sy syz z u 1 1l 1 1Q Q rT I 2 t t w ILA ILAI ILAQE I QE P Lii T Tj j X l 1015 NO 1i WASmNGTON V SIIINGTO DC D C JULY 261902 6 19O2 PRICE FIVE LENTS OE rS I FOi fO GRAND MASTER MASTERHON liASTERI I i HON 1 F H DEAS DE AS NOMINATES NOMINATESMR MR JACOB E REED REEDHis I IIlls His Remarkable Record as Grand GrandTreasurer Gr GrandTreasurer nd ndTrea Treasurer Trea lrer tjf f She Odd FelIcws of ofAm ofAmslea ofAmeik Am Amslea slcaA a A Financier and Organiz Organizer ¬ er of a Rare RosourcefulnessThe RosourcefulnessTheLogical ILosourcefvjlness The TheLogical TheLokl Logical Successor to Mr Morris V Vving t twing I IflIwing flIwing > wing letter is is selfexplanad selfcxplana selfcxplanaiington I Ilit II d iington lil lI ton S C June 20 1902 1902TMK TMK lit I llI E COLORED oIoRED AMERICAN AMERICANfirst CMERICANi I Ilir i < first lir 1 Tuesday Tuesda in October of this thisII thisI II I M 1 C of f the U b U O of ofv I v ill i niet nil ii et in 111 New Haven Conn Conns I t h is s nd offices flict s are to be filled fillednrncl fillednl e in nl rind Mnster Hon E E1riK Ej I 1riK j < ill then have completed completedni ni d t nil and another ails ither will be beffn bef 1 Tf ffn f re will will doubtless i be a at aor af or t f SfjJcndM men candidates for foroffices forot fori8icec < ot offices within the gift of the theI tlieitcd I ntcd Order of Odd Fellows Fellowsinitry I eliows eliowsi < 1 initry lit IItry ry but only onl one can be beGrand beGrand i Grand Treasurer Reeds Reedsi Reedsconnection i > > connection with the Order Orderfiithful Orderithfu1 Orderfaithful faithful ithfu1 exceptionally sucId suc sucSatisfactory sucII Id II < Satisfactory work for it in inv inunordinate inuordinate v subordinate positions he has hasiiy hasn hasIv Iv iiy n > judgment jud l1lent at least makesrly makes makesirly makeselitihJe irly eligible to the elevation elevationiinneml elev tion tionl1ancncl iinneml 1 mend him in the strongest strongestMiner strongestnncr strongestrner Miner rner to the members of the therally theraJJy therally rally If I f Ions lon years of un unthoroughly uno tinthorcxilily o thoroughly satisfactory de dee deIie dele Iie le < e interests of Odd Fellowor Fellow o for or anything Mr 11 r Reed will willrand willc willranel c rand Master of the G U O Of OAmerica 0I f America We Ve r sincerely sincerelyvlieve sincercl sincerclIicve sincerelylieve vlieve it will be I shall do dover dop doaver p > aver ver tOxheln tcl help bring it about aboutn ahoutGr < n Grand Gr ul Treasurer of the thehe thehl thej j he past four years filling fillin the then I n 1 L creditably to himself and andition andation andration ration ition EDMUND H DEAS DEASE DFASE DEASE E Reed of whom Mr MrX 7frDcas 7frDcast1ch Leas Leaschi > eas easch > t1ch ch glowing terns terms as a man maniil mani manial i iil al was born in Harrisburg Harrisbtirg1111876 HarrisburgIn I 2 1111876 In 186 he located in inOhio inhio int Ohio t hio and in 1878 I8 8 became a ai anf ai i nf i i Charles Sumner Lodge Lodgeted Lodgeitld Lodgeite1l itld ted Order Onl r of Odd Fellocrsved Fellows Fellowsved FellOysHd ved iu ever position in the thev thelodge thelodge v lodge and every one except exceptritary exceptltary exceptntary ritary in Ohio District lodge lodgely lod lodgeoily c cnh nh ly one to be elected Grand Grandthe Grandthe Grandthe the body for three consccu consccuof conseCltof consecuof of one year each When Vhend hen 0 c d 1 Ohio District lodge 10dVe was wasAt wasi i 11 It At the expiration of Mr Mrrd 1Irl rd < 1 term the District lodge was wast w wasnit s sut ut t of debt but there was a acash acash acash cash balance in the treasury treasurylectcd treasurvelccted treasuryelected elected Grand Treasurer in int > t Louis Mo and reelected reelectedon reelectedIttOn o ltion on last week at the B M C ChUMn h hUMn hdd Id in Louisville Ky K Mr Mri tfr tfrt i thirtysecond degree Mason Masonumber lVfasonmember 1ason 1asonumber umber of of Kin Icing Solomons SolomonsT SolomonsNobles Solomonsobles Solomonsobles t Nobles obles of the Mystic Shrine ShrineHinior T 1iunior < Hinior member of one of our ourinns inns inns Reitz Reed R cd dealers in o HON J E REED Cleveland Ohio fish fish oysters etc in the largest lar est market markethouse marketI markethouse house of Cleveland and has a wife who whohas whohas whohas I has been of great assistance to him himthroughout himthroughout himthroughout throughout his career as a fraternal fraternalOrder fraternalOrder fraternalOrder Order man Mr Reed has always been beenan beenan beenan an earnest loyal aggressive worker and andis andis andis is of a genial disposition This accounts accountslargely accountslargely accountslargely largely for the splendid success success he has hasmet hasImct hasj Imct j met with and which is a matter of great greatpride greatII greati i pride not only to Mr lr and Mrs Reed Reedbut Reedbut Reedbut II but also to their host of friends at home homeand homeand homeand and elsewhere in the country The elec election etectio electiort ¬ tion tio of Mr Reed as Grand Master would wouldbe wouldbe wouldbe be eminently satisfactory to the craft in inWashington inVashin inrashington Washington Vashin ton where he is well and favor favorably favorablv favorably ¬ ably known by the rank and file of her 28 lodges lodgesPrinted lodgesPrinted lodgesPrinted Printed as Current Comment CommentIba CommentItm Iba ZambalesLuzon Zambales ZambalesLuzon ZambaIesLuzon Luzon Island May 21 1902 1902EDITOR 1902EDITOR 1902DITOR EDITOR DITOR COLORED AMERICAN A AMERICANI IERICAN 1 am aV1 pained to see your excellent excellentpaper excellentpaper excellentpaper paper giving circulation to such vulgar vulgarquotations vulgarquotation vulgarquotations quotations from the Denver el1cr Times TimesSpeaker TimesSpeaker TimesSpeaker Speaker as appeared in your issue of ofApril ofApril ofApril April 5th 5thYour 5thYour 5thYour Your paper enters the homes of de dedecent dedecent dedecent decent wellbred people and to such it itcan itcan itcan can be no pleasure to see bishops of ofthe ofthe ofthe the church spoken of in such coarse coarseterms coarset coarseterms terms t rms Some Som things are fitand some I things thi 1gs are re unfit Bad Bad manners can never neverserve neverscne neverserve serve any good cause causeIt causeIt causeIt It is not in accord with the policy pot icy of ofyour ofyour ofyour your paper to encourage such illbred illbredand illbredand illbredand and unworthy efforts Such things are aresimply aresimply aresimply simply not fit to print printVery printVery printVery Very respectfully respectfullyT T G STEWARD STEWARDChaplain STEWARDChaplain STEWARDChaplain Chaplain 25th Infantry InfantryJL Infantrythe JL the he matters referred to are printed by byThe byColored byTne The Colored American as current com comment comment comment ¬ ment and without prejudice There are aretwo aretwo arctwo two sides to every controversy and the thewider thewider thewider wider the publicity given an unjust unj ust at attack attack attack ¬ tack from any source the mofe speedily speedilywill specdilvwill speedilywill will the truth be discovered Vhenever Whenevera Vhenevernewspaper a a newspaper newspaper makes an open assault upon uponpriest uponpriest uponpriest priest or layman the accused and the thefriends thefricnds thefriends friends shouldl be glad to learn the thenature then thenature nature n ture of the charge and the individuals individualsbehind individualsbchind individualsbehind behind it to the end that systematic systematicsteps systcmaticsteps systematicS S steps for redress may be taken We Ve are aretoo arctoo aretoo too good a supporter of the A M f E EChurch EChurch BChurch Church and its leaders not not to give them theman theman theman an opportunity to reply to criticisms criticismsfrom criticismsfrom criticismsfrom from a quartcr quartettitat lhat hat might be taken takenseriously takenseriously takenseriously seriously by the unthinking unthinkingEditor unthinkingEditorI Editor EditorI I I ALL THE REST FOLLOW FOLLOWTHE FOLLOVTnt FOLLOWTni THE + COLORED AMERICAN leads leadsall all the therest therest therest rest follow foIlowTrivllte Tribune Press PrrS Pueblo Col CtilorfllQ CO COoratlo oratlo HOPE FOR THE NEGRO NEGROMRSCHEELE NEGROMR NEGROMRSCHEELEREVIEWSONE MRSCHEELE MR MRSCHEELEREVIEWSONE SCHEELE REVIEWSONE REVIEWSONETHIRD REVIEWSONETHIItD L LTHIRD THIRD OF A CENTURY CENTURYMarvelois CENTURYMarvelous Y YMarvelous Marvelous Progress in Spite of cifO cifOstaclesDevetoplni Ob Obstacles ObstaciesDevoloping ¬ stacles staclesDevetoplni Developing e a Compet Corn pet nLeadershlp nLeadership n nLeadersHlpandari Leadership LeadersHlpandari andn and an Educated Mlnls MinistryWashington MlnlstryWasHlngton Mlnlsi i tryWasHlngton and < WltKrow e as asBeacon asBeacon s sBea Beacon Bea con Lights LightsI V VPerspective j jPerspective I I Perspective P erspe tlve is IS essential essentm 1 to the t I 1e proper properappreciation properI properippreciation I appreciation lpprecl tton of the magnitude of a race racein racem in individual or a physical object objectFre objectFre1uently Ere Ereluently i iluently luently each arc inaccurately measured measuredr j jr jw w > r the comprehension compreh 1sionof of their scope is islimited isimitcd R limited because the range is too close for forclear fordear forrclear clear vision The Pyramids the dome domejf domef jf f St Peters and the rushing rushin Niagara Niagarado do not appear nearly so high nor norso norsogreat so sogreat 50reat great reat to one who dwells within their theirboundaries theirboundaries theirboundaries boundaries as to him who stands afar off offnnd offnd offand and nd sees their outlines pictured against againstthe againstthe againstthe the sky and takes note of their relation relationto to other objects that are naturally naturallybrought naturallybrought naturallybrought brought into comparison comparisonThe comparisonThe comparisonThe The Negro N gro people often err in passing passingjudgment passingjudgment passing1udgment judgment upon themselves themselvessome some may mayDC mayIJe mayDe DC too ontimistic others too pessimsitic pessimsiticbecause rJessimsiticbccause pessimsiticbecause because of a local coloring colorin coloring tlrtit th It blinds blindsus us to a broader contemplation of our ourstrengths ourstren ourstrengths strengths stren ths or weaknesses The range is istoo istoo istoo too short So it is well that we oc occasionally o ocasionally occasionally ¬ casionally invite testimony from our ourneighbor ournei ourneighbor neighbor nei hbor across the racial line the Can Cnucif CnlI cif c I tran ian an A fairminded white man who whowill whowill whowill will frankly tell the Negro the Jrutb jruthnaught Jrutbnaught truth truthnaught naught extenuate nor set down aught aughtin au aughtin ht htin in malice malicerenders renders us a service the thevalue thevalue thevalue value of which cannot be computed in indollars indollars indollars dollars and cents In Staunton Vathere Va Vathere Vathere there is such a manastudent man a stndent of cur current current current rent social tendencies an impartial sur surveyor surveyor stirveyor ¬ veyor of governments overnm nts law history and andneople andeople andpeople people eople He is Mr H F Scheele a apracticing aoracticin apracticing practicing oracticin attorney and we are pleased pleasedtobe pleasedto pleasedtobe tobe to be able to present an article from his hispen hispcn hispen pen reciting the progress of the Negro Negroduring Negroduring Negroduring during onethird of a century illustrating illustra illustrating illustratin ¬ ting tin that progress by a tvpical represen representative representathc representative ¬ tative of the hest within our ranks in inthe inthe inthe the person of Rev Chauncey I Vith Withrow Vithrow Vithrow row also of Staunton This estimate estimatecrfii estim estimatecfn te teC crfii C 1 be trusted Mr Scheeles article articleis is as follows followsONETHIRD followsONI followsONE ONE ONETHIRD TIIIRD OF A CENTURY CENTURYHuman CENTURYHuman CENTURYHuman Human enlightenment and elevation elevationand elevationand elevationand and the improvement of the moral moralcivic nlOralcivic moralcivic civic social and economic conditions of ofa ofa ofa only onlywith onlywith onlywith a people or race are accomplished with the passing of the centuries Not Notby Notby Notby by swiftly bounding leaps leapsbut but by inches inchesdoes inchesdocs inchesdoes does mankind advance and every ery inch inchrepresenting inchrepresenting inchrepresenting representing the struggles stn gles and toils toilsand toilsand toilsand and sacrificed s icrifice and prayers of whole gen gerfcntiorfs genertiorfs geifertiolfs cntiorfs of the heroic dead The seed seedof seedof seedof of such improvements are sown by one onegeneration onegencrttion S Sgeneration generation the harvest h rvest is is reaped rea reaped ed by the thegenerations t thegenerations e egenerations generations that come after Thus it is isthat 15that isthat of the theTwentieth theTwentieth theTwentieth that we have come at the opening Twentieth Century to the lofty emin eminence Cl11nenee eminence ¬ ence on which we stand and of which whichwe whichwe whichwe less thankful than we weare wearc weare we are perhaps are boastful We Ve stand on the the shoulders shouldersof of all the past generations and our ourContinued o r rGoptil1ued I IGoatinued Continued on second pace I