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boys PhYlllcal culture torclrl for gtrla Homo Jlto l and tralnin training Aid given to ne nerdy dy and delServlne Iltudent Term beclall the Brat Wcdnndaf I in October OC lber For catalogue and information address < a aCteaident r addrenaPresident f President HORACE BUMSTEAD TItD DD 1t 1tu u JIVBRY COLLEGE TRADES TR JtDBS DEg SCHOOL SCHOOLALLEGHENY SCHODLi SCHODLLLEGHENY SCIiODLALLEGHENY i ALLEGHENY PA PAA PAA A AA A Practical Literary Literary and In Industrial Industrial Industrial ¬ dustrial Trade School for Colored ColoredBoya ColoredBoya ColoredBoys Boya and Girls Carpentry Brick Bricklaying Bricklaying Bricklaying ¬ laying Plastering Painting andInterior and andInterior aniInterior Interior Decorations Tailoring Dressmaking Dr makiDg Millinery Voice VoiceCulture V VoiceCulture mea meaCulture Culture and Piano Forte Liter Literary Literary Literary ¬ ary Department from Primary to toNormal toNormal toNormal Normal Course c Job Work So Solicited Solicited Solicited ¬ licited and 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