A W Tancil Howard HowardH HowardH
H Williams WilliamsDeposits Wil1jstns1Deposits
j Deposits received from 10 cents up upward u uward ¬
ward Interest allowed on 3500 500 and andabove andabove
above Collections meet with promp prompattention promVattention promP promPattention
attention A general exchange and andbanking andbanking andbanking
banking business bnsine done doneBank doneBank doneBank
Bank open from 9 a m to 430 pm paAT pm1QOnEY
1QOnEY PortEYToLwrn TO LOfln LOflnAT
OnEeal On Real Estate in D C CSo CNo
No delay beyond examination ot f Title TitleWALTER TitleWALTBR TitleWALTER
7 704 J 14Lh i9zP7 1 N W WJ Wr
J j >