OCR Interpretation

The colored American. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1893-19??, December 29, 1900, Image 9

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83027091/1900-12-29/ed-1/seq-9/

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SHE HEUOL 1tED j1 1 j 3
r D 6T lIL i q t f 1 E
Celebrated G GOn ra Its f fOn r i = h + < i < r r 2ersr ersry ersryI ersryOn
On Thursday e i je C 20tbOld 20tbOldArk 20th Old OldArk
Ark Arkcelebrated Lodge No 1695 169 L i O of 6 F Fcelebrated J Jcelebrated
celebrated its twenty twentyfifth fifth anniversary anniversaryat anniversaryThe
at the Odd Oddas Fellows Hall Hallat The hall hallwas hallwas
beautifully decorated with flowers fiowsrsw fiowsrsbanners flowersreecs flOW6lBgreensJ
w was as
flags and andP banners D G M MHartin MMartin
greens reecs
Martin and andm P N Fs James T Walker WalkerWilliam WalkeriUiam
William iUiam m L Tignor and Thos E Scott ScottWere Scottwere Scottwere
Were among the speakers s peaker of the even evenDg evenDg evenH
P N I F + W EL H White acted as asMaster asMaste
Dg ngMaster
Master ofmina of Ceremonies s After the pre preliminary preliminary ¬
the guests guestspttook guestsptttook
exercises were over
U liminary mina rY
pttook attoo k of a most bountiful repast repastserved repastserved
served by b btare y Mr Murray the efficient ca caterer caterer ¬
terer tare r Among AmongMisses these present were wereHisses wereMisses
Misses Mary P Gross Ida Madra Madray MadrayLacy 1IadrayLucy Y YLucy
Lucy Fletcher Maud DI DITaylor and Leamos Jennett JennettTaylor JennettTaylor J
Taylor Lula Brown Georgia Smith SmithElla SmithElla SmithFLla
Ella Jones Mesdames Mary Meekins MeekinsElla MeekinsElla MeekinsF
Ella Walker L LT F Fletcher Messrs MessrsJainea MessrsJames
James aam8While T T Walker W C Martin W R RWhite RWhite
White Thomas E Scott John Thorn Thornton Thornton Thornton
ton William L Tignor W L Hauster HausterJ
J F FC M I Wilkinson B R Leamos JbeamosC
C B Walker T J Field jr W A AWells AWells AHoward
Wells BIM sr erbIor Rev William 111iam J Howard HowardMajor HowardMftjor
Major y Arthur Brooks Prof W Bruce BruceEvans BruceEvans
Evans Dr J J1letchar T Dowling Prof L F FFletcher FMletcher
Fletcher and many others The ladies ladiesand ladiesand ladiesand
and gentlemen attired in full dress pre presented presented preaerated ¬
sented a very handsome appearance appearanceThe appearanceThe appearanceThe
The orchestra oetra under the leadership of ofProf ofPlot ofPcof
Plot Washington Washi n g ton tonmusic dispensed I8pen ed excellent excellentmusic exc llent llentmusIc
music and dancing was of course inorder in inorder inorder
On 0 o Friday Ere SI l inst the mem members members ¬
bers 0bers of the Moot court of Howard Uni Univeraity Univer8ity Univerity
verity Law School presented Prof Mason Ma Mason MaBon
son M M111chardson RichaidaoD Lecturer an Com Commercial Commeroial Cornmeroia1 ¬
mercial Law with a handsome gold goldheaded goldheaded goldheaded
Butler Butlerthe ButIethe Butlerthe
headed cane Mr J Thomas
the young orator made the presenta presentation presentation presentaton ¬
natchless tchless stylethe style styleThe styleThe
tion in in a masterly and na
The professor and the whole class were jverevisibly Vere VereVliiblymoved
visibly Vliiblymoved Y i ibl Y moved b bthe by his h is forcible eloquence eloquencethe
the afieet was magnetic the profesaor profesaornspanded profesSrorrEsp Profesaorrs
nspanded rEsp rs ended in in a sincere and feeling tone tonetbinkiDg tonethinking toneinklng
thinking tb inklng the members of the court courtand courtand
and wishing them a merry merryhappy Xmas and a ahappy 8happy
happy New Year Prof Hart being beingcalled bell beingcalled g gcalled
called spoke briefly eulogizing Prof ProfRichardson ProfRichardson ProfRichardson
Richardson At the close of his speech speechhe speechMr
he was loudly applauded applaudedwas Mr Butler Butlerwas Butlerwag
was the recipient of many con congratula congratulations congratulations gratula gratulafloras ¬
tions and the whole affair was one of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the Moat enjoyable and encouraging in inthe inthe inthe
the history of the class of 1901 1901A 1901A
4 4For
A Mission MissionIn For ior Young Y oun Colored Men MenIn MenIn
In view of the fact that there are arenearly arenearly arenearly
nearly ninety thousand colored people peoplein
in the city of Washington and there therebeing therebeIng therebeing
being so C a little done to exert a moral moraland moraland moraland
and religious influence over the young youngmen youngmen youngmen
men not even a Young Mens en Js Chris Christian Chtisban Christiara ¬
ban Association or Reading Room Roomwhere Jtoomwhere doomwhere
where th the young men might congre congregate congregate congregate ¬
gate for religions instruction instructionThere instructionThere instructionThere
There has been opened a m1 mission slon at at211i
21415 2141 4 41 street northwest for young youngcolored youngcolored youngcolored
colored men four fournigbs nights in the week weekHonday weekMonday weekpanda
Monday panda y Tuesday Wednesday and andThursday andThursday andThursday
Thursday from 8 to 9 oclock A free freeBareau freeB1rean freeBureau
Bureau of Employment is established establishedat
at the Tabernacle for the special benefit benefitof
of the young yours men at 214 18 4k 4J 4 r street streetBorthwest streetnorth streetnorthwest J
northwest BorthwestThose north northwestThose west westThose
Those in i n need of domestic help can canbe canbe canbe
be accommodated accomm dated by addressing addreBBiD a pos postal postal Postal
tal card to the Young Colored Mens MensMission MensMilsion MensMheion
Mission at the Tabernacle TabernacleThe TabernacleThe TabernacleThe
The kind cooperation of Church and andFriend andFriend andFrle
Friend Frle nd9 of the cause is is solicited solicitedUnder solicItedUnder solicitedUnder
Under the direction dire tion of ofEee ofDec
Dec 9111 11 1800 PB 9 9r HALL HLLt
Mourned by Many ManyHerbert ManyHerbert
I Herbert Elmer Johnson the eldestBon eldest eldestson eldestson
son of Alonzo and Alice Johnson was wasborn wasborn wasborn
born in the city of Washington W ash ngton June
24 1890 departed dep rted this t his life December
25 igOQ at his residence 2110 New NewYork NewYark NewYork
York avenue Mother father J three sis sisters slsters sistors
ters and a brother survive hIM binAsleep hIMAsleep himAsleep
Asleep In n Jesus 1 blessed sleep sleepFrom I IFrom lFrom
From whichnone ever wakes to weep weepA weepA weepA
A calm and undisturbed repose reposeUnbroken reposeUnbroken reposeUnbroken
Unbroken by the last last of foes foesAt foesAt foesAt
At the cross at the cross where wh re I first saw the thelight theliht thelight
light lightAnd lihtAnd lightAnd
And the burden of mr heart rolled away awayIt awayIt awayIt
It was there by faith I received receiv d my sight sightAnd si sightAnd ht htAnd
And now I am happy all the day
By the Family FamilyA FamilyA FamilyA
A seat is vacant in the Golden Link LinkJuvenile LinkJuvenile LinkJuvenile
Juvenile 2sTo No8 8 which can never be befilled befilled befilled
By the A I O of Mo MosesInterment Moses MosesInterment ee eeIntement
Interment at Charles County Mary ¬
land Dec 28 1900 1900Saturday lQOOSaturday 1900Saturday
Saturday Evening Class ClassThe ClassThe ClassThe
The management of the Private Sat Saturday Saturday Saturday ¬
urday Evening class c1a s at Conservator Conservatorof Conservatory Conservatoryof
of Music takes pleasure in announcing announcingthis announcingthis announcingthis
this fine program for the intermission intermissionSaturday intermlsRIonSaturday intermissionSaturday
Saturday evening Dec 20 Solo Mr MrWinston MrWinston MrWinston
Winston Payne reading Mr J 3 Thom Thornas Thomaa Thomas
as Butler solo Mr bi r Wmf Wm Taylor with withviolin withviolIn withviolin
violin obligato by b Mr Clarence C CWhite OWhite CWhite
WhiteThis White WhiteThis WhiteThis
This is the only appearance in in this thiscity thiscity thiscity
city of Mr Ir Taylor Taylarwho who is a popular so soloist soloist soloist
loist of Cleveland O and the occasion occasionis
is also notable as the last public ap appearance ape apepearance appearance ¬
pearance in this city of Mr White Whitewho Whitewhogoes who whogoes whogoes
goes in Jan to take up a special violincourse violin violincourse violinGOnlSe
course under a famous artist of the theBerlin theBerlIn theBerlin
Berlin Conservatory Messrs Taylor Taylorand Taylorand Taylorand
and White return to today dsy from filling fillingan
an engagement in in Baltimore A rare raretreat rarltreat raretreat
treat awaits those who attend attendA attendIS attendA
A Friend to the be RaceMr Race RaceMr RaceMr
Mr Frank Hume Washingtons Washingtonsmost
most reliable whoiesale grocer deserves deservesmuch deservesmuch deservesmuch
much credit CI dit for his firm and friendly friendlytenacity friendlytenacity friendlytenacity
tenacity to the race He is the Premier premi premier
er wholesale grocery dealer of Wash Washington Washin Washington ¬
ington in ton but is is never too busy to speak speaka
a kind word or do do a friendly act for tor the therace therace therace
race But we do not expect anything anythingelse anythingelse anythingelse
else from a true F F V for both Mr Mrand MrBud Mrand
and Mrs rB Hume are from the sterling sterlingstock sterlingst sterlln g gstock
stock st < ck of Virginia and represent the bestbrains best bestDrains bestbrains
brains and blood of that tha State Mr MrHume MrHume MrHume
Hume was born in Culpepper county countyVa conntyVa countyVa
Va and came to Washington about aboutforty aboutforty aboutfort
forty fort years ears ago his father being in thegovernment the thegovernment thegovernment
government service at that time He Helaunched HeIBunohed Helaunched
launched out in the commercial world worldabout worldabout worldabout
about thirty years ago and by his business busi business busIness ¬
ness tact and an sagacity he has won a ahigh 8high ahigh
high place in the esteem of the busi business bu bueiness i ineBS ¬
ness men of Washington and occupies occupiesthe occupiesthe occupiesthe
the center of the stage so to speak in inthe inthe inthe
the business world worldMrs worldMrs worldMrs
Mrs Hume was born in Martins Martinsbur Martinsbur Martinsd
bur burg W Vas Va and is is a a lady layture d of rare cul culture culture ¬
ture and admirable parts Their union unionhas unionbas unionhas
has been blessed with twelve children childrennine chIldrennine childrennine
nine of whom are still living But Butfor Butfor Butfor
for lack of time and space sp ace we couldtalk couldtalk could couldtalk
talk at length about this most interest interesting interesting interestjug ¬
ing couple and can only say that in our ourspecial ourspecIal onrspecial
special edition we will speak at length lengthof
of the good work w rk they have done andof and andof andof
of the magnanimity magnanimity ty that Mr Hume H ume has hasalways haaalw81s hasalways
always extended to tathe the race raceProf raceProf raceProf
Prof J W Cromwellnas Cromwell has received reoeivedan reoeivedaninvitation an aninvitation aninvitation
invitation to deliver the EmancipationProclamatIon EmancipationProclamation Emancipation EmancipationProclamation
Proclamation address at Portsmouth PortsmouthVa PortsmouthVa
Va V Vthe on January 1st He has hS8scceptad hS8scceptadtbe accepted acceptedthe
the invitation and those who are lucky luckyenough luckyenough luckyt0
enough to < t bear 0L1x hh fcto will WI receive a treat treatI treata I
a cf r
> 0 < i
Hon Hobart Brooks editor and owner ownerof ownerof ownerof
of the Washington Capital 1593 Penn Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvania ¬
sylvania Avenue N W Washington WashingtonD
D C in a recent letter to Dr Hartman Hartmansays Hartmansays Hartmansays
says saysDear saysDear saysDear
Dear Sir SirIt It is with great pleasure pleasurethat pleasurethat pleasurethat
that I can testify as to the merits of Peruna Pe Peruna Pernna
runa After suffering over a year withcatarrh with withcatarrh withcatarrh
catarrh I began taking Peruna I Itook Itook Itook
took one bottle and so great was the theeffect theeffect theeffect
effect that I rapidly recovered and am amnow amnow amnow
now enjoying good health To all who whosuffer whosuffer whosuffer
suffer from debility of any anykind kind I recom recommend recommend recommend ¬
mend Peruaa as a a most valuable tonic tonicHobart tonicHobart tonicHobart
Hobart Brooke
Prof ProfProf f J F Turner Edgefield Tenn TennProf
Prof J F Turner Principal H B BHigh BHigh BHigh
High school NEdgefield Edgg efield Tenn in a arecent arecent arecent
recent letter says saps v I suffered for ninev nineyears nine nineyears nineyears
years with catarrh and after trying seT several seTeral soyoral ¬
eral remedies I gave up and concluded concludedthat concludedthat concludedthat
that there was no cure for me I no noticed noticed noticed ¬
ticed so many testimonials from promfnent prom prominent prominent ¬
inent men relative to Peruna that I Iconcluded Ieoncluded Iconcluded
concluded to try one bottle little ex expeeting expeeting eaPeeting
peeting any help I had grown rather ratherto ratherto ratherto
to believe that all catarrh cures were werenothing werenothing werenothing
nothing but frauds but your remedy remedyPeruna remedyPeruna remedyPeruna
Peruna is the greatest panacea today tod
< <
for those suffering with catarrh Ida Idanot I d do o onot c f fnot
not hesitate to recommend it Before I Ihad 1 f fhad I Ihad
had used one bottle I noticed a grei greichange gr f fchange < I t tchange
change in myself and four bottles cured curedme curedme curedme
me entirely en tirely I would not be without withoutPeruna withoutPeruna r I
Peruna for any consideration considerationThe considerationThe
The reason so many man people get of chron chronic chranic ¬ 4
ic catarrh is is the disease gets firmly flrml es established e 1 ¬ i I i itablished
tablished before it is recognized They Theyfool The x xA i ifool
fool themselves by calling it some e tker tkername A h r rname t i iname f
name than its proper one onecatrr onecatrrWhen onecatarrh catarriu catarriuWhen
1 y yWhen
When people et acute catarrh they theycall th the thecall 1 1
call it a 8 cold If they the hare acute acut nasal nasalcatarrh uulcAtarrh au1 au1catarrh
catarrh it is called coryza cor za Endemic Endemiccatarrh Endemiacatarrh 1 1catarrh <
catarrh they the call influenza and epi epidfl op opde J
dfl dlic iic ie catarrh la 1
they name grippe grippeWhen grippeWhen ry ryWhen H r rry
When the catarrh reaches the throat throatit t i ia i
it is called tonsilitis tonsilitisf or laryngitis laryngitisCatarrh laryngitisCatarrh a 1
Catarrh of the bronchial tubes is called calledbronchitis j is isbronchitis
bronchitis catarrh of the lungs con consumption ¬ 4 A AsumPp
sumption sumPp tion Any internal remedy that thatwill i iwill L J 1
will cure catarrh in one location willcure will willcure f
cure it in any other location This is iswhy iswhy S Swhy
why Peruna Pe ru na lias h as become so s o justly jus l fame famous ¬ r t 1 1OU 1
ous OU in the cure of otcatarrhal catarrhal diseases dis ai8 It Itcures o ocures 1 i f fcures
cures eatarrJad catar wherever located Its Itscures It f fcures i ieures
cures rema14 remafWj rema r Pcnu Peruna na does not pal palliate ¬ 1
Bate it cures curesMr curesMr curesMr
Mr W B Steffy Gloustar Glou tr 0 writes writesI ri riI f fI
I was afflicted with hereditary hereditar catarrh catarrhand rand t tand
and grew worse f r
as I grew older olderuntil oldernntil olderuntil
until m my whole wholeI wholesystom wholesystem
I system seemed af4 af4fected af affeoted affected
fected After try trying trying trying ¬
ing many doctors doctorsand doctorsand doctorsand
and different differentposi differentpositive posi positive Positive ¬
tive 1 cures I Ihad Ihad Ihmd
had almost given givenup givenup givenup
up hope when I Iwas Iwas Iwaa
was induced to totry totry totry
try Peruna Af After After Alter ¬
ter trying one
MrWBSte1fy Mr W B Steft Jf < I H 1 I
Gloulter O 1 k s 1 jJ =
bottle I Ifelt C felt a gen general en ¬ I I 1t t < 1 f fof if ifera
oral era strengthening of my system and andafter i L i iafter
after a few months use of Peran PeranI t 2 1 l lI x x xafter
I was cured That was two years agoI ago agoI j t i
I risePeru usePeruna na every spring so as S to getIII get getmy go gomy
my III system in good shape for the sum summer ¬ 1 1mer T 1 1mer
mer merPor merFor f t tFor
For a a free book address Dr Hartmait HartmaitColumbus Irtm > t l lColumbus l
Columbus Ohio O 10
4 sf 4 t J s sC
C f t
l lf
f r rI
I i
S b b For The Colored w fl tj
u SOrl e mertc3n f f
< I t
I It
> t
1 1a
a e xT s yi Jravr rartz K e

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